#hosie fankids
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evilpenguinrika · 8 months ago
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*pulls out party poppers because it's been a year since I started playing FFXIV*
even though I'm having issues logging in to play, that won't stop me from celebrating a full year of playing this fun game! I'm so glad to have met so many awesome and friendly people in-game and in the community, it's really heightened my experience to something enjoyable and memorable <3
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uncleasad · 2 months ago
Reading these descriptions again and once again wishing I were capable of drawing people, so that I could illustrate things à la @evilpenguinrika’s Hosie Fankids, eg 1, 2 😭
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evilpenguinrika · 1 year ago
Lana is a mix of both, usually depending on the situation. She'll hear someone out, but if she's getting a vibe she doesn't like, she'll just go for an attack and that's that.
The twins, Hayley and Jay, are definitely shoot first and ask questions later, which tends to get them into trouble most of the time.
Leo is definitely the one who wants to hear the situation out because his three older siblings are a handful and cannot be trusted to be calm about a situation so it's all down to Leo to be more diplomatic
Is your WoL a shoot first and ask questions later kind of person, or are they a little more diplomatic?
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definedvines · 6 years ago
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miraculous au miraculous au!! for!!! hosis!!!!!!
i love andre lots so, hERE,
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evilpenguinrika · 5 months ago
Getting a head start on the Hosietober 2024 prompts that @uncleasad posted the other day. Not sure if I'll do all the days, so I'm just picking and choosing the ones that strike my fancy.
currently working on one, featuring the 2nd iteration of my Hosie fankids because I really wanted to write about Eli and Auggie ever since I first wrote about them in that post I linked above. After that, I haven't really gotten a chance to dive into Eli and Auggie's characters especially because I was so focused on my 1st iteration (Lana, Hayley and Jay, and Leo). Gotta give some love to the 2nd iteration!
I think I'll try and--at least for my picking-and-choosing the Hosietober 2024 prompts--have them all be somewhat Hosie family-focused (whether with 1st iteration of Hosie fankids or 2nd iteration of Hosie fankids) because I'm a sucker for fun Hosie family stuff. I already have some ideas for some of these prompts (am writing Day 5's prompt as we speak) so I'm excited to get right into it!
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evilpenguinrika · 8 months ago
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I got bored and did a thing
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evilpenguinrika · 11 months ago
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<3 <3 <3
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evilpenguinrika · 9 months ago
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was trying out a new art style featuring Lana in her lvl55 Botanist gear
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evilpenguinrika · 1 year ago
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To commemorate the fact that I finally defeated Garuda in the FFXIV/FFXV crossover event, here's a picture of Lana with Noctis that I took yesterday
Along with a picture of Lana in some new fit because I am weak to shiny objects so now I'm broke but it's okay it's worth it
(honestly, after the Garuda fight, I couldn't help but imagine how Hope and Josie would have reacted to meeting Noctis and helping him out on his quests.
I think Josie would have absolutely been down to help while Hope would have been like "why tf would I want to do that?" and then Josie would be like "Hope." It would be cute imagining their interaction with Noctis and I feel like Hope and Noctis would get along pretty quickly as they both have a lot on their plate or have this pressure of expectations pushed onto them.
Anyways, this is making me want to continue my Hosie/FFXV AU fic that I started and then stopped. Maybe I'll touch up on that fic, I know I have the next chapter started)
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evilpenguinrika · 10 months ago
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In light of a very fun PvP event in my FC, here's an obligatory Lana art in her Team Squape glam!
(i'm also trying to do something fun with the eyes in way of eye colour study from a manhwa--i just really love how the artist colours the eyes, I'm a sucker for shiny eyes)
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evilpenguinrika · 10 months ago
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trying to do ARR sightseeing log--got distracted by pretty view, had to gpose
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evilpenguinrika · 10 months ago
Hosie Fankids: 2nd Iteration
I love making fankids I can't help it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This could be considered an AU to my main canon Hosie Fankids. Like, don't get me wrong. I LOVE how much I've developed Lana, Hayley, Jay, and Leo and I will continue to write their stories. But I also like the idea of exploring other avenues for my Hosie fankids, and that being "what if Hope and Josie only had twin boys instead". So ta-da, the 2nd iteration of my Hosie fankids that exists in their own little universe away from my main Hosie fankids canon.
You can read the first iteration Hosie fankids here
(note: Josie was the one who carried the twins!
second note: i'll try and see if I can't find some time and spoons to do a quick character design sketch for the 2nd iteration Hosie fankids as well!
edit: now with pictures!)
Elijah “Eli” Lukas Mikaelson (15) is the son of Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman, and the twin brother of Auggie. He takes after his Mom Hope because he’s more aloof and builds up heavy walls between him and anyone who is not family. He keeps to himself and prefers to observe other people than interact with them. He tends to go lone wolf a lot, doing his own thing and never bothers to let anyone know what he’s doing.
Eli is fiercely protective of his family to the point of it being near possessive. He hates when unfamiliar people interact with his family because he’s scared they will hurt the people he cares about. He’s also overbearingly protective with it comes to Auggie and his relationships because his twin wears his heart on his sleeve and willingly gives it away to whoever he’s with–which makes it easy for Auggie to be heartbroken. He hates seeing his twin brother hurt all the time, so anytime Auggie’s with someone new, Eli will hover around his twin or secretly threaten his brother’s new beau to treat him right or else.
The forest is his favourite place to go when he wants to clear his head and be attuned to his senses. He loves the smell of the woods and the way the soil dips beneath his weight. Eli especially loves going to the forest after it rains because the smell of wet soil always grounds him when he becomes too overwhelmed and oversensitive to things happening around him. Eli is also a huge bookworm and loves getting lost in the stories he reads. He dreamed of becoming a fantasy author when he was younger and has written a few stories–mostly short stories–and has entered them in a couple of story contests and won a couple of them.
Eli is a Tribrid, just like his Mom Hope. He’s not great at magic but he’s also not terrible, though he will sometimes avoid using it if possible. Eli feels more comfortable with his werewolf abilities despite having never activated his curse yet. Eli doesn’t have plans to actively do that since it does mean he has to take a life. He’s content if he never activates his curse or not.
Aside from that, Eli is a pretty good fighter from being trained by both his Mom and Grandpa Alaric. Eli has even taken a few martial classes after school. His fighting style is a mix of MMA, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, and Muay Thai. He can also fight with weapons, but he prefers not to because they often get in the way when he’s in the zone of battle, preferring to use his body as a weapon than anything else.
When he and Auggie were ten, Eli got kidnapped by a group of people who were after their Mom. They were trying to grab both twins, but Eli used magic to shield Auggie away so he ended up being the only hostage. Eli did his best to fight back and survive until his Mom and Momma found him. This event affected him badly and it’s the main reason why he’s distrustful of other people and so possessively protective of his family.
He and Auggie are aware of the Merge and are trying their best not to think about it–they’ve mostly compartmentalized it until they need to worry about it. Their Mom Hope and Momma Josie have been doing their best to figure out a way to stop the Merge without either of them becoming a Heretic or vampire.
[Physical description: 5’9” short dark chestnut brown hair and blue eyes]
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Augustus “Auggie” Joseph Mikaelson (15) is the son of Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman, and the twin brother of Eli. Auggie is more gregarious and the life of the party. He’s popular with everyone in school, not because of who his family is, but just because he’s an all-around awesome guy. He’s also a bit of a mischievous goof and loves a good prank or two. But other than that, Auggie is always the guy people go to when they need help.
Auggie is protective of his family, especially his twin, and always does his best to include Eli in anything even though he knows Eli will turn him down. He’s always worried about Eli because of how recluse he can get. But he also knows it’s because his twin prefers to be alone or with familiar people, and that’s fine! Auggie appreciates Eli a lot and will do whatever to protect him because of all the times Eli has comforted him after every heartbreak, Auggie feels like he owes it to Eli to give back.
He’s a huge nerd. The biggest, dorkiest nerd in existence. Auggie is in the school’s LARP and tabletop RPG club. He’s mostly the DM because he likes to be the one who tells the story and watches his club members have fun. He’s also in the theatre club but as crew. Despite being so beloved and enjoying the attention, he loves being the one who supports others a lot more. He finds way more joy in letting others shine through than taking their spotlight.
Auggie is a Tribrid, just like his Mom Hope, and a Siphoner like his Momma Josie. He loves magic, loves using magic, and loves being a Siphoner because it allows him to challenge himself. He will carry a manageable supply of small trinkets with magical essence stored inside so he can siphon if he finds himself in battle and is alone. He has an affinity for Elemental magic and Ancestral magic. Auggie avoids using Dark Magic if possible, mainly because he’s scared about what will happen to him if he does. When he has no choice and uses Dark Magic, he will secretly put all the negative side effects into a small coin that his Great-Aunt Freya gave him. Nobody knows about this except Eli. He has no plans on triggering his werewolf curse as he doesn’t like the idea of taking a life to do so, nor does he have plans to become a Heretic.
He’s not great at hand-to-hand combat, not like his twin brother, though his werewolf abilities do help him with his quick reflexes. But overall, he prefers to be long-distance when he’s in battle so he can have time to think about alternatives or find exits he can go to if he feels like he’s unable to win.
When he and Eli were ten, Auggie watched Eli be kidnapped by a group of people who were after their Mom. They were trying to grab both twins but Eli used magic to shield Auggie away from danger. Auggie was so distraught that when he ran back to his Mom and Momma for help, he was completely inconsolable. He had to be looked after at his Aunt Lizzie, Uncle MG and Uncle Ethan’s place while his Mom and Momma went to save Eli. When they came back with his twin in tow, Auggie refused to leave Eli’s side. This event is the reason why Auggie feels like he has to pay his twin back for protecting him.
He and Eli are aware of the Merge and are trying their best not to think about it–they’ve mostly compartmentalized it until they need to worry about it. Their Mom Hope and Momma Josie have been doing their best to figure out a way to stop the Merge without either of them becoming a Heretic or vampire.
[Physical description: 5’6.5”, shaggy cinnamon brown hair and brown eyes]
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evilpenguinrika · 11 months ago
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and here's one with just my Hosie fankids (+Midgardsormr)
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evilpenguinrika · 11 months ago
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Hope spending some time with her four children while her darling and beautiful and amazing wife Josie's back home looking after the house or something (and totally not because I ran out of characters to take this poorly positioned group photo rip)
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evilpenguinrika · 11 months ago
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Pictures of Lana in Ishgard!!!!!!!
(also omg I didnt realize DRK starting lvl was 30 rip heres to lvl grinding 😔😭)
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evilpenguinrika · 1 year ago
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Gave Lana a new glamour for her RDM and DRG gear (with different skirts tho since the ones I want are toooooo expensive to get :'))) rip)
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