#hopefully I don't regret that!
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Thoughts on 6x01 - 6x11 THE BEST! Full disclosure this is my favorite season and rewatching it I remembered why because the show is just flowing like it rarely did the past few seasons and it's because the show went back to simple mythology and character moments. The prison world is new but not outlandish and the show takes it time explaining it so you get it. Tripp and his vampire hunter crew is something done a lot before but the twist of using the anti-magic border was a fresh take. The Gemini coven is great too because we were gradually introduced to the characters and the mythology so it's easy to follow. Everything just clicks! Bamon and Steroline are both awesome dynamics getting tons of focus and I don't even hate DE! The season definitely moves slower than ones in the past but IMO that is a good thing. There's so much care given to character moments and I really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue for everyone, to me this is TVD at it's peak, it worked for the same reasons S2 did. All my gushing below!
That guy was like “I have seen what they do to black characters on this show absolutely not you go check” lol.
Liv is the best, forever mad she died she would have loved her niece Lizzie. LivTyler (yes I know it’s commonly referred to as Parkwood but I do what I want) was such a cute ship they were like early Forwood if Caroline was cynical.
Elena being a drug addict to see Damon was a choice…
Caroline gets intense reactions out of Stefan too as seen here. Sorry not sorry but if you can’t see him breaking his phone from gripping it just by seeing her name didn’t mean she affected him the most I can’t help you. He could take Ric and Elena’s call because he knew he could fool them, but Caroline he can’t, not even over the phone.
Oh suddenly Elena hates being a vampire again RME. Gee I wonder if this is for plot reasons since they knew Nina was leaving (or at least knew it was a possibility) and they wanted her to end her story human.
Um I’m pretty sure it is Matt’s house since his name is on the deed if we want to get specific here Jeremy.
Stefan has zero tact with Ivy LMFAO like why are you in my house unless we’re having sex. Truly such a jerk.
The Bamon 1994 Prison World plot was SUCH A GOOD IDEA! Rewatching you definitely feel how repetitive stuff gets and it felt like the world building became too extreme but this was so different. They went a simpler way to do a mystery plot and I actually think it helped the show have one of its best seasons ever (personally my favorite). Also the fact that they put two characters together who always had an air of animosity between them but also kind of an understanding and let that chemistry do its thang! It’s just so good!
Someone should tell Damon and Bonnie you’re not supposed to look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse.
The awkward dinner party is cracking me up! Between Enzo going out of his way to make Stefan uncomfortable and the passive aggressiveness between Stefan and Caroline, to Ivy’s complete confusion I don’t know what makes me laugh more.
You tell him Carebear!
That damn necklace lol it just keeps coming back! I’m not as annoyed about them saying Elena fell in love with Damon in 3x01 like I used to be anymore. I think because I don’t really and truly don't care about the triangle AT ALL (and I don't have to knowing the ending)! Elena is so wishy washy it makes sense, like yep she loved them both at the same time.
I know this is unpopular but I genuinely love when Stefan is just a dick LMFAO! So much of Stefan in the earlier seasons was like romantic compassionate facade, but like deep down he’s kind of a jerk! And he loves having vampire powers as you can see here, he's just a weirdo masochist and wouldn't allow himself to use them as punishment for giving up on Damon.
Oh they baited SE big time with that scene in the hallway!
I do enjoy watching Stefan and Caroline become more and more uncomfortable about Elena’s voluntary brain damage. "It's important that we let Elena live her new, happy, problem ignoring, zombie life the way she wants" LMFAO
Caroline I love you to death but sorry girl, lying is not a new thing for Stefan! Being a liar is completely on brand for him.
CRYING at Tyler walking away as soon as he saw Caroline was ready to fight Elena. He was like nope I know that condescending judgmental tone very well, deuces!
HIYA KAI! FINALLY a good villain again!
Did Liam just insinuate that Elena’s type is red flags because CTFU! Liam you were great I’m glad you survived.
The scene where Bonnie gets her magic back to save Damon from Kai is so (!!!!) what a moment!
I love how Stefan just spills his guts to Caroline about all his bullshit coping methods as soon as she corners him. Yeah he walks away (and I know antis love using it in their gifsets) but the whole scene you see how hard it is for him to look her in the eye. Also definitely felt some jealousy from Elena watching it all unfold, which girl take a seat!
Why is Kai eating jelly with his hand!?!
I’m sorry but Stefan had the WEIRDEST SYSTEMS EVER!! Two on full display here with his constant desire to push his animal diet on others who aren’t bloodoholics, and getting health insurance (???) to start over. Stefan being like you can be anyone you want because this lunatic just loves pretending to be a different person every few decades. He’s just so insane, I become more and more aware of it as the show goes on.
The fake Stelena proposal is so hilarious I love how they keep upping each other in soap opera drama.
*heavy sigh* I'm not sure if they cast Monique before they cast Gail so they had to cast a black woman since Monique is biracial and we know Zach was white but it's like again AGAIN the black woman dies a painful death.
Bonnie and Kai have really good chemistry I’M JUST SAYING!
Damon murdering a pregnant woman was definitely the worst thing he ever did. I do love the shots in this scene with Bonnie eating pancakes look at Damon telling him there’s hope for him. The writers are really feeling this story.
Kinda feel like Stefan only agreed to show Elena his “moving on system” because she had brain damage and he figured he could trick her. Almost got away with it too!
Man the little look between Stefan and Caroline when he’s like “you’ll never have to deal with me again” “is that what you think I want” gets me every-time! Such a subtle moment.
HA! Alaric’s story throwing shade at Elena was funny!
Caroline how did you fall for that!
CTFU at Damon yelling “BONNIE” after she murders Kai and taps her on the shoulder. Like dammit what did you do but also it’s okay please don’t hurt me.
You go Caroline invoking the D-word to get Stefan to pull his head out of his ass. Love when she says "who are you right now?!" you done fucked up Stefan! This meta explains it well.
Liv killing that guy to save Tyler from triggering his werewolf curse was a great scene.
Elena amazed at modern medicine is so hilarious WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER! You mean people can be healed without vampire blood? This is brand new information!
And look at that! Stefan finally admitted he’s not handling anything well after he made Caroline give up on him.
The Dalaric scene is funny, I enjoyed that.
Jo and Elena’s friendship was cute. Really wish Jo had lived she was such a nice addition to the show. Just a great character all around.
Stripping a vampire of their magic with the border makes a hell of a lot more sense than the cure ever did!
I’m over everyone apologizing to Elena because she chose to compel away her memories of Damon. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!
I love how Stefan jolts out of his seat when he sees Caroline! Kinda like when he got down on one knee to propose before she even turned around lol. The shot of Stefan dejected and lowering his head in front of the lamp store is gorgeous.
Caroline is so excited to get to be anti-Delena again! Like finally Elena is on her side!
The way Caroline says “good bye” trying to close the door on Stefan cracks me up. He even tried using his old tricks of “I’m here to protect” you and Caro told him to kick rocks! What's wrong Stefan never had to actually work for forgiveness before huh?
Great job so far this season mixing up the “special events contrived to get a bunch of characters together” formula. They’ve used new locations and since they can’t enter MF it’s not all the characters in one spot so feels less contrived.
If Stefan didn’t have feelings for Caroline’s he had every opportunity to STFU after she told him to. But he didn’t he kept pushing.
The Bonkai scenes are straight from a horror movie and I have to say bravo they are so unsettling to watch.
Enzo does have a flair for the dramatic surprise death.
Caroline's speech is my favorite speech ever on this show because I just love how vulnerable yet strong she is in her opinion, which is so rare for women on this show. I have no time for the criticism of it either and how it's "regression" kindly eat a dick. This is a HUGE moment for Caroline because she's saying I don't care about being THE ONE, I've been the one (with Tyler) and now I want THE ONE for me. Caroline being in love with Stefan more than any of her other love interests has nothing to do with him putting her first or him being the one who treats her the best it's about the fact that she wants him because he makes her feel THE MOST! And that's what her list was about, she says yeah I thought you were worth having a thing for how could I not?! Because during her darkest time he told her she’d get through it and protect her and he did, and it’s why should couldn’t imagine Elena would let someone like him go. And while she's so confident in her feelings she's also not going to sit there and not get the respect that she deserves. Caroline is very aware of Stefan's bullshit (they are best friends) and he needs to earn back her trust if he wants it, but she's fine either way. And you notice that when Stefan uses manipulation to see her (asking her Mom for help, saying he's there to protect her) she give him shit, but when he's honest with her (that he pushed her away the most) she starts to thaw. I mean this is SUCH a drastic change from S3 when he terrorized Elena for half a season and then got sad over her kissing Damon and she just like got over it. Fuck around and find out Stefan! Love Caroline’s styling here, it’s the same colors she wore in 6x03 but now she’s more covered up, because she’s put a wall up to protect herself (just like the song lyrics). WHAT A MOMENT!
Damon and Elena don’t even bother me this season. They’re just kinda there but they don’t interfere with stuff I like and Damon isn’t the worst person in the world.
Damon finding Ms Cuddles!! So many great scenes this season.
The flashbacks to Kai murdering his family is another instance of fantastic horror aesthetic used this season, feels like I'm watching a slasher film
Bonnie’s poor wig!
Caroline’s styling has been absolutely amazing so far! Her hair is always gorgeously curled and I really like her eye makeup.
Stefan’s face when he finds out Damon was invited to Friendsgiving and he wasn’t ASCSGGXHVFJFJK!
Damon’s pure joy at mocking Stefan for not realizing Caroline had feelings for him is such good brotherly teasing. And Stefan keeps getting more and more bitter, I don’t get how people can’t tell he’s all sensitive because he’s afraid he lost Caroline forever. He kicked a fucking teddy bear people!
This LivTyler scene is so cute it reminds me of the S2 Forwood scene, I definitely think it was meant as a parallel. I know people always think that’s a bad thing and they’re ripping off scenes but I’ve come to see it as more of an homage in certain circumstances, this would be one of them.
The way things are shot this season is so nice, more than any other season I feel like I’m getting scene after scene with moody lighting, great music and closeups. The leftovers scene is like this, the lighting is great and there’s that one nice scenery shot of them standing in the hallway. There’s a lot of care put into the scene like Stefan keeps moving closer and looking her in the eyes when he tells Caroline he pushed her away the most, which is the opposite of earlier when he kept moving away and not looking at her. The moment where he opens his mouth in awe and become speechless is great too really sells that epiphany moment of oh yeah I do have feelings for her.
Serious question are Damon and Stefan homeless right now? I have not seen them in an actual apartment
I mean you kind of did complain when he ruined it Damon but I approve of you constantly giving him shit about it.
I do not think Tyler would oppose saving Bonnie like he did to protect Liv. Especially because Liv wanted to do it she wasn’t doing it via duress.
YES Elena tried to make it about herself and Damon was like, don’t care let’s go save Bonnie.
I love the sassy way Stefan opens the diner door.
Enzo has killed two women of color this season for truly NO REASON besides being mad at Stefan and I'm just like... this is really the best we could do for Bonnie's true love?
Why don’t they met Bonnie halfway?!
I really hate that they made Bonnie stay stuck in the prison world until friggin episode 15. She should have gotten out now her friends should have actually saved her for once.
Stefan with the Christmas light LMFAO like a puppy!
Matt keeps saying Enzo’s gonna be dead and listen show stop threatening me with a good time if you won’t deliver it!
We might have been able to know if vampire blood could cure cancer if someone didn’t BURN ALL THEIR DAD’S RESEARCH on it for no fucking reason!
The snowglobe! Love how this became one of their "things" because both of them ended up being people who no matter where they went Mystic Falls was home and they always found their way back there. They always find their way back "home" (each other).
I hate sad Christmas Bonnie but the shot of her at the Christmas tree in 1994 intersped with Jeremy at the Christmas tree in the present is very nicely shot and sweet.
I think JP made a point to fix DE this season after Dries dragged them through the filth last season. The fact that Damon walked away from Elena and didn’t lash out felt specifically like they were righting that from last season. This is probably my favorite Damon season and while I’m 100% in the Bamon camp (and I’d argue Bonnie is the one who actually got through to him on changing) he is being very sweet with Elena and I swear I’m not being condescending.
OMG that is some next level foreshadowing with Damon saying he let Ric turn his house into Hogwarts!
Finally Elena using her vampire powers to defend herself!
I really love that Luke keeps taking Liv away from Damon & Co. because he is not here for her being their new go-to witch for all their problems. Stand your ground Luke!
Of course Caroline conducts her experiment on a black guy since he’s going to die a painful death.
The Delena scene where she jokes with him about dying (like her weirdo ex lol) is really funny and cute but it’s also so beautifully shot! Paul did a really great job with this episode but that scene in particular was just really stunning.
I cannot with the way Stefan takes Caroline’s hand and she gasps and looks at him like he’s a fucking Disney Prince! She’s so so so in love with him!
Lines that made me laugh
Damon: Sorry I killed Bonnie. But she was the most annoying person in the world. She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking. (so funny but even Bonnie knows that's not true you luff her!)
Kai: 555-HIYA-KAI No way I'm giving those digits up (LMFAO I agree Kai as someone old enough to remember pagers)
Matt: I’m sorry I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don’t ASXSDGXDHGCB (HE'S GOT A POINT!)
#tvd rewatch#tvd spoilers#k rewatches tvd#S6 rewatch#I was nice to every ship I'm not going to bother tagging#hopefully I don't regret that!
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Twi just found out that in Lu he IS a type of Hero's shade for Wild

Spirit of older hero that comes and goes in wolf form yep sounds familiar
The main difference being that Hero's shade was there to train Twilight, whereas Wolfie was there to simply be there for Wild


Twilight is over here avoiding telling Time anything about Hero's Shade and then Wild comes up like "haha I totally met a dead version of you in wolf form that helped me"

Fun times when you meet everyone with the same spirit as you
Art by Jojo @linkeduniverse au :)))
#linkeduniverse#linked universe#Lu wolf trio#lu twilight#lu wild#lu hero's shade#Lu wolfie#reincarnation is wild#I feel like Twilight was thinking 'so uhh was I full of regret too as a spirit'#but wild wouldn't know cause he was a wolf unlike heros shade who trauma dumped on twi#idk if this is stating the obvious or not I just think it's a cool comparison#also if this made sense or not. I don't know. my eyes aren't focusing. anyways see yall later! hopefully#:)
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I am dying to know your thoughts on Eva Tsunaka now (Damon too. and, to a lesser extent, Desmond, Eloise, Toshiko, Kai and then everyone else)
combining these two asks bc they're pretty similar! clearly, the people crave Eva Tsunaka. spoilers for P:EG Chapter 1!
well, kinda-spoilers, anyways. Venus and I are working on a larger Ch1 think piece together, and lucky for you, i'm writing the section on Eva! i have a hell of a lot to say about her, as she was obviously one of the most major players in this chapter. however, i'll probably save my really in-depth thoughts for that post, and not write them all out here. so, please look forward to that post sometime soon!
as a short version, though, i will confirm that i also really liked Eva. making her the Ultimate Mathlete instead of the Ultimate Liar was a galaxy-brain move, and i'm so happy that they stuck with it until the end. it opened up really interesting character possibilities too, which were explored both in her FTEs (or so i imagine) and in her post-Trial.
as i was playing the daily life, she was one of my favorite characters, although-- perhaps contrary to popular opnion-- she actually dropped in my ranking slightly during the deadly life. not because i felt betrayed or anything like that; i'm always a fan of characters showing their darker/more villainous side. i just felt that some of the things she said and ways she reacted in the deadly life were inconsistent with the character we'd grown to love in the daily life, and therefore undermined my established like of her. again, i'll explain more of my thoughts on this in the major post.
but again, to reiterate, i still really like Eva! and i also think that the character she presented in her breakdown and post-Trial speech was really interesting and unique. you can feel her belief that she knows more than everyone else (even when it comes to how they speak) bleeding into every word she says, and that's super cool.
in general, this tierlist is a good guideline for how i feel about everyone:
i didn't see a tierlist option with Tozu on it, but honestly, i'd put that guy in ily tier. he's great. if i had to rank Mara, i'd put her at the bottom, as she has given me nothing so far other than a cool design (which everyone has).
but let me stress that i don't dislike any of the characters, there are just some that i haven't clicked with as much yet. the closest i've gotten to disliking a character is Jett, just because he was more mean than i expected. but given that the reason why i like Mark is because he was mean, it'd be kinda hypocritical of me to dislike Jett for the same reason. but maybe this tierlist is from ~beneath the veil of hypocrisy~
#project: eden's garden#p:eg#p:eg spoilers#eva tsunaka#fanganronpa#trying to write this quick so hopefully i don't regret anything i said here#i do not hate your fave i prommy. they are all cool 👍#and i promise i'll be back with more opinions later!!!! this was merely an appetizer as Tozu might say#i think he said something like that? right? idk#ask tag?????
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so fucked up that my drive to Make Shit far outpaces my actual creativity most of the time. [me with no story ideas or characters voice] GGGRRGRGHGH I WANT TO MAKE A VISUAL NOVEL.
#text#i was hoping college would give me some motivation but my course kinda beefed it in that regard#i don't regret it but it was kinda disappointing. hopefully t-levels are better
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Here's your thank you gift @yuriyuruandyuraart
Your skelesona was really fun to draw >:D
bonus Fem!killer sketch under the cut:
#HAZAHHH#IT IS DONE#I was going to finish that fem!killer drawing but#uh#HAIR IS MY ENEMY#I DON'T KNOW YOU DO IT YURI#BUT IT WAS TOO HARD FOR ME SO I RESORTED TO SKELIES KFJEOIW#But i don't regret it bc Yuso was the most fun thing I drew in a while#your art actually inspired me to actually tackle shading#And im happy with how it turned out :D#This is the least i can do for you#because HOW DARE YOU#YOU SICKINGLY LOVELY PERSON#I STILL STARE AT YOUR DRAWING#IT MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW#RAAAAAAAAA#EVEN NOW IM STILL AT A LOST FOR WORDS#Hopefully the drawing makes up for that akajfoiewjg
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I'm very tired, and also we got pizza yesterday which was a giant mistake. I ate half of it yesterday and half today. so so much pain. why did I choose to have garlic oil on it?! it probably would've been bad already without that. but no, I just had to make it even worse.
#I'm not sure what the pain even is#maybe heartburn? I still don't understand what that really feels like so could be. but I don't know#it's probably because I don't have a gallbladder anymore and I know I need to watch how much fat I eat and everything... but ughhh it has#not been this bad even once since I had it removed#so this was unexpected#ouch. it was really bad last night. it took me so long to fall asleep 🙃#I also started taking a magnesium supplement a few days ago bc it was recommended to me.#so yeah my body hates me even more now and everything is bad :)#I'm just gonna go to bed and play stardew valley until I hopefully fall asleep.#personal#the pizza was delicious btw. I do regret eating it but... clearly not enough to not finish the second half 😬
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What are you planning to do now? Genuine question. Need sliver of direction now.
Right now, I am going to call out of work, sit on my couch, noise canceling headphones in, phone off, dead to the world as I read nonfiction and theory that will hopefully bring me comfort.
At this point, if I see ANY opinion related to the topic at hand, whether it agrees with me or not, I'll get thrown into an angry meltdown. So I'm just going to hide away from the world for the next two days or so to help me process and calm down enough that I won't be sent into a flying rage at literally any opinion related to current events.
The most I can say without raging is simple: I think a lot of people are catastrophizing, misdirecting their anger, and forgetting who will be the most effected by these results. I think so many people are worried about being caught in the crossfire they forget who the target is.
I am also considering deleting the Tumblr app from my phone and completely turning social media into a "computer only" activity because I don't think having access to literally everyone's opinion at any given time on a device I already spend too much time on is healthy for me, especially after seeing how that device has effected other people after 10 years.
#I am going to be dead to the world for the next... while#i think the best thing anyone can do right now is step away from social media... hopefully forever but baby steps#just take the next couple of days off the internet and read books about it#ostrich yourself for a day or two to process your emotions before you say or do anything you'll regret#like. legit. put a ban on any major life changing choices for the next while#especially put a ban on purchasing anything so you don't try to comfort spend#and especially especially put a ban on social media so you don't take some random person's Twitter screenshot thread as fact and reblog it
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Sometimes speaking to people with opposing viewpoints shouldn't be to change them. That's the mindset of posts I come across online, but I believe that default can breed dangerous narrow-mindedness. Sometimes speaking to people with opposing viewpoints should be to collect data. Sometimes it should be so you're made aware where you have incomplete information. Sometimes the result should be you practice humility, learn how to change your mind, increase your ability to handle and produce nuance, and grow.
Sometimes it should be learning to coexist and grow with people who have different philosophies, and learning they are neither the cardboard cutout villain media makes them out to be, or the more complex villain internet discourse says they are.
You aren't a missionary to those who think differently than you. If you go into every conversation believing you're right, you're never going to grow yourself. Realize the valuable complexity people truly are. Learn to listen and understand.
Anyone who says, "Yeah, except X group of people" isn't going in the direction I want to reflect upon in this microcosm of a thought, and isn't engaging with the meaning and intentions I want to focus on right now. Of course there are "excepts." We wouldn't be wise if we had no "excepts." But when we categorize everyone into "excepts," we run into that dangerous breed of narrow-mindedness.
There is much we can learn about people with challenging perspectives. It's valuable. I encourage you to enter conversations with an open-heart instead of a desire to convert. They are people with knowledge and character, just as you. And you don't know everything - not about them, and not about the world.
#blabbing Haddock#non-dragons#long post#the jaded people on tumblr can take this wild directions that clearly wouldn't be the intention of this text#and would in fact demonstrate the reason why we need to listen tbh#but hopefully I don't regret posting this#but I ABSOLUTELY am including many people that tumblr would say not to give a shot to#a bit wordy rn but it's late at night so forgive me
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[Image Text: The supreme fear of the Imperial Fists, if they could admit to a fear at all, is to be outplayed by unpredictable variables. Not to know.] - The Horus Heresy: The Siege of Terra, The End and the Death: Volume I by Dan Abnett, chapter 2:xi
ultramarines: know no fear
imperial fists: no know = fear
#book title too long must be custodes#warhammer 30k#horus heresy#siege of terra#ultramarines#imperial fists#i don't usually tag my jokes hopefully i don't regret this 😬#I'm pretty sure this is going to be another 5 star book. I'm really enjoying it#still can't beat betrayer tho sorry having Argel Tal in in is just an unfair advantage#i keep writing tags because it's very funny to me that the non content of the post is much longer than my little two line jest#know no fear was probably my least favorite Abnett book because i don't care about battle scenes lol#least favorite means i still gave it 3 stars. like the standard there is much higher than for Warhammer books in general#which has a horrible reverse curve called a thousand sons
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alright folks I've been debating this in my head for awhile now and I'm letting yall decide
Doodles to support each claim
(For clarification on the body horror route he is still breaking his bones he just doesn't feel it so each time he bends his arms in an unnatural way there's a sickening cracking/snap sound)
#the haunted prince au#a hat in time#ahit#ahit au#ahit snatcher#ahit the prince#Alright folks go wild#Hopefully I don't regret this
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💜"I'm.... really glad we're friends." @jiraipink 🧡
#| Kamui x Namida | She Lights Up The Darkness In My Life | jiraipink |#( i can finally post the new commissions yaaay )#( im sorry i was too excited and showed the sketches beforehand asdfgd )#( blah anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY )#( i love u sm carmen!!!!!!!!!!! )#( we've known each other for a year at this point )#( i don't regret it you're the best )#( you've given me such a good experience thanks for everything )#( i hope your day is nice ily )#( ily ily ily ily )#( i do hope you like this commission in particular )#( given the major language barrier i had w/ the artist sighs )#( but i did my best to make sure it looked nice )#( hopefully you think the same haha )
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For some reason, after 40 years of being unpopular, my name is becoming popular for babies again
#makes me regret picking it a little less#it's Fine I don't think I'll ever truly like a normal human name but this one comes close#but diminutive names are a questionable choice when you're short it makes you look smaller#especially rarer diminutive names because then you Notice it's the diminutive version#like jimmys and ellies and stuff don't have this problem I don't think#they just register in your head as normal names#so hopefully archie will also start to register as a normal name thanks to Babies#one day I will change it to a stupid wizard name. once I'm financially secure enough to not be hindered by less employment opportunities#cheesemodeus the terrible when I'm 50 that's the plan
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So I played through episode 12 yesterday and episode 13 today between my cleaning sprees and i only cried a little maybe dozen times through it all, so all I can say is that the main story continues to deliver. Wasn't very keen on the storytelling style of ep13 at first, but definitely warmed up to it along the way. Getting scenes from the wiewpoint and in the thoughts of so many characters in just one episode turned out to be pretty refreshing. I did feel a bit overwhelmed as well but i'll put that on me chewing through it all in one day. Sometimes I feel a bit worried that where is the main story going to go after a huge chunk of it comes to a conclusion, but at the same time... If the side stories have proved anything, its that there are so many things about the entire world and lore to explore. And I have to admit I'm still getting more curious about it all. if you told me 5 years ago that the story and universe in a gacha game(derogative) is going to be something i'm obsessing over, I would've been so pissed at you even suggesting that. Anyway, its a nice feeling to be so interested in something. I've lost interest in so many things and i feel like over the years its getting harder and harder for me to really get into something.
#i'm also pretty proud of myself with how well i've dealt with the whole gacha element over these 5 years with arknights#i used to struggle a lot with putting money into games for nothing#money that i didnt even have basically#i used way too much of my student loan back in the day to buy lootboxes and other similar shit#which i will continue to regret for another 15 years more before the debt is hopefully paid off#so i have purposefully avoided any games with -put in real money for random number generator results- options#and I really REALLY just dislike the whole gacha idea and model of monetization#it is your own damn fault if you put your money in and regret it later#but the model is still distasteful and also predatory to people with existing gambling problems#As much as i really enjoy arknights i also don't like to bring it up to talk about with random people because it is a gacha#and it will always first and foremost be judged by that factor
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Update -ferals hierarchy of needs 2025 edition-
Sometimes known as my new year's resolutions
Meet my best friend irl
Go out on a date in a slutty little outfit and get high/tipsy
Make out with someone new
Make a friend where I live
Get my own apartment so our friend can come visit us
Gain some stability in life (financial and housing)
Get a couple more big tattoos to make me hotter
Finally get my nipples pierced (or my tongue if I don't have the anatomy)
Explore with other people and have kinky sex
× Do not get another cat ×
#we'll reconvene this time next year to see how this one progresses#hopefully i don't regret mentioning so many friends and that ill keep them#looking forward to all the new people in my life that im getting to know#hopefully some stick
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things i liked in 2024
for the past few years, i've kept a running list in my notes app of media i really enjoyed over the course of the year, and last year i finally wrote it up properly and put it on tumblr, which was fun! so we're doing that again. with some vague categories, and links where possible, here we go—my 2024 media list:
words (prose, poetry, etc—book links go to storygraph):
non-essential work by Omar Sakr [poetry collection]: i did not read as much poetry as i wanted to this year, but i discovered Omar Sakr online and his work just hit me very hard. my favourite is probably on finding the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Dante's Inferno.
the gardener's hand series by Felicia Davin [prose, fantasy trilogy]: i read a lot more books this year, and i'm very happy about that! i absolutely adored this series. i started it on a recommendation from a friend (thank you @everyoneinspaceisgay), and not only was it extremely readable, i loved the worldbuilding and the magic in particular, our main characters are so compelling, and it's just a really queer series. not just in the 'oh there's a gay relationship at the centre of this', it is very very queer. loved it. can't believe i haven't heard more about it tbh.
the adventures of amina al-sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty [prose, fantasy]: i knew i was going to love this book, because i adored the daevabad books, but god, this was good. amina is such a good protagonist, there were djinns and magic and high sea hijinks, and while a decent chunk of the reason i loved daevabad was because seeing a fantasy world filled with the islamic mythology and folklore that i grew up with made me really happy and excited, this hit that even more—amina sails the indian ocean, and that's my coastline! i grew up on the Swahili coast, my community's immigration history is shaped by the indian ocean, and i had no idea before i read the book that the indian ocean and its coastlines and trade routes would form such a major part of the story. it was excellent. i got very excited at multiple points. you should read it.
paris daillencourt is about to crumble by Alexis Hall [prose, romance]: my partner is a connoisseur of queer romance. she recommends to me a lot of queer romance, but this one has maybe been my favourite. idk what it was about it—the birmingham references, the joy that was the love interest Tariq, the intense quotability of it all (i have so many screenshots, particularly of quotes from Tanya, who is a secondary school science teacher and who was just extremely relatable to me), the nostalgia it gave me (they're disastrous just-about-twenty-year-old gays and one of them lives in, i quote, 'a house with four other students in birmingham with one bathroom and rising damp', it took me back to 2016 in a very vivid way tbh), it was just great. if you need a gay romance, you should read this one.
honourable mentions go to the two t kingfisher books i read this year (nettle and bone and a house with good bones, both excellent and creepy in a wonderful way) and bury your gays by chuck tingle, which was the perfect thing to read in the depths of summer.
video (ish):
we built a TUBE MAP out of LEGO with working trains! by Geoff Marshall [youtube video]: i don't know how to describe this other than this is a delightful bit of nerdery. so much nerdery. the lego is great, the little trains are incredible, but it's the work that goes into it and the justifications about which lines should be above and below the others that make this video incredible.
bingo - game changer season 6 episode 5 [video, dropout exclusive]: game changer just... keeps doing wild and weird and wonderful things with their format, and i don't know how they keep doing it but they do and i'm having way too much of a good time here. it was really hard to pick one episode from the most recent season to go with. this could easily have been a recommendation for deja vu or beat the buzzer instead. i guess what i'm trying to do is recommend the whole season. anyway, i loved bingo because it did something that got me into game changer to begin with—set up what feels like an innocuous game, so you know there's a twist coming, and slowly, layer by layer, reveal the twist. except this one goes places. it reminded me of some of my game changer favourites (tell us about yourself, lie detector) except boy does it take things to a wholly ridiculous level. sam reich, never stop please.
chris grace: as scarlett johansson [video, dropout exclusive]: (link goes to youtube clip from the show, which is sorta... spoilery?) i don't even know how to describe this. it's a stand-up special about racism, it's about scarlett johansson, it's a one man show, it does some absolutely incredible things with its form and format and works with the medium of dropout presents so well, it made me cry and also left me a little shell-shocked in places, it's funny, it's... look, it's a lot and it's really fucking good. i tried looking for a solid review of it to try and explain what it's like, but i didn't succeed. i think you just gotta watch this one to understand it.
rogue - doctor who season 14 episode 6 [tv show episode] - the most recent season of doctor who has just been... fun, okay. like, i think doctor who is at its best when it is not taking itself too seriously and it's a bit ridiculous and also ridiculously heartfelt. this episode was basically made for me. historical shenanigans! aliens with very specific abilities! d&d references!!! (was not expecting that and got SO excited by it.) the doctor getting overly attached to someone and then losing them promptly! emotional high stakes! banter! a+ work all around. i'm told the bridgerton gays loved it as well (my only reference for this is my partner). it was great. this is what doctor who is about, folks.
the importance of being earnest - national theatre revival [theatre]: ("salmon, this isn't video no matter how far you stretch the definition of video." look, i'm aware. idk where else to put it though, and also, it's going to be in cinemas in february and then it will be video, so i'm just ahead of the times. go with the flow.) i keep saying it feels like i've waited fifteen years to watch this exact production of earnest, and i will keep saying it because it is true. i will write up a better post about it sometime soon (promise), but this was so much fun—it was incredibly camp, it starts off with a drag interlude, it's unabashadely gay and also incredibly pretty (the sets were amazing), and it just felt like a love letter both to the text of the play and to the spirit behind it, yknow? i had an absolutely amazing time watching it, and it's one of my favourite things i've experienced this year. when it's in cinemas, you should watch it if you can.
honourable mentions go to: heartstopper season 3, for pulling absolutely zero punches this season, making me feel extremely nostalgic and a bit old, and for the side-characters of the two gay teachers that i have gotten way too fond of; the good place, which i had obviously watched all of as it aired but that i rewatched with my partner this year, and the ending is still so so so good; and to the nein hells (critical role c3 e111), which was an absolute fucking riot—chaotic and hilarious and still heartfelt, and a very good summation of why i love this ridiculous d&d show.
audio (briefly, because this list has gotten very long and out of hand):
this year i started listening to let's learn everything, which is a truly delightful sci-comm podcast (that i discovered via hearing the cast on Tom Scott's lateral). all their episodes are great commute listens (and remind me to have enthusiasm about science when i am tired which is helpful when my job is... yknow teaching science and being enthusiastic about it), but i particularly enjoyed the episode that has interviews from the Ig Nobel ceremony and the episode about epigenetics and the World Games.
i also kept listening to if books could kill which does a great job of tearing to shreds terrible airport books. i don't have any specific episode recs from this year, but if you've never listened to them before, the episode on the secret is a good place to start!
ok, this has gotten a lot longer than i intended, so i'll stop there. if you've read this far, thanks for coming on this journey with me! i've enjoyed making these lists. 2024 was really wonderful in some ways and... relentless and exhausting and very difficult in other ways. i'm hoping for a bit more time and a bit less exhaustion in 2025, and i'm going to try to keep up my reading, to write a bit more, and to hopefully watch more actual play stuff, because i really didn't watch as much of it as i wanted to this year.
let's see what 2025 brings—new critical role stuff? another season of game changer that will blow my mind again? (definitely.) more doctor who? an alecto the ninth announcement? (if we are very lucky maybe.) we shall see! happy new year, folks!
#text post#my post#2024 is an experience#i am a bit sorry for how long this is#it was meant to be a quick list and then i got carried away as usual#you don't want to know how long i spent on it#but it was fun i have no regrets#i'm going to put together my reading list for that 2025 book challenge as well today hopefully#so i shall try and post that#i might actually have a hope of finishing a reading challenge this year i've been doing a lot better with reading#anyway i hope you've all enjoyed my ramblings#i really enjoy making these lists they're a fun way to revisit media and talk about it#and reminisce about the year#because we all know life is lived in stories#or something
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Nothing like cleaning your apartment for 2 hours at like 1 AM to expend energy until finally you start to feel sleepy at 3 AM. Sometimes it works.
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