#hoping that san will not get another uhm
faceglitchsworld · 10 months
It's the 26th of November, which means that today it's the day where a fox was born.
Happy birthday Wooyoung 🥳
Please, look at the collage I made for him 🥹
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The amount of black hair you see here is unbelievable I know, I know but eeeeeeeh, even if I loved red Wooyoung recently the best pictures of him are he with long, black hair.
I have a problem, I know that.
And now have the letter I made for him.
So, if I should talk about Wooyoung, I think we should make a return to the past, when I was a very little fan (just imagine me as a stickman stylized kid) and I had like three or two groups in my stan list (and I wasn't even a K-Bands degenerate, DAAAAAAMN, two years looks like a decade now).
I was watching some Stray Kids compilations when, at some point, the YouTube algorithm, suggested another video with Felix. I don't remember the title exactly but I remember that Wooyoung's name was in it. At the time I didn't know that the compilation was about Kingdom Legendary War, I just clicked on it because Felix was there and he was one of my biases at the time. Well, the video in question was about Ateez cheering a Stray Kids performance and Wooyoung screaming "MY SON" to Felix.
And you think that I would have stopped like that? Watching a video with Wooyoung screaming "MY SON" and that's it. No. Of course not. I wanted to discover the context behind that "MY SON". So I checked another video and I saw this friendly guy talking with Felix during a...game? I don't know if it was a game, I never watched Kingdom Legendary War in its entirety.
But anyway, I see this guy being all friendly and open with Felix, he seemed like he knew him since he was a trainee or something so I was like "ah, ok, he seems like a long time friend of him. Glad they finally met each other after so much time." Yeah, you don't need to tell me that I was wrong at the time. I discovered some time after that Wooyoung's actual best friend in Stray Kids is Changbin. And honestly I can understand why.
Not only because during Kingdom Legendary War they cheered each other in a very loud way (no, seriously, did you ever watch the video compilation where they just scream "IT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" all the time? Because I did it and it was funny like a lot.), but also because their personalities match somehow. Changbin is a loud teaser and his main target is...well, Chan. Wooyoung is less loud but he's still a teaser and his main target is...well, San. Both of them target the most silent and patient members who bear them 🤣
Probably I had more time understanding how a funny member like him developed a friendship with Yeonjun. Once again, I discovered this friendship after seeing Yeonjun and Changbin interacting at Inkigayo and I wanted to discover more about it. It was during this time that I discovered how both of them and Wooyoung were already a clique of friends during their trainee days.
This was the last straw that made me want to search more about Wooyoung. I wanted to discover more of him. This curiosity made me stan Ateez later on but that's another story that I want to reserve for the anniversary letter.
And while I did my dive into understanding him and his personality, I discovered the last important friendship that deserves to be talked about here. His friendship with Yeosang.
I think some of you already know the full story and what Wooyoung did for him but, you know, every time I think about it I can't just brush it off. Like, have you ever found someone like Wooyoung, someone who decides to leave the company where he's currently training just for following you and debuting together? I don't know you all, the industry is highly competitive and terrible, leaving a company while you're a trainee might mean not debuting for years. And yet, Wooyoung decided to take the risk. He decided to put his friend and the bond he has with him first .
Again, it was a risky choice and we need to thank the destiny or something if they've ended up debuting together but can you believe me that I'm still, like, fascinated by this? All the people who became friends with Wooyoung basically found the best person on the earth. The best and richest treasure, if you know what I mean.
Dear Wooyoung, I think you already noticed how I described over and over how much of a good friend you are. The people who gained your trust and friendship are very lucky to have you as a friend. I only wish for you that you'll always meet amazing people who will never betray you or use your trust against you. You've always put your friends and the others before you and I don't want that this wonderful quality of yours will turn for the worst for you like never.
Since you already made the birthday live and you probably already read all the birthday wishes Atinys sent to you, I can only wish that you'll spend the rest of this day happily with the members and that everything will go well.
And don't mess up with the others too much 🤣
Happy birthday foxie 🥳
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cottonlemonade · 6 months
synopsis: Akaashi is trying to find out if you have a boyfriend
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“Are you hungry?”, Akaashi asked.
Without really waiting for your reply he bought two cheesy corn dogs and a yakisoba bun to share. You sat on a bench overlooking the patch of green in the park where you had met up to compare notes, enjoying the first rays of actually warming sunlight. In his imagination Akaashi wished he could lay in the grass with you, his head in your soft lap while you’d run your fingers through his hair. You’d talk about books and movies and he’d bring your hand to his lips, brushing butterfly kisses on your skin.
"Do the new first years get along well with the team?", you asked, about halfway through your corn dog. The setter snapped out of his daydream, hoping he hadn’t stared at you too much.
"Oh yeah. They are all Bokuto-senpai this and Bokuto-senpai that. It's all he can talk about.”
You laughed. “So Kotarou is also really fond of them, then?”
Akaashi gave you a studying look at your use of the captain’s first name then focused on a blade of grass sticking through his shoelace.
“Yeah, I am almost sure they’re gonna start a fanclub for him soon.”, he said with an awkward, slightly stiff laugh and glanced over at you taking another bite, struggling with a long strand of cheese, “So uhm, are you and Bokuto-san...?” He let the question hang in the air, silently praying that you understood.
“Are we what?”, you asked in a light tone.
“Are you two … I mean, do you… and does he… Are you?”
You squinted, failing to hide a grin.
“We are friends, yes.”
“Oh okay. Good.” To be fair he doubted that Bokuto-san would have kept quiet about a potential relationship but he wanted to make sure. However, Akaashi didn’t want you to think you’d have to hide it if you felt something for his friend. You wouldn’t be the first. “He is a really good guy. Handsome, too.”
“Do you want me to put in a good word for you?”, you chuckled and his ears practically glowed.
“So you’re not … with him?”
“Nope.” It was truly a joy to see the usually composed setter fumble for his words so much - he was just too adorable.
Akaashi let out a deep breath, obviously relieved that this hurdle was taken, but apparently got ready for the next one.
Meanwhile, you finished off your corn dog.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Screaming wouldn’t be an acceptable response in this situation, you were sure. But you really had to put all your strength into your voice to keep it normal.
“No, I don’t.”
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milaisreading · 10 months
🌱🩷: 6th story is here, you all! Hope you like it!
Pairings: Itoshi Sae x Isagi's sis!Yn (Post Blue Lock tl)
Warnings: Reader uses she/her.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
🎄Dec 15th🎄
"Good game, you two." Luna smiled as he patted Isagi and Sae's backs. The duo silently nodded, one giving of a slight smile as he thanked the older, while the other let out a indifferent 'Thank you.'
Another game between Barcha and Re Al had finished, with the 2nd team winning. Both players showed a different level of excitement. While Isagi was elated, this being his first match and win in the new team, Sae was completely stoic about it. It was just another game for him at that point.
"Say, want to get some food?" Sae asked as Luna and the others left to go to God knows where. Isagi looked back at the older and shook his head.
"Nah, my big sis and I have plans to go and eat something together. Thank you for the invite." Isagi said politely, surprising Sae with his first statement.
"(Y/n) is here? I thought she was in Italy with Oliver." Sae said bluntly. Now it was Isagi's turn to look at Sae in surprise.
"Since when are you on 1st name terms with my sis? Do you two know each other?"
"No.... uh, you mentioned her a few times. The 1st name must have slipped out." Sae said, trying to rationalize it with Isagi.
'Right. He doesn't know that (Y/n) and I met each other years ago.' The red-head thought as the younger looked at him suspiciously for a moment.
"Ook? But it's still weird-"
"Yoichi!! That was a great game!" The younger got cut off by a very familiar voice and someone pulling him into a tight hug.
"Big sis! Did I make you wait too long? Sorry about that." Isagi smiled, turning his attention to (Y/n), Sae only watched them silently.
"Ah, not really. I had to go to the toilet and freshen up a little." (Y/n) said calmly, then pointed behind herself.
"Oh! By the way, those kids over there asked for you. They seem to be big fans." Isagi, intrigued, looked over to where she was pointing. And, true to her words, a group of kids were looking over at Isagi while holding papers and pictures.
"Uhm.. big sis..." Isagi said nervously.
"Just go and make their day, striker." She laughed, nudging Isagi into their direction. (Y/n) kept on looking at her brother as he approached the group and started talking to them, excited how relaxed her brother looked.
"So, you are here.... In Madrid." The older Isagi jumped in surprise as Sae moved to stand next to her, looking bored as usual.
"Ah~ Sae-san! Yeah, I am. Good game, you did amazing as usually." (Y/n) smiled at the taller, who silently nodded his head.
"Thanks. I wasn't much into the game tho, Barcha are easy to beat when they play against us."
"Really? They were doing good, too." (Y/n) said back.
"Maybe to watchers. For us players it was a different situation." Sae said back, causing the girl to blush in embarrassment.
"True... But,still! Amazing job. You and Yoichi make a solid duo on the field."
Sae nodded along, glancing at the younger Isagi before looking back at the older.
"Yeah, I am thankful you made him agree to join Re Al, and not some other team. But, enough of that. How have you been? I thought you were in Italy with Aiku." Sae held himself back from gagging at the other's name. He hated him ever since (Y/n) and Oliver got together again.
"Oh... I have been fine, and Oliver is back in Italy. We... we kind of decided to break it off." (Y/n)'s face dropped for a moment, something Sae took notice off.
"You two broke it off?" Sae repeated again, trying to hide the slight smile at those words. Now was not the time to be petty.
'I will do that later.' He thought.
"Yeah, we just didn't work out. I came here to Madrid for a little change because of that." She said absent-mindedly. Sae raised an eyebrow at that as an idea hit him, but as he was about to say something, the redhead noticed Isagi returning to where they were.
"Say, your number didn't change, right?"
"Hm? No, why?" (Y/n) asked, but before she got an answer Isagi came back.
"Sis, can we go and eat now? I feel like dying." Isagi said, grabbing (Y/n)'s wrist and pulling her away.
"Sure, but Sae-san, would you like to join us?" (Y/n) glanced at the older Itoshi, who shook his head.
"Nah, I am not hungry. Enjoy yourselves, you two."
Sae sent them a mysterious smile and turned to walk away, confusing the two Isagis.
"I will never understand Sae-san." Isagi pouted as (Y/n) chuckled a little, watching as the redhead walked off.
"True, but I guess it's part of his charm."
Later that night, (Y/n) was back in the apartment her and Isagi were sharing for now, looking at her plans for tomorrow.
'So, tomorrow I have my first 3 shoots... I hope this goes well.' (Y/n) bit her lip nervously. Was this a good idea? Sure, modeling sounded like a lot of fun and the manager she found said she had a good future in this field, but...
"It's also so risky...but I need to find a job. I can't depend on Yoichi here." She sighed. (Y/n) was about to put the phone away when a message popped up.
"Huh? Sae?" (Y/n)'s eyebrow raised, remembering she never really deleted his number in all these years.
'Let's go and get lunch tomorrow. I have a day off.'
(Y/n) looked at surprise at the message, which confused her a little. Why was she surprised? Sae was always straight forward. And it's not like lunch meant anything. He probably just wants to thank her for helping him. Or, so she thought.
The next day both met up at a local restaurant that wasn't far away from (Y/n)'s last shoot. The lunch had to turn into a dinner as (Y/n) finished later than expected.
"I am sorry again-"
"You apologized like 5 times. It's fine, I know that you can't control these things." Sae said calmly, finding her flustered expression both amusing and adorable.
"Still, let me pay for the food as an apology-"
"No. Now, let's talk about something else. Did you adjust well in Madrid?" Sae quickly changed the subject, resting his head on his hands.
"Yeah, I would say I am doing well so far. I have been here for a month and I can't complain. I just hope this modeling thing works out, so I can stop burdening Yoichi."
"I am sure it will. I mean, you do have the looks for it, and brain, too." Sae said nonchalantly.
"Thank you!" (Y/n) said back, fighting back another blush.
"I just don't want to go home yet... you know."
"Mhm." Sae nodded along as she spoke a little bit more.
"But enough about me. What about you, Sae-san? Aside from football, how has life been?"
"It's been good. Rin and I have been talking more and more lately."
"Really?! I am so happy to hear that. It would have been a shame if you kept that icy attitude around each other." (Y/n) smiled as Sae nodded along.
"It's been better. In fact, my life got a little bit better since yesterday."
(Y/n) blinked a little, surprised by the low tone he used.
"Well, I guess winning against your rivals does that." She said back and Sae fought the urge to slap his face.
'This girl is so oblivious!'
This all happened exactly 6 months ago. By now, it was already December and Madrid was all but decorated and prepared to celebrate the coming holiday. Isagi had left the capital to visit Japan, and most of the team went back home. The only one who still stayed in Madrid was Sae. (Y/n) had planned to leave om the same day as her brother, but was held back by a last minute shoot. In the past six months her career has taken off too. Granted, it did take a while till some brands started hiring her to model their things, but it happened, and (Y/n) couldn't have been more greatful. She would still get flustered when Sae would tease her about a new billboard picture of herself. Speaking of which...
'Sae...' (Y/n) held back a blush as she walked towards their meeting spot. A small and secluded area at the Christmas market. Over the months they grew closer, and although (Y/n) didn't want to fall in love again, she did. Was it Sae's sense of humor? His personality? Looks? Or all of them together? (Y/n) really didn't know what exactly made her fall for him, but she did.
And although she wanted to say how she feels, she couldn't bring herself to do so. After the disaster with Oliver, she didn't want another one.
"That's what I get for forgiving a cheater..." (Y/n) sighed sadly, feeling her heart break a little.
'But... I really like Sae...'
"You... you really didn't have to. I didn't get you anything." (Y/n)'s red was tomato red as she stared at the bouquet of roses that Sae gave her. Both were sitting on a bench, not looking at each other, only sending short glances once in a while.
"It's just flowers, you don't have to get me anything." Sae said softly, glancing at the her.
'Cute.' He smiled behind his scarf.
"But still, thank you. I didn't get flowers in years." (Y/n) smiled happily, causing Sae's smile to drop a little.
"Didn't Aiku buy you them? I thought boyfriends did that."
Surprised by both his words and the bitter tone, (Y/n) kept quiet for a moment.
"No... not really. But, I never really asked him to buy me them either." She answered truthfully.
"That's a stupid excuse. He shouldn't wait for you to tell him that, no wonder he is alone."
"Sae, aren't you being too harsh on him now?" (Y/n) asked softly, looking over at the older Itoshi. To her surprise, the footballer had quite the scowl on his face.
"I think I am not harsh enough. I mean, he cheated on you. He deserves it."
"It's in the past, I am over it."
"But I am not." Sae argued back, causing (Y/n) to go silent. The older Itoshi took this opportunity to finally say what he thought for years.
"I wasn't honest with you for all this time. Mainly because I know you just got out of a shitty relationship,but also because I didn't want to put all of my emotions on you at once." Sae took as deep, (Y/n) still looking at him.
"I liked you for a while now, and I distanced myself when you announced that you and Aiku are back together. I knew he would do something stupid again, but I really hoped I was wrong. For your own sake, (Y/n). But now, after all of this, I really can't hold it in me." Sae took a deep breath and looked away again. (Y/n) felt her heartbeath quicken as she registered his words.
'He...he likes me?!' She thought.
"I don't expect you to like me back or anything. I just hope we can stay friends if you don't feel the same. And, I hope you know that guys like Aiku aren't worth your time." Sae finished as (Y/n) looked away. Her emotions were all over the place, it was all so overwhelming. But amidst all the turmoil, somethings she couldn't deny were the relief and happiness she felt from Sae's words.
'I am such an idiot... but it had to be said. I would have gone insane if I kept it all to myself.' Sae thought. (Y/n) moved the bouquet to the side and inched closer to Sae, resting her head against his arm.
"I like you, too. I am glad it's mutual." Her words were quiet, but loud enough for Sae to hear them. He felt a soft smile grace his face as he leaned into her.
"Thank you..."
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addicsvt · 5 months
Who are you, really?
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" また桜が咲くまで���ちます。"
pairing - stranger sunghoon x stranger reader genre - minimal fluff + slight angst word count - 543 warnings - none atm synopsis - "why do you stay in my mind?" a/n - saw these pics on my pinterest and i had to do somethin, first time writing enha!!! also new layout??? how r we feeling
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[ 見知らぬ人 ] ⤷ a stranger "good things happen when the cherry blossoms fall"
sunghoon wakes up, as he always does. the sky paints its usual blue shade, the streets are crowded with people, and the cherry blossoms have bloomed. he opens his window, careful to not swing it too hard. he sticks his palm out hoping to catch the flowers, he looks outside only to be met with your eyes from below. 
the eye contact doesn't last long, a millisecond at most. but sunghoon feels different, his sleepy state now replaced with an energetic one. he has to forget about this, about you, about whatever that encounter was.
he washes up a bit quicker than usual, grabbing the onigiri that rested on the table. tuna-mayo. he leaves the house making sure to lock the door before he heads on his usual train. his phone makes a buzzing notification as he takes it out of his pocket looking at it absentmindedly. 
"yaa! sunghoon-kun, takashi san is rambling my ear off about your late attendance again, i'm covering for you this time. your lucky im your friend." he reads, eyes tracing the paragraph. geez, he shouldn't have to come to school if only, he knew that his friend covered for him sooner.
"mk, see u at the new cafe? I'll treat you to pancakes" he responds, placing his phone back in his pocket as he arrives on the campus. he rubs his temples deciding to reside in his favorite library instead. 
he sets his bag on the chair beside him, walking to the shelves trying to find the latest chapter of a manga he has been reading. and soon enough his eyes take note of the manga, the last copy, he reaches a hand out to grab it before he feels another force tugging it. 
"oh," was all that could leave his mouth as his grip loosened on the book meeting your eyes. 
"were you getting this?" you muttered feeling exposed under his gaze, feeling as if you committed a crime.
"uhm yeah, I've been reading this, you can take it though, ill find it somewhere else." he blabbers before realizing how stupid he is, this is the only library that has this copy. and he's giving it to some random stranger. 
"but this is the only store that has it, at least in Osaka?" you point out making him look even stupider, sunghoon feels his cheeks on fire. 
"ah, erm, I-" he mumbles trying to collect himself but it's a useless attempt. he has never felt this weak, this embarrassed before. he considers himself cool, collected, and peaceful even. but he probably has to reconsider that. 
Why did you have to look like that?? if you never stared at him like that he would've never messed up. he murmurs some excuse as he grabs his backpack leaving the library, his second home. how could he let a stranger take over his life? 
that night, he doesn't sleep at all. he's twisting and turning, he knows he has seen you before. think, think, think. he tries to remember, getting frustrated with himself. he decides to forget about this day, whatever this was. but he can't forget, a part of you still lingers in his mind. but he's too afraid to admit that, afterall he's always been a coward.
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ughsimpp · 1 year
im backkkkk LOL can you do a reaction of them catching their s/o touching themselves??? like they were gone for a few days and came back to a surprise of their s/o moaning out their names in bed :]]]]]
thanks you as always!!!!!
sorry for making this so late
"you couldn't wait for me could you baby?"
you were startled by another voice you heard that wasn't yours.
hongjoong walked towards at the end of the bed and crawled towards you. getting closer to your throbbing core, you saw he had that devilish look in his eyes as you felt his hot breath right on top of your slit.
"why don't we continue this 'little' surprise you had for me mhm?"
“having fun baby?”
his deep voice caused you to open you eyes and saw him standing at the end of the bed, smirking. you tried to hid the small vibrating toy but it was too late.
“hwa...when did you-.”
he crawled on top of you and grabbed the toy. looking at it and smirked, he threw it to the side and put his focus back on you.
“i’m gonna show you what that stupid toy of yours can’t do.”
mid-orgasm you moaned out yunho's name. euphoria was hitting you, making you not realize yunho was standing at the door.
yunho cursed at the view he was getting, unaware that you heard him.
you looked up and saw yunho starring at you. you were surprised but then saw his pants bulging up. giving him a not so innocent look and smile.
"you want some help with that? come join me then."
"y/n? baby?"
you were in your own world and were about to orgasm until you heard something drop to the floor.
you sat up and saw yeosang at the doorway, it was his bag that fell onto the floor. he covered his face of embarrassment for walking in on you.
"wait yeo..you uhm wanna help me? please?"
"y/n?! im back!"
san walked into the bedroom, hoping that you were in there but you weren't there. until he heard whimpers from the bathroom.the door was unlocked, he saw you taking a bath but also in a hopeless mood.
"fuck...let me come please..."
"you wanna come that bad?"
you looked and saw san standing there. you couldn't careless that he caught you, you just wanted to come. you were more than happy that he was finally home.
mingi left to go grab a few things at the dorms which gives you 30 mins til he came back. you grabbed your little secret toy you bought without him knowing and got to work.
mid-way of coming, you needed a boost to reach your climax.
"oh my gosh-...min..mingi-ah! fuck!"
"yes baby? you called me?"
mingi was standing at the doorway, smirking at you. he bit his bottom lip and walked towards you. let's just say mini never really left.
your boyfriends was always edging you to the point you always asked him for help. you hated how easy it was for him to tease you, but to him it was "fun" to see you struggle.
he decided to tease you again but leave you hanging. you tried to get his attention but nothing worked. you got fed up and went to the bedroom and pulled out your bunny vibrator.
setting it at a nice speed, you moaned and whined. it was working but you needed something more. your soft whines echoed through the house as he came to the bedroom, watching you suffer a bit more.
"you want my help? beg for it babygirl."
"please...help me da-daddy..."
jongho came home to a quiet house unaware that you were already home. he reached the bedroom and paused. stunned. in shocked but also turned on. seeing you struggle to please yourself was like a hallucination.
the way you moved your body as you were about to come. soft whimpers and moans were coming out of the beautiful mouth of yours.
"jongho...ah please help me..."
he walked closer to you but you weren't aware that he was already home. he pulled you closer to him, causing you to jump out of your euphoric state. you felt his hard cock, pressing against your soaked core.
"you needed my help right?"
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aachria · 2 months
once again writing as im reading yk how it is
You apologizing in the notes for a longer chapter will never fail toget me hyped and sorta nervous 🧍‍♀️
"So did you (get taller) , thank you for staying alive long enough for me to know that" aachria the writer that you are 😭 you always manage to make me emotional
"…Who the fuck picks a prosethetic that looks like Sans from Undertale???? " Sabo the man you are
AACHRIA. PLEASE. IM AT THE "ACE TO BE EXECUTED" PART. WTF. WHAT WHAT WHAT 😭 UHM. I knew my ass was being too hopeful about both of them being there 😕 i shouldn't have trusted you.
If Ace dies. I'll cry. /th. You'll cry too so please don't kill him 🙏‼️
"I can’t save him. I can’t save him, I can’t save him I CAN’T SAVE HIM I CAN’T SAVE HIM— " ricky when i catch you Ricky. I dont wanna call this foreshadowing cause that might give you ideas and i predicted quite a bit of stiff right. So i predict Portgas D. Ace will Live.
I want you to know i cried at the Luffy comforting and forgiving Ed part 😕
" “How can you say that?” I croak, trying to find any hint of dissension in his expression. “How can you not believe it?” he counters." 😕😕😕😕😭😭😭😭 you're a bully
" Bit of a shit way to meet and in law but hi" and then no elaboration is so funny 😭
Did. Did failure make ed forget about the kuma sending everyone away thing? Or are they gonna try to put it off til after marineford??? Or is it just not gonna happen at all???
Ed repeatedly saying "i love competent people" with kore and more intensity 3ach time is so real what a mood
Jonah mentioned 🤭 love to see sabo and ace bonding
"Unquestionably" 🤭🤭🤭
im still worried abt wtf is gonna happen a propos the strawhats separation
Amazing chapter as always excited to see the next chapter that you might post on Wednesday THANK YOU SO MUCH ‼️
but yeah getting you hyped and nervous is pretty much the intended effect.
I was trying real hard to keep faithful to the feelings from the canon Sabo and Luffy reunion while also not having Ace being DEAD as the driving force of the thanks (the ASL brothers thanking each other is something that can be so personal—) and I'm, if nothing else, content with where it ended up. Fuckin' love those two.
Nothing shows how much you love a character like giving them fucktons of piercings and just generally disregarding their canon design. He is my special little guy and I will make him strange and weird like he deserves and if that included stealing his fucking eye and making it more awesome and also poking a myriad of holes in his face, who's to stop me?
I am terribly trustworthy excuse you. I never said I wasn't going to do terrible things. I asked if you thought I'd do terrible things and I hoped I wouldn't do terrible things, but I never made any promises. Hheh.
I also make no promises not to kill Ace. For the record. But I will cry absolutely.
If there's one thing about Ed, it's that if they're given a chance they will martyr the SHIT out of ANYTHING. Like pookie please your saviour complex is showing.
I was so ready for someone to call out the recurring smoked fish joke like 'hmmmm smoked fish you say kinda of like SMOKE from something BURNING IS IT?!" and then that didn't happen and I felt vindicated. And please when have I ever used foreshadowing before. Doesn't sound like me at all.
Luffy is my hero you GO bestie COMFORT that idiot YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH—
Look that cowboy hat is fantastic and my catalyst for cowboy Ed, who can only get more cowboy cunty from here. Nothing say pirate quite like a cowboy.
Oh yeah baby Ed is very aware of Kuma. There's a bunch of you shits who were real concerned about them forgetting and to that I say the first little sequence of next chapter was supposed to be on the end of last chapter, but it was already too damn long so I had to split 'er up. It'll make more sense when you read it.
I LOVE COMPOTENT PEOPLE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ED AND LUFFY PRISON BREAK ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Yeah.... the separation.........
Anyway yeah I didn't end up doing to Wed update because I had a bad week but there WILL be one this week ‼️‼️
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a-soft-hornytiny · 2 years
I was watching this video on Tiktok of San during Take Me Home stage on the tour last year and....well....Blindfolded San smut?👀
Pairing: San x female!reader (or well reader with mommy kink)
Warnings: sub!san, blindfold, temp play, mommy kink, coming untouched, teasing, calling san little baby, san is tied up a bit, big tiddie san, nipple play (let me know if i missed something) be careful while reading.
Notes: uhm yeah i added temp play to the blindfold because that is literally perfect. sub!san it is. I hope you like it haha. I guess Im on a mommy kink trip rn. he so cute.
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
The sight before your eyes was absolutely breathtaking. His golden skin was shimmering with little drops of sweat as he tried squirming away from your touch. San’s eyes were covered by a lace blindfold but that was mostly because you liked how it looked, he didn’t need it to keep his eyes closed.
His hands were tied together in front of his body which squeezed his chest, giving it a plump look. You loved nothing more than hearing him whine as the ice cubes hit his hot skin. He never knew what would come next, if it was the ice, the hot wax or your wet tongue dragging over his body. 
You could see his muscles shift under his skin as you bent over him, breathing against his lips. He immediately flinched, causing you to chuckle deeply. 
“Is my little baby scared?” You pouted even though you knew he couldn’t see it. He shook his head, letting out protesting whines. You chuckled again before gently setting kisses on his skin. Your hand was already reaching for another ice cube as your lips wandered down his jaw to his neck and finally staying at his collar bone, harshly sucking on his skin. 
“Does my little baby like what mommy is doing?” You asked in a higher pitched voice, slowly raising the ice cube above his chest. San eagerly nodded.
“Talk to me baby.” You groaned suggestively to which he responded with a needy moan. “Yes mommy, your little one loves it!” A sweet smile graced his lips. But before he could get too comfortable, you pressed the ice cube onto his chest. You let it travel from one side to the other, missing his nipples just by a few millimeters. 
“M-mommy, too cold!” San cried out as your hand finally stopped at one of his nipples, circling it with the ice. You knew exactly that meant “please don’t stop” so you continued what you were doing. While one of his nipples was being circled by ice, you took the other between two fingers and pinched it gently. 
The sounds San was making were music to your ears. His whole body was shaking underneath you in anticipation of your every touch, longing for your words, your love. “Please mommy…” He moaned pathetically as your touch was getting harsher. 
“What is it baby?” You knew the signs, you knew that he was fighting against the urge to cum. The urge to paint his own belly white without having been touched properly. 
“Touch me mommy… touch my d-dick.” You giggled at his pathetic attempt at begging. It was a not so secret secret that you loved to make him cum untouched. The embarrassment he felt afterwards, the pureness of his whines as he apologized for being bad. And he knew that.
“Please mommy I-“ Your tongue slid along his jawline, making him gulp. “I’m gonna-“
“You’re gonna what?” You interrupted him purposely. San cried out loud, his knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on his own handcuffs. A lonely tear ran down his cheek, appearing from under his blindfold as his hips buckled up. 
You let out a satisfied chuckle, watching his cum spill out of the tip of his dick. He was making a mess on himself while you gently wrapped your hand around his throat. Your fingers wandered up, grabbing his blindfold and pushing it up. You gently caressed his cheeks as they were heating up. One direct look into his eyes made him whine. 
“You did it again baby.”
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives @hoshischeekss @yeosangsbiceps @euphoric-emily16 @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @seomisaho
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xinsareforever · 12 days
ah well that makes sense. Then Anji giving a titjob
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Anji X AMAB! reader
Topic: Anji giving a tit job
Tags: Smut, Sucking, Gay, Praising
-Anji was the type of guy to always seek knowledge about the world and the secrets behind the Gears and their origins but on his free time.he tends to pursue activities that are aligned with his passion for culture and art. Anji enjoys dancing and incorporates traditional Japanese dances into his fighting style so. For a while you watched him practice his dances, it was really elegant and smooth especially the butterflies
-He would always send one glowing butterfly your way and it would land on your hand disappears. ”How’d I do Y/N-san?” he asked. You compliment him saying that you thought he was doing well. You ask for him to continue. You watching but his chest was exposed as always and you always saw it satisfying the way it’s toned.
-Your in a trance as he moved his chest doing his dance. You start to day dream about unexplainable things.“Y/N-san how about that?” “…” “Y/N-san?” he sends another blue butterfly your way. you snap out of it, looking up at him in confusion. He asks if you were okay and if you were thinking about something, which you were.
-He sits by you trying to check your temperature but you said that you were fine. You were hot and heated but was not sick at all. He says that you should rest but you refuse and get closer to him. He lets you rest on his shoulder but instead of resting you go in for a french kiss. Anji was suprised you kissed him like that?! You two fall on too the floor as Anji keeps you in the kiss as your on top.
-You start to grind yourself on him, knowing you want Anji bad. You two pull out of the kiss breathing as Anjis confused of your grinding. You confess what you want to do with him a silence fills the room but he complies.
-”Uhm S-sure he gives a shy look, fanning him self”
-You start to remove your pants, revealing yourself and your growth. Anji getting a blush and a lil tent as well too. You get on top of his chest and you reassure him saying, it was going to be quick and its not going to take long
-You start to rub yourself on his chest having in a slow pace of moving backwards and forwards as Anji continues to fan himself. Anji thought you were hot on top of him rubbing against his body. He had never knew you like his body that much so form now on he’s keeping it out.
-You start to praise his chest and how good it felt to finally rub your cock against them. Anji places his hands on your waist, helping you guide yourself on his body. You move up into his mouth to kinda have him suck for a bit. Anji gives a suprised look as you do so but he complies to you.
-You continue to rub yourself on his chest. It wasn’t enough to release but you had to stop before Baiken comes back to visit again. So you both get yourselves cleaned but you two are definitely gonna continue in bed.
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ccraccz · 4 months
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┏━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┓
Chapter 3
┗━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┛
30 minutes after
Having taken off his blazer, Ryuu and the rest of the group painted the over graffiti that was on the wall, rolling on coat after coat to be able to cover the both amazing and vulgar arts. Finishing his part, he walks back and behind Hiragi. “Hey, Owner! We got this side taken care of!”
“Aaah, thank you so much!” The owner comes up to them, holding a box of freshly cooked taiyaki. Walking behind the Sugishita, Ryuu looked at Suo and Nirei from the corner of his eye, who were nomming on their taiyaki. The treat was still warm in his hand, getting cooler and cooler every second he avoided eating it. It seemed that Suo felt his stare, turning towards him with a smile.
“Yes, Osamu?”
“Uhm… What is this?” Ryuu held out the treat towards Suo, who stared at him bewildered, Nirei peeking from beside him, also taken off guard by the question.
“It’s called Taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake filled with sweet red bean paste,” Suo smiles at Ryuu, encouraging him to take a bite of the treat. Bringing it to his lips, he opens his mouth to take a small bite of the warm fish cake treat. Both Suo and Nirei looked at him expectantly, hoping that he would like the sweet, though they would understand if he didn’t. Ryuu smiled as the flavor and texture of the sweet invaded his taste buds, walking slowing down as he focused on eating. 
 The group walks closer to the tunnel under the train, a weird looking lion drawing atop of the entrance. Ryuu takes another bite from the taiyaki as Nirei starts to scold Sakura.
“We’re right at the border between Bofurin and Another team’s turf. We can’t, under any circumstance, cause any trouble past this train track!”
“Just like how every country has their own laws… our rules don’t mean crap over there.”
“The team that controls that turf are… The Devotees of Power.” “That’sh a shick name…” Ryuu mumbles with his mouth full, having taken his last bite of taiyaki, Suo chuckling beside him at his pronunciation.
Getting ready to turn around, a voice cuts through their conversation.
Everyone’s heads turned back to the tunnel, a boy with bruises running towards the tunnel from the other side catching their eye.
Hiragi stiffened, rushing forwards to see if it was true.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOIN’ OVER THERE?! HURRY AND GET BACK HERE!!” Hiragi calls out, worried for the kid.
Ryuu sucks in a breath as he gets ready to throw his bag off of him and fight, but the kid who’s running, trips and falls. The predator from shishitoren gets knocked back, the middle schooler landing in the arms of Ryuu, who decided to run over and catch the falling boy instead of fighting. Both Sakura and Sugishita land in front of Ryuu and the middle schooler, having kicked away a member of the so-called lions.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Nirei yells out in fear, his voice trembling as he continues. “W-We took the first swing… in another team’s turf…” “Nirei…”
“What are you on about?” “If the kid is one of us…” “Then they’re the ones who struck first.”
All three of them spoke, but Ryuu moved quickly and efficiently, making the middle schooler face him. “Let me check injuries please.”
“Ah… Y-Yes…” Ryuu smiled slightly, taking out the first aid kit he carries, opening it and putting on some gloves. He starts disinfecting the wound the kid got on the side of his face before putting some ointment and placing a white bandage on it.
“There, you could be doing gr- better in about three to five days.” “Umh…? Thank you so much…” Standing up and picking up the middle schooler, pushing him back towards Hiragi, Suo, and Nirei before looking at the backs of the two tanks of first years. The two members of Shishitoren who weren’t with the other guy poke and prod at the injured male. 
“Aaah… shit. Welp, he’s completely knocked out.” “He went down with just one kick.” Ryuu frowns, nose scrunching at the sight. ‘Aren’t those two on the same side? Why are they picking at him and not helping him out?’
“PATHETIC…” Ryuu takes a breath at the word, eye widening as he clenches his fists and bites his lip. He never liked that word, it was degrading and just purely disgusting in his vocabulary.
Ka-clack ka-clack Ka-clack ka-clack Ka-clack ka-clack Ka-clack ka-clack
“Well?” The new figure says “What’s all this, now?”
His voice was low and slow, he was wearing a monk working outfit, and some lifted sandals that Ryuu didn’t remember the name of. The two males who were picking at the fallen dude quickly made way for the new guy, who’s attitude and way of talking made him quite irritated. “I was wondering what was happening there…” He spoke “When I saw one of our guys zoomin’ by…”
Ryuu takes off his bag and holds it behind him, keeping the first aid kit in his other hand, and waves it slightly, signaling for one of the group members to grab it from his hands. It gets taken by Suo, who gives it to Nirei to hold.
Hiragi grits his teeth, grinding them together as he mumbles “Of all the people to show… It just HAD to be him…”
“Shishitoren’s second in command,” Ryuu listened in, feeling like something worse was going to happen. “Jo Togame.”
“Oh, Whu? Furin? Over on this side?” Jo pushes down his orange shades, before looking down at his fallen underling, “WHat The?! Saruwatari?! What Happened to YOU?!” The brunette glares at the situation, before being pushed back by Hiragi, who walks at an angle and speaks up. “That punk a yours chasin’ one of our own around.” Second in command looks up in shock at the entrance of Hiragi. “Why, if it isn’t Hiragi! Yoooo!” He slowly speaks, waving around his Ramune before pointing down at the knocked out member.
“So, was THIS… Your work of art?” He grins, bringing the Ramune up and pointing at them. The creepy grin makes them all shudder. Ryuu bites his bottom lip with his canine, before letting it go as the Saru-whatever picks himself up.
“YOU LITTLE SHITS! THIS AIN’T NO GODDAMN GAME! WE’VE GOT RULES HERE! WE DON’T MESS AROUND WITH YOUR TURF, AND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO STAY OUTTA OURS!!” It seems like he didn’t notice that their higher up was behind him as he spoke, the two that were with him cringing at the sight of the male talking back. “PAST THE DAMN TRAIN TRACKS IS SHISHITOREN’S DOMAIN!! DON’T GO STRUTTIN’ INTO OUR TURF… LIKE YOU OWN THE GODDAMN… place”
Jo strikes the dude with the Ramune bottle that was in his hand.
Everyone stares in shock, confused at the situation that’s happening. Ryuu’s mouth is open, wanting to say something, but his voice is stuck in his throat. “OUR turf?” Jo yanks up the male by the hair, bringing his fist back before punching him.
Looking at the two other members, one was giggling and the other stared at the attack, nonchalant. 
“Didn’t you get your face beat in? THAT MAKES YOU WEAK!”
Weak, his gramps favorite word. Pathetic, what he used as a description. His grandfather has an amazing ability to be able to get under Ryuu’s skin, it was sickening, and borderline abusive. Ryuu was on the floor, holding his tummy, nose bleeding from the amount of stress his seven year old body has been going through.  He’s lucky that Gramps wasn’t physically training him. Or he would have been dead.
“STOP!!” Hiragi steps up, taking action and attracting the attention towards him. It breaks Ryuu out of his trance, breathing heavily at the memory. “What?” “Isn’t he one of your guys?!” Hiragi scolds him, though Jo just tilts his head in fake confusion.
“Who’re you talkin’ about?”
Ryuu slowly walks forwards, quietly and sneakily walking, more than silent as he steps forward. He doesn’t dare touch Jo Togame, eyes wide and focused, hand clutching the first aid kit hard enough that his knuckles are turning white. Jo Togame takes off the male’s jacket in a flash. Ryuu quickly grabs the bloodied male and drags him over to a wall, sitting him up and opening the first aid kit beside him. 
Ryuu ignored what was happening behind him, quickly working on bandaging the male’s face and head up. He breathed in, the smell of blood seeping into his nose and taking over his taste buds, the metal taste not bothering him. 
The brunette quickly works on getting the bigger chinks of glass out of the dudes head, gently pulling at them and throwing them to the floor before cleaning up the wound. He huffs, not being giving up on getting the other, smaller but holdable chunks of glass as one of them pierces his skin.
Ryuu cleans off his hands, disinfecting them before efficiently wrapping the dude’s head with a white bandage, and placing some gauze in his nose.
Standing up, Ryuu turns around as Jo starts walking away. “Hey…” He calls out from the side, both groups looking towards him. “Bring him to the nearest hospital, or urgent care, or something, I don’t care.” Ryuu points to the guy on the floor, having been bandaged up and taken care of. “You guys wouldn’t want a charge on your names wouldn’t ya?”
Everyone was staring at him with wide eyes, shocked that he was able to treat the dude in such a short time.  “He has glass impaled on his head, and he most likely has a broken nose and jaw due to the kicks and punches he got,” Ryuu crouches and grabs his first aid kit, and then gets back up and walks towards his group. “The last thing you could do is take him somewhere to get taken care of, then you won’t have to ever see him again.”
Jo Togame shrugs with a smirk, grabbing the bloodied teen and dragging him around as Ryuu turns his head to the side to look at the taller male over his shoulder. “Pick him up correctly please, you wouldn’t want the pieces of glass to impale him through his skull and kill him would you?” He asks loudly, “Then you would have a murder charge on yours and Shishitoren’s name.”
Ryuu smiles and turns around, taking his bag out of Nirei’s hands and putting the, now messy and bloodied, kit inside. Everything is silent as the Shishitoren gang walks away, the second in command’s sandals clanking against the floor every step he takes.
“All right, that’s enough. Calm down, Nirei-kun,” Suo walks over, Ryuu’s sleeve in one hand and patting Nirei’s back with the other. “Sooo, I know I kinda missed my cue to interrupt you guys, but…”
Ryuu stares at the third year, who is about to overdose on Gaskun 10’s.
“Looking at THAT MESS, I assume not saying anything was the right choice.” “Hiragi-san, it would be for the best that you follow the dose needed for intake on the instructions in the back of the box,” Ryuu raised his hand, sweat dripping due to the over exaggeration of the male “You wouldn’t want to overdose.”
“Togame…” Hiragi butts in, popping one of the pills in his mouth “He ain’t that easygoing, y’know?”
That makes Ryuu pay attention. “Among the guys in Shishitoren, He’s extra particular ‘bout their territory. He wouldn’t have let us go that easily.” “Is that so…?” Nirei slumps forward a bit in defeat.  “What’s done is done.”
“Besides…” Hiragi looks down, making Ryuu stand up straighter, eyebrows furrowing closer together. “I should’ve been the one to step in first… Sorry.” Hiragi apologizes quickly , making everyone stare at him in shock, though the tension quickly breaks as he walks forward towards the middle schooler.
“Let's head back to the school.”
“You, from San Middle…” “I-I’m Sasaki…” “Great. Sakaki, Come with us.” Walking away, Ryuu is quick to walk over and pick up the kid by his armpits, like a cat, and placing him back on his feet.
“We gotta report everything… To Umemiya.”
At the school
Walking up the stairs, all that could be heard were the steps of the group and Hiragi’s groans. Ryuu was walking beside the middle schooler, making sure he was fine and was able to walk up the stairs without falling. Though he could feel the nervousness radiating from the kid.
Reaching the door at the top of the stairs, Hiragi grips the knob and turns it, pushing the door open and letting the light inside the stairway. Ryuu smiled at the state of the roof of the school. It seemed to be quite cozy and comfortable up there. The smell of mulch, dirt, and wet grass invades their senses, the color green surrounding them.
On the roof, on one side of the entrance, are two beach chairs, a volleyball court, a ping pong table, and a couch. On the other side, there is an amazingly large tree, roots growing out and around the school, there being a path to be able to get to the other side of the school roof above its protruding roots. Under the tree, there is a gazebo and farther off, there are some garden beds laying about. The freshmen looked around in amazement, minus Sugishita. “Wh…What in the…” Sakura mumbled in shock, having expected everything but this. 
Hiragi walked away, calling out to the leader. “Umemiya!” That brought the attention back to the main reason as to why they are there. To meet the rep and tell him what happened at the border of the town. 
“Yo, Hiragi! Some take a look at this!” The crouching male turns around with a large smile, two potted plants in his hands. “The eggplants and green peppers are growing strong!!”  “We can have a full-on barbecue with everyone in summer!!”
If Ryuu wasn’t blinded by the sun, he was now blinded by the smile that Umemiya has shown them.  Ryuu chuckles, blocking his eyes from the brightness of the white haired male’s smile and sura.
“Umemiya.” “We’ve got trouble.”
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fixoffzz · 1 day
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It all started with you
Stalker!Mingi x f!reader
Authors note | hey y’all uhm dis my first fanfic hope u enjoy it so uhm uhhh I made this while my phone is on 5% so uhm ha & English isn’t my first language so pls stand w me now, I may add a another part if y’all want😔
Warnings: Fluff, extremely corny ass jokes… and smut IF YOU SQIUNT VERY VERY HARD😣 & some angst, mentions of se!lf h@rm, body dysmorphia, stalking etc
Word count: 2k+😭
It all started with you. Mingi and yunho met you around the 7th grade they saw you crying in the corner while your knees were all bruised up. You looked up and saw mingis cool warm brown eyes & yunhos contagious smile. After that day you 3 were unstoppable people would say you were the power puff girls.
5 years later…
It’s the 12th grade the summer was fun hanging out with soyeon & jaehyun. But if you were telling the truth you missed mingi the whole summer, his sweet brown eyes, his black fluffy hair and his lanky body. You were excited to start the school year again seeing your 2 besties ‘ or so you thought. ‘ The lanky mingi you’ve known since 7th grade was lean, buff and let’s not forget yunho he gotten bigger too. The 2 boys had a MASSIVE glow up, almost every day a whole swarm of girls would approach the table asking for phone numbers, snaps, etc. You honestly didn’t know how to feel about it I mean you were happy with it but at the same time jealous. “ Miss Y/N? “ the teacher called then you’ve realized you’ve been in your thoughts all day long without understanding the math problem that was in front of you soyeon playfully smacked your shoulder “ OUCH THAT HURTS “ you wined soyeon laughing while saying “ well you can’t take your mind off of him can you? “ You looked at her with the same stare you gave San when he broke your only action figure of black panther. Yikes..
As the day moves forward you find yourself skipping class with wooyoung you guys usually find an empty classroom and talk shit about anyone or anything, everything was going fine until y’all heard footsteps. You guys ran into the nearest closet and hid sooner or later you hear 2-3 footsteps, then you hear voices it sounded like 1 male and 2 females. When the male spoke you knew it was mingi. “ So what do you want me to do “ mingi said, one of the girls laughed and said “ We want you to toy with her, I mean it’s so clear she’s obsessed with you so it will be easy you toy with her and you get aeri” Aeri.. that named ringed a bell or two in your head as you peeped through the crack of the door your could see mingi, aeri & her friend all standing together.
Aeri held onto mingi like if her life depended on it. You couldn’t help but feel jealous like you just wanted to go up to him and smack the living fuck out of him luckily wooyoung grabbed you in time. Then you heard mingi speak again.. “ Fine it’s a deal I’ll play with Y/N feelings. “ You stood there in shock wooyoung held his hand to his mouth gasping at what he just heard. You couldn’t hold it together anymore without no thought you opened the closet doors wide open and came out, all 3 of them looked like they’ve just seen a ghost. Wooyoung beside you came out looking at mingi like he was a disappointed father. “ y/n please let me try to explain “… mingi tried to talk but you just shushed him.. aeri and her friend “ Steff “ had just stood there laughing at you and mingi.
Aeri gripped onto mingi a little tighter as you just stood there and watched , a mix of anger, saddens, shock we’re all hitting you at once you ran out of the room holding in your tears as you run you bump into 2 guys. As you went to apologize one of them asked “ y/n hey hey what’s wrong? “ you looked up to see it was yunho and jaehyun. They saw as mingi and wooyoung were arguing inside the empty, clear class room windows you pushed them out of the way and dashed. Your feet were moving so fast your body didn’t have enough time to respond, “ hey jaehyun go after y/n I have to see what’s happening “ Jaehyun slightly nodded before running after you, Yunho stormed into the classroom and saw mingi, aeri & Steff all arguing with wooyoung all of them were yelling at the top of there lungs.
Mingis eyes found yunhos and he went quiet. All attention went to yunho “ can someone explain what the fuck is happening? “
After the school day you found yourself hugging jaehyun as much as you can at the corner of your eye you could see yunho scolding mingi. And then “ Oops guess the crybaby is now wet how ironic? Is that“ Aeri laughed as you pulled away from jaehyun water poured on your back you turned around to see aeri laughing. “ Look here okay, mingi never liked you and he will never like you, he always complained how your a pain in the ass ever since the 7th grade.” You could notice how mingi would find you annoying during the 7th grade when you started yapping about the new avatar movie coming out, you would always think it bothered him but no, he loved every time you talked to him anything you would say he would always remember it he would always listen to the details, because it all started with you..
During the 10th grade mingi had made a confession to yunho explaining how he loved you so much it hurts to see you cry, he would kill anyone that would make you sad or angry… But little did he know that he would be the cause of your pain..
Jaehyun pushed Ari and went in front of you protecting you, he tightly held onto your waist. You could see a crowd started to huddle around you 3 while yunho stopped his scolding and payed attention to what was happening, mingi eyes was lit up with anger & jealousy as San ran up to you and gave you his sweater. Jaehyun on the other hand started yelling and screaming at aeri, chaewon had come up and started yelling too wondering why aeri would do that to you in the mist of all this.. “ he showed up.. he showed up grabbed her waist and started yelling at jaehyun.. “ in the mist of all of this.. mingi had started yelling at jaehyun and then pointed his direction to you and started yelling at you saying you were nothing more than just a booster. Can you believe that?!
a fucking booster for him, of course mingi meant nothing he said but at the time his thoughts flew at 89MPH everything was going to fast..
But how did this start? How did mingi possibly turn into this? This fucking dipshit? This jerk? Well it started around summer time at the time were yunho & mingi were just the same lanky best friends you’ve known since 7th Grade. Yunho had been talking with yeosang for a while and yeosang was very popular especially with the girls, since yunho and him were good friends he thought he would invite him to a party a party that mingi wanted to take you so badly but figured last minute you were leaving to go on a trip with soyeon and jaehyun.
Yunho’s POV :
💬 yunho: Hey mingi
💬 mingi: wsgg
💬 yunho: so I was wondering do you wanna come to this party…
💬yunho: yeosang invited me
Read 6:15PM today..
💬yunho: uhm hello mingi?
Read 6:16PM today..
💬mingi: how would I ask y/n to uhm..
💬 yunho: spit it out…
💬mingi: okay I wanna ask out y/n to come…
*Read 6:35PM today…*
💬yunho: bet..
“ Bro mingi wear something good for onceee” yunho said while yelling.. “ BRO IM WEARING THE BEST I CAN” honestly it’s been a couple of days ever since that conversation mingi & asked u out but not really he just asked you to come to the party with them.. of course u couldn’t but that was fine tho you make it up to him.. or so you thought…
Once they got to the party yunho became a social butterfly talking to anyone and everyone, with mingi being the tall shy giant he was he just stood in the corner while yeosang approached him introducing himself, mingi was lucky yeosang was doing all the talking, yeosang was introducing mingi to his friends then he saw aeri, aeri was a pretty, skinny, long dark hair. Her eyes looked mingi up and down mingi couldn’t lie he felt a little nervous, aeri looked mingi up and down then laughed the group cleared and mingi started a conversation with aeri, aeri couldn’t help but compliment him he was shy and appreciate the compliment. “ Mingi your a good looking guy but how about I give you and your friend a glow up” aeri said with a wink following mingi being mingi accepted and then it started..
Going back to current time…
After the incident your friend group unfriended mingi and for the next 2 months it was a struggle more of a rollercoaster ride than getting over a break over a simple break, every time you would walk the hallways with jaehyun mingi would always give you stares with aeri following with her nasty looks. It was October the air was warm the leaves were falling off the trees everything was good… expect for him..
The guy who had been on your mind ever since 7th grade.. song mingi you hated how his name was still in your mind, you hated how he made you feel every damn time.. you thought it was just you, you that made everything wrong. When you got back from school soyeon had invited to a party you declined because you had “ Homework “ simply you knew that wasn’t that it… you just didn’t want to see him..
You took off all your clothes and look in the mirror, you stared and stared noticing how your body was fat.. & how the remedy didn’t match up.. but aeri no she was the prefect girl, you looked at the mirror reflecting the imgaine of your body to your eyes.. your couldn’t start to bare the sight of it in a mist you threw the biggest object near you at the mirror smashing it.. you couldn’t handle this any more you couldn’t, with mingi pretending that you don’t exist.. was the cherry on top for everything.. without a second thought you grabbed the box cutter & made small cuts on your wrist easing into the pain. Yes this is how you coped with the pain yes yes oh yes this is it, you felt unconscious in you room then “ black out “ You woke to the sight if being on the bed with your wrist hurting like shit..
You were in an oversized sweater & some boxers with the cuts on your wrist being covered with bandages, you could make out a figure a tall man very lean soft black hair with the most comfortable scent, like nature but cologne over took it as-wellaswell you finally could figure out who it was… it was mingi.. yes mingi ‘ you possibly thought you were dreaming you couldn’t even process what was going on knowing you’ve probably went black out due to the blood which hasn’t been the first time when you woke up you stood yourself on the bed your torso sitting up while your legs were relaxing mingi had felt the movement and turned to look at you.. he was wearing baggy jeans and a hoodie mingis eyes were stuffy and big. You could tell he been crying ever since that day.. As he went to speak trying to explain you stopped him “ Mingi what the fuck are you doing here I don’t want you near me. “ you spat out your tone was scary, and fierce.. all mingi could do was cry all of a sudden he broke down forgetting everything and everyone expect you in the moment as much as you hated mingi for everything he’s done you couldn’t help but hold him in your arms as his head was buried deep into your chest.. he calmed down then looked up to you and he’s started to explain himself “ Y/n I’m sorry I’ll explain it all I’m sorry “
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cuddlepilefics · 1 year
Carsick Seonghwa (short)
Since I don't always have the time or energy to write a full fic, I'm experimenting with some shorter stuff...
Please let me know what you think<3
Seonghwa's POV.:
Today's schedule had been incredibly long and I knew that I wasn't the only one feeling tired after such a day. Why did the others not get quieter as their energy ran out? I've been nursing a headache for most of the day and thought once the kids have tired themselves out, they'd surely stop fooling around but nope- I was wrong.
We were currently on our way back to the dorm and I had the misfortune of ending up in the same van as San and Wooyoung. They had connected Wooyoung's phone to the speakers and had an intense karaoke session, screaming their heads off. If they continued like this, the drive would be a long drive indeed. Yunho sat next to me and at some point met my eyes, shaking his head the tiniest bit. 
Why did Hongjoong have to ride with Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho? Sure, one of us in each car but why did he get the calm kids? "Hyung, I'm pretty sure my ears are bleeding", Yunho whispered with a wince. I only nodded at that, feeling the same way. Rummaging through my bag, I produced a box of earplugs and quickly put some in my ears before offering a sealed pack to Yunho. There wasn't much use in telling our dongsaengs to be quiet, they'd have to blow off steam eventually otherwise they wouldn't be able to sleep and too tired to get through tomorrow's schedule. 
Yunho gave me a grateful smile as he put the earplugs in and leant against the window, closing his eyes. I should probably do the same. Ugh, my head was killing me. I tried to follow Yunho's example but found the position extremely uncomfortable, plus, the movement of the car was slowly making my stomach feel funny. No, I don't really get carsick but driving while not feeling well does get to me occasionally. Breaking into a sweat, I took off my hoodie and bunched it up to use as a pillow. It felt nice to rest my head and close my eyes for a bit. 
Unlike Yunho, I wasn't able to fall asleep though. Every turn of the road caused my stomach turn turn along with it and closing my eyes wasn't really helpful either. Sighing, I sat up straight again and massaged my forehead. San had turned to me and I saw his lips moving. I clumsily picked one of the earplugs from my ear and muttered: "Wha'?" - "I asked if you're okay. You look really pale, hyung", San repeated, causing Wooyoung to turn to me too. "Uhm, I have a bit of a headache but I'm okay", I assured them but was I? I didn't know. 
"Could you- could you ask the driver to pull over?", I breathed, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. While Wooyoung talked to the driver, San frowned: "What's going on, hyung?" I could only shake my head. My mouth was watering already and I was afraid to speak. Pressing a fist to my lips, I swallowed and drew a shaky breath. My head spun dizzily as we hit another turn and I tightly gripped the seat in front of me. "We'll stop as soon as we get the chance to pull over", Wooyoung informed and I could only hope I'd last till then, already feeling sicker by the second. He made eye contact with San before asking: "Do you need a bag?" Nodding urgently, I squeezed my eyes shut. "How long have you been sick, hyung?", Wooyoung asked and I heard the crinkle of a plastic bag being dumped out in a hurry. 
As soon as my dongsaeng handed it to me, my stomach lurched and I barely managed to open the bag in time. A steady hand appeared on my back. San had poked Yunho's leg till the boy had woken up and removed his earplugs. I was glad when Yunho wrapped one arm around my shoulders, steadying my as I choked up the small dinner I had forced down earlier. My throat was on fire as I kept coughing. While Yunho patted my back, San uncapped a water bottle. "What's going on, hyung? Haven't you been fine earlier?", Yunho asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. I accepted the water and after sipping some, I rasped: "Had a headache and when I tried to sleep, the motion of the car made me queasy." - "You get carsick?!", San asked in utter shock as it never really happened before. Well, it had happened before. "Only when I have to drive while not feeling my best", I whispered and couldn't help the blush spreading on my cheeks, "I used to throw up as a kid but it usually just makes me really nauseous nowadays." 
Wooyoung handed me a tissue and I dabbed the sweat off my forehead before wiping my lips. We were finally pulling off the highway and into a gas station. After opening the windows to air out the car, we got out and I shakily tossed the bag into the closest bin. It felt nice to have steady ground under my feet and the cold night air helped ease my stomach too. "You want some gum?", San offered as I sat on the pavement. The minty flavor rid me of the vile taste and I muttered a soft: "Thanks." Drawing a deep breath, I was surprised when someone plopped down next to me. "We decided it'd be best to take a ten to twenty minute break, give you some time to get your bearings before we continue home", Yunho informed, "You wanna rest your head on my shoulder and close your eyes for a bit? You look tired." I thanked him quietly as I leant into his side, whispering: "Where are the others?" - "Getting a late night snack from the gas station", he told me with a soft laugh. "Ugh, food", I groaned, covering my facer. "Yeah, no idea how they can eat right now either but hey, it's quiet now", Yunho laughed and despite feeling wrecked, I couldn't help but laugh along.
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cottonlemonade · 3 months
Hello Sunny!! I adore your writings so much, I read (well re-read) all of them during my study breaks and it is such a good pick me after an exhausting day 🥹❤️
Congratulations on your milestone ❤️❤️❤️
One of my favourite works of yours is Archnemesis with Osamu Miya (I love ONE Onigiri Man 😞❤️)
For the event, I take Menu A with strawberry milk and dorayaki and sit next to Osamu Miya ❤️❤️
Have a great day/night ❤️❤️
Archnemesis [part 2]
word count: 771 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: 3rd year rival!Osamu x chubby!Reader (feat. The Inferior Twin ™ (affectionate))
genre: fluff, pining, rivals to lovers
warnings: none
request: fluffy, jealous rival Osamu
[part 1] for context
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Osamu was pouting. 
Had he or had he not carried you to the infirmary?
Had he or had he not avenged you with those jerks who dared to insult you? 
And had he or had he not brought you food in the hospital after his match the next day?!
And now what? It was the semifinals and he was about to go up against Karasuno again and you came to cheer them on?
School allegiances aside, why didn’t you even say Hello to him? 
Cheeks stuffed with rice he angrily munched on the onigiri, drawing mildly concerned looks from his team as they sat in a corner of the gym, waiting for their turn to warm up. 
Past Suna’s wild hair he had a clear view of you and the rest of the girl’s team sitting and chatting idly with the Karasuno crows. Your arm was in a sling but there was more color in your soft cheeks. He cringed visibly when he heard you laugh loudly. Whatever that libero had just said couldn’t have been that funny. 
Another annoyed bite of onigiri followed, finishing the rice ball off.
“I‘m gonna get some water.“, he grumbled as he watched you poke the short guy‘s shoulder.
“We have water here, idiot.“, Atsumu said.
“Going to the bathroom, then. I‘ll be right back.“
Since the upcoming match was highly anticipated, the corridors were fairly empty. Only a few people waited in line at the concession stand or talked to a coach in the lobby. Osamu went over to a water fountain and took a few gulps of cold water, using the back of his hand to dry his mouth. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Hey, Osamu-san.“
His heart set out for a moment before he turned to see you standing a couple of steps behind him. He only now realized that he had never seen you in anything other than volleyball clothes. Your audacity to look this beautiful in a simple shirt and jeans made his blood boil.
“Oh, so yer talkin‘ to me now?“, he sneered, raising a brow and immediately regretting it when you looked down at your shoes.
“Sorry, I didn’t know how to… uhm. I wanted to thank you. For… for what you did.“
“Don‘t mention it.“, he said dismissively, “People might get the wrong idea.“
When you dared to tilt your head in a way that made his heart pound he added, “Can‘t have my team thinkin‘ I‘m fraternizin‘ with the enemy.“
You giggled and a small smile sneaked on his face, too. 
The corridors were empty now. It was probably about time to warm up.
“Well…“, you said, your free hand fiddling with a belt loop, “Thank you again and…“
Osamu was fully convinced he was hallucinating when you closed the gap between you and, standing on your tiptoes, gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
He was one hundred percent sure that he must have dreamed it until you said, “good luck in the game. I hope you win.“ You looked away and hid a small laugh, “Just don‘t tell the boys I said that.“
Osamu was still too stunned to say anything at all. Bold of you to assume that he would have enough mental capacity left to form any kind of thought, let alone words after what you just did. It was truly diabolical to mess with his head like that - a worthy opponent even when too injured to play. 
You turned on your heel and were about to jog off when he gently grabbed your wrist to hold you back. The surprised look in your eyes told him his ambush was successful but… now what? You were so close and - and why did you come closer?! Alarm bells went off in his mind but without meaning to he leaned down, meeting you halfway. Nothing had ever tasted as good as your kiss. His brain completely shut down and he scrunched his eyes shut, cupping your face with one while pulling you further into him by your hip with the other hand. 
Your plan was working. There was no way he would be able to concentrate on the game when this was so much more important. You could most likely smell the fry of his brain when you parted your lips to let him slip his tongue between them.
“Samu! Didya get lost on the crapper?“
His brother‘s voice rang loudly through the hallway and Osamu reluctantly let you out of his embrace. 
Whatever happened during the match, he would make sure his rival wouldn‘t get away so easily afterwards. 
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a/n: thank you so much for your request and your kind words! I’m so grateful that my silly little stories seem to brighten your day a bit and woah, I didn’t think anyone really liked “Archnemesis” 😅 thank you so much! It was one of my favorites to write!
I really hope you enjoy this one, too 🌟
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sims-and-counting · 1 year
On the set of Wake Up with Wanda, a Pox News Programme...
Wanda: Good morning everyone! This is Wake Up with Wanda - exclusively on Pox News! This morning, we’re talking to a San Sequioa family that’s making waves with their eight - you heard me right, eight! - children! Please welcome the Gilbert family!
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Heaven: Thank you for the warm welcome, Wanda! I’m Heavenly Bliss and this is my husband Samuel, And our eight children: Stella Grace - holding our latest tiny, precious addition Sophia - our triplets Summer, Sydney, and Seamus, and our daughters Savanna, Seven, and...
Stella Grace: (whispering) Serena.
Heaven: ... and Serena!
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Wanda: Thank you all for joining us here today. It must be quite hard work to get eight children anywhere on time!
Heaven: You know, Wanda, when you raise your children for the Watcher, they are so obedient that it really wasn’t a bother at all! More parents should follow the Watcher’s lead; our world would be a better place for it!
Wanda: Amen! So, is that why you chose to have eight children - for the Watcher?
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Sam: Well, when we got married, we pledged to leave our family size up to the Watcher. 
Heaven: You could say that He chose our family size for us!
Sam: Yes, right, well... yeah that’s pretty much it. 
Heaven: We prayed constantly to be blessed with as many children as the Watcher would give us and pledged to raise them in His ways. 
Sam: We try to glorify the Watcher in everything we do, including raising our children.
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Wanda: How wonderful! Our studio audience can see how well behaved they are. And I see all your girls are in dresses - can you tell us more about how you and your children dress?
Heaven: Absolutely - modesty is absolutely crucial, and girls should dress like young ladies! Young people are so confused these days, and I really think it all starts with immodest dress!
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Wanda: So no pants at all in your house?
Sam: Well, Seamus and I wear pants...
Heaven: That’s not what she meant, honey - we allow the girls to wear pants only in the privacy of our home. We don’t want to tempt men - Watcherly or worldly!
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Heaven: And to prove to any doubters in your audience just how blessed we are, we have special news to share - we’re expecting again! Praise the Watcher!
Sam: Erm.. honey... you didn’t tell me...
Heaven: Shhh we’ll talk about it later. 
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Sam: Right... uhm, Praise the Watcher! More children to feed, I mean... more children to be blessed by!
Wanda: Here’s hoping it’s another set of triplets, right? 11 kids - sounds like a great number!
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lusterrortale · 5 months
Ecto, magic making, and mental health.
(TW for talk of sex, bad mental states, and malnutrition!)
So the reason why sex even makes magic is because like, you need magic to make a soul for a baby, right? Which means back before the neutral run, as long as a monster was on birth control, they'd basically get a minor magic boost if they had sex.
But now, that 'minor' boost is way more major to them, they'd take anything they can get. And nobody has been able to get pregnant since they barely have enough magic for themselves, much less a baby. Meaning they're still the decrease in population issue.
Now, how big the magic boost depends on how healthy you are. Which, is why there's such a huge difference between Sans and Papyrus. Why when the core broke, Papyrus got taller but Sans shrunk.
Back when Paps worked for Undyne, she had a... fairly decent source to food, so she was fairly healthy. And, Papyrus and her were 'partners' on the account of staying alive. So Papyrus was receiving WAY more magic from her and vis versa.
Meanwhile w/ Sans and Grillby, both are very uhm, not healthy now. So both are barely hanging in there.
Now, another thing is Papyrus still has a minor positive outlook, which helps keep him hopeful and willing to take care of himself and his family.
Another thing: Papyrus can summon his ecto, fairly easily even! But Sans? Nope, can't, nu uh, drains him WAY too quickly.
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ask-ginger-chara · 12 days
For a moment I thought the “host” you were referring to was Frisk lol (then read more and found out about it simply being an alter and not a rp/gimmick blog)
Anyway, Chara, two questions. Do you have know (or at least have memories of) other Undertale characters? (Like memory of the character)
And two (a more random one), any crushes or any ships of yourself do you have (if any)
Both are odd, but I’m just curious, and you can decline either if you want.
Oh yes, I can understand the confusion in that regard. Hell, I expected it! So no worries.
And yes, I knew most of the cast that we all fell in love with from the game! Of course, I knew my parents, Asgore and Toriel. After the last Reset, I lived with Mom and Frisk and visited Dad as much as possible.
As for the others, I was friends with Mettaton and Blooky (I usually chilled with Blook when he was mixing music or just chilling on the floor - he's super relaxing to hang out with - and Mettaton was an awful gossip, the few times he was actually in town), though I'll admit, I was way closer with Blooky than I was with Mettaton. Then there was Sans (I know, shocker right? I'm actually surprised that so many people think Sans and I would be mortal enemies or rivals - trust me, we both have common enemy to hate. Leads to a lot of bonding) and Papyrus, of course. How could anyone NOT like Papyrus? He's the softest lil puffball we got. I would commit another genocide if anyone made him cry, I swear.
Oh, and of course I knew Alphys and Undyne. Undyne and I did some sparring (I needed an outlet for my more. . . Violent tendencies) and me and Alphys got to know each other pretty well, since she was the one who ultimately revived me and gave me a chance at life again (Sans may be one hell of a quantum physicist and engineer, but I would swear on my life that nobody knows biology better than Alphys). We mainly just watched and talked about anime, or my own health. Strangest GP relationship I've ever had. I actually got to be at their wedding, you know? It was a lovely service, small but beautiful all the same. They went for vanilla ice cream cake, and it was so fucking good. I still dream about that cake sometimes.
As for ships. . . Ok, I can already hear the questions and all your hopes and dreams, so I'll just say it: Yes, Frisk and I were together. Settle down, Charisk shippers, settle down,I know you're all excited. We were together about a year before my fictive memories end and my current life actually began, so we uhm. . . We didn't get much time together, unfortunately. It sucks, but I've learned to live with it and have moved on. Maybe sometime I'll go into more detail about it.
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chiffaust · 2 years
Merry Christmas!! Thank you always for the gift of writings you give us <3 May we get 🎅 with Kuro? Thank you!~
DAY 4 — CHRISTMAS PROMPT 🎅 + kuro kiryu
🎅🏻  ─  be each other’s secret santa
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RhyLin had planned on setting up a christmas celebration party; a mix of both to celebrate christmas with one another, not only as idols and producers, but as friends and celebrate the success they've all received this year and hope for the best for the upcoming year.
Most agreed, but you have a suspicion on who and whom will not come to this party, you suppose you'll just have to force them to come anyways.
Once majority agreed on the idea, AKATSUKI were designated to plan the party, and as their producer, you were more than happy to lend a hand.
Soon, all of your hard work pays off once you stood amongst the participants of the party, laughing along to their (un)funny jokes, having fun without any worries of today.
And from the corner of your eyes, you saw Kuro who was leaning against the wall alone with a drink in hand.
"Kuro! What're you doing there all alone? Aren't you hungry or something?" You ask, walking up to him with a smile on your face.
"Ah, producer-san. It's nice to see our efforts paid off, no? Hasumi-danna even decided to come after how many times he had said he won't." Kuro said, chuckling slightly at the big success. "I'd call that a huge success in our part."
"Right, I don't exactly know where he is, but he won't bail on us... Well, I think!" You said, uncertain yet still held high hopes for that guy. "I think he won't leave as long as you-know-who won't."
"Haha, I suppose you're correct. He's quite head over heels for them either way." Kuro said, sighing loudly as a smile plastered onto his face.
He looks around and see just how crowded it is, from idols to producers congratulating one another for their work, people gulping down the food he's prepared for the party as a whole and to you.
"I'm glad yer still by my side 'til this day, producer-san. I hope we'll stay the same next year too." He said, showing a genuine smile on his face.
"Ahaha, you're making me blush~" you replied, waving him off dismissively.
"W-well, anyways, don't you think it's time already?"
"Fer present exchanging?"
"Yep, yep!"
"It's time to exchange Christmas gifts already?!" An energetic voice from afar could be heard. "Yahoo! I've been waiting for this moment! Come on guys, let's go!"
In an instant, everybody had surrounded the christmas tree, in hopes of finding a christmas present with their name attached to it.
One by one, they all receive it, but there's a catch. None would know who they received it from unless the giver reveal their identity to the receiver, and much to your luck you were given the chance to gift Kuro a present!
You aren't sure whether he'll like it, though... That's what quite scares you. Maybe if he likes it, you'll reveal yourself as the one who gave it to him and if he doesn't just die out of embarrassment and not tell him—simple as that, yes!
And after searching for your present, you soon find yours. It was rather not big neither was it small—it was of a normal size for a christmas present. You shake it around, trying to see if it'll make a sound or something.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Kuro. It seems like he has already found his, it'll be quite awkward if he doesn't like it.
You gifted him a plushie—not just some kind of plushie, it's a plushie you really like so you hope he'll like it somehow.
"Ah, you found yours too? That's great." Kuro said, getting up onto his feet, smiling happily at you.
"Would ya like to open yer christmas gift with me? For fun."
"O-oh, uhm, sure!"
And thus you undid the ribbon that keeping the box together. Your heart was going on miles per hour, nervously anticipating his response to your gift.
Alas, you both finally opened up the box, seeing what was contained on the inside to your mysterious santa buddy.
You were shocked, to say the least. Confused—bamboozled, even. You brought your gift out of the box;
It was your favorite plushie.
Upon your reveal, he did the same; it was your favorite plushie.
"Y'know, I thought ya would like it since all ya could talk 'bout these past few days was about how cute it is, my sister even agreed with ya." He said, a smile soon forming up his lips. It could appear that he was blushing too.
"I-I bought it for you since I thought you'd like it since I thought it was cute..." Your words were soon turned into nothing but a mumble as you nervously fiddled with the ribbon.
"Haha, that is very considerate of ya, Producer-san. I do like it, I thank you very much for the gift." He looks down at the plush, his gaze soften as he checks it out.
"Merry Christmas, Producer-san."
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