#hope this gives ya'll a good idea of her character
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justwhisperingfantasies · 5 months ago
Girl at the rock show
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Characters: Jensen Ackles (xreader). Steve Carlson. Mentions of other bandmates. Made up bffs.
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Drinking, Ended abusive/controlling relationship. Let me know if I forgot any.
Summary: You move to Austin, Texas after you caught your controlling ex-boyfriend with another girl. Your best friend drags you out to a live show on your first night there.
Word count: 5.901 words
A/N: I'm kinda nervous about this one. My first Jensen fic. Hope ya'll enjoy it. 💗
“Come on, We can’t be late." Mac Yelled from the front door. 
“I'm coming” You yelled back, shoving your I.D. and debit card in your pocket. You took one last look in the mirror above your new dresser. Not too shabby you thought to yourself and walked out your bedroom door. 
Mac let out a whistle as you walked toward her. 
You rolled your eyes. “Calm down, it's a flannel and some jeans.” 
“Um, a tight pair of jeans that hugs those hot curves and an unbuttoned flannel, yes you have an undershirt on,” she said when you opened your mouth to rebuttal. “But the girls still look nice.” 
“Do we really have to go out my first night here? I just got off a plane 5 hours ago,” you said as she hurried you out the door. 
“Yes. One I have been wanting you to check out this band and they don’t play many live gigs. Two. You need fun right now. And ya know what they say is the best way to get over someone.”
“Mackinley Jane! I’m not interested in finding anyone right now,” you said approaching the opposite side of the Uber backseat as her.
“(y/n) I’m not saying go off and get married. I’m saying a night of fun won’t kill you.” she winked. You both plopped in the back seat. She gave the driver the address of the bar. “It's been 3 months and not to be harsh, but do you really think he’s sitting home alone crying over you right now?” her words stung a little. He was probably with the girl you found him with. Or out finding a new one to control. You still couldn't believe you wasted 5 years on that asshole. 
“You’re right. But I highly doubt my night will end under someone new. “ you said the last part in a mocking tone. 
“Just promise that if someone does catch your eye you will give them a chance.”
“No promises, but I will try.”
“I’ll take it.” It was only an 8-minute drive from the apartment to the bar. It took about 10 minutes with traffic. “ You can just drop us on this side street. Thank you.” Mac said handing the driver some cash. You got out and walked around the car meeting her as she got out. 
“I thought you said this band wasn’t that big. Look at this place.” You said as put your arm in hers walking to the back of the line. 
“Well they aren’t selling out the garden, but one of the lead singers is Jensen Ackles.” You gave her a puzzled look. She put her palm to her forehead. “The guy from supernatural? “ Your face didn't change “Big Sky?” You shook your head “The boys? Tracker?”
“Just got out of a 5-year relationship with a controlling douchebag remember?” 
“You haven’t seen pictures or anything?” She whipped her phone out and started googling, 
“Mac! (y/n)!!” you looked up as you heard the familiar voice yell your name. It was Zoey. Mac’s ex-room-mate. She just bought a house and moved out of the apartment. That's what sparked this whole move to a new city idea. Mac put her phone back in her pocket and hugged Zoey. 
“Damn (y/n) you look good,” Zoey said hugging you. “Is this what happens when you drop 200 lbs of loser?” you chuckled. 
“Have you looked in the mirror, Ms little black dress?” you said hugging her back. 
Mac cleared her throat and did a little hair flip with her blonde curls. “Mac you know you always look good my dear,” Zoey remarked. “I’ll meet you guys in there. I don’t wana ditch.” There was only one guy behind you and he insisted Zoey stay where she was. 
You guys got up to the door and you could hear the music. “How much time do we have before they go on?” Mac asked. 
“About 30 minutes,” Zoey said looking at her watch. 
You made your way into the bar. It was a lot bigger than what it looked from the outside. The was a bar on the wall to the right. A decent-sized stage on the wall to the left and a big dance floor between you and the stage. Straight ahead there was a joined room with pool tables. Mac noticed you looking at the tables. “ I don't think we have enough time for a game right now, but after the show?”
“Sure.” It had been so long since you played you probably sucked at it now. James wouldn’t play with you. He said you cheated so there was no point. 
“Come on let’s start drinking,” Mac said as she grabbed your and Zoey’s hands and headed for the bar. 
“Start?” you heard Zoey say. 
Mac handed the bartender her card and started a tab. She turned to you.” Don’t give me that look, we can split it or you guys can pay me back tomorrow. Bud light bottle?” You nodded. “Of course.” she winked. She handed Zoey her drink then you, your beer. Her eyes had been scanning the room since you walked in. 
“Who are you looking for?” You asked her. 
�� The band has been known to have a drink at the bar before their shows. Just thought we’d get lucky.” You rolled your eyes turning to see if there was a table open. 
“Mac there’s a table open come on.” she grabbed her drink and the girls followed you. You made small talk and gossiped waiting for the show to start. You downed the last of your beer. You must have been nervous or something because you finished way before your friends. “I'm gonna go grab another beer,” you said standing.
“Hurry up. They are about to start.” Mac yelled as you walked away.
You made your way up to the bar and stood there waiting for your turn. The bartenders were slammed. 
You leaned against the bar as you ordered. Waiting on your drink your eyes wandered to the left side of the bar, finding the deepest mossy green eyes you had ever seen looking back at you. He was gorgeous with his shaggy brown hair and trimmed beard. Cut off shirt showing off his muscles and tattoos He gave you a flirty nod and you felt your cheeks get warm. Just then someone walked up beside you.
“Hey there beautiful, can I buy you a drink?” the guy was cute, but you had no interest after seeing green eyes across the bar. 
“No thank you..” you kept it short hoping he would take the hint. You looked over at green eyes. He was watching the two of you curiously. 
“Oh come on sweetheart.” 
“Again no.  I'm not interested.” green eyes could tell you were uncomfortable so he made his way over to you. 
The man couldn't take the hint and put his hand on yours. “ Not interested?”
“Yep, that's what she said. Why don't you get your drink and move along.” his voice was deep and angelic. 
“ I am so sorry!” he grabbed his drink and rushed off. Was he really that scared? It's not like green eyes had threatened his life or anything.
“No problem.”  He smiled. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach stir up. “So you ready for the show?” 
Yeah. I guess so. To be honest I don’t really know the band. My friend dragged me here tonight.” He raised an eyebrow. “ She thinks they’re really good. Although she's just obsessed with one of the lead singers” You took a drink and told yourself to shut up. 
He flashed a smile and leaned just slightly closer to you. The butterflies got bigger. “She must have good taste.” He chuckled. 
Just then the band members came out on stage. Everyone went crazy. One of the guys walked up to 1 of the 2 mics center stage. “Jensen, gonna need you to come to the stage there buddy.” 
“Missing one of the lead singers already.” He said laughing with the crowd. 
“Yea he's probably in the back with a groupie,” you chuckled. 
“Or flirting with a smoking hot babe.” he laughed louder. “I gotta go, but find me after the show okay?” 
You heard Mac's lecture again in your head. You nodded. He smiled and started walking toward the dance floor. You could definitely have a fun night with him or many fun nights... 
You started walking back to the table you froze in place and your jaw hit the floor as he climbed onto the stage. What. The. Fuck.
Green eyes stood at the open center mic. “Alright, Steve I’m here. How’s everyone doing tonight?” The crowd cheered. They introduced themselves and started playing. 
“Mac, who is that guy?” you pointed at him. 
“Babe, that is Jensen Ackles.”
“Like Thee Jensen ackles?” you asked dumbfounded. 
“Yes, Do you wana to find a closer spot with us?” She said looking at you. “What’s with you?”
“Yeah, sure.” you grabbed your beer and explained what just happened to her on the way. “But I’m sure he was just being nice. He saw how uncomfortable the other guy made me and helped a girl out right.”
They continued playing. And they were good. Like really good. It should not be humanly possible to be that damn good-looking and have a voice like that. But there he was. 
“I don’t know. He said to find him after the show. Why say that if he didn't mean it?” she said not taking he eyes away from the stage. 
You rolled your eyes. “He was just being nice, We can stick around and play some pool, but I am not getting my hopes up.”
“Whatever you say.” she swayed and grabbed you making you sway with her. 
“Plus isn’t he married?” 
“Why do you care you're not getting your hopes up?” She smiled and raised her eyebrows. “But they got a divorce a little over a year ago.” 
“I don’t and I’m not.” She gave you a yeah-right look and started spinning you around. Zoey was being spun around too by a hot guy with tattoos and a fohawk. She did like her bad boys. 
The song ended. “ Man, we are burning through them tonight huh? We only have 4 songs left?” Jensen said to Steve. 
“What are you talking about we aren’t even halfway through.”
“Look.” Jensen pointed to his monitor. Steve stepped closer, tapped it a couple of times, and then they both started laughing. “Whoops I skipped ahead a little bit.”
“A little bit?” Steve asked taking off his guitar. “You good?”
Jensen chuckled. “Yeah. This one’s called Forever Ain’t Long.”
The crowd cheered. Mac put her arm around you and you leaned your head against hers. “Are you having fun?” she asked.  You nodded. “Good!”
“Take me to heaven or wherever you're from…” Jensen and Steve started singing as he looked in your direction. Your heart melted in your chest. Oh crap so much for not getting your hopes up…
They played for a good while. “I think we are going to invite someone back up to the stage,” Jensen said 
“We are?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah look.” Jensen pointed to his monitor again, 
“Haha oh yeah.”
“I'm gonna take a break guys, get a drink, maybe towel off. But I’d love to invite Mr Santana Roos back to the stage and play trumpet for ya’ll.” He walked off the stage.
The band continued playing. Steve had a great voice too. Moments later you felt a hand on the small of your back. You turned with your hand in a fist and saw those piercing green eyes. You dropped your hand and he dropped his. “Sorry didn’t mean to startle you.” You heard two gasps coming from behind you. He chuckled. “Hello, ladies.” He said as he looked at Mac and Zoey. They giggled.
“This is Mack. “ Mack put her hand out as you pointed. Jensen shook it. “And this is Zoey.” She put her hand out and shook his. They giggled again. You rolled your eyes and apologized.
“It’s alright,” he said chuckling. He put his hand out to you “ And your name is?”
“(y/n)” You took his hand in yours, electricity flowing up your arm as you touched his skin. 
“Well obviously. And you let me ramble on about not knowing the band.” your hand is still in his. 
He chuckled. “It was cute.” Cute? You thought, The butterflies stirring again. “You wanna get a drink?”
You nodded and you told Mac you’d be right back. He twisted your hand and laced his fingers through yours. The butterflies got bigger. Walking through the crowd everyone was taking pictures and he stopped to snap a selfie with a couple of them, but he never let go of your hand. You guys made your way back to the bar. “Bud light Bottle?”
“Yes, please.” He got your drinks and you two walked over to the side of the bar. 
“You enjoying the show?” he asked then took a drink. 
“Eh, They are ok I guess. “
“Ok you guess?” he said smiling. Then took another drink.
“The trumpet player is kinda hot.” He threw his head back and laughed.  
“I can give you his number if you want.” He winked. 
“No thanks. I got my eye on someone else” you winked back. You could swear his cheeks got pink. 
“I gotta get back up there. You still wanna hang out after?”
“I’ll be around.”
“Looking forward to it.” He took your hand and walked you back up to Mac.
“Giirrrrrl!!!” Mac said after he walked away. 
“Shut up.” You said as you started to sway again with her. The song stopped and Jensen came back out on the stage. 
“Hey Steve, “ He said as he returned to the mic. “ I asked a pretty lady if she was enjoying the show.” your cheeks got hot “ Ya know what she said?”
“Hopefully she said yeah.” Steve chuckled. 
“She said Eh the bands ok I guess.” Steve gave him a come-on look. “I know, What do you say we kick it up a notch and do drowning?” The crowd lost their minds as Steve started playing it. 
Mac looked at you” ok you guess?!”
You opened your mouth to respond, but your attention snapped to Jensen as he started singing. He was looking you dead in the eyes. Everything and Everyone just drifted away. “Let’s keep it going with the sound of someday.” He looked at Steve and then back at you. The crowd screamed even louder. Again you were entranced. 
“Well buddy since you are on a roll,” Steve said as he started playing another song. The crowd cheered again. You felt kind of jealous you didn't know any of the songs. 
“She wants to know the name of the games he plays..” He was looking at you again. 
Mac leaned into your ear. “How’s those hopes doing?”
“He wants the names of the players in the game to change..”
“Not as low as I want them to be.” You confessed. 
“He's young in years but wise in wonderful ways…”
“One night of fun?” She asked raising her eyebrows. 
“Her faith in love is better on sunny days…”
“We’ll see. Now shush” She smiled but stayed silent. 
The audience cheered again once the song ended. 
Steve looked at Jensen smiling. “Are you done showing off now, Jay?”
“Not even close,” Jensen said chuckling. 
They played for a while more, and then they finished up. Everyone started yelling encore. Steve and Jensen came back out. They played an acoustic song together, and then the whole band came back out and played another. The crowd cheered, and eventually, everyone calmed down and started clearing out. 
“So, you going to find him?”Mack asked you
“No. We are gonna play some pool. I told him I’d be around.” you tried to play it cool, but your nerves were going wild. “I’ll go get us a pitcher and you guys go get a table.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Zoey said. The two of them headed for the pool table room. You made your way up to the bar. You ordered a pitcher and asked for some glasses. You held out your bank card to the bartender. “Uh, Mr Ackles said that all of your drinks were on him tonight.” Really?! No way that was happening you thought. 
“Here just charge it to my card. I’ll deal with Mr Ackles later.”
She ran your card and then gave it back to you. “Here ya go,” she said sliding the tray with the pitcher and some glasses on it. 
“Thank you,” you said taking it and she nodded.
You made your way over to the table in the back where Zoey was ranking up the balls. You sat the tray down and started pouring a beer in three glasses. “You guys wanna play cutthroat?”
“Hm.. Or Mac and I vs you,” Zoey said as she finished the rack. 
“How is that far?” you argued handing her a beer. 
“Oh come on we could get a third and you’d still probably win,” Mac said taking the glass you were handing out to her. 
“Fine, but I break.”
You lined up the shot after picking out your cue and chalking the end of it. You sank the 6 and the 15. You around walking over to your next shot. Your heart sank a little when you didn't see Jensen or any of his bandmates around. Not getting my hopes up you thought to yourself. There was a good shot for the 12 ball so you took it. Then you walked around the table not letting yourself look anywhere else you to your next shot. You missed. Mac managed to get 2 of their balls in before missing. You put another 2 balls in. You went to take your next shot when a commotion at the bar ruined your concentration and you missed. 
“Damnit,” you said as you looked out to the bar. Your heart fluttered when you saw him. He was talking to the bartender. She pointed in your direction and he turned. He smiled as his eyes found you.
“Calm down, you're still winning,” Zoey said walking over to the cue ball.  You walked over to the table and took a drink of your beer. 
“Really?” she said as she picked up her glass. 
“I see you.” you squinted your eyes at her. Zoey got one ball in but missed the second shot “You're up.”
You took a deep breath and headed back over to the table. You weren't sure if you were gonna be able to focus on the game right now. Somehow you managed to get a ball in. You let yourself look up as you walked around to your next shot. He was still at the bar, the band happily taking selfies with fans. How sweet you thought. You tried to focus on your shot. 
“See I freaking told you !” Mac said as you put another ball in. “ 2 vs 1 and I still can’t beat you!” you laughed. 
You put your last ball in but missed on the 8. Mac passed you on your way to the high top with a smile on her face. She looked at you then behind you. You turned around and Jensen was headed your way with a big grin on his face. You couldn't help but smile back. He was holding a try with 2 pitchers full of beer. Steve was behind him with glasses in his hand. Three other bandmates followed they also had a pitcher and glasses. They walked over to the open pool table beside yours. 
“Hey, sorry it took forever. We had to go over some things and fans. I have a hard time telling them no.” he said as he sat down the pitchers.
You clicked your tongue. “ I guess I'll give you a pass this time, Ackles.” You said smiling. He smiled back and swirled his body in Steve’s direction. 
“This is Steve. Steve this is (y/n)” 
Steve put his hand out and you shook it “ Ah the pretty lady that thinks we’re ok she guesses.” he smiled. You chuckled. 
You felt Mac behind you. “This is Mac “ You turned and they shook hands. “That’s Zoey.” she got a ball in and came around to shake Steve's hand. 
“Cutthroat?” he asked. 
“No, they combined forces to try to take me down,” you explained. 
Zoey missed her shot. “And we are still going to lose.”
You walked over and called your shot. Everyone was watching which made you nervous, but you still got the ball in. 
Zoey walked over to the table and poured herself another beer. “Damn, I hate this game.” She took a drink. “ You guys can have it.” She made her way over to the other bandmates. 
“Wanna play doubles?” Jensen asked taking a drink. 
“2 conditions.” Mac said “ You rack and I get (y/n)”
“Deal.” Jensen got the rack out and started putting balls in. Steve started walking to the shelves where the cues were “ Hey, grab me one please?” Steve nodded. 
“You break,” you said to Mac as she checked out Jensen who was bent over the pool table getting the balls.  
“Only if you break that,” she said raising her eyebrows. 
“Mackinley.” She rolled her eyes and went to the head of the pool table. You walked over to the high-top table and took a drink. 
Steve walked back holding only one stick. “Uh, sorry Jay this was the last one.” Jensen turned to you and stuck his lip out walking over to you. Then stood beside you still looking at you with his lip still out.  
You sighed “I guess I can share.” 
He chuckled. “How nice of you” matching your playful attitude as he nudged your arm. You smiled. “So I take it you're kind of good at this game?” he asked. 
“Eh, I'm alright.” 
“Alright, you boys ready to lose?” Mac said as she leaned over and broke the rack. Everyone laughed. It was a good break, but no balls went in. Jensen gestured for Steve to go.
“That's what happens when you talk shit,” Steve said, lining up his shot and sinking the 6 ball in. 
You turned to sit your beer down and leaned toward Jensen as he took a drink “Well I guess you got small balls, bud.” He choked on his drink. You laughed and turned back around. Steve missed his shot. “Guess I’m up,” you said and walked over to take your shot.
“You good?” Steve asked, picking up his beer. 
“Yep, just heard something I wasn't expecting.” Steve raised his eyebrows and Jensen told him the joke you told. 
“Damn, she’s spunky huh?” Steve said laughing. 
“She’s somethin’.”Jensen smiling at you as you got a ball in. 
You got 3 more balls in. AC/DC You shook me at night long came on the radio overhead. You started tapping your foot and mouthing the words as you took your next shot. You missed. “Damnit.”
“ You done?” Jensen asked as he put his hand out for the cue. You scrunched your nose and poked your tongue out at him then continued singing. He laughed. 
“I’m just getting warmed up, bud,” he laughed and you gave him the stick. You walked back over to the table. Mac and Steve were talking about the first album he and Jensen wrote.
“You wanna sit and take a break after all that?” Steve asked, smiling and pointing at his chair. 
“Ha, No I’m good.” You turned around in time to watch a ball go in. 
“I told you she was good,” Mac said.
You rolled your eyes. “I'm not that good.”
Jensen sank 3 more balls before Missing. 
“But it looks like she might have met her match.” She said winking at you as she passed Jensen. 
He furrowed his brows and tilted his head. He stood next to you so close you could almost feel his arm on yours. 
“Ignore her. Just talkin’ shit like always.” You said loud enough for her to hear making her laugh. 
Mac took her shot and got one ball, but missed the next shot. “Well, she didn't leave me anything to shoot at,” Steve said as he got up and looked around the table for a good shot. 
“That’s kind of the point.” you heard Mac say as she and Steve started bantering. He lined up for a jump shot. 
“Ohhh, Steve’s getting fancy.” You said in a silly tone causing him and Jensen to laugh.  
“So, she likes AC/DC, Bud Light, and she’s a pool shark who thinks radio company is Eh, ok.” Jensen said shrugging his shoulders which put a grin on your face “And hates supernatural.”
You put a finger up “ I never said that I hated it, I've just never watched it..”
“Explain to me.” He said He put his chin in between his thumb and index finger. Turning his head to look at you. “How do you have a best friend that's obsessed with the show yet you’ve never seen it?” 
“Well, There was a.. a complication,” He stopped with the playfulness and looked in your eyes. “ but it’s gone now. Plus I did just move to Texas. We talked all the time. Living in different states didn't take a huge toll on our friendship, but we didn't talk about TV or media much.” Steve missed his shot. “And this is where it ends, bud.” You reached for the cue he was holding. 
“Oh really?” He said putting the stick in his other hand. It was on the opposite side of you now.  “Why don’t we  make it a little more interesting then?”
“Ha, you got 5 grand on ya there pretty boy?” He let out a belly laugh and you swirled in front of him reaching for the stick. He extended his arm and leaned into your ear. 
“Actually, “ he whispered and your heart stopped as you felt his warm breath tickle your ear. “ I was thinking if we win I could get your number.” 
You don’t know where you found the courage maybe it was the four and a half beers you had. But you turned and whispered back in his ear. “And if we win?” 
You heard the small chuckle as his breath tickled again. “I’ll give you mine.” He stood back up smirking. You rolled your eyes and smiled at him. 
“Bet.” You stuck your hand out. He took it in his and shook it slowly, a smirk still on his face. He handed the stick you to. You took it and spun around. Focus on the game, Focus on the game you thought.  
“Wanna tell me what that was all about?” Mac asked quickly as she walked past you. You looked past her to Jensen. He had his back turned pouring another beer. Later you mouthed. She went to sit in the open chair at the high top. Chiming in on Steve and Jensen’s conversation. 
You sank the last 2 balls you and Mac had on the table. You didn't leave yourself a good shot for the 8 ball. There were 2 options. You weighted them for a couple of seconds. You went with one and called it. You stupidly looked up at Jensen who licked his lips and bit the bottom one. Your whole body went numb and you missed your shot. You put your forehead on your arm still leaning on the table and looked at the floor. 
“Took much beer there darlin’, “ Jensen asked approaching you. 
You raised your head squinting your eyes at him. “You know what you did!”
He gave a smirk. “I don’t know what you're talking about.”
You stood up and handed him the cue. “Cheater. You said and walked away. You heard him laugh, but you didn't look back. Two can play at that game Mr. Ackles you thought. You made your way back over to the high-top table and took a drink when you got there. Steve and Mac still sitting there, talking about the second album he and Jensen wrote. You nodded here and there, trying to listen for balls to go in. They were so enthralled in the conversation they didn't notice you inching a coaster toward the edge of the table. There’s one you said in your head. A minute later there’s the second. You knew he’d be going to the 8-ball now. You nudge the coaster off the table with your pinky. As you bent over to pick it up you hoped he’d be looking. You picked the coaster up and brought your top half back up slower than usage, but not too obvious. 
“Really Jay? How’d You miss that?” Steve stood up “ I’ll be right back. I got a song stuck in my head.” He headed for the jukebox. Jensen rolled his eyes and sighed walking up to the high top. 
“What?” Mac asked. 
“You wanna guess the song he’s gonna play? He does this to me every time we go out somewhere.” Mac giggled. And you stood there clueless. He turned to you. “ Well hi there kettle you’re black. Calling me a cheater.”
You gave him the same smirk he gave you earlier.” I don't know what you're talking about.” He smiled. Just then Carrying On My Wayward Son started playing. And you started singing it.
“Are you actually fucking kidding me right now?!” Jensens said looking at Mac gesturing to you with his hand. 
“What it’s a good song….” you said confused. 
“Please tell me ya’ll are fucking with me,”
“Sadly Jay we are not. She just likes the song.” Mac said as she got up to go take her shot. 
You started singing again and Jensen looked at you with bewilderment, “Can I help you?”
“This is the theme song of Supernatural” He shook his hands. 
You couldn’t help, but laugh. “ Ohh. It’s a good song.” He put his hand on his face and shook his head. You laughed again. 
Steve made his way back over. “Thanks, man,” Jensen said nodding at him.
“Yeah. No problem man.” Steve said grinning. 
Jensen turned back to “So back to the topic of Supernatural. It came on in 2005, Not to sound like an ass, but do you just not watch t.v or Netflix?
“2005? I was  Pre-Med. Not a lot of time for T.V.” you said and turned around to watch Mac miss the 8-ball shot. You closed your eyes. Game over, you knew Steve would probably make the last shot. 
“You’re a doctor?!” Jensen’s voice raised some.
“No.” you took another drink. He put his hands out palms up waiting for an explanation. “It’s a long story,” you said. He raised his eyebrows once and lowered his hands. Steve called the shot and made it. You turned back to the high top and started cleaning. Both pitchers were empty. “Wasn’t there 3 pitchers?”
“I gave the third one to the guys, I didn't know you ladies already got one.” He started to help you. 
You grabbed the empty pitchers and started walking. He followed you with the empty glasses. You guys handed the bartender the dishes. “Thanks, guys, Last Call?” she said taking them. Jensen looked at you.
“Come on, One more.” You looked over to Mac and Zoey who had made their way back to the pool room. Zoey was introducing the other bandmates to Mac. 
You sat on the stool in front of you. “ Ok Ackles, one more.” He nodded at the bartender and she got out 2 Bud Light bottles opened them and sat them in front of him. He handed you one and raised his for a cheers. You clinked the bottles and you both took a drink.
He sat down next to you and swirled in the chair to face you. 
“So This doctor story. Too long to share over a beer?”
“ Kind of “ Tonight was so fun, you didn't want to talk about all the depressing stuff. And that story was full of it. He nodded  “So Tell me about it over lunch tomorrow?”
Your cheeks got warm again. Just then Mac And Zoey Approached you guys. “Hey babes, we are gonna get one more with the band, k?” 
“Actually this groupie here is taking me on a tour of Austin tomorrow,” you said. 
“Oh did I not tell you? I can’t make it tomorrow. I’m sorry.” she winked at you and walked away. 
“Well apparently I’m free tomorrow,” you said raising your eyebrows and taking a drink. 
“Not anymore. Lunch? I can show you around after if you want.” 
“Eh, I guess.” you smiled. “I got nothing better do to.”
He laughed. “Do you always talk this much shit?” 
“Yep.” He chuckled again and took a drink. “So tell me about this Supernatural. Is it really worth all the hype?”
He smiled. “Why yes, yes it is. It’s about these two brothers.” He talked in a movie phone voice. 
You put your hand on his arm and laughed. “Trust me I’ve got the back of the DVD box description and more numerous times.” He laughed. 
“I don’t know how to answer that. Of course, I’m going to say it’s a great show, but I played Dean for 15 years. I have a love for his story that words can’t explain. He is part of me. I think you should at least give it a shot. It would definitely make Mac and Zoey super happy.”
You realized your hand was still on his arm and your cheeks turned pink as you drew it away leaning back. He must have noticed because he smirked and finished his beer. “ I might.”  you swished your beer only a drink or two left. 
The bartender came over the p.a. System announcing they were closing up in 5 minutes. You turned back to check on the girls. Everyone was getting up some more graceful than others. “Hey, I almost forgot. We made a bet.” He said as he stood up and slid his phone out of his pocket. He got it to the add new contact screen and handed it to you. You stood up and took it. 
“A bet is a bet,”  you said as you put your info in. 
Mac and Zoey passed you. “Uber’s outside (y/n) unless…”
You gave her a hard look. “I’m comin’”
“I’ll walk out with you.”
You guys made it outside and found your Uber. You pointed. He walked beside you so close your hands touched a couple times. You stopped when you got to the car and turned to him. He put his hand out “It was nice meeting you (y/n)”
“You too Jensen.” you took his hand. Stepping on your tip toes you leaned and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled the biggest smile of the night. You got in the car. He walked over and put his hand on the door. 
“Good night Mr Ackles. “ you said as you winked at him.
He shook his head and still smiling. “Good night Darlin.” He closed the door. 
Part 2
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pixelatedraindrops · 24 days ago
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“Don’t worry, my pokepal. We’re here for you.”
Something I made based on BrightStar’s birthday present fanfiction to me. It’s a RainCode Pokemon AU crossover story. I felt pretty down last night and I needed a distraction. So I drew this. Originally it was going to be a small uncolored doodle I’d attach as a thread to the fic, but I just kept going… xD
Description below read (its long lol)
I kinda drew out one of the scenes, however I added my own element to it. I know that the scene takes place in the normal setting of rain code, except everyone is a Pokemon. But the story itself gave me huge Pokemon Mystery Dungeon vibes so I made the setting similar to the PMD Explorers games. With the straw nested beds, the grass flooring, and the sliced berries.
Tbh, the explorers games are the elements of PMD I’m most used to and prefer. I like the idea of Pokemon living like feral creatures with small living circumstances, like cavemen. Not fully functional furnishings and machines. I feel it gives a cozier domestic aspect and it separates a Pokemon society away from us humans. They have more modern settings in the newer games, but I like the way it was done in explorers the most. So I hope you don’t mind that!
It was rather nostalgic to draw a PMD themed art again after so long. It was a game I loved drawing fanart of in the past and I even had teams with the hero and partner based off my friends. Good times…
Reading this fic got me to thinking how much I would have loved to see a whump or illness scene from the game. Having the hero, partner or even important side character fall ill to have a nursing scene with their whole team tending to them. (The closest we got was the Manaphy post game quest before releasing it to grow up in the sea)
So I did just that. I used the fodder from Bright’s story to create this little piece where Team NDA help their newest member through a status ailment, known as a BRNing fever. (Plus yay an excuse to draw yuma sick as an eevee :D)
Everyone has a role to play in his recovery.
The patient, Kokovee is lying in the infirmary nest bed feeling exhausted, sick and miserable where he is tended to by the rest of his team. Yakgrowth makes sure he stays warm by using his many vines to force wrap a blanket around him, also to monitor his temperature, and to try to feed him. (I can see him doing all sorts of tasks with all his vines, Grass types are grade A caretakers :3) Liepara uses their sharp claws to slice the berries that are brought as medicine to be easier for him to consume. Oran berries for his energy, Rawst berries to settle the heat, and Persim berries to prevent any confusion (delirium) that might be caused by the illness. Desuhichu walks up to him and connects his cheek to his to loan him some energy his way. (though this only works on other Pikachu, it does not harm the sick shiny Eevee) Celibuki uses her psychic powers to pre-soak the towels in the stone bowl for cooling him off later, Duskullgami can’t do much but she makes sure her partner is at least comfortable, and Vivisol merely stands guard. He doesn’t do too much but he forewarned the team of the disaster beforehand so they got everything ready. He did help in his own way... XD
I was actually inspired partially by @asaka-lucy-dr-rc’s birthday work for me where everyone helps tend to sick Yuma in their own way. I wanted to do something similar, except they’re Pokemon now... xD
Desuhiko and Yuma's forms were designed by me, as Eevee and Pikachu are the only Pokémon I have confidence in drawing. It's why everyone else is kinda offscreen (that and to focus on kokobolt since Bright wrote this story as an extra service to her XD)
Ya'll cannot force me to draw anyone else completely so they are just there, feet and heads cut off LOL at Vivia's big-ass claws (shinigami was interesting to try though)
The other designs belong to @snivyartjpeg as part of their own PMD AU. Seems Bright used them for this story, so I had to draw them too. (sorry biggie I know sick whump isn't your thing, but I had to credit you... X'D)
But yeah it was fun to draw this out! (kinda needed a stress reliever)
I hope you all enjoy! ^-^
Thanks again for the cute story Bright!💜
Alt Version where Yuma’s body is free:
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cambion-companion · 1 year ago
BG3 Companions on a Halloween Date
YES I was itching to do something for the BG3 gang for the season. You could say it's been bugging me. Hah. Ok sorry it's the influence of my pfp.
Let's start with
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You want a cozy night in under the covers, watching scary movies (or puppet shows or whatever the heck is the equivalent in Faerun) but he's not sold on the idea. "I've seen enough horror to last me several lifetimes, darling."
Instead Astarion would take you out in the crisp Autumn air, under the distant sun, for a walk crunching through the dried leaves of brown and red.
He'd want to go to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect gourd for a Jack-o-Lantern.
When the sun set so very early in the afternoon, you'd retire back to your cozy abode and set to carving faces into your pumpkins.
Astarion of course would make short work of his, dexterous as ever with those knives, and he would do his best to shape the face into what he hopes he looks like.
Either that or, depending on where you're at in his character arc, he'd remake Cazador BEFORE gutting it and making a whole show of utterly eviscerating the poor Halloween decoration. "Astarion, this is supposed to be relaxing." "This IS my ideal downtime."
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You want someone who will snuggle under the covers and watch Hocus Pocus with you? Wyll is your man. But sorry I'm trying to keep to a less modern AU.
Wyll seems like the kind of guy who would put on some fitting music as you two cooked together, dancing in the kitchen intermittently and almost forgetting to check on the cookies before they burned.
He's such a sweetheart, checking to make sure you're happy with just spending an evening indoors with him. "We can go out on the town if you desire, sweetheart." "No, Wyll, I've told you this is absolutely perfect."
Depending on the choices you've made with him thus far, Mizora might pop in to dip her finger in the batter and bamf out again, giving ya'll a cheeky wink. "Ta ta, love imps. You make me physically ill."
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Sigh, you're back for more bones hm?
Alright I'll entertain you.
You ask Withers to dance to Spooky Scary Skeletons. He looks at you, unimpressed. "Get thee hence." "Wilt thou harass someone else?"
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Ideally I would propose and she'd say "yes". Oh what? Sorry, I was miles away.
For a Halloween date. Hm. A corn maze. Definitely.
She'd be all about her tutelage under Shar's freaks followers and want to show off her sneaking skills.
It would turn into a game of hide-and-go-seek and then it'd get a little creepy before she'd inevitably pounce on you and you'd end of in a fit of laughter together.
"I wasn't going to hurt you!" "Well, Shaddy, sometimes I wonder." "Good to keep you on your toes, then." "Careful, I saw a pond on the way in."
Then you two would go and get some candied apples and chat about memories and flowers that bloom in the gloaming.
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Oh Gale.
He'd love to read to you out of a classic gothic novel (cough cough Dracula cough cough) while you two cozy up under some blankets.
He'd probably get fresh with you and run a hand up your leg or something, OH SORRY this is post the patch that fixed that? OK. He'd wait an extra hour.
Tara would curl up next to you and listen as he read from the book, the firelight crackling and warming your bodies as the night grows dark outside.
Afterward he would ask if you'd like to be guided into the Astral plane where you can look down on the All Hallow's Eve festivities below.
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yeah, gotta give Tiefling daddy some love. Especially since I still feel bad for massacring them all my last playthru.
Zevlor is another who has seen his fair share of horror, and he would opt to do something more lighthearted with you for a Halloween date.
He seems like a family kind of man, so I expect he would invite the whole gang over for a delicious dinner. Mol and her friends, Arabella and her parents. Rolan and Zorru and maybe even Auntie Ethel will sneak in there. Then it really WOULD be a Halloween experience.
After the dinner and the guests are snoozing or already left he'd wrap an arm around you and pull you close. "Would you accompany me outside? I would like to show you the stars and tell their tales. It's been so long since I've gotten to properly admire them. Or you."
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Of course I have to include the daddy devil, who do you think I am?
Raphael would take you to a haunted house, of course. OF COURSE.
Hell, what better house that is haunted than the House of Hope?
It would be horrifying for you, since the no touching rules don't apply there, and most amusing for him.
You'd practically climb the cambion in your efforts to avoid the ghosties, especially that one who constantly says "huuuurt meeee, pleeeaaase."
Raphael would enjoy watching you squirm, and remind you such a fate would not be yours only IF you followed his rules.
Oh yeah, and maybe if you're lucky, or perhaps very unlucky, he'll invite you to his Boudoir.
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Oak Father frowns on dissecting pumpkins for the sake of creating superfluous lanterns (or something...I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, ok)
Instead, Halsin would druid craft you vines and harvest fruits in whatever shapes, sizes, and colors you desired.
He'd also want to go trick or treating so BADLY. "But Halsin, you're eight feet tall and built like a linebacker. No one is going to mistake you for a kid." Then he'd cast Disguise Self and you'd be forced to take him out on the town in hunt of candy.
Poor guy didn't have much of a childhood and wants to experience the finer things in life. Get those king sized candy bars...just once.
You are a bit huffy, having expected a more...romantic evening than this. But he'll make it up to you later winkwonk , till you can bearly stand it.
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You guys would get all CUTE and gussied up together.
Go out on the town.
Pick the best looking victim to be a sacrifice to Lolth.
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littlemissrobinblue · 4 months ago
Meet Lotus 🪷 Pressure OC
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Hey Howdy, Hey folks!
Hope ya'll's thanksgiving was fabulous, and now I'm back bring another OC!
Meet Lotus. Once a student studying at Urbanshade's Mock program for developing minds, turned Fish Monster at a young age (I shall get more into her backstory once I have fully figured it out).
I've written down some fun facts for her to give you a good idea on her character.
Note: Though she does assist you in your run, it's not all out of the kindness of her heart, more of the fact testing and theorizing on the outcome of her experiments.
I honestly can say I really enjoyed drawing her, I plan on drawing her more and giving more depth to her character in general, just for fun!
Edit: I added a closeup of Lotus, for the front view, just as a way to make it better to see her features and design.
Please DON'T: Repost, Trace, Copy, Use as your own.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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maldaptivedreamer · 4 months ago
strap in, baby
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You and Navarro head home early after a night out with your friends.
content: Navarro x fem reader, errors and mistakes, kind of a modern au, maybe ooc characters, wlw smut, reader is buzzed at beginning but sobers up, nicknames, strap on, road head, car sex
wc: ~3k
a/n:  I really liked the idea of Nav wearing a strap out in public and I'm not sure if I executed it well here. I may write another fic where she does it again, but hope ya'll enjoy this one!!
Main Masterlist
You clear your throat with a large grimace. A gentle hand grabs your face and wipes a stray drop from your lip. “Easy baby, you’re makin’ a mess.”
You grunt, blinking slowly at Navarro. “‘M not makin’ a mess. Your makin’ a mess.” You bite your lip with a flirty smile. “You know my girlfriend would kick your ass if she saw you flirting with me.”
Navarro suppresses a smile and nods at you. “Is that right?”
"Mmhmm," you hum, leaning back against the bar counter. "She's real tough. And jealous too." You wag a finger at Navarro, nearly poking her nose. "Could prob’ly take you in a fight."
Navarro chuckles softly, her hand still cupping your face. "I'll keep that in mind. But I think I can handle her." She leans in closer, her breath warm on your cheek. "Besides, I'm pretty tough too."
You giggle, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Oh yeah?"
Navarro's thumb traces your bottom lip gently and your face softens. "Mhmm," she murmurs.
She closes the distance between you, her lips brushing yours softly at first, then with more intensity. You melt into the kiss, your hands finding their way to her hips.
After a moment, Navarro pulls back slightly. “You’re ridiculous you know that?”
You straighten at her words and narrow your eyes at her. “You know my girlfriend would never say something like that to me. Cause she’s the sweetest, bestest, nicest girlfriend ever.”
Rolling her eyes, she lightly pinches your hip. “Your girlfriend sounds like she spoils you too much.”
Grinning, you give her a light peck. "She does," you say with a dreamy sigh. "But don't tell her I said that."
Navarro chuckles, shaking her head. "Secret's safe with me." She runs her fingers through your hair, her touch soothing. "Think you're ready to head back out there, or do you need a few more minutes?"
You consider for a moment, enjoying the playful calm you’ve settled in. "Maybe just a little longer," you mumble, leaning your forehead against Navarro's shoulder.
She wraps her arms around you, holding you close. "Take all the time you need, baby. I've got you."
You breathe in her familiar scent, feeling yourself start to sober up a bit. "Sorry I'm such a mess tonight," you mutter against her shirt.
She shakes her head. “You’re no-”
“Chill out mate, did no’ know she was wit’ you. Was rubbin’ all over me like she was all alone an’ needed a good fuck. Innit gorgeous?” Both of your heads snap towards the cocky, familiar voice.
Bjorn's lips curl into a confident smirk as he raises his hands in a taunting gesture. Your gaze falls to a girl caught between him and a towering, muscular man. Her wide eyes dart back and forth between the two, fear etched into her features. The tension in the air is palpable, and it’s clear that Bjorn is about to get his ass handed to him.
With a loud groan, you roll your eyes in exasperation and lightly push her away. “Go.”
Navarro hesitates, glancing between you and her brother. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”
You tilt your head and give her a firm nod, your tone laced with a hint of exasperation. “Yeah, I’ll be a lot better than Bjorn if you don’t go help him. Now go.” With a final push, you watch as she weaves her way through the bustling crowd towards Bjorn's side. 
You watch as Navarro makes her way through the crowd, her posture tense. As she approaches Bjorn and the muscular man, you can see her saying something, her voice lost in the noise of the bar. The large man's face contorts in anger, and he takes a menacing step towards Navarro.
You exhale a breath of relief as Tyler suddenly materializes, placing himself between the siblings and heated couple. His tall frame shields Bjorn and his calm demeanor helps diffuse the tension in the air.
You watch from a distance as Tyler's presence seems to deescalate the situation. The angry man's shoulders slowly relax, and the girl tugs on his arm, whispering something in his ear. After a moment, they turn and disappear into the crowd.
Navarro says something to Bjorn, her expression stern. He shrugs, a sheepish grin on his face, but you can see the relief in his eyes. Tyler claps him on the shoulder, shaking his head with a mixture of amusement and disapproval.
As the two of them make their way back to their table, Navarro heads toward you. You straighten up, trying to look more composed. “Your brother’s an idiot.”
Scoffing, she rolls her tense shoulders. “Yeah, I know.”
Grinning, you stumble off the stool into her chest. With a breath of surprise she catches you. With a blunt and innocent tone, you look at her. “Now that that’s been settled, can we go home? I’m horny and want you.”
Navarro laughs and rolls her eyes with a blush. “You’re drunk.”
Shrugging, you try to straighten your face. “Drunk on love for you.” At her deadpan expression, you grumble against her cheek. “Fine. Fine.”
You press your weight into her for a moment and breathe in her scent before sighing. Grabbing her hand, you drag your feet as you reluctantly move towards your friends. You greet them as you wait for Nav to sit. You immediately fall into her lap and freeze as you adjust yourself.
Navarro pulls you back into her and you try to ignore the feel of her against you.
Pushing yourself closer to her, you lean into her and your breath hitches at the feel of it. Gulping, you glance down and subtly grind your core against her. Navarro’s hands tighten around you and you huff a breath into her neck. Your voice comes out in a whine. “Oh fuck. I- Please, don’t tell me you’ve been wearing it all night.”
Navarro nods and huskily whispers in your ear. “You’re more affectionate than usual when we go out, so I wanted to be ready for you baby. Won’t be doing anything while you’re drunk though.”
You whine and grab her hands, pulling them tighter around you. “I’m not drunk, I’m a little tipsy but ‘m not…”
Your voice trails off as you struggle to focus, the warmth of Navarro's body and the press of the toy between you clouding any coherent thoughts. You squirm in her lap, trying to find a comfortable position that doesn't send sparks of arousal through your body with every slight movement.
"Easy, baby," Navarro murmurs in your ear, her nose trails against your neck. "We're still in public, remember?"
You nod, biting your lip to stifle a moan as you settle against her. "Right, right. Public… You’re a cruel, cruel person."
"Behave," Navarro warns, her tone playful but firm. She gives your thigh a gentle squeeze. 
The warning sends a shiver down your spine. "You sure that’s what you want?" you tease.
Before Navarro can respond, Tyler's voice cuts through your heated banter. "Hey lovebirds, you gonna join the conversation or just keep whispering sweet nothings to each other all night?"
You blush, suddenly remembering you're not alone. Across the table, Kay raises a concerned eyebrow at you. "You okay? You look a little flushed, maybe you should slow down."
"'M fine," you mumble, waving a hand dismissively. "Just... warm in here."
You see their skeptical expressions and Bjorn snorts into his drink.
With a sly glint in your eyes, you seize the opportunity to divert their attention. Squinting at Bjorn, you tilt your head ever so slightly in challenge. “Y’know, I’m curious. D’you want to get the shit kicked out of you or are you just incapable of shutting your mouth?” Despite your harsh words, your tone is lighthearted.
Bjorn's body tenses at the provocation and he reacts with a pained groan, sinking back into his seat. Navarro's laughter echoes softly against your skin, leaving behind a light ticklish sensation. “She was all over me an’ how was I ‘sposed to know that she’d been with someone… An’ she was fit.”
Laughing, Tyler lifts his beer to his mouth. “S’that why you stepped up to her monster of a fucking boyfriend. Y’know he coulda kicked both of our arses.”
Smirking, Bjorn shrugs.
The conversation diverts to various random topics and you try to ignore your girlfriend and her teasing touches.
As the night wears on, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on the conversation around you. Navarro's hands wander subtly, tracing patterns on your thighs and stomach that send shivers through your body. Occasionally, she adjusts, slowly grinding into you. You try to participate in the conversations, but your responses become more disjointed and distracted.
"You sure you're alright?" Kay asks again, her brow furrowed with concern. "You've been awfully quiet."
You nod a bit too enthusiastically. "Yep! Totally fine. Just... listening." You clear your throat, trying to sound more convincing. "You guys are just so interesting."
Tyler snorts. "Right. Because Bjorn's story about his latest Tinder disaster is riveting stuff."
"Hey!" Bjorn protests. "'S not my fault she turned out to be a bloody alien fanatic!”
You open your mouth to respond, but Navarro cuts in smoothly. "Actually, we may head out. I think someone's had a bit too much to drink tonight."
You turn to pout at her, but the mischievous glint in her eye makes your breath catch. "Maybe you're right," you manage to say.
Tyler starts to rise from his chair. “D’you want any help?”
Navarro shakes her head with a smile and reassures him. “Nah, you guys stay and have fun. I’ve got her. We’ll just head home and pass out.”
Tyler’s face scrunches in worry. “Well, make sure she drinks water and there’s pain killers in the main toilet cabinet. There’s also-”
Rain interrupts him and places a calming hand on his arm. “We know you’ve got her. We’ll see you guys tomorrow. Be safe and love you guys.”
You both return the sentiment and part ways from your friends. Navarro slides an arm around your waist to guide you.
As you stumble out of the bar, the cool night air hits your flushed skin, providing some relief from the stuffy interior. Navarro's arm remains firmly around your waist, supporting you as you make your way to the car.
"You okay to walk, baby?" she asks, her voice low and concerned.
You nod, leaning into her. "Mmhmm. 'M fine. Just... distracted."
Navarro chuckles softly. "I bet." Her hand slides lower, giving your ass a firm squeeze. "Still want me when we get home?"
You whimper, your steps faltering slightly. "God, yes. Please."
Opening your car door, she carefully watches as you step into the car. You rub your hands together in an attempt to warm yourself and she slides into the seat next to you.
"Cold, baby?" she murmurs, turning the heat on.
You nod, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Mmhmm. Maybe you should warm me up."
Navarro chuckles. "Patience. We'll be home soon." A sharp squeal escapes your lips as her cold fingers slip under the hem of your shirt. Her icy touch sends shivers down your back and you smack her hand.
You playfully scold her with an annoyed tone. “Yah know, if I hadn’t sobered up before, I definitely have now asshole.”
Licking her lips with a grin, she barely glances at you as she turns out of the parking lot. “What happened to me being the sweetest, bestest, nicest girlfriend ever?”
Shrugging with a frown, you rub your nose and look out of the window. “Well I was wrong and under the influence.”
She hums in amusement and a comfortable silence settles over both of you.
Despite the lighthearted teasing and playful banter between you, your body is still consumed by a deep and primal arousal. Your skin feels hot and taut, your muscles tense with anticipation. Grinning mischievously, an idea comes to you.
Turning to her with a coy smile, you begin trailing soft kisses down the length of her neck. She glances at you skeptically from the corner of her eye, but keeps her focus on the road ahead. “What are you doin?”
Instead of answering verbally, you reach down and gently trace your fingers over her pants. Moaning softly against her skin, you stroke the toy through her pants. Her breath hitches in surprise and her hands grip tightly onto the steering wheel. “What happened to waiting till we got home, pretty girl?”
You part from her skin after a harsh suck to her neck. You shrug, unbuttoning her pants, your fingers trembling with anticipation. “Who said that?” you ask, voice husky.
You release the dildo from her pants and it springs up. Without hesitation, you spit on your hand and begin stroking Nav's length. “If you want me to stop, baby, tell me and I’ll stop,” you murmur, gazing at the side of her face. “You can drive us all the way home while I fuck myself on my fingers. Either way, it’s a win-win for me Ro.”
You can see the conflict in her eyes, but determination quickly settles over her. Swallowing, she nods and glances at you. “I want you to suck my cock until we make it home.”
Your core throbs at her words and you eagerly fulfill her desire. Lowering your head over her slick cock, you press a kiss to the engorged head. Moaning, your tongue traces the vein on the side and your lips encase the surrounding flesh, sucking. 
Navarro moans and resists the urge to look down at the mess you're making. The noise of your sloppy mouth pleasuring her sound throughout the car, persisting over the music on the radio.
You take Navarro deeper into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you suck. Your tongue swirls around the head of the toy before you slide down further, taking as much as you can. Navarro's hips twitch, fighting the urge to thrust up into your eager mouth.
"Fuck, baby," she groans, one hand leaving the steering wheel to tangle in your hair.
You hum around her, the vibrations making her gasp. Your hand works what you can't fit in your mouth, twisting and stroking in time with your bobbing head.
Navarro's breathing becomes more ragged as she tries to focus on the road. Her thighs tense under you, her arousal building at your desperation and pure want for her.
"We're almost home," she pants.
Navarro's grip on the steering wheel tightens as you take her deeper into your mouth. Your tongue swirls around the shaft, tracing every ridge and vein of the toy. She lets out a shaky breath, fighting to keep her focus on the road. Your hand works the base of the toy as you bob your head, taking her as deep as you can manage in this position.
Navarro's breathing grows heavier, her knuckles white on the wheel. "We're almost home," she manages to say, her voice strained. "Just a few more minutes."
You force yourself down, the noise of her tip hitting the back of your throat loud. Your free hand slides up to her hand on the back of your head, and you press it down, silently encouraging her to guide you.
Navarro groans out an elongated Fuuuck, before pulling you off of her and gently guiding you back to your seat. You pant and quickly reach a hand into your pants to touch yourself. You whimper as your hand meets the mess in your pants and your press finger to your clit.
Your eyes shoot open as Nav rips your hand out of your pants. Glancing around, you noticed she parked in an abandoned parking lot. Her voice is breathy as she moves to slide your pants down. “Can’t wait till we get home. Need you to ride me now.”
You gasp as Navarro's hands grip your hips, helping you straddle her lap in the driver's seat. The confined space of the car makes it awkward, but your need overwhelms any discomfort. You can feel the toy pressing against your entrance, slick with your saliva.
"You sure?" you breathe, searching her eyes.
Navarro nods, her pupils blown wide with lust. "Need you, baby. Now."
You moan as she lines up the toy with your entrance, your slick arousal making it easy for her to slide inside. You sink down slowly, savoring the delicious stretch.
"Fuck," you whimper, your forehead pressed against hers. "You feel so good."
Navarro's hands guide your hips as you start to move, urging you to move faster. "That's it," she groans. "Fuck, you’re gorgeous baby. Ride me so well."
The car feels impossibly hot, windows already starting to fog. Your hands brace against the headrest for leverage as you ride her.
Your breath comes out in labored moans as your hips to roll faster and harder in Navarro's lap, the toy filling you completely with each forceful thrust. The cramped quarters of the car only intensify the sensations, your bodies pressed tightly against one another.
Your desperation builds with each roll of your hips. Navarro's hands grip your waist tightly, as she thrusts up to meet you. The car rocks slightly with the force of your thrusts.
"Oh god, Ro," you pant, your head falling back. “Your cock feels so good baby."
Navarro leans forward, her mouth latching onto your exposed neck. "Come on baby, cum for me," she growls against your skin. "Let me know how good I make you feel, pretty girl."
Her words send a shiver down your spine. You grind down harder, chasing your release. Navarro's fingers quickly find your clit, rubbing it in tight circles.
You whimper, your walls clenching around the toy as your orgasm washes over you. You pant into each other’s mouths as you both catch your breath, you more so than her. Swallowing, you force yourself up on shaky legs and Navarro quickly assists you.
The toy flops out of you and she guides you to lean on her chest. Rubbing your back, she presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head and mumbles. “Love you.”
Huffing, you mumble back. “Love you too.”
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 year ago
Danganronpa 3: Despair arc episode 5.
Into a flashback of kid Ryota being bullied by some kids.
Having rubbish tipped onto him as they call him dirty and taking photos.
Kids are scary man.
Poor Ryota.
And his parents suck, and he copes by watching cartoons.
This got way to relatable.
Cool seeing his set up and such but man he's so stressed which... yeah, shout out to all the artists and animators out there.
Ya'll are great.
Back to Chisa heading to the Reserve Course.
Aaand we don't see it, it's skipped over of course.
I get that it's her punishment and it's a downgrade from her usual class which she loves.
And I know kids can be asshole's.
But I just hate that teaching these kids is considered a punishment.
These kids are looked down upon by everyone at the main school, it's just sad seeing that everyone really was against them.
Hammering the point that any one of those kids could've become Izuru Kamakura.
And for teaching them Chisa was treated awfully for it.
It's werid seeing Juzo calmly talk to someone.
Chisa's heard about the Kamakura project, I think it's too late though.
This sounds werid but I'm kinda glad they're not gonna be able to save Hajime.
Because can you imagine if they got him out and saved him?
The Reserve Course would probably be shut down or something especially knowing where the funds for it were going.
Hajime would be more depressed than ever, and these guys are not the people to give the "You're more than a talent speech."
Unless it's Chiaki than its a whole other story.
But than they'd be seperated and Hajime is back to square one.
... Fuck is the good ending for Hajime bring tortured so bad he literally becomes someone else?
I mean it does get better, hopefully if the end of Danganronpa 2 is any sign.
But man that's sad.
Did not need to re-live Juzo beating Hajime.
Ohh so they covered up Hajime being involved by saying he's been expelled.
And looking like Jin Kirigiri wasn't involved, as they say the other staff on the board run the school.
Idk if its better or worse he wasn't involved.
Because either way he's enabling it.
I really like the idea of him being in on it, but than regretting it.
Much like the Director, case of history repeating itself.
And that guilt playing into his actions in the first game.
And partly why he kept Kyoko at arms length, he didn't want her getting caught up into this.
But also knew if Kyoko was near him she would snuff out the project easily.
It's okay if he's not, just makes him both a bad headmaster and a bad father.
"Make sure you're students don't make the news again."
Oh you're in for a rude awakening.
But Nagito's gone missing.
And we get a shot of the applications of the 78th class.
Hell yeah.
And Jin looking at Kyoko's. Incase we forgot she's his daughter.
... Chisa why would you want to be Munakata's anything nevermind beloved?
Sworn enemy maybe, but beloved?
Aww the class having a celebration for her that's so sweet.
And Chiaki planned it, and she's been holding the class together.
Love that for her.
Fuyuhiko pretending he doesn't care but he does.
Man I missed these guys, even though it hasn't been long at all.
Hiyoko got taller, holyshit.
Gundam and Sonia giving a toast in true Gundam fashion might just be the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
Ryota saying he has no time for friendship.
I get your busy man but you can't stop friendship.
It will find you, you will be friended.
And yes that is a threat.
... Wait a sec... That wasn't Ryota, that's Imposter?!
Twogami my boy! I was wondering where he was.
Awh he's been covering for and looking after Ryota.
That's so sweet.
"This show can't end till its characters get a redemption."
I hope so.
"People can flake you out but carbs are always there."
Same ol Twogami.
He's not wrong though.
A plane and a fancy car.
..... SHE'S HERE.
And she put a bomb in her purse, or her purse was a bomb.
Either way that limo is gone, heh unintentional rhymes.
Junko Enoshima has entered the building.
As fabulous as ever.
And of course she's narrating her own life and insulting Mukuro at the same time.
I like how Mukuro's voice is almost monotone, balancing out Junko's more loud upbeat voice.
Junko's narration including the tragedy, so she had this shit planned from the get go.
This afternoon in fact.
Man imagine joining secondary school like what are your goals?
Oh I'm gonna destroy the whole world.
Can't even call her overconfident because she did it.
Mukuro being... Infatuated? With Junko doesn't suprise me, mainly cos I've seen that clip of them in the limo before.
Without context.
But even than makes sense, they may be the despair sisters but Junko has always been the mastermind behind the whole operation.
And for Mukuro to go through and do this shit for Junko, yeah she's gotta care for her a lot.
... Maybe too much...
The fact they both talk while Junko casually tries to kill Mukuro, I guess that's how they bond.
Because if they wanted to, they could kill the other.
The only one who would and succeeded was Junko.
"What an affect my bloody corpse would have on her."
Honestly, yeah I think it would. Junko wouldn't have killed her if it didn't give her despair.
Love that Mukuro didn't even know about them going to Hope's Peak.
Once again Junko is the brains of the operation.
Love the friendship between Ryota and Twogami.
And it makes sense why Ryota is so focused and why he spends all his time on his talent.
It's all he had growing up he has to make it.
Has to.
Annnd Ryota passed out.
Poor guy.
Twogami, my dude there are better and easier ways to get someone to help you.
Rather than just grabbing Mikan and dragging her away.
Poor Mikan.
So Twogami realised he was struggling and got him to stay with him.
That's sweet.
Probably wasn't the best idea given it enabled him to overwork himself so much.
But still sweet.
I'm sad we don't get to know his name but I guess that's the point.
I like to think if he had one, Ryota knew it.
My boyyy!!
I didn't think we'd see him in the despair arc, or at least this early but here we are.
Oh Makoto, look at how happy and not traumatised he is.
Savour this moment.
His little pep talk to himself.
Annnd Junko's here narrating about her plan and drawing Monokuma.
Imagine telling her the random kid before her is the one who's gonna defeat her.
"Who knows maybe fate will drop someone into my lap."
Oh it will... And there he is.
Hi Hajime.
And incase we didn't know if already, Juzo's verbal and physical best down of Hajime was the final nail in the coffin and why he agreed to do the project.
Fuck you Juzo.
"You'll be fine."
... No... No he won't.
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onceuponalegendbg-rwby · 1 year ago
Reaction to RWBY Crew Commentary V9
Alright, as is tradition at this point, got my copy of the Blu Ray so let's get started.
Okay, first of all, before I even hop into the commentary, I love that the title screen for the menu is Ruby falling through that mural in the OP. That is... That is so cool man! Whoever thought of that... I love you. You're a genius.
So we start off with Kerry, Eddy, Laurie (hope I spelled that right). And addressing how they had to work mostly from home on this volume and the challenges that caused.
Yeah, quick reunion was the right call. I mean, we did the Team RWBY split for two volumes (4 and 5) and then again in V8. Don't keep the girls apart again.
Little origins! Give me! Someone that starts how Ruby started...
I mean... yeah, I assumed Ruby knew about Penny from Weiss. Like... duh.
Same peeps for episode 2 but also with Paula? Again, I hope I heard that right.
Return of Blake the Book Nerd.
Yang and Blake kind of dig the Ever After, Weiss hates it, and Ruby is lost in her thoughts.
Luci improvised Little's little song.
Oh, Yang might still think this is a dream so nothing here matters... That's an idea. Everyone grieves differently...
Man I love Weiss in this episode.
"We can't have her be the butt of every joke." .... I want to see what they cut.
Episode 3! We've picked up Conner, Dustin, and Kiersi! Lost Laura and Paula.
The animation is so good man.
Putting away depression to help her friends.
Prince Trauma(TM)
Neo Scary.
Episode 4. Kerry, Eddy, Miles and Dustin.
Curious talk.
Self critic!
"She learned her lesson in the end, right?" "Oh, I'd certainly say so."
"If there's something Ruby can blame herself for, do it!"
"Cat wanted to scope out which one of the girls was weakest."
Shout out to the VAs!!
Chapter 5: Kerry, Eddy, Paula, Kiersi!
Cat is dismissive of WBY. Focuses only on Ruby.
The Blacksmith: The Ever After itself is now reaching out to Ruby.
Walking the line between the audience knowing that Ruby needs help and WBY not quite understanding how bad it is.
Making sure the emblem wasn't on Ruby's model after was a pain.
"Oh no, he's hot."
Episode 6: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Laura.
The difference between Jaune having already lived for many years with this guilt in the Ever After and RWBY who are still fresh.
How protective Kerry is of the Bee scene is amazing.
There was an idea that the vision Alyx saw was that she saw that someone in her party was going to keep her from returning home, and it ultimately is herself before the Cat kills her.
Ya'll have already seen other posts about Kerry and crew's thoughts on the Bee scene and what it means for the Yang and Blake so I won't go into all that because, yeah, can't say it better.
"They were actually in front of each other the whole time." Excuse me!
"Now she has to step up again." ....Ow.
Episode 7: Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Dustin? I think that's what I heard.
How the meeting went: "Well he can't have been doing nothing, that would be really disappointing." *Beat of silence* "Oh, that would be really disappointing." Evil geniuses.
Stuck in the pattern of trying to be the hero. Both incredibly busy and doing nothing.
"He's more lost than ever."
Fighting on a hill. I'd never considered the complications of that either.
Miles and Lindsey kill this scene man. It's so good.
Episode 8 (oh boy): Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Paula, Kiersi.
Had to cut an episode due to scheduling and budget. Scary to have to rework that.
Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
The flowers on the Tea Cups are Forget-Me-Nots.
Imposter Syndrome.
Neo landed on the Brother's Acre.
"Neither one of them won that fight." Neo and Ruby.
Episode 9: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Dustin, Kiersi.
Blacksmith is a therapist.
Weiss is the best, true.
What do the characters want?
Episode 10: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Kiersi, Dustin.
Aw, their kids contributed some of the background drawings for Yang and Ruby's room.
Furious Cat.
"She's the self that chose herself." "She emerges herself but different."
"I'm so happy." I love how much they love this show.
"How do we not redeem her but give her this sort of neutral path?"
Oh man, I'm tearing up before Somewhat even shows up.
Somewhat is no longer defined by having one purpose.
Dude, they keep talking about not wanting this to be filler so they had the backstory of the Brothers but I will always stand by that if the characters learn and grow as people then it will never be filler. So from the beginning this was never going to be filler.
"One small kindness, in one small moment, led to such a marvelous transformation." That line always destroys me.
Whelp, that's a wrap on the commentary for V9. Now... we wait.
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not-so-ori-ginal · 2 years ago
sun haven is wack as fuck on god (i have to get this outta myself...)
this game drives me mad! crazy mad! I've gotten over it from playing it a bit! and i admit i wasn't playing on the newest version since obv i torrented it! I have no idea what has been fixed already since 1.1.0f so that's your disclaimer! but from the start! from character creation! arms being over the hair sprite and ruining vibes! palettes being mismatched causing amari ears and hair to not match! (hair shaded grey and ears shaded blue in the case of the white variants) is there a single person who chose those silly ass beaks and gator jaws for their characters? or a colored dog mouthpiece when the rest of your face is stuck at human colors? you enter the game, are handed begginer tools by anne (i hate her since i am unwilling to suck her capitalistic dick in the dialogue choices) and discover what i deem the most wack thing in the game by my taste - 2 PLANKS FOR 4 LOGS? it goes against all gaming logic and makes any plank crafting an absolute grind! so many crafting stations! 4 different ones just for cooking! the scrolling is torture in cases like the anvil! the jewelery table can't even make proper gem rings! you have to get them from chests! and by the time i got a diamond ring that gives +16 to health and mana i was at over 100hp and 200mp, making it almost nothing, especially in comparison to exp boosting rings! and that sunite key is quite precious! all i can say about the characters is that i don't like how the choices are made. the answers are often quite grey in nature giving you the illusion of a choice, but you just have to suck up to the characters with that sweet sweet validation. i've made that mistake once. now i hate anne. with that low bar set............. i like donovan the best that's not all! but anyways! i! say! it's! wack! ....at least the vibes are quite good at all points. all towns - pretty as hell. the mines - pretty as hell. i played this game once before the mines had enemies.... i have a memory of having fun, actually. did i get worse at tolerating things in favor of the good points? or did the game get somehow worse? is that even possible? well if they were doing dlcs already at such a point then something is definetly going wrong. and they're still coming. my god. i wish good luck to all the sun haven fans out there! hope the game is/gets better in the future for ya'll's sake!
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thepiinkpages · 5 months ago
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I have become to engrossed in reading mediocre written books that I neglect my other books in my rotations. I will read book after after book on my kindle but I neglect my physical books because for some reason i'm attached to the safeness that comes with mid books. *insert sigh here*
For some reason, I have also made it my live mission to know everything about this book series. I've now read 5 books that connects to this book series.
Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
Genres: Romance, Reverse Harem, Witches, Fantasy
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Side note: As I further researched this book series on mu good read i realized that this book series IS NOT COMPLETED. The last book actually comes out this month on the 28th. I will have to wait a week for this good damn book? This was my thirteenth reason.
Ya'll have to understand. When I started reading this book I had no idea there would be more than 3 ML but considering this authors track record, I should have known.
The plot is actually pretty interesting in the beginning. It was a fresh idea, albeit the horrifying abuse the FL (Deva) sustained before she ran away. It reminds me of that one movie, the autopsy of jane doe. I suspect that is where the author came up with the 'runes under the skin' business.
There is the usual ML in this book. The dark one, the possessive one, the crazy one, the freaky one, and the mysterious one... that should cover the majority of it in this book series...I hope. The ML's are Grimshaw, Osborn (Nickname: Oz), Lazaro, and Micajah (Nickname: Cage).
Much to my surprise, I actually really liked how this series turned out. The background of each character was great. Although I do feel that they all moved fast as fuck, I didn't hate it as much as the authors other books. I thought Deva was a character people can sympathize and actually like. My favorite amongst her harem of men is... to be honest. All of them. Give them to me. Although the fact that she said I love you less than a MONTH of knowing them is concerning.
Grimshaw is so possessive and big and strong... *sigh* my type. Osborn is a serial killer thats heart beats only for her... my type. Lazaro wants to dominate her in life and bed... *sigh* someone call my therapist. Cage wants to live under her skin and thrive... okay someone seriously stop me. I have half the mind to throw myself into this universe.
I especially liked the part where Lazaro didn't allow himself to like her in real life but he would go in her dreams and do what he fantasized about there. Also Osborn knew her first and spend 6 months trying to find her trying not to go crazy in the process. It's like this book took a look into my type and gave me 5 options.
On another note, Grimshaw is a a characteristic big muscular man however I loved how his familiar was a little white rabbit. CUTE!
Here's some quotes:
"...You can make food appear out of nowhere, and you pick fruit?...Queso!...I'm going to get so fat."
"...This woman was going to destroy me, and I was going to willingly rip out my heart for her..."
"...She was my everything. The beam of starlight in the dark icy existence I lived every day. The woman that I would be devoted to with an obsessive focus for the rest of our lives..."
Im on to the next book
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popculturebuffet · 1 year ago
Breaking Cat News Retrospective: Year 8: Flashbacks Ahoy-hoy (Patreon Review for Emma Fici
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to my long look at Breaking Cat News, the best comic strip currently running. And to my shock this retrospective, that's lasted almost a year and through two homes... is almost done. Just two more entries after this covering 2022 (Minus a few strips here as the last arc of 2021 bleeds into 2022 this time), and 2023 and this retrospective will take a yearlong slumber worry of the fluffiest of good kitties, coming back each year from now until doomsday. I just wanted to thank Emma for sponsoring these reviews allowing me to do this. While this has been far from my most popular series, it's one of the ones i'm most proud of and I woudln't have it any other way.
After a packed year of the people dealing with Covid, Goldie settling in, and some good old fashion wrasslin, 2021 is a chill year for BCN. I noticed as I re-read it that 2021's arcs lean more to the slice of life side of the strip with a blackout, a camp out in the living room, and ending (and beggining the next year) with the cats freaking out over new food. This isn't a bad thing either: after the lockdown, I can't blame Georgia for just wanting to have some fun shenanigans. The pandemic didn't go away (and still hasn't sadly), but with the Woman and Man getting their vaccines and having guests for the first time, there's less stress in the air, something I visably felt as 2021 went on and that comes through in this strips.
As a result of this chiller tone the bigger stories this year come not from big events in the present, as the cats and humans get some time off from being put through it, and more from the past: We get THREE flashback stories this year, all nice character pieces: A look into Baba's past career as a reporter, the origin of Puck's neverending battle against the leaves, and a spooky halloween tale about how Violet and Natasha met Alice and Agnes.
While i'll have less to talk about as a result.. 2021 is still a great year of the strip, with some truly outstanding gags and great character work. So join me under the cut won't you as we look into the highs, the lows and the food protests of 2021 of Breaking Cat News
For a fairly chill year 2021 naturally has a pretty cozy start: Elvis and Puck fight for a bit after Puck accidently wakes Elvis up
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THough as you'd expect they make up quickly. The woman enters a blanket cocoon, and a certain little lady gets her very own newsdesk, While puck learns a valuable lesson on groundhog day in one of my faviorite short arcs of the series.
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That last line really hits me. It's all about perspective and explains why Groundhog day exists: to give us hope or to unite us all in getting through the next 6 weeks.
The cats also deal with a blackout for a bit, new england winters and all. All great arcs by the way. Nothing for me to dig into character wise, just solid relatable comedy and warm fuzzies, the stuff the comic accels at.
It isn't till march a true crisis hits our heroes. And while it's true this is one of the more chill years of the strip, if not the chilliest... it dosen't stop it from having the single most bonkers storyline georgia's ever crafted.
We Got Leprechauns
I'm going to let the next few strips speak for themselves.. just really.. let ya'll soak it all in.
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Yup, there's a lep in the hood come to do no good. This.. this is happening. And the series HAS had ghosts so Leprechauns existing isn't out of question.. it's just a bit of a leap to go from "the spirits of cats that once lived in the house and one old woman who loved them all" , something pretty easy to swallow and that fits with the idea pets often see thigns we don't to "one of those things we see are tiny feral irishmen who bite people". It's not BAD honestly, we get good gags out of it and the idea of a leprechaun being mad the kids set their harmless leprechaun traps is hilarious as it is terrifying to see these poor kids stalked by this little creature. It could only be creepier if it were warwick davis playing the part but alas , he's retired. I love how bonkers this is too, I just can't ignore that even for a weirdo like me, this is a lot to take in and has only come back about once so far, so ti feels like this really weird if really fun and unique chapter in the strips history.
Thankfully for our poor babies, help's on the way..
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I love all of this, from Natasha bringing back her spiky fighting leather jacket, to Natasha blowing this jerk out of the room. HOW she got the hair dryer into the room we'll never know, but considering she just blew a vengeful leprechaun out a window now's probably not the time to question logic.
And if that wasn't enoguh for you, a familiar face happens to know this bog monster's mom, so his humilation isn't over yet
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All in all one of the funnest storylines in the strip, and defintely the weirdest thus far.
So with the Leprechaun sucessfuly blown out of the house and forced to apologize... We can get back to normal things, like Lupin getting some unfortunate news about cars
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This is one of my faviorites too. It both fits lupin well and makes really good use of Goldie's life experince.
We get some more REALLY fun arcs as the people have a wrestling watch party And the man buying kebble. That was not a typo
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Another faviorite short arc of mine, a simple premise, hilariously executed. I also love the fact Burt loves it: it fits his character and it's just adorable to see him with his mug and plate full of rocks that's also somehow cat food. Side note, starting to get why Elvis hates the man so much.
And finally we have "Elvis gets himself stuck on a curtain and is too old and stubborn to accept help to get down unless it's his mommy. Enjoy the nightmare fuel!
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So with that we enter our next major arc
Heads Up: Most People News is Terrible: So it's early 2021, so that mean's it's time for SHOTSSSSSSS BABBYYYY. And for our human cast that means heading for the vet clinic.. which naturally confuses the heck out of our protaganists
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Dang! .... also yeah our cats have questions.. and while our boys are usually great parents.. they sent the wrong kitten to get answers.
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I wanted to put this one in isolation.. because that last panel is so dang impactful. Poor bea's thousand yard stare.. and Baba's just mournful look. She gets the guys didn't mean anything by this but also gets that this was a LOT for a poor little kitten to process. I mean I barely made it through 2020, I can't imagine what reading through all that would be like.
It's also a clever way to finally have the cats learn the awful truth and a bitter bit of irony: Their finally using Beatrix to do her job.. and it's the one time they REALLY shoudln't have. Thankfully Baba subs for her.
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I love this arc a lot... it really sums up just how trying the pandemic was, what we all went though.. and how important and brave it was to take the precautions responsible people did to protect others. Also the "Montage in my head of the woman baking bread and crying" "big same" punchline is a classic. It's also a bit of a button on writing about COVID. The Impact of it isn't gone, but like with most of us with the immense mental pressure of having to hide inside gone and vaccines allowing people to get out again, there's less emphasis on the woman and man being there. Granted like when the pandemic happened, this dosen't change much: the Woman is a stay at home mom since Georgia herself works from home and the kids are still toddlers at this point, but the clear spectre of it looming over most human scenes is gone.
Robot Rodeo
We go right from the vaccine arc to another one as the woman is warn out having to vaccum every day since ya know, 4 cats and 2 small children. The nana thankfully comes to her rescue though with the solution of the future: A ROBOT. Specifically a robot vacum, to help keep the cat hair down.
I love that The Nana, and impliclity Georgia's mom, is a giant sci fi nerd and the nice kind of person who sends their daughter a bunch of robots.
Yeah she didn't stop at JUST the robot vacuum to help with the work load: she also sent a Destry Hearth (think alexa) and a drone for the kids to play with. And Cats, who soona djust to their new robot roomies
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Not that the new roomies don't have their trouble: Destry is SUPPOSED to set Tortimer to vacum but the kid's obessesion with Love shack makes that a tall order, as does Lupin's cowboy antics, but thankfully the poor vacuum eventually finds a friend.. as does Lupin so he'll leave poor tortimer alone.
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So a lot to unpack. First, sir, I was also a kid in the 90's. And in the 2000's when the Gorillaz were first about.The point is I do remember love shack being a thing. Also man was it awesome when all the best bands were cartoons. Cherished Days.
Second i'll never not love "I"ve learned nothing and you know it" or "So lonsome he could cry" two of my faviorite jokes in the strip. Such great Lupin stuff.
After this we get a wholesome adventure where, after a tropical storm rains on their camping plans, the family have a camp out in the living room, allowing our heroes to join in.
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So.. many great jokes this year. What it lacks in character stuff it makes up for in character humor and i'm here for it. I also love "everyone's answer is burt" Though I DON'T think Elvis' would be.. or at least it won't be by next year but we'll get to my ship next time.
Now in the 90's
Our next arc spins out of this one: while our heroes were camping, our other heroes, specifically Tommy, Burt and Beatrix, are looking up old footage. Like the audience Bea wants to follow up on that juicy reveal that Baba was a reporter once and with some help from an old Friend/Fiend/Annoyance, they find what their looking for
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I love the idea of this arc, really peeling back the backstory we've seen hints of, but really havne't gotten to see, while also using it to set up a LOT of stuff for down the road. This arc already came off important when I read it the first time, as it shades in Baba's past pre-Wicket and explains a lot about mag.. and a certain someone else we'll get to. But it also leaves a LOT of story nuggets that were frozen to be warmed up with 2023's big storyline, which we'll get to in january. It's also nice to see Angus alive and well and I love the roll reversal of MOUSE being the young one with an older mentor.
Speaking of that certain someone else, their the reason Mag's here on the big pink lawn
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Said war will be important later. Seriously props to georgia for setting up an arc two years down the line here without anyone noticing. Anyways yup, Jules REALLY is immortal and while it was already hilarious enough the same bug somehow came back every year, Georgia decided to take it up a notch with this arc, as finding out he's an old friend of Angus is just the START of how old this guy really is.
Some other nice touches before we move on: Clover was mentioned before, I just missed it the first time around as a historic scribe, the mole here implies all moles int he BCN world have beautiful mustaches Viltrumite styles, and finally you might notice a small golden mouse whose exactly who you thinks he is in the corner.. something I missed on re-reading this till gathering the'se strips for this review.
So with that the trial begins.. and given the charges are parnoid nonsense to begin with Jules easily beats them with no real effort. That said even if he hadn't a certain chekovs gunwoman makes sure he gets his freedom
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Having the golden mouse show up was a stroke of genius, not only allowing us, and the mice who idolize her, to actually SEE her, but it makes sense: She WOULD have been around at this time as it would've been just before her battle with wicket. IT's also neat to see she lives up to the legends: you'd THINK the mice exagerated but outside of making her out to be some form of god. I also love the reveal Clover's the one who drew the tapestry the mice had back int he Wicket arc. Brilliant stuff. We have a bit more to wrap up with this arc... just in time for one of my faviorites as the girl plays dress up with our poor kitties.
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That "O Mag" hits me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. and i'm here for it. Such a touching little moment that shows some humanity in our usually grouchy trash god empress. The dress up arc, as short as it is.. is just pure gold. I mean I feel bad the real and strip cats got put through this, but the image of Goldie yowling "This is an outrage" in a bonet" will never not make me smile.
WE get some other short arcs I once again really can't cover in full, but are all comedy gold so we have a lightning round baby: the cats get a cabniet litterbox and Elvis takes it with as much dignity as he can manage, the cats get into hostile sandwitch negotations with the man who dosen't get how small his bargining power is, Elvis falls in love with the new crinkle tunnel, and some Jasons outside have a domestic dispute our heroes can't help turning away from car crash stylez. All some of Georgia' sbes tcomedy writing.. especailly the jasons.
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That jason bit will never not be the best stupidiest thing. Though the phantom of the crinkle tunnel comes close.
Pucky Year One
So with that fall has set in and the leaves are changing.. and have to be swatted away by a certain good boy to save the world. Goldie however asks not whyt hat's happening, she wants to know why PUCK took it up. So prepare for concentrated adorable as we see puck as a kitten.. and i'ts HEAVILY implied he shares the real pucks origin, having been left outside, got his leg infected and nearly died before a good samaratian rescued the poor puff. He's also the middle child, hence why Lupin's absent for these flashbacks. Though thankfully not Elvis.
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Teen elvis and baby puck are the best thing. I hope we get to see Baby Lupin at some point. You know, complete the trifecta. IT's a nice tender arc that adds some unexpected WEight to Pucky's weird yearly quest and I love it. I mean it also has golden past elvis, so how would I not like that. Look at him lift his child son up. Such a good teenage dad.
We then IMMIDETLY loop into our last longterm arc for the year. The rest are, like most of the year shorter arcs, nothing wrong with them but it's clear after a four years packed dense with story, two and a half of them having to recap her entire career up to this point, and the rest mostly focusing on bringing in a new main character, that it was nice to just take a year to sit back, relax, unwind and do some more character focus stuff and fun slice of life shenanigans before doing another huge arc. And as such this last arc, while a touch bonkers, is more backstory. Like the Baba thing this next arc builds on a small thread from earlier, a throwaway line. Unlike the baba thing this was from quite a ways back, all the way back to the wicket saga.
The Incredibly Strange Bunnies Who Kept Living But Became Mixed-Up Zombies
So our story begins with Bea deciding to follow in her sort of mom's footsteps: inspired by Goldie's report on puck, she asks to get into investigative reporting and told it's mostly about finding someone intresting to interview, Bea decides to talk to her buddy natasha... and like I said this arc is mostly here to elaborate on something she said a WHILLLLEEEE back
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So with that intriguging setup we begin our tale: Violet and Natasha started out as lab mice, born and bread in a lab and solving various mazes while slingshoting their mysterious pills out the cage because they were born here, but not born YESTERDAY. Thankfully their monotonus existiance is broken up when they meet someone who'll change their life.
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Okay a few things. First is I didn't notice till the re-read how much of a love story this is. I'm not sure it was intentional, but the way Natasha and Alice interact here is so damn cute and so damn gay and as always i'm here for it. I never even picked up a snifter of a relationship between them but this whole origin story reconteculaizes the hell of it. It also explains why she pairs up with Violet: while their not related by blood, their as much sisters as Agnes and Alice.
It's also clear a natasha centric arc was coming at some point as out of all the robber mice she gets the most focus as the strip goes on. Agnes is a close second being their reporter, but if one of them's going to show up solo, it's most likely Natasha and given her snarky personality and fight anyone attitude it's easy to see why.
As for the zombunnies... i'm okay with this. It's bonkers sure but with ghosts and LEPRECHAUNS, it's somehow the most grounded of the three as "weird test animal shit" done to innocent animals isn't that farfetched. Making them green and lick stuff? Not really a huge stretch.
So our heroines have an out, they just need a plan before their cruel overlords notice they've been hiding the zombie pills. Thankfully the scientests testing the drug accidnetly give them a way: they bring up that the bunnies are REALLY strong.. so if they were to say, all be released at once, our heroes could easily break out. Thus the ball is in motion on the breakout of the century.
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No real notes, it's just an excellently done action sequence. Love the blurry motion of the bunneis and doctors behind them in the fourth strip shown here in paticular. That had to take a LOT of work to pull off, with georgia likely having to draw the blurry pick then edit or outright draw the girls on top of it. So damn cool looking.
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There is no straight explination for every shot of Natsha and Alice here and i'm perfectly happy with that. All in all a great arc and a fun genre break for the strip and i'ts nice to see the mice pull a break out. Gott alove those robber mice.. especially now I can keep their names straight.
So with that we get some shorter arcs to close us out. The heroes deal with Lupin's naked water cooler stalking.
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One of my faviorite lines. Also accurate. I mean even for lupin this is messed up.
The girl are a squirrel for thanksgiving
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Trees are inspected, Santa makes a return and I forgot the strip already confirmed he existed in this universe. Still not as weird as Leprechauns.
And we end the year and begin the next with one of my faviorite arcs. To make the cats healthier the woman replaces their kibble. Rage insues.
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It's probably the funniest arc in the entire strip. I mean compettition is stiff but it's proof that while Georgia's biggest talents are character and worldbuildling.. she's no slouch at making great jokes out of everyday scenarios. Goldie and PUck as you can see steal the show with Puck swearing on air, and come on Elvis you already owe the Cat FCC for Lupin getting naked constantly, and Goldie at a level of salt we haven't seen before or since. Even LUPIN didn't make her tha tmad
And on that note that closes out 2021. Next time...
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im-no-jedi · 7 years ago
ok! here’s the first set of questions for my Voltron OCs. since there’s so many of them, I’m splitting them into two posts. here’s Faelyn first:
1. What do they smell like? - probably a mixture of sweat and whatever soap she uses to clean her armor with LOL 
2. What is their voice like? - Daisy Ridley
3. What is their biggest motivator? - she made a vow to protect Princess Allura at all costs to both her brother and King Alfor, so you better believe she’s gonna do that
4. What is their most embarrassing memory? - she doesn’t really get embarrassed?? she gets flustered around Keith sometimes but that’s about it LOL
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? - she shrugs it off, usually tries to make light of the situation, no matter how bad it is. she’s literally like that part in Frozen with Olaf, “oh look, I’ve been impaled” XD
6. What do they like to wear? - she wears her Altean Guard armor pretty much every waking moment. hardly anyone outside of Allura has seen her without her armor on
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively? - Allura, because she’s her best friend and would do anything for her. and Shiro, because he reminds her of her brother.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? - all Altean food is weird LOL
9. Describe the way that they sleep. - she sleeps very soundly, she can get to sleep pretty easily, but she’ll pop up at a moment’s notice, ready for anything 
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? - she loves the food goo, but her favorite is Nunvil. she went around asking all the paladins if she could have their Nunvil at that party when she found out nobody liked it LOL
11. What do they feel most insecure about? - that she’s not doing enough for her friends, even after they’ve told her that she’s more than helped them, it’s just never enough for her
12. How do they like to dress? - again, she wears her armor pretty much all the time except when she’s sleeping
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? - she is soooo hard on herself, she never thinks she’s doing enough for anyone, and even though she wears a happy face 99% of the time, she always manages to make herself feel guilty about something (probably due to what happened to her brother during the start of the war)
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal? - LOL you better run cause she gon frick you up son. if S3 Shiro turns out to be an evil clone, he’s gonna get socked in the face real hard haha
15. What is their greatest achievement? - overcoming her fears and owning up to her duty as Allura’s official bodyguard
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? - exactly like Leslie in that one episode of Parks & Rec, she acts like everything’s fine, but she just starts spouting nonsense LOL
17. What are they like when they’re drunk? - similar to when she’s sleep deprived, she acts like everything’s fine, but she’ll run into walls and say weird things and stuff like that LOL
18. What kind of music do they enjoy? - she likes whatever the other paladins listen to, but Shiro and Keith’s music are her favorite kind (also when she finds out the both of them can sing and Keith can play guitar, she’s just like *heart eyes* XD)
19. Are they right or left handed? - she’s ambidextrous, but mostly right-handed
20. Fears? - losing loved ones :c
21. Favorite kind of weather? - she looooves the rain, she’ll go out and dance barefoot in the rain she loves it so much X3
22. Favorite color? - blue!
23. Do they collect anything? - battle scars >:D
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more? - hot, but she’s good with either
25. What is their eye color? - blue-green
26. What is their race/ethnicity? - Altean, skin tone similar to Coran’s
27. Hair color? - it’s really hard to describe... it’s an orange pinky brown color... like imagine Coran’s hair but more brown and also slightly pink? I’ll have to post a pic of it sometime LOL
28. Are they happy where they are currently? - very much so
29. Are they a morning person? - absolutely
30. Sunrise or sunset? - both
31. Are they more messy or more organized? - pretty organized, but she’s not afraid to get messy ;)
32. Pet peeves? - when someone doesn’t listen or pay attention to what someone else is saying
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance? - her sword used to belong to her brother, he gave it to her when she became Allura’s bodyguard. it’s the only thing she has to remember him by :c
34. Least favorite food? - idk she’s not very picky LOL
35. Least favorite color? - she loves all the colors! \o/
36. Least favorite smell? - the paladins’ dirty laundry ROFL
37. When was the last time they cried? - ....when her brother was killed ;__;
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried? - Allura and Coran were both there. they’ve never seen Fae so upset before or since that moment :c
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured? - her arm nearly got impaled by a sword once. that was one of those laugh-it-off moments LOL
40. Do they have any scars? - pretty much everywhere yeah haha
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues? - well, she often hides her pain behind a happy and cheerful attitude, but I wouldn’t call that a “mental health issue”, just a problem with admitting her true feelings
42. Do they have any bad habits? - she has a tendency to punch first, ask questions later ROFL
43. Why might someone dislike them? - I guess if you don’t like perky people, she could come across as annoying
44. Why might someone love them? - she’s a very caring person, also quite goofy and just fun overall. also she stronk LOL
45. Do they believe in ghosts? - LOL nah
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives? - all of her friends, she trusts them very much
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone? - she has a reeeeeeeeeally big crush on Keith. like, she’ll go out of her way to ask him to spar with her just so she can spend time with him LOL
48. Are they dating/married to anyone? - I’ve thought up instances where she gets with Keith, Shiro, or Tyzh; my preference is Keith, but she could easily get with Shiro or Tyzh too
49. Do they like surprises? - YES. if she was given a surprise party, she would absolutely LOVE IT.
50. When is their birthday? - sometime in the spring, haven’t decided exactly when yet
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday? - not very big, usually only with the people closest to her. she’s never had a real birthday party before, but she’d love to have one
52. Do they have any family? - she used to have an older brother, but he died at the beginning of the war with the Galra. the paladins, Allura, and Coran are her family now :3
53. Are they close to their family? - VERY MUCH SO
54. What is their MBTI type? - I took two different quizzes, and she came out as ESFP for both of them, so I guess that’s the one!
55. What is their zodiac sign? - *shrugs*
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in? - Hufflepuff, definitely. she could easily be a Gryffindor too though
57. What D&D alignment are they? - Chaotic Good haha
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? - she has dreams about the day her brother died sometimes :c
59. What are their views on death? - NOPE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. NOBODY DIES WHILE SHE’S AROUND NOPE.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at? - literally anything, she even laughs at Lance’s bad jokes, even when she doesn’t understand them LOL
61. When bored, how do they pass time? - she’s like, always in the training rooms tbh
62. Do they enjoy being outside? - oh yes
63. Do they have an accent? - British, she sounds exactly like Daisy Ridley’s normal voice
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction? - she’s never had cake before, but she reeeeally wants to try it after hearing the paladins describe it to her. she would gobble it down as soon as she saw it LOL
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? - she would tell everyone how much she loves them and give everyone a big bear hug
66. How do they feel about sex? - she’s... definitely thought about it haha
67. What is their sexuality? - pansexual, but she leans more towards masculine people
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood? - nah LOL
69. Is there anything that they find really gross? - not that I can think of, she’s pretty tolerant of stuff
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them? - Beware the Nice Ones LOL 
71. Do they enjoy helping people? - TOO MUCH LOL
72. Are they allergic to anything? - nope
73. Do they have a pet? - no, but she loves playing with the castle mice
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper? - only if someone or something threatens Allura or one of her other friends. she’s VERY protective of Allura especially. she will not hesitate to punch a man if need be for insulting the princess LOL
75. How patient are they? - quite patient!
76. Are they good at cooking? - she’s ok at it, she’d much rather have Hunk do the cooking though
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? - only playfully or if she’s really mad
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy? - she’s happy like, all the time, that’s her thing LOL
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears? - she’s very understanding and tries to be as encouraging as possible to help them work through their fears
80. Are they trustworthy? - the most trustworthy person you’ll ever meet :3
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it? -  YES.
82. Do they exercise regularly? - all the friggin time LOL
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look? - yup!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people? - good physical prowess, being good with a sword, and just being a good fighter in general.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive? - aggressive, emo guys I guess LOL
86. Do they like sweet foods? - OH YES
87. What is their age? - 18 human years, +10,000 from being in cryostasis for so long
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? - she’s considered tall for a female, she’s about an inch taller than Keith
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts? - nope
90. Do they consider themselves attractive? - not as much as Allura
91. What is their sense of humor like? - she’ll laugh at literally anything, even the dumbest things
92. What mood are they most often in? - cheerful, happy, positive, upbeat, all that stuff :3
93. What kinds of things anger them? - insulting or threatening Allura or her other friends and just the Galra army in general
94. Outlook on life? - positive, very positive
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed? - when her friends are sad or depressed
96. What is their greatest weakness? - not being open about her true feelings
97. What is their greatest strength? - being able to see the good in pretty much anyone and anything, and being super supportive of other people
98. Something that they regret? - not accepting her role as Allura’s bodyguard sooner and just overall being a stinker about being a bodyguard instead of a soldier like her brother
99. Biggest accomplishment? - realizing that she didn’t need to be a soldier to make a difference in the war and accepting where she needed to be with Allura so that she could protect her c’:
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frostironfudge · 2 years ago
Hey girl, do you still do requests?
If so can you do something like those tiktok filters where you choose your soulmate but it's avengers choosing between each other who they'd want and reader cooses bucky all the time making the rest of them confused and later bucky pulls her into his lap when there is no place to sit and she tells him why she wants him and its all sweet reasons and at the end she says "the arm though..." you can end it here or add something else!😊😊
I'd Choose You - Bucky Barnes
Summary: based on the above prompt, i've sort of altered the filter used i hope thats okay
Warnings: none, pure fluff, some mutual pining, non canon compliant, the avengers are a big happy family.
Pairings: Bucky x Fem!Reader
An: i hope you enjoy it! I’m sorry it took this long!
Main Masterlist
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You were hearing the same song playing from the living area over and over. The stirring of your pasta wasn't this repetitive. Turning the stove off you find Natasha and Wanda sprawled across the couch and watching videos via the projector.
You tilt your head watching the woman on the screen tilt her head side to side, picking between the avengers, in the end she lands on the picture of Wanda. She then goes on to explain her reason for picking Wanda, stating her perseverance and strength inspires her. Her friends come in on screen and they all giggle when she admits of the crush she has on her as well.
The screen moves upward another video with a man loads, he keeps on choosing, Tony Stark rolling his eyes at the other presented choices. His reasoning is the facial hair. You join Nat and Wanda's laughter.
"Is this the latest trend?" You ask as the next video loads. Natasha nods in response to your question.
"There are so many picking you as well." She assures scrolling upwards on the tablet till the old video she saw loads. You watch as your picture is paired against Steve's his picture disappears as yours is picked. It continues as you're picked over everyone else.
"What's all this?" Steve, Sam and Bucky walk into the living area. Their gazes fixed on the screen.
"It's a trend, picking their soulmate from amongst the avengers. Or picking the avenger they adore the most." Wanda explains, its silent again as the familiar song replays on the next video.
Sam does a hoot as he's picked in this video. Steve chuckles, you look at Bucky, he remains stoic. Then his eyes meet yours, a smile breaks out across his face drawing your own smile forth.
"You know what would be a great idea?" Sam pipes up.
Bucky looks at him then back at you, a silent conversation takes place. one in which he's telling you; 'Bird brain has an idea.' you shake your head at him. He knows you're chastising his little unsaid comment.
"What?" Nat turns to Sam.
"We should do this amongst us." He shrugs nonchalantly.
"I don't think that is a good idea. It could hurt sentiments." Steve reasons, Tony clicks his tongue. Entering with his coffee mug.
"Oh come on Cap, no one will say anything if you pick me." Tony teases Steve. The blonde's cheeks tinge red.
"Tony." He rolls his eyes.
"Go on Nat, lets see what Tweety Bird has in store for us." Tony raises his mug towards Sam.
"I'm not Tweety if anything I'm," Sam struggles to find a better bird character but flounders.
"Chuck?" Bucky offers.
"I'm not an angry bird." Sam glares at him.
"Getting angry there birdy." You giggle, Bucky laughs as Sam grumbles grabbing the tablet and setting it up to record,
"Just for that ya'll aren't getting picked." He warns before sifting through and picking Natasha, Steve give a little hey of protest when he is cut off first.
Tony points at you after most of them are done, some how Clint, Bruce, Vision, and even Peter were roped into the trend. You look at Bucky as you walk towards the set up.
Bucky bites his lip, he wants to be hopeful. This seemed to be the easiest way to confess his feelings for you. if you didn't reciprocate he could always say it is a platonic choice.
He watches as does everyone, right off the bat you're asked to pick between Steve and him. He exhales when you pick him.
Over and over you pick him, the choice is as easy as breathing for you. The picture of Bucky was from his first day reinstated and on a press release after a mission. You keep looking at it with a soft smile. Tilting your head to keep picking him.
At the end his picture moves from the side to the top of your head, you begin to move,
"Wait, you have to say why." Wanda reminds, a knowing smile on her face.
"Well, um, he's warm and fuzzy when we cuddle during movies," You look back at Bucky, "he's brilliant, a good listener, makes really good pancakes even if he burns the first three always." you laugh and Bucky's grin only widens.
"What else, Doll?" He walks over to you.
"Your eyes, always find my way to them."
"They do seek you out in every room." He cups your cheek.
"And this arm though." Your skin heats, Bucky smirks.
"What about it?" He questions, eager to know.
"Strong yet gentle." You breathe.
"I'd choose you." Bucky admits, his blue eyes convey something deeper. Something your had been waiting to be reciprocated.
"Oh Bucky." Your palm covers his own, held against your cheek.
Another silent conversation takes place, feelings affirmed.
His lips find yours, the softest of kisses shared, the rest of your family cheers.
"Finally." Sam adds.
Permanent Bucky Tag: @slutforsexyseabass
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People who are mad at the live action little mermaid are weird, the only disney princess that it actually matters for her to be white is snow white, it's why she's named that, and even as a white person when i heard a latina was playing her i was more so confused but didn't really care.
I just don't understand why everything has to be such a big fucking deal and people can't just shut up and be happy for other people.
Do i get kinda annoyed seeing tweets from people saying they are gonna tell their kids this is the only little mermaid? Yeah. Do i think its dumb to say the movies gonna be amazing when most live action disney remakes are sub par at best? I guess, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter.
I mean i'm a white ginger girl, the person these racists say black people are "trying to replace" in movies, and even i don't give a shit.
Side note, that whole "black people are replacing gingers" thing is stupid, i won't lie and say i don't see that it's kind of a trend but again, it doesn't really matter, i'm happy to share the characters and sometimes it makes sense, like with annie, so i don't ger why it's such a common talking point.
So if even i think this shit is stupid then idk where all these grown ass men get off complaining, ya'll don't care about the ogs and you certainly don't care about gingers, you just want to make white people seem targeted and under represented when ironically enough the only people who ever picked on me for being ginger were white people.
Just let people be happy, it's like cinderella, do you have any idea how amazing the brandi's cinderella is? Or year of the fish? Or another cinderella story? It's awesome to see POC leads in these fairytales.
Hell, even tiana herself is a POC take on a traditionally white fairytale, and tiana rocks!
I just can't imagine not feeling happy for halle right now, i just don't get it.
Im hoping and praying this movie is as good or even better than cinderella, pls don't be like lion king or mulan.
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thedelusionreaderbitch · 3 years ago
Romantic! Nina Zenik/Platonic! Kax Brekker x Brekker! fem! Reader - One's Path
A/n: Hey ya'll I did it! I answered a request! That wasn't at the bottom of my list... Well that sucks! Also this wasn't really proof-read because I'm tired so I'm sorry about that!
Warnings: Hints at suicide, reader prolly had anxiety and social anxiety, death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Request: Can you do a nina zenik x fem! Reader who's Kaz's sister and just a lot of angst in genral plzz??? I love ur writing btw!
I do not own shadow and bone/six of crows or it's characters! I also do not own this gif!
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"You know I love sunsets as much as you do- but don't you think this is a bit excessive?"
You turn around to face her with a small smile on your face, the sun framed Nina's body making her look like an angel. Even if she was anything but that. A saint maybe, but not an angel.
"Sunsets are the only thing that isn't covered up by the Ketterdam smog, I don't know if I would have survived this far without them." Your voice quietly trails off near the end of your sentence.
The weight of your words dawn on Nina and she quickly takes your hand in hers squeezing it in hope that it's reassuring you. Somehow.
"We'll get out of here, I promise."
You look over at her with tears glistening in your eyes.
"That's a pretty heavy promise to keep."
Yet Nina just nods entirely seriously pulling your hands away from hers but then she hooks your pinky finger with hers.
"I promise. And I'll show you all of Ravka and you'll get to meet the king and queen. Then we'll travel the rest of the world."
Giggling you lean forward pressing your lips onto hers for a brief kiss before pulling away.
"I'll hold you to that Zenik."
"Another bad day?" Your girlfriend walks over to you as you continue to pick at your nails not meeting her eyes.
"Would going out make it better?"
You quickly shake your head thinking about all the people who would be there, and there were already tones of people in the slat. Just thinking about going outside was already giving you anxiety - all the people would be looking at you then you would fuck up somehow and they would think that you're a blithering idiot.
Besides, there were no good sunsets in this part of town today.
Then, it was as if your whole view on all that changed when your brother walked by.
You felt your chest tighten up, the palms of your hands started to get clammy, and your breathing was starting to stagger a bit.
The thing was, you were nothing like your older brother. Kaz was ruthless and would do anything for getting a job done. He was fearless. You wish you could say the same thing about yourself, yet you always thought everything through, again and again. And again... Probably more times than Kaz himself does, wasting a whole lot of time.
Kaz had changed after Jordie died - you both had. Even so, you hadn't changed in the same way. You had become ridden with worries, thoughts, and voices that weren't always quite your own. Or some days when they were all just your voice those were the worst days.
While Kaz had become cold and uncaring that was the opposite of what you needed, you needed someone who could be there for you. Perhaps not all the time but even every now and then would be nice. Because that's what family is for right?
"On second thought maybe that is a good idea."
You swiftly go to stand up and the world spins for a second making you nearly topple over. You feel Nina's hands grab onto your arms right before you face plant into the wood of the shitty floor of the Slat.
"Thanks." You mutter as she quickly leads you out of the criminal-ridden building to the outside.
You could barely think about anything else now. The only thing you could think about was Kaz, yet even if he wasn't there for you he needed you. And you knew you'd probably never leave Ketterdam, not for now at least.
Looking over to Nina you smile slightly.
"Have I ever told you what an amazing girlfriend you are?" You breathe out as the both of you start walking randomly, aimlessly.
A grin spreads across Nina's face as she takes your hands in hers bringing you close.
"No, but care to show me?"
Smiling up at her you nod and bring her into a kiss.
It's full of love along with passion and every now and then you'd bite on her lips gently to tease her.
Finally, you both pulling away because air is suddenly a necessity. Laughing you look up to her as she engulfs you with her fiery yet soft embrace.
Shots ran across the city as the enemy gang was getting closer and closer. Too close for comfort.
"Nina! Now!" Kaz yells at her to use her badass death powers.
Coming out from behind a building Nina lifts her hands and corpse's previously alive people from not very long ago rise from the ground doing whatever is the corpses witch's bidding.
The enemy gang yells and screams ring across the alleyways like church bells chiming. But you know they're not all dead not yet.
Pulling out your gun for its holster you take a breath steadying yourself before jumping into action.
Shoots rang out from all directions as the Crows kill every rival gang member insight. Their bodies either dropping to the ground unconscious or dead. Most likely the latter.
The excitement was starting to get to you, you had done jobs before but they had never given this... Rush. The adrenaline was pumping through your veins and you became for the first time in a long time careless.
That was your mistake.
A bullet was fired in your direction but you didn't give yourself enough time to dodge it and you could hear your name being pulled from Nina's lips screaming as if she was in pain.
But the bullet never hit you.
Being shoved to the side you topple on the ground leg bending in a unnatural way before nearly screaming out in pain. You wince instead and you glance to the side hoping - praying to find some rival gang member shot. Only to find your brother with a bullet to the head.
Your brother who was cold and uncaring, your brother who did everything calculating with careful steps that didn't take that long, had taken his own life to save yours.
This time all you do scream, but this time it's in rage.
You start to fight everyone who's in your way because why did it even matter? All your family is officially dead now and Nina could find someone else better if she really wanted to! There was no point. Not anymore.
"You look an awful lot like your brother. You even have the leg to prove it."
You still all your movements and right then is where you very nearly kill the king of Ravka yet you calm yourself listening to a voice in your head that tells you to do that later.
"I'm here for Nina Zenik, and if you don't tell me where she is then our deal is off."
Nikolai sighs before launching into a long very fake story about why she wasn't at the little palace, if even she was very much in fact at the little palace.
Oh, fuck it.
You throw a knife at his head and it leads in the middle of his right eyeball but if through far enough that it still kills him.
"Y/n! Seriously did you have to kill the king! I liked him!" A very annoyed female voice echos through out the room.
"He was annoying me." You say flatly as she walks over to you.
"You know all this revenge stuff is getting to you - I can tell. Do you really think it's necessary? Don't you think Kaz would want you to just finally be happy?"
At the mention of your older brother's name you nearly burst into tears for a brief second before building your wall up again. Your brother deserved vengeance, after everything he had gone through only to never obtain it? You owed him that much, at least.
"Kaz isn't here, though is he?"
And with those simple words you start walking out of the comprised little palace with Nina in tow and the ghosts of your family haunting your way. Your path for revenge.
Words 1347
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years ago
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I posted 2,122 times in 2021
1543 posts created (73%)
579 posts reblogged (27%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 2,671 tags in 2021
#b:asks - 986 posts
#anon asks - 298 posts
#bts fluff - 221 posts
#bts - 214 posts
#the pact:asks - 195 posts
#htss:asks - 193 posts
#bts x reader - 166 posts
#bts fanfic - 154 posts
#b:rants - 150 posts
#l&f asks - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#the fact that you must have literally gone back and found this chapter just to post this gif with it is hiliarous
My Top Posts in 2021
How to Sell Sunshine - M.list
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"I've always wanted to be the villain."
→ Pairing: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), mafia!BTS x mafia!reader
→ warnings/tags: SFW, e2l, mafia!au so some violence (but more like alludes to it), threats, humor, pining, heists and criminal activity, Hoseok is a hITMAN so ya'll already know this is gonna be a good time
→ a/n: I don't have a schedule for this atm, although I have a general outline that should help get the chapters out hopefully weekly! as always, please let me know what you think! I'm excited to share this with you guys and thank you for your love and support! enjoy!
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478 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 21:51:53 GMT
Falling, falling
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“I have loathed you since I first laid eyes on you.”
 Pairing: Slytherin!Tae x. Gryffindor!reader
 Words: 13.9k (don’t @ me I didn’t intend for this to happen)
 Genre: Hogwarts!BTS, e2l
 Warnings/rating: SFW, pining, Tae is a lovable brat™, reader is a mess, lots of pining, tension lol, kinda veiled threats but nothing violent I swear
 A/N: This is an installment in the BTS meets Hogwarts collaboration with @homeofbangtan! It’s been so fun working with these lovely writers, and I hope you guys enjoy this one shot as well as the rest of the installments! As always, pls let me know if this was decent. Love you all! banner made by the talented @ttaetae
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512 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 08:50:08 GMT
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The Pact - masterlist
Premise: You learned a few days ago that the boys have pact that doesn’t allow them to make a move on you. What happens when they find out that you know?
Warnings: none as far as I know! lol except for this reader. she has no idea what she just got herself into
Pairing: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly tho)
Did you know that this could classify as a small book? The Pact totals: 134 pages.
Spooked (important, the oneshot that started it all. read this first.)
 Well, this is awkward...
 Date #1 ✨✨
 Date #2 🌉🌉
 Date #3 📖📖
 Date #4 ✈️✈️
 Date #5 🥡🥡
 Date #6 ☔☔
the pact 📃📃
 Date #7 🌟🌟
I loved her first 💔💔
 Shocker 💌💌
Epilogue  🌙🌙
The Pact: An Inside Look
The Pact | Halloween Special |
playlist ( made by @fanfictionreader05 )
all rights reserved © alpacaparkaseok
599 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 02:39:16 GMT
If I Could Lie
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“I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
→ Pairing: idol!JK x reader (ex staff)
→ word count: 4k (why do I keep making these long??)
→ warnings/tags: exes au, SFW, angst, fluff, pining (lol I guess I have a thing for pining?)
→ a/n: 2nd summer request! requested by anon; a photo of your request will be at the bottom. I am uploading this one before the Jin one because it shares the same prompt as my last update & I wanted to keep a variety going. I hope you enjoy!
Jungkook’s eyes take in your every move - your every breath - from the second you step into the room. He doesn’t try to hide it, despite the fact that just about everyone is aware of his sudden infatuation. You give him an exasperated smile that hopefully communicates what you’re trying to say. 
Which is, last I checked, we’re supposed to ignore each other’s existence, Jungkook. 
Not that you actually say that. No, you attempt to actually uphold your side of the unspoken bargain by ignoring the man across the crowded room. 
You haven’t seen him in...what? Two years? Two and a half? All you can really remember is a door slamming in your face and a flustered staff member directing you toward the exit. 
You’d nearly made it to the exit before Jungkook burst out of the hallway, desperate and sprinting toward you as though you were his life’s work slipping through his fingertips. 
“I’m leaving,” you had muttered as Jungkook barreled into you that afternoon, panting and brushing his hair out of his face. 
“What?” He sounded incredulous. “No...no, you’re not. Listen, I’ll sort it out right now, and-”
“Jungkook.” The way you said his name had him closing his mouth in an instant. He was always such a good listener. “I’m...I’m leaving. I- I have to go.”
He let you leave, although the way he held onto your hands until you quite literally slipped through his fingertips left you with a shattered heart. 
You’d been together for only three weeks before it all came crashing down. Why did it hurt so much after so short a time? The fact that Jungkook - Jeon Jungkook - had come forward and confessed to you was the icing on the cake. As far as you knew, life was better and brighter than ever before. 
But you were young; you both were. Too young, Sejin had gently told you only a week into your secretive relationship with the singer. Jungkook was too young and on the verge of major success along with the rest of the members; a relationship was the last thing he needed. 
A scandal, he’d called it. Because that’s what it would look like. Jeon Jungkook fell for one of the staff members, how was it possible? The world would rip the two of you to shreds, and Sejin kindly reminded you of how quick Jungkook was to blame himself for any sort of mistake. 
For one week, you lived in bliss. 
For the following two, you lived a lie. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Jungkook the truth. That you were leaving, that you’d submitted your two-week notice. It was for the best.
The feeling of someone staring has the hair on the back of your neck rising, and as you turn to glare at the perpetrator, you jump to see Jungkook right behind you. Drink in hand and mussing his hair with the other, he looks at you for a split second before looking down at his feet. 
The word goes straight through you as you attempt to look nonchalant and lean against the counter.  
“Hey!” Ok, that was way too peppy. “I, uh...how are you?”
“Good, good.” Jungkook clears his throat almost comically before peeking back up at you. “How are you?”
“Great. Doing...great.”
Well, this sucks. 
Jungkook appears inclined to agree, but he treks on like a champ. “Yugyeom told me he invited you. Didn’t expect you to show up, though.” He gives a breathy chuckle, a wry smile appearing on his face for a moment before slipping away. 
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612 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 04:18:00 GMT
Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself
pairing/genre: Taehyung x reader, idol!reader x idol!taehyung
premise: When you lock eyes with your soulmate, you’re immediately teleported to them. So, technically it’s not your fault that you ended up in Kim Taehyung’s lap for all to see.
word count: 1.3k
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requested by @marianeamine​ - thanks for the fun request! a picture of your request will be at the bottom of the post! (also, can we just enjoy Yoongi’s tiny clapping in the background of this gif? lol)
The lights are nearly blinding as you move across the stage, basking in the fan-chants you can hear around the giant venue. You don’t claim to be anything like EXO or BTS...but still, you would be lying if you didn’t get some sort of satisfaction at the considerable amount of fans that made it to MAMA this year.
You watch as one of your group members takes the center as you’d practiced, the other two of you flanking her and pushing hard through the final notes of the song. 
Your little trio, while new to the competitive world of K-pop, had an amazingly successful year. When you were invited to perform not one but two of your hit songs on stage at one of the most prestigious award shows of the year, you were floored.
Now, locking eyes with your other bandmate as all three of you hit the final note - which is nothing short of a miracle, considering how hard you’re breathing right now - you can’t help but smile.
What a year it’s been. 
Together, the three of you sink to the floor, keeping those smiles on your faces until lights fade and the cameras go elsewhere. You were instructed to remain sitting on this portion of the stage for about a minute after the performance, due to the hosts coming out on the opposite end of the room and needing to rearrange this corner. It was deemed too dangerous for you all to get down just yet, but you don’t mind.
Now that you don’t have those blinding lights focused on you, you can actually see out into the crowd. Your heart swells as you spot all of your fans with signs and lightsticks, a few of them still trying to see your group through the darkness. It’s tempting to wave at them, but you refrain, not wanting to draw attention away from the hosts. 
“Dude,” Jiwoo scoots closer to you, Ari leaning over as well to hear what she’s whispering, “Is it just me, or did Yeonjun just get like...1000 times hotter?”
You refrain from laughing, instead craning your neck to get a look. “Where’s TXT?”
Jiwoo gives you subtle directions, not daring to point at him for fear of some fancams picking up on her newfound obsession. That would be a PR disaster. 
“They’re kind of hard to see from this angle,” Ari explains, having already found them. “They’re sitting right behind BTS though.”
Well, you know where BTS is sitting. Everyone, whether they like it or not, is automatically tuned in to where the biggest band in the world is sitting. 
You look over at them, eyes jumping over them to see TXT behind them. You grin. “Yeah, they all look really good.”
“Yeah,” Jiwoo huffs. “But Yeonjun looks sooo good, right?”
Squinting your eyes in an effort to get a better look, you’re a little shocked when certain BTS members sense your stare.
You watch with utter embarrassment as Jimin chuckles at your group, nudging Taehyung and mumbling something to him.
“Er...guys...” you begin, praying that Taehyung won’t look this way. How embarrassing, they probably think that you’re gawking at them not TXT.
You don’t get to finish your sentence as you see Taehyung glancing up, saying something to Jimin as he locks eyes with you.
The darkness from your corner of the stage suddenly becomes absolute, wind whistling in your ears as you gasp for air. The strange sensation doesn’t last long, and soon you’re slamming into something solid and warm.
Peeking one eye open, you’re met with fluffy dark hair, and arms that wrap around your waist to keep you from slipping off. 
Before you’re even able to understand what’s happening, you hear it. People whispering, a few even crying out in distress. Did something bad happen?
Straightening up, you let out a little squeak at you find yourself staring straight into the cocoa-dipped eyes of Kim Taehyung. His lips have parted, making it seem like he was gasping just a moment ago. One of his earrings glints in the light, casting him in a diamond-like glow.
Overall, he doesn’t seem to be faring much better than you, but as you go to move away because you’re on the man’s lap, he instinctively tightens his grip. 
“Let her go, Tae,” Namjoon grounds out from the other end of the seats, and it seems like only then does Taehyung begin to hear the obvious uproar and excitement from fans and idols. He gives you an apologetic smile, loosening his grip. 
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746 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 21:52:43 GMT
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