buttercup-fluffalove · 2 months
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butters rocketing to the moon 🌙 😺 (with hoomin help)
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sarahcarapace · 1 year
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ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴛ ʜ ꜱ ᴘ ɪ ʀ ᴀ ʟ is out on DriveThru RPG here: https://t.co/6fDl0wSzgP
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the-wayside · 2 years
I think we need to think back to what Payu said, Pai is falling in love for the first time and that kinda...gets missed.
Yes, Sky has a horrific trauma and his fears feel justified because everything that happened to him previously. But at the same time, his worldview is corrupted by his trauma. Pai isn't his ex. Pai isn't one step away from leaving, he's all in.
Pai isn't in this with a full deck of cards. He doesn't understand why Sky would pull away at the first sign of anything rather than talking to him. Just that he's falling in love, he's happy, he thinks they're happy together and then...he's being ghosted and then he's broken up with.
It isn't a far off assumption to think that Sky was mocking him but Pai has faith but he needs Sky to confirm it, that his instincts, as new and fumbling as they are, are right. They're in love, not just him.
The thing about trauma no one likes to admit is that you develop maladaptive coping mechanisms. You act rashly and without cause to protect yourself which feels safe but isn't beneficial in the long run because Sky loves Pai. He's consistently self-inflicting pain because how he copes is all jumbled up.
Sky, in his own way, has always wanted and needed Pai to read between his lines and to push him. His journal proved that. He didn't want to allow himself to love Pai, not that he didn't. He didn't admit it until he thought he lost him and even then he still was telling him the inverse. Sky is trapped in his trauma and he needs Pai to make the steps inside his circle.
What I'm saying is there are no right answers when humans hurt each other like this because humans are humans. Messy, illogical and self-preserving. But they were both hurt. They both did things and said things and received pain. They ended it with honesty and finally breaking the cycle of Sky's maladaptive but protective coping strategy.
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balshumetsbaragouin · 8 months
Lore Post: Whispering Panic
Since we're getting into the thick of things for Passion, and inspired by the general overview post on Wednesday, why don't we have some Lore about the curse sweeping through Amity Park? Join me below as we look through the research notes of a knowledgeable servant of Eulas as they study the Pathology and Epidemiology of this common Curse!
The Whispering Panic is a mild to moderate curse that causes:
Increased aggression
Increased anxiety
Body aches
Disease Progression:
There is a week long incubation period for the first symptoms to appear after exposure and successful infection.
The first symptom is typically body aches and headache. This is swiftly followed by a fever within the next 24 hours. The first week of infection mimics several curses, making diagnosis of it difficult. Additionally, because outbreaks tend towards the younger members of a community, and they are not yet immune to any number of curses, diagnosis is made yet more difficult.
However, the characteristic “panic” behavioral changes of the curse quickly set it apart from the more serious Hearthstone’s Heat or Feral Fang . The first of these changes to appear is increased anxiety. In the young, this often manifests as uncharacteristic shyness, clinginess, or introversion. After that comes the aggression, which common manifests in decreased tolerance for sharing or group play among ghostlings, and argumentativeness or churlishness in adults. In normal healthy individuals, the more disruptive symptoms never appear, or only appear in very mild form. In the vulnerable, however, aggressive gives way to paranoia. This encourages the increasingly ill host to self-isolate to increase the chance of the curse burrowing deeper without being cured by another recently recovered clan member. The paranoia then intensifies into delusions, and depending on the complexity of the core, death or chronic illness follows.
One would think a curse spread by energy would encourage interaction, and some do(with symptoms of delirium and euphoria and lowered inhibition), but because this has a very brief asymptomatic incubation period and an even briefer asymptomatic spread period, the only way the curse can survive is by nestling deep into the core of a ghost to be spread once their condition truly deteriorates. Almost all healthy ghosts clear the curse, but children, ghosts afflicted by other curses, or the especially frail or elderly are more susceptible to infiltration of the curse to the core.
Liminal Objects:
Unlike their Living or Ghostly counterparts, liminal objects do not have a disease progression. Instead, the symptoms of the curse are stable once it manifests. There is a shortened incubation period as well, as little as 24 hours, making these objects excellent vectors to spread the curse throughout a community. Once the curse manifests, the object begins moving and then starts reflecting the strongest emotion of the closest spiritually active being. Unless a strong emotion is introduced to a liminal object, it will otherwise act in accordance to its animia. Because many liminal objects form from well loved and cared for objects, their animia combined with these traits make them appealing to keep around. It’s often difficult to convince a child to cleanse an infected stuffed toy, for example, even though its spirit will not be harmed. The charm of a moving object can also make spread among children a more simple task, as they show off their new moving object among their peers.
No known examples of a Liminal object infected with Whispering Panic becoming violent or aggressive absent strong negative emotional stimulus has been recorded.
Spiritually Active Humans:
The disease progression mimics that of ghosts in all but a few key areas. First, the incubation period is typically longer in all but the most spiritually powerful humans. This makes the average time for the first symptoms to manifest rise from 7 to 11 days.
Additionally, humans are more emotionally volatile than ghosts, whose psyches are stabilized by the nature of their Cores. This means mood swings are a common additional symptom in afflicted humans. This shows up around the same time as increased aggression.
Finally, humans are extremely unlikely to reach the final stage of infection, because while their immune system takes longer to clear the curse, there is no core to infect. On top of this, the method by which the curse is cleared in their bodies involves less targeted attacks and more an immune system carpet bombing campaign. Assuming it does not trigger a cytokine storm in particularly vulnerable individuals, the curing method is effective, if inefficient, and leaves no area of the body untouched. (a direct contrast to the Core being privileged from immune response in Ghosts.)
The entire process, from beginning to end in a healthy individual, takes three months instead of the usual six weeks. Like Ghosts, humans are only temporarily immune. However, unlike other spiritual beings, humans do not live long enough for their waning immunity to allow reinfection. Immunity is therefore considered a lifelong in human beings.
Outbreak Potential:
Because most outbreaks are self-limiting, and because immunity is gained relatively quickly, immunity is slowly lost over time. Most ghosts catch and recover from this infection multiple times in their lifetimes without incident. And a single fully recovered community member can quickly sweep away the curse leaving areas cleared from its influence. Natural reservoirs remain in the Wilds of the Zone among the blob and, especially, ecto-animal populations who spread it to more advanced/complex ghosts on a regular pandemic cycle similar to the Flu.
For ghosts that are more advanced than Animalia, the prognosis is great. The illness is self-limiting and will resolve in a few weeks with rest and palliative care. For those lower ghosts, or the more vulnerable of the more complex sub-variety, prognosis depends on prompt treatment with a difficult to obtain remedy. For members of the ghostly Animalia, without treatment they will regress into a hyper-aggressive state wherein they do not eat, shun the company of their fellow animal ghosts, and viciously attack any ghosts that come near. The lack of food combined with its propensity to attack any ghost it comes across, no matter its power, lead inevitably to its demise.(Though not without spreading the curse very effectively, as the changes to its core make it broadcast the infection far more effectively.)
For subjects with more advanced Cores, the curative process takes 2-3 weeks from onset of symptoms. This process is elongated in children, whose less developed Cores take longer to produce a counter-signal and make a physical recovery. Because of this, chances of the curse taking root deeper in the core is higher, and the monitoring by a guardian, or if medically fragile, a health care professional is advised.
If a medically vulnerable individual, of sufficient core complexity, does not get the infection treated in time, it takes root inside and becomes a chronic illness.(recall once again that it leads to death in less complex animalia) This illness is difficult to root out, and debilitating. It stunts the production of energy, wastes iridiolymph(the unified solution a ghost’s different ectoplasm is dissolved in), and causes long-term personality and behavioral changes that aren’t conducive to socializing.
Chronic Whispering Panic infection, or chronic Feral Fang infection, is the most common cause of non-deficiency based growth stunting in the Zone. It is especially common in areas with large numbers of wild animal ghosts, who regularly have outbreaks or occasionally harbor individuals in the last stages of the disease, or in areas with high levels of deprivation(as nutritionally unsound ghosts have a harder time fighting off the disease). Both of these perquisites were common in former Kingdom Ĉiamdaŭra, giving it the dubious honor of having the greatest per capita amount of stunted ghostlings.
Liminal Objects:
Lacking any immune system of their own, Whispering Panic is one of the many curses that must be purged by a spiritually active living being. This can be done by a ghost, of any type, that’s producing a countersignal, a recently cured human who is doing the same, or a spiritually active human who can perform a ritual cleansing.
These human rituals produce energy that mimics the natural counter-signal to a curse, and so are the most effective way to cleanse an object. Without this, they remain infectious until the animia either fades, or the object is destroyed.(which breaks the ability of the object’s animia to remain connected to the material realm.) This makes them excellent reservoirs for curses that can cause them to reappear at “random”, even after the initial outbreak has settled. Luckily, most liminal objects that become infected with this curse lack the sophistication to develop the nastier psychological effects of the curse. Instead, the objects are merely animated, as is common in curse infections. One unusual aspect of this infection, though, is the way it causes the objects to mirror the strongest emotions of the other spiritually active beings around it. And because liminal objects, generally because of their simplistic animia, lack emotions of their own, these come from the Humans, Ghosts, Aspects, ect around them. Because of the lack of severity, Whispering Panic, and other curses with similar symptom profiles, used to be prolific among the liminal object subset. Humans, at one point, mistook the symptoms of infection, the emotional reactions and movement, as signs of being liminal at all. And as spiritual activity has waned in the Living Realm, both the spread of curses, and liminal objects themselves have become more rare on Earth.
A simple cleansing of the object of the curse’s energy is enough to render it inert and stop spread. In more ancient times, objects were cleansed at least once a year, if only to make sure they didn’t act as vessels that could sicken the spiritually sensitive among the community. These ritual cleanses still take place in the Zone, and are done at temples throughout the Zone by all major and minor deities’ servants.
Spiritually Active Humans:
Prognosis is once again excellent as the combination of their spiritually energy with their human immune system is able to fend off the disease. In this case, the innate immune system is super charged with spiritual energy. This creates a cascade of inflammation, but those molecules suffice the body, carrying the energy’s counter signal with it. Full clearance of the disease takes longer, like most curses, because of the lack of specificity and efficiency, but the process is still completed within three months. It is a more serious curse among humans, and the fatigue and longer term body aches it induces make it more of a blight.
However, unlike human viruses, it does not result in autoimmune sequela or chronic disruption of metabolism after the curse is cleared, and so remains a marginal annoyance instead of a serious ill.
Like with vulnerable ghosts, if a human is unable to clear the infection, it tries to create a chronic infection. However, without a Core, Ɉ̵̨͈͖͇̘͛͋̉̔͝ʜ̶̡̘̫̹̞͛̾̋̈́̍ɘ̵̡̥̪̠̬̎̈́̓̆͝ɿ̶̖̪̱͉͚̈́̈͆́̑ɘ̷̨̼̙̟̬͊͒̈͑̄'̶̢̛̗͙̣̞́͐̈́̎ƨ̷̦̙̥͍̞̌̈́̉̈́͠ ̸̧̧̢̪͔̓͑̅̚͝ņ̷͇̲̬͛̅̔̀͜͝o̷̬͚̜͎͆͛̓̾͆͜Ɉ̴̧̹̫̬̥͌̾͂̉͌ʜ̷̰̥͔͈̦̾̇̌̋͝i̵͎̩̳̬̞͊̑̾̔̓ṇ̶͔̗̬̐̃͘̕͘ͅϱ̷̛̼̯̝͓̒͐̍͑͜ ̵̳̰̘̪̭̆̒̀̚͝ʇ̸̧̲̼̰̹͊̓̑̚̕o̸̧̳̜͈͓͛̋̇͊̔ɿ̶͉̞̤͚͕̍̓͋̈́͠ ̷̢̗͇̭̙͒̓͗͋͝Ɉ̷̨͍̞̫̪̾̔̉̈́͝ʜ̵͉̬̩̟̑̈̒̍͛͜ɘ̴̺͕͔̯̰̒̿̏̚͝ ̷̗͕̦͓͐́̀̕͘͜ɔ̴̙̩̞͔̋͗̓̓͘͜υ̴͎͚̝̠͍͛̓͛̔̕ɿ̴̣̖̳͙̝͐̒̇̈́͝ƨ̶̥̹̭̦͇͂̅͊͑̆ɘ̸̢̞̮͓̼̈́̋̌͠ ̵̯͚̲̗̼̈́̈́̎̃Ɉ̸͕͈̭̬̝̀̑̿̀̚o̸̫̰̯̳̗͒͒͒̚̚ ̶̡̧̗̗̗̔̐͊͂͝d̷��̧̜̯͈͐̐̂̾ͅὺ̶̛̥͓͔̖͇̋̔͘ɿ̷̨̧̹͖̦̈́̒̇́͗ɿ̶̛̜͚̼̻̬̊̈͗̇o̵̡̻̻̩̱͐͒͐͂͗w̵͇̯̙͖̣̏͛̿͘͠ ̶̦̯̱̫̞́̃̾͊͠ị̸̢̻̘̫́̔͌̉̉n̴͔̟͚̪̓̓̈́͘͜͝Ɉ̸̰͈͓̜̒̏̾̎̃ͅǫ̵̩͍̣͊́͆̒̉͜.̷̮̬̥͙̰̅̿̒̽̿ ̸̧̝̻͈̰͒̽̐́̐Î̴̢̻̙̩̳̇̑̌̊n̵̝̞̝̼͎͒̇̀͐̚ƨ̶̡̣̱̜͔͆͒͑͂̕Ɉ̷̡̲̪̰̹̎̒̓̉̇ɘ̵̥̰͇̙͛͑̓̈́͌ͅɒ̴̨̬͈̻̓̈́̐̑̚͜b̸̙̻̼̹͇̀̉̌̓̕,̴̞̟̬͓̂̉̒͝͠ͅ ̴̨͕̣̞̩̋͌̏͒͠ì̸̺͔̥̲͖̈́͒̐͠Ɉ̵̛̝̝̩̱̫̏̐̃̈ ̴̧̥̜̭̘̅͐̇͐̓ɿ̶̨̡̤̳̈͑̔̆͒ͅì̷͔̝̣͍͐̅̕̚͜q̸̧̺̜͙̔̓̐̈͠ͅƨ̶̨̤̙͍͍̉̉̿͑̂
ʜ̷̩͍͔͈̜͗̔͛́̈ὐ̷̛̳͚̖͙̈̾͘ͅḿ̸̨̳̥͍̘͊͂̾͑ɒ̶̧̛̖̞̼̮͛͐̀̋ṇ̴̡̤̱͍͑̓̉̉̿,̴͔̱̖̰͐̉̈́̊̏͜ ̵̰͚̗̰̑̆̕͘͜͠i̶̢̛͓͈̦̱̅́̍̚ň̵̯̗̮̹̺̿͗̈͑ɔ̸̪̣̮̭͓̀͋̇̀̄ɿ̶̧̹̭͖͇͛̒̉͐̆ɘ̴̖̪̪̲͈̋̓͐́̀ɒ̷̨̹̫͔͔͒̆̾̐͝ƨ̶̛̦̩̭̱̠͆̉͋̋ɘ̵͔͔̥̮̙̐͂͌̈̑ƨ̶͓̬͎̗̬̽̈͂͠͠ ̷̻̫̩̲͇̂̏̐͝͝Ɉ̸̦̖̤̲̖̓̔̂͋͝ʜ̶̝̹̣͎̌͂̊̇̈͜ɘ̵̛̫̩͖̙̽̄̾̆͜ị̸̡̛̼̘͕̿̈́̊͘ɿ̶̗̟̘̜̰̈́͂̉͑̉ ̶͔͕̳̭̼̿͗̓̊̓q̸̪̞̩̯̆̀̈́̈̏ͅɒ̸̼͈̣̝͑̊̊̎͐ͅɿ̵̰͍̰͙͇͆͊͛̔͑ɒ̸͚̙̞͕̫͆̍̍̐̅n̶̟̳͙̦̺̒́͒͂̑ò̶̰͕̣͇̫̈́̃̆͑ḯ̶̦̺̗̰̘̏̓̅̑ɒ̶͍̖͕͉̣̀̓͂͊̒,̸̡̘͖͍̫̑̀̊̄͝ ̵͙̹̱̖̙͆̌̎͂͘ɒ̸̹̩̱̥̆̄͑͐̈͜ǹ̴̹̩͎̦̗͐̿̈́́b̷͎͍͖͇̦̈́̓͒͆͝ ̸̡̞̫̱̱̄͐̅̏̋ʜ̷͙̰̯͓̥̈̊̊̔͝í̴̜̰̺̮̀̒̒̚͜į̴̯̘͖̼̺̐̃̿͑̈́ɒ̴͈̠̦̝̲͊̐̿̓͝ɔ̶̗̱̘̘̈́̌̍͐̃͜ʞ̷̡̖̻͉̭̔̽̎̾̂ƨ̷̧̡̛̯̭̉͊̃͜͝ ̸̨̭̩̺͙̎͋͂̐̊Ɉ̵̻͉͎̯̦̌͋͆̾̚ʜ̵̡̪͚̳̲̾̂̈̾͝ɘ̴̥̺̝̪̪̅͆̇̒́ì̶̡̳͈͉̩̎̾̈̓ɿ̶̼̻̼̖͚́͐̂̚͝ ̴̨̡͈̖͖̄̆̇͘̕ƨ̴̡̟̺͕̩͌̎͛̅͝q̸͔͎̹̩͑̎̚͠͝ͅỉ̴̡̪̟̗̌̓͛͛͜ɿ̷̨̼̥͚̱̇͗̓͝͝i̸̛͎̳͙̘̓̏̆̊͜Ɉ̷̧̪͈̦̥̉̿͑̓̔υ̶̨̝̜̣̎̂̄̄̄͜ɒ̵̹͓̮̥̤͌̈́̐̈͠l̶̬̥͈̣̀̏̉͘͜͝ ̶̩͕͔̞͓̄̓̒̕̚q̶̧̖͖̦̊̎̽̊́ͅó̶͖̲͉̭̻̌͆̌̒w̶̬̥̤͖͈͗́̈́̄̒ɘ̸̯̱̣̯̲͗͗͛̊͝ɿ̷̥̭͇̝͙͑͑́̐͝ƨ̶̨̛̥̳̝̞̊̈́̆̏ ̷͈̦̜̩͋̇̒̔͊ͅį̵̛͓̟̪͎̀̑̕͝ñ̸̡̫̝͔͍̈́̓̐͝ ̶̨̜̖̺̗̒̓̎̾̚ō̸̜̥̹̼̫̂̄̃̓ɿ̴̟̬̙̦̩̔͐̂̍͝b̶̟̟̠̦͑̐̐̅̈́͜ɘ̶̖͇̺̲͉̌̇̄̕͝ɿ̷̯̟̥̫̜̈́̈́́́̅ ̴̫͔̼͔̇̅̆̌͒͜Ɉ̷̨̪͍̗̽͛̈̎̋͜o̶̞̳̥̻̹͒͊̀͌͊ ̵̡̥͖̲̟̇̿̃̃̐ƨ̶̞̦̜̝̌̂͆͐͛ͅq̶̧̛͇̞̣̗͆̈́̓͘ɿ̸̛̜̤̪̮̗̎́̂̂ɘ̵̡͚̪̙̒́̌̃͘ͅɒ̸͎̦͚̼̰̆̀̉̅͠b̴̡̧͉̙̲̉̑̀͂̌ ̴̨̘̤̠̙͐̿̈̀̉Ɉ̴̢̳͎̲̤̂͂̎̒͝ʜ̴̡̞̻̥̦̏̉̒̌͛ɘ̶͈̬̜̯̻̾̓̿̒͝ ̵̘̟͓̭̮̉̃̐̈́͝ɔ̵̢̲̼̲̗̇̀̑̍̊ὺ̵̜̭̥͚͌͛͛͘͜ɿ̵̫̦̮̬̉̊͒͗̍͜ƨ̴̥̤͇̲̑͌͌̍̓͜ɘ̶̗͖̟̗͍̍͋̍̒̚ ̶̧̪̤̹̲́̃́̽͘ɒ̷̙̟͖̤̓͌́̾̐͜ƨ̴̞̻͈̳̹͛͛̽̑̂ ̴̮̳̻̥̜̀̏̀̐͒ʇ̸͓̱͈̼̳̈́̊͐̏͂ɒ̶̳̭̠̪͔͂͗̌͛̉ƨ̸̧̨̨̦̜̇̐̀̓̊Ɉ̵̛͉͖͓̬̱͊̀̒̈́ ̷̮̥̲̙͎́̃̀̍͝ɒ̵̝̗̲̳̉͗́̈͝ͅƨ̴͕̦̭̝̜́̔̀̂͝ ̵̧̬͕̬̲̒͆͛͗͝q̵͈͕̣̥͋͊̋̿̿͜ŏ̵͈͚̻͇̽̑͐̀͜ƨ̴̻̲̯̗̙͆̓̊͛̆ƨ̸͚̗̲̤̂̉͊̆͜͝i̵̱̳͇͓̘͆͂̉͆͝d̴͖͚̜̮̖̍͋̄̈́͘l̴̢̪̣͈̦̀̈́͊̿̉ɘ̴̻̲̼͙͐̐̃̂͌͜.̶̼͖̻̤̇́͆̎̀͜ ̴̨̲̳̫̙̎͛̀̇͝T̵̯̭̤̹̮͌̓͑́͗ʜ̷̣̣̜̟̃͑͌̄̎͜ȋ̷̛̙̟͍̼̏̓̈́͜ƨ̴̨͙͇̹͖̾͊͊̽̕ ̸̨̢̮̫͈̐͋͗̕͠ɘ̷̧͔̹͉̲̈́͋̿̔͠v̴̻͇̞̀̆̂́̀ͅͅɘ̴̠̗̞͓̲̎͗́̿̚ǹ̷̛̬̩͕̰̟̄͗̄Ɉ̶͉͙͕̤̪̊́̊̕͝υ̵̞̼̣͖͌͋͒͐̚ͅɒ̵̧̡̲͕̯̈͋̊̕̕ļ̴͕͉̫̹́̃͊̓͗l̸̞̟̮̻̫͛̂̒̎͝γ̴̛̖̱͎̜̿͑̔̕ͅ ̵̧̛̘̮̉͊̾̚͜ͅw̶̬̫͇͙̔̍͌̐͜͝ï̸̮̩̝̹̼̆̐̈̕ľ̸̡̢͔͖̭͛͑̎͠l̷̟̰̖͍̹̀̇̿̄́ ̸̢̲͇͇̼̑̂͑̌̃l̵̨͇̪͖̹̎̒͛̌͐ɘ̵̻̙̦͉͙͆̆͂̄̉ɒ̷͇̭̟̻̪̋̉̂͘͝b̴̢̬̲͔̼́̓̍̅̕ ̷͕͔̘̮̜͐̀͂́̕Ɉ̵̟͕̻̹̦́͛̇́̎o̵̙̻̲̞̳͛͋͂̐̔ ̴̨̛̤̪͎͊̔͝͠ͅb̶̜̙͉̠̜̂̋́͗̈ɘ̵̭̘̟͈̰̐̄̕̚͝ɒ̴̛̼̼̮̮́̓̅͗͜Ɉ̵̼͉̞͚̖͋͋͌͑̂ʜ̵͙͍̤̮̣̎͑̏̊͠,̴̫͓͕͉̼́̍̂́̊ ̵̨̜̜̪̬́̔͋̑̐ɒ̶̧̢̪̪̞͋́̽͊̉ļ̴̨̛̺̩͉̒̈́̅͝Ɉ̸̺̣̥̞̦͂͒̓̉̚ʜ̷̢̬̱̦͚̂̇̈͑͠o̸̻͇̞̯̫͛̆͆̒̚υ̶̬̘̻̮̥̒͂̉̉͝ϱ̴̹̱̟̣̪̄͗̒̿̕ʜ̴̰̤͙͎͎̈́͊́̀́ ̸̟̰̮̪͇̾͋̈́̈͂Ɉ̴͙̹̫̗̬̇͑̃̄̚ʜ̴̧̗̤͇͍̑̍̀̔͘ɘ̷̪̦̮͈̈́̄̋͗͜͝ ̵̣̩̥̖̣̊͛̔̈͒ɔ̵̰̹͎̩̋̿͘̕͠ͅö̷͈̺̫͎̠́́̃̎̅m̵̡̧̼͕̟̓́̏̏͂d̸̡̛̲̩͍̀̓͑̈́͜ĭ̶͕͇͉̦̳͐͂̀͠n̶̤̣̺̠̥͑̀̇͛͝ɒ̴̢̠͇̬̟̏̌͛̀̀Ɉ̴͙̳̯̲̯̓̏̕̚͘ĩ̷̧͚͈̝̎̇̓͠ͅǫ̶̢̻͎̪̎͊̾͆̋ņ̵̲͖͆̑̃̔̈́͜ͅ ̸̣̘̗̦̓̿̈͋͠ͅo̵̘̩̺̣͇̿̈́̅̕͠ʇ̸̗̫̗̝̦̀͑̈́̈͝ ̵̬̩̬̩̥̂̒͑̕̕Ɉ̵͎̗̟̦̭͒̈́̓͋͘ʜ̸͍̳͚̦̋͂͐̇͘ͅɘ̴̘̝̝̹͒̅͑̓̿ͅ ̵̨̭͙̟̼͛̎̑̑͠l̵͎̠̱̗̥͒̈̓̂̽ɒ̷̤͖͉̘̼̋̆͑̇͛ɔ̴̖͕̝͖̠͗̎̓̅̓ʞ̷̛̮͇̗̥͖͗͆̈́͝ ̸̱͙͎̤̭͐̓̉̇͝ó̴͈͖͈̜͓̆̄̎͘ʇ̸̨̯̹̻͛̽͐̆̽ͅ ̸͚͖̻̻̳͊̎͒̀̚Ɉ̷̫̲̬͊̆̏̑́ͅͅɿ̸̤̞̞̹̱͂̄͑̽̕ɘ̸̼͙̥̙̋̎̉͗͒͜ɒ̸̩̹͓̹̮̉̑͂͐͝Ɉ̸̛̭͇̼̲̻̈́̃̀͊m̸̬̞̩͔̯̀̌̅̚͝ɘ̵̥͔̳̥͂̄̿̃̽ͅņ̷̭̖͎̯͛͌̽͆̆Ɉ̷̪̦̮̼̫̓̒͛̊̕ ̸͉͕̫͙̹͂̓̄̀͒w̸͖̖̰͔̙͛̐̾̇͠i̸͙̲̰͓̻̊̍́̉͗Ɉ̸̢̧̥͚̫͒́͐̆̕ʜ̵̨͕̩̣͇̄̅̂̐͠ ̵̡̨̲̯̬̋̍̔̽̕ɒ̴̰̟̝̳̋̈̿̐̂͜ ̶̗̥͚͎̟̈́̈̾̾̅l̷͈̤͙̲̖͗̉͘̕͠ɒ̸̲̜̺̥̾̅̏̆̿͜ɔ̸͉̘̝͉̽̓̂̀͐͜ʞ̴̭̲̻̙̜̐̆̏̚͠ ̵͚͔̙̜̒̽̍̀͒͜o̵̪̠̪͚̗͐̌̔̊̊ʇ̸̦̖̗͚̞̌̄̔̆̚ ̵̲͖͓̱̞̀̌̈́̕̕ɒ̶̭͕̘̭̗̄̌́͑͠d̷̨̝̘͇͛͗̇̈́̋͜į̴̝̭̣͚͒͑̿̓̚ļ̵̧̯̖̯̄͋̿͂͝í̷̧̺̟̮̩̏̆̓̿Ɉ̴̬̯͕̱̃̈̏̇̽͜γ̴̰͉̹̣̩͑́̃͊̒ ̵͈͙̬̠̹́͗̆̕͠Ɉ̵̢̫̘͇͓̎̓͂̑̈́o̴̡̨̭̠͉̅͒̈̅̑ ̷̭̱̳̺͇̽̽̽̈́͠ɔ̴̛͇̰̲͓̰̾̂̉̄l̴͖͍̘̳̋̽͐̇́ͅɘ̸̡͖̗̯̯̈̂̃͊͠ɒ̴̭̳̞͙̈́͑͌̄͜͝ɿ̷͓͎̻̝̮͗̿̂̀͝ ̴̡̫̥̙̦̾͗̇̀̂Ɉ̴̡̨̠̪̲̄̆̿͐̾ʜ̵̯͕̫̣̺̃̇̅̎͋ɘ̴̨̢̩̹̪̋̇́͑͘ ̶̭̳͔̥̫̀̈́́̏̓ɔ̵̙̣̟̮͓̌̌̾͌͛ὺ̶̫͎̞͉͇͋̈́̑̔ɿ̷̭̗̭̙̃̃́̽̚ͅƨ̷̗̫͇̞̠̀̈͒͗̌ɘ̵̭̭̱̮̬̓̃̔̄͝ ̶̢̯̙̘͍̂̀̃̀̋n̷͍̗̼̙̠̒͊̾͘͠ɒ̴̧̳͓̭͛̈̽̑͝ͅɈ̵̭̳̺͉̜̒̂̑͆̉ϋ̶̡̛͉͉͙̃͊̀ͅɿ̵̟̦̩͚̍͆͗̿͂ͅɒ̶̟̰̫̯̔̒̒͋͜͠l̸̼͖̼̞̜̅́́̔͘l̴̛͖̼͕̲̉̿̌̿ͅγ̷͕̠̬͓̮͆̎͋̾̄ ̷̖͈̺̝͕̋̈́̾̅̎ì̵̧̦̩͚̯̋͌͒͠ƨ̶̢̬̠̤̀͒̔̆͑ͅ ̵̹̮͈̫̯́̏̾͆͝ɘ̸̧̳͕̭͛̒̈́̌̽ͅx̸̟͚͉̞͌̄̄̿͠ͅɔ̷̣͔̮͇̣̀͗͒̽̃ɘ̴̨̧̖͓̳́̉̉̒̉q̴̹̙̲̺̭̾̆͛͊͝Ɉ̶̡̛̩͇̖̠̅̋̓̊i̶̱̩̰̫͍͐̎͛̅͘ő̸̺̻̟̮̜̄́̿̈́n̴̡͉͍̻̦͑̎͆͝͝ɒ̷̖̫̩͖̱̓̅̊̒͠l̷̢͔̪̱͍̃͊̒̔͝l̶̟͉͙̱̱͑̌̄̇̓γ̷͓̟̬̟͕̆̃̃͋͌ ̶̰̼̫̖̆̍̑̉́͜ɿ̷̛͉͍͚̩͖̇̋̾͠ɒ̶̳͚̰͖̂͂͑͘͝ͅɿ̸̩̱͕̻̪̀̌̐̅͝ɘ̴̢̗͕̗̞̊́͒͐͝,̵̢̰̯͉̫̇̊͌͆͝ ̷̯͖̹̝̫̂͑̃͆̚ɒ̷̜͍̮̮̹̽̈́͑̕͝ņ̷̭̹̼̥́̈́̋̒̚b̷̰̮̯̦̮̑̑͂͘͝ ̵̧̛̫̣̯̣̒̈́͂̑o̷̧̩̤̥̰̊̐̐̽̾n̸̢͇̲̤̣̈́̆̈́̑̈l̸̡̼̪̱̯̑̈́́̊̾γ̷͚̝̰̳̖̔̀̓̿͝ ̷͙̣͖͙̜̓̾̎̂̐Ɉ̷̬̲̼̐̇̉̓̕͜ͅʜ̴̺̺͕̪̦̈́͋̽̎̊ɿ̴̧̟̭̘͍̀̀̄̈́̕ɘ̵̛͖̲͔̺͓̔̿̄͠ɘ̶̣̗̦̘̰̏̈͊͊̀ ̸̮͔̘͖̜̓́̎̕͝ɔ̷̙͔͍̥͎͆̓̊͊̚ɒ̷̧̼̱͖̱͐́̈̔̇ƨ̸̢͍͓͕̺̒̒̑̀͘ɘ̷̡̤͓͍͍͆̐̌̑̋ƨ̸̛̛̩̲̤͓͍̉́͑ ̸̮̝̲̩̮̆́́͋̐ʜ̸̪̼̘̂͌̍̇͝ͅͅɒ̶͖͓͈̹͆͌̿̚̕͜v̷̠̹̰̪̍̽̇͂͗͜ɘ̷̗̰͇̝͆́̎̒͆ͅ ̷̪͔̥͎̮̾̃̒͛͘ḋ̸̡̙̗͇̣̓̉̔͠ɘ̶͚̤̰͈̫̓̿̉̉̅ɘ̵̤͙̭̗̰̈́̇̏̍̈ṇ̷̨͉̜̱̽͌̏̉͝ ̷̳̼͎̥̺̋̂͂̿̈́n̵͇̱̙̠̙̆͂̾̚͝ơ̶̡͖͕͉͖̑̂̀̉Ɉ̸̨̨̟̝̞̇̅͂̔̀ɘ̶̛̝̭̼̭̜͌̄̑̚b̶̡͍͖̥̱̿͐̓̿̿ ̸̨͈̗͈̻͊͛̈̓͘i̵͉̜̫̲̟̓͊͂͊̋ņ̶̧̺̻̣̿̈́̀̄̿ ̶̧̨̩̺͖͑̀̈́̽͘Ɉ̴̡̙͍̯͊͗́̌́͜ʜ̸̺̟̣͚̯̎͆̿̔̆ɘ̷̛̪̹̲̺̪͂̆̋̀ ̶̛̱͉̭̮̃̀̀͘͜l̸̯̘̮̼̥͆͗͋͋͝i̸̧͔̻͍̣͒̃̈́͋͠Ɉ̶̘͓͉̯̬͋̃̐̅́ɘ̷͙̮͙̘͙̀̓͛̈̆ɿ̴̠̮̮̳̝̏́͗͛́ɒ̷̡̗̲̝̦̈́̔̏̈́͠Ɉ̷̭̜͕͚̈́̎́́̐ͅυ̵̘̜̱̗̟͑̈́̓͊͒ɿ̴͙̜͉̩̹̓͐̋͂̕ɘ̵̯̯̥͉̟̓͐̇͘͠.̵̧͍͓̘̽̾͗̌̈ͅ
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fractallogic · 1 year
Artemis is doing a concern because instead of doing the Shower Routine, I have paused in the middle between putting my pajamas on and flossing my teeth to lie in bed, because I realized that I could traction my neck and back by hanging limp off the side
I feel great. Artemis is has already brought me her mousie out of concern and is going back and forth between the bathroom window (because it’s open) and me (because what the fuck, hoomin), so she’s not so good. But it’s okay lil bab!! If I could stretch as well as you can, I probably wouldn’t have to be weird like this!
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lost-technology · 1 year
I have an image in my brain that I want to use for my long WIP in some chapter when it hits that kind of plotine, or possibly in a different context in a one-shot for this fandom... Imagine Millions Knives, in full murder-mode, chains of knives undulating around him. In front of him is Rem Saverem (if it's in "Survivor's Guilt" she's really there, but Knives thinks she's a ghost, if it's a one shot, then she is a ghost or a dream). Knives is just sort of dumbfounded, being confronted by this vision. He says softly, solemnly "I never meant to kill you."
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offendingnoone · 1 year
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Hello Tumblr!
This is an anatomically accurate portrait of a hoomin.
Learn it well, be good at art things!
I now go break boundaries in some other field!
Be well!
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spinnyspood · 2 years
My noise-cancelling headphones never came and I was ghosted by the seller so I'm just sitting here trying to game with my loop plugs in under my headset so I don't get overwhelmed
... it's not working
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fubinicrafts · 3 months
Happy Father’s Day
MooCow is quite fond of man hoomin but Mopsy not so much
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were--ralph · 1 year
I just wanna meet a masc dom vampire skunk who uses his funk to hypnotize hoomin victims and reluctant lovers. Is that too much to ask?
yes we hate vampires here its a werewolf only viibe
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buttercup-fluffalove · 2 months
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an interesting stuffy has appeared under the small hoomin's bed
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Helo hoomin. I bring... I bring sleeping bag and tent.
I can give fire flowers if you get cold!
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Gootbye hoomin!
-Hawthorn the hareball
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“Shame I can’t keep up the tent due to the cars in here… although I suppose it’s also a shame that a multi-billion-dollar franchise can’t afford to give me a proper house.
…I’ll take what I can get, I suppose.”
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scarletwitchie2 · 5 months
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Valentine the Bunny FB - Bunny is home!
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Bunnies are stronger than we are. Bunnies are smart as h3ll. No matter what you say, you'd eventually replace us. That's the law of Nature!
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Bunnies hunt hoomins... that is the law. But the law is wrong!
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This is Commander some guy, Astronaut. He has landed in a world where Bunnies are the rulers and Man the beast. Now he is caged, tortured, risk of bites. Because no human can remain human on... The Planet of the Bunns.
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Meet the stars behind each Valentine The Bunny poster!
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psycohousecat · 7 months
That will be all hoomin
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rabbitsoverload · 1 year
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« Hoomin ? Is that snow ? »
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coy-lee · 2 years
TK Masterpost
This is just a start for now.
But hopefully this is helpful for finding your fix!
Monkey Bar Sun
Crop Top
Lee Mood
Ni Hao Good Morning Sun
Captain Feather Sword
Overwhelmed Moon Meme
GIF Moon Teasing
Tangled Up Moon
OC diVo
diVo Doodles
diVo Gets Moon Good
Sunny with a Button/diVo loves it 
Cookie Thief pt1
Cookie Thief pt2
Cookie Thief End
Glitch and Sun Bonding
New Eclipse/Arcade GlitchSun,
 Moon and Eclipse/Walk The Plank
Eclipse Getting The Bois
Eclipse TKs Sun
OC Betelgeuse 
Sun and Moon:
Sun and Moon-rito
SaMS Minecraft
SaMS Wither Storm
Trying The TikTok Trend
Crop Top pt2
GIF Sun and Moon TK 
On the Wire/Graceful and Tangled
BallPit Shark
Stuck Up-Side-Down
Sunrito Recipe
Sunrito and Moon
Puppet Wants To Play
Puppet Wants to Play Bonus
Missing Hat pt1
Missing Hat pt2
Missing Hat pt3
Missing Hat pt4
Easter TKs
Sun and Moon Get Each Other
 Sun and Moon Vs Nightmarrione  
Glamrocks+Moon vs Sun TKs
Moon and the STAFF bots vs Sunny 
Moon Sneaking Peeks at Gifts 
SaMS Fanart:
S&MS Eclipse and Lunar   
SaMS Eclipse Redemption??? 
Lunar Tricks Bloodlust Moon
Sun and Lunar Arms Up for Moon
Sun Stuck in Lunar's Beanbag Chair
Curious Eclipse
Description: Eclipse is new to the daycare. His job is to watch over the attendants and monitor their well being. After observing Sun and Moon play a particular game, he becomes curious, and he tries to play the game with Sun himself. Moon can only help just watching for so long before he too joins the fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse, ler!Moon)
Asking For It 
Description: Sun and Moon play a little cat and mouse until Moon catches the goof and pins him in a peculiar way. Now Sun needs to say what he wants from Moon, or not get it at all…
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
All Caught Up (With No Ulterior Motives)
Description: Sun and Moon play mind games. One loses, but both win.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Description: Sun is still packed with energy at the end of the day, and Moon thinks up a little solution for Sun’s little problem.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Motor Function Error
Description: One morning, Sun wakes up but finds that he suffered a motor malfunction during the night and cannot move. He can still feel sensations tho. It took time for the maintenance team to arrive for the day so Sun and Moon find a way to pass the time while they wait
( lee!Sun, ler!Moon ) 
Close Encounter With The Third Kind (Phantoms)
Description: There's something lurking in the dark corners of the daycare. Sun and Moon soon meet said being and have their expectations subverted. Turns out there are sillier reasons to fear the dark. 
( lee!Sun, sidelines!Moon, ler!divo )
Life's All A Game
Description: In the boys' loft, there is an arcade machine with a glitch. a sentient glitch. They find a way to visit him, and Sun finds himself at the mercy of someone much more powerful than he could have imagined. Luckily for him, and Moon, this guy just likes to have good old fashioned fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse)
Someone Else's Turn To Play  
Description: It's been approximately 4 days since the bois encountered the darkness living in the daycare's shadows. Moon's been as serious as ever during the nighttime and it seems that after one of his patrols, diVo decides it's a perfect time to fix that.
( lee!Moon, lee!Sun, ler!diVo)
Videos With Featured Works:
Case of The Missing Hat 
Shenanigans of The Daycare  
A Starry Christmas
Gaster Gets Sans and Papyrus 
Gaster and Sans, Selfworth Fluff\
Hoomin AU Sans
Spamton Tangled in the Vines/Wires 
Spamton and FNAF OC Eclipse
A Jester Wrecking and Puppet
Seam and Spamton Razzles
Spamton Dress Up, Jevil "Helps" (+Seam) 
Teasy Ler Spamton Neo
Lee Seam, Ler Spamton and Jevil
Jevil Tickles Spamton GIF
Cheater, Cheater
Description: Spamton and Jevil do battle quite often. Spamton feels like Jevil is hiding the secret to freedom in that cell of his. Jevil knows better than that and would rather keep Spamton from finding out the no such secret exists. So, they duke it out, both wanting to win for their own reasons. This time, though, Jevil is a bit worried about how good Spamton has gotten at fighting him...so he takes the battle in a different direction. A very fun direction.
(lee!Spamton, ler!Jevil)
HELLO? [[tickling department]]? IT"S FOR YOU!
Description: With the player being away for who knows how long, Jevil and Spamton hang out in the void behind Seam's shop, attempting to entertain themselves the best they can. However when messes are to be kept to a minimum, All hope of escaping boredom is lost... or is it?
(Lee!Jevil Ler!Spamton, [implied]Lee!Spamton)
Detroit: Become Human
Gavin Taken Down A Notch By RK900
Blushing Cicero
Cicero Following Orders
Gravity Falls
Stanley and Ford Brother Roughhousing
Alternate Weirdmageddon 
Super Mario
Super Mario and "Mr. L"  
Gabe Reminds Cas of his Place 
Doodle Dump:
Gartic Phone Fun Doodles 
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