#hope him and xie lian celebrate
raddestrose · 4 months
I would legit be TWEAKING if I only had one eye like Hua Cheng
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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My rendition of @tempo-takoyaki's DTIYS!
Congrats on the milestones! And to everyone else, please go check out their 'Drawing TGCF (except I haven't read the books)' series!
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boonsmoon · 9 months
Would you do a Mu Qing from TCGF fluff request Xie Lian (and by extension San Lang) attempt to play matchmaker between Mu Qing and his god/dess crush (cause Mu Qing refuses to admit liking them despite them being the person he’s closest to since meeting each other)?
I fell in love with this idea instantly A Christmas special for the lovelies Btw for creativity purposes, you can be the goddess of literally whatever
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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Kiss of Winter
To the untrained eye you would seem like a subordinate or nuisance to the cold-hearted god; however, this couldn't be further from the truth. You would considered yourself a close friend to Mu Qing, you have known each other for hundreds of years after all.
Though when asked, Mu Qing would refer to you as "a valuable acquaintance," and boy did it hurt to say this. Luckily, there was a very observant god who decided he had watched you two dance around each other long enough.
The holidays were approaching and Xie Lian thought this would be a great time to force persuade both of you to be in each other's company more often. So, with some hard thought planning and input from San Lang, the boys decided on a special celebration for the gods.
Now considering all these higher beings actually have standards, lots of works will have to be put into this. And who better to ask than someone that'll be excited to attend?
"I can't think of anyone more fitting for this job than you," Xie Lian praised, hoping to get you on the project. Everything has to be perfect if he's gonna get you and Mu Qing together.
You hesitated for a moment, "I've been getting many more prayers recently, though I suppose those can be put on hold..." There was a look of pondering on your face, weighing the pros and cons of what this could do to your status among deities and humans.
"Don't you have subordinates? If anything important happens they'll surely yap to you about it," you tensed at San Lang's words. Subordinates yes, deserving of disrespect no.
Unfortunately though, you must admit he was right. Your subordinates were always more alert than you, even when it came to your own temples. You sighed, "fine, I will help you prepare for this celebration."
After tireless days? Weeks? Of work, you all finally finished the super secret super awesome holiday party. Now you may be wondering would Mu Qing even come to the celebration? The answer is yes, but only if you invite him.
And let's be honest, most of the Heaven Official's don't like Xie Lian and San Lang very much, so making you the messenger was common sense from the beginning. So after running around and inviting everyone you saw, it finally came to the one and only.
"It is a holiday that comes each year, what makes this one special?" So far, so bad, he doesn't seem very keen on attending your greatest achievement yet.
"Becauseee we put effort into enjoying it this year. It'll be fun, I promise!" You pleaded with Mu Qing, hoping he'd say yes. "I worked on it the most anyways, so you don't have to worry about Xie Lian's 'bad taste.'"
He crossed his arms, contemplating if that was really a good enough reason to attend. "And when did I say you have good taste? It is likely just as bad considering you dare interact with him." OW OKAY THEN.
You folded your hands and begged, "if it's not I swear to never invite you again! Just please come this once..." This is what convinced him, the pain that in the future deities will get to enjoy your hard-work and he'll be left out. No one could ever appreciate your efforts like he can.
"Fine! I will agree this once..." That was a lie, he will make sure to agree in the future, even if it means forcing himself to attend a celebration that involved Xie Lian and San Lang.
The day of the celebration was fantastic, several deities appeared, many complimenting you on your efforts. You most oversaw everything that was happening, what you didn't see; however, was Xie Lian spying on you and Mu Qing while talking.
He took this as his chance to put the real plan into action. After getting a signal from San Lang that the mistletoe was hanging up a few feet from you two, Xie Lian basically sprinted into the both of you, pushing you under the plant.
Mu Qing turned around, visibly angry at Xie Lian, "would it hurt to watch where you move?!" This caused Xie Lian to put his hands up in defeat and shuffle away.
While rubbing your head to try and soothe the pain, you noticed something bright above you. Realizing it was mistletoe your face got darker. This caused Mu Qing to seem slightly concerned, questioning what was the problem. You only pointed up, and when he took notice his face also darkened.
"We can simply move and ignore this tradition, it's not that important anyways-" He was interrupted by you however, "rules are rules, Mu Qing, we can't ignore them. Plus, I kinda like this tradition."
He tried to get over the initial embarrassment and decided it would be easier to dive into the kiss. What would've been a fleeting moment to others felt like an eternity to you both.
Pulling away you could both tell by the look in each other's eyes that the feeling was mutual. And hidden somewhere else was a very proud and excited Xie Lian.
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this was a very beefy fic
not that i'm complaining i liked it
anyways, happy holidays everyone! may all be well for the new year
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dumbkatsu · 2 years
Hi! Could you please do hualian (together or separate) with a mortal s/o who has reincarnated? Thank you!!! (I don't normally do request like this so I'm kinda nervous)
Hey anon! I'm so sorry I'm only responding to you now. Thank you so much for waiting! I really like this prompt so I'll try my best. Hope you like it!
(I'll do a mix of both here. from personal pov to hc of them together)
I was listening to this playlist video on yt while writing
When Xie Lian saw you he couldn't believe it. He thought it was just some spirit messing with him. But no it was you. It was you.
Time stood still while flashbacks of memories and feelings you shared styarted flooding back in. From the joyous times where everything seemed right to the unbearable grief, rage and sorrow from your loss. By the time he'd recovered you had already disappeared into the crowd.
He wandered around for a while until he heard the voice of his beloved in the comunication array. "Dianxia where are you? Did you forget about our date in Yu Jun mountain for our 50th anniversary. I'm counting on your wonderfull cooking." "Ah yes San Lang I'm on my way!"
Xie Lian arrived and Hua Cheng was quick to greet him with a peck on the lips. A cheeky gesture that held an insurmountable of love. "Gege everything's ready and this tine I'll make sure we won't have any interruptions" "Hmm" Xie Lian was looking at the horizon deep in thought. "Gege are you alright? You seem distant. What happened today?"
"I saw them" xie lian blurted
"Who?" San Lang inquired
"Y/N san lang."
" I-I couldn't believe it myself either but- "
"No, that's impossible they're dead" Hua chengs face was deadpanned. Showing no emotion "San Lang it's true I saw them today at the market"
"No gege they're dead I saw them die"
It was brutal and ice-cold. Xie Lian knew this was a touchy subject but he pressed on. "I think they've finally reincarnated" "..." "It's been so long since I've seen their face...seen those eyes-" "Dianxia I'm very sorry but it seems there is trouble in ghost city and it requires my presence. I'm terribly sorry but I must go. I'll meet you in puqi shrine." with that hua cheng disappeared. Xie Lian knew Hua cheng didn't need to go to ghost city, yin yu could basically manage ghost city without hua cheng for a year in the least. He'd seen it. Alas xie lian sighed and he knew hua cheng just needed space.
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Hua Cheng didn't even try to find you. With his network already so spread out (yin yu) it was too easy to find out where you were.
You were there. Rigth there.
You were working in a lantern shop. Helping the owner preparing for the grand festival that celebrated the two deities of the village. Hua Cheng could only watch. Fighting the urge to come to you and hold you. To make sure you were real. It took too much of him when he lost you right in his arms. He wanted to protect you. So much so that you'd never leave like that ever again.
But he couldn't. He didn't move and just stared at you until the shop closed.
The walk back to puqi shrine felt longer than usual. With all his turmoil at least he knew with certainty that he could always find comfort in his beloved's arms. Xie Lian swallowed him in a hug as soon as Hua cheng laid down. "So how were they?" "Still has that same selflessness... they were helping the old Tao with the lanterns for tomorrow " "Do you want to meet them?" "I don't know" "I don't know either. To be honest I'm scared." hua cheng turned cupping xie lian's face "It will be alright. We've been through worse."
The day of the festival was hectic. You were filling in for old Tao's nephew that broke his leg two days before the festival and the customers were flooding the humble stall, the craftsmanship and ability of old Tao that translated to his lanterns was indeed mesmerizing. After things slowed down old Tao gave you time off to enjoy the rest of the festival. You went straight to the food stalls and grabbed some "chastity meatballs" you always found the name a bit odd but the tale was that the Scrap‌ ‌Immortal saved a family by offering the ghosts those meatballs and went to a quiet table to enjoy your treat.
After the meal, you got up but tripped on your robes and bumped into a man and spilled some liquor on them. They made quite a fuss and were very angry. As they prepared to strike you, you closed your eyes and prepared for impact. But it never came.
A strong hand pale as chalk was holding tightly onto the wrist of the man. A youth that had such a delicate physique was looking at the man like he was about to kill him.
"Is there a problem here?" Hua cheng inquired.
The look from his threatening gaze was enough to send the man running. As he was out of sight Hua cheng swiftly turned away and started walking. Until he felt a gentle tug on his sleeve "Hey gongzi wait up! I never got the chance to thank you. Can I offer you a meal to repay your act of bravery and kindness?"
The young man turned to you with a face of disgust. But his eyes were of melancholy and hurt.
Hua Cheng breathed in sharply and held his breath. His pupils slightly shrunk. "Ah, I'm sorry I don't know why I called you by that name, forgive me. You do look quite familiar..."
The resurgence of memories foreign to you started flooding back into your mind at a rapid speed. The fog started clouding your mind and you started to lose your balance. But before you could fall you were enveloped by soft white fabric.
"San Lang let´s get them somewhere safe"
That was the last thing you heard before falling into slumber.
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Alright! Time for some hc!
Ok so while you were sleeping you regained your memories of them. You saw everything happen before your eyes. How you met Xie Lian and Hong'er when the kingdom of Xianle was vast and prosperous. The memories you made with them. How you died in honger's arms in the war. Everything.
You woke up in a staw mat. The two faces you thought you'd never see again now are looking at you with worry.
Your eyes started to swell up with tears and pulled them both into your embrace while softly crying.
Xie lian closed his eyes and embraced you with so much strength to compensate for all the years filled with regrets and let out a deep sigh.
Hua cheng on the other hand hugged you reluctantly and buried his face on your shoulder, biting his trembling lip to keep himself under control.
He was the first to break the embrace and booked it into the woods. With you following behind for a while.
He stopped at a lake and turned to you.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"For leaving you"
You got closer to hua cheng and just held him there.
"It's ok. I'm here now"
You both stayed there for a while. Sitting in front of the lake embracing each other. Hua cheng with his head on your chest and you carding your fingers through his hair. Xie Lian Joined you shortly.
Now! Obviously they put you up to speed on all the events that happened. And you were incredulous at the adventures and plots they uncovered. But you were glad everything turned out in the end.
Surprisingly, an activity you guys like to do together is fishing
Even though you and hua cheng had to "fish" xie lian out of the sea most of the times.
You help xie lian in collecting trash so you can sell it.
Dude. When I tell you sleeping with them is THE BEST THING
Take that info as you wish 😏
They would introduce you to their friends. Even yushi huang!
Becoming buddies with shi qingxuan was bound to happen.
Thankfully mnq although at the beginning skeptical, accepted you more then hua cheng for xie lian.
Travelling with them to other lands is so enjoyable.
Hua cheng likes to spook you with sneaky kisses on your neck
Giving gifts to each other bcs something reminded you of them is very frequent.
One day after xie lian came from working in the rice fields you were preparing dinner and he sneaked up behind you, covering your eyes "Now who from my two lovely husbands might this be?" you said playfully.
Xie lian's heart skipped a beat.
"It's me dear" he said pecking your cheek lovingly.
He then took your hand stroking it lovingly and and sliding a grass ring in your finger.
"I did that with a couple of grass I found. I know it's nothing compared to san lang's elaborate rings but-" he was interrupted with your kiss.
"I love it A-lian"
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aerscribbles · 4 months
To celebrate Fafa's birthday, another AU that I probably won't get to writing in the next few years! I think he'd like this one.
Anglerfish Ghost Husband AU:
To those of you who don't already know about anglerfish reproductive habits, take a quick look at the wikipedia article.
Now that we're all on the same page and some of you are already getting an idea of what I'm talking about, time for the Hundred Swords!
In the middle of becoming a Wrath, ghost fire Fafa throws himself at Xie Lian hoping to use the burst of energy to help heal his injuries.
He succeeds.
Kind of.
While he does manage to heal Xie Lian near completely, he ends up a bit... stuck.
Completely fused with Xie Lian's immortal core.
This results in him being a sort of... sub-process/support structure to Xie Lian. A symbiotic organism that completely depends on Xie Lian in turn providing spiritual energy and a different perspective on things/a second thought process.
Bai Wuxiang is confused and frustrated that his plans keep getting ruined for seemingly no reason. That ghost fire is gone, there's no one left to believe in you! Why aren't you giving up!? (Joke's on him. Xie Lian has acquired permanent support infrastructure.)
Stuff happens and eventually Xie Lian ends up as a Ghost King-by-proxy, starting his own version of Ghost City and stuff like that. He isn't a completely a ghost but part of him is.
The thirty-three gods still have their asses kicked because that's one of the very few things that Hua Cheng asked for and Xie Lian is Indulgent.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing suddenly have to deal with a very clingy Xie Lian who refuses to leave them alone.
Two details that I didn't know where to fit in:
If Hua Cheng's ashes are destroyed then Xie Lian collapses because his existence is supported by Hua Cheng.
After mount Tonglu ghost heat (post having gone through the kiln) Xie Lian coughs up tiny baby ghost fires. for reasons.
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sonics-atelier · 4 months
A Sacred Celebration: Love's Eternal Embrace
Summary : Hua Cheng comes home to a surprise Xie Lian baked - well burnt - for him, cue tooth rotting fluff, fox and ferret plushies, self indulgent.
a/n : Hello Tgcf Fandom, wanted to Kickstart my journey by writing a piece for Our Kings Birthday, hope you like it <33 ❣️ (This art is so beautiful btw, I was inspired from it)
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Hua Cheng wandered through the fields, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the landscape. As he made his way back home, a sense of peace enveloped him. Upon entering, he was greeted by a delightful surprise: a small celebration prepared by Xie Lian, complete with a half-charred, half-cream-covered cake. The sight was endearing, bringing a soft smile to Hua Cheng's face.
“Gege, how did you know it’s my birthday?” Hua Cheng asked, his voice filled with affection and surprise.
Xie Lian beamed with excitement. “I asked around, and Ling Wen told me since she owed me a favor,” he replied proudly.
Clearing his throat, Xie Lian began to sing a sweet, if somewhat off-key, birthday song, followed by a playful poem he had composed:
“Oh Lord of Ghost City, so brave and true,
How you have bewitched me, oh how you do,
With your smile so bright and your gaze so keen,
In your embrace, I find a world unseen.
Trapping me for eternity,
Oh what bliss,In moments stolen, in every tender kiss,
Through trials and storms, together we stand,With you, My love, I find my promised land.”
Hua Cheng’s eyes welled up with tears, his heart touched by the genuine effort Xie Lian had put into the celebration. He tried to speak, to thank Xie Lian, but his emotions choked him up. Mistaking his reaction, Xie Lian shook him vigorously and patted his back, thinking the cake was causing him to choke.
“Are you okay?!” Xie Lian asked, his concern genuine "I knew my skills aren't good-"
Hua Cheng started laughing, the sound rich and heartfelt. “I’m fine, gege,” he managed between laughs.
Xie Lian pouted playfully. “Don’t scare me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack”
The ghost king apologised profusely while his gege swatted at him.
Xie Lian’s face lit up with another idea. “Wait, I have something else for you.” He pulled out two cotton-filled plushies he had made: one was a fox with an eyepatch, and the other was a ferret with a crumpled hat. Hua Cheng’s eyes widened in surprise and amusement.
Xie Lian began to narrate a whimsical tale, holding up the plushies. “Once upon a time, there was a brave fox with an eyepatch and a clever ferret with a crumpled hat. They met in the woods and became the best of friends. One day, the ferret proposed to the fox as a joke.”
Hua Cheng laughed loudly at that, his eyes shining with delight "I already apologised gege!"
Xie Lian continued, grinning, “But the fox took it seriously, and they decided to get married. They had many adventures together and lived happily ever after.”
Hua Cheng, caught up in the story, started playing along with Xie Lian, making the fox and ferret plushies dance and interact. Their laughter once again filled the room, creating a melody of joy and affection.
When the laughter finally died down, Hua Cheng looked at Xie Lian with a depth of emotion that words could barely convey. “Thank you, Xie Lian, for always standing up for me, for being there when no one else was, for being my source of comfort.”
Xie Lian cupped Hua Cheng’s face tenderly. “You deserve to be loved, Hua Cheng. I am so proud of how far you’ve come.”
Hua Cheng kissed Xie Lian’s palm, a gesture imbued with reverence and devotion, as if he were worshipping at the altar of his beloved. Their love was a sacred religion, each kiss a prayer, each embrace a hymn. They moved closer, their lips meeting in a kiss that was profound and tender, a testament to their unwavering love.
In that moment, they were bound by more than just affection; their love was a sanctuary, a holy place where they found solace and joy. Smiles and contentment radiated from them as they held each other close, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 ( do not repost or reuse in any way shape or form , I will decapitate you )
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ardenrabbit · 6 months
A Long and Slow Recovery - are we past the halfway point? I am so excited to see how everything turns out. Did you do a lot of research to delve into Xie Lian’s experience with recovery? It’s very well written with regard to his mental and emotional struggles. Also , I just love how you write Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s interactions.
Those Worthy of Following( new name change!) - I gushed about it in your comment section but need to emphasize how much I love that opening chapter with the dual between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. And this dynamic, of Hua Cheng being the prince, and Xie Lian being the bodyguard, is A+++. Xie Lian is so calm and kind and powerful. He was so fierce about Hua Cheng not talking down about himself. Like,yes gege, please show your Hua Cheng how precious he is, haha. I ❤️ reading Xie Lian showing his protectiveness of Hua Cheng, even from the man himself. I’m also keen to see how Feng Xin and Mu Qing will take to Xie Lian in this verse too.
Is there anything else you can share about it that’s not spoilers? If not, that’s fine too!
Your writing is just delicious - a pleasure, something to savor and come back to again and again.
Thank you!
Omg thank you so much 💕😭💕 Your comments are always such a delight!! It's so validating and encouraging and I hope you know that!!
We are indeed past the halfway point in alasr! I honestly just kind of know what happens in a big blob with like half a dozen bullet points, so I don't have a final chapter count ready, but Chapter 20 is basically the start of the second half of the story. I originally thought the fic was gonna end at just about the New Year celebration, but it turns out his recovery is taking a lot longer than that, and his recovery isn't even the only one we're dealing with now, so I got ambitious. The premise also uh deserves a little more closure and resolution than that lol, so Arc 2 is gonna be a little higher stakes than we've had so far.
I'm so glad you're enjoying how I'm writing Xie Lian and his recovery! Haha I did research a variety of other conditions and disabilities and read accounts from people who have them, because that's just good research. Honestly, though, inspiration for the vast majority of Xie Lian's mental/emotional struggles have been sourced from firsthand experience :)
I'm mentally and physically disabled and have been my whole life, and I wasn't even diagnosed with anything (I was somehow just diagnosed with Teenager) until I hit rock bottom about it in adulthood. I've gotten to a better place with the mental stuff, but even though it's no longer an active threat to me, my bad days can still leave me nonverbal, disconnected from reality, and sometimes catatonic. The physical stuff has been getting worse over the years, and even though I can still walk independently with a cane when I leave the house (as long as I rest a lot), I still fall down just walking in my own home. I keep having to remember that my chronic pain and fatigue isn't normal, and I keep getting evidence that I'm worse than I thought. I've had to reorganize my life around all of it and I'm uh. Not taking it well lately lol.
So alasr is my self-therapy project. Xie Lian is going to get better and I'm not, and that still kind of pisses me off lol, but it's nice to vent and see someone else get a happy ending. So...yeah, at least writing alasr has helped distract me from my own pity party, and Xie Lian's anger, despair, guilt, and forced optimism are cathartic for me. It's not just about me, though; obviously I'm trying to stay in character for him and write in the context of his specific circumstances. But I guess I relate to sick fic stuff lol
Fully aware that that was a lot of oversharing 💜
But ANYWAY, AS FOR ✨ THOSE WORTHY OF FOLLOWING ✨ I'm so glad you're liking that one so far too!! I craaaaave protective badass Xie Lian and I needed a different brand of angst and drama from alasr for a while lol. I love writing violence tbh. I don't wanna spoil too much, but I definitely wanna confirm this:
TWOF is NOT a post-canon reincarnation fic. I'm personally not up for writing that kind of loss of all their canon experiences. And there are probably some really well-written takes on it! It's just not personally my speed. 😅 This one might seem like a post-canon reincarnation fic in the first couple chapters, but it'll make more sense soon.
It IS angst with a HAPPY ending, I promise!! What I'm planning right now gets really rather sad and it might seem hopeless at some point, but I promise, I'm confident in my plan to make it genuinely happy and fulfilling!
I'm exploring a trope about which I've had some general hangups, but I honestly enjoy taking tropes and tweaking them to my preferences. I think a lot of people can already guess what trope I'm talking about, which is fine with me! If it means the buildup and foreshadowing are working, I'm happy it fits!
What I'm panicking about with this wip is that I've convinced myself that I need to earn a doctorate in Tang Dynasty battle and siege tactics to write it credibly lmao. I spent three hours the other night researching ancient Chinese fire starters and the differences between Han and Tang era tea preparation (to little avail). This one is gonna take a lot of research for my own peace of mind but I hope it pays off!
Mu Qing and Feng Xin are gonna be okay!! Someone commented on ch2 that they liked that Mu Qing got hurt because they hate him and I'm like...I didn't think I'd framed that as a good thing..... 😅 That was something a Bad Guy did.......... 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for your kind comments and all of the fun engagement!! I'm truly so honored that you've enjoyed my writing so far! 💖💖💖
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We have it all (Hualian adopted daughter fanfic) - Chapter 1
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I only do this for fun.
Premise: Not long after comforting a bullied girl named Meng Ai, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian find themselves adopting her and together they form a family they didn't know they had needed for awhile.
Story/Genre tags: Slice of life-ish (mainly), Family focused, Hua Cheng's houses finally become homes, there may be an overarching story but that's not the focus, Hualian being parents, Fengqing being uncles, Lang Qianqiu falling in love with someone who was raised by the Xianle squad, technically post-canon (though I haven't read the books so if there are some ooc moments please forgive me).
AO3 link
Follower Tags: @anonimgato1507
Chapter 1
"Congratulations to the newlyweds." A powerful yet gentle voice with an underlying enthusiasm silences the chatter in the wedding banquet. Even Feng Xin and Mu Qing had halted their banter to turn their attention to the latest arrival. They share a glance, and give each other a knowing look as they watch the new guest with concerned alertness.
With every step the new guest took towards the new husbands there were hushed whispers beginning to occur. All of which involved the same emotions of concern, amusement, awe, and confusion.
The only ones who was pleasantly surprised by the new arrival were the newlyweds themselves.
"Xiwangmu, it's been awhile since you've ventured out of your gardens. Thank you for your congratulations." Xie Lian says as he and Hua Cheng wait for her to approach them. From his periphery he notices Hua Cheng's subtle expression of curiosity mixed with concern beneath his calmness.
"Just because I prefer to stay in my gardens and spend my days with my husband does not mean I am unaware of current events. A marriage involving a Supreme Ghost King and a God is quite rare and I feel I must be present to offer my congratulations and blessing. Though I'm quite sure that you are both more than capable of having a happy one even without either." The Great Mother goddess then gives a bow to the couple. Low enough to show that she is being respectful but high enough to show that she is greater than all beings present.
The newlyweds follow the same, Hua Cheng may not have any qualms about killing any God who simply insulted his husband but even he knows better than to disrespect the Goddess whose domain is life, death, creation and destruction. Even ghosts are under her mercy. If there is anyone who could destroy a ghost for good, it is her. The fact that she showed up in their wedding banquet is either a great blessing or a great curse.
Or perhaps both or neither at all.
His instincts told him that she was being sincere in her intentions but she also had an underlying motive for showing up.
She raises her eyebrow and smirks at him.
"Don't be alarmed, I didn't feel the need to interfere in your journey to get to this point. It's why my husband and I merely watched from afar."
"Well I'm glad that you have decided to appear in our wedding." Xie Lian says in a thankful yet diplomatic tone. Only San Lang's thumb caressing the back of his hand kept him steady. In truth he didn't know what to make of her presence here. He can only hope that it is a blessing. After all neither she nor her husband had ventured beyond their gardens and rarely appeared in the heavenly court. He still hasn't met her husband. He asked her about it when she attended the banquet in heaven celebrating his first ascension into heaven.
"My husband is finished with heavenly affairs." She says as she gives him a basket of peaches from her garden. The peaches of immortality serving as a form of assurance that he is indeed immortal.
"It's why only I enter into the domain of heaven. Heaven for him only causes exhaustion of the work he used to do before he appointed a successor. I don't want to subject him to that type of stress again. But who knows..." she cuts open a peach and hands one half to him.
"Given the right circumstances you might finally meet him in the future." And that was the last he saw of her.
Until now.
"How fortunate it is then that my husband and I have a gift for the newlyweds. Something which I will discuss with you at the end of tonight's banquet. But nevertheless I have already given my congratulations, and now as I stand before both of you I shall now give my blessing for your marriage." Multiple colors come out from her palms and gently embrace the newlyweds. There was an aura of optimism, hope, and encouragement emitting from the aura she gave them. It was at this point that everyone began to relax in her presence. If she wanted to cause harm and a ruckus even a powerful Goddess like herself couldn't hide her malicious intent for long.
"There, now I shall wait till you are both ready to meet me in private for the wedding gift that my husband and I have prepared for you." She gives a small bow of her head and gives them a sincere smile before she allows herself to be lead to a place cleared for her beside Lang Qianqiu and his ward. Gradually the banquet returned to the normal fanfare celebrating the newlyweds and everyone almost forgot that the Goddess who rules over their life and death was in their midst.
Once majority of their guests have departed Yin yu escorted the Goddess to a private room with the newlyweds. She passes by Feng Xin ang Mu Qing who both bow with reverence to her. She also feels their skepticism and alertness to her presence. Something she's used to as part of the domain she rules and controls over. It is because of her domain that she and her beloved husband can afford to stay away from heavenly affairs and live a relatively peaceful life.
"We are in private now, I know you want to speak with me more directly than when we had an audience." She says with her gaze focused on the Crimson Rain Sought Flower. He gives a low chuckle as he settles himself to his Gege's right side.
"What gave me away?"
"I could sense that you wanted to dismiss formality and ask me what my real intentions were. But you couldn't out of your love for Dianxie. Well - " she opens her palms and spread them in an encouraging gesture.
"We are mostly alone now, be as direct as you want with me."
"Very well - this gift that you and your husband have for us. There's a hidden catch to it isn't there."
"Yes." Hua Cheng smirks.
"You're not going to deny it?"
"What would be the point? If you think about it everything has a hidden catch. Whether that is to your detriment or favor is up to the both of you."
"Then why give it to us then?"
"Because from what we have observed, you two are the best option to recieve this gift." This catches Xie Lian's attention.
"Let me guess." Xie Lian began. "We need to prove ourselves in some way to recieve this gift."
"Then is it really a gift then?" Xie Lian asks as calmly as possible while his hand rubs Hua Cheng's.
"It is, don't worry - we are both confident that you two will pass our final test before we give you the gift."
"You don't have it with you." Hua Cheng's voice doesn't bother hiding his skepticism about her intentions. For all he knows she's the master mind and this mysterious husband of hers is unaware of what she's doing.
"Let's just say the gift will be delivered in the right time. I never said that you would receive it tonight."
"Hmm fair point."
"And you're really not going to tell us?"
"Dianxie, both of you are intelligent enough to deduce what the gift may be. Why should I do the work for you? That would be an insult to the intelligence you both possess."
"Or an excuse for you to hide your true intention hidden in this gift." Hua Cheng doesn't bother hiding the threatening tone in his voice. After what he and Gege had been through, he will be damned if they will once again be used in the games of others.
"Think what you will, but I'll tell you right now that should you pass the confirmatory test and should you accept the gift it will also be a favor to me and my husband."
"In what way?"
"Let's just say dear Ghost King, that it would save us from finding other worthy recipients - and before you refuse, I'm not allowing any refusal until you know all you need to know to make a decision."
"The decision to refuse is getting more and more appealing."
"San Lang."
"Are you really not going to tell us what it is?"
"Don't overthink it. Just be yourselves, I'm confident that you will like the gift and will treasure it."
"It better not be a useless toy for a passing amusement."
"Oh don't worry Crimson Rain Sought Flower." She says with a smug smile as she stands.
"I'm sure neither of you will see the gift that way."
"What are you thinking Gege?" Xie Lian was brought back to the present as he and Hua Cheng were making their way back to Puchi shrine on a horse driven cart. This time it was Hua Cheng who had the reins while he sat beside him.
"Oh just a couple of things." He says with a blush as he lays his head on his husband's right shoulder.
"Hmm, what's the first?"
"The second time we met...our first real conversation when you were in disguise."
"Like how I am now?"
"Oh be honest, you've also placed one on me."
"Why wouldn't I?" Hua Cheng chuckles and Xie Lian sneaks a kiss on his shoulder.
"It wouldn't do if people would think that you were cheating on me with someone else."
"Hmm but I love you in all of your forms."
"And I love you in all of yours." He pulls the reins stopping the horse as they arrive on front of Puqi shrine. They begin unloading the items from the cart and begin making some partial preparations for the incoming ghost month.
"What was the other thing that you were thinking of?" Hua Cheng asks as they settle down to eat their lunch.
"I was thinking that it was seven years since we got married and till now I don't think we've done any test or recieved any gift from Xiwangmu."
"She could just be bluffing. I may not know her personally, but I wouldn't put it past the Gods to not follow through on their promises."
"Still, she sounded sincere. Perhaps she and her husband forgot."
"Hmph, it wouldn't be the first time for a God or Goddess."
Then from a distance the sound of thunder rumbling emerges.
"Huh, there seems to be a storm coming. We'll need to make some final preparations before the downpour starts."
"Last I checked we'll have to prioritize wood. We could also spend this as one more stroll in the outside before we lock ourselves in?"
"I'd be delighted." Xie Lian says before leaning over to kiss Hua Cheng. Their lips meet briefly, now was not the time for a long lingering one. Once the rain will fall there would be plenty of time for that.
Hand in hand they make their way to the forest, the same forest they had to pass through when they were escaping from ghosts during their second meeting. Perhaps it is instinct, or simply a feeling, but the moment they both entered the forest they heard sobs from someone crying.
It was strange, no one would stay within this forest because of the ghosts that lived in it. And whenever the ghost month would arrive and when the worlds of the ghosts and the mortals collided, it frequently ended up with mortals spreading fear from their ghostly encounters or their deaths. The ghosts would just be more and more active in taking mortal lives.
The sounds of sobbing began to be louder in volume. They share a look of silence to pursuit it. If this is a ghost who is weeping then they will need to help it find its peace before other ghosts may take advantage of their despair.
But it was not a ghost who was crying.
On a stump, a little girl was pouring out her despair.
"I...I don't..." She couldn't help but bring a new batch of tears as the thunder begins to get louder.
"Why...why don't...why don't they like me?" She looks up to the sky. The sky was beginning to darken, and she knew that it was going to rain soon.
Better that she help the rain water the ground while she still has so much tears to give.
"Why doesn't anyone want to be my friend?! Even the creatures in this forest don't want to be my friend! What did I do wrong?!" The first few rain drops begin pouring down.
"Baba says that not everyone could see or talk to ghosts like we could. I tried...I tried to talk to the ghosts here...but nobody wants to be friends with me...what...what did I do wrong?" She brings her head back down to the stump. She feels so desperate now that she just wants to cry her heart out.
"I...I don't...I don't want to be alone...can someone...anyone, please tell me what's wrong with me?"
"Nothing is wrong with you." A deep but gentle voice responds. She looks up from the tree stump and sees a beautiful man with an eye patch over his right eye. His left eye gives her a reassuring look as he gives her a gentle smile. It's only after blinking a few times that she realizes that he's also holding an umbrella which protected them from the rain.
"Yes little one."
"Then why do they say mean things to me?"
"What do they say?"
"That because I could talk to ghosts and have mismatched eyes I was cursed at birth. And they don't want to be with someone who is cursed." She wipes some of her tears on her sleeve as she looks up at the mysterious man. Her parents did warn her to not talk to strangers but something about him was reassuring her that she isn't in any danger.
And she was tired of being alone.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, they also say that my parents made a mistake in giving me my name. Because how can someone who is cursed have love?"
"That is cruel." She was touched by his tone. But she couldn't help but bring a new wave of tears.
Why was he being so nice to her?
Isn't she supposed to be cursed?
And yet here is someone who is talking to her and shielding her from the rain.
"Would you like to know something about me?" She feels her voice become hoarse in trying to say yes. So she nods at the beautiful man and she feels herself lighten up as he smiles at her.
"I was also bullied because of my eyes."
"Yes, little one. Just like you I had mismatched eyes. And others would also say mean things to me."
He leans closer to her as the rain gets stronger. Bringing her closer to the center of the umbrella. Up close he could clearly see that her left eye was a vibrant blue color and her right eye had the same amber color that Gege had.
And she was just like him a long time ago.
Wanting to not be alone.
Everyone rejecting him.
And only one who didn't.
"It had gotten so bad that I thought life had no meaning anymore."
"What happened?" Hua Cheng gives her a gentle smile.
"Someone saved me."
"He gave me something to live for."
She calmed down and she was no longer crying. She was now truly listening to him and his words. Behind her was Xie Lian sharing a knowing look with him.
"Would you like to meet him little one?"
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realbeijinger · 5 months
Chapter 3 of my Hualian Fic, Resurrection and Reunion, is up now!
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Art Credit: STARember
I just posted Chapter 3 of my Hualian fic detailing their reunion at the end of the novel! I am very excited, and to celebrate, I made a Xie Lian hat for my dog out of toothpicks!
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LOL... sigh 🤦‍♀️ Okay, so originally it was supposed to be a necklace? But then it was way too big, so it became a dog hat... Anyways, I promise that my writing is much better than my crafting, so I hope you read! Here's a snippet:
He searches his face—the soft, princely countenance, the warm, tender eyes. It’s the face that has been with him all along, keeping him company as he passed in and out of existence, like a far off vision that changes depending on the light.
And now, he is really here. 
He feels himself take a step forward.
The movement seems to shake Xie Lian out of his trance, and he quickly jolts to his feet, scrambling down from the cart. Hua Cheng takes another step, and then another, realizing too late that he is running, sprinting down toward him. But he sees Xie Lian is running too, and suddenly he has folded him in his arms, pressing him tightly against his chest. Slowly, he reaches up, cradling the soft contour of the back of his head. “Gege,” he whispers.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
What?? I'm not even trying to escape this time 😭😭 she sounds so cool tho,, I don't know anyone irl who reads those kind of novels, and the people online who write about them are small so I always get excited when I see people talk/write about it lmao,, so she sounds amazing to talk to (I bet she was wonderful either way but I think you know what I mean)
That's alright <333 I absolutely love reading web novels,, so I read those kind of stories a lot
From me??? I just don't think it was ever brought up before for me to mention it. I think they're safe <333 /t ...👀 they're really good I'd suggest reading them some time
KNOW this novel? I practically BREATHED it when I first read it /j
AAA so good so good <<333
He'd be so adorable clinging to you. When you first met him (again), you originally thought that it would be you following him, not the other way around. Maybe getting jealous over your past self, so whenever you go and take Xie Lian on a date, you do so to replace those memories with who you are now. Xie Lian has even caught on to it after a while, but he can't bare to tell you that not only do you have no reason to be jealous over yourself, but also that you're already doing something you've done before <//333
That doesn't make him any less happy though, he happily indulges you. Every new object you buy him is always similar to one you've done before, every festival you take him to, you both have already celebrated, every mountain to camp in and river to swim in, there's always a trace of you two. Not that either are complaining though.
Yes yes,, I agree I agree. Both are good, very good.
-panna cotta
🤨🤨🤨I can't trust you. the only thing I can do is believe that if I grab you by your fox tail, you won't run any further🙄 /t /j yes yes~ she was very absorbed in what she liked and passionate, and although she was too perfectionist, she was very sweet and loving to talk about her thoughts. we stopped communicating after I gave up my old works, but I still hope that everything is fine with her and she is now doing what she loves<3 (bad for them, though, I sympathize with everyone who doesn't know my cute flower boy<///3)
mhm,,, I prefer novels about transmigrators and the like than exclusively xiaxia — with rare exceptions</3 luo binghe my beloved<//3
I mean, you can enter topics without me having to raise the green flag🤨 our relationship is now an imbalance of power I see🙄😒 /t /hj I almost finished reading svsss at the time and accidentally found the 'blessing', but I could not bring myself to read the demonic cultivator, although it looks the most interesting and tragic,,, but I will accept your words, just because of your not completely fox-like authority, and at least some faith in your words.
🎤🎤🎤 tell me something else, I'm listening carefully, I don't trust simple words on the Internet!!! /t /j who are your favorite characters??? /gen
husband material<3333 im so so so in love with him until yuuta does not appear in front of me</33333
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xie lian looks,,,, looks like a puppy. the very obsessive, emotional, sensitive and gentle puppy who puts chin on your palm and smiles like the july midday sun when everything around you seems to shine, emphasizing his extraterrestrial beauty, — only to be able to protect you from everything by more than cruel and ferocious methods, not allowing anything else and no one to take you away from him, going against what should happen when xie lian finds you again and again, eventually becoming so good at it that he begins to feel when you reappear and be yours a shadow by the time you were already mature enough that the thread of your destiny began to weave — and was cut and intertwined into one where he would be the only thing in your life.
the Gods cannot interfere with what is about to happen, but he has already sunk down enough and has been overthrown not only and not so much by heaven, but also by you, kissing you while your fingers slide along his neck, stroking the marks on his thin skin, almost forgetting that he is a God, that he is much stronger and powerful than you when xie lian looks at you from the bottom up, touching your palms with lips and letting you let his hair down, enjoying the painfully familiar unfamiliar look; for a moment you see the most gentle and kind young man, looking with bright naive eyes, kind and impulsive, spoiled by the world and fate itself, not yet knowing either the dirt or the sadness of the world — eccentric, but divine, like only a soaring bird or the first ray of the sun after a hundred years of harsh winter. he was like a kaleidoscope of colors, unblemished by nothing but his morality, desire and you, stealing kisses from you while no one is looking, timidly intertwining his fingers with you, learning something like this for the first time — your prince was bright, colorful, intense and loud, he was everywhere and always with you, while your god was gentle, quiet and calm, like a gentle timid wildflower, much more beautiful than any decorative ones, but at the same time not at all the way you remembered the one who scratched your heart like a kitten with a claw. and you know that he sees it in your eyes, for a moment kissing more jealously and rudely, as if forcing you to think about him now, about what he is doing now, childishly hating when he saw in your eyes not himself now, but the prince who caused your death,
who killed you.
he tells you that you've met before, he knows you even when he was a prince, like a demon whispering to you about the time when you were almost lovers, and he promised that you would become Gods together and be always together, that he would protect you from everything and you would make this world perfect, — and you have strangely detailed dreams about a kingdom that no longer exists, and a facial craze, forcing you to wake up in a cold sweat while xie lian lies nearby, not needing sleep, but just wanting to be there with you — and immediately feeling that your heartbeat is going crazy while you're breathing hoarse, loud, scared, and he's gently soothing you, without asking what you dreamed, as if not for the first time encountering this,
and for a moment you are bitter that you may not be his first "you".
while he goes further, sees more, hears more, while you only look back, seeing that he has become different, and each time your memories are more and more mixed — when you were the child of a rich peasant, when you were the child of a rich merchant's concubine, when you were the eldest child of a high-ranking general, when you were a member of the royal family, when you became the child of a famous scholar from the city — and there he is, always he is, always leading you away from how it should be, as if already at the moment when you were born, your fate was intertwined with his, no matter in which state you were born or where, he will always find you. and the more memories mixed about it, the more thoughts mixed with others, the more glances, no longer understanding whether he looks at you or at that peasant, or at that townsperson, or at that heir to the kingdom — or as his future spouse, as if you can only be his spouse, to be with him like mandarin ducks, whom everyone is trying to separate with the help of blows of a stick on the water.
you are devoted to him, he is the only God in whom you believe, you know that you will never leave him and you will never stop believing in him — but you have limits when you no longer understand what you are doing, while xie lian only becomes even more clingy and needy, bringing you to your home, where it is very conveniently, he takes care that the house in the forest is comfortable and clean when you return, even if can't cook you anything delicious despite all attempts.
when he almost obsessively tries to make you understand that this is a beautiful house, with beautiful things, in a beautiful place, very beautiful and nice, as you love, he knows how you love, and you just... you get... tired. knowing that you are constantly repeating yourself, because you do not change the same way as he does, do not remember everything, do not know what you did and did not do until deja vu pounces on you, as if humiliating you in the fact that you constantly go to the same places. this is good at first, but the period of your reincarnation is painfully short, as if you are just floating around the world until you find a suitable body instead of passing the circle of reincarnation; and although xie lian becomes even more and more obsessive with you every time, even more dependent, feeling how his world becomes stable and correct while you are around, it hurts you to understand that you have nothing to give him.
you adore him, you are absolutely loyal to him and absolutely devoted, and you know how painful your lives are without him, and how you remember all your lives and his when you see his gentle soft figure, but maybe that's why you will never be equal to him.
because you are so full of love for him and his love for you that you will never be able to ascend until you feel everything that is meant for you.
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hehehe~ panna cotta of culture, I see<3333
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
here is my combo event plotting/starter call! like for me to dm you and if you want a starter, make sure to specify who for and from! (also i definitely owe like three starters so those are on here too)
abigail mckinnon - marlene mckinnon
abi is pretty into this, she does genuinely enjoy winter and likes shopping and exploring, so girl is having a blast with this whole thing. come ice skate with her she will try not to pull you down but i can not promise anything
ahsoka tano
is neutral, considering her whole family is falling apart. she may lurk for a bit but she probably won’t be spending a ton of time there when she has bigger issues to deal with.
allana solo - sella palpatine
allana is having a great time, spending time with their girlfriend and ignoring her problems by throwing themselves into various activities? a blast. will absolutely try the polar plunge to see if she can manage it
alphonse elric
al has never been to something like this, and will be dragging ed to hang out with him and try all the snacks and shit, man is having a great time and wants to try everything
ariana dumbledore
had said last year that she was going to be an annoying mom around the holidays this year, and she was absolutely telling the truth let her be a cringey pinterest mom who’s taking photos of everything thank you
bela dimitrescu - rachel green
hell no. absolutely not, no way bela is going anywhere near any of this, it is cold and she does not fuck with that shit
bellatrix black - narcissa malfoy
eh, might drop in for a bit but she isn’t going to come to really do anything. this is stupid muggle shit
cassie lang
she’ll probably walk around a little bit, but she isn’t a super super big fan of the cold so catch her hiding with hot chocolate and a very thick pair of gloves by the bonfire
davina claire - hope mikaelson
davina grew up loving festivals and markets and all of that, so she’s honestly thrilled about all of this and will be dragging her friends to everything she can. she’s a huge fan of art and music, so she’ll be at the nutcracker and the live shows 
elphaba thropp
it is highly unlikely elphaba is going to this, considering the one thing that usually makes her go is glinda and rn she doesn’t actually remember her beyond her weirdly perky rooommate so she’s at most passing through to grab some last minute gifts
feng xin - xie lian, lyra belacqua
will definitely be going and trying stuff out. he doesn’t know what christmas is about, exactly, but he’s always down for new experiences and there’s competitions, which feng xin absolutely adores and loves so watch out
feyre archeron
will be taking nyx and trying to get omega to come as well to get her mind off what happened to hunter a few months ago, also is running a charity art stand, but she’s not going to be there much, she’s got volunteers actually handling the stand itself
hallie parker - jester lavorre
is going, will be recording everything that happens and dragging random strangers to do fun stuff with her and challenge them to races just for vibes
howl jenkins pendragon - sophie hatter
they absolutely took morgan out of school for the day to have some fun, so he’ll be doing anything a small child would enjoy and being an absolute Dad
james potter
he’s got to do some christmas shopping because i know he left it to the last possible minute so if you’re his friend and you see him buying stuff no you don’t
james witherdale - bree tanner
he’s chilling honestly. not a huge fan, but he’ll find some enjoyment in it after a while. may have to snack on someone though, a guy’s gotta eat and unfortunately he can not consume anything sold
jin zixuan
another one who doesn’t really celebrate this holiday, but he thinks everything looks nice and he’s sure his friends are going, so why not, right?
she’s going to take a picture with sexy santa, because why not, it’ll be funny as all hell. she also definitely has to christmas shop, so that’s getting done asap. also will be throwing snowballs even outside the actual competition when they inevitably get kicked out for water bending
lan wangji - wei wuxian
he’ll be going solely because he’s positive most of the people he cares about will be there, and it’s an easy place to find them and talk now that i have unfortunately made him aware
lumine has been here long enough to start understanding the customs of this world, so she gets the basic idea of the holidays, and she thinks it’s cute, so she’ll be participating and probably going with some friends
lyanna stark
she loves the winter holidays, even if they aren’t the ones she celebrated back in westeros. she will be making the stark-targaryens decorate and do gifts and all that, so she needs to get them all gifts and get them into the holiday spirit
marinette dupain-cheng
will be running a bakery stall, but will also try ice skating and all of that when she takes breaks, so come have some fun with her
mj jones - gwen blake
mj actually will be spending a ton of time ice skating, she genuinely loves it and will have a blast, and then probably sit by the bonfire and make some s’mores. could also be convinced to hop in a carriage or join the snowball fight
mo ran - antonia dreykov, sha hualing, milton greasley
i went back and forth on if he would go or not, but i decided that since he’s from the second timeline AND unaware, he’d probably go check it out, flirt with strangers, fling snowballs are strangers, etc
man is THRIVING catch him living in the ice bar it is way too warm for him in dc he will be living it up in the freezing cold
nie mingjue
he doesn’t get what’s so important, but apparently people are supposed to give gifts and he unfortunately has a brother who will whine forever if he doesn’t participate so he’s gonna try
renesmee cullen - alice cullen, kaiden monsula, omega archeron
nessie has about twenty family members she needs to buy gifts for, and they have bought gifts for about zero of them, they are in crunch time rn
rose weasley - roxanne weasley, victorie weasley, albus potter
she definitely enjoys the holidays, and she’s a bit competitive, so sled races and snowball fights, the wotters will be dragged into any game she can find
sheev palpatine - anakin skywalker
he’s not going. literally not a chance unless one of the siblings really wants him to go for some reason
shen qingqiu
he’s going both because any and all modern traditions are a fun little nostalgic thing for him, and also he’s sure binghe will enjoy it and qinghua will want a gift so here he is
shi wudu
i doubt he even knows what’s going on, he may walk through out of curiosity and see what’s up but that’s really it
they may go for a bit just to see what’s happening, but they aren’t super preoccupied with mortal traditions, so he’s just probably going to observe more than participate
wanda maximoff - daisy johnson
i don’t know if she’d go unless billy or steve really wanted her to, the whole thing with tommy and vision is way more her priority 
wen qing - jo wilson
they're definitely still getting used to stuff in this world, but she’s nothing if not eager to try new things, so she’ll be giving pretty much everything a shot
xiao lanhua - sam giddings
she's absolutely loving this, and wants to try everything she can. girl will be making gingerbread houses, going on a carriage ride, probably falling on her ass attempting to ice skate, and being as excited as a five year old the entire time
yor forger
yor is in full mom mode, doing holiday prep and figuring out gifts for her family, also making sure anya has fun. she could probably be convinced to join in some games and contests, though it’s not her priority. don’t let her throw snowballs i’m begging you the woman once threw a tennis ball so hard it broke the sound barrier and shattered the other persons racket
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ivehurtpeople · 2 years
Plotting and Starter call. Caping only the starters at 3 each just to start.
Logan Howlett - Formal Ware (here)
Logan is far from the social butterfly of the X-Men group. Honestly, if his daughter and friends hadn't been there, he would have stayed out of it. But he wanted to be there in case something bad happened. He is currently single so he doesn't have a date and is open to leaving with someone. (He is pansexual so anyone that vibes is a go.)
(Starter count 4/3: Drogon, Diana, Jean, Kate)
Renfri Vellga - Warrior Queen (here)
Balls such as this use to be a staple to Renfri in her younger years. So hearing of the chance to attend one again filled her with excitement. Tonight she is unofficially reclaiming the role she was born for and dressing as a warrior Queen. Her lost long locks now restored by extensions. She is going solo but is ready to dance, flirt and drink the night away. Renfri is single, Bi and also open to leaving with someone.
(Starter count 1/3: Craig )
(Reply count 1/?: Yennifer, Aziraphale)
Coop Halliwell - Formal ware / Cupid (here)
Coop will be celebrating hard tonight! He is so relieved and happy to have his wife and daughters together in one spot. He will be happily going with his wife Phoebe Halliwell and looks forward to as many father / daughter dances as he can get.
(Starter count 2/3: PJ, Peyton)
(Reply count 2/?) Phoebe, Andy.)
Iroh - Dragon of the west (here)
Iroh was thrilled at the thought of this party. So much so he instantly ran out to get a costume of his favorite "mythological" being, a dragon. He is going alone and is single but wouldn't mind flirting and taking someone back to the tea shop for a late night brew.
(Starter count 4/3: Aang, Xie Lian, Mac, Zuko)
(Reply count 1/?: Toph, Aang)
Lisa Snart - Figure Skater (here)
Lisa had been indecisive to the max on her decision to go to the party. Though, after a last minute reminder that she'd try to enjoy life on a more personal level, she finally decided to go at the last minute. Not having time to put much together, she grabs one of her skating outfits, white boots and obtains a mask along the way. Although she is going alone and has a femme fatal flirty disposition while in public, she is being true to herself tonight. Relying on the safety of her mask. She is Demisexual and needs to build a strong emotional bond and trust before she goes beyond a kiss and flirting.
(Starter count 3/3: Emily, Yuri, Yuuri)
Mara Jade - Herself, A Jedi (here)
Mara wasn't overly excited but she wasn't hesitant to come either. Though she believed this was a good opportunity to officially wear her Jedi outfit and evaluate the reactions if any. She may dance with a few people between bouts of sneaking around and observing; but nothing that draws major attention to herself. However, the sith vibes in the air will increase her desire and urge for a fight. She is going alone and if anything will either leave without saying goodbye to anyone, network with other force sensitives or go find a fight somewhere.
(Starter count 3/3: Leia, Han, Vex )
Ted Tonks - Formal ware (here)
Ted is recently aware and ready to celebrate his new lease on life. While most of his dances are reserved for his wife and daughter, he's open to having dances full of silly energy with his friends. He is also hoping to possibly add even more friends to his life as well. 
(Starter count 1/3: Max B.)
(Reply count 2/?: Helga, Nymphadora, Andromeda,)
Fili - Iolaus (here)
While Fili has still not regained his memories; the true spirit of his people still runs strong within him. He is ready to party like a wild man. Though he is going alone, he does hope to spend time with those who claim to know him. While he still doesn't fully believe, he is growing to accept it more and more. Fili is also pansexual, single and also open to leaving with someone as long as they get along well.
(Starter count 3/3: Dobby, Bree, Ainsley)
Stan - A bird (here)
Even Stan without his memories isn't exactly the life of the party; yet still desires a fun time. When he read that he could come fully incognito, he was slightly excited as his anxiety faded a bit. This felt safer than just going in a regular suit where everyone can see who you are. He is going alone and will most likely leave alone. Though a bit of awkward Bi panic flirting isn't out of the question. At the end of this highly social time he will probably retreat to the quiet and peaceful haven that is his home to snuggle with his dog and bird.
(Starter count 3/3: Oliver, Leanor, Richie)
(Reply count 2/?: Bill, Bev)
Johanna - Miranda from "The Tempest" (here)
Johanna had never been to a party before, so she jumped at this chance with nervous enthusiasm. She had so much fun just picking out her costume alone that she thought she'd burst. Though she is nervous and worried about making a fool of herself; she still wants to participate in every aspect of the event that she can. It helps her feel more secure that she is attending with her father. Its the first big event she has ever attended with him since being reunited. She is single and interested in exploring and discovering herself in terms of romance. As previously she was only told who to like and who to marry. So while she wouldn't go home with anyone tonight, she is interested in gaining a foundation for a beautiful romance.
(Starter count 2/3: Neil, Myrcella)
(Reply count 2/?: Jo, Sweeney)
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inanthesis · 3 months
to a man who already had everything he could ever want, what could one give as a worthy gift? xie lian had pondered this question time and time again with no definite answer, and even less so when the date of his beloved's birthday quickly approached. fine jewelry, perhaps an extravagant new robe, a new weapon with which his armory would likely be formed around? all of these options had made their debut in his mind as the crown prince pondered intensely. he'd even thought to ask hua cheng himself, but he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt what his answer would be; a day with him in bed, allowing him any and every one of his carnal desires to be fulfilled and nothing more, as gege needn't trouble himself with such trivial matters. the words were so clear already that his cheeks reddened a bit before he shook his head as if to dissipate them entirely. hua cheng had done so much for him throughout their long, troubled lives that it was hardly fitting that they laze the day away in bed.
how frustrating— it seemed the closer he was to a suitable gift, the more xie lian disparaged himself for not knowing what would be useful to him. each day grew closer and closer, leaving him scrambling in secret. his protection charms had always been trampled on and seen as nothing more than dross when xie lian had passed them out in the past, but perhaps one that was sewn into his clothes would suit him? perhaps not— xie lian knew it would be rare that his husband donned the same outfit in a certain span of time... which is exactly what lead to a brand new train of thought. naturally, it was something the crown prince had thought to do surreptitiously, but avoiding hua cheng's notice in this instance was nearly impossible, especially so when he'd asked where the patch covering his marred eye had disappeared off to.
their date in ghost city was unrivaled by the ages; a party of unmatched extravagance that was, of course, thoughtfully put together by its citizens with danxia's help and his own personal touches. by the end of their day, xie lian had a bath drawn for them, one that would hopefully soothe away all the tension stored in those broad, powerful shoulders of his. & upon leaning back into his chest, his head turned just enough so his lips could press against those that were parted just enough to tempt him. ' san lang, i found something of yours, ' he began, following up his statement with another kiss. just tucked into the curtains was a small box he retrieved, hardly abstaining from the urge to open it for him. inside was indeed his missing eye patch with the addition of his embroidery on the side that would touch cover his missing eye. my love protects you was sewn in silk on the inside, concealed entirely from anyone who didn't know of his handiwork.
' happy birthday, san lang. i hope it's to your liking. '
When there was only one man in the whole of the three realms Hua Cheng would ever bother to celebrate, his own birthday was never a date of importance to him. Truly, even now he could hardly care to spare a single glance toward the fanfare he knew would erupt in Ghost City as it did every year when its denizens would gladly take the opportunity to celebrate their revered Chengzhu regardless of whether or not he chose to make an appearance, but when the one asking to go out was his dearest husband? Well, who was he to deny him?
All in all it wasn't unenjoyable. Where the ghosts of the city had their own overzealous, and often crass, ways of celebrating, he could appreciate the little details he knew for a fact were the input of his beloved, but once it was time to retire to Paradise Manor he wasn't exactly about to start complaining. Every moment spent in his dearest's company was welcome, but moments where they could be alone in the privacy of his manor far away from any prying eyes were always going to be the best. That, and, he was awfully curious about whatever gift Xie Lian was sure to have on hand which hadn't made an appearance just yet.
"Found it, hm?" A brow would raise, playful smirk tugging at the ghost's lips but otherwise not bothering to pry into it any further when his desire to tease was soothed by sweet little kisses, and the reveal of what exactly Xie Lian had done with his eyepatch left him speechless.
"Gege..." What a ridiculous thing to say when anything Xie Lian would ever think to do for him would be to his liking to the point even the lack of action would still leave the Ghost King content so long as he had his love and company. But he did do something, and that something was utterly precious and adorable and so, incredibly Xie Lian of him that if Hua Cheng had the ability to flush he knew he'd be red in the face enough to match the robes he was fond of wearing.
"Of course it is." He'd finally answer, wasting no time in settling the eyepatch in its rightful place uncaring that they were still in the bath and his damp hair did nothing to help the process. It was a gift he would treasure, and Xie Lian just may have to pry the patch off him by force if ever there was a time such an action was necessary. Right now though? Well, Hua Cheng felt it was more than appropriate he show his gratitude properly, arms winding around his husband to pull him flush to his chest with one hand shamelessly wandering lower and lower down Xie Lian's abdomen.
"After a such a long, eventful day, let your San Lang show you just how appreciative I am of all your effort."
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soundingstars · 1 year
Xie Lian's AU Verses
Until Dawn: An estate owned by Xie Lian’s family is settled on Blackwood Mountain that is hiding secrets of the past, secrets filled with horror. Inviting his friends for a fun getaway, those horrors come to life when they are being hunted by an unknown creature that is hiding among the dark woods that surrounded the estate. v: even the dead tell stories
Celebrity: Xie Lian started acting at a young age before a few mishaps did make it difficult for him to be able to land a role in any upcoming movies that he probably would have been picked for. He is just now waiting for a big break to come despite the past mistakes still looming over his head, mistakes that always tend to be brought up when he least expects it to. v: i’m not perfect  
Soulmate: A tattoo made of flowers and vines rests against his collarbone, a tattoo that would match the one of whoever his mysterious soulmate was. A soulmate that he hopes to meet someday. v: when love runs soul deep (this will be combined with other verses) 
Florist: Owning a quaint adorable flower shop, Xie Lian is known for making different types of bouquets to other ideas that he thinks the people might like. Flowers that he enjoys putting together and will help brighten people’s days. v: i’d rather wear flowers in my hair 
Paranormal: Xie Lian discovered his ability to interact with the other side at a young age, it was scary at first until he was able to understand what he could do. He eventually became a paranormal investigator using his ability as a medium to help the living and the dead. v: those whispering voices 
Zombie Apocalypse: After the outbreak appeared, Xie Lian had been bitten by one of the wandering dead that filled the streets. He had fallen sick quickly afterwards causing everything to blur during that time. The fever broke and the bite mark healed, scarring his arm instead, a scar hidden by the bandage he kept wrapped around his arm. v: this person has a scar College: Xie Lian is a double major for writing and art since he does want to become a writer as the art major is just for fun because of his artistic ability. Writing is his passion though as he hopes to become a successful author someday for people to enjoy the books that he will be writing. v: fueled by ramen and student loans
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ying-an-sanren · 2 years
I was a bit hesitant to whether post this here as well, bcs it does have mentions of nsfw, but truth to be told it's quite vague and far from as detailed as I would write a scenario that is only supposed to be nsfw, so we'll see we'll see.... But anyway;
(Also contains angst coming from misunderstanding and assumptions but turns into happy ending); 
One thing I really crave when I feel a bit melancholic and/or sad and/or lonely are arranged marriage AUs - the type where Xie Lian is to be wed to this mysterious king that nobody really speaks nicely about, and he expects the worst to come from the loveless marriage, but Hua Cheng only gives him the opposite. 
Imagine a scenario where Hua Cheng is this fearsome Ghost King that all of the Heavens fear. He's powerful and unpredictable, and above all he's known to despise Heavens and its officials, perhaps even hate them - after all, he destroyed 33 of them on a whim.
And when Xie Lian ascends for the third time, the gods come up with a brilliant plan. 
This prince of Xianle is more problems than he's worth, really. Just think of the poor bell and all those collpsed palaces! 
Well, here's a way he can even his debt; what if they gave him to that Crimson Rain Sought Flower as a peace offering?
They can call it a marriage - a union that would ensure that the Ghost City and Heavenly Court won't go after each others' necks as long as the married couple is still alive (as much as ghostly possible). And whatever Hua Cheng decides to do to him, why should that brother them? 
It's not like anybody particularly cares about him anyway. As said, he's more trouble than he's worth. 
For all they know, Hua Cheng can have fun torturing him or using him for his perverse pleasure to his evil heart's content, no problem.
And yes, it's practically condamning him to the life of endlesss suffering, but why should it bothered them - it's not them in his place. 
To him of course they convey the whole situation as if he's their only hope, and how only through his noble sacrifice the Heavens can finally be rid of the greatest threat. And what about his cultivation? Well, it's not like he has any spiritual powers anyway. 
In reality though, it's just them killing two birds with one stone; they get rid of Heavens' arch-pain in the arse, and also Heavens' least favorite official. 
And so Xie Lian, this (in their eyes-) worthless little god with no spiritual powers worth mentioning is sent off to become the property of the easily most powerful being, that rules over the lands where heavenly officials aren't welcome. 
The wedding ceremony is taking place in the Ghost City but none of the heavenly official's sty longer then needed - too afraid of even being this close to Hua Chengzhu. 
As soon as the pair is proclaimed a married couple, all the heavenly envoys, chosen to accompany Xie Lian and see to the whole ceremony dart out of there so fast they leave only a cloud of dust, leaving Xie Lian to his fate in the hands of the Ghost King.
Xie Lian befallen with the full weight of his situation. He's alone and helpless in a strange place, and although he had come to terms with his fate - martyrdom for the good of Heavenly Court - he can't keep his hands from trembling, as the tall man by his side leads him away from the loud noises of the wedding feats, until the only sound left is the sound of his own footsteps and the soft chiming accompanying his husband's steps. 
One would think that escaping the uproar of Ghost City's celebrations would serve to calm him down but in reality it does quite the opposite. If possible it only makes him feel more on edge. Making him think of all the thing's he's heard of his husband and his resentment towards heavenly officials. 
The anxiousness is clawing on his chest from the inside, and it's only growing stronger all the way through the quiet halls of Paradise Manor, all until they reach the door, leading to the newlyweds' room, all until the long pale fingers brush the hem of his veil.
The veil. The veil is the last curtain separating him from his predicament. 
His throat clenches at the thought of what's to come when the veil is lifted but there's one thing he understands well. He ough not do anything to Hua Chengzhu's anger - not because of himself, but because of how Hua Cheng's wrath might affect Heavens. That is the final thought, before the red curtain is lifted from his eyes, revealing the face of the Ghost King himself.
Amongst rising surface of the sea of anxiety, that had been filling him up since the moment he agreed to this marriage, there's quite an odd thought - his husband is quite handsome. Despite that, Xie Lian doesn't dare put his mind at ease - after all, looks rarely mirror one's heart.
However, in spite of his worst anticipations Hua Chengzhu does not strip him right then and there, he does not push him onto the bed, and doesn't force himself upon him. Instead he... quite politely assures him not to fear, that he's not going to do anything that Xie Lian doesn't want to, before turning towards the door.
But instead of relief, Xie Lian only feels panic. Did he do something wrong? Was the Ghost King displeased with what the Heavens gave him? The anxiety mixed with the fear of failure, and the thought of all of Heavens suffering because of him - because the Ghost King deemed him useless, and not worth to even stay in his presence, not to mention share a bed with.
And wouldn't that be true? he thought bitterly. His cultivation forbade indulging in the pleasures of flesh. Didn't the Heavens practically diddle Hua Cheng by giving him Xie Lian?
And yet as it was already a custom, he would do what he could to change that... He would let Hua Chengzhu do anything to him if it meant keeping the Heavens safe from his wrath. Even if he knew that no one in Heavenly Court would ever spare a thought for him...
During his journeys across the Mortal Realm, many a time he had heard the women on market complain about their painful, violent experience - but it's alright, he's a martial god. He can endure pain. He can endure violence... And yet he cannot hide how he's trembling, when he's sunken in the silken sheets with the waterfall of inky hair cutting his vision off of everything, leaving only the sharp-cut face and the piercing eye, howering mere inches above him.
...However, once again Hua Cheng shatters all his expectations, when instead of using Xie Lian's body for his own pleasure, his first and foremost priority is to make his husband feel good. 
A surprised whimper escapes Xie Lian's lips before he can stop himself. But soon follows another and another, as the gentle touches ignite a feeling so foreign, so frightening, and yet so nice. 
It leaves Xie Lian lost in confusion because... Up til now he thought their nights together are supposed to be pleasurable for his husband, his lord... Not for himself, he doesn't matter. And yet the perfect the way Hua Cheng treated him was such a perfect balance of gentle and rough, constantly asking whether he feels comfortable, and coaxing the kind of sounds out of him, Xie Lian never knew he was capable of.
He cried when he reached his first climax, speared open beneath his husband, a low soothing voice whispering sweet words of praise into his hair. 
He hadn't stopped crying even when both of them came down from their high. The sea of anxiety, that had been piling up inside of him over the past few days rose above its tide, making him break into sobs. 
It felt so selfish to cry for the fleeting gentle touch, because he knew that come morning, he would most probably be thrown away into the corner, like a used toy, until the moment when the Ghost King will be in mood to play with him. It felt so selfish to wish for the gentleness to last longer than a night.
Hua Cheng doesn't say anything. Instead Xie Lian feels strong arms wrap around him, bringing him close. Those arms craddle him like the most precious thing in all of three realms, and he couldn't help but let himself fall, knowing they would be there to catch him. Even if only for tonight. He stays in their embrace, until his crying fades away, and until he falls asleep.
Yet fate is a strange thing, that likes to play strange tricks on folk. The next morning Hua Cheng surprises him for the third time.
That morning Xie Lian wakes up to his head resting on a pale well-defined chest, a long slender fingers gently combing through his hair, and when he looks up, he's met with smile of fondness and an eye full of affection, beforethe familiar low soothing voice speaks up,
"Good morning, beloved."
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
Love Festival | HuaLian
Valentine's day collab with @otomiya-tickles 💕
A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Oh, we're so happy we could finish this in time, (I'm sorry dear, I'm the worst!), we wish you all a lovely day and we hope you all enjoy HuaLian celebrating their love!
Summary: Love Festival is already here?! It's Xie Lian's first time taking Hua Cheng to such festival and he is excited! Hopefully, everything will turn out well!
Words: 3k+ (under the cut)
It was a little weird to walk around with a coat around his shoulders, it felt heavy and his light steps felt slower, but Hua Cheng had insisted that afternoon that he had to put on his coat because 'the weather was still very cold' and, despite the fact that Xie Lian was rarely ill, his loving husband kept reminding him that he could still catch a cold.
So Xie Lian was walking down town with two beautiful translucent butterflies keeping him company, making him look even more godly and ethereal than what he usually did.
The little town was as bustling as ever and Xie Lian couldn't help but sneak around, looking for some nice scrap as he did a quick afternoon walk, but as he checked every stall out, he noticed that they looked cleaner? Brighter?
The butterflies seemed to also notice something was happening as they fluttered around almost excitedly. People were decorating with beautiful red paper lanterns that reminded Xie Lian of the Ghost City. The smell of food and candies starting to fill the air.
"Hmm… shall we ask what's going on?" The butterflies fluttered around in agreement and he chuckled, gently tapping a man's shoulder
"Good afternoon!" He said brightly. "Good sir, do you mind telling me what's happening?"
The man left some decorations made out of red paper to bow his head. "Ah, daozhang, good afternoon. You know, it's that annual festival.”
"Ah, I'm sure there are many annual festivals, maybe you would like to remind me of the exact date?"
"Daozhang, it's that festival where we celebrate love!" He explained as he hung more red lamps on the small stall.
“Oh my. That is great! That is wonderful, that is…”
Xie Lian tried to process this information and as he did, his cheeks started to turn bright pink as the face of a certain Ghost King overtook his mind.
It was that time of the year!
“I… I have to go!” The man looked confused as to why Xie Lian was in such a hurry as he spun around and made his way back, the butterflies hurrying after him as well. Celebrate love…? He had to take San Lang here!
How could he have forgotten? How had he been so clueless, even just now? Back in his lonesome past when he would scurry about various parts of the human world, he had witnessed this so-called Love Festival once or twice.
Rather than make him feel lonely because he was visiting by himself, the festival gave him hope, happiness and warmth. It was the day when everyone in the town was in a loving mood. They would hand out free samples of the most delicious couple’s snacks and meals, and even though he wouldn’t buy or do anything himself, he would watch couples enjoy the festivities centered around love.
He would see couples releasing sky lanterns, visiting stalls, playing games and -- his eyes widened when he remembered one other thing and aaah he wanted to do all these with San Lang!
Excited as he was, Xie Lian tripped over his feet a few times on his way back to meet with his lover who was still unpacking and organizing things at the spot they chose to make camp for now. Xie Lian smiled when he could see the familiar red robe in the distance as Hua Cheng carried firewood. Life was such a delight since he could enjoy it with San Lang like thiiiis --- !!
Eyes widening, Xie Lian tripped once again due to his excited feet, and in the distance Hua Cheng, sharp as ever, turned around, dropped the wood and sped towards him with supreme demon kingly speed.
“San Lang!” Xie Lian chirped excitedly as he made his way to the ground with a big smile on his face, welcoming to be caught in San Lang’s loving arms.
“Gege! What’s wrong, why are you back so soon?” Concern was dripping from Hua Cheng’s voice. Xie Lian giggled and shook his head. He grabbed Hua Cheng’s robes and pulled eagerly.
“You have to come too,” he panted, desperately trying to drag Hua Cheng back down town as he also got rid of that heavy coat, but to his surprise, his lover gently grabbed his hands and pulled Xie Lian gently toward him.
"What is the matter, Your Highness? Is there a problem?"
The gentleness of his voice, the warm look in his eye and the touch of his hands made Xie Lian melt in the spot and if he was desperate to take Hua Cheng back to the town, now he'd die if he didn't take him there!
"It is not San Lang," Xie Lian shook his head softly. "I just want to show you something, I promise you will like it."
Hua Cheng smiled playfully, tilting his head to the side like a confused bird. "Is that so? Now Gege got me curious. Let's go then."
He grabbed Xie Lian's hand firmly and now he was the one dragged back to the town as hundreds of butterflies fluttered inside him, excitement almost making him vibrate. They were really going! Together! To celebrate love!
On their way, Hua Cheng did a little questioning, curious and also excited, but Xie Lian liked to keep the surprise. “You will see,” were the kind of answers he would give him. One time Hua Cheng poked his side teasingly.
“Come on, you could tell me a little~”
“Nohoho! We’re almost there!” Xie Lian laughed. He caught Hua Cheng’s hand, kissed it, and held it tightly until they arrived at the beautifully decorated town. His eyes immediately caught a few things he didn’t even notice the first time. Like that one stall selling the lanterns, or the woman who was handing out roses.
Hua Cheng looked surprised. “What is this? A festival?” They immediately walked towards the first stall and looked at the cutest baked delights. All heart-shaped.
“Not just a festival,” Xie Lian said, and he took out his purse and gave the stall owner money for one heart-shaped cookie. He showed it to Hua Cheng before breaking it in half and giving him a piece.
“It is a Love Festival,” Xie Lian said, smiling as he saw the surprised expression on his lover’s face. Hua Cheng hummed.
“There are many things to do. Come!” Xie Lian fed him the cookie and he wanted to giggle at the surprised expression on Hua Cheng's face, but Xie Lian quickly took him to explore.
Hua Cheng didn't say anything, so Xie Lian dragged him until they reached the next stall and to his delight, it was a game!
"San Lang! Look!" He said, pointing at the ground in the stall where there were some red circles placed in the shape of a pyramid, each circle had a number, the tip of the pyramid being the number one.
Xie Lian excitedly watched as a blindfolded boy threw pebbles at the circles on the ground, trying to reach the top of the pyramid. Her companion, a pretty girl with flushed cheeks, yelled 'higher!', 'to the left!', 'not so hard!', to help the guy win, but in the end he only won a ticket for a free cookie.
Xie Lian was beaming.
"San Lang! I'll win something amazing for you!"
"A-Ah, Gege, you don't have to-
"Good sir! Let me give it a try!" Xie Lian said, letting go of Hua Cheng's hand only then to give a coin to the stall owner.
"Go ahead, daozhang! Please cover your eyes with this."
Before Xie Lian covered his eyes, he quickly glanced at the available prizes, beaming with excitement. ‘Win a prize for your special one!’ said a cute little sign, with next to it various mysterious tickets to win, of which he knew the lowest prize had to be the cookie. Well, since they just ate a cookie already, he was certain to win something else for San Lang.
“Alright.” Having covered his eyes, he held out his hand and received the pebbles to throw.
“Gege!” Xie Lian turned around when he heard Hua Cheng’s voice. Ah, was he going to give him a good luck kiss? Just like that, in front of ー? Oh. He felt a tickle on his side, making him giggle as he leaned against Hua Cheng, grabbing his shoulders.
“S-San Lang!” he giggled, but Hua Cheng squeezed his sides fondly and leaned close to his ear.
“Good luck,” Hua Cheng said, making Xie Lian tingle with excitement. He turned back around and made ready to throw.
“Ready… Go!” the stall owner said, and Xie Lian threw with all his might.
“Ahhhh!” The boy who had thrown earlier had remained to watch, and Xie Lian could hear his voice. The stall owner also made a noise. Hua Cheng hummed. Was he doing so well?
“Aaaand that was the last try! I am sorry,” the stall owner said, and Xie Lian pulled down his blindfold in confusion. Sorry? He then saw he hadn’t even gotten close. Because of Hua Cheng’s tickle, he kind of got disoriented and the pebbles lay further from their target than when the boy had thrown them.
“Oh…” He blushed, looking at the people in embarrassment. “I was just warming up!”
But there was no such thing and he received a ticket that was apparently an even lower prize than the cookie. The prize for Xie Lian’s special one was: a kiss.
Xie Lian blushed and saw the happy look on Hua Cheng’s face. “It is the best prize there is,” he said. They thanked the stall owner and subtly distanced themselves from the crowd, and when Xie Lian saw his chance, he stood on his tiptoes and pecked Hua Cheng on the lips.
“You could have told me I was turning the wrong way,” he said. Hua Cheng chuckled and fondled his sides playfully, making him squirm.
“Why, when you were about to win me the best prize possible? Don’t worry, Your Highness. The next game shall be mine to win,” he said smugly and Xie Lian could only roll his eyes fontly and playfully push his shoulders a little before grabbing his hand again to drag him back to the festival.
Xie Lian felt like a kid. His head just couldn’t turn from right to left fast enough to look at every single stall. His nose was tingling with the nice scent of freshly made food, making his stomach growl. Hua Cheng’s chuckle surprised him a little.
“Is Gege hungry? We could stop for a little while to eat something?"
Xie Lian nodded, but then his eyes caught a stall where the same couple they saw earlier were playing another game. This time it seemed you had to compete on trying to get a heart shaped piece of red paper to reach a goal by blowing on it with some kind of straw.
The stall owner was actually looking for someone to compete with that young man and Xie Lian felt fired up.
"San Lang, this time I'll really get you a good prize! We can eat something after this!"
"But, Gege, wasn't it my turn?" Hua Cheng asked with a playful smile and a raised eyebrow.
"San Lang, you will win no matter what!" Xie Lian was determined, and Hua Cheng gave in quickly as they approached the stall.
While Xie Lian politely applied, he could feel Hua Cheng’s eyes on him, and he blushed. He was going to be the amazing husband for San Lang and win him something good. Make him proud. He giggled.
“You do know the rules, Daozhang?” The stall owner asked when Xie Lian already eagerly stood in position, hopping from one foot to the other in excitement. He nodded.
“Yes, yes I do. San Lang, watch me,” he said, and the way Hua Cheng smiled charmingly at him made his insides flutter.
“Ready…. Go!” Xie Lian started to blow through the straw.
“Pffff. Pfff. Pfffff.” Getting close, getting really close.
“Go, Gege. You can do it," Hua Cheng said calmly as the hourglass counted down the time Xie Lian had.
“Yes! Pfff. Pfff. PFFFFFT”. Xie Lian suddenly blew out a lot more air than he was supposed to as he felt a tickle against his neck, near his ear. The heart paper was hit with so much air that it flew entirely into the other direction.
“Oh no!” he whined. “PfffFFFFHfh!” he snorted when he felt the tickle again. The stall owner, bystanders and Hua Cheng watched how Xie Lian’s heart strayed to the side as the last of his time ran out.
“Too bad, Daozhang! But of course you won’t be going empty-handed. Here.” The owner gave Xie Lian a cheap ticket again, a friendly smile on his face.
“Make your partner feel special,” the man said. Xie Lian smiled sheepishly and turned back to Hua Cheng, joining him again.
“Did you tickle me, San Lang?” he asked, feeling his neck. It could have been an innocent bug, or the wind, or his own hair. Though it felt way more ticklish than that. It could also have been Hua Cheng’s butterflies, or just… Hua Cheng and his powers.
Hua Cheng wore an innocent smile.
“Mm. No,” he said. Xie Lian rolled his eyes fondly and shook his head.
“What did you win for me, Gege?” he asked. Xie Lian opened up the prize note.
Hua Cheng squinted his eye a little as he read the little ticket and a big smile broke across his face.
"Well, that's really not a hard thing to do, is it?" He said, looking at Xie Lian with warmth in his eye. "Gege always makes this lowly one feel special."
Xie Lian felt his cheeks heating up as he quickly saved the ticket in his sleeve with the one he got earlier.
"In any case, San Lang," Xie Lian said, his voice turning a little nagging, making Hua Cheng's smile grow bigger. "If you don't stop being mischievous, I will never be able to win a good prize for you!"
"But, Your Highness," Hua Cheng said, scrunching his shoulders. "These prizes really are the best! This San Lang is very happy!"
Xie Lian sighed in disbelief, of course Hua Cheng would say that, but what about Xie Lian's pride?! He wanted to look cool for Hua Cheng, but ugh, his mischievous husband kept messing up with him, wh-
"Ahahaha, Sahan Lahang!" Xie Lian giggled when a few squeezes to his side pulled him out of his thoughts.
Of course, it was Hua Cheng and he was smiling playfully at Xie Lian.
"Gege thinks too much," he said and Xie Lian blinked, trying not to giggle more, feeling Hua Cheng's hand resting against his side. "So, is Gege going to give me my prize right now or later?"
Xie Lian blushed. “L-later.” Not with this many people around them, he already felt uncomfortable just walking here and making random dance moves whenever Hua Cheng would tickle him.
“Is there anything else you would like to do, Your Highness?” Hua Cheng asked kindly. After dragging him to watch him fail miserably at games, Xie Lian thought it should be Hua Cheng to decide, but then his eyes caught something in the distance, and he pointed.
“Let’s ride that,” he said. Cute little boats were on the lake, looking like the ultimate romantic tour on the water. Hua Cheng squeezed his hand in his and pulled.
“Alright. Let’s go.” Xie Lian felt like a happy child when he and Hua Cheng exchanged some coins to be able to ride in one of the boats. The little boat was big enough for the both of them, but small enough for their knees to be touching as they sat down.
Xie Lian left the rowing to Hua Cheng, knowing his luck, the boat would probably end up turning over. Hua Cheng worked smoothly, sending flirty looks at Xie Lian that made him blush and giggle like a kid.
His heart was beating so hard against his chest. Xie Lian felt giddy, excited to be enjoying such a romantic moment with Hua Cheng. He always knew about this festival, but he never imagined he'd be doing all of these kinds of stuff with no other but the Demon King.
He chuckled softly, making Hua Cheng smile, "Is Gege happy?" He asked, gently bumping his knee against Xie Lian's.
Xie Lian nodded, "I am. I'm happy San Lang and I could enjoy this festival together… even though he's been naughty all night."
“Naughty? Me?” Hua Cheng said, and Xie Lian laughed at how that even didn’t sound innocent, but just as mischievous as his actions. He clicked his tongue.
“Yes. I am thinking that maybe… a little punishment would be right. Just to return the favor,” Xie Lian said, having reached for Hua Cheng’s knee, and he made a little claw and tickled him lightly.
“Don’t you think?” he added, watching the smile on Hua Cheng’s face. He only twitched slightly as he continued to row the boat, and Xie Lian giggled at how tense his knee felt under his threatening touch.
“Well if you put it like that… but perhaps right now isn’t ー hyeh!” Hua Cheng twitched and yelped when Xie Lian suddenly pinched his knee, and Xie Lian smirked.
“What do you mean? Why not right now?” he asked, smiling to see the most charming smile unfold on Hua Cheng’s beautiful face.
“B-becahahause, G-gege ahaha hey!” Hua Cheng whined when Xie Lian climbed forward, both hands aiming for Hua Cheng’s lower sides where he tickled him without mercy. Hua Cheng flailed beneath him and clung to the boat oars with all his might.
“Was it fun, tickling me like that all the time, hm? San Lang?” Xie Lian teased, his fingers rubbing steadily into his lover’s ticklish torso. “Was it fun~?”
Hua Cheng threw his head back and laughed. “Yehehes!” His reactions were as precious as ever, but the fact that he was trying to restrain himself because they were riding a boat, it was probably the most entertaining and heartwarming thing of the day, and that after such a nice outing to the Love Festival.
Xie Lian faked a surprised gasp and he tickled Hua Cheng faster, switching between all of Hua Cheng's most ticklish spots on his body, until the poor Ghost King let go of the oars to protect his middle, but Xie Lian had already reached for his hip bones and was massaging deep circles against them, making Hua Cheng cackle and shake and squirm like crazy.
"G-Gehehehege! Gege, PLEHEHEASE! I thihihink I- I think wehehehe- lehehehet me tahahalk!" He shrieked, curling forward until his forehead was pressed against Xie Lian's shoulder.
Xie Lian, on the other hand, was enjoying seeing and listening to his lover laugh so hysterically and carefree and had no intentions to stop any time soon, but he should've known better; with his extremely bad luck, something just had to go a little bit wrong.
"GEGEHEHEHE! Plehehease, nohohot thehehehere, I'll mahahahake- ah!"
And before Hua Cheng could finish his sentence, the small boat had capsized and Xie Lian barely had time to take a deep breath before falling into the water together with Hua Cheng.
They both quickly floated back into the surface, Xie Lian a little breathless, Hua Cheng hurriedly swimming to him to check for any injuries; when they both were satisfied with each other's status, they broke into bright laughter, holding onto the other for support.
"Lohook what you did, Sahan Lang!" Xie Lian giggled, pressing a soft kiss to Hua Cheng's smiling mouth.
"Look what you did, Gege! This is because you were tickling me! We barely fit in that boat!" This only made Xie Lian giggle more, his arms slowly lifting up until they were around Hua Cheng's shoulders.
Hua Cheng smiled tenderly at him and Xie Lian leaned into the touch when the Demon King cupped his wet cheek after pulling a piece of hair behind Xie Lian's ear.
"Gege looks beautiful when he's happy."
Xie Lian chuckled. "I wouldn't be this happy if it wasn't for San Lang," he said softly. "I got to enjoy a love festival with the one I hold dear, I really couldn't be this happy without you."
Hua Cheng smiled and he leaned closer to steal a kiss from Xie Lian, he kissed him back, humming happily as they swayed in the calm lake, until a loud noise made them jump in surprise.
Xie Lian gasped, "Fireworks, San Lang!" He said excitedly as the beautiful lights filled the night sky.
Hua Cheng chuckled. "Happy Love Festival, Gege."
Xie Lian smiled brightly. "Mn. Happy Love Festival, San Lang."
They did not need to say 'I love you', because in their eyes there was only adoration and love for the other, and in Xie Lian's racing heart, he longed to continue celebrating more festivals like this with Hua Cheng and he knew that Hua Cheng wished for the same thing.
After all, they had all the time in the world to enjoy each other and celebrate their love in a thousand ways.
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