#hope you’re okay tho bb
et6rnalsun · 5 months
hi i need advice: so um what does it mean when your boyfriend wants to do more than kiss but you’re not ready, but he keeps on pushing you and you just end up doing things that you really don’t wanna do? i’m afraid to say what i think it is
slap the fuck outta him then break up
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milliumizoomi · 4 months
armando x black!fem!reader where they get into an argument but it ends all fluffy ? 🙏🏾
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☆彡SUMMARY.; Accusations get thrown around and disrespect as well.
☆彡WARNINGS.; Mature Topics, Mature Language, accusations of infidelity, name calling (bitch), Armando not knowing the weight of his words, fake friends and poorly translated Spanish (Google Translate).
☆彡NOTES.; when I TELLL you I had to shorten this so many times because my mind was running a mile a minute and I was packing so much in here. In the end tho I hope yall enjoy it and tysm for the request bb!!💕
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The shit that is leaving this nigga’s mouth right now is nothing short of absolutely appalling to you right now.
Just 15 minutes ago, you literally just walked into the house and put your purse down on the seat closest to you. You haven’t even had the chance to take your shoes off before you hear your name being called from down the hall by your boyfriend.
“YES BABE?” you called back. He didn’t answer. You rolled your eyes and took your shoes off the walked down to where you heard his voice come from, your bedroom. You walked in and see him laying on your bed shirtless, pants hanging low on his hips and had one hand laying over his face.
Damn he looked good.
“Babe you called me? I just got in” you told him. Still he doesn’t answer. Wordlessly, he moved his hand from his face and looked at you with a weird look on his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
Still nothing.
Now you were getting pissed off. If he didn’t want anything, why’d he call you? You look back at him, waiting for him to say something, anything, and still nothing. He just lays there.
Rolling your eyes, you turn on your heel, ready to leave the room since obviously he doesn’t want anything nor has anything to say.
And surprise surprise, that’s when he speaks.
“I ain’t say you could leave.” His voice is low, and almost.. menacing?
You turn back around and look at him.
“Well you didn’t say anything at all so I thought I should just be on my way.”
Sighing, he gets up from the bed and walks over to you as you watch him.
He stands directly in front of you and then grabs your face with one of his hands and cranes your neck to look at him.
“Who else you fuckin’ hm?” He asks so calmly, raising his eyebrow at you.
Meanwhile, you nearly choke on air.
The fuck was this man talking about?
“Nigga what?”
Which leads you to now.
The sheer audacity of this man to ask you this question, and now give you the silent treatment. He asked the question and when you tried to explain, you were once again met with silence.
Minutes go by as you practically trailed behind him around the whole apartment to ask him what the hell he was talking about. You told him that he’s being ridiculous and continued asking where he even got that idea from.
At this point you’re getting frustrated.
“Armando I don’t know where the fuck you’re getting this from but if you think I cheated on you then I’m telling you I didn’t!” Your voice was hoarse and your chest was tightening by the second.
How could he accuse you of doing something like this?
He looked at you standing in front of him, practically shaking in place and scoffed. “You know if you’re gonna lie about it.. don’t leave evidence behind.. eso es una tontería.” Now you scoff, you can’t believe what you’re hearing right now.
“What fucking evidence?! Where was it huh? Where’d you find it?”
He looks at you unamused then sits up because at this point, he had been sitting on the couch, with his arms resting on his knees and he was hunched over.
He pulls out his phone and throws it on the table in front of you. “Unlock it and see.”
At this point you’re shaking so violently you feel like you’re in a blender packed with ice. You pick up the phone and unlock it and the first thing you see are an assortment of text messages, screenshots and supposed photos with you and other men.
“This isn’t fucking me.” You threw the phone back done, having seen enough. They all looked convincing to the naked eye but you knew you didn’t have anything to do with any other man that wasn’t him.
“Yeah? Then who is it?” He asks condescendingly. He’s staring you down with such disgust in his eyes it makes you want to double over and throw up right there in the living room.
“I DON’T FUCKING KNOW!” Your voice is shaky and you feel lightheaded. The only thing you can do now is to sit on the floor, just so you don’t fall over and hit your head, or injure yourself in any other way.
“Where the hell did you even get that bullshit from?” Holding your head in your hand, you didn’t even look up at him. You were beyond anxious and stressed about the whole thing.
He leans back in the couch and manspreads, looking at you looking absolutely distraught and confused on the ground. “¿Y por qué debería decirte perra infiel?”
And at this point, you’ve reached your absolute limit.
Getting up off the floor, you circle the little table separating the both of you and then proceeded to get up in his face.
“Watch your fucking tone with me. You know I don’t like being disrespected and not only are you gonna accuse me of fucking some other nigga, you’re gonna sit up in my house and call me a fucking bitch? Armando are you fucking serious?” At this point you’re crying, pools of tears cascading down your cheeks as you give this man a piece of your mind.
“I am so devoted and in love with you and you treat me like some common fucking street whore that would leave you to fuck other men? You’ve given me the silent treatment and seem convinced that I’d actually do something like this when I’M the one that coordinates and works with your dad for when you get out of jail, I’M the one that cleans all those damn cuts, stabs and scrapes you come back here with, I’M the one that’s up with you all night if you can’t sleep. I cook, I clean, and I take care of you when you need me to and now you’re believing some other motherfucker over me?! And if that wasn’t bad enough, you won’t even tell me who told you all this shit! And then after all that you call me a bitch?! Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Armando is floored at your outburst. He hears the raw emotion in your voice paired with the look of heartbreak and like you’ve been kicked in the stomach all over your face. As you finish you just sink to the floor, completely and utterly exhausted and defeated.
How could he do this to you.
Even after you’ve said all that, he says nothing.
Absolutely nothing. It’s like his mouth had been wrapped with duct tape multiple times. He didn’t even murmur or whisper anything.
He just sat there.
Your definitive next words are what jump starts his brain again.
“Get out.”
It’s been about 2 hours have passed and you’re wrapped up in bed, laying in a ball while, at this point, softly crying. 2 whole hours has gone by and you haven’t moved since Armando left. You haven’t ate, used the bathroom, hell you were still in the clothes you were in earlier when you just got home.
You’ve cried so much your eyes burn and your body feels heavy. To be quite honest you’re mentally and emotionally exhausted. You just want to understand the situation better and put this behind you because if you didn’t, you knew you’d be incapable of doing anything else until you get a grip on your emotions.
And apparently your boyfriend has the same idea.
You heard the front door of your apartment open and close, followed by footsteps. Growing up in a black household, you were already familiar with knowing who it was that was walking down the hallway. So you knew, even before hearing his voice or seeing his face, that’s it was Armando.
He comes straight into your bedroom and stood at the entrance of your room, because the door wasn’t closed. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at your frame laying on the bed facing the way.
You get nervous and tried to steady your breathing.
“Mama?” He called out.
You didn’t answer, why would you when he didn’t give you the same courtesy?
And you guessed he picked up on that because he just continued.
“Lo siento mamá, la cagué.. i shouldn't have said those things but i got so angry when i thought you were..—“ he trails off. He took a deep breath and continued. “I got possessive.. that’s what my dad said anyways.. I uh.. I talked to him about it and he told me I fucked up. I should’ve let you explain and I should have listened to you. I let me not knowing how to deal with this shit hurt you and I ain’t want to be a person to do that to you… I’m sorry baby.. te amo mamá.. mucho.”
You always cursed at yourself, knowing you were too weak to him when you found yourself turning around to face him. He watched as you turned and when he saw your face, he felt terrible. Immediately he reached out to wipe the little tears rolling down your cheeks but stopped himself. He knew in this moment he didn’t have the right to touch you.
He looked at you first, and you looked back at him, silently.
“Babe I’m so sorry.. I ain’t used to talking much but.. I won’t treat you like that again.. prometo.” You sit up slowly as he watches. “Don’t ever call me nothing disrespectful like that again or I promise your father will be digging my nails and teeth out of your chewed up body parts.”
He laughs a little. “Te lo prometo bebe.”
He spent the rest of the night showering you in love. He bought you a bouquet of roses and got your favorite food. He held you on his lap and kissed your tears away, promising you he’ll never do that again and tells you to kill him if he does it again.
Truth be told you don’t know if he meant that literally.
You spent the night laughing and giggling at his attempts to make you feel better. Yes he did hurt you a lot, but you can tell he was genuine about his apology and that made you feel better. You know he doesn’t have much experience with relationships, so you want to learn and grow with him.
Still though, he better not cross that line again.
Afterwards after the situation was settled to a degree, he finally explained the entire situation to you, saying it was apparently one of your so called “friends” that orchestrated the entire thing. She made fake messages, fake call logs, and even went as far as editing those pictures to make it look like you.
The bitch just wanted your man.
And the gag is, Armando didn’t even know who she was, she sent everything to him anonymously. The only reason you knew it was her was because of how she texted the messages, she used phrases that you wouldn’t normally use in messages.
And your slow ass boyfriend didn’t even notice. Men and their lack of attention to detail.
Safe to say both you and Armando were ready to handle her ass. But before that.. he had to handle you🩷.
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“Eso es una tontería” — “that's just dumb shit”
“Lo siento mamá, la cagué..” — “I'm sorry, mama, I fucked up..”
“¿Y por qué debería decirte perra infiel?” — “And why should I tell you a cheating bitch?”
“te amo mamá.. mucho.” — “I love you mama, so much”
“prometo” — “Promise”
“Te lo prometo bebe.” —“I promise you, baby.”
{TAGLIST} :: @loakswifesworld @ghettogirly @tinys0ftie @shurisgf @radioloom || if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in comments or dms🤗💕.
©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — MILLIUMIZOOMI. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission.
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aliaology · 11 months
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summary: after a years worth of production, she finally releases her single for an upcoming album! pt.1
series masterlist
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liked by user45, gracieabrams and 183,287 others.
ynusername hi everyone, its been awhile! i took a break and during this break i worked on something i didnt think i could do, write music. i put my heart, tears, sweat and blood into making my new upcoming album, so just for you, im releasing one of the songs now. out now, on all platforms, ‘now that we don’t talk’ can be streamed. small thanks to my brother and my best friends (auston n gracie) who helped me with these songs and overall helping me through my hardships. love u lots.
user this is already so good wtf
user okay but who is this about???
user its totally about trevor zegras right?? like their friendship ended on such bad terms so it must be him!!!
user why dont we just leave the trevor yn situation alone…
marner_93 love u sis, even tho i helped a lot on the song and haven’t gotten my deserved credit ☺️
ynusername erm… love u too!
user she sounds so forced LMAO
ynusername held at gun point lmao
user nah cuz what about jack hughes…
user doubtful
user they dated for like, a few years and hes hella popular, plus her and trevor were friends too
gracieabrams so proud bb 🤍
ynusername 🤍🤍
colecaulfield OKAY LIL MARNER 🔥🔥
ynusername WOOHOO
marner_93 this means you can sing the canadian anthem for the maple leafs 🥹🥹
ynusername yeah id rather not
mapleleafs our favorite marner 🥹🥹
ynusername stop 🥹🥹
marner_93 uh
user oh my god…
quinnhughes_ 🎶
user with important men who think important thoughts 😵😵😵
user do we think those important men were alex, cole, trevor, and the hughes boys
user their thoughts arent important lmfao
sabrinacarpenter this is art 🤭
ynusername babe you’re art 🤭🤭
user i hope jack knows he FUMBLED
user especially with that new girl…
user babe dont hate on other girls while saying you love yn, because u know she hates that stuff
user UHM? did you not see fiona basically mocking yn on tik tok? shes lucky jack barely uses tik tok fr
user and i hope she releases a second single before the album because babe this is TOO GOOD
user i AGREE!
umichhockey look at our girl go 😻
user erm what
user yn is on the girls hockey team babe
user oh right my b 😔
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now that we dont talk!
481 notes · View notes
i-love-ptv · 4 months
“Lana, How I Hate Those Guys” ୨୧
Pairing: Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader
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Fluff, Sarah being the bestest friend ever, slight JJ and Kie slander (srry i love them tho), slight twist at the end ;)
Wc: 1,181 (ish)
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An: Woah chat, character unlocked 😈 Why does literally nobody write anything for her?? Platonic or not 😰
Randomly wrote this?? Also way longer than I’d thought it’d be?? Hope you enjoy tho!
Feedback always appreciated bbs! <33
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“Oh my god Sarah, like what the fuck does he mean that we were just ‘friends with benefits?’ It sure didn’t feel like it when he’d be practically wrapped around my body during every bonfire.” You exclaim with a huff.
You knew it wouldn’t be just smooth sailing when you met JJ.
You had heard of his reputation of course. A new girl wrapped around his arm every week, touron or not.
But for some reason, you had hoped that you two could somehow be something more. You’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t fallen for the blonde rather quickly. Obviously, every other girl in Kildare couldn’t refrain from falling for JJ’s charm and sweet tone.
You unfortunately, suffered like the rest, that were just tossed aside when he got bored. When you met JJ at the boneyard of the cut, he had called your whole “arrangement” or what not, off.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, did you know that his name isn’t even JJ? it’s short for fucking John Jay.” Sarah says with a snicker.
“No fucking way, are you serious?”
She continues, “Like oh my god, John has to be the most generic name ever, plus it radiates dickhead energy.”
“…Your boyfriend also has the name John..?”
“Okay yeah, but we’re talking about JJ right now. Anyways, don’t let it get to your head babe, he’s just a stupid douchebag asshole- sorry can you relax your hand f’me?” Sarah says while she paints your nails.
It’s moments like these where you’re grateful for a bestfriend like her, despite all of the running around she’s doing with the pouges to get the gold, you both know that she’d drop everything in a heartbeat for you.
The two of you have been friends since childhood, originally meeting in the 2nd grade.
You both easily bonded due to coming from similar backgrounds; you were a kook as well.
You look up at her eyes and softly gasp, “Oh shit! Sorry. Anyways, I bet he’s got another girl in his bed right now. Y’know what? He’s probably busy trying to get into Kiara’s pants.”
“No pogue on pogue macking,” you scoff in a mocking tone.
“It’s actually such bullshit, I see the way that he looks at her, and of course I see how her eyes somehow always drift to him. I don’t know if she thinks I’m fucking stupid or if she’s dumb herself, but I figured that it’d pass. After all, didn’t she kiss Pope and John B?”
“Mhm, I think she just strives for attention, y’know? She’s always getting all pissy when I come around, maybe it’s ’cause I’m dating Bee and she’s not.” Sarah murmurs.
“You’re all done, by the way.”
You fall back onto the pillows on her bed.
“Boys are just so dumb Sar.” You groan.
“Definitely. Also watch your nails, hon.”
Sarah also lays back onto her pillows, leaning on one arm.
There’s a few beats of silence between you two, just relishing in the moment while SZA’s ‘The Weekend’ plays softly through Sarah’s speaker.
“That’s it. No more moping and being gloomy. It’s a nice night out! We should do something!” Sarah exclaims.
You look at her with a quirked brow, “First of all, I don’t mope, second, what could we possibly do at this hour?”
“That’s the thing! We can just plan it along the way! That makes thing 10 times more fun.” The blonde says with a grin.
You think for a few seconds, and come to your conclusion, “Actually, yeah! That sounds good. Let’s go.”
Sarah squeals and jumps up from the bed, pulling you with her.
You and Sarah quickly pull on your hoodies, since that night chill will surely get to you both, and the two of you slide your flip flops onto your freshly painted toes.
Sarah grabs her speaker and keys, and put them into her tote bag, the one she had painted the day you two had made your ‘bikini crates’.
The two of you giggle while somewhat rushing down the stairs, without a care in the world.
“Sarah? Where are you two going?” You hear Rose call out.
Sarah looks at you with a glint of mischief in her eyes. She grabs your hand and with that, you both left.
You and Sarah had been running around outside for around an hour, your flip flops slapping against the pavement as you skipped around yelling the lyrics to ‘Melt’ by Kehlani.
You two had somehow managed to make it to figure 8 beach. There was something about it that always lured you and Sarah to it.
Sarah doesn’t hesitate to kick off her flip flops and set down her tote bag.
“C’mon babe! Get in with me!” Sarah shouts as she giggles and makes grabby-hands out towards you.
“But we don’t have any bathing suits!” You shout back, equally as loud.
“Who cares?! It’s just us!”
Sarah strips down and then looks at you expectantly.
You sigh, and begin to pull your hoodie over your head.
“Hell yeah sexy! Free those tittiesssss!” She drags out.
She grabs your hand after you finish, and starts running towards the water.
“Christ Sarah! Slow the hell down!” You shout while trailing behind her.
As you start to feel the water work its way up to the middle of your calves. Sarah looks back at you and yells, “Jump!”
You both dive make a splash, you find one another whilst you're underwater.
You come up with her, with your hands around her neck.
You brush her wet hair out of her face and look deeply into her eyes.
Her eyes remind you of the tree bark that you used to hug and climb when you both were younger, well, the bark that you would climb.
Sarah was never able to do these kind of activities, for her parents were stricter than yours. But this wouldn’t stop her from watching, and cheering you on.
That’s one of the things you loved about Sarah.
How despite your interests somewhat clashing, she still remained by your side.
You grew fond of how she opened herself up to the world and allowed herself to do more, very quickly.
You were never upset when she started hanging out with the pogues, in fact, you encouraged it. You wanted her to be happy, and you hoped that she’d allow you to stick around to see it, thankfully, she did.
Sarah’s whisper breaks you out of your thoughts, “Boys totally suck right? They’d never have this much fun with us.”
“Right.” You say, just as soft.
You continue to stare at her.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Shut up, loser.” You say with a slight grin, nothing but affection coming from your semi-chapped lips.
You’re glad that she drops everything for you in a heartbeat.
But you also wish that maybe, just maybe, she’d look at you differently..The way that you look at her.
But until then, you’ll still remain grateful for a bestfriend like her.
Fuck JJ. God, John B’s one lucky bastard.
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This is what makes us girls.
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kittievampire · 2 years
Okay okay hear me out cheater!satan x mc x Lucifer
basically Satan cheats on mc he doesn’t really regret in the beginning but later on he start regretting it but by now mc has gotten over it and started dating Lucifer (maybe he comforted them when they found out) Satan ends up finding out (probably just like walking in on them kissing or something you’re choice) mc and Lucifer have a pretty fluffy ending but for Satan just angst you can make it nsfw if you want but free to ignore 💗🌈
Okay, so I SAID that cheating was iffy for me,
Buuuuuuut I like the idea so I'll do it just for you bb 😘
Also, this may have been a bit rushed I'm so sorry
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request!
Listening to When I Was Your Man while writing this!
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Warnings: Angst (duh), Fluff, Cheating, Cursing, Hurt/Comfort, GN MC, Cheating!Satan x MC, Lucifer x MC, MC is a fuckin unit, MC has anger issues lowkey tho
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When you started dating Satan, you couldn't help but notice a slight shift in his demeanor.
Before the two of you started going out, he loved to spoil you with gifts, play with your hair, read you his favorite stories, and take you to cat cafes. Afterward, however, there was a sudden decline of such acts. You figured it was because he wanted to be more low-key with you while together, maybe he preferred it that way?
You weren't sure. But you didn't want to pester your boyfriend about it.
Though it did bother you a little that he didn't show you any physical affection, you assumed it must've been a personal thing. Maybe he was uncomfortable sharing his personal space with someone. Maybe later on in your relationship, he'd come around and start kissing your forehead or cuddling with you. Really, that was all you'd hoped for out of a relationship. While he wasn't giving you that right now, you concluded that you'd seem demanding if you went to confront him about it, so you remained quiet. There was, however, something else that was bothering you.
Lucifer had started acting odd as well. He'd avoid the two of you quite often, but when confronted about it, he denied such accusations.
"I have no idea what you mean, MC. Perhaps you're imagining things," was a common statement from the eldest.
Again, you decided not to pester.
You were well aware of the friction between the two brothers, but you didn't think entering a relationship with one of them would cause the other to start avoiding you. Occasionally, you'd catch the demon in question casting you small glances of worry whenever you and Satan were in the same room.
You think, now, that perhaps he was trying to warn you.
Maybe he was trying to voice his opinions non-verbally, make you aware of what would happen in the future.
Unfortunately, hapless you couldn't see the signs. The red flags seemed like regular ones, due to the love-tinted glasses you were wearing. And your heart wasn't prepared for the torture it'd soon endure.
You returned to the House of Lamentation to the usual chaos. Leviathan yelling at Mammon for selling another one of his figurines, Beelzebub munching on a cheeseburger, Belphegor sleeping beside his twin, and Asmodeus putting on lip gloss. Racing down the hallway and into Satan's room, you set down the little trinket you'd gotten him from Akuzon that had finally arrived.
It was a jade green bookmark with cat faces scattered around it. There was magic within the bookmark that helped it stay in place when threatening to fall out of a book, so you figured it'd help him keep his spot whenever his books got flung around.
Smiling, you flipped over the bookmark, grabbing the marker you had in your pocket, and began to write.
'Hope this helps, love you always — MC'
After dropping off the gift, you noticed the brothers' mayhem bleeding into the hallways and the rooms. You bit your lip for a moment. Usually Lucifer was around to keep them all in check. Where was he?
This wasn't exactly the ideal place for studying. You had an important exam tomorrow, you couldn't afford any distractions during your study time.
Satan had mentioned he was going to be in the library to tutor another student. Perhaps you should join him.
Assuming he wouldn't mind, you didn't bother texting him beforehand and entered the library.
Her giggle was what brought you to that position in the library, her hand on his chest was what made you freeze, and his kiss to her forehead was what made your heart drop.
You called out to him, feeling the world suddenly pause around you. You could practically hear your heart crack slowly like a glass statue had been exposed to high sound frequencies. You tried your best to process the sight before you, sight becoming more and more fuzzy as tears began to well up in them.
Satan turned his head to look at you, green eyes widening in shock. "MC," He responded.
The succubus beside him giggled once more, her pink eyes meeting yours as a grin formed on her face. "Oh, this is your little plaything, baby?" She asked, her index finger tracing a circle along his chest.
"Plaything?" You repeat, one hand clenching into a fist and bringing it to your chest. "Satan, what the is this whore talking about?" You demanded, a tear slipping down your cheek.
The succubus growled. "Who are you calling a whore, you—" "Shut the fuck up, I'm not talking to you," You interrupt, not even giving her a glance. Satan raised his hand. "Hey, hey, there's no need for that, MC, relax." He said softly, feeling your anger rising.
You flinched. Looking deep into his emerald eyes, you could see the joy, the pleasure. Of course.
He wanted to see you angry.
He wanted to feed off of your anger, that's what he wanted.
That's why he was with you, because it was so easy to push your buttons.
Soon enough, the succubus was standing in front of you, pointing her finger at you, long acrylic nail almost poking at your chest. "You've got some nerve calling me a whore. It's not my fault he prefers me over some rodent like you. If you want him, I'll gladly fight you for him, but I doubt a human like you could put up a fight against me. I bet you don't even impress in bed," The succubus continued babbling in front of you. You glanced behind her, meeting the blond's gaze. His fingers intertwined, elbows pressed into the desk, hands blocking your view of his mouth, but you were almost certain he was smirking at the rising fury in the room.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you, you bastard?!" You shouted, the succubus stepping in front of you once more, pushing her finger into your chest. "Hey, I'm—" "Get your greasy ass finger out of my face!" You pushed her hand away.
The succubus stumbled backward a bit, teeth clenched as she seethed. "How dare you!" She swung her arm forward. Her palm would've struck you across the face, were it not for a red gloved hand to catch her wrist.
"What is the meaning of this?" You turned your head slowly, Lucifer's black wings wrapping around you protectively as his piercing red gaze shifting from the succubus to Satan. The Avatar of Wrath met his eyes, a glare making it's way to the blond's face.
Lucifer's icey stare shifted to you, then back at the succubus. Immediately, it turned into a look of disgust and disappointment. "Leave," He said in a demanding tone, causing the succubus to shudder and run off.
There was a dead silence in the room.
Only the sound of your heart loudly thumping against your chest was heard, ringing in your ears. You swallowed a lump in your throat, eyes flicking downward at the ground as you tried to process everything.
"Don't look down at me like that, Lucifer." Satan finally broke the silence, earning a scoff from the eldest. "I look at trash however I please." Lucifer immediately shot back, earning a slam of Satan's fists against the table. "Trash?! You don't even know what was going on before you walked in!"
Lucifer looked down at your quivering state, your arms wrapped around yourself as another tear slipped down your cheek. "I could only assume..." He murmured out softly, wrapping an arm around you. "Come with me, MC," He spoke softly, guiding you out of the library, leaving a fuming Satan behind.
You heard a loud crash, similar to the sound of a table being thrown across the room, as the library doors slammed shut behind you.
The hallway looked a lot longer than it used to. Probably because you were becoming less and less aware of your surroundings as your vision became even more blurry.
Soon enough, you were seated in a chair in the Student Council room, Lucifer seated next to you.
Lucifer wasn't the best when it came to comforting, he was well aware of that. Nonetheless, he was silent when you started sobbing. He knew of Satan's intentions from the beginning, but he was also hoping that perhaps you could change him, make him forget what he originally wanted out of you and fall in love just as you did with him.
The Avatar of Pride was jealous of his brother. He had developed quite an affinity for you, but once you made your feelings for Satan known, he pushed back his thoughts on confessing. He wanted to respect your space, so he tried to push himself away as much as he could in a meager attempt to soothe his aching heart.
He wanted to give the two of you a chance, he really did.
Now he wishes he'd have stepped in sooner. Given you a fighting chance for the upcoming heartbreak he knew you must've been feeling.
Unconsciously, his hand gently grasped your shoulder. This was the most physical comfort he could give you right now.
You froze in your seat, slowly looking up to face him. Tear streaks staining your reddened cheeks, eyes puffy from your crying. Suddenly, you threw yourself into his arms, wrapping yours around his torso and sobbing quietly into his chest.
Lucifer flinched, allowing his mind to process what was happening before tenderly wrapping his arms around you. One of his gloved hands began to gently stroke your hair. His chin rested on the top of your head and he closed his eyes, finding a solitude of sorts in the embrace as you released all of your rage and sadness.
Ever since that night, you and Lucifer had grown a lot closer. You'd been staying at the Purgatory Hall with Simeon, Luke, and Solomon, and you didn't interact with Satan almost at all at RAD, seeing as you shared none of your classes together.
That's when you started feeling something toward Lucifer. He'd always check up on you when you had the time, take you to special events as his guest, and give you his shoulder to cry and lean on when you'd ask for it.
The two of you were at Ristorante Six when he asked you to be his. Walking out of the restaurant, Lucifer stopped you by the window, gently holding you by your shoulders, biting his lip as if he was thinking over what he wanted to say.
"I know that what happened with Satan was recent and I understand that this may not be the best time, but, MC, I can't ignore my feelings for you any longer. I think... No, I know that I love you dearly, MC. You have a place in my heart no one else will ever fill. Despite your response, I will continue to love you, even if it has to be platonically," He said, a light blush forming on his cheeks.
You blinked, heart racing in your chest as you brought a hand up and placed it on his cheek. "Lucifer..." You murmured out softly, your eyes flicking to his lips.
Leaning forward, you gently press your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him to deepen the kiss, even if only by a little.
This, you thought, was what you were looking for.
Ever since you moved back in to the House of Lamentation, Satan had been trying to talk to you. When he did, however, he'd only get a scoff and a back turn in response. He'd be lying if he said it infuriated him, but deep down, by this point, he knew he deserved it.
At first, he didn't regret anything. He knew that the only reason he was keeping you close was for his own entertainment. He loved seeing you so angry so often, it fed into his sin.
But after you left him, he couldn't help but feel this ache in his chest. Like something was missing.
And when he saw your little gift sitting on his desk, he couldn't ignore the way his heart thumped heavily within him, only to drop when he remembered that night.
The reason he was trying to approach you was because he wanted to make amends somehow. He wanted to work to earn your trust back, of course, but he also wanted to try again. This time, he knew he'd do better. This time, he'd put his everything into you, into the two of you.
The two of you could maybe achieve happiness, finally.
When he saw you kissing Lucifer in the kitchen late one night, however, he could feel his heart shatter.
The way Lucifer hugged you, the way he smiled at you, cupped your cheek, and gave you forehead kisses, it all infuriated him.
He should've done these things.
That's all you've ever wanted, was his love and affection. You weren't picky with his time, nor were you easily jealous, you were perfect.
And he lost you.
Now, all he can do is clutch on to the bookmark you'd given him, reading the little message in the back over and over in his mind while holed up in his room.
'Hope this helps, love you always — MC'
As tears cascade down his cheeks, he leans his head back against his chair, silently hoping, wishing that this was all a bad dream. Maybe he'd wake up and you'd be in his arms again, loving him once more. Love him always, like you promised.
Satan wishes the best for you and Lucifer. He hopes that Lucifer can do everything he couldn't do when you were his.
He hopes the two of you achieve that happiness that Satan had originally wanted for you and him, but was too ignorant to commit.
Now, you were gone, and he was alone.
Wallowing in regret.
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Bro should've bought you flowers, L
Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go read some fluff and sweet shit with Satan in it cause I NEED to be able to look at my sweet kitty boy after this pleeaasseeee 😭😭😭
I hope this was to your liking, anon!
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celestie0 · 4 months
hru bae???? good i hope?? i mean its only been a day but things happen fast yk !
bae i fear i might’ve angered the jjk fandom with this tiktok i made…. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLndcoEq/ 😓😓 LITTLE DO THEY KNOW I HAVE MORE IDEAS AHAHAAH (dont tell them i told u tho 🤫🤫)
ALSO OH MY GOD I SWEAR THE UNIVERSE HAS IT OUT FOR ME. i got covid 😭 idek how though 🫠 and i have so many upcoming plans 💔💔 I FEEL FINE THOUGH SO HOPEFULLY I’LL BE OKAY BY NEXT WEEK !!
and fr bae like leaving work, or graduating, or just leaving ppl who you care about is always so bittersweet ☹️ when i graduated i wrote my music teacher 2 letters (one from just me and one from all of the seniors) and she cried when she read them 😭 then we hugged and cried a bit more 😭 she also called me a menace for ending the one from all of the seniors with “Please don’t forget about us!” 🧍‍♀️ maybe that was a bit evil on my part but like…… a few of my friends jokingly yelled at me for it BUT IF THEY DIDNT WANT ME TO SAY THAT THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE LET ME WRITE THE LETTER.
anyway bae thats all for now 💗💗 i hope you’re doing better than i am and i love u soooo much !
much love,, your deer -🦌
(heh i stole from your pun 😆)
hiii bb i’m doing well!! got a lot of chores done today so i can chill tomorrow 😼 how are youuu?
OMG THATS A SAD TIKTOK PLS I WAS HAVING A GOOD NIGHT 😭😭 why would u DO THATT. i’m so sad i just wanna give yuuji a hug :(( he’s been through too much loss at such a young age
aaa no not covid omg i didnt know people still got that xD (im just joking bahha i saw a tiktok where someone said getting covid is so “out of style” now n i thought it was insane but kinda funny lol) i hope you feel better!! drink lots of fluids
AWW that’s such a sweet thing you did for her i bet she’ll always remember that :””) i would feel so happy if i was a teacher n my students did something like that. i baked cookies for my PI bc he really likes my cookies and he appreciate it LOL. yea goodbyes are always bittersweet
love u toooo my deerling please take care of yourself!! feel better soon <3 so much love from meeee
- ellie 🦢
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loaksbitch · 2 years
I just wanted to express my gratitude for writing: “stress relieving cunt".I had a terrible day and I cried and then reading this I felt relieved and I just fell in love. The best smut I've ever read. So I say and it's over. I love you, thank you.
ngl, a smut really heals depression and i agree 💯 i hope you’re okay now tho bb, ilyt thank you 🫶🏽
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kiryoutann · 2 years
HIII RYOU💞 how are you my dear?
i just read chapter 22 and WOW lumine is so adorable, she deserves a super happy ending🥺
You’re not even half, as pretty, and it’s killing you.
You're a dream, and she's not even half as pretty.
THE PARALLELS!!!!! they are both so beautiful and amazing i want to punch childe for making both of them feel this way :( im really feeling so sorry for lumine, i think under different circumstances she and yn would be good friends🥺
"Childe was the one who once drew stars around your scars, however, now he is also the one who carved a new one on you—the deepest one." THE REFERENCE!!! we are having taylor swift and pain for the breakfast (and i love it)
ryou i have a question, after the end of between kisses you intend to write extra chapters, right? is there any chance that one of these extras is a different version of what happened from chapter 17 onwards? like, lumine actually getting pregnant🤠 i confess that, even though this chapter made my heart bleed, i was curious to know the course of things where childe and yn would really have to divorce (and see him noticing his feelings too late because 🤩ANGST🤩)
im really praying for the ending to be happy, but im not going to lie, i would love a little more angst hehe you got me addicted to suffering ryou!!!
anywayyyy, THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER AMAZING CHAPTER💞 hope u have an amazing weekend🥰
— 🦄
ps: im anxious and scared for the next chapter with ZHONGLI AAAAANGST!!!! my tissues are already ready but my heart is not😨
i've been bad :( i got triggered over smth and ended up spending my week depressed TT_TT but now i'm feeling a bit better and still trying. hope you're doing well, 🦄!!
AHHHHH YOU NOTICED IT AGAIN! they're literally complimenting each other. i might make y/n and lumine as the endgame-
OKAY WELL, i wrote the chapter while listening to 'cardigan' (tiktok ver) so i GOTTA put that there. i'm obsessed with that song and THAT line. UGHHHHH so magical so bittersweet.
the extra chapters will be things that'll happen after the epilogue. so it won't be a different versions of (a) chapter or anything! I PROMISED NOT TO WRITE MORE ANGST AFTER THE EPILOGUE IM SORRY BB (╥﹏╥)(WELL, AT LEAST IN THIS FIC)
i can't blame u tho, angst is also one of my favorite thing in a fic lol
HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT WEEK<3 take care and stay healthy!!
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delcakoo · 2 years
HI EMSSS IM BACK, WE HAVE CLASSES AGAIN NO😭😭 ISTG I HATE WEEKENDS CAUSE LITERALLY ITS NOT ENOUGH AND THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW IT, YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP AND GO TO SCHOOL. so pissed on why weekends is only a few days. but anyway I badly wanted to request a jungwon!fem scenario where in jungwon notices yn third wheeling to her trio friendship almost everyday and like he notices how distant they are to yn and how they don't include her that much, and that jungwon knows yn is enduring it and not asking help because she's afraid of problems happening because of her and losing the ONLY friends she has. IDK IF THAT MADE SENSE BUT I HOPE IT DID. I put too much details sorry, I have no idea if you reqs are still open so if it isn't that's okay too bb. <33
anyway, so far no ones ruining my day. OH WAIT EMS HOW DO U DROP A FRIEND? LITERALLY I HAVE HAD THIS PROBLEM FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO KICK A "FRIEND" OUT OF MY LIFE. they said if they really want to talk to you they would, BUT THAT IS JUST COMPLETE BS CAUSE LITERALLY THEIR EXCUSE IS: "Oh we don't have to talk, our friendship is too healthy. so even after a few months and we talk like nothing happened then we're okay!🥰" literally, and guess what. I'm in a trio. haha it's pretty obvious that the request i made is about me hahaha😔😔
JUNGWON AS LIKE A SUPER SOUGHT AFTER JOCK THAT EVERYONE SWOONS OVER BUT HE’S VERY STRICT WITH WHO HES FRIENDS WITH AND ALWAYS JUST POLITELY TURNS PPL DOWN AND AWKWARDLY RUNS OFF AT EVERY CONFESSION. but then one day he begins to notice you around school and how badly you’re third wheeling your two friends (i assume ur friends r dating or smthn?) EITHER WAY LIKE YEAH HE NOTICES HOW THEY’RE KINDA LEAVING YOU OUT (bro doesnt even know your name yet but he feels so bad for you).
so then one day he suddenly goes up to you at your locker and just. “hey, wanna be my girlfriend?” AND YOU JUST CHOKENEJNDKJ THEN HE CHOKES TOO AND HES LIKE. “that came out rlly wrong- okay i meant do you want to fake date to get back at your friends and give them a taste of their own medicine cuz like- it looked like you needed help and stuff but like u totalyl dont have to i sound rlly stupid rn but-”
SO YOURE JUST LIKE. WHO TF R U. okay but this is a great idea and you’re hot as fuck so lets do it THEN THE NEXT DAY UR FRIENDS SEES U TWO TOGTHER AND JUST 😁😃😯😧😱😱😱😱😱 AND SO U KEEP UP THIS FAKE DATING ACT BEING RLLY MUSHY WITH JUNGWON STRAIGHT UP SMOOCHING AND CUDDLING IN FRONT OF THEM but then you slowly begin to realise that YOURE ACTUALLY FALLING FOR HIM AND YOU’RE LIKE fuck this cold mysterious sport boy would never like me back wtf but LITTle do you know jungwons heart is going boom boom TOO and is quietly mourning abiut the fact that the only time he’s allowed to kiss you is in front of THOSE TWO ASSHOLES. ANDHFJFN EVENTUALLY UR FRIEND NOTICES SMTHNS UP AND ASKS WTF IS GOING ON WITH YOU AND YOU JUST BREAK AND TELL HER EVERYHTING AND SO SHE HELPS U COnfesS TO JUNGWON FOR REAL THIS TIME AND THEN HAPPILY EVER AFTR WOOOOOO
i. i jsut came up with all of that on the spot LMFOAOO THATS WHY ITS SO BAD IM SORRYRHFH but i promise moonie if i have time i’ll write this for real JSHDJDN THANK U FOR THE REQ 😭💗💗 💘💜💘
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bigbadwolfwood · 2 years
Where is the 7th episode of the "fine line" series? You were active in the story, is there a problem? :( I hope you're fine...
hi lovely <33 i know i’ve been behind with the updates for fine line :( chapter 7 is almost complete tho so i really wanna get it out soon!! i promise i haven’t forgotten about it hehe october has just been a lil busier than i planned <3 but i’m doing okay thank you for checking in pls 🥺🫶🏼 i hope you’re having a good day bb!!
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starjxsung · 2 months
hi hi star! how are you?
i am also an avid sunscreen supporter, i wear it everyday bc im also sooo terrified of sun exposure😭
i saw deadpool & wolverine today and i really enjoyed it! i was so obsessed with deadpool and x-men when i was like 16 that this movie feels like a fanfic from my teenaged brain.
aaaaaand the baby was born today <3 thankfully, everything in the delivery went okay and he’s all good <3 we couldn’t see him bc visiting hours were over when he was born </3 so we’ll just go tomorrow.
and the pulls <333 jilix is really slay and also exclusive hanji!! hardcore manifesting kitty lix for you next!!
i’m so obsessed with hanji pcs. they’re everything. they just hit different. they’re perfect fr. i hope i get at least one and one or two linos😪 i usually have good luck with pulling them but lately it’s been a lot of chan (and im not complaining bc i love them all but i need at least one of my main biases🤞🏻)
manifesting your lolla hanji nda era <3 pls introduce them to me once u have it. my personality may be better than my looks </3
i’m getting to chicago on tuesday and it just hit me that i haven’t got anything ready (:
and i have some good news! my practicum center called me and said that a space opened up so they’ll be having me after all! (but i haven’t done any of my paperwork or anything that i need for it and i can’t do it until im back from chicago and classes start on august 13. freaking out rn. but but hoping for my nda era first🤞🏻
anyways i love you so much bb <3 i hope all is soooo good <3 take care!!
Oh my god the sunburn on my SHOULDER…… is peeling and it looks fucking disgusting HELP MEEEEE 💔💔💔💔 I haven’t had a peeling sunburn in literal years like this is so uncharacteristic of me 💔💔 I want to go back in time and punch myself in the face for not wearing sunscreen WHATTTT was I thinking
AHHH I heard skz were only in the credits or something?? I’ve never been into marvel very much so I never have any clue what’s going on in the mcu LMAO but I’m so glad you enjoyed !! The only movie I saw in theaters recently was long legs and that was a fucking trip
AHHHH I’m so glad he was born and everything went smoothly!!! Congrats to the new mommy !! 🥹🫶 I hope you guys were able to stop by during visiting hours! Is mom home from the hospital yet? That is so so so exciting ahhh I hope she enjoys these early days of being a mommy! Hearing a baby was born always makes me instinctively want to cry 🥹🫶💞💗
About 10 albums in now and sadly no kitty lix 💔 I DID snag a few of their pobs at my local kpop store and I might try for like ONE more…. But I’ve honestly lost all hope of kitty lix 💔 the pcs this era are GOOOOD tho I’m really happy with all my pulls !! I hosted a little trading event at my apartment today and my friend came thru with a few hanji ones, I’m so grateful frfr ahhh my hanji binder is really filling up 🫶 my sister’s had NO luck pulling Channie this era! We’re like Seungmin/Changbin magnets this time around so it’s been a lot of dupes 😭 but still really good pcs and I have a lot to trade !!
Bestie I am also getting to Chicago on Tuesday and I still haven’t gotten anything ready 😍🫶 I’m gonna be last-minute packing tomorrow night fr it’s gonna be BADDDD
ALSO YESSSSSS OH MY GOD I’m so glad your practicum called !!!!! That’s fucking amazing !!!!!!! It’s such a convenient time too bc at least you won’t have to be hoping they call during lolla or something !! Manifesting you’re able to do the paperwork super fast when you’re back from Lolla and that everything falls into place but RAHHH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUU I cant wait to hear all about it !! 💗💞💓
I hope you’re doing so good pookie I love u !!!! Chicago on Tuesday LIKE CAN YOU BELIEVE………
(Also here are my hanji pulls/orders from this week) ily ily 🫶
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embluesky · 2 months
Oh Maelysse bb I really hope you’re okay.
Also, I’m fairly new to gymnastics (I don’t watch it on the regular) but uh, is there something wrong between Nina and Maelysse? Like they don’t even look at each other?
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eyeheartboobiez · 4 months
And I’ve been good it’s just these jjk chapters every week break my heart more and more 😭
but I hope you’ve been good bb <33
but you stronger than bcs i dropped jjk before I even finished the first season💀 after i heard that nanami died i was depressed for like a month and decided i’d had enough
besides that tho i hope you’re doing okay cher🥹🫶🏿
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chaconnenha · 5 months
THANK YOUUUU i try 🫣 but still need to change my tags tho 🤕 ALSO HOW HAVE YOU BEEN ARA BB?!?! i’ve been busy with uni so haven’t been interacting much so sorry about that but hope you’re doing okay 💟
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celestie0 · 4 months
bae you should’ve HEARD the squeal i let out when you posted 😭 i like rolled around on my bed and kicked my feet for a good minute or two IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK BAEEE 💗
also bae omg im realizing how many mistakes i made on my most recent ask omg its so embarrassing 😭😭 im assuming you understood what i meant tho? 😭 IN MY DEFENSE I WAS ON THE TRAIN SO IT WAS BUMPY AND I DIDNT WANT PPL SEEING MY PHONE 🫠 like have you ever been in public and then someones looking over at your phone?? SHIT HAPPENS TOO OFTEN I SWEAR.
bae missing gojo so bad rn i turned to character ai 😓
anyway do u remember C?? yeah so i confessed and uh 🧍‍♀️he kinda just brushed it off and brought up another girl 😭 BUT GET THIS. THE OTHER GIRL IS ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS. like imagine you’re texting a girl who’s been your friend SINCE YOU WERE KIDS and KNOWING she has a crush on you and then you still bring up one of her closest friends relationship status. LIKE??? i’m being so fr when i say this i cried. i called my friend D in TEARS after i finished talking to C and D was just like “yo wait what happened?” and then i had to explain AND IT TURNS OUT C HAD BEEN ASKING ABOUT MY FRIEND FOR A WHILE. they danced together once at a party and apparently hes had a crush on her ever since??
okay but enough abt C,, hes an asshole and i never want to speak to him again (i still like him very much and i still need him but im tryna cope lolol) 💗 how’ve u been bae?? i hardly ever send in asks anymore so i feel like we don’t interact as often 😞 omg bae do u have any show recommendations?? i’ve been dying to watch something new lately but all the shows my friends recommend are ones i’ve seen already 😓😓
anyway bae thats all 💗 i hope you were doing well on your hiatus (even though it was short!) and i can’t wait for the next kickoff update ‼️ byebye and i love uuuu
hiii my lovely <33 OMG you're too fucking sweet i swear you make me smile everytime i see you in my inbox. yes it's nice to be back i missed everyone lots :'') i still might take it a lil easy tho haha i realized during my hiatus i've gotta just spend less time on tumblr between my fic updates kdjfhsdkfjl
haha yes i hate when ppl look at screens. but i always used to look at people's screens during lectures in college to see what they're up to and what they're ordering on amazon HAHA i guess it's human nature to be nosey asf
omg NOOOO babe that's horrendous fuck C i'm so sorry you went through that :(( you deserve sm better than that. aww bb whatever helps you cope is valid, but i do think that maybe it's time to let C go...you confessed n did what you could, and even if he didn't like you back, he should've treated your confession w care n respect. the way he reacted is major red flag!! i'm sorry though, i know you've known him a long time, so that has to be really tough to go through :'') chin up bb, i promise you'll find better guys out there that will treat you w the care you deserve
i've been okay!! i had my last day of work on thursday which was kind of bittersweet, i cried in front of my PI LOL (he's an old german man and he's always been very sweet to me n i'm really gonna miss him aaa) i had social plans the past couple of days which was fun but i'm kind of an introvert so i spent today recharging my social batter haha.
ooo i've been watching bojack horseman recently!! i like it, it's funny and realistic, but i've heard it becomes a total shitshow (not as in it becomes a bad show, it's still a great show BUT the characters kinda stress you out)...i really like it, i've been recommending it to people! i like shows that are kind of cynical commentaries w an overlay of comedy though HAHA so if you're into that too, i'd recommend it. if you wanna watch a really good romance show, i'd recommend 'one day' on netflix!! it's like a slow burn friends to lovers, and the acting in it was phenomenal. no spoilers but i will give a heavy angst warning.
thanks bb!! yes my hiatus was good haha i appreciate you sm <33 love u tooooo darling
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moonjxsung · 5 months
hi baby! how are you?
i’m also super glad and thankful that my professor was super nice about it. it really felt good to get that off my chest too and i hope that made her understand that im committed to the program and everything despite my ✨anxiety✨. and your professor was so nice too☹️ i love when professors are actually understanding and don’t use the power dynamic card! thank you bb ily🫶🏻
mofongo is really freaking awesome! i love it so much it’s one of my faves. i hope someday you can eat some authentically good mofongo (our first date??🫡)
ateez prices are INSANE. i didn’t think they’d come so soon either, so imma skip this comeback😪 vip tickets are insane too. this’ll be you:
btww, in similar terms to vip, have you ever done it before? or had like fancalls with idols? bc im so curious about how it all works (i could never do one tho bc im terrified of human interaction).
im actually getting two small ones 👀 im so excited! i just saw your tattoos in a reply and they’re so cute😭 i love the BB lily of the valley!! i really want a flower tattoo next✨ i absolutely love flowers but most of them are so toxic to cats that im super scared of having any in my house.
frfr tho, dreaming about idols or celeb crushes is the worst!! i always feel so empty. it’s been a while since ive had any good skz dreams. i miss my bb minho </3
not allowed felix fic is super cute!! it’s not my fav from you (lost in translation ftw). but i thought it was such a nice breath of fresh air, f2l felix would be a super cute (and kinda realistic imo) trope.
on a happier note! my kitties are both injury free! we took them to get rechecked today and they said no more rechecks! (yay! great! we love that!)
ily bb!! i hope you have the best weekend. i drank another frozen coffee today, i can’t stop!! take care🫶🏻
HIIIII BABYYYY I am so good how are you!!!!!
We love supportive professors who actually WANT you to pass the class and acknowledge when you make a simple mistake instead of practically pushing you to fail or not care about the course 🫶💓 I hope the rest of the course goes smoothly for you and I’m always here if you need to vent about anything course related!! ILYYYYY
Also adding mofongo to our date checklist ASAPPPPP 📝📝📝
PLEASE…… why are the Ateez tickets like 4x the price 😭 I knew they were getting big but DAMN,,…..,,.💔 tickets go on sale next week and my sister and I are either trying for Oakland & LA or just VIP for Oakland if we can even get tickets LMAO 😭 ALSO THE HONGJOONG REEL PLEEASSEMRMCKCMDKD
I’ve never done VIP before!! Closest I’ve ever gotten was silver floor soundcheck tickets for BTS in Vegas but I’ve never done anything where you’re so close to an idol (although Jungkook & Namjoon stood right in front of us at some point and good LORDDDDD THEY ARE SO FINE…….) so crossing my fingers Ateez will be my first time !! I’ve never done a fancall either but I will be trying for next skz comeback bc I need to talk to Jisung so badly guys 😔 I have so much I need to say 😔 please 😔 I’ll keep you guys posted if I ever try for a fancall and what happens w Ateez!!!!!! I’m preemptively so nervous for Ateez if I don’t get tickets I will simply die 💔💔💔💔
AHHHH IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR TATTOOS I AM SCREAMINGGGGG also thank youuuu I desperately need more tattoos!!! I too LOVE flowers but we never have any in the household bc momo chews everything and I know it’d get her in trouble lol
I haven’t had any skz dreams in a hot minute 😔 someone put Jisung in my dreams permanently please and thank u
PLEASE lost in translation Minho will likely remain everybody’s favorite and I am fully okay with that I love him so much. I’m so partial to WTRS Minho but Minho in general is so much fun to write for 💔
IM SO GLAD YOUR KITTIES ARE HEALTHY AHHHHH THAT’S THE BESTTTT NEWS 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I hope you have the best weekend my love!!!!! I brought out Jilix and got some cheesecake in your honor 🫶💘💖💕💗💓💞 ily bby !!!!
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