39 posts
hello! My name's Caramel, im 19 years old and im from poland! This is my blog about life :)
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caramels-diary · 23 days ago
So!!! Here are stuff in my life ive done because of my lithromanticism and im not proud of them! (This is NSFW)
Used to have a crush on a guy in high school and id text him from a fake account. Fought myself not to make him weak for me (cringe)
Was in a two years relationship with a girl, hated it, she was uh.. really..needy. ew.
Had a crush on a class "bully". He'd be all confident and making fun around but inside was an insecure shy boy. He thought he could pick on quiet kids like me but i gladly flirted or complimented him in response and absolutely loved seeing him get flustered and showing his weak side to me. Really had to control myself not to pin him to a wall sometimes (sounds so weird when i say it out loud)
Apparently i used to be in a relationship with one girl for 2 whole days, who confessed to me in a tent at like 4 am, even kissed me on the cheek. Then i panicked and broke up cause I didn't really want anything in the first place. You think we were like 7 years old? Hell no, we were whole ass adults 19 and 20 :D!
Oh but when i was 13 i had a crush on my neighbor and she had a crush on me too which was making me PANIC 😀 Im so glad i didnt kiss her when we were hiding in a closet in the dark playing hide n seek and i avoided every single situation when she wanted to kiss me too
When i think of it now my romantic life has been more intense then i thought it was 💀
Man how much it sucks being lithromantic. I have the biggest crush on someone and an absolutely UNHINGED fantasy about them, im all flustered around them until i get in a position where it's actually possible to make these fantasies happen and that GROSSES ME THE HELL OUT or even worse. That person starts liking me too? NAW IM SCREWED
And that makes me feel so bad for being obsessed with someone to the point they start liking me too.. Im a terrible being
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caramels-diary · 23 days ago
Man how much it sucks being lithromantic. I have the biggest crush on someone and an absolutely UNHINGED fantasy about them, im all flustered around them until i get in a position where it's actually possible to make these fantasies happen and that GROSSES ME THE HELL OUT or even worse. That person starts liking me too? NAW IM SCREWED
And that makes me feel so bad for being obsessed with someone to the point they start liking me too.. Im a terrible being
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caramels-diary · 26 days ago
I hate being on aroace spec and find so many people attractive at the same time. Like what do i even want from these people? Yes they're cool but i certainly don't want any of them to get close to me
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
I sometimes really feel like my dreams are transphobic against me.
My dysphoria started being more intense about a year ago when i broke up with my girlfriend and for a moment i was convinced it was the break up's fault - some PTSD or something until i realized it might be because after the break up i started feeling more free to search for the true me. Recently i had a dream where i finally spoke to my ex after a year and told her that im trans. She immediately said "Ohhh!! It's PTSD! Don't worry there's this specific medical case called (insert nonexistent medical case here) that makes you think youre trans after you break up with your girlfriend. It's treatable!" and then i said "Wait you're actually right!! im not trans, thank you for telling me that! Im gonna start the treatment right away!" And i was magically "cured" and no longer trans! :D Seriously, why the fuck would my dream show me that? Im so mad. I already had it hard questioning my whole existence and youre NOT making it any easier for me. Thanks, brain.
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
Hello again,
My birthday wasn't the worst after all. Of course it was kinda awkward with my sister's friends at first but i was just switching from their group to my room alone where i was just reading a manga and drinking wine. Later my parents called me to join the Christmas party at our neighbors'. The party was pretty cool! It was outside so it was kinda cold but there were two fireplaces, mulled wine, cake etc. And we helped the kids who were playing hide and seek. One ran up to us and said he needed to hide under the chair. i have no idea how he managed to fit under there and especially how did others manage to find him but it was funny. I also listened to lots of life stories of my neighbors and parents. Actually, now we still have guests over and i really stink of fireplace + im maybe slightly drunk from all the wine 😅... So im gonna wait until they leave to shower. Yeah, today wasn't as bad!
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
Hello, reader!
I'm kinda sad cause no one came to my birthday party. Yk when people picture this situation its like the most depressing thing in the world, and its not like that for me. Im just a little sad but overall its okay. Apart from that, im not a little child anymore. After all im 19 now, i shouldn't be throwing birthday parties anymore in the first place lol.
So I think ill spend my birthday with my computer. Oh by the way the other day i built a desk all by myself! It was really satisfying.. well, maybe if i didn't hit myself with a hammer a few times, but screwing the screws is so relaxing! At first i thought.. okay no I can't do that, im gonna wait for my dad. But then i thought hey it was meant for a normal human to build so why can't i? and i built the entire thing :D. Im so proud of myself, really! And i learned a lot.
So yeah, Christmas break is soon, my (very conservative) grandma is coming with my aunt and uncleee, probably gonna write about how it went!
For now, see you!
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
Hello, everone
I wonder if someone has ever only invited their colleagues from university to a birthday party and how awkward that was cause i seriously have no friends to invite 💀 and i want a bd party!
Like hey ik we've only known each other for like 3 months without even knowing anything about our private lives but wanna come over to my party cause in lonely af ^^
naw.. sounds bad. God! i wish I wasn't an overthinker!!! Only now at the university im meeting so many new, various personalities. That's an amazing experience to just observe and analyse people. And some of them, to my BIG surprise, are the opposite of socially awkward. I still havent figured them out. While im here overthinking my every move and word, they can say the biggest second hand embarrassing stuff and be proud of it. Like that one time in art class when the russian girl made a really confusing joke about spongebob and she was the only one laughing out loud at it. I love her so much, she's so silly.
Or that one girl who randomly sat next to me and kept whispering some comments i had no idea how to reply to.
But how come i get embarrassed for someone whos shameless? I think, oh god they drew so much negative attention to themselves, it must be so embarrassing, but in reality they dont care at all. And i get ashamed of asking someone to give me my pen back! actually i asked that question in three different languages cause i got nervous. I said "Wait, kurwa, my Kugelschreiber!!" and everyone was giving me weird looks i got so red.
Perhaps that's an opportunity for me to learn how to give a crap less. After all, awkwardness hasnt killed anyone yet, its just unpleasant, but completely harmless. And if i want to build my reputation, I'll eventually have to draw attention to myself. People can't hate me for doing embarrassing things, if they dont hurt anyone. Especially that im aware of being a truly good and kind person. Some things i say or do will be more or less embarrassing on my account but this is all a part of building reputation after all. And if someone says "god i hate caramel cause they tripped while walking into the classroom, made a grammar mistake on the whiteboard and accidentally said a swear word during their presentation" well, they must have it seriously messed up on the head!
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
I had no idea how bisexual i am and it feels weird to say it out loud after being a lesbian but i am so fucking bisexual and i only realised it after coming out as transmasc (AKA realising that i didnt wanna be in a male-female relationship because of my dysphoria so i rejected being attracted to men) But now as im comfortable with my gender identity holy fuck.
We're working in three people group with one pretty girl and one adorable hungarian dude and im just trembling cause im surrounded by hot people. By hot i mean cute af and im just a blushing mess thereee..
(im asexual on top of that lmao)
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
I have no idea how to talk to women. There's this one girl in my group at uni and she's sooo cool and original but i have no idea how to speaaakk. She's writing a term paper about such an interesting subject and i wish i could get to know her more but i dont wanna be annoying or anything 💀
Ah god help me.
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
My transition goal is a viking. Should i be concerned for myself?
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
The train conductor was checking my ticket like "This one's for a .. girl??" and asked me for my ID.
Im pre everything, convinced i look nothing like a man and this just comforted me so much. He thought i was a boy.. 9^9
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caramels-diary · 3 months ago
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My mid aged transmasc oc :)
He’s a closeted teacher, always happy to help and really intelligent.
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caramels-diary · 4 months ago
My parents been calling me EVERYTHING but my chosen name because they still feel weird about it.
There was:
the male version of my deadname,
the male version of my sister's name,
the czech version of my chosen name,
my brother's name.. simply,
the female version of my chosen name,
the nickname my ex gf would call me
or just my deadname.
I feel like i really cannot complain cause it's almost a miracle to be trans and have parents who don't kick you out of the house but every time i hear obviously dodging the subject of me being trans i cringe so much.
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caramels-diary · 4 months ago
Being sleepy from leak of sleep + having an adhd energy boost feels like my body's taking screenshots
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caramels-diary · 4 months ago
Trying really hard not to get too comfortable with my university colleagues and impulsively say something stupid or hug them
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caramels-diary · 4 months ago
Trying really hard not to get too comfortable with my university colleagues and impulsively say something stupid or hug them
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caramels-diary · 4 months ago
31/10/2024 (Halloween!)
Hello, reader
I wasn't celebrating Halloween this year but it was just as fun. I'm currently at my grandma's to celebrate.. how do i say it? "polish halloween" - basically Day of the Dead (we go to graveyard and stuff). And im really happy cause ive gotten into vintage/retro stuff and i just got some old pins from my grandpa świętej pamięci.
I also just got a new radio player and now i can finally play all the cassettes i found in the attic. Really excited about that.
So yeah that's it, Jarocin is a really nice city that holds a lot of good memories for me. I wish it was my birth place and im just starting to appreciate it now.
Always when im at my grandma's i think of ice-skating (literally no reason, this house just gives me the vibe) So i guess now i have one new thing to look forward to this winter :)
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