shootingstardraw · 3 years
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Toothcup~ Two dorks in the end of the world- Zombies AU
Toothcup, but isn't really toothcup 😏🤭 (No I mean, really, is not Toothcup).
Toothless: Those bastards... Well, we're gonna have to go through 'em to gotta of here.
Hiccup: -Sigh- Today's gonna be one of those days.
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 “in just twelve short days”
And what with that?
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inhonoredglory · 6 years
As a big fan of your work for many years I must say I'm glad to see you back! I'd like to ask what your opinion of the Light Fury is? I personally don't like her at all, her design is kind of boring and generic to me and the whole idea of a "white night fury" is just... so lame and cliche. I'm holding out until the trailer is released but as of now she's just a huge eye sore compared to how DW treats their other female dragons..
First of all, thanks for liking my work! I totally understand your concerns. When I first saw the poster, I was put off by the design too (to be fair, posters have never been that good w/ HTTYD sequels). However, I’m warming to the new look, for once because my marketing side is kicking in and for that reason alone, any new important Night Furies are gonna have to be very different. She’s a new main character, and her character design has to stand out from our Toothless in a big way for people to recognize her as both an instantly-recognizable Night Fury and yet an instantly-recognizable new character. They could have gone subtle, like the female Nightmare (and be more realistic), but that would be too easy for most mainstream viewers to get confused on posters and ads. Going for white might have been a little too easy, sure, but it sure as hell makes her easy to recognize and market.
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In rationalizing the change for myself too, I theorize that her whiteness is a result of having adapted to a cave environment, perhaps indicating the fate of dragons and what dragon species are facing in the new world. I'm hoping she’s actually a subspecies of Night Fury, which would allow for such vast a difference.
On a personal note for me, I did realize how nice it was to have Toothless remain unique––his black, scaly figure is still going to be the only one of that kind on screen, and any artistic representation that approximates that silhouette/color will still be his alone. In the past, I have been torn about Toothless finding other Night Furies––because then he’d lose that romantic “last of his kind” designation. Light Fury enables me to tread that barrier rather nicely.
I do have issues with her being a female necessitating her design to slide towards “smooth” and “soft.” But I have faith in this fierce gaze to make up for those stereotypical markers:
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Finally, in the books, there is a Sea-Dragon that fits Light Fury’s description almost to a tee (book cap courtesy honeymodok)
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If anything, I’m a sucker for book canonicity, so that alone helped convince me. Luminous and light, mysterious and beautiful... I can see why Cressida would create a character like that, mimicking the splendor of the moon, especially the moon against a sea. She could look really stunning in high-grade animation, against Toothless’ midnight black.
Ultimately, I was at first put off by her design and how different it was from Toothless’. But I’m warming to it and I’m hoping the trailer will show more of her personality. At the moment, my main concern with her is how much the romantic plot will overshadow Hiccup and Toothless’ friendship and how they will handle Toothless’ (likely) leaving Hiccup for her (which already sounds awful in my mouth but we basically know Hiccup and Toothy won’t be together by the end of the film... and this movie is gonna show why that’s needed in each of their character arcs).
tl;dr. I get and understand your POV. I’m accepting it for now and holding off for the trailer and film.
And hey maybe it’ll be like the peacocks.
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ferutaro · 8 years
Happy birthday @honeymodoki ily hun! I hope you have lots of fun with your family and friends today!
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saberghatz · 9 years
Bittersweet: Favorite music artist?
PRAISE TYOU FOR WRITING WHAT THE QUESTION WAS IN THE ASKI had no idea these weren’t in alphabetical order until after I reblogged it
Bittersweet: Favorite music artist?
Adam Lambert!!
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Bueno soy un fan de Jamie de El origen de los guardianes y me preguntaba en que casa estaría :D
Jamie Bennett: ¡Gryffindor!
Puedo seleccionar a Jamie en la casa de los valientes,osados y determinados porque eso es lo que este niño representa: la osadías yel valor de dar la cara para defender a otros, esto no significa que ninguna otra casa pueda ser valiente, pero esdependiendo  de la razón de la valentía,en este caso, Jamie tuvo el valor de enfrentarse a Pitch porque su ética ledecía que era lo correcto y que lo que debía hacer era ayudar a los guardianes,poniendo sus principios y valor frente al miedo.
Algo importante que hace a Jamie un Gryffindor es suformidable fe; Jamie se encuentra con los guardianes una sola vez, un encuentroque pudo ser un simple sueño dada la situación, pero para él fue más quesuficiente para estar seguro de que sus héroes eran reales, incluso cuando susamigos no lo creyeran y le dijeran que sólo había sido un sueño, y sinceramentelas señales indicaban a que eso era, más sin embargo, Jamie seguía creyendo contodo su ser porque estaba seguro de que tenía razón, incluso cuando no tuvierapruebas de ello, y no fue un simple orgullo lo que le impidiera admitir quepodría estar equivocado, es sólo que para los Gryffindors no es nada sencilloque intenten arrebatarnos algo en lo que creemos y le tengamos cariño, comoJamie con los guardianes, porque ellos representaban mucho emocionalmente paraél, por eso no podía aceptar que no fuesen reales.
Eso es lo que hace la diferencia para que Jamie no seaun Ravenclaw, un Ravenclaw se sentiría ofendido de que alguien cuestionara suforma de pensar, o sea su lógica; con este niño fue algo más emocional, supequeño mundo de fantasía al que tanto le tenía cariño se estaba derrumbando.
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Chicos, enserio. Les sugeriría que no sólo pidan de un personaje, pueden pedir la película completa, sería más fácil.
~~ Honey Modoki ~~ (Gryffindor) 
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shootingstardraw · 3 years
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Because 2013 never dies👌🏻
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shootingstardraw · 5 years
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shootingstardraw · 5 years
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Everything Stays/ Todo Se Queda Original Song from Adventure Time~
This is the type of siblings we all needed to be.... well... almost...
Amber Fabrell & Garff Fabrell aka Human! Death song & Human! Little Garff  
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shootingstardraw · 5 years
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Starring by Human Toothless!!
Well yesterday I got my new artmarkers!! And They're so beatiful and good so I used them to coloring new draws from a new (HIJACK/FROSTCUP) AU I'm working, The "It Started At The 731 Room"
It Started At The 731 Room AU
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shootingstardraw · 6 years
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Baby Human Toothless & Baby Human Light Fury!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Original Human Toothless design y: Shadowpiratemonkey7 (Since 2013) (But with a little changes)
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shootingstardraw · 5 years
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This is what I do on my job instead of work XDD
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shootingstardraw · 5 years
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Little Furies In Love AU
I love the fact how she always use a patch in her nose, that let you know much about how she is.
And the dynamic these two have... I love them so much
Human Original Toothless design by: shadowpiratemonkey7 (With a little changes) 
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shootingstardraw · 3 years
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shootingstardraw · 7 years
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Triple Stryke
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shootingstardraw · 7 years
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Noah/Toothless NO FunkoPop
Original Character Design by: Shadowpiratemonkey7
Hand Work: HoneyModoki~~
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