#hope you like this elliot!
this is not directed at anyone specifially and i'm going to say something that"s probably controversial but here i go anyway: you are not a bad person for still liking the harry potter franchise.
actually, i do not believe that you are a bad person, full stop. but that's a conversation for another day.
while it is actually horrible to support jkr and engage with her content in any way that gets her money (it is! no pretending it isn't), i think that no one should care about whether someone still enjoys the story. sure, jkr's fucked up worldviews are everywhere in it, and that certainly does ruin it to some degree (to me, at least), but you are still allowed to have your good memories and cherish the great times that you had thanks to the story.
i'm saying this as someone whose favorite pastime after jrk came out as... wildly problematic became breaking down every little problematic detail of the whole storyline. after the hp franchise basically made up most of my childhood.
is the story mediocre? the worldbuilding lacking? is it full of outright discriminatory narration and stances? yeah. should any adult with a high school degree have the literacy necessary to recognize this? yeah.
was it still incredibly important to lots of people (especially those who were often singled out and ostracized? looking at you and me, queer kids)? also yeah.
lots of literature and art of all kinds that people still engage with and love to this day is wildly problematic. made by problematic people. it is possible to enjoy a work of art critically.
what one can and should do, is not support the artist. but what harm does one do when enjoying something that is special to them? please leave people alone. i myself can't enjoy the story anymore at this point, but really. there's bigger problems in the real world. can we please use our energy in a better way? why is this discourse so rampant that i'm ranting about it on tumblr, where two people tops will read the post????
i feel like people should be allowed to like things sensibly. i... don't really have the energy to think about this stuff and believe that so many people are evil for enjoying something that meant the world to them in childhood. honest to god .
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Hello, Neighbor!
[Transcript Below]
"The tiniest neighbor in Welcome Home, Pallomine Playful has plenty to learn! They never grew out of their baby-face, nor the curious and excitable attitude that came with it. While they may not always be able to sing along with their neighbors, their trusty crayons are there to spell out the rest."
According to uncovered scripts, Pallomine seems to be an infrequent visitor to Home. Something akin to a special guest character, not much is known so far.
In the show, it seems Pallomine was introduced to cover more sensitive topics such as getting hurt or a fear of thunderstorms. It is also of note that they are often depicted having a sweet tooth.
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imgdreaming · 5 months
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"why so hyper ?" -the fixater
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FIRST OFF sorry for god awful quality i LOVE drawing small but besides that here are a couple notes uh really just on harvey beacuse im menatllly ill about him
originally the ribbon was bandages with blood to make parts look red but i realized
a. it doesnt look the best and b. bro would have to be on a RAMPAGE to keep the tie part of the bandage red like i wanted which uhm very obviously he would NOT do
and on that note yeah ribbon mimicks his tie round his neck this also applies to elliot with the pearls
tried to do a bit more with harvey like give him cloud patterns but was never satisfied and then i was like oh yeah maybe less is more and i was right lol
the green part on his back was originally like APART of him but i guess it could also be moss which is cute i really like the idea no matter what bro is WEARING a COAT + ofc the little slug mustache :3
also thanks tumblr user randomgods for the little tut on their scug shine it looks really nice and it gave me what i wanted w/ elliot sooo tahnk youuu go check his art NEOW !!!!!!!!!
i did this instead of homework EEEEERRREMMMM its also the first thingive like rendered in a bit i think erm
i loovveee rain world :CHEESING:
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I'm officially the skinniest in my friend group who cheered? (The friend skinnier than me left the school)
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snugglebeans3000 · 8 months
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morethanwords229 · 7 months
Refracted - Chapter 1 - morethanwords229 - Law & Order: SVU [Archive of Our Own]
a lil eo soulmate au
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felixisfruity · 6 months
im going to watch nerdy prudes must die it BETTER not make me start liking musicals (not liking musicals has been a facet of my personality for too long i cant lose it. i cant make 11 year old me a hypocrite). im scared
okay paul matthews
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clovenhoofedjester · 4 months
i live in my own beautiful little world where i think about transgender rum tum tugger so much. to me hes a bitchy diva who does drag. hes on t but he shaves and draws on a moustache. he manspreads one day then crosses his legs the next. he doesnt bind one day then wears silicone chest plates the next. is anyone else in herehhwith me
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bobmckenzie · 9 months
genuinely makes me sad when people hate on penny from stardew valley 😔 BE NICER 🔫 OR ELSE
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Idk if this is too niche but Elliot from Stardew Valley and Henry from Red White and Royal Blue have the same vibe
Wants to be a writer? Check
Plays the piano? Check
Fancy gentleman? Yep
Sweet little guy? double check
Babygirl? Definitely
Hopeless romantic? Yessir
Gorgeous shiny beautiful hair that you want to run your fingers through? Another check
Likes duck feathers? Okay that’s just Elliot
Anyway that’s all I can think of right now but like???? Am I crazy or am I galaxy brain?
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smorallow · 2 years
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avocado-frog · 4 months
OC questionaire
Thanks for the tag @elsie-writes
Rules: answer some questions as one or more of your ocs
I'm going to do this one for Dylan today
Do you collect anything?
I have a box full of things I've found in the dirt at the park. It's organized by what it is. A lot of coins and soda bottle caps. I have a few buttons and feathers. Cool rocks. I like to press flowers, too. I have a bag of dried petals
What are you passionate about?
My flowers. I do most of it in the garden across the street from my house, but I've got a few plants in my room- not very many, since I don't trust Jaxon not to knock them over or eat them or something. My brother Logan let me have a lot in the kitchen and the living room. Cass and Lily have flowers too. I trust them more than Jaxon. I gave Elliot a night sky petunia, not for any meaning in particular, I just thought he would like it. I guess its meaning could apply, too. When it's winter and I can't really keep my flowers alive, I like reading ghost stories. I also like to watercolor paint
What is the first thing you do when you get home for the day?
I used to meet with my brother or my sister since they get out of school before me, but I started walking home with my friends, since we live together now. Everyone but Logan's usually home by then. I might have a snack if dinner isn't too soon. Or I'll take a nap
What is your favorite way of relaxing?
Can you be trusted to keep a secret?
How is your room decorated?
And I'll leave it open tag today :) feel free
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doodlboy · 1 year
Pride psa:
Hey, fic writers? Please for the love of whatevergod *DO NOT* write "gn afab reader" when you're just going to write a cis woman with they/them pronouns slapped on bc you want to appeal to trans people without doing anything to actually make it be inclusive. Similarly, don't write "gn amab reader" if you're going to write a stereotypical man and, again, slap they/them on it to try to broaden your audience without putting in the actual effort.
If you're going to write a cis male or female reader, just say it. It is incredibly easy to tell when you wrote it that way and just changed the pronouns to be more "inclusive."
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
For the five sentence prompts. (just read the strays drabble and am in love with dumpling!)
Dumpling curled closer to Elliot, purring softly.
Dumpling curled closer to Elliot, purring softly. Elliot gasped, sitting bolt upright at the unexpected soft touch. Tears were coursing down his flushed cheeks and his hands were shaking with the violent tremors left behind by his nightmare. His racing heart began to slow as he recognized the fluffy gray fur and bright green eyes of his companion. Dumpling looked up at him, tilting her small head to one side.
Elliot stared at her, his lower lip quivering. "S-Sorry," he said, softly, wiping at the tears on his face, though they didn't cease. "You-You scared me." Dumpling unfurled from her comfortable position, stretched her back and tail, and began to trot over to where Elliot laid his head back down on his pillow.
Dumpling pawed at the hand that was hiding his tear-streaked face, only to brush her soft head against his cheek. Her whiskers and fur scrubbed away his tears and tickled his skin and he giggled. Elliot sniffled and smiled at her, scratching her tiny head as she leaned into the touch.
"Thanks, Dumpling," he whispered. She curled up beside his face and purred softly until they both fell asleep.
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earl-grey-crow · 7 months
Trauma Trauma Trauma
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elliotcorp · 2 years
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