beesfacts · 1 day
Bees life update,
I'm so sorry for not posting much. I'm in college now instead of high school. So it's a bit harder to post :]! Also, life has been kicking my ass.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #9
Fun Fact, one of the first known civilizations to beekeep is Egypt! There were hieroglyphics that showed them beekeeping. There are many connections with bees and civilizations as well as bees and mythology. Ahsjsj it's all very amazing and interesting
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #8
Fun fact, there are different phases in which honeybees develop glands. These glands determine what jobs honeybees have. When honeybees first hatch the females are quick to get to work. The first jobs they'll have is cleaning the cells. Then they move into caring for the larvae. The next phase is performing repairs to the hive. In this phase they develop little wax glands. The last job they'll have is foraging.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee (related) Fact #7
Fun fact, when your honey crystalizes just put it in warm water or run warm water over the bottle. It should melt but if you want to use that crystallized honey. Used it to make some sweet mead! (You can use any honey in mead it just makes mead sweeter)
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #6
Fun fact, when new queen bees are left after a hive splitting. If multiple queen cells are left and hatched they fight to the death. They're the only honeybees with straight stinger so they won't die if they sting something. This is the only time they use their stinger.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #5
Fun fact, save the bees is quite the popular statement! But the statement save the bees isn't in reference to Honey bees. Due to the amount they're kept. They're fine. The bees we do have to save are native bees and wild bees. Who are the ones that need to be saved and are at risk. This is because the amount of honeybees are kept. The honeybees take more resources not leaving enough behind for wild/native bees.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #4
Fun face, bumble bee queens are single mothers when they first make their hives. They have to carry their eggs and regulate their temperature so the eggs don't die. They have to do all this while gathering supplies to make their hives!
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee(related) fact #3
Fun fact, wayyy back in the day (Like medieval times) beekeepers used trees! So they would either hollow trees out and hope for bees or they would fine trees with bees already in them. They use cut a hole in the tree near the top and would also put a door in the tree. The door would be closed when the weather was bad :)
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #2
Fun fact there are stingless honey bees! The Mayans used to consider them very sacred. Using their honey in rituals. If I remember correctly they were kept in their temples.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Bee fact #1
Fun fact arctic bumble bees exist! They live in cold places like: Alaska, Canada, etc. They're very very fluffy bumble bees. It takes a lot for them to survive in such cold climates. So sometimes they can be seen sunbathing in flowers trying to get warm.
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beesfacts · 1 year
Hello, I'm Bees! I made this blog due to a suggestion from a friend. I love bees very very much! I'd like to share about my love of bees to anyone willing!
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