#hopefully they also get better
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notnotravenpond · 2 months ago
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Arthur Lester as disco portrait
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nocek · 8 months ago
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I watched Deadpool and Wolverine yesterday and I just had to XDDD
beware the SPOILERS! I mean not really but better to be on safe side ;)
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umblrspectrum · 11 months ago
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being grounded from devices means nothing when you have a robot boyfriend
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riceballoon · 2 years ago
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Industriousness embodied
she is my favorite statue too!
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
your movie charles art gives me cuteness aggression
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obsessed with getting these asks back to back and yet they both hold some truth i think ...... thank you very much everyone ....
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delta86-art · 3 months ago
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Cedar and Indigo of Team Aspen
...how long has it been since I last posted something?
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lucky-fy · 1 year ago
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For the Laicion nation (aka, me and three other people)
I had this illustration commissioned (a big thank you to @lunehowls) for my werewolf AU Laicion fic (still a WIP).
The general pitch is as follows :
AU in which Laios never got to meet his sister again, putting his life on a whole other path, a more desperate one. A military deserter with barely a coin to his name, Laios hitches a ride on a boat to one of the elven continents, where he learns about magical tattoos that binds one’s soul to a wolf’s, effectively making them artificial werewolves. Illegal magic be damned, this feels like the answer to… everything.
In the process, he learns about the existence of an illegal fighting ring in one of the elven cities, where beastmen gladiators gather. Freshly tattooed and without anywhere else to go to, Laios decides to head there, where he meets Lycion, an elf and artificial werewolf gladiator. If they first bond over a simple shared meal, by spending time together (sharing the same room in the barracks, maybe the same bed? gasp) they find that they have a lot in common, notably a shared distaste for the body they were born in, a dysphoria partially remedied by becoming a werewolf.
They bond :)
NB: I commissioned another piece, go take a look :D
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 months ago
as a chinese american with immigrant parents the migration to rednote/xiaohongshu is the most amusing thing to me. suddenly the app my mom uses for chinese trends and restaurants is the new home for tiktok users
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quadrantadvisor · 12 days ago
Pairing Off, in which the Waynes meet the Fentons, just not all at once. 2,443 words
Damian feels less than positively about the new girl in his grade.
Danielle Fenton has already garnered a bit of a reputation. Her uniform is clearly second hand, and rumors abound about whether she has joined them at Gotham Academy on a merit scholarship or as “one of Wayne's charity cases.” Neither is true; Father has offered no fiscal support to the Fentons, and yet both she and her older brother attend the Academy, leading Damian to believe they've somehow paid their own way.
Her lower class status and midwestern accent ought to make Fenton a target, but her response to being cornered or talked down to by other students was an unsettling combination of cheerful and aggressive. She is now mostly left to her own devices, despite her notoriety. 
Damian has no interest in the girl. While it is true that she excels in both mathematics and social studies, her performance in English and science are unremarkable, and she poses no challenge to his rank at the top of the class. If he finds himself pushing harder in certain classes this semester in order to maintain the edge, it's no one else's business.
Now if only she would leave him alone.
Damian preemptively slams his sketchbook shut, just as a brash, inconsiderate, annoying girl hops up to sit on his desk. “Hey Dami, what're you drawing?”
“It is none of your business,” Damian seethes. “Remove yourself from my personal space before I-” he isn't allowed to threaten classmates with bodily harm, imply that he has brought weapons to school, or use words that are derogatory to women “-do so myself. By force.” He would avoid her altogether if he could, but Fenton is annoyingly (suspiciously) sneaky. He can only ever seem to sense her when she's just about on top of him.
Fenton merely laughs, high, bright, and joyful, and Damian grits his teeth. “Did you draw me yet?” she asks, and doesn't move an inch.
“No, I have not drawn you. I never said I would, and I have no plans to. Stop asking me.”
She shrugs and kicks her feet. “Maybe you'll change your mind. Can I see what you're working on?”
Damian pulls the sketchbook a tad bit closer to himself (a protective reflex that shows his weakness, he should be better than that by now.) “Never, imbecile.”
Fenton sticks her tongue out at him like a child. “Mean,” she says, still smiling. “I wanna see your art. It's so good!”
Damian tilts his nose up at her. “Of course it is, plebeian, I have standards-” he starts, but is cut off by the teacher entering. Fenton slides off his desk and heads to her own seat. Damian stows his sketchbook in his bag and tries not to think of the unfinished work inside, featuring a girl with dark hair, light eyes, and a mischievous grin.
There's this brownstone on the outskirts of Crime Alley, an old townhouse recently converted into commercial space. There's a coffee shop on street level, a tattoo parlor down the stairs, some sorta wine emporium on the second floor, and on the third, a little second hand bookshop
It's outside the border of Jason's territory, but he feels sorta responsible for it, given that he frequents the place.
It's a little out of his way, but the atmosphere is nice, alright? Clean, with soft lighting, but not sterile or corporate like the bigger places downtown. The owners are an older couple who Jason has met a couple of times, and they seem pretty happy with the new location. They're collectors, really, who run the shop to make ends meet.
Mostly, Jason talks to their employee. Jazz.
Jazz works in the afternoons and evenings, after her classes. She goes to Gotham U, double majoring in pre-med and psych, on top of a full time job, because she's almost as insane as a bat. She assures Jason that she does alright, gets a little downtime to study on her shifts.
She always makes time to talk to Jason.
Jazz is an interesting person to talk books with. She cares less about plot and literary themes, and more about diagnosing every character with their own personal malady of the mind. She dissects their thought processes and behaviors, ruthless in her analysis.
She's gonna be a brain surgeon someday, open people up and see what really makes them tick. Jason doesn't doubt it for a second.
So maybe Jason is a little bit in love with her.
It's not a big deal. Obviously it's not going anywhere. It's just nice to have something normal, to talk to someone normal, about normal stuff like books and college and sibling antics.
Jazz's stories about her sibling, Danny, rival Jason's own, and his family is fucking disastrous. Jason isn't actually sure if Dan is older or younger than Jazz is, or, for that matter, what pronouns he should use for them, since Jazz mixes it up pretty regularly. He knows that Jazz absolutely adores them, though, and it's heartwarming, the way she smiles as she talks.
All of that to explain why Red Hood is keeping an eye on a brownstone that technically falls outside of his territory.
There's a girl inside that he needs to keep safe.
“Hey bud, late night?” Dick asks the man lying prone in an alley, a block away from the Iceberg Lounge.
The response is slurred with sleep and muffled by a cheek pressed hard into asphalt. “S'at you, Dick?”
“Sure is. We've got to stop meeting like this,” Dick tells him, and means it.
The guy's name is Dan. No last name offered, which was fair, since Dick hasn't mentioned his.
What was weird was that Dan didn't give Penguin his last name, either, when he signed his employment contract. Just Dan.
Penguin has been trying to expand his influence into Bludhaven, and Dick's been trying to figure out why. Cobblepot is a very Gotham sort of gangster, all wrapped up in the city's ideas of style and respectability; Dick honestly would've thought that Blud was beneath him. He needs to figure out who he's contacting and what they're offering him, and he needs to do it before Penguin can get a foothold on his turf.
Running into Dan was a side effect. Dick didn't mean to keep doing it. It's just that Dan has this weird habit of completely disregarding trivial concerns such as his own health and safety, and doing weird shit like, as a random example, getting tired, laying down, and passing out. In the middle of the street. In Gotham.
The main part of Dan's job seems to be bouncing at the club. It makes sense—if you wanted to hire a guy as muscle, you couldn't do much better than Dan. He's at least 6 and a half feet tall, with a chest wider than Jason's. 
But Dick has also seen Dan traveling with Penguin before. Add in the fact that it's almost impossible to dig up info on him, and that tailing him is somehow even harder, and a picture starts to come together. A very vague, very suspicious picture.
It's too bad that Dick sort of likes him, and that he's incredibly hot.
Dan has removed his face from the alley floor, and is in the process of pushing himself up. “Not your business, man,” he retorts. “What are you, a cop?”
Dick can't help a wry chuckle at that. “Not anymore.”
“No shit?” Dan asks, hauling himself to his feet. He towers over Dick like that, but it's hard to be intimidated by a man whose cheek is red and pockmarked by little bits of gravel. Dick is legitimately embarrassed that he finds it charming. He needs to get better taste in men. “Yeah, no, that makes sense,” Dan continues, looking Dick up and down. “No way they could keep your ass on the force.”
“Oh yeah?” Dick asks.
Dan snorts. “I can smell the idealism on you from here.” He starts walking, heading straight past Dick, who falls into step beside him. “You remind me of this kid I know.”
Dick gives an interested hum, hoping that if he doesn't interrupt, Dan will elaborate, but no dice.
“So, where're you taking me this time?” the big man asks, still leading, and Dick stifles a grin at how silly the whole thing is.
“Maybe if I take you out for coffee, you won't faceplant onto any more concrete,” he says, reaching up to brush off some of the little rocks. Dan stutters to a stop as Dick touches his cheek, letting him, then strides off again as soon as he's done.
“Don't care, as long as you're paying.”
Dick stops him with a tug to his arm. “Coffee shop's this way,” he explains, pointing, and Dan doesn't hesitate, pivoting to take the lead once again. Dick rushes to keep up with his not-date, a criminal who he literally picked up off the street and who has no idea where he's going. He can't see his own smile, but he knows from experience that it is both delighted and a little manic. He admits to himself, begrudgingly, that he likes his men with something wrong with them.
The biggest reason that Tim played so much Doomed with Ghost_Boy, a couple of years ago, was that they were the only player he knew who kept hours as weird as his were. There were worse reasons to form a friendship. Ghost_Boy was a great player, and was always funny in chat. They were upbeat when things went well, and they were sarcastic but not bitter when things went poorly. Playing for the game's sake eventually changed to booting up the game to hang out with Ghost_Boy. They talked about how different their lives were, with Ghost_Boy in the midwest and Tim in the crime capital of America, and they talked about the things they had in common, like falling asleep in class. It was Tim's favorite form of stress relief, back then, when being Robin was new and overwhelming.
Then Tim got busy. No, that wasn't true—Tim had always been busy. More like, Tim's life fell to shambles, over and over again, and he stopped making time for stress relief when the very concept seemed out of his reach.
That was over dramatic. Tim fell off the game, and didn't keep in contact with his friend. That's all there was to it.
That was all there was to it, until a few nights ago, when he booted up his old Doomed file for nostalgia's sake and found a message from Ghost_Boy, sent a couple months back, that said he was planning to move to Gotham and, if Tim wanted, he'd be happy to meet up.
Tim immediately replied in the affirmative, and then he freaked out that he'd done that and started cyber stalking the guy. He couldn’t be bothered to pretend to be embarrassed by this behavior. He knew who he was.
Daniel Fenton was, in fact, a real teenager from a real midwestern town (Amity Park, Illinois.) He had moved to Gotham right when his message said he would, and lived with his older sister, Jasmine (who had custody over him,) and his younger sister, Danielle.
And that was where Tim was planning to stop his research, for the sake of his friend's privacy. Once he confirmed that he wasn't being catfished by either a supervillain or a run-of-the-mill creep, he was going to stop looking.
But Danielle Fenton's situation was incredibly weird.
Apparently, she had never lived with Daniel, Jasmine, and their parents before. Instead, after she was born, she'd been adopted by the kids’ godfather, eccentric billionaire Vlad Masters, and he was still her legal guardian. It was only after the Doctors Jack and Madeline died that she moved in with her siblings and started attending Gotham Academy, states away from her adoptive parent.
Vlad Masters was a man of eclectic tastes. The stories about him in the news were always covering some weird investment he had made, like purchasing a cheese castle in Wisconsin, or buying up property in Green Bay just to have a stake in the Packers, or pouring money into experimental forms of alternative energy. He was always refined in his public appearances, but he had the desperate edge of new money wanting to fit in with the old. Tim knew of him, but had never given him much thought before. He'd never made a move into Gotham, after all.
But the whole story was bizarre. Masters had gone to college with the Fentons, the three of them creating their own field of study in “Ectology,” before Masters had been contaminated in a lab accident, bedridden and unable to finish his degree. Jack and Maddie had continued their research, garnering just enough interest in their work to receive the funding needed to keep afloat, until some sort of breakthrough a few years ago added validity to their theories. They were practically celebrities in the niche forums Tim skimmed through. Masters, meanwhile, stopped working directly in the sciences and instead turned to networking, gaining some generous help from the friends he made and playing the stock market like a fiddle, until he was one of the most well known and lucrative investors in the world. He owned a few companies publicly, and managed some others under the table (Tim had to snort at the ridiculous naming of Dalv Co.) 
And then the Fentons had kids, and they raised two of them (seemingly quite happily, if the photos on their memorialized facebook accounts meant anything.) And then, for some reason, they named the third one nearly identically to their second child and gave her straight to Vlad. Masters raised the girl in Wisconsin, until suddenly relocating to Amity Park and becoming the town's mayor. There he stayed, until the Fenton's recent passing in a lab accident of their own.
Tim doesn't know what it all adds up to. But there was something going on, with both Vlad Masters and the Fentons, and if there's something nefarious in Masters’ actions or his wealth, it could be entirely possible that Daniel was a plant—a way for him to get an in with the Waynes. Tim has to be cautious, and he has to get to the bottom of this.
That's why Tim is waiting in a coffee shop, pretending to be engrossed in his laptop while keeping an eye on the door, waiting for the appearance of a teen with black hair and blue eyes.
Tim idly thinks that Bruce had better not adopt this one.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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Do you like sci-fi and indie animation? Check out Monkey Wrench!
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goffredos · 1 month ago
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" let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth;
for thy love is better than wine. "
(song of solomon 1:2)
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peachykcqt · 3 months ago
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all tangled up 🤭
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aluxialookingatyou · 26 days ago
Me with Tomarry and Nottpott:
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fox-guardian · 5 months ago
hiii, maybe I'm too late but could I request some Alice/Celia having a cheeky smooch 👀
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[ID: A digital drawing of Celia and Alice from The Magnus Procotol, with Celia dipping and kissing a pleasantly surprised Alice. There is also a tiny Sam in he corner giving a thumbs up with "Sam Approved!" under him.
Celia is a slim Korean woman with light skin and short black hair and glasses, and she is wearing a purple vest and shoes, and green button down with darker green trousers. Alice is a taller, skinny, white trans woman with freckles, shaggy brown hair, and piercings and she is wearing a navy blue hoodie, pink flannel and sneakers, long burgundy skirt, and gray socks as well as a few bracelets.
Celia is dipping Alice, lifting her off the floor, and kissing her with one hand on her back and the other on her hip, while Alice, surprised, flails a bit, kicking her legs out around Celia's body, and sticking her arms straight out in front of her. Her glasses are falling off her face, and her skirt has bunched up where Celia is between her legs. Both are blushing, but Alice is blushing more. The background is a bunch of pink squares in a slightly glitchy pattern. end ID]
clearly the best way to ease the tension in the office is to make out with your current man's ex who is still into him and also thinks you're hot.
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sonknuxadow · 1 month ago
its so frustrating how a lot of scu fans cant handle other sonic fans not having the exact same taste in sonic media that they do. like i feel like you can say something negative about literally any other sonic media on here and people generally wouldnt care that much but the second you say anything less than positive about the movies people start getting all weird about it and trying to argue with you ive had it happen to me and seen it happen to others as well .... like the sonic franchise is very big and has many different media types and writing styles not everyone is going to uncritically love everything. get over it ? im not trying to be mean but idk what else to tell you
#this isnt solely about the person who sent me that ask last night i was actually already thinking abut it before#(though it is very confusing that they did i literally havetn been talking about the movies lately they just yelled at me out of nowhere#i mean they apologized so no big deal i guess but like. huh)#i mean i understand not wanting to see a bunch of hate of something you like and its fine to disagree with peoples criticisms#but people are being VERY unreasonable about it when it comes to sonic 3#cant help but wonder if this sort of behavior is a result of the fact that a lot of people acting this way got into sonic through the movie#after sonic's reputation improved a bit and dont know what constant widespread hate for everything sonic actually looks like#so they dont know how to handle criticism or opinions they disagree with regarding what sonic media is good or bad#and place sonic fans criticizing it because they love sonic and think sonic and its stories and characters deserves better#in the same category as people who just mindlessly hate on sonic for no reason#not that im saying anyone who likes the movies is a new fan or that new fans are fake fans but you get what i mean hopefully#also this is going into hater mode but personally. sonic 3 is one of the least deserving candidates of this type of defensiveness#like. for one its not that goodand actively disrespects the source material in so many ways. but thats more of a subjective opinion i guess#but also its a very popular and successful movie . most people who watched it liked it from what ive seen#randos on tumblr not liking it isnt taking away from that ??????#also paramount doesnt deserve your money anyway#like whats the point in defending it so hard . who cares..
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katsu2ji · 6 months ago
too little, too late — m. fushiguro
a/n: megs i love u im sorry
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megumi didn't realize how much you meant to him until it was far too late.
you had somehow settled in his heart, and whether you had meant to or not, he knew it was a dangerous game he was playing. he couldn’t let himself get attached—couldn’t stand to lose someone again—and so he didn’t. he tried his best to keep you at an arm’s length, denying the feeling any time a single thought of you would seep into his mind.
he wouldn’t—he couldn’t—allow himself that small bit of happiness, of warmth. he didn’t want to feel that familiar ache in his heart, and he didn’t want you to feel it either. he was protecting you, he told himself. he was stopping the inevitable before it even started.
he didn't realize how much you meant to him when the dagger had been driven through your body and into your heart, inadvertently into his own. he questioned why his world stopped right then and there, why it seemed as though the ground had been ripped out from under him.
he’d seen death before—this was no different, right? he knew it would happen eventually, just another casualty that shouldn’t have happened but happened anyway….so why couldn’t he tear his eyes away?
look away, for fuck’s sake, look away—
when your body hit the floor, he knew in that moment that he would make himself play that sound over and over again—he would never let himself forget it. he wasn’t allowed to, he told himself, for a reason unbeknownst to him then.
years later, when the day comes around and he sits in front of your resting place, reading your name off of the stone that he has memorized every jagged line and imperfection of, it was then that he finally realized just how much you meant to him.
and he would never get the chance to tell you. too little, too late.
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katsu2ji © 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything of the sort with my work! i work very hard and you simply do not have my permission.
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