#hope this helps anon!
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spacebubblehomebase · 8 months ago
Oh, I meant do you know what those radio symbols mean in reality? Because surely they mean something. I really like the idea of using radio symbols but I have struggled for a while with picking good ones
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I don't know if this'll help ya, but here's the meaning of some of the symbols AL used. They don't really mean much as they're not meant for magic. They're more so utilized as simplified labels and signs. I do like the look of them though! Unless it's plot relevant and not just used for aesthetic (like mine), I don't think you should overthink it. 😅 If not, you can always make your own symbolisms! A neat secret language if you will. G'luck!
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scrumptiousstuffs · 6 months ago
So, @firstkanaphans recently answered an anon who wanted to find an interview that said Khao likes teasing First:
And I found this? I hope it helps the original anon (I tried reblogging the original ask and putting the video there, but I’m clearly terrible at putting links/media on tumblr 🙂‍↕️) - it’s from another promo of the boys during OurSkyy2
Source as above (in the video)
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frownyalfred · 1 year ago
how do you pronounce "ra's"? as in ra's al ghul? the apostrophe always threw me off because i didnt really see why it was used in the spelling; i think i've heard it pronounced "race"/"raesh"(?) before but i have no idea where, could've hallucinated it :/ i personally always read it in my head as "ross" but a slightly more open vowel, halfway between "aw" and "ah" if that makes sense
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purplepixel · 2 months ago
if you could give one tip to an amateur artist (aka not complete newbie but not great either), what would it be?
I could talk about using references, drawing from life, breaking down what you see into shapes, having someone critique your work etc etc, but i think the biggest tip regardless of level is
Just keep drawing
Its stupid simple, but there are so many factors that prohibit people from doing this.
Theres perfectionism, fear of failure, discouragement from not being at the level you want to be, being overwhelmed by life, the list goes on.
But the simple action of consistently doing something is the foundation for improvement. Even if you dont notice at the time. The hard part is developing a mindset that allows consistency. And this is where a lot of the "just draw" advice people give falls apart. I am not telling anyone to draw once per day (unless thats something that works for you). My tip is to find the thing thats stopping you from drawing and solve that in order to find the motivation to keep drawing. Because once you do that, then everything else will fall into place.
There is no one size fits all, but i think an important mentality to have is to treat your art journey as an endless game of levelling up. You can only ever gain more experience. So for every bad drawing you make, you still walk away learning something. This is especially helpful for people that suffer from perfectionism or are dissatisfied with their art. Trust the process and trust yourself. Even if your art doesnt look the way you want it to now, by continuing to learn and practice the thing you want to get good at, you eventually will reach the level you want.
And perhaps, anon, you are someone who already is drawing consistently. Then all i have to say to you, is that youre on the right track and all you need is to have faith that you will continue to improve if you chose to keep drawing consistently.
Ive actually had the pleasure of witnessing two of my friends start their artistic journey from almost ground 0 and watched their art improve significantly in months. Both come from a non art school background and had no formal training. The one common thing they have is that they started to draw more.
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batterycityghoul · 5 months ago
Film blogs to follow please 🙏🏻
So, I follow a lot of horror film blogs, so I'll put a mix of blog recs if that's okay!!
General Film Blogs I Recommend:
@movie-gifs @dailyflicks @stream @cinemapix @filmgifs
@animusrox @fyeahmovies @cinematv @tvandfilm @junkfoodcinemas Horror-Heavy Blogs I Recommend: @talesfromthecrypts @classichorrorblog @horroredits @evilvvithin @horrortvfilmsource
@xenobites @horrorfilmgifs @fanofspooky @thebabysitter @horrorwomensource Those are only some, but I figure I should limit myself to ten each. Sorry to anyone I left out and I'm so sorry to everyone I tagged if you didn't want to be tagged! Also, if anyone has any other blog recs, feel free to comment them. 💖
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myuminji · 9 months ago
hello :^)) what size canvas do u use usually?
hi hi!!! i use A5 size (1754 x 2480px) in 300dpi as my standard so i won't have to stress over resizing them if i ever have to print out any of my artworks (or A4 too at times!)
but usually i just use snipping tool to crop and upload my doodles bcs i'm too lazy to export them LMAO
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bluemooniegif · 1 year ago
how to start analysing manga, such as BSD
anon asked: Do u have any tips that could help with analysing manga like bsd and such?
1. it's okay to start with a surface level assumption and then dig deeper. say something like "dazai's costume changed when he joined the ADA" and then ask yourself "why?" and you'll end up falling down a rabbit hole about costume design
2. choose one theme and stick with it. you can always go back later with a different theme, but it's much easier if you're only focusing on a few things at a time.
3. annotate! have a system, and if it makes you happy to make it look aesthetically pleasing, make it aesthetically pleasing!
4. talk to other people. share your ideas and questions and there will always be another person in this fandom who has the same question, or maybe even an answer!
[Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@bluemoonasks/a/112194601113295482)
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jorrated · 1 year ago
Hiya Jo, sorry to come to you for this, but your post on Maya Knuckles was so cool I had to ask. You seem good at researching stuff, do you have any tips on looking for sources on specific groups of people? I've been struggling on finding good resources on indigenous groups from brasil... (I'm brazilian myself but i dont know where to start)
I wouldn't say I'm good at research, as I think I'm more insanely curious and just lucky LOL. A lot of times when I try to search for specific things I try absolutely everything until I stumble on whatever I was looking for!
But usually I start with a quick basic skim-read on whatever google gives you when you look up whatever your looking for. Most often then not it'll probably give a wikipedia page, some related news articles and some unsourced pages. A lot of times I won't use any of these, but it's a good way to get a feel for what you'll need to keep an eye for.
What I mean is that sometimes just looking for the main subject of the research wont actually give you what you're looking for. For example, when I was looking for Mayan stuff, it kept giving me Inca and Aztec info, which is cool, but wasn't what i was looking for. But since these 3 were usually grouped together, looking for Inca and Aztec books/resources actually helped me a bunch into finding what I was looking for, and more! So keep an eye out on how the subject you're looking for is COMMONLY described, what's usually associated to it, what people talk about the subject etc.
Then you can go actually searching for thing now, I recommend using DuckDuckGo! And always check if they got a source. Plenty of articles will say things that they've seen on other articles, which maybe are true! but then you always run the risk of getting incorrect facts. So always check, if it's not sourced, run another search with the info and see if another article has a source.
When you do find an article/book with a source THEN you can fall down the rabbit hole! No joke one sourced article can lead you to 5 sources, which most probably also have sources. So from there it's pretty easy to search up on references.
If you run into a dead end and still hasn't found what you're looking for I recommend checking what the wikipedia page is citing as sources. You might not be able to access everything there, but some links should be able to redirect you to somethings.
In terms of paywalled scientific articles, disabling javascript usually works (right click on the page -> inspect element -> find the gear on the top right of the window it just showed up -> scroll down until you see a checkbox saying "disable Javascript" -> and refresh page). But if that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is fucking amazing. Just put down your ref or DOI and voilá!
For books I recommend checking the Internet Archive! They usually have what you're looking for, but also half of the time you can just type "Book name PFD" and it'll usually come up after a few search pages. Just make sure you know how to download stuff without getting a virus in you PC.
Reverse image search can also be pretty useful if you find an image related to the subject, since you can link up to other articles/blogs.
If you're STILL running in dead ends, switching up languages can help (probably not your case since your brazilian and most likely already searching in portuguese but yknow). Google translate extensions can really help looking into pages with languages you don't know! It's not perfect but it might help you get a gist of it.
And lastly if you want to know more about Indigenous people from Brazil, I got a couple of reccomendations (most in portuguese btw)!
Centro de Referência Virtual Indígena
Probably the BIGGEST resource on historical and political information on Indigenous groups. It hosts around 2,3 million documents ranging from bills passed, to personal diary entries. (aaaaand can link up to a lot of other cool resources)
Observatórios dos Direitos e Políticas Indigenistas
Translated from their website: OBIND aims to obtain and systematize quantitative and qualitative data on territorialization processes, territorial management, interethnic conflicts, human rights and quality of life of indigenous peoples and populations in reserved areas or in urban contexts, in order to enable visibility, comparability, evaluation and guidance for indigenous policies and promotion of their rights, notably those pertinent to respect for their uses, customs and traditions and the exclusive enjoyment of the lands they traditionally occupy, recognizing for this the sine qua non condition of promoting indigenous autonomy and overcoming guardianship as assimilationist legacy.
Indígenas pela Terra & Vida
Youtube playlist about many different Indigenous people recounting their experiences and narratives.
GENOCÍDIO INDÍGENA E POLÍTICAS INTEGRACIONISTAS: demarcando a escrita no campo da memória
Book titled: INDIGENOUS GENOCIDE AND INTEGRATIONIST POLICIES: demarcating writing in the field of memory
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treasurehuntbuck · 8 months ago
for the ask that cried about losing a fic: it was a buddie fic, somewhat slow burn and long-ish, i remember one scene that was buck and eddie in the back of eddies truck on the sunset spot that eddie and chris went to when they first go to LA and how if whatever talk they had had gone badly eddie could have just never come back to it. that is literally all i remember :'(
So, I did a lil recon, a google search or three, and a cross reference of my history because this sounded so freaking familiar. I present to you:
if you leave the light on by cloudydaisies
Words: 27,875
“I’ll do it,” Eddie repeats, looking at Buck in one of those silent conversation ways again, but Buck actually can’t figure out what he’s trying to say this time. It messes with his brain, until Eddie speaks again, “I’ll pretend to only be a little offended none of you have thought to ask me before, but Buck, I’ve fixed a lot of cars. I can look at yours.” (or, the check engine light comes on in Buck's Jeep, Eddie volunteers to fix it and carpool with him in the meantime, and it all breaks down from there, literally and metaphorically)
*There is a sunset spot, and a line about Eddie choosing it just in case he needed to avoid it for the rest of his life. I love this fic with a passion and I highly recommend it :)
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kkatastrophic · 4 months ago
Did putting a DNI for donations asks work or is it useless
depends on the blog. If you put it and DNI and delete the ask most of the time the accounts give up, but if they're spam bots or just persistent they keep going. I've only gotten 3 in the last week or so which is definitely an improvement though, so I do reccomend it. I also put it in my intro (and my bio for some time) just to make sure that the users get the message.
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beardedjoel · 2 months ago
Hi Julie, I can attempt to ask you this off anon if it would be more appropriate. I fully understand if you don’t want to answer this on your blog so please feel free to delete truly lol but another anon recently asked you about coping with mental health stuff & in your reply you mentioned getting on meds even when maybe you didn’t want to, I might be misremembering. I was wondering if you would be willing to share a little bit about that experience. I’m the around your age. This past year has been very difficult for me, to the point where I haven’t worked in 9 months and had to move back in with family which itself is not good for me. It’s super embarrassing and it’s a long story, but essentially it comes back down to intense depression. I guess not just that but it’s a huge factor. I am so ashamed I haven’t gotten my shit together at this point in my life and tired of bothering close friends with it for even a single second, so I pretend I am figuring it out. But I am not. Everything hurts more than I would ever admit because it’s embarrassing. I took meds in my early 20s and had reeeeally bad experiences with them. I think at this point, I need to give it another try but it makes me so nervous. I already have to take other meds for chronic health issues and I detest the idea of being reliant on another thing especially when it feels like doctors themselves never really know what meds you need or why you need the thing you need. Anyway, I’m sorry this is really intense and truly please feel free to ignore since this is so irrelevant to this blog. I love your writing and it’s helped me escape a lot this past year. Thank you for sharing your work with us. ❤️
hey friend. no worries if you're not comfortable off anon, i totally understand that. i want this to be a space that people feel comfortable in and i'm happy to answer this ask fully and honestly if it helps even one person feel less alone 💖 i want to do you justice for how much you shared so buckle up, i'm sure this is gonna be a long one and my yapping tendencies will come out
i just wanna start by saying having depression and that affecting your life drastically should never ever be something to be embarrassed about. ik easier said than done, but working on accepting that it's okay to have these struggles is a good place to start for you to move forward. and please do keep reaching out to your friends. i get the same way at times, where i totally hide a lot of what i'm feeling from people and put on a front. i feel pressure to be bubbly and chatty and somewhat entertaining to people because that can be who i am when i'm doing well but i feel it's expected of me even when i'm not okay. but in the end, when i share that i'm struggling, it always feels better to know a friend has my back or even just knows that i'm not okay, so they can be there if i need something.
to get into the meds thing a bit, i guess i'll say i was on sertraline a few years back, didn't like that one so i switched to lexapro. that one worked really pretty well for me for maybe 1.5-2years-ish? until the side effects kind of caught up to me and the bad outweighed the good. so i went off of it at the beginning of 2024, thinking i would see how i could cope on my own without the meds and just doing therapy.
i had a lot of outside factors coming into play last year that were out of the normal so it affected my mental health a lot more than other times in my life. through the end of summer and fall, i was very very depressed on and off struggling with a bunch of medical stuff and i just wasn't coping well anymore trying to adjust my life to a new normal of having chronic pain. my anxiety and depression were just so bad, i wasn't really prioritizing anything good in my life and i felt super stuck i guess. i made the decision to go back on medication in november after thinking about it for months. it was really really hard to accept that i couldn't even go a year without my mental health spiraling to the point where i didn't know how to handle it anymore.
i completely understand not wanting to add more medication on, cause with my health this past year i've been taking different things and all that and i do hate feeling reliant on medication which is why i put off seeing a psychiatrist again for so long. but after kind of trying to put that aside to see what would happen, i've had a great experience these last few months. i'm trying a new class of medication, so i'm on wellbutrin now and so far i am really liking it. if that changes, i'm going to make sure to not give up and try something else. i'm trying to stay open and positive to the experience, and even had to add on a second medication to the wellbutrin because i really love how it makes me feel overall but it was making my voluntary tics really bad, so this extra one is mellowing me out a little. SOOO all that's to say that there are so many options, different combinations of medication or classes of mental health meds out there to try until you find something that works for you.
i don't know if i'll be on these forever, i always hope not. but if it helps me cope, i'll keep trying it. my goal is to be in a better place and not have to take them anymore, but maybe i just have a brain that has a hard time doing it all on it's own. it's a hard road to accept that kinda but i'd rather accept that than feel the way i felt last year, cause it was bad. sorry this was just like. insanely long WOW. i got on a roll! if you want to discuss anything further you can anon me again or even dm me if you feel comfy. and just know that i love you and am rooting for you! 💗
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realbeefman · 2 years ago
what episode is your header image from? I need to know bc I need to watch (and if it's not from an episode then like, where did you find it?)
unfortunately i don’t know where the pic comes from or where i found it, i believe it’s from a photoshoot for a magazine from around s6?? i have absolutely NO source on that though. it’s only my header because i think it’s outrageously hot. here’s the full picture without mac cropped out in compensation for my lack of sources
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mrsaltieri-real · 2 years ago
who do u think killed cici in scream? people say it was mrs loomis
Oh absolutely Mickey
Mrs Loomis’ only kill was Randy because he was talking negatively about Billy. She had no reason to kill Cici as she wasn’t a Woodsbro survivor and that’s who Mrs Loomis herself was targeting.
She essentially hired Mickey as a contract killer after finding him in a serial killer website. The whole point was everything to be traced back to him, so she didn’t get her hands dirty unless she felt she had to.
Mickey killed all of the victims in Scream 2 except Randy and it is CONFIRMED.
Also, Mrs Loomis would not have been able to lift and through Cici off of that balcony like that. Old gal would’ve thrown her back out fr.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years ago
i want to write an hotd fanfic so bad… i’m watching the early GOT show too as well to try and wrap my head around the lore but i fear that my fic will still be very amateur and show that i don’t really have that big of a grasp on the lore and worldbuilding and language around me.. can you give any advice onto how to tackle this? any specific ways i should research or how to remember every little thing to make the story as accurate and correct as possible?
hi and welcome! don't worry, i have been through this exact process within this fandom haha. i was the queen of sparknoting my way through my lit classes in college when i didn't have other time, so i think i've kind of perfected the art of making it seem like you've deeply read something, even if you haven't.
let me give my usual disclaimer that i don't recommend reading fanfic to get a sense of characters or worldbuilding in a new fandom. that's because to a fresh eye, it's impossible to tell what is the author's invention/headcanon (which may be incorrect/ooc) and what is actual canon. fanfic writing should be about indulging yourself and your creativity, not about trying to cater to the most popular opinions even if you don't agree with them. so i really do recommend sticking to canon as much as possible, and being very deliberate about where and when you use fanon as a reference.
i create a tumblr blog for every fandom that i'm planning to write in to serve as a repository for my research and notes. this blog is unusual in that i forgot to make it private and then had too much fun engaging with y'all to go back. but my first posts were all specifically for stormbreak purposes. if you're nervous about putting things out there, you can password-lock your blog, so you're the only one with access. being able to sort with tags for characters, houses, etc. will be super helpful. another good idea is to take notes in google drive, since you can also search for things there and use the outline feature to navigate. the goal is to have one or two places where you compile all of your work that are easily navigable.
a really good starting place for research is this particular asoiaf wiki. i do not recommend any of the others, especially the ones based on individual shows, because those often do not include details that are in the books. i genuinely cannot tell you how many hours i've spent on this wiki. start your research here- look for dates, places, events, houses, relationships, appearances, etc.
meta analysis is also a really good idea to gain knowledge. tumblr or reddit are the places to go for this. it's really important to seek out posts that are both sympathetic and unsympathetic towards characters or houses. the goal is to get a sense of the different opinions within fandom, and decide which ones make sense to you. on tumblr, you can search a term, select for text posts, and scroll until you find big walls of text. (as an aside: if you're doing this, blocking tags related to fanfiction, imagines, xreader, etc. will help streamline your search and filter out headcanons in favor of meta)
lastly, and be careful with this one since it is fanon but not canon: memes! twitter and tiktok are great for these. they're great for getting a sense of vibes, but not for actual canon facts about a character. remember, fanon can sometimes be very distant from or even contradictory with canon, so take these with a grain of salt. i do still find them useful for forming opinions about personalities, mannerisms, and attitudes of different characters.
if you want more info about how i actually planned out stormbreak, i've answered an ask about it here!
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thebiggestmenace · 2 years ago
Do you have any fanfic recommendations?
hi, anon! I do! I read a little fic every night as ✨️enrichment time✨️ so there's gonna be a lot. all of these are on ao3 :)
"I think I saved myself by saving you" by @not-so-mundane-after-all was actually my first tlou fic that I read! it's a sickfic where Ellie gets sick before leaving Jackson
"violent heart" by @timelesslords is another good one! it's ep8 aftercare, but with aspects from the game and the show. she also has one from Joel's perspective called "never let you down again"
"never let me down again" by tayyys (I'm not sure what their tumblr is) is a good one! it's a rewrite of ep6 and on, where Ellie leaves after having overheard Tommy and Joel's conversation
"miller lite" by captainredspade (CodeNameArtemis) is also good! this one has a lot of Tommy and Ellie bonding, but it's angst cause Ellie got hurt on a day trip with him
"irreplacable" by captainredspade (CodeNameArtemis) is one where Ellie takes a bite for Tommy and there's more bonding between them
"heaven doesn't want me now" by @lkay-09 is one where Ellie (sort of) gets a choice at the hospital. some of the lines in there are just *chefs kiss*
"come tomorrow this will all be in our past" also by @lkay-09 is one where Tommy goes with Ellie, instead of Joel, in ep6
"triplicate" by @penandinkprincess is a very angsty one where Joel finds Ellie's file at the hospital in Salt Lake!
"a half-step to the left" also by @penandinkprincess is the Tess lives au we all asked for hehe :)
"glimpses unseen" by flannelfeelings (@boopernatural here :)) is one where we see Tommy's trauma of losing Sarah when Ellie gets hurt outside the walls
I shall stop listing them now as there are A Lot, but I recomend lkay, pen, and flannelfeelings' fics a lot :) there's a lot of fics between them all and they're all so good :)
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disabledstraydogs · 11 months ago
can cracking knuckles be a tic as well??????
Yeah! Anything can be a stim, I've known people who stim in this way.
As for it being a tic I am not an expert on tics. However I did look it up and according to healthychildren.org, yes! It's a motor tic.
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