#hormonal crap
cassowariess · 2 years
Absolutely despise the way my body makes too much estrogen 2-3 days of the month (when I'm mid cycle) and I feel jittery, miserable and irritable as a result.
HRT is good for what I'm going through except for those days, when I have to stop taking it or my estrogen levels will shoot into the stratosphere.
No one tells you that perimenopause isn't just about your hormones fading. Sometimes it's about your body making too many hormones.
Basically my meat suit is making too much E and too little P.
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shirtlessradfahrer · 3 months
hi I had an amazing 10-ish days in and around Helsinki and met lots of very cool people and listened to lots of great music and ate so much good food and found an alcoholic drink that doesn’t make me want to fall asleep or throw up and didn’t constantly drown in my own sweat in July and walked around alone at 2am without feeling unsafe and instead felt so alive and never wanted it to end
that’s all
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running-in-the-dark · 10 months
lol that post reminded me that there was this guy in school, his only hobby was going to the gym and his arms were huge. he was kind of a jerk, but, his arms were huge 🤷, so I just. spent a looot of time one year hugging him. that's so weird to think about now.
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toughtink · 2 years
2 episodes of bluey have now made me cry
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 10 months
so many people on here are clearly just wannabe hipsters and it's honestly just kinda pathetic lol
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
Why the ever living fuck does having endometriosis in your throat, lungs, and your general breathing space area exist!!!???
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curtailedwhale · 1 year
I am losing my freaking mind with the work drama right now
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weedle-testaburger · 1 year
something really funny i realised recently is i was reading up a bit on voice training for femmes and it's all like 'you have to Learn to Move Your Vocal Muscles in a Very Specific Way!' and makes it sound quite daunting and intimidating, but then i noticed i've already been doing it to make my voice higher without realising
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I'm so tired of everything
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So, that appointment I've been dreading forever and that was supposed to happen end of August? I talked to friends about it and they recommended me their doctors. I made an appointment online and now it's happening next week. God, I'm so worried and nervous and anxious already but I hope they can actually help.
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petirrojito · 1 month
So my bank for some reason can’t change my address and sent a new card to my old address so obvs I told them to block it idk who has it. It means I have to call tomorrow and go through the fuckin robot voice prompts to get a human being to override everything and send me a card to my new address. Until then I have no access to money and I need to pay for my meds and my friends bday present 😬
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yousaythatsooften · 5 months
Loneliness can be self inflicted, after pulling back into your shell, wounded and having to mend yourself somehow, over and over for years...
I was sad for Morla the Ancient One in the Neverending Story but by the time I was 12 I completely understood "them".
"We don't even care whether or not we care"...frickin happens, man. Never forever, I keep growing back all these raw nerves. So I care too much sometimes. And get everything twisted up because for whatever reason, I control the weather in our unit. You can't really learn well in a chaotic environment and I don't think I'm capable of making it up to them or anyone else in this lifetime.
"We're allergic to you!" Shouldn't have let that horse die, boy. This tortoise can smell the stench of full on failure.
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lorawant2sleep · 11 months
want it to be socially acceptable to cry every time i don’t understand someone
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she-walked-away · 1 year
The chronic complainer that works for me told me that she says everybody after 30 is considered old to her and she'll tell them that because everything went downhill for her when she turned 30. She's 3 years older than me and I'm 33. Mind you, this person has been offered much advice and and sympathy for her personal issues and has no problem complaining about me, her boss, to everybody else about how i'm going to take 12 weeks off for my child being born in January and complains about how much work she has while also digging through everybody else's desk to find extra work. We've told her multiple times not to go through everybody's desk for work and yet- it happens still when someone is out sick. And then she complains she has too much to do.
Like, your complaints are valid, but if you don't even want to try or do something about it because you want to be a victim- I can't help you. Especially as the boss who has told her to STOP taking work from other people.
I have zero qualms about changing the passwords to the office email before I leave and forwarding it to another person who has asked me for it because they cannot stand listening to the complaining.
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chanoeys · 1 year
Feeling on the cusp of a depressive spell.
Seeds are being planted, I know they’re gonna grow and by Friday I will have cried.
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sneak-a-cat · 1 year
#ignore this i will be ranting in the tags :)#for like the past year or so i have been really struggling with pms stuff and only once have i gone onto the pill to try and stave it off#needless to say that went utterly shit and for about a month i was a sad hormonal mess properly barely able to get out of bed stuff#and i've been told to try a new one now#which is fucking scary because i didn't like who i was when i was on the last one and i know it changes my mood#on top of all that it was right when my exams were so i was really fucking scared#i tried to talk about this with my mum but she fucking sucked at emotional support so that was great#and now i'm on it and its not made me sad so much as affected me in weird ways#worst part is that since i'm in it rn i can't properly tell whats different about me#i dont like it#i hate being on drugs that change my mood#i don't feel like myself#i know somethign has changed and dont like it i dont i want it to stop#but i cant ebcause once your on the fucking pill you only stop at the end of the month#and my mum would be fucking dissapointed as shit in me for stopping#how the fuck do i tell her "hey yknow how you have been trying to look for a sollution to my crap pms stuff?#yeah well i want you to fuckingg stop trying to get me on different drugs that fuck with my hormones i don't fucking like those#turns out i am massively freaked out when i can't tell if i am not acting like myself due to stress or due to mystery fucking drug#oen time i fucking tried to talk to her all she said was “this worked one me and uh actually i was way worse than you so take them”#fucking wonderful#bloody so glad it worked for you do you not understand how bleedin terrifying this is to me?#i would rather have unpredictable periods where i am a proper dick while on them than not know who i am anymore#but fuck it all she doesn't seem to fucking get that#worst thing abotu this is its making me wonder how i would react to adhd meds that i've been trying to get for years#i have been aware that some people don't like themselves on them#but god fuck it i just want some of my brain to function well#please#christ sorry obviously this is public and you can read what you want#but uh if your reading this dont worry i just find it helps to write and post it
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