#i have tried everything you just talked about! :3
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pupkashi · 3 days ago
a/n: some more jinwoo headcanons #needthat :P
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boyfriend!jinwoo who absolutely melts under your touch, any stress he’s harboring in his shoulders dissipates the second he comes home to you
boyfriend!jinwoo who is so smitten with you he finds himself wanting to come home to you every hour of the day, even finding himself at your job at random times because there was an ‘urgent matter’ he needed to discuss with you, even pulling the s rank card at times to get to you (he just wanted to see you and ask if you needed anything from the grocery store)
boyfriend!jinwoo who didn’t mind you teasing him, always having a small smile on his face when you tried to playful fight or wrestle with him, he was always gentle with you, making sure to keep his strength in check
boyfriend!jinwoo who would flip you under him and pin your wrists to the ground in the blink of an eye when you were being too bratty for his liking, his eyes glowing as he hovered over you, “you done sweetheart?”
boyfriend!jinwoo who blushes SO profusely anytime he finds you staring at him shirtless or in his boxers, he gets so shy under your gaze and his face flushes a deep pink color “w-what? do i have something on me?” he asks, trying to catch a glance of himself in the mirror only for you to shake your head no, “you’re just good to look at” you tease
boyfriend!jinwoo who picks you up and carries you around like you weight nothing, especially when you’re being stubborn about something he’s not above simply picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder
boyfriend!jinwoo who is too attractive for his own good, not realizing just how hot he was and flashing a smile out of kindness to a girl at the bar, you roll your eyes at him when he turns around, grabbing your things and walking out of the bar
“doll what’s wrong?” he’s quick to follow after you, when you don’t stop he’s standing in front of you in a flash, causing you to walk into his toned chest. before you can walk around him he’s got both your hands in his, “don’t walk away from me, talk to me my love”
boyfriend!jinwoo who leaves beru with you when he has to be far from you, beru quickly takes a liking to you after seeing how happy his liege was with you, when jinwoo summons him back he feels a little sad, telling jinwoo he would be more than happy to keep guard of you again, even managing to slip in how you were the only one fit enough for someone such as his highness
boyfriend!jinwoo who loves cooking for you, making you your favorite dishes and comfort foods. he loves having you sit on the counter next to him in one of his t shirts, letting you try everything and getting your input (you always think it’s perfect)
boyfriend!jinwoo who seems so stoic and emotionless in public, but is a ball of happiness and softness with you behind closed doors, warm eyes and soft gentle touches reserved just for you
the world would never know that sung jinwoo practically purrs when you run your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp. only you would ever know the quiet whine he lets out when you kiss his sharp jawline. only you would ever know the sound of his giggles when you place a flurry of kisses on his face. only you would get to see the love sick look on his face when you catch him staring at you randomly during domestic moments.
boyfriend!jinwoo who reserves the sweetest part of himself for only you <3
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akashirl · 16 hours ago
- mi ♡ sei ship questions !!
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↓↓ (beware the long post)
ps: i used both first and third person. i am my s/i, after all.
1. they first met on sei's first year and mi's second year of middle school, during basketball practice. it was the second practice miguel had attended, sei didn't show up on the first day.
2. miguel's first impression of sei was that he was an angel on earth, like some sort of divine being. it was absolute love at first sight. seijuro's first impression of miguel was that he was tall and a good player. he didn't think much of him at that time.
3. miguel was the one who felt romantic feelings first. it was immediate.
4. both of them tried to repress their feelings. miguel because he felt like he wasn't worthy of sei's admiration, and sei because he knows that being with another guy would be simply impossible due to his role as the only heir of the akashi lineage.
5. sei's life would have been ruled by his father's decisions. he wouldn't play in the nba, rather follow business like intended and put his dreams aside. his life would be quite monotonous. as for miguel, he would have succumbed to his disorder and just straight up would have died, without any kind of strength to keep going and no one to stay alive for.
6. they never left the flirting stage. sei is quite flirty in private, and it flusters miguel easily, who always tries to flirt back but fails miserably (marinette core).
7. OH BOY. miguel doesn't have a good relationship with his mother so he's living in the rakuzan dorms. his parents like sei, but they pretend to be unaware about miguel's feelings for him. as for sei's family, oh god. miguel is familiar with sei's nanny and driver, but he hasn't met masaomi personally. he's not exactly fond of him, either. so basically, neither families know that they're a "thing".
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1. it was sei who initiated it. it was after my second practice at rakuzan after the absolute storm that was having to deal with my disorder... (i get way too shy talking about this) sei promptly told me that he already knew about my feelings for him, and kissed me when we were all alone and the lights were low. i didn't even have to say anything, he could read my thoughts effortlessly.
2. they didn't have an "official first date" but rather lots of casual hang outs. they spend all their free time together, be it playing basketball together or chess, studying together or going out during lunch break at rakuzan. they go to the movies together and sometimes bring the rakuzan gang along.
3. i am going to EXPLODE. this was on my first misei lore post but here it goes: it was after practice and miguel went to clean up in the locker room. sei followed him. they were all alone. mi didn't realize he was even there until he turned around; he asked if sei needed everything and seijuro simply went up to him, cupped his face with his hands and brought him down for a kiss. it all happened so fast that miguel felt like he was close to passing out. then sei pulled back, looked him in the eyes and said "don't ever scare me like that again.". how romantic, huh? crazy.
4. sei was mi's first crush, love, "relationship", and pretty much everything. mi was NOT sei's first crush (i see you, nijimura) but he was his first true love, "relationship" and whatever else.
5. back in middle school, sei was 152cm (4'11) and miguel was 167cm (5'5), that's a 15cm (5.9 inches) difference. now, sei is 173cm (5'8) and miguel is 177cm (5'9). i suppose sei barely caught up. as for the age gap, sei is 16 going on 17, while miguel is 17 going on 18.
6. well, both miguel and seijuro have an emotionally distant approach to others, albeit for different reasons. while quite literally everyone follows sei unquestioningly, miguel's reluctance provides an unusual pushback. he doesn't like being ordered around, and makes sure seijuro knows that. he keeps him on his feet, not ever putting him on a pedestal (and then fanboying about him in private but that's another story). they're like a king and his knight -- except the knight refuses to submit to the king and his shenanigans. dog lover × cat lover. milk person × black coffee person.
7. miguel's parents like sei and find him an "excellent role model" for their son. sei's father, however, thinks of miguel as just one of sei's friends from school. that is not masaomi's main focus. miguel resents him.
8. sei takes the lead in social situations, often being the one who initiates chats (he's secretly a yapper.). they're both introverts, but miguel is way more introverted than sei is. they share the same friends at rakuzan (mibuchi, kotaro, nebuya and chihiro) but miguel is strangely uneasy when it comes to being with the rest of the kiseki. he is friends with midorima and momoi, but finds it difficult to strike a conversation with the others. they're not on the same level basketball wise and it makes miguel feel a little bit out of it.
9. that depends on who's fronting. oresei is not the jealous type, but bokusei is extremely possessive. he matches miguel's freak, i suppose. oresei is confident enough not to mind that kind of thing...miguel is extremely insecure. bokusei is just naturally jealous. they're working through it.
10. [i don't quite understand what this question means. apologies.]
11. seijuro. seijuro does that. no questions asked.
12. they're extremely open about pretty much anything, sei can always tell when miguel is hiding something from him, and when it's the other way around, miguel always gets a gut feeling. though they're not the type to hide things.
13. miguel. he feels as if sei is just wasting his time on him and will eventually move on and find someone better, which he knows he wouldn't be able to handle -- but that's how he feels anyway. i mean, have you seen akashi seijuro? how did i even manage to pull such a human...? of course, he doesn't let sei know about this insecurity of his. but he doesn't need to. seijuro knows and reassures him all the time.
14. "once more to see you" by mitski, "amor de ganga" by miguel luz, "once upon a dream" by lana del rey are some of the songs in our playlist...
15. there's not a recurring argument but miguel often gets very worried with how much pressure seijuro puts on himself. he doesn't like it when sei stays at school until dawn working or when he has no time even to eat...they've had an argument before about sei's perfectionism and how it's affecting his life negatively and sei took notes. he's trying to fulfill his duties in a healthier way...
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1. miguel said "i love you" first, (ore)sei is the one saying it more often. i have a strange relationship with the word "love" so i don't go around saying it without meaning it...miguel is trying to become more confident in using strong words.
2. quality time, acts of service and words of affirmation.
3. miguel tries to make pick-up lines land and fails miserably. when it comes to cheesy gestures, he likes buying sei flower bouquets. after the game against jabberwock, miguel went up to seijuro and gave him a bouquet with red camellias, dahlias, white roses, red gladiolus and white chrysanthemums.
4. they cuddle almost every night at the rakuzan dorms, when everyone else is asleep. it's like the world has stopped spinning and they have all the time in the world to give to eachother. when it comes to pda, they don't do it much due to the private nature of their relationship.
5. it's often sei who initiates the kisses. sei's favorite spots to kiss: miguel's nape (where he has the tattoo), cheek, lips, shoulder. miguel's favorite spots to kiss: forehead, knuckles, lips and neck.
6. they like playing basketball, watching movies together, trying different restaurants together and playing chess against eachother.
7. sei is better at providing comfort. neither of them are very emotional, but sei always manages to make miguel feel safe -- he also tried to give advices to "solve" whatever problem miguel is facing. miguel, on the other hand, tries to distract sei whenever he's feeling down. he knows that sei's head can be quite the dark place to be living in, so he tries his best to get him to focus on something else.
8. they prefer verbal affection because it's something that they're able to do wherever, no matter the circumstances; but they've grown to appreciate physical affection too, even though it's mostly just hands on one's shoulder, slight hand brushing and timid hand holding. they're afraid of society ok. let them be.
9. what reminds miguel of sei: the sun, cats, the color red, gems / stones, gold, roses, the smell of cinnamon. what reminds seijuro of miguel: paintbrushes, silver, the ocean, clouds, the moon, apples and the smell of vanilla.
10. they like everything about eachother. they admire especially eachother's mental strength -- since both of them have disorders and are sort of "fighting their own demons", god knows what that means. seijuro likes the way miguel looks absolutely done with everything and everyone at all times, something about his aura just screams "i want to go home" and sei lowkey digs that. on the other hand, miguel likes seijuro's imposing nature and leadership. he admires the way he is confident about who he is -- and wishes he could be as confident as sei.
11. what miguel calls seijuro: sei, captain, aka-chan (when it's bokusei), or simply seijuro. he is kind of shy with petnames. what sei calls miguel: dear, my love, my knight, miguel-senpai or simply senpai.
12. sei has the memory of an elephant. miguel has the memory of a goldfish. he cannot remember anything.
13. miguel tends to be the first apologizing -- probably because he usually is the one in the wrong. sei has his arms crossed with an imposing expression, but he relaxes, gives him a faint smile and walks up to him, kissing his cheek. "alright. that's better."
14. the protectiveness scale would probably look like: bokusei > miguel > oresei. both miguel and seijuro tend to eachother's wounds...
15. miguel buys sei flowers (that seijuro keeps hidden in his room) and books, since sei likes reading a lot. sei likes getting miguel art supplies and he bought him a designer pen once. miguel can't even mention that he likes something without sei IMMEDIATELY wanting to buy it.
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[ au where they're 19 and 20 in college, and sei plays in the nba (lakers)]
1. both of them have a say in the decorations, but sei is quite minimalistic and miguel is into way too many medias not to decorate the fridge with shadow the hedgehog magnets. their house has some portraits of them together as well as some pictures of shiori, paintings that miguel has done all over the walls and pictures from places they've visited together.
2, 3 & 4: questions about marriage, weddings and children make me extremely flustered so i'm afraid i cannot answer them. might make a separate post about this au...
5. they're both breadwinners. sei makes loads of money from playing in the nba and miguel also makes a decent amount from his job as a psychologist. miguel cleans and sei cooks.
6. hmmm, i don't know...i don't think so. the pets stayed at miguel's parents' house and they often visit them.
7. miguel worries the most. seijuro is quite calm most of the time. he knows not to stress himself.
8. seijuro really dislikes bugs and quite literally demands for miguel to kill them.
9. that obviously depends on the holidays but (boku)sei is VERY festive as we know. months before the holidays, he is already prepared. be it dressing up, decorating the house, whatever, sei is absolutely ready. don't even mention christmas near him.
10. seijuro wakes up early and mi always convinces him to return to bed. seijuro succumbs, obviously.
11. sei doesn't move an inch when sleeping. it's almost as if he's dead (he sleeps like a man in a coffin) and miguel moves while being asleep, hogging the blanket to himself. by that time though, seijuro is already asleep and doesn't feel the cold. miguel is also the one brushing his cold feet on sei's leg. still sei doesn't move an inch. he looks as dead as a rock. and when it comes to cuddling, they tend to switch! (boku)sei has a preference for being the little spoon but other than that, they're pretty versatile.
12. miguel, he really likes to dance at parties and drags sei around. it really isn't like miguel to be so hyped up about anything, so sei dances along with him with a content smile on his face. they sing their favorite songs. it's their happily ever after.
13. they often visit sei's mother at the graveyard and leave her flowers -- then they return to water them everyday. it's common for sei to do this after he wins a game. also, after a game, sei and miguel go to a restaurant to celebrate the victory. then they walk at night while they talk about whatever's their heart's content. playing chess against eachother has also sort of became tradition to them.
14. miguel's the type to do that. "i don't know, you choose" even though he does have a place in mind and simply wants sei to guess. and seijuro always gets it right.
15. miguel drives, seijuro gives directions.
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oh my GOD, this was long.
— ship questions redux (by myself + @newbordeaux)
How did they first meet?
What was their first impression of each other?
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
What was their "flirting stage" like?
How do their friends and family feel about them as a couple?
Who initiated the relationship, and how did they go about it?
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
What was their first kiss like?
Were they each other's first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
What is their height difference? Age difference? Do either matter to them?
How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
What is their relationship with each other's families like?
Who takes the lead in social situations? How are they around each other's friends?
Who gets jealous easier?
What are their parallels, whether in their personalities or their histories?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear in public?
Do they hide anything from each other, big or small?
Which one thinks they aren't good enough for the other, if at all?
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
What is their most common argument about?
Who said "I love you" first, and what was the situation?
What are their primary love languages?
Who uses the cheesy pick-up lines, or does corny gestures?
How often do they cuddle or engage in PDA?
Who initiates kisses? Where is their favorite spot to kiss each other?
What are their favorite things to do together?
Who is better at comforting the other? How do they usually comfort each other?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
What reminds them of each other?
What do they like best about each other?
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Who remembers the little things?
How do they make up after an argument? Who is the first one to apologize?
Who is more protective? Who would get into a fight to defend the other? Who tends to the other's wounds?
What gifts do they typically give each other?
When they move in together, who gets the most say in decorations? What do they each have to have in the house?
If they get married, who proposes, and how do they do it? Would they change their surnames?
What is the wedding like? Who attends?
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like as parents? What are the kids like?
Are either of them the "breadwinner"? Who cooks? Who cleans?
Do they have any pets?
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
Who is more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who hogs the blankets or takes up more than their fair share of the bed? Who puts their cold feet on the other? Who are the big and little spoons?
Who likes to dance with, or sing for, the other?
Do they have any "couple traditions", or family traditions?
Who is the one who always says "I don't know" when the other asks where they want to eat?
Who would drive, and who would give directions?
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https-kittyx3 · 3 days ago
pls pls pls could you write a poly!odypen x reader? I really loved your Telemachus story!!! :D
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we will fall in love with you again
TEEHEE thank you very much, i wasnt so proud of that so i'm glad you loved it!!
also poly odypen request???!?!? YES. UESUESUEUSEUSYESUEYS i really really want more Epic requests aaahh i am obsessed with writing stuff about it. i have multiple hermes fics i started and never finished lmao
btw i swear i've seen you in the tags before, you should totally write epic the musical fics!! i'm curious about the one you said you have based on your self insert >:3
also this is kinda angsty i think? but it leads up to fluff!! i promise i won't break your heart <3
not proofread at all, excuse is in the tags lolol
lowercase intended || art cred
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all throughout your life, you would have never expected what kind of relationship you'd have in your adulthood. younger you would imagine settling down with someone you fell in love with, living in a house together and spending the last of your days side by side.
the idea of having two lovers was the last thing you'd think about. it wasn't even something you knew you were capable of — loving two people at the same time? wouldn't it be unfair if you ended up loving one more than the other?
as much as that worry was understandable, it'd never end up becoming a problem; odysseus and penelope both earned your affections equally. they've both been your friends since what felt like the beginning of time - you never kept anything from each other, always made time for one another, and never had trouble speaking your minds... until things became complicated.
you tried so desperately to ignore it—the growing feelings you felt towards both of your best friends. it was anxiety inducing, especially since it was overly clear that the two were interested in each other. no matter the way it went, someone was going to be heartbroken. someone was going to be sad and the three of you could never be the same. it was agonizing to think about, to imagine the outcomes - you adore them both, to lose what you have would be your biggest regret.
ignoring your feelings seemed like the best bet for the longest time, but there was always that pang in your chest every time they'd talk about each other to you that reminded you of your own heart.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
"it's endearing how awkward he gets," penelope airily chuckles as she folds strands of her hair over and over in a pattern to create a braid, "sometimes, it's like he can barely form words around me... i wonder if that means he feels the same."
you feel yourself biting the inside of your cheek, carefully braiding the other side of penelope's hair for her. it was a mindless action the two of you fell into as you chatted together. all you manage to give her is a hum, your heart growing a tad heavy once again. penelope shifts, almost as if she senses your hesitation.
"is something the matter?" she questions with concern, tying the ends of her hair together to keep the braid from coming undone. penelope's always been the one who can read your emotions — it's one of the many things that made you fall for her. she's gentle, earnest... there isn't a chance in the underworld that she'd ignore your sadness. as your friend, she's here for you. she always has been.
you gaze at her slowly, almost afraid to look her in the eye - you could break at any moment, admit everything you're feeling, and ruin all you're familiar with. you don't want that, even if it leads to an eternity of heartache.
"of course! i apologize, i'm just distracted..." you sheepishly admit, finishing the other part of her braid. you let your hands fall away and sit in the grass below, a few strands nestling between your fingers. you grip onto them, pulling blades from their roots.
penelope sighs, having heard this time and time again over the course of your friendship. it wasn't uncommon for you to dismiss her concern, just to pop up later needing to vent - she understands it, even. so, she picks at the grass with you, but instead grabbing a flower that grows in the grass beneath you both.
she leans over you, gently placing the flower's stem behind your ear with ease. penelope then places her palm against your cheek, directing your gaze towards her with a soft touch. you feel yourself flush under her eyes and touch, your cheeks warming against her palm — part of you wonders if she notices the way you react to these small touches, and if she knows how you feel underneath your veil.
"you know you can talk to me about anything," penelope whispers with softened eyes. behind that kindness lingers her own conflict, confusion, and fear - but it wasn't known to you in this moment. in hindsight, perhaps it would've been more obvious if you looked deeper. if only you had talked to her then and there, taking up that sincere offer, things would've been more simple.
instead, your lovesick-ridden mind came up with the silliest thing you could have said;
"penelope, you're so sweet i could kiss you." you speak before you're able to think about how that sounds. you mean it as a joke... mostly, but in the moment it was meant as a way to accentuate how kind she is. instead, and with the amount of passion you spoke those words, it came off as a genuine confession.
and it's clear that penelope took it that way, with how quickly her cheeks darken in red. you pull back immediately, throwing in an awkward laugh as you gently push her hand down.
"i'm kidding! you're just... so kind. i don't know what i'd do without you."
inwardly, you sigh in relief as you watch her relax. crisis averted, you think. penelope responds with a laugh — a genuine giggle, a jingle of joy — it warms your heart faster than your face.
"likewise." she speaks with a gorgeous smile.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
"i just... i don't know what to say to her!" odysseus rambles on and on about penelope, occasionally asking for your thoughts on what he should do or say, all while swinging a stick at a tree as if he were fighting a massive creature. at the same time, he paces back and forth while looking up at you from where you sit on that same tree. your legs dangle from the lowest branch, hands gripping it tightly so you don't fall. it's a rather sturdy tree - an olive tree, specifically. the one where the three of you tend to spend your spare time together, though these days it's more often just two. becoming too busy is inevitable, after all.
this day was not one of those, however. penelope is to meet the two of you any minute now, though it's becoming apparent that she's been swept away by something or other - leaving you, odysseus, and the complicated feelings within.
even though you have feelings for both of them, having only one or the other around stresses you out. you're so unstable with your feelings and thoughts that you barely trusted yourself to stay quiet about them.
"what would you do?" odysseus tosses the stick to the side, plopping down against the trunk right under the branch you sit on.
"what would i do about what?" you question, not realizing that odysseus had been talking on and on as you zoned out from above. at this point in time, you were being no better than a certain goddess who was hopeless when it came to love advice. odysseus raises a brow up at you, "about... confessing your feelings?"
"oh!" you sit up straight, a panicked look on your face that is almost comical, "what feelings? i don't have any feelings for anyone!"
odysseus snorts, resting his head against the trunk, "i was talking about confessing my feelings for penelope, but... now it sounds like you might fancy someone." odysseus teases you, but it's not so clear in the moment — you feel caught, like all your thoughts had been read and exposed. your heart picks up in pace as you shift awkwardly, trying to think up any excuse to get out of this topic, before you realize that you're leaning on nothing but air.
you fail to catch yourself before you're falling backwards towards the ground, letting out a scream as you brace for impact. you're lucky you're only so far from the ground, because any further would've been death for you.
odysseus catches you swiftly, feeling lucky that he was right below you. he didn't even have to get up to snatch you from the air — all he had to do was lean forwards and pull you against his chest to cushion your fall.
and cushion, it did. your head falls against his collarbone, and your back lands right against his torso. his arms are wrapped securely around your chest, holding you up as you lean your head back to take a look at his face.
"looks like i fell for you, heheh..." what an awful joke for an awkward situation. odysseus does the same as penelope had done — he takes your joke as a poorly veiled confession, and as much as it may be, it's not something you want to admit right after he finished talking about his feelings for someone else. that 'someone else' being your mutual companion, your third member. your best friend.
ugh. what a situation to get yourself into.
odysseus' eyes are wide and cautious, but not for long as you sit yourself up with the dismissal wave of your hands, "no, no... that came out weird! i was doing a joke, but it was bad timing..!"
oddly enough, you see odysseus' face fall into a neutral expression for a faint moment, before glowing up and into a hearty laugh. similarly to penelope, again, it warms you to hear him laugh so sincerely. he finds you funny, and that brings you joy.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
despite all the signs of the mutual feelings between the three of you, it'd be a good while before things are finally shared. the next few years are spent pining after each other, battling that inner anxiety, and finally... admitting it to yourselves.
your heart is big enough for both of them, and it's something you have grown to come to terms with. all of that confusion and inner conflict subsided into an understanding, regardless of how anxiety-inducing it all still was. penelope and odysseus were simply just the most open about their feelings for each other at first. it took you a bit more time to finally open up, but once you did, you were surprised at how open the both of them were to you.
it was exciting to finally be able to express your feelings to them, to finally be able to tell them how in love with them you are without being afraid of losing them.
unbeknownst to you, it was an internal battle for the two of them as well. that feeling of loving two people at once, yet not knowing what to do about it for the fear of losing both of them.
the three of you, now together as one, share more love between you than anyone has ever seen. even athena, whose lifespan escapes the confines of time, has never witnessed such an incredible bond as yours. she's also heard endless stories about your romance from odysseus, who can't find it in him to stop talking about you and penelope — but who can blame him? he's blessed with two of the best partners he could have asked for.
even as you three grow older, take over more dire responsibilities, and marry one another, your love never wavers.
even after penelope bears a child, after the dread of a war looms ever closer, and odysseus is swept off to save the lives of many — your bond is true.
it's ever lasting.
he'll come back to his spouses and son, whether the gods want him to or not.
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gothamhappiness · 22 hours ago
Behind the masks (mayor!reader x Bruce Wayne) - Part 1
Hi everyone, I got this little idea of reader becoming the new Mayor of Gotham, and as you start working with Batman, you fall for each other. This is going to be a two part story with a gender neutral reader, hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: no proof reading, you're a leftist (don't know if it needs to be in the warnings, but basically you just want the inhabitants of Gotham to be healthy and happy), you dislike Bruce Wayne quite a lot (you're uneasy in his presence), but you really love Batman, mentions of kissing Batman, mentions of having sex with Batman (he's a little bit submissive), a little bit of angst as you don't think you can get more than a work + sexual relationship with Batman
You were the new mayor of Gotham. 
You didn’t really believe this happened, that you got elected, that you were now at the head of this rotten city. Your whole campaign has been around cleaning Gotham from its corruption and helping the poor people. You had been treated as a leftist and you had been proud of it. You were there to help your citizens, you were ready to fight for them, you were ready to help Gotham become a good place to live in.
You knew it was going to be hard and maybe a little bit bloody. But you were determined. You felt like it was your calling and now you were elected, you were on a mission. It was your duty to save Gotham from the darkness. You knew you wouldn’t be able to do it on your own, but you trusted your people: some of them showed more than once that they were ready to fight for Gotham too. Batman and his vigilantes, as well as Jim Gordon, were the first people you thought about. You were certain everything was possible.
You would make everything possible.
During the campaign, Bruce Wayne quickly offered you some money. You refused at first, because you weren’t too sure you could trust this himbo of a man. And last time he founded a campaign, Harvey Dent turned into a villain - which you didn’t want to happen to you as well. Plus, even if Bruce Wayne was known for his charity events and for trying his best for the city, you were feeling uneasy around such a rich man. Something always seemed fake about him and you didn’t particularly want to be linked to him. 
However when the mayor in place started to find ways to destroy all the funds you got, you had to accept Bruce Wayne’s offer. You hated it but you didn't have the choice anymore. Your campaign director had been exasperated when you told him you had refused the help of Bruce Wayne. And when all your funds disappeared, he blamed you for not having taken what the richest man of the city offered. You told him you could try to accept now, but he wasn’t too sure Bruce Wayne would accept. You still decided to give it a shot.
You remembered how you came to the Wayne manor, feeling pretty awkward in such a place. You remembered how you felt so small there, because you weren’t coming from a very rich place yourself. You were from the low middle class, just enough to get an education and knowing how to talk to be listened to. 
The butler, Alfred, you believed he was called, answered the door and very politely asked you to come inside, and told you that his Master Bruce was waiting for you in his office. You thanked him before following the man through the manor. 
Alfred knocked at a door and opened it for you before announcing you to Bruce Wayne. You were feeling even more uncomfortable, but you tried to remind yourself that you were putting yourself in this position for your city, for your people.
Bruce Wayne probably noticed how tense you were as he got up to shake hands with you as he gently smiled at you. He offered you a seat. You didn’t want to do any small talk or to stay any longer than necessary so you quickly went to the subject of your visit.
“Mr. Wayne, thank you so much for accepting to receive me so quickly." you said
“It’s no problem, I understand that I could help you?” he asked you, and for a moment you wondered if he was playing dumb or if he really was
“I know I turned down your offer to fund my campaign but… I’m afraid Mr. Hill isn’t playing fair, and I can’t really refuse your money anymore, if you’re still up to help me on that front of course. I would totally understand if you changed your mind…” you told him, pushing away your shame and proud as far as possible from you
“Of course I’m still up to help you. I’m glad when my money can serve Gotham.” he replied and you relaxed
“Thank you so much for making things that easy for me.” you said as you leaned into your seat
“Very good speech you gave last night, by the way.” Bruce Wayne shot you another smile as he signed up the biggest check you ever received in your whole life
“Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Wayne.” you whispered, quite stunned by all the zeroes he added, before it started worrying you: “Should I expect you to ask me for a favor one day?” you wondered and Bruce had seemed a little bit surprised for an instant before shaking his head
“I just want Gotham cleaned. And you seem eager and ready to do so” he shrugged “I can host a gala for you by the way” he offered “Anything that could help your campaign”
“That’s very kind of you, I’ll let you know about it” you had politely replied, hoping you wouldn’t need to accept this new offer as you didn’t particularly enjoy that kind of event and you didn’t want to have to spend more time with Bruce “Brucie” Wayne. “I hope to see you at my victory speech” you smiled, trying to be polite
“I’ll be there” Bruce Wayne simply nodded and you didn’t want to enjoy how certain he seemed to be.
Certain you were going to win.
You kept politely talking to one another for a few more instants, before you softly told him you had to go. You thanked him again and he actually guided you back to the front door of the manor.
You left the manor and as you got inside your car, you had to pinch yourself to make sure that none of this was a dream. 
You were a little bit astonished by how things went. Brucie Wayne acted a lot different than usual: he didn’t flirt with you, he didn’t try to seem to be ongoing and nice. He seemed even normal for a rich guy. You had the feeling he was more than just an himbo, after all he was taking an interest in politics? But you still didn’t trust him and you hoped you wouldn’t need to see him too often. Something about him was making you feel apprehensive, like when you look at an illusion and you can’t determine what is behind it.
Truth to be told, Bruce Wayne really liked you. He really thought you could be a good mayor. Jim Gordon thought the same and they both hoped someone was finally going to be on their side to make Gotham a good place.
Bruce Wayne stayed true to his words and as you were giving your victory speech, you spotted him in the crowd with his butler. He applauded for you, and when journalists asked him if he voted for you, he quickly said that yes. You hated how it helped your popularity and how everyone was even more eager to work with you as a mayor. You still had to send him a little message to thank him for his support.
You did your best to forget about him as you quickly started to work once you got elected. You truly became an ally of Jim Gordon. You started to clean up the GCPD from any rotten apples, and you did the same among the justice of Gotham. Of course, you quickly started to get a lot of enemies. You spent sleepless nights and you were walking on a thin line: with all the people you had to fire, you were clearly understaffed. But you had to do it, and you knew it was the right path. At the same time, you were working on an education plan for the poorest neighbourhoods of Gotham. You were certain that when people would escape poverty, they wouldn't need to work as goons, and criminality would drop.
Jim still warned you about the fact that before you reached this goal, you would need more police officers, or other kinds of help… You quickly understood what he meant and the next day you publicly declared that Batman and the vigilantes working with him were allies of Gotham, that the GCPD wouldn’t attack them anymore and that the city was eager to work with them.
Bruce was watching the news and he was quite pleasantly surprised by such decisions. It would indeed make things so much easier. He was quite eager to work with you.
After that, Jim offered to organise a meeting with Batman in the flesh so the three of you could agree on the better plan for cleaning up Gotham. 
You didn’t hesitate. You had always believed Batman was a light in Gotham. Of course, you weren’t always in agreement with how he acted, but you also knew that without him, the City would have gone even crazier.
You were a little bit stressed out before meeting the Dark Knight. You weren’t too sure how to act around him. But once he appeared in front of you, you relaxed. You felt safe and talking with him felt natural.
It was strange how Batman and you instantly enjoyed each other. You easily understood each other, and you were seeing Gotham and its corruption the same way. You often had meetings with him, sometimes even without Jim. When it was happening, it was almost looking like a working date.
Or just a date.
You didn’t want to admit it but Batman was attractive: he was a big and powerful man, he was a genius too. More than once, when it was just the two of you, he cracked some pretty cynical jokes that never failed to make you laugh. 
He also gave you a device to call him or the other vigilantes in case you would be in danger. You were becoming a target, and you were grateful a man like Batman was looking after you, or you knew you would get killed pretty soon. But, few months after your election, you still haven't needed to call for him because whenever something was going on in the city, he was sending one of the people working with him to you, so they could protect you.
You were quite friendly with all the vigilantes of Gotham and they seemed to like you quite a lot as well. It was a nice change for them that someone was so openly thankful for their work and to be offered food and water whenever they arrived to look after you. You even bandaged Robin one night he showed up injured but with the clear determination to protect you. You had argued with the kid for a while before he let you check on him. Batman personally thanked you for that the night after and you shrugged it off
“You look after me, I look after you all, it seems like a fair deal to me”
The first night you kissed Batman, you got worried it would make things awkward between the two of you. You didn’t know why you acted on your fantasy, but you didn’t regret it, as the man quickly answered the kiss. He sat you on your desk and cupped your face. You smiled against his lips: you clearly weren’t the only one who had wanted this.
The first time you had sex, Batman went down on you. You had been a little bit surprised that the Dark Knight was actually a little bit submissive, but you enjoyed to hold onto the pointed ears of his mask to ride his mouth. He had left you satisfied like you had never been before. Was the man really skilled no matter what he was doing? You wouldn’t complain about it.
You adored Batman, and you enjoyed working with him and having this physical relationship with him, but you didn’t really hope for anything more. You were already happy with that, even if a little voice inside your head told you that you could have so much more. You could become his partner, you could start a romantic relationship too. And you would have been the happiest person on Earth, because he was truly illuminating your nights and helping you go through all the mess Gotham could be.
But he was a masked man and you didn’t really think he would want more or to put his secret identity at risk. You were aware that something changed though, because the other vigilantes seemed a lot more careful when it was about you. After all, they knew their mentor and father was in love with you.
You were taking a break from work, reading a newspaper talking about the fact that Bruce Wayne hadn’t been seen with any girls or boys lately. Actually, it appeared that Brucie wasn’t flirting or hitting on anyone at galas. Everyone was wondering if he wasn’t secretly seeing someone but so far the paparazzi hadn’t found anything.
“I didn’t know you cared about Bruce Wayne?” a voice asked from behind you and you jumped before groaning as you realised that Batman had appeared out of nowhere
“Bat” you gave him a warning look “We talked about it” you reminded him as you turned your seat to face him
“Sorry, mayor” he apologised but you saw the ghost of a smile on his lips
“And no I don’t care about Bruce Wayne, but that’s all the media are talking about lately.” you replied to his question “But you know him, don’t you? Is he too in love to fuck with anyone else?” you teased
“I don’t know his sexual life” Batman sternly replied and you hummed “But you know him too, don't you?” he asked but he seemed to already know the answer
“He just gave me money for my campaign.” you shrugged
“And you didn’t try to know more about him? It’s always useful to have rich people on your side” Batman tried and you were wondering what was happening with Batman
“No. He feels too… unreal and that scares me off.” you finally said
“Unreal?” Batman seemed genuinely surprised
“I mean you feel unreal sometimes too, but you feel fuller too. I’m uneasy around Bruce Wayne because… well I don’t know, it’s like a perfect mask and because he’s super hot, no one tries to find out what’s really behind all of it. I guess you’re also wearing a mask, but you’ve got a real personality” you tried to explain “Anyways, we’re not here to…”
“You’re smart” Batman cut you off and you arched an eyebrow at that “But you never wonder what's behind the masks?” he asked again and you were really curious about where this conversation was leading
“I don’t want to be near Bruce Wayne. And as for you… I don’t know. We’re working well together, the sex is good too. I guess I’m always afraid to ask for too much, because I don’t want things to get ruined between us because I’ve been too greedy” you sincerely replied
“Would you do me a favor?” he suddenly asked and you nodded “Bruce Wayne is going to invite you to one of his galas and I need you to go there, and I need you to talk with him. And then you’ll tell me if you’re still scared to look beneath the mask”
Part 2
Taglist for all my work <3
Taglist for Bruce Wayne <3
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mxntalbrxakdanc · 2 days ago
let’s get into it:
first, i learned about the void state about three month ago, through some TikTok and shifters talking about it. at first, i didn’t really payed attention, but this morning (Europe timeline) i saw Alunir’s meditation to enter it.
i got interested, and tried.
the meditation worked perfectly, i was shocked how easy it was.
slowly, i felt Alunir’s voice going more far from me, like i was leaving my own body ? and i knew i fully got into the void state when I couldn’t hear the tv my brother was watching next to me at full volume. i got so scared, but then said to myself “yk what? fu.k it, i’m letting go of everything.” and then felt like i didn’t have a body anymore, i was just a bubble in the void. i was confused, bc at first i didn’t knew much about the void state, only what it was and its benefits.
i felt so good, relaxed, i just wanted to stay there a few minutes or hours. i didn’t have a name, last name, identity, NOTHING. just the bubble (like tiny thing/my mind) , and the void. it was like i had a break from my life, from everything, like no one could be here to disturb me, nothing. i didn’t thought about time, i just felt so free i stayed there a long time.
after this, i decided to back to this reality to write what i “lived”, so happy. i affirmed i was back here, then slowly felt back my body and heard the tv my brother was watching. i opened my eyes, and i was back.
i’m SURE i didn’t just “sleep” or “dream” because my brother told me i only closed my eyes for a second, like it just was a blink when i was in the void state for 30min +
anyway, i’m so happy, and i can confirm it’s as easy as the people says it is, like REALLY.
thank you for reading, have a good day!!<3
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lucysarah-c · 1 day ago
How do you think Levi will react when his partner gets jealous with his past flings? Like they know that it means nothing and he was just a playboy back then and he is being serious with them but who isnt get jealous at the thought of other women had him before them
Hi! How are you?
Funny enough, this actually happened in one of my fics (Holy Ground, ch. 18) haha. Believe it or not, I think Levi is someone who doesn’t handle jealousy scenes very well. Some couples find it—if it’s not actually toxic and just an occasional thing—almost funny, even endearing. But Levi? He doesn’t find them endearing at all haha. I can just picture him going, "Me? For real? You’re making a jealousy scene over me? I barely tolerate people, I’m grumpy, blunt, and I talk to almost no one on a daily basis. And you’re doubting me?" Almost like saying, "I’d get it if I were someone more outgoing or charming—like Eyebrows, who smiles at every stranger—but me?"
If the jealousy is about something he did before they were even together, oh boy hahaha. At first, he wouldn’t even take it seriously, but once he realizes she actually means it? Levi would be like, "You’ve gotta be kidding me." I think I’ve mentioned this before, but Levi is not only extremely secretive about his past—he’s also deeply mistrustful about it. If he opens up about his past or past relationships, it’s because he’s trying to share a piece of himself. But at the same time, Levi knows he did a lot of shit as a young man haha. Still, in his mind, it’s his shit. His mistakes. His past. I feel like he has this mentality of, "I did what I had to do in the shitty situation I was in. And despite all that, I turned out… somehow decent." So if someone tries to use his past against him—either to lecture him or to get jealous over it—not only are they shutting down any chance of him opening up again, but he’s not going to take it nicely. I can definitely see him getting defensive, like:
"I didn’t have parents to tell me what was good for me or to lecture me. Don’t try to take on that role now, because I don’t need it—and it’s not your damn place."
At first, he might brush it off as a joke. Like, "Are you serious? Don’t be stupid. Who cares about that? You have me now—isn’t that what matters? I was with them when I didn’t even know how to clean my ass properly. I’m with you now, as an adult." Maybe he’d even play along a little, pulling her back to him, getting that sassy edge in his tone—"Didn’t you love all the things I know how to do thanks to them? You sure seemed grateful last night." But if he realizes she’s genuinely upset? That’s when he might actually get mad lol.
Of course, he understands that jealousy isn’t something a person can just turn off. He’d probably try to talk it out because, in his mind, the real issue here isn’t the past—it’s trust. "She doesn’t trust me." And that’s the real problem, right? But at the same time, he’s not going to tolerate it if it becomes a habit. Like, Levi can be controlling, but don’t try to control him haha. I have this feeling that when Levi enters a relationship—especially as a Captain—it’s because he’s looking for some kind of happiness, some calm in the chaos of his life. He doesn’t want it to turn into a constant argument over who he’s been with or who he talked to.
I think that’s everything! <3 Hope you like it!
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thevoidscreams · 2 days ago
Could you write something about Vulkan? Preferably smut. I love this loving and massive super-human :3
Year 2 day 1
warning: smut and Vulkan being the GOAT (I love him so much)
Also the emperor being a good dad. Which is shocking. I know.
Word count:2966
'I heard that she's the wife of a primarch' 'she doesn't look like anything special to me' 'How long have they been married? and not a single child to be seen.. odd wouldn't you say?' 'Really it's an embarrassment that the emperor's own son would marry someone so.. common. There's nothing special about the girl at all.'
Your hand clenched around the stem of your glass as you tried to ignore the whispering around you. High Lords and nobles mingled or fought for the attention of your husband or brother's in law.
Vulkan was engaged in a very lively debate about something or another with his brother Ferrus, who seemed as though he would much rather be having the conversation anywhere but there.
Well that was certainly a mood, everything about this "party" blew, and not in a fun way. Why were they even having this party? Was it a celebration? A birthday maybe? Fuck if you knew, it just seemed like a prerequisite anytime more than two primarchs were back on Terra.
"You do not seem to be having a very good time." The speaker had come up behind you, which shocked you, you hadn't noticed anyone approaching. "Oh yeah, I'm not big on-" your voice faltered as you finished turning and saw the Emperor and two of his custodial retinue behind him. He was the height of an above average man at the moment and he was smiling down at you with a knowing sort of expression. "S-sorry, I um, I didn't mean any offense by that."
"It is alright, you are not required to be overjoyed by every gathering you attend. And I too admit that I would rather be elsewhere. But it is not a good look politically to decline every invitation."
"No, I suppose not." You smiled, and his demeanor shifted to a more fatherly one. It was hard to describe how exactly he did it, but suddenly the air between you both was far more at ease and comfortable.
"How have you been finding your marriage to my son?" You hadn't spoken in a few years, not since the wedding, so the question didn't surprise.
"Well, when he isn't actively campaigning or forging or teaching his sons, I must say I've never been happier. He is a wonderful man and I love him so much." You explained. The Emperor nodded and smiled. "I imagine you must be lonely when he is away." He supposed. "Sometimes, but his sons are good company and I always feel safe when they are around."
"Good, that is good." He seemed thoughtful. "Have you considered sons or daughters of your own?"
Luckily you hadn't had any drink in your mouth or you might have spit all over him as the suddenness of his question struck you.
"We've talked about it. I have no opposition to it, neither does he." You explained. "It's just that he's been rather busy and we haven't had much time recently." Your cheeks felt hot and it wasn't the drink causing it, that was for sure.
"I see. Perhaps he should take some time then, he has been doing well and I do believe he has earned it."
"Goodness, that would be nice, but I fear nothing short of you ordering it of him would take him from his work. He's so dedicated and there is so much expected of him."
Your father in law seemed to digest the words and nodded. "Well then, the hour is getting late and it is about time I start seeing my guests off. Would you like an escort to see you back to your room when you are done with socializing?" He motioned to the Custodes to his left and you fought back a gasp.
"Oh, no, thank you really, but I'm sure they have more important things to do than look after a grown woman."
His smile softened a shade and he placed a hand on your shoulder. "You are married to my son, that makes you my daughter now, that makes you a very important individual. It would not be out of line to assign one to you to see you safely across the palace."
Well, it seemed the decision had been made for you as he made a brief motion to the golden clad warrior and bid you farewell, leaving the custodian to watch over you. Though the armored giant didn't say anything as they took their post beside you.
Vulkan had concluded his conversation with his brother when he felt drawn to the other side of the room. Most of the guests had trickled out by now, very few were left, but he was delighted to see his father had remained. Motioning his son over, the primarch did as his father bid, going to his side. "Father, I am glad to have a moment with you. How have you been."
"Well, but there is a matter of importance that I wish to speak of with you."
The looming presence behind you was as intimidating as it was protective. Even if you knew the way back and knew that the palace was likely the safest place in the whole universe, the Emperor had ordained it and thus you had another very large guard keeping you safer than imaginable. They preceded you into the room, checked it and then allowed you in before standing guard outside the door.
'Stay on post with her until Vulkan returns.' Was the silent order they had received and so it would be.
The primarch of the Salamanders did not return for almost two hours. Well into the midnight hour. He greeted the custodian as he entered. Shutting the doors behind him and locking them.
Rousing from your sleep at the sound you were glad to see the man you loved so dearly. "Vulkan, my dragon, I missed you."
He chuckled as he disrobed and joined you in bed, kissing the top of your head. "I was gone but a few hours my flame." His strong arms pulled you atop his body and he peppered your face with kisses. "I know, but it was still too long."
His smile could have melted the ice of a frozen death world. It was so warm.
"My father pulled me aside after the party." He explained, which caught your interest.
"I see, is everything alright?"
"He has taken me from my duties to the crusade. There are other matters he wishes me to attend." His hands slide down over your hips.
"Really? That's so odd, I was just joking earlier that the only way you could be taken away from your duties in the crusade would be if he had ordered it."
Vulkan hummed, his hands gliding up to squeeze your ass. "Yes," he rumbled against your throat, "what do you think he took me off active duty for?"
His words sent a jolt down your spine and a bloom of heat between your thighs.
His lips worked over the tender flesh there, kissing and sucking as he grinds his hips up into you.
"Apparently I am to tend to my needy little flame, and I am not to return to duty until we have a little spark of our own." His voice deepened in the way it only ever did when he was giving an order or intensely aroused.
"And since I have you here and you're awake now," his hardened length pressed to your entrance as he continued to flex his hips. "I figure now is as good a time as any to get started."
"My love~" his fingers quested down to begin preparing your body for him. The warm press of his finger against your already wet hole made you shiver. He rubbed tight circles as he adjusted his cock just so his every movement would grind it against your clit.
"Fuck, Vulkan, I need more."
He smiled and continued his slow torture. "Why rush, we have all night?" He replied, his teeth worried little trails of his love into the flesh of your shoulder. You knew you'd have marks to show for it later.
"Please, Vulkan, please!" You begged as the pad of his finger pressed in slightly but pulled away again.
"Are you sure? After such a long day I figure you'd need some time to unwind before anymore rigorous activities. Why not let me take care?"
You whined in response as his thick drooling cock pressed just right and made your hips reflexively jerk. "Throne damn it Vulkan. Please, I need you. I've needed you all day and especially during that stupid party."
Vulkan shifted, he raised his hand to lift your chin so he could look at your face properly.
"What happened?" His tone was serious, his burning eyes searching your face for any signs of harm, but he only found upset.
"Just nobles being stupid." You sighed but the biting words that tore you down still rung in your mind despite how hard you tried to push them out.
"It's nothing, I just.. I'm being too sensitive about it."
He shook his head. "No, tell me, I will see that this is handled. What did they say to you."
"That's just it, they didn't say it to me. At least not to my face, they didn't all their tearing down behind my back, but I could still hear them."
Vulkan kissed your cheeks. "What did they say?" He asked again, more gently this time.
You knew you had to tell him now, and so you did, all the shallow and awful comments. You felt like a child again, tattling to the teacher when the other kids were bullying you. "Like I said. It's stupid, and I shouldn't have let their words get to me."
"None of their words are true." His hands squeezed your hips gently. "They're jealous, I married the most wonderful woman in the universe and they are unable to handle such a truth." He kissed the side of your face and neck affectionately.
"I wouldn't say the most wonderful, that's a bit much." You replied, holding in a giggle as he attacked a particularly ticklish spot.
"Are you calling me a liar?" He grumbled into your cheek. "No, just an over-exaggerator."
He growled and the sound went straight to your pussy as his hold turned more firm. "Why does my own flame doubt me so terribly?" "I just don't think I'm worth the praise." You breathed as he growled again. "Who do you trust more? Your husband? Or the jealous nobles who live and thrive off gossip and tearing others down to retain their station?"
"You, of course."
"Good, then trust that by morning you won't remember anything they said to you or about you at that unnecessary function." He promised, and his finger took its place from before circling your entrance, except this time he pressed it in.
You moaned softly as he gave you time to adjust. But only just as he began to move his finger, making you squeak and wiggle back into his hand.
It was almost absurd how easy it was for him to drive your mind blank. "Just relax my flame, I will take care of you."
Another finger brushed against your soaking heat and you knew he was going to push it in even before he did it. He needed to ensure you were thoroughly prepared before he could just take you. When he pressed it in there was no sting or burning as there had been when you first were growing accustomed to him, but you did feel full, fuller than any other source, save for his cock, could provide. He pressed his lips to the top of your head, his voice warm and deep as he praised you for taking his fingers so well.
He continued to press kisses to your hair and face as he pulled his fingers free causing you to whine at the loss. "I was so close." You grumbled as he raised his love slicked fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean with a deep groan. "Oh my flame, you grow sweeter each time I taste you." His massive hands hauled you up his body further as he settled you over his face. "I believe I will need another taste." He swallowed and a quick glance over your shoulder revealed his hard throbbing cock. The first lick was so inhumanly hot, but his body was always like that. He moaned as he went back for another swipe of his tongue. His hands slid down to hold your hips, pressing you down on his mouth further and you relaxed your weight onto him the way you knew he liked. He rewarded you with another long lick before he plunged his tongue into you. You had been so close from just his fingers and you found yourself teetering on the edge again as he fucked your pussy with his mouth, groaning in pure ecstasy as he drank down every bit of juice you provided. "Vulkan," you gasped, "I'm gonna cum love. I'm gonna..." Your body shook and your thighs clamped around his head as he growled in satisfaction, his burning eyes blazed up at you as he watched you fall apart. His growl morphed to a groan as you came on his tongue and he lapped up every drop.
Carefully he laid you down next to him, his body shifting over your as his cock strained between his legs. "My flame, I can not wait any longer." You reached for his face cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss. "Then don't, please my Dragon, I need you as well." He gave you a flash of the ice melting smile and kissed you deeply as he pressed his cock to your entrance. "My love, you are so much more than anyone could ever dream, and I intend to show you just how much you mean to me. Tonight, and tomorrow and the day after and so on until you know just how deeply I love you." His cock sank slowly into you, inch by inch as he professed his love, until your body had stretched to allow him to sink almost impossibly to the base. "You see. Perfect, just as I said." His hand sought yours, holding it gently as he raised your fingers to his mouth and pressed a kiss to each one as he pulled back his hips and thrust back in. He had to show you just how much he loved you even when making love. The bed groaned under you as he thrust again, the feeling of being so full of him was electric, each thrust making little stars dance behind your closed eyelids.
He kissed one of your knuckles, thrusting in hard, but not enough to harm. "Kind." He murmured softly, thrusting in and kissing the next. "Intelligent." He murmured again, moving to the next. "Funny." He repeated the process, for each knuckle he kissed he listed another thing he adored about you. "Loving, beautiful." When he reached the last knuckle he turned your hand over, kissing your palm. "Good with my sons." He gave you a sly smirk at that one, knowing that you always got flustered when they referred to you as 'mother'. Trailing kisses up your arm he continued his compliments until he got to your collarbone, where his lips sealed against your skin and he marked you, leaving a hickey that would be near impossible to miss without a necked shirt or sweater. He looked over the mark and once satisfied he smiled and began his kisses again. The whole while he had been going at an even and maddeningly unhurried pace. "Please, I need you to go faster, I'm getting close but I just need more." You whined, begging him with not only your words but your eyes. "Eager." He said as he left another kiss, this just next to your lips. Teasing you. "Please Vulkan, Please." He wouldn't admit it allowed in the moment, but hearing the way you cried his name as he was thrust into you as deep as he was drove him mad with lust. It had been a battle to keep his wits about him as he heard each little whine or moan. His lips finally brushed over yours, "Most of all," he groaned as his arms scooped under your body to hug you closer to him. "I adore you for being yourself, I could not have married a better woman." His lips pressed to yours and you met the gesture with equal enthusiasm. It was then the damn broke and he was barely able to keep from slamming into you and potentially hurting you, but his thrust picked up, his need to fuck you properly over coming him as he let his need take over in setting the pace. His mouth moved with yours now swallowing your moans and cries as he fucked you into the bed, his arms still holding you close as the bed creaked louder in protest. He felt himself get closer and you were there with him, pussy clenching as you fell apart, your arms tightening around his shoulders as well, as you used his body to keep yourself grounded. You both came, your body milking his cock as he did and his thrusts continuing to ensure you properly came undone beneath him.The primarch spent the next several minutes kissing you, his small wife, as you basked in the afterglow. He hadn't pulled out and he didn't intend to. After all, his father had told him that he was to stay off active duty until such time as you had conceived and given birth and he intended to use that time to the fullest.
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harukyuu2 · 2 days ago
Hellooo I really like your works especially the alnst ones!! ><, so can I request a Ivan, Luka, and Till x Anemic!s/o?? and could you make hcs and scenarios for each one? Tysmm! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
⋆·˚ ༘ *╰┈➤ ❝Dont fall if it isnt for me!!❞
♡ Ivan, Till, Luka x Anemic!Reader -> Gn Reader, fluff, headcanons + small scenario, the alien of Reader is implied to be abusive
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↳ Till is the type to… ༉‧₊˚✧
♡ Poor baby is always keeping an eye on you because he cant stand the thought of you fainting :(
♡ At first, he thought the reason you were so pale and cold all the time was that your guardian probably kept you caged up— he wasnt entirely wrong, that was true but it was also because you were anemic!
♡ Once he finds out? He acts calm, but in the inside he is 24/7 trying to take care of you, more if you two are still on ANAKT GARDEN
♡ He will ask you to keep your trainings easy and calm, would give you part of his food even if he recieves barely anything and would try to take naps with you if you ever felt tired (practically always)
♡ Anyways, Till isnt too sure how to help out with your anemia, but he'll be at your side! -> Literally would throw hands with the aliens for you if they are exploiting you while you feel dizzy
Till called you while he watched you practice, he already told you to take it easy three times but yet you continued dancing and singing— you felt out of yourself by now but if you didnt learn this choreo, you didnt want to know what your guardian could do to you...
"N-not now Till, i have to learn this" - You say with a shaky breath trying to focus even if your gaze was blurry and your heart was starting to beat faster.
Till, letting out a frustrated sigh, finally stood up from where he was sitting. - "Stop being dense, I dont want you to—" - Before he could finish his lecture, you tripped, your vision going pitch black for a moment. He was quick to catch you, even as you practically fell into him
You two were on the floor for a moment, your head resting in Till's shoulder until his shaky hand decided to caress your hair finally— with a sigh, he tried to calm the red from his face while you leaved a small laugh, even if you felt tired he kept you close and that made you happy, deciding to finally hear his lecture.
"Youre so stupid...atleast rest like this a moment, alright? I'll protect you from your guardian if he acts like a dumbass...i promise."
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↳ Ivan is the type to… ༉‧₊˚✧
♡ This boy is always analyzing you, so that means the moment he knows you have anemia, is the moment he tried to find books about it
♡ He would try EVERYTHING to make your situation better. Bad diet? Yeah, you can have his, he always gets good food. Lack of sun? He would try to get you out and get some with the excuse of doing photoshoots or something!
♡ If you ever felt tired (most of the time better said) he is the first one to make you sit down and rest while talking nonstop the symptoms of anemia so you stay still
♡ He cuddles you a lot! If you feel embarassed of always being cold, no worries— i think he is just as cold as you are! So seek warm together <3
♡ Your personal reminder to take care of you, literally everyday he will try his best for you to feel better! And you better listen to him, because if you're overworking yourself instead of paying attention to him, he'll just drag you to rest.
"Okaay, so you eated good today! We can have a little break and then i can help you practice your vocals on that song—" - Ivan was interrupted by you standing abruptly, but he kept that smile that showed his fang always
"No, i should train now and uhh..." - You tried to end the sentence, but standing quickly got consequences for you, making the dizziness appear while your gaze stumbled
Ivan noticed and just leaved a small laugh, even if he heard your grumbles, he made you climb onto his back so you could rest while he walked
"C'monn, lets rest a little and then i'll help you practice, you have to hear me you know! Just...dont throw on me"
With that being said, Ivan dragged you against a tree, hoping the artificial sun of ANAKT GARDEN would help you while he hummed your song, talking about how pretty it would sound once you sang it.
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↳ Luka is the type to… ༉‧₊˚✧
♡ Poor baby is so head over heels for you that he thought for a moment that maybe giving his blood to you would help :( Like, when you two were childs, he hitted his mouth thinking that blood would help you
♡ Listen, he has tons of things to check his health state too. He would try to see if any of them could help you
♡ Even if you had clones, he isnt letting you go. So, with his little knowledge from books, he would start taking care of you even if its pretty harsh or indirect with his lectures ♡ Would try to share his food with you, fails successfully because his ass is a big eater. Still, he always tries to make sure you're eating well, and when you dont, he'll call you out on it. If its because the aliens dont give you enough? He'd let you bite him to calm the hunger
♡ He isnt the most healthy person either, so he understands you when youre tired or dizzy. He was always forced to continue training even when he feels like that, but for you he'd force you to take it easy "Lukaaa...c'mon we have to learn this or else were gonna fail the collab!" - You say crossing your arms while Luka gazed boredly at you Even if you felt a little dizzy by now, your guardian managed to get you a collab with Luka! An important event since he was known as the ruler of the stage. The bad thing for both of you? it counted with a choreo and you urged to learn it well to not be punished for a mistake during the collab, even if it meant overworking yourself.
Luka sighed, standing up and putting his hands on your shoulders - "Dont be stupid, i know you didnt have a big meal today and by the look of your eyes youre kinda dizzy, arent you? Im giving you the chance to rest, just take it." Seeing the small guilt and worry in your averted gaze made him feel something— you always make him feel something, dont you? He sighed again, rolling his eyes as he took your wrist, guiding you towards his messy room, filled with things for his health and papers all over the floor. With a swift move, he managed to lay you on his bed, and without hesitation, he joined you, hugging you close, his head resting on your shoulder without thinking too much about it "Stay here— you dont want to faint, do you? So use your head for a moment and cuddle with me..."
You sighed, letting him win the argument as always as you resigned to caress his hair. Maybe you can train later, now you have a new task in hand— that a sleepy Luka doesnt end up confusing you for something sweet and bitting you!
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cece693 · 2 days ago
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Where's The Trust? Pt. 2
pairing: bucky barnes x male reader tags: steve really is an asshole, bucky trying to gain forgiveness, you are bitter as fuck, the avengers are conflicted, Tony taking matters into their own hands, good bro Tony, was gonna end it here but a reconciliation is in order, part 3 if wanted
It had been weeks since that horrible confrontation—weeks since you’d walked out on Bucky, burning with betrayal and heartbreak. And in that time, your anger had crystallized into a cold, vicious wall that no one—least of all Bucky—could penetrate.
Bucky tried. God, did he try. He sought you out in every corridor of the Avengers Compound, cornering you near the training gym, waiting for you outside the labs, even tentatively stopping by your quarters. But no matter how or where he approached, you shut him down with biting words or frosty glares. Sometimes you wouldn’t even look at him; you’d just shoulder past, exuding the kind of scorn that made everyone around you flinch.
You became, in Tony’s words, “the biggest asshole known to man.” Normally affable and considerate, you were now short-tempered, dismissive, and cold as ice. You brushed off team bonding sessions, training spars, even the usual group movie nights if he or Steve were in attendance. The rest of the team was confused, to say the least. After all, you and Bucky had been the golden couple—two people whose trust and loyalty seemed unshakeable. Now, you were outright hostile, and Bucky looked like a hollow shell of the man they once knew. No one knew the details of what went wrong; no one dared pry into the tinderbox of your anger.
Steve, in the meantime, tried to exploit the widening chasm between you and Bucky. “You need to move on,” he murmured one day in the gym, while Bucky had been pounding at the super-soldier-enforced punching bags, trying—and failing—to vent his frustration in a healthier way. “They’re never going to forgive you, Buck. Maybe it’s time you—”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” Bucky snapped, punching the bag off the chain and sending it skittering across the room. Sweat dripped down his face, but his eyes blazed colder than ice.
“I’m just saying,” Steve continued, stepping closer, “maybe we can find comfort in each oth—”
Bucky nearly flew at him, fists clenched. “Comfort?” he snarled, voice trembling with rage. “Don’t you dare talk to me about comfort, you self-serving bastard. You think you can just swoop in when I’m at my lowest and pick up the pieces? You destroyed everything!” His voice echoed off the empty gym walls, making Steve flinch. The blonde raised both hands, palms out, but Bucky didn’t let him speak again.
“You ruined my life—my relationship—so you could chase some pathetic fantasy that we were meant to be. Let me spell it out for you, Rogers: I don't love you nor do I want anything to do with you. Whatever we had is gone, dead. You come near me with that bullshit again, and I swear I’ll make you regret it.” A tense silence fell. Steve swallowed hard, eyes flicking with hurt, but Bucky stormed off before he could respond. From that moment on, any semblance of friendship between them was shattered.
The tension rose within the team so much that it was Tony—yes, the man who normally avoided confrontation like the plague—who finally mustered the nerve to corner you about what happened with Barnes. He cornered you in one of the compound’s smaller lounges, a glass-walled room where you wouldn’t have an easy escape route. You glowered at him the moment he closed the door, already anticipating the lecture you didn’t want.
“Look,” Tony said, raising both hands in mock surrender, “I get it—you’re in a Bad Mood with capital letters. Usually, I’d say that’s none of my business, but this is starting to affect mission readiness. And that is my business. So talk.”
You folded your arms, lips pressed in a tight line. “There’s nothing to say, Tony.”
“Right. Because you and your ex–mister perfect soldier just decided to stop talking and run around with matching doom-and-gloom expressions for fun.” Tony snorted, crossing his arms in return. “Come on, I’m not asking for graphic details. Just enough to, you know, keep the team from imploding. And—” He hesitated, then added more softly, “I’m worried about you.”
Your chest tightened. You hadn’t heard that tone from him in a while—an undercurrent of genuine concern rather than sarcastic deflection. It reminded you, painfully, that once upon a time you and Tony had been…well, something. Not precisely soulmates, but definitely more than friends. A messy tangle of mutual respect, attraction, and comfort that had eventually fizzled out amicably. And while your heart now belonged to Bucky (or did, anyway), you still had a lingering fondness for Tony that was tough to ignore.
You exhaled a shaky breath, your anger and sorrow warring behind your eyes. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.”
His eyebrows lifted, and he gave a half-laugh. “Yeah, sure. And I’m the poster boy for healthy coping mechanisms.” Then his expression sobered. “(Y/N), please. Level with me. Something major happened, and if it keeps escalating, it’s not just you and Bucky who’ll suffer—it could jeopardize missions, our safety…everything.”
You closed your eyes. For a moment, your lips pressed into a thin, trembling line. You were so damn tired—tired of carrying all this anger, tired of everyone tiptoeing around you, tired of Bucky’s hollow stares. Part of you wanted to hold everything in. Another part was on the verge of bursting. And Tony…Tony was the one person who might actually understand. Hell, he’d seen you at your worst and never once thrown it back in your face.
Your eyes snapped open, and you found yourself speaking before you could lose your nerve. “He lied, Tony. Bucky lied to me. We were serious, and he never bothered to tell me about him and Steve. They used to…be together. And then I caught them kissing. I—” Your voice cracked, and you had to breathe through the sudden surge of raw pain. “I don’t know who started it. Bucky swears it was Steve, but I— I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
Tony’s face flickered with surprise, quickly followed by something like sympathy. “Steve and Bucky…” he muttered, rubbing his chin. “Wow, okay. That’s a new one for me.”
You snorted, eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Yeah, well, apparently it wasn’t new for them. They’d had some fling back in the day, never told me, and now I’m the idiot left wondering if he ever really gave it up, or if I was just—just some stand-in.”
You could feel the tears welling up, which only made your anger twist into something more acidic. Dammit, you hated crying in front of others, especially Tony. But the betrayal still burned, and it wasn’t going away. Tony watched you carefully. “Hey,” he said softly, shifting closer. “You can be mad, y’know. You can feel every bit of this. You’re not wrong for it.”
His words—simple validation—threatened to break the floodgates. Despite the resentment swirling in your gut, you felt a small pocket of relief that he hadn’t brushed you off or told you to “get over it.” In fact, he looked unexpectedly sympathetic. “Doesn’t make it hurt any less,” you muttered, wiping angrily at your eyes.
“No,” Tony agreed, “it doesn’t. But sometimes we need the hurt. We need to acknowledge it before it can heal—or before we can figure out if it’s even worth healing.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Trust me, I know a thing or two about screwing up relationships.”
A tired laugh escaped you. “I remember.”
“Har har.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m not defending Barnes’ secrecy—dumb move on his part, no question. But from what I’ve seen, the guy worships the ground you walk on. He’s miserable without you.”
“Well, he should’ve thought about that before he lied to me.” Your voice wavered between fury and sorrow. “I can’t just pretend everything’s okay.”
"And you shouldn't, (Y/N), but if there's one thing I know is that love is tougher than the shit we throw at it. If you're still this mad at him, it means a part of you still cares because if you didn't, you'd be indifferent. Anger is a sign there's something worth being angry over, you know?"
You stared at him, that sentiment rocking through you. You’d been so caught up in the betrayal, you hadn’t stopped to think about what your anger truly meant. If you truly wanted Bucky out of your life, why did the mere thought of him push your heart into overdrive?
“God, I hate that you’re making sense,” you mumbled, sniffing.
Tony quirked a small smile. “Don’t tell anyone. I’ve got a rep to maintain.”
You barked a watery laugh, your shoulders sagging. The relief of finally talking to someone—really talking—felt like a weight lifting, even if just a little. “So what now?” you asked, voice quiet. “I can’t just snap my fingers and fix this. Every time I see him, I remember— remember them together.”
He nodded. “I hear you. I’m not saying you have to forgive him tomorrow. But maybe give yourself some breathing room. Let the anger settle a bit. Once the rage isn’t so blinding, maybe you can see if there’s anything to salvage—any explanation that doesn’t make you want to throttle him.” He paused, then added wryly, “And, well, if you can’t salvage it, at least you’ll know you tried.”
A weighted silence lingered. You exhaled slowly, struggling to keep your emotions in check. Finally, you lifted your gaze to Tony’s, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “When did you become the voice of reason?”
He patted your shoulder. “Probably around the time I decided I actually give a damn about the people on this team. Don’t spread it around.” Despite yourself, you laughed again—hoarsely, but genuinely. It was the first time in weeks you’d felt anything close to lightness. Tony gave you a half-smile, pressing a small handkerchief into your hand. You recognized it as one of his showier accessories, printed with tiny Iron Man helmets.
“Here,” he said. “Use it to dab away those tears before someone catches on that you still have a heart.”
You rolled your eyes but accepted it gratefully, wiping the dampness from your cheeks. “Thanks, Tony,” you murmured. “For listening. For everything.”
He shrugged in that trademark Stark way—casual but genuine. “Anytime, (Y/N). Just don’t go ballistic on me if I try to get you two in the same room. I’m not saying I will, but, you know…hypotheticals.”
You shot him a half-hearted glare, tempered by a ghost of a smile. “Don’t push your luck.”
He grinned. “Noted.”
With that, he opened the lounge door, allowing you to slip back into the compound’s corridors. But somehow, the air felt a fraction less suffocating—and for the first time in weeks, you dared to consider the possibility that, maybe, healing wasn’t entirely off the table.
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enyaliuswrites · 20 hours ago
➽ Love and Deepspace Hogwarts AU
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Multiple characters x gn!reader tags: fluff, reader doesn’t have to be mc, Hogwarts au, Harry Potter AU, reader doesn't have to be in a relationship with character but it is slightly implied
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Gryffindor. I mean he’s basically a knight in shining armor, brave and bold. He literally left everything and fought everyone and fate just to save MC. 
Like in my college au, Xavier can always be found sleeping in random places. Outside near the broom shed or even near the Forbidden Forest, because “nobody would bother him there” (He got into a lot of trouble).
He’s always the last one to arrive for dinner and always the last to leave, because the food was too good and we know how big of a foodie Xavier is, and also because he kept nearly falling asleep. 
Xavier also definitely flies up on his broom to some rooftop and just sleeps there. He gets into trouble a lot, but this doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about his house. Xavier, although he keeps a low profile, he’ll score perfect scores on his exam, and although occasionally mess up his potions—because he fell asleep—he’ll still get it right in the end. 
As much as he gets into trouble and loses points for Gryffindor, he always earns back more than he loses. Also he has no doubt that others in his house will eventually earn it back as well. He’s a student that keeps his profile low-key, doesn’t gather much attention apart from some girls in his class having a crush on him because of his good looks, but other than that he tries to keep a low profile and keeps to himself. 
Xavier picked a cat for his companion on a whim but now he’s really attached to his cat. Like himself, his cat has white fur, and big blue eyes. When you find one sleeping the other one must be sleeping nearby as well. 
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Ravenclaw. Well it’s kind of obvious, he’s yearning for knowledge and also is a very high overachiever. However, I also believe he could be a Hufflepuff because he’s quite humble and down-to-earth. As well as the domestic and homey interactions with MC. But for the sake of this I’ll put him in Ravenclaw.
Zayne can either be found in the library or in the Ravenclaw Tower with his nose in a book. He’ll definitely be like Hermione and take multiple classes, exhausting himself so much that he’ll fall asleep in 3 seconds flat if he’s not careful. He often has nightmares, so taking extra classes and avoiding sleep is his escape. 
He aces all his classes, perfect in spells, potions, the writing and reading, the practical, you name it. However, you can also often see dark bags under his eyes. Zayne keeps to himself and is known to all the professors as a very smart, polite and quiet student. He earns a lot of points for Ravenclaw and has almost never gotten into trouble.
Still with a heart of a doctor, Zayne has perfected all of his knowledge of healing and regeneration spells, able to mend a bone in just a few seconds. He’s most likely the first student people go to if no professors are around and someone is injured. 
Zayne gets a lot of confessions, girls (and boys) love him. He’s respectful. Keeps to himself. Smart. The list goes on and on. Zayne of course turns down everyone who approaches him, he only has like two friends, actually make that one. Greyson. The only other guy that he barely talks to and if he does then it’s about studies or a new spell. 
He’s very quiet and his stoic face throws people off, but during his time off he’s often seen going over to Hogsmeade to help out some elderly people or acting as a makeshift doctor—all the while accompanied by his pet owl. His owl is completely black, with big yellow eyes and is a know-it-all among other owls.
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Ravenclaw. Most people say Slytherin and I can see why, BUT, I think Ravenclaw suits him more. He wants to avenge Lumeria not for power or ambition, plus he has such a yearn for art. He literally MAKES his own paints and travels around the world to appreciate art. He paints and makes art not for fame or power, but for his own creativity.
Okay, Rafayel might be the biggest trouble maker. He’s always experimenting with potions, whether in class or not. He’s an artist and his uniform is always very flashy, always decorating and adding accessories and add ons in his uniform. 
He’s either seen walking around the campus for days or locked in his room for days, which of course gets him into trouble. His room is full of canvases, broomsticks (with paint on them, because he wanted to experiment), paints, potions and questionable things. He often visits the Greenhouses to find new things to use for his paints. 
Although Rafayel gets into trouble a lot that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily a bad student. He has great grades, he’s probably the guy that sits at the back and quickly finishes the work before starting his own. Mastering a spell then trying out a new one to spark his creativity for a new art piece. 
His paintings have spells casted in them so whatever he paints there is something different in each of his creations; either the subjects in the painting can move, sound can be heard (like the waves crashing), or smell—each artwork has to engage 2 of the 5 senses (because seeing is already there).
Rafayel has a toad. He chose a toad because he couldn’t stand having a cat and an owl scared him, (he’s just a cute lil fish afterall). His toad is the ‘Giant Purple Toad’ and from the name you can tell that his toad is all purple. At first Rafayel wanted a fish but soon found out how that wouldn’t really be practical, so he settled with a toad instead. They’re best buds now.
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Slytherin. Sylus is not a bad guy, it’s just that he has a natural desire for power and drive for ambition. He’s always been someone with overwhelming power, in his Myth, Anecdotes and even in this life. He’s a natural leader and the big boss in Onychinus, always being one step ahead of others.
Sylus is the mysterious student who’s suspiciously good at EVERY class. And it’s not like, ‘oh he learned really fast’ it’s like he already knew it and mastered it. The class he’s best at? D.A.D.A. He’s mastered every spell and knows every potion concoction. 
He’s the type of student that stands out, whether that be about his looks, grades, or personality, he’s just sticking out in the crowd of students. While Sylus is not necessarily a ‘troublemaker’ there are a lot of rumors around his name and he definitely works some shady things with some other professors. 
His grades are perfect, even though he doesn’t go to class and disappears off somewhere else sometimes. However, he makes it up by giving points to Slytherin unintentionally, mastering a complex spell in the first go, making a potion that exceeds what it's intended purpose was.
The reason why Sylus is not really a ‘troublemaker’ is that no one can actually catch him in the act or has any proof; therefore he doesn’t exactly lose points for Slytherin instead he actually gains them some points with his amazing studies. He’s not even counted as an academic weapon because if we were to compare, he’s more like a nuclear bomb, than a machine gun or rifle. 
Kieran and Luke can always be found close by Sylus . They’re his closest friends and almost always clean up for him, which is quite rare since he rarely makes any mistakes. Although it’s not technically set as a rule to only have an owl, a cat, or a toad as a pet (Ron had Scabbers) Sylus has Mephisto. Nobody says anything about how the rules were bent, they only complain about how noisy Mephisto is. Mephisto definitely is known as the animal to not be messed with around other pets. 
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Slytherin. He’s calculating, cautious, and ruthless. His loyalties only lie with one person, MC, other than her. I have no doubt that he’ll betray EVER in a heartbeat if he had the chance. He also doesn’t want anyone to see his vulnerability, even MC. He has no hesitation to do what it takes to get what he wants, and that is to protect MC. 
Caleb is the popular kid most definitely. He’s a chaser and a star player in Quidditch, which makes him popular among girls and boys. He’s known as ‘The Outlier’ because he’s polite and seems so kind and approachable to others but his close friends know that’s a load of bs. 
Caleb usually hangs around the Quidditch Pitch or in his own room, he likes spending time alone to think and study. Sometimes he gets into a lot of trouble because he’s seen flying around on his broomstick on the pitch when it’s 1 am. 
Caleb is the top in all his classes, he listens in class but also manages to talk to his friends as well. However, he almost never gets into trouble, always talking with precision that makes his friends get into trouble but not him. He definitely hangs out with his friends, but he’s the type of guy to hang out with friends during school hours then afterwards just do his own thing, only rarely hanging outside of school hours.
He’s not necessarily a troublemaker, it’s just that Caleb can act a little silly at times. Flying around the Quidditch Pitch to clear his thoughts, practicing late into the early mornings, exploding a cauldron. Caleb is the type of student that always loses points to Slytherin because of not being inside bed when it’s dark out or sneaking into the kitchens.
However, he compensates with topping all his classes, acing every exam. And his scores aren’t like 80 or 90, no, it’s 100’s. Just 100’s in every class, only sometimes the occasional 99 or 98. His friends definitely ask him for study advice but he doesn’t budge, he smartly brushes it off and tells them to study and that they got this. He’ll give some study tips but he won’t go all out to help tutor them, maybe only a few super close friends, but his super close friends often don’t need much help.
One thing about Caleb is that he has a Great Horned Owl, which is known to be the fastest, and he specifically trained the owl to help him with cooking and be his partner-in-crime. He has his owl sneak into the kitchen to let him know if the coast is clear then trained his owl to get him ingredients while he tries out a new recipe to make for a special someone (it’s totally you). He totally got caught and lost a bunch of points but he was able to cook you something, so that’s a win for him. Caleb also definitely trained his owl to steal some food from his friends.
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A/N: Okay this took wayyy too long to get out. I still have more for this, similar to my Uni AU I had when you guys first met and some other cute things but I don’t know if you guys want that. Please tell me if you do. I read and watched like 3 movies and books of HP so I don’t really know much, I hope this is alright. I was more of a Percy Jackson fan ^^;;. Anyways, my finals are nearing so my posts are reallyyy slow, please bear with me. As always stay delusional! (*´∀`*)
dividers by @omi-resources and @the-crafty-bookdragon
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lucidheart3 · 2 days ago
An Analysis on how the movie could make the SonAmy dynamic similar to game version without making Movie Sonic and Amy too out of character:
Heyya! If you follow me you maybe saw me screaming about Reverse Sonamy for the fourth movie for ages, and as much as my shipper heart enjoys that, I decided I should also share my more serious hc’s about their relationship.
After Sonic 3 we all know Sonic has more of a little something called ✨TRAUMA✨. So I don’t imagine him taking a liking to Amy (as a friend) immediately . Because if we compare his first reaction to Amy and Shadow, I recall it being ‘Guys wow look at him he is just like me’ for Shadow, And it’s a more serious ‘who are you’ for Amy.
For Shadow, he didn’t take him serious for their first encounter, he was even asking about highlights and stuff when he was chasing Shadow. Because he really believed talking with him could turn him around. Then when they meet him again at the abandoned GUN facility, he tries to give him a wake up call, still believeing that only talking will suffice.I think he is still going with his experience with Knuckles, thinking Shadow got a little mixed up like him. But then, Shadow turns out to be a real threat once he hurts Tom (we know he thought Tom was Walters but Sonic didn’t know that, especially when shadow said he did what he had to). So that’s when Sonic switches up his approach and literally goes for the kill, and that’s what makes the violance really impactful.
Yes in the end they made up and worked together, but that has to elavate his trust issues that he admitted to having earlier in the movie. So, when he sees Amy, who despite saving him also got him flung to the ground by the impact of her hammer, I bet he won’t fall to his mistake with Shadow, and consider her a potential threat too despite her saving him at first. We can actually see it with his first sentence to her, too, it’s a straight up ‘ Who are you’ rather than even an acknowledgement that she is a heghehog like him. I think this actually lays a good baseline to their relationship if they want to keep the usual SonAmy dynamic we see in nearly every media. Because they can make Sonic not appear as ‘excited’ as her without making him look like he isn’t interested in her in the slightest. He’d have a hard time trusting her, therefore he’d have his eyes on her every move, which can make him acknowledge her strength, maybe even faster than others. I imagine him gaining his hope back once he really accepts that she has a good heart. And since he kept her closer because his initial distrust in her to protect his family,I can see their relationship develop fast, especially on Amy’s side.
About Amy, I don’t think she’d be like Sonic in this regard. She will be the Amy we know and love, except that I hc she was the hero of their home planet since Sonic wasn’t there. She helped everyone in need, and that’s how she is portrayed in her first appearence, as a confident heroine.And especially since she looks like she has been chasing the metal army in my opinion instead of trying to find Sonic. If the theory of Ivo being sent to their home planet is true and he actually builds metal there to capture Mobians/ animals to use them as power sources, I can see her stepping up to fight them. And if Robotnik is the one to make Metal Sonic there is no doubt that he’d send them after Sonic, which is proved by the fact that the screen we were shown that said ‘Blue Hedgehog’ when a robot scanned Sonic, then the robot immediately attacked Sonic.
And about how she will be in their dynamic, like I said they can excuse her being a lot more excited to meet Sonic than he is by his trust issues and not that she is a damsel in distress that falls for the hero. Because she is a hero in the movie too, and she is quite confident in herself as we’ve seen from her expression, and she thinks she can manage everything thrown her way like Sonic did before the events of the third movie, therefore she has no problems of warming up to everyone. Like @iwasbored777 mentioned in one post, she must have heard Sonic boast while fighting Metal, and might be thinking he is too cocky. But I think his reluctance towards her especially when he is with the family will pique her interest a lot more. Like, she must have heard the rumors about him, and like Tails said he must have been talked about as ‘a legend’ minutes before he was boasting then when he sees her there is none of that confidence, he is just warry of her. And knowing Amy that will make her a lot more prone too try and win his favor, hence leading them to have their game dynamic without making her obviously fall in love right away.
These were all about my hcs for the platonic side of their relationship. About the romantic side, I can see Sonic falling for her as he sees her ‘giving the world her love’ side. Because this boy has been surrounded by love for a long time now, be it from his parents and brothers, and we have seen him have a hard time to acknowledge that he has all of that, now. He took two movies to call Tom ‘dad’ and he still hasn’t acknowledged that Tails and Knux are his brothers (which we got the definite confirmation of with Tom calling them all ‘siblings’ instead of friends like he did back in the first movie). And ıt amazes him just how easily she loves and shows her love, and is all more stronger for it. While everytime Sonic tries that, his loved ones get hurt. So he is afraid of labels, afraid of showing affection (because he took long to get used to hugs, too). He must feel like he should hide he holds something dear just so the world doesn’t see and decide to take it all away. He still hides himself like Longclaw told him to all those years ago, he has never stopped running. And Amy will make him realise exactly this. Embracing his love for his family and friends won’t make him lose them, because they are all capable of defending themselves especially when they are together with him, and he doesn’t have to run ahead to protect them. I’m so certain we will get a scene about him running ahead and leaving his team behind again, this time to protect them,because this has been a huge theme of sonic 3 and despite apologising and making up,the team didn’t actually resolve the issue.
I think Amy will play a huge role in this because: 1- He and the other boys don’t have a familial bond with her
2- She proved that she can hold her own right when she first met him.
3- We saw Knuckles and Tails try to snap him out of running ahead several times, but since they are family they weren’t really adamant in fear of breaking him further. And they understand why he did what he did pretty quickly because they know how he feels for his family and why he runs forth, they were there to witness majority of his traumas. Amy wasn’t, and that’s why she won’t shy away from reminding him that they are a team, because she won’t be as afraid to lose him even if his reaction will be negative. She will have the same attitude of ‘I can protect myself’ , he did in the beginning of the movie. And she isn’t actually in the team because she needs them in the beginning, but wants to be there.And isn’t this what romantic love really should be? Two equal people that doesn’t need each other to survive but their lives are all more beautiful because they have each other. They aren’t ‘halves’, they are a ‘whole’ that complement and add onto each other.
And about how she will grow to like him, I hc that as she sees the reasons for his first distrust and reluctance and the obvious boasting he does to hide these, that he has so many precious things he almost got taken away from him to protect,she will tone down her excitement.And him trying to protect his loved ones, and actually having the strength to do so, is so impressive to her.And since being a hero would be her whole identity by now, like I’ve seen @ficsinhistory suggest (for a different but cool reason) she would be self-sacrifical. Because I’m guessing she didn’t really have anyone to love, and she shows her love for the world through heroic deets. And thinks she is nothing without that. As opposed to Sonic who only started trying to play hero after Tom and Maddie took him in. His need for love was achieved through his new family, but Amy’s never was, so she filled that void by trying to protect, so that people love her. Sonic wanted to be a hero, while Amy desperately needed it
I hope this isn’t so disorganized I am just typing every thought that comes to mind!
I’d love to hear your thought on this.
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christopherisfoive · 2 days ago
Cold Burn (Chapter 4)
!idol reader x Seungmin; enemies to lovers
Word Count: (It literally won't let me move it from here lol)
Note: I wrote this super late last night and tried to edit my best but sorry if there are any mistakes, going back to drafting on docs because tumblr hates me. It has been a long week. Thank you for reading, I appreciate it <3 (it will eventually make sense i promise)
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The city was alive with the midday rush, bustling streets and flashing signs lining every corner. It should’ve felt freeing after being cooped up in venues and hotels for the past few weeks, but even with the fresh air, I still felt off.
I adjusted my mask, letting my hood cast a shadow over my face as I followed behind my group.
It was supposed to be a day off.
But my mind was still playing back every mistake I’d made on stage during the tour.
I should have been enjoying this break. But instead, I was still holding onto every mistake, every moment that made me feel like I was losing control.
And then, like perfectly timed chaos, I heard it—the sound of cameras clicking.
Whispers turned into excited calls.
I instinctively pulled my hood lower, keeping my face neutral as the others started interacting.
A group of fans and paparazzi had spotted us, and before I could even process it, they were already approaching fast.
"Oh my god, it’s Stray Kids and Stellar!" one girl squealed, phone already out.
The energy shifted immediately.
Han, Hyunjin, and Leah engaged easily, smiling and waving. Bang Chan answered a few quick questions, even as security started stepping in to maintain a barrier.
Then came the actual questions.
"Y/N! Can you talk about your solo stage? People said it didn’t seem like your usual energy!"
"Is it true you don’t like performing live?"
"Are you okay? You seemed out of sync in the last show!"
I ignored them.
I always ignored them.
Instead, I kept walking, keeping my gaze forward, shoulders tense under my hoodie.
That was all it took to shift the crowd’s mood.
People started stepping in front of me, blocking my path, shoving phones and cameras in my direction.
The excitement turned to pushy persistence.
"Why won’t you say anything?"
"Y/N, just one word for your fans?"
I clenched my jaw and sidestepped them, but it was too late.
Someone moved in too close.
Before I could react, a fan—a girl, maybe late teens, wearing a hoodie with our group’s name on it—stepped right into my space.
"Why do you always ignore us?" Her voice was sharp, demanding.
I took a step back, my pulse spiking. Too close. Way too close.
She didn't stop. "Other idols talk to their fans. What’s your problem?"
Before I could respond—before I could even process how uncomfortable I felt—she lifted her phone closer to my face, snapping a photo at point-blank range.
I barely kept my composure, my breath hitching as I turned away sharply.
Security finally stepped in, blocking her as one of our managers started ushering us forward.
But the damage was already done.
I could already hear the murmurs.
"What’s wrong with her?"
"So rude."
"Seungmin would never act like that."
And of course—there he was.
I glanced up just in time to see him smiling effortlessly, answering questions, personally greeting every fan that came up to him.
Easy. Natural. Everything I wasn’t.
I could already feel his judgment from across the crowd.
To him, I probably looked like the worst kind of idol.
What he didn’t know was that I had my reasons.
And I wasn’t about to explain myself to him.
The second we finally got away from the crowd, I could feel the weight of the encounter still pressing on my chest. My steps were quick, my head down, but I could still hear the lingering whispers, the judgment heavy in the air.
I wasn’t sure if it was my own overthinking or if they were actually talking about me, but it didn’t matter.
The damage was already done.
As we turned the corner onto a quieter street, I felt someone fall into step beside me.
I didn’t need to look to know who it was.
"You could at least pretend to care."
I exhaled sharply, barely sparing Seungmin a glance before looking ahead again. "Not in the mood, Seungmin."
"Oh, I know," he said, voice casual but laced with something sharp. "You’re never in the mood, right?"
I clenched my jaw. "Drop it."
But of course, he didn’t.
"Seriously, what’s your deal?" He scoffed. "You act like it’s such a burden to interact with people who support you. The rest of us can handle it just fine. Why is it so hard for you?"
That did it.
I stopped walking, turning to him with narrowed eyes. "You have no idea what you’re talking about."
Seungmin raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over his chest. "Don’t I?"
I let out a sharp breath, shaking my head. "Not everything is as easy as you make it seem, Seungmin."
"No," he agreed, "but being decent to the people who made your career possible isn’t that hard."
The words hit me harder than I expected.
I had spent years learning how to brush off the criticism, how to let things roll off my back.
But for some reason, hearing it from him—someone who already thought the worst of me—made my blood boil.
I stepped closer, lowering my voice. "You don’t get to judge me."
"Then give me a reason not to."
The challenge was clear in his expression, in the way he refused to look away first.
I had so much I wanted to say.
But I knew it wouldn’t matter.
Not yet.
So instead, I just exhaled sharply and turned away, continuing forward.
"That’s what I thought," Seungmin muttered behind me, before falling back into step with the others.
I didn’t look back.
But the anger sat heavy in my chest, burning quietly.
The hotel lobby was quiet, save for the occasional footsteps of staff moving around and the faint sound of music playing from the lounge area. Most of the others had already gone up to their rooms or found their own ways to unwind after the long day.
I had planned to do the same.
Instead, I found myself sitting in the corner of the lobby, scrolling through my phone, letting the harsh glow of the screen burn into my eyes.
I knew I should’ve put it away.
I knew I shouldn’t have been reading any of this.
But my fingers kept moving, my screen lighting up with headlines, forum posts, and brutal opinions dissecting everything about me.
"Y/N is proof that visuals matter more than talent in the industry."
"Best 4th Gen Dancer my ass."
"She’s not even the best in her group—why does she get so much attention?"
"I heard she got her spot because of connections, not skill. Makes sense why she’s so stiff on stage."
"You really think she made it this far just by ‘working hard’? LMAO, be serious."
My stomach twisted, and I could feel my pulse in my fingertips.
The accusations weren’t new—I had heard whispers like this for years. But somehow, seeing it laid out so blatantly, with thousands of likes and shares, made it feel heavier.
Like no matter what I did, no matter how much effort I put in, there were still people who would never respect me.
I barely noticed when someone sat down in the chair across from me, but I did feel the weight of their stare.
"You still look at that stuff?"
I flinched slightly, my thumb freezing mid-scroll.
I glanced up to see Jeongin, leaning back in the chair across from me, arms crossed.
I quickly locked my phone, shoving it onto the table. "It’s nothing."
"Didn’t look like nothing."
His voice wasn’t accusing, just matter-of-fact.
I sighed, running a hand over my face. "Just people talking. Same as always."
Jeongin didn’t respond right away. He just sat there, watching me like he was waiting for me to be honest.
After a beat, he exhaled, shaking his head. "You know none of that’s real, right?"
I let out a small, dry laugh. "Yeah, sure."
Jeongin frowned, his usual playfulness gone. "Y/N."
I forced myself to meet his eyes, but my chest felt tight.
I didn’t want to talk about this. Not now.
So I shrugged. "It’s fine. Doesn’t matter."
Jeongin studied me for a second longer before pushing off the chair, leaning forward to grab my phone.
Without asking, he flipped it face-down on the table.
"Then stop looking."
His tone was soft but firm. A simple statement, not a suggestion.
I swallowed, my fingers twitching slightly.
Jeongin sighed, his expression less teasing than usual, more serious. "Don’t let them win, Y/N."
And with that, he stood up, walking off toward the elevators.
I sat there for a moment, staring at my phone, my reflection faint in the dark screen.
I should’ve let it go.
But the words were still burned into my mind.
And I wasn’t sure if I knew how.
The burn in my throat started a few nights ago. Subtle at first, just a scratch that I figured would go away with enough water and rest.
Except, there was no rest.
Not when we were on back-to-back schedules, traveling city to city, rehearsing between shows, barely enough time to breathe, let alone recover.
I pushed through like always.
Now, standing in the middle of the rehearsal room, sweat clinging to my skin, I felt off.
The usual ache from training felt heavier today, my limbs sluggish, my breath coming shorter than it should have.
I rolled my shoulders back, ignoring the way my vision blurred for half a second.
I was fine.
Across the room, Jeongin watched me.
I caught the way his brows furrowed slightly, the way his gaze lingered as I moved through the choreography.
I knew that look.
I ignored it.
"Let’s go again," Chan called out, already stepping forward to reset the formation.
I exhaled sharply, steadying my stance, locking my body into position as the music cued up again.
But the moment I took my first step, I felt it.
The slight dip in my balance, the way my head felt lighter than it should have.
I corrected it immediately, moving into the next beat as if nothing had happened.
But Jeongin saw.
And so did Seungmin.
I felt his gaze before I even turned his way, a glance quick enough to catch the way his expression flickered—something almost unreadable flashing across his face.
For once, he didn’t say anything.
I wasn’t sure if it was the heat of the room or my own body turning against me, but every time we restarted the routine, my chest felt tighter.
I took a deep breath, forcing air into my lungs, willing my body to cooperate.
I couldn’t stop now.
Not when I had spent the last few weeks feeling like I was slipping. Not when people were already questioning whether I deserved to be here.
I needed them to see me succeed.
So I kept going.
Even when my legs felt heavier than they should have.
Even when my head felt like it was filled with static.
Even when I knew—knew—I was moving on sheer willpower alone.
I felt the weight of Jeongin’s stare first.
He wasn’t even being subtle about it anymore—I could see him watching between reps, his usual easy-going expression replaced with something more cautious.
But he didn’t say anything.
Neither did Seungmin.
I caught his gaze in the mirror, just for a second.
He was standing off to the side, arms crossed, eyes narrowed just slightly.
For once, there was no smirk. No sharp remarks.
Just quiet observation.
I ignored them both.
I had to.
The music started again, the pounding bass vibrating through my body, rattling in my chest.
I moved on instinct, letting my muscle memory carry me through—each step, each transition, each sharp hit of the beat.
But something was off.
I felt it before I saw it.
The moment my foot landed wrong, I knew. The angle was off, the weight uneven. My body moved a fraction of a second behind my mind, and suddenly—
I was out of sync.
Just for half a beat.
But in this world, half a beat was everything.
I immediately corrected, snapping into place, but the mistake had already happened. I could feel the eyes on me.
Someone spoke. "Y/N, what was that?"
I blinked, chest rising and falling faster than it should’ve been.
My mind scrambled for a response, but the words weren’t there.
I wasn’t fully there.
"I—" My voice sounded strange, distant, like it belonged to someone else.
Across from me, Ari’s gaze sharpened.
She saw it.
But she didn’t get the chance to say anything.
I sucked in a breath, forcing my posture straight, willing my body to hold itself together.
"Let’s go again," I said quickly, pretending nothing happened.
I needed to shake this off.
I needed them to see me succeed.
Even if my body had other plans.
The music thundered through the speakers, vibrating through the stage beneath my feet.
I kept moving. Kept pushing.
Every step felt heavier, like my limbs were fighting against me. My skin was damp with sweat, but I felt cold.
It was getting harder to breathe.
The stage lights burned hot, casting everything in a hazy glow. The air felt thick, each inhale tighter than the last.
And then—
The misstep.
The dizziness.
The moment my body finally gave out beneath me.
The floor rushed toward me, the sharp gasp of someone nearby cutting through the ringing in my ears.
The music stopped.
Someone called my name.
I barely heard them before everything faded to black.
The moment my body hit the stage, everything exploded into chaos.
The music cut off instantly.
Footsteps—rushed, frantic—pounded against the stage floor as voices overlapped in panic.
"Someone get the staff!"
I felt hands on me—someone kneeling beside me, another hand brushing my hair back, the fabric of my sweat-soaked clothes sticking to my skin.
I was aware of it all, but everything felt distant. Like I was watching it happen from the outside, my limbs too heavy to respond.
"Is she breathing okay?" Ari’s voice was the sharpest, her usual calm cracked with pure fear.
"She’s burning up," Leah’s voice trembled. "We need to get her offstage—now."
Someone lifted me slightly, supporting my upper body. The movement made my stomach turn, a weak groan escaping before I could stop it.
"She’s conscious," Jeongin said quickly, relief barely masking the tension in his voice.
A shaky breath. My lips parted, but no words came out.
Through the haze, I caught a glimpse of Seungmin standing a few steps away.
For the first time since this tour started, he looked…unsure. His usual sharp eyes were wide, his lips pressed into a thin line as if he wasn’t sure what to say.
But I couldn’t focus on him.
Because my head was spinning, my skin was on fire, and the weight of every mistake, every moment I ignored my body’s warning signs, had finally come crashing down.
And now?
I wasn’t in control anymore.
The coolness of the backstage area barely helped with the heat radiating off my skin.
I felt cold and hot at the same time, my limbs too heavy, my breathing uneven.
Voices blurred together.
"Her temperature is high."
"She needs fluids—has she eaten today?"
"She’s completely burned out."
I tried to speak to tell them I was fine, but my throat felt raw. The most I could manage was a weak, halfhearted shake of my head.
"Don’t try to talk," Ari’s voice was there, close, softer than before. "They’re just checking your vitals."
I swallowed, eyes flickering open.
The faces above me were blurry, shifting in and out of focus. A few staff members kneeled beside me, pressing a cool cloth to my forehead, speaking in hushed tones.
Ari, Leah, Jeongin, and Lee Know were still there.
Lee Know stood off to the side, arms crossed, watching the scene with an unreadable expression.
I tried to sit up, but the second I moved, my head spun.
A sharp inhale.
Lee Know was faster than Ari this time, pressing a hand to my shoulder and easily keeping me down.
"Not happening," he muttered. "Just rest, okay?"
Leah crossed her arms, clearly annoyed. "How long have you been feeling like this?"
I didn’t answer.
Because I knew the truth would only piss them off more.
Before I could gather enough strength to argue, the managers arrived.
Their voices were firm, no room for negotiation.
"She’s not performing tonight."
The words hit like a slap, and suddenly, the heaviness in my body wasn’t just from being sick.
I forced myself to sit up, ignoring the pounding in my head as I looked between them. "No. I can still do it."
"Y/N," Leah warned, eyes flashing with frustration.
But I wasn’t listening.
I turned to the managers again, pushing past the ache in my limbs. "I’ll be fine by showtime. I just need—"
"You just collapsed on stage," Ari cut in, arms crossed. "There’s no debate. You’re sitting this one out."
No, no, no.
I had spent weeks proving myself, clawing my way through every performance, every mistake, every doubt.
I wasn’t losing my spot now.
"I can do this," I tried again, my voice hoarse. "I just—"
"Oh!" A voice interrupted, and I didn’t have to look to know who it belonged to.
She strolled into view, faux concern plastered all over her face, hands clasped in front of her. "If she can’t go on, I can step in."
The air shifted.
For a split second, nobody spoke.
Then, one of the managers nodded. "That could work. You already know the choreo."
My stomach twisted violently.
Mira turned to me, her smile oh-so sweet, but her eyes telling an entirely different story.
"Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll take good care of your part."
I felt numb.
The room was still spinning, but the real sickness sat in my chest.
I should have fought back. I should have said something.
But the moment Mira tilted her head, smiling like she had won, everything inside me just… shut off.
I went blank.
Ari’s head snapped toward Mira, eyes narrowing. "You’re really volunteering that fast, huh?"
Mira turned to her, expression perfectly innocent. "What do you mean? Someone has to do it."
Ari’s lips pressed together, but she didn’t buy it. I could see the irritation tighten her jaw, the way her hands fisted at her sides.
She wasn’t the only one.
Lee Know, who had been mostly quiet until now, finally spoke.
"You sure you can handle it?" His voice was flat, unreadable, but there was something pointed underneath.
Mira smiled wider. "I mean, it’s not that complicated, right?"
Ari let out a sharp breath, like she was physically stopping herself from saying something she’d regret.
Lee Know just stared at Mira for a long moment.
Then, slowly, he turned to me.
I blinked, but I couldn’t force words out.
What was I supposed to say?
Mira had already taken my spot.
Nothing I said would change it now.
So I just looked away.
The moment Mira stepped away from me, I could already hear her faking concern as she walked over to the others.
"Guys, change of plans," she said, voice just loud enough for me to hear from where I sat. "Y/N isn’t performing tonight, so I’ll be taking her place."
The reaction was immediate.
Kat’s face twisted in confusion. "Wait, what? Since when?"
Mira sighed dramatically, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Since about five minutes ago," she said. "The managers agreed, and I already know the choreo, so it just makes sense."
Hyunjin’s eyes flickered toward me, his concern obvious. "And Y/N’s okay with this?"
Mira didn’t even hesitate. "Well, she didn’t argue."
Ari scoffed. "Yeah, because she’s half-conscious."
The room tensed.
Mira only shrugged, smiling just a little. "Either way, we should start getting ready."
Lee Know, who had been watching the whole thing in silence, finally spoke. "Just don’t mess it up." His tone was neutral, but his expression wasn’t.
Mira’s smile didn’t falter. "Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got this."
And with that, she turned away, ready to steal the show.
I barely registered the conversation.
I barely felt anything at all.
Because the second they all turned away, the second I was left sitting backstage, my chest tightened in a way I couldn’t control.
I blinked up at the ceiling, forcing back the burning in my throat.
I had lost my spot.
After everything I had fought for—**after every moment I forced myself to push through, to prove I was worth something—**I was still replaceable.
And the worst part?
Mira was making sure I knew it.
My hands curled into fists, nails pressing into my palms. I squeezed my eyes shut, but it didn’t stop the feeling of failure from swallowing me whole.
I had fought so hard.
And it still wasn’t enough.
By the time the show started, I was watching from the wings, still too weak to stand on my own.
The lights hit the stage, the energy buzzing through the arena as Stellar performed without me.
And then, it happened.
Mira did my move.
Not just any move—my signature move. The one I had created, the one I had made my own.
The audience cheered like nothing was wrong.
Mira beamed.
And I?
I felt sick for a whole new reason.
The energy backstage was still buzzing, staff members congratulating each other, the usual post-show adrenaline filling the space.
But I wasn’t part of it.
I sat off to the side, still too weak to stand properly, watching as everyone came back from the stage.
And Mira?
She made a beeline toward me.
She tilted her head, still in full makeup and costume, wiping sweat off her brow like she had just saved the whole show.
And then she smiled.
"That was fun," she said sweetly. "I mean, I wouldn’t want to replace you permanently or anything, but… I did fit in pretty well, don’t you think?"
She let the words sink in, let them cut.
Then, with a final smirk, she turned and walked off.
And I sat there, feeling like I had lost everything.
I needed to get out of here.
The post-show energy, the voices, the flashing lights from the screens playing encore footage—it was too much.
I pushed myself up, ignoring the way my legs wobbled beneath me.
Leah and Ari noticed immediately, their heads snapping in my direction, but I didn’t give them time to stop me.
I kept my head down and moved, weaving past staff and dancers, making my way toward the private restroom backstage.
My hands were trembling by the time I pushed the door open.
The second it closed behind me, the weight I had been holding in collapsed all at once.
I braced myself against the sink, sucking in sharp, uneven breaths.
Everything hit me at once.
The exhaustion.
The humiliation.
The sharp, suffocating feeling of being replaced so easily.
A ragged breath tore from my throat, and I gripped the edges of the sink, my vision blurring as my chest heaved.
I couldn’t do this.
I couldn’t—
A soft knock at the door made me freeze.
My stomach twisted.
For a second, I thought it was Leah or Ari coming to check on me.
But then—
I went rigid.
Because that wasn’t Leah.
Or Ari.
Or anyone I would’ve expected.
It was Seungmin.
I gripped the sink harder, willing my breaths to even out, willing myself to stay silent.
Maybe if I didn’t answer, he’d take the hint and leave.
Seconds passed.
"I know you’re in there."
His voice was calm. Not sharp, not teasing—just even.
I clenched my jaw, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Red-rimmed eyes. Flushed skin. The complete opposite of the image I was supposed to keep up.
I swallowed back the lump in my throat.
Maybe he’d take that as an answer.
Then he spoke again.
"So that’s it?" A slight shift in his tone, like he was testing the waters. "You’re just gonna sit in there and pretend nothing happened?"
My fingers twitched against the cool porcelain.
That’s exactly what I was going to do.
Pretend this wasn’t happening.
Pretend I wasn’t falling apart.
Another pause.
Then, softer this time—"You don’t have to pretend with me."
Something in my chest tensed.
I squeezed my eyes shut, gripping the sink even harder.
Why was he still standing there?
And more importantly—why did it sound like he actually meant that?
A long beat of silence stretched between us.
I refused to move. Refused to speak.
But Seungmin wasn’t leaving.
Instead, he let out a slow exhale, and when he spoke again, his voice was lower, less guarded.
"You know… I thought you were stronger than this."
Something in me flinched.
His tone wasn’t mocking, wasn’t sharp—just honest. And that somehow made it worse.
He shifted outside the door, and I could almost picture him standing there, arms crossed, debating what to say next.
"All this time, you’ve acted like nothing gets to you. Like you don’t care what people say." A pause. "But you do, don’t you?"
I sucked in a quiet breath, my grip on the sink tightening.
"You care too much."
Another pause.
Then—"That’s why you don’t fight back."
My stomach twisted.
Because I hated how close to the truth that was.
I stared down at my reflection on the floor, my own exhausted eyes staring back at me.
And still, I didn’t say a word.
Seungmin shifted again, like he was about to say more—then stopped himself.
A beat of silence.
Then, his voice dropped to almost a murmur.
"You know, you’re not the only one who’s ever felt like this."
I blinked.
My breath hitched just slightly, but I caught it before it could be heard.
I didn’t know what I was expecting him to say, but… not that.
Something in his voice was different now.
Less sharp.
Less detached.
More like he actually… understood.
I swallowed, my chest tightening with something I couldn’t place.
And yet—I still said nothing.
I heard him shift once more, but this time, he hesitated.
Then, after one last pause—I heard footsteps.
He was leaving.
But somehow, it didn’t feel like an ending.
It felt like the beginning of something I wasn’t ready to face.
The room was quiet again.
No more footsteps.
No more words.
Just me.
I stayed where I was, back pressed against the cool tiles, knees pulled up to my chest.
My breathing had finally evened out, but my mind was far from calm.
Seungmin’s voice still echoed in my head.
"You know… I thought you were stronger than this."
"That’s why you don’t fight back."
"You care too much."
I wanted to ignore it. Pretend like none of this happened.
But I couldn’t.
Because somehow, for the first time since this tour started, Seungmin didn’t sound like my enemy.
And that thought alone terrified me.
I exhaled, pressing the heels of my palms into my eyes.
I didn’t know how long I sat there, just thinking.
Minutes passed—maybe longer.
Eventually, my legs felt steady enough to move.
I pushed myself up, straightened my hoodie, and finally unlocked the door.
The hallway was empty now.
No one waiting.
No one lingering.
And yet, as I stepped out, the weight of what just happened still clung to me.
The venue had mostly cleared out by now—staff moving equipment, dancers heading back to their dressing rooms, the energy finally settling after the chaos of the night.
Seungmin was off to the side, stretching out his shoulders, his expression unreadable.
Jeongin had been watching him for a while.
And he was done staying quiet.
He stepped up beside him, arms crossed. "I know what you’re doing."
Seungmin barely glanced at him. "What are you talking about?"
Jeongin let out a sharp exhale through his nose, shaking his head. "You and Mira. You’ve been messing with her this whole time."
That got Seungmin’s attention.
His expression barely shifted, but Jeongin knew him too well to miss the way his jaw tensed.
Still, he played it cool. "You sound paranoid."
Jeongin huffed, not buying it for a second.
"You think I didn’t notice?" He tilted his head. "The mic feedback. The ‘accidental’ positioning mistakes. Mira shifting in formations just enough to throw Y/N off. You might think you're being slick, but I see it."
Seungmin’s hands curled into loose fists.
But Jeongin wasn’t finished.
"And tonight?" His voice lowered. "You let Mira take her spot. You watched her steal Y/N’s move. And you didn’t say a thing."
Seungmin’s eyes flickered, but he kept his face carefully blank.
Jeongin took a step closer. "Tell me this, hyung." His voice hardened. "At what point does it stop being funny?"
For a moment, Seungmin didn’t respond.
Then—"It was never funny."
Jeongin’s brows furrowed. "Then why?"
Seungmin exhaled sharply, rubbing the back of his neck, but he didn’t answer.
Because maybe—for the first time since this started—he wasn’t sure anymore.
Why had he gone along with Mira’s games?
At first, it was easy. It was just harmless frustration, just a way to get under Y/N’s skin—because she annoyed him, right?
That’s what he told himself.
But now?
After seeing her collapse on stage, after watching her lose everything she worked for while Mira stole her place without hesitation?
It didn’t feel like a game anymore.
And suddenly, he wasn’t so sure who the real problem was.
Taglist: @victoriaaf @mirophobic @minhosprettywife @peskybirdysya @littlewolfieposts
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samaahhsh · 3 days ago
10 lessons in 10 months
These past 10 months have been a rollercoaster of emotions and navigating through all of them was hard, but I learnt some valuable lessons that completely changed the way I viewed the world and the way I was as a person. I changed in a way that I never expected to. It scared me, everything was so unfamiliar, but I also got over them even though it wasn't easy. Ultimately, these experiences helped me shape who I am today.
Change is inevitable
No matter how hard we try to avoid it, it will always be present in our lives. As my teacher once said, "Change is the only unchanging constant." Embracing this truth can help us navigate life's uncertainties.
2. Choose the people who you want around you wisely
The people you're around define how you're perceived and plays a key part in your personality. So choose them with caution and make sure that they align with your values and beliefs.
3. Let yourself feel your emotions
Emotions are human. Allow yourself to feel them instead of avoiding them. I remember this time when I was homesick and depressed. I tried to suppress it and act like everything was fine and that led to me being even more depressed. Embracing my emotions ultimately helped me understand myself better and find a way to heal.
4. Always find a balance between everything
In the pursuit of something you might let everything else fall apart. This isn't the best approach to things and in the end it could do some serious damage. I know it can be tempting to just give your all in to something, but sometimes, without balance you could lose everything.
5. Don't be afraid to be yourself
Just because you're scared about what other people are going to say about you doesn't mean that you shouldn't be yourself. I mean who gives a shit about what other people say? The only thing that matters is whether you're happy or not. Remember, the people who talk shit about others are the people who are truly insecure.
6. Don't jump into relationships
Speaking from personal experience here, don't rush yourself into a relationship. Get to know the person, make sure that you guys actually match and that the person is right for you. Never settle for less than what you want and deserve. Take your time, True love comes when you least expect it.
7. Set boundaries and stick with them
Boundaries are a necessity in life. Having boundaries for everyone helps you and that person maintain a respectful and healthy relationship. Letting people know when they cross their boundary helps them understand and adjust their behavior accordingly.
8. Adaptation is key.
Adaptation is key to thriving in a constantly changing world. It makes us resilient which in turn helps us in bouncing back from our setbacks and tackling our challenges.
9. Goals over Convenience
Your goals are what's gonna eventually help you in having the life you want so never choose comfort over that. Comfort feels good but it's temporary. Even though it may seem like the better option now, keep in mind that choosing this can ruin your future. Put in the effort now for a comfortable future.
10. Chill. Life hasn't even started yet.
Stop taking things so seriously. Life's all about having fun and navigating through our struggles and it's easy to get caught up in that. As much as it's important to keep these in mind, sometimes you need to chill and just see where life takes you. The best moments in life are often unexpected, unplanned, and spontaneous.
These lessons have shaped me into the person I am today. Embracing change, surrounding myself with the right people, and prioritizing my goals have been vital in my journey. Life is a continuous learning experience, and as I move forward, I remind myself to enjoy the ride and trust the process. <3
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andromeda-pleiades · 1 day ago
Just Trust Me
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PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader
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Hi sorry it took me a little more than a month to come out with the next chapter I was writing another story and broke up with my boyfriend. ●﹏●
Also someone has the strongest accent in this chapter sorry
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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You tried calling your sister first, then an old friend, but no one answered. Your calls went straight to voicemail, leaving you staring at the screen in frustration. It only reinforced what you already knew—there was no one else to turn to. With a reluctant sigh, you pull up Kyle's contact.
You: I need help. I don't know who else to turn to.
The dots appear and disappear for what feels like an eternity before his response finally comes.
Kyle: What's going on?
Your fingers tremble over the keyboard. You don't know how much to say. If you tell him everything, will he even believe you?
You: I think he's tracking everything I do. I feel trapped.
A longer pause. Your stomach churns. Maybe he's trying to find the right words. Maybe he doesn't believe you.
Kyle: Are you sure? Simon wouldn't just do that without a reason. Maybe you're overthinking.
Your breath catches. Doubt creeps in, but you shove it down. No. You know what you saw.
You: I'm sure.
Kyle doesn't immediately agree to meet. Instead, he hesitates, his messages measured and deliberate.
Kyle: Look, I get that things might feel off, but maybe you're just stressed? Simon cares about you.
Your fingers tighten around your phone. Gaslighting. Whether intentional or not, that's what it feels like.
You: Kyle, please. I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't sure.
A long pause.
Then, suddenly—
Kyle: Let's meet. We'll talk in person.
Kyle suggests meeting at a diner just outside town. The drive there is nerve-wracking, each passing car a potential threat. When you finally see his familiar face—casual, steady, a tether to the past before everything fell apart—relief washes over you.
"You look like you haven't slept for days," he murmurs as you slide into the booth across from him.
You let out a dry laugh. "Haven't had much reason to."
He signals for the waitress, ordering coffee for both of you before leaning forward, voice dropping. "Tell me everything."
You do. Carefully at first, testing the waters, but soon the words tumble out faster than you can contain them. You tell him about the tracking software you discovered, the notes detailing your daily movements, the control tightening around you like a noose.
Kyle listens, his expression shifting between concern and something unreadable. "You were right to reach out," he says when you finish. "Simon... he's always been intense, even before all this."
He exhales, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know what he's capable of, but you have to understand, it's not just about control for him. Simon was made into what he is. Task Force 141 doesn't recruit soft men. It shapes you, sometimes into something you never wanted to be."
You shift in your seat. "That doesn't excuse any of this."
"No, it doesn't," Kyle agrees, his eyes meeting yours. "But it explains it. His past, everything he's been through—it broke him in ways neither of us will understand. And Price..." He hesitates, choosing his words carefully. "Price was like a father to him. More than that. He was a guide. Simon respected him more than anyone. And what Price taught him? Control means safety. For himself. For the people he cares about."
You frown, stirring your coffee absently. "You make it sound like he's protecting me."
Kyle gives you a small, sad smile. "Maybe, in his mind, he is. That doesn't make it right."
A strange pity coils in your stomach, unwanted but undeniable. Simon—ruthless, obsessive Simon—was once just a man looking for structure, for someone to follow.
You shake the thought away. It doesn't change what you need to do.
"When the ten days are up, I have a place," Kyle says suddenly, lowering his voice further. "A safe house. You can come there. No strings. No Simon."
Hope flares in your chest, but something nags at you. Kyle's hands are steady, his words reassuring, but there's something about his delivery that feels... rehearsed. Too perfect.
You ignore it. You have to. He's your only chance.
"Okay," you whisper. "I'll come."
Kyle smiles, a little too quickly. "Good. You won't regret it."
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You stand at the doorway, watching as Simon secures the last of his gear. His movements are methodical, efficient—just as they always are. The weight of his presence lingers in the air, suffocating even as he prepares to leave.
"I'll be back before you know it," he says, pulling on his jacket. He steps toward you, cupping your face with a gentleness that still makes something inside you ache. "I love you."
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to nod. "I love you too."
The words taste like ash now. You watch from the window as Simon's car turns the corner and disappears. But you don't move yet. 
Instead, you pull out the small leather-bound notebook you bought three days ago, flipping to a fresh page. Your handwriting is tight and cramped as you note down the time of Simon's departure and what he said about his return. *"Six days until Simon returns from alleged conference. Will prepare to leave on day four, heading to Aunt Marie's cabin in Vermont."* This last part is a lie—Aunt Marie doesn't exist, and you have no plans to go to Vermont. But if Simon or anyone else finds this journal, the false trail might buy you precious time.
You list each suspicious detail methodically: Kyle's hesitation when you first contacted him. His immediate attempt to rationalize Simon's behavior. The way he knew so much about Price without you telling him. The convenient timing of the safe house offer.
Closing the journal, you tuck it into the hidden pocket you've sewn into your jacket lining, then double-check the locks, leaving the front door bolted as you slip out the back. You take the long route through side streets, keeping to the shadows, doubling back twice just to be sure. Only when you're certain no one is following do you head toward the meeting spot where Kyle waits.
Kyle's safe house is tucked away in a remote area, but the moment you step inside, unease prickles at your skin. It's too exposed. The windows aren't reinforced, and the locks seem flimsy—if Simon wanted to, he could be here in minutes.
"Not what you expected?" Kyle asks, watching you closely.
You force a tight smile. "Just... getting used to it."
But the lie sits heavy. Every instinct screams that this isn't far enough, isn't safe enough. You need to disappear completely.
You notice dark clouds gathering on the horizon as Kyle shows you around. "Looks like a storm's coming," he comments casually, glancing out the window. "Cell reception gets spotty out here when it rains. Power too, sometimes."
The words send a chill through you. Isolated. No communication. No witnesses.
That night, when Kyle steps out to take a call, you see your chance. His laptop sits on the table, screen dark. He's always cautious with it, rarely leaving it unattended. This might be your only shot.
Hands shaking, you ease into his chair and lift the screen. Locked. Of course. But when you press a key, it flickers to life. He must've forgotten to log out.
Your pulse hammers as you scan the desktop. Most files mean nothing to you—until you see it.
A chill rushes through you. Price. That name again. You click on the file, but a password prompt stops you cold.
You're about to give up when you notice a folder labeled "Surveillance." Your fingers hover over the trackpad, hesitant, then click.
The breath leaves your lungs as images fill the screen. Photos. Dozens of them.
You. Going to work. Shopping at the grocery store. Meeting friends for coffee.
And then—your heart nearly stops—Simon and Kyle. Together. Not in old photos from their military days, but recent ones. In one, they're sitting at a café, heads bent close in conversation. The date stamp is from just two weeks ago. In another, they're standing outside your apartment building. Kyle is pointing toward your window.
Before you can think, your phone buzzes.
Simon: I love you.
A second message follows.
Simon: Don't forget to double-lock the back door. It sticks sometimes.
Ice floods your veins. That's something Kyle told you about the safe house. The house Simon shouldn't know you're at.
Your breath quickens. The room spins. Your fingers dig into the table as the walls close in. Was this all planned? Is Kyle feeding Simon information? Are you running in circles, trapped no matter what you do?
You quickly take photos of the screen with your phone, hands trembling so badly you have to try three times to get a clear shot. You close the folders, returning the laptop exactly as you found it just as the first raindrops begin to hit the windows.
You clamp a hand over your mouth, stifling a sob as your chest tightens. The air feels too thick, your lungs too small. Panic claws at your throat, sending you spiraling. You trusted Kyle. You needed to trust him. But now... now you don't know if you can trust anyone.
Your mind races, desperate for a foothold. What if Simon has been ahead of you this whole time? What if every move you've made was predicted and accounted for? Your vision blurs at the edges. The betrayal you feared most wasn't from Simon—it was from the one person who was supposed to help you escape him.
You press your forehead against the cool surface of the table, forcing yourself to count. One. Two. Three. Your fingers dig into your arms, grounding yourself. But the tremors in your chest refuse to subside. Every interaction with Kyle replays in your mind, now tainted with suspicion. Every reassuring word, every careful gesture—was it all an act?
A sob threatens to break free, but you swallow it down. Kyle wouldn't betray you. He couldn't. You remind yourself of the boy you once knew, the friend who had your back when no one else did. If he's acting strangely, it must be because of what he's seen, what he's done—they've changed him, made him cautious, secretive.
You shake your head. The evidence is right there. The photos don't lie.
You can't afford to break. Not here. Not now. Not when you might be running out of time.
You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing yourself to breathe through it. Think. Think.
There's still a way out.
There has to be.
The storm arrives in full force, rain lashing against the windows as thunder rolls overhead. The lights flicker once, twice, then go out completely. The safe house plunges into darkness.
"Power's out," Kyle calls from another room. "Stay put. I'll find the flashlights."
You sit frozen, your mind racing. This is it—your chance. In the darkness, with the storm masking any sound, you might be able to slip away.
Pulling out your journal, you scribble one last entry by the light of your phone. *"Kyle definitely working with Simon. Found photos. Heading to Vermont tonight. No other choice."* You leave it on the table, open to that page—your final decoy.
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You don't sleep.
The hours drag by, your mind cycling through every interaction, every misplaced word, every look Kyle has given you since this began. You should have been more careful. But now, standing in the dim light of the safe house, phone clutched tight in your trembling hands, you have only one option left.
You confront him.
"How did Simon know about the back door?" Your voice is steadier than you expected, but the weight of the question hangs between you like a drawn blade.
Kyle looks up from his seat at the small kitchen table, brow furrowed. "What?"
You hold up your phone, screen illuminating your face. "Simon texted me about locking it. That's something you told me, not him. So how did he know?"
Kyle leans back, exhaling slowly. "Come on, you know how he is. He gets in your head. He's probably trying to mess with you, make you doubt everything." He gestures at your phone. "You think he wouldn't guess how paranoid you'd be about the locks? He's playing you."
You shake your head. "No. This isn't a guess. This is something specific, Kyle. Something only you mentioned."
His expression hardens. "So what, you think I told him? You think I sold you out to Simon? After everything he's done? After everything I've risked to help you?"
Your stomach churns at the way he flips the accusation back onto you. Doubt creeps in, whispering that maybe you are overreacting. That maybe Simon really is just messing with you. Kyle's been your friend since childhood. If you can't trust him, then who?
"I don't know what to think anymore," you admit, voice cracking. "I just—I need the truth."
Kyle runs a hand through his hair, frustration evident in every line of his body. "The truth? The truth is Simon's got his hooks so deep in you that you're seeing shadows where there aren't any. He's always done this, hasn't he? Made you question yourself? And now you're doing his work for him." He leans forward, tone softening. "Look, I get it. You're scared. But you have to trust me."
The words scrape against your raw nerves. Trust him. Like you trusted Simon?
You sit down slowly, trying to steady your breathing. "Then tell me about Price."
Kyle freezes. It's barely perceptible, but you catch it.
"What about him?"
"Simon listens to him. I keep hearing his name, but I don't know who he is."
Kyle exhales, rubbing his hands together. "Price is... not what you think. He's just some old war dog Simon admires, someone he learned from. But he's not pulling strings here." He looks at you, eyes careful. "That's why you need to stop panicking. If Price is involved, it's just another layer to this, not the end of the world. We need to be smart."
You hesitate. Everything in you screams that this isn't right, that you should leave. But Kyle is so convincing, so steady. And deep down, there's still that part of you that doesn't want to believe he'd betray you.
"So what do we do?" The words taste like surrender.
Kyle relaxes slightly. "I have a contact. Someone outside Simon's reach. They can keep you safe, but we need to move."
Every alarm in your mind blares at once. Another move. Another safe house. Another place where Simon might already be waiting.
Kyle offers you a small, reassuring smile. "I promise, this time, it'll be safe."
You swallow your fear and nod. You want to believe him.
But as you gather your few belongings, you slip a kitchen knife into your pocket. This time, you won't be caught unprepared.
The storm intensifies throughout the night. Rain hammers against the roof, and wind howls through the trees, enclosing the safe house in a wall of water and sound. The power remains out.
Kyle's restlessness grows as the hours pass. He paces, checks his phone repeatedly despite the lack of signal, and keeps glancing out the windows into the darkness. The small space forces you to remain in close proximity, every movement amplified in your hypervigilant state.
"We should get some sleep," he says eventually. "Big day tomorrow. I'll take the couch. You can have the bedroom."
You nod but have no intention of sleeping. As soon as Kyle settles on the couch, you begin your wait, counting the minutes until his breathing deepens.
Three hours later, with the storm still raging, you make your move. The journal sits conspicuously on the kitchen table, your false plan clearly visible. Your real bag—small, containing only essentials—is hidden under your jacket.
You ease the back door open, wincing at the soft creak. The rain is instant and merciless, soaking you within seconds. But the downpour masks any sound you might make as you slip into the darkness.
The forest behind the safe house is dense and unfamiliar, branches whipping your face as you push forward. Your phone's flashlight offers minimal guidance, the beam swallowed by the thickness of the storm. You know there's a road about a mile east—if you can reach it, maybe flag down a passing car...
A flash of lightning illuminates the trees ahead, and in that split-second burst of light, your blood freezes. A figure stands twenty yards away—tall, muscular, with a distinctive mohawk now plastered to his scalp by the rain. He hasn't seen you yet, but he's scanning the woods methodically, one hand holding a flashlight, the other clutching a walkie-talkie.
You duck behind a large tree, heart hammering against your ribs. Through the sound of rainfall, you catch fragments of his voice:
"Na visual yit... Grid search in progress... She coudnae hae gaen far... "
The walkie-talkie crackles with a response too distorted to make out, but the mohawked man nods, then changes direction, moving across your path rather than toward you.
"Copy that. Circling back tae th' creek. Over. "
They're watching you. Tracking you. How many cameras are out here? How many eyes?
You wait until the beam of his flashlight disappears among the trees before moving again, this time in the opposite direction. The undergrowth tears at your clothes, mud sucking at your shoes, but fear drives you forward.
Another lightning flash reveals a steep embankment ahead. You slide down it, half-controlled, half-falling, coming to rest in a shallow ravine. Above you, the storm continues its assault, but here, partially sheltered by the high banks, you have a moment to catch your breath.
The respite is brief. A beam of light sweeps the ravine, and you press yourself against the muddy wall, praying the shadows are deep enough.
"Ah ken ye'r doon thare ," a voice calls out, eerily calm despite having to shout over the storm. "Thir's nowhere tae go. Th' road's blocked. Th' river's flooded. Juist come oot noo, 'n' no one haes tae git hurt."
You remain motionless, one hand gripping the kitchen knife in your pocket. The beam sweeps back and forth, methodically searching every inch of the ravine.
"Simon's worried aboot you," the voice continues. "He juist wants ye safe. Ye ken how dangerous it's oot 'ere." 
The light stops moving, fixed on a point just feet from where you hide.
"Last chance."
You hold your breath.
Footsteps approach, sliding down the embankment. The mohawked man lands heavily in the mud, his flashlight beam dancing wildly before steadying again. He's close now—close enough that you can see that he is Soap the man Simon brought to your home a few weeks prior, the same soap from the texts.
"There ye are," he says, spotting you at last. His lips curl into a smirk as he raises the walkie-talkie. "Target located. Southeast ravine. Movin` tae secur”.
Your fingers tighten around the knife.
He reaches for you, confident, unhurried. "Let's nae mak' this difficult."
You don't think. You move.
The knife flashes in the beam of his dropped flashlight as you lunge forward. He reacts with military precision, blocking your arm, but your momentum carries you both backward. You fall together, landing hard in the mud, his greater weight driving the air from your lungs.
His hand clamps around your wrist, squeezing until your fingers go numb. The knife slips, embedding itself in the soft ground beside you.
"Stupid move," he grunts, pinning you with one arm while reaching for the walkie-talkie with the other.
Desperation lends you strength. You twist violently, driving your knee upward. It connects, and his grip loosens for just a second—enough for you to wrench free and scramble for the knife.
Your fingers close around the handle just as he lunges for you again. You roll to the side, and in one fluid motion, slash outward blindly.
A howl of pain tears through the night. Soap staggers backward, hands pressed to his face. Blood seeps between his fingers—dark, almost black in the dim light. You've caught him across his left eye.
"Ye bitch!" he screams, lunging forward blindly. But his footing is compromised, his vision obscured by blood and rain.
You don't wait. You clamber up the ravine, soil and rocks giving way beneath your desperate grasp. Behind you, the man is still shouting into his walkie-talkie, his voice ragged with pain.
"She's armed! left th' ravine heading wast! a'm needin' backup! A’M NEEDIN’ BACKUP!"
His voice fades as you reach the top, replaced by the relentless drumming of rain and your own ragged breathing. You sprint through the forest, no longer caring about stealth, only distance. Every flash of lightning guides you forward until finally, miraculously, you see it—an access road cutting through the trees.
You have no idea where it leads, but away is all that matters now. Away from the safe house. Away from Kyle's betrayal. Away from Simon's control.
Behind you, distant voices call out, but they're growing fainter with each stumbling step you take. Soap won't be following—not with that eye. And whoever else is out there, they're too far behind.
For the first time since this began, you feel something close to hope. You're still running, but no longer in circles.
You're finally breaking free.
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shigiaki · 1 day ago
Not My Girlfriend
Sasuke!xReader / Fakedating!cheating
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You were dating Naruto, the popular kid known for his delinquent behavior and outgoing personality. Teachers either loved him or hated his guts. His family was influential and well-known, making him even more prominent in school.
Unlike him, you weren’t part of the rich kids' clique. Your best friend, Ino, quickly took a liking to your kind and funny nature. She loved having you around since her other close friends were both boys—having another girl in her life made her feel understood.
You and Naruto had been dating for over a year, and you got along effortlessly. Your friends and his quickly became acquainted, making it easier for everyone to connect.
You fell for him fast. He was an idiot but a lovable one—funny, kind, and gentle, even if he wasn’t exactly the smartest when it came to relationships. Things were great. Dating him and being part of the popular crowd had its perks. But little did you know, it wouldn’t last.
Naruto started acting strange and distant, and you had no idea why. You kept asking if something was wrong—maybe he and his best friend had fought again—but he only made dumb excuses. You brushed it off, hoping he’d come to his senses, but things only got worse.
He became secretive with his phone, quickly turning it off when you were around. He even added a passcode. That wouldn’t have been a big deal—most people had one—but he refused to tell you what it was, which felt odd. His replies to your messages became more and more delayed, and in big groups, he barely spoke to you anymore. He was always out, doing God knows what.
He also grew less affectionate. Whenever you tried to take the initiative, he’d brush you off, saying he wasn’t in the mood or was too tired.
Something was definitely wrong.
After almost two months of this, you couldn’t ignore Naruto’s behavior anymore. Your friends started noticing too, even asking if you two had broken up—which you denied.
Finally, you decided enough was enough. While Naruto was napping, you made up your mind to go through his phone. Carefully, you sneaked it from his side as he slept in your bed and slipped into the bathroom as quietly as possible.
Luckily, he had fallen asleep while watching a show, so his phone was still unlocked. Your heart pounded as you scrolled through his messages—everything seemed normal at first. But then, you checked his camera roll and his saved snaps.
Your stomach dropped.
There were countless pictures of him with some girl. You couldn’t tell who she was, but the way they were together in those photos told you everything you needed to know.
For days, you felt lost, unsure of what to do. You considered breaking up with him, thinking it might end the pain and heartbreak. But alongside the sadness, there was anger—a deep sense of betrayal. You wanted him to feel the hurt he had caused you. It wasn’t just your emotions at stake, Sasuke’s feelings were tangled in this as well. In the end, you made up your mind—tomorrow, you would confess everything and tell him the truth.
You had slipped a letter into his locker, asking him to meet you on the rooftop after school, but you hadn’t signed your name. The entire day, you found yourself muttering under your breath, overthinking every possible scenario, and doing your best to avoid looking at him in class, pretending everything was normal.
But then, your eyes met Sasuke’s by accident. His gaze was sharp, almost as if he could see right through you. It was impossible not to feel intimidated.
Sai and Ino watched you with concern, convinced you had completely lost your mind.
As the final bell approached, students began packing up, eager to leave. You, on the other hand, took your time, slowly gathering your things, stalling for as long as you could.
"girl hurry up!" Ino rushed you as Sasuke passed them exiting the room, "I have to talk to the teachers about something," you lied, Ino looked confused but didn't pry, "alright see you tomorrow" she said sighing before leaving with Sai.
After a minute or two, you began making your way to the rooftop. They don’t tend to lock these doors until all the other students have left, as some have clubs or are on cleaning duty. You reached the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.
There he stood, his face turned toward the view. He finally turned upon hearing footsteps behind him. He wasn’t surprised it was you—almost as if he already knew you were the one who wrote it. You, on the other hand, were surprised he even showed up.
He stared down at you, making you feel extremely nervous. You cleared your throat before speaking.
"I have something to tell you," you said in a serious tone. He frowned, annoyed. "What is it?" You take a deep breath before speaking again.
"Sakura is cheating on you." He frowns, clearly annoyed. "Yeah, right," he scoffs. My hands clench into fists. "With Naruto," I say, my expression darkening with frustration.
He steps closer to me, his expression shifting from annoyance to disbelief. "What?" he says, almost like a question, as if he didn’t fully process my words.
I take a shaky breath, my frustration boiling over. "Both of us are getting cheated on by our own partners—with each other," I say, louder this time, needing him to hear, to understand.
His jaw tightens, his hands clenching at his sides. For a moment, he just stares at me, searching my face for any sign that I might be lying. But I’m not.
The silence between us is thick, filled with tension and unspoken emotions. "You're serious?" he finally asks, his voice quieter now, but laced with something dangerous, anger, betrayal, maybe even pain.
I nod, my throat tight. "I wouldn’t lie about something like this."
His eyes darken, and I see the moment the realization settles in. He turns away, running a hand through his hair, exhaling sharply. "That bastard," he mutters under his breath.
I cross my arms, biting my lip. "That makes two of them." I sigh. "What are you going to do?"
Sasuke's body tenses even more at the question. He hesitates, his voice cold when he finally speaks."That's none of your business."His grip tightens around the edge of the rooftop, his knuckles turning white. He's barely restraining himself, his entire body coiled with the urge to storm off and confront Sakura right now.
"Don't act rashly," I begin, my voice firm yet uncertain.
"Too late. I'll kill them both." He mutters darkly. Unknowingly, he releases a wave of killing intent, the air around us growing heavy. Jealousy, rage, and betrayal swirl inside him, fueling the fire burning in his chest. His mind races, the same words echoing over and over.
"Then let’s cheat on them back."
The words leave my lips before I can stop them, bold and reckless. The air between us crackles with tension, and for a moment, he just stares, his expression unreadable.
He freezes. His dark eyes snap to my face. He must have misheard, right? He swallows hard, his jaw tightening. When he finally speaks, his voice is dangerously low, each word slow and deliberate—like a knife pressing against my skin.
"What did you just say?"I flinch instinctively, fear prickling down my spine—but I don’t back down. I meet his glare, my own emotions bubbling to the surface.
His body tenses, coiled like a snake ready to strike.
I step closer, ignoring the way my instincts scream at me to run. My heart pounds, but I force myself to meet his gaze, refusing to back down.
"Let's get together and cheat on them." My voice is steady, serious. The weight of my words lingers between us, thick and suffocating. The tension crackles like a storm ready to break.
Sasuke's eyes widen momentarily in shock before narrowing dangerously. He doesn't move, hardly seeming to breathe. When he speaks, his voice is eerily calm. "You can't be serious..." His gaze traces down your body contemptuously. "Think carefully about what you're suggesting."
I bite my lip, clenching my hands into tight fists. My nails dig into my palms, but I barely feel the pain. "I’ve thought about it," I say, my voice shaking with frustration. "I won’t let them get away with treating me like a fool! Treating us like complete fools!"
My anger spills over, my voice rising as I shout, the weight of betrayal pressing down on my chest. My breathing is uneven, my body trembling—not from fear, but from the sheer rage bubbling inside me.
I stare at Sasuke, waiting for his reaction, daring him to challenge me.
Sasuke's expression darkens, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and something else—perhaps a spark of understanding. He steps closer, his voice low and dangerous. "You want revenge." It's not a question.
I nod, looking up at his tall figure.
Sasuke's gaze holds yours for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then, he lets out a low, bitter laugh. "You know what? Fuck it." He steps even closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "If they want to play dirty, we can too."
I look into his eyes, searching for an answer, for anything that will tell me what he's thinking. "You'll help me?" My voice comes out quieter this time, but the desperation lingers beneath it. I need to know, I can't do this alone. My heart pounds as I wait for his response, the tension between us thick and suffocating.
"Yes. Let's make them regret ever touching someone else." He reaches up, gently catching your chin in his fingers. "But don't you dare think this means I want anything more than revenge."
"wouldn't dream of it" I muttered
"Good." He drops his hand. His mind races with plans. He looks at you, really looks at you for the first time. You're pretty - really pretty. He hardens his expression. "You know what we need to do?" He asks seriously. I nod, my expression unreadable. "Do what they did," I say nonchalantly, my voice void of hesitation.
"We have to cheat back," I continue, my tone unwavering. "Just like they did."
"Correct." He crosses his arms. "We need to act like a real couple. Hold hands, sit close, all that..." He pauses, his mind wandering to more intimate details. "We need to kiss." His face remains stoic, but his heart pounds unexpectedly in his chest. He pushes the thought away. "We'll start tonight." He looks at you.
I nod agreeing, "alright but where would we meet?"
"My room." He says bluntly. He turns and starts walking, expecting you to follow. As he walks, he sends a quick message to his 'girlfriend', telling her he's going to 'hang out with a friend' tonight. He smiles to himself, already enjoying this little game.
I stood there, momentarily shocked, before quickly following after him. "I’ll need your contact, I don’t have your address," I began, trying to explain.
"Right." He mutters, sending you his contact. He adds you on Snapchat too, because why not? He watches your display picture - a cute selfie. He hardens again. "Meet me at my place tonight. Eight sharp." He sends you his address. "And..."
I paused as I added him back, my fingers hovering over my phone. "And what…?" I look up at him, waiting for him to finish, my heart pounding in anticipation.
"...Wear something that'll piss them off." He says coldly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Something really low-cut. Really short." He glances down purposely, then back up at your incredulous face.
... part 2?
(new to tumblr pls give tips/ tricks on how to make my posts more cute and aesthetic!!")
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hvnsinureyes · 2 days ago
𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝓃 𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒽 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊. . . | luka dončić
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summary | basically a bunch of headcanons abt luka n what he’d do in your relationship <3
warnings | sfw & nsfw hcs— nsfw hcs mention breeding, oral, etc.
author’s note | happy birthday luka! wrote this instead of doing my homework, so proud of me!
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luka who . . . loves seeing you wear his number. whether it’s on the back of a jersey, a dainty charm on your bracelet or necklace, whatever it is— it makes his heart practically stop. although he loves his privacy, it’s a subtle way of letting everyone know, “that’s my girl, no one else's.” 
luka who . . . is completely different to the beast he is on the court. as soon as he gets home, he turns into the softest baby you’ve seen. he goes from screaming at refs about their bullshit calls, talking crazy shit on the court, to melting in your arms the second he gets home from the arena. he doesn’t say much, simply mumbling, “i missed you”. i know in my heart that he’s the type to be knocked out the second he gets comfortable (seriously, you have pictures of him sleeping in the most unconventional places..) also, he constantly gives you kisses. he barely goes 5 minutes without saying ‘i love you’.
luka who . . . has a hand on you at all times. there’s a bunch of pictures of him out with you, hand on your hip (sometimes dangerously close to your ass), walking together hand in hand, and it’s worse when you’re at home. he’d probably hold your foot or something just because. 
luka who . . . loves yapping to you about anything. he’s probably given you 1 hour lectures about his cars and the mechanics of them, but honestly, you let him because everytime he does, he looks cute when he starts getting excited about whatever he's talking about. and if you start yapping to him about anything, mans is sat. attentive and actively listening to the point where he stares into your soul. not one detail is ignored!! loves you sm that everything you say means the world to him.
which brings us to, luka who . . . does anything you ask. you could tell him to jump and he’d ask, “how high?” he’s a natural born giver (in bed too...) and isn’t ashamed of it. people may call him a simp, but he just sees it as making sure his baby stays happy. plus, it's worth it because he gets to spend more time with you. i think since he's often gone for games, he really tries to make it up as best as he can, especially during the off season. i wouldn’t be surprised if he puts stuff really high or tightens jars just so you can ask him to do it. 
luka who . . . doesn’t forget a single thing you tell him. it doesn’t matter if its your favorite show, singer, or the name of a random teddy bear you had when you were 10, he will always remember. to him, everything about you is important. he basically sees it as his duty to make sure you’re loved and taken care of, and remembering things that make you who you are in the first place is one of the ways he does that. so if he ends up gifting you something you barely mentioned like three months ago, do not be surprised. 
luka who . . . does not play about you. he gets so protective sometimes it’s genuinely ridiculous. if you give one of his dogs more attention than he does, he’ll be so pouty for the rest of the day, saying stuff like “do you not love me anymore?” as a joke just to piss you off. but in more serious situations, he’s very quick to act. if he sees some paparazzi getting all up in your personal space, he is not afraid to shove someone away. somebody talking shit about you around him? he won’t hesitate to defend you.
luka who . . . constantly lets you know that he loves you. he really has no limits— he shows it through words, actions, gifts, etc. like when he tries to cook dinner after a rough day (doesn’t taste…the best, but he tries!), hyping you up as you get ready, posting you on instagram constantly, mentioning you whenever he can during interviews, getting you the most thoughtful gifts ever. his love truly knows no bounds. 
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luka who . . . gets hard no matter what you do. seriously, it’s insane. you could simply look at him and he’s up and ready to go. you say it’s because he must be really whipped for you, and he agrees every time. 
luka who . . . cannot finish sex without having you cum on his tongue at least once. yeah, it’s nice when you do it on his cock, but being able to taste you is an even better feeling. he probably keeps his stubble so you're extra overstimulated while he's going down on you. he’s addicted to your taste and hearing you moan and whine is like a song he never gets sick of.
luka who . . . loves a bit of pain. nothing too crazy, but feeling your nails dig into his back is heavenly. or if you tug on his hair? oh, he’ll get so loud, you practically have to gag him so he shuts up. (hint: he also likes that. more than he should.)
luka who . . . who loves talking dirty in slovenian. he really takes it up a notch, saying the filthiest shit ever in your ear, knowing you won't understand. don't be fooled though, he's not scared to say it in english either. he'll say stuff like:
"come on, one more time,"
"fuck, take it all. i know you can,"
"look at this pretty fucking pussy. all nice and wet for me, hm?"
"awww, you missed me didn't you? no wonder why you're soaked."
luka who . . . has a serious breeding fixation. he doesn’t mind cumming anywhere else, but if you give him the go ahead to finish inside? he’ll bust in minutes. he’s so possessive that he’ll do whatever to mark you as his. but creampies are his favorite to give because you’re so warm and inviting, and don’t even let him watch it leak out. it’s even worse when you say, “gimmie a baby, luka,” or “please, make me a mommy,” because how could he ever say no? 
luka who . . . has probably taken pictures/videos of y’all while having sex. you don’t mind, because you know he’d rather die than ever let anyone else see. he respects you too much to ever do that without your permission. he mainly keeps it in a private folder to use whenever he’s at away games or when you’re gone. his favorite video is you taking backshots from him, mainly because your ass looks gorgeous taking him, and you’re always a mess by the end of it. that, and when you’re marked up with his cum, smiling with teasing eyes. god, he really can’t get enough of it.
luka who . . . always gives you aftercare. as an athlete, he knows more than anyone that a body needs to recover after any kind physical activity. he never forgets to run you a bath, clean you up, and most importantly— make sure you know you’re loved. expect cuddles and kisses hours after sex.
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