#honeybee castiel
marunene · 2 months
He would count your freckles as a hobby
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xlllleda · 4 months
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Angel's 🍑 and 🦋
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noicyleech · 24 days
I'll bring nine of these with me to Heroes Dutch Comiccon this upcoming winter. Recognize the bag in the crowd, and you can have one for free
(Likely the only supernatural merch present at the convention)
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melle-otterwise · 4 months
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Bee Cas reading to baby Jack 🐝💛💙
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dadstielkline · 1 year
can we celebrate castiel on honeybee day so he won't be overshadowed by deancas
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aleriya-darling · 1 year
When I find myself in times of trouble,
Crazy Cas comes to me.
Speaking words of wisdom,
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teamsam · 2 years
wait wait i have an idea
soulless!sam and honeybee!cas were free in the exact same way. free of the weight of the part and its mistakes, of crushing responsibility, of having to step on their throat...
and it ended for both of them
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deancasbigbang · 11 days
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Title: Arms Around His Angel
Author: blackhorsedances
Artist: stonelions
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, minor Benny LaFitte/Garth Fitzgerald IV, Gabriel/Kali. Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters; Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum. Past Dean and Lee Webb; Past Dean and Lisa Braeden; Past Dean and Benny LaFitte. Sam Winchester/Jess Winchester. Jack is Sam and Jess Winchester’s son.
Length: 36041
Warnings: No major archive warnings Content Warnings: Mention of James and Amelia Novak dying in an MVA (no gore, nothing on screen), mention of the humane slaughter of a steer (no gore, nothing on screen).
Tags: !Inventor Castiel. !Rancher Dean Winchester. Bisexual Castiel Novak. Semi-comfortably Bisexual Dean Winchester. Top Cas/Bottom Dean. Smut and fluff. Mostly safe sex. Hurt/comfort. Happy Ending.
Posting Date: October 14, 2024
Summary: Castiel Novak invented cutting-edge solar technology and left his position as CEO of Angelus, Inc. to protect himself and his technology from his dysfunctional brothers. He found safety on a 20 acre farm in Kansas with a pond, house, barn, and his trailer. When his twin and sister-in-law are killed, he’s drawn back into the business, and into danger, to protect his niece Claire and his technology. Dean Winchester rebuilt Winchester Ranch after John almost destroyed it. He has 500 acres of land, a ranch house, and a big barn. He raises American Wagyu beef. He’s a single Dad with a great son, Ben, a giant moose brother Sam and Sam’s wife Jess, and an adorable nephew Jack who roams around the ranch with his trusty sidekick, Honeybee, Dean’s old palomino mule.  Castiel and Dean meet accidentally at a hotel and share a night of wild–and completely anonymous–intimacy. When Castiel wakes up alone, with no note and no phone number from his ‘Cowboy’, he assumes that the night was a one and done, and regretfully moves on with his life. Dean keeps thinking about the ‘Angel’ that he spent a night with, but is pretty sure that he doesn’t deserve that kind of a guy in his life. Jack and Honeybee discover “Mister Cas” and inadvertently set the stage for ‘Cowboy’ and his ‘Angel’ to meet. But sinister forces are moving in the background. Will they be able to overcome the forces that are trying to keep them apart?
Excerpt: “What’s Jack doing, Sam? Garth says he and Honeybee are out most days from breakfast until well after lunch. Jody says he packs peanut butter and banana sandwiches.” Sam shrugs. “He says he’s out visiting Mister Cas. I think he probably found the fort we built that one summer, and is holed up out there with sandwiches for his imaginary friends. Let it be, Dean. The heifers are out in the north pasture. The steers are in the east pasture. There’s nothing out by the fort to worry about.” “Snakes, Sam. There are snakes to worry about.” Sam looks at Dean across the kitchen island, and shakes his head, hair flopping over into his eyes. “You’re the one that told me that a mule will kill a snake faster than you can say ‘snake’, and I believe you because I’ve seen Honeybee do it. Let him be. Ben will be out of school in a couple of weeks, and he’ll be following Ben around like a puppy.” “Heh, you’re probably right.” Dean runs a hand down the back of his neck.  “I know I am, Dean. You worry about all of us, but you worry too much. You can’t watch over everyone all of the time.”
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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marunene · 7 days
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He's so silly and maybe I really like to draw his wings like that
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xlllleda · 4 months
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World Bee Day🐝🪻
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Needed you pt1
-warnings// fluff, a lotta angst and implied smut
-a lil summary// Dean acts like an ass, Castiel saves the day yayyy
Castiel x reader
word count//1626
(gif from Pinterest)
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"You're such an asshole Dean! I have every right to go on this hunt the same way you and sam do!" You demanded frustrated by the way Dean was banning you from the hunt, so what if you matched the witches victims, you've been a hunter just as long as they were having being brought into it by your parents
"The answers no Y/N we're not risking it!" Dean yelled packing his weapons in his duffel bag as Sam stood silent watching the fight take place not knowing what to do, you rolled your eyes crossing your arms over chest
"it's my life Dean and I can take as many damn risks as I want, especially when it comes to hunting" you yelled back at him your face growing redder by the second
Dean turned to face you his face full of anger "it's not your life I'm worried about, if Sam and I are worried about saving your ass every damn hunt we're gonna wind up dead and I ain't letting that happen so either shut up and research or find someone else to hunt with!" Dean yelled before grabbing his bag
You felt your eyes burn with tears taking in what he just said, Sam grew angry at the comment and he stepped forward to his brother "what the hell is wrong with you Dean" he was angry you were there friend for years knowing them since you were kids, you were family to them, well to Sam at least
"what Sam it's true, she doesn't pull her weight! how many hunts have you gotten bit or stabbed or shot at because Y/N needed help? At least Cas helps out!" Dean said storming out the motel door towards the impala
Sam sighed and turned to face you, taking note of the tears streaming down your face, he pulled you into his arms his large hand cradled the back of your head as your cried into his chest "just ignore him Y/N he's just being a jerk, you do everything for us I mean you've saved our lives more times than I can count, just sit this one out till I figure out what's making him lash out" Sam said and you knew he was right, being anywhere near dean would kill you right now
You nodded against Sam's chest sniffling as you pulled away "I'll be okay you head on out" Sam gave you a sad look and placed his hands on your shoulders "please don't leave just stay here, order takeout and we'll be back in 2 days tops" Sam said, he know you like the back of his hand considering you guys were best friends for over 15 years and he knew you would be thinking of packing up and heading off by yourself
"Okay I promise sweetie I'll wait right here, now you go be safe and come back in one piece" you said giving him a quick hug "I will don't worry about me, hey look if you get bored maybe call Cas he wouldn't mind keeping you company" Sam joked nudging your arm knowing of your feelings for the handsome angel
"Yeah yeah just you head on out" you joked pushing Sam to the door shutting it and quickly doing the locks, once you were alone you let your back hit the door as you slid down holding your head to your knees as your cried, you felt so worthless like you were nothing but a burden to the boys, even Castiel, you appreciated Sam's comfort but it didn't ease the pain.
Looking up from your huddled position when you heard a flutter of wings and low and behold the celestial was stood staring at you confused "you're crying? Who's done this" Castiel asked as he nearly down to your level placing his hand on your knee "I'm okay Cas really don't worry about it" you spoke quickly freaking embarrassed having been caught crying
Castiel gave a look as he squinted his eyes, taking in your features "if it's made this upset of course I'll worry about" Castiel said taking your hands in his pulling you up to a standing position, he placed his hands on your face as he gently wiped your tears away "please tell what happened honeybee?" He begged making you break into tears once more
You and the angel sat on the bed, his arm around your waist holding you to him as you told him about your fight with dean. Castiel was tense as you spoke feeling completely enraged towards the older Winchester "he shouldn't say things like that to you" Castiel was said as he twirled a strand of your hair, helping to calm your breathing
You eventually fell asleep on Castiel's shoulder as you both lay on the bed sitting against the headboard, Castiel stared at your sleeping face noting the red tones on your raw cheeks, he pulled out his phone and hit deans contact, normally he would go to where the boys were, but you looked so peaceful he didn't want to disrupt that
"Hey Cas what's up?" Deans gruff voice came from the phone "well I'm not happy considering I found Y/N crying alone " Cas replied annoyed
Dean sighed before answering "just stay out of it Cas it's not a big deal" Castiel only grew angrier at this "yes dean it is, how could you say that to her" cas whisper yelled down the phone "it's between Y/N and i so just mind your own damn business!" Dean yelled before hanging up the phone, Castiel let out a frustrated sigh and placed his phone on the night stand.
A few hours later you woke up to the feeling of fingers moving slowly through your hair, you looked up from your place on Castiel's chest "hey you stayed?" You questioned knowing the angel didn't need sleep "of course, you were upset I wouldn't leave you alone when you're upset" cas said as if stating the obvious
"That's really sweet of you cas I really needed a friend tonight" you leaned in giving the angel a hug which he was hesitant to reciprocate, still getting used to human antics
"I'll always be there when you need me" he said pulling back from the hug gently his blue orbs staring into your eyes "th-that means a lot Cas thank you" you stuttered out feeling awkward his intense stare at you.
Castiel placed his hands either side of your face, he battled an internal thought, before you could ask him what was wrong, he was leaning forward capturing your lips in his own, you were shocked at first Castiel had never shown interest in you other than friendship
Once the shock had worn off you kissed back immediately wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, after a few minutes Cas pulled away from the kiss "I uh w-what was that for?" You questioned still enchanted by the way his lips felt on yours
"Sam and I talked, he told me what it meant when I felt a fluttering sensation in my abdomen when I was with you and how I should talk to you about it" Cas said his striking blue eyes staring into your own as he spoke
"Are you saying you like me?" You asked and Cas leaned forward giving you another small kiss before pulling back once more "I find myself falling for you more everyday" Cas said and you smiled feeling your heart beating a thousand miles an hour "I really like you too Cas"
You leaned forward pushing cas down to the bed as you captured his lips in a searing kiss and straddled his hips, he ran his hands from your waist down to your thighs as he gripped them tightly "I've wanted to kiss you since I first saw you" you said panting as you pulled back slightly only to move your kisses down his neck
He groaned when you nipped at the spot under his jaw "your the only human I have ever felt feelings for Y/N" cas said as his hand grasped your ass holding you close to him as you grinder your hips down softly against his growing your shirt off your body leaving you in your black lace bra as you kissed your way back to his lips.
Breathless you lay against Castiel's bare chest, your hair sticking to your forehead with sweat "that was pretty amazing" you murmured against his skin, Castiel ran his hand up and down your waist “yes I quite liked it, I would like to do it again” Castiel replied
“Oh really?” You asked, Castiel nodded “yes, but only with you” Castiel said, you smiled looking up at him as you moved to leave a kiss on his kiss swollen lips “I’d really like to do that again with you too Cas” you said as you cuddled back into his side.
It was later and the room was in complete darkness, you slept soundly against the angel who remained awake, staying determined to protect you if any evil came lurking through the night, a buzzing coming from the phone that lay in your bag, it was seemingly unnoticed by the angel as he was too focused on the feel of your bare skin against his
It was a message from Dean…
‘Hey sweetheart, listen I’m really sorry for how much of an ass I was to you before leaving, I didn’t mean any of it, I know that’s no excuse, I think we should have a talk when Sammy and I come back, just us, I want to talk to you about some things.’
THIS IS FROM MY OLD PAGE @aesthetic-babyyy
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loveinterestcastiel · 4 months
castiel angel of [dean] aka the worlds most insane passenger princess ever. i just know he pops his watermelon bubblegum on repeat and plays (with plausible deniability, of course. he was stretching) with the soft little hair at the back of deans neck when he gets pissy at idiot drivers. some people shouldn’t be behind the fucking wheel, cas, they’re a danger to others on the road- driver picks the music! oh you’re giving me sad wet pathetic eyes and touching my knee? fine you can blast good luck babe on the aux for the 69th time this week. why is there a bee in the car? oh she’s your friend? she lives in your pocket? get out of my fucking car and walk your ass home i don’t care that her name is susan. cas eats all the funyuns because he likes the texture once he gets past the molecules. dean can’t stop smiling. susan the honeybee gets to sit right up on the dash in the best patch of sun. cas sings along to the radio two whole octaves down and stares happily out the window when he isn’t looking at dean with unbearably tender fondness. dean loves him and he doesn’t even navigate
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thecassafrasstree · 6 months
I finally finished putting patches on my pencil case/art bag! Some I made myself, some I purchased, and some had been sitting in my mom's sewing kit for 20+ years so I just took them. 😂
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[ID: A brown canvas purse with embroidered patches all over it. Individual patch descriptions in the next image. End ID.]
The front. I have a lot of Critical Role stuff on this bag, as it's my current hyperfixation.
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[ID: Top - The top flap of the front pocket. Has a blue embroidered patch of the Bell's Hells logo from Critical Role on the left, and enamel chibi pins of two of the Bell's Hells characters, Ashton and Orym, on the right.
Bottom - The bottom flap of the front pocket. There is a triangular, blue and white Girl Guides patch; a round, green patch with a person considering 3 roads before them; a homemade patch of a blue, cartoon dragon head: a honeybee patch; a red and black patch that says "Just Don’t"; a rectangular, black patch with a yellow border and a blue violin; and a black and white patch of the Critical Role logo. End ID. ]
Close-ups of the front patches and pins. I'm pretty sure the green one and the violin patch are badges from my Girl Guide days. The triangle patch is from the Guiding troop I was in in my hometown, but I've blanked out the town name for privacy reasons. The dragon patch I made myself.
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[ID: The back of the purse, featuring more embroidered patches. There is a rectangular Asexual Pride flag patch; a watermelon slice patch; a black and white, oval-shaped patch from the TV show Supernatural that says "Protected by Castiel"; a rainbow with clouds patch; and a black and red patch that features the Anarchy symbol of an A inside a circle. End ID.]
The Ace Pride patch and the Anarchy patch are handmade. I've had the Castiel patch sitting around for a while, and just had to figure out what to put it on.
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[ID: A side panel of the purse. On top there is a patch shaped like a mushroom that has a red cap and white spots. On the bottom is a colourful Ashari symbol from Critical Role that resembles 2 stacked hourglasses with a diamond in the center. End ID.]
These two are both handmade. The mushroom was the first patch I ever made myself. The second is the symbol of the Ashari, a druidic culture from the world of Exandria in Critical Role.
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[ID: the other side panel of the purse. On top is a rectangular patch featuring a white Trillium flower and "Ontario" printed in yellow letters. Underneath is a round patch with the Antifascism symbol of a black flag and a red flag waving together on a white background. End ID.]
The top one is a patch I found in my mom's sewing kit. I decided to use it because I'm from Ontario, and the trillium (the provincial flower) is pretty. The other one is an Antifa patch that I made myself.
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[ID: Photos of each side of the purse's shoulder strap. A series of colourful pin-back buttons runs the length of each side. End ID.]
I also have a bunch of buttons pinned to the strap. Most of them are fandom buttons for Pokémon, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Undertale. Some have funny sayings printed on them. A couple are for different causes, like environmental protection, and free university education.
I'm pretty pleased with how it came out! There's a little bit of space under the front flap that I could potentially put a couple more patches or pins on, but I'm happy to take a break from this one for now. It was actually pretty challenging to get them all sewn on. 😅
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arjwrites · 2 months
100 follower drabbles masterlist <3
russell county line - dean x fem!reader
work song- dean x fem!reader
honeybee- castiel x fem!reader (WIP)
she's always a woman- sam x fem!reader (WIP)
two ghosts- sam x fem!reader (WIP)
peace- sam x gn!reader
drops of jupiter- sam x gn!reader (WIP)
somewhere only we know- crowley x fem!reader (WIP)
fade into you- dean x fem!reader (WIP)
killer queen- dean x fem!reader (WIP)
all of the girls you've loved before- gabriel x fem!reader (WIP)
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jenanigans1207 · 5 months
Part 2 of the squares I have made so far for my castiel blanket!
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12: an excerpt of the anti-tracking tattoo Cas gets when he’s human
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13: an ode to The French Mistake and actual Misha Collins with my attempt at the twitter logo. Hola, Mishamigos!
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14: “I’ll interrogate the cat.” Love him so much
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15: a honeybee. I might redo it to make it smaller if I have time, might not because the point is to actually see the design and not a mostly blue square??
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16: angel wings. Grey on tan like Cas’s trenchcoat as if they are on his back. I don’t ever want to attempt another pair of wings again, these might have been the worst one to date.
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17: cowboy hats from that time Cas and Dean were cowboys :)
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18: an ode to everything Cas learned from the pizza man
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19: an interpretation of: “freedom is a length of rope, god wants you to hang yourself with it.” It’s a noose and I intended the words to label the noose, as if the words are the cause of death. But freedom was too long and I didn’t feel like it would appear as if it was labeling the noose, so I changed it to “free will” to fit better and still get the right vibe.
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20: a calendar of the month of September with a star on Thursday, September 18th as an ode to the introduction of our beloved angel of Thursdays!
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goldenraeofsun · 2 months
20 questions for writers
thanks for the tag @crows-murder! Mwah!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
100, eek!
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Batman, Supernatural, and Marvel!
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not the Fire but the Spark - My second soulmate AU! Everyone is born with a tattoo of their soulmate's name. Dean holds out for some chick-flick story - up until his soulmate comes into his tattoo parlor, asking for a cover up.
Don't Look Back - My first soulmate AU! Everyone hears their soulmate when they sing. Dean has never heard a soul song.
Enhanced Extraction Techniques - The title is based on the term "enhanced interrogation techniques" aka torture. The Empty tortures Castiel by creating versions of Dean and staging fake rescues.
Out on the Edge - Cas only knows how to love Dean Winchester from afar.
What's Between Us - Musicians AU! Based on the brief flirtation between Taylor Swift and Adam Young (the Owl City guy). and yes, Dean is Taylor Swift in this scenario.
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes I get overwhelmed, and they'll languish in my inbox. I read every single one, though!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Does it count if it's a single fic in a series with a happy ending? If so, he looks up grinning like a devil ends unhappily but the series its in is very fluffy.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have an allergy to unhappy endings. I guess Remember Me, Honeybee is pretty happy since it literally has true love's kiss in it, lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no! Fingers crossed.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mainly include smut for my longfics as a payoff for all the lead up.
10. do you write crossovers?
No, but if I had a good idea for one, I'd be open to it.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! There's a Mandarin version of Enhanced Extraction Techniques
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Clark/Lois! my otp from middle school, lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
None yet in the batfam, my newest obsession. I have WIPs in Supernatural, but none I want to finish at the moment.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my banter? It's what's been mentioned most in my comments😊
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I took 10 years of French in school, but there's no way I feel comfortable enough anymore to write in it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sigh. Harry Potter in high school.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Probably Where the Heart Is because it's my first gen longfic! Claire is my absolute favorite, and she take center stage in this future fic about her time traveling back to s12 and helping out the boys.
no pressure tags @babblingbookends @selkienight60 @elegitre @cannonicallyshort @wildsofmarch and anyone else who wants to do this! <3
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