#honesty hour asks
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sitp-recs · 11 months ago
If you had to read one trope for the rest of your life what would it be? (For the Honesty Hour Asks if you wanna!)
Hello lovely! Coming in with the tough asks, I see 💀 this was SO HARD but I think I’ll go with fuck buddies gone wrong to lovers, when I think of the fics I revisit the most I realize that trope is always present! Two personal favourites are The Page Eleven Wars and Five Weddings and a Potions Accident, can’t say how many times I’ve read those two. What about you??
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 11 months ago
If you could steal the wardrobe of one celebrity, whose would you steal?
Alternatively, if you could style one celebrity, who would you choose?
these are GREAT questions.
i always have been a big fan of kaia gerbers street style (but also always joke that i would take pete davidsons wardrobe in a hot second). also shes not really a “celebrity” but theres a ballerina named isabella boylston whose wardrobe i would take in a hottttt second.
and its gotta be karlie kloss. i would style the shit out of her; lets take some risks klossy
honesty hour
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molabuddy · 11 months ago
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im normal<3
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tklsh-love · 3 months ago
What spot is the best for interrogating you? 👀
….curse you.
Unfortunately (or fortunately)… ✨ anywhere ✨
Top three contenders, though, are probably ribs, feet, or thighs/knees 💀
ask me anything for tickle honesty hour
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demolitionw0man · 3 months ago
Please send some assumptions about me via my ask box 😝
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sitp-recs · 11 months ago
Heyyy, hope you have a safe trip home! I’m curious to know if you’ve ever written your own fics, and if you were to write a fic, what kind of a story would you plan and write? 👀
Thank you my friend! Great ask, and this might shock some people but I’ve never considered writing a fic, ever. I think mainly because I don’t trust my English skills for that kind of adventure lol the only type of writing I can pull off are essays. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with a fictional work, I get stressed just thinking about the amount of world building, character development, dialogue! I’ve never felt the urge to try my hand at it and it all feels very foreign. I’m also not particularly creative so I think I’d be a very unhappy and frustrated writer - I much prefer reading other people’s ideas instead of coming up with my own headcanons - probably one of the reasons why I rarely prompt for fests 🤣 so it’s not in the plans at all for me but if I were to adventure myself it would most def be a short, chaotic horny PWP. As a lil treat 😌
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months ago
The Darlington story is quite different in the 1920s in comparison to the 1800s and early 1900s. I feel like if Zelda had not been the protagonist, we would still be focused exclusively on the life of rural English farmers. This made me wonder - did you ever feel fear or second-guess the concept of having Zelda move to America? Did you feel like it would alienate an audience who may have just wanted to the evolution of Henford or Windenberg over decades?
Oh HELLO, new friend! What a wonderful question, especially coming from you (who I know just went through that shift in the story). Because there is a shift, isn’t there? Not just in location, but in tone too. I’m going to give you an honest answer: absolutely, and I still do. Not so much because of the change in location, which I think is a relatively integral part of decades challenges, but in a more existential way.
I wouldn’t say that the change happened solely when Zelda moved to New Orleans, but it is probably the largest contributor. Before, we had been functioning in the relatively comfortable confines of a Sims Decades Challenge. That isn’t to say I didn’t enjoy writing it, or don’t still enjoy reading them, just that there’s usually a limit to how much of the “real” world is included there. This includes the level of tragedy and hardship the characters face, and quite often, the level of pain and sadness we can expect to feel as readers. Because of the format of a decades challenge too, we usually move on quite quickly, from one gen onto the next so that the sadness doesn’t quite linger the same way.
So I absolutely feared that once we began on a sort of “modified” decades challenge journey (read: one less about gameplay and more about superimposing the sims onto real life and the story I wanted to tell with it), I would lose readers. I was scared people had signed up or got invested in something only to realize that it’s not what they thought it was, or that I had “ruined” a story they had once enjoyed my making it too “serious” or “real.” I honestly still worry about that, and then I go back to check in on our English Darlingtons and think “man, people would be happier if we were still focused on them, wouldn’t they?”
But all this to say, ya’ll have been amazing and have helped me overcome those fears. I’m sure there’s people who have jumped ship (sorry sorry Rosella stans I couldn’t resist) and that’s okay! It’s okay for readers and it’s okay for writers. I think the beauty of this space (and all creative spaces) is that we can find eachother and the things we want to read and enjoy (or suffer through).
Still, and especially to anyone else out there writing, the answer is fuck yes. I fear and second-guess alot of plot points past, present, and future. There’s alot of mental background noise going on asking yourself things like…who are you doing this for? What’s the plotline you want to write? How does that intersect with where you want to go or what an audience wants to see? What if they hate it? What if they hate you? But frankly, I think that if I had given into that fear and stayed in Henford/Windenburg and that sort of bubble that was the 1900s, I would never have continued writing, because I wouldn’t have been following my inspiration and my gut any longer.
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the-monkeies-girl · 9 months ago
What is ur first language?
Russian, baby.
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watchyourbuck · 9 months ago
what's your least favorite 9-1-1 episode and why? 👀
ooooooo hii!!!! so I went back to check all the eps just in case I was missing one and I think my least favorites are Rage (3x05) & Wrapped in Red (5x10). the first one is bc im just not so fond of the buddie divorce era. both of their behaviors struck me as an incapability to cope with stuff in a healthy, patient manner and it made me sad that neither thought about seeking help or advice from the other. the second one i actually find kinda meh + I hated Eddie leaving the 118. even though I understood his reasons obviously, it all led to his breakdown and for a second there I was genuinely scared for his mental health. idk I guess I just love him too much lmao a lot of people enjoyed his breakdown but I was just sitting there like oh no my meow meow!!
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fiona-fififi · 10 months ago
have seen some people claim that that buck didn't want to/had no plans of calling tommy after their first date went wrong and only did it because eddie told him to and was wondering about your thoughts on that? (for the honesty hour thing, lol)
Hi, anon! This is an interesting question. To be honest, I haven't really seen any specific conversations about this, so I don't really know the context.
But just, personally, I think this is an interesting point to think about. I mean, first, I think the question of whether Buck wanted to call Tommy and the question of whether he planned to call Tommy are two very different questions.
In terms of wanted to, I absolutely think he wanted to call Tommy again. That boy was so smitten, even after their date disaster.
But while I think he wanted to call Tommy again, I don't know that I think he would have without Eddie encouraging him.
Because I think he had kind of resigned himself to the idea that he fucked up too badly and Tommy wasn't interested anymore and maybe he really wasn't ready. I think Buck struggles a lot with contending with his own feelings and sometimes feeling guilty for them, and I also think he probably didn't want to push Tommy’s boundaries, either, especially after the date had gone so bad when they'd run into Eddie.
So I do think Buck needed that push and encouragement to take that step to call Tommy again. And Eddie was probably the one he needed it from. Because Eddie has always provided a unique type of support for Buck. Because Eddie's primary concern when Buck is in his head about something is to make sure that Buck not only takes into account his own feelings, but also allows himself to feel them. Eddie asking Buck what he thinks? Asking him to consider his own feelings amid this new discovery about himself he's still working through? I think that was something Buck really needed to try to process what he was feeling and examining it probably helped him decide that it was worth at least trying by making that call.
So, yes, I do think Buck wanted to make that call. But no, I don't think he would have without Eddie's encouragement.
Honesty Hour, Ask me anything!
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freckle-lee · 2 months ago
what's your most embarrassing tickle memory and what's your most extreme tickle fantasy
okay when i said honesty hour, i didn't mean commit acts of terror against me jfc!
most embarrassing is probably when i got t-worded really badly on a bus in front of a team of people and i was trapped between friends, orrrr when i got t-worded at college in front of a teacher, someone on skype, and a guy i liked 😭 aaaaaH
most extreme fantasy is an insane question tbh but i am such a lil masochist so any gang t-word situations, any highly immobilising bondage, and anyone being mean to me works 🤍 also anything in combination with my 7193 other kinks that cannot be named xo
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sophiasayslaugh · 2 months ago
what's your favorite spot to be tickled and why?
Probably my sides/ribs bc it's also my worst spot and I'm insane???
But honestly feet are starting to be more up there didn't realize how much I liked it before ANYWAYYYYY
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years ago
what do you think of gravity falls
This question actually needs a little bit of backstory to be answered
Growing up we didnt have cable, but one of the local channels had a cartoon block and one of the shows in it was called "Motion on Mount Commotion", and the main characters looked like this
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(Sorry for the small pic, I had to look everywhere to find this, and it was the only one I could get)
Well, as I got older I sorta forgot about it but then one day I saw a screenshot of gravity falls on tumblr and was like "wait a minute"
Turns out Motion on Mount Commotion was some kind of weird rip off that managed to fly under disney's radar. I think because it was just a local show.
But anyway, I like gravity falls, but MoMC came first to me and will always have a weird special place in my heart
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sitp-recs · 11 months ago
Are you happy in life right now?
Oh my, what a powerful (and difficult) question! After a few minutes of contemplation I think the honest answer is yes… and no. There are areas of my life that have improved significantly over the last couple years, especially in terms of professional development and overall stability as an immigrant living abroad, for which I’m very grateful. I went through a really traumatic friendship break up two years ago, and now I have finally made new friends and established a nicer, healthier support network 🙌
I feel very accomplished on that front, however I’ve been struggling quite a bit with personal health issues / family stress, and that’s taking a major toll on my mental health. It was incredibly hard to accept that anxiety will now be a part of me moving forward, but it is what it is and with lots of therapy and support I’ll get there :) thank you for the thought-provoking ask!
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dangaer · 3 months ago
really loving oc hours folks
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months ago
If you could have infinite money or infinite knowledge, what would you choose?
Infinite money with which to buy books to gain infinite knowledge.
Honestly, my overthinking brain does NOT need infinite knowledge.
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