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freakylikethat · 8 years ago
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neganmaggie · 8 years ago
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It’s no easy task being an ordinary parent to an extraordinary child. I failed in that task. And because of my prejudices, I failed you. I am haunted by how things might have turned out differently if I had been more willing to hear your side of things. For me, it’s the end. For you, a chance to grow old and someday do better with your own child than I did with mine. It’s for that child that I give you my ring. I don’t ask for your forgiveness or for you to forget. I ask only that you believe this: whether you are now reading this as a human or as a vampire, I love you all the same, as I’ve always loved you and always will. 
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iwantyoudamon · 8 years ago
Of course i did!!!! :D Im so pumped!!!!!! I can’t wait to watch 8x16. 
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blackbellsandredroses · 3 years ago
Hey, I just found your blog and My God, the things you write are soooooo damn perfect and beautiful!!!! I love all the Delena stuff that you have. Any other blogs like yours that I can check out? I'm new to the tvd fandom, I'd love to read some Damon and Elena analysis or metas. Thanks!
Thank you so much 😌 to be honest, I haven’t been an active part of the tumblr fandom in a long time but back when the fandom was active there were definitely a lot of good Delena metas. If you check the archives of these pages: iwantyoudamon, ridingdamon, hotsexwithdamon, standbydelena, undyingdelena and epitomeofdelena, you should probably be able to find some of them.
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anissagraces · 9 years ago
i voted for elena
url: 8/10 icon: 7/10  sidebar: /10theme: 8/10posts: 8/10overall: 8/10follow? no(t yet) - now - yes - always and forever.
no more pls
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widowelena · 9 years ago
@damonsdarkheroine answered your question “im honestly terrible at fonts and so ocd and about to give up on this...”
the first one
thank you for letting me know <3
@hotsexwithdamon answered your question “im honestly terrible at fonts and so ocd and about to give up on this...”
i like the third one :) (left bottom)
hahahah im going for the first one though :)
@stilestlinksi answered your question “im honestly terrible at fonts and so ocd and about to give up on this...”
that’s the one i picked xD changed the colour a bit though yo i hate photoshop sometimes lmao
@lynchronanz answered your question “im honestly terrible at fonts and so ocd and about to give up on this...”
1st one's really nice :)
thank you <3 <3 <3
@kylejennr answered your question “im honestly terrible at fonts and so ocd and about to give up on this...”
i like the top ones! looks much more pro ;)
thank you :) those are the ones I went for
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delenafanfics · 10 years ago
hotsexwithdamon replied to your post: “Hey there, do you have the fic 'Alive and kicking' ? :)”:
I have it, so whoever this is just send me your email and i'll send it to you :)
^^^^^^^ (thanks so much! xo)
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freakylikethat · 8 years ago
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→ insp
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neganmaggie · 8 years ago
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And it’s the fight, and the fight of our lives. You and I, we were meant to thrive. And I am your future, I am your past. Never forget that we were built to last. Step out of the shadows and into my life. Silence the voices that haunt you inside. And just say the word, we’ll take on the world. Just say you’re hurt, we’ll face the worst. Nobody knows you the way that I know you. Look in my eyes, I will never desert you. And just say the word, we’ll take on the world.
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whiskey4damon · 10 years ago
сказал(а): holy hell i can barely draw a tree properly :o Ohhh come ooon)) Thank you 4 your attention))
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dancewithyoutoday · 10 years ago
I was tagged by the super pretty teammilkovich, thank you so much, this seems extremely fun! :D
Put your music on shuffle, write the first 10 songs that come on and your favorite lyrics from them. don’t forget to tag 10 people at the end!
1. Glowing - The Script
I'm never giving up 'til my heart stops beating Never letting go 'til my lungs stop breathing I will follow you and we'll both go missing
2. Dead Man Walking - The Script 
We're in the same room just one million miles away With all these books around but we ain't go two words to say
3. Ink - Coldplay
I see your stars begin to shine I see your colours and I'm dying of thirst All I know is that I love you so So much that it hurts
4. The Blue Van - Silly Boys (SHAMELESS SEASON 1 OMG)
Everyone's got a bleeding heart I don't know where or when to start
5. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibis 6. Broken Arrow - The Script
He says just because you say it's true, it don't mean it is She says if it seems too good to be true, well then it probably is
7. Viva La Vida - Coldplay
One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
8. For The First Time - The Script
But we both know how, How we're gonna make it work when it hurts When you pick yourself up You get kicked to the dirt
9. All Of Me - John Legend
You're my end and my beginning Even when I lose I'm winning (OH MY GOD?)
10. Wings - Birdy
In the moment we're lost and found I just wanna be by your side If these wings could fly
I’ll tag: delenasbourbon, iwaspromisedhedonism, hotsexwithdamon, turtletrekks, ianandfiona, damonishome, lishaneys, queengilbert, silvermorning, cameronmonaghanismybabe (you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!)
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damonishome · 10 years ago
I was tagged by wearinghuntersjacket, feistybellarke, elenasbeloved, 
im tagging; delenasbourbon, kittykatgilbert, salvatoresdamon hotsexwithdamon iwantyoudamon
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? All of them, I just love food. Although i dont always eat breakfast, im never awake early enough ;)
Do you drink your cereal milk? Yup.
CDS, radio, or phone for music in the car? Cds and Radio
Window or aisle (plane seats)? Window.
Fold or crumple clothes? Fold (I’m very neat about these things)
Shampoo then body wash or body wash then shampoo? Shampoo then body wash.
Stressed or relaxed? Somewhere in between most of the time.
Patient or impatient? It depends, but more impatient.
Schedule or go with the flow? Depends what it is, usually go with the flow though.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I first wanted to be an RSPCA inspector but not i want to go into Wildlife Rehabilitation. 
Prankster or not? Not really.
Dressed up or down? Dressed up.
Favorite article or clothing? Leather jackets and jeans, hellaaaa
If you could play any instrument what would you play? Piano and guitar.
East or west coast? Both.
London or LA? LA
Favorite holiday? Christmas, i guess.
How big is your bed? Double.
Doors open or closed when sleeping? Closed.
Sheets tucked in or out when sleeping ? In.
Have you ever stolen anything? Unfortunately yes, when i was younger it was some chocolate because i was told id be cool if i did it.
Tattoos or piercings? Tattoos, but i do like both.
Do you smile in every photo? No, I don’t think i look good when i smile in photos lol
Have you ever peed in the woods? Yup.
Concert or theme park? Id say theme park.
Music or books? I couldn’t possibly choose.
Animated or reality? Im edging more to reality.
Letter or email? Email.
First concert? was something like the xfactor UK tour, if that counts?
Do you own a record player? Yeah.
Do you speak any other languages? Not really, i used to be able to speak French and Spanish but i forgot a lot of the language and can only speak basic.
Sweet or savory? Both.
Can you curl your tongue? Yeah.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? nah
Can you whistle? yeah.
Have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope.
Do you believe in ghosts? Kind of, but not how movies potray them.
Do you believe in aliens? Yeah, it would be crazy to think that we’re the only life in the whole universe.
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drmedusagrey · 10 years ago
hi :) do you have a link for an online watch / download of tonight's episode of grey's anatomy? thank you dear
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widowelena · 9 years ago
Do you think you're going to be watching s7? I didn't really like the trailer... I dunno
I knew I wouldn’t be watching season 7 since the finale of season 6 aired. I would never even give it chance. TVD is NOT TVD without Elena and I refuse to watch it without her.
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standbydelena · 10 years ago
9 for the meme ;) (if that's still open lol) thank you
Okay let's say it's a 3x08 AU, Damon POV :P
Massages (giving/receiving) 
The surge of pride that I feel at the notion that I'm in Elena Gilbert's bed subsides a little when I hear her groan as she turns over to lie on her stomach, face buried in the pillow.
"What's wrong?" I ask, internally debating whether I can smooth her hair or not.
"It's the damn training," she grumbles, like she didn't want it in the first place. "Everything hurts. Everything. Especially my back. I didn't even know I had so many muscles."
I can't remember what it feels like any more, but she does seem to be in pain, so I decide that I can at least offer to help. It's not like I'm pressuring her, right?
"I can give you a massage so you feel better," I suggest, which earns a chuckle from her. "No, I'm serious. I can help."
"How do you even know how to give a massage?"
"That's a really long story, but trust me, I'm good at it," I deflect. The story lacks a certain romantic flair, to be honest.
"You promise you won't... try anything?"
I smile. "I promise. Though I'm going to ask you to take off your top, or to lift it at least, and I guess in your book that counts as 'trying.'"
To my surprise, she lifts it without complaint, visibly trying to make sure her arms cover up the sides of her breasts.
Oh shit. I'm in Elena Gilbert's bed with an almost naked Elena Gilbert. I have not thought this through. 
I start the massage from her shoulders, rubbing the tension out of them so her sore muscles could loosen up. She tenses up even more at first, clearly nervous about letting me do it, but as I go, she relaxes, a contented sigh escaping her lips as I move to her shoulder blades, then to her ribcage, further down her spine. She makes these little noises now and then, and I wonder if she even realizes they're driving me crazy. I flatten my palms near her bottom, sliding them all the way up to her shoulders, and I swear she arches her back a little.
I have to get away from her yesterday.
"All right, I think you're good to go. I mean, hopefully, you can sleep better," I say, helping her pull the tank top down.
"You're not staying?" she asks suddenly, and I freeze on the bed, though I was already getting up. I look at her face, having a chance to openly study her in the dark, and she's blushing. She's embarrassed about her little slip, but if she wants me here, I'm not going to refuse.
"I'm staying," I reassure her. "Just taking off my shoes."
She sighs, getting back under the comforter and looking in my general direction. "Goodnight, Damon. Thank you."
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freakylikethat · 8 years ago
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⇲ delena + season finales
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