#hope its okay (0: different than usual
naycelium · 13 days
Arida's little trip to Emerald Coast 🐍⛱️
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brailsthesmolgurl · 6 months
Another angst/fluffy oneshot required by one of you. I swear, the ones who are following me, most of you have a thing for angst :0 But it is okay my babies, as I am nothing different from you guys :) this will be a bit shorter than my usual oneshot lengths but hope it is just as enjoyable for you guys :)))
Warnings: Angst but don't worry my lovelies, there shall be comfort for this round. Reader is not main character in game.
Please note all artworks are credited to the artist @chimmyming on Twitter, please do go and support the artist! Click onto the pictures and there shall be a link on it that brings you straight to their artwork!
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You sat at the beach, looking far out into the ocean as you waited for Rafayel. He had agreed to meet you today for a nice evening walk but it was VERY UNLIKE HIM to be late for any meetings with you. Furthermore, you had only came back from your business trip recently, and the last thing you had expected was for your lover to be late to this long-awaited meet up.
Taking out your phone, you decided to give your boyfriend a call. "Hello, Rafayel?" You spoke once the call was picked up. "Where are you mister?"
"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the call caught you off guard. It was the voice you had heard Rafayel mentioned through his video calls with you for a couple of times. "Rafayel will be there in a bit." You heard a slither of your boyfriend's voice echoing in the background, shouting out something and the girl repeated his message. "He told you to---"
You hung up the call. Not even bothering for an apology nor an answer. Just hearing her voice made your blood boil. It does not help either when Rafayel would mention about her during your business trip. He would say, "Oh she helped me with the drawings today, as she said purple would fit better than orange." or "We went and got some paint today by the shop that was at the corner of the Bloom Street. She asked me to buy the conch shells too."
The recollection of him telling you all about their activities brought tears to your eyes, pulling your knees up to your chest and you stopped fighting the tears coming out of your eyes. When did she took your place? Helping him with his artworks? Accompanying him to buy painting materials and buying seashells together? That is, and has always been the activity reserved for you. But maybe, your absence made him feel empty inside.
Standing up, you dusted the sand off of your pants and decided to head home. Your phone had rung for a couple of times but it had fallen on deaf ears. Unlocking your phone and rejecting the call, you decided to block him. What happen to Lemurians only having one mate for the rest of their life? A question raised in your head, but it goes unanswered.
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Loud music filled the entirety of the darkness of the bar. Your hand held onto a cocktail glass, swivelling the Long Island Iced Tea in it. But here is the catch, none of the contents in the glass contained anything that has to do with its name. But it is surely going to get you wasted in no time.
You took another hit, feeling the burn go down your throat when you downed the whole glass in one go. The laser lights, light bars below the bar table and holograms of women dancing being the only source of lighting found within the bar, a good way for you to hide away from anyone you know.
You just wanted to drown out your thoughts, but forgetting the point that you had never been the type to handle alcohol well. Hence earning the title of you being the teetotal in every party and event you attend with Rafayel. Speaking of the man, your eyes wandered down to your cocktail glass, the empty contents a direct reflection of your mind right now, empty.
When your mind started to get hazy further, you knew it was the right time to leave. You slowly maneuvered your way through the club till you were nearing the exit. A guy came in front of you to block your exit. "Where are you going, pretty lady? Do you need a ride home?"" His hand reached for your arm and you winced, his hold tight.
"Leave me alone. I am not interested." You pushed him with your hands and the guy barely budged. His tight grip on you still unfaltering. Instead, he started leading you out of the club, and into the alleyway.
"Bad girls don't deserve a good treatment. And seeing how wasted you are, I doubt you could stop me. So just be a good girl and take it." His words made you teared up, hand still coming up to push him with all of your might, sobs started surfacing from your breath.
"Help me!" You shouted out, head aching and eyes widening when you caught sight of the guy undoing his belt. He is planning to rape you isn't he?
"Nobody can hear you don't worry, so save your breath for me when I take you baby girl." He chuckled darkly but a spark caught your eye and the guy immediately got lit up in flames. Bright red colour lighting up the dark alleyway.
"Y/N!" The familiar voice called out to you, your sobs not stopping till someone grabbed you and you pushed with all of your drunken might, traumatised by how you were nearly raped by a stranger. The strong arms circled around your small body to pull you in close and your face hit against a taut chest. "Are you okay?!" And you passed out.
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You woke up, eyes slowly fluttering opened and you winced at the throbbing of your head. Looking down at yourself, you realised your clothes had a change, you were wearing an oversized button up and you gasped, your memory piecing the fact that you almost got raped yesterday night. Thinking you were still entrapped in a stranger's home, you turned your head and you caught sight of your boyfriend fast asleep next to you.
His purple hair sat on his head like a bird’s nest, a vibrant colour against his white pillow and bed sheets. Feeling movement on the bed, you watched when he slowly opened his eyes, lapis-lilac shades caught yours. "Good morning..." He spoke groggily and slowly sat up, the blanket sliding down to reveal his chiselled abs. It was rare for him to not wear clothes to sleep.
"I should go..." You said quickly, eyes avoiding his when you pulled the blanket aside and you realised, you were half naked, the oversized shirt covering your naked upper half and you were only dressed in your underwear underneath the clothing. You probably had sex with him, you thought to yourself as tears came to your eyes again. That was the last thing you wanted to do as you did not want anything to do with him anymore. "This...this mistake... It won't happen again. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience."
"Wait..." Rafayel was shocked at your response, his face contorted in disbelief. "Y/N, wait..." He quickly got out of bed, butt naked and nimbly searched for his pants and putting them on, as he quickly chased after you. You were already putting on your shirt, his button up strewn across the floor. You being in a hurry to leave him made his heart ached. "No, y/n wait." His hand clasped your arms when you were heading towards the door with your phone in hand.
He turned you around and was met with your bare face, red painted across your nose and eyes. "Just leave me alone. I wish you all the best with her." A silent tear fell and you pushed his hand away. But he grabbed your arm again, reluctant to let you leave.
"Nothing happened." Rafayel's tone was calm. "Trust me. Nothing happened between me and her." His hand came up to your face to wipe the tear but you looked away, not wanting him to touch you any further. "She only helped me with this. Come..." Holding onto your arm still, he guided you towards the backyard. A canvas placed in the middle of the yard. "She was helping me to create this for you." He turned the easel to reveal an artwork, featuring you by the beach, on the shore with a mermaid tail. Your tail. The artwork had hints of purple in it and the seashells they had gotten previously.
Amazed at the artwork, you turned towards your lover, eyes still bloodshot. "This explains why you had been cutting our calls short and with her picking up the call yesterday and you being late for our date?" Your hesitant tone was evident.
He pointed to the pile of pot paints on the floor next to the painting. "I was in a hurry to create this piece since you were only out for your business trip for 4 days. I wanted it to be perfect so I took a longer time than usual. I was trying to clean up the mess before I go and find you." He held your other hand in his when you turned to fully face him. "I wanted to show you this yesterday." He sighed and looked down. "I am sorry that I hurt you, you nearly got hurt because of me. But, I will never choose anyone else other than my lifetime mate. I will not choose anyone over you." His eyes looked deeply into yours.
"Rafayel..." Your eyes softened when you looked up at your lover. "Thank you." You took a small pause and smiled warmly. "Thank you for always choosing me." And you hugged him.
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"Y/N," Your name was called when your boyfriend approaches your desk, handing you some documents for you to upload into the computer. "I will be going out for my mission soon, so I will see you back at home later?" His gentle voice made you smiled and nodded. He leaned down to give you a peck on your cheek when he realised nobody was watching and you watched as he walked off, the blond hair of his forming a halo under the radiant sunlight.
"So you are paired with Xavier again?" You heard a few girls squealed beside you and you just sat at your desk, continue inputting information into your computer, but you cannot help eavesdropping. "How lucky are you to be paired with him. How many times have you been paired with him for combat?"
"Oh, uhm....Almost everytime I think." The brunette replied, her hair tied in a low ponytail. None of the people in the headquarters know of the fact that both of you are actually in a relationship as there was no need for anyone to know about your private lives. And staying undercover just makes things less complicated when it comes to work.
"But, do you think he would make a move on you?" The short haired brunette asked and Xavier's combat partner shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, a sign of not sure but there is a possibility of it happening as well.
"He did kind of brushed my hair out of my face and patted my head yesterday." Her response stopped you from typing any further as you felt your blood drained from your system. The girl-friend however, cheers and squeals for her friend's answer. You stood up, adjusting your outfit before you headed off to the washroom to take a break.
Washing your hands, you stare blankly at the mirror, studying your own reflection. Why would Xavier do this to you? You knew that your combat skills are non-existent, so that's why you kept yourself occupied with the information department, filing in documents for the deepspace hunters. They are more like the hands and feet while your department acts like the brain, collecting and providing information.
Maybe he likes girls with combat skills. Your mind jumped to that conclusion and you were snapped back to reality when the door opened up and you turned off the faucet, stepping past the same girl that was bragging about being close with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend no doubt is one of the popular males among the whole headquarters but all this while he had never made you worried. But why does her words affect you so greatly?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
After work had ended, you took your time to walk instead of taking the subway, wanting to give yourself some time to walk after you had spent the whole day sitting in the office. You walked past a grocery store and remembered that you are running low on food at home so you decided to head into the grocery store to pick up some items.
Staring at the snacks isle, you were debating on whether to get popcorn or potato chips, since Xavier would like to munch on them whenever he is bored at home. So without much thought you just get both of it. You paid at the counter and held onto the plastic bags, resuming your walk back home.
Walking the streets during the evening is a sight to catch. The skies displaying orange and yellow, dashes of pink over the linings of the cloud that hung high above. It looks like a light show in the skies, but only that it is a natural phenomenon. Taking out your phone, you took a snapshot of the skies and checked the result. A frown coming upon your face when you know that cameras would never be able to fully capture nature’s beauty.
You turned a corner and you came across the sight of your boyfriend standing outside of the claw machine store that you would visit with him sometimes. Your eyes lit up, wanting to go up to him but you stopped in your tracks when you saw his combat partner appeared from the stores, her grin tugged from ear to ear, and her face clearly blushing.
Your hands tightened on your grocery bags when you noticed your boyfriend, who has his back facing you looking down at the girl. Oh, how you wished you could eavesdrop on their conversation right now. You would have wanted to know desperately what their conversation is about. A part of you is telling you to straight walk up there to claim your man while the other part of you is held back, heart heavy as you watched the girl's face lit up when she was conversing with your boyfriend.
And that was when you noticed she tip toed to lean up towards your boyfriend. That's it. You had seen enough. You turned away, and stomped the other way. Tears caught you off guard when you decided it is the best for you to step away. You do not want to cause a scene in the middle of the streets.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"Finally found you." A voice broke the whispers of the wind. You stayed silent when you heard shuffling, someone taking a seat next to you. "Why are you out here, in the cold?"
You refused to face your boyfriend, eyes narrowed, lashes combatting against the cold harsh wind. Another shuffle could be heard again and you felt his hands on your shoulders, a heavy material wrapped over your shoulder. It was cold, but it could be a good excuse; to hide the actual fact of what caused your nose and eyes to take on a reddish colour. "Can you give me some time alone?"
"Why?" He asked, the puppy eyes he is known for stapled on his face when he tilted his head, trying to get a better look at your face. "Have you been crying?" His question made you turned your head to face him, cheeks still pressed against your knee.
"No." You blatantly lied and avoided his gaze again. "I don't have anything to talk to you about. You can go home first and wait for me at home."
"Are you sure?" His concern made you hid your face further into your knees and you nodded. Your reluctance to meet his eyes already confirmed his suspicion of something happening. So he asked further. "Were you happening to be watching me just now? When I was at the claw machine store?" Your silence gave him a sense of comfort. "So my senses are not wrong. That was you peeking out of the corner just now. And let me guess, you saw me with the hunter didn't you?"
How did he knew? You swear he probably has eyes on the back of his head. That thought sent a shiver down your spine. You adjusted your seating and he sat closer to you. "And...you probably saw how she wanted to kiss me, with her on her tip toes." It was crazy on how accurate he was on this.
He unwrapped your arms around your knees and slowly pulled you into his side, placing his arms around you and letting your head lay on his shoulder. Xavier's scent enveloped you, talcum powder and vanilla. There is no need for him to use any sorts of perfume when he himself is a walking perfume that nobody could remake. That is how he always smelled like and a part of you wondered if she managed to smell it from him as well.
"I would have teased you further, and enjoy the way you would have reacted when you are jealous. But," His hands smoothed over your hair, tucking some strands behind your ear gently. "I pushed her away before she could even come close enough. I even told her about us." You looked up at him, his cerulean orbs now light grey under the stars. "I don't think it would be a good idea to hide our relationship anymore." His free hand came up to rub his chin. "Because I want people to know that you are the only one that I want."
"What about your missions with her? She was bragging about you patting her head and tucking her hair." You asked frantically, thinking he might still end up spending time with her.
"I had contacted the captain about this and requested for a change of partners. This time, it will be a HE and no, he is not GAY." He smiled, finger tucked under your chin to pull your face up to meet his lingering gaze. His soft laughter rolling out of his mouth. “Moreover, I never touched her, not even once, she needs to get her head checked out. Whenever she falls during combat, I just stood aside and watch.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cold cheeks, in an attempt to warm them with his lips. “After we reveal our relationship in the office, you don't have to worry anymore, because no matter what happens, I will protect you to the ends of this world."
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<I will be home late tonight. I have to cover two emergency shifts. I will call you at 10P.M. before you head off to bed. I have a gap in between.>
Your phone beeped when you were nearly done at work. You read the message, knowing that he has to work late again for tonight, same as yesterday, the day before, and practically 4 days before. But, you cannot blame him for being one of best cardiac surgeons in Linkon City. It should be something you are proud of.
But it does not help when you went to pay him a short visit two days ago, his door does not open even after you had knocked twice on the wooden door. His usual patient, the deepspace hunter, came out of his room, face as red as a tomato. Your eyes followed her as she walked down the hallway and you made your step into your lover's room.
Zayne was near the bed, readjusting his shirt and coat. He did not realise you had walked in until you cleared your throat. "You are here." He said calmly, turning over to face you, his tie a little bit crooked. "I thought you were going to wait for me downstairs."
The deepspace hunter's red face, and him readjusting his shirt, anyone with two sense of mind could easily tell what had just went on in the room. "I just wanted to stop by your office as well." You replied, taking a seat on the couch in his office. "So, what did you do with the girl?"
"You mean the deepspace hunter?" He questioned, taking long strides to close the door. He did not seemed like he was anxious nor scared of your question. Probably a mask to his own guilt, you thought to yourself.
"Yeah, your childhood best friend." You clicked your tongue, arms crossed over your chest. "She seemed flustered when she left your office just now."
"I just conducted a normal check up on her, as usual." He said, dismissing your question easily. He reached his hand out to you, beckoning you to take his hand. "Let's go and get dinner together."
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Your hesitation of his loyalty to you was one of the things that kept on bugging your mind, other than your work of course. You looked at the amount of work you have on your desk and started arranging it. Doing whatever you can now to keep your mind busy. What does that deepspace hunter have that you do not have?
A fleeting childhood with Zayne maybe? There have been theories that men would fall for their childhood friends due to the familiarity they have and how comfortable they could get with their childhood buddies. But this theory sucks. You tell yourself and stacked the files neatly and placed them at the shelves behind you.
You are just as capable as Zayne, but just in a different field. You are known to be one of the best lawyers in Linkon City. A highly respected one in fact. When news of you and Zayne went out, people claimed it was meant to be because both of you are aces within your own field and that you are both compatible to one another.
But what if he wanted someone more normal? Someone who would not constantly be under the watchful eye of the common public? The voice came about again. Almost every month, both of you would have your own array of social meets, and both of you making time to acquaint one another to those social events. Every single move, every single action you and Zayne do, it would be booming news. Maybe he is tired of us constantly being under the spotlight.
Mighty or not, you could be the best within your field, but you could also have equally damaging insecurities. This is the exact moment that you start crushing your own walls, walls of confidence that you had taken years to build up, to earn for respect from others. And perhaps, to earn Zayne's love.
<Okay.> You texted back and tossed your phone into your bag. Grabbing your car keys on your way out of your office. You locked your room on the way out and you were shocked to see some of your interns are still working in their cubicles. "Guys, I think you should all take a rest. How about we head to the coffee shop downstairs to have a drink hmm?"
Your interns' eyes lit up at your offer and they quickly gathered their stuffs before following you out of the office like a bunch of ducklings. On the elevator ride, you asked them of their work progresses and whether they needed any additional help with their current tasks. Your interns however, were more than surprised that you are willing to communicate with them.
Their first take on your image is that you are professional and strict. A woman of high standards and it was a common theme for people to link your working attitude to you being arrogant and ignorant. You had never once fell back on any datelines and your clients always leave your room satisfied, regardless of the outcome of the court case. You are on a whole other league as compared to anyone else within your department.
All of you decided to choose the seat outside because of the cooling night wind. It serves to refresh everyone, to step out of the tight cubicles for a bit and having to stretch comfortably. You sat next to two of the female interns, with them asking you about brands that you could recommend them to buy formal outfits. It was nice to see how fast the interns had opened up to you once they found out that you are not as scary as what was portrayed by others.
Your eyes caught sight of a black car pulling up just a few shops down the street. Not many people within the city owns that car, especially the black version. And one of those 'lucky few' happens to be your boyfriend as well. Your eyes slightly widened when you noticed the familiar figure coming out of the car.
His hair the colour of his full outfit, with a lanky but muscular build. The man standing next to the limited edition car is no doubt your boyfriend, Zayne. The sounds of your interns talking around you had turned into a constant white noise. Your eyes watched carefully, thank goodness the spot he had parked at was right below a street lamp.
The passenger side of the door opened, and out came the same girl. The one that you had suspicions about. At that exact moment, you felt your walls started breaking. Your eyes continued watching, your heart strapped in the back seat, limbs unable to move when you sat there in shock. The girl went up and gave Zayne a hug, you can tell that it was a tight hug, based on the way she literally planted her face into Zayne's torso. The sight of it made your heart crumbled and you stood up, your chair creaking against the cement pathway. Your interns stopped abruptly and turned to look at you in sync.
Clearing your throat, you held back tears as you spoke. "I remembered I have something to tend to, I have to get going." You bid them goodnight and you turned immediately, car keys dug out of your bag and you rushed to get into your car before you drove off quickly.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙
The clock at your bedside table flashed 9.55pm. It was a good idea to head off to bed earlier than usual. Although Zayne said that he would call you at 10pm, you had made your decision not to pick up. Telling him that you were too exhausted and fell asleep sounded like a viable excuse.
You closed your eyes and lulled yourself to sleep, used to the other side of your bed being empty for the past few nights. After a while, you heard your room door opened, the slither of light from the living room seeping in.
Zayne was home early. You assumed he would have went back to the hospital after dropping her off. Your back was facing him so he would not be able to tell that you were upset. But your plan was short lived when his shadow loomed over you.
"Y/N." His voice soft, and you heard a thud, the warmth of a hand on your face. "My love." He called for you again, running his big palms across your cheeks, him noticing that there were some tear streaks. "Are you awake?"
Your eyes then opened, and you are face-to-face with your handsome boyfriend, his hazel green orbs fixated on your face. "I thought you were at work." You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes and feigning a yawn, as if you had just woken up. Your heart felt heavy, and before you could stop yourself, your mouth blurted out. "Am I not good enough?"
Zayne was clearly taken aback, turning on the switch to the lamp on your nightstand, the soft glow of the light bouncing off of your silhouette, your white satin night dress a sheen of orange. "Why would you think so?" His hand comes up, touching your arm but you flinched away. "Y/N, what's going on?"
"You know what, it's nothing." Your hands came up to hide your face from him, desperately trying to hold back your tears. Zayne has never seen you cry many times, only when you were drunk and watching some sad rom-coms or when work gets too stressful and you were pushed too hard. Yes, a strong woman like you have her own small, vulnerable moments too. And Zayne, acknowledges all of it. To him, he never treats your crying moments as to be small matters. When you cry, it is a natural human emotion yes, but it is not normal within your books, for you to cry over something miniscule.
"Y/n, you are sad. And being sad is---" He stopped himself before he continued spitting out medical facts. Knowing at this moment if he were to do that, he would not be doing her a favour in consoling her. "You had always been strong in my eyes. So, what is going on through your head? Do you want to tell me about it?"
"Is the deepspace hunter better than me?" You sniffled, face still covered, your voice slightly muffled. "I saw you...today...with her...near my office...you hugged her." You choked out your words, accompanied with tears and snot. This will mark one of the first times Zayne would witness you cry like an adult baby. But you could care less as you anticipate for the heart break.
"No." He replied. "I did not hug her back. She hugged me and I pulled away after 2 seconds. She was thanking me for saving her life. And she will no longer need to come for checkups again in the future." He clarified and sat on the bed beside her and he slowly peeled her hands away from her face. "I fetched her back, because she had had her surgery a day ago, and she could not get a cab on time during her discharge timing. So I offered a ride for her, and thought maybe I could surprise you at your office. But your interns told me you left in a hurry so I came home."
"What about your surgery that was scheduled for tonight?" You asked.
"I cancelled them and rescheduled them to tomorrow. I just wanted to come home and spend time with you." He placed a kiss onto your forehead, calming your sobs. "You don't look happy for the past few days. Perhaps you want to enlighten me on anything else I had done that could have made you so upset?"
"What about that day, when she left your office, did you guys do something? She looked embarassed, and when I came in, you were adjusting your clothings. And the way you just dismissed me, it hurts me." Your eyes looked exhausted to him, with you patiently waiting for him to explain the situation to you.
Zayne took a few seconds to recall. "I was doing last minute checkups for her, before her surgery. But when she tried to stand, she nearly fell and she grabbed onto my tie for support but still ended up on the floor, which explains why I had to readjust my clothing. She was probably embarrassed at the situation, which explains the red face." He added on. "Her condition got worse after our dinner, that was why I had to rush back to do the surgery immediately."
His explanation gave you nothing but a rush of relief through your heart. "I see." You said, wiping your tears and Zayne took the opportunity to pull you into his arms, seated on his lap and your chest against his. "I am sorry for being so ridiculous."
"I don't see any issues with that. You care for me, that is why you feel this way. And with you crying over this, it means it matters a lot to you." He hugged you and you relaxed in his arms. "I don't blame you for getting upset over this as it is equally my fault for making you doubt my loyalty. But I treat that deepspace hunter just like how I would treat every other patient of mine." He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, his lips soft and tender. "Just know that even when I am very busy, I will always make time for you."
But hope this read is just as good as the others!
Lots of Love! <3
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msmk11 · 3 months
James and His Damned Owl
James Potter x gn!muggle!reader
Word count: 1.5k
CW: Mentions of food/eating, mentions of alcohol, ornithophobia
Summary: Having a wizard boyfriend is strange to say the least. While it certainly has its perks, it also has its quirks… In particular, you’re not very much a fan of the magic world’s choice in pets.
Author’s Note: So you know how this type of fanfic is called self-insert, well this is the most self-insert fic I’ve ever written. Reader is me, I am a reader. BIRDS ARE SCARY, okay?! Anyways, this fic is the silliest one I’ve written so far and I had so much fun doing it! I hope you enjoy :)
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Having a boyfriend who is a wizard is strange in a number of ways. Truthfully, when James first confessed his secret to you a few weeks ago, you laughed right in his face. It wasn’t until he pulled out his wand and literally started doing magic in front of you that you believed him. It’s safe to say you were in shock, and you’re not quite sure that feeling has faded yet. After James gave you a day or two to process the news, his magic usage around you went from 0 to 100. More times than you’d like to count, your mischievous boyfriend has scared the ever-loving shit out of you by randomly appearing in your home or on the street out of thin air. Now too, instead of walking or driving to your house like a normal person, James will randomly tumble out of your fireplace in a burst of green flames. Not only did you nearly die on the spot the first time it happened, but you’ve since bitched to James many times about how the soot he tracks in is ruining your very nice rug.
The moving pictures he has gives you the creeps, you find it laughable that he prefers using a quill and ink to a pen, and your head swarms every time James mentions some spell, potion, or magical creature whose name sounds like complete and utter gibberish.
But, despite your groans and whining, you do really think that James being a wizard is super cool. Like a child seeing a magician, you’re constantly begging your boyfriend to do different things with his magic so you can ooh and aah over them. When you found out James is an ani- animungal? Anamatronic?- the thing where you can turn into an animal, you were even more ecstatic. Admittedly, you may have once or twice begged James to assume his deer form so that you could ride on his back through the woods like some Disney princess probably would.
Magic has its perks too outside of your own personal entertainment. For example, now, instead of having to do dishes when one of the two of you cook dinner, a flick of James’ wand has them cleaning themselves. Other chores are now taken care of similarly, leaving you with a lot more free time to be with your lovely boyfriend.
This evening is one perfect example. After getting off work, you were surprised to find James waiting outside your office, a bouquet of pretty pink flowers in hand. The evening sun rested lovingly on his peaceful face so that his brown skin seemed to actually glow. It was a wonderful surprise and your trip back to his flat was much more pleasant than usual- defined by clasped hands swinging between you and teasing conversation.
The night only seemed to get better when you arrived at James’ place and were met with the delicious smell of garlic and pasta. The table was set nicely, and your two plates were already prepared, kept warm by the wonders of magic.
Things were perfect. Maybe a little too much so.
When you and James finish dinner, he stands and grabs your plates. Usually, you would protest- claiming that whoever didn’t cook has to do dishes- but you know magic will take care of it all. James then kisses you quick before taking a trip to the bathroom.
As you’re sitting at the kitchen table still, reveling in your full belly and nursing your glass of wine, your peace is rudely disrupted. With it being pleasantly warm out this evening, James had left the windows open. This seemed like a great idea until now- when a big brown owl comes swooping into the kitchen.
While anyone would surely be startled by the bird’s random appearance, you are especially so because you’re terrified of birds. The bloodcurdling scream you let out is akin to someone who is dying- but in your mind is appropriate for the situation at hand. A string of curses leave your mouth as you jump up and hesitantly back away from the owl perched on one of the kitchen chairs. You grope for the counter behind you, never taking your eye off the owl as you maneuver around the island to hide behind it.
Of course, your scream has resulted in a panicked James and shouts of your name. He comes barreling into the kitchen in only his shirt and boxers, wand at the ready. He whips his head around, looking for you and the supposed threat that caused you to scream. He calls your name again and your head pops up from behind the counter.
“Lovey? What is it?” He asks anxiously.
You whimper a little and, with a shaky hand, point at the big bird across the room. When James sees what you’re pointing at, he visibly relaxes and lowers his wand.
“Oh, him? That’s just Hootie,” he tells you casually, “Probably should’ve mentioned I have a pet owl.”
You stare at him in complete and utter shock then shrilly squeal, “How’d you forget to mention that you have a pet owl?!!”
James shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and places his wand on the counter, walking towards you, “Well, I guess I didn’t really think too much about it. It’s very common in the magic world to have one, so I didn’t consider that it’d be abnormal. It’s just like having a dog in the muggle world.”
You don’t respond with any English, instead sputtering anxiously.
James crouches beside you, “So are you going to come out now? There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
You shake your head no aggressively and shrink into his side, “No way, Jamie. Birds are terrifying- with their big beaks and beady eyes. And who knows what diseases they carry- no offense.”
Your boyfriend wraps his arm around you and soothingly rubs your side, “Awe, sweetheart, I didn’t know you’re afraid of birds.”
“Oh yes, very. Have been since I was five and a bird pooped on me at the zoo.”
You don’t miss the chuckle and small smirk on James’ face and huff, pulling away.
“It’s not funny Jamie! It’s a real fear!”
He puts his hands up in surrender, “I know, I know. I’m sorry, sweetheart. It is a real fear. But it’s an irrational one, you know.”
You huff again and roll your eyes, grumbling under your breath. James then stands and stretches out his hands, “Here, why don’t you come meet Hootie and see birds aren’t all so bad.”
You hesitantly take his hand and stand. You slowly walk out from behind the counter and only make it a few steps before the damned bird shifts, ruffling its feathers.
You squeal again and let go of James’ hand, this time hiding behind his broad frame, “I don’t think I can do this Jamie.”
He turns around and looks at you softly before pulling you into a tight hug. You relax a little against his chest, but your eyes never leave the owl over his shoulder, “I believe in you, lovey. Why don’t you let me go first, to show you that Hootie won’t hurt you, and then we can try together, yeah?”
You hesitantly reply with an okay.
James lets go of you and turns around. He walks over to the brown owl easily and coos a little, petting its back softly as it nuzzles into his touch. The owl then juts its head out, seeming to be waiting for something. James, apparently, knows what this means, and reaches behind him to grab some sort of pellet out of the cabinet and feed it to the bird.
“Okay, sweetheart. Now why don’t you come over and give Hootie a pet.”
He walks over and grabs your hand. Your smaller one fits into his nicely and you grip onto it with a death-grip. The two of you slowly make your way over to the owl and stand beside it. You sort of half stand behind James while still holding his hand. Fingers intertwined, James slowly starts moving your joint arms out, “Ready?
You very slightly shake your head and then your palm makes connection with the soft feathers of Hootie. The bird stares at you with its big eyes and, like it did for James, nuzzles into your touch.
Some of the tension in your shoulders eases a little and you decide that maybe birds aren’t so bad.
As you pull away, James squeezes your hand gently, “See? You did it. I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”
Just as you’re beginning to feel proud of yourself too, the owl shuffles a little and rotates its head 180, so it’s no longer staring at you. The range of motion it has terrifies you and you scream again, running down the hall away from James and his damned owl.
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
28 asks! Thank you very much!! :}} ✉️
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(Referencing this post)
I was thinking that the world of welcome home and the human world both exist, but they aren't connected by a TV show. :0 The puppet world is very real to them and they are real living people. The thing is is that there's no TV show of welcome home, that's just their lives-
Eddie is from our world/the human world. Which is where his hallucinations of having 5 fingers and human skin comes from-
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@candyglumboy (Referencing this post)
Midori is my Meowscarada! :0 He's friends with Grim and Sylvester :))
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Just a playful NOM
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Yes yes! I screenshot them :00 I then paste them into FireAlpaca and add the watermark :) 👍👍
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@bellanova137 (Referencing this post)
Oh!- In my AU Eddie was one of the most recent neighbors :00 this was his first time at the yearly Christmas party because it was the first one he was around for! <XDD
Thinking he moved in sometime right after Christmas last year. Which gave him and Frank a good year to get to know each other and be on first name basis :0 Which is why Frank doesn't call him Mr. Dear in my comic! :)
(Of course present day is a few years after this comic--)
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Oof, yeahhh that was a comic script that I went to edit but accidentally posted- 💀
Thank you for the name suggestions though! I still haven't decided on what it'll be <XDD
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XDDDD Hurray!! (Sorry!!--) I hope you enjoy your stay in the fandom! :DD
Also thank you so much!!! :)) I'm so glad you've liked my artwork!! :DDD
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It would be watching anyone that repaired it :00
There was actually an idea that back when Barnaby was going to be the second ever neighbor in the neighborhood.. he almost bought home and restored it himself. The reason why he didn't though is because Home was just too small for him. The front door was too short, he'd have to duck though every doorway and the ceilings were too low..
Why would he wanna spend all this time and money on fixing up an old house that's too small.. when he can just spend that money on buying whatever lot he wants and building a house that actually fits him? So that's what he went with..
But if Barnaby had bought home and fixed it up. it's be the same thing as Wally... weird insomnia, anxiety attacks.. feeling like you're being watched while you sleep... etc..
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As for their world, I only really had the forest surrounding the neighborhood in mind. Its a HUGE forest that goes on for miles and miles. I haven't decided how far away Julies sisters/brother live but I should really work on them 💀
As for Home, so far Home is the only creature of its kind :0 none of the other houses are alive and it stands as the only strange entity around the neighborhood.
And when it comes to neighborly mysteries and secrets, so far Eddie being human and Julie's secret past is all i got <:///
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Oh yeah for sure! My Barnaby is much more mellow than in canon it seems- in my AU he doesn't butt heads with Julie at all! :0 In fact she's a really good friend of his. She has some pretty flat jokes but Barnaby appreciates her attempts and they usually get a genuine laugh out of him XDD
As for Frank, its like a SpongeBob and Squidward situation. They just have different personalities and different senses of humor.. and that's okay! Barnaby likes to crack some stupid jokes to kind'a poke at Frank for the fun of it, but he never goes too far. And the jokes are never personal or insult his interests. They're just really dumb jokes that make Frank roll his eyes XDD
At the end of the day, Barnaby considers Frank to be his friend. And Frank would never admit it, but he sees Barnaby as his friend too :)
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I had a very small brain moment and only realized just now that I cut out the askers name by accident 💀 my bad!
Also hey these names aren't too bad! <XDDD Abaolson sounds kind'a cool in my opinion! :00
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Oh- well actually I'm only doing Pokémon from the Unova region with a handful of exceptions. So I don't have to worry about Gyarados, Milotic or Onix. At least for now :00 I might make an exception for Gyarados.. so when it comes to long snakey Pokémon I have Serperior and Eelektross to worry about..
As for Ninjask, I imagine I'll do something similar to what I did with Chandelure :00
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(In response to this post)
AAA YES YES! :DD A "I thought I lost you/I could have lost you" hug!! AAAA I'm so glad that translated well! :))
And actually- I began sketching out the comic 👀👀👀 although I got hung up on the battle scene and need to go back for some resketching 😅
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(In response to this post)
Well of course! :D Angst isn't fun if there's no comfort 😌
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Upon googling him, maybe I could! :0 Maybe he could be a friend of one of the neighbors that lives a few neighborhoods over?
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@viennaarttt (The post in question)
Ohhh I see! :0 That was a joke post mostly <XD But if it did happen I can see Barnaby hanging up and calling back to try to wake up Wally 💀
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Awwe <:)) This was very sweet, thank you.. I'm getting a lot of comments saying that people liked my old Gravity Falls stuff. Its helping me feel a bit better about all of it <:)
I will probably keep those posts privated for my own comfort,, but now with no worry of people finding my old artwork,, it clears the way for potential NEW Gravity Falls artwork! :0 This time with better written angst <XDDD
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I've watched all of Markpliers videos on it! :D And I gotta say its.. well its something that's for sure! <:D Its refreshing to see a character with both parents living and in a loving relationship ngl- I feel like I never see that nowadays <XD
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I searched around for a bit and couldn't find much info on this actually <:0 I saw a Wally with red hair and a blond Frank..? Is this like an opposite personality's AU..?
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In my AU Frank and Eddie are just friends :0 mostly because I don't like writing romantic stuff for characters that aren't my own.. plus exploring platonic bonds is much more interesting to me :)
As for Eddie and Home, this comic shows a bit of Eddies problem with it- just like Wally he has the blood chilling feeling of being watched by something..
And even after the party, going near Wally's house makes Eddie feel uncomfortable and anxious.. its just all a matter of feeling you're being watched by something or someone..
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XDD If I had a had a nickel for every time someone told me they were shocked to find out I'm in a fandom they love,, I'd be rich!
Also thank you!! :DD I'm glad you liked it! :DDD
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aw <XD well this is bitter sweet to read since I've privated most of my Gravity Falls stuff.. but its nice to hear that you enjoyed it all <:) Thank you!
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I use FireAlpaca, its in my FAQ in my pinned post! :0
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I'm actually hearing bad things about it believe it or not- talks about Ford acting super out of character and what not.. My curiosity is peaked 👀
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hello there! i would like to request a matchup! ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
fandom: obey me!
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual
zodiac sign: gemini
appearance: i'm around 5'10/around 175 cm, my hair is currently black (i dye it a lot), i have green eyes and round face; people usually think i'm younger than i actually am. i have 6 ear piercings and a sun tattoo which i love sm, i like to experiment with different makeup styles
personality: i'm an introvert, not too social. shy but only at first. either 100% or 0% energy, nothing in between. quite sarcastic, i can get emotional really fast though. i'm loyal and honest, i tend to get stressed very easily. i often find it hard to go out of my comfort zone
likes: animals (i have two cats and a dog!), books/mangas, baking, music, rain
dislikes: heights, darkness, crowds, snakes
extra fun fact: i collect plushies~
that's all, i hope it's okay!<3
(My matchups are still closed, but I am doing this for a kind friend doing a match-up for me! I will post as soon as I am mentally ready to reopen my Match Ups again! Thank you all!)
Obey Me!
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Satan enjoys your innocent looks the most. He associates your innocence with his beloved cats, who are so cute and innocent.
Satan asks for many reading dates with you and loves it when you two can swap books and discuss what you like and dislike about the stories. He even has taken hand a time or two at Manga. Maybe you can convince him to read more.
Satan is also an all-or-nothing person, especially when it comes to his Sin. He only reserves 100% of his energy for you once you start dating. He will be his usual self-present but has yet to fully invest any other time, primarily if it involves Lucifer's plans.
Satan will assist you in any task out of your comfort zone for the price of a few private cuddles. He will ensure you are content and happy before he worries about himself. Please don't tell his brothers that.
Let him pick out your jewelry. He thinks it is a personal way for him to show ownership over you if he gets to choose all the jewelry adorning you.
He loves your animals. Even though he isn't much of a dog person, he will make an exception for you. Your cats, though, are treated like gods in his presence.
Satan enjoys a rainy day spent sitting indoors with you, playing soft ambient music, and reading a new book together.
He will steal your cat plushies only to make you a warm nook in his room for you to curl up in.
It was a cool day in hell. Rain softly pittered on the roof of the place you call home. With it being a weekend, the House of Lamentation was packed, especially since Lord Diavolo and Barbatos came over accompanied by Simeon, Luke, and Solomon. The house was lively as everyone played games, ate food, and, of course, argued over nothing at all. For you, however, this was indeed hell.
Now you loved the brothers, the angels, the lord, and even Solomon. What you hated is how this giant house suddenly felt too small with its many people. You were not enjoying being crowded by everyone, so slowly, you went to the back of the room for some fresh air. Little did you know your demon was overseeing you to ensure you were alright. Once safely away from the others enough to finally breathe, Satan swooped in and took your hand. He guided you to the library where you two could hide; lucky for you two, Mammon had just said something foolish, so all eyes were on him.
Once safely nestled in the library, Satan was wrapping you up in a blanket, turning on the record player, and pulling out the new book you had got him. Gently, he rested you against his chest, allowing you to get comfortable. After a few protests and worries that the others will notice, he calmed you and began to read to you. Hours had to have passed when the brothers finally realized their numbers had dwindled, and they searched for you. Imagine the horror on Mammon's face when he finds you and Satan cuddling, fast asleep.
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orviposition · 1 year
Personally, what do you think was the worst thing that yjh has ever done in the entirety of the series? (and why was it leaving the pocketwatc-)
jk srsly im kidding, i love him. I get that he was goin through a lot (ysa shouldve smacked his head harder-) besides that whole situation, what are your thoughts?
yjh is just so.. inexplicably good to his core (even in all his 'kill first, ask later' thing lol) that you really could nitpick any of his actions and still find a noble heart beneath it all, even in 41st round where he was the most ruthless, i think?? it was revealed in the side stories? that the 40th round before that were one of the bad ends so he was just in a really bad space, plus the whole distancing-to-keep-self-from-getting-hurt which explains his more ruthless than usual actions, but his hurtful actions hurt him too !!! Or maybe i'm just influenced by kdj's 'there is no such thing as a bad yjh' lol, also sp and all his scheming was in part a plan to save the outer gods (sorry my memories of this part is murky) and its just- ajwbdkcbdlakbwk YOO JOONGHYUK-
he may be a bastard, but he's a sad, well-meaning bastard lol (except the pocketwatch incident)
yoo joonghyuk has never done anything wrong actually. ik him better 🙄
okay jokes aside, yjh is a bastard that got emotionally hardened by the pain that comes due to extensive loss. hes someone who decided to take the reins of his own life (since he felt that someone else completed his own during 0) even though he'd need to go through what seemed like an eternal hell for almost 2k times. and each of these rounds would inevitably be different from one another. in the 2nd round he got betrayed. in the 3rd round he got revenge. in the 40th, he was strong enough to kill constellations.
in the 41st round he doesnt even remember most of it. he closed off his emotions and lived as if he's alone. and before death he sacrificed one companion to the worldlines so maybe that's the worst thing he has done after all. what a bastard am i right. but then in the 999th round he did the opposite. in his quest to save his friends at all costs he gave them scars that wouldnt fade for hundreds and thousands of years. so maybe this is the worst thing? making your friends love you so much they mourn you and become outer gods to find the you of at least one worldline which you have to forsake?
or maybe the worst thing he did was embark on a journey through space and give his sister many reasons to cry herself to sleep each night bcs he's taking his life so lightly.
but the thing is, yjh cant help these things either. hes a being of hope and love. he cant give up and will save anyone who needs his help.
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kabutone · 7 months
Hi!! I hope this is okay to ask but you seem to be really knowledgeable on masks so i was wondering what type you recommend the most?? :0 i'd love to get more masks since i do mask already but want to get better ones and i feel like you'd know which ones are the best!! Tysm in advance and feel free to delete this if this is weird!! ^^
yes ofc im glad you asked!! this might get kinda long so bear with me lol (TLDR: I'd recommend to find an N95 that is comfortable and fits you well! My go to is the 3M Aura 9210, but there are a variety of other masks for every face shape if the 3M Aura isn't a good fit!)
It can be kinda tricky to name one specific mask since face shapes differ so much, but I'll list the ones I've tried and some styles you could explore! But my main recommendation is to look for an N95 or better! The most important things to look out for is a mask that has good filtration material and that it fits well on your face (no big gaps or leakage)! And of course, that you're getting a legitimate product.
I prefer N95s because they're generally more protective than KN95s and KF94s. There also isn't as much regulation for KN95s and KF94s as there is for N95s, so it can be easier to come across fakes. People also sometimes find that head strap masks keep their fit better than earloop masks. This isn't a one size fits all rule, however, some people have passed fit tests in ear loop masks! It's just something to keep in mind.
I'd recommend looking at masks on ProjectN95! These have been vetted to ensure they're good quality, and there should be links to buy directly from the website. Unfortunately there's a lot of fake or underperforming masks out there, so it's important to buy from a trusted source. Here's a video that covers this issue and what to look out for! Another great resource is Aaron Collins, who has posted a lot of tests and info about many different types of masks.
I use the 3M Aura 9210! I like this one for the material it uses for the straps. There are other kinds of 3M Auras (like the 9205) which are just as good, but they have those rubber straps and I just don't prefer those. This is the only trifold-style I've worn, but it's pretty comfortable!
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And this is just anecdotal, but I've heard the 3M Aura tends to fit more faces better than other styles. Compared to other masks I've tried, it has a stronger nose wire, so its easier to shape it to your face! Some others have had flimsy nose wires that don't hold very well, while others (like cup-style masks) have rigid ones that you're not really supposed to mold at all. This one has passed fit tests for me, and is comfortable enough for me to sleep in!
Another style I like is the Gerson 3230! This is a duckbill style mask!
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It looks a little silly but these are SUPER breathable. So much so that I feel a little exposed wearing them lol but I've passed fit tests in them multiple times!! One downside to these though is that unlike the 3M Aura, they don't have as much structure, so if you inhale too hard they kinda suction onto your face.
This is the 3M 8210, which is a cup style mask!
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These didn't work for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean they won't work for you! This specific mask is very rigid, so you can't really form them to your face, but they will not collapse when you breathe! I haven't tried other brands' cup style masks though, just 3M's.
This is a bifold mask! I just grabbed a photo of the Demetech one because I thinnnkkk I've worn this before? But its been YEARS, I don't wear bifolds anymore. KN95s also usually come in this style
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This style can be a bit tricky because they come folded in half, and that sharp point at the nose bridge can cause issues for some people. I see a lot of people walking around with a big gap at their nose because of that folded point, so just be sure to properly fit it to your face if you use these! Here's a video demonstration on how to do this, and here's a good photo example:
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Finally, there's also this strapless adhesive mask. They're kinda pricey compared to the others, but kinda cool I guess? Can also get them here
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Strangely I didn't pass a fit test in these? I think maybe I just need more practice putting them on lol
These are all N95s, but there are also masks like N100s, P100s, and PAPRs if you wanna get really intense. And I can also ramble about those but this is already so so long lol
Finally, it's important your mask fits well! This is to make sure that air is going through the filtration material, not going around the mask. For example, it'd be safer to wear a well fitted N95 than an ill fitted N100. A quick way to check for leaks is to do a seal check when you put on a mask! here's a guide on how to do it, and here's a video demonstration!
But it's important to note this is not a foolproof solution, and the best way to measure fit would be a qualitative or quantitative fit test. Unfortunately, fit testing can be rather inaccessible to most people, so it's hard for me to recommend it. There are DIY kits and DIY tutorials in addition to official kits, though. Quantitative fit tests are even less accessible, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get one :( But if you're interested in it, I can also ramble about that.
If you read this far thank you so much for listening to my lil mask infodump :') I hope this was helpful !!
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tesspieceface · 1 year
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so im at day 44 of this dumpster fire of a lobocorp run. if you remember my last post you might notice that the "suppress 3 different aleph abnormalities" mission is gone. and that would be because i, stubborn as i am, insisted on clearing it during this run despite its circumstances being less than ideal for the task. im going to describe for you all what i went through so you can maybe come at least a little bit close to feeling my pain.
the context, if you're unfamiliar with the game:
aleph is the highest grade of abnormality. you need your strongest best-geared employees to work with them and you need your strongest best-geared employees to fight them.
"suppressing" an abnormality means defeating it after it's breached containment. most of the time, this happens by accident, but to clear the mission you'd most likely need to convince them to escape on purpose.
breaching abnormalities generally have something called a qliphoth counter, which can be raised or lowered (usually lowered) when specific things happen. they'll breach when their counter hits 0, or in certain other circumstances if they're feeling a bit spicy.
mission requirements need to be completed within a single day in order to clear. i could not spread my three kills over several days to make things easier.
i started the day with 19 employees, notably fewer than what i ended up with here. please pour one out for each of my six fallen nuggets. they were all level 5 and kitted out in waw and aleph gear so, if you're thinking of trying something stupid like this, you can do it with 19. but ideally you’d probably have more
okay. now lets look at the alephs i was dealing with.
the silent orchestra is a nuisance to work with in normal circumstances. anything other than a neutral work result lowers the counter, and if it reaches a certain phase after it breaches it sucks away all the energy you've gathered for the day. however, it is also content to stay in one place the whole time and if you group your employees up for each of its phases before letting it out it's not too much of a hassle to actually defeat. i hope you have a good source of pale damage though.
censored fucking loves to make your little guys panic and die. its counter lowers on getting a bad work result or if your employee panics, and even looking at it drains a huge chunk of sanity. when it gets out, anyone it kills gets turned into a minion and deals mass sanity damage to everyone in the room, which means the clerks running around become a huge fucking hazard.
the mountain of smiling bodies is the only one of my four alephs who is not content to just stay in its fucking box when you're not actively working with it. its counter lowers every time 10 people die, which will likely happen multiple times with a maxed out facility. also you really need to catch it before it eats up too many corpses and becomes way more difficult to deal with. be prepared if you see it jogging in place in its box.
blue star got to stay put this time around. i don't really know how much of a hassle it is to fight, but i would have needed to sacrifice multiple people to get it to breach and frankly it didn't seem worth it. possibly it’s easier to deal with than censored though, so, i dunno
but that's not the end of my problems, because i also have a bunch of other troublemakers in my facility, including:
the queen of hatred throws a tantrum if you go too long without a few people dying. usually this requires you to cull some clerks every so often. you can calm her down if this happens but if it doesn't work she will get out and laser beam through your hallways.
clouded monk gets upset if too many people die. if you're intentionally letting abnormalities out of their boxes he'll come out to join them sooner or later.
big bird also doesn't like people dying, but you can at least raise its counter again. still, if there's a lot going on and you have other things to worry about it'll probably get out.
meat lantern will break out if you work with it too quickly. if you don't keep a low level employee in reserve specifically to deal with it, it'll take up residence in a hallway and you have to painstakingly search for it before it eats whoever walks by.
little red riding hooded mercenary sees other abnormalities breaking out and decides she wants to join the party, which is especially painful here as i'm trying to fight some fucking alephs. she will run around and tear up half the facility if you're unlucky. slow bullets are probably really helpful here, huh. i should have used those.
nameless fetus is not a particular nuisance in this challenge unless you're just really unlucky. if its counter drops it starts crying and dropping the counters of everything else in the facility until you sacrifice a randomly chosen employee and watch them walk painstakingly slowly over to the containment unit. it's just kind of notorious. i still groan whenever i have to work with this thing.
express train to hell requires constant micromanagement, and if you forget it for too long while you're trying to deal with the menaces wreaking havoc in your facility you'll get a train zooming past. if you're lucky it will just miss everyone. if you're unlucky it will plow right through all your employees while they're bundled up fighting something else. i had this happen near the end of one of my attempts and i almost cried.
so you can probably see that this is not a very convenient setup and i'm basically waiting for mass mayhem to occur whenever i attempt these missions. if i were smarter i would have waited for a different run to do this. but i love making things difficult for myself. here's the approach that eventually got me through this mission, though not without casualties:
deal with silent orchestra at the start of the day, since it needs a bit of prep and that way you don't lose too much progress if something goes wrong and you don't kill it fast enough. this part generally went by with no issues.
don't forget the fucking train!!!!! keep someone hanging out over in its department at all times ready to reset it if needed. i don't worry too much about the hp/sp boosts from this thing, i generally just work with it whenever i have a free moment to get it out of my hair for a couple of minutes.
start gradually picking off clerks in censored's department to set up for later and to keep queen happy. the department should be entirely free of clerks by the time the thing gets out of its box.
it's a bit touch-and-go from here since things will snowball very quickly. little red and smiling bodies in particular need constant vigilance and it's not a matter of if so much as when they breach, probably at the same time. smiling bodies was higher priority for me, i'd gather everyone down in its department to wait for it if it was close to breaching and beat it up asap. clouded monk and big bird will probably be hanging around by now as well but they're slow as balls and can generally be ignored in favour of little red. chasing red can be a hassle so i’d usually group everyone in central command to wait for her and hope she doesn’t spend too much time tearing up the upper facility.
there will (hopefully) be a point where the chaos has passed and the facility is littered with corpses but is at least quiet. at this point just work as normal until hitting the energy quota, but obviously don't end the day yet as there's one more menace to deal with.
clear out any remaining clerks hanging around near censored and prepare to beat its ass. pick the most dispensable employee to work with it - ideally the work should make them panic but not die, if they die you risk having to send a second employee in. execute the unlucky sucker as soon as censored gets out, and hope it comes into the main room so you can fight it with the health regen on. (if it doesn't you can follow it into the hallway but this is obviously more dangerous.) do your best to keep everyone alive, because if even half your squad gets hit with the mass panic it's probably over. if you can bring it down, get the fuck out of there and eat whatever penalty you've gotten for dead employees.
thank fucking god that shit's over. i'm gonna try and clear those bottom two missions with what little time i have left in this run but the ordeals are a job for Later. i'm running out of abnormalities left to observe so hopefully my next run will be kinder to me. (i still need to meet whitenight and max out melting love though so it definitely won't be)
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Yearning for Him
So I have another Lindbergh request for my friend! You're amazing and I hope you enjoy this!
the request was "Okay, the age of the reader and his species is always the same, 18 years old, human. Basically reader is a new recruit and takes a romantic yearning for the commander of the shift that is Lindbergh, obviously she does not think she has a single chance, even to get noticed. Can you make it end with a happy ending if you do this?"
Warnings: mink-human relationship, age gap
Word Count: 1385
     Glancing over at the commander, you tried not to swoon or sigh. You’d joined the RA recently, still learning its ins and outs, still training to fight, still new to all of this. Another thing you were new to was your current feelings for the man that you were currently trying not to stare too hard at. Part of you told you it wasn’t a good idea, that yearning for a man like him would only end in heartbreak. The differences between you were numerous and vast. He was a mink, he was quite a bit older than you, he was a commander, and he was an inventor. You? You were a human, still quite young, a recruit, and while you weren’t stupid by any means, inventing was way out of your understanding. Granted, that didn’t stop you from pining for him, just that you were certain that you had about 0 chance with him. Hell, you’d be lucky if he even noticed your existence. Each of the commanders had taken a number of recruits for their section of the army, assigning you to the South Army and its mink commander. That being said, there had been quite a few recruits assigned to the South Army meaning that your beloved commander probably didn’t pay to any one recruit too closely unless they were exceptionally skilled. Though all the exceptional recruits had been taken by Sabo and the main army to become some of the top fighters and assigned to areas later. You were still good, very good, but anyone who might catch his attention was assigned elsewhere. Looking away, you tried to focus on training. Whenever you weren’t busy with something else, you trained, trying your hardest to impress the man. Just because you were out of his league, just because he’d probably never notice you, didn’t mean you weren’t going to work your butt off to try! So you worked hard, trained, and did your best. For a new recruit, you’d gotten quite good, definitely in the top 5 of the latest batch for the South Army, but that was the problem, for a new recruit. You were better than some of your recruit mates, hell, you were better than a few of those recruited in the previous 2 years, but you doubted that meant much. 
     Glancing up from doing maintenance on his inventions, Lindbergh’s eyes fell on you. You always worked so hard, always giving your all. He’d gotten a group of new recruits lately and you’d been in this particular batch. Usually the main army would get the particularly skilled recruits who would be trained under some of the army’s best fighters and instructors, and then assigned to various areas later. Oftentimes they’d be some of the army’s best and most valuable soldiers and typically took care of the harder missions. This time, however, it seemed that Sabo had missed one. A single human girl, only 18 but already very skilled. She worked harder than most of his new recruits ever did on top of doing whatever she could around the base to help. She was kind, caring, and cheerful. She was an amazing young woman and she was completely out of his grasp. Humans usually found human mates, ones much closer to their age, to say nothing of the rank difference. He’d heard of a few spotted cases of humans falling for non-humans, a few cases of large age gaps, but this was one that he was pretty sure would never happen. Sighing, he looked down at his inventions, returning to maintenance, trying to focus on what he was doing rather than the human girl he cared for. 
     Walking down the halls, you tried not to sigh, a stack of papers, files, and books held in your arms. You knew you should be paying more attention, but you’d been more and more distracted lately. You’d been trying to busy yourself with other things in an attempt to take your mind off of the man who occupied your every thought, but it only seemed to result in you being distracted while attempting to take care of things. Now you were walking down the halls, barely paying attention and carrying a large stack of items. It probably wasn’t terribly surprising when you bumped into someone, when you were both knocked to the ground and your things went scattering everywhere. You knew that it was your fault too, you should have been paying attention. Looking up from your spot on the floor, you noticed the very object of your every waking thought sitting on the ground as well, a box of his own things scattered around with your papers and files.
     “Oh no! I’m so sorry commander! Please forgive me! I wasn’t watching where I was going!” you blurted out, starting to gather his things and put them in his box while simultaneously stacking the papers that you’d dropped. Lindbergh shook his head, moving to help you clean up the mess.
     “No, it’s my fault as well, I wasn’t paying attention either. Are you alright, Y/n? You didn’t hit the floor too hard, did you?” he asked, looking over at you as you hurriedly tried to clean things up, looking up at him in slight surprise. He actually knew your name? He was asking if you were okay? He wasn’t upset that you hadn’t been paying attention?
     “Oh, uh, yes. I’m alright. I don’t think I hit too hard, don’t worry, I’ll still be able to show up for training and everything.” you said, returning to picking up papers, your cheeks turning bright pink, trying not to stare at him. He looked even cuter up close, you wondered if his fur was as soft as it looked. Lindbergh shook his head, putting a hand on your shoulder.
     “Y/n, if you need to miss a couple of lessons because you hurt yourself, it’s alright. It’s better that you miss a few lessons then try to strain yourself and risk worsening your injury, no matter how minor. You’re an exceptional recruit and I’m sure you’ll be fine if you take one or two sessions off if you need it.” he said softly, making you smile softly at him. Shaking your head, you continued to smile.
     “No, no I think I’m alright, truly, but if I start feeling sore later, I’ll take some time to relax, thank you commander.” you said. For a moment, it felt like it was just the two of you, like nothing else mattered, this moment was like heaven to you. You didn’t want it to end, in the back of your mind, you knew it would. It would and you’d have to return to reality, to a world where he didn’t see you like that, but for this one moment, you could pretend like everything you desired was possible. A hand on yours drew you out of your thoughts, staring into Lindbergh’s eyes.
     “Y/n… you’re such a hard worker, I hope I don’t sound too forward, but would you perhaps join me for lunch?” Lindbergh asked softly, hesitantly. He knew he was probably overstepping his bounds, knew you’d probably push him away, report him to Dragon, something that would have you running from him, but this moment had him believing that it was possible, even if just for a moment.
     “I’d really like that, thank you, commander.” you said, a soft blush spreading across your cheeks.
     “I’d prefer it if you called me Lindbergh, commander is too formal.” he said, grabbing the last few things and setting them on your stack of papers, “Why don’t I help you with this and then we can head to lunch?” he offered, making you smile and nod.
     “I’d really like that too, com-, Lindbergh. Thank you.” you said, picking up your stuff, the two of you walking down the hall. Nothing official was said between the two of you, but you could both feel it, both see it in the other’s eyes. You both returned the other’s feelings, both wanted something more than a simple commander-recruit relationship. Even if he was ‘too important for someone like you’, even if you were ‘out of his league’, you both cared for each other and wanted to see where this would go, so you would.
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arkangelee · 3 years
(Hi There, how are you, hopefully you’re having a great life and day). May I request a Fluff headcannon or Scenario (whatever you comfortable with) for Kunikida Doppo and Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungou Stray Dogs, with female reader please. A headcannon, where reader had an ability that allows her to talk to an animal/understand animals language. Thank you and have a lovely day.
them with you having the ability to talk to animals
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characters — kunikida doppo ; fyodor dostoevsky
pairings — ^ x f!reader
premise — pretty self-explanatory
genre — fluff
warnings — none
a/n — hi anon!! thank you for your patience, and i hope you enjoy! sorry this took a while
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i. kunikida doppo
when you two first met, he’d drag you around to test your capabilities on different animals.
and he wasn’t disappointed.
he held a certain respect for you from that day on, and you’re definitely a few tiers higher than dazai in his favorite people pyramid /lh
a couple months after you two meet, he starts buying certain cat and dog treats and leaving containers of them on your desk.
it was anonymous however, so you were left wondering who started leaving them.
but the stolen glances at your expression when you come in the office said a lot already.
so one day, on a sunny morning, you stroll over to his desk and ask, “kunikida, could you leave some carrots on my desk tomorrow?”
he went through the five stages of grief /j
he got so flustered that all he could manage was a small nod.
true to his word action, carrots were neatly stacked on your desk the next day.
you grinned at him, whispering a 'thanks.'
"no problem." the blonde stiffly nodded.
he really wished you would leave his desk now that you've said all you had to say.
but no no no.
you went, "say, kunikida. why'd you start leaving those on my desk?"
he flushed red, as he did the previous day, but he soon regained composure. "i just- thought it could help."
anyways — your guys’ dynamic from then on is pretty casual.
kunikida gets flustered so easily — his reactions are really interesting. in a good way.
to be honest, i think he wouldn’t be the one who asked you out, you’d have to make the move.
so like if you casually walk up to his desk and just ask him out simply, like just a question?
his mind would immediately go blank and he goes so, so red.
but!! says yes — after like two minutes of just a bunch of ‘what’s and ‘huh’s.
definition of whipped. even after already dating.
the tiniest bit of affection sends him into a frenzy.
after a few weeks though, he’s learned to get used to it. sure, his heart still does entire gymnastic routines whenever you kiss him, but he thinks it’s a nice feeling <3
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ii. fyodor dostoevsky
okok but imagine — fyodor dostoevsky and a pet shop owner……
okay that doesn’t have to be the occupation but anywho — this meeting is everything i’d ever want.
he was walking around yokohama, you know.
plotting mass destruction and whatnot, as per usual.
his alert ears pick up someone cooing to a cat, and he turns his head to an alley to see you, gently patting an adorable calico cat. ( ps if any of you are allergic you may pretend as if it was any other animal )
he sees so much adoration in your eyes, and he couldn’t help but be intrigued.
so he slowly approaches you — and the cat hisses, backing away from him.
you suddenly became aware of fyodor and you stand up, smiling.
“looks like it doesn’t like you.”
fyodor mentally agrees, observing the cat that was now a few feet further away.
“try giving these.” you handed him a couple of cat treats.
he raises his eyebrow but squats anyway, holding out his hand in the direction of the cat.
the cat seemed to be apprehensive — but it slowly makes its way over to the fist full of treats, and it starts eating them one by one.
fyodor’s eyes were fixated on it, and you chuckle, catching his attention.
he thinks that maybe you’re worth his time.
and yes, he was right. best decision of his life so far.
he isn’t familiar with the idea of a relationship, but it’s growing on him.
the type of guy who thinks that dating is pointless.
but at one point he thinks that dating you wouldn’t be bad at all.
oh. that’s his literal reaction.
consults to nikolai. and notes to never do it again /j
but at one point he spontaneously just?? kisses you??
that speaks for itself — and one thing led to another — so you both are dating now!!
he’s a chill boyfriend. again, not experienced, but he’s doing his best!
and that was now best decision of his life.
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Sjm move in Jurian narratives is the same as Stephenie Meyer in her narratives about humans. Meyer makes humans really seem small, fragile and weak whereas she has a character like Charlie Swan who is putting up with her daughter shit. And meyer really had bella 'i was born to be a vampire and all weak human narratives, tf" . Sjm had Jurian and sent in demonic narratives to him to hype fae. No offends but no need to scrutinize human like that
I think, without saying anything nice about SM, the difference is that SJM makes humanity slaves or slave adjacent. I'm not saying humanity can't be weaker than their supernatural counterpart or even that there shouldn't be tension/conflict over this.
I'm saying that if you're going to write lore in which one of your groups enslaved the other, making the enslaved group the bad guys in your narrative framing is a problem. I forget who is telling the story of Drakon and Myriam (Rhys? Amren?), but Jurian seducing Clythia is very much written as a, "and he was a dick for this- he kills her and its brutal and unnecessary because men who kill women are bad" which, okay, usually thats true but Clythia is also AS terrible as her sister and if she learned to love a human at the last minute (literally HOW is this EVEN POSSIBLE? I have so many questions like why didn't she just kill him on sight?), we shouldn't be asked to sympathize.
And it's done to prop up Myriam and her choice to leave with Drakon and make Drakon seem better by comparison. Well, Drakon would nEVER have done that and like, yeah. Obviously. He only got involved when he found out he had a human mate. There were 0 stakes in it for Drakon.
And say what you want about Rhysand but like, he was in seemingly from the beginning despite nothing tying him to the humans. If SJM wants us to think Drakon is a good guy, she could have written a similar narrative. he joined, realized the healer is his mate, but his primary objective was always ending the slavery. But it's the other way around and he seemingly attempts to undermine Jurian over a woman and idk that feels fucking gross and weird.
Anyway I have a lot of Jurian thoughts but primarily my issue is with SJM and her framing of issues. Good guys = don't like slavery, okay very low bar. But then she'll WRITE it in and you're like...am I being asked to identify with the oppressors? Feeling sympathy for Rhys being kidnapped is one thing. Being asked to think Jurian is the villain because Drakon was horny is another .And like she did in Crescent City, if Jurian dares to have a low opinion of the fae, well he's the bad guy.
It's not about being weak, it's this very odd "humans are lesser" narrative that is ribboned through all over her works. She's making choices in her writing, words don't show up on the page. It's worth examining why she makes these choices. I think for ACOTAR it was all just an afterthought so the Drakon army could come at the last minute and save the day but I don't want to see them again. I hope if we do Rhysand hits him in the face for being a coward. I feel like only Rhys could get away with it.
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dameronology · 4 years
wait on {din djarin x reader}
summary: boba fett is a good therapist, and din djarin is spectacular at being nosey. the result? a much needed conversation. perhaps there’s a silver lining. {kinda based on this song}
warnings: angst, language, swearing, s2 spoilers
this one hurts a lil bit but i promise the ending is happy. enjoy!!
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The air between you was thick, not unlike the beskar that the Mandalorian was wearing. 
It was funny, really, because you’d never minded the armour all that much before. Your ability to see straight through it and see Din Djarin for what he really was had been what made him fall in love with you, and you with him. Now, it felt like a barrier between you. Inches of thick metal and fabric, shielding him from the world around him. From you. The one person he usually held closest to his heart; the one person he’d let see his face for the first time in years. The man was hardly a conversationalist at the best of times but he’d opened up to you. Shared his world with you and intertwined it with yours. Built something with you that you'd both protect with your lives. 
Now, he was straying away. Forever attached by an invisible string, but with galaxies and galaxies between you. Even though he was mere inches from you, sat two seats over, there was a chilly air; if your relationship was a warm, welcoming house, the atmosphere he’d plunged you both into was the cold winter’s night on the other side of the glass. You wanted to go back, to drag him inside and slam and bolt the door behind you. Instead, you were forced to watch through the windows, knowing what was there but never quite truly getting close enough to let it envelope you. 
You couldn’t hold it against him. The last few weeks had been rough on you both, and it only come to a head today. Grogu had been taken by the Imps and the Crest had been blown up before your very eyes. It was one of those times that truly and wholly showed the difference between you and Din: you sought him out and he pulled away. You’d learnt a long time ago not to follow him. You wanted to. Fuck, you wanted to, but you’d learnt the hard way that it was a bad idea. 
Despite the icy silence and ache for your kidnapped toad son, you were still grateful for the fact Boba Fett had offered his ship as transport and shelter. You weren’t entirely sure what his deal was, but Din seemed to trust him, and so by extension, you did too. Things were a little cramped in the hull of the ship, but there was a spare sleeping quarters for you and the Mandalorian to squish into, assuming he’d let you. You didn’t want to ask him, because you were scared of the answer. 
Instead, you found yourself sat out on the dusty plains of...wherever the hell you were. Boba had parked the ship up overnight so that you could rest; it seemed to be some kind of desert planet. Not too different to Nevarro or Tatooine, but perhaps a little colder. The sky had long faded to black, casting a darkness over the sandy plains ahead of you. The chilly air was a welcome contrast against the stuffiness of the bedroom - it wasn’t even hot in there, just filled with some kind of inexplicable tension. And not the sexy kind; the regular, all-consuming type. You could feel it slowly etching into your frontal lobe, sinking in its claws and giving you a stress head-ache. Letting out a few deep breaths, you let the gusts of cold wind blow over your bare arms. 
‘A little cold out here, isn’t it?’
The voice was gravelly and unfamiliar, but one that you knew belonged to Boba Fett. 
‘Yeah, maybe.’ You didn’t turn around to look, instead letting your eyes stay focused on the distance. There was nothing ahead. Just darkness and sand. ‘Fresh air is nice, though.’
‘Or maybe the air inside is bad.’ He countered. Boba took a seat on the rock beside you, jokingly whacking his knee against yours. ‘What’s on your mind?’
‘Just...what happened today, I suppose.’ You replied. ‘We lost the kid, and our ship.’
‘You’re handling it better than your Mandalorian.’ He replied. 
‘I don’t think he’s my Mandalorian.’ You snorted. ‘He’s just...he doesn’t normally deal with so much at once. I think he just needs time to process it all, you know?’
‘Perhaps.’ Boba said. ‘And do you always make excuses for him?’
‘I beg your sweet pardon?’ You turned to look at him. 
‘Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but I’ve always been an observant man.’ He began. ‘I saw how you immediately went to him, to check on him, and how you fought beside him,  yet he’s barely even looked at you.’
‘Ouch.’ You muttered. ‘You might be observant you but certainly do not tread lightly.’
‘My apologies.’ He curtly nodded. 
‘It’s not always been like this.’ Your words felt forced. You were making excuses. ‘And it won’t always be.’
‘You know him better than anyone, or so I assume.’ Boba reminded you. ‘But don’t be afraid to remind him what he has, despite what he’s lost.’
He was right. Din could be distant, and he could be fucking ignorant without even trying, but you hadn’t strayed from his side once. Not for a second. It could be frustrating to deal, with but you loved him with your whole being, in a soul-consuming sorta way, and you knew he was capable of coming around. Your mother had always preached songs of love being patient and kind but as you saw it, it was frustrating, and at times the most inconvenient thing in the world. You must have had the patience of a saint to deal with him. He was just lucky he made it worth it (and that underneath all the armour, he wasn’t too bad to look at. It certainly helped his case). 
You let out a sad laugh. ‘I couldn’t. Di - Mando already struggles to express his feelings and I’d only make it worst if I said he wasn’t doing it well enough.’
‘You know your worth.’ Boba said. ‘Only you can decide if he appreciates it enough.’
‘He does.’ You quickly replied. ‘I know he does.’ 
He gave you a doubtful look, one that said I think you’re bullshitting, but I won’t disagree. He was simply sharing his observations, even if they were a little much. But the man hadn’t had any proper social interaction for a long time, so you could hardly blame him - and he had a sort of wise air to him, like he’d been round the block a couple times. He certainly seemed like the sort of person you should listen to.
‘I’ll leave you with this: the life of a Mandalorian is complicated.’ He dusted off his knees, before standing up. ‘You should make sure it’s worth it before you fully commit.’
‘I-’ you tried to speak, but you were cut off by the sound of a twig snapping under someone’s boot. Why the fuck were there twigs in the desert? More to the point, why was that your immediate thought? 
You both sharply turned around, coming face-to-face with a Mandalorian. Not a Mandalorian, but the Mandalorian. The one you’d just been talking about. The one whose heart would have been broken into a million tiny pieces if he’d even a word of what you just said. And, from the way his helmet tilted ever so slightly to the left, you figured he’d heard more than enough. Fuck. 
'Don’t let me stop you.’ His modulated voice wavered ever so slightly. ‘I’ll see you inside.’
He turned on his heel, heavy steps taking him back towards the Slave I. To anyone else, his body language hadn’t changed, but you could read him like a book. A complicated book, and one that was missing more than half its pages and was in a dozen different fucking languages, but one you’d read a thousand times. Understanding Din Djarin was hard, and you’d only just begun -  barely touched the surface in fact - but it was more than anyone else could say. 
‘Wait!’ You leapt up, almost comically falling over as you rushed after him. 
Sensing that his presence was probably not welcome, Boba returned to his seat on the rock, silently hoping that Fennec Shand was either a) asleep, or b) had enough common sense to stay the fuck out of the way of whatever was about to go down. 
‘I swear to maker if you shut that door -’ you were cut off by...the door shutting in your face. Djarin: 1. You: 0.
You let out a small groan, slamming your fist against it. 
‘Okay, maybe I deserved that.’ You quietly muttered. ‘But will you please listen to me?’
‘Fine.’ You splayed your fingers out against the metal. ‘Ice me out, Din Djarin. I’m more than used to it by now.’
There was a gruff hmm from the other side of the door. Had he really just taken offence to that?
‘It’s funny, really.’ You continued. ‘Because the part of that conversation you didn’t hear was me defending you. Like I always fucking do, because I know that despite everything, you’re a human being and you love me.’
There was a small thud, as though Din had placed his hand in a similar position to yours.
‘But Boba has a point.’ Your voice fell to a whisper. ‘I keep giving and I get nothing back. Instead of letting me in, you just shut me out and I know you’re upset at what he said but for the love of everything holy in this shitty world, do not prove him right.’
It was a risky ultimatum, and not one you’d seen coming. Your chest had tightened as soon as the words left your mouth, because you knew that if Din stayed silent, that was it. You’d have to let him go; to accept that you would never get back what you putting in. Before, you were able to convince yourself that you were okay with that but maybe, just maybe you weren’t. Waiting around for something that had no guarantee of happening was like beating a dead horse that had no guarantee of coming back to life. The only thing that was promised was emotional exhaustion and then eventual death. You would have liked to have found something between those two waypoints - whether Din Djarin could be the one to give it to you? You didn’t know. 
After a moment of silence, the door finally opened, and you came face to face with him. Like actually face to face with him; no helmet, no armour. Just a loose tunic and tired brown eyes, matched with lazily-shaven facial hair and knitted brows. That was Din. Your Din. 
‘Can I just...can I just talk for a moment?’ He asked. ‘I have something to say and I want to get it right.’
‘Of course.’ You nodded. 
‘I’m not hurt by what you said.’ He stated. ‘I know I don’t show you enough love and it hurts that I don’t know how, but I am trying. I promise you that much.’
You gave him a tearful smile. ‘Yeah, I know.’
‘I just wish that you could say it to me and not to him.’ He murmured. ‘I don’t want you to hold back on anything, ever. You can always come to me. Even if it’s about me.’
‘I get that.’ Your eyes fell to the floor. ‘It’s just that I know you’re trying your best and I’m scared you’ll think that your best isn’t enough.’ 
‘It’s not.’ Din’s words took you by surprise. ‘It’s not enough, but one day, I hope it will be.’
‘I don’t know what to say, because if I deny it-’
‘- you don’t have to say anything.’ He cut you off. ‘I want to give you the world. And I will, if you’ll be patient with me.’
You took every word as gospel as he said it. The Mandalorian was a lot of things, but a liar wasn’t one of them. And to his credit, every promise he’d made to you before, he’d delivered on. You didn’t doubt for a second that this one would be the same. It wasn’t even naivety or wishful thinking. 
‘I mean, I’ve come this far.’ You tried to crack a joke. You finally looked up from the floor, his brown eyes meeting yours. 
‘I love you.’ He took your hands in his, words firm. ‘That’s all I can give you right now. I’m sorry.’
‘Din.’ The words barely come out as a whisper. ‘Never apologise. Please never apologise. I just...it’s nice to hear it, you know? A little more often than every time you almost die.’
‘Are the words enough on their own?’
‘Yes.’ You squeezed his hands. ‘Because I know you mean them.’
Din wrapped his arms you, pulling you tightly against his chest. It was warm and soft, miles away from the cold armour that so often greeted you. He held you tightly and with a new kind of might you were previously yet to experience, clinging onto you as though it were the last time. It wasn’t - it was far from the last time. Rather, it was the first time. The first time that he’d spoken of a future with you, or fully promised himself to you. You knew you would get there one day. You’d just needed him to say it himself before you could believe it. 
Din Djarin was giving you tiny little pieces on himself each day, and one day, you would have all of him. 
tags: @meshlababy @bo-kryze @poestardust @aqueencomplexx @princessxkenobi @cosmic-rich @captn-andor @buttercup--bee​ @maharani-radha​ @kat-r-in​
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
i am such a fucking sucker for the “hold my jaw with your hand and tilt my face upwards so that our eyes meet because i’m shorter and you’re taller and we can both feel the tension as you look down at my lips and then back up again quickly before the moment’s lost” cliches so can u maybe write something like that for Draco and Slytherin reader please
Five || Draco Malfoy
I did get a bit carried away with the banter but it’s only because I seriously love this trope and the build-up is the best part, anyway I hope you like it and  I hope the ending made you happy! <3
Thank you for this request, I honestly had so much fun writing it, it’s adorable!
Requested: Yes Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!fem!reader Warnings: swearing and major cockblocking, I feel like it’s quite fluffy but if there’s anything you think I should add let me know <3 Summary: Y/N and Draco have been desperately trying to relieve the tension between them both but someone always has to get in the way.
WORDS : 1955
Fred Weasley is your best friend.
Fred Weasley is, also, a massive piece of shit.
Not that you don’t love him because of course you do, he is your best friend after all.  
Buuuut, that doesn’t mean he’s without his flaws. For example, he’s got a disgusting habit of getting in the way of your romantic endeavors, especially when they involve Draco Malfoy. And it’s not even because Fred’s into you, because he’s definitely not, but it gives him an odd sense of pleasure to watch your jaw clench when he interrupts one of you and Draco’s ‘moments’, as he likes to call them. It’s his hobby.
“Y/N…” Fred whines as he tugs on your right arm.
“Please?” He pouts and you roll your eyes as you pry his hand off of your arm.
“No, I told you that I hate watching your practices.”
He gasps dramatically and places a hand on his heart. “Because you don’t love me?”
“Because it’s so bloody cold that I almost freeze my toes off every time.”
“You can wear my jumper.”
You narrow your eyes at him.
“And the Slytherins are practicing with us today.”
“I know, I am one dumbass.”
“So you’ll come?”
“No Fred, let it go for fucks sake.”
By now you ought to know that you can never win an argument with Fred Weasley, but it’s nice to pretend. After a further 5 minutes of arguing he’d somehow gotten you in his jumper, pulled you down toward the Quidditch pitch and left you sitting by the bleachers while he walked down to the field to join practice.
“Bloody hell.” You mutter to yourself as you watch the ginger skip down to join his teammates. You hear a chuckle erupt from your left and turn to find Draco approaching you.
“So we’re wearing Weasley’s clothes now?” Draco raises his eyebrows at you as he stops to stand right in front of you.
You laugh and shove his chest playfully. “We’re not doing anything but I’m relishing in the warmth of Fred’s jumper. Nothing warmer on planet earth.”
“My arms beg to differ.”
You laugh and shake your head. “You’re such a nonce, go practice.”
“I think I’d much rather stand here with you if I’m being honest.”
“I don’t blame you.” You shrug, “I can’t imagine anyone who’d prefer the company of a sweaty Quidditch team compared to me.”
“But with reason, no?” You raise your eyebrows with a playful smirk.
He doesn’t respond but instead clenches his jaw to wipe away the smile that was begging to surface.
When his eyes finally turn back to meet yours there’s an atmosphere of tension that envelopes you both once again. You can’t tell how long the two of you stand there staring into each other’s eyes, it could be seconds, minutes, hours. But it all fades away into nothing when his blue hues travel down to capture the sight of your lips, and you have to swallow hard to reconnect with planet earth again.
His fingers grace the space beneath your chin softly, pulling your face up so that he can stare directly down into your eyes because Merlin, he’s so tall. And you think that this is it, he’s going to kiss you, because why wouldn’t he when his lips are so close that you can practically feel the air expelling from his lungs coming into contact with your face.
His lips barely brush over your own when,
Fred fucking Weasley happens.
“Oi, Malfoy! We’re all waiting down here for you so that we can get started.”
You groan in frustration as Draco lets his hand fall and a heavy sigh escapes him.
“I’m coming.” He responds curtly, frustration clearly lacing his voice, and Fred resists the urge to smirk from behind you both - he fails.
“Hurry up then!” Fred responds and you send Draco an apologetic look.
“I hate him, I want you to know that I actually hate him.” Draco says simply.
You laugh and shake your head, “Go on.”
“Weasley:1 and Malfoy:0.” Fred says to Draco when he finally reaches the bottom of the stands.
“You’ve got a load more than 1 at this point.”
“I know but I like to refresh the score every week so that you feel the weight of my power, you know?”
Draco doesn’t respond.
But Fred does get a nice taste of grass when his face comes in contact with the ground because Draco tripped him.
“You git!” Fred exclaims as he jumps off the ground and starts to chase after Draco - who’s running off with a mischievous laugh and a glint in his eyes.
Blaise Zabini is Draco’s best friend.
Blaise Zabini, like Fred Weasley, is also a massive piece of shit.
“Y/N, please pass me that.” Draco mumbles as he stirs the cauldron. You oblige and grab what he was gesturing to before passing it to him. Your fingers run over each other for just a moment and you can’t help that small smile that finds its way onto your lips.
“We studying together after school today?”
Draco turns to you with an apologetic look and you sigh, “I’m so sorry Y/N, I���ve got detention.”
“What did you do to get detention this time?” You ask with a roll of your eyes and he gives you a sheepish smile.
“Promise you won’t be mad.”
“I’m already mad.”
“Y/N…” He whines and you roll your eyes again but sigh in agreement.
“Fine, I won’t get mad.”
“You know the flag pole out front?” He raises his eyebrows at you as he finishes up with the potion and sits comfortably in his seat beside you.
You nod hesitantly, “Yes…” 

“So, Blaise dared me to-“
“I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t take anymore of Blaise’s dares?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Okay, yes, but this one was too hard to resist. He looked at me like I wouldn’t do it!”
“You’re a pussy.”
“I guess I am what I eat.” He says with a smile and you feel the air leave your lungs.
You look up at him with the intention of clapping back with something smart. But how can you possibly say anything when he’s looking down at you like that.
Merlin, if this boy doesn’t kiss you-
“Sorry, don’t mind me, just passing through.” Blaise says as he steps in between you and Draco to grab your notebook off the table. You’d told him earlier that if he needed help then he could borrow your notes, but you hadn’t meant that he could borrow them right as you were about to get a kiss from the Slytherin Prince.
You peer your eyes at him and notice a faint smirk on his lips. oh. He was not just passing through, he was cockblocking and he was cockblocking you hard.
He turns to leave with your notes and, without even thinking, you and Draco both spread your legs out. Blaise, fixed intently on the writing in front of him, doesn’t notice what’s happening until he’s already halfway toward the ground.
In retrospect he had it coming. He’s been working with Fred for weeks now to keep you and Draco from finally locking lips. Was it objectively deserved? No. Did it feel good? Hell fucking yes.
But Snape seemed to think that it was out of order, and that was how you got yourself a front row seat in detention, next to Draco.
“I’m surprised Fred wasn’t in detention.” Draco mumbles as the two of you finally leave the detention classroom.
“He reserves Thursdays for detention.” You respond and Draco laughs. “To be honest, I was half-expecting Blaise.”
“Oh no way.” He shakes his head as the two of you walk down the hallway. “His mom will kill him, and me for that matter, if he gets another detention this year.” Draco adds with grimace.
“Why you?”
“I’m usually the one who ropes him into stupid shit.”
You giggle, “No surprise there.”
“Uncalled for!”
“Considering your track record it was 100% called for!” You exclaim as laughter continues to shake you about. You don’t even notice how far ahead of Draco you are, until he wraps his fingers around your wrist and pulls you back toward him.
Your face almost collides with his chest and you let out a yelp at the sudden movement. When you move your head up to look at him and ask him what he’s doing, you find that words escape you completely.
“Y/N.” Draco whispers as he brings his face down to yours.
“Draco.” You whisper back with an inquisitive smile.
“We’re alone.”
You turn your head a bit and observe that the hallway is, in fact, completely abandoned. “Holy shit, it seems like you’re right.”
He smiles down at you, “I’m tired of dancing around this, I want to kiss you.”
“Then do it.”
His lips are inches, inches, away from your own when some random first year stumbles into the hallway, whistling about like he’s auditioning to be fucking Mickey Mouse. You’re so frustrated that you don’t even know what you’re saying until the words have already left your mouth.
“If you do not leave right fucking now I will hex you so badly that your unborn grandchildren will feel it.”
The student’s eyes widen and they immediately turn back the way they came from.
“Well that was-“ Draco starts but you cut him off as you grasp the back of his neck and pull him down to kiss you.
Maybe all the tension was worth it, because wow.
Draco sighs happily against your lips as his hands find home on your waist. It’s almost too perfect, like the two of you are doing a dance that you’ve rehearsed over and over again. The kiss goes on for so long that you completely lose track of time, almost forgetting that you need oxygen to live.
But then, once again, Fred fucking Weasley happens.
Except for once, he’s too late.
“Oh for fucks sake, no!” Fred groans as he steps into the hallway and you grin as you pull apart from Draco to face him.
“Suck on that, Fred!” You exclaim as you stick your tongue out at him.
“Weasley:3. Malfoy:1.” Draco adds.
“Actually…” You start as you stare into Fred’s eyes and use your hand to bring Draco’s lips down to yours. “Malfoy:2.”
“3.” Draco adds as he pecks your lips again.
“4.” You smile widely.
“If you don’t stop I will dye both of your heads red.” Fred says with a playful glare.
“I say do it just for the hell of it.” Blaise shrugs as he joins the conversation from out of nowhere.
“That includes you Zabini.”
“What the fuck, why?” Blaise asks in disbelief and you and Draco struggle to hold in your laughs.
“You didn’t do your part in preventing this!”
“Excuse me but last time I checked this was a two man job!?”
“Well, thanks to this one man’s failure,” Fred starts as he pushes an accusatory finger into Blaise’s chest, “We all have to suffer the wrath of Draco and Y/N’s sappiness!”
“How was it my failure when it was your turn to watch them?”
Draco chuckles and your eyes immediately leave the two arguing boys to find Draco’s. He smiles goofily down at you and you smile back. “We should’ve picked nicer friends.”
“As if anyone else would put up with us.” You respond with a smirk and he nods.
That familiar tension from before is back, except now with a hint of something else- assurance perhaps? The two of you stare into each other’s eyes for a while before those blue iris’s find the curvature of your lips again and you swallow hard with the growing anticipation.
“5?” He asks breathily and you merely grab the back of his neck to capture him in a kiss.
When you finally pull away all you whisper back is, “5.”
Everyday I wake up and wonder, why am I a dumbass bitch? University of Kent just offered me conditional acceptance but I don’t think they’re going to accept me because I have NOT met the conditions, and it’s literally just because I have one braincell that can’t do math.
Anway, if you have any feedback on whether I should do a fluff or angst sequel for ‘Falling Out Of Love With Astoria Greengrass’ then please let me know <3
love you all,
your favourite shitshow, jean <3
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theramseyloft · 3 years
7/19/21 Loft Notes
God bless you guys for the budget you have blessed me with this month.
This is the third cleaning day in a row I have not been well enough to manage.
I'm on the tail end of things, but laying down keeps triggering painful coughing fits.  It's gotten to the point that, last night, I became aware of relaxing to the line of sleep having become an adrenaline spike trigger.  I can only breath comfortably if I'm awake and upright, so my body is now adamant that we will suffocate if we fall asleep. Sleep is apparently no longer allowed.
I am running on maaaaybe four hours.
Giving myself time to heal is extremely frustrating, because it always feels like I'll resume normal function tomorrow, but the arrival of Today becomes another "No, not yet."
Every new today is better, don't get me wrong.
Betters just aren't adding up fast enough, and being even less than the usual amount of functional is fundamentally distressing.
Patron: "it’s okay Dani, I know how frustrating it is but you’ll get there. Sounds like you’re almost there anyway!"
Thank you.
This has been my morning.
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enthusiastic flipping off
This bitch 1. Was asked what they were looking for 2. Would not tell me. 3. Was given both albums of available birds to look through and pick birds from 4. tried to choose birds from a different album 5. was told that that was not one of the albums of available birds, it was the album of babies being vaccinated (several of which are my fucking keepers)
Responded with the above when I asked again what he wanted.
Bitch, I don't fucking let people impulse buy birds!
Patron: "ugh, same person from yesterday?"
Patron: "dani i'm so glad you have such strict standards tbh"
Here is the entire conversation:
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Patron: "oh yeah i'm sure this person has a totally legit reason for wanting breeding pairs but not caring for their health"
"toootally legit"
Forgot the demand for my (publicly stated) address.
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Iiiin the first link I sent.
Patron: "yeah no, that person is def not up to anything good."
This is why I ask prospective buyers things.
Patron: "you barely even asked them anything too, you didn't get to any keeping questions"
Literally "What do you want, so I can give you the best birds to get it from."
These aren't fucking warehouse overstock I want to be rid of.
Eat shit.
Patron: "So glad you have standards for your birds. Someone like that is beyond shady."
Patron: "Even with patrons it seems like you rarely break even on this. If you wanted to always have an available bird and give 0 care to their health, you could, but that's not your goal here and you're transparent about that. You have lofty (haha) hopes for all the kids leaving your loft or you wouldn't go through the trouble of the incredibly in depth observations and updates on each bird, even your keepers. To be overly businessy about it, you create a product in a unique way and unless a customer is prepared to do dealings with you in service of your goals, they can fuck right off, because there's obviously a demand for your unique product as it is."
Patron: "Honestly If I were buying an animal, I'd find it suspicious if the seller didn't screen for households that can meet the animal's needs. Especially for a species where poor husbandry and neglect is so commonplace."
Since Nettle and Hoss' peep died, they are dead set on stealing Wukong and Suki's.
They haven't attacked the peeps outright, but constantly fighting their parents is getting them scratched and buffetted.
Patron: "its nice that they're not in outright physical danger outright but i assume living in such environment is not great for their mental psyche and detrimental to the project?"
A bit, yeah. >v<
Went out to check on them and top up their water.
Hoss has her little heart set on taking Suki's nest, so I moved the peeps to the smaller corner box to see what would happen.
Wukong and Suki both immediately piled in to feed them and found that one far more defensible than the nest they had been using.
Both pairs seem amenable, but the fact that I had to boosts definitely Hoss and possibly Nettle to the top of the retirement lists.
We paid $50 to have some one clean the loft for me.
and spent $29.25 at Foy's on a 100 pack of disposable needles ($21.00) and shipping ($8.25).
Calypso's new mom sent $100.75 for Calypso ($40.00), her Crate ($10.00), and postage ($50.75).
From which PayPal's fee was $3.22
Bringing our PayPal Balance to $458.12
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kob131 · 3 years
*Sigh* Floof uploaded a "review" of volume 8 to the critics sub. Feeling masochistic enough to read it and tear it apart? I swear to God he's going to have a coronary from ranting about the show one of these days.
Sure, it's easier to read a review then listen to one. I could handle a lot of video if I'm just given the manuscript.
Part 0: Jingling Keys
I'm gonna go ahead and condense Floof's (and really, way too many's) beginning down to its essential point.
*pulls out a set of keys labelled 'Fuck RWBY' and starts jingling them*
I don't like reducing arguments down to such simplistic terms but that's what his beginning reads like. It gives the exact same tone and feeling from a political meme: reductionist and reliant on triggering your innate bias. I get that showmanship is a part of good argumentation but there's an art to it and Floof's skill is on par with a fart joke. Next.
Part 1: The Script...Is Not Talked About.
His section is labelled 'The Script' but he doesn't talk about the script. He talks about the production...barely and really could have just been replaced with the keys from earlier. I really can't comment on this.
Part 2: Floof's Coherency
Finally, an actual claim and reference to research!
Nothing any character says makes any sense at all outside of the scene that the character says their lines in, and sometimes they don't make sense in the very scene they're spoken in. There's no oversight for what characters say, so they'll say completely random things. For instance, when Nora has her fourth-wall breaking existential crisis pulled from nowhere in the episode where Ruby's group encounter the Ace Ops, Blake responds to something Nora says before Nora even says it!
... And we've apparently lost coherency for it.
This is the dialogue in question.
Blake: I hope the others are okay. I’ve never seen Yang and Ruby fight like this.
Weiss: Don’t worry, they’re sisters. Sometimes sisters just have very different ideas about what’s right.
Nora: Yeah, they’ll be fine. Jaune’s a great leader, Oscar’s grown a ton, and Yang is more than capable of protecting them all in a fight.
Blake and Weiss wait for her to continue. When she doesn't, they both tilt their heads in puzzlement.
Blake and Weiss: Hmm.
Nora: Oh, and of course Ren is- um...
Nora's usual happy-go-lucky composure breaks, and she averts her eyes.
Nora: I don’t know what he is. Every time I think the two of us are making progress, he… (sighs) We’ve been together our whole lives but I feel like I understand him less now than ever. And I don’t know if that’s his fault or mine.
Blake: When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that’s just it, they’re only a part of you. Don’t forget about the rest.
Nora lets out a mirthless chuckle.
Nora: I don’t actually know who I am… without Ren. Pretty sad, huh?
Weiss: Well, maybe take this opportunity to find out? Do something only Nora can do.
Nora: Like what? Be strong and hit stuff?
I think this is referencing the bit where Nora talks about her issues with Ren and Blake's response. Which while a bit janky...isn't hard to get. Nora's issues partly stem from seeing herself as one part of their duo with Blake emphasizing she needs to know that isn't just it. Which given that this the first time they've disagreed- makes sense. But it's not incoherent nor is it even close to breaking the fourth wall.
I...can only get this by completely ignoring everything I know about Ren and Nora and thinking that literally everything they say is just a mouthpiece for the writers. Which is stupid and wrong to do.
Characters say random, unrelated things (even if it doesn't suit that character) and it makes everyone's dialogue have "the same voice". As though they were dummy dolls controlled by the same puppeteer. The only attempt at any kind of distinction between what these characters speak is the type of quip that's tacked onto their lines, and their voice actor. No one has unique dialogue which makes for forgettable, bland, and boring exposition dumps. Most of this Volume was dedicated solely to poorly done exposition and characters talking about the things they could be doing but choose not to.-
And we've lost the claims now too. I'd love to argue it but there's nothing to argue. I also cut about 40% of the paragraph because the rest was jingling keys.
Scenes lack any cohesion. The level at which they lack is awe-inspiring, as they'll contradict previous and future scenes not just from prior Volumes but also from scenes within Volume 8 itself.- -A notable example of this issue was Team RWBY not having a plan in Volume 7, before suddenly having Ironwood's original plan from Volume 7. Amity Arena wasn't completed in Volume 7 because Ironwood set up a trap for Watts whose fight scene predicated on this idea. But in the first episode of Volume 8, Amity is somehow magically ready to work right off the bat. How can this be?
*starts banging head against desk*
A. It was never stated nor shown they didn't have a plan. That's just a strawman that people cooked up. Am I to believe Ironwood was secretly evil all along too since we're buying strawmen?
And B.
Pietro: Uh... We’ve made decent progress on construction and fuel collection, all potentially manageable, but uh… hm… Amity was designed so it couldn’t launch itself without first being granted clearance from General Ironwood’s terminal.
'Managable' implies uncertainty, amplified by 'potential' making the very assessment unreliable. Supported by 'decent progress', not 'completetion'. And even if you argue that it was said it wasn't finished-
Watts: Hmm… This will certainly do the trick. Although I wouldn't exactly call it finished.
Watts even noted in the episode BEFORE the one you referenced that it was useable, just not finished. Finished and inoperable do not operate on an on-off light switch.
The rest is yet more him jacking off. Well, maybe not-
Part 3: Floof Unzips His Pants
Oh god damn it- THERE'S NOTHING HERE. It's just a bunch of assertations without any references to support it. I can literally defeat it by saying 'Yes they did' because all Floof said is "They didn't."
Part 4: The Artist Can't Talk Art
Floof says nothing. AGAIN. Even the stuff he does mention (From Weiss's limp push on Ruby, to Yang's basketball bounce, to Winter A-Posing and the fight animation covered up by particle effects and shoving things offscreen,) is unexplained. Floof is an ANIMATOR, by the way. All I can really say is-
The claim that Rooster Teeth is still using crunch is, as far as I know, dubious. Even the Glassdoor reviews recently are more positive (but still some bullshit mind you). I hate RT for pulling this shit in the first place so I have no real personal stakes here.
Part 5: Excuses
Floof says he didn't explain anything because the flaws have been discussed to death...which begs the question- Why did he bother making a review? Same with his claim that RWBY is just noises and colors on a screen- Why act as though you're a critic when by your own admission you'll never see improvement?
It's just more bitch basic showmanship to encourage an extreme response. I pull this stuff SUBCONSCIOUSLY and have to work around it.
You could replace his review with jingling keys and it'd serve the same purpose. Be more honest too.
I ain't rating his review. He's not worth it. Not even for some sadistic pleasure.
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anonil88 · 4 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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