#house arano
doolallymagpie · 5 months
canonically, I’m aware one of these options wouldn’t really exist in the 4SW, but who cares, we can always say some whacko MechTech did it
both will be using the BLK-6b-KNT as a starting point, naturally
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yansurnummu · 7 months
finally got around to rebuilding drals' stinky apocrypha cave!
featuring way too many books, ceiling leaks, probable mould smells, and kem the watchling :)
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
Finwë Arano
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He looks so polite. 🙂
(I'm going to do portraits of the entire house of Finwë. Well, to a point. I'll do it until Idril, who married into Tuor's house, and Celebrían, who married into Elrond's house.)
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professionalscrublord · 9 months
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Arano Royal Guard
Good old House Arano from the Battletech videogame by HBS. Go play it right now if you haven't yet, it's a masterpiece turn-based strategy game even if you're not specifically a BT fan.
These minis came from the Alpha Strike box. I'd already done up the IS assault mechs in blue for the "Kestrel's Lament" post so I wanted to do the remaining scout lance in red for contrast.
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Extra focus on the bases here. Blue team had rivers/marsh beneath so red gets lava rocks and magma.
It's some rubble flocking painted over with Night Scales metallic black. THIS is how it's supposed to look! Glitters of blues/greens/whites in with the black. Fittingly makes it look like magnetite here. The glitters barely showed at all on the Black Marauder. Maybe because that was painted over a black basecoat? Here it went on raw over un-primed brown gravel and turned out great.
Next I painted white in the gaps, then filled that in with water medium mixed with orange ink.
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One more lineup from down low, like they're coming over a ridge. It's easy to forget what mechs might look like coming head-on when we're always looking down on the minis from above.
Also screw whoever made the Wraith's short designation "TR#". I guess "WTH" wouldn't go over well haha. But TR? For what, Troll?
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WIPs here. Steps taken: -Platemail silver primer -Blood Red speedpaint -Gold/Night Scales highlights -Dark Tone wash (Only necessary over the non-speedpaints) -Blue, then watered-down white in jumpjets -Matte white, then inks on cockpits and lasers -Glued base flocking then prepared as mentioned above -Gloss varnish (extra heavy on cockpits/lasers)
Next for the remaining clan star, they're primed in black, I figure the classic bad guys of Smoke Jaguar should be a good opponent.
Mechwarrior 3 was my introduction to the franchise. "Die, Clanner!"
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missallyblue · 1 year
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Painted up a House Arano lance (and a bit) today.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Follow up to our two hearts meeting
Nerevar: *walking beside Kaidan at the head of the group, smiling down at Riiju-Lei as he sleeps peacefully in his arms* so he has a family back in whiterun then yes?
Kaidan: *carrying an unconscious and still injured miraak on his back* aye, five kids he adopted.
Nerevar: Five?! Gods the house must be crowded!
Taliesin: hm not really, it’s quite a big house though I would like to be able to use the bathroom without being interrupted every 10 seconds. *sighs* but alas. I think he likes how lively the house is with all of us around. He’s been on his own for some time after his parents passed on.
Nerevar: That reminds me I… id like to visit their graves when we get back to windhelm. *covers Riiju with his cape as the ash near the bulwark kicks up*
Kaidan: *hands busy carrying miraak, sneezes as the ash blows up his nose* ugh focking mountain- I- why do you want to visit his parents?
Nerevar: to thank them for keeping him safe. *walks ahead of them and into the wretching netch*
Kaidan: jeez he’s really in love isn’t he?
Xelzaz: I think they both are. Though the dunmer highly revere the dead, I think he’d wish to grant them honours for giving his past love a new chance at life.
Taliesin: Aw… that’s, very sweet actually.
Xelzaz: it is- now are you two going to help me heal him or are we just going to let him die on Kaidans back? *gestures to miraak*
Miraak: *groans*
Kaidan: oh yeah we’d better not let him die. Pffft, asshole doesn’t deserve to live anyway in my opinion.
Lucien: yes well Leilei wants him to. I’ll go get us some rooms.
Inigo: first round of drinks is on me!
Sero: Ah no serjo I’m a man of my word and I lost that game of cards fair and square! I’ll pay for the first round… then you can pay for all the others.
Inigo: hehehe~
*meanwhile inside*
Nerevar: *gently lays Riiju onto the large warm bed of the cosy room he’d ordered for the two of them* Vor- *pauses* heh, old habits. *gently nudges him* Leilei, wake up… I’m going to take your armour off so you can sleep comfortably…
Riiju-Lei: *shifts slightly, a warm smile still on his face as he blinks open all 3 eyes… only to suddenly pout and rub his forehead* why do I still have this thing?… the rest of my body went back to normal why’d this stick around?…
Nerevar: *smiles watching him sulk, just like he used to when he was over tired* I’m not sure, perhaps a reminder from the past but. I think it’s as beautiful as your other two.
Riiju-Lei: *visibly blushes and looks away feeling shy and not knowing how to deal with it* r-really?…
Nerevar: yes, really. *smiles stroking his cheek* may I undress you now? your armour doesn’t look very comfortable to rest in.
Riiju-Lei: I-I- n-no I I’ll- let me- oh gods how did I do this for the temple of dibella with a straight face?!
Nerevar: oh~? *quirks his brow* now that’s a story Id like to hear~
Riiju-Lei: I- *swallows a lump in his throat, trying to comprehend all these new sensations and feelings within himself* it… it’d be easier if I show you… w-would you?… like me to?…
Nerevar: … *gently holds his hand* only if you want to show me…
Riiju-Lei: *knowing they’ve technically only just met that day, but feeling a love burning inside of him that’s lasted for hundreds of years* … *sits upright and leans in close to him, their movements both marching in pace and distance, like they’d done this before* I want to show you I love you…
Nerevar: *blue eyes locked firmly onto his, both of them sparkling like rubies and sapphires in the candlelight* then do it so I may show my love for you too…
Riiju-Lei: *leans in close kissing him softly*
Nerevar: *gladly reciprocates*
*the next morning*
Kaidan: *wanders to the bar to order himself and Taliesin breakfast* oh good morning councillor Arano-
Adril Arano: I- oh forgive me- Kaidan correct? Please it’s urgent! We got news lord nerevar returned last night but nobody can find him! We fear for his safety-
Kaidan: oh nerevar, he’s-
Nerevar: *suddenly steps out of his and Lelei’s room only in a pair of trousers, hair a mess, and a look of bliss on his face, totally unaware of the hickies absolutely riddled across his torso* Ah, councillor, good morning. Oh good morning Kaidan!
Kaidan: *face going pink as he tries to hide his shit eating grin* fun night ay?
Nerevar: oh- Oh yes~. *smiles walking off to the bathhouse*
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agentshades · 11 months
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A Shadowhawk from House Arano's Royal Guard, pictured during prolonged ground combat operations on Panzyr in July 3025.
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ariesgamesandminis · 3 months
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Fighting Pirannha Graphics restocks are up!
Clan Blood Spirit Clan Blood Spirit - Alpha Galaxy Clan Cloud Cobra - Beta Galaxy Clan Cloud Cobra - Gamma Galaxy Clan Diamond Sharks - Alpha Galaxy Clan Diamond Sharks - Beta Galaxy Clan Diamond Sharks - Zeta Galaxy Clan Fire Mandrill Clan Ghost Bear - 115th Striker Cluster Clan Ghost Bear - 3rd Bear Guards Clan Ghost Bear - Ourse Keshik Clan Ghost Bear - Silveroot Keshik Clan Jade Falcon - 124th Striker Clan Jade Falcon - Gamma Galaxy Clan Jade Falcon - Omega Galaxy Clan Jade Falcon - Turkina Keshik Clan Jade Falcon - Vau (Peregrine) Galaxy Clan Jade Falcon - Zeta Galaxy Clan Star Adder Clan Star Adder - Large Scale Clan Star Adder - 42nd Adder Cavaliers Clan Star Adder - Delta Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Epsilon Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Gamma Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Kappa Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Mu Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Omicron Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Quasar Keshik Clan Star Adder - Rho Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Sigma Galaxy Clan Star Adder - Star Adder Command Clan Star Adder - Tau Galaxy Clan Star Adder Xi Galaxy Clan Wolf - Gamma Galaxy Clan Wolverine Clan Wolverine - Minnesota Tribe House Arano House Davion - Large Scale House Kurita - Dieron Regulars (New) House Kurita - Ryuken House Kurita - Ryuken-Roku House Marik - Regulan Hussars (new) House Steiner - 10th Lyran Regulars House Steiner - 24th Lyran Guards House Steiner - 36th Lyran Guards House Steiner - 8th Lyran Regulars Magistracy of Canopus Wolf's Dragoons - Wolf Spider Battalion
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For the ask game:
( via @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not )
Draggin in Ags to answer these with me, sinca ya didnt specify and i feel like annoyin her
🔵 What factions (that you do not belong to) do you respect? Why?
R: I respect the fuck outta House Arano. They were my first employers, and Lady Arano was as fine a leader as a monarch could ever be- and I don't mean that as an insult like i usually do . She treated us right and made sure we not only got paid well but were rewarded for shinin' in the field.
A: I fought briefly alongside the 2nd Sword of Light before I left the DCMS. They were consumate professionals and were gracious enough to teach me some of the old tricks they used to keep up with the SLDF Gunslingers.
🔴 What factions (that you do not belong to) do you disrespect? Why?
R: Fuck the Marian Hegemony. I aint elaboratin.
A: Forgive Rowan, her past from before she joined the company isn't something she enjoys speaking on.
As for myself, I hold no respect for the Clans... of my time, Rowan insists I add. The Clans of today... The jury is out until I get back home to Rasalhague.
🟠 Is there an extinct faction you wish to see brought back in some form? Why?
R: The St. Ives Compact. I fought like hell to help Candace get them off the ground, and I aint gonna lie it hurts a bit that they didn't last.
A: The Free Rasalhague Republic. And I aim to see it happen in my lifetime.
🟣 What are your top 3 favorite planets you have visited, if you have visited multiple worlds?
R: sure, firstly is Canopus- 's where i got my tits, 'nuff said. Zwei? Gonna say Herotitus. The 'Knights based outta there for a while after the Arano Restoration, and its where i'd say i really went from being a regular mechjock to someone with a real modicum of talent. More importantly, its where i picked up a good bit of periphery merc culture and pride. Three, is Coromodir. Aside from being a beautiful planet, its where I made 'mech ace of aces in a single day. I've also got a *lot* of good memories there celebratin' our victory with Fursona's Fusiliers. Just ask @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not
A: To engage with the spirit of the question, I will leave out Rasalhague's worlds. The deserts of Vega are beautiful, in a harsh and unforgiving way. Solaris is a thrill, and I'd like to return one day to compete again. Lastly, Terra herself. All that there is to love in the galaxy can be found in some manner on Terra. Also, she has the most beautiful moon in the universe.
💛 What do you currently pilot?
R: Haters will call it a frankenmech, but I call it a sweet fuckin' rig. These Boots is a Marauder MAD-3D at base, but one of her arms were shot off and replaced with a Mad Cat's, another with... some other clan mech? I honestly don't know. She's got TSM, a supercharger, and enough jump juice to help me live up to my callsign Kingfisher. Also, talons baybe!
A: I pilot a Highlander HGN-732, with many parts upgrades to bring it closer in line with the -732b. It's name is Deadeye Dancer, and it lives up to it.
💳 If you are/were a mercenary, who is/was your most and least favorite client?
R: I'd say House Arano, but honestly... It's whatever little two-bit periphery settlement that needs to fend off pirate or dipshit vulture lord raids, and barely have the cash to pay for the scorched armor. If i could somehow keep my company going, only working for them, I would do so with zero regrets.
A: Back in 30...30? We took a contract in the Taurian Concordat, and I did not expect to enjoy my time working with them as much as I did. They are consummate professionals, and will give you wild discounts on equipment if you promise to kill some Davions with it.
💰What was your dumbest and/or smartest purchase?
R: I once bought an industrial mech on a dare- bet a prick on Solaris that I could win about in the Class Six arena with one. I came in second, which still was a lost bet. And there went *way* too many C-Bills... For my best purchase? An old "pile of junk" Shadow Hawk SHD-2H. Turns out, someone way back when put in some aftermarket upgrades, and we ended up pulling an LB-10X and a few Freezers out of it. A pretty Big Fuckin' Deal for 3027.
A: I once got a.... very unfortunate tattoo while out drinking with the other officers of the unit on Canopus. My best purchase was bottle of genuine tequila from Terra that I managed to expense to Hanse Davion's personal bank account. Though, I do suppose that means I was not the one who purchased it.
🌼 For Inner Sphere characters, what do you think of the Clans, in whole or in part?
R: Spoke with Melissa about this, but long story short? The Clans were awful ugly before I misjumped, but Melissa promises me they've mellowed out and are getting better, and I trust her. Still gonna have some biases, though, so please do call me out on them when you see it.
A: The last I saw of my homeworld, we were retreating after Clan Wolf invaded. It is a moment etched into my heart in fire. The continued occupation of my people is a matter I will address to my own personal satisfaction. But the SLDF we have encountered thus far have been surprisingly tolerable. I find myself willing to give the benefit of the doubt, with the express exception to those whom occupy the free people of Rasalhague.
🔫 If you can fight in non-vehicular combat, what weapons do you favor?
R: You can't go wrong with a bog-standard ballistic assault rifle of any era. Well, you can- they're kinda shit compared to some of what else is out there. But I love them for it. They're like the Urbanmech of small arms.
A: I favor submachine guns, but I prefer to fight only long enough to get to a mech or a tank.
🛸 Is there a "canon rumor" theory (e.g. hyperspace weirdness, aliens, Phantom 'Mech Ability, time travel, alternate universes, the Lost Cameron) that you believe in? Or perhaps have experienced?
R: it's ridiculous, really, but there's this rumor goin' around that I fucked The Last Cameron- [MUFFLED THUDS]
A: No. Bad Rowan.
As for myself, I have seen the Phantom Mech phenomenon in action. I fought alongside Yorinaga Kurita in several skirmishes, and whatever boon or curse he bears... It is real.
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ladytanithia · 11 months
Writing WIP Wednesday (11/15)
For a future chapter of Out of the Ashes
@dirty-bosmer @gwilin-stay-winnin @mareenavee @skyrim-forever @thana-topsy @thechaosdragoness @thequeenofthewinter
Miranja was spending a rare idle moment in her room, trying to write a song for Revyn Sadri. She’d never attempted to write a song of her own, and while she knew what she wanted to say, finding the right tune was frustrating her. She was about to just hang it up for a while and let it brew in her mind some more, when Argis knocked at the door.
"Come on in," she called.
Argis poked his head in. “Second Councilor Arano is here to see you.”
Miranja frowned. “Strange for him to come calling unannounced,” she mused aloud. “Send him down, please, Argis.” She put her lute back on its cradle and checked herself in her full-length mirror, then started toward the door, which Argis had left ajar.
Adril knocked softly and pushed the door the rest of the way open, and Miranja met him with a warm hug when he entered.
“Adril, what a pleasant surprise to see you! How are you and Cindiri, love?”
“We are quite well, Miss Miranja, quite well. Thank you for asking.” Even after numerous dinners at her house, the stiff, formal, awkward Adril still hadn’t quite gotten used to Miranja’s physical way of showing affection. She never did it in public, but it still embarrassed him a little. His face was dark when she released him.
"What brings you here, my friend?" She indicated a chair at the table, and they sat down together. "May I offer you a drink?"
Adril seemed uncomfortable. "No, thank you. This... isn't exactly a social visit, but it is of a personal nature. I'm afraid it's rather awkward, but... I feel I would be remiss in my duties as second councilor and as Lleril's friend if I didn't speak to you about this."
Miranja was mystified. "Okay...? Just spit it out, Adril. This is me."
"Well, Lleril has been here in Raven Rock for a long time. You may not be aware, but his wife passed away a few years after he took his position here as councilor. He's never remarried, and he's never even had a romance with another woman since then. He's focused all his energies into being the best leader he can for Raven Rock." Miranja was starting to understand where this was going, and couldn't help but think what an amazing wingman Adril was to Lleril.
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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Finally finished my Arano SLDF Atlas II, was a bit painful because I decided to use the Army Painter Speedpaint red.
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As a brand new simp of House Steinter, I'm duty-bound to ask about my favorite scout mech - The Atlas
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What say you, BattleMan?
“A 'Mech as powerful as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable, so that fear itself will be our ally. ” - Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky
It was made by Kerensky himself, and was designed to be the most effective and terrifying weapon ever placed onto a battlefield since the original Mackie.
Its original configuration is nearly perfect, though the AS7-D-H Atlas II is even better. The Founder himself used it, a comprehensively Clantech-upgraded version named Unity.
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Devlin Stone, founder of the Republic of the Sphere, used his own custom variant he called Phantom.
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And there is word of a somewhat unique AS7-D-HT variant that swaps the LB-X-10 for an AC20, which would be terrifying to face - though it has only been said to be in possession of the Aurigan Coalition's House Arano.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
House of Finwë Timeline
1 Valian Year (VY) = 9.5 Sun Years (SY)
YoT 1059 VY (10,060.5 - 10,070 SY)
10,063 SY - Birth of Finwë Arano
YoT 1072 VY (10,184 - 10,193.5 SY )
10,187 SY - Birth of Míriel Þerindë
10,193 SY - Birth of Indis Laurehondë
YoT 1082 VY (10,279 - 10,288.5 SY)
10,287 SY - Finwë and Míriel marry
YoT 1133 VY (10,763.5 - 10,773 SY)
10,768 SY - the Noldor arrive at Valinor
10,769 SY - construction of Tirion begins
YoT 1140 VY (10,830 - 10,839.5 SY)
10,836 SY - Tirion is completed
YoT 1168 VY (11,096 - 11,105.5 SY)
11,103 SY - Birth of Nerdanel Ondomaitë to Mahtan Aulëndur and Morfanyë Alatar
YoT 1169 VY (11,105.5 - 11,115 SY)
11,114 SY - Birth of Curufinwë Fëanáro, son of Finwë and Míriel
YoT 1170 VY (11,115 - 11,124.5 SY)
11,124 - Death of Míriel
YoT 1182 VY (11,229 - 11,238.5 SY)
11,232 SY - The Statute of Finwë and Míriel is enacted
YoT 1185 VY (11,257.5 - 11267 SY)
11,258 SY - Fëanáro and Nerdanel marry
11,259 SY - Finwë and Indis marry
YoT 1188 VY (11,286 - 11,295.5 SY)
11,290 SY - Findis Ingoldë is born to Finwë and Indis
YoT 1190 VY (11,305 - 11314.5 SY)
11,308 SY - Nelyafinwë Maitimo is born to Fëanáro and Nerdanel
------------ Nolofinwë Aracáno is born to Finwë and Indis
YoT 1201 VY (11,409.5 - 11,419 SY)
11,417 SY - Írimë Lalwendë is born to Finwë and Indis
YoT 1212 VY (11,514 - 11,523.5 SY)
11,523 SY - Cánafinwë Macalaurë is born to Fëanáro and Nerdanel
YoT 1221 VY (11,599.5 - 11,609 SY)
11,602 SY - Turcafinwë Tyelcormo is born to Fëanáro and Nerdanel
YoT 1230 VY (11,685 - 11,694.5 SY)
11,692 SY - Arafinwë Ingoldo is born to Finwë and Indis
YoT 1234 VY (11,723 - 11,732.5)
11,728 SY - Morifinwë Carnistir is born to Fëanáro and Nerdanel
YoT 1238 VY (11,761 - 11,770.5 SY)
11,765 SY - Nolofinwë and Anairë marry
YoT 1244 VY (11,818 - 11,827.5 SY)
11,820 SY - Failindo and Findis marry
YoT 1257 VY (11,941.5 - 11,951 SY)
11,946 SY - Findecáno Astaldo is born to Nolofinwë and Anairë
YoT 1280 VY (12,160 - 12,169.5 SY)
12,163 SY - Arafinwë and Eärwen marry
YoT 1300 VY (12,350 - 12,359.5 SY)
12,351 SY - Turucáno is born to Nolofinwë and Anairë
12,358 SY - Findaráto Ingoldo is born to Arafinwë and Eärwen
------------- Curufinwë Atarincë is born to Fëanáro and Nerdanel
YoT 1311 VY (12,454.5 - 12,464 SY)
12,459 SY - Curufinwë and Malwalqua marry
YoT 1324 VY (12,578 - 12,587.5 SY)
12,600 SY - Angaráto Angamaitë is born to Arafinwë and Eärwen
YoT 1325 VY (12,587.5 - 12,597 SY)
12,590 SY - Curufinwë Telperinquar is born to Curufinwë and Malwalqua
YoT 1326 VY (12,597 - 12,606.5 SY)
12,600 SY - Pityafinwë Ambarussa and Telufinwë Ambarto are born to Fëanáro and Nerdanel
YoT 1350 VY (12,825 - 12,834.5 SY)
12,830 SY - Aicanáro is born to Arafinwë and Eärwen
12,833 SY - Angaráto and Eldalótë marry
YoT 1364 VT (12,958 - 12,967.5 SY)
12,959 SY - Iríssë is born to Nolofinwë and Anairë
12,965 SY - Artanis Nerwen is both to Arafinwë and Eärwen
YoT 1402 VT (13,319 - 13,328.5 SY)
13,324 SY - Turcáno and Elenwë marry
13,327 SY - Aracáno is born to Nolofinwë and Anairë
YoT 1432 VY (13,604 - 13,613.5 SY)
13,607 SY - Artaresto is born to Angaráto and Eldalótë
YoT 1449 VY (13,765.5 - 13,775 SY)
13,768 SY - Fëanáro begins work on the Silmarilli
YoT 1450 VY (13,775 - 13,784.5 SY)
13,778 SY - Fëanáro completes the Silmarilli, and Varda hallows the Silmarilli
YoT 1469 VY (13,955.5 - 13,965 SY)
13,958 SY - Itarillë Telperintálë is born to Turucáno and Elenwë
YoT 1490 VY (14,155 - 14,164.5 SY)
14,162 SY - Fëanáro threatens Nolofinwë with a sword
------------ The Valar exile Fëanáro to Formenos
------------ Finwë leaves with Fëanáro, and the Valar appoint Nolofinwë king
YoT 1492 VY (14,174 - 14,183.5 SY)
14,177 SY - Fëanáro slams his front door in Melcor's face
YoT 1495 VY (14,202.5 - 14,212 SY)
14,212 SY - Ungoliant kills the Two Trees
------------- The Valar demand the Silmarilli; Fëanáro refuses
------------- Melcor kills Finwë and steals the Silmarilli; Fëanáro becomes King of the Noldor
------------- Fëanáro and his Sons swear the Oath of Fëanáro
------------- Mass slaying at Alqualondë
------------- Flight of the Noldor begins
YoT 1496 VY (14,213 - 14,221.5 SY)
14,212 SY - The Doom of Mandos is announced
------------ Arafinwë and his people turn back
14,213 SY - Fëanáro leaves Nolofinwë behind and burns the ships
------------ Nolofinwë and his people begin the trek across the Helcaraxë
------------ Fëanáro dies in the Dagor-nuin-Giliath by Gothmog; Maitimo becomes king of the Noldor
14,214 SY - Maitimo is captured; Macalaurë becomes regent of the Noldor
14,221 SY - Elenwë dies
YoT 1497 VY (14,221.5 - 14,231 SY)
14,223 SY - Maitimo is chained to Thangorodrim
YoT 1500 VY (14,250 - 14,259.5 SY)
14,253 SY - Iþil and Anar are created
------------- Nolofinwë arrives in Beleriand
------------- Aracáno dies in the Battle of the Lammoth
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ancientrage000 · 5 years
(AU) Nico Strong and the Dragon's Raiders was ready to leave after the war but it seemed that Kamea had other plans. After accepting her offer, the Dragon Raiders find themselves adjusting to a life that didn't involve jumping from contract to contract. As war clouds appear on the horizon, they will do everything in their power to protect the Reach while Nico and Kamea's relationship takes an unexpected turn.
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Nixiel and Talvas Stop a Murder with More Murder
Talvas: Why are we so worried about House Redoran?
Nixiel: Because I'm FROM House Redoran!
Talvas: Oh yeah.
Nixiel barges into The Retching Netch like a drunken netch cow
Talvas scrambles behind her
Geldis Sadri: Welcome to The Retching Netch, the—
Nixiel: All right, I'm here for answers. You got answers? I want answers!
Talvas: Adril Arano . . .
Geldis Sadri: Say no more. Poor fetcher needs all the help he can get.
Geldis Sadri then spins a plot to string . . . either Nixiel or the Ulens up like slaughterfish. Talvas isn't sure
Time for a good ol' fashioned stakeout
Sans the Redoran Guard. RIP
But not before Nixiel tries to pawn off all her ash yams. Does Not Work
Even if Geldis Sadri sounds like an ash yam enthusiast
Nixiel tries to leave the bar and is pinned between an alchemist and a hustler
Nixiel: TALVAS!
Nixiel: Take me to church, Talvas.
Talvas: Azura save me.
Nixiel and Talvas bust up into the Temple
Nixiel: Hey—
Elder Othreloth: The Temple is for followers of our faith only. Outsiders Not Allowed.
Nixiel: I feel so attacked right now.
Nixiel and Talvas sneak into the basement — I mean, Temple Ancestral Tomb
And they wait
And wait . . .
Wait some more
Talvas, doing a dance: Nixiel, I gotta go—
Nixiel: Shh!
Tilisu Severin walks in
Talvas: We need to report this to Arano—
Nixiel: I'm gonna go talk to her.
Talvas: Nixiel, no—
Nixiel talks to Tilisu Severin. Does not progress to a fight
Nixiel is dragged off by Talvas to report back to Adril Arano
Nixiel: *reports findings*
Adril Arano: *X in the chat*
Nixiel and Talvas are put on reconnaissance to subvert the necessity for damage control
Damage control required: pending
Nixiel: "If the Severins have betrayed us" . . . what?
Talvas: No idea.
Nixiel and Talvas sneak to the doorstep of Severin Manor
Nixiel: You watch the door while I find the evidence. I should just be in and out. Nixiel sneaks in
There are people inside
Nixiel, silently panicking: Seht, Seht, Seht, Seht.
Nixiel dives down the stairs out of sight
Down the hall into the master bedroom and right up to a . . .
Nixiel: Safe. Ash and fire.
Nixiel swipes out the gems, gold, and a suspicious missive, as well as an ebony greatsword
Nixiel: Now if I can just get out without being detected, that'd be smashing.
Stops to salivate over the alchemy station
Snatches a drought for better sneaking. Downs it in one gulp
Shoots up the stairs and out the door before either person realizes that shadow was a panicking Telvanni mage
Talvas: Nixie!
Nixiel: Hurry, Talvas! I got the dirt! Let's dish it and go back to Tel Mithryn!
Nixiel and Talvas find Adril Arano in The Retching Netch where Nixiel proudly presents him with the Ulens' letter
Adril Arano: Great, I want you to go bring them to justice.
Nixiel: Seht.
Talvas face palms so hard
Talvas: It's nearly midnight—
Nixiel: Sooner we go, sooner we're done.
Nixiel flounces into the wilderness of the ashlands
Proceeds to be separated from Talvas
While waiting for him to find her, she picks scathecraw and trama root
A rando Imperial woman appears and immediately starts attacking
Bloody n'wah.
Nixiel picks MORE scathecraw and trama root
Nixiel: Oh hey, I can see our mushroom from here!
Talvas: Nixiel!
Nixiel: There you are, you fetcher!
Nixiel and Talvas sneak over mounds of ash
Talvas: Why are we sneaking?
Nixiel: The element of surprise!
Talvas: We're not even there yet!
Nixiel: But we will be!
. . . until they reach a river
Nixiel: I always forget Solstheim has a river.
Talvas: It flows right by our mushroom!
Nixiel: How would I know? Our mushroom doesn't have windows!
While looking for a way to cross, they find an empty camp
Talvas: Have we been here before?
Nixiel: Oblivion if I know.
Further uphill they find some rocks to jump on
Nixiel: We need a good water walking spell.
Talvas: Fat chance Master Neloth will teach it to us.
They arrive next to the walls of the fort
Nixiel: It's the middle of the night! They'll never see us coming!
There is a guard outside that totally sees them coming
Naturally Nixiel and Talvas land blast her with magic
Nixiel: Hey, wait, wait, wait! It's a Morag Tong agent! They're finally going to kill me!
Talvas: Why do you sound so excited?!
Nixiel: I've been waiting for this day since I made my mom cry by joining House Telvanni.
Talvas: There are so many things wrong with this entire thing.
Nixiel: Hey, hold up, aren't those Redoran Guards?
Talvas: Yes, Arano was sending them to root out the Ulens.
Nixiel: I totally spaced out for that. Well! They're dead now! Want something done right, send a Telvanni!
Talvas: There's so much wrong with that, too.
They sneak in
Talvas: Why are there sculls in the walls?
Nixiel: Hlaalu have such a bad sense of style. They get it from their Imperial boyfriends.
One Shot One Kill Sneak Attack with an Ice Spike on a Morag Tong Agent
Talvas ice blasts the next two agents
Nixiel steals their sweetrolls
Nixiel: Hey, another safe!
Nixiel: I'm getting better at this.
Talvas: That bothers me.
Nixiel: Stop being so bothered by everything, Azura!
A little further on . . .
Nixiel: An alchemy station!
Talvas: Stop being so distracted by everything!
Nixiel face palms at Talvas' mimicking
Convenient chain to lower spike door is pulled
Mirri Severin plus cohorts immediately attack
Nixiel ganks Mirri Severin
Nixiel: This safe key would've been nice to have when I was breaking into her house.
Talvas: Nixiel!
Nixiel continues to swipe their alchemy ingredients
Nixiel: They won't need them.
Talvas: Whatever. Hey, is this a training room?
Nixiel: Looks like a wrestling arena to me.
More chains must be pulled
Talvas: Why is this place so creepy?
Nixiel: Because Hlaalu are creepy, duh.
Nixiel skips over several pressure plates in her never ending quest to keep pulling chains, both physically and verbally
Nixiel ganks Tilisu Severin and proceeds to fall into a water torture chamber
Talvas ganks everyone else
Nixiel: FACE THE WRATH OF HOUSE — oh, you've killed them all.
Nixiel foists a bunch of armor pieces into Talvas' bag, only for him to put the helmet on
Nixiel: You look drunk.
Talvas: And you don't?
Nixiel: Wash your mouth out with ash, you s'wit.
The two make their way back to the exit
Nixiel: This place reminds me of Master Neloth's ex girlfriend's house.
Talvas: Uh, that wasn't his girlfriend.
Nixiel: You sure, bug eyes?
Talvas: Let's just get back to Raven Rock so we can go back home.
Outside they cross the stream and enter the burnt remains of the forest
Then a wild burnt spriggan appears
Nixiel: TALVAS!
Talvas: I'm going to sit this one out.
Nixiel screams profanities to the Reclamations, the Saints, and the Daedra as she ganks the spriggan with ice spikes over and over again
Nixiel angrily picks yet more scathecraw and trama root
Breton Mage: HA!
Nixiel and Talvas come across two Breton mages blasting each other with ice and fire
The pyromancer smokes the cryomancer, only for Nixiel to put her on ice before Talvas can use his sumooned Frost Atronach
Nixiel: Bloody half-breeds.
Talvas: Please just stop picking all the scathecraw.
Nixiel and Talvas make it back to Raven Rock; Talvas tries to take his Frost Atronach inside Councilor Morvayn's house
Nixiel: Please stop.
Nixiel approaches Adril Arano
Nixiel: Your ashy little problem has been swept into the trash.
Talvas: She means we took care of the assassins.
Adril Arano rushes to tell Councilor Morvayn EVERYTHING
Councilor Morvayn: Nixiel Veres? Since you ended the lives of the people who wanted to end mine, you can have their house.
Nixiel: Sweet.
Talvas: We are not going back home, are we?
Nixiel and Talvas go to the marketplace
Nixiel: I need that helmet now.
Talvas: But Nix—
Nixiel: For the love of the Three, just let me sell it!
After taking care of some business, Nixiel and Talvas head over to Severin Manor
Nixiel: Hey look! Some scathecraw and trama root I missed earlier!
Talvas bursts into tears
Talvas: Shouldn't we tell Master Neloth we got a house?
Nixiel: Maybe?
They proceed to not tell Master Neloth anything
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The loved & the forgotten pt20
Part 19 here
Vivienne: *seated in his room in the wretching netch, bored out of his mind after several days of being made to rest, and feeling guilty over his friends wearing themselves out trying to get him to tell them what he wants, what he wants for himself, not for them, or for anyone else, just himself* … *rubs his eyes sniffling as he remembers trying to initiate love making with Kaidan & Taliesin only for both of them to decline him, both of them saying it’s what’s best for him right now* I don’t understand… they keep asking me what I want… and I want them… I want to love them but… they push me away… am I doing something wrong?… *looks to the spider sitting by his book, there seemed to be a lot more of them around since he strengthened his relationship with Mephala beyond mutual acceptance*
The spider: *just taps it’s two front legs in response*
Vivienne: *sighs and continues reading before looking up as he hears a knock at the door* huh? *gets up putting on his dragon mask and walking to it before peering out to see the second councillor there looking visibly anxious* Mr Arano??
Adril Arano: Ah- dragonborn I. I understand now is not the best of times and lord nerevar will be furious with me for asking this of you when you are meant to be recovering but… The councillor is in danger…
Vivienne: danger?… *opens the door further* come in…
*a few minutes later*
Vivienne: *exits his room a few minutes after the second councillor leaves, muatra on his back and quietly scanning the room to make sure none of team dragonborn can question where he’s going… only to turn his head to see miraak leaning against the wall by the door looking at him* EEEK- fuck! Miraak you scared me!
Miraak: where are you going dragonborn?
Vivienne: I’m not telling you you’ll tell Kaidan & Tali and then they’ll be even more upset with me.
Miraak: I’ve sworn my loyalty to you dragonborn. Whatever you tell me in secret is kept between us.
Vivienne: …I’m going to kill a bunch of assassins after the councillor.
Miraak: *summons his sword and staff* okay then. Let’s go.
Vivienne: I? You’re coming?
Miraak: I’m not about to let you face multiple enemies on your own… I fear being beaten to death by your lovers more than I do you complaining about ‘not needing help’…
Vivienne: *sighs* okay, let’s try to make this quick.
*That evening*
Vivienne: *dressed only in a nightshirt too big for him, seated on his new bed, in his new house (severin manor), after being gifted it by the second councillor for ‘solving their problem’. Now quietly bowing his head as Kaidan throws a fit at him and Taliesin calmly brushes his hair for him* I-I’m sorry…
Taliesin: shhh it’s alright, you had miraak with you-
Taliesin: Kaidan.
Kaidan: HES SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING TALIESIN! *rubs his face in exasperation* gods Vivi why do you keep doing what other people want you to do?
Vivienne: C-councillor morvayne was going to be assassinated I had to do something!
Kaidan: Why did you go behind our backs then?! Why did you only take miraak with you!?
Vivienne: *looks up at him with tears bubbling in his eyes, taking in how tired he looks* because… *looks at Taliesin to see he looks equally tired* all I’ve done is drain your energy… you’re both so tired and I didn’t want to bother you with another of my problems…
Kaidan: *walks to him and gently holds his face in his hands stroking his cheek* why is it, whenever you want something it’s always concerning somebody else?…
Vivienne: b-because I only ever want three things… I want everyone I care about to be happy… *gently slides his hand onto Kaidans, holding it to his cheek before reaching back and taking taliesins hand* and you two… *looks down sadly before letting them go placing his hands back in his lap* but each time I show you that I want you you push me away and tell me I can’t have you… I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong… *sniffles and dries his eyes*
Taliesin: *gears in his brain finally clicking, realising the times vivienne was trying to initiate intimacy wasn’t just him attempting to please them, he was trying to show them love in the only way he knew how* … *sets the brush down and gently pulls him back into his arms making the dunmer let out a startled gasp* can I kiss you?…
Kaidan: I- what? Taliesin what are you-
Taliesin: *looks at him, silencing him with his gaze before looking back to vivienne for an answer*
Vivienne: *heart fluttering and whole body welling up with emotions as he’s finally given what he’s been wanting* y-yes please…
Taliesin: *smiles and kisses him softly with a sweet, deep moan, one hand holding Vivi close, and the other grabbing Kaidan by his trousers pulling him onto the bed to join them*
Kaidan: I- wait hold on a minute we-
Taliesin: *pulls away from the kiss briefly making his sun and night skinned lover whine sweetly* shhh *gives him another small kiss before looking back at Kaidan* we keep asking what he wants and he wants us. Now stop being mean to him and drop your pants.
Kaidan: I- *looks to see vivienne looking at him with such sad, needy eyes, just wanting to be held and loved by him without being pushed away again* …OH!
*the next morning*
Vivienne: *fast asleep in his bed, two pillows strategically placed either side of him by his lovers as they sneak out to the kitchen to make breakfast and chat*
Taliesin: *quietly preparing ingredients* …
Kaidan: *stoking the fire* …
Taliesin: …He put in more work to please us then we did him again didn’t he?
Kaidan: *sighs* Yep. No matter how many times I tried to gain control over the situation to make him relax and let me do the work, he managed to find some way of turning it around on us.
Taliesin: he looked like he was ready to pass out by the time he’d finally made you finish. I was ready to catch him in case he actually did…
Kaidan: *sighs rubbing his face* why’s it so hard for him to just be a pillow princess and let us make him feel good for a change? In stead of him working and making love to us like he’s afraid if he doesn’t well leave hi-
*Knock! Knock! Knock!*
Taliesin: *looks down at himself* Kaidan I’m not wearing any clothing can you-
Kaidan: Yep I’ll answer it-… maybe go get dressed though in case-
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