#honeybees are fine
beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #1
Fun fact arctic bumble bees exist! They live in cold places like: Alaska, Canada, etc. They're very very fluffy bumble bees. It takes a lot for them to survive in such cold climates. So sometimes they can be seen sunbathing in flowers trying to get warm.
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ghoulinfuschia · 6 months
Romantic breakups suck, but I think platonic breakups hurt just as bad. You lose a person you thought would be around forever. What’s worse is if neither of you did anything wrong. Circumstances just wouldn’t allow it anymore. You stand at the end of your journey together, side by side, and all you can say is “Thank you for everything. I hope the future treats you kindly.”
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size-two-shrimp · 4 months
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i put on a song today
one of the ones
on the playlist you made me
so very long ago
i used to listen to this song all the time
each strain of melody
like a familiar caress against my mind
making me feel
the way your messages
once made me feel
i missed it
back when we were still something
i used to listen to that playlist, so carefully
eyes closed
imagining you were next to me
telling me all the things in each song
or even just next to me
i wanted it so much then
that it hurts
even now to remember
i never told you
that i bought every song
on that beautiful playlist
and remade it
so i’d always have it
even if i didn’t have you
cos the songs always spoke to me
the ones i knew like the back of my hand
and the ones i fell so deeply in love with
the more i replayed them
no one had ever made me a playlist before
never mind one as beautiful as that one
i didn’t know anyone could feel
even half as much as what those songs said
for someone like me
it’s good to remember that
especially now
so i put on a song today
and it made me ache inside
a deep dark longing
to be close to someone
close to you
even though it’s been too long for that
but it was something i haven’t felt in years
something i haven’t felt since you
something i’ve really missed feeling
- Cassiopeia, 15 September 2024
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honey-crypt · 3 months
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it’s not an addiction i swear
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
congratulations grimm for winning art fight this year and being in twelve whole attacks i was NOT expecting that
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graycatplayingchopin · 5 months
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Bee My Love「ビー マイ ラブ」コレクション メダリオン ペンダント ピンクゴールド - 085094 - Chaumet
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005198s · 2 years
if i knew how to write smut.... it'd be over for everyone who's w honeybee
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duskier · 9 months
141 x super fem reader <33
Price loooves that you love all those tooth rottingly sweet pet names. Pet, puppy, honey, angel, baby, sweetheart, good girl, sweet girl, princess, darling, honeybee, starlight, sunshine; you name it, Price has called you it. A thrill running down his spine at how he can call you a simple name and make you squirm and blush and smile. The prettiest, sweetest smile in the world and Price can never resist kissing it off of you.
Soap who loves to take care of your hair for you. Dyeing it, brushing it, straightening it, braiding it, washing it, conditioning it. All of it. He's got strong hands that love to carefully tangle themselves in your hair to massage oils directly into your scalp. Drags a brush through your hair with gentle attention until the brush combs through without a single hitch or knot. Buys you sweet smelling perfumes that you purposefully spray into your hair. You can see him swoon each time you spin your head around, your flowery lovely perfume instantly filling his senses.
Gaz who loves giving you the full princess treatment. You have to bully him into leaving his wallet at home after one too many times of you going shopping together and each thing you look at for a little too long Gaz is pulling his card out to purchase. Opens every door for you, from buildings to his car to your bedroom. Puts careful time and attention into every date- he surprises you with how skilled his cooking is. When you ask when and why he learned it, you see him turn away bashfully. His smile blinding when he looks back to you and says, "Well, I just learned it for you..."
Ghost who finds the little soft things around him and brings them to you. Like a crow collecting shiny trinkets, he goes to Paris? Comes home with a replica of a fine painting he saw in a museum there in his off time. A soft, satiny ribbon he finds overseas finds its way home to be your favorite hair accessory. That time he spent in Greece, the dress he brought you home was so soft and dainty you could weep- handmade, too. An absolute heirloom gem you felt you couldn't wear but he insists you wear it, spins you around in it to get a full view. Slow dancing together and he's so overcome with emotion he has to whisper: "You're so beautiful, love."
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puckinghischier · 1 month
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luke hughes x fem!reader
summary - reader prefers to stay out of the spotlight being luke hughes’ girlfriend brings
notes - y’all asked for luke, so luke you’ll get. i wanted to try to get out at least one more fic for you guys before my semester kicks off tomorrow. i don’t know how often i’ll be able to write once things get going, but i’m going to try my best not to completely disappear again. i don’t really like the ending of this, but i hope you enjoy it anyways. happy reading! 🫶🏼
request - “go with me?” “only if you’ll hold my hand” “take my jacket, i don’t want you catching a cold”
You were someone that absolutely hated the spotlight. You hated the feeling of eyes on you, the knowledge that every move you make is being observed and analyzed.
You flew under the radar all through school, until college. You managed to become valedictorian of your program, earning a highly sought after position with a company based out of New Jersey.
The city has always brought a sense of anonymity to you that you’ve enjoyed. The ability to be a stranger everywhere you go brings a certain comfort to you.
That is, until you met one of the most well-known men in Jersey.
You first met Luke at an event your company was hosting in partnership with the Devils to present them with a hefty donation for a new practice facility. You had tried to get out of going, suit and tie events not being your typical scene, but your boss informed you that you were required to attend.
Even wearing the most plain dress you could find, you caught the attention of none other than the team’s rookie defenseman. You had tried to politely make your exit, but Luke was too intrigued by the pretty stranger in the corner.
The two of you had spent the rest of the night talking, despite the feeling of every eye on you as Luke lead you back to a table. The two of you exchanged numbers at the end of the event, Luke inviting you out to a game. He offered to give you a ticket, but you informed him that your company had rink-side season seats, courtesy of the GM after the donation.
You attended games regularly after that night, blending in the sea of red with Luke’s own Jersey on your back—another perk of the large donation— while also chatting with Luke nearly every day over text, which eventually morphed into phone calls, then facetime calls when he was on the road.
Four months after your initial meeting, Luke decided to make it official and put a label on your relationship.
You had worried about the unwanted attention that came with being a ‘WAG’ as you learned the other significant others on the team were nicknamed, but your feelings for Luke were greater than any discomfort you may experience.
Now, though, looking at the hoard of photographers that are stationed around the rink, your anxiety begins to spike a little.
“Honeybee, I promise it’ll be fine. They probably won’t even focus on us, anyways. They’ll want a few shots of me and Jack with mom and dad, but it’s likely they’ll be too busy on the guys with kids to even notice you’re with me,” Luke reassures you, crouched in front of you while tying your skates.
Today was family skate day for the team, Luke having asked you weeks ago to participate with him.
You agreed, despite your limited ability to skate, thinking it was just going to be the players and their families, no media presence. When you arrived with Luke this morning, however, and you saw the photographers trying to get pictures through the windows of Luke’s BMW, you realized you were wrong.
“I’m just nervous, Luke,” you tell him quietly. “I know if they release pictures of you with a girl during family skate it’s going to be the next big hockey gossip topic, and then it’ll feel like I’m under a microscope.”
Luke’s soft eyes look up at you, sensing the nervousness in your own.
“I know, sweet girl. But I promise, I’ll have Tom talk to the media and tell him to withhold any pictures of us together, if that makes you feel better?” he offers, picking up your now skate clad foot off of his knee and placing it on the padded floor.
You think about the offer, but realize it would still cause unwanted attention on you. You don’t want to be difficult, just invisible.
“No, I don’t want to overcomplicate things. It’s fine. Like you said, I’m sure they’ll mostly focus on everyone else,” you smile down at him, watching his own grin overtake his face.
“Well then, it’s time we finally get you acquainted with the ice. I have a feeling you’ll be seeing a lot of it in your future,” he winks, standing to his full height and holding a hand out to help you off of the bench.
He helps you walk over to the entrance to the rink, steadying you after every wobble. Once you reached the gate, you hesitate, halting your movements.
“C’mon, Honeybee. Go with me?” Luke asks you, already having stepped on the ice.
Thinking about what this means once more, and the huge step it is, no only onto the ice but in your relationship, you hesitate for only a few seconds.
“Only if you hold my hand,” you tell him, your words going deeper than just ice skating.
“Always,” he responds, tugging your hands towards him when you step onto the ice, shakily keeping your balance.
“Well, look at you, Wallflower, out here skating with the big dogs,” Jack calls out, skating up towards you and Luke.
Looking over to give him a short smile, you try to keep a majority of your attention on not falling over as Luke slowly pulls you towards him as he skates backwards.
“Figured it can’t be that hard if you do it all the time,” you tease him back, the two of you becoming close friends over the course of yours and Luke’s relationship.
Jack, as rambunctious and rowdy as he can be, is one of the people who works the hardest to keep you out of the spotlight, other than Luke, of course.
On the rare occasion you decide to tag along for team outings with Luke, Jack will act as your own personal body guard, perfectly hiding you in-between him and Luke anytime there’s a flash of a camera or a squeal of a fan.
“Oh, yeah, make fun of the professional. Let’s see you do this,” Jack makes a big show of skating backwards while swiveling, then executing a very poor jump, but still managing to land upright on his skates.
You roll your eyes at him, only glancing up for a few seconds at a time, trying to keep your eyes on your own feet.
“Alright, Jack, that’s enough showing off. Give the poor girl a break,” you hear Ellen scold her middle child as her and Jim skate over towards the three of you, hand in hand.
“Hey, she started it. I was just trying to defend myself,” he holds his hands up in surrender.
Luke guides you over to one of the short walls, allowing you to hold onto it for support for a second, giving you a break.
“Don’t act like you have to have a reason to show off, it’s just your natural state,” you tease Jack again, earning a laugh from the rest of the group.
“You got me there,” Jack doesn’t argue, shrugging his shoulders in agreement.
“Jack! Luke! Over here!” you hear a voice yell, turning to look at the photographer a few feet away from you, leaning over the wall with his camera pointed in your direction.
You feel the spike of anxiety in your chest, attempting to scoot further down the wall to separate yourself from them, but nearly losing your balance.
Luckily Luke was right there to catch you. “Hey, it’s okay. They’ll just get a few pictures of our family together and then move on,” he assures you once he makes sure you’re steady enough to be left alone.
You watch as Jack and Luke position themselves in just the right way that you’re completely hidden behind them, the added bodies of Ellen and Jim only ensuring your hidden state.
The photographer snaps a few shots of the family before giving a thumbs up, looking down to check the quality of his pictures.
You let out the breath you were holding in, sagging a bit at the relief of avoiding any unwanted attention.
“See, told you there was nothing to worry about,” Luke skates over to you again, leading you away from the wall.
“Luke! How about a shot of you and your lady!” the same photographer yells out, causing your relaxed state to turn rigid in a heartbeat.
“Nah, man. No pictures for her today. Just me and Jack,” Luke replies, skating to stand in front of you, blocking you from the camera pointed at you.
“Oh, c’mon, man. The fans will love it!” the photographer tries again, attempting to move positions to catch a glimpse of you.
“He said, no, man. Go get some shots of Cap or something. She doesn’t want her picture taken,” Jack skates up, standing in front of both you and Luke.
The photographer rolls his eyes, agitated at the loss of a good picture opportunity. “Fine, whatever,” the man huffs, turning and walking towards Nico and his family.
“Thanks, you guys,” you mumble out, embarrassed at the interaction.
“I told you, no pictures if you don’t want them,” Luke turns to face you, taking your hands in his once again, pulling you out further onto the ice.
The rest of the skate goes smoothly, no more unwanted attention from the photographers, just you and Luke and his family skating in small circles and having a good time.
Towards the end of the skate, you start bringing your gloved hands up to rub at your red nose, the chill of the ice finally getting to you.
“You cold, Honeybee?” Luke asks you, knowing how chilled you get, even when wearing layers like you were right now.
“Yeah, it’s a little chilly in here. Not that you’d know,” you tease your boyfriend, gesturing to his full set of pads and jersey he was wearing. Not to mention his tolerance for the cold anyways.
He leads the two of you over towards the benches, leaving you leaned against the wall for a second before returning with something in his hands.
“Here, take my jacket, I don’t want you catching a cold,” he tells you, draping your favorite plaid jacket of his over your shoulders.
You put your arms through the large sleeves, loving how you were now engulfed in the smell of his cologne.
Thanking him, you lean up to give him a small kiss, not caring who was watching, lost in your love for your boyfriend.
“Alright, let’s get you out of these skates and back into your normal shoes before people start filing in for warm ups. I have a game to play and you have to get to your seat so you can watch your hunky boyfriend do his manly job of hitting people and chasing a piece of rubber on ice,” he tells you, causing you to laugh at him, bringing a hand up to ruffle his curls.
After helping you remove your skates, and pouting until you give him a good luck kiss, Luke shoos you away so you can make your way to your usual seat, Jim and Ellen opting to join you at the glass rather than sitting in a box with some of the other player parents.
The boys ended up winning their game, Luke coming straight out of the locker room after the game and picking you up in a celebratory spin, claiming you have to go skating with him before every game now.
You laugh at his superstitious self, grabbing his hand and walking towards the exit of the rink with him to join the rest of the team for celebratory drinks, not wanting to bail on Luke after such a game.
Weeks later, when you see an article containing the pictures from the family skate event, you click on it and scroll through the various snapshots.
You find yourself smiling at all of the family pictures of Luke’s teammates, enjoying how happy the guys are to have their wives and kids with them on the ice.
Scrolling all the way to the end of the article, you find yourself stopping on a couple pictures in particular, the familiar pit of anxiety forming in your stomach.
The last two pictures in the article are pictures of you and Luke. The first was taken when he was zipping up the jacket he gave you, the two of you looking at each other with so much fondness you could feel the love radiating from the picture.
The second is when you were craning your neck to give Luke a small kiss, the picture captured right before your lips touched, both of you smiling at the other with the same fond look in your eyes.
Your immediate reaction should have been a level three meltdown, your picture out there with Luke, officially, in an ESPN article of all places, but you were surprisingly calm. You should have been screaming and angry, having specifically told the photographer no pictures, but you couldn’t find that anger within yourself.
The pictures showcased yours and Luke’s love for each other so well, you wanted copies of them for yourself. Suddenly you didn’t care if people knew your name, or your face. You could care less if you were front and center on every hockey gossip page in existence.
All you cared about was the amount of happiness you saw on Luke’s face in the pictures, and how deeply you felt about him.
So, when Luke called you an hour later, panicked and telling you he was in the process of getting them taken down, you told him it didn’t matter. They didn’t need to be taken down, because you didn’t care if you had to stand naked in the middle of the rink during puck drop at his next game, you just wanted people to know you loved him with every ounce of your being.
Your aversion to attention be damned, seeing these pictures made you want to scream your love for him from the rooftop of the highest building in Jersey. You were still opposed to the idea of unwanted and unnecessary attention, but decided right here that there would be no more hiding. You were going to be there for Luke in any way he wanted or needed you from here on out. And if you happened to be caught in a few pictures on the way? Well, you guess you’ll just have to get them framed.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #4
Fun face, bumble bee queens are single mothers when they first make their hives. They have to carry their eggs and regulate their temperature so the eggs don't die. They have to do all this while gathering supplies to make their hives!
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hayatoseyepatch · 1 month
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Description: Poppin' bottles, here are some headcanons of some of the Wind Breaker boys taking care of their significant other when they've had one too many. Characters: Jo Togame, Hajime Umemiya, Ren Kaji, Haruka Sakura, Hayato Suo,& Toma Hiragi. Word Count: 2.1k Contains: Fem!Reader x Multiple Charcters (separate). Fluff. Mentions of alcohol/being drunk. Slightly suggestive in some (Sakura's is borderline smutty, oops). Not proof read. cw: mentions of attempted drink spiking in Kaji's. (Drink responsibly y'all). ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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Author's Note: This was a request for wbk headcannons for them taking care of a drunk partner. I hope you enjoy it, Kisa!! This was actually so much fun to write, honestly, it was just the silly/fluffy thing I needed to get me back into the swing of things post-writer's block/sickness. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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Togame scanned the crowd, leisurely drinking from the glass bottle in his hand, his eyes never straying from your form. He snickered to himself, watching you and Choji throw your bodies around dancing awfully with one another as you both laughed loudly. It warmed his heart to see you both together, the fact that the two most important people in his life got along and were even friends never eased to bring a smile to his face. He watched the both of you have a significant stumble to your movements as he eased off the bar, heading over to where the both of you were. His hand settled on your waist to keep you upright, grinning as he leaned down to your ear. “Woah there beautiful, careful, don’t want you taking a tumble now, hm?”
He chuckled as he felt your body stiffen beneath his fingertips, only for you to relax as the sound registered to your ears and you turned in his embrace. If there was ever a moment he wanted to commit to memory, it would be the very moment your features lit up upon seeing him. Throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him down to your level to place a wet kiss on his lips. He could taste the liquor coating your lips, leaning down to scoop you into his arms, large hands holding you steady by the backs of your thighs. “Come on, dove. Let’s get you home before you regret this tomorrow.” You begin to protest, only to trail off your words as the scent of his cologne meets your nose. Relaxing in his embrace, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck, humming in contentment. “mmm.. fine but you’re carrying me home.” He chuckles once more, pressing his lips to your forehead in a sweet gesture. “I wouldn’t have it any other way darlin.”
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Umemiya kicked the door closed with his foot, his arms occupied with your form as he carried you inside your shared apartment. Despite being perceived as immature, he was an older sibling and the former leader of Bofurin for years, making him a very nurturing partner. He smiles down at you, still wrapped around him like the cutest koala bear, he was glad you had a good time. Watching you dance with Tsubaki and giggling with Kotoha at the bar had filled him with happiness. Gently he sat you on the couch, kneeling in front of you, delicately removing each of your shoes, pressing a sweet kiss to each of your knees as he completed his task. Handing you a bottle of water and some painkillers to combat the hangover you were sure to have in the morning. “Did you have a good time sunflower?”
A smile breaks out on his face as you give a wobbly nod, your head bobbing in the cutest way. He picks you up once more, walking you both to the bedroom, placing you delicately on the bed as he gingerly removes your clothes. Pressing sweet kisses to your skin with each inch of it that was revealed to his eyes. “You're so beautiful honeybee.” He murmurs against your skin, forcing himself to pull away from you. You were intoxicated and Umemiya would never cross that line. He walked to the dresser, pulling your favorite sweater of his from the drawer before making his way back over to you. “Arms up, angel.” He laughs lightly when you do so, slipping the article of clothing over your form. He always loved seeing you in his clothes the way the soft fabric drowned your frame always came with a sense of pride knowing you were all his. After stripping down himself, he climbs in the bed, pulling you to rest against his chest, running his blunt nails along your scalp in a soothing gesture until he hears your breathing even out, letting sleep claim him with a smile on his lips.
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Grey eyes scanned the crowd, searching for your form amongst the sea bodies in the crowded bar. He was waiting right where you left him before running off to the bathroom. There had been two men at the other end of the bar that had been eyeing you all night, and Kaji hadn’t liked that he lost track of them from his field of vision as well. He had a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. As he continued to look for you amongst the crowd he caught something moving in the corner of his vision. With lightning-fast reflexes his hand shoots out to grab the wrist of one of the men who had snuck up, by the looks of it they had intended to slip something in your drink that was left sitting with his own on the bar top. He tightens his grip, fingers digging into their skin, his threat clear as he spoke through gritted teeth as he hard cany shattered between his molars. “You so much as think about it and I break your damn wrist, got it?” He growled, leveling the man with a glare hat caused the color to drain from his face.
The other male nodded, a look of fear overtaking his expression. Kaji shoved him harshly, releasing his iron-clad grip, watching as he and his companion scrambled off disappearing into the crowd. His blood was boiling, breathing deeply to calm his raging emotions as he replaced the candy in his mouth with a fresh one. Your voice breaks through his racing thoughts, turning back to you, “Rennie, I’m back! Hopefully, you weren’t waiting too long there was such a long line.” You huff, causing his shoulders to go lax in relief. It was miraculous how your mere presence was enough to bask him in a state of calm. A small smile, one he reserved only for you, slipped onto his expression. Pulling the lollipop from his lips, he leans down to press a longing kiss to your lips. “No not at all, but why don’t we head home, sugar? It's too crowded here.” He takes your hand in his own, dragging you out of the bar. Maybe if he decorated your skin in his marks, idiots like them would think twice before trying to touch what was his.
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Sakura’s cheeks were hot, blush traveling down his neck as his hands gripped your hips. Your hips moved back against his own in time with the music that blasted from the speakers. No matter how many times he had found himself in this situation with you it never ceased to get him riled up. His eyes were drawn to your hips, noting how similar you had looked the night prior, him behind you in your shared bed. How his hips met your own as he had taken you, the sounds that had spilled from your lips better than any song they could play here. Your voice pulls him out of his daydreaming, your arms now wrapped around his neck as you face him. “What's on your mind handsome?” You purred, your lips pressing themselves to his ear as you pulled him down to your level. His heart picked up in his chest at the clear public display of affection. The liquid coursing through him giving him a surge of confidence to lean down and capture your lips in his own.
Sakura wasn’t one for such public affection but the effect that you and the alcohol he consumed had on him led to him throwing his inhibitions aside. His grip on your waist was tight, trailing his lips from your own to your jaw. His mouth left open-mouthed kisses in his ascent to your ear. His voice came out husky against the sensitive skin. “Can't help thinking how gorgeous you looked last night, moving your hips back on me, that’s all baby girl” He relishes in the shiver he feels go down your spine, meeting your hooded gaze as he pulls away from you. Grinning as he rendered you speechless, taking your moment of stunned rigidness to his advantage as he lifted you easily into his arms, effectively throwing you over his shoulder. His hand comes down on your ass in a playful smack, walking to the exit of the club. “Let's get you home kitten, lets see if we can't have a repeat of last night, yeah?” In that moment you swore you needed to get him tipsy more often.
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“I know I know aren’t I just the worst?” Suo teases as your nose scrunches up, attempting to get you to drink the herbal tea he had prepared for you, knowing it would combat the hangover you were bound to have the next morning. He laughed at you, amusement present in his tone. “I know sweet baby, I know it isn’t coffee. But if you drink it you won’t wake up with a nasty headache tomorrow, now go on. Drink up my love.” He coos, you were absolutely adorable like this, refusing the tea he had brewed for you after getting you to eat something. He was patient, caring for you delicately as he had taken you home. Ignoring the way you had pressed your lips to his neck, the way your hands roamed his form in the back of the uber you both had taken home. He had a might high tolerance for alcohol than you did, so much so it didn’t sit right with him to take advantage of you when you were like this. He rested his chin in his hand as you begrudgingly began to drink the tea, eyes soft with adoration as his eyes drank in your features. “Now that wasn’t so hard was it babygirl?”
He ushered you off to the bathroom next, grabbing a cloth to moisten in micellar water as he began to remove your makeup. “Can’t have you breaking out because you slept in your makeup baby.” He hums as he washes your face, patting it dry before applying your nighttime moisturizer. “There isn’t that all better? There’s my beautiful girl.” He smiles pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. Taking your hands in his own he leads you to your shared bed, climbing in with you. He was sure to maneuver you so you weren’t lying on your back in case you got sick. “Come now starlight, let's get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning, my beloved.” He begins to hum a soft tune, knowing it would lull you to sleep. He sighed in contentment as he felt you relax against him, removing his eye covering as he curled around you protectively. Pressing one last kiss to your temple with a declaration of love before letting his eyes close. 
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Hiragi heaved a deep sigh, fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. This had been the third time he had lost you tonight, you had kept slipping from his grasp, testing his patience with how slippery you had become. He was happy you were enjoying yourself, overjoyed even, your happiness was all he wanted after all, But every time he turned his back to get you water or something to eat to combat the alcohol you had consumed you managed to wiggle away from him. His ears perked hearing the sound of your laugh, following its melody. It led him to the end of the bar, both you and Umemiya throwing back another round of shots, the two of you perking up when he came into your line of sight. His eye twitched, why couldn’t you be best friends with anyone else? Why not Sako or Kaji? Those two were far more responsible and far less reckless than the man standing before him. Popping a ablet of his stomach medication from its sleeve into his mouth to combat the indigestion you both were sure to bring him.
“Hey, Hiragi!” Umemiya threw a heavy arm over the blonde’s shoulder his boisterous laughter meeting his ears. “Come drink with us!” His words were slurred and his movements unsteady as he dragged him over to where you both were previously standing. He sighed taking a seat in the booth, opening his mouth to protest, only to shut it as you laid your legs across his lap, arms wrapping around his neck as you nuzzled close to him. “Hi my Toma.” You cooed, nose rubbing against his cheek in a pseudo-kiss, before resting your head on his shoulder, humming contentedly. “You’re so handsome. Have I ever told you that?” You spoke so softly adoration filling your tone. His cheeks darkened, supporting your body against his own, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he rested a large hand on your back to steady you against him. He supposed your slippery nature when intoxicated wasn’t all bad, especially when it meant he got to see this side of you.
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Dividers by saradika-graphics. Writing & character banners by me. If you enjoyed it, consider taking a look at my masterlist: here.
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when i was little, the only thing i ever wanted
was to be someone's love
i never dreamed of a certain place to live
a job to have
or friends to hang out with
all i ever wanted was a partner
i didn't care who they'd be
never thought about the specifics
i just wanted someone to spend my life with
and knew i'd know when i found them
as i got older
i worried i'd never find who i was looking for
it scared me enough
that i tried to make bad situations work
and stayed longer than i should've
i got hurt enough that i gave up on that dream
and swore to never fall in love again
i accepted my life alone
even though i didn't want it
then i met you
and for the first time
i felt safe, truly loved, and cared about
everything with you was new
and i wanted it all
i found myself wanting to talk to you all the time
to listen to you talk for hours
and just spend forever in your arms
for the first time everything felt right
and it was like...
i'd found the missing piece that i'd been looking for
all my life
but good things don't last forever
and i don't think either of us were ready
for all the things we wanted
i know i've grown so much since then
i wonder if you have too
i don't know if we'll come back from this
but it's okay
i've never felt so loved as i did with you
and i'll still think of myself as your honeybee
for as long as i still love you
right now, i'm still heartbroken
and there's a deep ache in my chest
when i think about you
but i have so much to look forward to
a lifetime of possibilities
so even if it's without you
i think i'll be okay
i don't know
if i'll ever feel this way about someone again
or if i'll find someone else i want to be with like this
but it's okay
at least i know that i can love
and be loved in return
more than i ever dreamed was possible
- Cassiopeia, May/June 2023
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cloudbug08 · 2 months
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Logan (James) Howlett and fem!agere!Reader
A/N: All of my oneshots will be/are written with a fem reader in mind because I write my works self indulgently, however, if it’s requested I have no qualms writing the reader GN
Unless I’m writing a romantic work, there is so age in mind for the reader, however, romantic works will be written with an over 18 reader in mind (╹◡╹)
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Logan glances at the creaky wooden staircase as you come bounding down.
Your feet padded with socks and your arms full, your foot nearly slips on a step and he’s up and out of his armchair in seconds, catching you, he sighs deeply before setting you down
“What’d I tell you about being careful on the stairs?”
You cock your head, bashful
He hums, picking you up by the armpits
“It’s alright, we’ll look at getting you some of those non slip socks hmm?”
You nod, wrapping your spare arm around his neck, he carries you over to his armchair, sitting down with a groan, propping you up in his lap
“What was all that fuss about, what’s all this stuff?”
He looks down at the pink zip up makeup bags in your hand
“Makeup, n’ nail polish!”
“I can’t do your makeup honey, I don’t know how”
He looks at you, apologetic
You tilt your head, making a show of batting your eyelashes, and tearing your eyes up, he squints, groaning , he should have never let you know how much your puppy dog eyes affect him
“Can I do your makeup?”
He tongues over his teeth, mulling over the question, he rolls his eyes at your wet lashes
You clap, grinning up at him before digging into your bag of kiddie make up, he leans back and closes his eyes when you start to work underpigmented glittery blue eyeshadow into his eyelids, suckling on a pacifier he offered you shortly after you sat down.
He hums an old Bon Jovi song when you swipe lip gloss over his lips, you press a messy kiss to his cheek, he rubs a large hand over your shoulder, clearly pleased by your sweet gesture
You chirp before shoving a small Barbie mirror into his hands, he lifts it, turning his head to admire your handiwork, clearly marred by you childlike state, he grins up at you
“Thank you sweetheart”
He pulls you into a hug
“You made me all pretty”
You hum, shy
“was’ already pretty”
He blinks at you, before he presses a loud, lipgloss-y kiss to your forehead
“Ain’t you cute.”
He leans back in his chair, pulling you with him, bouncing his knee to lull you into a more relaxed state, he clicks a few buttons on the remote, until The Care Bears pops up, both of you sit, content to watch the multicoloured bears trot across the screen.
Logan clears his throat when the episode ends, checking the time
“It’s just about dinner time pumpkin.”
“Dinnr’ da?”
He hums
“It’s also time to clean up Da’s face, don’t you think?”
You nod, rubbing at your eyes
“Do you have any makeup wipes honeybee?”
You shake your head, he groans
“Guess we’re going cvs, you want McDonald’s?”
You grin, nodding, excited at the prospect of a happy meal.
☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed, comments, requests and reblogs are very appreciated! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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bunnyrafe · 2 months
blue collar!jj is a powerhouse but wasn’t exactly set up for success in any facet of his life. he was never a good student and didn’t come from the best home— even now as an adult with his own hard earned money, nothing is easy. but he’s decided that’s fine.
because he loves working with his hands, and he loves the way you marvel over those same rough palms and calloused fingers every time you can get your own on them.
and jj counts his blessings considering everything wasn’t always this peachy between the two of you. what started as a one night stand after hopping from one dive bar to the next, ended with a pudgy eight month old baby and a cheap engagement ring…
“do y’have to leave us?” you ask even though you already know the answer but that doesn’t stop you as you rub your sleep heavy eyes. your baby girl babbles in your ear, and both of you stare at jj with the same expression while he prepares his morning coffee.
“unfortunately, honeybees—”
his heavy boots thud against the kitchen floor as he walks over to you. the kiss he presses to your forehead lingers and so does the one he places on your lips, making you hum in approval before he smooches your baby’s head next… the morning ritual.
“don’t have too much fun without me, now.” the way jj sighs is hefty, signifying he’d do anything to stay in the comfort of your home. but he grabs his thermos and toolbox nonetheless, ready for another long day (lucky for him you’ll send cute pictures to help him get through it, like you always do).
you walk him to the door, giving him one last kiss. pressed right against the stubble on his jaw, “wouldn’t dream of it.”
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ichorblossoms · 6 months
writing honeybee is like alright. which one of you gets the they pronouns this chapter
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