#hot beverage tea coffee pack
atlantisplus · 8 months
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novlr · 1 year
How to write the cold
The way we feel cold is universal, but the way we contextualise it is not. Cold has a variety of connotations for readers, so it's important to decide how to use it, and what mood you want to convey in your scene.
While cold is often associated with negative aspects in writing, if there's anything the winter season teaches us, is that it can be a positive thing as well. Rather than just using the word cold, in your next writing project, try to contextualise it. Describe the weather, the light on the snow, the comfort of warmth after an icy swim, or the fear and loneliness of the dark on a cold night.
Here are our quick tips on how to write the cold:
In nature
Clean mountain air
Glittering ice crystals
Unique wildlife, like snow hares or polar bears
Snow muffled sounds
Steam rising from hot springs
Icy water in rivers and lakes
Overcast and rainy
Bright sun on fresh snow
Icebergs, glaciers, and ice floes
Storms and blizzards
Branches moving and creaking
Frozen ponds
Morning frost on grass
Snowdrops pushing through snowdrifts
Crisp and clear night skies
Wolves howling in the dark
Bare branches scraping against windows
Eerie shadows
Foods and objects
The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg
Heavy winter coats and scarves
Rich, hot meals with lots of gravy
Tea or coffee left out too long
Ice-cream, sorbets, or ice-lollies
Metal that is cold to the touch (like pots and pans or door handles)
Cold beverages straight out of the fridge
An icy bath
Freezer trucks or walk-in refrigerators
Dry ice
Crisp, fresh sheets on cold nights
Ice sculptures
A tap with a drip that freezes in place
Frozen celebratory drinks (like daiquiris)
A single cube of ice floating in a whisky glass
A cold pack for an injury
Character moods
A lack of affection
Calm and calculated
Character body language
Hunched shoulders
Crossed arms
Snuggling into something warm
Rub hands together for warmth
Tight or strained expression
Biting dry lips
Furrowing brow
Glaring against brightness
Tense and rigid stance
Stand close to others
Slow, deliberate steps
Move quickly to somewhere warm
Sitting relaxed in a warm space
Actions and events
Start a fire or build a shelter
Winter hikes
Outdoor activities like skating, skiing, or sledding
Traffic jams or snowed in cars
Frozen lakes cracking underfoot
Dodging icicles falling from rooftops
Going ice-fishing
Long sea voyages
Suffering from a cold, the flu, or pneumonia
Snuggling under a warm duvet
Sipping from a steaming hot drink for comfort
Cold-water swimming
Walking to work in the rain
Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere
Chrismas in July in the Southern Hemisphere
Reading a good book by the fire while it snows outside
Positive aspects
While cold is often associated with negative emotions, using it as a juxtaposition can often help to accentuate the positive feelings you want to convey.
If it's cold outside, a character enjoying a hot chocolate under their duvet will give a much more positive impression than if they were simply staying in bed.
The beauty of the natural world in winter, like snow, ice, and winter foliage can also be used to create a scene of happiness and wonder.
Negative aspects
Cold is often used to describe characters who are emotionally detached, calculating, or generally unfeeling. It's become an easy way to clue your readers in to how they're meant to feel about your character.
There are also more creative ways to use the cold, however, like describing the disappointment of forgetting about a hot drink you put down somewhere and only remembering when it's already gone cold, or the feeling of shock after you first step out of a warm shower.
Helpful synonyms
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Just thought about Ghost learning to enjoy small things (mostly food) in his life through coffee.
So here is the idea:
Ghost always preferred tea over coffee.
Tea was something soothing and calming, something he could drink to fall asleep easier. He enjoyed the taste which was kind of herbal and pleasant on his tongue. Even the process of making it, the routine of waiting for the tea leaves to do their magic, pouring just a bit of milk, waiting for the tea to cool off just a bit so it didn't burn his lips.
Tea was a luxury, something he did because he wanted to, but he also did it rarely for the exact same reason. He rarely felt the need to satisfy himself with things he just simply enjoy.
Coffee on the other hand was a necessity. Something he had to pour into himself usually boiling hot and straight out of the kettle. The beverage was bitter and heavy on his pallet, almost nauseating and leaving this awful aftertaste in his mouth.
But it was necessary for him to drink it. He needed it to wake up and get through the day after a night of terrors.
He for a long time didn't understand how Soap could enjoy this.
But then he noticed Soap making his coffee every morning.
Taking his time every morning.
Sometimes adding various syrups
and whipped cream.
Ghost at some points doubted if Soap was for sure still drinking coffee.
But he was curious, so one morning he asked Soap to make him a cup too.
And he was surprised when Johnny asked him "With what Lt?".
And Ghost realized that he had no idea what he actually enjoyed. He never paid attention to those things, he never actually bought anything for himself 'just because he thought he would like it' except tea.
So he told Soap to surprise him. And he actually did.
Because when Soap's coffee wasn't even close to his tea, he did enjoy it.
It was sweet, creamy and cool- maybe even refreshing.
So he began to ask Soap for coffee every morning. And with time he developed a taste for things. An enjoyment for a chocolate latte with whipped cream and brown sugar sprinkled on top.
Yes, it was atrocious and probably shouldn't even be called a coffee. But he liked it.
And he noticed that Johnny started to serve him small snacks with his latte.
Some he despised, some he liked and some became his absolute favourite. Soap would always get him more of those which made Ghost mutter in approval or close his eyes in enjoyment.
Soon Soap could vaguely say which snacks Ghost would enjoy.
They learned Ghost likes milk chocolate but not dark chocolate. He didn't like gummies and banana-flavoured things- it tastes artificial.
Soap cringed when he bought some liquorice candy for Ghost, just to fuck with him a bit just to realize that the bastard actually loved that black excuse of a candy.
But what was nice was the fact that when they were both on supply runs, Ghost began to... kind of look longer at things at the store. He never actually took those things himself- but Soap was always sure to snatch those things and put them in their cart.
Ghost silently appreciated that.
It was a long road for Ghost to learn that he can have nice things just because he feels like it.
But one special day in a grocery store, when he and Soap were already heading to check out. Ghost stopped and grabbed a pack of marshmallows and before he put it in the cart he looked at Soap like he would be denied this sweet snack.
But Soap only smiled at him.
"Didn't know you like marshmallows, Lt."
"I don't know if I do... I never had them."
"Well, it's a great time to try!"
And Soap smiled the whole way to base because Ghost finally wanted something for himself.
I don't know what I mean by that, I just kind of went with the flow. Sometimes I Just get the urge to write about those two, you know?
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eddiemunsonspantschain · 11 months
Sick Day - S.H & E.M
Author's Note: Wrote a short thing, now I wrote a long thing!
Pairing: Steddie x Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff, not edited at all, afab reader, no used of Y/N
For myself and @corrodedcorpses the sexy babes with colds
There was nothing that you hated more than being sick. It started as just a little tickle in the back of your throat that started at work. You knew it was the beginnings of a cold. So you drank hot coffee and tea in the hopes it staved off the growing sickness. Your efforts were futile though. When you had gotten home the scratching hadn't gotten better. Both your boyfriends had noticed as you cleared your throat for the millionth time but neither said anything, just shared a look. Finally, Steve was the first one to say something.
"It's nothing. Just some crud in my throat." You waved him off. He didn't seem convinced.
The three of you piled into bed at the end of the nigh, Eddie calling dibs on being in the middle. You didn't mind. You laid there, back pressed to Eddie's chest as he spooned you through the night.
The next morning though, you woke up alone. When you looked at the time you saw that you slept more than you usually did which meant the boys let you sleep in. At the first swallow of saliva of the day you felt the pain radiate in your throat at the movement and sighed. "Fuck." You croaked, wincing at the sound of your voice like you took a fresh pack of Eddie's Camels and chainsmoked the entire pack in one sitting. You rubbed your hand over your eyes, knowing that the boys were going to just send you straight back to bed the moment they heard you.
Deciding not to be a lump on a log, you pulled yourself out of your shared, large bed and looked for a pair of pants. You grabbed Eddie's red plaid sweatpants, pulling them up to your hips before shuffling out the door. Steve stood at the stove, poking at scrambled eggs. Eddie noticed you first, always the silent and observant one. You moved towards the coffee pot knowing the heat of the caffinated beverage would help soothe the soreness of your throat. Eddie already pulled down a mug. A black mug with Michael Myers's face on it. He poured your coffee and you leaned your body against his as he fixed up your cup of caffeine. When it was ready he picked it up to hand it to you. You gently took the mug, feeling the heat seep through the ceramic. Eddie leaned down for a kiss as he usually did in the mornings but you jerked your head back quickly. Hurt flashed across his eyes at the sight of you pulling away. You reached out, pressing the tips of your fingers to his lips.
"Don't," You croaked gently. At the sound, Eddie's chocolate orbs widened with concern hearing you and Steve stopped what he was doing to look at you.
"Oh, honey. That does not sound good." Steve set own his spatula.
Eddie kissed the tips of your fingers before gently pulling your hand away. "I'll be fine." You reassured them and took a sip of your coffee. You sighed as the heat soothed your throat.
Eddie leaned in, a pout settling over his lips as you jerked back again. "Eddie," You warned softly.
"I'll take your germs. I'm getting kisses. Germy kisses. Sickness be damed." Eddie insisted, taking your face in his hands. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, leaning in to give him the kiss he so wanted. He grinned when you pulled apart, happy to have gotten his morning kiss he craved so much.
You looked at Steve. "Do you damn sickness too?" You asked him.
Steve laughed and leaned in, kissing you too. "I do." He answered and turned back to the stove to get the eggs out of the pan before they burned.
The three of you had breakfast. The boys insisting you have some orange juice with your breakfast for the vitamin c. As soon as you ate you felt the fatigue hit you already. You shuffled towards the bathroom, determined to shower since you felt awful. You spotted Steve changing into outside wear and stopped to watch him change. Steve looked up, chuckling seeing you watch him.
"Enjoying the show?"
"Of course." You smiled, leaning on the door frame of your guys shared bedroom.
"I'm gonna run out and get you some medicine and soup, honey. Eddie'll be with you." Steve leaned down to kiss your cheek before kissing your forehead. After a second you realize he wasn't kissing your forehead but moreso feeling your forehead with his lips. He hummed disapprovingly. "You feel warm." He murmured, arms wrapping around your form.
"'M wanna shower." You mumbled against his chest.
"Shower carefully? Maybe a bath. One that isn't too hot."
You huff and kiss his throat. "I don't want a bath. Shower."
"So shower, sweet girl." Steve answered, knowing you were likely to do as you pleased instead. When you were sick you could be a little stubborn and needy. Neither male minded at all.
"Go. Be quick." You told him, patting his belly affectionately before moving into the shower. You shut the door and started to strip, hearing the door to your apartment open and close. Once you were nude you turned the shower on. Despite usually showering in fairly hot water you made it not too hot, already feeling the warmth Steve had felt through his lips just before. You stepped into the shower and sighed in relief at the feeling. You stood under the spray of the water and heard the bathroom door open thinking nothing of it. Eddie had come into the bathroom as you showered before to pee or sometimes open the shower curtain just to look at your bare body. Especially when you were scrubbing your skin clean. So when the shower curtain opened you didn't think much of it again until you felt Eddie press against your back. You sighed and relaxed against him. You knew as soon as you finished in there you'd be crawling back into bed.
Eddie peppered soft kisses on your shoulder as he moved you both so he could get under the spray. You turned in his arms, loosely wrapping your arms around him to rest against his body. You heard the squirt sound of your near empty bottle of shampoo and then a moment later the scent of your favorite shampoo filled your nose as Eddie lathered it into your hair. He took his time scrubbing your scalp, gently running the shampoo through the ends of your hair before rinsing it out and moving into the conditioner. He took a moment to wash his own hair with the shampoo you got him for his curls before he rinsed out your conditioner and moved on to washing you. Eddie diligently scrubbed your body down to make sure every inch of you was clean with his and Steve's bodywash. Once you were clean he cleaned himself, letting you hold onto him as he did.
Your eyes fluttered open as you lifted your head from Eddie's chest. Steve was now stepping into the shower. "That was fast." You mumbled as he got himself wet under the shower head.
"Had to get back to my babies." Steve chuckled, kissing your head.
You and Eddie stayed in the shower as Steve cleaned himself up too. Once you were all clean the boys stepped out of the shower. Eddie wrapped a towel around his hips while Steve grabbed a towel and wrapped it around your body. You carefully stepped out of the shower and shuffled to the bedroom. You dried yourself off, watching as Steve and Eddie both pulled on comfy clothes signaling they would be staying in with you all day. You finished drying off, smiling as Eddie approached you with one of his shirts. You lifted your arms, letting him pull his Iron Maiden shirt over your form. Steve handed off a pair of your comfy panties to Eddie who knelt down to help you step into them. Next was a pair of Steve's shorts. Once you were all dressed you were ushed back into bed. You got in, settling in the middle of the bed.
Eddie moved to the TV, rifling through your guys collection of VHS tapes you had in the bedroom as Steve went to the kitchen. When Steve returned he had a can of Coke, a bottle you recognized as cold medicine and a spoon in his hands. He sat beside you and set the can aside. Your nose scrunched knowing what was coming as Steve poured the orange liquid into the spoon. "I don't want it." You mumbled like a child and Steve chuckled.
"Well no one wants it but you'll feel better." He answered and held the spoon up to your lips. You sighed and opened your mouth. As soon as the spoon was in your mouth you whined at the taste and swolled it down. A second later the Coke can was presented to you and you chased the awful cold medicine with the sweet soda. This repeated a second time before Steve capped the bottle and gave you a kiss to sweeten the deal.
Eddie joined you a moment later as Steve went to put away the medicine. "Yucky." He murmured as he gave you a kiss, "The torture is over, for now." He smiled and gave you more kisses. You whined and cuddled into Eddie's side. When Steve came back you immediately reached out, grabbing at the air in his direction to indicate what you wanted. Steve chuckled, lifting the blanket and urging you both under it before joing you. You sat sandwiched between your boys as you watched Nightmare on Elm Street together. Nine times out of ten if Eddie was choosing the movie it was going to be a horror movie.
As you watched Rober Englund kill Johnny Depp, you felt the exhaustion pulling at you more. By the time you came back there was a different movie on and you figured you had dozed off longer than you thought as Eddie was gone. You were curled up against Steve, dropping on his chest as he watched the movie on screen. You wiped the corner of your mouth before wiping at his chest.
"Sorry," You mumble and wiggle to sit up a bit.
"Don't be sorry." Steve reassured you, watching as you look over at the clock. "We didn't wanna bother you. Eddie's making you food."
"What's he making?"
"Chicken noodle soup, dandelion."
You nod, wiggling out of bed to go use the bathroom and blow your nose without grossing out your boyfriends. Even though you knew Steve would reassure you it didn't bother him and Eddie would ask if you got any good ones out. When you finished you got back in bed as Eddie came in with a tray. Three steaming bowls sat on the tray along with more sodas and a sleeve of saltine crackers. He got into bed, setting the tray on his lap. Steve carefully took a bowl for himself and set it on the nighstand beside him before taking a soda and some crackers. You picked up a cracker and munched on it as Eddie opened your Coke and his own, too. You took your Coke and sipped it gently. You reached for your bowl, noting it was the one with the most even distribution of chicken, noodles and veggies.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Eddie took the bowl from your hands and set it back on the tray. "It's super hot, baby. Hold on," He gave you another cracker and had you wait a few minutes. Finally, when he deemed it good enough an saw Steve nod in approval in concerns to the temperature of his bowl of soup, Eddie picked up yours. He scooped up a spoonful and blew on it for a bit before touching it with his tongue.
"Eddie," You whined softly. You were hungry. Eddie blew on the spoon a bit more before eating the spoonful. He nodded and handed the bowl over to you.
"Was making sure you wouldn't burn your tongue, babe. I know you hate when you do." Eddie answered, watching you carefully take a spoonful of soup and blow on it.
"You hate it too." You noted to him and Eddie grinned.
"I know and my gorgeous girlfriend always scolds me to let things cool down and blow on it before eating it." He answered, kissing your cheek.
Steve chuckled beside you. "Remember when he burned his tongue bad enough it wasn't right to him for days." He reminded you both and all of you shared a laugh. Eddie had a bad habit when he was really hungry of just shoveling food into his mouth without checking to make sure it's alright first. You had scolded him countless times to be careful especially since he got whiny and pouty when his tongue didn't feel right til it healed.
"Remember when you choked on a baby tomato." Eddie pointed at Steve.
"Hey, that was an accident!" Steve laughed and you giggled.
"Yeah and Wayne smacked you hard enough on the back that you launched it across the room." You reminded him.
"Good thing I found it after." Eddie noted with a grin.
You all finished your dinner together. You gave Steve your best puppy dog eyes as you held up your bowl. "You want another?" Steve asked you and you nodded your head.
"I got it." Eddie answered as he took your bowl and Steve's on the tray back into the kitchen.
Steve grabbed a hair tie, moving to gather your hair and get it off of your neck while Eddie was gone. When Eddie returned he had just your bowl and was blowing on it as he walked back to bed. He gently handed it off with a cautious look before joining you both in bed again. You had switched to watching TV shows as you had your second helping. Steve took the bowl to the sink when you finished and you wiggled down into the blankets. All three of you spent the rest of the day watching TV and cuddling with breaks for more medicine despite your nose scrunches and whines. As the evening took over you curled up to Eddie as he took out his worn copy of The Shining, reading it aloud to you. Steve disappeared to get the night time medicine, spoon feeding that to you while Edie paused his reading. You chased it with some water and Steve climbed back into bed with you both. He spooned you as you cuddled against Eddie's chest, listening to him read the story to you and the rhythum of his beating heart as you dozed off to sleep only able to breathe out of one nostril.
Eddie stopped when Steve tapped his hip. He looked down to see you asleep, mouth open, on his chest. "She's out." Steve whispered, watching Eddie mark his spot in the book and set it aside. Eddie wiggled down to lay down better, chuckling as you whined softly and shifted to get comfortable again. You grabbed at Steve's arm around you before settling back down again on Eddie's chest. "She'll be better soon."
"I hope so." Eddie murmured, "Not that I don't like her being needy. I love it. But I don't like her being miserable."
"I know. Me too." Steve sighed and shifted to lean over you, stealing a kiss from Eddie.
"We are soooo getting sick too." Eddie chuckled, stealing kisses from Steve before he could answer.
Steve scoffed, giving Eddie a deep kiss. "Worth it." He answered with a grin before settling back down with you.
Eddie leaned over to shut off the bedside lamp, laying with his two favorite people until both him and Steve fell asleep with you. They knew in the morning they would be letting you sleep in and be ready with medicine early even if you hated it but prepared for another day resting with you, happily stealing kisses until one of them showed a sign of sickness, too.
Worth it.
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rachellaurengray · 6 months
30 Low Calorie Starbucks Drink Menu Items
As a health-conscious individual, navigating the enticing world of Starbucks can be challenging. Fear not! I’ve curated a comprehensive list of 30 low-calorie Starbucks drinks, ensuring you can indulge in your favorite beverages without compromising your fitness goals.
Tips for Customization
Before we dive into the list, here are some tips for customizing your drinks to keep them low in calories:
Opt for almond milk as a lower-calorie alternative.
Choose sugar-free syrups or sweeteners.
Explore unsweetened options for teas and iced drinks.
Now, let’s explore the delightful world of low-calorie Starbucks concoctions!
Hot Picks:
Caffè Americano (Short): A classic at 5 calories.
Flat White, skim milk (Tall):Creamy goodness at 70 calories.
Caramel Macchiato, almond milk (Short): Sweet and light at 80 calories.
Mint Majesty Herbal Tea (Tall):Calorie-free relaxation.
Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Espresso (Tall): A cool treat at 60 calories.
Cold Delights:
Cold Brew with Cold Foam, almond milk (Tall): Smooth and satisfying at 40 calories.
Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato, sugar-free syrup (Tall): Heavenly and only 60 calories.
Iced Coffee, no classic syrup (Grande): Simple and calorie-free.
Nitro Cold Brew (Grande): Bold and calorie-free indulgence.
Iced Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew, sugar-free syrup (Tall): A sweet pick-me-up at 70 calories.
Teas and Refreshers:
Green Tea, no sweetener (Tall):Antioxidant-packed and calorie-free.
Chai Tea Latte, skim milk (Tall):Spiced perfection at 70 calories.
Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink, no sweetener (Tall): Tropical and under 20 calories.
Hibiscus Starbucks Refreshers, no berries (Tall): Refreshing with less than 50 calories.
Iced Blueberry Black Tea, unsweetened (Tall): Fruity and under 10 calories.
More Icy Options:
Iced Guava White Tea, no sweetener (Tall): Exotic and under 30 calories.
Iced London Fog Tea Latte, almond milk (Tall): Earl Grey elegance at 60 calories.
Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade, no sweetener (Tall): Tangy and under 40 calories.
Cinnamon Dolce Herbal Tea (Tall):A warm, sweet sip with 0 calories.
Iced Matcha Green Tea, unsweetened (Grande): Energizing and calorie-free.
Warm and Cozy Choices:
Iced Peach Green Tea, no sweetener (Tall): Refreshing and under 10 calories.
Caffe Misto, almond milk (Tall): A comforting choice at 50 calories.
White Tea with a splash of almond milk (Tall): Delicate and low-cal at 10 calories.
Iced White Chocolate Mocha, sugar-free syrup (Tall): Indulgent at 60 calories.
Strawberry Acai Refresher, no strawberries (Tall): Vibrant and under 60 calories.
Additional Options:
Iced Passion Tango Tea, unsweetened (Grande): Tropical and calorie-free.
Decaf Pike Place Roast (Short): A mellow choice with only 5 calories.
Iced Espresso (Solo): A quick, invigorating sip with 5 calories.
Caramelized Honey Latte, skim milk (Tall): Sweet and light at 90 calories.
Iced Guava Passionfruit Drink, no sweetener (Tall): Tropical and under 10 calories.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Are these drinks suitable for a low-calorie diet?
A1: Absolutely! I’ve carefully selected drinks that are not only delicious but also friendly to your calorie count.
Q2: Can I customize these drinks further?
A2: Certainly! Feel free to adjust sweetness levels, milk choices, or ask for no whipped cream to suit your preferences.
Q3: Are these options available in all Starbucks locations?
A3: While most ingredients are standard, availability may vary. Don’t hesitate to ask your barista for assistance.
I hope this guide adds a sprinkle of joy to your coffee runs! Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s sip our way to a healthier lifestyle together. Cheers!
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rainyfestivalsweets · 1 month
Low Cal beverages
One easy swap is to not drink your calories. But it does help to stay hydrated, especially if you work out a lot.
Liquid calories are often not satisfying so why waste the cals?.... if this is you, here are some things I am trying:
Water. Iced water, warm water.
Broth- 5 cal bouillon cubes
Tea- Cold brew & hot. Try everything & find your favorites.
Monster ultras- 10 cals
Water mix-ins like Mio.
Crystal light or similar packs
LMNT electrolyte replacements- YUM
Ultima-another electrolyte brand
Coffee- Yum.
Skinny coffee syrups. I'm Boujee.
TrueLime packets. Quite refreshing.
Boost shots (transform-Chris & Heidi Powell's company)
Instead of booze, I have been drinking NA beverage replacements. My favorites are hiyo, recess, & moment
I do diet soda too. 1 can of like a Dr pepper zero strawberry n cream in the afternoon, when I crave a sweet. I used to go to an ice cream replacement or a protein (candy!) Bar. I do non caffeinated in the evening, especially helpful for CBD time.
Try everything. Use whatever works to stay hydrated. I realize in my old age that I was definitely not hydrated most of my life.
I realized that for whatever reason, I could not drink alcohol, even on just a weekend basis and be successful on a weight loss journey.
Any drinks at all- even a moderate 2 white claw evening Friday or Saturday would completely stall me.
Sometimes you have to figure out what is holding you back.
*edited for spelling mistakes and autocorrect eff ups.
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asa-do-your-thing · 5 months
Question Time
Thank you for tagging me @nyctophilic0vitnir <3
What is a bad habit you have?
I smoke... although it used to be much worse. I'm down to half a pack a day.
What’s your dream job?
Historian / Museum Curator!
How many times have you been pulled over by a cop?
Never, I cannot drive hehehe, public transport for the win
What are the top two words your friends would use to describe you?
interesting~ and smart
Dream travel destinations?
I'm not that much of a traveller, but I'd love to see Kopenhagen, Oslo, Amsterdam and Edinburgh again.
Are you more independent or need lots of people around you?
I hate being dependent and working with a team, so I think I am pretty independent.
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Yeah, but not my thing to be honest.
Favourite Beverage?
Oh, that's tough. Hot: Cappucino, Cold: Ice Tea (preferrably home made), Alcoholic Hot: Filter Coffee with Plum Schnapps, Alcoholic Cold: APEROL SPRITZ
No pressure tags: @targaryen-dynasty @toms-cherry-trees @succnfuccubus @marthawrites @bucknastysbabe @hieronymph @bouncehousedemons @ripdragonbeans and any- and everyone else!
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 26. Preparing the other’s drink for them - Aether/Meliora Pack
WC: 777
Read under the cut or on AO3.
Aether doesn’t wake up first, but he always ends up to be the first one in the kitchen. With a solid purpose, every time.
The quintessence ghoul takes out five different mugs from the cabinet and places them in a specific order on the counter.
First from the left a simple, big mug in a violet color, white on the inside. The next one was similar, though smaller and all black, with an evil Elmo in flames and a text ‘everything is fine’ on it. It made Aether chuckle every time. 
Then a slimmer mug with piano keys around, and a handle in the shape of a music note. Next in line was much bigger, handmade, and it could as well be a bowl if not the handle. It was green on the inside, and the outside was brown, with a leaf texture. The last mug was small, especially next to the previous one, white inside, shiny greenish-blue on the outside, with a 3D coral reef theme and a tentacle shaped handle.
Aether then took on to prepare the ingredients that were going to end up in the mugs, and set the kettle to boil the water. He dropped a bag of black tea and two spoons of white sugar into the first mug, only one spoon of brown sugar and five of instant coffee into the second one, a bag of special tea made by Mountain with one cube of sugar into the third. Three spoonfuls of not bagged green tea into the big one, and four of sweet cocoa powder into the last one.
The quintessence ghoul poured hot water only into the first three cups, adding a splash of milk to the coffee in the second one and three pumps of raspberry syrup into the third one. Before the rest of his pack woke up, it all would probably already be cold, anyway.
But Aether did set a packet of small marshmallows and a measured amount of milk ready to be warmed up next to the last one. He also put four matching spoons into each, only the coral mug got a different one as Dew would never touch something with the wrong spoon.
Just as he was setting the kettle back, he heard a yawn from the hallway. He didn’t need to turn around or sniff the air to know who it was, “Good morning, Firecracker.”
“Hi, Starshine,” Ifrit hummed, coming closer to wrap his arms around Aether’s middle, chin hooked over his shoulder.
“Your coffee should be ready,“ Aether nuzzled his cheek into the fire ghoul’s horns. “Just stir it well.”
“Thank you, lovely,” he jumped over to sit on the counter after giving the other ghoul a quick kiss, taking a sip of the hot beverage then. “Perfect, as always.”
“I’m glad. Noticed anyone else awake?” Aether asked, grabbing his own cup and sitting down in the chair in the corner.
“Zeph, should be here in a-”
“Hi there,” the ghoul themself interrupted Ifrit’s announcement. 
“Minute,” Ifrit finished.
“Oh, Aeth, how I love you,” Zephyr sighed, noticing the steam coming from their mug, grabbing at it and nearly moaning at the sweet, herbal scent.
“Love you too,” the quintessence ghoul giggled, patting his lap inviting Zephyr. They took the invitation with a purr, melting into their packmate.
Before another member of their pack emerged from his room, the three of them already moved onto the common room couch. They turned to look at Mountain when he grumbled his greetings, and it resulted in a fit of giggles.
“What’d you do to him?” Ifrit asked, having Dew limply thrown over the earth ghoul’s shoulder in mind.
“Oh, I-” he stuttered. “I may have pounded him into the next week yesterday evening.”
“He was moaning so high I doubt he’ll utter a word today,” Zephyr chimed in. Dewdrop let out a noise of complaint, but no words indeed.
Aether shook his head, just as Mountain grinned widely and walked into the kitchen, Dew still on him. The rest of the ghouls could hear the water boiling and microwave warming up the milk, and soon two ghouls returned to the rest of their pack, Mountain handing two mugs to Zephyr before plopping Dew down onto Ifrit’s lap.
The earth ghoul sat next to them, taking his tea back and started sipping on it slowly, murmuring his thanks to Aether. Dewdrop’s lips were glued to his mug already, opting to thank the quintessence ghoul through their mind link.
Soon, they would all get up to go on with their day, but all of them knew that the next morning it would all take place again.
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secretdrinkmenu · 6 months
30 Low-Calorie Starbucks Drinks to Sip Guilt-Free
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As a health-conscious individual, navigating the enticing world of Starbucks can be challenging. Fear not! I’ve curated a comprehensive list of 30 low-calorie Starbucks drinks, ensuring you can indulge in your favorite beverages without compromising your fitness goals.
Tips for Customization
Before we dive into the list, here are some tips for customizing your drinks to keep them low in calories:
Opt for almond milk as a lower-calorie alternative.
Choose sugar-free syrups or sweeteners.
Explore unsweetened options for teas and iced drinks.
Now, let’s explore the delightful world of low-calorie Starbucks concoctions!
Hot Picks:
Caffè Americano (Short): A classic at 5 calories.
Flat White, skim milk (Tall): Creamy goodness at 70 calories.
Caramel Macchiato, almond milk (Short): Sweet and light at 80 calories.
Mint Majesty Herbal Tea (Tall):Calorie-free relaxation.
Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Espresso (Tall): A cool treat at 60 calories.
Cold Delights:
Cold Brew with Cold Foam, almond milk (Tall): Smooth and satisfying at 40 calories.
Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato, sugar-free syrup (Tall): Heavenly and only 60 calories.
Iced Coffee, no classic syrup (Grande): Simple and calorie-free.
Nitro Cold Brew (Grande): Bold and calorie-free indulgence.
Iced Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew, sugar-free syrup (Tall): A sweet pick-me-up at 70 calories.
Teas and Refreshers:
Green Tea, no sweetener (Tall):Antioxidant-packed and calorie-free.
Chai Tea Latte, skim milk (Tall):Spiced perfection at 70 calories.
Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink, no sweetener (Tall): Tropical and under 20 calories.
Hibiscus Starbucks Refreshers, no berries (Tall): Refreshing with less than 50 calories.
Iced Blueberry Black Tea, unsweetened (Tall): Fruity and under 10 calories.
More Icy Options:
Iced Guava White Tea, no sweetener (Tall): Exotic and under 30 calories.
Iced London Fog Tea Latte, almond milk (Tall): Earl Grey elegance at 60 calories.
Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade, no sweetener (Tall): Tangy and under 40 calories.
Cinnamon Dolce Herbal Tea (Tall): A warm, sweet sip with 0 calories.
Iced Matcha Green Tea, unsweetened (Grande): Energizing and calorie-free.
Warm and Cozy Choices:
Iced Peach Green Tea, no sweetener (Tall): Refreshing and under 10 calories.
Caffe Misto, almond milk (Tall): A comforting choice at 50 calories.
White Tea with a splash of almond milk (Tall): Delicate and low-cal at 10 calories.
Iced White Chocolate Mocha, sugar-free syrup (Tall): Indulgent at 60 calories.
Strawberry Acai Refresher, no strawberries (Tall): Vibrant and under 60 calories.
Additional Options:
Iced Passion Tango Tea, unsweetened (Grande): Tropical and calorie-free.
Decaf Pike Place Roast (Short): A mellow choice with only 5 calories.
Iced Espresso (Solo): A quick, invigorating sip with 5 calories.
Caramelized Honey Latte, skim milk (Tall): Sweet and light at 90 calories.
Iced Guava Passionfruit Drink, no sweetener (Tall): Tropical and under 10 calories.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Are these drinks suitable for a low-calorie diet?
A1: Absolutely! I’ve carefully selected drinks that are not only delicious but also friendly to your calorie count.
Q2: Can I customize these drinks further?
A2: Certainly! Feel free to adjust sweetness levels, milk choices, or ask for no whipped cream to suit your preferences.
Q3: Are these options available in all Starbucks locations?
A3: While most ingredients are standard, availability may vary. Don’t hesitate to ask your barista for assistance.
I hope this guide adds a sprinkle of joy to your coffee runs! Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s sip our way to a healthier lifestyle together. Cheers!
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lynnlovesthestars · 2 months
☕️ for lynn
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Lynn is a tea and infusions person, he usually likes black teas with citrusy flavours, his favourite is an earl grey with hints of tangerine and a splash of milk. He doesn't use sugar in it, he prefers honey. He has lived mainly a poor life, honey was the only expensive thing that never missed in his home when he was a child, because his parents were friends with a beekeper that would gift them honey whenever they helped him. Since their passing, Lynn has always made sure to have honey in his pack, saving some gold for it through the weeks.
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atlantisplus · 7 months
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
rae.... how are u...... how's life.... what are you reading rn & is it good? how do u like ur tea? what's your fav sentence you've ever written? and most importantly how's the weather!
hi hello!! what a nice message i'm doing good life is fun rn i'm on a little. weeklong vacation been having a good time walking around + exploring etc...got 2 pet some sheep got a fun manicure bought a bunch of presents 4 my friends + family went 2 a spa!! 4 the first time fun new experience...getting a tattoo tomorrow afternoon which i am v excited abt <3 unfortunately the trip is coming 2 an end i have tomorrow & then half the day wednesday before i take a train back home in the afternoon and then i have. one week!! 2 pack up my entire apartment + say goodbye to all my friends before i move...life is a whirlwind rn & it's mostly fun atm but next week i'm worried that the sadness of leaving behind the city(&country!) where i've lived for 2 years is finally gonna start settling in </3
as for reading i've been in a bit of a book slump lately...been wanting something fast-paced + fun but haven't been able 2 settle on something new to actually pick up & start...i did finally start reading volume 1 of marx's capital this past week but it is. SUCH slow going...i'm taking notes + reading it in v small chunks 2 try & absorb it all so i haven't even finished ch 1 yet lol
i am not a big tea drinker 2 be quite frank!! i much prefer coffee but i have recently sort of given up coffee 4 health reasons...still treat myself 2 a fun coffee beverage every so often but she is no longer a daily staple in my life </3 so i have sort of been replacing her with. peach iced tea <3 which is very easy 2 find here & satisfies my craving 4 a cold sweet drink...generally speaking i'm not a hot-drink guy i like iced beverages & that holds true 4 tea...i like it iced & sweet...except i don't like sweet tea (us-south version...sorry southerners). & when i do drink hot tea i want it 2 be sweet...i want honey or sugar...some milk as well...& my favorite hot tea is yuja tea <3 the kind that looks like jam + comes in a big jar & u mix it into hot water. DELISH that was my winter beverage this year i drank it religiously
favorite sentence i've ever written. well i don't have one...i've written many sentences that i love i simply don't think i can pick a favorite <3 ONE of my faves that i can name off the top of my head tho is the last line of thtf! also wrote a song this year w some of my fave lyrics i've written chorus goes "and if i'm a rabbit/you can cut off my feet/and if you are hungry/what's my body but meat?" which i am quite fond of i'd include that in the favorites list <3
as for!! the weather!!! there was a big storm at the beginning of the weekend so it was very rainy + windy for a bit but honestly i liked it because the temperature dropped so much that it was actually quite pleasant outside for most of friday + saturday...cloudy & drizzly & a little cool. but the sun came back full force by sunday so now it's. SO fucking hot & it's incredibly humid as well...honestly think i'm getting used 2 the heat & humidity tho it's not destroying me the way it did last summer...still hate it tho >:( moving 2 a colder climate soon & while i'm sure i'm going 2 freeze 2 death come november after years of getting used 2 mild winters right now i am just. REALLY looking forward to cheating my way out of summer...should start cooling down in september right when i'm moving whereas if i wasn't moving i'd be expecting another month of heat...#lifehack
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naturenaruto · 4 months
thought i was being smart by ordering packs of water bottles andddd getting a cold soda bc my fcuKinG drinks got delayed akhdjajsjsjjs and ive been forced to drink water (!!!) and hot drinks like tea and coffee which May Not Sound Bad toanyone of you!!!!!!! but to me a hot beverage can obly be tolerated so much
i meed cooooooooooooolddddddd drinkyyyyyssssss but now ive been waitin for my order and im alredy tired and i had ordered a mucrowave meal......do u guys see why my life is so terrible. do u see the problems. that i have
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cloudbattrolls · 9 months
It's Too Cliché
Crista Condyl | A Remote Beach | Present Night
Crista brooded over their coffee cup. Well. They sulked, more like, but let them have this. They deserved it. They needed it.
The wizard leaned back in the old but comfortable recliner. They were currently in a little rentable beach cottage they liked to return to when they could, since it was often empty. 
If it wasn’t when they got there, they could activate their ward on the place that made whoever was there pack their things and get going in a hurry, manifesting an illusion of whatever problem with the hive would get them going fastest by using their subconscious fears as a base. 
The little wooden building wasn’t the nicest place - hence why it was often empty - and yet another draft came whistling through the poorly insulated walls, but a few wards for warmth and protection made it safe and comfortable enough. They couldn’t do too much - didn’t want to attract attention from any other passing magic users, even if the chance was low. 
Or worse and much more likely, undead. 
Ghosts were easily kept out, but a horde of zombies was a slightly bigger issue.
They sighed, taking a sip of the hot beverage, just having poured it from the place’s coffeemaker. The blend was good, at least; they’d bought it with money from their last job. Nice and smooth, with tones of hazelnut.
Often they liked tea, but right now? Right now was a coffee moment, for sure and absolute certain. The heels of their lavender boots drummed against the floor as they considered their situation.
Two! Two crazy…attachments!
As if one wasn’t enough. At least the first one could just be put down to Catill being unfairly gorgeous and talented. Who wouldn’t be a bit smitten with a woman that impressive and a little frightening to boot?
But there was no way to explain away Kormut as anything but. That. 
Pale feelings. 
A blueblood! A ruddy blueblood of all things! Didn’t that cap it all. Granted, he was hardly typical…but still. He’d far outlive them. They could hardly go out together without getting looks for what a ridiculous caste gap there was.
Even thinking about that was crazy! Kormut probably didn’t see them that way at all. What a silly thought. They’d look so stupid if they told him how they felt.
‘Oh hello, Kormut dear, I’ve fallen in pale with you. Want to go out for dinner? Presuming we can get you to a restaurant without major injury or the food all spoiling on arrival.’
He’d be nice about it, but probably confused, trying to let them down gently. Ughhh, so awkward! 
She’d made that little world for them, hadn’t she? Such a beautiful place…so well done, so well lit and that gorgeous sky, the detail on those lanterns…had she really meant it as…?
If she had - oh gods, what were they supposed to do? Try to impress her again? What if it failed? What if they were assuming too much?
Well. If they had, they’d just…laugh it off! That’s right. Everything could be laughed off. Haha, whoops, I thought you might be flush-flirting! With me! Haha, that’s sure a funny mistake I made, oopsie daisy, my bad. Please don’t rot my brain.
But if they were right…
Catill. Gathering mushrooms. Casting a spell. Moonlight shining pink and green on her white hair. That tiny little curled part of her horns that seemed so delicate. The way her face looked when she teased them…they wanted a closer view of that expression.
Crista coughed on their drink, hot brown liquid dousing the back of their throat and arcing back into their warm cream mug patterned with daisies.
Women, perpetually their undoing. 
Well, in for beetle, in for a caeger. Even if they were imagining things, might as well have fun, right? Plus, they had an idea…
They finished off their coffee and decided to retire for the night, but they knew what they’d do next evening, right after breakfast.
“Oh, boo.” They complained, down on their hands and knees among the beach’s rocks and tide pools, the damp sand clinging to their bare skin and clothes. “There has to be some somewhere! Right? Surely everyone didn’t take it all already…”
They squinted through their glasses, which were after all supposed to help with their farsightedness, and which they suspected might need a prescription update sometime, since they had neglected it for…almost a sweep. 
Of course, it couldn’t be anywhere that used an imperial database. That was the bother of it, and of so many other things. 
Oh, sure, they had fake IDs and the like, they could fog a mind or two…but you never knew what sort of mind readers, empaths, or nullifiers such a place might have on staff. They had a good read on magical energy, but their own psi being so weak, they weren’t much good at sniffing out how powerful someone else might be on that way.
“What are you looking for, fellow?”
They looked up, ears flicking in alarm as they startled from the sudden voice.
Oh, that was a tall oliveblood. 
They didn’t know greens got that gangly - well, gangly wasn’t the right word, this person was stouter and curvier than that. 
They had a nice voice, too, fairly deep and mellow, and their hair was…red, huh. Dyed, clearly, they could see the black roots, but red nonetheless. 
They also wore sunglasses, even though it was a cloudy night.
Well, whatever. Some people had things to hide, other trolls just liked the aesthetic, silly as it looked.
“Sea glass, seen any?” Crista saw no reason to lie; this person didn’t seem aggressive. 
Not yet, anyway. 
“Hmm, no, sorry.” They genuinely sounded a bit apologetic. “What do you need it for?”
“Uh.” They paused. “I want to make a sort of…miniature fountain thing…for a friend. I thought pieces of it would be good decoration, nice for lights to shine through.”
The midblood put a hand - with red claw polish - to their mouth as they laughed delightedly.
“Sweet thing to do! I’ll help you look if you do me a favor; you haven’t seen any trolls with jade pins around here, have you? Ones shaped like crowns?”
Crista shuddered. “Absolutely not, and if I had I’d scarper. Don’t ever want to tangle with those…people.” The rust said, with the clear impression that they would have happily used a different and far more negative noun.
“Smart! Now this one’s stranger, but bear with me; how about mannequins? Any clothes mannequins in places they shouldn’t be?”
Crista startled. “Thought that was just some urban legend rubbish. You’re telling me it’s true?”
“Not sure yet.” The tall troll said casually. “So you haven’t?”
“I’ve seen one from a distance in the woods one time…I thought it was just a prank.” They admitted.
“Maybe so.” Replied the olive amicably. “Either way, thanks. So where do you want me to look?”
“Uh.” Crista was surprised the olive was holding up their end of the deal, and blinked a few times. 
“Er, over at the other end of the beach would be helpful, I haven’t looked down there yet. Um, thanks.” They added as they gestured with a pointer finger, somewhat awkward but sincere.
“It’s nothing.” Said the green, laughing again as they turned and walked the other way down the strip of sand. 
Crista realized the troll hadn’t given their name, but well, they hadn’t given theirs either. Not that the carefree midblood seemed too fussed either way.
They kept looking, but only found a few small pieces, and sighed. At least they’d picked up a half-dozen nice shells, too…they brushed the sand off their hands and stuck them into the cold sea for a few moments, then shook them off.
The olive came back with - with - heavens, how had they possibly found that much? Sea glass of multiple colors glimmered in their hands, easily over a dozen pieces of it. 
“Wh -“ Crista sputtered, honestly a little jealous, adjusting their glasses to make sure they were seeing correctly. “How? Are you psychic? What’s your secret?”
The midblood laughed again. “Nothing very dramatic, I promise.” 
They handed it over, the smooth pieces pouring out of their darker-skinned hands into Crista’s pale ones as the maroon blinked in disbelief. The wizard put them in their sylladex with the others, noting that the other troll hadn’t answered their question. 
Definitely a strange one…but they supposed they shouldn’t question someone who had helped them for the low price of answering two questions.
The olive nodded cheerfully, then turned and began to walk away. Crista watched them go…then called out.
“Wait, I…what IS your name?”
“Djimin.” Said the troll easily. 
“Thank you, Djimin.”
They tipped their head with a fond smile, and then walked away further, vanishing from the maroon’s sight.
Crista looked up at the moons, the pink one a mere sliver, the green one soft and gibbous. 
Moonlight on white hair. Moonlight on water. Moonlight streaming through glass, as if it were a current unto its own, particle and wave and liquid all at once.
They hoped their idea would be enough.
Keeping the water starry had stumped them for a hot minute, but what did any wizard worth their salt do? Cheat. 
In this case, enchant the water to draw a reflection from water on whatever part of the planet was currently experiencing nighttime.
Said water flowed from a pot Catill herself had made from the clay they’d found and shared with her, looping up and back down into it in an infinite spiral. 
When she’d given it to them, it had been the first time their face had warmed because of the yellowblood…
Ack! So sappy. Why did she do this to them? 
Well. That wasn’t exactly a mystery…she was everything a witch should be. Powerful. Ruthless. Imperious. 
Kind to them. Even though she was so much stronger. 
Crista looked at their own rippling reflection in the water. Not bad. Not amazing, either. So-so, but it was amazing what a little confidence and some magical talent did for you…
Among ordinary trolls. For her, it would require more.
They swallowed a sip of ordinary water from a glass, then prepared to speak the final spell to complete the piece they had planned. It didn’t do to go dry-mouthed in the middle of an incantation.
Everything was laid out on the worn wooden table in front of them, the old brown thing a bit rotted and worn by the sweeps and salt air. But it still held, and would for a while longer.
They looked at the page they had written it on, at the sea glass carefully placed in the appropriate sections of a magical array. Their maroon eyes wandered over the shells they had gathered, and the crystallized mana they had borrowed - from Catill - to aid in this spell and make sure they wouldn’t pass out after casting it.
Crista had even cleansed themself with saltwater beforehand, and said a quiet prayer to the spirits they hoped were listening.
One night they’d hear them again. Right?
“O éiríonn uiscí agus fite fuaite le chéile, ag éirí mar ghloine go scarann ​​tú arís…”
Gaelige. Of all the languages they knew - though many only in bits and pieces - it felt right for this spell. These were the words of making.
Words through which magic flowed, pouring through reality to mingle with the mundane and elevate it to so much more.
As they spoke, the simple clay container unfolded into a miniature fountain. It became three-tiered, decorated with small leaping cats and perching parrots, the baked earth turning a rich golden yellow.
The sea glass all melded together and adhered to it in decorative engravings in its many shimmering blues and greens, delicately accenting the animals’ eyes, along with the tips of their fur and feathers. The shell covered the edges of the tiers, in soft pearlescent and striped-brown hues.
The water itself could turn to starry glass with a simple command, capturing the constellation that its water reflected at the time. Yet it could also be returned to the flow and become its native shape again.
If someone who so happened to be skilled with light shined their power through the liquid…
It would radiate like a galaxy.
Crista breathed heavily, sweating with effort despite their preparations. Oh…that had taken…
They sat down heavily on the old recliner again. They could stay awake, but only barely.
Perhaps Catill would have to wait a little longer, just a bit…but what a present they’d have for her.
Something made by - and at its best with - both their talents.
Magic was better when shared, after all. 
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angchongyicritic · 7 months
Ang Chong Yi  Camping Culinary Chronicles: A Meal for a Nature Lover
It is not just about communing with nature when you go camping; it is also an opportunity to make your mouth water with outdoor food. Your kitchen becomes the wilderness, and a crackling campfire turns into a gourmet paradise. This blog discusses Savouring Nature’s Bounty An Adventure in Camping Cuisine with Ang Chong Yi.pptx, giving insights and tips on a tasty journey into the woods.
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Embracing the Elements: Outdoor Cooking Basics
Outdoor cooking skills are different from those used in your home kitchen. For example, learn how to prepare and set up a fire. It is important to understand fire elements such as kindling, maintaining a steady flame, etc. Portable stoves are also recommended for adverse weather conditions so that you can have accurate cooking even in harsh climate conditions. Other necessary items include lightweight cookware, utensils as well as eco-friendly cleaning supplies.
Fresh Ingredients, Local Flavors
The beauty of camping cuisine lies in its local flavours that one can relish while out in the woods. Plan meals based on what fresh produce is in season at that time of year within your locality. Look out for farmers' markets or grocery stores near your campsite where you can find unique products to try different types of cuisine. Experiment with local herbs and spices as they will lift your dishes and create a journey similar to what you experience in nature.
One-Pot Wonders: Simplifying Camping Cooking
One-pot meals are often ideal when camping because there may be few tools or little space available. There are some rich stews that blend varied inputs together or stir fries or even pasta dishes that combine many elements seamlessly. With this kind of dish, less time will be spent washing up afterwards, and more can be directed towards having fun during the trip instead of worrying about complicated recipes.
Mastering the Grill: From Burgers to Beyond
Grilling outdoors takes BBQing to another level of art. A portable grill to help you turn basic ingredients into smoky, charred treats is one way of furthering your camping culinary skills. From traditional burgers to marinated kebabs and grilled vegetables, a world of possibilities lies ahead in the vast wilderness surrounding you. You might also carry this device for your meat to be cooked perfectly using a reliable meat thermometer.
Campfire Coffee and Beyond: Beverages in the Wild
When an individual brews coffee in the morning among serene natural surroundings it feels almost magical. Obtain a good camping coffee maker so that you can enjoy the rich scent of freshly brewed beans. For instance, create your own campfire teas or prepare hot chocolate to drink on cold evenings. Therefore, hydration is essential and different drinks should be packed to cater for various moods and conditions.
Making campfire meals can be a great adventure that also involves cooking. It does not matter if you are a newbie in the camping field or an experienced outdoor chef. Nothing compares to preparing and eating food out there in the wild. Embrace them. You can also try the real deliciousness of A Fascinating Exploration Ang Chong Yi's Unveiling of Indian Vegan Gastronomy that will accompany your masterpiece when cooked within the background of a crackling campfire.
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gtccabs · 9 months
What To Pack For Himachal Trip In Winters - 10 Key Things ?
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Packing for a trip to Himachal Pradesh during the winter months is essential to ensure your comfort and safety in the cold weather. Here are 10 key things you should pack for a winter trip to Himachal:
Warm Clothing:Layering is crucial. Pack thermal innerwear, sweaters, and heavy jackets to stay warm.A down or insulated jacket to protect against extreme cold.
Woolen Accessories:Hats, gloves, scarves, and earmuffs to keep your extremities warm.
Heavy Woolen Socks:Several pairs of thick woolen socks to keep your feet warm.
Waterproof Boots:Insulated and waterproof boots with good traction for walking on snow and icy surfaces.
Snow Gear:If you plan to engage in snow activities, pack snow pants and snow boots.
Thermos or Insulated Water Bottle:To carry hot beverages like tea or coffee to stay warm on the go.
Portable Charger:Cold temperatures can drain your phone's battery quickly, so carry a portable charger.
Medications and First Aid:Any prescription medications you need, along with a basic first-aid kit.
Winter Accessories:Sunglasses to protect your eyes from glare on snow.Sunscreen and lip balm with SPF to prevent sunburn.Moisturizer and lip balm to combat dry skin.
Backpack:A good quality backpack to carry your essentials while exploring.
Additionally, make sure to check the weather forecast for the specific region of Himachal Pradesh you plan to visit, as temperatures can vary significantly from one area to another. It's better to overprepare for the cold weather to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip.
How to plan Himachal trip in Winter?
Planning a trip to Himachal Pradesh during the winter months can be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan your winter trip to Himachal:
Choose Your Destination:Himachal Pradesh offers a range of winter destinations such as Shimla, Manali, Dharamshala, Kullu, and more. Decide where you want to go based on your interests and the activities you want to pursue.
Set Your Travel Dates:Winter in Himachal Pradesh typically starts from late November and lasts until February. Decide when you want to visit, keeping in mind that December and January are the coldest months.
Research Weather and Conditions:Check the weather forecast for your chosen destination. Winter conditions can vary significantly, so be prepared for cold temperatures, snow, and potential road closures.
Book Accommodation in Advance:Popular winter destinations can get crowded, so book your accommodation well in advance to secure your stay. Look for places that offer heating facilities.
Plan Your Itinerary:Make a list of the places you want to visit and activities you want to do. Popular winter activities in Himachal include skiing, snowboarding, trekking, and enjoying the snowfall.
Pack Appropriate Clothing:As mentioned in the previous response, pack warm clothing, insulated jackets, boots, and other winter essentials. Don't forget to bring any specialized gear you may need for activities like skiing or trekking.
Check Road Conditions:Before setting out on your journey, check the road conditions and any potential road closures due to heavy snowfall. Carry snow chains and be prepared for delays.
Stay Informed:Keep an eye on local news and updates about weather conditions and road closures during your trip. Be flexible with your plans in case of unexpected changes.
Stay Safe:Winter travel can be challenging, so prioritize safety. Drive carefully on icy roads, stay hydrated, and dress appropriately to prevent frostbite and hypothermia.
Enjoy Local Cuisine:Don't miss the opportunity to try Himachali cuisine, which includes warming dishes like Chana Madra, Dham, and various soups.
Book Activities in Advance:If you plan to participate in activities like skiing or snowboarding, consider booking lessons or equipment rental in advance, especially during peak tourist season.
Backup Power and Connectivity:Winter storms can disrupt power and connectivity. Carry a power bank and a local SIM card for emergency communication.
Travel Insurance:Consider purchasing travel insurance that covers winter sports and adverse weather conditions.
Respect the Environment:Be responsible and eco-friendly. Dispose of waste properly and respect local customs and traditions.
Emergency Contact Information:Carry a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities and your embassy or consulate.
Remember that winter conditions can be unpredictable, so be flexible with your plans and be prepared for changes. With careful planning and the right gear, a winter trip to Himachal Pradesh can be a magical and memorable experience.
Best Travel Option for Himachal Trip in Winter?
Choosing the best travel option for a winter trip to Himachal Pradesh depends on your preferences, budget, and the specific destination you plan to visit. Here are some common travel options to consider:
Self-Drive:If you're comfortable driving in winter conditions and have access to a suitable vehicle with snow chains and all-wheel drive, self-driving can be a convenient and flexible option. However, be prepared for challenging road conditions, especially in hilly and mountainous areas.
Private Taxi or Cab:Hiring a private taxi or cab with an experienced local driver who knows the terrain can be a safe and stress-free way to travel in Himachal during winter. This option allows you to enjoy the scenery while someone else takes care of the driving.
Public Transport:Himachal Pradesh has a network of buses that connect various towns and cities. While this is a budget-friendly option, it may not be the most comfortable or reliable choice in winter, as road conditions can be unpredictable.
Volvo Buses:Some routes in Himachal, such as the Delhi to Manali route, offer Volvo luxury buses equipped with heating systems. These buses are a more comfortable and relatively safer option for winter travel.
Train:You can take a train to cities like Chandigarh or Pathankot and then continue your journey to Himachal Pradesh by road. Trains are a comfortable way to cover longer distances, but you'll need to arrange for local transport once you reach your destination.
Domestic Flights:If you're traveling from a distant city, you can book a domestic flight to cities like Chandigarh, Kullu-Manali, or Dharamshala. From there, you can hire a taxi or use local transport to reach your final destination in Himachal.
Trekking and Adventure Tours:Some adventure travel companies offer guided tours and trekking packages in Himachal Pradesh during the winter. These packages often include transportation, accommodation, and activities.
Local Transport:In Himachal Pradesh, you'll find local transport options like shared taxis, auto-rickshaws, and local buses. These can be useful for short distances within towns and cities.
When choosing your travel option, consider the distance you need to cover, your budget, your comfort level with winter driving, and the specific conditions at your destination. Always check the latest weather and road condition updates before you travel, especially during the winter months when conditions can change rapidly. Additionally, booking transportation and accommodations in advance is recommended, especially if you're traveling during peak tourist season.
Best Tourist Places in Himachal?
Himachal Pradesh is a scenic and diverse state in northern India known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and numerous tourist destinations. Here are some of the best tourist places to visit in Himachal Pradesh:
Shimla:The capital of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla is famous for its colonial architecture, Mall Road, and scenic beauty. Visit the Christ Church, Jakhoo Temple, and enjoy panoramic views from the Ridge.
Manali:Manali is a popular hill station known for its picturesque valleys, adventure activities, and vibrant markets. Rohtang Pass, Solang Valley, and Old Manali are must-visit places.
Dharamshala and McLeod Ganj:Known as the residence of the Dalai Lama, Dharamshala offers Tibetan culture, monasteries, and stunning mountain scenery. McLeod Ganj is a part of Dharamshala and is known for its vibrant market and Tsuglagkhang Complex.
Kullu:Kullu Valley is famous for its lush greenery, adventure sports, and the Kullu Dussehra festival. You can also explore the Naggar Castle and Raghunath Temple.
Dalhousie:Dalhousie is a quiet and charming hill station with colonial architecture, including St. John's Church and St. Francis Church. Khajjiar, often called "Mini Switzerland," is nearby.
Chamba:Chamba is known for its temples, particularly the Lakshmi Narayan Temple and Bhuri Singh Museum. It offers a glimpse into Himachali art and culture.
Spiti Valley:Spiti Valley is a high-altitude desert region with breathtaking landscapes, monasteries like Key Monastery, and small villages like Kaza. It's a haven for trekkers and adventure enthusiasts.
Kinnaur:Kinnaur is a lesser-explored region with serene landscapes, apple orchards, and Buddhist monasteries. Places like Kalpa, Sangla, and Reckong Peo are worth visiting.
Manikaran:Known for its hot springs and the Gurudwara Manikaran Sahib, this town is a sacred place for both Sikhs and Hindus.
Kasauli:A quiet hill station known for its colonial-era architecture, Kasauli offers a peaceful retreat. The Monkey Point and Christ Church are popular attractions.
Bir and Billing:These twin villages are famous for paragliding and hang gliding. The area offers stunning views of the Dhauladhar range.
Kufri:Located near Shimla, Kufri is known for its ski slopes during winter and the Himalayan Nature Park, which houses several animal species.
Chitkul:The last inhabited village near the Indo-China border in Kinnaur, Chitkul offers breathtaking views and a serene atmosphere.
Bilaspur:Visit the man-made Gobind Sagar Lake, which is known for its underwater temples that become visible during low water levels.
Great Himalayan National Park:A UNESCO World Heritage site, this park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and trekkers, offering a chance to see rare flora and fauna.
Each of these destinations in Himachal Pradesh offers a unique experience, whether you're interested in nature, culture, adventure, or simply relaxing in the serene Himalayan surroundings. The best places for you to visit will depend on your interests and the time of year you plan to travel.
Is GTC Cabs Available for Himachal Trip?
Yes, GTC Cabs is available for Himachal trips. You can book a cab online, through the GTC Cabs app, or by calling the customer care number. GTC Cabs offers a variety of services for Himachal trips, including:
Outstation cabs: GTC Cabs provides outstation cabs for one-way and round-trip trips between any two cities in Himachal. Customers can choose from a variety of car types, including hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs, and luxury cars.
Carpooling: GTC Cabs offers carpooling services for customers who want to save money on their travel costs. Customers can share a cab with other passengers who are traveling on the same route.
Local car rental: GTC Cabs also offers local car rental services for customers who need a car for a few hours or days. Customers can choose from a variety of car types, including hatchbacks, sedans, and SUVs.
GTC Cabs is a reliable and affordable option for Himachal trips. The company has a good reputation for customer service and its drivers are experienced and knowledgeable about the region.
Here are some tips for booking a GTC Cab for your Himachal trip:
Book your cab in advance, especially if you are traveling during peak season.
Be sure to share your travel details with GTC Cabs, such as your pick-up and drop-off locations, the number of passengers, and the type of car you need.
If you have any special requirements, such as a child seat or wheelchair accessibility, be sure to let GTC Cabs know.
Be sure to have your booking confirmation number handy when you pick up your cab.
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