#honestly most of the time I feel like a freaking mad scientist
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Fuck it, I just got another vampy idea (double, tbh lol) and since I cannot, for the life of me, stay away from my favourite brain child, I will have to draw it.
Fml, the brain never stops.
I need coffee .
#nemo babbles#i cannot help it#Dottie is my favourite bebe#i love to see her in all different kind of roles#especially the one from my fave movies#and I just got one hell of an idea#blame my husband for making me watch this movie with him yesterday night lolol#honestly most of the time I feel like a freaking mad scientist#closed into her laboratory in some secluded castle dungeon#doing experiments upon experiments and then sometimes coming out of the laboratories asking what year are we in#and then i need to draw Alexios#like#I am craving to draw him#but if I do not appeal the brain first it won't allow me to move forward
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🥕🍑🍏🥬🥔 for aja and one other of your choice!
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
aja is great in a physical situation, anything that just takes some elbow grease or a little bit of mindfulness, but she lacks social tact. she's great with kasey when shes young and most problems can generally be approached with "take some deep breaths and we can talk it out" and "lets go outside for a bit and youll feel better" but when they move to the city and she starts having like. high school girl social problems and insecurity and friend drama and stuff. aja really stops knowing how to help and tends to get pretty overwhelmed with it.
ironically for how poorly they get along, victor is pretty similar. hes an incredible problem solver and good with hands-on stuff but lacks social tact or regard for what other people think of him, and tends to be pretty prone to insensitivity and shoving his foot in his mouth. (still, kasey tends to turn to him for advice. sometimes its just easier to talk to someone who isnt your parent, and he has more relevant experience to a lot of her insecurities and stuff anyways.)
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
aja - answered!
victor- he only really honestly expresses himself to most people through his work. he tends to be a pretty aloof, crass guy who seems to not like anyone very much, but will dedicate massive amounts of time to Doing a task for them. for example despite generally being an emotionally distant parent he is very dedicated to the design and upkeep of ajas robot arm and is constantly working on it.
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
aja -

victor -

🥬 [LEAFY GREEN] How mundane are they? Do they like it that way?
aja - she is like if a cool normal (in a "was emo in high school and never all the way grew out of it" way) 35-40 year old woman spent every minute of her life mentally reciting the i dont fit in jughead monologue. fr i dont think she realizes that she is mostly very normal because she is too busy internalizing complexes about how shes a freak and everybody hates her.
victor - admittedly he is a freak. and hes okay with that. at some point youve been alive so long past yr lifespan you just couldnt be normal even if u tried. i think he likes putting the mad in mad scientist even if he occassionally entertains the idea of a boring normal domestic fantasy
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
aja - contradictory gender situationn i guess. OH no wait she has this habit of just leaving situations without telling anybody when shes decided shes had enough.
victor - no sense of physical boundaries. tends to be touchy in the interest of professional curiosity. (esp. with aja he does the Parent Thing where hes like i literally have seen you naked im your dad stop acting like its a big deal. now let me ask you invasive medical questions)
#SORRY FOR GREEN APPLE I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY#victors potato brought to you by my mom is a nurse and loves to do that shit#ajaposting
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Everyone was initially silent as they processed Two Brains’ words. Victor meanwhile went towards his brother and gave him a deep hug of his own, comforting his sibling without getting more blood on his niece. Meanwhile Patricia had a deep, thoughtful look on her face. She didn’t know why, but the mad scientist’s shaking reminded her of someone from long ago. A person she met at a nice couple’s boarding house after she was kicked out by her own parents. “That’s a bunch of shite and ye know it!” Hyde exclaimed aloud, causing everyone except the passed out Adrian to turn their heads towards him. “What?” Two Brains exclaimed in stunned confusion. They all saw that Hyde’s face was filled with anger though not directed towards anyone. “Have ye paid attention to what ah told that blonde wanker. That prick is obviously jealous and completely wrong about ye. So what if ye and your siblings weren’t born like everyone else, ye are just as human as the next bloke or lass. That blonde wanker and his cousin are the ones who are the freaks e’re, pathetic excuses for humans.” Hyde was holding back tears as he could feel Henry’s heart breaking for the pain his boyfriend was in. He didn’t want to get any more emotional than he already was while getting his point across. “Besides, it don't matter who ye parents are. Sure ye inherited some stuff from them but ye are your own person. Ye ain’t like Maddrix no matter what anyone says. Also ye shouldn’t feel so guilty for taking your cousin’s name. Ye were scared and being hunted down, anyone in your position would have done something similar to stay alive and safe. If it’s anyone’s fault for dragging your cousin’s name and reputation through the mud then it’s those damn peelers and pompous wankers fault. They treat ye like you’re some dangerous and violent super villain when all ye do is steal or turn stuff into cheese. Ye don’t even trigger someone’s allergies. Ye are a villain but you damn well care more about Wordgirl and the other city’s heroes than the civilians who the heroes protect. So who cares what Calvin says. He doesn’t know the real ye. He’s just a jealous twit.” Everyone stared in stunned surprise at Edward Hyde’s touching and reassuring words. Two Brains gave the blonde man a small, but grateful smile. “Thanks, Hyde. I really appreciate it.” Dr. Two Brains exclaimed. Hyde simply huffed, trying to maintain his reputation, yet he couldn’t help the faint blush that dusted his cheeks. “Ah was only speaking facts Whiskers. Besides, ah do think your dad, Carl Woods, was a mad scientist after all. Ah mean, who names their kids after a field of science anyway?” Hyde remarked. This caused Two Brains to let out a watery laugh. “For the record, he and Matthew were in a rush forging my birth certificate. That’s why I usually went by Gene. Most people would assume my name was just short for Eugene. Saved me a lot of awkward stares and explanations.” Archie couldn’t help but stare at Two Brains with a strange sense of familiarity. ‘Could he really be that Gene?’ Archie wondered to himself. He would ask the mad scientist later after everyone had more time to calm down after what happened. “Well I agree with Mr. Hyde. I honestly could not tell you and your siblings were even clones when I met you. All your vital signs and medical data were registered to me as normal, functioning humans.” Hugh pointed out. “I have to agree with Hyde as well sir.” Jenkins exclaimed. “Look, we can talk more about things later when you are ready too. Right now everyone’s emotions are high and one of us is already unconscious. We can wait for answers from you later.” Jenkins exclaimed. Patricia, Hugh, and Archie nodded their heads in agreement. Dr. Two Brains was touched by his friend’s reactions. He was glad they didn’t look at him with any hate and disgust. “Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.” The mad scientist exclaimed with tears in his eyes. Hyde grabbed his daughter and walked towards Hugh. “Well since ye are a doctor, can ye look over me pup before ye check on Barton?” Hyde asked. @unhingedexperimenter
Though someone this Miss Ito did know Henry Jekyll. Did his brother's new boyfriend get this woman to look into him? If so, why didn't this man just ask Dr.Two-Brains about himself? This raised more questions than it answered. Maybe Henry didn't have the courage to look into his brother after he gave him a little 'friendly' talk. Yet the thinly veiled threats Victor had made shouldn't have been enough to get the teacher looking into Dr.Two-Brains. There was also the fact that Henry had no idea that Victor could find out who was hacking. Perhaps the man was intelligent enough to have the heat on someone else just in case they were found out, but he didn't seem like the type to do so. Especially to someone he had entrusted The Society to. Victor was going to have to get a few agents to take a little trip to check out why they decided to hack like they did. Maybe Robert Lanyon had someone to do with Miss Itos hacking. It would be expected when the man's father had been murdered. Perhaps he wanted to make sure that Henry was safe. Maybe this man was protecting Henry from someone who was threatening him. This could've had the culprit retaliate against the doctor by going after Henry or Robert could be responsible for his own father's murder and for Mr. Carew's attempted murder. The reason both Mr. Hyde and Henry left could be because Robert was threatening one and framing the other. Victor felt a headache coming on. For now, he was going to find out exactly where Robert was. If he wanted to take over The Society, he would've easily done so. Yet he didn't, instead only oversaw important business. He couldn't scratch any of his theories out just yet. He didn't know what was going on, but he was going to find out. He didn't realize that Eris had finally gotten home. He didn't notice the sound of the apartment door opening and closing. “Victor, are you okay? You look like you're stressed about something.” He expressed his concern, brows furrowed. “Eris! I'm fine. I was just overthinking some things.” Eris went over to Victor and placed a kiss on his temple. “Get some rest, my sweet. You'll be able to figure things out better with fresh eyes.” Victor smiled at his boyfriend. “You're right. I'll take a nap. If you'll join me.” Eris smiled at that. He found Victor endearing. The toymaker closed his laptop. Meanwhile in another part of the city, two people were arguing. “Must you stalk these people? I would rather not have the police sniffing around if they take legal action.” The woman shook her head. “It is necessary. I must save that girl from that horrid man. Who knows what he could do to them. I'm doing what is right.” The blond man shook his head. “You admitted that you were interested in our plan.” Calvin frowned at that. “I didn't do anything too crazy. I promise.” Athena muttered under her breath. Athena began to pace a bit. She wanted Dr.Two-Brains to break and admit who he is. “You're making me dizzy, cousin.”
Athena gave a weak glare towards Calvin's rudeness. "You know I can't help it. I haven't been the same after what that demon did to me!" Athena snapped back. Calvin merely huffed. Deep down, he couldn't help but feel some intimidation from the mouse man, especially when he knew what that abomination was capable of. At first, Calvin was shocked to hear what the man did to his cousin. He had always viewed Steven, or Gene, or whatever it called himself, as a sniveling worm with goody moral ethics. He never thought that the man was capable of doing something that heinous, even with his paternal instincts heightened. Things made much more sense to Calvin once he learned of his former coworker's family background. "Very well. Continue with your plans. I have other matters to attend to." Calvin exclaimed in a haughty tone, waving off Athena's anger. Athena gave him a suspicious look. "What are you planning that is more important than my mission?" She inquired. "Well why you have been playing vigilante stalker to a babysitter and her charge, I have been looking into the reason for the Mad Science League's sudden movement here." Calvin explained. Athena looked surprised at that. "Adrian Barton is here?" The B.E.A.W labs' leader has expressed interest in the mysterious Mad Science League. A small group of scientists lead by a self proclaimed immortal man whose made it his mission to fight against tyranny and corruption of the higher classes. Adrian Barton and his associates had proven too slippery for capture due to the man's chaotic and unpredictable movements. Athena was curious and confused as to why he came here of all places. "We don't know why he is here or what business he has, but for some reason he has made himself more open in public though he has maintained a cautious guard. I last saw him talking with Professor Doohickey, though I highly doubt the reason he came to this city was to help the man's predicament." Calvin answered as if he seemed to understand what his cousin was thinking. "Do you think it has something to do with the murder of Mr. Hastie Lanyon?" Athena asked as she recalled hearing about the murder. Calvin shook his head. "I doubt Barton was behind that. He has a clear hatred for the rich and elite, but he would have been more subtle in killing that man, actually making it look like a robbery in progress that went bad. There is another reason why Mr. Barton is here. One in which I intend to find out. So hopefully your antics won't interfere in my mission. Good day Athena." Soon Calvin walked away, leaving the deranged woman to her own thoughts and delusions. "Blimey! Those cleaners know how to clean out goop stains. It looks brand new." Hyde exclaimed in a joyous tone once he received his outfit from Rachel. "Yep. It appears people getting their clothes ruined by goop is a common occurrence around here. So they developed a new way to remove the stains and residue even thought it takes a lot of time. It's definitely well worth it. I must say." Rachel replied with agreement. Hyde ginned widely at his clean outfit. He then looked back towards Rachel. "So, anything happened while ah was gone?" Hyde inquired. Rachel quickly shook her head. "Not really. Like I said, we waited a long time at the cleaners. Also Wordgirl showed up trying to stop a robbery caused by Lady Redundant Woman. She gave a wave to Amber before she flew off. Amber got a little fussy on the way home, but it was likely due to us being out for so long. She's fine now." Rachel explained. Hyde nodded but the usually grinning blonde had a serious expression as he thought back to what happened and what Whiskers admitted to him. "Did Wordgirl seem okay to ye?" Hyde inquired. Rachel looked confused by his question and expression. "She seemed alright to me. Why do you ask?" Rachel was surprised to hear Hyde express genuine concern for anyone that wasn't Amber, herself, or one of the lodgers. Hyde let out a sigh and proceeded to explain what happened today with Two Brains and his sister. @unhingedexperimenter
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Haven’t seen someone do this before but
Evil! ROTTMNT AU headcannons
TW: Murder, Mentions of drugs, weapons, explosives, mentions that April might be dead, the turtles and Splinter being pricks for the most part.
Crime rate is so fucking high In New York because the turtles literally just rob and attack/kill people 💀
There’s a night-time curfew, you NEED to be indoors by 9pm
Murder victims are found brutally beaten, sadly this damages the View of Mutants in the public’s eye
Surviving victims often refuse to talk about it, only muttering about mutant turtles…
In this AU, they follow the traditional Ninja occupation
Aka Trained assassins and spies
In this AU they work closely with the Foot, Draxum, and Big mama (They also cause tension between said groups because they’re little shits)
Going out after the Curfew ends up in disaster 9 times out of 10.
April isn’t friends with them in this AU and could possibly be dead.
The reader in said AU probably won’t meet them in a kind way.
Even seeing them could be a death sentence
Surviving said encounter makes them more interested in you because they tend to harm their victims pretty badly
I mean, you still had sprains from running, and small cuts from a Kunai barely hitting you, almost missing you entirely
if you manage to survive you kinda have to deal with coming home to your apartment and seeing them
After getting to know them, or you just kicking them out, they tend to stalk you if you have to go outside at night
Meaning you’re off limits to Draxum, Big mama and the foot clan
Sometimes they just come up next to you and scare you before laughing and asking how you’re doing
After awhile you get used to this, and end up spending time with them
It’s alarming when you find various trinkets and stashes in your apartment
Weapons, drugs, explosives, machinery, anything illegal you could think of.
They don’t really care if you take any of this but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Because even if they don’t care, the people they’re getting it for, definitely will.
The mutants that are the villains in the original universe aren’t aggressive in this AU
you’d probably end up befriending them
Keep them far away from the turtles and Splinter
Now for Individual headcannons
Mikey is almost always in a similar personality to ‘Dr. Delicate Touch’, it’s basically the norm, honestly this man is fucking insane, sorry not sorry
Leo is the trickster, he’s the one who plays pranks that can end in missing limbs if he’s you’re enemy, I feel like he would be really good at training attack dogs, total flirt.
Raph is,,,, Similar to 2012 Raph, aggressive, mean and not the greatest to be around if you like to push buttons, He’s made you flinch before just for the fun of it, after that he does it all the time and thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
Donnie,,,, where the FUCK do I begin with Donnie.
His brothers try to keep you out of striking distance with him, loose canon, absolute wild card of a mad scientist
He’s also experimented on misbehaving Foot members but anyway-
You probably get introduced to Splinter at some point
Does not go well.
He left you with a dislocated arm
Needless to say, you don’t go to the lair after that
They stopped knocking on your window after a few days and just break in unannounced.
First time that happened you had a friend over, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife
Mainly because Mikey was halfway through the window and your friend was staring bug-eyed at them
Donnie almost tased them, so, like any normal human, they freaked the fuck out and left your apartment running
Donnie thought it was the funniest shit ever
Augh I love dark AU’s and I dunno if anyone else has something similar so I made this!!!
They are the men fr
I will probably accept rqs for the Dark AU, I’m just bored lmao
#rottmnt#rottmnt headcanons#rottmnt x reader#donnie x reader#raph x reader#mikey x reader#leo x reader#Dark! ROTTMNT AU
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One of my favorite platonic relationships: Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing
Aka my ramblings on two of my favorite characters from The Untamed and their beautiful friendship.

I will never get over these two. I know some people ship them, and that's fine. You do you. But what makes these two so special to me is that their deep connection isn't romantic. It's an unlikely friendship between two mad scientists cultivators, founded on shared trauma and loyalty to each other.
And get this! It was purely on accident that we got this version of their relationship.
I haven't finished the books, but I don't think they interact nearly as much as they do in the show. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). And there's some pretty damning evidence that the creators of the show were setting Wen Qing up as a love interest but eventually decided to stay faithful to the books (I am eternally grateful btw).
So what we got in the show was a unique accident. And it's perfect. I love it so much.
The result is a relationship that reads as platonic but still has tenderness. There's real love there without the creators feeling obligated to give a reason for it. Bc that's what creators usually do.
"Oh no, there's actual affection here... Uh, what do we do? Um I guess we'll make them siblings? Or lovers?"
Like there's no other option. Which is hilarious bc friendship is like... right there.
"But omg there's no way a woman and a man can be friends with that level of devotion ew..."
You can't see it, but I'm rolling my eyes so hard right now.
Anyway, back to my point. These two are allowed to be friends. They're allowed to tease each other. And be concerned about each other. And make life-changing sacrifices for each other. They love each other so much.
There are a lot of scenes that fuck me up when I rewatch this show. But scenes between these two have a special place in my heart. One scene that comes to mind is when Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing are arguing about how to help Jiang Cheng. What breaks me is Wen Qing's line, "What about you?" She asks the question with heartbreak in her eyes bc she SEES Wei Wuxian. In this moment, she sees him better than his own siblings see him. It hurts me every time. And then there's THAT scene. It's one of the most devastating scenes in the whole show for me. You know the one. When Wei Wuxian has hit rock bottom, Wen Qing makes a choice. She sticks the needle into his shoulder. Bc he has his back to her. Bc she's one of the few people he trusts, so of course he can turn his back to her. The way he whirls around so fast. The anger and betrayal on his face. How she says "I'm sorry," and looks like she's going to cry. The contrast between them in this scene is gut-wrenching. He yells and scrambles for a solution. She calmly counters each of his desperate pleas with reason. It's the cruelest kindness. I love how close they get to each other in this moment. I don't care what the reasoning was on the creators part. It's refreshing to see. Wen Qing moves to sit closer to him and even puts her hand on his head. The touch is intimate without being romantic. He shakes his head pitifully and says her name a few times as he falls into unconsciousness. A final plea to change her mind. All while that painful music plays. And then she says the iconic words: "Sorry and thank you."
So yeah, I love them. Honestly, I love most of the characters in this freaking story, and yes, I actually ship some of them too. I just happened to be thinking about Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing today.
And it just destroys me how we almost didn't get this. And how it could've gone in a completely different direction.
Maybe it's because showrunners don't think friendship sells? I mean, we know it sells to kids. There are the "friendship is magic," and "with the power of friendship" themes. But those themes seem to be limited to animated/children's shows. There are plenty of movies and shows about teamwork and camaraderie. But displays of affection or acts of great sacrifice for one another are rare in those stories. Especially if the characters are of different genders.
I'm actually struggling to think of an example of a piece of media made for adults where two characters of different genders are friends and are allowed to show this level of true love and affection for each other. I've definitely seen it between men (Lord of the Rings anyone?) and women (tho most are limited to best friends and family) and queer folks (you know, the gay best friend trope).
If you can think of an example, please let me know bc I love friendship so much. I love romance too, but platonic love is something I don't see celebrated enough.
Gosh... As a queer non-binary person who has queer and non-binary friends I consider to be family, it would be nice to see more media that reflects my experience.
ANYWAY... Part of what makes this relationship so unique is that Wei Wuxian is bisexual, so yeah, he likes women. But he never treats Wen Qing as a potential love interest. He treats her like a friend. Like family. And Wen Qing is framed (at least in the show) as someone who is attracted to men, but she has zero romantic interest in Wei Wuxian. But these two would LITERALLY DIE FOR EACH OTHER. In fact, in one scene, they argue about exactly that.
Haha I think that's enough rambling for today.
These two are really special to me. That is all.
#mdzs#the untamed#cdrama#wei wuxian#wen qing#found family#platonic love#platonic affection#i know i rambled a lot but i did warn you at the beginning lol#also if you interpret this show differently that's cool#please don't argue with me#i just wanted to share my thoughts
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Supergirl 6x13: The Gauntlet.
Hey everyone, Korra here! I actually watched this episode the other day, but I had some home stuff going on and didn’t have time to do my write up. It’s good for now, and here I am! So after the amazing episode last week, how did this one do? Let’s see what I think, and as always, SPOLIERS AHEAD.
Mitch (this is the blue alien guy whose name I literally didn’t know until recently) and Nyxly are going to be together this whole season it seems, and honestly? I’m here for it. They balance each other nicely.
Okay, so Kara has been down in the dumps for the past couple of episodes, and literally when Lena walks into the room she gets this massive smile on her face and runs up to give her a hug. Looks like we’re in for a Supercorp episode and I am here for it.
Kara and Lena head to the Fortress of Solitude, and get to work by speaking to a Kryptonian Witch. Lena is very skeptical of magic, and believes that it’s just energy. Clearly my homegirl was not paying attention to the fire she summoned last episode.
Also remember that Sam was Reign because of these witches, which I guess was never brought up during Sunday brunch.
So I guess there’s this random C-plot about William having PTSD from getting shot from Eve. Look, I guess it’s fine, but why bother? You can do something that was never mentioned until literally this episode with a character that most of us just tolerate at this point, but you can’t do the same for your lead character? Like Kara is still pretty messed up from the Phantom Zone, right? I just...ugh. It’s a waste of time.
Anyway, so the Nyxly literally breaks into the museum in board daylight to steal the totem from there, which had me cackling. Superfriends all arrive in a very stellar fashion and then stand around, which had me laughing for different reasons. Anyway, Nyxly stands around long enough for Kara to go “eff this noise” and blast the totem in half, causing everyone to get whammied by the magic inside, except for Kara cuz she’s just that boss.
Brainy being possessed by Vita was amazing. “Are these my nipples?” and Nia freaking out was so funny. Also, Jesse is such a good actor. He really pulled that whole impression off.
Kara and Nyxly both fail their first Gauntlets and chaos ensues. The poor lady with a dragon lizard just cannot catch a break. Also, great callback to the pilot episode? I loved that so much. Kara is so much more confident in her abilities now.
Alex is over confident, J’onn is willing to be open with his feelings, Nia is a sleepy girl which is a BIG MOOD, and Brainy is willing to fail. I honestly thought this was all great stuff. My favourite is when Kara goes “but Alex is a glass half empty kind of pessimist!” which is how she knew something was up. That was very funny.
Lol, Mitch straight up is like “try killing your bro” and Nyxly is just like “ex-cuse me???” I love this pair.
Lena comes out to find Kara on the balcony, wondering why she failed. She first says one of the softest “hey” I have ever heard in my life. My Supercorp heart melted. Then Kara says, “do you really not believe in magic?” which Lena, being in love with Kara, responds with “I believe in you.” Then adds after one of the most pregnant pauses ever, “and I believe in all of us.” A) Lena, darling, that didn’t answer the question, and B) EEEEEEEEEK. Very good Supercorp moment for this gal right here.
So Kara fails again, whereas Nyxly succeeds this time. Nyxly passed because she had the courage to be emotionally vulnerable to her brother, neato. The show is doing a really good job making her a sympathetic villain. Add her to the list alongside Reign and Agent Liberty.
Oh, so I didn’t mention but there was this scientist lady who wanted to harness lightning and that didn’t work, so she went mad with courage and somehow caused this insane storm. That part wasn’t super clear but who cares, it looks pretty cool. Also, Lena didn’t get affected by the magic blast because she’s a witch. Lena is pissed but she’s got no choice but to believe it now.
So, against her very better judgement, Kara takes the Superfriends to fight off this massive storm that is going to blow out the city. After struggling in vain because J’onn is trying to reason with Dr. Lahr and Alex is saving William’s ass because he’s randomly on scene, Kara just tells Lena to let the totem go. Makes sense, honestly. Gotta do what’s best, which isn’t always what’s right.
KELLLLLLLLYYYYYYY. Kelly saving Alex is so sweet and amazing. 10/10 amazing entrance, love it.
Supergirl and friends stop the lighting storm in a honestly cool way. Kara makes a quip before she passes out because her and Nxyly are now connected a la Harry-Voldemort style, where they can feel each other’s emotion.
Kelly and Alex have a very sweet Dansen moment at the beginning of this episode, and to finish it as well. Kelly saying she likes scars while making eyes at Alex is everything. I love these two.
The we get a domestic Supercorp moment as well. People, us Supercorpers are being fed tonight! Lena opens up to Kara about being a witch after Kara still is struggling to figure out why she failed twice. Lena says to Kara “you are the epitome of courageous” because she is trying very hard to flirt again and Kara is just missing it. But the two share a very sweet moment where Lena offers to learn magic just to help Kara and Kara accepts it, but declines it as well because like Harry, she thinks that this could be very useful to have.
That’s it for this week. Overall, very happy with this episode. I think besides the kinda useless William C-plot, everything else was great. Great Dansen and Supercorp and even Brainia moments. Next episode, not sure how it’s going to go truthfully but I’m hopeful! Also, Kara is bullet proof and she looks so done with whoever is shooting her haha. It does sounds like a Lena-centric episode, but William also seems to be a focus, so yay-ish I guess lol. Until then!
#supergirl#supergirl 6x13#supergirl spoilers#kara danvers#kara zor el#lena luthor#supercorp#supercorp endgame#alex danvers#kelly olsen#sentinal#guardian#dansen#nia nal#dreamer#brainy#brainiac 5#brainia#j'onn j'onzz#martian manhunter#nyxly#mitch
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Still with you || JJK
Pairing: scientist!au husband!au Jungkook x scientist!au wife!au reader.
Synopsis: you were going on about with your boring life until you accidentally meet unexpected guests. Was it accidental though?
Warning: slight angst, the reader has a bad relationship with her parents, one sexual reference, kissing, long-haired Jungkook😂, few swear words, I don't think there's anything else.
Word count: 3k
A/N: italics are the reader's future-self talking.
This is loosely based on a tiktok video I saw on Pinterest.

You puffed, kicking a pebble that was by your feet as you waited for your driver to pick you up from school. You honestly wanted nothing other than going back to disappear in your room for the rest of day. Why you may wonder! Well, you got an A- on your latest exam, and you know how your parents are going to react. To them, you either get an A+, or you're a failure. They want you to become a lawyer like them, and take over their law firm after your graduation. Your whole life has been planned out before your birth; an arranged marriage took place between your mother and father, to merge the most famous two law firms in the country. Now, your family owns the biggest law firm in the country leaving you with no options other than having your whole life planned out for you without getting a say in it. What was expected from you is to excel in your studies, go to the most prestigious university then run your family's firm. Life really sucked, and you were only sixteen years old.
"Good afternoon, Miss. Hope I am not late!" Your driver, Richard, said interrupting your thoughts as he opened the door for you.
You shook your head with slumped shoulders, "No Richard, you're always on time," you said getting in the car, but not before you could feel his gaze that was full of pity.
It was nothing new, the whole staff that worked for your family knew what you were going through, and while many may envy you and the position that you hold within the society, the staff knew better than to think in such a superficial way.

"Young lady, I thought we made it clear concerning your grades! An A-? Seriously?" Your birth-giver whom you haven't seen for the last 6 month, slammed your report card onto the counter as she looked down on you as if you were a disgrace to the family. You sighed heavily in response wanting nothing other than to disappear in your room, nothing seemed to satisfy your parents; it's like you only become visible when grades are brought up, other than that they barely notice your existence. "I am sorry, what was that?" She asked hearing your sigh as she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at you daring you to defy her. Sometimes you wondered why did she treat you like that, why was there so much hatred in her tone. You would sometimes think that she hated that her life was planned out for her as well, so she takes it out on you.
"Nothing," you answered quietly, wanting to get this one-sided conversation over with. "Thought so. Go to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night," she said, jaw clenching as she pointed towards your room upstairs.
"And when do you ever want to see me!" You muttered quietly under your breath as you made your way towards Your room.
As you neared your room down the hall, you heard voices from inside, making you wonder who could be in your room, seeing that the maids usually clean it after you leave for school in the early morning. Nearing the door, you tried to be as quiet as possible to eavesdrop. "Jungkook be quiet, and stop fussing!" You heard a girl's voice say. Her voice was somehow familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Sorry babe, I didn't know you used to live in such a luxurious house," this Jungkook guy, you assumed, answered back chuckling.
What? Who lives here other than your family? And used to live? What does he mean? Who are these people?
You suddenly entered your room to see two people ,just as you suspected, looking back at you as if they were not expecting you at all. "Shit! When did you set the machine, Jungkook?" The girl standing not far away from the guy asked with a clenched jaw. "Ops!" He replied looking back at her. "Seriously, Jungkook? Are you kidding me? That's when I arrive from school! I told you we need to do this before I arrive!" She whined as she hit his arm lightly. "Hey, at least the machine works!" He shrugged biting his bottom lip. "Yeah, you're right," she said calming down a bit.
You kept looking back and forth between them, backing up very slowly to get out of the room and call the police. Apparently, these two are crazy and you need to call for help. "Get back here missy, you are not going anywhere," the girl said looking at you with a glint in her eyes daring you to take one more step away from them. "Look, I don't want you to panic. We are not here to do anything bad. I promise, but knowing how you are, you probably don't believe me, so I am very sorry because of what we are about to do!" She said sincerely making you panic even more. Suddenly the guy came towards you and lifted you over his shoulder. Welp, this is it, you're going to die, your parents are probably going to be mad for the lack of an heir to their firm, but whatever! "W-what are going to do?" You panicked even more hitting this Jungkook guy to let you down. "Don't worry, we are tying you up, so you won't go anywhere and expose us which will lead to many complications and malfunctions that nor you neither do I need to happen. We've worked so hard to reach this point." She said tying you up with your jumping rope which you didn't know how she found since you keep it hidden in your closet. She oddly seemed to know her way around the room which was very confusing, have these people been watching you for some time?
She sighed in relief after she tied you up as she leaned back to sit directly in front of you. "Don't you recognise me?" She asked looking at you smiling as if she's your long lost sister and that knowing who she is will bring you immense joy. You looked her up and down, tilting your head to the side when it suddenly kicks in your head, she looks very familiar, how could you miss it. She looks exactly like you but older. She looked exactly like how you envisioned yourself to be ONLY if you possessed the freedom to do what you want. "Are you... No, it couldn't be!" You said shaking your head. You're hallucinating, you're sure of it. "I know, right? But it's true … I am you, but 10 years older." You looked her up and down, again. She looked totally different from you right now. Carefree is the keyword. She looks like she doesn't have a care in the world, she's also sporting a style that you have always wanted to try. "W-wha- .. h-how is this possible?" If you were panicking a few moments ago, now you were on the verge of freaking out. Have you gone mad? Is this a dream? It must be! I mean your whole life you're struggling to fight your parents and become what you want to be, but this is absolutely NUTS! It must be the stress taking a toll on you, must be!
"Oh, it's a long story," your older self chuckled as if this situation was funny. It kinda is, if you were in her shoe it would probably be funny to you. You looked to your left side, eyeing the guy standing next to you who was looking around your room with so much interest. Your older self inspecting you as you eyed Jungkook, chuckling again silently knowing how curious you are. "Who is he?" You blurted out looking at him in disapproval. Jungkook suddenly stopped looking around and looked at you smiling and waving at you with his left hand. "Oh, hi I am Jungkook," A silver ring on his left hand caught your eyes, you involuntarily looked at your older self, searching her left hand, but you didn't need to look for so long because a diamond ring glinted back at you, as if telling you yup I am here to confirm your doubts. You suddenly gasped as you looked between them, Jungkook flinched in surprise as your older self smirked at you. "You figured it out, didn't you?" she said amusement dancing in her eyes. "He's your husband!" Your face scrunched in disgust. "Our husband," she corrected you leaning back on her palms still looking at you in amusement. "Ew! No!" You said looking at him again with disapproval. "Now, I am offended," Jungkook said feigning sadness, placing his hand over his chest. "Your hair is so long!" You pointed out, tilting your head to the side. "Thank you!" He beamed at you happy that something about him appealed to you. "That wasn't a compliment, don't flatter yourself," you answered back glaring at him. Jungkook pouted looking back at your older self for help "Well, believe it or not, you'll come to love everything about him even if he dyes his hair red," your older self averted your attention from your supposed future husband towards her. She looked at Jungkook with a smirk; however, you could feel the love in her eyes. You could tell that she really loved him as her smirk eased into a soft loving look making you wonder what did Jungkook do to deserve your love.
A few minutes passed as Jungkook and your older self swiped places, Jungkook sat in front of you making sure that you don't try and break free to run away as your older self kept looking for something around your room. "You have so many tattoos, are you a criminal?" You questioned grumpily. You heard your older self chuckle behind you as she looked at the calendar on your desk. Jungkook's big doe eyes, which you suspected were your older self's weakness since it's already making you feel things, looked at you trying to find a suitable answer. "Umm, well I've never done anything illegal," he said. "Intentionally," he added gulping when you kept your piercing gaze upon him. His eyes looked upwards toward the left side which according to what you've read in the science of body language indicated that he was probably remembering the illegal thing that he has done. Sighing, you tried to take it easy upon him since he was starting to get more uncomfortable under your gaze.
"What's your job?" You asked as your legs swayed the chair, you were tied to, right and left. The situation was starting to become really funny to you; you were tied up like you were going to be tortured for some information that you possess; however, it seems like the roles are reversed seeing that you were swaying the chair as you kept interrogating your future husband. He hummed, scratching the side of his neck with his lips pursed and his right eye closed, "I don't know how to tell you this, but we kinda lost our job," he said calmly, big doe eyes staring back at you as a small smile made its way onto his handsome features. "What do you mean WE? you lost your job!" You stopped swaying the chair, an act that showed that you were trying to process the information. "Nah, we as in me and you," he said still looking at you as if he was telling you something totally normal like how the sun sets from the west. "Yeah, we work together and we kinda got fired," your older self said as she stood next to you resting her hand on the back of your chair. "What do you mean kinda got fired? What do you guys do?" You asked looking up at her. "Hmm, … we're scientists." She said looking back down on you. "Wait, what? You're not running our law firm?" You turned the chair suddenly making her remove her hand from the back of it. "Nah, dude we are not going through this bullshit that our parents planned out for us." She said shaking her heading with a pure look of repugnance on her face. "W-why did you get fired, then ?" You asked trying to understand more. "Well, you see me and Jungkook were developing a time machine, you know how many novels predicted the occurrence of such invention," you nodded eagerly for her to continue "the bastards at the lab made fun of us for being delusional because and I quote "this only exists in fiction and there could never be a thing such as time machines" the pricks! Don't they know that before the invention of ships and aeroplanes, writers prophesied these inventions, I mean that's how usually things start. People come up with crazy ideas and we scientists try to bring these ideas into life." Her outrage was evident in her tone. You nodded agreeing with her. "Anyways, that's not for you worry about, at least for the time being," she said walking away from you to continue looking around.
You tried to change the topic, but for some reason, you were not gifted with the ability to be smooth, "What made you marry him?" You fired the question still looking at Jungkook who suddenly smirked at you. "I am pretty good with a sword," he answered, and you could feel his ego inflate. "Oh my, Jungkook please don't!" Your older self whined rolling her head. "What?" Jungkook asked going back to his baby Bambi-eyed self before he started acting cocky. "A sword!" You wondered in a hushed tone to yourself, Jungkook's eyes looking over your face as if he can see your mind putting two and two together, "Oh!" You suddenly realised what he was implying, apparently something sexual. "EEWW!" you shook your head trying not to imagine anything. "Jungkook for God's sake, She's still sixteen, and she doesn't know you yet. Besides you know that I married you because I love you not because of … that," your older self said shaking her head at her husband's immaturity.
"Anyways, it's almost time. If Jungkook set the timer correctly, we should be getting back in a few seconds!" Your older self said from behind you, untying you from your restraints. "What? Back where?" You asked turning to look at her. "What do you mean back where! Back to our present!" She answered looking back at Jungkook. "What about me?"
"What about you?" Jungkook asked confused. Rolling your eyes, not really knowing how you will actually fall in love with the guy later on, "I mean … what am I supposed to do now that I met you?" You asked looking back at your older self, eyes begging her to guide you, tell you what to do, to tell you that everything will turn out just fine. Her features softened as she neared you, "hey listen kiddo, everything will be alright. I can't tell you how it will turn out exactly, but I want you to know that you wouldn't want it any other way, I promise!" She said placing her hand on your shoulder, glancing behind you at Jungkook and smiling softly. You were sure Jungkook was returning her smile, as well. "I don't know what to do...how do I become you?" She tilted her head thinking about it. "Well, I can't tell you what to do because you'll know that, but you can start by resisting," she winked at you before extending her hand to Jungkook who took it. They both backed away from you. You felt them start to fade, but before they vanished completely, Jungkook winked at you in a friendly manner and told you, "see you soon!" You frowned not understanding what he meant by that.

Two days had already passed since you met your future self. In the beginning, you doubted the whole thing happening, but then you found a small sticky note by your desk with neat handwriting saying "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ William Ernest Henley" which you realised was a quote from your favourite poem, your older self had written it down for you. It was the only proof that what had taken place in your room was real. It was still the beginning of the school day, and you were already bored. "Attention please, everyone!" Your teacher raised her voice over the noisy chatter of the students, bursting your bubble of thoughts and making you look up as your colleagues started to settle down. "I would like you to welcome our new transfer student, Jeon Jungkook," she exclaimed enthusiastically looking around with a hopeful gaze. Jeon Jungkook? What? No way? You suddenly looked up, a shy boy with a shaggy haircut entered the classroom barely looking up, too afraid to make eye contact with anyone. You gasped quietly, that's what Jungkook meant by seeing me soon? He looks nothing like his older self! You thought, inspecting the Jungkook standing by the teacher. He looked up shyly, and the first person he laid eyes on was you. Your heart fluttered when he made eye contact and averted his eyes quickly as he blushed. Oh how cute! You thought smiling slightly. Oh my God, it's actually happening! You were having an internal conversation with yourself now, realising that this was true, you're already harbouring a crush on the boy. "Jungkook, why don't you take a seat next to y/n," your teacher said averting her gaze from Jungkook to you, nodding her head so you'd raise your hand to let him know where you're sitting. "Y/n, would you please show Jungkook around the school later, and help him with what he's missing. If there's anything you're unable to help him with, you can return to me," she said moving already behind her desk and opening her book to start the lesson as Jungkook made his way to the empty desk next to you.
"H-hi, I am Jungkook," he introduced himself minutes after he sat down. "I know, the teacher introduced you at the beginning of class," you said smiling softly at his rosy cheeks that displayed his embarrassment, you chuckled finding him so endearing trying to make a small conversation with you. You turned your head paying attention to what the teacher was explaining. You could feel Jungkook fiddle around in his seat looking around worriedly with his big Bambi eyes that you're sure are now your weakness. You realised that he was nervous because he doesn't have a pen and was embarrassed to ask for an extra one. You silently nudged him and gave him one of yours which made him flash you a grateful smile making you flash him a soft one.

Meanwhile, you and Jungkook were watching your younger-selves interact shyly just as you did ten years ago. "Kookie!" He hummed not really paying you attention since he was eating an ice-cream. You turned your head inspecting his features that didn't really change that much since you first saw him, "you didn't set the machine on that time by mistake, did you?" You asked referring to the time when you asked him about the time settings after your younger self had caught you both snooping around her, well technically your room. You looked at your melting ice-cream, taking a small bite as you could still see Jungkook from your peripheral vision. His movements stopped for a moment, seeing that you smirked as if you caught him in the act. Sensing your sly smile, he shook his head "I don't know what you're talking about!" He feigned dumbness as if you won't be able to tell that he was lying, but who was he fooling? You knew him like the back of your hand. He sighed looking at you in defeat as you raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to explain himself. "Babe, I know how you were always anxious during that time of your life, and now that we achieved this together and made the whole time machine thing possible; I wanted the first thing for us to do is console your younger-self. I remember how you had a hard time because of your parents," he explained himself all pouty like a child who had done something wrong. However, Jungkook didn't do anything wrong, far from it actually, he wanted nothing but to make you feel less stressed and less unloved. He knows that his younger self has to overcome so many intricacies for you to open up to him. You were a totally different version from who you are right now, and it hurt him to see you doubting yourself or feeling inferior all these years because of your non-existent relationship with your parents. "Thank you, Kookie," you said placing a soft peck on his pouty lips. "You're not mad at me?" He asked, eyes widening, watching you enjoy your ice-cream as you took in your surroundings. You shook your head looking back at him. "I love you," you smiled holding his hand into yours. His worried bunny features eased into a smile and a look full of nothing but adoration for you, "I love you, too." He kissed you passionately while rubbing his thumb over your cheeks. "Finish your ice-cream. We have ten minutes remaining before we go back." You said looking at your digital watch. "What? We don't get to take the ice-cream with us?" He asked, curiosity glossing in his eyes. You shook your head at your husband whom you genuinely believed is a child trapped in the body of a 26 years old man, but as you said: you wouldn't want to have it any other way.
#jungkook x reader#bts#bts scenarios#bts jeon jungkook#bts jungkook#jungkook#jungkook imagine#jeon jungkook scenarios#jeon jungkook x reader#jeon jungkook x you#jeon jungkook fluff#jeon jungkook imagine#jeon jungkook aesthetic#jungkook x oc#jungkook au#jungkook x y/n#jungkook x you#jungkook aesthetic#jungkook fluff#jungkook fiction#jungkook fic#jeon jungkook#bts jk#bts kookie#kookie#jungkookie#jungkook oneshot#jungkook angst#jeon jungkook angst#bts jungkook x reader
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11, 19, 35, and 51 for either Violet or Taren (or both! 👀)
Why not both..... at least, I'll try! 11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? Violet, yes, and Zevran can tell more easily than Alistair can. Alistair, yes but he's bad at it and everyone can tell. Zevran, yes, and he is unfortunately good at it. Guess they all learn to do that a little less over time. Taren, yes and no. He'll downplay a lot of his issues when pressed about them, but he's pretty upfront most of the time. He's firm on boundaries and bad at talking about feelings lmao. I feel like Dorian is very bad at hiding his emotions honestly. He tries but it's kind of showy and obvious because lbr it's Dorian.
19. How do they feel about PDA? Violet: into it, doesn't give a shit. Zevran: INTO IT. Alistair: likes to be cuddled. a little nervous but into it. Taren: a big hand holder and I Love You sayer. All but shouts it across rooms. Freaks Dorian right the fuck out but in a good way.
35. Who's more artistic? Of the three probably Zevran. Violet likes chemistry and she's a little mad scientist with potions, and she also likes making dyes. Alistiar probably doodles pictures of dogs. Taren is a tattoo artist and/or some form of visual artist in every iteration of his character though.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? Oh I remember I answered this with little ficlets for Taren and Dorian before. Too lazy to do that right now but that's here. Violet and Alistair -- Bad Joke Queen and Bad Joke King. Both doing their best to make the other/Zevran laugh. Violet is also a big gift giver.
Alistair I feel like would try things he's bad at, like baking a cake from scratch or making something himself but it turns out kind of messy and it's the thought that counts. Alistair makes friendship bracelets calling it here. Zev cooks and probably gives incredible massages.
1 note
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12, 21, 19
(Is this late? Oops. Sorry!)
12: Favourite character to write about this year
Stephanie Brown, easy. She's my spirit animal, so I might be doing a touch of projecting, but I honestly don't care. She's just pure chaos in the best way. Some of my favourite lines that I've written are for her. Such as:
"What's up bitches? I brought donuts!"
"My waffles await!"
"Welcome to Steph’s Glitter Bomb Palace, Where Snitches get Stitches™! So don’t tell Bruce or I’ll sic Jason on you."
She's also the character I've gotten the most comments on. People really seen to enjoy how I write her!
A close second would be Duke Thomas. Bliss, a fic I wrote for the 2020 Duke Week, was one of my favourites! Or maybe Damian? His dialogue just comes easy to me.
21: Most memorable comment/review
the batfamily exist:
everyone: is,,is that allowed?
On Code Orange (Batfam/Young Justice Crossover)
I have wanted to read a DCU/MCU crossover for a VERY long time. This story is such a delight. Your characterisation (and for me an introduction to The Signal) was fascinating in the extreme. I loved the game playing and the fact that I could watch (open-mouthed) as Bruce Wayne enjoyed childlike fun with his children and Alfred(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake. I look forward to your updates in a way that you wouldn't believe.
On Batfam/Avengers Crossover
19: Any new fics to start next year
Oh boy. So many. You know what? Here's a list. It'll be good to get these ideas out. Plus, you guys can tell me what you'd rather see first!
Gen/just Batfam
Crack fic based off this piece of dialogue (came from a convo between my sister and I): Tim reached forward and poked Duke's face. "You're right!" He exclaimed. "You really *do* squish like a block of wood!" Duke Centric.
Based on THIS Incorrect Quotes. Talia moves into the Manor because she's sick of Ra's. Featuring a bunch of good mom!Talia.
Based off THIS Incorrect Quotes. Jason runs for President as Red Hood. I have so many ideas! This'll be really fun.
Loosely based on THIS post. It explores Jason and Cassandra's relationship, and how it evolves.
Duke Thomas Big Bang Fic (can't say much, but it'll be great!)
Platonic (need to be certain you understand that. There were some misconceptions w/ my Discord server) Slow Burn between Tim and Damian. At the beginning the absolutely despise each other. But over time they realise their own insecurities, and how they don't actually hate the other. And by the end they fully admit and embrace their being brothers.
Reverse Robins with Damian as the oldest (I made THIS post talking about it a while back. But I've highly revised it.)
Reverse Robins with Duke as the oldest (I wrote THIS fic, but I think I want to change this into a series!)
Cassandra as Batman. Stephanie as Catwoman. Carrie Kelley as Robin.
5 Times Bette Kane was the mastermind behind the batkids' pranks without Bruce's knowledge, and 1 Time her brilliance was brought to light.
5 Times Duke thought that he couldn't possibly get any more siblings and 1 Time he met the cousins (AKA: Duke meets the extended family)
Birdflash in the JL/JLU universe (based off that one hexagon by @novaviis ! Super fun!). The league is inviting potential members to the Watchtower one day. Except Wally wasn't there during the choosing of said members. So he's completely shocked when his husband Nightwing shows up. They have to act like they don't know each other, which basically involves Dick flirting his butt off with Wally, Wally trying desperately to remain professional, Bruce digging in the corner, the rest of the League in varying degrees of disapproval and confusion (at least a couple have seen Wally's wedding ring. So that adds a while 'nother layer).
Young Justice soulmate au. Dick, and eventually everyone else, knows that Wally is his soulmate. Wally is oblivious. Lots of pining and angst in this one. Slow burn to an extent (depends on how long I make it). But definitely a happy fluffy ending in sight!
Batfam Meets Young Justice
THIS fic.
Duke gets yeeted into the YJ universe, and promptly passes out. He wakes up in the Watchtower, and breaks out of the confinement the Team has set up for him. Pulls shenanigans (some unwittingly) and used his powers. The Team and JL are confused, and panicking. Because this guy keeps muttering things about the Batfam. And he has a bat on his chest.
The Team break into some ancient temple after getting info on a new Supervillian plot. They find purple clothed woman draped across a throne. She talks, and they panic, as she knows all their secret identities. The only one who isn't, is Tim. He looks bored. Alternatively: Steph needs Tim's credit card to take his sister out on a date, and absolutely refuses to text.
While the Team is on a mission to stop Lady Shiva, a dimensional portal opens up and spits out a strange Robin (Damian) and what seemed to be a female Batman (Cass as Black Bat). This new dynamic due promptly defeats Lady Shiva and all the goons. The Team is freaked out, and 'apprehends' the dimensional anomalies, bringing them back to the Watchtower. Where the due promptly break and and start chaos. Featuring "Toxic" by Britney Spears. I will not explain why.
The Watchtower gets a sudden emergency message from the Batcave. They accept, to find a stranger calling himself Signal panicking about Robin being missing. They all look at Tim, who ignores them, and says that he doesn't know where Robin is. Some naming shenanigans occur.
(Not sure if this fits here, oh well) Set in Season One, Bruce is tired of Clark's attitude towards Superboy, and adopts the clone himself. Not sure how far this'll go, but at least goes through Dick's time as Robin. (Based on THIS Tumblr post)
(Also iffy on placement) a continuation of one (not sure which? Probably Damian as older) Reverse Robins fics. It's a retelling of Season One of YJ, with Dick as Robin. Nightwing (Damian) feels protective of his brother, and so takes on the role Black Canary had in the show, training the Team. But as time goes on, he ends up being more of a big brother to the group. Cameos from the rest of the Batfam as well! And an Identity Reveal (including finding out Dick and Dami are brothers) at the end!
Batfam Meets the Justice League
Cass takes over being Batman for a bit, because Bruce was an idiot and broke his leg. This happens to line up with when the Justice League reach out to the Dark Knight, in order to extend an invitation to the league. They eventually meet Bruce as Batman, and are confused as to why he is so tall. And male.
Lian accidentally reveals her three parents' relationship by calling Bruce 'grandpa' over dinner.
Museum Heist
THIS fic
Operation: Seduce Nightwing. Based on a post for an ATLA ot3, Wally and Artemis realise silumaneously “Hey, we kinda have the hots for Dick” and decide together to see if he likes them back. Which involves a heck ton of over the top flirting, and shenanigans. The Team is sighing on the sidelines at their idiocy. Dick is internally combusting and thinking “Do they like me back? I’’m not sure.”
5 times Dick and Wally fought over being the middle spoon, and one time Artemis had had enough.
Set in Season 3 (but ignores some canon), Bart is kidnapped by some mad scientist obsessed with the Speed Force. The Team mobilizes, and gets Bart back from the evil base. But when they get there, they find Wally West freed from the Speed Force. He and Artemis reunite, and everyone is happy. They prepare to leave. Then the Pick-up Squad arrive in the bioship, and Dick gets out. Everyone is expecting Dick to give Wally a hug, because hey, he's his best friend! What they weren't expecting was him to run forward and pull the speedster into a passionate kiss. They go back to the Watchtower, and some more stuff happens.
Soulmate AU where the first thing your soulmate says to you after they fall in love with you is tattooed on your body.
Post Season Two Get Together. Starts with Artemis living with Dick as opposed to Will. Might be Slow Burn? (They come pretty close to kissing) Eventually Wally comes back. Arty and Wally are back together. They both live in the same house as Dick, for convenience. Then some more Slow Burn happens. Maybe some Birdflash moments. Arty tells Wally she kinda had a thing for Dick. Wally admits the same. Maybe a touch more Slow Burn. They Eventually get together.
AU where Bruce met Hal back when he first came back to Gotham. Fic goes through how their relationship evolves over the years (up until current time, when Damian is 13). I'm considering a relationship reveal with the Justice League.
Hal's interactions with Bruce's kids.
Green Lantern Corp acting protective of Hal when Bruce comes to Oa. This was an ask that I got, and I'm holding off on writing it till I get as much into on the GL's as possible, as all I know if their characterization comes from that animated series, and Guy Gardener's (Hilarious!) parts on Young Justice.
Like 3 different versions of the Peter Parker Field Trip to Stark Tower Trope.
2-part Crossover with the Batfam (they exist in the same universe), where the Avengers go to a Wayne Gala, and interact with the family. The second chapter involves them heading out the next night to try and contact Batman.
THIS fic.
#Pepper answers#Ask#batfam#dc#fanfiction#birdflash#joyfire#museum heist#batlantern#stephcass#young justice#young justice cartoon#marvel#the avengers#duke thomas#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#bette kane#damian wayne#tim drake#kate kane#jason todd#dick grayson#bruce wayne#wally west#artemis crock#roy harper#koriand'r#lian harper#hal jordon
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Scarface was too fucking boring, didn't make it past chapter 3, but that's good, because that means Baki-Dou time 😍
Time to read the fourth book in this series! Excited to see Musashi <3
Chapter 1
Baki please stop flexing
A FELLA SAYING THE SAME I SAID WHEN YUJIRO PULLED HIS SOB STORY, FR GO TRY SOMETHING ELSE! What happened with that whole "i don't care about fighting" eh Baki?!
Chapter 2
ah no :/
HOLY FUCK is this quality bad!
He wants to taste defeat i see
Oh they removed the... Egg in the back of the neck, nice
God this guy's tits so fat 🥵
Chapter 3
He doesn't even know 🐍
Oh i saw fanart of this scene
Baki, it's your fault that you are bored, you fucking teen
This shit boring ME
Chapter 4
Oh, goroukou is a title
I like how the prime minister is becoming a recurrent character
I thought he said babe for a sec-
That little "oh~" is a bit sus, are the old men... No, it can't be 😳😳😳
I'm fucking choking fuck
"yes <3"
These ppl never learn
Chapter 5
What a way to go, a la gamzee /j
This dude so weird lmao
Dude he has huge round eyes tf you talking bout?
IGDUFSUEASEUURSS he's such a freakkk 😭😭😭
This is the most wtf thing Baki has pulled, remember when this was about fighters fighting? I don't know enough about science for this shit either man
Okay so their hug wasn't Tokugawa being touchy like he is, this guy is even worse, se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer HSHAFSFG
Chapter 6
Baki's dead
Katsumi about to kill get killed by my grandpa i see
Katsumi bro don't be so happy over nearly killing him-
I love seeing him get better tho
Uwaadgsgsjdga 😍😳�� twisting my hair irl,,, 🥴
Finally Motobe remembered he was a character here 😐
I LOVE that they got dark lips again
Jack's scar looks cool ngl
Retsu living the good life lmao
Hana just doesn't care, smartest Baki character lmao
Idk what they talking bout but good for em <3
Cum basement
Chapter 7
Obsessed he thought his heart was failing 😭
Dude you can just hear the heart beat of your friends/opponents just like that? 🤨
Notice Gaia in the top left 🥴
Thick 🥵
Unironically built different
Chronic back pain if you ask me, that's how I stand to relieve my agony
Did. Did you just call him a femb-
I love John sm lmao
Mr Musashi has 2 (3?) dads
Chapter 8
Those things look like boobs
Bet you would know eh SHAFADB
They jerked off the mummy?
Reminds me of eye surgery
Mf came out the tube ripped af 😭
Chapter 9
Everyone is so feminine lately good ol Kureha fell behind 😭
I like his bandana tho it's cute
Fat tits 🥴
Eheojeudkshs 😖😳👉👈
You know like i understand Baki, he is at the highest he can be rn, NO ONE can defeat him, but the rest? Like c'mon y'all just beat each other up or something
Ah, the miracle of birth 😍
Chapter 10
I love how all these two do is hang out together in bars, boybosses
I love what they have
Hana thinking of getting his 4 limbs broken again i see
WOOO!! Nice cock Mr Musashi 😳
Chapter 11
I love those freaks
I just now I'm seeing the little scars on his cheeks from the fight with Spec ☺️
I love the fact that Musashi has hair in his legs BUT not his arms like ??? Okay king
Heated scientist moment
Chapter 12
UTSURAARSDFAFA sibling goals
Holy shit she's amazing
Chapter 13
And his ass is very thick too 😳
Those fucking sunglasses, obsessed
Debatable, he got struck by lightning :/
Nooo they censored the cock again 😔😔😔
"I'm exciteddddd" "ok."
Chapter 14
You just hate seeing a girlboss win
She truly is amaizing
Also i just realized spirits have been showing up since the first book so this isn't so crazy lol
Chapter 15
Glad seeing some things never change
He looks so much like Jun
Someone question if Yujiro knew how too write obsessed,,,
Chapter 16
Goddamn it you got even older in the past 3 or so chapters bro
Mouth to mouth soul transference
Some mf got turned on by this HELP 😭
Chapter 17
I love how Yujiro and Hana are still getting ready to throw hands while this happens lol
Okay yeah that was super disrespectful honestly, guy is having a chat :/
God i thought it was Hana the one grabbing some random lady for a second AFDJSJSSJS
He cute af ngl
Fsr I'm surprised he can talk, like it should be obvious but in all the fanart i saw he never said a word, also, he's so damn respectful 😍
Chapter 18
Idk he was never that clever /hj
Hehehe blood
I love how John can only sit that way
The size of his balls lmao
Coward won't even fight with his dick out smh :/
God he mad cute-
Chapter 19
Hm i think this random tiny bald man is not Tokugawa but someone that looks awfully similar to him
Apparently there was a cameo, i don't know enough about anime to know or care
Chapter 20
He's tripping balls
Tokugawa should have gone a bit slower with this poor guy, this is like a lot to process at once <:/
Nvm he's doing better than me
Oydirsusefs look at himmm
Chapter 21
Musashi be like °_°
He's just chilling, mentally killing this dude
Murder baby
Chapter 21
The way his eyes are drawn is so cool
And he jokes too! Wow I'm in love 😍
I remember a show where you would bring your own knives and swords and go thru a bunch of test, Musashi should have been one of them
Mf truly is like :]
I love how he didn't buy it
I can't wait for him to fight Yujiro 😍
Chapter 23
He truly is 😌
He was happy this time at least, 5 times he lost already btw
Tokugawa truly in unhateable lmao
Chapter 24
Oh I forgot Musashi does that
I miss when translators would add notes i don't want to google shit myself :/
"I'm hard as rock" /j
Chapter 25
Look how happy he issss
I love how Tokugawa can't believe he got it first try and it's trying to lie now sjdakdyv
This mf is actually making me insane what the actual fuck i don't know what he has but he's gonna make me act up 😳
Mf be shadow boxing too dammit /j
Baki please
Chapter 26
Look at the size of Baki's eyes holy fuck lmao
He's gonna yeet him!
Chapter 27
How little time passed? They have barely moved
Yeah you did it last book too Baki
King shit
Chapter 28
I love how he only now realized
Okay no he has a point
I love how he just calls him boy
Look at that smug face
I trust Musashi but at the same time he, really should be walking around this new world alone. Now, if i were to accompany him... 🥴/j
Baki please
Chapter 29
I love how soft the artstyle suddenly got, like if done big a big brush
Yujiro you just insulted every single anime character in history
Baby Baki's just like "Ok."
I like how Yujiro looks here
HOHO badass
Chapter 30
He died 😔
Idiot hasn't even beat he 0.5 reaction seconds lmao 🤣
HOHOOOOO?!? 👁️👁️
"my curiosity exceed my fear!!" I RESPECT THIS MAN SO MUCH??
Chapter 31
Fighter to fighter communication
He's just gone now LMAO
I honestly don't mind Baki being weak against this, he never fought against a two handed swordman, this is new territory
Chapter 32
Oh his really tripping balls now this is why he shouldn't be alone
I just now realized he's barefoot
Nice ass king
The policemen are quite nice
He's very cooperative but i can't blame the cops either
Chapter 33
Yeah no shit that must be so insane
That's kinda funny but idk man he's right i think
He's just like :3
I love how he isn't picking up a fight out of malice but rather just instinct like, he can't understand shit that is going on
Chapter 34
Don't you fucking dare shave him Itagaki
It's funny how it took 2 books and a half for Baki to start being a protagonist
Holy fuck did Baki add height or is Miyamoto that big?
Wow how perfect i ran out of space just now!! Having fun with this book ngl :]
#luly talks#baki liveblog#little gay creature sees famous swordsman from the 1600s and loses their mind#"i want his gender'' they claim#also for a man who was born 2 days ago 400 years in the future he sure understands shit better than me 😭#maybe i too should stop having so much anxiety and just get ready to throw hands at ant moment#like back in the day... ☺️(😞)#anyway point is uhh silly little fun saga <3
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Beatrice Mathias Character Chart
//Mad Scientist. One of the Winter Soldier/Red Guardian’s technicians.
Character’s full name: Beatrice Evelyn Mathias
Reason or meaning of name: Beatrice is derived from Beatrix, a Latin name meaning "she who brings happiness." In the earliest sources it is also recorded as Viatrix, meaning "voyager"
Character’s nickname: Bea, Stef (husband) calls her "Bea-utiful." Lady B
Birth date: June 13
FC: Phoebe Tonkin
MCU (main):
Used for Piano Boy/Emmaverse only. The reason it is her main verse is because she’s from here and moved to the regular MCU in the alternate.
1907: Born
???: Did deals with the mob in their early 20s. Left when the crash hit. Mid-20s: Marries Stef, 2 kids close together. Government contracts through the family company. Kinda treated like the woman interloper so she's unhappy and just. Shitty mom and wife. Then Stef acts like he loves the nanny and she gets all "time to fix [her] relationships because they actually matter." Does she know she's being PR'd? Yes. Does it work? Yes.
1945 (38): recruited by HYDRA from Mathias Business. Works her way up to being Winter Soldier's main tech, especially when he's in the US. Lots of business trips to USSR every few years. Upgrades the arm/conditioning process. It's her passion project. Really don't ask me why Department X tolerates her, I don't have an an answer
???: Last kid born before she gets menopause. Surprise have a high risk pregnancy! Turns out fine though
1973 (66): Winter Soldier freaks her out at her house when he's in a fugue state. Retires
2008 (100): Dead. Prolly.
MCU (alt):
Similar beats as above. This is the version I use for all but Piano Boy/Emmaverse. In verses where I’m playing with a different Winter Soldier, she’ll be Red Guardian/Captian!Steve’s main tech.
1955: Born
1973 (18): Recruited to HYDRA during her first year of undergrad. Some rumors about having mob ties.
???: Marriage, Children. Works at her family’s company with occasional trips to the USSR/Department X. Same conflict between work and home.
199X (38-40): Winter Soldier's main technician on US soil. Upgrades his arm and implants. Integrates Project Dollhouse (when applicable) with Project Winter Soldier.
2014 (59): Project Insight. James kills her (and probably Stef) after he comes back to himself as part of his revenge quest.
Dollhouse: Late 30s/Early 40s. 2 kids. She and Stef both work for Rossum (her as a Dollhouse tech/creates Hades/Winter's arm, he in PR).
Physical appearance
Age: varies.
How old does he/she appear: young for her age. Ages gracefully with grey hair.
Weight: -
Height: 5'8
Body build: Average
Shape of face: heart
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: no
Skin tone: Pale, tans
Distinguishing marks: beauty mark/freckle under nose
Predominant features: cheekbones
Hair color: brown
Type of hair: straight
Hairstyle: Mid back, tied up in a bun or ponytail in the lab
Voice: cold, harsh, cutting
Usual fashion of dress: fancy, elegant clothes or lab gear
Jewelry or accessories: gold is her accent color.
Good personality traits: oh no does she have any? Cunning. Ambitious. Driven. Fierce. Can be nurturing and caring but it doesn't come naturally.
Bad personality traits: arrogant. The research justifies the process
Mood character is most often in: Bitchy/amused
Sense of humor: dark
Character’s greatest joy in life: When an experiment goes right. Being alone with Stef
Character’s greatest fear: losing Stef, becoming irrelevant
Why?: Stef is honestly the anchor to her sanity and any morals/ethics she feels like using are around him
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: losing her work or Stef. Especially the combination
Character is most at ease when: at home
Most ill at ease when: around children
Enraged when: her work is ruined, George does something stupid, Stef is in danger, Father is condescending
Depressed or sad when: post project depression
Priorities: Work, then family but Stef makes her balance that out
Character’s soft spot: Stef
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: glaringly
Greatest strength: mind!
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: rage button issues
Biggest regret: Not being there for her family from the start and having to be manipulated into it
Minor regret: nope
Biggest accomplishment: loving her family. The Soldier's new arm
Minor accomplishment: fancy experiments getting published in a major science magazine
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: not bonding with her children
Character’s darkest secret: mob connections (early 20s); working for hydra/dollhouse?
Does anyone else know?: Yes
Drives and motivations: science by any means possible. Show her Father he was wrong about her (girls can science).
Long term goals: be a good mother (when that's relevant)
Hometown: New York
Type of childhood: rich princess type, though cold. Stefan (Son of Russian immigrants, blue collar kid who went to the same school) was her first friend. Loved her since they met.
Pets: None. Lab rats
First memory: going to Mathias R&D
Most important childhood memory: the first time she met Stef. He gave her a flower.
Why: first time anyone cared about her beyond the name
Dream job: scientist
Education: doctorates (2. Studies a lot of fields. Didn't want to do all those degrees. Mix of engineering, biology, physics, neurology
Religion: Lutheran
Finances: Well off
The Mathias family has been a name in weapons and technology for generations. Beatrice is the oldest daughter in a family that values their sons. Was expected to amount to nothing. Be a pretty rich wife.
Current location: New York (main)/Arizona (Dollhouse)
Currently living with: husband, son, daughter
Pets: None
Religion: None
Occupation: Scientist (R&D)
Finances: Well off
Relationship with her: poor
Relationship with him: poor
Siblings: 5 brothers (2 died in infancy/childhood)
Relationship with them: poor
Spouse: Stefan (PR guy. Always right. Can't live without her. Trust me, he is not good guy but not bad guy. Mostly because he turns a blind eye to her mad scientist work until it impacts the children)
Relationship with him: good, poor, good
Children: Grayson (Gray), Anya, -mumbles- at least 2 more in MCU. Youngest is a girl when Bea was late in her years. Difficult pregnancy. Like, the best treated too.
Relationship with them: poor, then decent
Color: Blue
Least favorite color: Pink
Music: classical
Food: steak
Literature: science journals
Form of entertainment: poking at some poor bastard to see how he works
Hobbies: uh...
Plays a musical instrument?: no
Plays a sport?: no
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Working or sleeping
Spending habits: indulges from time to time
Smokes: never
Drinks: yes
Other drugs: no
What does he/she do too much of?: Work
What does he/she do too little of?: family
Extremely skilled at: Science
Extremely unskilled at: Being a mom but she's trying
Nervous tics: playing with her hair
Usual body posture: sits up straight, refined
Optimist or pessimist?: pessimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious except full steam ahead in an experiment
Logical or emotional?: Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: methodical, neat
Prefers working or relaxing?: Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident
Animal lover?: No
How he/she feels about himself/herself: fairly good. Knows she's a terrible person. Doesn't care.
One word the character would use to describe self: scientist
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: decisive
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: cold
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: face
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: n/a
How does the character think others perceive him/her: bitchy
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Would like to be emotionally available
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: People are toys
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: No
Person character most hates: Father
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: children
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Father
Most important person in character’s life: Stef (best friend, love of her life, best advice, moral center)
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mr. mind, da worm
INHALES. EXHALES. Anon I am so sorry for what you have unleashed. This is gonna be long.
I’m putting it under a cut actually because this is getting ridiculous. The special interest is TANGIBLE. Also this is sooooo embarrassing so I’m sorry in advanced.
First impression
This discovery was made on October 18th, 2020, when one of my dearest friends showed me a picture of him to lure me into getting into DC and I took the bait! Hook, line AND sinker. ^_^
I don’t know what anyone expected from the person obsessed with Scalpel TFA.
Impression now
He Is My Favorite DC Character I Love Him So Much.
My favorite version is Justice League Action because he has the best design out of all of his canon ones, and he is funny.
Uhh the Rebirth version, I like the direction they took with him!! I love the name Maxivermis!! I love the fleshed out backstory they gave him because I think if any villain should have a tragic backstory, it should be the villain that is literally an insect and I am NOT joking!! Yes I get it’s about the absolute absurdity of him being an insect and a villain, but I’m an entomology freak!!
Enough of fleshing out the clown!! It’s worm time!! I like the parallels they kind of tried to give between him and Billy in it too? I just don’t love that he’s not an alien anymore. That’s part of the appeal!
The version of him I love the most besides JLA is... Uhh, well, my personal version of him that I made. (: The ideal Mr. Mind!! The tragedy of his backstory from New 52, while still keeping him an alien! Not the exact same backstory but it’s STILL tragic, giving it connecting threads to J’onn’s backstory (you thought I could resist the venus and mars parallels!?). Keeping his insect characteristics while still letting him have his little glasses!! The best of both worlds!!
Honestly I feel like a lot of loving DC characters is... plucking your favorite parts from various continuities and creating your ultimate version of the character.
I think Mr. Mind has a lot of potential to be an interesting character, again I know it’s like... he is an evil worm hehe but UGHHH OK I LOVE BUGS SO MUCH AND I THINK WE CAN DO MORE WITH THEM!! I want to write a new version of him that explores the potential the concept of the character has...
It’s very similar to why I love Killer Moth so much, he is a character with a lot of potential and even the root of their characters I think is that they’re tired of being stepped on and underestimated, all packaged in a bug theme.
Anyways, Plankton was always my favorite Spongebob character so I hope that explains everything.
Favorite moment
Every moment he has in JLA. The whole episode with him and Superman and Lobo was so good. He’s so... casual. He’s just like HEHE I am a stinker. (: And Superman is like rolls his eyes. That was good I loved that.
Comics I still... have much to work through. But I did like in the Magiclands comic when he tried giving Billy the whole WE’RE NOT SO DIFFERENT YOU AND I speech. And I have like... no context for this, but I had read that bit where he... is with Superman and trying to talk down Lex from doing something super evil?? I liked that. (I also know that’s apparently not the original Mr. Mind but one of his children who is basically just him again and retains all of his memories)
Also the DC Super Friends comic where instead it’s Super VILLAINS and he is at the mad scientist convention!! LOOK AT HIM!!
By the way I cried when I saw him for the first time at the end of Shazam.
Idea for a story
Me, holding a folder full of papers and it’s all of my Mr. Mind development notes. Let’s not make this post longer than it already is.
Unpopular opinion
I think they should stick to him being an alien. That’s probably not an unpopular opinion. He’s not a popular character to begin with.
Also I prefer his basis being more off of caterpillars rather than worms, but I think from the beginning that’s what they were going with. I’m just a caterpillar lover and very specific.
Favorite relationship
Okay. Okay... A lot of this is uhhh stuff I made up for my own version of him and that universe.
So I hope it comes as a shock to absolutely nobody that him and Scarecrow naturally occur to me as a duo. I hope no one is surprised I saw the dubious lanky nightmare chemist and the evil science bug and said “Hold On. (:”
I’m not gonna delve into that too much mostly because I’m EMBARRASSED... but I think a guy obsessed with fear would see a ghastly evil little caterpillar, a BUG, which many people are afraid of!! And I think he would be like... hmm yeah I like this guy’s style actually.
And then there is The Possibility Of Parallels Between Him And J’onn And Superman. Admittedly, in my own writing I’ve found him more compelling as an enemy to them than of Captain Marvel!! My version of him retains him being the last of his kind (I haven’t read the comics where it actually happens but I know how it happens in canon verse I thiiiiink), but the cause is different. Very different. They are in similar situations... But Mr. Mind! Well, he is a very troubled caterpillar.
But also I want him to have a villain decay arc and become Billy’s accidental uncle.
And recently I’ve started fleshing out my version of Mr. Atom more and he’s ended up being the Toxitron to Mr. Mind’s Scalpel... which is to say his robot son. Like Doofenshmirtz and his robot son.
Favorite headcanon
Okay, I’m sorry, I’m the most embarrassing man on the planet. Yes I headcanon him as trans and gay.
Otherwise again this is a point where the post would get WAAAAYY too long because I have thought so much about him and my version of him.
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Ok so i have this thought like La Squadra's reaction to their s/o being a witch and have a hellhound familiar please ?
Man you guys keep bringing up things I forget to say I LOVE and am ECSTATIC to write about! I love paranormal/occult stuff!! I was in a paranormal club in college undergrad and we did ghost investigations, had psychics come and guest speak, spent nights talking about cryptids and aliens and all kinds of conspiracies... it was amazing!! We’ve talked about witches and hellhounds loads of times!!
I really, really had a lot of fun with this one 😈
- The first thing that caught his eye about his s/o was their asethetic. In what I can only describe as like, witchy goth, with a big black dog. He’s a fan.
- Ris thought they were just into the occult stuff, figured they probably were into astrology and tarot cards and crystals and such.
- Here’s how im imagining he finds out: a rival gang learns his s/o is dating Risotto, the capo of the hitman team. His team has probably killed a lot of rival gang members. So naturally, they’re gonna target his s/o. Risotto learns about the plot and goes to rescue them, only to find their big Rottweiler-looking dog spitting fire and moving like a shadow, while his s/o chants in some demonic/ancient language and puts a curse on their attacker.
- Honestly? Risotto’s totally into it.
- I mean I would say his Stand is pretty violent honestly, the way he makes razor blades and needles and scalpels pop out of his victim’s own blood. So the witch stuff wouldn’t bother him in the slightest.
- In fact it probably makes their relationship a little more, idk kinky? His s/o is probably very interested in the ways he can manipulate blood, both for their witchy spellcrafting and on a sexual pleasure level
- Risotto keeps his s/o a secret, from his team but that’s mostly to keep them from the boss. He knows the boss would probably try to use them for his own gain, and Ris is not interested in letting the boss get a hand on them. His s/o could be his advantage in taking down the boss, too.
- The two of them are an absolute power couple. You cannot beat them when they’re together. That’s not including the hellhound either. Witchy s/o and Ris would have demolished anyone in the Bucci gang, unless they were like all fighting together against the two of them.
- Again, Formaggio was probably really drawn in by the s/o’s witchy goth asethetic. He’s kinda dumb.
- Formaggio is a cat guy, so he doesn’t like their familiar at first. Especially because it’s a big, scary looking dog.
- But the hellhound reflects its master’s feelings, and as soon as they feel affection toward Formaggio it will too.
- Formaggio finds out when he’s showing his s/o his Stand. He shrinks himself and they think at first he’s a witch too. Formaggio is very confused; he’s only known Stands. He didn’t know witches were real.
- But he likes that they can shrink things too, and that they definitely don’t think his Stand is useless (the way the rest of his team seems to think)
- Is probably now even more afraid of the hellhound now knowing it’s a hellhound that could roast him alive, but figures as long as he doesn’t break his s/o’s heart he’s probably safe
- He tries to brag about them at least to Illuso for sure, the smug bastard. Most of the team doesn’t believe him, except Pesci and Melone.
- Would absolutely let them try out spells and curses on him. He strikes me as an adrenaline junkie. As long as he gets rewarded for it 😏
- Okay I’ll be honest I guess since this is the third one I’m like “he’d be into the asethetic” I guess I just imagine most of the hitman team would absolutely be into goth/punk. Also witchy goth is just very hot okay and that’s what I’m imagining here
- Illuso finds out very quickly they’re a witch because he uses his mirror world to spy on them
- After a couple times of doing that though, the hellhound starts to sense his presence
- Finally his s/o is straight up like “I don’t know how you’re here Illuso, but I know you’re here. Come out and maybe we can get a little alone time together 😉”
- He comes out of the mirror and honestly they’re more shocked than he was when he learned they were a witch
- But they’re also incredibly intrigued and would probably want to try and go into the mirror world. Think of all the information they could gather on people they want to hex
- The two of them are a mischevious, trouble-making couple and fit together almost a little too perfectly
- Like Formaggio I think with a little encouragement I think he would be willing to be a test subject for his s/o
- Unlike Formaggio he loves the hellhound. He really wants to see it in action.
- Okay first boy not interested in the asethetic at first
- I imagine witchy approached him first. There was something about him they really liked - that intense, cold expression in his eyes, they could tell what he did as his job from a glance
- Prosciutto agreed to go on a date with them to determine if they were a threat to Passione - most importantly, his team - that needed to be taken out or if they were harmless
- Halfway through the date Prosciutto is thinking they’re dangerous and he’ll have to kill them so he brings out his Stand but as he does the hellhound appears from the shadows and growls at him for threatening its master. Witchy sighs and explains to him that they’re a witch. I don’t think they’d necessarily be hiding it, just that they know most people would probably be freaked out by it
- Prosciutto is intrigued and continues to go on dates with them. Next thing he realizes is he’s in love.
- Did they slip him a potion? He’ll never know
- Prosciutto is extremely protective of his s/o. He worries that if anyone finds out they’re a witch they’ll be attacked by a mob or something.
- For that reason he and the hellhound get along pretty well. They’re both interested in protecting his s/o
- The hellhound still likes Pesci the most though
- Okay back to boys who were drawn in by the asethetic, except it’s like 1000x worse than the others for Melone
- At first he thinks it’s like, oh they’d make a great host for Babyface. Then he realizes no, he’s like really attracted to them himself, not because of his Stand
- Melone has a weird taste in like science and experimentation, I think his s/o would be pretty comfortable early on in the relationship telling him they’re a witch
- He is the most enthusiastic about being used as his s/o’s guinea pig. Honestly probably gets a little turned on by it.
- Not the biggest fan of the hellhound, but they respect one another’s place in his s/o’s life
- Because the thing his Stand creates is a homunculus, I think his s/o would also be very interested in his abilities as well
- The two of them are just experimenting left and right, helping one another as they push the limits on their abilities. It’s like putting two mad scientists together. Eventually they’re gonna create a monster thats unstoppable lol
- Another one I think witchy would approach first, similar to Prosciutto because they can see the eyes of a killer in him, but also because he’s just pure rage. It intrigued them
- Ghiaccio likes them because they don’t tell him to shut up and they just let him fully rage and destroy things, watching him the whole time and comforting him when he needs it
- The hellhound likes him too. Ghiaccio’s anger is very familiar to his demonic roots
- He’s probably not going to find out for a while that they’re a witch. It’s not that his s/o didn’t feel comfortable telling him, it’s just that there wasn’t really a good way to bring it up.
- Honestly they probably witness him use White Album first, and think he’s also a witch, and that’s how he finds out
- Ghiaccio is a little freaked out at first honestly. He didn’t know witches could exist. He’s also a little peeved they didn’t tell him and they again, observe him as he has another freak out
- Witchy admits they really loves how angry he gets, feels the power behind it, and wishes they had a way to harness it
- I don’t think Ghiaccio would be a guinea pig with any incentive, but he might offer to let them try and figure out a way to take the raw energy of his fury and channel it into their spells
- They’re an odd pair, but his s/o is so calm and collected that they balance out his explosive temper
#bree writes#jojo headcanons#la squadra x reader#risotto x reader#formaggio x reader#illuso x reader#prosciutto x reader#melone x reader#ghiaccio x reader#reader is a witch hehe#because yanno what vampires and zombies and shit are possible im gonna say witches are too#i started hysterically laughing while writing this#because i imagined risotto with one of those cliche big tiddy witches#and i was like oh my god they are a big tiddy power couple
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Sanders Swap AU
So, I’ve heard tale of a new AU circulating in this fandom. Basically, it’s an AU where the Sides swap jobs and powers with the other sides.
Here’s my take on who’d get what (this isn’t even a theory, just what I hope happens)
First off, it’s the same characters with the canon-verse history. However, Thomas decides that if they all swapped jobs and powers for a day, they might understand each other more and stop arguing 24/7
This may have been Emile Picani’s idea. I’ll figure it out (the sides need to go to Emile’s therapy sessions).
Janus is Morality
-And he’s having fun with it
-”Why pursuing a false sense of morality is more detrimental than taking a singular self-care day: A 256 Slide Presentation”
-He only starts not liking it when he realizes how much responsibility Pat is really under
-He doesn’t know the answers to everything! He can’t deal with all of these emotions! HE ISN’T READY TO BE A FATHER
-It’s really easy to forget that Patton’s job is also dealing with all of Thomas’s emotions. Patton has practice at repressing everything, but it’s all hitting Jan like a truck
-There will be angst.
-Also now he has to kind of take care of all the light sides, including Virgil. So, more angst!
-Reactions Of The Other Sides
Roman: How Dare You Stand Where He Stood
Virgil: Nope. Nopity nope. NOPE.
Logan: It probably isn’t the mature, logical thing to do to laugh at Janus struggling with the FamILY. But he technically isn’t Logic at the moment, and it is kind of funny.
Of course, when Janus starts really struggling, that all stops.
Remus: Jan has to pretend to be the boring one! This is fun to watch!
Patton: He knows what it must be like for Janus at the moment. Trying to help him.
Patton is Dark Creativity
-Patton’s going through a crisis of conscience at the moment, so turning him into a dark side has Angst Potential
-He’s determined to fail at his job. Unfortunately, he’s quite good at the religious guilt part of Remus’s job.
-I think he’d like conjuring stuff though
-He’d try to conjure kittens, but since Remus’s powers work the way they do he’d conjure the ugliest sphinx cats you’ve ever seen in your life
-But Patton’s allergies are better around hairless cats! So he keeps the cats even after the drama is over and learns to love them
-He has no idea what to do with a morning-star or deodorant. Deodorant tastes like deodorant to him, and he doesn’t get why Remus eats it.
-Is this entire AU an excuse to have Dark Creativity be the one to say, “Language!”? Maybe so.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides:
Roman + Virgil: They already have complicated feelings about both him and the dark sides. This is just a calzone of weird.
Logan: Not that much has changed, in his opinion.
Remus: The guy who thinks babies come from fucking STORKS is him?? NO.
Janus: So many thoughts and none of them intelligible. More like a long, drawn out scream.
Remus is Logic
-However much of a shitshow you think it’s going to be....it’s worse
-He goes full mad scientist. He eats his glasses. He knows the science of so many things he was curious about.
-He can justify anything with “It’s for science!”
“Why did you release goats into the living room?” “FOR SCIENCE!”
“Why did you draw all of these dorks on the ceiling??” “FOR SCIENCE!”
-Remus is Logic now, baby. And the world will burn.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides:
Roman: Logan’s cool! Remus most definitely isn’t! He has no right to wear that tie.
Virgil: Terrified? He shouldn’t be in charge of anything!
Logan: Please. Could someone please get him to stop. THAT IS NOT PROPER LAB SAFETY-
Patton: Welp. That’s disturbing. Time to pretend this isn’t happening.
Janus: Entertained beyond belief.
Logan is Anxiety
-Existential dread o’clock! Ever considered the true size of the universe when compared to you? Logan is the feeling of terror you get when you look at the sky and realize just how little it cares about you.
-Logan is a better Anxiety than Anxiety, because instead of being emo he’s informed (and potentially emo, since the concept of an emo Logan is quite a concept)
-And people listen to him more. He doesn’t even use the demon voice option. People just pay attention to him when he’s like this. God, no wonder Virgil acts the way he does!
-No but emo Logan consider it
-Him having to go back to being Logic after this would certainly do things to his character arc
-He still can never get into Evanescence, though.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides:
Virgil: Why is he better at his job than the actual Anxiety? Is he even important to Thomas?
Remus: Likes Logan’s new aesthetic very much
Patton: Is happy that Logan seems happy, but knows that they’ll have to change back eventually. Worrying about all of his kiddos, honestly.
Janus: Was the first one to be hit with the Existential Dread. Freaks out.
Roman: Thank the gods that he isn’t the only one who doesn’t want to go back
Virgil is Creativity
-He hates everything about this.
-The imagination is confusing, Thomas’s hopes and dreams are worryingly fragile, and he is constantly suppressing the urge to sing Disney songs.
-The only thing he likes is the sword. The sword is awesome.
-Conjuring feels weird, like sticking your hand in a magician’s hat full of scorpions to do a trick. But he manages to conjure the darkest eye-shadow known to man, so there’s that.
-He wants out of this little experiment ASAP. He may not be the villain any more, but that doesn’t mean he was born to play hero.
Reactions Of The Other Sides:
Roman: Why is he so bad at this?? Thomas is going to need a creativity!
Logan: Worried that he’ll accidentally destroy all of Thomas’s hopes and dreams.
Remus: He prefers this to his insufferable brother, so
Patton: Swords are sharp DON’T STAB PEOPLE
Janus: He could have conjured a million dollars and given it all to his former best friend, but no. He went for the eye-shadow.
Roman is Deceit
-At first, he loathes it with every fiber of his being. Now he can’t even pretend to be a hero?
-But lying is just good storytelling, and he hasn’t been able to spin words like this in ages
-Plus, he gets to sing villain songs for once
-And he does love the shape-shifting. For once, he doesn’t have to be Roman Sanders, and it’s the best thing in the world
-After a while, he hasn’t looked like himself in the mirror for days. It’s much easier to tell you’re not the evil twin when you don’t resemble him at all.
-He isn’t going back.
-Reactions Of The Others:
Virgil: Oblivious to the danger at hand, but would scream if he knew because he can’t be creativity forever.
Logan: Conflicted as heck. He knows that they both have to go back to their old jobs, but it’s harder to say it with conviction when Roman is encouraging him to stay.
Remus: Ugh. His brother is the one who gets Jan’s job? Typical.
Patton: Roman doesn’t seem okay. Why is everyone in his family not okay
Janus: AfraidTM
Just my thoughts!
Now I have 39 fics to write
#sanders sides#ts sides#janus sanders#janus#ts janus#patton sanders#patton#ts patton#remus sanders#remus#ts remus#logan sanders#logan#ts logan#virgil sanders#virgil#ts virgil#roman sanders#roman#ts roman#possible moceit#at the very least platonic moceit#roman angst#janus angst#although it's really#patton angst#in disguise#which is fitting#logan angst#i didn't really outline it here but IT IS THERE
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(1/2) Honestly, Hilary, you are a blessing. I want to scream about your amazing Fic, how I love Immortal Husbands and the whole Immortal Family and how I had more fun learning history from your writing than in my whole damn school. But I also want to appreciate your TOG answers and meta. All the more because my friends outside the internet saw TOG as some boring movie with shitty plot and I'm just here in the corner, wanting to scream at someone who will understand about FINALLY seeing...
"(2/2) ...some GOOD queer representation, without throwing stereotypes in our faces, and I can't even begin with the found family trope because THE FEELS. Anyway, what I was trying to say with this rambling: thank you. <3"
....I’m sorry what. Who. Who is saying this. Straight people? I feel like the answer is definitely straight people. Because they have had EIGHTY FUCKING THOUSAND shitty action movies with the Boring White Man Hero, the disposable Muslim-coded (or actually Muslim) villains, the equally disposable eye-candy female love interest who either gets fridged or is secretly evil, Grimdark Everyone Is Secretly Bad And Nothing Matters crap philosophy, Moral Hand Wringing Over Superhero Violence, on and on. So of course they can moan and whine about “iT’s nOt OrIGinAL” and apparently not sufficiently Grimdark and Amoral, and how the dynamics of the team are completely reshuffled in a way that actually doesn’t prioritize THEM, and like.... this is why I never trust media only beloved by straight people, and only ever watch anything after it’s been recommended to me by a trusted queer friend. Because sometimes I remember the difference, and WHOOF.
Because: the gays and people of color DESERVE formulaic action/superhero movies as much as the Generic White Bro (in fact, we can all agree, far more than the Generic White Bro). This is the trap where every piece of media that’s not made by a Mediocre White Man has to be the best all-time of its genre, apparently, rather than using some of the same well-loved storytelling tropes but recoding them and re-deploying them for a more diverse audience. Instead of the Hard Bitten White Man Action Hero, we have Andy and Nile (two women, and Nile as a young Black woman who literally cannot be shot to death, in the year 2020, is fucking revolutionary on its own don’t @ me). As I said in my first meta, even Booker, who comes closest to fulfilling that trope, is made the closest thing to a “villain” there is on the team and even then for entirely sympathetic motives that rest on him having teary-eyed conversations with Nile about how he misses his family and feels like he failed them. His emotions help drive the story in an actually GOOD and useful way, rather than sacrificing everyone else to coddle him through his feeble heterosexual manchildness (why yes, I AM staring directly at the Abomination without blinking). Nobody in the story is EVER penalized or made a fool of for loving their found family (itself an intensely queer trope, even before the queerness of the individual characters) or trying to do the right thing even in the middle of the horrors, and frankly, I just want to consume more media with that as the main message. I’M SO FREAKING TIRED OF GRIMDARK. GOD. IF I WANTED THAT I COULD JUST TURN ON THE NEWS.
And of course, my BELOVED Joe and Nicky: an interracial, interreligious gay couple that has been wildly in love for literal CENTURIES and gives me the opportunity to do things like write the most self-indulgent historical romance backstory fic ever with DVLA. They met in the embodiment of religious conflict and have transcended that, there are never any cruel jokes or expectation for you to congratulate the narrative for being so beneficent as to give you “an exclusively gay moment” (fuck you Disney!). Joe and Nicky’s love story is central both to who they are as characters, doesn’t revolve around them being suffering or being Tormented over being gay (when the cops pull them apart for kissing, they beat the cops the fuck up, WE STAN), gets to unfold naturally in the background of the story with these beautiful little beats of casual intimacy (the SPOONING /clutches heart) and since THEY LITERALLY CANNOT DIE, no chance of the “burying your gays” bullshit. Even when they’re captured first by the bad guys, and I briefly, upon first viewing, worried that they were going the Gay Pain route just for cheap emotional points, they remain constantly united and fighting together and able to do stupid things like flirt when they’re strapped to gurneys by a mad scientist. Then the rest of the team ends up right there with them, so it’s not something that happens to them alone, and Nile comes in to save everyone’s asses, and Joe and Nicky get ANOTHER beautiful moment of fighting the bad guys and being worried about each other and tender even in the middle of this chaos and GOD! MY HEART! MY WHOLE ASS HEART! I LOVE THEM!
And just the fact that it’s not the Evul Mooslim Turrorists or Boilerplate Scary Eastern Europeans or whoever else who are the bad guys, but Big Pharma, nasty white men with too much money and not enough ethics, the CIA (at least tangentially; they could have pushed a lot harder on that but I’ll give Copley individually a pass), and the very forces that want to stop the Old Guard and discount what they do (helping the little people) as worthless... GOD. That is fucking POWERFUL. They literally take the time to explain with Copley’s Conspiracy Wall that even the little things the team does, when they can’t see it themselves, spiral out through centuries and have positive effects down the line. And it’s NOT just in the Western world (no scene in the movie takes place in America, none of the main four characters/heroes are American, and they only go to England when the English villains capture them). They’re in Africa, in Asia, in South America, in all these places where the Western/imperial world order has harmed people the most and in a way that Euro/American audience often gets to forget. On the surface this might be an action movie with Charlize Theron beating up men (which I mean, that alone is fine if you ask me) but there are SO MANY WAYS in which it achieves these deeper moments of meaning and subversion of the narrative that we are so often fed and the ways it could have done this (i.e. the same old Mediocre White Man ways).
I love the fact that the team unabashedly LOVES each other as their family members (I will never get over them all liking to sleep in one room even in their safe house in France), even when they struggle, and that they continue trying to make it right and never consider leaving Booker behind, because he screwed up but they still love him (and he them). I LOVE LOVE LOVE that this movie gave me not just Joe and Nicky but Andy and Quynh: two completely badass queer couples who kick tons of ass and have romance and Drama and rich and well-realized lives outside being used as emotional manipulation or suffering porn for straight people. (I realise it’s only been two weeks since the first one released, but where is my sequel, I have Needs. Especially Andy/Quynh and Quynh/Joe/Nicky needs). I was disappointed that they’d gotten rid of Quynh in a Bad Medieval Way to cause pain for Andy and then shocked and DELIGHTED when she turned up alive in Booker’s apartment at the end of the film. I LOVE that this movie gave me Nile Freeman and everything that she represents in the middle of this hellish year. I even love Booker! BOOKER! When he’s usually the character type I can’t stand and have the least patience with!
So yes. I have watched it three times already. I am sure I am going to watch it several times more. It just makes me so happy.
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The Face of Marble
This movie has a zombie dog. It’s also got John Carradine from The Unearthly and Robert Shayne from Teenage Caveman, and was directed by William Beaudine, who brought us Design for Dreaming. But honestly, who cares about that when there’s a zombie dog?
On a storm-wracked cliff somewhere live mad scientists Dr. Randolph and Dr. Cochrane, who are trying to raise the dead but aren’t very good at it. Their first experimental subject, a drowned sailor, promptly dies all over again when lightning strikes the Frankenstein equipment. This was probably a lucky escape, because subject two, Mrs. Randolph’s dog Brutus, comes back to life as a bulletproof zombie with a thirst for blood and the ability to walk through walls! They get back to work on improving their technique, and when Mrs. Randolph herself later dies in a tragic matchmaking accident, the two scientists figure she may as well be subject three. It kinda works, and kinda doesn’t… but not in the way anyone expected, especially me.
I guess I have to explain ‘tragic matchmaking accident’. Elaine Randolph’s ethnic stereotype maid, Maria, wants out of this place and has decided that the best way to bring it about is to have her mistress and Dr. Cochrane fall in love and run off together, taking her with them. A combination of voodoo and persuasion seems to be on the verge of bringing this about when Dr. Cochrane’s pre-existing fiancée Linda shows up to surprise him on his birthday. Maria therefore sets out to murder Linda by releasing toxic smoke into her bedroom, but doesn’t know that Linda and Elaine have switched rooms because Linda freaked out when the ghostly Brutus wandered through hers in the middle of the night. It was much shorter to just say ‘tragic matchmaking accident’.
That probably gave you a pretty good idea of just what a dumb and contrived movie this is. The print is also pretty terrible, old and scratchy and with poor sound – and yet it’s actually kind of fun to watch. The Face of Marble is a bit slower than it should be despite being only an hour and a quarter long, and the ending unfortunately makes no sense, but the plot twists managed to surprise me a couple of times. Nobody here is a great actor but nobody’s really terrible, either. You can tell who’s who and what’s going on. For something I would watch, it’s a decent film
What I really liked about it, though, was the treatment of the characters. For all I’ve called them mad scientists, Randolph and Cochrane don’t really fall into that ‘type’. They’re not trying to create an indestructible army or Show Those Fools or anything, they want to save lives: Randolph talks about people who’ve drowned or asphyxiated, people for whom rescue came just a few minutes too late. Nor do they display the mad scientist’s typical lack of conscience. Randolph gets so caught up in his work that he euthanizes Brutus the dog, but he’s absolutely sure his process will bring the animal back as good as new. When this doesn’t work, he feels terrible about it and hides it from Elaine, partly so she won’t be angry but partly because he’s deeply ashamed of himself.
The incident also destroys his confidence in the project. When Elaine dies, it’s Cochrane who talks him into trying to resurrect her, since he has been working on the formula and he now believes it will work. Randolph almost refuses, saying he’d rather see Elaine actually dead than become some monster like the dog, and Cochrane has to do quite a bit of convincing. What we see in these two men is a folie à deux – each would be quite reasonable on his own, but when they can play off and encourage each other they end up doing unbelievably awful things. That’s kind of neat, and makes it more believable that they would try the experiment on Elaine even after their previous failures.
The two men’s relationships with the women in their lives also have some complexity. The backstory tells us that Randolph saved Elaine’s life by removing a brain tumor, and subsequently fell in love with and married her. Despite this, he doesn’t seem to spend much time with her, and she appears to be downright intimidated by him. Elaine is shown to prefer confiding in Cochrane rather than confronting Randolph about her fears, despite the fact that Cochrane’s reaction is invariably condescending. On the other hand, Cochrane is very tender with his own fiancée, Linda, and actually listens to her when she tells him she doesn’t like Randolph and thinks they both need to get away from this place!
Elaine and Linda are set up, both by the writers and by Maria the sorceress, as romantic rivals for Cochrane. You’d think this would lead to a lot of petty hostility between them, but the movie avoids that, too. They are fairly cool towards each other at first meeting, but quickly make peace after Linda’s sighting of the zombie dog. By the time they’re about to part they’re still not best friends, but they clearly don’t dislike each other. Linda has figured out that Elaine has a crush on Cochrane but as long as Cochrane isn’t going to act on it she won’t let it worry her. She could have been a villain in this story, as could Randolph and Cochrane themselves, but the writers avoid taking the easy way out.
Instead, the villain of this story is Maria. The situation would never have arisen if she hadn’t attempted to murder Linda, and later we see her use both the police and the zombies trying to get herself out of the mess she’s gotten into. Unfortunately, this is where the movie starts to fall apart.
A few days after the undead Brutus leaves the lab by leaping right through the wall, a detective shows up at the house to ask Dr. Randolph about a series of attacks on local livestock. Randolph identifies the culprit as an animal suffering from ‘hemomania’, or a need to drink blood. When Elaine comes back from the dead, then, we expect her to do so as a vampire. Everything we’ve seen so far seems to be leading up to that idea. When she comes to and appears to be tired, but all right, we assume the condition will set in eventually.
It never does. Instead, Maria is suddenly able to control the undead Elaine and Brutus! Dr. Randolph soon figures out that it was Maria who killed Elaine, and in his anger and grief he considers stabbing her to death until Cochrane talks him out of it. In order to save herself, Maria has Elaine stab Randolph, then go back to bed and forget it happened.
Where did that come from? We have never seen the slightest indication that Maria can do this. Whenever she has been working magic, such as leaving effigies under people’s pillows or preparing potions, we’ve never seen any evidence that she actually has supernatural powers. The love charms were suggestion and the poison was simple chemistry! The film-makers had ample opportunity to set something up here, by having her take control of the zombiefied Brutus through similar actual magic, but they didn’t do that. We just see Maria sitting in front of a fire waving her arms… then Brutus comes into Elaine’s room, Elaine rises in a trance, and Maria just hands her a knife and orders her to stab away, as if she has the woman under hypnosis. Did I miss something?
At the end, the cops get the real story from another servant (I’m tempted to insert a quip about how you can tell it’s fiction because the police listen to a black man, but we’re way beyond that being funny) and show up to arrest Maria, but she’s already committed suicide, and footprints in the sand show that Elaine and Brutus have just wandered off into the ocean. Okay. Does that mean anything? Are they gonna drown or just wander around on the bottom and fight sharks like in Zombie 2? Did Maria make her do it or not? Is Elaine even aware that there’s anything wrong with her? Earlier she didn’t seem to be, and nobody told her what happened… she seems to think she was merely ‘taken ill’.
The feeling I get from all this is that the writers didn’t know what to do with Zombie-Elaine. They were too chicken to have her go around tearing throats out because then she wouldn’t be attractive anymore. They can’t kill her because they’ve already established that the zombies are bulletproof and they can’t think of any other way to do it. So they just have her leave, mysteriously and unsatisfyingly, and completely squander several opportunities they’ve set up for themselves.
Elaine wondering what’s wrong with her, unable to help herself even as she’s horrified by her own actions, would easily have been the scariest thing in the movie. Randolph and Cochrane realizing that what came back isn’t quite Elaine, and having to deal with what they’ve done, would have been the most heart-wrenching. They could even have had the two of them, formerly unbelievers, go to Maria for magical help – only to have Maria refuse to do anything because she, as previously established in dialogue, really does love her mistress. The ending could have been really cool, but they just ran out of ideas.
I did enjoy about the first two thirds of The Face of Marble. By the time Elaine finally dies I was getting a little impatient to see some actual zombies, but the film then went in a totally different direction, in a bad way. The ending doesn’t feel like a plot twist, because a plot twist should be something that makes sense of things we’ve already seen. It’s doubly disappointing, because the attention paid to the characters and their motivations and relationships really made it look like writers knew what they were doing.
#mst3k#reviews#episodes that never were#the face of marble#poor john carradine#40s#everybody do the zombie stomp
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