#hope people dont mind me main tagging
rumblecrow · 3 months
Watched this video and im not going to lie. I got a little emotional. So. Uh
Crow is Talking Out of My Ass for a Mo
I have never seen someone so grateful for the community they built and it is fucking awesome to be part of that community. Like MAN i am so grateful for RT and RT is so grateful for us too.
This maybe not a surprise for a long time fan but it is for me. Daniel wont see me and my art ( as i am a tumblr user at heart ), but man one day i will get courage to just show how much i appreciate him ;-;
It just... Idk it just really nice to see him just talk about his life and his projects ( which is DEFINITELY NOT GHOST HUNTING AJDKFKFK ) and then realizing that hey i want to do more out of the box stuff. I want to be like Dan one day, to not be afraid on the shit i want to do and just do it and said fuck the algorithm.
I know Daniel Rtgame said he does feels old sometimes but for me as a 20 yo who is currently lost in life after deciding to leave college and unemployed because of my own mental illness, people like Dan does give me hope that i can still do it, that despite everything i can do something, be it genuine work or just making people happy, and one day i will be ready to achieve it.
So genuinely from the bottom of my heart, despite you will never see me Daniel, thank you very much for all the things that you do, your content that varies from time to time and the small little talk we get to do as chats and streamer, thank you truly for being such a neat guy that keeps me going in live, your videos and streams motivates me so much to create arts more, so truly thank you Dan.
Oh yeah, at the end of the video "how are you?"
I am doing good now, i have been taking meds regularly again and this month im opening a small comissions and ko-fi so i can start supporting myself! Good to see you still kicking it after years, Daniel. Never stops being yourself!! But i know you know that as you are probably more wiser than me, hell you encourage me to be more confident so yeah <33
Okay my 4 am talks over, thank you for anyone reading this lmao.
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jamesfistjames · 1 month
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warrior cats au upon you (just the erebus doctors for now though)
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devondespresso · 1 year
writing my silly little fic and again im struck with how much opportunities they missed by pretending the s2 stancy breakup wasn't messy, specifically for Nancy's guilt about barb and forcing herself to grow up too fast
like s1 Nancy spends one night being a stupid teenager goofing off at her boyfriend's party and staying over to get spicy while Barb goes home. then she later realizes Barb disappeared and died that one night she was letting go and having fun. this is widely recognized trauma for her and informs a lot if not most of her actions through the rest of the show
in season 2 she's feeling the weight of it more around the first year anniversary. steve trys to help by taking her to a party to forget for a little while and 'be stupid teenagers' for a night. a perfectly set up parallel already
the way the show wants it to go, we get the bullshit argument, they fight, allegedly break up at some point, and nancy sleeps with Jonathan. later steve tells her to go with him and we're supposed to read it as Steve stepping back so jancy can happen. we're supposed to be seeing this as a happy ending.
but with the material we're given this would have been the perfect place for an emotional repeat of season 1 for nancy. she and steve go to the party and pretend to be stupid teenagers for the night. but oh no! nancy lets lose too much, lets herself relax and drink and dance, and the next day her boyfriend's pissed. hes saying she said things she never remembered saying and its hurt him and she doesn't know what to do. and kids around school are talking about them breaking up at the party, and that fits with Steve's anger she saw, so they must've broken up right? it sucks, even if she wasn't in love with him, that'd be the worst way to break up with someone (especially if she's confusing platonic and romantic feelings or convincing herself it has to be romantic when she really just values him as a friend)
and then she doesn't have time to work it out, she needs to go with Jonathan to avenge barbs 'disappearance' to give her family closure. She's got a lot of conspiracy shit to do and its stressful. so when murray starts going off about how she's not really in love with steve, how she actually likes Jonathan and he seems to like her back. they finished a lot of the hard work with the conspiracy stuff, she can let her guard down and have a quick good night.
then the next day is chaos. demodogs and labs and will being possessed. It a rough fucking day. Steve tells her to go with Jonathan while they get the mindflayer out of Will, civil like they're on good terms so she does (and thank god she did because that was rough and they needed all the help they could get)
and then everything's fine again, with the upside down. and it looks like she handled things better this time, was about to relax occasionally and still made it through.
except apparently she and steve didn't break up. he thought it was just a few fights, that they put their shit aside for the apocalypse and now they can work things out.
and it could ruin nancy. a year later and she's still hasn't learned her lesson, that letting her guard down hurts the people she cares about, that relaxing and having fun makes her lose people. its her fault for the messy breakup with Steve and its her fault that barb is gone. she's the reason she's lost friends close to her, 2 for 2, and now she only has Jonathan left (and what do you know, season 3 has her conflict with Jonathan and in season 4 she's not let anyone else get truly close to her and fred still dies)
you see what i mean?? by having conflict magical resolve itself in the background we loose so much powerful, painful character drama for her. our girl who thinks she has to keep the world around her up solely on her shoulders because she can't handle the loss of her best friend in season 1. Nancy who desperately wants to be normal and have people she loves but keeps losing them, through factors both in and out of her control, but feels like everything has to be her fault just because some things were.
and to be fair, that story is still present in the show. its there and definitely compelling, but it could've been even more so. i feel like if maybe there was less 'nancy has to be a strong independent girlboss' in there (abd it's definitely there, they want to make a point of making her a Strong Woman Character so bad) and she was allowed to have mistakes acknowledged by the narrative, this is the direction it would've gone. She could've been an excellent example of well written women who are strong and awesome through their own right instead of the narrative trying to make us like her
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
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omg rika!!!!
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darklight-owl · 3 months
Okok. Might be a long ramble here but I cannot see Desclark working as a relationship really in the way Desran would be
Cause Desran works under the assumption that Des is using Randall, and that Randall is infatuated/ genuinely in love with Des. But des doesn’t give a fuck about him or what happens, because at the end of the day he doesn’t care. Randall is a means to an end. I can see them sleeping together but that’s bc Des sees it as a way to get closer to him. Kind of cat and mouse type beat to keep him hooked as an addition to the whole revenge plot.
But I cannot see Desclark working as a romantic or sexual relationship. It’s more like a fucked up kinda codependency to me. I can’t see Des falling in love or trying to sleep with Clark, and I don’t see them even like. Kissing or anything unless they were both very VERY drunk or something. And no matter what I don’t see Clark intentionally or knowingly cheating on Brenda, or even thinking about it. I’d imagine he would feel sick even thinking about it
Alright. Thoughts on how it works on both sides.
Desmond is pretty deprived of intimacy. He’s got Raymond, but it’s a working relationship. He’s essentially alone in the emotional support and needs catagory, because even though Raymond would be there when needed, Des wouldn’t let himself be that vulnerable. And I also don’t see him as particularly affectionate (I think he’d get embarrassed asking for it). Thus in the physical department he’s touch deprived too (dead wife rip). As far as we know he doesn’t have too many close friends (Raymond doesn’t count.) and people like to feel needed! It’s a nice thing! And des already has his whole I Feel Superior To Other People Intellectually thing.
On Clark’s side. His wife is gone. His butler is gone. His friend is dead. His son isn’t speaking to him. I believe it’s said that he doesn’t go out often (in a conversation with an npc. Might be making that up tho). Like yeah he has Beth but she’s his maid. She’s not there in the way that he needs her (though I think she would be! She gives Rosa vibes.) guy who is all alone with no support system. Emotionally he’s fucked over. And he had nowhere to vent his feelings because he can’t tell anyone. He’s being threatened by Des for months on end. But in a Desclark scenario I imagine it becomes something like Stockholm syndrome (I touch on this just a little in GS but. Not in the way I want to go into it). It’s not that he’s in love with des, but that he’s internalized a lot of what Des has said (that it’s his fault, that he just has to keep quiet, that he can’t talk to anyone, etc). So to him it becomes Less Bad. Descole only threatens him when he disobeys/talks back/doesn’t do what he wants. Therefore it’s Clark’s fault for speaking out. It’s always his fault, Descole is only keeping him in line. Illogical, yes, but it’s a way to rationalize it for himself. And most of Clark’s work during that time is just holing himself in the study and doing paperwork or something. Des takes care of evacuations and everything related to the specter, so that’s some worry off his chest. He views it in a fucked up ‘he’s taking care of me’ kinda way. And eventually he gets kind of complacent in doing what Des wants just to not have to go through the threatening. All he has to do is sit and work and not talk to anyone and he’ll be fine! But yes, that means Des is the Only Person He Can Talk To. Fucked up sort of attachment forms to Descole. Yes he’s impersonating his butler, but Des provides him meals and cleans up and does things to take care of him! Des cares! Clark is shown to display fauning responses (though he doesn’t have much else choice) to Des (getting Hershel’s help, and during the episode of them talking). His method to protect himself isn’t to fight or to run away, but to appease the threat.
And I’d imagine des ends up feeling a bit of sympathy for him. An archaeologist with no family or emotionally support system does sound kinda familiar huh. And he ends up feeling bad for doing all of this to him (he can recognize that part at least. That Clark’s spiraling has a lot to do with his own actions and behavior, and that intentionally or not he’s sort of conditioned Clark to just take what he’s given.
I don’t think they’d even get too affectionate and they sure as hell wouldn’t be really romantic lovey dovey or whatever, but I think they’d take care of each other in the way that they can. Clark worries about Des when he notices it’s been a while without him (then gets upset with himself for caring) and des continues his duties as a butler (and if it’s more than just pretending, who’s to say?)
I think it would hit particularly hard for Clark without Descole around. I think Des could quickly move on (albeit missing the intimacy that comes with a close relationship), but shit like that would Fuck Someone Up. I explore this a lot in GS, that Clark has become used to Descole doing things for him. Enough so that he finds it difficult to regain his autonomy. He’s used to having everything decided for him, that all he has to do is obey and everything is fine, but with Descole gone he’s shoved into Being A Person and Being A Mayor all over again. But now he doesn’t have a guide. He doesn’t have anyone to tell him what to do. And no one knows what it was like to be in that situation, and he feels guilt for being upset when his wife and butler were literally kidnapped for months on end. Who gave him the right to miss the guy that hurt him so much?
Anyways. Yeah. Those are my thoughts on Desclark.
God I love this sm actually. Like Clark starting to rely on Des and believing the bullshit manipulative stuff he tells him. Des kind of seeing himself in Clark- DES SEEING HIMSELF IN CLARK HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Clark having to recover from that Weird Situationship afterwards. Wow there's a lot of good stuff here omg /gen
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lvmbien · 1 year
god after getting abused by hunters and sacrificed by selfish survivors all day there is just something so refreshing and soul healing about the chaos of a specific brand of late night friendly hunter match
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candieduranium · 3 months
my intro post
i guess it’s about time i made one of these
(why does this have so many notes???😭/genuine)
long ass intro oml
last updated august 21, 2024
•my name is micah but i also respond to furcata and rover
•i use any pronouns. i genuinely do not care what you use for me
•im a minor
•i am a christian. i do not force it onto other people. please respect my religion.
•i make mistakes on my blog (accidentally deleting things, unbalanced polls, etc.) from time to time so please excuse if i make some errors. trying my best.
•my tag for my original posts and reblogs that add to is “micah’s owlposting” even for stuff that isn’t owlkin-related. i have to retroactively tag my old posts with this tag so keep in mind that not all of them are tagged! i will update this post when i finish tagging.
•i am an american barn owl therian, vernid othermidst, machinehearted, and pigeonhearted.
• i am a quadrobist. i started in april of 2024.
•usually the things i post are about my alterhumanity but i also post golden texts my friends and i send each other along with some other stuff. sometimes in my posts there are mentions of sex and (mild?) sexual themes
•im also a furry. furry ≠ z00phil3
•my favorite music is by greta van fleet and umbrabyte. i also just enjoy vocaloid in general, too. in fact, the original purpose i had for my blog was just to keep up with umbrabyte and her content better. here’s umbrabyte’s spotify:
•my favorite aesthetics are cybercore, mizuiro/ tenshi kaiwai, vaporwave, and rococo
•my only definite dni is if your blog is focused on nsfw, has sexually explicit images, or unsafe for minors in general. we can interact if you are in a basic dni (zoophile, radqueers, etc) but i probably won’t interact with you as much as those who arent in the dni.
•haters will be blocked unless i find them especially funny.
•im up for chatting about whatever whenever so just shoot me a dm if you feel like it (sfw, obviously)
•my hobbies and special interests are drums, classical latin, fursuit making, cosplay, and illustrating
•i’m very interested in learning how to make vtuber models and customizing ball-jointed dolls
•my main fandoms are umbrabyte, tloz, pjsk, and tadc (i know some these fandoms are known for having CRAZY and problematic fans. im not one of them)
•i have a 4 year old black cat named dumpling (i post pics of him sometimes) and a 16 year old dog named stella. i hope to get a couple of oranda goldfish someday
•i dont have a set posting schedule. i post when i post. but i generally like to stay pretty active and try to post at least once per day.
•i follow anyone who interacts with my posts positively when im not in their dni and theyre not in mine and their blog isn’t completely default/blank this is now false. i have just learned that the maximum follow count is 5k and i am already above 4k. there are too many of you for me to follow you all😭
•some random and useless stuff about me: i have mild-moderate trypophobia and a deviated septum, i’m 5’7”, my favorite color is orange, i LOVE creme brulee, and my mbti is antp-t (a for ambivert)
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mild eyestrain warning ⚠️
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how the fuck does this have so many notes??😭
vent-ish/vent-adjacent warning ⚠️
here’s a copypaste from another of my posts regarding my posting schedule and status:
hey folks, i may not be posting as much going forward because my father put my email on a lifelock account, which means that he may be alerted each time i log into my tumblr account. i use tumblr on the website on safari and i frequently log in and out because im anxious that my parents will check my search history, but they very rarely ever do. im testing if they get alerted right now by logging in to ao3 and c.ai, two websites that my parents likely wont be opposed to but would tell me and ask me about it if i got an alert. deleting my account is a last resort, but it is still on the table. this change is indefinite. i have backup plans in case my parents do get alerts from lifelock, but nothing is definite. i may continue on just fine, i might not. just giving y’all a heads up in case something does happen.
tl;dr my account may be discovered by my parents and i may be punished, maybe it wont. we’ll see
and does anyone know for sure if lifelock does send alerts about logging in tumblr accounts? please dont lie to me.
my mental health is hinging largely on my tumblr account and im praying sososo hard that i wont lose all of you wonderful, amazing people. this goes for the folks i have dmed and the ones i havent. but anyway. i love you all. thank you for the time youve given me, even if it wont be for much longer.
and heres another post copypaste:
hey folks i dont know if im gonna be posting for a hot minute because im at band practice rn but im gonna have the biggest fucking argument with my mom when i get home😍 i might get my phone taken away
so basically what happened is i told her im depressed and she blew me off and didnt believe me. she also did some other stuff. i may go into greater detail at a later date.
im sorry if this discomforts or tr_gg_rs anyone but i wanted to give an explanation and warning just in case i stop posting and interacting on tumblr
thank you all for being so wonderful, truly. i hope i can get my situation sorted out quickly and remain active.
i’ll probably update this post later on since im sure there’s something i forgot. check back with me every once in a while and i might have some new content on this post
thanks for reading 👍👍
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fae-morrigan · 3 days
Someone put a post (where they admit they straight up dont know these characters lol, and also spell damian as 'damien' so like. yknow.) in the tags saying that if you're a fan of Jon & Jay, you shouldn't buy super son. Well, as the crowned CEO of Jay & Jon, I'm here to tell you guys that you absolutely should.
Super Son did the amazing thing of hitting several marks that I predicted while still managing to surprise me in how they hit them. Which is high praise for any story: A great narrative should be able to both meet reasonable audience expectations (i.e, staying in character, setup payoff) WHILE STILL throwing in curveballs that tell you something new.
There's a lot I want to analyze and get into, namely how I think the rooftop conversation between Jon & Nia is really brilliantly done in what it says about both characters, but mainly I've been thinking a lot about how great those last few pages were and how I think Sina absolutely nails how Jon & Jay's specific issues interact with each other.
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Jay's always been a blunt person. From their first meeting back in SOKE 2, hes said what he thinks, and rarely does he try and soften himself. More than that, his bluntness is often a shield from vulnerability, which Jay struggles with the whole scene. It makes total sense, after what hes experienced (re-traumatization at the hands of a friend) that he's displaying that trait again.
Jon, however, is immediately vulnerable. This is the most poignant confession of the issue: Not even in the amazing sequence of Nia helping him make a place in the darkness (look, its back, thanks isabel!) do we get this admission of fear.
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And Jay, like always, embraces him. Sidenote, LOVE how they got in the thing Jon does where he's constantly tucking his face in people's shoulders during hugs.
But the moment ends, and we get here. First of all, cold af. I could feel the aura before I turned the page.
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Second of all: Jay is totally valid in feeling this way. And it makes perfect sense that he would.
Sara was his everything. Getting her back was one of his main motivations in SOKE. Because of Nia's actions, she died horribly (do you know what happens to a person when they fall from that sort of height? I do. Its AWFUL.) for an unjust cause. Of course he's glad she can't hurt anyone else!
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And that's when we get to my FAVORITE PART! Oh how I love this bit. Because like. You understand why Jon's angry- Its a harsh thing for Jay to say! Nia was the one who kept him sane while he was trapped in his own mind! But Jay, like always, is RIGHT: Jon DOESN'T get it. How could he?
Jon Kent will NEVER, ever, be put in this position. Out of universe, his parents are Clark Kent and Lois Lane. They'll ALWAYS come back. Hell, the fact they'll always come back is something Ma LITERALLY says to Jon in SOKE. He will never, ever have to know this pain.
In universe, Jon's a white american. Despite being queer, despite being an alien, he'll never know what its like to be this kind of collateral, delegated as pawns in a greater war for 'freedom'. That is what killed Sara at the end of the day: imperialism.
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This next bit hurts my heart. Great job, guys!
For one: Jon claims he's not excusing the mistakes Nia made, but by downplaying it like this... yes he is. But did you catch that part? Right at the start of that bubble?
"I'm going to fight every day to make up for my own part in this."
That's where it clicked for me. Something I had been hoping for since Nicole first called them twin flames.
He's projecting.
Of COURSE he's defending Nia. Of COURSE he wants Jay to forgive her. It isn't just about the fact that she gave him support, it isn't just the dreams, its the fact that... well. If Jay can't forgive her... how could he EVER forgive HIM?
THIS is where the fact that Jon and Nia are so similar as character SINGS. They become mirrors to each other, evaluating their own self worth through the other, at the unintentional expense of the people they've hurt.
Jay's right, though. Again. Its almost like he's the embodiment of the truth or something. He doesn't HAVE to do anything.
When he starts crying though, I immediately was RUINED. This is the first time we have EVER seen him cry before during his entire existence of a character. And its not really even because his mom is dead (though yes, that) and its not even because of the argument. Its because Jay fundamentally wants to be understood, and he's not getting that.
Which is important for the next bit:
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I want to first backtrack a bit to Son of Kal El again, specifically, issue fourteen, right here.
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Hello, two-panel sequence that succinctly describes these two as characters. How convenient you are for me, a guy analyzing a work that isn't written prose.
Jon isn't good at letting go, for better or for worse. The things he cares about stay with him, and when something or someone tries to exit his life, he clings to them with all his might.
Jay however, both selflessly and selfishly, is willing to let go first if he thinks its better for the other person. To me this line so effortlessly summarizes who Jay is- he's a person who's accustomed to not having things, and will leave before it hurts and he gets too attached.
And that thought is ALL over this scene. Jay, who begins to let go, Jon, who both literally and physically CLINGS to jay, practically begging him to stay.
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(Sidenote. This is like, the third time Jay mentions breaking up when Jon starts acting up. Good for you king, keep that white boy on his toes, let him know he ain't all that.)
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Every little detail of this four panel sequence is killing me. "My worst nightmare is not having a home with you in it." His greatest desire. The thing that kept tipping him off in every fake reality Nia constructed for him- Jay's absence. Him wiping the tear of Jay's cheek. Jay walking away from him.
But what really gets me is how on this page, Jon talks about them as 'we', while Jay is firmly stuck in 'I.'
This is what made me LOSE MY MARBLES at three in the morning. Just utterly fucking off my rocker in a straightjacket talking to myself.
Because this is what JON wants. But is it what JAY wants?
Jon never asks.
What about what Jay fears? What about the life that HE wants? What if he doesn't want San Francisco? What if the life he wants is the life he HAD before everything went wrong? Jon outright says he wants a fresh start. But Jay, Jay's someone with such deep connections to what he just lost, what he likely WANTS to get back. His country. His mother. His sense of self. But. He says yes.
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(Sidenote. FIRST I LOVE YOU WOOOOOOOOOO) To quote my buddy Dami: Oh, the drama of needing a future with someone who can't get over the past.
It is left unclear, by the end, whether or not Jay is saying yes to this because he genuinely wants to, or if he's only saying yes because he doesn't want to lose Jon, too. Jon doesn't stop to question whether or not Jay's only reaching after him because Jon's walking away. We, the audience, are left to ponder that for ourselves.
How much of Jay saying yes is him just accepting that this is the best he's going to get? That he's never going to be understood because nobody wants to understand?
He's an afterthought to Nia, an obstacle at best, and to Jon he's a particularly handsome prop in this little fantasy he has of running away and starting new. He's either not thought of at all, or when he is thought about, it's in the context of how he can emotionally fulfill the other person And you get why Jon did this. He's desperate, he's hurting, he just got tangible evidence that the time he has with the people he loves isn't ever guaranteed. He's been needing space from Clark and Lois for MONTHS because god knows they haven't been fulfilling his emotional needs. In a very real sense, Jay is who he has.
But wanting someone to stay with you so much that you'll... Not even ignore, but just not ever consider what they may want. The intentional isolation, moving halfway across the country away from all support systems. The need to cling to someone.
It reminds me of... something. Someone.
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Don't tell Jon I made this comparison. He'll kill himself. Jon and Ultraman ARE similar. They're both such deeply lonely people who cling very tightly and even though it manifests in different ways and even though they have different core thoughts about it. The effect at the end of the day is the same, isn't it?
Is loving Jay not a brutal act of destruction?
There's so many more details about this story I love. Jon & Nia's conversation being vague enough that you have no idea how Jon meant what he told her but you KNOW how NIA took it (girl you can do better hes literally ugly!). Jon breaking a pillar by bonking his head against it (LMFAO). The pretty lies vs ugly truth dichotomy of Jay vs Nia here.
But this one scene, man. This one fucking scene takes the cake. STELLAR work all around. Every panel counts.
This better lead into a full Superman & Gossamer run or SOMETHING or I'm going to have WORDS with DC's editorial staff.
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sehodreams · 9 months
Rich CEO Sungchan is married to an heiress. Their marriage didn’t start off as a business arrangement. As two young, hot, fit people, they were attracted to each other. But as the years went by, Sungchan became less and less attracted to the heiress. It doesn’t help that their sex life is vanilla. Their newborn was 100% a business arrangement. He’s secured an heir to the empire. Reader is hired as the stay-in nanny to help with the newborn. Most of the day she’s in the main mansion, tending to the newborn as the heiress tens to her socialite life. At night, she sleeps in the detached guest house. Sometimes, the nanny’s and Sungchan’s paths cross in the estate. 🌒 (all asks optional, dont feel pressured to respond)
God I've been in a Sungchan brain rot lately, I have a dumb!popular!Sungchan in the oven and now this, god, I've been well fed these days 🥴
I'm slowly answering the questions, sorry if sometimes I take too much time, it's a busy season where I work, but I love all ideas and mtl questions, so feel free to continue doing them, I'll try to answer them in my free time! 💕
I hope you like it, to be honest i already have a second part, my mind kept showing me other scenarios, so if you have any feedback is more than welcome!
TW and tags: dark!CEO!Sungchan, noncon, p in v, no protection, thigh fucking, fingering, breeding kink, squints of Sir Kink, plus size!nanny!reader
WC: sorry, wrote it in my phone and have no idea, but probably around 4k like usual.
Just a gift
He didn't notice your existence until he went to see his baby boy after a long work trip, he had gone to Japan to see a couple of his restaurants, leaving his wife with his child, trusting her to take care of him.
He didn't mind that she received help, he expected it since he knew she'd have to go to a couple events like always, but it seemed as if the woman he had married was getting busy on purpose to avoid taking care of their child, and that did bother him, but she'd do her job at some point, he hoped.
When he arrived he asked for his child and his wife, the maid told him the lady had gone out to a family reunion and the child was sleeping in his room, so he quickly tossed his tie aside, getting more comfortable, and walked to his newborn's room, calming himself to not get mad with his wife. It was a long way to that side of the mansion and he had asked for his things to be moved as near as possible to help in case anything happened, so he'd rest after checking on his baby. He had stopped sharing his bed with his wife a long time ago and they slept on different sides of the house, but now that they had a child, they couldn't avoid each other's presence anymore, or so he thought.
When he opened the door he expected to see his baby sleeping in his baby crib, carefully chosen by a professional, but what he saw left him without words.
You were there, in the dark room with just a limp light on, carrying his baby with your eyes closed while whispering sweet words "you're a lucky baby, I hope you grow up with as much love as wealth you'll receive, and become a great man". You held him with so much care, close to your chest, giving him all your warm.
And that made him hard.
In the moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew you existed to have a child, you were a mother, and he wanted to give you all the children you wanted. He had deduced you didn't have any children, how could such a sweet young thing like you have children already? You had so much love overflowing your words and movements, it wasn't possible.
He stopped himself, his mind running around a mile per second, imagining you in his bed with your legs up and his cock stuffing you, making you a real mother.
"Who are you?" He asked after a second, still at the door, not walking near you because he knew he'd get weak.
You opened your eyes in shock by the male voice, so deep into your own comfort with the baby you took care of. You looked at him and immediately recognized him, the same hair color and skin as the baby you were holding, also it was impossible to not know who he was, the owner of the household, and your boss you had no opportunity to meet until now, "Sir, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm baby Sungchan's nanny" you smiled. He got drunk with the way your smile made your sweet cheeks chubbier, and your round body called him to get warm with it into your side, so welcoming.
He was sure your sweet pussy would easily accept him, would call for him, just like your eyes and lips did. You were such a sweet thing to the eye, of course you had to taste as sweet too, right?
"Sorry I wasn't notified with your presence, if you don't mind, could you tell me when did you start working here?" He talked, ignoring the pressure that started to bother him inside his pants.
"Oh, it hasn't been that long, maybe a month" you whispered, leaving his child into the crib, softly, slightly bending to not wake him up, showing Sungchan your precious and bubbly ass. God, he wanted to lift that long skirt and fuck you right there, his body was so hot it hurt.
He couldn't remember the last time he had sex, he knows it was with his wife when they conceived the small heir, and after that he got so busy with work and his new life as a father he didn't have time to visit the VIP brothel he used to visit before he and his wife had decided to have a son. He and his wife had a good start, both were equals in the relationship, they had the beauty and the status to be a perfect couple, but their feelings got colder with time, and at some point they just stopped being a real relationship, only staying together for the benefits it had. The sex had always been too vanilla for his liking, and after a couple of years he had decided to visit brothels instead of finding girls around, he didn't want a relationship, and he was sure anyone who wasn't paid to be with him would quickly catch unnecessary feelings for him.
"What do you mean a month? I left for Japan 2 weeks ago, does that mean you were almost 2 weeks here, with my child, and you didn't bother to present yourself to me? My wife has never told me about you" he was frowning his eyebrows behind you. You stood up properly again, bowing and saying sorry. "I don't want you to apologize, I want you to give me an explanation" his voice was getting higher and you looked alarmed behind you.
"Please Sir, let's not raise the voice in here, this is your son's room, not your office, let's have this conversation in another place" you replied. You were so calm, so put together, it started a fire inside his guts. He wanted to ravage you, look at tears falling down your cheeks and your pussy contracting around his fingers, convulsing and making a mess, and giving you the prize you deserved, because you were much more mother than his wife, who had never shown as much interest as you for his child, and you, in just an interaction, had shown more love and maturity than her.
"You're right, let's go to my office" he accepted. You walked in front of him and he watched your hips move with every step, the curve of your lower back going to your ass, was insane. He had never had interest in curvy bodies before, thinking that they were unhealthy, but now that he had a son with his wife, he realized your body was just different, softer, warmer, more breedable, he smiled.
When you arrived to his office he sat in his leather sofa, showing you with his eyes were you should seat, in front of him, in another sofa, with a little table between you. You did it, you sat and patted your skirt, with your straight back, pushing your tits in the way. He saw your sweet boobs push your floral white blouse, and your long baby blue skirt only enhanced the softness of your body. He licked his lips without you noticing and crossed his long legs.
You didn't feel small, but you felt watched, reason why you did your best to mantain eye contact.
So a feisty one, he thought, I like that.
You heard the clock ticking, too obvious in the silence. "What are you waiting for?" He asked.
"Sorry, it's my fault I didn't present myself to you, I should've done it, the lady said to not bother you because then you'd have an unapproachable actitud with your son, and my main interest, as wrong as it sounds, it's the wellness of your child, so I didn't want to push any buttons on you. Still, I'm sorry Sir, I have no excuses."
You sounded so pretty, making it seem as if you always thought about his son, he was sure you'd be a great wife one day, obedient but strong willed, soft and caring but protective.
However, that would have to wait, because he wanted you for him.
"I see, I'm afraid my wife has told you things that aren't a hundred percent true, I do get frustrated when I'm interrupted, but anyone who has direct contact with my child and has to bring me news about his wellbeing will never be a bother, I hope that from now on we mantain a better relationship, and thank you for taking care of my child in the meanwhile."
You looked up to him, you have never been treated so good by a parent before, always working for rich jerks, it was new for you to have such a notable gentleman talk to you like that. You smiled and nodded. "Thank you Sir, I'll take care of him as if it was my blood"
He smiled and dismissed you, you quickly left to go to your room on the attached house, excited to have met your boss.
He jerked off with your smile in his mind.
Days went by, he tried to tell himself that maybe it was better to just have a boss/worker relationship with you, to not surpass any line. But God you did it hard for him, now everyday before his son went to sleep and you to your room, you'd go with the baby in your arms to his office, so he could give him a goodnight kiss.
And he was dying to give you one too.
Everytime he saw you walking near his room in the morning, making sure his baby was always well fed, going around with your pretty flowy dresses and your tits that bounced everytime you moved. They would feed a child really well, he repeated on his mine, or maybe they already had milk? It was impossible to have those voluptuous boobs and not want a taste.
Still, he never did anything, not touching a hair on your head.
He repeated like a mantra that it was not okay, he needed you around because his wife had better things to do than take care of their boy, and his boy loved you so much, every day his laugh filled the empty corridors like a song, making an echo that made everyone that heard it smile.
Except his wife, of course.
"When are you coming back" he asked when he saw her taking a couple bags full of party clothes.
"I'm not sure, but it won't be more than a month" she hurried to go out. You were in the room with the baby, listening to the baby's mother leave without giving the small one a second glance, but you couldn't say anything, it wasn't your position to question the parents.
"If you leave that door, I swear, I'll take cards into the subject" he said angrily. "It's our child! You can't leave him like that! You have never breastfeeded him, not a single time!"
"It hurts, what do you want me to do? And he's being taken care just fine, I'll come back in a few weeks, you also travel a lot, why shouldn't I?" You heard him throwing things to the floor and flinched, you had never seen him get that angry before, he always had a smile on his face when you appeared.
Both their rooms were next to the baby's so you heard everything clearly, and when the baby started to cry you grabbed him and ran to the patio to calm him down.
An hour later you saw from the patio the lady leaving with a couple bags and dark sunglasses. He couldn't... You doubted. Could have he touch her? The same Sungchan you saw every morning and night and always kissed his son and talked to you with respect?
You shook your head, it wasn't any of your business. He came down a couple minutes later, fuming, and searched for you. You quickly answered "Sir, I'm here" You said after running to the backdoor that connected the house with the patio, you didn't dare to scream next to the baby. The baby was in the stroller, taking his daily nap, and you were beside him, sitting in one of the many benches. He walked with you to your seat, heat coming out of him, so hot you felt it in your back when he walked behind you, when he saw him there, his baby next to you now, and your confused gaze, he calmed down.
"I'm sorry you had to heard that, I've been having numerous fights with my wife since the baby was born... I just... I don't know what to do, it had never passed my mind that he wouldn't have his mother around, I always respected how serious my wife took his life and businesses" he looked down, you couldn't help but get soft for him.
"I'm sorry to hear that Sir, but let me assure this baby it's been well taken care of, not only by me, but by you, I had never seen a father so committed to his role before" you wanted to comfort him.
He smiled at your words "thank you".
Everything started to get even better, he visited his child more, and had started to give you bonuses and little gifts, did you have a favorite coffee? The kitchen had all the options you could ever need. You needed a new stroller for his kid? Take his credit card, don't even doubt of getting the best one. Did you like those little dresses, right? Well, one of his friends had a store you could visit, don't worry, it's just a gift.
Just a gift, just a gift, he always said, and you started to feel more and more uncomfortable with his attentions.
"Sorry Sir, I can't accept that" he was showing you a gold bracelet that matched his son's little necklace.
"Don't worry, it's nothing, just a gift" he smiled and tried to put in in your wrist.
You moved your hand away from his grip. "I shouldn't Sir, I-I don't think this is okay" you nervously said, you didn't want to think he had any ulterior motive to give them to you, but everyone else had started to look at you weirdly, and you heard how the staff talked behind you "she's gonna trap him", "she must be doing extra work to be on his good side", "someone should remind her he's married". It was all too much for you.
His eyes full of love changed. "Are you rejecting my gift? I choose it for you, if you don't accept it I have no option but to throw it out"
"No Sir, why-" you couldn't understand why his voice tone changed. "Can't you get your money back?"
"It has your name on it, and my boy's too, it was a set, I can't return it" he denied. You didn't know what to do, doubting if to accept it or not. He saw it in your face, you discussing with yourself, your doubt. He doesn't know why, but he got so mad, he didn't give you another second to doubt, and crushed the pretty box with his hands, to then throw it into the trash can next to the door, walking away without giving you a second glance.
You stayed there, in shock, not knowing what to do. You walked to the bin, empty, with only the crushed box inside, and took it out, you couldn't let something so valuable be dumped. You examinated it, gold with a little sun, matching the little star in the baby's necklace, your initial and the baby's in the back, so pretty, you had never received something so valuable before.
You left the boy sleeping and went to your room, feeling scared of going to his office to say goodnight like everyday.
Why didn't you? He stayed up for hours, waiting for you, and then after the clock sounded at midnight, he walked to see you in the guest house.
He had almost forgotten how the place looked, never finding a reason to visit the place until that moment.
Your room was in the second floor, the living room had the tv on and different bags on your table from all the shopping he sent you to do with his card, the little box he had choosen caught his attention too. He smiled, satisfied with your actions, you never disappointed him.
You were deep asleep, not feeling his presence. He watched you, you were wearing a white tank top that showed your nipples through the cheap fabric.
You shouldn't be wearing that, you should be covered in jewels and the best fabrics, he thought.
He got closer, watching your face. His hand moved on his own, he swears, he didn't mean to, but your skin was magnetic. His hand touched the strap of your tank top and moved it, your tits were so big they were about to spill over the clothes, and he wanted to move the bedsheet away to see what were you wearing down, so he did.
God, you wore nothing, only covering your pussy with your panties.
He saw shift your body, feeling the cold air touch you. You showed him your back, and when he saw your peachy ass he decided that was the night, that was the night you would become his.
He would take you, you wanted or not.
He had tried so hard, showering you with compliments and gifts, how could you reject him like that before? He felt so hurt, he did everything for you, how could you be so cold towards him?
You didn't leave him an option.
He pressed his body against yours, smelling your shampoo from the hair that covered your pillow. His hips touched your ass, his boner presenting itself and feeling your clothed skin.
His hand wanted to roam around but he didn't want to wake you up, so he did his best to softly move his hand to the front of your panties, hugging your side.
His hand entered the rim of your panties and felt the hair you had there, he liked that, a natural feeling, fertile.
The tip of his fingers caressed your little mount, smooth, like caramel. Your ass pressed more against him and he had to bite his lip to not moan, so much time had passed since the last time he fucked someone his body physically hurt him, he wanted to open your legs and push his dick immediately, but he had to enjoy you a bit more, all well done has its benefits, he reminded himself.
His fingers made circles on your clit, and your pussy, even with you asleep, started to respond to his touch.
Fuck, that's my girl, he thought.
It was getting wet, so wet, he moved his hand to his face and smelled you on his fingers. A little drop was about to fall and he decided to lick it, a mature flavor, like a woman that needed a man to break her.
That was it, that pushed all sanity out of him and he pulled down his slacks. The tip of his cock, red and furious, was leaking, and he pushed it between your thighs.
It was hard, your thighs were so thick they almost left no room for him, but you had already dripped enough to make it easier, and with the help of his spit on his dick he did it.
I want to put it in, I need to put it in, his mind was racing and his breath was getting more and more loud. You would wake up in any second, and he couldn't wait for it, he wanted to smash you to the mattress and fuck you like an animal, to cum inside and breed you like you deserved.
His pleads were heard and you opened your eyes, confused with what was going on, you felt the pressure between your legs, and your body hot and wet, but why? How?
"Sorry baby, It'll be quick, just once, okay?" He whispered behind you and you turned your head to look at him, he smiled at you and gave you a peck on the lips.
"What? What?" You asked, just waking up and regaining your senses. "Sir?"
Oh god, he loved when you called him Sir, always with that soft voice and those full lips.
He separated himself and moved you to your back, he quickly opened your legs and situated himself between them, pushing your underwear to the side, almost hurting you of how strongly he did it. he appreciated you hole for a good second, so plump and glowing even in darkness, ready for him.
He may not have noticed all your refusal, he had covered your mouth with his hand after the kiss, and when your hands started to punch his chest he simply smiled and grabbed your hands with his other hand. "Did you know that something was stolen from the mansion today?" You stopped punching him and looked at him, not understanding what was going on. "It was a bracelet, with my son and his mother's initial, gold, really expensive, and all the maids said they saw you wearing it" Your eyes shook, you tried to deny under his hand. "It's okay honey, I forgive you, you just need to be a good girl from now on, okay?" Tears fell down your cheeks, it was a gift! You repeated on your head.
It was just a gift, how could he used that to backfire you, it had his wife's initial, that was right, but it was your initial too!
"I'll move my hand okay, and then I'll fuck you, don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it" he murmured. The light of the night covered him, trespassing the white curtains, like he did in your room.
He moved his hand and you could talk, finally "you said it was a gift" you cried.
"It was, but you rejected it, didn't think that would hurt me? You should've accepted me while I was kind" his fingers were pounding your insides. You squirmed, sensitive, feeling his long fingers work you like nothing.
"I'm... Sorry, Sir" you tried to say. "Please"
"It's okay baby" he replaced his fingers with the tip of his dick "I accept your apology" he inserted it completely in a single thrust.
You opened your mouth, air leaving your lungs and insides moving to accept him, he was so big, your eyes got blurry with the pain tears.
He started slow, but quickly got bored of the pace, and when he had enough he pushed your legs up, watching his dick sink inside you deeper. He exhaled, it felt perfect, your nails on his forearms, hurting him, and your pussy insides caressing him. So perfect.
His hips moved harder, and then he was mating pressing you to the bed. You were so soft and inviting like he imagined. Your cunt was accepting him in a second, knowing he was good enough for you.
Your cheeks were wet with tears, those pretty cheeks, he wanted to slap them to make them even more flushed.
"My angel, you're gonna be the best mother" he said, cock pressing you harder to the mattress, you fell as if your body was sinking into it, moaning and holding yourself to his arms to not fall deeper, where? you didn't know, but you felt like you were about to.
"Please no, not inside" you begged, music to his ears. You tried to think about other things, how would you go after that, where would you hide, who could you ask for help. He saw you thinking too much and put one of his hands around your throat to shut up your pleas and the voices inside your head.
Not a single sound could leave your throat, and the air restriction made you dizzy. You slapped his hand so he'd let you breath again, but he didn't flinch. His pelvis ruthlessly smashing you with force, making your legs tremble.
"Mine, mine, forever mine" he bite his lip and smiled, pumping your insides, filling you with the thickest cum you've ever felt, so sticky it would certainly stay inside, adding to that, the way his hips didn't move away for a second, it would leave anyone pregnant.
He brushed off the hair over your face, and still with the hand on your throat, he left a soft kiss over your lips, still inside you.
You couldn't think properly, you hadn't realized you came when he put his hand on your neck, making a mess over the bed, and the last thing that passed through your mind before you passed out was that you would never accept a single gift from him again.
Except, nine months later, you'd recieve another one, obligated.
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goomyloid · 4 months
PLEASE explain your thoughts on kriselle in full detail
i hate toby fox. why did he do this to us. he really put it better than anyone else. not really romantic not really platonic but…. something else… some secret more sinister more heartfelt more absurd third thing
i wonder at what point should i clarify that i dont even really seek out kriselle in a romantic context… DONT GET ME WRONG i have zero issues with the ship whatsoever and all of the krisellers out there are living their best (most painful) lives and i SEE THE APPEAL. BUT when i rotate them in my brain i dont need them to kiss or anything like that i just need them to sit down and sadly hold hands and stay like that forever and ever. in case you couldnt gauge that from my art so far
tldr i dont think i ship them in the traditional sense at least …. the things that i usually fixate on for any romantic ship are not there with these two. there are no romantic feelings there In my mind. and all at the same time i start screaming and throwing up and killing myself (all positive) whenever i see them even in the same image together. hngh
ive tried explaining this to people before and they usually suggest something along the lines of a QPR and even that doesnt feel right to me. truly the best way i can put it is… that red string of fate man… which i almost hesitate on saying too because i dont actually know if noelle is Quite an important enough character to the story to warrant a connection like that. WHICH IS A CRAZY THING TO SAY. I KNOW. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING ME WRONG i think dess and her connections to gaster and her usage as a stepping stone into the weird route are all VERY important… but in my brain its just not kris/knight/asriel/every other mysterious main focus of the story Important. i didnt mean to get into deltarune theorizing here i hope nobody’s blood is boiling rn
so yeah in the end. toby fox once again put it best. they are friends, but they are also something else.
back to the actual pairing though… sometimes i think im going overboard and overestimating how close kris and noelle were as children because noelle will go and say things like “i wonder if we were ever really friends at all.” which is kind of a fair statement considering the circumstances. sure they played together and all and tagged along with their siblings to do stuff together but when dess went missing… it all kind of stopped. kris is just a kid, they dont know what to do or even how to process it, much like noelle. asriel is probably dealing with his own feelings, he just lost his friend and likely old enough to understand the weight of what happened. while noelle and kris cant say much to each other at all.
im always back and forth on speaking headcanons for kris but the one that i always seem to come back to is selective mutism… to me kris had a lot of trouble communicating well as a child and could only grow comfortable around certain people, asriel and noelle being clear examples because they’re both so patient with them. maybe because of this noelle felt like they could understand each other without really needing words, and just physical interaction was enough to achieve some form of closeness… or maybe that was all just on her end, she thinks when kris goes to play the piano. but if that’s the case, why does it feel like a concert just for her…?
jesus dont even get me start on them as teenagers either. noelle has lost her sister, and now kris has lost their brother… but not in the same way. they look at each other and wonder if they’re the same now. or, maybe thats too cruel. maybe its not the same thing at all. asriel’s coming back soon, after all. it will all be over soon, kris won’t have to feel this way for much longer, right? so then, why does kris look so miserable, sitting in the corner over there? all noelle feels like she can do is sit next to them quietly. to be there, and to somehow, vaguely, messily help each other. the misfit kids that dont really know how to talk to each other and yet understand each other regardless
thats why the dark world feels like such a dream to her. these crazy city lights, fantastical creatures, susie’s there, and she actually might have the means to defend herself and stand her ground, whether it be verbally or… otherwise
and most of all, much like with kris offering an adventurous haven to susie in ch1, the same is extended to noelle. by kris’s side, no less. it feels like theyre doing things together again, and its fun, and nostalgic… she wants to bring dess. and i think its okay to assume kris wants to bring asriel, too. recreating the make-believe world they lost so long ago… is it really possible?
no… how can it really be possible, when this isnt kris? something is wrong. its almost perfect, except kris… it’s them, but it’s not. she sees their face, their expressions, their laughs, their worries. and yet the voice that comes from them… isnt them. and it scares her! even if nothing particularly bad happened as a result. and if something bad DID happen, well…
she just wants what they had before back. is it really so impossible? can they reconcile after all these years? does kris want to? is kris capable of doing so? maybe they just need to hug again. will it feel like a real hug? the person she thought she understood is acting in ways she doesnt understand. they’re telling her to do weird things. they cycle through actions as if they just want to know what happens. and they cant even play piano anymore.
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horseimagebarn · 1 year
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hello friends welcome to the horseimagebarn weekly recap where i gather up all the asks reblogs tags comments et cetera that catch my interest each week and i respond to them all every friday
ive no announcements for you all this week so lets get to it
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i am overjoyed to hear that your view of horses has changed even slightly due to this blog i am not here to force anyone to love horses or even enjoy them but i am a firm believer in the idea that all creatures that are on this earth carry within them beauty and joy so pure and full and natural it is unknown to us and that our own personal experiences and preferences relating to animals though they are often valid should never earn animals our true and real hate as that is such a horrible and unnatural emotion to be directed at creatures that cannot understand the complexities of our kind yet continue to be subjected to our destruction and hatred
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one can only hope my friend
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the curse and or blessing depending on how you view it of consciousness upon the human species is something i think about without hyperbole nearly every day and it is one of the main themes i keep in mind when writing my posts for this account as i am fascinated by what our species has wrought compared to the other inhabitants of this planet there is so much emotion and good and evil and love and catharsis it fuels me to create in such a way as to capture even the smallest piece of it
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i am okay with photoshopped images if they tickle my fancy dont mess with the actual horse too much and are generally appealing like a horse smoking a cigarette
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thank you for sharing this fun fact with me my friend that is absolutely delightful in every way and also very fitting at least to me
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it is just as intoxicating for me to write in this manner i love it and i love bringing joy to so many people through my work it is amazing
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what if we dont say that
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no but i have a rule where i start every post with the word horse to keep it consistent foals are no exception
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this is a good one
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shoutout lexi
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halucynator · 9 months
END OF 2023
sorry to anyone who didn't want to be tagged xx
hi! most of you will know me as lucy (unless you're @m3ntallyunstable34 and know my real name lol)
so yes, i am lucy. and this is me reflecting on 2023 on tumblr because it seems like a logical thing to do considering this year sucked like 20% less (one of us is lying reference) because of all my amazing online friends. so yes i guess in a way this is a mutual appreciation post 🫶
@berryzxx you wouldn't believe me when i tell you you were the first mutual i didn't have to be all professional and got to be a crazy bitch with lmao so thank you for not judging me and talking to me like we're besties (we totally are btw bc i said so) mwahh
@longlivestv the loml literally owe my life to you bee 🫶🫶 you are one of the main reasons i'm friends with all of the people i will mention after, so tysm and thank you for being so sweet to me and i love flirting with you /hj ilysm 💗 also if im too young to fall in love why do you keep running through my brain? 😍😍
@loserdiaz one of the very few people i get to openly talk to and not feel weird doing it akshdasjhd ilysm april <33 and youre one of the only people i will ever admit has better pick up lines than me (thats a huge honour btw) so thank you for keeping up with me and flirting with me it makes me feel very special mwahhh and ily and we should totally snuggle by the fireplace you know i made those cookies you like (sab reference) 😍🫶
@weeping-in-the-willows thank you for being the absolute SWEETEST person to me <3 ilysm and btw you were my first discord friend and i'm so honoured about that ajshdnjfe you're so nice and ily and i hope you get everything you want
@theladyinwhite13 thank you for appreciating my unhinged comments and you're one of the few people who deserve to be told that they are funnier than me (i rarely ever give anyone this honour btw so its very special) and i think you might appreciate this reference 'so what if i just wanna be a little out of my mind'
@bodybetters and @its-tortle karo and tortle my beloved <3 ilysm you're like two of the BEST mutuals ever and i was so honoured happy excited (any other positive adjective) when i realised you followed ME back?!? i was literally so ajshdnjfe i can't even put it in words you're like my favourite people on this hellsite (affectionate)
@suugarbabe ajdhhgajsgf my pookie <33 you always stand up for me and ilysm for it youre the nicest to me what did i ever do to deserve you 😭❤️
@patrophthia omg the absolute sweetestt!! youre an angel and ilysm and i hope you have the best life every <33 ilysm thank you for being so nice to me and making me feel valued asjdhajksd i love youu
@theautistmwitch omg idk how youre still sane after hearing to my traumatising jokes 😭 ilysm mwahh❤️thank you for being so sweet to meee it makes me so happy <333 can't wait to traumatise- uh i mean make you laugh even more next year!
@kurtcobainsgreencardigan ajkshdad i had the time of my life 'bullying' [insert their name] (i dont wanna get cancelled yk just in case people actually like them) with you <33 [i mean you technically didn't 'bully' them but we bonded over that] you're so funny and sweet and ily<3
@catastrxblues nadine the loml <33 i LOVED chatting with you and ranting to you and reading your answers to my asks akgdskg im so glad to have you as a mutual and i would love to have some more ranting convos with you in the future haha asdhjhajsh ilysm mwahh <3
@nyctophile-me omg you're so sweet to meee 😭😭😭 ily you're like one of my favourite wives too you're one of the only people i will ever share sab with mwah ❤️❤️ id love to talk to you more next year <3
@magicandmaybe @andi-is-bored @alltheliars and @animallover4000 omg you're all so sweet and ily and we didn't really interact a lot this year but i loved chatting with you on discord 💕
@imperpetuallylost omg ilyy you're so unintentionally (or intentionally?) funny ahsjdnfne and i guess it's inevitable sorry sky but it looks like you (lea not sky) deserve to [redacted] goosebot and it's well deserved ajsjdjdne ily and id love to interact more with you next year <33
@london-affairs literally started talking to you like 5 days ago and we were flirting non stop that's CRAZYYYY ily btw pookie 😍
@m3ntallyunstable34 my literal best friend!! i absolutely love you mwah mwah mwah thank you for being my best friend and dealing with me for 12 years llama im shocked you're not insane yet ahsjsj ilyyyy ❤️
these are the mutuals that made me throw my phone across the room and scream in excitement when i realised THEY followed ME
also i will take this moment to thank all of you for making my year amazing and i love you all so much and i hope you have THE BEST 2024. thank you so much for being a part of my crazy blog i would never have imagined 438 people would find this silly little blog 🫶
@cassiopeiasdaughter @faultsline @underthenightskydreamsneverdie @theostrophywife @slytherinslut0 @imperpetuallylost @themidnightarcher @stvrlighhttt @psychedeliccc @prettybaby-grande @nqds @themidnightarcher @i-miss-you-im-sorry @cottoncandywhispers @svnflowermoon @finalgirllx @fallingforfictionalcharacterss @ashisgreedy @moonffe @suugarbabe @wordsarelife and @xobridgertonblues (i might've tagged some people twice sorryyyy)
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ohshcconfessions · 2 months
Welcome to ohshcconfessions! This is a confession blog for Tumblr's Ouran High School Host Club fandom.
This is a place to confess anything about the ohshc fandom, media, or characters
This blog is currently only run by me and I post mainly on a running queue. Sometimes I'll answer them straight out of the askbox. My main is @lnsane-ace and you can call me Ace.
If I have not posted your confession, feel free to ask me about it or send it in again! Sometimes I make dumb mistakes too.
(No, I do not agree with all the confessions I will post here. I simply give people a safe place to post them where others from the fandom can interact)
RULES (subject to change):
1. Keep confessions about OHSHC or its fandom. other confessions will likely not be posted.
2. Do not harass or specifically target others when sending asks. This includes name dropping or being bigoted towards them (such as racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc...)
Replying to others is fine, but try not to get into heated arguments, or your confessions probably won't be posted. Keep it respectful towards one another. (I’ve had some anon confessions turn into people berating me, so please try to respect each other)
3. Do not be NSFW. I don’t mind if you’re being a little suggestive, but i don’t want this blog to be 18+
4. If I think a confession will start an argument or is racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. towards any character or any real person, no, it will not be posted.
5. Enjoy! <3
#ohshc confessions - confessions about the ohshc media
#ohshc fandom confessions - confessions about the fandom of ohshc
#not confessions - posts that dont relate to ohshc
#mod ace answers - i answer questions you ask (related to the blog or OHSHC)
#crossover confession post - posts that may involve other fandoms/reblogs/just random talk with my mutuals
All in all, I hope this is a fun place for the OHSHC fandom to thrive!
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that-starry-freak · 2 months
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Hello!!! I'm Echo, or Starry I don't mind! I am just a silly little guy here on Tumblr thinking about my silly guys and studying them! Don't mind me!
I have a side blog for my current main hyperfixation, for now being my Tsams side blog! Go check that out if you are interested in my Tsams content: @dont-hug-me-im-hyperfixating
DISCLAIMER: not all my art is Tsams/tsbs!! I draw a lot of Fnaf sb dca things, and ship Sun x Moon outside of the tsams fandom! I do not ship incest, and any of the ships you see will never be in the context of them being siblings!
Tags and Aus vvv
My Tags!
#art - this may be shocking, but its my art
#traditional art - my art, but its ~traditional~
#Astro Rants - chat I yap a lot
#oc stuff - its in the title hon
My Aus! (Needs to be updated and changed but I dont wanna)
Mind over Matter au: You've known about fazbear ever since you were 3. You grew up with it, and started working there pretty early on. Now you're moving to their newest location, The Mega Pizzaplex. But you have ulterior motives, and you arnt just there to be a security guard.
You're told to stay out of the daycare, but you've never really cared about what Fazbear tells you to do. You meet the daycare attendant, and when the lights turn off, you have to think quick on your feet. But you end up taming and saving the viruses Moon, and start to slowly get closer to the prickly Sun. While slowly working on your own, personal and more important mission (left vague because I hope to write this story, so I'll keep the twist a suprise <3)
Tag - #MoM au
Rockstars and Romance: In a world with soulmate marks, its unsurprising that everyone wants to know what the back of your's looks like. You however wear a pair of gloves to hide the marks, not needing people claiming to be your soulmate. But when your manager Mr. Emily says you'll be working with Sun and Moon, two robot rockstars that work under the same manager as your rival Vanny, you begin to have sneaking suspicions of who they're for.
Sun and Moon were never made to be rockstars, they were created for the circus. But when fazbear decides to rebrand, they were the only robots that were spruced up and forced to sing. They enjoy it for the most part, but marks began showing up on their hands. They paint over them, but every time they wake up, it's there again. They can tell one set is supposed to be each other, the sun and moon marks were obvious, but the two red stars were not so much. They assume they were meant to represent their dead ex, but when they meet Red, they begin to have other theories.
Tag - #Rsr au
Companion: Sun was always very, very stressed. So they made him a companion: Moon. Thats it, that's the au.
Tag - #cau
The Dying Sun's Protostar au: When Eclipse (v2) died, the star wasn't destroyed with him. So Moon brought it back to his universe and hid it. Things went on as normal, and soon they forgot about it. But when Solar died, Moon was desperate to get him back. He attempted to use magic to use his lingering energy and revive him, but it didn't work. Instead, the star absorbed his eccense and became sentient. Leaving Moon, and the rest of the celestial family, to raise a small powerful semi-animatronic child named Star. Also Moon changed his name to Nexus to distinguish himself from Old Moon, not wanting to keep being compared to someone who he wasnt.
Tag - #tdsp au
Ask Blog
Relocation au: Eclipse (v4) secretly went to a universe with a lord Eclipse with the help of Spanard, convincing his Servant Sun to go against him and steal the star. He brought his family back, and they all thanked Eclipse. He went there every once and awhile, because it felt nice to have people care about him. Sure, Earth in his universe did, but that was about it. But when Nexus went insane trying to bring Solar back, he succeeded in killing his family. All but Eclipse. He attempted to go after him, but Eclipse ran to the universe he had helped before, bringing Spanard with him, now living with the ex servant Sun's family.
Tag - #relo au
Rather than a Widow au: The Lamb didnt remember his own name at this point, so used to being called "The Lamb". They were so stressed with the cult at this point, but there was one good thing: they were married to Narinder, their God. However, when Narinder betrayed the Lamb and asked them to die permanently for his release, they refused. They fought, and the Lamb won. They let him live, but they're divorced. The Lamb is exhausted now, tired of their stupid cult members and their ex now living in their cult. Narinder is still in love with them, but The Lamb really doesn't want to marry him again. Guess we've got a lovers to enemies to lovers slowburn
Tag - #RtaW au
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tuzesdays · 2 months
Hi I'm here to bothering you with questions
What was your main inspiration for starting Dayshift? Has it gone the way you expected or has it changed courses since writing it?
andy you could never bother me my friend
starting dayshift... i remember re-reading solar lunacy like eight times (mind you, it was still updating then) and thinking MAN. THIS Y/N IS DENSE AS HELL. i got desperate for a fic that had the tone i wanted: something a little more mature than what the ao3 tag was full of, but still with the undertone of 'this characters a mess and doesnt want help'. specifically, i started writing dayshift for ME because *I* wanted to read about someone like me.
(im so happy that its gotten attention. i dont really set out to be popular anymore like i did a few years ago, but hitting that 'sort by kudos' button and seeing dayshift around the first few pages is so)
ANYWAY. ive had mostly the same plan this whole time! with a few flubbed details. i know the main events, and i know the ending, and i can PROMISE that i am a firm believer in hope love light and everything working out in the end. thats been the goal with every chapter.
the details i DIDNT expect that somehow manifested somewhere between brain and keyboard: - Vanessa being friends with You - The firm inclusion of the balloon boy arcade cabinet and everything that comes with it (that ones getting SO MANY headcanons attached) - The mysterious USB stick - LIVING LEGEND RILEY GREENE - I didnt have any huge plans for the daycare kids but now they have names and backstories so theyre included - The jazzy bit of childhood trauma i give all my favorite ocs. sorry viper. - I'm adding another in the newest chapter but it's in the process of being written, unfortunately - And another that select few people know but is complete spoilers and is only revealed in the endgame chapters (as in, the in-game night) (we are sooooo in the building for FNAF:SB you have no idea)
i love dayshift a lot and its been one of my longest, and most loved, projects so ty for letting me rant about it, ilu. <3
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crystallizsch · 3 months
Hi...I'm new to the twst fandom, and i saw you help out someone else with recommendations so i was hoping you could help me tooo? 🥺 I'm worried about bothering people with asks and stuff, so i was wondering if you had any recommendations for blogs of nice/welcoming people in the fandom? 👉👈 It would be nice to make some friends...
You seem really friendly and welcoming, which is why I managed to send this...I just don't want to annoy anyone...💔💀 Thanks!!!!!!!!
i sometimes worry that i may be too overwhelming (if that’s the right word for it???) to even approach so that means so much to hear 😭💖💕
also i MAY have rambled too much,,, i ended up giving (unsolicited) advice as well im so sorry but i just wanted to say some additional things too about making friends in the fandom in general 🤧
anyways anon it’s all right under the cut 💖
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AAGH FIRSTLY welcome to the twst fandom!! so glad to see you joining in!
i’ve only been in the fandom since the beginning of this year actually! and so far as my experience goes it’s been so fun!! people create amazing things and share amazing ideas with one another so i hope you enjoy your stay!
ALSO it makes me happy that you even think i’m approachable enough for recs 😭💖
i'm admittedly very biased though because a lot of the blogs i consider nice/welcoming are already mutuals/friends of mine 🤧
and i’m lowkey highkey kind of shy mentioning them again ahglsjdlsalk so i’d like to point you back to that original post here even though im assuming that you literally just came from there 😭
im so sorry i couldnt be more helpful with recs 😭💔 but all of them i do consider pretty nice blogs!!
ANYWAYS PLEASE DONT WORRY ABOUT “ANNOYING” ANYONE YOU ARE NOT A BOTHER most people love receiving asks/interactions!!
i really understand the feeling though!! it’s hard making that first move sometimes,,, and honestly (i know it sounds incredibly cliche but) you’ll never really know if you’ll click with someone here until you try!!
and i'm not sure if you post or not but! it's definitely how I've met the people i’m mutuals/friends with here!
i’ve made friends with others who regularly/every now and then reblog with nice tags or comments on my posts ;;; and i do the same on my main blog! i tend to leave a lot of tags when i reblog posts that i like
and sometimes it just,,, happens??? especially if you and the other person have a shared interest in the fandom!
send people asks!! reblog with nice tags!! comment!! just let other people that you're there!! the right people for you will reciprocate 💖💖💖 (also this is in no way being against people who just prefer to silently lurk/interact btw i still appreciate you guys 🫶 this is just for if you want to interact more and make friends in the process!!)
but that's just me!!
similar to what i said on the original post i encourage you to find and interact with other people that you think you would vibe with!!
there's a lot of different corners in this fandom that are into way different things about the game than me. and the people that i vibe with might not necessarily vibe with you which is not anyone's fault!! it’s just the way it is 💖
(also i forgot to mention this in my original post --- i'm not sure if you're a minor or not so make sure if you decide to check out some blogs allow minors to interact 🙏 ) (and a lot of blogs outline their boundaries and rules on their intro posts that are pinned so keep that in mind!)
i have no idea how to end this hsjshsjs but generally just find others who like the same twst things as you and interact with them!! it’s okay to do little by little until you’re comfortable, there is never any rush 🫶
AGAIN i hope you have fun here and i wish you the best!! 💖💖💕
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