#hopefully i wont disappoint them
burger-goblin · 1 year
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
really horribly anxious this morning and can't seem to shake it off :-(
#struggling not to dissociate. just don't really know what I'm going to do with all this i think thats where its coming from#+ exacerbated by so much recent disappointment. its hard not to direct that towards myself even when im not really at fault#not to mention disappointment in other people. which is really just more self disappointment for having expectations in the first place#which are unfeasible/not communicated. i just feel so unreal and unreachable. kind of just incompatible with the world i think#and i dont remember how to weave myself back into it again.im not sure ive ever really known how. immiscibility innit#its ok. going to try and start meditating daily again. and negotiate better boundaries for myself. it might help to journal it out#not on here i mean in a physical journal. i can't hold this exclusively in my head or I'll want to start harming again ik its a trigger#its all okay tho sorry this sounds more dramatic than it actually is. my flatmates gone out so at least i can cry while doing chores#she was dressed up nice and came to say goodbye when she left which she doesnt normally do so i dont think she'll be back for a while#hope she has a good time whatever shes up to. probably shouldve asked in hindsight but im too anxious to be able to talk today#and selfishly it would make me feel worse trying not to compare myself to how much more meshed with reality she is she makes it look easy#she only wanted me to do her suncream but i started trembling rly badly after. just cant physically be around other people right now#well at least i didnt cry in front of her so thats something. okay. ive made a list of tasks so im going to pick them off one at a time#i shouldnt have to think too much about them. and hopefully by the time im done ill feel much calmer#and then maybe i can play a game or smth. but if not i wont be hard on myself ill just go lie down and listen to music instead#man it is a shame about this festival though but it is what it is. therell be other days. i guess im not really a weekend person hey#ah itll all pass its all good. im always okay again eventually however temporarily. i dont need anything other than that#.diaries
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ningningkittie · 7 months
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depresseddepot · 1 year
I'm chewing on the walls bc my dm hasn't seen my question about my character's backstory yet and I am trying SO HARD to keep myself on the rails and not run off with something I'm not even allowed to do yet
#also. i didn't expect my 4e AND 5e characters to both be gothic but here we are#shadar kai penelope still 🤝 (hopefully) haunted one solavida greycastle#anyways uwu even if i can't do haunted one the vibes are still there (solavida just wont have a cool ghost haunting which i want very badly)#she's a gothic movie heroine with full plate armor and a warhammer and she can see in the DARK bitch!!!#anyway im a lil disappointed bc i couldn't play tabby (we're sticking with basic racial modifiers so no tashas this time) BUT#as per usual i find one or two songs that get me vibed for the character and all of a sudden i love them with my whole heart#oddly enough for BOTH characters its a mountain goats song and a metal song back to back lmfao#for penelope it was heretic and kickstart my heart#for solavida its broom people and we're not gonna take it#both playlists have love love love and this year for emotional support reasons to beat back the anxiety but. my playlist shall grow slowly#edit: i listened to broom people about 40 times in a row. idk if im going to make it to sunday yall#solavida greycastle my absolute beloved. i would die for you and you would never let it happen#penelope would be so ridiculously attracted to solavida and vida would just think penelope was obnoxious lmfao#also i didn't even realize this but they're like. opposites in terms of aesthetics#penelope represents the sun when it rises and solavida represents the sun when it sets#penelope comes from a life of eternal night and revels in the sun#solavida comes from a sunny countryside by the ocean and purposefully traveled inwards to face the dark and the unknown#penelope is the grey in an otherwise colorful photo. solavida is the colors in an otherwise lightless one.#UGH. THEM
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vernons-girl · 7 months
hi! can i req for a joshua drabble wherein yn came home to shua in a very down mood (and wont tell to shua) but shua being the bestest husband ever is quick to notice everything will do his magic to comfort her 🥹 can be a little 🔞 in the end hehe if its okay 🤭
actually ive been feeling rly down these days + shua is kinda mia so huhu 🤧 i miss him so much 😭 thank u!! 🫶🏻
loving embrace | hong joshua
hurt to comfort,fluff,suggestive at the end,w.c:0.5k
a/n: anon:(( i hope you'll feel better soon, and hopefully you'll like this fic🫶🏻
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As you came back home, your shoulders sagged with the weight of the day.
You bent down to take your shoes off in the entrance, before flashing your best forced smile to Joshua, whose head peaked from the other side of the hallway, but your eyes betrayed your true feelings - a mixture of frustration and sadness visible in them.
Joshua, perceptive as ever, noticed the subtle change in your demeanor. "Hey, sweetheart, how was your day?" he asked, stepping forward to greet you with a warm hug, kissing your forehead in the process.
"It was okay," you replied with a sigh, avoiding his gaze as you busied yourself with putting away your coat.
Joshua sensed something was awry. He gently took your hand and led you to the living room, where he encouraged you to sit beside him on the couch. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" he said, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You hesitated, the words caught in your throat. But as you looked into your husband's loving, kind eyes, you felt like you began to crumble. So you opened up about how everything seemed to go wrong today, the pressure you felt to meet impossible deadlines, and the disappointment of not receiving recognition for your hard work.
Listening intently, Joshua wrapped his arm around your frame, offering a comforting presence. He didn't try to fix your problems or offer unsolicited advice. Instead, he simply held you close, letting you know that you weren't alone in your struggles.
After a while, you began to relax, and a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips, his hold around you making you feel supported, comforted, and most of all, loved.
"Thank you," you whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to Joshua's lips.
Joshua smiled, kissing you back just once.
Still, his lips lingered, a silent exchange of affection and understanding passing between you. One of his hands reached to cup one side of your face, Joshua's touch was gentle yet firm, his love evident in every caress. As the tension of the day melted away, his embrace deepened, fueled by an unspoken desire that had been simmering beneath the surface.
Your breaths mingled, warm and sweet, as Joshua's hands trailed down your back, igniting a trail of shivers along your spine. Every touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through you as soft moans escaped your lips between kisses.
Wrapped in the warmth of his embrace, you surrendered to the intimacy of the moment, letting go of inhibitions and allowing desire to guide your movements. Each caress, each whispered endearment, fueled the flames of passion that burned between you, building towards a crescendo of ecstasy.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in the dance of love, bodies moving in perfect harmony, hearts beating as one.
In that moment, words became unnecessary as your bodies communicated what your hearts longed to express. Lost in each other's embrace, you found solace, comfort and love in each other's arms.
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cawcawbeech · 6 months
(Welcome to this silly but intricate guide nobody asked for)
Just so everybody knows and is fully aware, I literally never kissed anybody in my whole damn life. I dont much care to try (for now) unless your name is Amita fucking Suman (jkjk, or not), but that doesnt mean I didnt do some very extensive research on the topic just so I can write what are hopefully non-generic scenes where all of my favorite characters make out till the following sunrise without a single other thought plaguing their empty little minds (exception being if the said thought is used to deepen 'the plot').
Before I say much else, I would like to note that THIS is just a very detailed bullet point list on kissing for all of my boys and girls separate of their partners assigned to them in canon or by the fandom. We will get to how it would actually go in different scenarios with different ships a bit later on if I decide it wont be a waste of my time. PS: No, not every kiss / kisser has to be extraordinary or unique or have whatever traits I ended up slapping on these characters here, Im just extra like that. And its not like anybody can stop me. Deal with it and simply enjoy (whatever this may be)!
Jesper has had his fair share of practice in this particular field, we all know it. That is no reason to say that he is a perfect kisser, there are many who have done way more, constantly brag about it, and yet still leave you disappointed. But, this is Jesper we are talking about. Kuwei has said that he is a great kisser too, I choose to trust him on that. That joke he made to cheer up Wylan at Olendaal, the one about kissing Nina / Matthias 'with tongue', it doesnt have to mean anything, but I like to think he is a tongue kind of guy. I also like to think that he is adaptable to any type of person though, he aims to please through-and-through. It saddens me to look deeper, to think about how that may be a result of his low self-esteem, but in moments like these, it makes him happy most of the time, and it is all I could hope for when it comes to my boy.
The first relationship he had been a witness to, the one his mother and father shared before her death, had been a very healthy one. I wouldnt call Colm the perfect father, certainly not after his wife was gone, albeit he is significantly better compared to the hands the rest of our favourite characters have been dealth with, but he was good to Aditi. Most kids, including myself, were the type to be grossed out by PDA, especially when its between their parents, and while thats not in any way a bad thing, we can clearly see that Jesper was not of that type.
Despite his many faults, he was raised fairly well. He knows how to make a comfortable environment, to recognize a clear invitation, what to ask and what not to ask, what is acceptable and what he shouldnt do without a more in-depth discussion. He knows how to create and opportunity where one could deny him if they so wished. I wouldnt say its some overly high bar to jump over, if anything it is the most basic standard any and all should hold themselves to, but I call Jesper 'the consent king' for a reason.
Its said in the book that his mind empties when he kisses the right person, that thinking of methaphors clearly means something is wrong, but hes still pretty descriptive in his POVs if you ask me. Its also very clear that he likes to kiss deep, slow, and involve other sensations throughout which is the part where Id like to include some of my very own hcs (slight temperature / texture play where he drags his rings over skin, hair pulling is a given but I can see him also liking to touch peoples ears a lot, talking in between and whispering during the few subtly initiated pauses, etc). Jespers favourite type of kiss would probably be those he iniciates as soon as he wakes up in the morning. It rains often in Ketterdam, its normal, so he would also probably be one of the rare creatures among the regular Kerch citizens who finds kissing in the rain romantic.
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Kaz will have to go through some major healing first, no doubts about that, but Id say he would probably be one of the elite members of the 'Im keeping my eyes open for this' club (until he isnt). I doubt he does much analyzing during, mentally he is on another planet thats probably many lightyears away as he tends to do with a lot of other even remotely intimate things, but theres lots of squinting, eyelid fluttering... Kaz is basically a personafication of that cliche 'when did I close them' quote. In my own experience, I can barely hold eye contact when talking, but I dont really see this as a bad trait. I also dont see it as a trauma response either like some would assume it would be for Kaz, I think its just a him thing. If this man didnt want to kiss somebody, you would not be kissing him, end of.
He likes to focus on teeth, whether by unconsciously (or consciously) biting his partner, having your teeth bump into each other, or licking his own after youre done. Theres lots of shuddering, youll feel him there more than youll hear him, but he is not completely silent either. I dont think he would like beeing cornered, picked up or lifted in any way except on very rare occasions. Just like the pulse thing where he feels for it on the wrist (or neck once he is more comfortable), feeling his weight including the pain of his leg serves to ground him. Perhaps he might also like feeling of you breathing through your nose on his face for the same reasons? He doesnt like leaving things unfinished, even if its just a peck, he will make sure it feels 'complete', I dont know how else to put it. If anybody could overuse the words "Again?", it would be Kaz motherfucking Brekker.
Im in no way saying he will be good, in fact, theres lots of traits here that many wouldnt like, but he tries when he wants to (and again, you would not be kissing this man if he didnt want it), he will learn and he will remember the smallest of details (so that he can ponder over them later). The only thing we hear about Kazs appearance related to his mouth is that there is a scar running through his upper lip. I never got it when people talked about kisses having a taste, but Kaz seems to often call people light-weight, so clearly, he handles his alcohol well, perhaps having developed such a habit to settle down his own supposedly non-existent nerves. It might not be the main reason, we heard about him being on the receiving end of many fights that in certain circumstances and with the ways they are handled lead to similar results, but liquor does leave one dehydrated and with chapped lips.
Unless he is particulary fired up, Wylan likes to start slow and chaste no matter if you are the first, the thousanth person he has kissed or just a person he has kissed a thousand times. Unlike Kaz, he has some experience, sheltered kids know how to have fun in secret (and Im the last person who would ignore that 'lie' about him being kicked out for bedding the tutor, theres some truth to everything), but he is also nowhere near the level of Jesper or Nina or Matthias. We know he likes when his partner feels calm and like they are actually in their body before he goes in for the kill, we saw it with Jesper, but we also see that he isnt the type who needs to ask every time and will just do it when 'the time feels right'. Look out, he just might squeeze into your shirt while youre wearing it and do a makeshift 'surprise attack' from there if he is determined enough for it.
From that, we could say he might have some other habits, including but not limited to the familiar one of guiding his partner through breathing patterns. Maybe sometimes he likes to hold onto your forearms more tightly than necessary (not forcefully though), have your knees touch and bump into one another, straighten his own / your items of clothing, compare hand sizes while making weirdly-intense eye contact, use his thumb to subtly rub at a random tensed muscle, touch foreheads if he is tall enough or rub his face along the side of your neck, anything that would focus your attention to him and the moment... Ironically, as a follow up to the last point and as the kiss drags on, he forgets that he is an actual person who has a weight to them and has to lean back against something with the help of his partner before he falls down and cracks his goddamn skull open.
He likes to leave an effect on whoever he is kissing, but he also likes to 'clean up after himself' as much as possible after its done, which once again serves to bring both of you back down. So yeah, he would probably do something like twirling a stay peace of hair around his finger before neatly tucking it back in place, running that same finger across a brow, down the nose or along the jawline, nudging you playfully with his shoulder, hips or elbows, swaying a bit to slowly return the atmosphere back to relaxed as he secretely links your pinky fingers together. Lips would be his main focus, and he especially likes the soothing effect it has when he is sleepy, but he could also grow to like eyelid, nose, tummy or thigh kisses when it comes to placement.
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Inej has had many men kiss her throughout her life, and unfortunately, theres no need to debate whether she truly enjoyed any of them. Oh how I would love to say that every shitty person is also shit at every other skill they try to master, however, that doesnt have to be the case. The fact that she was a brothel girl doesnt have to mean all of her kisses were bad (to specify, that refers to the technique). That being said, I think she would appreciate the message more than the way its done. It also might result in her not exactly caring about the placement of a kiss, palm, knuckles, hair, cheek, neck, lips, any of them would be equally as intimate to her, platonic or otherwise. Its somewhat similar to what Wylan also likes, but very different too once you look further.
As is with Kaz, you would not be kissing the Inej we know now unless she didnt want you to. I probably should have said this earlier, no, I dont mean that any of the other Crows would enjoy a kiss that was not what they wanted, they wouldnt ignore the signs and will fight the person off if needed, but I hope you understand why Im emphasizing it for these two in particular. I think her kisses would be short, but sweet, a petite little package that can deliver a punch under a right set of conditions, just like she can, the same going for her ship. Physically, we know her lips have an upturn to their shape. As is true with alcohol, salt water has the same drying effect that is only made worse by licking.
One other feature that might make Inejs kisses unique is a possibility of her aquiring more jewellery during her travels. I always imagined that the Suli find piercings to be very meaningful. Perhaps she had some since a very young age, perhaps they were taken from her too during her time at the Menagerie, maybe the holes closed naturally over the long months, maybe she got more whilst working for Kaz, and although it was not put there for such a reason, a lip ring (just as an example) has quite a pleasing effect for either side.
She holds a special appreciation for people who remember their first kiss, or at least remember their first kiss with her, a courtesy she will offer in return as well. It takes special kind of brave to get close (she knows better than most) and never lets the feat of overcoming fear go unappreciated. For some reason, I can see her counting the seconds, not for any reason at all. I wouldnt say its something particulary good nor bad, but Inej doesnt give me the 'let me kiss your words away' signals no matter the situation. The phrases that would fit more would be "We will get through this", "Stay strong, for you", "Lets face it together" or "We shall see each other once more". She seems like the type to keep her affairs secret, but at the end of the day, I also dont think she would mind PDA all that much.
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I know the fandom likes to joke that Kuwei is the bad kisser between the two, seeing as to how Jesper was left 'disappointed' even before knowing the truth behind who he was actually kissing... But I dont think that had to do much with the kiss itself. We were told that Jesper liked Kuweis body plenty enough, but even if it were really Wylan (both in shape and spirit), Jesper wasnt in the right space, and Kuweis silence and mannerisms didnt do much to help.
Now, this is a personal headcanon, but one of the habits I think he might pick up in the Little Palace would be scratching his nose or covering his mouth before he goes in for a kiss. Or well, I like to imagine that being his tell among all the snarky comebacks, vicious flirting and sly glances. And seeing as to how playful he is with his powers and how much he grows to use them for mischief and otherwise in KOS, I like to think that his face is always warm to the touch as Kuwei himself is constantly touching it. Random instert, this man unironically likes lemons and you will without a doubt taste quite an assortment of teas while with him.
Some people care about the emotional setting, some like keeping it casual, and some like having that perfect mix of both. Kuwei might acknowledge that in different ways and act accordingly, but I also think he might care more about the physical setting and connect good actions with places rather than specific people or mutual feelings. This man is a certified tease, unless you pull him towards you which is exactly what he wants, he is 100%, absolutely ready to keep a partner on the edge of their seat, kiss the corner of their mouth, or maybe with the lips barely touching. Instead of licking his own lips out of habit or to seduce, he would lick yours. Kuwei being a tease might also be a way for him to set up walls? In a sense that hes reminding both himself and the person hes kissing that this is just a kiss and it doesnt mean anything. And when hes kissed by someone he loves and trusts, hes downright pathetic, super soft and annoyingly sweet about it.
I dont know where else to put it so it will have to be here, but I like to think he chewed on his lips a lot as a child and whilst in captivity, leaving him with barely visible indents once he reached adulthood. When it comes to the type, Id say he could end up enjoying goodnight kisses next to the fireplace or lit by the flame in his own hand more than he would like doing anything in the early morning. Kuwei tends to get frustrated and bored easily so that might lead to certain effects as well, more specifically the speed, angle and desperation. He has hid for long enough and doesnt much care about who sees what, only whether they got a nice view from wherever they were standing at the time.
Nina has practiced CPR from a very young age (I wouldnt call any of those a true kiss by any means, but it will make slightly more sense in just a moment), we see her perform one on Kaz in the books without hesitation, so I doubt her first 'kiss' was particularly enjoyable or wholly consentual or that she even remembers it. Perhaps from that, her kisses would grow to be particulary breathy in the future, although that doesnt mean its some kind of rule or that its not just a result of her personality being put into how she goes about it. We already know temple kisses are her thing among some other stuff, but she also doesnt seem to have a similar kind of bond with any other type that is not at neck level or above. Shes fine with them, but always seems to go to certain spots herself when she has a choice, singing and laughing through all of it. As Matthias tends to say a lot, the chase is a game to her, whether on top or beneath, she still wins.
Her skin is said to be soft, and supposedly so are her lips, plus the girl is a Heartrender and that surely results in many privileges. Surprisingly enough, I wouldnt say she is particularly experienced in the world of romance, even if her talent at sweet-talking might suggest otherwise. Perhaps shes had flings, one or two, maybe even a relationship at some point, but I dont see much more in my visions of her backstory. "Dont you want to play with me?" and "Cant you handle it?" are some of the repeating phrases in her vocabulary, but oh, it only gets worse once she feels well and truly romanced, swept off her feet as one might say, and that takes lots of effort. Its a good thing we know Nina has some high expectations, that way all of us can be her personal wingmen.
If anybody could obtain the famous movie achievement of leaving a string of saliva to connect her lips with her partners for just a few more moments, it would be Nina. Speaking of such things, she may also be the only one for who the 'let me kiss you against this wall so that they dont spot us' scenario might actually work (in theory), or at least give her enough time to incapacitate them during their confusion since she tends to be quite loud appearance wise. Likes being attended to and coddled, and no kiss has a chance without a firm grab or two. Will die if you do a tango dip with her in your arms. She is one of the biggest fans of mistletoes and finds it extremely romantic. Sometimes, when she is invited to watch a play or show, she will turn around and kiss her partner whenever the actors do. "Consider me madly in love. With the kisses, not you. ... But maybe also you if you did it again."
And finally, we have our romantic-at-heart of the group, Matthias. Now, his and Ninas romance is the most obvious and out-in-the-open throughout the whole duology, and frankly he is the one I had the most trouble with writing, but the difference between seeing their first kiss from Ninas perspective and the one of Matthias is that theirs was his first kiss ever. All of his actions leading up to it, as well as those after, are a promise in some way or another, and Im not only talking about his vow to her. Nothing could have prepared me for when he lifted Nina straight off her feet and held her there as he kissed her, yet it was also the most in-character thing he ever could have done.
Matthias will absolutely, every time, start an hour long conversation on what led him to this moment, if it is the right time, the right place, the right everything... He will continue up until he himself is basically internally shouting at his own mouth to shut itself (he has very low patience despite everything mentioned above) or his partner takes the initiative themselves. The second option is prefered by both parties and a 5-star whine is the expected plus-one to excellent service. He is the type to gulp when you get too close. Will go mad if you can tell when he is holding on by a thread despite his lack of many facial expressions, especially if told something along the lines of "Just lose control, love".
He is particularly sensitive for textures. All humans are to some extent, the lips have more nerve endings in them than fingertips, but Matthias is the one who is fullfilled by it the most and frequently says stuff related to it like "Are you wearing chapstick?" or "I can feel the dip of your scar". Often acknowledges indirect kisses. Matthias has once said that kissing isnt about romance, that it should be proper and only done as a follow up to a conventional Fjerdan courtship, and while lots about him has changed during his canonical relationship with Nina, I think he might still enjoy going through at least some of these with somebody who might appreciate his efforts. Matthias is still highly religious even if he is now seeing the world from another perspective and there are some cultural things that for him go deeper than just tradition. In a very specific headcanon of mine, he has grown up fantasizing about having to lift up your chin to do it, and so now he does so even with taller partners who can reach his mouth just fine.
He would 100% take the 'Will you love me if I was a worm' jokes way too seriously. "How am I supposed to handle a worm? I could hold a butterfly, maybe kiss you if you were a wolf (but thats after a very extensive inspection of your molars)". Kisses the back of your neck after putting on a necklace. Pretends that lipstick stains dont turn him on to the highest setting.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
feeling much better now having gotten some sleep (the dont trust how you feel about yourself past 9pm is good advice no joke)
of course all my criticism of totk still applies but im feeling less depressed about it, tho i will say its honestly kinda baffling how many times the game actually got me interested and excited about stuff and then just kinda drops it in a dead end, of course they were those kind of things in botw as well but it seems much less .. balanced in totk
(not even just the big things like making me want to actively do something to help zelda turn back when it just gets solved on its own in the end, but also some lil things like the fact that so many NPCs tell you about that newly discovered animal species and when you find the dongos they are just gem vending maschines)
in the end i can say, no, i dont like totk, tho i still love the graphics and the way the world is made ( botw showed me jsut how immersive and alive a world can feel i love it to death), i liked the gameplay and that it kept the freedom botw had established, the bossfights are mostly fun (tho i wish you could refight more of them), i LOVE the yiga and im glad they got more of a spotlight, the music is FANTASTIC i keep catching myself humming along, alot of the sidequests are much bigger and feel like you are actually doing something, i like how the sages are a bit more integrated into the story, the majority of the new designs are great, both the japanese and german voice acting is great, and the end fight has some of the best build up i have ever experienced, my heart starts to race when that music build up starts even tho i have beaten it 3 times already-
however, the story is both simple and incredible flat with lots of stuff that doesnt make sense especially when it was said to be a sequel, the zonau should have stayed a mystery imo, they failed to make me care about them even a little bit and often felt forcefully crammed into the world and its history, i think you could have told an incredible story taking place in the present and leave the past be the past, you easily could have connected botw and totk in a much better way than they did, i dont like how it changes aspects about botw all the while nigh ignoring it ever happened, it still feels like it was trying to be a replacement and not a sequel and all the referencing and callbacks to the old titles may have been done in good faith but that and including time travel yet again ultimately lead to people ripping each other to shreds over trying to prove its placed in the old timeline despite it making no sense at all and confusing people even more; often when the game made me care or be excited about something it was dropped in a dead end, there was a ton of missed opportunities and lost potential to tell a much more nuanced and interesting story/lore, and thinking about it only makes me sad for the things that could have been
overall i think my disappointment is outweighing my fun and the only way i can keep playing it while having fun is ignoring everything that isnt, which works quite well most of the time since im pretty much done with all story stuff but i keep slipping into my little rants nonetheless; i will say its making me a little worried about the future of the franchise, but i know im in the minority and maybe i will just have to accept that the new stuff wont be for me anymore and i should not hope for anything that interests me xD
except for some meme material or specific characters i love i dont think i will make much use of anything totk tried to establish, and i hope thats fine with the lot of you (<3) hopefully that also means my ranting days are over xD
anyway, back to making niche art i go! (sorry for making you endure these long ass rambling posts :,) )
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Secret Santa: Hangman's Ending
12 Days of Christmas: Day 12
'Secret Santa: Part One'
Plot: The day of the festival has arrived and you are filled with anxiety and hope as to who might be waiting for you.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Gn!Reader
Words: 1.2k
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"Well I sure as hell wasn't expecting that, newbie." You recall hearing the accented voice say.
Turning around you saw Hangman walking up to you with a grin.
"It's Y/n." You said with a stone face before a small smirk appeared "Maybe next time you wont underestimate me."
His grin remained as he stopped in front of you, he cocked his head slightly "I don't make that same mistake twice."
You saw his eyes scan you, as though he was trying to figure you out. Hearing his name called from the other side of the hangar, he looked back at you one more time before he began to walk backwards
His eyes stayed on you "You going up again today?"
"Yeah, why, wanna race?"
He smirked "Why you like losing?"
You smiled and cocked your head to the side "I like winning more."
He grinned as he began to turn away, winking "That makes two of us."
That was the first time you had really talked to Jake, and it was the first moment he made your heart flutter. You never thought it would grow past butterflies, but now, as you stood outside the festival, fearful and hopeful, you knew it had always been more.
You tried to reason with yourself. Tell yourself if it was anyone else, you would give them a chance. But you knew that was a lie. Anyone other than Jake wouldn't do. You had given your heart to the cocky blonde years ago, and no one one else would take his place, at least not easily.
You felt overwhelmed as you roamed around the festival. Your eyes cast over every face, your heart in a constant anxiety induced flutter. Your hand nervously fidgeted with the apple necklace around your neck.
Sipping on some hot cocoa to hopefully settle your nerves, you almost jumped out of your skin when someone tapped your shoulder.
"Sorry!" the man apologized with a smile as you turned towards him. "I was just told to give you this."
Taking the note from his hand you smiled "Thank you."
Looking around for the source of the note, you didn't see anyone you knew. Opening the note, you read over the words with growing curiosity.
'You didn't think I'd make it easy on you, did you? Find me where you first beat me.'
"Find me where you first beat me?" You questioned out loud. Looking up and around, the words puzzled you, until your eyes fell onto a nearby sign. 'Christmas tree maze.'
Suddenly a jolt of realization rocked through you. One summer, about a year after you and Jake had met, you ended up at a county fair on your day off. You liked to turn everything into a competition, even though Jake always won. Never by a lot, but he always won. Until, you went into a corn maze, betting whoever made it out first, won. It was the first time you beat him, and you did so by almost a minute.
Entering into the Christmas tree maze, you hoped you were right. You weren't very competitive with any of the others. So surely, this was a message from Jake.
Weaving through the tree maze, you smiled at the occasional couple, or family you crossed paths with. Your nerves were high as you expected to see Jake around every turn.
After what felt like an eternity, you made your way through one last path, and saw the exit ahead of you. As you approached, you wondered if he was waiting for you at the end. Or if you had missed him somewhere in the maze itself.
As you stepped outside, you looked around at everyone nearby, and felt a jolt of disappointment when you didn't see him anywhere. Did you take too long? Did he go back in to find you? Was this all some cruel joke?
Before you could move, you felt two hands slip over yours eyes, and your breath caught in your throat.
"Nine minutes and fourteen seconds. I beat you by over a minute."
You smiled as you pulled away from him, and turned to meet his smiling gaze. Your chest was heavy with anxiety, but you kept it hidden.
"I would have won if I hadn't gotten blocked by the Partridge family." You excused, something either of you often did when you lost.
Jake smiled as he glanced over your shoulder, easily spotting the very family you were referencing. "Eerie resemblance." He muttered before he looked back down at you.
You watched as he pulled out a single gardenia out from behind his back, that you assumed he had in his pocket. You couldn't help the grin as he handed it to you.
Smiling up at him you cocked your head slightly "Jake Seresin, a secret romantic, who would have guessed."
He shrugged his head slightly before he squinted and leaned forward a bit "If you tell anyone, I'll deny it"
You continued to grin before you spoke softly "I wont tell anyone. They wouldn't believe me anyway." You added on.
He fake winced as he placed his hand on his chest before chuckling softly. Taking a small step closer, he spoke softly "I don't just want our relationship to be based around competition and inside jokes."
"We're in a relationship?" You asked, feigning surprise. "I don't recall you asking me anything of the sort."
He smirked as he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Forgive me for thinking the confession through gifts was enough." He smiled, but shook his head "No, you're right. I didn't ask. But I am now. 'Cause I really can't imagine anyone else being as perfect for me, as you are."
He took another small step closer and leaned in, his face only a couple inches away from yours. Your eyes stared into each others.
"I want to be in a relationship with you Y/n, I have since we first met. And I'm hoping I'm right in assuming you feel the same."
It was an open-ended comment, a question of what you would be to each other now.
You smiled and nodded softly. "You are"
His eyes flicked to your lips briefly, before he met your eyes again. "I've also been wanting to kiss you since we first met." He confessed, a small smirk on his face.
You repressed rolling your eyes teasingly, but smiled. "Then why haven't you?"
Without any hesitation, Jake quickly leaned forward, his hand gently cupping your face as he kissed you. It started out soft, but deepened after a moment. His fingers slowly slid from your cheek to cupping your chin, gently tickling your skin.
When he pulled away, his hand lingered on your face, a his eyes studied you softly. He hummed lighlty under his breath.
"Better than I imagined."
You giggled softly as you gently smacked his chest.
He chuckled as he pulled you closer to him, your chests almost pressed together. Kissing you again, you gently took the collar of his jacket in your hands, as his hands tightened around your waist.
Parting again, you both had soft, content smiles on your faces. Without speaking, you both knew you didn't want this moment, or this feeling to fade. So you stayed like this, gazing at each other for a few more moments, absorbing the feeling of true bliss.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Top Gun Taglist: @malindacath, @hotch-meeeeeuppppp, @sarcastic-sourwolf, @stargirl-05, @persephonesportal, @springflwer07, @pockyandme, @iceman-kazansky, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @linkxneptune, @creativitybeware, @callsignmaverick5, @phoenix1389,
Hangman Taglist: @readingwithatorch
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celebratinglucychen · 5 months
AAPI & Lucy Chen
Hi everyone! @sailorscout here.
When putting together this event, I was reminded of my first foray into fandom culture from 15ish years ago. I can’t remember what show or movie got me started but I do know the character I was in LOVE with was a black woman. I just wanted more of her; her story, her thoughts…she seemed like a person I could grow up in to. I remember being so disappointed when I went looking for content about her because none of it felt authentic to her character and her experience as a black woman. I felt that her blackness was ignored because of people’s hesitation or reluctance to reflect on race or womanhood in POC. I was 13 and felt so disappointed in the lack of interest in representing her fully. I truly felt hurt by it because this was a character that I strongly identified with because I saw myself in her and felt that I truly belonged.
Now I’m 28 and I’ve found another character that made me feel like that one did from all those years ago: Lucy Chen. But funnily enough, I find that there are still the same issues going on in fandom. While Lucy is BELOVED by just about the whole fandom and she does get her flowers with fics and drabbles and such, the lack of interest in representing who she is as a WOC is….disappointing. And I realized that I can finally be the person (with the help of @summerongrand and hopefully you guys!) that can help another girl, who sees herself completely in Lucy, who will join this fandom, who will seek out fics and creators who expand upon Lucy, who wont hesitate to reflect on her race. I hope the next little girl will find stuff that will uplift her, stuff that she *recognizes* in herself. Lucy is Chinese and if I can see myself in her, I can’t imagine how much she means to an Asian or Chinese girl or even woman. There is a lack of black representation but there’s even more of a lack of Asian representation and we don’t need to let that continue because we can express her fully in this fandom.
This event is special to me. Just like Lucy. She’s gotten such unfair treatment this season and I think we as a fandom can really do a lot to uplift her character and push for better for her and her experiences as a WOC. As a WOC, I just think it’s really important to highlight not just women but their color. Color is such a huge part of our identity and we often don’t feel seen. One of the ways we feel seen is by acknowledging color.
So, with all that being said, I’m here to remind you to engage in this event, whether it’s a fic or a Drabble or art work or even just an “ask” to us about one of the prompts! Feel free to ask us our thoughts and feelings too about anything related to this topic!
We’re already half way through AAPI month and I would really love to end the month with a few things to repost :) maybe Mel will see them. Maybe not. But someone will and it’ll mean the world to them :)
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jester089 · 10 months
Subject. AE-1397
Chapter 1
You're sitting on your shitty small mattress on the floor in your containment chamber. Their are two humans through the reinforced glass wall dead in front of you.
Earlier those two and some others took you out of your cell to ask you some questions and do some tests. During the tests you kept hearing people talking about how you were close but not good enough.
Once the tests finished they tossed you back into your room. Their just standing there now talking about you and midazolam, potassium chloride, and Pancuronium bromide. Wonder what those things are.
While talking one of them stares at you with a uptight and disappointed stance, that one isn't talking much. The other one is turned towards the first and is yelling.
You can't see their faces through their suits but their saying but it something about euthanization because of not good enough results?
Again you don't know what that word means but it makes you feel weird. Bad weird.
After getting yelled at for a while the first one scoffs and walks off leaving the one that was yelling alone with you. After they've calmed down a bit they turn to you, that emotionless visor staring dead at you makes you worried.
After a few moments of staring at you they walk over to the door the other left through and lock it. Once in front of your cell again they take another look around the room then open the door to your cell.
"Hey. Kid. I'm gonna get you out of here. You just gotta keep quiet for me" They say while walking over to you. They gently pick you up, make sure you're secure in their hold then start running to who knows where.
You're scared and don't understand but you hope their trustworthy. They run for a while keeping in the shadows, keeping out of sight, and going around more turns then you could ever hope to remember.
They suddenly stop and pear around a corner. Once they deem it safe they walk around the corner revealing a giant metal frost covered door. They open it just enough for you to squeeze through then set you down
"Get as far away from here as you can. I wont have them killing a kid. Good luck." They gently bonk their forehead to yours then basically shove you through the opening it quickly closing behind you.
You sit there in the snow confused and scared, you listen to their warning quickly get up then run off.
You've been running for a long time to reach now. You're still in your thin white hospital gown nothing but it to protect you from the cold.
You have a high tolerance for cold sure, that being the only reason you're still alive. But even that has limits, and you're starting to lose feeling in a lot of parts of your body.
Your feet have long since gone numb and you want to take a break, but you don't feel safe so you push on. There has been nothing but snow and rocks for so long not a single sign of life besides you so at least their's that.
It's been at least a day now. In that time you've stumbled upon a small cave you can barely fit in. Naturally you use it for cover and to catch your breath
That's how you find yourself here pressed up against the back wall huddled against yourself to keep warm, eyes wide and locked on the entrance.
After a long long while staring at the small cave opening feeling that you would see movement through it you start to calm down, a bit.
once your a bit calmer you start to realize your situation. What should you do?! You're on a alien planet without any chance for help! At least you don't need a suit like everyone else... That's something...
After a bit of a freak-out you lay on the cold hard store floor back facing the entrance and try and get some sleep. You try your hardest to forget about your life, forget where you are.
Hopefully you cane take a break, have a nice dream. Your body may be cold and in danger, but in dreamland that doesn't matter.
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justplaystupid · 6 months
I've chewed on it. Here's what came out:
the ghoul bois is my bois. I was dead cold when I heard they'd be deleting the backlog off of yt. that got mythbusted and I sighed in relief.
The prof.'ll still be there (thank fuck). Shane making baby noises on the walkie and ryan noping tf out will still be there for me. Thank. Fuck.
Am i sad that I'll not get to watch the stuff on yt anymore as it releases? Yes. Painfully so.
Will I be able to subscribe? Fuck if I know. Hopefully, but not for the forseeable future, unless I get real fucking lucky real fucking fast.
But (now that I was able to chew and digest through the big feels) I get it. I've been a "professional" translator for about 5 yrs. Freelancing. Dealing with big companies, paying us what they wanted when they wanted. If they really liked your work you'd get an email about an hour before the rest of the mailing list. Along the other hundred (min) others in that "shortlist". I was fighting against others for the peanuts I was offered, taking money from others, competing for the privilege to be underpayed whenever they decided to pay. And it rots your soul.
Point being I get it. And I'm not mad anymore. Not even disappointed. I'm a bit sad because i wont get the new stuff, and if I ever get to actually support my fave creators, it's a bit of a list, and I do have some priorities, but if and/or when I can, I will.
I wish Ryan, Shane, Steven, Matt, Lizzie, Annie.... The whole gang nothing but the best. They'll be in my thoughts, They'll be in my heart. I'll be unhealthily rewatching Puppet History. And maybe someday I'll manage to pay for the sub. And the longer it takes me, the vaster the backlog to catch up to will be.
I love them.
Un jour je serais de retour près de toi.
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neonpaperlanterns · 2 months
Thanks for the Not my neighbor story! And hey, if you want. Have another story request for it.
Sunny (heh) has to get the... Meat... From somewhere. So, after giving your story some thought. How about this.
Sunny works as one of the Double Doormans' coworkers. Going out to "clean" the entry rooms at other apartments, sometimes their own apartment. And "cleaning" up apartments that had a doorman whom... Failed to notice a few inconsistences with a neighbor. Any body left in a doubles' feeding rampage has to be ultimately dealt with.
Basically what this story idea is about, is Sunnys' work day. Maybe having a near death situation and later getting chewed out metaphorically by his roommate once they find out they got tricked long enough for a double to do some damage. To his suit or to himself, I'll leave up to you.
Maybe carrying that... Meat... For his roommate drew Doubles after him on his way home.
They both know Sunny can handle himself. But Sunny is, ultimately human. And humans make mistakes.
-Sunny Anon
Ps. If you ever wanna draw one of these "Sunny" characters. Give em sunflower glasses please.
[A/n: Since you gave Sunny male pronouns I shall to. Double Doorman will be dubbed Ayna. Which if Google translate is to be believed means mirror in Turkish. Also this took a different turn that I intended. The story kinda go away from me.]
[Part one]
Teeth in the Dark
Sunny scrunched up his nose as he stared at the amount of blood that splattered from the door to the hallway. This one had been messy, frantic even.
That only really happened if the Doppel knew it didn't have time. Or they were desperate. No more discretion, no more tricks, just near mindless slaughter. Doors hung from their hinges, claw marks on the ground, and a pile of bodies.
Ayna really hated when Sunny took these jobs in particular. They said it would draw more Doppel's. Like moths to a flame they would swarm. The smell of blood too tantalizing to ignore.
Sunny hadn't actually encountered any problems with these clean ups before. A part of him thought that Ayna was just being over protective, that they worried too much. They didn't like the fact that this was his job. But Sunny also didn't like them working as a Doorman so he would call it even.
Grumbling under his breath he slapped the mop down. The smell of vinegar and salt filled the hallway. Logically he should start with the walls or inside the apartment. The cheap carpet they furnished them with was prone to staines that took the will of God to remove. But he really hated kneeling down and getting his suit covered in blood. Made him feel dirty and this wasn't the only floor that needed cleaning, let alone the only building. So to save himself just the smallest discomfort he started with the floors first. Even if the runoff from the walls would require him to clean them again.
As Sunny cleaned he was surprised at the lack of body parts. Besides the initial gruesome scene on the first floor there wasn't really anything left.
He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. It was good in the fact that it meant hopefully less people were murdered but bad for him in the fact that the D.D.D were more likely to notice any pieces missing.
The freezer at home was picked clean and the fridge wasn't looking much better. Ayna didn't need to eat every day like him. Doppel's digested slower than human, like snakes. One good meal could tide them over for awhile but it's been awhile since Ayna had a good meal.
Sunny hoped the next stop had more to offer.
It didn't and neither did the next one. Sunny didn't know how to feel about his rising disappointment and crushing relief.
A heavy sigh left Sunny as he carefully packaged what little meat he could scavenge. It feels wrong that he feels so defeated right now. He should be happy that people are dying less. The D.D.D are getting better at their job, he should be celebrating. Yet all he can think about is the fact that Ayna wont get to eat properly.
And he knows it is affecting them no matter how much they are trying to hide it.
Running a hand down his face he slung his bag over his shoulder. Strolling through the facility he kept his gait easy. Exchanged polite goodbyes with any coworkers he passed. Smiled at the gate keeper as he left. Everything he did before meeting Ayna, he did.
Breathing in the night air he looked down at his watch, it was 8 p.m. He had an hour before curfew, if he was not back home before then the D.D.D had the right to search and "detain" anyone they found suspicious.
Still keeping his pace easy Sunny broke out into a light jog. Home was only 35 minutes away. He's done this countless times by now but the worry was still there. Niggling around in the back of his mind.
One slip up was all it would take. He doesn't know what would happen to him if The D.D.D found out. He knows what would happen to Ayna though and he wouldn't let that happen.
Rounding a corner he glanced down at his watch again.
20 minutes till he was home.
Passing in front of an alley a sudden movement caught his eye. Being to slow to react he felt something wrap around his ankle. Sunny felt himself turn sideways as he was yanked towards the alley. The air getting knocked from his lungs as he made contact with the cold concrete of the sidewalk.
"HeLLo~" A voice sang out. The pitch warbly and mismatched as a hand skittered up his other leg. Nails traced along his knee as a gasp left his assailant. Snapping his gaze towards the mouth of the alley he felt himself freeze.
"i'vE SeEn YOu beFOrE~" Sickly green flesh bloomed along the tan arms that held him. Their veins bulging and writhing against the skin.
"yoU ALwaYs SmElL SO strANgE~" It sounded contemplative. Steet lamps flicked to life and reflected off glassy eyes and extended teeth. It's lips smacked as little clicking sounds escaped the wrong mouth.
"LIke US, buT nOt.~" It dragged him in a little further, it's grip a little tighter.
"SHouLd i sTill EaT YOu~" It nuzzled against his calf.
Sunny stopped breathing.
"OR LEt yOU Go aNd LEarN...UnDeRstanD whaT THEY arE doinG~" It searched his face for a moment.
Sunny didn't know what it was looking for.
And then the hands were retreating.
"IT'S alMOsT 9~"
Standing on legs that didn't feel like they could hold him, he looked at the Doppel for a second.
It smiled at him.
Sunny broke out into a dead sprint.
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cannibalslut · 1 month
Cannibalism and Kabru? Interesting. I wonder how he would do with such thing, considering that he’s most likely traumatized by seeing people from his home village being devoured by monsters…
Anyways, I wanted to ask this for a while now:
So, what are your ideas for this ship? What is your s/i like? How did she and Kabru meet? What is the dynamic? What role does cannibalism plays? Just, I’m dying to know what is going on.
Fun fact: I myself have been eyeing Kabru before properly watching Dungeon Meshi, suspecting that I might get a crush on him. But then shit happened, and here I am, obsessing over Thistle instead... Kabru is still cool, though. I especially love how the manga shows that him lying to manipulate people has consequences, so now he has to supress his honest emotions and do things he doesn’t want to do. It’s hilarious, I have never seen it done anywhere before.
(By the way, I’ve seen many people joke about being disappointed by Kabru being a man because they though he was a beautiful butch woman. Thoughts on that?)
– villain-in-love
so sorry to say… the cannibalism is mostly symbolic…. 😔 it’s like sentiments of “i want to eat you” and sexual biting and like. heavy cannibalism allusion used in smut. that kind of thing. kabru i think wouldnt be able to stomach survival cannibalism much less pleasure cannibalism like hes not that kind of guy. cath is a different story.
speaking of cath shes my s/i. her name is Catherine Entrailé she’s fantasy french (unfortunately, that was just too good a name…) and she’s a vulture beastman (were-vulture?). she can shift between human and vulture forms and was cursed to be this way (like izutsumi). she needs to turn fully into a vulture every so often or suffers consequences, she disappears from the party for a few days at a time and they notice a vulture following them, etc etc…
i havent decided who cursed her shes still a fledgling character. likewise i dont know how cath and kabru met (shes in his party) and suggestions would be appreciated lol. i am thinking of giving her a dead sister or something as backstory.
also, as backstory, she has past trauma from being poisoned, so she has to know EXACTLY whats in her food at all times. she eats carrion because its one flesh with no extra ingredients. this sets up conflict with senshi bc nooo why are you putting extra things in my food are you going to poison me!! so she’s like izutsumi bc they’re both picky eaters. she and izutsumi would either get along like a house on fire Or become lifelong mortal enemies. also there might be an arc there about growing past it because shes a vulture now and can digest many toxins without being harmed.
i think thats probably all i have for her for right now, hopefully i can come up with more stuff soon~ i know her dynamic with kabru, though. the reason why she’s in the dungeon is because she’s a murderhobo actually. she’s like kabru in that she hates monsters, but she hates Literally Everything Else too and thinks all humans should die. if she doesnt kill things in the dungeon she will start doing it on the surface. kabru is worried by and captivated by her weird psychology. they also hook up before he realizes she’s a beastman bc she keeps it well hidden. after he realizes he fucked a girl thats part monster he gets so upset it gives him cramps. i still dont know how to get over this obstacle lol i do not think kabru wants to be shipped with a demihuman. sucks for him bc im doing it anyway hes my little toy 🤍
other assorted thoughts: cath heavily enables kabru’s desires and they have like hungry hands-everywhere can’t-get-enough-of-your-body-sex, laios is the reason why cath became more comfortable telling people she’s a beastman and existing in an state between human and vulture (kabru wants to kill himself so bad rn), tension between rin and kabru and cath happens where rin absolutely despises cath bc kabru wont give her attention but will give cath attention. cath kind of doesnt care about rin too much bc shes aro/polyam like me. if they one sided hatefuck it will go nuclear and tear the party apart.
anyways to the rest of your ask! yes kabru is such an interesting and unique character! i like how hes shown as sympathetic and with good intentions but has some very worrying traits like what is up with his freaky stare when he straight up executes those guys? and when he attacks falin? and also the way his trauma affects him is pretty well done. sometimes he reminds me of light yagami but better lol. he also does take it upon himself who gets to live and die based on a moral framework of “some humans are irredeemable vermin that must be removed” but he’s actually a likeable character and DOES NOT have a god complex. my poor little fucked up guy im gonna use him
i never thought kabru was a butch woman but sometimes i wish he was 😔 though i’ve been doing surprisingly well with the idea of him as a cis man. it pisses me off a little bit that he and cath are m/f and both cis. at least hes bisexual. usually my s/is are lesbian but i cant do that here lol. ALTHOUGH i was thinking genderfluid or crossdresser kabru maybe inspired by ryuko kui’s r63 art (Manipulative Girlfriend kabru you will always be famous) plus this tweet: https://x.com/bedtimecreature/status/1768118459693682865?t=2IniV5ZjNZ9m-fdhHU-Vcg&s=19 idk he just looks really good here man i love him. (i dont hc him as transmasc tho)
this is getting long lol so i think ill end it here. hey i got it in earlier than “in the next week”! thanks for reminding me i had to write this haha
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lazerv4 · 1 month
Thoughts on The Boys Season 4
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
The Boys is finally back after an extended break (I know we got Gen V in the middle but idk) and is here to finally show us what is going on with our favorite group of edgy vigilantes and the answer is not very much and what is there is kind of disappointing.
Season 4 is a mess, an ugly, brash and thoughtless disaster of random plotlines that I wish were better handled but as a set up season for the 5th and final installment it suffers greatly. 
Butcher who is performed phenomenally as always by Karl Urban gets a very interesting dynamic with a fellow comrade Kessler played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan doing a really good job as the guest this season (not to the extent of Jensen Ackles did last season as Soldier Boy but that is literally impossible to top) and is one of the more fascinating characters until it’s revealed he is just a hallucination and a lot of his potential is squandered. Hughie (Jack Quaid) for his part is almost entirely disconnected from the story till the incredibly controversial and disgusting with Tech Knight and some not very well handled parts with Erin Moriarty’s Starlight were their romance seems threatened and gives poor Annie a completely lackluster season between that and her underexplored Planned Parenthood-esque storyline. Frenchie and Kimiko get the worst this season as both their plots come out of nowhere and are dropped randomly so I’m gonna do the same, sorry Karen (Fukuhara) you were great but they gave you trash. And last but not least MM (who got a surprising transformation, good on you Laz (heh) Alonso) has an interesting will he wont he type story about if he will stay in the game or leave for his family and his own health which I hope continues into Season 5.
Now the bad guys which will frankly be shorter, Starr as Homelander is the same as always, a good performance that is kind of losing it’s luster a little but it still has a funny and terrifying aura when properly utilized and I’m really looking forward to his Donal Trump era next season.  Chance Crawford’s Deep and Nathan Mitchell´s Black Noir (version 2) start a funny and dumb partnership now that Noir can talk and they lightened up the mood significantly when they were on screen even if they are both horrible people. Jessie T. Usher is the stand out this season as A-Train gets an atonement arc that made him really endearing and frankly my favorite character this season which seems so bizarre when they show opens trying to convince you he is the biggest piece of shit but man has the guy grown, he is still a cocky asshole but he now tries to be a decent and even sometimes just a straight up good person and I really do hope he makes it out of this. And finally the newcomers Sister Sage and Firecracker portrayed bySusan Heyward and Valorie Curry respectively are a great addition to the cast both in being a cynical egomaniac that works behind the scenes and a new hate sponge that does everything despicable you can think of, specially with both of them being original creations they were implemented with great care and attention that just worked well with the dynamic of the show.
And now the neutral characters I guess? Caludia Doumit’s Victoria Newman suffers a lot from lack of commitment and bad character writing this season which is such a shame now knowing (for obvious reasons) that this is her last season while Ryan (who is supposed to be like 13 but Cameron Crovetti looks way older than he even is) gets something similar to MM with a will he wont he but poorly executed in comparison and it just kind of makes me dislike the character a lot.
There were other cool characters and cameos like Giancarlo Esposito finally coming back to play Stan Endgar but at the same time we got Maddie Philips struggling to act even with a character as one note as Cate is in this show.
The Boys season 4 was a big mix bag let down but it still has some redeeming qualities, hopefully a lot of it’s issues have more to do with the fact that it’s a set up season and less with the writers not knowing what to do anymore.
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floridensis · 1 year
this local church was giving away native plants today and when posting about it on facebook promised to have some rare stuff not normally found in our county. i went and was not disappointed! i got a silkgrass which ive been wanting because rare native bees love that one and its at my favorite park and im trying to duplicate that park as much as possible, and i also got a snow squarestem which i believe adult atala butterflies like.
my aunt came with and was certain that she was just here to hang out with us and she has no room for more plants and isnt going to take any, so obviously she left with a pineland passionflower and a moringa
im SO excited that they were giving out pineland passionflower. i hope that some people close to me got some. as i posted before, mine was not well pollinated and i got very few seeds. so hopefully if lots more people have them they will pollinate better and i wont have to do it myself, itll be better on the genetic diversity too
the..... church...... guy? was saying that theres not a lot of places to get a good variety of native plants here and hes right. so they were excited to be able to offer some rarer stuff
i appreciated what they were doing, the plants were free, and theyre progressive and even explicitly trans supportive so i gave them a donation consistent with what i felt id probably pay for my new plants at a native plant sale
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fatratbabyy · 1 year
hi! i really love your designs, the colours are always really well done anf the characters are full of life.. and i love how your rewrites give the characters complexity and make them really interesting to me, much more so than canon(though i am a fan of some ideas introduced there, they don’t quite turn out in ways that make sense to me)! i’ve been wondering a few things about helluva troupe for a while however and hopefully the answers aren’t spoilers, lol.. in HT, what is Fizz’s involvement with the ‘troupe’ and what is stolas’s involvement too.? i wish you much luck on your work as it is lovely to see! (also apologies for my silly username)
Thank You!
Thank you so much that means a lot!! waaAahee! It makes me happy to see people interested 🥺👉👈
With Fizz it's,,, a bit Fuzzy, because hilariously he's the whole reason I made this AU among other things But I ended up makinh him a sorta side character antag again because while originally he was going to be part of the main crew from the start of HT's storyline, as I went along in trying to write I saw some cool hcs about his star clown days and so I thought to use the more canonized view- mostly in that he's a star clown during the events of HT instead of dropping the show life to join Blitz in I.M.P. That previous version is why you see him in the I.M.P references- and hinty hoo that ol version isnt completely null and voice to the current HT
ANYWAY so yeah- While Fizz isn't as much a main character as he was he still has a great deal of importance to the story and themes I want to express in HT. When it comes to him and the Troupe itself, I could best describe him as one of the biggest foils or parallels to the main cast. Just,, he's this golden image that represents their every want fulfilled. For Blitz especially given their thick history heehooo. (That's not to say this 'golden image' is entirely as it seems btw...)
Now it sounds much like canon I know but I like to think I'm taking a different direction with it- It's not really just the "haha you suck with relationships, fuck, shit, pénis im doing better look at my good relationship" nonsense cuz for 1. Fizzarozzie does nOT exist anymore- its Mamzie now 😊 (Mammon + Ozzie) and 2. The themes with Fizz and really most of HT has less to do with the melodramatic romance "will they wont they" of Stolitz (which isnt really a thing either) and more the struggle impoverished and oppressed peoples experience with success, failure, identity, community, family, status, history, trauma, etccc. Specifically, because I am an indigenous person from Canada, a lot of the themes are drawn from my own experiences, knowledge and history as an indigenous person. Though with execution, creative liberties were taken to make the fact they're in Hell clear btww-
That very likely did nOT answer jour question but i amn,,,stoopi 😭😭😭 simpler answer i suppose maybe by chance would be Fizz is an eventual antagonist to I.M.P. Specifics and how it happens and wheNNN?? Im still not sure yet if im honest- been really busy the last year or so and so Ive hadnt had any time or energy to work as much on writing all the things! ;u; thats probs disappointing to hear cuz plaNNing and all is important if you're gonna post story stuff at all,,, but !! I do hope to work more on the story this year so i can wrap up all these floating ideas into a Concrete line of stuff cuz truly all im missing is the middle pieces. Maybe an HT comic will be real this/or next year! 👀🏃
ANYHOOT ONTO STOLAS! i rambled a bit too much about Fizz cuz im still figuring him out- Stolas might be a bit shorter cuz his role is sweet and simplisticerr.
So, Stolas is an antagonist. He and Blitz still have an exchange sort of deal, but the deal is Blitz gets to keep the grimoire for I.M.P if he handles Stolas' "errands" and gives it back on the full moon with ofc none of the uh,,hawny stuff, obv. Blitz kinda keeps this deal under wraps from the rest of I.M.P because for him, it hurts his pride to admit he's in need of some big guy's help. And Stolas is somewhat aware of this. And so, Stolas is this looming, cruel threat that Blitz carries the burden of cuz he's stubborn as fuck whilst the rest of I.M.P remain ignorant.
Some bonus notes that dont really have to do with Stolas involvement with imp but jus how stuff ive changed with his canon influence the story diff than canon; so, Stella isnt a thing anymore. In general the Goetia work much differently- majority of the Goetia being the children of Ozzie instead of Paimon (who is Stolas' sibling now btw too) and the Goetia being thousands of years old instead of fucking 30- Also! While Via is existant she is but a baby instead of a moody teen,, ties heavily with Stolas' motives and how he operates as a character, royal, and Goetian and felt it would work better with how HT Stolas is as a character than it would otherwise.
Also no worries about the username! I dont like canon stolas much either lol,,;
I apologize if this didnt answer much 😭 feel free to let me know if you wanna hear about somn else gwahgh 🏃
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