mewdivorce · 2 years
evil tyler be like i love hotstop
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madmachaca · 11 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well! I was thinking about Stefan (to no one's surprise) and I was wondering how old he could be. As a Stefan expert, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this subject
Hi! I'm doing well, hope you're well too.
I would say in his 40s, based on what he has done so far. We would also have to consider how long he has been Camera 9, but let's speculate:
I don't know how old you would typically graduate from journalism school, but let's assume around 24-25, then, I guess he didn't started as a hotstop journalist right away, he likely worked writing articles or notes for newpapers. Maybe he started his real career in his late 20s or early 30s. He did make a name for himself in the field. He is talented, so it may happen right away, but I'd say it took some time, so maybe mid to late 30s? Maybe he lost his nationality around that time, too... and we don't know how long he has been Camera 9, but it can be THAT long since people still recognize the name Stefan Vladuck (though nobody knows it's him).
I may be missing or overseeing a lot of details, but, yeah, I would say on his 40s.
What do you think?
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Update: Moving day thankfully went okay, once we've got things sorted. There's still no Wi-Fi, but as you might've noticed - there is a Wi-Fi hotstop, but unfortunately it's a very low reception, so I've managed my best to update Pinterest boards, and tried to answer a few questions for the OC Creator Bingo 2023, but that was a struggle as the Wi-FI kept shutting down on me, and I was worried that I would lose everything I've typed up, whilst I was answering the asks. Fingers crossed that things go slowly in the meanwhile 💕
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thoughtofstseb · 5 months
The kitchen I run has had it busiest month in the history of the pub (bare in mind it's open nearly 40 years in a tourist hotstop so that something impressive), yet my service change is half of what it was.
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sailfish-serum · 4 years
Please tell us about beebles, i for one want to know more. If they met an enemy on the battlefield, would they disarm them by taking off the others arms? How disarming are they? 👀
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Well here's a sketch of the boy!
Beebles isn't very wholesome looking and his voice (the male voice in this) is pretty spooky as well, it's mostly the sound of his name, they expect a smaller bot and under estimate him. He is indeed a larger boy (about a little bigger than hellbat)
About that second question, oh he definitly would, he has a collection of parts he's taken from his victims but nothing actually useful, mostly arms n legs. It's only for higher ranking bots he'll take heads and such.
Now his battle tactics. A lot of times he'll use a decoy and wait from afar and wait for prey, and waltz out of hiding with the missing parts and toy with the new bot standing in front of him, rinse and repeat until he's bored and goes gusto and does his full eccentrics that tends to include gloating, singing, a little dance and basically he's a disney villain but like a billion times more evil and violent :)
He's a very old oc, he's been around about as long as rasp so i actually DO have songs written for him but none are recorded because i don't have access to a piano or my violin right now lmao
Is he part of the PRST au? Yes! He has a big part to play but i won't disclose what
Personality? Haughty and very self praising but he isn't only every thinking of himself. He is very attentive to detail and is a much more evolved specimin of insecticon. He is a sporatic liar and conman, leading others in to a trap that he's a helpless victim of war and he's not so entitled that he wouldn't stoop down to being aboslutely feral.
What did he do during the war? He essentially ruled over the city of Turance (not a city in official canon) and the few bots left behind and soon it began to prosper under his leadership. His subjects were incredibly loyal and as the population grew he more or less had a small army under his command, though he cared enough not to use them and never used them and instead took care of defenses by himself with only his second in command, Hotstop, by his side. After the war ended he lost his official title of ruler and the city was abandoned and they moved to a quieter sector that had not been colonized prior (queing Hidden Cities to take place) leaving Turance a ghost town later taken over by autobots as a new home.
All in all: i love him, he's a bastard with feelings but will go feral and tear bots to shreds in order to protect his citizens. Before his rulership he was just a feral man with a superiority complex :)
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revelation-shrine · 4 years
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Tag dump!!
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hazelpuff · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Thank you @episims 🥰! I haven't started playing my custom hood(Cudlow) yet, I'm not even done with the world 🙈, but I do have some headcanons/facts about a couple of the sims that I'm going to add into my hood.
Sim: Eleanor Williams
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(facts under the cut)
Eleanor and her brother, Edmund used to live in a big, lively city that was famous for it’s rich activity 24/7. It was a hotstop for those who looked for fame, high job opportunities and endless fun. Eleanor could most of the time keep up with the fast-pace that the city imposed on her, but she wanted to move somewhere more peaceful eventualy. 
The opportunity came when the siblings inherited from their uncle - who died without a spouse and children - a castle in Cudlow along with all his money. Now Eleanor and her brother are the wealthiest residents of Cudlow. 
She loves fantasy-like romance novels and often fantasises about finding true love herself. She’s quite shy about this part of herself, especially since moving to town that looks almost fairy-tale like only made those thoughts appear more often. 
One of her favourite things about Cudlow is that fashion here is quite different from where she used to live. Puff-sleeved shirts, multi-layered princess-like dresses usually made you look out of place, but in Cudlow most of them are suitable to wear even on a daily basis!
From time to time she practices sword fighting with her brother. She hasn’t made it past wooden sword yet.
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haitianbusinesses · 7 years
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Please share! Free Wifi by @comcast across Florida. #HaitianBusinesses #comcast #Wifi #Hotstops #HurricaneIrma #irma #hurricane #Florida
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larrieshomelat · 4 years
Hola como están? No se si ya lo contestaron pero busque y no encontré nada, ya leí miles de veces lo de los hotstop pero no me queda claro que son o para que los hizo louis?
Buenas noches ✨
Fueron parte de la promoción de Two Of Us, Louis los dejo en diferentes lugares del mundo para que las fans los encontraran y asi poder escuchar una pequeña parte de la canción
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ptergwen · 4 years
Hey :) Can you write smth about the reader living near a hotstop for paranormal investigation and she always pranks whoever goes there and then Ned convinces Peter to spend the whole night in there, maybe abandoned mall? And then she starts messing with Peter first, cause she thinks he's cute but the job needs to be done lol, but he sees her and cause there's no lighting he thinks he saw a ghost GDDGHFHUGGB pls that would be so funny, I can imagine the whole thing in my head
(i changed it a little so a few things would make more sense i hope that’s okay!)
“i don’t know, man. are you sure this is safe?” peter asks ned with a furrowed eyebrow, carefully looking around the empty streets. ned convinved him to spend the night at some old funeral home. it’s supposedly haunted for obvious reasons. he heard about it from mj, but even she didn’t want to go. ned shrugs and pulls open one of the double doors. peter puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking in.
“what if it’s, like, illegal? we’re kind of breaking in.” he adjusts the strap of his backpack with his lips pressed together. ned gives him a look that asks if he’s serious. “dude, nobody even comes here.” “there’s probably a reason,” peter mutters, clutching at his strap as hard as he can. “we’ll leave if it gets really bad. besides, you have a-“ “don’t say tingle. i’ll literally go home.” ned snorts and holds open the door for peter. he steps one foot inside, considering it before deciding to follow him.
it’s dark and smells like old people. ned feels around the walls for a light switch. he finds one and flips it, but nothing happens. “uh, did you bring the flashlights?” he asks peter, sounding a little too serious for his liking. peter reaches into his backpack and hands him one. he gets out the other and switches it on. pointing it around the room, it reveals cobwebs everywhere. ned aims his at the ceiling and notices a leak.
“this place is gross. let’s go inside,” ned starts walking to the room the casket would be in. peter stays back, still feeling uneasy about this whole thing. “you coming, dude?” he calls. “i’m... yeah. give me a second.” taking in a long breath, peter slowly makes his way over to him. there are broken chairs and even more cobwebs. the air is a lot colder, too.
“i heard they left some bodies behind when they closed,” ned tells peter excitedly, shining his flashlight on him. he laughs at the way peter’s mouth drops open. “please tell me that’s your really messed up dark humor and not the truth.” “i mean, it would explain the smell.” peter is about to say something when they hear the front doors creak open. they look at each other and end up hiding behind the chairs in a panic.
your apartment is pretty close to the funeral home. you’ve always heard stories about why they had to shut down, and how people try to ghost hunt there. it’s amusing to you. to keep the rumors going, you sometimes like to stop by and mess around with whoever is testing the theory. it’s a boring saturday night, so here you are doing just that.
they hear footsteps approaching. peter jumps up and helps ned to his feet. “follow me,” he says lowly. both of them run to the first room with a door they see. they shut and lock it behind them. their flashlights got left behind, but peter can make out an old computer on a desk. this must have been an office.
“do you think... do you think it’s one of the dead people?” ned whispers and grabs peter’s arm. he shakes him off so he can put his ear up to the door. it’s silent. “no idea. we should probably check.” “oh, no way. i’m not leaving until they do.” peter sighs and grabs the door knob. “i’ll go.” he twists it open. “use your tingle!” ned whisper yells before peter leaves the office. he’ll be mad at him for that later.
you’re in the ceremony room they came from. you pick up one of the flashlights they forgot so you can see. peering your head around a wall beam, you feel the floor move. it must be the person you’re trying to scare. you shine the light, and it lands on peter. he quickly dips out of your view. you only see his face for a second, but god. he’s really cute. he even looks your age. it almost makes you want to stop terrorizing him... almost.
peter tip toes back to the lobby. he bumps into a worn out couch, and it moves. that definitely gave him away. out of options, he makes a run for the ceremony room again. you’re planning to tap his shoulder or knock something over, but he bumps into you instead. you stand still. he gasps and stumbles back, trying to register what he’s seeing. you’re stone faced and covered in dust. he runs to go get ned again, banging on the door from outside.
“ned? we gotta go! we gotta go right now!” he opens the door so fast it nearly flies off the hinges. ned comes out looking just as terrified. “what happened?” “i’ll tell you later, just run!” the start heading to the front door, but freeze in their spots when the lights turn on. “what the hell?” peter says to himself, taking a step closer to ned. you come out from the control room. they both grab each other on instinct.
“the lights still work. you just can’t turn them on out here.” you plop down on the couch. ned cowers away from you. “you’re... what are you?” peter asks quietly. you can’t help but laugh at his question. “huh?” “are you a ghost?” rolling your eyes, you move so you’re sitting criss cross. “i just live nearby. i come here to scare people.” neither of them stay anything. they only stare. “so technically, i guess.”
“why would you do that? i almost peed!” ned speaks up. you look down at your lap and hold in another laugh. “for this exact reason. it’s funny.” “you try being on the other end,” peter defends himself and ned, feeling embarrassed for getting so scared. you get up and hand peter the backpack he left in here with the flashlights packed inside. he takes it, his gaze becoming less intense.
“i was gonna be worse, but changed my mind ‘cuz you’re cute.” you give him a small smile. “i am?” he mirrors it curiously, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. ned sighs. “peter, don’t tell me you have a crush on the ghost girl.”
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So, in Brazilian environmentalism news, it’s not only the Amazon Rainforest and also the Cerrado that have seen a sharp increase in fires. Tropical wetlands Pantanal has had 334% more fires this year than last year. Two states have already declared state of emergency because of it. It’s estimated more than one million hectares have been hit by flames in the last 40 days in the state Mato Grosso do Sul, with 3,304 hotstops (there were 6,328 this year). In the first eleven days of this year’s September, the state has had 72% more fires than 2018′s one. In its city Corumbá, there’s been an increase of 40% in attendance due to respiratory problems in healthcare units. It leads the number of fires, with 3,137 hotspots - 397 in the last 48h, 90% of them criminal (today is September 12th, 2019), 684 this month, 1,834 this year. Ecotourism and research center Refúgio Caiman has been affected. In the state Mato Grosso, the wetlands haven’t seen rain in four months. Monkeys and anteaters have been seen running away from fires. (x, x, x, x, x, x)
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disdainful · 5 years
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literally turned my hotstop on to change my about, i think i’m insane
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katabasiss · 5 years
high key am ready to throw my laptop out the window akdkdkf truly never picks up internet connections even if I use my hotstop connected via usb so here’s to ebook textbook reading on my phone squinting like a fool till the wee hours of morning alskdkdkdk
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bertankilic · 6 years
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Yeni yılda artık cep telefonlarımız ile internet paylaşmak ücretli olacak çok dikkat edelim. Mümkün olduğu kadar paylaşalım herkes öğrensin 9tl gibi bir ek ücret alınacak kendi internetini başkaları ile paylaşan kişilerden aylık olarak. Artık arkadaşına interneti paylaşmak yada her hangi bir cihazınıza mobil verinizi paylaşmak ücretli @bertan.kilic #i̇nternetpaylaşmaktır #internet #internetpaylaştırmakücretli #hotstop #mobilveri https://www.instagram.com/p/Brwy5I-g0X3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2qne5gbh3t16
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sailfish-serum · 4 years
What do you mean by beebles is a king? Does he have actual subjects?
Technically yes! After the allspark was yeeted in to the spacebridge (presummably to earth), cybertron was more or less abandoned by those who had the ability to leave and those who couldn't just had to make do.
Out of this came many smaller camps, factions and empires and the one in main focus of this au being all 3. But who is part of Beebles little kingdom?
Notebly these 9
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In order left to right: Spikewing, [REDACTED], Bugbeat, Icestrom (and technically snowshot too), Boombit, A.S.S✨ (The sparkle is mandatory) ODD, Volk and Pinpop. ((And 2 undepicted being Hotstop and of course Beebles himself)
While these were the main members it was still very small, only consisting of 30 people on an average basis living in Turance itself, everyone else passed through.
What was the purpose of Beebles establishing this "kingdom"? Originally it was to serve as a defense to himself and Hotstop but as it grew it morphed in to a port and resting place for those who had to stay on the move and couldn't afford to not be nomads.
Essentially, it became a safe point for bots on the run from either hunters, the law and/or D.J.D, or even just whatever lurked in the wilderness.
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taffy007-blog · 7 years
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#hotstop now performing at legendary TAFFYS (at TAFFYs - The Music Mecca of the Universe - Beer - Wine - Java)
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