#honestly posts i hope show up in a court case
full-timefaggot · 4 months
Ngl if I had to kill my beloved parental figure and then find out it was part of a grand scheme to get them to take the blame for the crimes of the government I was trained to believe in then have to kill them agian via trying to destroy their AI I would also just break as a person and make up some justification to cope with the guilt I feel and become a terrorist.
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perseidlion · 21 days
Dead Boy Detectives friends, I totally respect and support those of you who feel like you want to fight. You want to make noise. You want to sign petitions and organize campaigns. I get that you don't want to give up on this wonderful show.
Normally I'd support campaigns, but in this case I think there are some very big things working against us:
The Neil Gaiman factor. I hate to say it, but the accusations against him were probably part of the reason for cancellation and why getting picked up elsewhere is a non-starter. The explicit ties to the Netflix Sandman with Death and Despair SHOULD have helped the show get renewed. But with the accusations against NG, that definitely hurt it. That's so deeply unfair because those of us who are fans of the show know that DBD is not a Gaiman show, and his contribution to the story is minimal. But Sandman is Gaiman's, and they made the connection to Sandman and thus Gaiman, explicit. When the news about NG came down, Sandman was already well into production and contracts were signed. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if S2 was Sandman's last season.
The collapse of streaming. Gone are the days when networks pick up each others' shows to try and court subscribers and steal an audience share. That barely happens anymore, and when it does it's under very unusual circumstances. Every network is cancelling well-reviewed shows with a following. Every network is cancelling queer shows more than others. Every network is greedy and looking for mega-hits only. There are no good guys in the streaming landscape.
The economy and the strikes. Don't get me wrong, the gains made by SAG-AFTRA, and the Writers and Directors' guilds were absolutely necessary and required for fairness. But it did increase production costs. Instead of adjusting their profit expectations, the streamers are trying desperately to keep the same profits from the pre-strike days. Which is why we have this mega-hit or bust model. Add to that the economic downturn and the price of everything going up, and the bar for "success" from a corporate standpoint is set impossibly high.
Streaming's metric for success is new subscribers, not how much existing subscribers enjoy the content. This is a big one. It used to be if an audience loved it and that audience was appealing to an advertiser, a show could keep going. Advertisers wanted the affinity for the show to spill over onto their product for supporting it. But with streaming, the streamers don't care how much you love something. They just care that you watch it, you stay subscribed, and that content gets new subscribers. A passionate watch is worth the same $$ wise to them as a hate watch or a half-interested watch. In that way, the loss of commercials is the reason for so many of the more niche shows getting cancelled.
The big reason I think we're sunk for either getting Netflix to reverse the decision or for it to get picked up elsewhere is honestly, because Yockey posted a pretty big S2 spoiler. The showrunner wouldn't do that if he thought there was any hope. My guess is the show is tied to Netflix because of the Sandman connection, and because they commissioned scripts for S2 that they own. There's probably some contractual reasons that make network hopping impossible.
I don't want to be a downer, and like I said if you want to campaign to let your heart heal or just to not let this happen quietly, I fully support that.
But in my heart, I think we have to lay our beloved Dead Boy Detectives to rest - at least as a show. They'll live on in our hearts and our fanworks.
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fallenangels-cb · 8 months
The Angels have posted!
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Mingyu.Kim: It's been a great couple of months for me actually. The coffee shop has been doing really well and the new hires are great and friendly. Humans really are diligent is what I was able to realise after hiring them. Hoshi convinced me that I could trust them and work 5 days, instead of 7 days a week and that honestly has been great for me. How have you guys been since the new year?
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Jeno.Lee: Fashion week has been excellent so far! I'm mainly out here collecting information and inspiration for myself since Sana has asked to see some designs from me for the new line! It's definitely inspiring to be out here and I've been sketching a lot after each show. Hopefully Sana will like my designs!
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Kwon.Hosh: It's been a busy couple of weeks with a couple of my cases having their hearings in January. It's funny to see the same lawyer colleagues day in day out at court. We're each fighting each other for more than one case so tensions are high but it's all in good spirits! It would be great to get a couple of wins this month, December was a bit disappointing with my win rate but that's just how it goes sometimes. Is anyone else's work really busy in the new year?
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Chan.B: Christmas was so good! I spent some time with a couple of my producer friends and really enjoyed the quieter period since most artists aren't looking for new songs over Christmas. Things have really ramped up since then and I'm working on I think 4... different tracks at the moment. One of them I'm really hoping the girl group will select it because it's made with their style in mind. We'll see how it goes though haha
Tags: @blogger-yura @bxnqchxn @clubwnderland @coffeexdreamcb @darkloversxcb @demonesseulgi @domrachaa @domxbot @doom-bc @fntsybot @godscb @heistkingscb @johnnys-toes-cb @kimheebby @livealittleoc-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @lunaaofthemoon @markshands-cb @moongoddesselene @moonlightchn @neonvandalsxcb @oppositesattraxt @pillowxtalk @queenofheartsxyeji @reve-rv @secretscb @silcntxnight @silverypurple-rosedlions @urluvlyfe @wolf-sxyeon @yanjxngin (DM to be +/- from tags)
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trlvsn · 1 year
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of course phoenix's second "first" case is helping the performer girl with the diamond-shaped earrings who forces smiles and sort of tricks him when they first meet. i mean. what else is there to say (i'm going to say a lot, this is a long post about the orca case and it's references to aa4)
i'm going to talk about sasha first, though, even if the similarities between her and trucy might be coincidental rather than intentional. here is a somewhat full list of them:
1. diamond-shaped earrings and a big hat they wear at all times
2. perform for an audience for a living and are genuinely passionate about it
3. the "smile during showtime" attitude being not only something they use on the clock, but a motto overall (buckler tries to keep a smile and cheer phoenix and athena up in the detention center: see image below list)
4. have a persona with a moustache that they use in their performances (see image below list)
5. their first encounter with phoenix is an unintentional deception on their part: trucy gives him forged evidence and buckler, well, doesn't tell him the client is technically an animal and isn't even considered to be someone who can be brought to court for a trial
6. phoenix chooses to help them out after a trial ends unexpectedly (zak dissapearing, buckler being accused)
7. does a dead "father figure" count? i feel like it might.
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you get the idea. again, i'm not claiming this was intentional: i am simply pointing it out.
btw. you know what he does right after taking the orca case (accepting the "deception")?
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he goes to the pub o'danger, a place totally different from the, oh, i don't know. the borsht bowl club. intentional or not, this is a nice blast from the past, because we get a lot of his beanix personality showing throughout the case. a good example is the bloody "trump card" he presents:
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basically, a bloody piece of evidence that turns the case around and gives him a chance to prove the truth turns out to be not what it seems. this case is one of those very rare times aa5 doesn't completely erase phoenix's aa4 (and trilogy) personality, i think. just look at the way he starts straight up manipulating people at some points:
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it's very much like beanix: well-intentioned and careful pressing of the right buttons. i enjoyed that a lot.
speaking of phoenix's personality, a thing he does a lot more than he used to is staying silent. his thinking sprite while he does that is one of the only aa5 ones that have traces of his aa4 self in it: he is looking to the side, relaxed, calmly examining everything he has so far. at a certain point in this trial, athena actually gets to scream "objection" before him. she says she heard it in his heart that he's not willing to give up yet, so she spoke for his heart instead.
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honestly, athena is a walking metaphor for phoenix's badge in this case. athena and phoenix get frequently addressed as the blue and yellow duo by deplume, which you might as well call phoenix and his badge; phoenix wears his badge like one wears a heart on their sleeve, and this entire case is his journey of learning trust and hope again (but i will talk about that later for a nice conclusion).
the case also has a sub-plot of sorts: specifically, the TORPEDO system. oh, you know the one with the capital letter name that is illegal in japan but would actually help a lot and work really well and is introduced to us by some shady guy who we think is a criminal... what do you mean that's MASON. like a jar?
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"but, in some cases, lives can be saved by breaking the law. do we simply allow the lives of our animals to be lost whole we wait for the laws to change?"
if aa5 actually had the jury system happening in the game, this would make so much more sense. unfortunately, i'm not sure if this was an intentional parallel, but i'm sure going to talk about it regardless. it's illegal means for the greater good, introduced to us by the guy we are totally meant to suspect and misinterpret as the audience, just like we are meant to be put off by beanix in aa4-1. we later learn that ms deplume is trying to change the law and make the system legal in japan, and dr. crab won't be getting into any serious trouble for it, too.
we honestly learn a lot of new information that contradicts our prejudices that the game purposefully creates. a lot of people in this case can be suspected even based on their design - ms deplume in her shady glasses and shady attitude, dr crab with his twenty-something dead girlfriend (wasn't actually, btw. purely platonic situation there, which is surprising for ace attorney) and actual motive, and, of course, rimes. turns out, for the first time in forever, none of them did it. wasn't a murder.
phoenix, though, like the player, has no choice but to suspect. he doubts, he recharges the magatama, he changes theories and he, at the end of it all, gets his faith and trust back by saying "hey, actually, rimes didn't do it, it was an accident", despite rimes staying silent. i honestly think rimes is a mirror of sorts for phoenix's character - the guy who is, at his core, tired of being too "weak" to help anyone, so he doesn't speak up much for himself, and isn't that what phoenix did in aa4?
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phoenix didn't try to defend himself when the diary page was revealed to be forged. phoenix didn't try to defend himself seven years later, saying "maybe i did it, maybe i didn't". phoenix didn't even create the jury system to redeem himself.
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how can ya trust a creature that can't speak, indeed.
in this trial, phoenix is the orca and is the rimes and is athena the fire and i am the forest and i am the witness watching it. he is defending the creature that can't speak, and the man that didn't mean for this to happen, and his own right to wear his badge. he loses his voice at times, but his heart speaks up. it takes him two trials to get back at his rightful place, the trial for orla and for buckler - just like it took the trial of aa4-1 and 4-4 to get justice. hope has returned, and no one did it, and you can trust them all.*
* - trusting them all really would make much more sense in the presence of the jury system. forever mourning her.
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[JP] You know what happens when you mess with my stuff, right? Translation
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Epilogue (Gilbert von Obsidian)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for the current event in the jp app.
Translation under the cut.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
What's the biggest threat to Miss Bunny?
Is it an aristocrat who turns malice toward you, or is it a friend who betrays you?
If you were to reach out to anyone in the Rhodolite court and ask them this question, they would all give you the same answer.
There is no greater threat than the prince of Obsidian.
Emma: "You didn't do anything, did you?"
Gilbert: "Who knows?"
Emma: "What did you do?"
Gilbert: "Fufu..."
(I got it wrong.)
I pursed my lips and smiled as I always do.
(Sorry, I'm in a bad mood right now.)
She repainted black as white and believed in her friend even though she betrayed her. But the truth was she was so wounded and refused to show even the slightest sign of it.
Gilbert: "Shall I remind you?"
Emma: "No, thank you!”
I burst out laughing when she got up and ran out of bed abruptly.
Emma: "Were you joking?"
Gilbert: "You got it wrong on your own."
(It's cruel that you believe in a traitor but not in me.)
Nevertheless, I think Miss Bunny and I had become much closer, as she used to seem more scared than embarrassed when I did something similar before.
Gilbert: "Since you're up now, why don't you get dressed?"
Emma: "But, you..."
Gilbert: "I'll stay here."
Emma: "..............."
Gilbert: "You want me to leave?"
Emma: "I can't change my clothes if you're here."
Gilbert: "I don't care."
Emma: "I do care!"
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Gilbert: "I wouldn't know."
Not wanting to go back to my room in a bad mood, I sat back on her bed and crossed my legs while she looked at me from a little distance with a disapproving look.
(You sound like you want to say something, but I don't know what it is.)
Emma: "Why are you in a bad mood?"
I didn't think she would notice.
(I thought I was hiding it, but I guess she's sensitive to the subtleties of people's hearts.)
It's not something I had to force myself to hide, so I honestly admit it and look up at the ceiling.
Gilbert: "Let's see, I suppose it's because your stupidity is blinding."
Only when I put it into words did the cause of the irritation take on shape.
Gilbert: "I'm a firm believer in not letting others hurt my prey."
Gilbert: "Of course, I don't mind the damage I intended."
(The wounds on her neck from the hostage-taking and the emotional trauma from the betrayal were all part of the plan, but when I actually saw them, I was a bit pissed off.)
Emma: "That's usually the case."
Gilbert: "Huh, really? You like getting hurt, don't you?"
Emma: "When did I ever say that?"
Gilbert: "You'll know it when you see it."
Gilbert: "Even today, you put your body on the line to protect your friend."
Gilbert: "You're willing to get hurt for the sake of others. Both physically and mentally."
Emma: "..............."
Gilbert: "You're my prey, and the moment I take my eyes off you, you immediately start hurting yourself."
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Gilbert: "That's how it is."
(Others may hurt you someday without my knowledge.)
(I'm convinced of that today.)
Gilbert: "Geez, prey should just shrivel up and stay put like prey."
I shrugged my shoulders and took a breath.
I'm not angry for just nothing. I'm angry at Miss Bunny's kindness.
(Even though it was part of my plan, I chose to hurt her, causing her to have nightmares.)
Emma: "................"
She stood there wide-eyed and stunned.
Gilbert: "What's with the dumb face?"
Emma: "Prince Gilbert."
Emma: "That's what people usually call worry."
Gilbert: "Worry?"
Emma: "You're worried about me, aren't you?"
(I don't know what you're getting at.)
The blackness swirling in my heart is nothing like the naive feeling of worry.
In the first place, I was the one who decided to let Miss Bunny get hurt in this case.
However, something unexpected happened.
The fact that the traitor turned in at the last minute must have given her hope.
Belief works miracles and that there is nothing wrong with loving others.
That in itself is fine, but not everyone will act like Miss Bunny.
The more the hope grows, the deeper the heartbreak becomes.
And yet she will be more likely to choose to hurt herself.
Even if I hold the belief that I will not let my prey be harmed, I don't think I can always uphold that.
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(No, she's right, it does look like I'm worried about her.)
(Wow, that's weird. I'm usually not worried about other people.)
Emma: "Thank you for carrying me here."
Gilbert: "You weirdly misunderstood me and treated me like a good guy."
Emma: "I don't think I'm mistaken."
Gilbert: "Hmm?"
Instead of fading away, the frustration grew even more.
(I have no other choice but to be pissed off.)
Gilbert: "Then, let me help you get dressed."
Emma: "Thanks一wait, how did it lead to that!?"
Ignoring her yelling, I got up and headed for the closet, where I quickly found her sleepwear.
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Gilbert: "Since you see me as a kind-hearted young man who cares about others, I should live up to your expectations."
Emma: "I don't need help getting dressed!"
Gilbert: "Ladies need help getting dressed."
Emma: "Maybe, but don't try it out on me."
Gilbert: "I'm doing it because it's you. Besides..."
Emma: "Have you seen my butler?"
Gilbert: "He's right here."
Emma: "Where?"
Gilbert: "I told you. Here."
---------Flashback Ends---------
Gilbert: "I'm your butler today."
Emma: "Rio won't even help me get dressed, y'know!?"
Gilbert: "But I will because I'm nice."
I cornered her against the wall and blocked her escape route with both hands as she tried to run away.
(She should realize that there is no greater threat to her than me.)
Gilbert: "Come on, take it off."
Emma: "No."
Gilbert: "Take it off, or I'll take it off for you."
Emma: "Nope."
Gilbert: "Hm, do you really want me to undress you that badly?"
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(She's looking down at me, huh?)
Thinking that I may have been too gentle, I unbuttoned her blouse and slid it down her shoulders without regard to her reluctance.
I only stopped when she quickly kissed my cheek.
Gilbert: "What was that just now?"
Emma: "You wanted me to kiss you, remember?"
Emma: "So please forgive me for this."
(This came out of nowhere.)
Gilbert: "Weird. Did I tell you to do that here?"
I pointed my finger at my lips, and Miss Bunny shook her head.
Emma: "You’re right. I know it will never happen, but I would consider it if I fell in love with you."
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Gilbert: "Ahahaha! From the way you're looking at me right now, I'm not sure I'd say never."
(You're making me do whatever I want with that red face of yours.)
(It's good to be liked, but I don't want to be misunderstood.)
Gilbert: "Hey, Miss Bunny, I'm only protecting you because you're my prey."
Gilbert: "It's not out of some stupid sentimentality."
Emma: "Then, let's leave it at that."
The discomfort in my chest didn't clear up that day.
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olgiisworld · 1 year
My Best Friend // Choi Beomgyu
summary; you're in love with your best friend, Choi Beomgyu, but you can't confess. You spend a nice evening with him skating, and as always, he makes your heart flutter.
Y/n x Beomgyu of Txt, genre: fluff, pure fluff
Word Count; 882.
Warnings; none
note; I hope you enjoy it :). This is an old draft. It's my first time posting on Tumblr, and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if you spot any mistakes <3
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..... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
And the weather was soft, just like him.
His features were like a paint of a brush.. soft yet strongly noticeable. The details of his eyes captured my attention like a trap...
Wish I could take that smile off of my head but I've been thinking about it so much that my stomach automatically spins.
Sitting across the skating court, skateboarders flying around me while I lock my eyes with the sunset, drawing so very delicately the beautiful layers of the shades of it, feeling free of the things I have to do.
My best friend's skating right in front of me, dancing across the detailed scenery behind him. It made everything better. Prettier.
He was pretty.
I sneaked a glance every now and then, assured that he wouldn't see me staring at him, when he focused on his every action just to end up falling down.
But he always tried and it made me smile. I unintentionally smiled while staring, readjusting my position when his hand landed next to mine, his heavy breaths catching my attention.
"Can you give me a hair tie of yours?"
His skin is so light blended with the colors of the sunset, catching my stare 'til it moves to his eyes.
"You should buy your own, you've literally taken every hair tie I own."
He grabs my wrist and fights off my playful punches, managing to take one of my hair ties and tie his long hair into a low ponytail, taking some of it off his neck, feeling the sweet breeze brushing through his skin, smiling lightly at the sensation.
I felt myself blushing while staring at him, and I turned my attention back at my sketching.
"What's you making?"
I grabbed a few colors and proceeded to finish the small drawing before the sun sets completely. I felt his head leaning up on my shoulder, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I turned to look at him, realizing we're too close to each other, nonetheless, he did not flinch a bit.
I stayed looking into his eyes, and he did the exact same thing, unfazed. After a few seconds, he broke a smile and moved back a bit before he laughed it off, grabbing the bottle of his water, opening it while looking in front of him, all those skater girls.
My eyes fell ill in my drawing.
Does he find them beautiful? Am I boring?
Why am I not skating? Why am I sitting here, drawing this stupid picture?
He noticed the sadness in my posture, my back lowering a bit, and he immediately grabbed his camera, capturing the moment in front of him, the beautiful blend of the sunset's shades.
He loves taking pictures. He loves it so much that it's honestly the first thing I think when he comes to my mind. He's always walking around with that camera. It holds so many precious memories of him.
When I looked at him, he wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me so close, our cheeks touching, when he turned the camera our way.
"What are you doing?!"
"Say cheese!"
The face he made, made me laugh and then, click, a new memory has been saved.
He turned to look at the picture, searching it through the box of his memories, so passionately that it made me smile.
He had so many photos of me, smiling, dancing, eating, crying, laughing. I always hated people taking pictures of me, but I never minded when he did it, 'cause in that case I found it heartwarming that I was in his memories.
He turned to show me the picture and it was so beautiful, I wanted to have it myself, something to stare at every night. Instead, I kept silent and let him have the memory we shared.
He turned it back to himself.
"You look so pretty. Have you noticed that when you smile, your eyes disappear?"
I felt my heart skipping a beat.
"Yeah, it's like, you're so happy but you can't see. Look, here."
He moved closer to me, his one hand leaning back to support his body, landing upon mine and his other hand holding the camera full of my pictures, smiling.
I felt myself blushing so hard that he must have noticed.
I brought my hand up to fix my hair, feeling the awkwardness of my blushing spreading through the air.
Him, on the other hand, seemed clueless.
"Do you want to grab a bite?"
I felt the redness fade away when I heard his voice, so I turned back to look at him.
"Sure, I'm starving."
I stood up, grabbing my stuff and wearing my backpack, ready to leave while he was grabbing the skateboard and the camera, holding one of them under his arm and the other around his neck.
"Where are we going?" I asked, kinda confused.
"You'll see, I got something like a 'small date' planned out"
I felt the walls of my heart shattering down when he said 'small date' and I stopped to look at him.
"A what?"
"Be patient love."
He then grabbed my hand, held it tight, and led me to a small adventure, a small date.
That's when I thought..
I have the biggest crush on this man.
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purble-turble · 1 year
Sooooo…. How do you think the camel ridge trio would work out in Demon King Red? 👀👀👀
This is a really interesting idea, because the presence of Demon King Red would definitely change a lot about how those three interact with everyone else.. I did make this post about it previously, but I have some further ideas about them now too.
If they don't play much of a role in the events, and we assume that all of them are not trapped in the memory scroll in this version of things, then they certainly could just be background characters who send him supplies and later show up at DKR's wedding. However, if they were to have a larger role, and if we assume that Peng and Elephant are still trapped in the memory scroll, then things get more interesting. In that case, Azure would probably take the place of Macaque.
First of all, Azure Lion would probably show up to meet a freshly coronated Demon King Red. He would have received word that the Demon Bull family's heir is asking old allies for help and came immediately. Obviously he first offers his deepest condolences for the loss of the Demon Bull King, you know they were sworn brothers, and to learn that he was murdered at the hands of Sun Wukong. You know, he always hoped that Sun Wukong would come around and see the error of his ways and perhaps they could all be friendly again, but seeing what he's done this time... well, he can't be left t ohis own devices anymore, he's ruining too many lives. And he can't be killed, so obviously he needs to be controlled.
He manages to win over Red with sweet words of how he completely understands how he feels over the loss of MK. He shares his own story and uses it to relate to his own pain and says that he knows they can both get what they want. All they have to do is work together.
Now, he convinces DKR that instead of revealing himself and this beautiful court he's built up to the rest of the world (and MK), instead what Azure will do is set a trap using the memory scrolls. All they need to do is release that curse when MK and Sun Wukong are together, and then Azure will handle the rest. Once MK and all his little friends are trapped in the scroll and the curse within it defeated, Azure can pull MK out, but leave behind Sun Wukong and all his little friends.
The whole plot of season 4 plays out pretty precisely from there, and only diverges after MK is freed from the scroll. He does not emerge back in Camel Ridge like he does in canon. Nope. Instead, he finds himself in a gold and red throne room and the fire demon who captured and tortured him for six months, the one he thought he had mercifully seen the last of, is there waiting for him. And Azure just hands him right over.
Obviously MK is devastated by this betrayal and extremely confused and hurt (and maybe even glitching into monkey form at this point if we want to keep that fun bit of canon).. Azure does feel a twinge of guilt at seeing how scared MK looks as he's being embraced by Demon King Red, but he only offers excuses and no help. He's sure that MK will grow to love Red again, just as he has hopes that Wukong will once again return his affection once his grand plan is complete.
With Peng and Elephant now free as well, Azure goes to complete that mission. This time he's also aided by the army that Red has promised him for returning his darling MK to him, so that combined with the now tamed curse of the memory scroll, it's an even easier fight up in Heaven to take down the Jade Emperor.
Honestly, everything seems to be going very well for DKR and Azure in this version of things... but there's just one problem.
Azure took somebody's place in this AU. So what's Macaque up to?
Well... he's also got his eye on Sun Wukong and is looking to win him over. Seeing him trapped in that scroll by Azure (his bitter rival for Wukong's affection) is kind of inconvenient.. Although, with the little successor getting kidnapped by the Demon Bull's brat, there may be an opportunity here. Azure is definitely underestimating how angry Wukong will be once he lets him out of that scroll... if Macaque can get to the kid and free him, then surely Wukong will be grateful.
It's so easy to snatch him away. All he has to do is open a up a teeny little shadow portal under MK the second Red stops hugging him and the kid falls right into his lap.
Now he just needs to explain that he's Monkey King's old friend (no NOT like Azure, kid, that guy sucks) and offer to help him save the Monkey King.
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dissvicious · 7 months
Hey so I wanted to say thank you, as your Redbomb AU has now produced a fan kid in my head. I wanted to show her to you, cause I love her and she has been haunting my mind for a bit.
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Since you're AU is her inspo i felt like info dumping about heIn this AU dracule brings shikai (my OC) home before the tragedy at the monastery, and basically they spar they hook up. mihawk dips as he is busy doing aloof swordsman stuff. shikai raises Arabelle as best she can via her travels, teaching her daughter how to commune with the sea and use haki.
the headcannon is she is snagged off an island post time skip, warning the slavers that she brings trouble. meets blaze, she finds him to be a kind and funny guy and does her best to reassure him, hoping to finally make a friend her age range (legit thinks he is hillarious, but not attracted to him any further than that.). shikai saves them, and then finds out the boy is her old friend buggy's kid, offers to return him to whereever. before they go anywhere mihawk shows up a touch late, shikai explaining the situation as the slavers wearing their collars drift away from the boat and go boom.
then arabell points out mihawk was supposed to be at home but left her with the humandrills.
mihawk tries to be a good dad but sucks hard at it, but truly loves his darling daughter. she has a great sense of humor and often jokes or roasts her dad for being "un romantic" towards her mom. calling him out more so out of honesty than spite. (arabella meets the other redbomb kids and starts crushing on both blazes siblings.)
after all that i thank you for reading, being an awesome artist, and i hope me info dumping wasn't weird. ( i would have DM'd you but honestly a bit of a huge message tbh)
Honestly thank you so much for this. I loooooove OC interaction I love playing with them like dolls and I'm so happy if my clown tribe inspire you ç.ç ♥️
Arabella is such a cute teen and I love the idea of Mihawk kids and Buggy kids getting along :3 not gonna say anything about the AU story tho
In case someone wonder I'm always in for OC interaction!! As long as you keep it sfw for reason I hope are obvious ♥️
(also I see you making OC to save the triplets from the angst I'm cooking. I just saw a post saying "lost my oc custody in court". Is it. Is it what just happened to me?/j)
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minetteskvareninova · 2 months
You're missing the point of that post. It's not about slut shaming and it's not some weird double standard against Rhaenyra & Targaryens. Its the fact that politically, Rhaenyra could've avoided everything very easily but chose not too. Her making really poor choices bc of her entitlement that being Royal, Targaryen, and knowing the prophecy is a big part of her character. It's the fact that Targaryen Exceptionalism, Feudalism & Succession Crisises are really stupid ways of governance and only ruins those around them. This whole system is a house of cards that can be so easily broken simply over hair color. It's almost willful misreading to say it's about slut shaming.
But of course, and that uppity German Struensee would've gotten away with his reforms if only he could keep it in his pants innit Juliana
*sigh* For all of you who still didn't get it:
I used Carolina Mathilda as an example, because unlike book!Rhaenyra (jury's still out on show!Rhaenyra, I honestly get SOME of the reasons why people don't like her, even if my ultimate judgement of her is way more positive) for one reason, and one reason only: she is, both in history and in the movie, unquestionably sympathetic.
For those of you who don't know, En kongelig affaere, or A Royal Affair, is a Danish film that adapts the story of queen Carolina Mathilda of Denmark, whose affair with her mentally ill husband's doctor Johann Friedrich Struensee was used by Struensee's enemies to boosts his charges of treason. The real issue was, of course, court power politics - the king's detachment of reality was so intense he was almost completely incapable of doing his job, and Struensee used that to basically rule in his stead, which of course earned him many enemies. Even worse, his pro-enlightenment policies (although think less Robespierre and more emperor Joseph II.) sparked outrage among the nobility; Joseph II. is an apt comparison here, although he didn't have the added baggage of being a lowborn man seizing power behind the scenes and (allegedly) having an affair with the queen. Jury's still out on whether that particular charge is based on truth, but it's certainly possible, and the movie went with "yes", just because it makes for a better story. In any case, Struensee ended up being executed, while Carolina Mathilda survived, but was torn away from her children and sent into exile. The movie is relatively faithful retelling of a certain quite plausible version of the story, also it has a superb script, great costumes and cast packed to the gills with amazing actors (Mads Mikkelsen, Alicia Vikander, for those in the know also Mikkel Boe Fosgard and Tryne Dyrnholm) - basically, if you can find it, go watch it, after surviving Hot D y'all deserve some real cinema.
Now, in the movie, it's heartbreakingly easy to sympathize with Carolina Mathilda. When she is just a teenager, she is married off to her severely mentally ill cousin, who constantly mistreats her and seems to kinda hate her, plus her affair with Struensee is motivated by genuine romantic feelings. Noone in their right mind would call Carolina Mathilda "entitled" for it (I HOPE). And sure, Rhaenyra is much less miserable than her, but her emotional life is in a similarly hopeless spot, where she can only find actual romance outside of marriage. Plus, unlike Carolina Mathilda, there is no deception involved, at least with her husband - she still has to gaslight the rest of the country, but them's the breaks, what would you have her do, NOT give birth to the prince of my heart Jacaerys Targaryen?! Like, people, you are calling a woman entitled, because she is in a loving monogamous relationship with someone who isn't her (gay) husband. I don't know if it's slut-shaming, but it most certainly isn't FAIR.
What I think confuses people about this comparison is that both book and show!Rhaenyra can be called spoiled and entitled (keyword is CAN; I personally don't agree with this assessment of her either, but let's say for the sake of the argument) for a lot of other things. She has certainly done her fair share of mistakes and I get the general dislike of her - I myself dislike show!Alicent in much the same way, it really depends what actions and character flaws personally irritate you more. But again, having a loving monogamous relationship, with the consent of her husband no less, is just not the kind of mistake I can imagine anyone hating her for. Yes, yes, it is hypocritical to subscribe to a feudal order that abhors bastards while having bastards yourself, but crucially, it's the kind of hypocrisy that many noblemen parttake in with no reprecussions whatsoever, from Corlys to Bobby B. And, again, Rhaenyra's affair with Harwin actually MORE excusable, because unlike Corlys' relationship with Marilda, it doesn't get in the way of an otherwise loving marriage (unless it happened before his marriage to Rhaenys in the show - it didn't in the books, but also in the books the Hull boys might be Laenor's, it's complicated), and unlike Bobby B, she is far from a hedonist serial philanderer. We can debate whether any of that would be WRONG per se, but it certainly would be LESS UNDERSTANDABLE.
It is not entitled to want a fulfilling romantic relationship even in a situation that isn't exactly conductive to it. How is that a hard concept to grasp, I really don't know. Maybe y'all should just read or watch more things dealing with romantic relationships under these circumstances - I highly recommend starting with A Royal Affair, seriously, you guys, it is so good.
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found--family · 1 year
Gotham Knights predictions for the finale! 
I've made guesses throughout the season for how things might progress with characters and plot - most were wrong, which I love because I was pleasantly surprised, but some were right: like fugue!Harvey being Duela's real father and I truly love that twist so much! My point: this show delivers every week on the twists so I'm gonna put my theories here knowing they're probably not accurate and we'll probably be pleasantly surprised yet again, but it helps to lay everything out (heads up: I'm only focusing on Harvey, Rebecca and Duela in this post).
re: Harvey + Rebecca + Duela 
Harvey has been captured by the Talons/Rebecca. So has Duela? 
1. I'm so curious to see whether Rebecca tries to wake dark!Harvey hoping he'll join her side, because he did spin that being with Rebecca was for Harvey's benefit so maybe he knows she's evil but doesn't care? Or whether Harvey will invite dark!Harvey to take over so he can stop Rebecca and save them - but I wonder if dark!Harvey will then choose to side with Rebecca? 
2. In the trailer we hear Rebecca say Look who's come out to play, and since she knows Harvey's musical trigger she's probably the one to bring out dark!Harvey. The question is: why? Does she want to offer him the chance to join her side in her evil plan? It stands to reason that dark!Harvey knew about her because she let him out and he was still down to fool around. Perhaps she sees dark!Harvey as more of a wild card, harder to control, but he could still be a strong ally [re:pawn] if she helps get him relected as DA and/or Mayor. 
3. In any case: what happens when dark!Harvey takes control? Given his self proclaimed status as Harvey's protector - specifically against the court - it doesn't really make sense that he would join dangerous Rebecca (and keep control just to spite him) but Harvey did 'kill' him so maybe he takes some time to be selfish, which could include Rebecca offering him the same deal of immortality and maybe even a way to stay in control indefinitely? 
4. In the trailer for 1x13 we see dark!Harvey laughing in the same owl hall Rebecca is in. Has she set him free? Is he setting his own double-cross plan in motion? Another snippet shows (presumably) dark!Harvey holding a gun: it's pointed to the ground along with his eyesight so whoever/whatever he's shooting at is on the ground and honestly I have no idea aside from him needing to wound/kill someone (but he told harvey in their dream convo that neither of them were killers, so is this their first kill?) but maybe something is more likely. 
5. Though it makes some sense, personally I don't want dark!Harvey to side with Rebecca because he's not a villain (yet). I want her to try and sell him immortality (and possibly control) but he refuses - but may also play her for a bit first? Maybe he agrees to her plan if only to be freed of his restraints. In any case, things get complicated with Duela.. 
6. Duela is bound in a warmly-lit room that looks to be the same place as Rebecca (pointing a gun at her?*) and dark!Harvey (laughing at her?*) beside a ticking bomb. Tens of thousands of people will die, Duela argues and the flip of the former Joker's daughter and small-time criminal wanting to save innocent people while the former white knight DA of Gotham is now an unhinged adversary is top-notch storytelling. 
* 6b. it could be that dark!Harvey is laughing at Rebecca, and at a separate point she is pointing the gun at Harvey (who is now back in control): warning him not to try and save his own daughter, making him choose and making her choose between having dark!Harvey at her side or killing Harvey (because he doesn't have any Electrum in him yet so he can't heal from a gunshot and will likely be left behind to be blown to bits alongside Duela). 
7. It's unclear how Duela came to be where she is. Her mother would only betray her for a high price - at the end of 1x12 we see her drug Duela and say the money is just too good, so perhaps she intends to collect on the ransom for the last fugitive. Does Duela escape? But before she can help free her friends a Talon captures her and brings her to Rebecca? As for the bomb: I'm guessing Rebecca is trying to set Duela up to take the fall, and in the aftermath she (and perhaps dark!Harvey) will rebuild Gotham to her liking. 
8. But this is the finale and we know what's coming: Harvey's disfigurement is imminent. As the summary mentions: Harvey is faced with an impossible decision that could have devastating consequences. Which brings me back to both Harveys and Duela: 
9. How dark!Harvey feels about Duela is unknown. Did he know about her existence? This matters because of context: Duela is bound next to a bomb that will kill her while Rebecca does her evil monologue and dark!Harvey stands at her side. The summary mentions an 'impossible decision' with 'devastating consequences': I'm guessing Rebecca can't shoot Duela because that would prove (in the rubble and remains of the bomb blast) that she was a victim not the perpetrator, but she needs Duela to die in the blast. Perhaps we will see Harvey fight for control over dark!Harvey in order to save his daughter - which would be a beautiful contrast to Duela 'killing' him - and in so doing Rebecca decides he's not worth it and leaves them both to die? Or maybe Harvey shoots Rebecca? (and she can't die because of the Electrum so maybe while he's not looking she gets away). 
10. There's also the question of whether Duela remains with Harvey or leaves to help her friends fight the Talons coming to kill them. Does Rebecca trap them both? In any case, It seems pretty likely that Harvey's disfigurement will be caused by the bomb blast, from him trying to stop or escape the bomb (I think Harvey would try to stop it while also making sure his daughter was safe, while dark!Harvey would get the hell out of there - but I think by this plot point Harvey will definitely be back in control). Perhaps he saves Duela, but with the blast supposedly being so deadly it begs the question: are we looking at the reality of a high civilian death toll, and if so how does Harvey survive? 
11. I'm also very curious to see how Duela reacts to dark!Harvey, and whether he or Harvey gets the chance to talk to her. I think if he does know about her he'll definitely confirm he's her bio dad, but at the very least he'll confirm being involved with her mom, and maybe even clarify that Harvey didn't know about her because he didn't even know about him (this could be telling, separating Harvey from his deeds in yet another protective move, meaning he still cares about Harvey). Seeing might be believing, so she might observe dark!Harvey and side with the whole double-persona thing rather than believe her mom - who just turned her in for a stack of cash. Poor Duela. I really hope she gets a nice bonding moment with Harvey before everything goes to hell, she deserves some positive, sincere parental memories. 
What about season 2?
Sadly, GK was cancelled. But we can still discuss, and create, and spread our enthusiasm and appreciation for this awesome show!
We know the finale will give us Two-Face. So is immortal!Rebecca dead? Because a bomb blast seems like a good way to make sure an immortal person stays dead. Or was she slated to re-emerge in season 2 as Two-Face's first nemisis? That idea has potential, especially given she's now an established villain. Or were the plans for season 2 to make Two-Face the new villain? Perhaps the season would open six months after the blast that devestated Gotham, meanwhile the Bat Brats' names have been cleared and they've taken up the official savior role as the Gotham Knights. And in the shadows Two-Face takes advantage of the city's chaos. 
Throughout season 1 Duela came to truly care about her friends, so despite whatever happens in the finale with Harvey, her newly emerged goodness has me thinking she'd stick with her savior friends moving forward. But I still love the idea of her somehow being involved with or just simply fascinated by Two-Face, especially considering that's her father - proven, not some fairytale about the Joker. Like every Bat Brat, she has some serious parental issues, and part of her character journey is about discovering and defining her own self rather than be shaped by her parents, so it might not make sense for her to stay in contact with Two-Face, but I can see the fic playing out in my mind and I love it. 
I'm not sure how it works with cancelled shows, whether the showrunner and writers and cast can share what-could-have-been, but I think once the finale airs we'll get a good idea what direction they were planning to take the story. 
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@heartstringsduet replied to your post “I know anime is known for anime titties etc and I...”:
Same 😂
​The treatment of the P5R's female characters is honestly so buckwild to me, because they're on one hand treated extremely well and on the other hand they're treated like shit.
As in, Makoto, Ann and Futaba are fleshed-out, nuanced characters. (I know there's another female Phantom Thief but I haven't met her yet!). They are amazingly written. They have great depth, in my opinion. They have good sides and bad sides. They develop over the course of the game. They have individual storylines that go deep, from Ann's trouble with her modelling gig and her friendship with Shiro, to Makoto's grief and her perfectionism that stems from it, and Futaba's case where she's wrongfully led to believe she murdered her mum and how that affected her mentally. They also bond with each other and with the guys. You can date them, but you don't have to, because they aren't just there for Ren to court. They bond with him, obviously, but there's no underlying agenda. They have wants, fears, hopes, likes, dislikes, annoyances and quirks. They're allowed to make mistakes and amend them. They're allowed to loud and sweet and brash and nice and catty and complicated. So yes, especially if you compare them to other women in video games, who can be reduced to either "love interest", "sex object", "bimbo" or even the quote-unquote better archetypes like "healer" or "girlboss" or "warrior", they are treated with respect and dignity.
Even the non-playable female characters all have an interesting and meaningful storyline, which is why it's appealing to get to know them and even date them. I only recently found out Kawakami lied to me! Shocking! She feels terrible. And I only just met Hifumi's mom. Hifumi is being put under a lot of pressure and it's weighing her down. Last time I saw Tae, she found out her patient died and she was allowed to grief. I already maxed out Kasumi's ranks, for now. Aka, yes, the ladies are treated with dignity.
And then they're treated like absolute shit when it comes to their bodies, what they eat and how much they weight. I already made an earlier post about how Ann's slowly being reprimanded for her eating. It was refreshing to have a female character eat without it centering on weight, but then that got thrown out of the window in her modelling storyline with Mika. Especially since male characters don't get that treatment. How dare Ryuji, the other big glutton, reprimand her for eating cause it'll make her fat, while he's about to join her to eat the same thing? Morgana gleefully comments that Makoto doesn't eat lunch because she's in a bikini and she probably wants to be slim, cause that's supposedly the only reasons she wears it. No one talks about how Ren shouldn't eat because he's shirtless at the beach and that'll impact how others will see him. Futaba isn't initially comfortable revealing that much skin, but she will just have to deal with it. Yusuke is allowed to cover up, even in the heat.
Like, the game also shows off how harmful it is to see women as objects, but when Ren, Morgana, Ryuji and Yusuke do it, it's fine apparently? It's funny, even? Komashida trying to pressure Ann into something regarding her body is bad! Ren and Ryuji pressuring Ann in modelling nude (while underage) is good! That gross customer making very inappropriate comments about how hot it is that Futaba is basically a kid is bad! Yusuke immediately wishing to see Futaba in a state of undress "for art" is quirky! Komashida seeing girls as objects he should be able to freely get due to his status is bad! Ryuji bemoaning that girls aren't flocking him because he's so much better than other dudes since he's a Phantom Thief is understandable! A perv gripping Kasumi is bad! Yusuke grabbing Ann from behind just happened! The creeps on the beach treating Ann and Makoto as objects to obtain is bad! Ren, Ryuji and Yusuke treating other girls at the beach as objects to obtain is just guys things!
What's the deal here? Is the idea that just because Ryuji, Ren and Yusuke are teens, it's not as inapporiate as when grown ass men do it? The main reason Ren isn't as bad as the others is because I play him and I make him point out that the others are being gross and full of shit. Which is also why it annoys me so much when I cannot control him and he does shit like that.
Not to mention Ann's anime titties that bounce every time she does a special move. Honestly, I don't even mind that Ann's sexy, because there's nothing wrong with women wanting to be sexy and feeling good because of it. But then you get those really male gazy anime cutscenes where Ann airs her shirt and Ryuji just full on stares down her cleavage, or the beach thing where she adjusts her panties and it zooms in on her boobs and Ryuji makes groping hand gestures. Dude????? And yes, luckily, Ann gets to react to it. She gets to call Ryuji (and Yusuke, when he grabbed her) out, but still???? Ryuji doesn't fucking stop?????
So yeah, this is wild. I suppose that even when women are written as actual people, they still cannot easily escape this shit.
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I want to say that this is not a post to hate absolutely anything or anyone, I love the show, I would just like to discuss and expose the directions I wish the story had taken…
I don´t like Lee Gon with Tae-Eul
I think romance is cute? Okay, but their personalities are so different that it doesn't feel right for them to be together… Opposites attract, but I don't think they work out well in the long run, even with Tae Eul showing her more vulnerable side… They are drastically different. Don't complement each other at all… But I'm not a fan of Lee Gon x Jo Yeong either, i will talk more about this later...
After we saw Tae-eul and Sin-Jae's backstory, it honestly didn't improve my view of the Lee Gon x Tae Eul dynamic at all, but it did a lot for me to like the strange companionship between the detective and Captain Jo…
Tae-eul never seems to reflect well on the things that happen around her, she's just reacting or is being impressed constantly (correct me if I missed a scene) she doesn't reflect on Lee Gon's actions, she only cares if they will seeing herself again, but with a magic flute and a boyfriend from another dimension who claimed to 'know' her before she even knew he existed…she doesn't ask Gon any of the questions that we would expect someone in her position to ask. .. it could even be the simplest, things like "Do you really like me for me now? or are you still hoping I'll save you from that night?" "What if I'm not the one you're looking for, and it's someone from a third world? Would you like me any less if that were the case?" you know… the basics
Back to the king and his unbreakable sword, He and Captain Jo are the epitome of what you would call platonic soulmates, it's wonderful that he's the one who walks in beside Gon on the NIGHT OF HIS TRAUMA, AS HE'S THE ONE WHO'S BEEN BY HIS SIDE HIS WHOLE LIFE. They don't need to be romantically involved to want and do the best for each other. Does it have potential? yes, but I can't see it like that. Honestly, I'd rather have Captain Jo with Detective Kang than the King
I WON'T LIE TO YOU, I didn't realize it was Lee Gon himself who saved his younger version until I looked it up on YouTube, it filled me with excitement and joy! I genuinely cried of happiness, it was such a beautiful gesture of self-love that was soon crushed by the persistent idea of the series trying to making us believe that the romantic love he cultivated with Tae Eul was something "magnificent" to the point that after all is over, he used the flute that started all his troubles going after the version he met of her in one of the many universes he now has access to * rolls eyes *
I don't care about spoilers, so I didn't contain myself and did some research, and one of them was the scene of him telling the little boy, son of the now Minister, his name, and it gave me almost the same feeling as when I found out that he himself had been saved. ..
But then they used the magic flute to travel between dimensions and… Ugh, it was kind of cute to see the scene showing the aging of the two, but as it was developed, it didn't make much sense for them being together as a couple.
How would I REWRITE: the child would actually be the son of someone present at the meeting, I don't know, some former classmate of Lee Gon, family member of someone from the court, whatever his parent, who would later become the romantic partner in life of our king, this with the passage of time shown in the final scenes… And yes, Lee Gon would pass his throne to this boy, I think it would be a good way to to make a repair parallel to the great envy and feeling of rejection that Lee Lim felt… I see this child's parent as someone from the "liberal arts" as Lee Gon so often uses the term to describe many around him, I think he would benefit from being with someone like this, since we met him, we know that he has a very sensitive side despite leaning heavily on science... I think it would be a more balanced relationship than with a police officer, due to his affinity with Einstein's theories and the quality of artists to express themselves to walk through what is abstract;
About his relationship with Tae Eul: the portals would be closed forever, but he would always remember her as his first girlfriend, and the person who helped him discover romantic feelings, being a dream for a while, after getting to know her closely. Although in love, and ignoring the factor of living in separate worlds, he would know that in the long run they would not work out.
The ending would have a Lee Gon who has overcome his trauma by learning to see opportunities to be happy in the life he has.
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mejomonster · 1 year
Forgive me guys if I just start posting a bunch of silent reading fics. NOW on the list to write (maybe):
Continue the Guardian/Silent Reading crossover where Fe Du is a mutant, and the two couples are solving a murder mystery in Yan City while Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan mistakenly think they've actually run into 2 cases since Fei Du is so suspicious with a dead mom and dad in a coma, and likely not-human.
Another Guardian/Silent Reading crossover where Fei Du is a dixingren, but make it Ye Old Haixing and Luo Wenzhou is an investigator and Fei Du is a wealthy young man who inherited his father's questionable built fortune after dad "disappeared" and there's rumors in town "magic" caused his dad's accumulations and Fei Du clinging to the local Captain of the investigation bureau as an assistant isn't helping, Luo Wenzhou is more than aware they're technically at war with Dixingren and the only mutants spared the angry mobs nowadays are the ones in the alliance army so he's trying to keep Fei Du's nature hush hush (but the Fei family already got quite the baggage since another mutant killed Fei Dus father and is trying to usurp the local ruler with their own powers, and frame the still alive Fei Du for their collateral damage). Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan (as Kunlun) show up to investigate the local rumors of a dixingren trying to kill the royal family here (that the culprit is trying to frame on Fei Du) cause Shen Wei suspects 1. A hallow may be involved, 2. People are dying and he wants to stop it, 3. It's the alliances job to stop mutants from hurting people. (And yes in this Ye Old Haixing time of Guardian is like a few months or much more not lol like a week). Luo Wenzhous dad is a high ranking court official, Tao Ran had a more humble family background but passed the exams to get into this line of work with Luo Wenzhou his best friend. Lang Qiao is still there, Xiao Haiyang, cause I love them. And Da Qing <3
Dracula AU in republican era ish Yan City, Tao Ran is a real estate agent moving Fei Du into the area (Jonathan Harker), Luo Wenzhou is a police captain with a wealthy estate from family (a Mina and Van Helsing ish vibe) and his adopted sister Lang Qiao is looking to marry (Lucy). Xiao Haiyang is a family attendant that Luo Wenzhous mom keeps pushing towards our dear Lang Qiao who is distraught at the awful choice (and stuttering useless man), who would've married Luo Wenzhou for the money and to hide him being gay from hostile eyes but he's just Too Insufferable and when he forced his family to adopt her INSTEAD of marrying her she just decided this was better anyway, she sets her sights on the very pretty rich Young Man moved into town hoping he'll be an easy target to tell what to do (unlike Luo Wenzhou) and much sweeter of a time (Fei Du is quite the charmer after all), and Fei Du is happy to oblige her pursuing him since she's Passably Pretty and he's a Gentleman who can't possibly refuse an eager woman. So he plans to eat her. As he's invited over to the Luo estate, along with other eligible bachelor's for the evening party (maybe Zhang Donglan, and maybe Zhou etc lead up the party of murderers lmao), Luo Wenzhou catches Fei Du's eye. Because Luo Wenzhou seems oddly to pick up on Fei Du being an actual Threat to Lang Qiao... not having good intentions. Lang Qiao: "Well of course, he wants to sleep with me! Which I'm honestly not against, as long as we marry before there's a baby. And he's so rich, what could he even GET from us that he doesn't already have? Sure, he's not a local, our family has more political sway. But with the money he's flaunting I'm sure that won't be true for long. I don't even KNOW what bad intentions could be from him, you're being paranoid. You'd think a man with your tastes, you'd see what a catch he is." And Luo Wenzhou going, "are you just going to prattle on? And no I'm not going to steal him before you get the, are you listening to me? He's got a bad feel to him. I don't think it's romance or money he's thinking of. Or sex." Lang Qiao: "Then what? There's nothing else." And Luo Wenzhou wouldn't respond, not wanting to scare her Yet. Meanwhile Fei Du has been listening in, easy for a vampire to catch across the room, and thinking about how prey who knows to be wary of him... that might even fight back, struggle, be a real victory to possess... now that sounds a lot more delectable than the girl ready to throw herself onto him. So begins the hunt. It would be notably different in that they wouldn't know each other at all versus the novel years history (and while I love Dracula the Musical Japanese version where Mina is Draculas love from the past... I wouldn't do that, I like strangers meeting).
Dracula AU but older historical, with the whole Luo Wenzhou as emperor (or crown prince), Lang Qiao as one of the princesses (like their works joke but real), Tao Ran as an advisor only thanks to Luo Wenzhou taking a shining to him and thankfully not expecting Tao Ran to date him, Fei Du as a vampire come to the capital city to take power and investigate. (A little bit of a Scholar Who Walks the Night vibe). There's potential in this one for Luo Wenzhou to know Fei Du as a human child, then Fei Du turning as an adult into a vampire and leaving, then coming back some years later not aged. It would preserve some of their "knew each other for years before" novel dynamic in an interesting way.
Just an honest regular Silent Reading modern Vampire au, dark af. Fei Chengyu is a vampire, tortures Fei Dus mom until she dies, does all the same awful stuff as in novel, when Fei Du is an adult he turns Fei Du into the vampire monster he raised the human boy to be. Fei Du, for the first time overcome with bloodlust and lack of impulse control in many years, loses control and kills his father immediately. He covers it up as a missing persons situation. Silent Reading novel plot basically carries on as usual, except Fei Du actually DID kill his dad and is now an actual monster (not just a human often thinking he's monstrous). And maybe Fei Du had less interaction with Luo Wenzhou than in the novel as a teen, cause vampire dad had a tighter grip. Or maybe just as much interaction with Luo Wenzhou. But once he kills his dad, he really does distance, he considers flirting with Tao Ran to keep close to Luo Wenzhou but is horrified by the idea he might lose control and want to drink Tao Ran's blood. Or worse, kill him. And the more he argues with Luo Wenzhou, the occasions he says "if I'd kill someone, I'd do this" because Luo wenzhou PUSHED him and he sort of wants a cathartic emotional release and to just Be Honest somewhat to someone, when Luo Wenzhou yells back or tries to manhandle him? He wants so badly, a worse impulse than any of his old human instincts to want to hurt or kill, to drag Luo Wenzhou to him and hold him tight and watch him unable to fight back, and drink him. Have him. All his. Reveal everything, show it all to Luo Wenzhou, and possess him. And that in itself is horrifying so he flees more often, and of course Luo Wenzhou chases harder. And first is the eventual reveal... Fei Du really did probably kill his dad, his dad probably is dead, and for all Luo Wenzhou cares about him... fei du finally crossed the line and killed. He's not an innocent child anymore just saying awful things, and Luo Wenzhou has to handle that. Then the second reveal... not only has Fei Du killed, and is now much more worried about hurting others and wanting to and scared he does (and in contrast much quicker to be okay with violence to achieve his plot against the Organization that played with his dad), but Fei Du is a monster. A real honest creature of the night, a monster, a vampire, a corpse that's died and Luo Wenzhou can never bring him back to life. Luo Wenzhou never protected him, couldn't save him, couldn't even keep him alive... ouch my heart. This vampire au is the heavy one, the angst city one (my specialty).
More self indulgent, an au where most things are the same but Luo Wenzhou has to be bodyguard to Fei Du. The old whipping boy yaoi trope. Either he legit lost his job and got hired as his bodyguard (lmao) or its some secret identity thing to be Fei Du's bodyguard to investigate some rich resort off the beaten path without going as a cop (which could mean fun times bring Tao Ran too or he's nearby as backup on the cell phone interfacing between those two and the Bureau). Fei Du milks the ruse for absolutely all its worth, ordering Luo Wenzhou about and making up for ALL the times Luo Wenzhou tells him what to do.
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eternal-echoes · 2 years
Hello! I came across that St. Thomas Aquinas quote you posted about needing to confess to sins one is unsure are mortal or not and am confused. I suffer greatly from scrupulosity and resources for dealing with it have always instructed that if you're unsure if something is a mortal sin or not, assume it is not and let your anxious mind be at peace about it and to avoid confessing to these things. The 10 Commandments for the Scrupulous (a wonderful resource for me) advises "Only confess to sins that are clear and certain," not ones that you doubt are sins or not. It's been a piece of advice that's helped me greatly over the years and I'm constantly having those moments of: "Was that a mortal sin??" but am able to let the worry go by reminding myself of the resources I've read.
Is it simply that there are different rules for the scrupulous and people without it should confess to doubtful sins while those with religious OCD should not? As you may imagine, this conflicting advice has me anxious now.
“When a man doubts whether a certain sin be mortal, he is bound to confess it, so long as he remains in doubt, because he sins mortally by committing or omitting anything, while doubting of its being a mortal sin, and thus leaving the matter to chance; and, moreoever, he courts danger, if he neglect to confess that which he doubts may be a mortal sin. He should not, however, affirm that it was a mortal sin, but speak doubtfully, leaving the verdict to the priest, whose business it is to discern between what is leprosy and what is not.”
- St. Thomas Aquinas (St, Supplement, Q.6 A.4 Reply Obj. 3)
Hi Anon, I was honestly worried when I reread it again after being posted that it would stir someone’s scrupulosity.
The best explanation I can come up with it is:
It is possible that someone can commit a mortal sin but because that person had no knowledge that it is a mortal sin due to invincible ignorance so the culpability is lessened in that regard (i.e. being born in the wrong religion and having died with no access to Catholicism). If that person has led a morally virtuous life to the best of his knowledge and ability, he could be in Heaven.
So with that in mind, committing sin may not have the effect of a mortal sin on the soul even if it is mortal because the agent’s knowledge was impaired and therefore was not acting with full knowledge that it was a mortal sin.
I think this is one of those things that doesn’t apply in every case so each one has to be judge on its own. I believe abortion would be judged differently if one has been misled to believe that a fetusl isn’t human.
I think what St. Thomas Aquinas is saying that for everything we’ve done that we’re not sure of, we should let the priest know so he can guide us to see if it is a mortal sin or venial sin. (One time I wasn’t sure if watching TV shows from pirated websites is a mortal or venial sin and when I confessed it the priest said it was venial.)
I’m gonna tag @fr-perry @coruscanttojerusalem
for a more detailed explanation because I feel like I have missed something I probably should have done more research before answering but I know you sent this to me yesterday and I didn’t wanna keep you waiting. If I had said anything wrong here, I’m hoping that Cunningham’s law saves us here.
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juyeoniemyhoney · 3 years
make you feel my love
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Losing means nothing to Ishikawa when he has you.
pairing: ishikawa yuki x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: i don’t think there’s any!
word count: 2074 words
A/N: i honestly dont know who wants to read this but im just gonna post it anyways HAHA so here all you ishikawa simps pls enjoy<3
It all happens at once.
The noise— screams of all pitches and encouragements of all sorts, forming a raucous cacophony in the large gymnasium— halts almost immediately; like a vacuum has sucked it all up and the only thing that is left is an eerie stillness as everyone waits in antsy anticipation for the player to serve.
And then he is running up, throwing the ball great lengths into the air and jumping to meet it halfway, hitting the ball with such force and determination you can almost feel the impact yourself. The ball hurtles through the air and crosses the net with such speed you almost don't see it.
But the Japanese team does. Their libero, Yamamoto, crosses the court in a flash and bumps the ball up so high up it gives his teammates half a second to breathe before they are rushing to connect it, the setter, Sekita, tossing the ball higher in the air for Ishikawa to hit it.
The tall Brazilians loom over him like a curse, like bad karma, as determined as the Japanese are, but not nearly as desperate. Ishikawa does not mind them and he bravely hits the ball with as much strength as his worn out body allows him, sending every last bit of energy into this spike, hoping, praying, practically begging for it to work, for the ball to hit the other side of the court with such violence that the Brazilians would not be able to even react before it hits the floor.
The next thing you know, the ball hits the hands of the Brazilians and is spindling down towards the floor at breakneck speed. Yamamoto, Sekita and Ishikawa (when he lands), all throw themselves to the floor in a desperate bid to save it, to not let it touch the floor, to not let all their hard work be washed down into a drain. But to no avail.
The ball hits the floor with a resounding thud. The whistle blows and all at once, the Brazilian supporters leap from their seats and yell and scream and shout with unadulterated joy. Because they have won! They have won the game! And the Japanese have lost. The Japanese team and their supporters are quiet in the wake of their loss. You do not move, almost as if if you did, the bleachers would crack open, the earth beneath the gymnasium would cave in and you would be falling to the floor, through the soil and to the core of the earth.
The three men lift themselves up from the floor with the weight of defeat on their shoulders and their teammates pat their backs silently, looking solemn but trying to be as encouraging as possible. The team gathers at the end line of the court and another whistle blows, signalling both teams to bow. When Ishikawa's eyes hit the floor, so do the tears.
He cries in silent agony, somehow feeling like it is all his fault. He is the captain, he should have led them better than this. He is the ace, he should have been able to hit pass those blocks. He knew hitting hard was risky, he should have been more careful. He should have moved faster, reacted faster, gotten to the ball faster. He should have been sharper, more alert, better. He should have been better.
His teammates shed a few tears too, but not quite nearly as much as Ishikawa. It's unrelenting— his tears. It doesn't want to stop, even when Ishikawa roughly wipes at his eyes in frustration, desperately wanting the raw showing of emotion to stop. Everyone can see him cry in this moment and he hates it.
When Ishikawa and his team begin to move off the court, is when you break from your stunned daze. Quite frankly, you were shocked speechless. You knew Brazil was a tough opponent but your faith in your boys would always trump any form of doubt. You knew they could do it. You knew they would be able to do it. Until they didn't.
You do not see the tears from quite so far away, but when you do, you are ripping yourself from your seat with such great speed, the people around you jump in surprise. You do not care, you do not even really notice before you are sprinting down the stairs, leaping from each flight, ignoring the desperate calls of your best friend and the shocked expressions directed at you as you race to the exit of the court.
"Ishikawa Yuki!" you yell just in case you don't catch them in time. You know you could just call him or meet him at his house but you came as a surprise, and though you'd wish you could surprise him after his victory, you think that surprising him and being able to comfort him in his loss will mean just as much.
At the sound of your voice, his head whips around, eyes wide in shock as he desperately searches the people for your face, eyes glassy with unshed tears and vision slightly blurry. You jump off the rest of the stairs, running to him with flailing arms. And when Ishikawa sees you, you swear you see his lips pout, eyes glossing over as tears run down his face.
You grin and run to him and he drops everything, his water bottle, his towel, his jacket, everything, so that he can hold his arms open for you to run into and give him a big hug. And you do exactly that. You run straight into his arms, wrapping your arms around his torso and shoving your face into his chest, not caring at all that he is drenched in sweat (and possibly tears), not caring at all that almost the whole gymnasium full of people can see the two of you have such an intimate moment, not caring at all because Ishikawa Yuki, the love of your life, is in tears and you have to do everything in your power to stop that.
Ishikawa's arms wrap around you too, holding you so tight and dear to him, you swear the both of you stop breathing. And with you in his arms, he finally crumbles to the floor, tears spilling from his eyes and sobs escaping his throat in ugly, high-pitched hiccups. But he doesn't care, you don't care, he's safe as long as you're here.
"When did you get here? I thought you were only going to touchdown tomorrow," he whispers in between sobs, his shaking, swollen hand coming up to your hair and entangling his fingers with the strands messily. You pull away slightly and pull Ishikawa down so that your chin rests on his shoulder and he can bury his face into your neck, your hand coming up to his sweaty hair to run your fingers through the corse, tangled strands as Ishikawa continues to cry in your arms. This position is so incredibly uncomfortable. After all, Ishikawa is insanely tall and the top of your head doesn't even really reach his neck, and you're sure Ishikawa's back is going to hurt a little later but he doesn't seem to mind at all at the position change, indulging in you as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck, hot breaths that tickle your skin, coming out in pants as he struggles to control his sobs.
"I wanted to surprise you," you say with a fond smile, the hand that was idle on his back coming up to send a wave to his teammates when your eyes meet, even sending one to his coach, who just smiles bitterly at you. His teammates send you rueful smiles and thumbs-ups of approval before they make their way back to the locker rooms, leaving you and Ishikawa to continue embracing at the exit of the court.
Ishikawa lets out a tearful laugh, saying, "Well, I'm surprised alright. I was just thinking about you when you called my name. I almost thought I was seeing things.".
You laugh but do not reply, allowing a comfortable silence to take over as Ishikawa lets all his emotions out in the form of hot, regretful tears. Your hand continues to soothe him with pats and strokes to his back and your hand remains in his hair. Ishikawa's large hands fist your shirt at your waist as his tears and sweat seep into your shirt. You don't mind. Of course, if this were anyone else you would. But this is Ishikawa Yuki, and you love him more than anything else in this world.
"You played so well," you whisper after a while of silence. You can feel Ishikawa wanting to pull away from you but you do not allow him, knowing full well that he wants to pull away to argue with you, to debunk your words with his incessant humility, so you do not allow him. You do not allow him to deny himself the praise he very much deserves because he's worked hard for this, no matter the outcome, he and his teammates have worked his ass off for this, and the least you can do is praise him.
"Yuki, you played very well. Don't try and deny it," you say with a firm voice, hand on his head keeping his chin to your shoulder. At this, he finally laughs and you loosen your grip, allowing him to pull out of your embrace just enough for him to see your face.
His cheeks are tear-stained and his eyes are beginning to puff up with all his crying, red beginning to bloom at the corner of his eyes, slowly taking over the white. His smile is nothing short of breathtaking, swollen eyes and red lips curled up brilliantly, smile lines and the corners of his eyes creasing sweetly. You can't help but grin back when you see his smile, nose souring with endearment.
"You know me so well," he comments, fingers coming up to tuck strands of your hair behind your ear, fingers trailing down your jaw to your chin, tilting your face up just a little bit more. His fingers guide your head just slightly forward before he is meeting you halfway in a sweet kiss, grinning immediately after your lips meet his.
Ishikawa's eyes trace over your every feature, observing, remembering, ingraining; tracing over the curve of your eyes, the slope of your nose, the perk of your lips, the peak of your eyebrows, and the line of your jaw, fingers ghosting over each feature along with his eyes, all the while maintaining the smile on his lips.
Then, he is giving your forehead a sweet kiss before pulling out of your embrace fully, turning around to pick up the things he had dropped when you came running into his arms. He brushes off his jacket and drapes it across your shoulders, holding open the jacket for you to slip your arms into the sleeves, to which you do, before he is hooking the zip and zipping it all the way up to your chin.
In his mind, he laughs at the way you are dwarfed by his jacket. Your hands can barely be seen, only the tips of your fingers peeking out from the sleeves, and the jacket, where it usually ends at his hip, ends almost at your knees. Unconsciously, he smiles and has to physically restrain himself from pinching your cheeks.
After he zips up his jacket, he bends down to pick up his towel, draping it over his shoulder before he is bending down once again to pick up his water bottle, having set them down to help you put on his jacket. Then, without a word but with the largest, goofiest grin, he takes your hand in his and leads you out of the court and to the locker rooms in a comfortable silence, fingers intertwined with yours.
For a second there, he almost forgets that they lost the game and are not able to proceed to the quarter-finals. For a second there, he almost completely forgets about his regrets and anger and frustration. And it's all because of you. And of course, he is eternally grateful to you. After all, what on earth would he do without you? He would still be crying his ass off, that's what, though he would never admit it out loud. And it is because of this reason— though he would do it without a reason at all— that he kisses you a little longer, hugs you a little tighter, loves you a little more.
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slurp-imagines · 3 years
hii! can I request headcanons of sanji and zoro with an oblivious, ditzy s/o?
hi anon! v cute prompt, thanks for sending & sorry for the long wait. i hope this post still reaches you somehow 😂
Having an oblivious, ditzy s/o: Roronoa Zoro & Sanji
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Roronoa Zoro
↳ He thinks it's endearing, but it also kinda drives him nuts a little. Just a little tho
↳ Zoro is somehow extremely straight-forward but also not very forthcoming when it comes to his emotions. So he naturally just sits in this weird sweet spot where any advances he tried to make toward his s/o (before or during their relationship) were just completely misinterpreted.
↳ He thinks the way he feels about them is obvious with the way he seeks them out when they're on the ship, the way he lingers near them during fights, the way he helps them with their ship duties. Zoro's very much a show-don't-tell kind of guy, so it takes a while for him to accept that he'll have to use his big boy words to get them to understand.
↳ "I care about you, Y/N. A lot." "I care about you too!! You're such a good crewmate Zoro :D"
↳ He was genuinely at a loss for words. Spent a few hours brooding in the weight room after that one. Robin probably giggled at him during his walk of shame to the crow's nest and he nearly popped a vein, blushing all the way to his ears lmao. His confessions only escalated from there
↳ Zoro doesn't mind if his s/o can be a little ditzy. Honestly he probably never really even connected that word to them lol. He just sees their character quirks or air-headedness and is like "yeah I mean I've seen weirder"
↳ Zoro does privately think that being around Luffy so much kind of prepared him for his s/o though... Their ditziness is almost an invisible trait to him at this point lol. Except for when anyone tries to tease them about it, in which case he gets weirdly defensive of them. It's endearing but also a little funny, especially if his s/o is oblivious to that too
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↳ When it comes to romance, Sanji has all the subtly of flashing neon lights, which his s/o probably appreciates since it makes interpreting things a lot easier on their end. So Sanji thinks he and his s/o are super well-matched! Even if he deflates a little every time his pick up lines just go straight over their head lmao
↳ He will go all out with romancing his s/o in this case, and he'd do so regularly. If they don't usually think much of the little things he does to say 'I love you' through the day, then he'll tell them verbally as many times as it takes. This man is full of love and he will do everything to make sure it reaches them
↳ Also, Sanji is a great partner for an s/o who's a little on the ditzy side. He's patient and non-judgemental toward his loved ones, and he's very good at reading people even through all their eccentricities. If his s/o is absent-minded then they'll never have to worry again lol, this man is so on top of things. He'll have everything they need before they even know they misplaced it. It's like magic
↳ This is maybe a little sadder than necessary buuut...
↳ Sanji getting insecure while courting his s/o because he thought at first that they might like him but they're so oblivious to romance that they keep "swerving" all of his attempts at confessions and romance. He probably has a lot of thoughts like "Of course they're ignoring me, they're too good for me anyway" :(
↳ It's very much Sanji crying into a bowl of soup at night while Nami tries to convince him that he's doing well and Y/N is just very, veeery oblivious.
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