#horrible no good vile freaks
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glitter-stained · 1 month ago
The thing about the Killing Joke as a comic, Barbara's disgusting fridging aside, isn't just that it's nasty because it's a comic centered around the Joker's character (which is always gonna be psychophobic since the moment they decided to make "madness" his defining trait) or that it establishes his backstory following a psychophobic trope (especially since that trope is questioned in the story). It's not even entirely about how it blatantly does the amalgam between madness, specifically psychosis, and being evil/doing villainous things.
No, The Killing Joke is vile because the whole fucking point of the book is blaming mentally ill people's weak/evil character for "succumbing" to mental illness.
Like seriously, what happens in TKJ? We learn about how the Joker was "made", and Joker decides to turn Gordon to the evil side by traumatizing him "that's what the One Bad Day" thing is about. So he does a bunch of bullshit, shoots Barbara, strips her naked, might or might not have raped her, and shoots a bunch of pictures of her in that situation, and then kidnaps Gordon, also strips him, and forces him to see huge projections of those pictures. Then Batman comes, and later there's a fight, where Batman tells the Joker that Gordon is fine actually and the Joker is wrong, it doesn't take one bad day to succumb to psychosis as a way to escape reality, there was just something inherently wrong with the Joker specifically that caused him to develop psychosis.
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"crawl under a rock with all the other slimy things when trouble hits..." (To be clear, this is in 100% response to Joker's statement that psychosis is the valid response to the random brutality of reality, an escape to it. It's not me over interpreting something about villainy, god I wish, the entire comic is about Joker arguing that psychosis is the correct adaptation to a fucked up reality.) Batman is directly calling anyone with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or any other form of psychosis "a slimy thing crawling under a rock when trouble hits." And that's the lesson we're supposed to learn from that! The Joker is wrong! We good people of strong hearts and good minds are normal and good and can pat ourselves on the back for being so much better and more resilient than those nasty little crazy freaks (and the circus freaks, oh my god the circus freaks) who are so cowardly and weak-minded; but look how magnanimous we are! We're still gonna extend a hand to help them crazy freaks once we've established our moral superiority! Because we're good, upstanding cops, and our habit of arresting criminals and putting them in the nastiest fucking asylum which doubles as a horrible prison works! Because we're so good!
Seriously, what is up with that? In what world is the wrongness of this comic not fucking obvious to everyone? Is this really your Batman? Your childhood hero? This is the guy the narrative (and dc in general) tells us we're supposed to be rooting for? How have we normalized psychophobia to the point I regularly see people praising this comic or saying it would have been good had Barbara's fridging not ruined it? No, what happened to Barbara didn't ruin shit! What happened to Barbara is nothing but one more indicator of the worth and respect Alan Moore holds for women in his writing, and I genuinely don't find him any better than Jim Starlin with the way he likes to write sexual assault on women, but the comic was already ruined because its message was already fundamentally disgusting.
And the worst part is it fucking gets worse if you know anything about how schizophrenia (or other schizophreniform disorders) develops. I can't imagine what it's like, picking up this comic as a person with schizophrenia. The suicide risk associated with schizophrenia is high as fuck, and with the way our society stigmatises that disorder, it's no fucking wonder. Reading that kind of book, it feels like some people are actively working to get those figures higher actually. I wonder if Moore is aware of the damage his comic does, if he even fucking cares. I wonder how many people have talked themselves out of getting help because they were afraid of acknowledging their mental health issues and "being like the Joker", or knew they weren't like the joker and concluded they weren't mentally ill. I wonder if people with schizophrenia have read this comic, thought back to the one bad day that lead to them developing psychosis, and wondered what was so wrong with them that they couldn't handle reality the way normal people can. People with schizophrenia are so much more at risk of being verbally or physically assaulted by someone else than of attacking someone else and so much more likely to be verbally or physically assaulted than your average joe. I wonder how many people feel justified in that kind of violence because they see a person struggling with delusions, visibly interacting with a hallucination or saying incoherent, absurd stuff and thought they were heroically intervening to stop a "dangerous psychotic individual" from doing harm. I wonder how much of this perception is influenced by the most famous mentally ill character of all times. Worst fucking comic I've ever read. That story is rotten to the core.
Seriously, fuck the Killing Joke.
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 7 months ago
Whumpmas in July 2024 - Day 7 - Post a link to your favorite whump fic of all time!
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This post is part of my participation in the 2024 @whumpmasinjuly event!
Ah, it's hard to pick a favorite! Here are a few that I really enjoyed:
Gallery AU (Keith and Shiro from VLD fanfic) by @trytofocus - Keith is a prisoner in a secret, highly prestigious gallery where subjects are displayed in all manners of artful bondage for the entertainment of rich patrons. Shiro is one such patron. And he isn't nice. (Be warned that this fic is 18+, as it contains adult elements and themes, and is NSFW) Why I love it: God, the mental images are SO GOOD. The way that Keith is treated as a living, breathing, unwilling art piece... the emotions, the way things are described, the care and reverence taken in tying him up and putting him on display, the way that Shiro appreciates him, the attitude that Keith gives... It's so freaking good, and it gives me crazy whumperflies. I wish there was more!
Death Valley (also on AO3) by @ashintheairlikesnow - In 2003, Finn Schneider left Germany for a month-long planned trip around the United States. Somewhere around Death Valley, he disappeared. But he wasn't alone. (Be warned that this fic is 18+, as it contains noncon, murder, and is NSFW) Why I love it: This was the second whump fic that I ever read, and it was integral in getting me into the whumpsphere! I feel SO SO SO bad for Finn, what he goes through, and how he is in his future. It's one of those stories that makes me go "OH NO BB LET ME FIX IT FOR YOU ;A;" but this poor guy has seen and been through far too much. It's brutal. Even the flash forward has me on the edge of my seat and only wanting the best for him. I hope this poor man finds love, joy, and peace.
Brother's Keeper by @darkthingshappen - Ben Adkins' life changes forever when his brother Jake fails to pay what is owed to some powerful men. Will he be able to survive his harrowing experience and return to his family? (Be warned that this fic is 18+, as it contains explicit noncon and is NSFW) Why I love it: Phew, this one is intense! It's one of those fics that made me go "OH DAMN." a lot. I actually had to read this one out of order a bit because (spoilers) thereʻs a recovery arc... followed by a recapture arc. I had to save some of the recovery arc to read when things got too tough and I needed some joy for the characters, because GEEZ. Poor Ben!! Poor Jake! Poor Andrei! Volkov and his guys are sick SOBs and just merciless. Itʻs so whumpy. I had to skip a chapter or two due to some of my own personal squicks, but other than that, if youʻre looking for some guys having a super bad time, this is a great fic for that!
King of The Road by @darkthingshappen - George and Danny find themselves in the hands of a very sick and twisted trucker. What will happen to them as his newest victims? (Be warned that this is fic 18+, as it contains explicit noncon and is NSFW) Why I love it: The trucker is horrible!! An absolutely evil vile terrible sick guy!!! I have to know what happens to George and Danny! Thereʻs not much of the fic yet, but Iʻm frothing at the mouth waiting for more. The brutality is so whumperiffic, and I already desperately want to save them, so you know things are on a good track!
Secrecy by @doomeddestination - A young spy is captured by a mysterious man known only as Shepard. (Be warned that this fic is 18+, as it contains explicit noncon and is NSFW) Why I love it: Calico is such a great writer, and her dedication to her stories and characters is INSANE. This story was the first one of hers that I read, and it introduced me to Ander, who is another character that I simply wish to wrap in a blanket and give tea to and take care of forever. This poor guy just needs a break. Shepard is awful, and the suspense in the story is so great. Thereʻs a whole multitude of AUs and stories that contain these characters as well, so lots of stuff to check out! ... ... ... If Ander never gets to canonically see his mom again, I will riot in the streets. LET A GOOD THING HAPPEN TO HIM.
The Mountain Man by @darkthingshappen - A kidnapper has his sights on a hockey player and sets a plan into motion to get him into his clutches. Why I love it: Getting into the head of the whumper as he stalked and planed his capture was so cool. I loved the confusion and delirium that the hockey player showed, especially when things started to get scary. I think this story was meant to be a one-shot, but Iʻd gladly dig into more of it if it got continued!
Hazel's story by @starrywhump - A group of college students is kidnapped by a sadistic whumper who has no qualms about torturing them. Why I love it: This was the FIRST whump fic I ever found and read! I wouldnʻt be in the community now if not for this fic. I have no idea how I stumbled across it, but Iʻm so glad I did, because it introduced me to whump lingo, whump blogs, and this whole crazy world. I love the characters, the whumper is creepy and intimate, and some of what she does is just nasty and brutal. I donʻt know what happened to the author (the blog hasnʻt been updated in like three years), but I hope that theyʻre happy and doing well wherever they are. I love the fic, and would love to read more if they ever decided to continue!
There are so so so many other great fics out there, but these are just the few that come to mind off the top of my head! Any other fans of these stories out there? :O
Tags: @whumpmasinjuly-archive
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rius-cave · 11 months ago
About the meeting more
Ahh that makes sense, the 40 days thing! I was of course taking liberties when it came to Adam showing up XD I was using the only instance I knew of Lucifer fully being on Earth.
And by Neil Gaiman's Netflix Lucifer (like some comments have pointed out), I meant the series called "Lucifer" where he's a police consultant. I mentioned it was Neil Gaiman because there's so many modern iterations of Lucifer I thought it would make it clearer XD. But yeah it's based on Neil Gaiman's Lucifer character that appears in the Sandman comics.
About the circus, I truly like when humanity is given more credit, both in the positive and in the negative. Like in GO, Crowley acknowledges that humans were the ones to create all sorts of wars, but Aziraphale relishes in the positives that humans have created over the years.
So I'm imagining this does something for Lucifer's guilt of dooming humanity (if you want to see him as guilty for putting evil into the world) or hatred of it (if we go with him basically saying that humans make their own fate with their decisions)
Lucifer, seeing humans kill each other: this is horrible. They're truly beyond saving. Vile creatures only capable of hurt.
Lucifer, seeing a circus for the first time: ... Well I mean. Maybe they're not so bad. Some... One things are good.
Which also reminds me about Blitzø and Fizzaroli being ex circus imps (and current clown depending on when). Which makes me think about Lucifer meeting Ozzie's boyfriend and freaking the fuck out because he's a huge fan.
This... Got away from me. Turned away from Adamsapple and more just geber Lucifer HCs lol
OOOHHH okay! I did see the comment about there being another show with a Lucifer, I honestly had no idea lol. I've been debating on watching the SHOW called Lucifer since I've heard some good things about it.
But I agree! I definitely feel like Lucifer is disillusioned with humanity even when he wants to believe/knows that there's good in them too. Ough,,,, there's a really good comic somewhere about how Lucifer made LuLu World and was still hopeful about humanity, that maybe sinners could have a good thing there, but then sinners burned it down and that's the final straw that made him lose hope in them...... OOOUGHHHHHGHG IT PAINS MY SOUL BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
But hey! I love that headcanon about him being a fan of Fizzarolli! Omg that is actually so cute and now I really feel like I need to see them together cjdjdogkskgjsd
Luci: Ozzie, I... I kinda have a big favor to ask
Ozzie: oh, Lu, what is it? Is something wrong? Is Charlie alright? I've been so busy lately but- please go ahead you know I'd do anything for-
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starfalcon555 · 2 months ago
AITA for not doing anything to take down my ex-best friend's crime syndicate?
Using a throwaway because some of the parties involved avidly use Reddit.
I (54M) was best friends with "Peter" (53M) (all names in this story will be fake names for privacy) when we were kids. We did everything together, so when Peter's mom developed a terminal illness and I heard that a reclusive singer could have the power to heal her, Peter and I were quick to set out on a journey to heal her. But things went horribly wrong. The story's way too long to go into specifics, but Peter's mother died before we could bring the cure back to her, and Peter's father, whom we had just met and hadn't been in Peter's life at all before this, ended up taking custody. Peter's father was horribly abusive to him, and used him in his scientific experiments while allowing his friends to beat him up horribly. I tried to help Peter the best I could. I really did. But Peter's father kept him locked up in the house for years after his mom died. He wouldn't let him out at all. I only knew this was going on because Peter's butler/brother figure "Nicholas" (50M) told me. He was also horrified at what was going on but couldn't tell anyone because it was the only life he had ever known. I was also busy being trained to take up a very important government position by my mentor "Adam", who we also met during the trip. Taking up this important government position was a dream that Peter and I both hoped to attain, and it did and still makes me feel awful that I attained it without him, but what else could I do?
Eventually Peter's father and his friends were all killed by a freak gas explosion in the house (I'm convinced that Peter was the one who did it, but I think that's largely irrelevant to the overall story, and frankly, Peter's father deserved it), but by that time, Peter had been brainwashed by his father and was wholly convinced that the whole situation was my fault, and iced me out completely. I tried my hardest to convince him it was his father's fault, but he just… wouldn't listen. Eventually, we ended up moving out of the small town we both grew up in: I moved to the capital after my mentor died to take up his old position, and Peter left with Nicholas to "make a name for himself."
Twenty-five years went by and I became really respected in the government position I had taken up. A lot of people looked up to me and idolized me, and for a while, I really was deserving of that praise… until a new crime syndicate started terrorizing the areas around my hometown. I had developed a reputation for stomping out crime syndicates in the area, but to my horror, I discovered that Peter was the leader of this syndicate. Nicholas was working as his butler (he later confided in me that it was to protect his parents, so please, don't cast any blame onto him) also had two second in commands, an absolutely vile married couple named Sam and Rick (both 48M), who will be important to the story in a short while.
Anyways, though I had been quite hard on the crime syndicates in the past, I just… couldn't bring myself to kill Peter and snuff out his syndicate. I couldn't help it - I was too blinded by the nostalgia of our past and the guilt that perhaps I was the reason he had turned out like this. Somehow, though, my reputation still remained intact… until a new group of kids joined my government organization, a nice if mysterious girl named Hailey (15F), and Sam and Rick's two teenage sons, Kyle and David (both 14M). The latter two were raised to be Sam and Rick's "successors" and ran away from the syndicate because they wanted to do good for the world and despised the idea of following in their fathers' footsteps.
How this happened is another long story, but I was recently forced to admit the truth of mine and Peter's past to Hailey, Kyle, and David… and Kyle and David are pissed. They believe that I'm at fault for not only the horrible conditions they grew up in and that Hailey had to endure, but the horrible things Peter has done to people all over the continent. They grew up idolizing me, and now they feel as if their childhood dreams have been ruined. They've been avoiding me for the past few days. Hailey has been telling me that it's not my fault, but I can see in her eyes that she's just trying to make me feel better. I can't tell anyone else in the organization about this, because I don't want to create even more drama. I'm honestly inclined to believe that Kyle and David are right, but Hailey told me about this subreddit, and that it wouldn't hurt to ask. I do believe that I am the asshole, but regardless, I ask… Reddit, am I the asshole?
(idea for this stupid shitpost shamelessly stolen from @perenlop)
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
I have a request to make. Part two of platonic yandere mitsuri vs yandere shinobu, where little brother reader has become depressed and just wants to be left alone. Please and thank you.
Ooohh? Okay. I suppose I could try this, it sounds interesting. Rip our poor character, for real! Short story time~!
Yandere! Demon Slayer Scenarios: Platonic! Kanroji Mitsuri vs Romantic! Kocho Shinobu
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“Awww~ my love, come here” Shinobu purrs lovingly as you shuffle back until your back bumped on the flat wall behind you, eyes radiating pure terror and anger at the Insect Hashira before you. You didn’t see her as the sweet caring woman you first saw her, you now know all the truth behind her image. She is a liar, a rotten murderous monster that killed women behind your back to feed her delusions over you
You could never love somebody like her! And what’s worse is that you can’t confide to your own sister since she has become just as bad. You’ve seen it, the arguments Mitsuri has with Shinobu over you that you’re inches away from cutting off ties from her, rather she be your big sister or not. Mitsuri’s possessive nature over you as she grips your hand and glares deathly daggers at her enemies has you angrily pulling away and stomping from her
Mitsuri cried her heart out when you finally yelled at her for her new twisted behaviour and she immediately ran to Obanai for comfort, her little brother hates her. The way she has been acting lately been worsening your fear, your anxiety and your growing depression as Shinobu is a one whole problem on her own, Mitsuri piling up has made the situation so unbelievably horrible, you’ve been spiralling quickly in a depressive hell
It doesn’t help that Obanai barked at you only hours after snapping at Mitsuri, for snapping at Mitsuri. You just went off at Obanai for trying to paint you as the bad guy when you’re the victim of two vile women trying to control you and shape you into what you are not. Their little wooden toy! Obanai didn’t listen to you at all as he cursed you out, he only cared about how Mitsuri feels and you knew arguing with him was useless as you dragged yourself into your room
Your mind recalling every cruel word Obanai threw you at as you crawled into the futon and cried yourself to sleep. That very event was the cause of your depression, all because you tried your best to defend yourself from your psycho sister, you became mentally unwell and you lost the motivation to get up out of bed every morning so quickly, it concerned both Shinobu and Mitsuri
Growling out to be heard by Shinobu, you swiped a hand at the insane woman to try make her back up but she wasn’t fazed by the fingertips missing by a single oxygen molecule. Her twisted smile never faded as her soft mature voice rung out, her much smaller hands grabbing yours to rub against her warm blushy cheek. “What’s wrong, my love? Let me fix you, you must be sick” Shinobu was about to speak but she was interrupted by a loud slam of the room door being flung open, possibly ripped back by a powerful force
“Dokusha! Please don’t hate me! I love you so much!” Mitsuri cried out suddenly, her lime green eyes puffy and red with tears flooding out, as she full-force pushed Shinobu away from you to replace her with her, not failing to basically throw the smaller weaker woman almost metres away to sit down before you. Grabbing your hand and sobbing outloud. She couldn’t sit back and let her relationship with you be destroyed for good!
You hissed, averting your eyes as veins grew on your neck and wrist. Thanks to sharing the same genes as the strong young woman, your own strength was elevated to beyond natural and you were able to rip your wrist free from her grasp. “Stay away from me… you beast… you freak…” You whispered heartbroken, dark racoon-like bags under your eyes as you avoided looking into hers
Once Shinobu recovered from her brief daze on the floor behind you two, anger boiled deeply in her bloodstream as she tackled Mitsuri. Verbal arguments? No more, this time. Shinobu was ready to take Mitsuri’s life to make sure she can’t keep you away from her. You sobbed gently, pushing yourself up against the nearby corner to try shy away from the actual fist fight beginning. Mitsuri defended herself by tossing Shinobu off her back and charged, throwing a wet slap at her, instead of a punch. Despite the fact Shinobu did swing on her
You couldn’t do anything about what is truly happening as you just sit back and cry into your hands as the two women scream and hit each other. God, what you would give to be able to get out of this hell but nobody can save you, they will never leave you alone and you can’t convince anybody around to believe your remarks. You sound like a lunatic
Maybe you are turning into a true maniac, like they are
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sonalirichard · 1 year ago
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🏠🏩🏡 So the X Hour has come ‼️
Does anyone know how a Person feels who has lost everything in his life❓
I know this like no one else ✅
I know how to not give up after a fall , and find the strength to fly up & win again ✈🏆...
I know the value of Victories ,
I can & love to Win !
But when real Evil gets in your way , and puts
a stick in your wheels , tries to destroy or kill you , the Instinct of Self-preservation turns on & you seek Help and Salvation , especially when you cannot cope with this evil alone ...
I found myself in an extremely difficult life situation , when the so-called "family" of close , but fake relatives became my enemies , and out of motives of obsessive hatred , envy & greed , they staged a hellish Persecution & War against me .
They decided to destroy me as a Person and deprive me of everything at any cost ...
They dragged me through three Courts , and in the end , with the help of incompetent & stupid Judges & their shameful Courts , they achieved their diabolical & vile goals 👿👿👿
This insignificant & shameful Court has made an absolutely Unfair , Illegal and Inhumane Decision ~ TO DEPRIVE ME OF MY ONLY ROOF OVER MY HEAD & EVICT ME FROM MY APARTMENT 😱‼️
For a long time ,
I lived in fear and anxiety , under constant threats and blackmail from this family obsessed with hatred and evil 😈
They didn't let me live and breathe 👽
These toxic & negative freaks , bandits & murderers robbed me , deprived me of my personal life , poisoned my life , and now they have deprived me of my housing 👿‼️😱
I"m their innocent victim 😇
They want to sell my apartment for their vile & selfish purposes , but they don"t care about me and my life ‼️
I could never even imagine in my worst nightmare that no one would need me in my native country , there would be no place for me here , and I would end up on the street without a Home ,
in the Status of a Stray Dog 🐕 💙
I am very regretting that I did not stay in another country earlier and returned to Russia 💦 ...
It was a huge mistake ‼️
So the Reckoning for my mistakes has come ...
I lost everything in Russia 😱 ...
For a long time ,
I have been looking for Support and Protection ,
Help and Salvation from many people , in Government and Politics , at the Highest level ...
It looks like all
I have to do is die ...
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Even My Closest and Dearest Person ~ BIG 🅱️ still hasn"t lifted a finger to Help & Save me 📛
Having all the possibilities and the ability to show kindness and compassion ,
His Highness 🅰️🅱️ defiantly ignored my Pleas for Salvation , and chose to stay away , just Left Me to die 💔💔💔💔💔
The Megastar of Millennium ,
The Living Legend , The Pride of India & Indian Cinema
Sir & Mr . Amitabh Bachchan is able to be a Hero , Savior & Kind Charitable Person on the Screen in Movies only 💔💦💔...
But in real life , He demonstrates his indifference and ignorance to the pain , suffering & difficulties of other people , even those dear to him 💔💔💔
Even Love ♥️ is not able to melt the Ice of his cold , cruel and unfeeling
Heart 💠💔💠 ...
My life means nothing and has no value to this Gentleman 📛💔📛
What a huge difference there is between an Actor on the Screen in a Movie and a Person in real life ~ Two different Personalities , with opposite human qualities ...
‼️The Transcendent Ego , Star Disease and Insane Selfishness , Pride and Arrogance do not allow a Person to Love 💘 , give his Love 💝, and do unconditional
Good 💟 ...
There are more than 8️⃣ billion People on this Planet 🌎 , and there was not a single Living Soul who would offer me their Help , Protection and Patronage 💧🔥💧
I think it is only on another Planet 🌐 , in another World , and in another Reality that I will find my Freedom 💙, Love ♥️ and Happiness 🌝 ...
If my Precious Life is over ❌ , then my Pure Angelic Soul , True unconditional Love and Divinely Beautiful Music in my Heart will live forever 🕉 ♥️ 🎶
I"m Grateful 🙏 to Everyone for everything Good , Kind and Beautiful 💟 😇🙏💝🏆🅰️🅱️
I thank this Planet Earth 🌎 for temporary shelter and happy moments of happiness 🌞 and love ♥️, for the beauty of music 🎵 , incredible nature 🏞 and wonderful people 🕺💏💃 ...
And now my last Dream is coming true ~ I"m flying ✈ to my Heaven forever 🌈🌈🌈 ...
Remember me with my smile on my face , with sparkle , joy and happiness in my eyes , and with music 🎶 in my soul & heart 💟
I love you 💘💘💘
Your Sonali 🐼
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💔💔💔 This is the Document ~ Decision of the Court ~ TO EVICT ME { SONALI RICHARD } from my House 🕉
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wildpeachfarm · 7 months ago
As respectfully as possible, this anger at Kwite is exactly the kind of reaction that gives Dream fans a bad name on the internet. Assuming malice or dehumanization over a guy wanting to go through a video Dream put out in public is not a good look. I understand that as fans we are all sensitive about the situation, but unfortunate wording aside, I think Kwite maybe just maybe wanted to go through Dream’s video to show why it worked. Like Dream said in his video, he is one of the only, if not the only. YouTuber to gain significant subscribers without uploading and after a massive controversy. That’s an achievement worth toting. While Kwite should be cautioned to at least contact Dream first before diving in, I really don’t think saying things like “my respect for him went down” about this is the right move. This seeming overreaction (seeming because I do get the sentiment) is going to have people pointing and going “see, told you his fan base was weird; look at how they’re treating Kwite for daring to speak their precious boy’s name.”
It’s not a good look, friends.
Okay, I am going to try to be as nice as possible about this but I am already having a shitty night so bear with me because my patience is in very short supply right now.
first of all, this is happening on tumblr where kwite will never see it. I can say whatever I want about him here. On twitter I have been perfectly nice about it while giving him valid criticism.
Also, I cannot control what anyone else says and putting this here is unnecessary when he only sees what is on twitter. So post your thoughts there, not here. I've already posted on here to be cordial to him on twitter.
Additionally, kwite has not been nice to dream in the past. I have absolutely no reason to assume the best-case scenario when he has lolcow'd dream to death for content before. People are perfectly within their right to be concerned about this and frankly, the way he worded his tweet was HORRIBLE. Using the word "dissect" and that his fans "want blood" does not indicate good things. Also, it has been 8 months- kwite could've done this back in January. But now it seems stupid to bring it up again when we are all incredibly fucking tired of this. Nat (who was literally somewhat involved in the Jamie shit) is begging him to not bring it up. THIS WILL HURT PEOPLE INVOLVED.
I've never said "my respect for him has gone down" or anything similar so I think maybe you should say this to someone who has actually said that because it's pointless to say to me haha.
We cannot all hold our tongues about everything for fear of looking bad. Most of the people in his comment section have been perfectly respectful and obviously, no one is encouraging people to be vile because we all understand that's not a good way to act. But the people currently saying "oh dream stans are on his ass now" are internet trolls that do not have a single valid reason for thinking our criticism is "harassment" when it's not.
People are allowed to think this could be bad and preemptively try to stop him from doing it because it will do more harm than good. Most people have been nice to him- we don't claim the people who are being freaks. Kwite's wording has given people valid reasons to be concerned.
that is all.
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shinx-hijinx · 5 months ago
Hello, decided to make a rotomblr account thanks to all of those videos on mewtube compilations
will keep it short 'n simple for you all
This account is run by my sister and I, we will post in different color texts and tagging ourselves in the tags so it will be easier to differentiate who's who.
'm Zie (pronouced Zee), my pronouns are he/him, and will be typically posting in yellow and shall tag myself as #-Zie
Hiiiii I'm Maisy, my pronouns are she/her and I came up with the username (^-^) oh! And I will be typing in blue!! Blue's my favorite color ^_^, #-Maisy
We are both 13, don't be vile freaks.
will have to warn you that we are technically a part of team Magma. I say technically because we don't actually do anything in team magma. It's basically at its weakest point right now, thanks to the Hoenn incident a few years back. The only thing team magma is good at nowadays their membership discounts..
We mostly joined because our older cousin had us join. They are.... something else... but they do put a roof over our heads and care for us, so yeah.
Our teams
Luxio - Jinx
Manectric - Tric
Pikachu - Jolt
Maisy's team!
『Marill』 - 「Millie」
『Kirlia』 - 「Lottie」
『Shinx』 - 「Laurie」
//ooc under the cut!
Hi! @skittykitty300 here!
DNI - TERFS, Zionists, Pedos, people into Pokephillia, people into Zoophillia, and other horrible people are not welcome
I've made another rotomblr!! Why? Perhaps to foreshadow another rotomblr account that I'm cooking up that will reveal more lore? Muhahahaha!!! Only time will tell.....
Basic lore stuff:
-Takes place after Groudon and Kyogre awaken and destroyed some of hoenn, and Team Magma and Team Aqua are going bankrupt from it! It's only been a few years after that happened, and hoenn is still trying to fix itself up. ((May change this in future to be more specific))
Please don't be gross, I'm fine with foul jokes but like, nothing creepy really please
In character malice is a-okay!
Asks about my oc's life and pokemon is a-okay and encouraged.
I, unfortunately, will not be responding to asks by sentient pokemon
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Yeah, here’s why there’s zero OC content on either of my blogs
They fall into boxes. Three to be specific, and are all, and I can’t understate this, EXTREMELY INAPPROPRIATE. I also have people who know me irl on here so here we go.
I’m like in such a good place right now. Like, I’m going to be myself no matter what, I’m done cutting myself up into tiny bite sized pieces, I’m going to stay whole and LET YOU FUCKING CHOKE ON MY VERY BEING
I wanna be an author one day
OC categories under the cut
Mentally ill-focused guys
These ones are gory, depressing, vile, violent and abhorrent humans. But at the same time, they’re people with struggles and desires and lust and hopes and dreams and fears. Of course they are also sexual, they’re people. But they’re also tools I use to understand psychology and philosophy and different world views. Overall, very productive characters. These make up half if not more of my original characters (idk how many ocs I have) as a person who lives with severe mental illness, I consider these ones to be more slice of life. They also help me grasp the better understanding of acting 
Sexuality based guys
these characters are tools. Sexology is a topic I grow a larger understanding of every time I research these characters and concepts it’s honestly a form of psychology at this point when I make these characters, it’s like my science they get to learn more about sex and attraction and it makes me feel happy and good when I write these guys. Also, these categories aren’t monoliths so a lot of these characters also fall into the mentally ill category. Because they’re people and there’s nothing more raw than being a person. 
Okay, look I know it’s taboo to talk about these things on main. You’re supposed to have your own separate blog for fetish stuff because it’s shameful or something but it’s like lifting up a rotting log and finding a bunch of bugs and worms under it it’s so cool when you get to discover a rare gem of a community like this. When it’s a thing you’ve known about yourself for years, you just didn’t know the name of until a couple years ago, it feels like a piece of your puzzle. The puzzle won’t be finished until you die, but that’s a piece of it. I’m going to let you look up SNZ on Tumblr by yourself because I am too much of a coward to discuss it here.
Based off real people I know
What’s a better way of writing characters than using personalities you’ve already known because you can’t just build a personality from the ground up at least in my case, you probably can. But I do enjoy basing personalities of people I know. More of a sub category if anything. And there’s probably so many more other categories I could add here but these are the big ones. I’m looking at you: Zach, Damien, Leilani, river, Logan, Charlotte, Avery,
Writing is fucking hard and people are so complicated and beautiful and horrible and we’re honestly just fractals of personality. There’s infinite things about ourselves. Unlearning shame we have about being freaking humans is an integral part of understanding things.
-A psychology nerd 
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slumberinglabyrinth · 1 year ago
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Kishuna gets very little characterization by virtue of being completely mute. On the other hand, I am extremely unwell and find this absence of information to be a very attractive trait, and have devoted my tormented yet beautiful mind to the noble pursuit of filling in every blank left behind by the vile and neglectful intelligent systems writing team.
While he shows up in a variety of situations and usually disappears without seeming to have done anything, I like to think that he is deliberately leading the party towards eliminating morphs and foiling Nergal's plans. This isn't out of resentment towards his creator for casting him aside (if anything, he appreciates being given the chance to experience life), but rather because he fundamentally objects to the use of living things as weapons and can't see any future for his siblings but to be forced to fight to the last breath. All he wants is for them to be happy, but as the only morph that naturally feels emotion that's a future he can't give them. The best he can do is give them a peaceful rest in death by bringing a premature end to their fate as tools of war.
And even that horrible excuse of a 'good ending' is something he can't bring about himself. With no combat skills, he has no hope of standing against morphs created for war, and with no words, he can never hope to convey his wish to those able (or willing) to fulfill it. He must instead give those who would stand against Nergal a nudge in the right direction.
He first appears in chapter 19x, where he seals the magic of Aion (the map boss), helping the party avoid having to face his formidable magic prowess. Aion gets pissy and calls him 'that good-for-nothing', clearly indicating that Nergal's forces are at least passingly familiar with Kishuna, and I think it's a very easy leap in logic to assume that this is because he's been a thorn in their side for a while. Why else would Aion, who is obsessed with Nergal's greatness, instantly recognize what Nergal considers to be his greatest failure? Because Kishuna has done this before, perhaps even to Aion himself.
23x is the next time he appears, and Pent provides a tiny bit of context for what a magic seal is (really he just tells us that it's an actual thing, and has a name, which... sure. he's mage general, not mage 'specialized knowledge of freaks of nature'). The party speculates that he's summoning the morphs in the ruins to fight back (and that he had even "created this place"), but here's the thing: in every encounter, even though he always comes as a package deal with some morphs that are ready and raring to go, Kishuna himself never defends himself. Surely, if he wanted to, he could at least flail about with a sword or dagger or something, right?
If we proceed under the assumption that his end goal is the extinction of all morphs (which also entails Nergal's eventual defeat since he'd just keep making more), it's almost effortless to reframe him summoning morphs to fight in every encounter to him leading his siblings to slaughter. It's unclear exactly how he tells morphs where to go (also unclear how anyone else does, for that matter), but that leads me to talking about my next vision of the truth assumption.
The places that Kishuna shows up are either old workshops of Nergal's (23x and 32x) or otherwise places where he stores morphs when they're not deployed (19x, though I think the building Aion is standing at is probably a workshop). Nergal would have commanded them to fight back should they be besieged, and, recognizing Kishuna as their kin and thus misidentifying him as an ally, they only attack the humans that approach. In all three cases shown, this group of humans ends up being the party, though I wouldn't rule out Kishuna directing other groups in the past or even simultaneously (he's shown to be able to warp, and while it's unclear how that works due to the whole magic seal thing, it is pretty undeniably something he is capable of, so travel time is nowhere close to being a problem).
Going back to 23x for a moment, while Hector merely muses that "it didn't seem human", at the end of Eliwood's version of the chapter (22x) we see another reason why Kishuna has to resort to luring people to these locations:
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The mere presence of Kishuna being nearby is enough to make even the normally soft-spoken Ninian reject his humanity. Ignore that he's not human for a moment; he's still clearly a person from our perspective, but nobody in the party is willing to ever entertain that he's anything more than a mere creature, a beast that upends the natural order and can only bite when provoked. Aion, scornful man that he is, at least acknowledges that Kishuna is capable of intent, but if the people Kishuna wishes to ally himself with can only see him as a pest to be exterminated, what option does he have but to lead them around? To use his ability as a magic seal, which can act as a signal that permeates walls and spreads across battlefields, to beckon them towards that which must be destroyed? To use their primal sense of disgust towards his mere existence to his advantage?
Rejected by your father, ignored by your siblings (though it is by no fault of theirs), and deemed unworthy of life by everyone else... how unbearably lonely that must be.
32x is Kishuna's final appearance. It goes about the same as all the others. He appears, you kill morphs on the way to him, and then you fight him. The only difference is that this time he doesn't run away. He simply sits there, on his throne, and awaits death.
He had done all that he could. Perhaps he could instead flee and return to seal Nergal's magic but... would our heroes be able to strike Nergal in that moment? Or would his presence muddy the waters, distracting them long enough for Nergal to regain the upper hand?
He couldn't risk it. This was the closest anyone had gotten to stopping Nergal, and if he blew it now, who knew what future would come to pass?
It was time. He stood resolute, read for the blades that would come down on him. He had prepared centuries for this moment, and he couldn't let any nagging sense of self-preservation get in his way.
And yet...
As his body was pierced by swords and sabers and spears, he couldn't help but wonder.
Could things have been any different?
Was there an ending for him, an ending for his siblings that didn't hurt so much?
With his last breath, as his body crumbled to dust, he found the strength to ask himself one final question:
Were he and Nergal destined to be opposed until the bitter end, or could they have found a different path? Was there an ending for him, his siblings, and his father that wasn't so miserable? Or were they always going to be doomed to this fate of conflict, war, and annihilation?
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alaskan-wallflower · 11 months ago
stop using kyle as leeway to talk politics. i know ive talked about this before but shit on this site just gets worse and worse. stop using him as a gateway for your political beliefs on the israel/palestine conflict. it doesn’t prove your point. targeting a fictional jewish 9 year old isn’t gonna make the war end so you might as well stop hurting actual people with your bigotry and go to twitter or something if you want to debate politics.
your posts and fanart using kyle as a mask for your opinions isn’t going to get the israeli government to be like “oh y’know what we should do? we should stop because this person on fucking tumblr says so’ like it’s not helping anybody. it’s hurting actual jewish people from what i can tell. send me all the anon hate you want. i don’t care. i can take it. but i’m sick of seeing this shit.
another thing i have a problem with is the fact that this fandom so desperately claims not to want tratt to make an episode based around this conflict, but i know that if they were to make an episode and didn’t portray israelis in the worst light imaginable this fandom will go ballistic because ‘it’s offensive to the palestinians’.
i’ll say this once and i’ll say it again. i absolutely do not under any circumstances support what israel is doing. i think that what is going on there is absolutely disgusting and words cannot comprehend how vile this situation is. however, you also can’t just look at what you want to look at. there is a lot of history between the two, stuff i am not yet qualified to talk about because i don’t feel like i know enough about it to say what i want to say. you also cannot just overlook october 7th. you cannot ignore what the people in israel went through as well.
with that little disclaimer out of the way, back to the topic at hand. south park has made so many offensive jokes. jokes about the holocaust, about sexual abuse, about political issues outside of this. and yet nobody cared. but i can absolutely tell that yall will go absolutely ballistic if tratt were to make an episode that didn’t show the israelis in the worst light they can. so why only care now? why isn’t anyone angry about the past jokes they’ve made? why isn’t anyone upset about that, but the moment anyone in this fandom talks about israel/palestine it’s always ‘censor israel because israel is bad and leave palestine because palestine is good’. like if we’re going by that logic why does nobody censor russia when they’re talking about it? (from what i can tell) why does nobody censor one side when talking about american politics? why is it just this one single conflict that people are so up in arms about censoring one party and not the other?
i do agree that a south park israel/palestine episode would be in horrible, horrible taste. i’m not saying like ‘oh let tratt make that happen because it would be funny’ no. it wouldn’t be funny. that’s absolutely not the case. however, if you guys are going to rant about why tratt airing a south park episode is bad, why do you turn around and ignore the fact that this fandom is actively making fanart and fanfics so they can talk about their political stances while using kyle as a puppet for said viewings?
i guess what i’m asking si where is the line. because form what i can gather, this fandom thinks it’s okay for people to make the most disgusting fanfics and fanart of kyle, tokenizing him and marginalizing him, but the moment someone mentions tratt making an episode it’s suddenly too far? in what world does that make sense? because i know yall don’t do your research beforehand. you just hear what you want to hear and say what you want to say. but the minute someone counters you with actual evidence you freak out. why is that?
(and again. i’m saying this now so i don’t get anyone thinking i don’t support free palestine. what is happening in palestine is vile and disgusting. it’s awful that this is happening, and i have been doing what i can to help out in the means of fundraisers and raising money. i don’t support what israel is currently doing. but i also don’t support october 7th, and i don’t condone the people who claim that people outside of the israeli government have anything to do with what israel is choosing to do just because they’re from israel or they are jewish. i am very anti genocide on both sides, obviously. and i do support free palestine whole heartedly. this post is simply made for the fandom because i’m so sick of seeing people get driven out of the fandom because of the way the fandom treats people like them. this goes for any fandom. not just south park, even though this is basically me ranting about that specific fandom.)
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yakool-foolio · 1 year ago
(Stranger Things season 4 and Rain Code spoilers ahead, if that matters to anyone)
Okay, this is a very 'me being me with my silly lil interests' moment, but I feel like Yakou and Eddie from Stranger Things and how their deaths affect the larger scale of their respective arcs are a prime example of how to and how not to do a 'heroic sacrifice.' The main comparison in these two characters' deaths is how their acts of defiance helped protect the city they love, despite the city directly opposing them.
Let's start off with the heroic sacrifice that truly means something by talking about Yakou! Long story short: Yakou loves Kanai Ward, living there for all his life, but once Amaterasu's peacekeepers rose to power, the city turned against him for his detective work. Everyone in the city, including his own former colleagues, deemed his job useless since the peacekeepers could simply handle everything instead of relying on detectives. Yakou even lost his wife because they were motivated to expose Amaterasu's cruelty and leaks, which would ultimately lead to her death. He spent years trying to bring her killer(s) to justice but never could because the peacekeepers did everything in their power to keep him out of it. He's misrepresented across the city as a pest that needs to be eliminated. But most importantly, in terms of how his character is written, he's never shunned by the narrative for his need to stay far away from Amaterasu in fear of what they'll do to him if he sticks his nose in their business as a detective. Him being cowardly was never something that was 'corrected' as a part of his arc.
Yakou continues to care for the city despite everything he's been through. And he shows how he cares by knocking out several birds with one stone by murdering the vile Huesca and dying to the gas in order to reach him. And his sacrifice doesn't go ignored by the public. With the death of Huesca and the reveal of Yomi leaking homunculus info to the outside, changes are made. Yomi is arrested and a new sense of order is brought to the peacekeepers, becoming a much safer place for the NDA detectives and any future detectives in Kanai Ward. Yakou's sacrifice made the city that hated him change all for the better. And with the prototype pill in his possession, he has the ability to make even more change and help save so many lives and not just his own! The characters and the story itself openly acknowledges his selfless deeds and repay him in kind.
Now let's talk about Eddie. He struggles similarly to Yakou in that the town he loves hates him due to something entirely out of his control. He's outcasted by society for leading a group of other outsiders or 'freaks,' and the citizens rally against him when he's believed to be the murderer of a girl he was friendly with. Eddie then goes into hiding to escape the police hunting for him, and teams up with the main group to bring an end to the real cause of the deaths around Hawkins. He clearly wants to prove the citizens wrong about himself and show that he cares about the town by working to help take down Vecna. And in order to do so, he makes himself a distraction and lures the hostile demobats to him, giving the group enough time to defeat Vecna and saving his friend Dustin from the swarm's attacks. In doing so, he's killed by the bats, sacrificing himself for the greater good of his friends and Hawkins as a whole.
But this is where Eddie's sacrifice really starts to fall apart. Only Dustin is there to see Eddie die and console Eddie's uncle about it. Besides Dustin, no one else seems to be impacted by it, not the other outcasts he took under his wing or the citizens who continue to demonize him. His death is an afterthought to everybody but two people, one friend and one family member. He took part in saving the town he loved in hopes it could redeem himself in their eyes to show he wasn't the horrible person everyone else thought he was. But nobody was there to see it, so his sacrifice ultimately meant nothing to the scope of his arc and the future of the town, as Vecna is still out there. The story tries to act like his sacrifice meant more than the characters act like it does. His sacrifice was far from pointless, but the ignorance of the other characters after it was all said and done sure did make it feel like it was. And once again, Stranger Things falls into their own trope of killing off their new fan-favorite character each season, but this time it feels like an even bigger stab in the gut. Eddie's heroism is but a footnote in the epilogue of the season that promised him greatness. I feel like Eddie's sacrifice could've meant a whole lot more if the other characters worked to disprove the citizens' perspective on Eddie, pushing toward giving him the respect he deserved and made his story be heard. It's unsure whether anything like that will happen in season 5, but with how season 4 decided to leave itself on, it's not looking promising. Eddie will continue to be not just be disrespected by the characters, but by the writers as well.
I highly suggest reading the article "This Stranger Things 4 Death Isn't Noble Nor Necessary" because it goes even deeper into why Eddie being viewed as cowardly by the writing is a huge disservice to what his character represents. It's a good read, and it made me think a lot about Yakou's own cowardice and how it's not treated as an inherently bad thing that needed to be 'fixed' by the writers.
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 4 months ago
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Heart of the Weave - chapter 25
Our food arrives so we sit back down at the table after several minutes of dancing and laughing. Oh, man, when Gale laughs, when he smiles so big, it gives me the best feeling inside. It’s as if a swarm of butterflies are dancing around in my stomach or an overwhelming sensation of excitement is bursting through the seams. Sigh. I love being the only people up here – outside of the staff, of course.
“Oh this food looks delectable,” Gale comments. “Thank you Jamus, for all you do. Say, how is your brother doing?”
Jamus clears his throat and nervously smiles, and it worries me for a moment. Why is he acting so skittish? Is he normally like this?
“He’s excelling in his career as a full-time healer for folks who need it. Sometimes he travels to Neverwinter, but most of the time he’s in Baldur’s Gate. However, he will be moving out there soon enough… It’s bad right now, and it’s only about to get worse. I thought it was terrible before, when the Absolute was the biggest concern in the world. The horrors in Baldur’s Gate right now are about to spread like wildfire and everyone will either be affected or killed.”
Gale and I pause, staring at each other in bewilderment and trying to comprehend what he’s talking about. I’m not surprised Baldur’s Gate is once again under fire, but also, I was hoping for continuous peace.
“What are you talking about?” I ask. “What’s happening?” My first assumption was the tadpole, but I know damn well that’s impossible. But what else could be “spreading”? Some sort of outbreak, maybe?
“Oh, you haven’t heard. My apologies. Well… It’s the Bhaalists. Those bloodthirsty, evil freaks who are human but act like monsters to please their God… Which, I know you’re aware of.”
“Yes, we killed Bhaal’s chosen. Orin.”
“Yes, well, there have been horrible murder sprees. Worse than ever before. Several are trying to become Bhaal’s chosen to replace Orin. It’s not safe. People in the city are having to hide in the woods or travel to the mountains to escape. Still, some are found unfortunately. That’s all I really know. I hope someone intervenes, and I am begging to the Gods that Jasik makes it here safely. I’ve been worried. What’s worse is, I’m sure Waterdeep will be targeted at some point also.” FUCK. Just what we need. If it’s not one fatal issue, it’s another. I guess now really is a great time for Jenevelle, Gale, and myself to be immortal, though this isn’t an unusual predicament for us. Still, at least our baby should be okay. I hate that we had to find all of this out during a romantic dinner.
“Just keep your eyes peeled. They’re everywhere,” Jasik adds. “Though, who knows. Baldur’s Gate could be the only target.”
“You say that now, but eventually the city will run out of people for them to obliterate. The cult will, I assume, either kill each other or target other cities THEN kill each other. It;s only a matter of time before we find out.” Gale is right – it’s just a matter of time before everything turns to pure shit. I close my eyes, noticing images of Gortash, Orin, and Ketheric in front of my very eyes. Those vile monsters who are still managing to make this world turn into chaos, despite the fact all three of them are dead.
We make it home rather late, but Jenevelle is still awake somehow. I notice the baby’s eyes wide as she smiles and giggles at Karlach.
“I promise you both, I tried to get her to bed but all she wanted to do was play. What can I say, though? I’m Auntie Karlach.” I laugh as she hands me Jenevelle, who looks thrilled to see me.
“She definitely enjoys having you around, and why wouldn’t she?” I respond, smiling down at my baby. She begins reaching for me so she can nurse.
“So that’s what it is. She just wanted your goods! Little miss had me fooled. Anyway, I’ll see you both later. I’m exhausted and have to hang out with Wyll’s dad tomorrow. It’s a long story.” She doesn’t exactly sound thrilled, but I guess it’s important to hang out with your in-laws every once in a while, right? I think since both of her parents are dead, she’s wanting to have some sort of bond with a parental figure of some sorts. She’s brought it up to me a few times in the past.
“Thank you, Karlach. You truly are a treasure,” Gale tells her with sincerity. Her face lights up as she opens the door to leave.
“D’aw, friend! Don’t mention it!” As Karlach closes the door behind her, Gale sits down on the sofa next to me while I nurse Jenevelle. It’s apparent that he knows I’m worried about the Bhaal cultist situation, judging by the way he’s studying my face. In the past, they weren’t trying to kill Orin; she had them by a leash. Now it seems to be a fierce murder spree that’s getting worse by the second. How was tonight the first I heard about it?
“Are you alright? I’m so sorry if your night was ruined. I tried to make it so special for you… For your birthday.” His voice is dreary along with his puppy dog eyes.
“What? Oh honey, no. You made it more special than I could’ve imagined. Now that we’re immortal, birthdays aren’t a ‘thing’ anyways. With that in mind, you gave me an incredible night I won’t forget.” He smiles and takes my hand within his, rubbing my knuckles gently with his thumb.
“I just hope everything is alright.”
“Unfortunately, this issue going on in Baldur’s Gate is outside our control. It never stops. I guess the Bhaalists are nothing compared to what we fought before.” He sighs and hesitates, as if something else is lingering in that intelligent brain of his.
“Since they’re not being stopped, that means we may have to intervene.” I hate how right he is; who else would team up and do it? With us being the ones who defeated the elder brain, I have a feeling everyone will be depending on us anyway.
“What about Jenevelle?” I question, worried who would be watching her or how this will play out overall. “We can’t leave her with anyone unless they happen to be immortal, too. You know, in the case of Bhaalists.”
“I know she’s immortal but I still worry about our baby. Man… My ghasts are flabbered. Let’s talk with the others tomorrow and see what they think. One of us may have to stay home with her.”
If it means protecting my daughter, immortal or not, I’m all for it; though, this means Gale and I will be separated from each other for a hot minute. I kiss Jenevelle’s forehead as she starts to become sleepy, then hand her off to Gale who hasn’t been able to hold her much today. I smile at her as she falls asleep comfortably in his arms.
I keep thinking about our friends left behind and if they’ll even be able to fight off these cultists alone. Halsin. Jaheira. Minsc. Even Lae’zel, who I assume is the Astral Planes still, but it’s worth worrying about. Then I come to remember that we have Withers – how could I forget about him? We’ll reach out to him to summon our friends bright and early tomorrow. My brain is racing from the stress and anxiety, causing me to have issues falling asleep. Gale however seems to be unbothered and resting peacefully beside me.
I get out of bed and head down the stairway to the kitchen so I can grab a glass of water and a little snack, thinking it might help ease my mind just a little. As I make it to the kitchen, I hear Tara’s little feet tapping around on the floor.
“Emmy? Darling, is everything alright?”
“Oh, sorry to disturb you, Tara. Just coming down to eat something. Ugh… Gods. I want to quit thinking about that damned murder cult.” She flies up toward me, her gaze holding onto mine.
“Truth is, they’ll always be around. There will constantly be evil lurking about, especially from those Bhaal worshippers. They will stop at nothing to please their disgusting God.”
“The thing is…they’re on a rampage. It’s like a competition to see who can become his favorite. The nastier, more disgusting murders, the better. His Chosen has been dead and there’s basically a breeding cow that’s been creating so many Bhaalspawn to worship him. He craves the attention, but also craves their deaths. All the cultists are killing everyone, and each other, so he can have a new Chosen.” The thought of all this is disturbing me, though it’s nothing new. I just can’t imagine how many are out there right now, and it’s only a matter of time before they spread to other cities.
“How are you going to stop them, dear? There’s only so much you can do.” She’s right. No matter what we do, there will always be Bhaal assassins or cultists on every corner. We can at least try to locate the source of them… The ‘breeding cow’ for instance. Maybe there’s more than just that, maybe there’s another source.
“When the sun rises, we’ll discuss the next steps with our companions. Either Gale or myself will stay here with Jenevelle.” I hear footsteps tiptoeing down the stairs, and I realize it’s Gale. He usually comes down around this time for a glass of milk and then back to bed, but this wasn’t exactly the case here.
“Baby, what are you doing? Stress-walking in the middle of the night, huh?” He seems genuinely concerned, and he knows this entire situation is eating me alive.
“Yes…Yes I am.”
“Come back to bed and we can talk about it.” His voice is sleepy yet so gentle, and the smile on his face brings me a glimmer of joy. I smile back and follow him up the stairs to our room, where I basically tell him exactly what I told Tara. However, I started to fall asleep as I addressed my concerns and I didn’t even get to finish telling him everything that’s on my mind. Mmm. The numbness as the body falls into a slumber is so relaxing.
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simplynameless · 2 years ago
Before I go on another rant:
Guess what! I got recommendations to get an emotional support dog! :D
So now that's got me thinking because of how much HORRIBLE VILE HORRENDOUSLY TERRIFYING things that happened to little silly Billy, what if they get a therapy dog? He/she's not just Billy's pup, but also Captain Marvel's! AND AND AND, he/she is also magical like Mr Tawky Tawny?! So here's my scenario!!
Captain Marvel and anyone of your choice is trapped. So, with being stuck for who knows how long until someone saves them, Marvel is freaking out and on the verge of a panic attack because poc (person of choice) is hurt and got caught in the middle of it. Boom! Crack! Pew pew! Lightning is spurting and sprinkling around the Captain as they're too overwhelmed until a white border collie comes hopping out of nowhere and sits on top of Marvel until they calm down! (I can see Billy and Captain having a border collie. They're pretty smart puppies and also very good emotional supports! Back to topic-) Later after someone comes to save the two, the puppy is gone, and Captain Marvel acts as if nothing happened. Room for thoughts! It just makes the poc question just how mentally and emotionally pent-up Cap is.
Ahem! The little border collie would definitely be all white with a light (hazel?) brown patch on his/her chest that resembles a lighting bolt. He/she would also definitely have the little cape/cloak that Captain Marvel has! The pup can't speak like Mr Tawky Tawny can, but he/she is definitely smart and know when to show up in times of need..
I'm already starting to lose my train of thought, so Chaos out!
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wingstobetorn · 7 months ago
ayran is so freaking good despite its simplicity, a lot of people turn around at the concept of “yogurt drink with water and salt” but generally are okay with yogurt with fruit and chocolate etc etc (fro yo). like. i don’t even like yogurt. at all. /serious. but by GOD is yogurt amazing in some other contexts, such as the aforementioned ayran. really it benefits from its simplicity; you need three ingredients and a blender (if that) and boom. delicious drink. like yeah if the water and yogurt separate or the salt isn’t fully incorporated it is rather nasty, yes. however, when executed correctly, it is honestly one of my favorite drinks (i especially like how my dad makes it when he makes it good). there’s also this stone light variety, i forget what it’s called, but they put cocaine inside of it i swear. the sodium in it is OFF THE FREAKING CHARTS but oh my GOD it is so good. so freaking good. like coca colas creator WISHES the coca leaves he put in his drink has that kind of effect on people. yogurt soup is also another thing that sounds horrible on paper, but, when done right (which most people do), it is indescribably amazing. like. yogurt. eggs. flour. salt. mint (not plant form). rice. butter. sounds abominable. but, at least personally, when you make the consistency generously thick and add a large amount of rice and salt. god. it makes a persons day. i will give you the recipes to both if you are interested. it’s worth it. god. i don’t know how to rant about fandom but give me turkish food and i will talk forever. some mutated part of me hates yogurt but the TURKISH GENES are benevolently sipping on the soup and the drink. unrelated but döner and shish kebabs are like THE most stereotypical turkish food (other than turkish delight, damn you narnia [fun fact, in turkish they are called “lokum,” not the translation of turkish delight]) but god they are so good. on another unrelated note i am picky as HELL but next time go to a turkish barbecue proper o should get some grilled vegetables (other than eggplant, vile vegetable).
I tried Aryan once and I genuinely enjoyed it! :D I didn't get it anymore after mainly because restaurants had my favorite soft drinks on the menu and I would never pass up on those hdgsjs but Aryan does taste good even if it's a lil weird lol. I remember my dad and I having schedules for when we'd eat in which place when we lived in Turkey and I LOVED kebabs so much especially when they'd serve them with rice.
Turkish delights were also my shit I love that things
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ferrisbuellersgender · 8 months ago
✨Team Red Trauma✨ 1/3: Zack
I’m going to focus heavily on two specific events with zack: his encounter with evil carmen and lydia’s crash on the track. I’m going to talk about the former first
so just random question how would you feel if one of your closest friends, almost family, who you haven’t seen in 6 months and have no idea what is happening with their mind, doesn’t know who you are and then throws you off the top of a ferris wheel? Oh you would just brush it off? Ok sounds good. Anyways. I believe wholeheartedly that this was (obviously) extremely traumatic for zack.
First of all, and what he shared in the show, carmen didn’t know who he was. He and the rest of team red have become incredibly concerned for her wellbeing in the 6 months she was gone. He must’ve felt incredibly helpless seeing her like that, because how could she come back from what VILE did to her if she can’t even recognize one of her closest friends? We could see how clearly devastated he was upon realizing this.
But now, my much bigger point. I think zack would (and should) be incredibly scared of carmen after this encounter. After ivy, carmen is the person he has the most trust in. He has trusted her with his life, his sister’s life, his career; his trust for carmen and her protectiveness and care has never faltered. Imagine how much this breaks his trust. He experienced possibly the closest time he’s ever been to death, which is already traumatic within itself, but it was because of carmen. She looked him in the eyes and threw him out of the carriage. I think he would remember the look on her face, her complete lack of hesitance, and that would be all he could see when he looked at her. I don’t think he would feel safe around her, especially not alone. He wouldn’t let her get close to him or touch him; if she goes to reach out to him, he takes a step back. Even though he is legitimately terrified of her, I think he would also feel extremely guilty about it too. She wasn’t herself, she didn’t know who he was, it was VILE’s doing, she’s so incredibly sorry and she’s expressed that a million times. These are the things he tells himself, because he can’t be scared of her. That’s his friend, his family, his leader. How could this one event shatter almost all trust he had in her? But it does. He won’t go anywhere with carmen, or do anything planned/led by carmen, and he’s hesitant to let ivy go with her as well. (I’ll talk more about ivy’s response to this event in her part). Carmen feels absolutely horrible about what happened, and at first tries to frequently apologize and make it better, but eventually (and hesitantly) she backs off and distances herself somewhat. I think they mostly make up before she leaves for her mom (timeline what timeline) but there’s still tension.
Along with this same event, I think zack would absolutely have an extreme fear of heights afterwards. Even years later, when he’s employed with ACME, I think he still can’t make it up to rooftops without panicking.
Alright. Now I would like to discuss ✨driving✨. Obviously zack is the team’s driver, and I think he absolutely loves it. But not for exactly healthy reasons.
When he crashed, he very easily could’ve been severely injured. He was young, and it was probably the most dangerous and traumatic situation he’d been in. Ivy was of course mortified and freaking out, but in the moment zack was very calm. Part of that definitely could’ve been adrenaline. This leads me to what I think zack’s underlying relationship with driving, especially racing, is. I think as soon as he gets behind the wheel, adrenaline kicks in and completely washes out any fear or anxiety he has. It’s shown frequently in the show that he’s a fairly, not exactly reckless, but an energetic driver. I don’t think he ever shows any form of anxiety even when doing the most dangerous stunts (the fucking blimp jump???). I feel like any fear he has/would’ve developed from lydia’s crash has just been repressed by the adrenaline rushes he gets when driving, and he feeds off of and enjoys those rushes. Ivy certainly has concerns for his safety at times, and just in general too, but I don’t think she’s totally aware that there is any underlying fear from zack in relation to driving.
These were my two zack specific things I wanted to talk about, but I’ll likely talk much more about him and ivy’s relationship in a later post, probably ivy’s post which will be next. I’m saving my specialist guy player for last :)
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