#hot tubs have it out for me i dunno what i did but they are displeased about it
keeps-ache · 4 days
lost vocation: fish
#just me hi#i am fresh from the shower helloooo world hfbsh#wanna go swimming again before it gets real cold.. i love you lake lol :)#reed doesn't like lakes and i kiinda get it; the depths and the unseen yeya#but there is also something comforting about being in something very large and very heavy. it's all the right pressure n i like it :>#pools are Not the same and simply cannot match up </3 also they're so hard to breath around so Lol#hot tubs have it out for me i dunno what i did but they are displeased about it#Okay i just remembered the heavy chlorine smell usually comes from a lot of urine in the pool so that's uh. hm#also i have nearly drowned in more pools than lakes so that too hghfshvk#for most of my life i was shorter than i am now. and pools give you that false sense of security like 'oh sure i can touch the bottom i'm#good :D' and then that's when it GETS ya. bfhsv#lakes are not lying to you though they Will get ya. but they're nice about it <3#the only thing i really have a problem with in lakes aside from the obvious drowning risk is. The Creatures#fish have nibbled me more than i am happy with lmao :(#like if i had a nickel for every time it happened i would have more than 1 but i'm not really sure how many hfbvsh#the first time it happened was AWFUL it felt like someone Scratching their fingernails on me and HOUUUU#first time that happened i genuinely thought there was some funkin Thing gonna get me in the waters lmfsvhf <3#i do like the dragonflies though even if they make my skin kinda itchy when they land :D they like to chill and i just float around instead#of doing anything so we're good friends lol :3#//anywho i'm kinda tired; been sorta fixing my sleep schedule but i got like Turbo Anxiety for a couple days a lil while ago and it messed#that up a bit but i'm getting it back on track hgfhs >:3#mysterious turbo anxiety comes in the middle of the night and whacks at unsuspecting victims.. honestly quite rude i think we can all agree#//okay wells i gotta go rn :) maybe i'll do somethin.. who knows!#poking myself with a stick ; we'll get something from this eventually hfshfv#toodles toodles !!
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her-favorite · 2 years
Reader giving Kyle a bath like the scene with him and Misty. Except the reader eventually calms him down and comforts him. (that scene made me so broken hearted) 😭
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(Post-Death) Kyle Spencer x F!Reader
Summary: Reader giving Kyle a bath like the scene with him and Misty. Except the reader eventually calms him down and comforts him.
Warnings: just fluff! not proofread
a/n: this scene hurts my heart and im so excited to make it more happy 😭 also before i get any comments or anything about the stutters, i wouldnt add them if i didn’t have to but yk Kyle still has trouble speaking so i wanted to make sure you could see it
You sat in bed, looking over different books to help you learn more history and spells. Your eyes scanned each and every word, taking in every syllable. Before you could dive any deeper, you heard the doorknob to your left squeak.
Your head moved towards the sound, watching it open slowly. You immediately knew who it was once you saw the bright blonde curls. A smile formed as you saw his fragile frame walk towards you.
“Hey, Kyle.” You try and start a conversation with him, curious as to why he needed you. Before you could move your books, he laid his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your body. The pressure of his weight against yours overpowered you as you both fell back against the pillows. You chuckled, reaching up to comb your hand through his hair.
His curls were more knotty than usual. He winced every time your finger got caught on one. “Sweetheart, when was the last time you had a bath?” You questioned, leaning down to press your nose into his hair. He definitely needed washed.
His voice was muffled, but you managed to make out a slight, “I dunno.” You sighed, rubbing your hand over his hair again. You started to sit up, Kyle quickly protesting. His hold got tighter and his whines got louder.
��I know, Ky,” You try and soothe him, finally being able to sit up correctly. Kyle laid there, pouting up at you. “Come on, baby.” You gently grab his arms, trying to pull him up towards you. He groans, not cooperating at all. You sigh, your shoulders dropping. “Please, Ky.” You whisper, looking back and forth between his eyes. He frowned, but obliged, moving up to stand in front of you.
You take his hand and lead him over to the connected bathroom. Once you leave his hand, you walk over to the bathtub, switching the faucet on. You let the warm water fill up the empty space, your hand floating around the water to make sure it wasn’t too hot.
Kyle stood there, watching you. No matter what you did, Kyle was always entranced with you. He loved the way you moved, the you talked, anything. As long as he was near you, he felt safe. As long as he was near you, he didn’t care what happened. All he needed was you.
“Kyle, baby,” your voice broke him out of his trance, eyes blinking fast to regain his sight. “Wanna get in?” You stood up, shaking your hand to try and get the water off. He shook his head fast, wrapping his arms around himself. “What’s wrong?” Your eyebrows scrunch in concern, walking over to him.
“B.. bad.” He pointed at the white silicon tub, backing away from it slowly. You reach out for him, resting your hands on his arms gently.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you, okay? You’re always safe with me.” You reassure him, your eyes sad with worry. He takes a breath, but nods and starts to unbutton his shirt.. well, tried.
You reached out to help him, his hands falling to his sides, letting you do all the work for him. You laugh, helping him with the rest. His lips curve up in a smile when he hears you.
Once you were done and he stepped out of his jeans and boxers, he slowly walked towards the tub. He was hesitant, looking back and forth from the water to you. You communicated through your eyes, nodding towards him that it was okay. You even moved your hand out so he could hold onto it incase he fell or got scared.
As soon as he sat down in it and got settled in, he started to calm himself. His shoulders were less tense and he unclenched his tight jaw. But as soon as he saw you reach forward with a sponge and some soap, he backed away as much as he could in the water.
“No! N.. No!” He yelled, his sudden movements making the water splash around and hit the floor.
“Hey, hey,” you quickly set the things down and put your hands up so he could see you didn’t have anything. His hands were curled up against his chest, his fists tight together. “Kyle, angel, it’s okay. It’s just me, alright? Everything’s okay.” Your hands shake in fear and worry of your boyfriend being scared of you.
His eyes open slowly, looking you over to make sure you didn’t have anything. He let out a breath, his whole body shaking. Tears welled in both of your eyes, carefully letting your hands rest on the ends of the tub. He looked at them, then up at you. His eyes were filled with fright, but mixed with sorrow.
“I.. I’m sorry..” He looked down, his knees coming up to press against his chest. His hands covering his face, feeling so vulnerable crying in front of his lover.
“No, baby,” Your frown deepens as you see your boyfriend bash himself for something he can’t control. “Ky,” You hesitantly reach forward to put your hands on his wrists. He flinches at first, but quickly calming down when he knows it’s you and not someone else. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to hurt you. I could never hurt you.” Once he gave you sign it was okay, you extended your hand up to brush through his now damp curls.
“I know.. It’s.. I..” He huffs loudly, annoyed about how he can’t keep firm sentences without messing up or stuttering.
“Take your time.” You soothed, pressing a kiss against the crown of his head. His eyes closed in delight, his head subconsciously leaning towards you.
“I get.. s-scared.” He tried to explain, looking off i to the distance to try and collect the words he knows. “Last.. bath.. bad.” He shook his head, looking down at his knees as he swirled the water in the tub around with his hand.
You sighed, a tear spilling over its edge. You wiped it away fast before Kyle could see it. You pressed one more kiss to his forehead before leaning back and resting your hands back on the rim of the tub.
“Do you want to do it?” You asked, wondering how you were going to get him to bathe. He shook his head, though, tearing his eyes away from the water to make eye contact with you.
Those beautiful brown eyes. They showed hurt, they showed confusion, but the love in them was so overpowering, you thought that they might explode. You knew Kyle trusted you, more than anyone. But he still has his scary moments where he’s reminded about stuff that happened to him that he didn’t want. You were the only person to always be there for him, to care for him, to love him. No matter the time of day, no matter the situation, Kyle was right by yourself, following you like a lost puppy. (Not that you were ever mad about that).
“I want.. you.” He pointed his finger at you, accentuating his words. You smile, carefully picking up the soap again. You gave him a look that asked all of the questions in itself. He nodded, never looking away from your eyes.
You leaned forward, still hesitant, but running the soap down his arms and shoulders. You rubbed it in, feeling your boyfriend’s shoulders relax. He hummed at the feeling of you massaging his skin. He giggled when he felt you poke him, his arms curling around himself. You laughed with him, your happiness restored once you saw him smile again.
Once you’re finished washing his hair and cleaning the soap off his body, you drain the tub and grab a towel for him. Though he protests as he watches the water leave the tub. He looked up at you with a pout that almost made you fill up the tub again just so he can get what he wanted.
You smile at him, though, wrapping the white towel around his shoulders. You help him up and out of the tub, making sure he doesn’t slip and fall. He shivers at the cold air, leaning down and shoving his head into your neck. Goosebumps rise on your skin as you feel the water from his hair fall onto your skin.
You help him dry off, grabbing his warm pajamas that were on the rack. They had just been washed and dried so they were nice and warm for Kyle.
You helped him put them on, Kyle’s body still shaking. You knew he was exaggerating it a little because of the huge smile on his face. He just wanted to feel your touch. You always made him feel safe.
“You did so good, Ky.” You whisper as you cup his face on your hands. He basically whines at the praise, leaning down again to press his face into your neck. He wraps his arms tight around your body, resting most of his body weight against yours. You stumble slightly, your arms circling around his shoulders. You laugh, his little mumbles ticking your skin.
“Come on, baby, why don’t we lay down. We can head to bed.” You suggest. He hums into your neck, your mind knowing he was agreeing to your request.
You tried your best on walking backwards towards your bed with the blonde still using you as a pillow. Once you reach the end of the bed post, you stop. Kyle grumbles, but moves away. He quickly jumps on the bed and gets under the covers. His hands reach out for you, that adorable pout coming back on his face.
And how could you say no to that?
You laid down next to him, his head immediately resting on your chest. He nuzzled his face into your skin, his arms around your torso. You pressed kissed against his head, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
“I love you, Kyle. I would never hurt you, baby.” Your eyes start to feel heavy as time passes, all of his weight still heavy against your body.
“I.. love you m-more.. Y/N.”
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gosmigenergy · 1 year
KINKTOBER 2023 / Day Twenty
( Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x F!Reader )
Summary: Francisco receives an early morning phone call.
Day Twenty of @absurdthirst's Kinktober
Rating: Mature 18+
Warnings: Language, dry humping, thigh fucking, slightly Dom!Frankie but not for long, P in V, unprotected sex (use protection irl please), no use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.1k
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You were pretty sure your little apartment was falling apart on you.
A tile came of the wall whilst you were having a meditative soak after a long day, a handle came clean off a kitchen draw without reason, then came the day when the internet went down and the electrics blew.
Being in a relationship with the boys and staying round theirs meant you had an excuse to escape whatever the hell was going on here.
Frankie had no fucking idea what time it was when you called him, he just knew it was goddamn early.
“Aaaah, Frankie, help me, there’s water all over my kitchen floor and I dunno what to do!”
You didn’t breath when you spoke, your tone too high pitched for being woken to.
He yawned, “Have you tried turning the water off?”
“What? Where do I even do that? Oh my god!”
He patiently guided you through what to do, listening as your feet splashed through the water and as you struggled to shut it off but you did it. Then he dragged his ass out of bed and got over to yours.
Your appearance was disheveled when you opened the door, sweatpants and a t-shirt thrown on, eyes still sleepy. He didn’t say anything about it, he simply walked in and delivered a warm embrace, kissing you on the crown of your head. Your muscles relaxed as you smiled against his chest.
“Let me take a look.”
The kitchen was obviously a mess.
After you spoke to him on the phone, you’d tried your best to mop up with what you had and that was mostly towels. You’d managed to get an answer from one of your neighbours who had a mop and bucket and ladened you with more towels but there was a surface water.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?”
He hummed, “Not too bad.”
The pair of you stared at it a little longer.
“We’ll clean it as best we can then I’ll see what’s going on.”
You nod enthusiastically but it’s fleeting.
The cleaning is a lengthly process. You traipse back and forth to the bathroom to ring out the water clad towels and bring them to the kitchen over and over again. Frankie tries to help by draining them into the bucket and throwing it into the tub for it to go down the drain, at least the bathroom doesn’t have the same piping problem.
It took an hour, maybe more.
“Do you want a coffee before you start that? I can pop out and get us one.”
He was already on his back underneath the sink, tool bag to one side, hips balanced on top of a cushion.
“I’m good.”
You’re crouched down, elbows resting on your knees to hold your head up, you lips skew.
“Is there anything I can do, babe?”
“No, querida.”
It was best for him if you stayed out of the way, he realised he probably sounded annoyed with you so he brings his chin to his chest.
You look at him doe eyed.
“You can go and relax,” his tone was softer, “this should be easy.”
You spent the next half hour sat on the sofa aimlessly watching morning programmes and scrolling through your phone.
It clearly wasn’t an easy job.
You’d set the television volume low just incase he needed you. All you could hear faintly underneath the pointless conversations was him. His grunts and huffs, his mumblings in his second language as well as how he smacked whatever tool he was using with the bottom of his palm.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t turning you on.
Should you be turned on by this?
You shook your head and tried your best to focus on the screen yet he was proving too distracting. Closing your eyes, you can see him so clearly, brows knotted as his curls start to cling to his head, the confining space hot. His tongue rolling into his plump bottom lip as he prays the next thing he does works, how he speaks through gritted teeth when it doesn’t. His broad hand on the tool, knuckles going white as he tightens his grip.
Your belly fills with desire.
Fluttering your eyes open, you bring your knees to your chest. It doesn’t help, only making you squirm as your juices dampen your folds, you need him. You pull of your sweatpants, keeping on your baggy t-shirt that you assume is from one of them and tiptoe towards the kitchen in your socked feet.
Not that he notices you anyway, to focused on what he’s doing.
You approach him, glancing down at his splayed legs, one bent at the knee and the other straight. Cocking your head to one side, he’s still working under the sink as you put one foot in the middle gap, your back facing towards him. You sink to your knees and push them closer to his thigh.
“What are you doing?”
He freezes momentarily.
He scoffs, “It doesn’t feel like nothing.”
You sit deeper, your wet pussy touching the roughness of his pants.
“Just entertaining myself.”
He went to look at you but was only greeted by your bare ass on his thigh, t-shirt bundle up so he could definitely see.
“Fine,” he carries on with what he was doing.
And you continue with what you were planning.
Brushing your hips up his leg, you felt the pull on your folds before pulling back. You sigh as the fabric catches your clit at a sluggish pace, the smallest of shivers going up your spine. Taking it slow, you stroke the same patch of his pants over and over. There’s a warmth building between your thighs grasp him tighter.
Frankie’s concentration was weaning before you entered the room.
He was certain he’d attacked this pipe at all angles, he’d taken it off and inspected it, everything looked fine. He’d twisted it in every direction yet each time he turned the water on, something was leaking. He should just admit defeat but then that was the other thing.
A stupid part of him was too proud to confess he couldn’t fix this.
You called him, you knew he was a dab hand at this shit and your immediate thought when you saw a leak was to phone him. His ego wanted him to be the hero, to save the day even though it wasn’t expected.
Now you were fucking his leg without a care in the world.
He could never remember your grunts and mewls sounded so sweet, so desperate as his pants became damp with your juices. You were boiling hot, constricting the muscle of his thigh like you do his face when he goes down on you. He peeked and watched as you thrusted forward, clenching your ass as you squeezed your cunt to stop your desire overtaking you.
His crotch grew tense.
You gave a choked cry as he notched his leg up.
He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you quickened the pace, rutting your clit hard against the ridge of the bone. Your toes were beginning to curl, your pleasure escaping as staggered giggles as your legs began to vibrate. Tossing aside his tool, he leant forward and coiled his thumbs over the countertop.
His darkening eyes bored into the back of your head and you felt the hairs stand on end.
Your hips slip but his right hand comes to your ass.
“Keep going,” he says, lifting his leg a little higher.
The fabric catches your clit, the bundle of nerves protesting at the limb pressed against it.
“I can’t.”
“I’ll help you.”
He pushes your lower half and you drag up his leg, whimpering as the sensation ignites deep in your belly. Letting you go, he catches you as you slide down and repeats the motion until your moving on your own.
Your hands claw at his leg as your inner walls clench around nothing, the heat travelling up your spine. Your head falls back, mouth shaping into an o as your eyes screw shut.
“Oh, fuck.”
You thrust a final time, forcing your clit to his leg and holding as the tingling spread over your pelvic. Your upper body shuddered before you collapsed into his lap, cheek resting against his knee as you breath the air back into your lungs.
He lets you have a moment until he can’t wait any longer.
“Sit up.”
His voice was low, followed by the sound of his buckle undoing.
Still shaking from the aftershocks, you climb off him and turn onto your side, your ass meeting the cold tiles. He lifted himself onto his knees, he opened his button and zipper before pulling out his hardened cock, pumping it in his fist.
Taking your ankles, he dragged you closer, your skin chafing over the tiled floor. He spread your legs wide, hooking your feet over his hips as he lined himself up. He brought his lips heavily to yours, guiding your back to the ground, jutting his chin into yours so you allow his tongue to enter. It ran along the backs of your teeth before dancing with yours, the tip of his cock teasing at your folds.
Placing his hands on your hips, he thrusts into your slick opening, swallowing your moan in his mouth.
He rocks his hips gently for a few strokes before plunging into you hard and fast.
You rip your lips from him as you gasp for air, head falling to the side. His fingers and thumb come to your jaw, squeezing firmly as he brings his mouth to your ear.
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes,” you squeak, his movements forcing your bones into the hard surface.
“You know you could have just asked.”
“You seemed a little preoccupied.”
He laughed, head dropping into the crook of your neck.
His breath danced hot over your chest, the lights of the kitchen so bright you find yourself closing your eyes. You didn’t have a comedown, you were still riding on sex fuelled ecstasy as Frankie propelled through your fluttering folds.
His shoes were slipping as they failed to grip onto the drying tiles, the wet patch of your juices sticking to his leg but you were overwhelming his senses. 
The noises from your chest as his length touched that soft spot, the smell of your perfume on the pulse points of your neck seeping into his nostrils. The handfuls of your flesh, your meat he was taking as he tried to keep your hips steady. The sight of your flushed cheeks, your back arching, body rippling as his motions run through you.
His thrusts were getting sloppy.
“Frankie,” you whined in his ear, your fingers entwining in his curls.
“I’m so close, querida, just a little longer.”
Your body was going rigid, your walls contracting around his cock.
At this rate, he really wasn’t going to last much longer, the pull against his length taking him over the edge. He took a couple more thrusts before he shattered, a hoarse groan muffled as he shoved his face into your neck, filling you with his seed.
The pair of you heaved, Frankie drawing out of you to rest against the cold floor.
There’s a minute or two where all you can hear is your breaths and then the world gradually came back to you, the mess of the kitchen you both lay in.
“I can’t fix whatever,” he waved a hand haplessly, “this is.”
You smile weakly, “That’s ok. I guess I’ll call a plumber.”
“I know a guy.”
Once you’d both caught your breath and got up from the tiles, he went and made a call whilst you staggered back to the living room, pulling your sweatpants back on for warmth. You make yourself comfortable but luckily for you, he wasn’t gone for long.
“He’s gonna be an hour or so.”
He nods, falling to the sofa next you, scooping up your legs to drape over his lap.
“Fancy that coffee now?”
You run your fingers through his hair and he leans into your touch.
“You’re going out after that?”
You scoff, “God no, I’ll get it delivered to the building entrance.”
Your fingers still played with his curls even though your attention was now on the screen, he trusted you’d order some food too. Then another thought slipped to his mind.
“Who’s week is it?”
“Will’s,” you say with a woeful expression on your face. “He had to go somewhere for work, he’ll be back tomorrow night.”
Frankie looked around your apartment, it felt cold and small and, well, lonely.
“How about you come to my place tonight?”
Sure, he may not think he’s a hero but right there, right then, he saved the day.
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Left Behind AU Incorrect Quotes
Gordon: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Valkyrie: Gordon what-?
Saracen: It was difficult, so you’ve just given up. You might fail, so why bother trying?
Gordon: Exactly.
Gordon, to Tanith: I told you he’d understand.
Saracen: I want a trip down memory lane.
Valkyrie: proceeds to grab every warrior cats book they have and sets them in Saracen's lap
Valkyrie: I heard you needed these?
Saracen: YES! ALL OF THEM!
Gordon: Hey, Ghastly, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Ghastly: Yeah.
Gordon: And you, Tanith?
Tanith: Umm... yes?
Gordon: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Tanith: Did he just-
Anton: What?
Saracen: You know, there’s something weird going on with your face?
Saracen: You’re smiling! I didn’t know you could do that?
Ghastly: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Tanith: Hey, Ghastly, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Tanith: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Ghastly: Can't really say I have.
Tanith: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Ghastly: Sorry, Tanith. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Dexter: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Saracen: Two bros!
Saracen and Dexter, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Valkyrie: You a cop?
Dexter: Hey, aren’t you Valkyrie?
Dexter: No.
Valkyrie: Then yes, I am.
Tanith: Oh, I’m sorry.
Dexter: I asked Saracen out.
Dexter: Why?
Tanith: Well, I assume he said no.
Dexter: No, he said yes.
Tanith: Really? Then I’m sorry for him.
Tanith: He once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter."
Dexter: So, what's it like living with Gordon?
Dexter: ...
Tanith: I love him so much.
Gordon: *Ugly crying*
Skulduggery, holding out a cookie for Gordon: Look! This ones a heart, that’s how I feel about you!
Skulduggery, holding out another cookie for Valkyrie: This ones like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you!
Valkyrie, throwing their hands in the air: What does that mean?!
Valkyrie: Okay-
Skulduggery: Yo dumbass, get over here.
Gordon: *gleefully runs past* I’m coming!
Valkyrie sadly: I thought... I was dumbass...
Valkyrie: Um… the moment I saved you from getting killed.
Skulduggery: When did you become a hero?
Skulduggery: You’re the last person on earth I wanted to rescue me.
Valkyrie: Well… sucks to be you, don’t it.
Valkyrie and Dexter: *fighting and yelling at each other*
Saracen: Can I get a waffle?
Saracen: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Valkyrie: When I join this friend group I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit.
Valkyrie: You know what?
*Saracen, Dexter and Tanith continue screaming about mould water*
Valkyrie: Not the other way around.
Ghastly: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mould water.
Skulduggery: The reason I wake up every morning.
Saracen: So, what is Valkyrie to you?
Saracen: ...That’s adorable.
Valkyrie earlier that morning, barging into Skulduggery′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Skulduggery: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised?!
Valkyrie: I'm tired.
Valkyrie: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
Dexter: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Valkyrie: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Saracen: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
Dexter: But I heard a siren.
Anton: That was Gordon.
Gordon: Sorry, I got nervous.
Saracen: Uh, no, no, that is basil.
Dexter: Is this mistletoe?
Dexter: Too bad cause if it was mistletoe I was gonna kiss you.
Saracen: Yeah, no, it’s still basil.
Skulduggery: ...
Valkyrie: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?!
Valkyrie: Oh, right. The lying.
Tanith: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Skulduggery: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Valkyrie: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Saracen: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Dexter: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Gordon: Mental stability, my old friend!
Skulduggery: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Anton: Oh, I would... but I don’t want to.
Dexter: Hey Anton, do you wanna help us?
Valkyrie: Yes.
Dexter: So... This is my full potential?
Dexter: So, then it's...
Valkyrie: All downhill from here.
Dexter: Like Skulduggery.
Valkyrie: I do not know what this Skulduggery is. But it sounds disappointing.
Tanith, in defeat: Let’s go.
Skulduggery, smugly, after security arrives to escort Tanith and Valkyrie out: So, do you wanna walk out of here or do you wanna be carried out?
Valkyrie: Wait.
Tanith: What?
Valkyrie: I’d kinda like to be carried out...
I'll probably do this for other fics that I want to write. Like, a heads up for some of the insane bullshit that's been hiding in my head for the past few months.
Valkyrie: And now for a gay update with Saracen and Dexter.
Dexter: Getting gayer.
Valkyrie: Thank you, Dexter.
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whorefortheevans · 11 months
Comfort, Home, and Happiness
I may or may not have written this because I'm currently feeling like it'll take me 10 years to earn my bachelor's, but regardless I'm really proud of this one. I think it turned out great.
CW: self-doubt, depression, academic burnout, mostly wholesome fluff word count: 884
College is hard.
Ridiculously hard, and definitely harder than I ever anticipated it being. Proof of this could be the fact that I'm failing physics, haven't showed up to calculus, and am on the verge of dropping out of chemistry.
Proof could also be the fact that I haven't gotten up out of Kyle's bed since I got to his shared frat house on Friday afternoon, and now it's half-past 5 on Sunday night.
"Hey," Kyle said, walking into his room and closing the door behind him. "Feeling any better?"
Kyle always had a slight lift to his lips, something I absolutely loved about him. His permanent smile made me feel better just by looking at, not to mention his dimples.
"Eh, not really." I said, rolling onto my side and pulling his dark blue comforter up over my shoulder. "I'm tired."
Kyle sat on the edge of the bed and laid his hand gently on my hip. "Did you get any homework done?"
I shook my head, a sense of dread clouding over me as it occurred to me how much homework I have to do, and how little time I have to do it. I felt my eyes start to tear up as I swallowed down a sob.
I cried enough this weekend, I definitely didn't want to start again.
"I dunno what I'm gonna do, Kyle." I said, my throat starting to feel tight as my emotions got the better of me. "I'm so stupid."
"You're not stupid," he said. "I'll help you. When's it due?"
I laughed bitterly. "In six hours. Just forget it, it'll never all get done anyway."
The silence that followed wasn't awkward, but I silently prayed that Kyle would say something to change the subject. He suddenly leaned over me and gently kissed his lips to my forehead.
"I'm gonna jump in the shower. Join me?" he asked, his voice sickly sweet. I didn't deserve him, nobody did. He was too good for everyone, too sweet, too humble, too smart.
I looked at him for a moment, before throwing the duvet off of me and using his hand to pull myself out of his bed. I dragged my feet across the floor, grabbing clean clothes out of his drawers and following him into the bathroom.
Kyle shut the door and locked it behind him, and then turned towards me and took my hands in his. "I'm proud of you, you know." he said, resting his forehead on mine.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach; they always did when Kyle did and said stuff like that. I smiled at him, but my smile quickly faded as he pulled away from me and turned the shower on.
He held one hand under the water while the other made slight adjustments to the faucet. He stepped back and began to strip of his clothing, looking at me over his shoulder. "I know how you don't like the water too hot," he said. "C'mon, love. You have to shower. It's been days."
I rolled my eyes and pouted, as I started to undress. "I know that. I've been depressed."
"It's okay, let me make you happy." he said, extending his hand to me and helping me into the tub, under the perfectly warm water that Kyle had set. He stepped in after me and closed the shower curtain.
It's lucky that I spent so much time at the frat house, because in times like now when I really needed to shower, most of my stuff was already here. Kyle handed me my loofa and squeezed his body wash onto his and my sponge. Together, in a comfortable silence only intercepted by the sprinkling water, we washed our bodies and rinsed ourselves off.
"Can you pass me my shampoo?" Kyle asked, squeezing the last of the soap out of his loofa. I grabbed the bottle and handed it to him. "Thanks. Are you out?"
"No. I don't feel like washing my hair." I said, fatigue quickly taking over my body and bringing a headache along with it. "I'll just get out and do it tomorrow."
Kyle grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Don't get out. Wait for me, I'll do it for you."
I stayed back, my stomach once again bubbling up with affection, and watched as Kyle lathered his golden hair with shampoo and then rinsed it out. He reached behind me and took my shampoo bottle in his hands, turned me around by my shoulders, and pumped shampoo onto my scalp.
He returned the bottle to the ledge of the shower and began to scrub the soap into my hair, paying special attention to my roots and letting the excess shampoo run down the rest of my hair. We stood like that, me facing the wall and Kyle scrubbing my hair, for a couple of minutes, and then I turned to face him.
Hair still full of shampoo, I leaned up to kiss him softly, smoothly, and his hands still tangled in my hair, he kissed me just as softly back. "I don't deserve this," I said quietly, resting my head against his chest.
"You deserve everything," he said, hugging my shoulders closer to his body, letting the warm water shower us. Kyle was my comfort, my home, my happiness.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: I wanted to bring this up, you've done it before, but it was years ago. You kind of flailed at the beginning 'cause now we're kind of at the better half of two decades but I wanted to see what you remember best from each season now that it's been a long time. See if you remember season one, two, three - so for each season, go for it.
[Unsurprisingly, this gets super long, so answers under a cut.]
Jared: Action!
Jensen: Well, if we flailed then, this is gonna -
Jared: Yeah, exactly!
Jensen: This is gonna be a train wreck.
Jared: [repeating from audience] A six hour panel.
Jensen: That's right. What we remember the most?
Question: Yeah, like the most memorable thing. I know last time you did it you mixed up, like, season four and five, you couldn't remember two at all -
Jared: We had a season two? Uhhh, I'll give an attempt. Season one was just literally the city of Vancouver. I remember just getting there, it was beautiful, it was July, I'd never been, we were shooting Wendigo, we had a -
Jensen: Do you mean like a life moment or a moment in the show?
Question: I was gonna say the show, but you know what, just gimme what you got.
Jensen: Yeah yeah yeah. Alright. Season one -
Jared: You want odds or evens?
Jensen: I'll do odds - unless I can't think of one. I remember having divers hold my feet and hold me under water with a young child in Dead in the Water and that was a very, very freaky feeling, being held under water. Especially when you're responsible for some other person's child.
Jared: [taps Jensen] I remember the hot tub - same day, I remember the hot tub they had set up off-camera because Buntzen Lake is super cold. And so we had to be in there so long they were afraid - it's possible you could get hypothermic or whatever? And so they had a hot tub set up, like if you were, like Jensen probably could see it from when he was under water so we'd have to go after we'd jumped in, we'd go in between takes, go to the hot tub area. Hot tub, that sounds - alright. You did number one so I'll do number two. Number two I remember getting - cutting my scalp off.
Jensen: Was that number, was that?
Jared: I dunno.
Jensen: You're just making stuff up now. No no no, that was the episode where Bobby backs his Chevelle into the house and we jump in and -
Jared: Was that number two, that's season two? Ah, that was season three!
Jensen: Ah, see! I think I got a two.
Jared: Okay. My favorite part of two, was season three, apparently! So.
Jensen: I got a two. When Dad came back and shot Yellow Eyes, that was the end of two, right?
Jared: Yes, yes.
Jensen: Boom. Okay, so I just told this story to my daughter actually the other day. When Dean gets thrown - when I get thrown against the tombstone and I pull the Colt out and then Dad grabs Yellow Eyes and I shoot him? So it was Fred Lehne's coverage and I dove into this tombstone that it was - we were shooting on stage, but the tombstone had been foamed so that I could really dive into it. So they had kind of a foam pad on the front of it? But it only covered the arching [?] portion of the tombstone, the base of it was still stone. And so I, you know [gets up to demonstrate], this was the tombstone [points at front of stage], I was here [takes several steps back], the cameras were here, so I was like they're gonna cut to this, I know they're gonna cut to me kind of flying into it [imitates leaping position], and then once I land [moves to lay against designated tombstone spot], then Fred walks up and the camera's right here [points over his shoulder from behind]. So I gained a little extra, because I was still young back then, and I dove, and I turned at the last second, and my ulnary nerve, which is also referred to as the funny bone, hit the corner of the stone.
Jared: Did you laugh? [Looks at Norton]
Jensen: From - and I mean, it was like a running jump, so it was - it was so much force. And I hit it, and my whole arm went numb and then felt like it was on fire. Like it was very traumatic, but I didn't yell cut because it was Fred's coverage. So I just very slowly rolled over and I was just like - my arm was just like vibrating [shakes arm]. And it was one of the most grueling pains I've ever experienced and to this date, this that this elbow is much more sensitive - like if I bump it, barely, it's like [pained inhale] OW - it's like hitting my funny bone all the time. And it was because of that. That was season two. [turns to Jared, pointing] Season three, he ripped his scalp off!
Jared: Scalp piece off! Season two I also broke my wrist.
Jensen: That's right.
Jared: Season three was the scalping.
Jensen: Season four? Do we have a season four?
Jared: I do!
Jensen: What happened? Oh, yeah he met his wife.
Jared: No no no no, not that at all! I'm just kidding, of course that's it.
Jensen: Ok! Yeah. Ruby was played by Genevieve Cortese, so boom, that's changed his life.
Jared: Season five is Swan Song.
Jensen: Season five Swan Song, I got beat up [puts hand over eye] and I had a thing on my eye -
Jared: Oh, yeah!
Jensen: and then the glue started to melt, just like yours did in -
Jared: Season two!
Jensen: season two. Oh, we're throwin' em down now!
Jared: Yeah, dropping em like it's hot.
Jensen: That was also assbutt -
Jared: Assbutt, yeah, that was five.
Jensen: and the bottle did not break.
Jared: That was amazing. Amazing. And remember [demonstrates throwing]
Jensen: You guys heard that story?
Jared: It's on the gag reel! Yeah, it's on the gag reel, they kept on throwing it -
Jensen: So, they didn't watch the gag reel!
Jared: Watch the gag reels!
Jensen: Anyway. Okay, that was season five, season six?
Jared: Soulless.
Jensen: Soulless Sam. Was that the pushup/pullup scene? [Jared fake preens] I mean, you gotta give it to your stunt double for that scene, that was pretty amazing.
Norton: [rimshot]
Jared: [flails comically]
Jensen: Thank you.
Jared: Season seven, uh, Dick. [Jensen deadpans] Roman! Dick Roman!
Jensen: Roman.
Jared: Turducken. That was the thing?
Jensen: Was that turducken? That was turducken, right? [fake horking sound]
Jared: Bobby died. [sounds of dismay from audience] See funny bone not so funny. [turns to Norton]
Jensen: Season eight?
Jared: Was great!
Jensen: Season nine -
Jared: Season eight was -
Jensen: was fine.
Norton: [rimshot]
Jensen: What was season eight?
Jared: The trials.
Audience: Sam's hair!
Jared: Season eight was, yeah, I had [gestures indicating long hair] -
Jensen: Oh, was that the shampoo commercial? Like the whole season was just a shampoo commercial. [rolls eyes] Wait, was that Samhain -
Jared: Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's season eight.
Jensen: Was that Samhain?
Jared: Samhain? No, that was season four.
Jensen: Right. [looks pointedly away] Um.
Jared: Right? [confirming with audience] Samhain was four. But [gestures to hair again, says ???] -
Jensen: We've established eight -
Jared: Yes, nine -
Jensen: Nine - oh, this is where it gets fuzzy. Like nine, ten, eleven, twelve [makes wavy hand motion] -
[Audience is shouting various things from here that they repeat and/or respond to]
Jared: Gadreel?
Jensen: What, was that Purgatory? Oh, Purgatory yeah. She's like - that was eight? [pointing] Oh, she says that was eight. Purgatory? Yeah, it was eight! [makes comically unsure face]
Jared: What happened in season nine?
Jensen: Somebody help us, what happened in season nine? This is embarrassing!
Jared: Tortilla?
Jensen: What's this? [slaps arm repeatedly] Oh! The Mark of Cain!
Jared: Gadreel! Gadreel! Mark of Cain and Tahmoh -
Jensen: Was that the fight with Cain in the barn?
Jared: That was the knife wound [points to knee].
Jensen: That was nine? I thought that was thirteen! [Jared laughs] Shit.
Jared: Okay, moving on -
Jensen: This is a disaster. [exaggeratedly angry] I told you this was gonna be a train wreck!
Jared: Ten. So here's something from ten I remember, it didn't happen on set -
Jensen: Wait! It was the the - the high school musical.
Jared: Yes...?
Jensen: That was the two hundredth episode.
Jared: Yes, which is what I - my biggest memory from ten, not on set, but in Vancouver -
Audience: Eye of the Tiger!!
Jared: [incredulous] Was that ten?
Jensen: [even more incredulous] That was, like, season ... two!?
Jared: Get with the program, that was like -
Jensen: When was that, what was that?
Audience: Four!
Jensen: That's what I said.
Jared: The two hundredth episode party.
Jensen: What?
Jared: The two hundredth episode party! At the Marriott or whatever -
Jensen: Yeah? What happened?
Jared: I dunno, that was season ten.
Jensen: It was the two hundredth episode party, Jared and I were probably drunk before it started. Eleven?
Jared: Killing Death. That was ten?
Audience: Amara!
Jensen: Tomorrow, what? Laura? Oh, Amara.
Jared: [imitates garbling of audience] Yeah, yeah, Amara.
Jensen: Amara, right, Big E Swalls.
Jared: Season twelve?
Audience: Mary!
Jared: Mary was in season one also!
Jensen: Twelve we got mom back, yeah, we got mom back. Oh, that was - was that the scene where I, was that the season where Dean has that confrontation with mom and basically says, says, 'You suck. I blame you.'?
Jared: Yeah, that was rough. Okay, we got - thirteen!
Jensen: That was a hard scene. Alright, great, that was, what was that -
Jared: Twelve.
Jensen: That was twelve. Thirteen! This is - we're just smashing this right now.
Jared: Jaaaaaaack. Al Cal.
Jensen: Jack? Oh, little nekkid boy, yeah.
Jared: Wasn't he in the last scene of the season, though? He was in his undies. Awww? He's a grown adult! I didn't say he was like, naked! He was wearing clothing.
Jensen: Poor Alex. Season fourteen?
Jared: Second to last one. [Jensen laughs] Penultimate, next! Fifteen, I don't remember it again. Um -
Jensen: Wait, fourteen, what happened in fourteen?
Audience: Michael!
Jensen: Michael.
Jared: Is that the air fight?
Jensen: Oh, right, that was the marionette fight. [exaggeratedly imitates a marionette on strings] This is me and Pellegrino's worst moment in our careers. Like just [imitates holding onto another person] holding each other, swinging, going, 'This is it. We'll never work again.' Bob Singer behind the monitor going, 'This is it, I'll never work again - they'll never work again!' [both crack up]
Jared: [gruff voice] 'This is it, they'll never work again.'
Jensen: Season fifteen, rusty rebar. There you go.
Jared: Oh, I love him! Guest star of the year!
Jensen: What? Of all the what? Just a little rusty rebar! That never hurt anybody. Well [holds up one finger] somebody.
Jared: Pie, I think pie in the face, I remember. The wig! [taps Jensen's arm] Yes, that was my I'll never work again! [both laughing]
Jensen: I remember I watched that episode and I was like, 'Ooof. What animal died that they put on his head?'
Jared: It was a Canadian raccoon. It's [???]. Um, yeah, alright, I guess that all wraps it up! Thank you.
Jensen: I need a nap.
Jared: Amen.
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crappymixtape · 2 years
all i want for christmas
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steve got you what he hopes is the best christmas gift of all time, but he's nervous and afraid of being soft and vulnerable in front of everyone and what if you hate it, but you don't and it's perfect | (  1.5k, fluff, friends to lovers, steve x you, steve x reader )
A L L I W A N T F O R C H R I S T M A S 🎶 christmas wrapping, the waitresses & 🎶 merry christmas darling, the carpenters
“C’mon, Henderson. You’re crinkling the paper! Christ, lemme do it,” Steve elbowed his way between Dustin and the present he was trying to wrap, shaking his head. “Have you ever wrapped a present before?” Steve gave him a look and Dustin scoffed.
“I’ll have you know I wrap presents every year with my mother and she tells me they’re perfect. Hm? Perfect. Thank you very much,” the younger boy frowned and shoved the box and tape at Steve. “But please, by all means, go right ahead.”
Robin snickered on the other side of the counter and Steve fixed her with a look. “You don’t have any room to talk,” he snipped, refolding the edge Dustin had just done to retape it.
“Is poor little Stevie nervous?”
Dustin snickered.
“You know I hate that,” Steve grumbled, keeping his focus on the task at hand.
“Sure do, and that’s why I love it,” Robin teased, grinning as she stood from her chair and came around to ruffle Dustin’s hair. “Look, Henderson and I got here way earlier than everyone else, to help I might add, and all we’re doing is sitting here watching you anxiety spiral. C’mon, Steve. They’re gonna be here soon.” She folded her arms over her chest and Dustin copied her, both of them staring a hole into Steve as he smoothed the last piece of tape over the wrapping.
Letting out an exasperated sigh he ran his hands through his hair for the fiftieth time that night, making him look more like Doc Brown than Steve “the hair” Harrington, “I know, I know, Jesus. Just gimme a minute, I’m thinking.”
It was the first time you’d all finally had time to actually do Christmas together and he’d offered his house for the party. Which, it did have plenty of space for everyone, and the tree in the living room looked incredible with the vaulted ceilings and glittering lights, but he was beginning to regret it. What if you hated his gift? What if he completely fucked it up? And in front of literally everyone no less.
“Harrington, get out of your head. Let us help,” Robin repeated, grabbing him by the shoulders as she leaned down to catch his eyes, “C’mon.”
“Yeah, she’s gonna totally freak out. It’s perfect, dunno why you’re so stressed out, buddy,” Dustin chimed in, taking the finished gift from the counter and nudging Steve’s arm with it. “I’ll go get it under the tree.”
“Yeah. Yeah, okay,” Steve sighed again and plopped down in the chair at the counter, drumming his fingers nervously on the marble top.
“Steve. Seriously. It’s sweet, she’s gonna love it,” Robin’s voice was softer and warmer after Dustin left the room. Covering his nervous fingers with her hand she gave it a gentle squeeze.
He grumbled at her, but Steve felt himself relax a little at Robin’s reassurance. Glancing up to meet her gaze, usual confidence shaky, his eyes were all big and full of worry, “You really think so?”
Giving him a big smile she shook her head, “Yes dingus, I know so. Now c’mon. We gotta get our shit together. You haven’t even put snacks out yet.”
“Shit. Okay, yeah c’mon,” and he hopped up from the chair feeling a little more confident, starting to bark orders at Robin and Dustin as soon as the younger boy came back from the living room.
Everyone else showed up almost exactly at the same time, the sound of Eddie’s van enough to tip anyone off, and when Steve opened the door it was like he’d broken a sound barrier.
“Harrington! Damn, nice digs, can I park my van here permanently?”
“Is your pool heated?? Just kidding! But seriously, is there a hot tub?”
“Here, Will made me bring– I mean, thanks for hosting, Steve. Merry Christmas.”
“If I don’t get new trucks for my board I swear to god…”
“Yeah, great, so glad you’re all here,” Steve’s face was a half grimace half smile as they all shoved past him into the house, descending on the snacks, hot cocoa, and peppermint schnapps. Nancy and Jonathan were the last to come in and when she saw the state he was in she gave him a small smile.
”They all love you, you know that, right?” she teased as Jonathan went into the kitchen with the others. Pulling Steve into a hug she grinned and gave his shoulder a small shove, “Your house is gonna totally be wrecked.”
“Amazing, incredible, just what I wanted to hear, Nance,” he groaned, but returned the hug anyway.
Holding him out at arm’s length she glanced over her shoulder, “She’s parking, but El hung back to distract her if you need a minute?”
Steve’s brow knitted together as he considered it. Did he need a minute? Your gift was already wrapped and tucked under the tree, just waiting for you to arrive, there was nothing else to be done but have you open it. “Uhh…” he hummed, still in his head about it, “N-no. No that’s alright. I’m ready.”
“Listen, Jonathan said the quality is great, and honestly that doesn’t even matter. If it were me opening it, I’d be a mess,” her tone was soft and kind and when she finally moved past him into the house Steve took in a deep breath and steadied himself.
It was fine. It was great. Everything was going to be totally amazing.
“Lucas! Seriously? Oh my god…seriously?” Max flung her hands around Lucas’ neck as everyone’s jaws dropped. This was the most animated, most emotional anyone had ever seen her as she ripped open a set of neon orange skateboard trucks and hot pink Slammer wheels. She was nearly in tears, but when she realized everyone was looking at her she sucked in a breath and shook her head, “Thanks, stalker.”
“Shit, Sinclair. Nice,” Steve muttered under his breath, ribbing the younger boy with a big grin. Lucas couldn’t wipe the smile off his face and he muttered something about it not being a big deal, but it totally was.
Then, one by one, everyone else went. Mike got Will a new art portfolio and a set of pastels, Jonathan opened a new Canon EOS-1 from Nancy, and Robin, El and Dustin went in together to get Eddie a new Warlock guitar – the other one got completely wrecked in the Upside Down – and he totally cried.
But then it was your turn and Steve’s leg was bouncing up and down and jittering the whole couch, and as Lucas passed it over to you, you felt your heart racing in your chest. “That one’s from Steve,” Dustin said, a huge shit-eating grin on his face, and everyone snickered.
“Shut up, Henderson,” Steve kicked at his foot.
“Thanks, Dustin,” you gave him a smile, but your eyes said quit it and he winked.
All eyes were on you. A flush rose in your cheeks as you slowly opened one side and then the other, but then tore the paper down the middle and Max snickered. I knew she’d rip it, she said to Lucas and you couldn’t help your smile.
The paper fell away and you were left holding a small, square, black book. Your brow furrowed in thought and you turned it over, eyes flicking up to glance at Steve who looked like he was about to pass out. “Open it,” Robin said for him.
Slowly you flipped open the cover and what you saw inside brought immediate tears to your eyes. Fitted in little corner frames were polaroids. Of you. You and Steve. You and the boys. You and Nance and Robin. You floating in the quarry over the summer. Steve drinking a beer by the pool. Eddie and Robin dumping snow on Dustin. Mike and Will asleep on the couch. Max trying to teach Lucas to skate.
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Biting in your lower lip you tried to find your voice. “Steve,” came out wobbly, your throat tight as a few tears slipped down your cheek, but the smile on your face told him you were far from sad.
“Told you,” Dustin shoved Steve so hard he almost fell off the arm of the couch and everyone burst into laughter as Nancy quickly enlisted a few people to help make another round of hot cocoa and Robin rounded the rest up by asking all the questions about their new gifts.
You were still sitting on the couch looking through the pictures when you felt the cushion next to you sink, but you knew who it was. “Good? You like it?” his voice was smaller than usual, tentative, but you could hear a tiny smile in there somewhere and you shook your head.
“Are you kidding? This is the best present anyone’s given me…ever,” your voice was still wobbly as you closed the album, setting it carefully next to you before turning fully to face Steve, “I love it.”
He looked at you then like your words were the best present anyone had ever given him and the grin on his face was warm and bright and full like summer and you couldn’t help but grin back. “Yes,” he said, as if he’d just sunk a three-pointer, but then he took your face in his hands, smile softer, eyes all warm honey and caramel in the Christmas lights. “God I love you. Merry Christmas, baby,” and then he kissed you.
POLAROID CREDITS: https://www.pinterest.com/nicolebiasiolo/, https://www.pinterest.com/paulinaibarra0493/, https://www.pinterest.com/remi3s/, https://www.pinterest.com/ane05_/, https://www.pinterest.com/jazcast1/
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist
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cuprohastes · 2 years
Lunch In Space Part 5
To be fair, the two Tsin med-tech were being really quite considerate. It's a Tsin thing.
The Tsin eat their honored dead, and thus, the question of whether they could persuade the Human Admin team to let me be dinner was kind of an indicator of high regard.
Either that or the Caf was out of Grottled Greebs and they were snacky.
They also were the techs there to keep the medbay hardware running and not the people who were allegedly treating my case of non-fatal death, so they get a pass on not noticing I was still alive.
The fact I was sitting up without any large chunks falling off told me that the how-to revival guide had been used and nobody had tried throwing hot water on me.
The actual medical team arrived in short order, no doubt alerted by one of the machines that was attached, or possibly by the brief screaming fit from the Tsin.
After an hour or so I was feeling much better, and me and my new tech buddies were shooting the breeze about the station, which had stopped falling apart.
"It's the space squid." I told them.
They politely indicated that I was obviously deranged.
"No really... Say did they bring in all the stuff that was with me? There were a couple of busted batteries."
"I dunno. I guess?" Said one who I'd decided to call Gnax, since that was what he introduced himself as. The other was Gwingbit, by which I determined they were a small male and a small female. Large females traditionally get descriptive names like Walks-In-Sunlight, over in Admin.
Gnax pulled out a tablet and held it in his upper right hand and checked. "Yeah. We grabbed everything in case... you know."
In case it turned into an inquest. 
"Sure but uuuuh, you really need to grab those batteries before they get recycled, they may still have evidence - the same thing that got the station got me".
Gnax scampered out eagerly. I got the feeling he was excited to be part of the big story and that his day-to-day wasn't very interesting. While he did that, Gwingbit sidled closer. For someone who looks vaguely like a four armed pangolin with ears way too close to their nose, the body language is often surprisingly human.
"So uh, you know Strong-Like-Sunlight?" She said.
"I cannot say I do... or," I said getting a suspicion, "I might not know that name?"
Gwingbit muttered, "Dave The Human". 
Oh right, Dave's actually a Large Female - Not that they're much bigger than the Small females. The names don't really translate well, so it's a sort of... For Dumb Humans label. Tsin have four genders, and I have very politely never asked about how that works. 
I never thought of Dave as anything but one of the Daves, but from what I know, I suspect she's actually kind of all that and a purple breadroll by Tsin standards.
"Oh, I'll tell her you said hi!" I told Gwingbit making her day, and then clammed up because Gnax trundled back with a cart, upon which were the smashed batteries. 
I had a vague memory of trying to feed my space squid one before going under. 
The induced hypothermia pretty much conserved my oxygen and power past the projected point of death, but reading between the lines, everything was tapped out by the time the rescue drone caught up. I got lucky.
We peered at the batteries, and the two Tsin made subtle "crazy human" gestures at each other, so I grabbed one and peered into it. Nothing. 
I picked up the other... well well! I dug my thumbs in and eased the already split case open, and lo and behold, there was my little buddy the space squid, tentacles curled, evidently napping after having snacked on the good stuff.
Gnax said something that the translator declined to provide a translation for but it was probably "oh snap" or "Gosh!".
"Who's the crazy human now, huh?!" I said with glee then screamed and dropped Squiddy because he just unfurled and tentacled my fingers a bit.
He tucked and rolled and we stuffed him in a plastic storage tub. I dropped the battery in and then we all looked at each other and felt dumb because this guy and his friends had eaten the station apart, so maybe a little plastic tub was not the impermeable barrier we hoped.
Squiddy on the other hand explored a bit, using it's little silvery tentacles to pet around the tub while we watched and made videos, then went back to nibbling the splayed open battery. 
We could see the little grinder it was using to snarf down little flakes.
I was very glad it was a dry battery or we might have had a nasty leak.
And about then, Raxy came screaming in.
You ever heard an Atrix screaming? Not reccomended. For a start, when you see a little guy on his own, it means that things are bad. And I knew Raxy so this was going to be something bad happening to someone I knew.
I knew it was Raxy, he was still wearing his jumper. I - in my spiffy paper pants and shirt - leapt off the bench and almost twisted an ankle. 
"Where's Gondy?!" I screeched and Raxy grakked at me, about a tenth of which I got, and hit turbo mode, doing a u-turn and heading out.
I am a highly trained EVA specialist. I can tell a "Timmy fell down the Well" scenario, and I was already moving. 
"Call the emergency response team" I yelled as I hurled after the small lizard. There was only really going to be one thing this could be - Gondy was hurt or in trouble.
Three turns and a sprint later he hit one of the bulkheads to a damaged section. The airlock was closed, but through the window I could see Gondy floating just beyond the airlock door on the other side. She was feebly pawing at her helmet which... Grak in a basket, it was cracked and leaking!
I yanked the lever for the airlock, closing the far door and crash equalised the pressure, hauling the door open before the atmosphere had stopped being misty and ploughed in, bare-foot into the freezing cold room to take a closer look. 
I was sure Gondy was still alive but I could see she was in a bad way. I couldn't tell if it was an impact or one of the space squid.
"Where's the emergency team?!" I screamed - Gnax was screaming into his tablet and Gwingbit was hauling the emergency cart towards us.
Well, clearly this was not going fast enough and given the fairly traumatic colours Raxy was displaying, he shared my opinion. 
I looked him in the eye and said with a calmness I didn't feel; "I'm going out." And then scooped the little guy up and bowled him out the airlock and pulled the door shut, panted deep and hard while I braced... and blew the atmosphere.
OK so things got unpleasant fast. When you crash dump the air out of an airlock, it vents both up and and down from the station, not out the door. 
It takes about ten seconds and then the door lock releases and it automatically opens - It's designed on the assumption that if you just pulled the lever for an emergency vent, you really need to get out fast. Think Fire.
Anyway about now my hands were swelling up, and it felt like I was drowning - Pretty much the case since I was screaming, and my lungs were filling with a froth, which itself was expanding and evaporating.
Top tip: Don't try and hold your breath when you depressurise. It will kill you even worse than vacuum exposure, and that's saying something.
In low pressure, water boils and freezes at the same time and I was exhaling all the water that had been keeping my tissues nice and plump.
You don't want to know what it felt like on my eyes. Or my skin.
About now I had maybe thirty seconds before I was dead. Maybe half that before i lost the ability to move.
I lunged and wrapped my arms around Gondy's leg, hauled her into the airlock by yanking back as hard as I could.
As she slid in and the gravity field hooked her she hit the floor and slid... I already was staggering over, mostly blind and kind of hooked my forearm around the big emergency lever: Designed for anyone in a spacesuit to operate: Thank my lucky stars it was, because my hands were swollen up too far to use my fingers.
I wondered why I was still screaming, and realsied the door was shut and the air was flooding back in. I yawped like crazy to equalise the pressure on my ears, tongue swollen up kind of hilariously. I mean I'd laugh but I was having problems breathing around it. Come to think of it, it might be because I just blew out a lot of tiny blood vessels in my lungs too. I wondered if my lungs might be filling with blood. 
The inner door opened to show two horrified Tsin. I walked past them and then passed out mid step.
When I woke up, I felt like I'd been sand blasted and there were a lot of tubes in places that didn't normally have tubes.
There's a joke about nurses installing new holes in you if you're not polite and at some point I must have said something bad about coffee, because someone had come along and punched an exciting number of new orifices into me.
I also had a fanclub.
My two adoring Tsin were practically glued to my side, and Gwingbit was making those soft little chirps which is the Tsin way of beaming so wide the top of your head comes off.
"You guys really are space orcs!" She squeeped. "Nobody believes it. you walked into a vacuum, like..." she waved. "If I didn't have the video, they'd never believe it! You're like a... a... I don't know! In one day you got hit so hard it tore the docking rail off, then you discovered the things that ate all the seals on the modules... And then you ran out of air and got frozen and just got up from being dead. And and and then you walked into space and just grabbed Atrix..."
"She's called Gondolier Dottirsdottir. Picked it this morning" I rasped. Wow. This morning? Less than 10 hours ago.
"... and Strong-Like-Sunlight came in to see you..." Gwingbit added. Ah. There we go.
They saved Gondy. Her helmet got cracked by high velocity crap that punched through the wall, stunning her and giving her a slow leak. I don't know how much longer she had but when they got her helmet off, she'd already taken some damage to her eye and face. 
Luckily, not more damage than we can deal with, though she was blind in one eye for a month. 
I got off lightly! My skin peeled off like a sunburn and I had to spend time on a ton of steroids and on extra oxygen since I slightly freeze dried most of my lungs and throat.
As for the space squid? As near as we can tell they're a Von Neumann machine. They mine, replicate and use a distributed network. They might even be smart, if you get enough together!
When they hit the station they just saw a big lump of something useful and started by stripping out all the most useful things they could find. Which largely was the stuff that held the place together.
There's a frequency they don't like. They poured off the station like you wouldn't believe once we blipped it at them. Who figured that out I don't know.
As for me? Now I just have to live with everyone wearing t-shirts that say "EVA 43: Just Going Out."
They couldn't have used my name? 
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nautiscarader · 11 months
Gonna need to steal ideas for my late smutember smut, so: WenDip have the shack to themselves, and the Mystery Shack just got a hot tub installed.
by sheer coincidence, FakeryWay just published this: https://twitter.com/FakeryWay/status/1718711843198312461 and I had to mix things up.
"Woah, that thing's new…", Dipper exclaimed at the sight of what looked like hot springs just a short walk from the Mystery Shack. The rocks partially hid the spring, and the steam added a layer of atmospheric mystery, especially now, after dark, with just a few sources of light illuminating theinstallation.
"Yeah, Stan added that a few months ago", Wendy explained, "It's a 'Wishing Spring'".
"A what?"
"You pay, get inside, and the magic grants your wish.", Wendy explained, waving her hands mockingly. "And if you piss in it, you get a thousand-year curse."
"Ew.", Dipper scrunched his face, "And Ford was okay with that scam?"
"Dude, do you think he'd be able to stop him? Plus it feels genuinely nice… Wanna try?"
Dipper flinched at Wendy's sudden proposition.
"What, now?"
"Why not? We have the Shack to ourselves", she replied, already undoing her shirt.
Dipper swallowed loudly. in the years since they became a couple and crossed the barriers of intimacy, he has learned that Wendy had quite an affinity for skinny-dipping, whether it was the swimming pooo,or random streams in the wild. And it kept sending the same shivers down his spine when she undid her clothes, becoming one with nature.
"Oh, wait, we gotta pay.", she remembered, tossing a few coins into the box.
"Heh, what did you wish for?" Dipper joked, following her move and adding some loose change to the pool. He froze when he noticed his girlfriend was already naked, the steam hiding just a little bit of her body.
Wendy smiled.
"Come'ere and you'll find out."
It wasn't long before the two naked youngsters dived into the soothing, warm water, getting only hotter as their bodies pressed against each other in heated embrace.
"So what's the punishment for having sex in the springs?"
"Dunno, no one did that yet."
Wendy shrieked when Dipper's mouth made it to her neck, sneaking a few kisses while their limbs became more and more entangled, ultimately making their naked bodies joined.
She let out a prolonged moan, as Dipper's cock slid deep inside her, her needy voice finally letting out the urges, emotions and thoughts that have been accumulating for long months while her boyfriend was gone.
And with Dipper being subjected to the same lack of physical pleasures, the water around them splashed more and more with each heavy thrust that made up for months of lost contact.
"Wendy-I'm gonna-", Dipper stuttered, as he felt pressure building in his loins.
"Do you want to know my wish, dude?", Wendy suddenly asked, gathering his attention. "I wish… I wish you came deep inside me."
"And I wish… I wish you gave me something so you can stay here…"
Dipper swallowed loudly. Even though she was dancing around it, he understood what Wendy had on her mind, even if the heavy topic was brought only a couple of times. But with him graduating soon…
Dipper let out a roar as he granted part of her wish, flooding her with torrent of his pent-up seed, her legs locking behind his back to ensure not a drop of his essence escaped. Her lips drank his cries, and he drank hers, as the young couple shivered in their shared orgasms, their bodies still joined in loving embrace.
For the longest time, neither of them spoke, the two exchanging a myriad thoughts about their future, as they looked in each other's eyes. Andthen, the water around became unsteady again, as the two continued making their wishes true.
"So, wait, I pay you, get in the water and my wish come true?", a confused tourist asked Dipper, reading the banner meant to lure people like him.
"Yup, it's as easy as that."
"And does it work?"
Dipper looked to his side, at Wendy sitting by the counter, selling souvenirs. His eyes gravitated first towards her round belly, pregnant with his twins, and, as she reached her hand to give change to a customer, to the engagement ring on her finger.
"Yeah, it does."
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flannelepicurean · 1 year
Karate's Bad Boy Mike Barnes
Okay, I FINALLY, LITERALLY, ACTUALLY got around to watching The Karate Kid Part III, and first off, this film is an absolute GIFT. I have...so many. Just so many. But I really needed to take the time to address a big point that was brought up by the excellent friendo who made sure I could see TKK3. Here you go:
I don’t think Mike Barnes is actually that bad of a karate boy.
I know what the article said. I saw the picture. It does indeed beg the question, “What did he do to get an entire article written about him, with the headline, Karate’s Bad Boy, Mike Barnes, emblazoned over THAT PHOTO? What deeds did he do that made him exactly the right candy to tickle the fancy of a towering toxic waste billionaire in a single-serving hot tub?”
Here are some FACTS, my sweet Cadbury snake eggs.
Mike Barnes is not karate’s bad boy, and he never was. Terry Silver is. You know it. I know it. Everyone in LA knows it. Mike Barnes knows it. And the minute he laid eyes on that shoujo-manga villain from afar, he was like, “I’m gonna sweep the leg on that man’s heart and get swept off my feet into a billionaire romance novel. [Dramatic turn] But HOW…”
Next thing you know, he’s storming into the HQ of The Karate Times to rock them like a hurricane, demanding they write an article about how he’s Karate’s Bad Boy. They scoff at him because, no, TERRY SILVER is karate’s bad boy. What, did you just get off the bus from turnip town?
And Mike is like, I dunno, “Actually, Kalamazoo, and I’ve been here for a couple years, but THAT’S NOT THE POINT, MAN! YOU GOTTA WRITE THAT ARTICLE!!!”
And the editor, whose name is Paulie, is like, “Why? You already knocked over Denise’s typewriter and a filing cabinet. Why would we do anything for you?”
And Mike’s like, “BECAUSE…[breathing with maximum nostrils] BECAUSE… [eyes becoming shiny] ...because…” And then he breaks down anime-style about how he needs senpai to notice him so he can do an elaborate scheme to win the heart of a billionaire villain.
Paulie and the entire staff lean forward like, “Wait…you’re saying that…you…and Terry Silver…”
Mike looks up. Fingers snap a jaunty rhythm in the background, and his eyes glow like prom-night lights as he begins to explain, “He…he…” A basso voice drops a jelly-bouncing, “JITTERBUG,” into the soundtrack. Mike’s grin twinkles. “Just…awakened something, I guess…”
Paulie slams his palms on his desk and rockets to his feet, hollers, “Why didn’t ya say so?! If you say you can break boards…let’s go see if you can break hearts.”
Mike looks around as the staff mobilize with gusto, hardly believing his luck. “Really? You’ll help me?!”
Paulie spreads his arms wide. “This is KARATE TOWN, kid! We do wacky shit like this all the time! Come on, let’s get you a PHOTO SHOOT!” Mike follows the staff to a warehouse area off the side of the office, where the lights are bright and the possibilities are endless, breathes with amazement, “Wow, so many punching bags…”
He hits that high with all the kicks. So many beats per minute on those punching bags. Puts the boom boom into everyone’s hearts and goes bang-bang-bang until Paulie shouts, “THAT’S IT! THAT’S THE ONE! START THE PRESSES!!!”
The building’s doors WHAM open a few hours later, and Mike steps out, a big stack of newsprint headshots clutched to his chest, his smile as dazzling as the California afternoon as he twirls like Mary Tyler Moore and releases them like doves or parade confetti into the air, then goes skipping down the sidewalk toward his destiny.
A cop snatches one from the air and calls, “Hey! That’s littering!”
Paulie sidles up next to him and warns, “Careful, Arnie—that’s karate’s bad boy, Mike Barnes.”
Arnie rolls his eyes. Scoffs, “C’mon. Terry Silver’s karate’s bad boy.”
Paulie gazes off at the trail of litter in Mike’s wake, a twinkle in his eye, and a gnomish smile on his face. “Not anymore.”
Arnie looks down at the picture in his hand: A sharp face, and fists poised, a mean mug like a mad mongoose, ready to take on a snake ten times his size. Raises a brow. Remarks, “Wow.” Turns to Paulie. “You’re gonna be busy.”
Paulie shrugs. “Denise is already workin’ on a wedding feature and a couple obituaries.”
Arnie shakes his head. “You picked the right town to do business.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Paulie chuckles. “It’s freakin’ bonkers here.”
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What did you think of lsf's easy?? I liked it! Though it's definitely jumping on the low-fi train that newjeans made trend, it's really different from their past title tracks and I liked the dancing. I wonder why they released on a monday - maybe a shift in focus to sk rather than spending much effort on the west for this album? Also I may be blind but I don't understand what about the mv was too inappropriate to be shown on kbs. I didn't think there was anything out of the ordinary about it
I'm finally answering asks!! I'm really sorry! I work until late and when I get home I only have time to wash and make dinner, eat, read fics for an hour, and then crash... I could've replied to you last weekend but I was still processing the comeback... Anyway, I really appreciate getting asks even if I don't respond quickly... Sorry.
I too was surprised they dropped Easy on a Monday. I wonder if that was strategic or a matter of logistics. Even if Easy's a Korean track, I'm sure they're still aiming for a Hot 100 debut and to grow in the West. Even groups who chart worse than LSF in the US drop music on Friday. Dunno...
I absolutely hate the music video. I had a pretty negative reaction to the song at first because the music video is so pretentious. LSF have become a mockery of their concept. The copying black aesthetics in the MV, the posing, the absolute randomness of the outfits, scenes, visuals. It was hot garbage. Their facial expressions don't help them look less ridiculous and pretentious, especially Yunjin. Regarding it being censored, I thought it was because of Sakura and Kazuha being in bed together, but I read it was actually the hair dryer in the tub?
I was disappointed that Easy was nothing like Good Bones, which was a pretty creative and bold trailer. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the album.
Easy's a great song. Right now I'd say it's my favorite LSF song. The choreo is good too. However, at this point I can't admit I don't like the group... I like their music, especially the title tracks, but I don't like their stage presence, their dance, their vocals, the image they project. Yunjin - and I'm sorry for being another Yunjin "hater" (not a hater, just not a fan) - annoys me with her exaggerated "I'm so hot and cool" facial expressions and mannerisms, and her voice is unpleasant to me; Eunchae is really young, I know, but her voice sounds flat and empty, she's stiff and looks scared on stage, and her dancing is awkward; Chaewon has a nice voice and stage presence, but she doesn't grab me in any way; Kazuha is a good dancer, with good facial expressions, and she's a decent singer (even without a good voice, she's versatile); and Sakura, who's my favorite member, can't sing and her stage presence isn't great.
Actually, on the topic of Sakura, they keep giving her the wrong lines. They try to give her easy lines because she's a bad singer, but it just makes her stand out even more, and some of the lines are so unnecessary the song would be better without them. She did so much better on Fearless and Antifragile - her stage presence was much better too. Now she just gives these empty smiles during her 1 second lines and it doesn't fit her at all. Sakura's fancams are actually the only LSF fancams that don't bore me, because she uses her head and shoulders really well, and she has nice subtle facial expressions - she's more dynamic and consistent than the others. Yet, on stage, she's the second most boring to watch after Eunchae. I think she could stand out a lot more if they knew how to utilize her, which they clearly don't. I just watched her debut Fearless fancam and her facial expressions were so much more natural there, and her lines didn't make her stand out in a bad way. Eunchae looked better in that fancam too.
Like I said, LSF have become slaves to their concept. At this point they're just caricatures.
Also, one more complaint, sorry! Their performances are pretty boring to me because they rarely sing. I'm honestly starting to hate kpop performances in general. I can't stand the non-singing. You have veteran groups (eg. Twice) who can't even sing without a very loud backtrack, and still skip most of their lines...
Anyway, the album itself is... okay. I don't really like LSF's bsides. They're generally soft which doesn't suit their weak vocals. Swan Song is nothing special, and neither is Smart. The choreos are meh too. We got so much might be my favorite bside in Easy. I think their best non-title track is probably Jewelry. That song is cool.
Anyway, sorry for the negative rant, I wanted to get it out of my chest... Thanks for the ask!
Edit: I just remembered something else I wanted to vent about. I see Redditors losing their shit over LSF's Easy encores, and they're all out of their minds, ffs. Haven't they heard their previous encores or any of their live vocals? LSF sounded pretty good in those encores. Sakura was pitchy and uncomfortable as always, but showed improvements, Kazuha sounded like the studio version, Eunchae sounded close to the studio version too, and Chaewon and Yunjin sounded good to me - I don't know why people are insisting Yunjin sounded off or worse than usual? They actually sounded better than in previous encores, but people are reacting like it was terrible. I mean, what were they expecting? You think Hybe uses so much autotune on them because they like autotune? They do, but they don't lather Jungkook's vocals in autotune, now do they? Still, it was a normal encore. I don't get the dogpiling on them over this.
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crimeboys · 1 year
hiiii cyrus :3 ✂ for the ask game?
✂ - share a snippet from your current/most recent WIP!
clingyduo scene from my spiderinnit fic. warning for spiders lul
“Ranboo’s unflappable, Tubbo, wouldn’t let me through worth anything. So I stole Techno’s keycard.”
“Techno’s?!” Tommy grins, shrugging. Bit of charm. Bit of silly swag. “Oh, you’re dead, Tommy, you’re so dead.”
“Is there a way out of here? So I’m not fucking dead?”
“Lockdown, Tommy! Do you know what lockdown means!”
“Sounds like a suggestion to me.” Tubbo makes a loud noise that could be complete and utter frustration but Tommy chooses to interpret as agreement. “Thanks, Tubs, I think so too.”
“You’re an idiot. You’re actually an idiot.”
“Alright! Is there anywhere? Alternate escapes? Scale the building but down?”
“No!” Then, Tubbo perks up. “Wait! Wait, Wilbur said when he was a kid, Phil took him down a weird, cold hallway during a lockdown and they went and got ice cream!”
“Weird hallway, alright,” Tommy mutters, Tommy thinks. “He say what floor?”
“I dunno! It was a while ago.”
“That’s fine, it’s a good clue. It’s probably down then, eh? Bottom floor maybe?”
“Because hot air rises,” Tubbo agrees.
“What? No, ‘cause most secret hallways are on the bottom floor. That’s just science, Tubbo.”
“I am literally a-”
“There’s no time, Tubbo!” Tommy grabs his arm and books it toward the elevator. It’s down. Because of the whole stupid fucking lockdown thing. “Fuck! Where’s the stairs?”
“This way!” Tubbo says, leading him a little further down the hall. They barrel down the steps, hearing distant shouts over the frankly too-long and far, far too-loud alarm, and by the time they reach the basement door Tommy is pleasantly surprised that 1. They did not fall down and die considering Tommy’s uncoordinated attempts at keeping the tarantula in his hoodie pocket and Tubbo’s insistence on doing the stairs two steps at a time 2. The fact that Tommy actually did manage to keep the tarantula in his pocket, thank you very much! and 3. The door was actually unlocked. Amateurs.
They push through the door and nearly fall over each other, but Tommy rights himself on Tubbo and Tubbo rights himself on a wall. Tubbo shoulder-checks him, just enough to push him off, but grabs Tommy’s arm before he can actually fall. Not that Tommy ever would.
“Should be this way,” Tubbo says, letting go of his arm and nodding his head down the creepy fucking hall that almost certainly leads to Hell.
“And this is where Phil took Wilbur to get ice cream?” Tommy asks, rubbing his cold arms. “Are we sure it wasn’t to axe murder him, and then Phil got cold feet? Like, seriously fucking cold feet, oh my God, why’s it so cold?”
“Heat. Rises.”
“Well that’s just silly.”
Let it be known that Tommy Innit is no pussy, because after a quick poke to the spider in his pocket to make sure it’s alive and not freezing its little paws off and a small little in-place jog staring into the abyss that is this fucking basement, he takes a not even slightly tentative step forward.
Then he stops, laughing nervously at Tubbo, “You know where we’re goin’, you should lead the way, yeah?”
“No clue, actually,” Tubbo chirps. He nods his head toward the completely dark Hellscape again again. “I mean, you’re the one who stole the keycard, right? Leading this grand heist?”
“Oh but Tubbo, my friend, you’re the brains of this operation, aren’t you? I’m just the muscle!”
“So you should lead the charge, in case we get attacked. Great idea, Tommy. Maybe you’re the brains and muscle of this operation.” Tubbo nudges him forward. Tommy hates him. He should’ve just graffiti’d Techno’s office and gotten lunch with Wil.
“My wife died today, y’know! She was with child.”
“Then what have you got to live for?”
With a groan, Tommy makes the sacrifice and starts forward. It gets colder the further they go. He keeps his hands in his pocket, partly to keep them warm and partly to make sure Shroud is too. It gets so dark, Tubbo takes his phone out and turns on the flashlight. Neither really actually leads, sticking right next to each other so their shoulders are pretty much glued together. Tommy thinks he sees light, just a bit, at the end of the Hellbound hall.
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kvrinas1 · 2 years
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Hi, my love. 
Since you wrote to me, you inspired me to write back. Kind of sad most people don’t do this anymore, huh? I feel like there’s so much romance in some handwritten letters being exchanged. We should do this more often whenever we’re away from each other, shouldn’t we? Aside from it being insanely romantic, it also gives us something to look forward to until we get to be back with one another. Anyways -- I miss you. That’s a given. But I really, really, really miss you. I miss waking up to your handsome face, and your arms wrapped around me, then your lips against my forehead and your voice softly filling our room. I can’t wait until you’re back and I get to have all that again and I get to be with you again. I’m extremely proud of you though! I always am as your biggest fan, so you better never forget that or we’re tussling, mister~ You’re killing it, baby, and like I’ve said numerous times, I genuinely couldn’t be prouder of you and the guys and can’t wait to see everything you’ve got in store~
I want to gush about you for a second, so..you better let me! Though..you can’t really stop me since you’re a few thousand miles away! You really are the best guy I’ve ever met before. I’m truly the luckiest girl alive to be able to be with someone so..amazing like you, Xiao Dejun. I dunno what I did in a past life to deserve you, but I’m pretty damn thankful I did it. Like..out of all the people on the planet that you could be with, you chose me? And we get to spend the rest of our lives together? The thought alone makes me so insanely giddy. I can’t wait to be your wife..to be Mrs. Xiao~ It already sounds like it was made for me, does that make sense? Probably not. You know how I get when I’m all giddy and emotional! I don’t ever make sense! But you know what I mean..or at least I think you do. Anyways..I also can’t wait to have little ones of our own running around one day in the distant future, because you’re gonna be the best daddy to our kids. But that can wait for now! I want you all to myself for just a little while longer~
To formally answer the things in your letter, I wanna really start planning our wedding and finding our venue, or at least where we wanna get married. I was kind of thinking..maybe we could get married in China? We don’t have to though! I was just thinking about how special it’d be for us and for you. Also, I was thinking for our vacation, maybe we could go to Seychelles? It seems like such a secluded little place where it could be just us for a little while, away from the rest of the world. Lastly..like I said before, I wanna start looking for a proper home for us. One with a big lawn and maybe a pool~ Or at least a hot tub!
I sent some Anyways..I’m rambling huh? I’m sending some things along with this letter to help you feel a little closer to me, which includes the Tiffany bear you got me when you asked me to be your girlfriend, one of my large oversized sweatshirts that’ll fit you just right, my favorite chocolates (which you also love~), and one of my favorite bracelets. 
I love you, Xiao Dejun. Forever and always, Little Dragon.
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megan-loves-surveys · 6 months
Do you prefer cold or room temperature drinking water? Both is fine, but when I'm working out or it's humid, I prefer it to be super cold.
Has a romantic partner ever given you a pet as a gift? No.
Did you ever go to daycare as a kid? No, I think I only went kindergarten/preschool. For preschool I remember going to the morning session mainly.
Who’s one of the most talented people you know? What are they talented at? I know lots of wrestlers, they're talented xD
How long have you had your current mattress? Probably too long, I think I got it in 2011 lol.
What’s your sexuality? Bi.
What’s your gender identity? I'm female.
Are you the type of person who can make friends with just about anyone? It depends.
Have you ever experienced a medical emergency? Yep.
Do you have one of those removable hand-held shower heads? No.
How many burners does your stove have? Four.
When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer to sit at a booth or a table? Depends.
What’s something you think everyone should do/experience at least once in their life? Travel, even if it's not far from where they live.
Has your car ever been broken into? I've never owned a car.
Have you ever read the Hunger Games series? No.
Do you live in the city or a rural area? Suburbs lol.
Have you ever been bitten by a wild animal? No.
Are you close to any of your cousins? No.
What song did you last listen to? Liberty X - Saturday
Do you watch a lot of movies? I don't like movies that much.
Ever witnessed a murder? No O_O
Does your room have a ceiling fan? No.
What are your religious views? Atheist.
Are you a romantic person? I can be.
Have you ever failed a subject before? Yep. Art, Maths and Photography. LOL.
Have you ever been injured in a car accident? I've been hit by a car if that counts.
What was your favorite television show as a child? Barney, Sesame Street, Simpsons, Pokémon, Saved By The Bell etc.
Are you afraid of insects? Yes.
Are you cold-natured? You mean personality wise or physically? Cos no to both. I actually run super hot, I can overheat even in cold weather and I sweat at the drop of a hat. In fact, the only part of me that gets super cold is my feet - I can be wearing a t-shirt and shorts but have big thick socks and ugg boots on my feet lol.
What annoys you most about social networking? People are fucking stupid, they believe any old shit they see and they forget real humans are on the other end of the posts.
What is your favorite kind of flower? Sunflowers.
Do you think you’re living a good life? Sure, yes.
Have you ever played on the Ouija board? No.
Do you wish your life were simpler or more interesting? More interesting.
Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? No.
Do you take naps daily? Rarely ever.
What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? Dunno.
Have you ever been in a hot tub before? Loads of times. It was like a necessity in motels in NZ in the 90s to have a hot tub out the back on the patio xD
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?) Probably my aunt and uncle, they've been married since before I was born, cos they were married when one of my cousins was born and he's like 6 years older than me.
Do you take your shoes off when you come inside? I take them off at the front door if they're wet, otherwise I take them off when I get to my room.
What’s your favorite movie series? Pirates Of The Caribbean.
What is something that’s considered a luxury, but you wouldn’t want to live without? All of my subscriptions to various websites like YouTube Premium etc.
What was the first social media site you ever used? One of the ones that died super quick like Hi5 or something. I never had Myspace lol.
Do you have any exes you really regret dating? Yes.
Is your best friend male or female? Female.
What’s your least favorite holiday? I only celebrate Christmas and Easter really lol.
Have you ever been sexually attracted to a fictional character? Hahaha yes.
Have you ever had a crush of a person of your own gender? Yes.
Who was someone you felt unsafe with but had to be around in your life? Nobody I can think of.
When was the first time you felt sexualized? No clue.
Are your values more conservative or liberal? I don't think I'm either cos I don't go for all that 'woke' stuff, but I also don't agree with a lot of the other side either, I'm more in the middle.
If you could go back in time and change something what would it be? Not get hit by a car, lol.
Have you ever lost a nail completely for any reason? What happened? Yes, my toenail got infected and I had to have it removed and let it grow back. It was weird.
Have you ever had any experience with alcoholism? No.
What color eyes do your pet(s) have? I don't have any pets.
Do you watch The Great British Bake Off (or The Great British Baking Show as it’s known in the US)? I don't think it airs here.
Are you the sort of person who can nap or sleep anywhere, anytime? I wish.
Will you ever call it X, or will you always call it Twitter? Twitter lol, like most people still do xD
Are you a fast walker? Not really, I have short legs so I struggle to keep up a lot of the time.
Were you susceptible to peer pressure as a teenager? Maybe?
What website do you spend the most time on? Probably YouTube or Reddit.
What was the hardest time of your life? 2017 from June onwards cos that's when I broke my shoulder, the rest of that year was taken up by healing and physiotherapy.
Who’s the person you feel safest with? My parents and my boyfriend.
What kinds of books do you read? Fantasy, non fiction etc.
The most serious injury you’ve ever had? I've had a few different ones - I broke my femur as a kid, and then in 2017 I broke my shoulder in 5 different places, and I also broke my other arm at the same time. It was rough.
Have you ever read someone’s diary, without them knowing? No.
The weirdest thing people have ever picked on, about your appearance? For being short. LOL, thinking back it makes no sense. What's wrong with being short? Loads of people are short xD Plus, we were kids so none of us had finished growing yet lol.
First time you met a transgender person? I probably met some and didn't know they were trans, but one of the wrestlers at my indie is trans, she's awesome. She's the first I can think of that I knew they were trans right off the bat (her thing is that she's the first trans wrestler in NZ).
What’s the most hurtful thing someone’s said about you? I don't usually care what people say about me, but once on a dating site a guy said I looked 'retarded' in my photo. Firstly, that's offensive in general, and second, I definitely don't look that way so fuck that dude.
Who is your most problematic crush? Dunno.
What is the worst thing one of your family members has done to you? Not to me personally, but my Uncle borrowed a bunch of money from my Mum, and never paid it back. Everytime she asked for him to pay her, he'd make up excuses as to why he couldn't. I told her not to give him the money, she ignored me, only to later admit I was right :/
Do you tend to speed when you drive? I don't drive.
Do you get bored with relationships quickly? No.
Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? No clue.
Do you have an online game that you play often? I don't play multiplayer games lol. Only games like Pokemon Go xD
Do you wear glasses? Yep, have done since I was 13.
How long does it take you to normally take a shower? 15 minutes or so, a bit longer if I have to shave haha.
Have you ever burned incense before? I hate incense, it smells horrible and gives me migraines, so no.
Ever been on a picnic? Yes.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend who was depressed? Yes. He didn't tell me though, I found out after we broke up.
Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? I'm an adult xD Even if I was a teenager, I couldn't climb out cos I live on the second floor.
Was the last person you kissed younger or older than you? Older.
Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? No.
Do you like waffles? Love them! Especially with banana and bacon.
Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive? Depends on the person.
Do you always wear your seatbelt? Definitely.
Have you ever liked someone much older than you? All the time. My boyfriend is 18 years older than me lol.
Do you have any secrets that nobody knows about? Sure.
Do you believe prayer really works? No.
Are tongue piercings slutty? Nah.
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40? My boyfriend is far over 40 lmao for starts xD He's 54 haha and is sex on legs <3
Least favorite alcoholic drink? Beer. It's just gross to me.
Have you ever kissed someone named Paul or Luke? Not that I'm aware of.
How did you meet the last male you texted? We met while I was jogging haha, I stopped outside his house to catch my breath and he was outside at that time - we got to chatting.
Do you wear skirts a lot? Not a lot, but I do wear them sometimes.
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? 10 or 11.
Are you one of those people who claim to live with no regrets? I only have small regrets, nothing life changing.
When was the last time you wore eyeshadow? No idea.
What is your favorite color eyeshadow to wear? -
Would you rather work with animals or work with children? Animals.
Would you rather work with children or work with teenagers? Neither, but if I had to pick, then teens.
Would you rather watch a movie, watch a TV show, or watch a YouTube video? YT video.
What was the last type of cookie you ate? Not sure, but prob chocolate chip.
What is your favorite type of frosting for a cake? Chocolate.
Do you know anyone who wants to be the president one day? No, cos where I live, we have a prime minister.
Do you have your mom’s or dad’s hair? Neither, they're both brunette and I'm naturally blonde lol.
Have your parents ever been out of the country? My Mum wasn't even born in NZ lol xD And my Dad has travelled loads of times.
Do your pets chase after bugs? -
Is the last person you spoke to in love? Yes. With me :P
Who was the main character in the last book you read? It was a non fiction book.
Who are the last people you saw kiss? Hmm, not sure.
Have you ever posted a fanfiction on a website? Yes, I used to post on fanfiction.net.
What was the last unpleasant thing to wake you up? My alarm. HAHA.
When you get married, who will be the maid of honor/best man? -
What was the last thing you took a picture of? My lunch.
When you go to McDonalds, what drink do you usually get? Coke Zero Sugar. If it's not available, then I'll get frozen Coke or L&P.
When was the last time someone took a picture of you? My boyfriend the other day.
Would you date someone who’s shorter than you? I mean sure, but I don't know many guys who are shorter than 5'3" lol.
Do you mind being the third wheel? Depends.
Have you ever felt guilty after doing something sexual? No.
Do your parents know if you’re having sex? I'm an adult, so it's none of their business.
Do you prefer candy corn or conversation hearts? Never had candy corn, and the hearts are nice.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever had in your mouth? Haha...
Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No.
(If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you “shortie” instead of girl? Yes.
Do you think you’re more cute or sexy? Cute, I get called that all the time.
What did you eat for lunch today? I went to this really great café and had blueberry pancakes with bacon and fruit. I only get to go there once a month cos it's not near me, I only go there when I work in my company's second office.
What was the last thing you threw up? Dunno.
Last person’s house you were in? Apart from my own house, my boyfriend's.
Are you someone’s best friend? Yes.
Favorite gemstone? Ruby.
What is the last thing you said to the person you like? We were talking via text before, I said "I'm having dinner now" haha.
Missing anybody? No.
Do you want any tattoos? If yes, what? Not really.
What are your plans for the day? Today is almost over lol, it's 8pm. I had work today in our company's second office which I only do once a month for a few days.
What did you have for breakfast? Nothing.
What colour hair do you find sexiest on the opposite gender? All of them, I'm not fussy.
What celebrity did your most recent ex resemble? I've been told he looks like Mox actually... which is hilarious.
When did you last consume something that had peanut butter? Today!
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a-slutty-wonderland · 2 years
Shit happens and you get drugged
The weekend started out rough. If you sugar, its synonymous with getting flaked on. The weekend started out rough. I had plans Saturday night, and was stoked cause he was only in town for one night meaning big $$. After I had shaved my whole body and was almost done with my make up, he tells me, " You seem like a normal girl and wouldn't expect anything transactional." I was pissed. I had already cancelled on someone so that I could see this guy instead. When I told him no, I have bills to day. He said fine, let's just fuck for 30 minutes and he'd pay me pennies. He went from "you're lovely" to "you're just a dirty whore". I went off on him. Maybe I'll post my message I sent to him one of these days.
Then I felt like I lucked out when someone responded to my es*orting ad and wanted to meet that night. after hours of back and forth, he flaked. Then ANOTHER guy flaked. The silver lining of the night was sexting a guy interested in a femdom. I got to let out all my male hatred and he sent me a $100 amazon gift card. I was able to order groceries with it.
Sunday night I went out with a sugar daddy I'd seen before and as I sat down to wait for our table he venmos me $1000 like it was nothing. He said, let me pay your rent real quick. He is generous and kind and we really get along. I got to have crudo and scallops and we even fucked in a hot tub while he licked cold champagne off me. It was fun.
Then there was Tuesday night. I met this guy who was very straight forward about how much he was going to pay me and the frequency of it. I love that. That night I was already bummed cause I tried to audition at a strip club for the first time, only to not be able to cause I didn't have my SS card :(. But I met this guy at his hotel bar. He had just moved to the city from Atlanta and had the most beautiful accent. He was born in Belgium and his parents were from Honduras and Ghana and spent a lot of time in Ghana. He kept telling me I had amazing energy and was so kind. I had fun.
I drank 1.5 cocktails, and somewhere in that period of time I went to the bathroom and left my drink unattended. First mistake of the night. I trusted him for some stupid reason. We went up his room and smoked the tiniest amount of weed, but it was the strongest weed I've ever smoked. The room started spinning and wow I needed to throw up. The kind when the only thought in your head is "don't throw up don't throw up don't throw up!!!" I got through it. We had sex. Second mistake of the night. Always get your money up front. But I was silly and desperate and trusted him. He said his HR would pay me the following day. I believed him.
The room should not have been spinning. I've worked at a bar where the managers give you shots constantly and the room still never spun like that. I had no control.
I made it home, and texted my room mate to wait up for me cause I felt unsafe.
I spent the entire next day throwing up. and did the money reach my account? Of course not.
I was drugged. Either that or I dunno, maybe I hadn't eaten enough, maybe it was the combo of the drink and the weed. I don't know. But I felt disgusting. And so shaken up.
I called the hotel and told them what happened. I gave them all the info I had.
So who knows what happened next.
Be safe, don't leave your drinks unattended and take care of yourself.
xoxo, Valerie
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Your Daddy Don't Know 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Not really a full series, more a little drabbling here and there ft. dilf!Frank Castle. Leave a comment or some feedback if you like! <3
Warnings: age gap, slight dubcon so far, fucking, smut, this is just a smut series
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Frank Is right, it’s hard work. After a whole week of waking up early and showing up on the site, you’re sore and tired and ready to collapse. You sit in the truck as Frank drives and you dream of a weekend of late mornings and doing absolutely nothing.
As he pulls up to your house, he idles and stretches his arm between your seats, his thick hand above your shoulder. You smile at him as you try to wipe the plaster from your fingertips.
“See ya Monday?” you say.
“Monday?” he scoffs, “so, you don’t wanna come over, maybe relax in the hot tub?”
“Are you asking?” you bat your lashes.
“No, telling,” he flicks your chin playfully, “bet you feel those two by fours right along your shoulders,” he tickles the tee shirt and puRrs, “I could loosen you up.”
“Give me an hour,” you say, “let me get cleaned up.”
“Why? You’re just gonna get dirty again,” he winks.
“I gotta come up with a good lie for my parents.”
“Which would be?”
“I dunno, going to a friend’s?”
“Oh, so you think I should just blurt it all out?”
“I’m playing,” he says as he draws his hand back, “go on… get nice and spiffy for me, sugar.”
“Hmm, sleep is starting to seem more tempting,” you taunt.
“Ah, that’s what you’re gonna do now?”
“Come on, Frank, I’m kidding,” you say as you grab the door handle, “but you better save the energy, old man, it’s gonna be a long night.”
“We’ll see who needs their energy,” he shakes his head.
You drop out of the truck and turn to shut the door behind you, sending him a grin through the window. He rolls his eyes and turns to angle into his driveway. What you would’ve thought was annoyance is something you never expect. He’s amused and you hope, very impatient.
Thankfully, your parents were on their way out as you got home. You shower, dress, and grab a snack before you head back out. Beneath your cotton dress, a bright orange thing, you have your bikini and deep inside, a yearning for the bubbly jets up your tight back muscles.
Frank’s garage door is open as it often is and he tinkers at the wooden table and sips from the neck of his beer bottle between fumbling. You’re quiet as you slip off your flip slops and sidle around the car. He drops the metal part and spins, leaning casually against the table.
“You tryna sneak up on me, you’re gonna have to try a lot harder,” he snickers with a wink and takes another swig, “you want a beer?”
“You offering?” you cross your arms, disappointed that he caught onto your game.
“You needa relax, sugar, the hot water will only do so much,” he teases as he goes to the mini fridge nestled beside his tool chest and opens it without looking, taking another bottle in hand, “I think you earned it.”
He offers the bottle and you take it as he nods you past him to the door that leads up the steps into his house. You’ve never been much further than the porch or the garage. You admire the black and white photos framed along the wall as he directs you to the back door and you continue outside into the shade of a looming elm.
He brushes by you, tugging subtly on your skirt as he stomps down the steps. You glance over at the high wooden fence and wonder if anyone saw you scurry over. Oh well, you could lie as long as no one was peaking through the boards.
Frank pulls back the cover and puts his bottle in the cupholder that hands against the siding of the tub. How many nights did he spend out here just watching the night sky and drinking. Somehow he was still deliciously mysterious to you.
“You swimming in that?” he says as he pulls his shirt over his head, the old Metallica tee crumpling over the plastic chair sat out around the firepit, “I forgot my trunks.”
He chuckles as he pushes down his jeans and you hold back a gasp as his cock bobs, half-cocked already. You giggle into the brown glass rim and cross the grass. You glance around as you lift your dress off. He grips the side of the tub, pausing as he eyes you then pushes himself over the edge.
“Hmm, you can keep that one,” he smirks as he adjusts the dial and the water begins to ripple around him. He sits back against the corner and spreads an arm along the rim, pointing below the water before him, “right here, sugar.”
You drain half your bottle and plunk it in another cupholder and climb into the tub, pushing through the bubbles as he watches you. His patience irks you, makes you want to jump on him as he watches, but he can only hide it so much as you glimpse his erection through the waves.
“Come on,” he grabs your wrist and twists you around, sitting you between his legs, his excitement firm against your back.
He shifts and his calloused fingers grasp your shoulders. He needs and you moan, clapping a hand in shock at how good it feels and the noise that rises. He chuckles and nuzzles your hair as he continues his tending along your neck and shoulders. He presses along the muscles of your back and you groan, gripping his thick thighs as you rub yours together.
“Mmm, you’re tense,” he hums, “you paranoid?”
“Paranoid?” you breathe.
“Think someone’s gonna see us?” he rasps as he tugs as the string of your bikini and the knot comes undone. The cups droop and bare your chest, “don’t think they can but they might hear us, huh?”
“Frank,” you chide as you lean into him, “don’t tease me.”
“Me? You been teasin’ me all day with that ass,” he brings his arms around you and fondles your chest, “and these.”
You gulp and a tight giggle breaks through. You push your head back into him as he rolls your nipples between his fingers. He kisses your cheek and raises his hand to grip you chin and to your mouth against his. He rumbles and you feel the twitch of his dick against you.
“Goddamn,” he purrs as he parts and his other hand slips down your pelvis, “you’re such a fine little thing.”
He pushes your bikini aside and his fingers delve between your folds. You inhale sharply as he plays with your clit and your cunt slickens beneath his touch. He dips two fingers into you and lifts you. You press your hands to his thighs and help him angle you over his tip.
He eases you down onto him as the heat of the water adds the sweat nipping at your neck. He rocks you in his lap as he leans back and groans. He grips your hip with one hand and your shoulder with the other as he guides your motion. He snarls as you move your hips, water sloshing between you and around you.
“Fuck, sugar, you’re so good,” he growls as your walls squeeze him and your fingers dive along your bud.
You toy with yourself as he plunges deeper with each tilt of your hips. His hand snakes around your throat and he pulls you back so your back arches and you grunt through your teeth as you quicken your fingertips. You feel yourself getting close, never feeling as full or free as it that moment.
“Frank,” you utter, “Frank, I’m gonna cum.”
“Go on,” he sneers as his grip on your neck tightens, “cum for me, sugar.”
You squeak and swallow down your cry as you quake and chase your climax. He keeps you moving as you tear your hand away from your sensitive clit and brace the plastic seat around his thighs. He holds you against him as he replaces your fingers with his and coaxes you to another orgasm.
“The way you take me, sugar, like you can’t get enough,” he snarls as he plants his feet and lifts his pelvis, thrusting from below as he raises you higher, “I can’t either.”
You cum a third time and bite your lips as you sink your nails into his sides, the soft flesh over the taut muscle firm and hot. He turns you suddenly and shoves you against the side as you catch yourself on your knees. The water splashes wildly as he lets loose and pounds into you with short, strong strokes.
“Fuck, sugar, here I go,” he pulls out of you suddenly and you whimper at the cold emptiness.
He stands and stretches his fingers across the back of your neck as he keeps you pinned to the tub. You feel ribbons erupt across your shoulders and down your back as he trembles and you gasp for your breath. He finishes and staggers back in the water, sitting heavily against the corner once more.
“Mmmm,” he reaches over and presses his fingertip to your lips, poking between them as his thumb caresses your cheek, “you relaxed, sugar?”
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