#honestly is it really even nuwho at this point?
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The Parting of the Ways (Rose's POV)
For my first bit of Doctor Who writing... Nine's regeneration, from Rose's POV. Please be nice. I tried my very best. It took me upwards of two hours to get through the video because I was trying to be as detailed as possible with the Doctor's movements. And because I misheard the dialogue several times over and had to correct it.
All the dialogue, of course, belongs to the BBC.
“What happened?”
“Don’t you remember?”
A beat of silence passed by as Rose laid on the floor of the TARDIS, glancing about to confirm her location. The Doctor stood at the console, looking between the panel, the center column, and Rose herself. She lifted her head and found it swimming, hazy images passing by in front of her eyes, foggy and indistinct, just shy of tangible. It only took a moment for her to shake them off, though, and she carefully pulled herself up into something halfway to a sitting position, knees in the air in front of her.
“It’s like…” She paused for a moment as the Doctor looked away. A beautiful melody seemed to echo in her ears, something like she imagined the sunrise might make if it could sing. Or maybe it was more of a duet between the Sun as it rose and the Moon as it set. Threaded through the joy and love in the song was a terrible, haunting loneliness, as though the singer knew that this could not last. The sorrow of knowing such beauty must come to an end infiltrated and surrounded the gentle joy of the melody.
“There was a singing.” She lowered her knees to the floor and rested her palms on the cool metal, still shaking the cobwebs from her mind.
“That’s right. I sang a song and the daleks ran away,” the Doctor supplied, looking over and offering that big, wide charming smile. Baloney. The singer was female. It couldn’t have been him, though he was certainly telling the truth that the daleks were no longer around. He was too… easy, for lack of a better word. At ease, that was the phrasing she was looking for. They’d dealt with daleks (okay, one dalek the first time, but the number wasn’t important) before, and they put him rather on edge. They made him tenser, sharper, like a sword coming out of its sheath. The total opposite of how he was acting at the moment.
“I was at home. No I wasn’t, I, I was in the TARDIS and… ah… there was this light...”
In the corner of her eye, she caught the Doctor glancing downward, along the direction of his arm. Something glowed golden on the console, but she elected to ignore it. It couldn’t have been terribly important. Just some monitor going off, in all likelihood, reminding him to perform some regular maintenance task.
“I can’t remember anything else.”
It was painfully true. Like wisps of cloud in the wind, Rose couldn’t seem to get a solid grip on what had happened. Something had happened, clearly, but what? The ghosts of the ghosts of her memories were fading fast, turned transparent in mere seconds.
Another beat of silence.
The Doctor’s gaze fell back to her, though she didn’t see it for a moment as she performed another visual sweep of her surroundings. Rose made an irritated face and shook her head, at last deciding that it really wasn’t worth dwelling on. She glanced back up at the Doctor, lifting her eyebrows as she caught him watching her.
“Rose Tyler.” A little huff of a laugh escaped him, and his lips curled upward, back into that lovely smile of his before it pinched back inward as she prepared to lift herself up to stand.
“I was gonna take you to so many places. Barcelona? Not the city, Barcelona, the planet, Barcelona.” His face seemed to open as his eyebrows shot upward before closing again toward the end of the sentence. His shoulders bobbed up and down with his movements as he shifted around for emphasis. “You’d love it, fantastic place.” And there it was again, that smile that opened his face and sapped away every ounce of intimidation that he possessed. “They’ve got dogs with no noses.” He laughed at that, a wheezy little sort of laugh that turned into a ha-ha-ha, and Rose couldn’t help smiling with him as she finally pushed herself away from the floor.
“Imagine how many times a day you end up telling that joke and it’s still funny!” His eyes slipped back to the console.
“Then why can’t we go?”
Back to her.
“Maybe you will! And maybe I will. But not like this.” Back to the console again, the cryptic bugger.
“You’re not making sense.” It was Rose’s turn to have her face pinch together, though for her it was more in confused thought than clear thought.
“I might never make sense again! I might have two heads, or no head.” His current, normal, real-world head turned back and forth as he spoke, presumably checking in on whichever meters and dials told him the current state of the ship. “Imagine me with no head! And don’t say that’s an improvement,” he added as Rose smiled again, showing off her pearly teeth.
The Doctor dropped his head toward the console before picking it up again and swinging it to look at Rose once more.
“But it’s a bit dodgy, this process.”
The smile began to fade.
“You never know what you’re gonna end up with.” Without warning, he doubled over and sort of fell backward, his hands flying to his stomach as some sort of electronic wail ran through the air. His midsection glowed golden, and Rose lunged toward him. She didn’t have a clue what was going on, of course, how could she, but surely there was some way for her to help!
“Stay away!” he commanded, throwing an arm outward to ward her off. Admittedly, it stung. Hadn’t they been the best of friends? Hadn’t they had wonderful adventures together, even if they’d been rather less than safe? Hadn’t they… A single memory from whatever had happened between getting home and finding herself in the TARDIS once again nudged its way into her brain as she stared at him with concern. Hadn’t he kissed her? Hadn’t they been the best of friends who’d just so happened to fall in love along the way?
The Doctor brought his chin to his chest as his face contorted with pain, and Rose noticed that the golden light had vanished.
“Doctor, te… Tell me what’s going on.” Her voice wobbled slightly at the beginning of the sentence before firming up. He couldn’t just do this, just, be so openly struggling and in pain without letting her help.
He leaned his head back, gritting his teeth.
“I absorbed all the energy of the Time Vortex, and no one’s meant to do that!” He smiled again, the absolute nutter, and Rose paused, looking him up and down with her mouth open as though to say something.
“Every cell in my body’s dying.” Her eyes snapped back up to his face.
“Can’t you do something?” Rose edged closer near-imperceptibly.
“Yeah! I’m doing it now.” The Doctor came a little closer to the console and leaned on it for support. “Time Lords have this little trick, it’s, sort of a way of cheating death.” He paused, looking downward as his face wrinkled with pain.
“Except…” He lifted his head again to look at her.
“Except, it means I’m gonna change.” His head bobbed up and down in a halfway frantic sort of nod, the sort of nod one nods to communicate the sentiment that the present topic or situation is rather less than pleasant, but there’s really nothing to be done about it. “And I’m not gonna see you again. Not like this. Not with this daft old face.” Yet another smile. If he thought he was being reassuring, well… okay, it was kind of working, but it wasn’t like everything was alright again. Things might never be quite alright again, not if she was losing her Doctor. Not if she was losing the man who’d opened her eyes to what the world was really like, who’d shown her the marvels of space and time, and, admittedly, a good amount of the oddness going on in her own hometown in her own home-time.
“And before I go—”
“Don’t say that!”
“Rose.” He lifted his head from where it had dropped to his chest in order to meet her gaze, and oh, those eyes… He’d accepted his fate. It was obvious. His face had been screwed up tight, but now he’d opened it again just to pause, and Rose closed her mouth to let him speak.
“Before I go, I just want to tell you you were fantastic.” His head shook from side to side on the word, the catchphrase that he couldn’t go a day without saying, and the dam broke.
Tears welled up in Rose’s eyes, and an overwhelming ache stained her heart like a drop of dye in a glass of water. She wanted nothing more than to go to him, to hug him, to feel that leather jacket against her body and those lovely strong arms wrapped around her one more time. But of course, he’d never allow it. He had told her to stay back, and it must have been to protect her. Why else would he be so determined to keep her away when he must know how much of a stab through the heart it was to be… to be saying goodbye. To be saying a million things in her mind that seemed to choke in her throat and drift up to sting at her eyes, leaving them unsaid. And there he was, smiling through it all like he wasn’t leaving her behind, like he wasn’t disappearing away from her, never to be seen or heard or touched or felt again. If he wasn’t dying already, she’d kill him herself.
“Absolutely fantastic. And you know what?” he waited a moment, just a brief little moment. “So was I!” he concluded with a final, quick little nod. Rose smiled at him, one last time. That was the last thing she wanted him to see of her. A smile, something to let him know how much she loved him as he disappeared before her eyes.
His body went rigid, hands splaying out to the sides and head tilting back as though he were about to scream upward to whatever god or higher being might be listening. The force of the energy around him threw Rose backward, and she had to cling to one of the coral-like pillars in the TARDIS in order to avoid being thrown back even further.
Though she couldn’t see as the bones of his face shifted and changed, Rose did see a new plume of hair sprout from the Doctor’s skull, replacing the short brown hair she’d grown to love. The golden light faded away, and someone entirely new stood there in place of the Doctor, in place of her Doctor. He turned his head toward her.
“Hello. Oka— Mmm.”
He stopped speaking as quickly as he’d started, and the way his lips puckered and the skin of his cheeks hollowed and bulged in certain places seemed to indicate that he was probing around his mouth with his tongue.
“New teeth. That’s weird. So where was I?”
He looked toward the floor before looking back up at Rose, though he seemed to look through her rather than at her.
“Oh, that’s right. Barcelona.” He smiled and got something of a crazed look in his eyes as he finished, and all Rose could think was that he was so different.
Big, fluffy, chocolate brown hair. Brown eyes to match, replacing the icy blue eyes that had held so much, icy blue eyes that had watched her so carefully the first time he’d ever met her. This man was as skinny as a twig, a very slight bit taller than the Doctor, and a tad higher-pitched in the voice.
What had he done with her Doctor?
#doctor who#ninth doctor#rose tyler#tenth doctor#the tenth doctor#the ninth doctor#the parting of the ways#christopher eccleston#david tennant#billie piper#doctor who 2005#nuwho#dr who#dr who fandom#dr who fanfic#doctor who fanfiction#doctor who fandom#new who#honestly is it really even nuwho at this point?#now we have the revival with Ncuti Gatwa#do we need a new name for the 2005-2022 era?#or are we just buckling it together with 2024 onward and calling it all one thing?#someone help me#i'm a grandma in a young body#grandma wants to know the terminology
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honestly as a certified tardis got really involved with my biology support group member, post-interference-fitz should be able to regenerate a few times. there so much to explore there like 1) the identity issues. he's already a clone and now he's not even the guy he was a clone of?? jesus christ 3) i don't think the doctor would be normal about it. i also don't think he'd be normal abt the doctor regenerating so i think there's at least some fun to be done there 4) he's aware of the horrific war in heaven regenerations. i assume he'd also live through the nuwho time war (also see previous point if we're going w the war doctor being real) there's definitely some fun to be had there. 5) father kreiner.
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Thinking about Daleks. A video essay on a completely different thing made the point that, considering they were created based on the Nazis, the Daleks have kinda lost that aspect, or at least it's been pretty muddled, and it got me thinking, and. Yeah.
The Daleks don't feel like Nazi's anymore, half the time they don't even really feel all that menacing. Especially compared to Classic Who where they were kinda the ultimate evil.
So now I'm just thinking of every Dalek story in NuWho and how they mess it up.
And I've written about them. Under the cut. I doubt anyone will read it all but I'll put it here anyways.
(Obviously this is all my opinion and if you disagree please be civil about it. Also I'm not saying that every classic Dalek story is perfect they just mostly were better and even the imperfect ones were generally better at showing us what the Daleks were about)
Also, I realize I sound like I'm being overly negative and hating on the show here but I do still watch and enjoy most of these episodes, I'm just looking at them with a critical lens here.
S1E6 - Dalek
The first episode with a Dalek in NuWho and most people's introduction to them does a good job establishing how deadly they are but the real villain kinda feels like that rich asshole, with the Dalek just kind of a faceless monster to run from and even a victim itself in some ways.
Until the end, where the Dalek kinda turns good and the Doctor isn't allowed to kill it. Interesting idea, definitely not how I'd introduce the biggest baddies to a new generation.
Was it a Nazi? Eh. Kinda. Was it menacing? Yeah but not in a really interesting way.
S1E12/13 - Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways
The Daleks have secretly been hiding in the shadow of humanity for years! They control us through trashy reality TV! Very Y2k! Ok but for real the reveal honestly was surprising and kinda scary, they felt like a threat. I'll give them that.
How did they survive the Doctor's genocide though? Well, only one did. He's been using human cells to make new Daleks. Very evil, except- hold on. Daleks are racial purists. They believe they are the "master race" and every other species is inferior. Hell, there's an audio story where a human scientist creates his own human "Daleks" like this and the "true" Daleks slaughter them.
Daleks doing this doesn't just not make sense, it undermines the whole scary-mutant-space-nazi thing. They wouldn't do this.
Honestly this should have been a Cybermen story. Like seriously, this could have been an amazing Cyberman story and god knows were need more of those.
Were they Nazi's? No. Were they Menacing? Absolutely.
S2E12/13 - Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
Honestly, I don't have a lot to say here. The Daleks are here, but they feel more like a villain of the week. At least they're actually Daleks this time and unambiguously evil, plus they do bring up their master race thing. I guess the Cult of Skaro was neat.
I enjoyed the sass battle--and it's not even unprecedented, one of my favorite Dalek lines from classic who is "you make your incompetence sound like an achievement."--but they really only existed as a foil to the cybermen here.
Were they Nazi's? Kinda. Were they menacing? No more than the average villain of the week, I feel like the cybermen were the real stars of the show this time.
S3E4/5 -- The Daleks Take Manhatten/Evolution of the Daleks
I just. This was bad. Like in general. Not even a "they did Daleks bad" thing I just didn't like it. Did anyone like this?
As far as Daleks go... look I'll forgive them trying to merge with a human because I guess weird ideas are kind of how the Cult of Skaro works but I'm gritting my teeth and mentally cussing as I do it. I'm painted into a corner because it FEELS wrong but Russel T Davies created an excuse for it in the form of the Cult of Skaro.
The human Dalek hybrid was offputting and gross and talked dumb.
Even with the heel turn later, the fact that the Cult of Skaro had that plan to begin with undermined their master race thing, and they never felt like much of a threat on screen. Turning people into pig hybrids was stupid and probably cost a lot in cosmetics they should have just done like a janky spare-parts version of the robomen.
This episode sucked, I'm sorry. I always skip it.
Were they Nazi's? I mean. They tried in the end. Were they menacing? The kidnapping and dronifying was kinda scary but no really.
S4E12/13 - The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Now these are some Daleks! These space-Nazi's are SO Nazi that they would rather destroy the WHOLE universe than have other races in it. A twist that was built up through the whole season.
They did the "growing new Daleks from cells to explain how they survived" bit again but instead of using human cells like in season 1 (which was dumb) they used cells from Davros, a member of the species Daleks were before being mutated. Which I feel works and keeps their racial purist thing intact.
My biggest problem with this story (aside from a loss of a companion that broke my heart for 15 years) was that because the Daleks were not presented properly for the first three seasons, Sarah Jane and Jack's reactions to realizing Daleks took earth seemed dumb and melodramatic. We didn't have to context of how big a threat they were in-universe.
Were they Nazis? Absolutely. Were they menacing? Very much.
S5E3 - Victory of the Daleks
The skittle colored Daleks were dumb and you know it. There's a reason they were all but dropped that after this episode.
Having the Daleks pretend to be robots to infiltrate the human military was an interesting idea, but I'm kind of over Daleks hiding in the background and having other people do their bidding. These are the big bads, damn it!
The rainbow Daleks exterminating the previous Daleks because they were impure felt right. Very Dalek.
There's not really much to say here. It was alright.
Were they Nazi's? Sure, but they were also skittles. Were they menacing? They were skittles.
S5E12/13 - The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
Look they weren't a big part of the episode but I'm gonna talk about it.
This paragraph isn't completely relevant, but the episode was kind of the embodiment of what I hated most about Moffat's writing, he wanted the Doctor to be this godlike force of nature rather than a just some wandering time lord that just wants to help. Personally not my cup of tea. It probably directly led to people thinking the timeless child was a good idea.
The Daleks in this were just as silly as any other monster in this, "the Doctor's so tough all the evil things ever make a pact to trap them" sounds neat until you realize that wouldn't work and also is dumb.
Were they Nazi's? No, they were chilling with like 20 other races. Were they menacing? You wouldn't even remember they were there if it weren't for that one begging River for mercy, which. You decide if that felt right, my judgement is clouded by gay thoughts about River.
S7E1 - The Asylum of the Daleks
Aside from that nonsense, the weird Dalek human-puppet things were very interesting and felt like a sort of evolution of the Robomen. We got to see what a Dalek-conquered world looked like which was interesting.
The idea that Daleks don't kill the Daleks that go crazy because "that much hate is just so beautiful" KINDA works. Kinda. Personally I don't like the idea that they fetishize hatred as a concept, it feels like their hatred should just be a byproduct of their fascistic superiority complex. Plus if we're trying to make Nazi parallels I think they'd just kill the mentally ill ones.
"The Predator of the Daleks is the Dalek word for the Doctor" No. *hits Moffat with rolled up magazine*. Just a continuation of Moffat's stupid portrayal of the Doctor as some sort of demigod.
You know what the Daleks used to say when they found out they were tangling with the Doctor? "Yes, we have records of a shapechanger who goes by that name and has a history of interfering in our cause."
Now they shit their pants. Very threatening.
Were they Nazi's? No. Were they menacing? Aside from the predator thing, yeah. You never felt like the characters were safe in that asylum.
S8E2 - Into the Dalek
Look I say this as someone who loves redemption arcs and believes in restorative justice, no more "good dalek" stories. Please.
The idea of the characters shrinking down and wandering around inside a Dalek suit was pretty neat. Very Magic Schoolbus.
Establishing that it's the mech-thing that makes the Dalek evil by hiding certain memories doesn't sit right with me and I feel like it doesn't mesh well with how Daleks have been described before.
Idk not much to say here.
Were they Nazis? Rusty wasn't. Was he menacing? No.
S9E1/2 The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
This felt more like a Davros and Missy story, and I really loved both those plots.
The Daleks were mostly minions in this story meant to serve the real big bad, half the time they were more like set dressing. They attacked Clara and Missy and tried to kill our heroes but they weren't really central to the plot.
There was some fun worldbuilding for Skaro which I appreciated.
The fact that the Dalek's guns are activated by saying Exterminate is fun.
Were they Nazi's? They didn't really get into it but they didn't do anything that actively undermined it. Were they menacing? Sometimes.
S11 New Years Special - Resolution
Mid. Mid and weird. The junkyard chic Dalek was visually interesting but the reconnaissance Dalek being a thing and somehow being SO MUCH MORE DANGEROUS than a regular Dalek felt dumb.
The Dalek possessing someone like a symbiote felt especially silly.
Why did Chibnall kill UNIT?
I'm gonna be honest I watched this once, I don't remember a lot.
Was it a Nazi? I think kinda? Was it menacing? Not as much as the dialogue tried to convince me it was.
I'm gonna be honest I didn't watch the rest of Chibnall's run, I kinda just skipped it because I didn't wanna hear about the timeless child (I'll get around to it) so that's all I got for you. Do I have a closing statement? Go watch The Genisis of the Daleks. It's probably on Dailymotion.
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ok hello. legend of ruby sunday.
i literally can't believe how underwhelmed i am honestly. like i'm not even angry i'm just underwhelmed. i've been pointing to rtd being bad at payoff as a reason i was unenthusiastic for this episode, but this is bad even by his standards.
as that other post i reblogged said, the other first parts of the season finales rtd wrote were actually good STANDALONE episodes while legend of ruby sunday is like a 45 minute long exposition dump. the actual solutions used are kind of questionable but something like army of ghosts or stolen earth is compelling on its own without needing the full season of setup to go with it. legend of ruby sunday underdelivers on its own.
like ok payoff wise i'm only gonna address the decision to use sutekh as the big bad. it's a questionable decision backed up with bad writing. like really... you're gonna pick sutekh.... guy who was in ONE classic who serial? in which he functions perfectly fine by the way! but like.... him?? he's your choice?
and what do we really know about him from this episode? that he's evil? he brings death? you can say that about half the doctor who villains that exist in the first place except the rest of them also come with opportunity for interesting commentary like the being engineered for hatred and killing with the daleks. sutekh doesn't really have any of that. so he's a shallow bad guy.
what he does have that's sort of unique at least in nuwho is that he's a god, and we haven't really done too many god-type antagonists, so that may be novel. unfortunately, rtd already shot himself in the foot by using both the toymaker and maestro recently. it's not novel anymore. it's not new and crazy anymore.
and like, usually the doctor showing real fear actually meant something, but he's been doing that really often recently. he was scared in wild blue yonder, then in the giggle, then in the beatles episode, then in boom, and now he's scared again. this doesn't really help sutekh's case because it seems like all the doctor does nowadays is walk into situations that freak him out.
and what i think this does is make sutekh a particularly bad season antagonist, because nothing makes him special.
do you guys remember how rtd introduced some other season antagonists? in army of ghosts or doomsday (dont remember which one), ten walks into the room and sees the void ship and for once, even the doctor is freaked out by something! he never gets freaked out by things! it actually meant something. when he realizes it's the master in utopia he's kind of terrified and it works because moments of the doctor being scared are reserved for situations that are actually scary. in legend of ruby sunday, he gets scared again, but we don't have that full season of him being unflappable, partly because he just has more occasions of getting freaked out by things than usual and partly because it's just a shorter season and we've only had him for 7 episodes (pre this one) so he's had less opportunities to be delighted at being in some type of crisis situation
and like character wise? does anyone get any character development?
the doctor is basically the same person he's been so far, with the added element of oh he thought this woman was susan. but she's not. so he doesn't really get anything.
ruby wanted to find her mother and was upset she couldn't. which was already her character ever since she was introduced. so she doesn't get anything either.
and the rest of the characters are just doing what they need to to make the story progress or standing around in the scene. and like i don't need mel or kate to be more fleshed out really because i think they're fine. but rose? she already had no character and she still has no character, and also now she works for unit.
and rose noble brings me to donna and ten3. where the fuck are they? like genuinely where are they? it needs to at least be addressed... like are we to understand fifteen is fighting sutekh while ten3 is doing the dishes at the noble household? or did he just wink out of existence at some point between the giggle and now? like there should be at least something about that? and i don't really care if that's going to be addressed later because it's been bugging me in both of the present day episodes we've had this season and fixing it later isn't really going to do anything to fix my initial viewing experience
anyway. this episode was ass. as usual. i can't believe some of you are liking this season i feel like we're watching entirely different shows
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i have this silly little undeveloped au in my brain that's just like. tedependent but it's the sarah jane adventures. sort of. not literally in the doctor who universe necessarily but like. local intrepid reporter trent crimm investigating weird shit except the local neighborhood kids will not leave him alone.
i have so many thoughts about this but none of them are coherent enough for a proper fic i think:
i just think trent being good with kids, generally. go mentor figure trent! (what this has nothing to do with my thesis what do you mean)
trent, like sarah jane pre-series, having a sort of reputation in the neighborhood (or in general, since i'm also incorporating his actual canon vibes/story) as to being standoffish, aloof, cold, etc., and generally anti-social, keeping to himself. and as the kids keep dragging him into things kicking and screaming he might also be dragged kicking and screaming into a community <3
if his daughter is essentially luke does that mean he adopted her under Strange Alien-Related Circumstances? absolutely it does, yes.
see i've got two great ideas for ted/tedependent. on one hand, although in the context of SJA/nuwho i'm not so much one for sarah jane and the doctor as a Thing, ted playing the role of like. someone from trent's Mysterious Past who he won't talk about who set him on this path? someone who was kind and wonderful and changed his life but then--at least it feels like to him--abandoned him? someone who made him a better person--from doing whatever journalism he used to do to this--someone who he's still kinda in love with... but trent can no longer even really talk to......until he shows up again? that's some good shit, not gonna lie. although i'm jimmying that into a happy ending somehow, goddamn it.
ALTERNATIVELY. henry being one of the Neighborhood Kids (as if we're using "canon" kids, we've got limited options) and ted being an oblivious parent. trent is trying to get these kids to STOP POKING INTO DANGEROUS ALIEN NONSENSE PLEASE THIS IS HIS JOB PLEASE STOP BREAKING INTO HIS HOUSE but they're stubborn and smart and they may or may not have saved his life once or twice and oh GOD THIS IS SO IRRESPONSIBLE but he can't just TELL THESE RANDOM NEIGHBORS about ALIENS. but like anyway this just painful secret identity-esque nonsense where ted knows henry's taken a shine to that nice journalist down the street and his daughter but does NOT know that henry is getting into Shenanigans(TM). this could lead into all sorts of drama about, you know, his kid being in danger... or, alternatively, ted has worked with some unit/torchwood-esque place before and is like OHH you know what? this explains that time i thought i heard you speaking an alien language. cool, cool. and trents like. .....WHAT
etc. i'm not wording this well but i think you get the idea.
if you really really wanted to make it complicated you could do both, considering the doctor's whole thing--either a fob watch or a regeneration--but honestly, i don't want to do that, so i won't
some of the adults do definitely get involved though. keeley either clocks that shit right away or thinks she's clocked it but she's actually clocked something entirely different. she's like i know you're mi6 babe ;) and he. is not. meanwhile roy having ten freakouts in a row and then being like nvm i'm fine with this. (is not fine with this, but will be eventually). jamies like yeah aliens. everyone knows about those. and they're like what?? no they dont?? and so on.
is beard an alien? genuinely no one's sure. he's not telling.
HOLD ON can i give trent k-9???? can trent crimm get a robot dog?????? yes please i think he deserves a robot dog
also see the trickster episodes? bet you could do something real fucked up with those.
i feel like i had more when i started this post but i don't remember
this not well thought out at all and i have no idea where everyone would fit in
anyway my point is. trent crimm, intrepid journalist, running around trying to stop alien shenanigans while Those Meddling Kids keep following him around. trent crimm doin a little Breaking And Entering. scooby doo shit. and he has such an interesting mix of seeming suave and badass and then immediately doing something embarrassing. trent crimm--via shenanigans and also Those Meddling Kids dragging him into their lives (aka he tries to keep his distance SO badly and only is involved when dangerous shit is going down but like then it's all. child knocking on his door like IT'S AN EMERGENCY OPEN UP and hes like WHAT WHAT IS IT and theyre like can you help me with my homework :( and hes like. fuck. yeah fine what do you want help with. (some subjects he's very helpful on others he's VERY not) until they're like okay but you're coming to this bbq right. and he's like? no? and they're like you're coming to this bbq right. and so on) ANYWAY the point is they keep dragging him into their lives and now oops! trent actually knows his neighbors and has to go through the mortifying ordeal of being known. but that also means that when he gets badly hurt or sick he's used to the empty hospital room but now he actually gets people showing up and forcing baked goods on him and shit and i'm just feeling a lot of things about this extremely hypothetical au based on my already existing feelings about trent gaining a community in s3/post-canon,
wait does this mean trent gets sonic lipstick? HELL YEAH IT DOES
#well actually i have a LOT of silly little underdeveloped aus in my brain but#anyway. crack edition: the football players are still football players.#trent crimm wondering why he's trying to stop an alien spaceship from blowing up the block#with the help of a team of famous football players. roy kent just punched a raxicoricofallapatorian.#trent on the couch with a black eye bc they had a run in with a sontaron or some shit: [holding up peas to his face] okay.#so jamie tartt is here for some reason. and also the neighbor i have a crush on. and also his son. and also colin. this is fine#that's all a joke obviously but the imagery has me cackling#anyway this also made me think of trent as river song which doesnt work at first glance but then when i think about some PARTICULAR things#makes me cry. like. just. meeting him in reverse.#it's s3 trent--dorky and open and softer but sadder--that he meets first#and by the time he reaches the end he sees how far he's come out of his shell and how unhappy he was#but then they have their moment...#sorry that's also barely coherent and definitely wouldn't make a cohesive au without a lot more work im just spinning thoughts in my brain#trent crimm#tedependent#tedtrent#ted x trent#sja au#tvtcau#the first one before i even had that lol
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The Star Beast!
Let's talk about it!
(Major spoilers under the cut)
-First off, I fucking love Fourteen, absolutely a delight, I wanna hug them (Okay, technically I HAVE hugged them when I got to hug David at the con this year, but still!). Also, 'male-presenting Time Lord', bah! Still gonna use they/them when I refer to them because please just let me have this, I don't care, the Doctor canonically doesn't give two shits about gender and even refers to going by the article Doctor over a pronoun in this special anyway.
-Second, DONNA! OH DONNA! I love her, I love her so much, just- oh, she hasn't changed a damn bit! Including missing the fucking alien spacecraft because that was exactly what I expected from her. <3
-Also, most supportive mom, love that.
-Rose~! Oh, oh Rose, how I love you! No notes, she's amazing! It did hurt to hear her dead name being used, but considering that it was done by a bunch of dickheaded kids, it makes sense. But we will never use that name for her here, nope, she's just Rose. <3
-Shaun is a delight, Donna got herself the most excellent of malewives ever
-Sylvia, ah, exactly as I expected, though she is trying to be better for her daughter and granddaughter, so points to her.
-Meep! So much to say on the meep but I'll keep it brief: transphobic little shit.
-UNIT is always fun to see, but how well known are they nowadays because the BBC report actually referred to them. I dunno, I've still working my way through the Third Doctor's era where UNIT was a major plot point and I haven't... finished watching Thirteen's era yet (only because I want to watch it with my gf the next time we see each other).
-Fourteen interacting with the Noble family was great, especially with them trying to see the Meep and Sylvia panicking and wow, this face cannot escape being slapped I wonder if Donna will get to do one herself.
-The action stuff is so much fun, exactly what I expect from this series.
-Being on the Meep's ship, the fact that Donna went to help the Doctor and just... oh, oh, them freaking out and crying because they were scared she'd die when she remembered. I started sobbing.
-Hell, I was crying when they held her in their arms and said he didn't care if the grunts shot them... uuuuhhhhhggggg... Fourteen cares about her so much! That's his best friend!
-Rose! Rose and Donna, Time Ladies! Lord, Lady, and neither! Don't care what anyone says, I loved this. I didn't voice it, but I had a very strong feeling that Rose would inherit the DoctorDonna.
-Was a little confused about them 'letting go' but... yeah, alright, okay. Still, I wonder if there is still a bit of Time Lord left in them.
-Is there any chance that they can sell Rose's plushies. I really want the Ood one.
-Oooooh, she's beautiful and big and very classic and yet so very nuwho at the same time, a perfect blend, and just so gorgeous! And Fourteen freaking out in excitement, running around like a child, being so happy about a coffee maker in the TARDIS! <3<3<3
-And Donna's reaction! She was so happy too!
-But then the 'killed me' scene... oh, oh honey, you've been holding onto that for centuries, those memories and the guilt. It's honestly heartbreaking to know that the Doctor, through all their new faces, still held onto those feelings about what happened to Donna.
-I'm excited, don't know what the fuck is gonna happen in the next episode since we didn't get a preview and I think it's the least known of the episodes so far.
-I saved this for last, but I wanna talk about the sonic screwdriver cause I know some people are gonna be all 'oh, it's too OP!'
First off, the sonic has always been, it always will be, it's a fucking sci-fi tool, sci-fi series always have some sort of tool that does everything.
Second, whatever the hell it did to make the shields was awesome, that's such a cool trick and I love it. I bet it's done using sound and light waves, which makes for a very interesting concept and something I'd love to explore in one of my sci-fi aus. Not sure how it made that cool schematics things, but whatever.
Also, leave me alone! I love the new sonic! I need to get my hands on one, but they're always sold out or too expensive!
(Okay, not really last, just a bonus, but damn, no offense to Ten, but Fourteen is a bit more attractive to me. I dunno, I mean, I was crushing hard on the DT at 15, but at 31, it's like, oh. Oh no. He's aged so well, he's so pretty. This is probably Crowley's fault.)
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9th doctor
:DD thanks cath!!
how i feel about this character -
tbh i don't have quite as many super strong opinions on nine, i think cos we don't see him for quite as long, but i still really really like him hehe. he's often portrayed as the grumpy one which isn't exactly inaccurate but also i feel like he gets a bad rap for just not being as immediately likeable yknow? even though he does still laugh & joke around he's far less emotionally vulnerable & quick to get to 'you humans are all stupid', even in his first episode, although some of this is probably a self-defence, having literally just destroyed gallifrey which is, yknow, a massively traumatic thing to happen, & he hasn't had a companion for a bit, & in any case is just a bit more sarcastic than other regenerations. but also you know that feels deeply he just tries to cover it up. but also truly no one is doing it like the ninth doctor, some of the stuff he does (telling a dalek to kill itself) like ten wouldn't say that unless he was really at the end his tether yknow? but also the absolute joy at the end of the doctor dances!! 'every body lives rose! just this once everybody lives!!' and telling the kid 'pop music in 20 years you're gonna love it!' and his smile is so fun hehe he really does just :D & he has some really wonderful funny bits as well hehe. also he has THEE BEST leather jacket
all the people i ship romantically with this character -
imo all the nuwho doctors are some variation on aroace & i really Really don't see him in a romantic relationship with rose (or jack. though the would be a little bit fun hehe) but i feel like nine is the kind of person who, had he been allowed more time in that regeneration would slowly start to feel both romantic & sexual attraction. just that in the situation he's in, The Horrors are kind of more immediate things to deal with. like he just doesn't have time for that. also he probably thinks that anyone who gets to close to him will die horribly which is why he's a bit brusque. but yeah if he'd been allowed more chill time without the Horrors & time to process Everything he would be gradually more accepting of his own attraction to people and willing to do something about that. just where he's at he simply doesn't feel attraction & it doesn't even cross his mind that that's an option.
non-romantic otp for this character -
Rose. yes their weird qpr-situationship has it's issues ('i feel awful about my planet being destroyed, to show off on out first playdate i'm gonna take you to see your planet being destroyed') they just work well together hehe. BUT he would be Excellent with donna noble methinks OUGH if only they got to meet. the sarcasm would be tangible
unpopular opinion about this character -
idk really know what the popular opinions of nine are but. he could have been a bit nicer about having accidentally dropped rose off a year late. just a little.
one thing i wish had happened with this character -
honestly i wish we'd got more time to see him develop. like even one special would have been nice. one! just one! i feel like we leave him behind too quickly. it would have been nice to see him & rose do something chill together & not have to worry about dying or the planet dying.
my otp -
idk?? like probably rose but if we're talking romantically i don't think that would really work. idk why it just doesn't.
crossover ship (platonically) -
does it count as a crossover if it's a dr who character from later?? cos like i think he would get on really well with donna noble hehe. but from an actual different thing - nanny ogg & granny weatherwax from discworld, i can just picture the three of them sitting down drinking tea & bitching about some stupid supernatural/alien entity that tried to disrupt their day AGAIN yknow?
headcanon for them -
i think nine would like old arcade videogames. & he'd make a point of maxxing them out so some little kid would be astounded by his prowess at pacman or something. & he'd get mad when he lost as well. idk i can just picture him yelling at an old video game hehe
#thanks for the ask!!!#dr who#ninth doctor#i do really like nine hehe i just wish he got more developmentttttttt
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1, 10, and 15 for the choose violence ask game :)
THIS IS A LONG ONE SORRY. I guess I had violence in my heart.
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Ok im aware this is like the most predictable answer for me but its true. CLARA!!! People don't get her at all and it absolutely infuriates me, because she's pretty much the only companion in nuwho who is hated to this extent (ie, people saying mean shit about her on my posts ABOUT HER) Oh does she annoy you by having the exact same traits as the doctor? Do you not like her egotistical and controlling behavior? I wonder why. Perhaps there is a point there.
Sidenote - it annoys me when people will call her a mary sue and simultaneously get mad at her being an asshole and yk, having character flaws, as if those terms aren't mutually exclusive & her hyper-competence that gets read as "mary sue" isn't an intentional choice by the narrative and a result of her being DEEPLY unwell in other aspects of her life.
I feel like a lot of people judge her based on the second half of s7 which, to be fair, is awful and I don't think they knew what they were doing with her yet. But in the context of her whole run she is genuinely one of the most evocative characters to come out of doctor who for me, especially in the way she serves as a kind of commentary and subversion of companions as a whole. I genuinely could talk about clara forever but yeah I do feel like a lot of the hate comes from the fact that people Don't Get Her.
And then among fans who do there's always a risk that they see her as this blank slate twee girl to self-project onto which again, to be fair, is how she was written in season 7. But so many things from supposed fans of her as well that I'll read and be like she would not fucking say that. she does not have the emotional awareness to say that. and/or she is not like a uwu quirky shy girl she would fucking speak her mind about that. She is deranged and I love her. I have to shut up abt clara or this will be the whole post.
10. Worst part of fanon
I honestly cant get TOO annoyed with doctor who fanon because i am a comics fan AND a danny phantom fan and its surprisingly common practice for people in both those fandoms to be a "fan" of something they have not consumed the media for in any form, resulting in this horrible mess of fanon with no connection to what makes the original compelling. + doctor who is such a mess of canon anyway basically everything has been canon at some point even if its shit.
But I think in the end the worst part of DW fanon is, like all fanon, the flattening of really compelling characters to fit trope archetypes. I see this especially with tenrose, where they're just turned into this kind of generic ship that you can plug n play into any situation with little connection to the interesting ways they actually behave in canon.
As a kind of interesting reversal, though, fanon will often expand out dw's most generic characters (ie most chibnal companions. sorry), but only for the purposes of shipping and not in ways I myself find particularly interesting. Like imo Yaz is probably the least developed chibnal companion but pretty much the only one I see expanded on in this way because of the shipping potential.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
im probably gonna get slaughtered for this but i think maybe weve had enough crowley in doctor who outfits or 10 meeting crowley fanart. maybe im bitter because i dont really care about the GO show and I feel like it fills up the dw tag to the brim these days
#THANK YOU for ask and thank you those who read everything#i just got back from rosh hashana services with rage in my hearts apparently#warlock wartalks
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Initial Doctorate Whomst've episode thoughts
I liked it. That's probably the most important part.
But just like previous episode, it just didn't feel like a 60th anniversary at all. Like... where was the anniversary part of this anniversary? The person I watched it with pointed out that The Power of the Doctor was more a celebration of the show's history than these 3 episodes.
Neil Patrick Harris killed it and it was fun to be reminded of the fact he can do magic tricks. The Toymaker's vibe was so good and I was legit at the edge of my seat during the cold open and the maze part.
Also his German accent made me miss his Hedwig a lot.
And the Spice Girls segment was so amazing.
I know that 14 was going through his sad boi era, but I found the moment where he embraced his title as president of the world very disturbing.
I hope we'll see more of Shirley Ann.
Honestly, I have Mixed Thoughts on the bigeneration thing. On one hand, it's fucking cool and I like the idea of 14 becoming part of the Noble family. On the other hand... what? What are the implications of this? Also, 14 is, unlike TenToo, still a Time Lord so he's still "immortal". And what if 14 gets shot or something? Will there be another 15? ALSO the whole point of regeneration is that's about moving on. Just... why does David Tennant get the special treatment again?
As in, it would've made more sense to me if 14 would become some hybrid again, with 15 taking all the Time Lord stuff. You know. TenThree.
I did love all the scenes with 14 and 15 together.
And I like the idea of 14 also checking in on other companions who are in the 21st century, like Martha, Bill (after she comes back to Earth, see side-canon), Yaz, Graham, Ryan and Dan.
Not gonna lie, I won't be surprised if RTD cashes in on this with another spin-off. I accept.
The addition of Mel was... bland. Like, it added nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she was there, but she was so forgettable in the grand scheme of things. It wasn't like the return of Sarah Jane, or Ace, or Tegan. Or Jo in SJA.
I did think it was kind of sad the Toymaker skipped over 13's companions, but also, they're all fine. What was it supposed to be? "Ryan? Went home. *snip* Graham? Went home. *snip*. Dan? Went home. *snip* Yaz? Brought back home. *snip*. Oh."?
Also, yeah, only these companions + Donna and Mel? There were so many people who mattered to them. I was surprised they didn't even mention all NewWho companions.
Aaaaand... The Master will return. That's fine. I kind of hope Sacha Dhawan stays on, to bridge the story. Classic Doctors shared Masters, so can NuWho Doctors.
But yeah, I am just only really saddened by the fact that no other Doctors were even shown. Like, I would be so fine with another bad cgi overview of all of them, like in the 50th, or the usage of archival footage, like in the 50th.
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(I know some may see this as a spoiler, but it's from a major media outlet. You may want to avoid the link if there's a concern about plot spoilage...)
So this has made Variety. However it has not gone unnoticed by me that even taking into account that I'm no longer as invested in Doctor Who as I was five years ago, I honestly would not have even known about this if I hadn't stumbled across this at the bottom of Variety's home page, despite me following a number of Who fans. A decade ago this type of announcement would have been unavoidable, even had I been one of those who checked out after Tennant's first run or had otherwise lost interest. Back in the day if someone stubbed their toe on the set there'd be some coverage somewhere. There's been a bit but nowhere near as much as there used to be and it doesn't seem to be due to massive security on the part of Russell T Davies otherwise we wouldn't have Variety reporting on this.
That should be a bit of concern to RTD and company. Not that someone like me who checked out a half decade ago didn't catch this news, it's the fact it's generating far less buzz than it might have in the past. Not to mention it really does feel like RTD is over-relying on the memberberries to try and win viewers back (much as we saw them do last with the new year's special that pretty much totally overshadowed the exiting Doctor; a point of criticism from fans of that incarnation that I actually sympathize with a little). Which would be fine if Bonnie was coming back for one of the anniversary specials but this is for a post-anniversary appearance it seems.
Then again, to be fair to RTD, he's played this bluff poker hand before. Back in 2006 a large contingent of Who fans were still undecided as to whether or not to accept "nuWho" as canon (I read a book called Eclectic Gypsy around that time made the case that nothing after Survival (the final 1963-89 episode was canon, including nuWho, in part because of how the Eighth Doctor was depicted in the film). It didn't matter if Eccleston or Tennant were praised; it wasn't quite as bad as those who have disowned the franchise post-Timeless Children, but there was pretty strong debate as those who remember the Who forums back in the day likely remember.
What helped nuWho to be accepted as canon (not universally - some never came on board especially as romance was ramped up under Tennant and Smith and, yes, Capaldi) was RTD bringing in Sarah Jane Smith and K9 for "School Reunion" (he did the same thing for the movie in Human Nature by acknowledging the Eighth Doctor on screen). After that, it was smooth sailing (well, at least until certain story decisions in 2017 and (especially) 2020). I could see RTD doing this in an attempt to legitimize Gatwa as the Doctor; I don't think Gatwa needs to be legitimized in this way (being the next incarnation after Tennant 2.0 - who is obviously serving as some sort of buffer - is enough for that), but after the last five years of division the franchise as a whole needs to win back fans if we're ever going to see a Sixteenth Doctor, never mind more than a couple years of the new guy. Whether bringing Mel back will help remains to be seen.
(As a side note, RTD being the fan he is, I wonder if he'll use the opportunity to confirm in canon exactly what caused Colin Baker to regenerate into Sylvester McCoy... if nothing else I don't know if Mel's surname has ever been uttered in an episode.)
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Hi :) sorry to barge in. I promise, I mean this in the gentlest way possible and I am only writing because I initially agreed with you and then changed my mind. - This is about saying in the tags that 'it's-fine-to-skip-nine's url is incorrect.
Because, like obviously, when I first read the url, I disagreed strongly, just like you did. Nine is amazing and their season should be watched and OBVIOUSLY you shouldn't ignore it by starting with series 2 and never going back to it.
But that's not what the url is about. The concerned blog has a pinned post which explains it better than I could, so check that out for context if you like. But the take away is: by now nuwho has become large and long. And people start watching at all different stages. Telling newcomers they have to start with series 1 or that they are fake fans if they haven't watched it, does more harm than good. It might discourage people from getting into the fandom and antagonise them.
And according to the blog and in my opinion, it is completely fair to start with series 5 or series 11 or even series 8 or anything in between. (I actually started simultaneously with series 10 and 3 but that's another story and maybe not the best idea.) As long as you go back eventually and appreciate series 1 and the ninth Doctor.
The url is about allowing people into the fandom at any stage, and not actually saying that the ninth Doctor is worth less or series 1 worse than any other season.
Hence, I just felt like I should defend it's-fine-to-skip-nine because they're lovely. I think there is a lot of truth to the url, if you understand it like it is meant, but I completely get how you would mistake it for something else. I mean, it did happen to me too.
I hope you're not mad at me for this? Because I really love seeing you in my notifications and I enjoy your takes. And also your reaction made me mostly happy. I just think the blog gets a lot of similar messages and I hate to imagine how that feels. I mean, I would not keep a url like that that can easily be misunderstood but I totally get their point and I understand why they want to share the thought.
So I felt like something needed to be said and maybe it's not always them who have to defend it?
(also your icon is gorgeous 😍
Thank you so much for explaining, I’m not at all mad, I love seeing you round too <3.
Honestly I just saw the url and kept scrolling so I appreciate you pointing this out and I completely agree. My own first episode of who was season 8(? I think) and I recently recommended my friend start at season 5 (I just think the eleventh hour is a brilliant ep and a great introduction to the show), because op is definitely right, who has stuck around for so long in large part because it’s constantly renewing itself, you can jump on the train wherever and whenever you like. Which is something that’s pretty bloody important when the shows been around for 60 odd years (and ideally going to be running for another 60 years).
Their intended message is lovely and I’ll dig a little deeper next time before poking fun. Fuck gate keeping and fuck calling people “fake fans”.
It’s entirely lovely of you to defend them and thanks again for the message. (I’m in love with this pfp if I ever change it know that I’ve lost all sense)
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I think OP’s statement really does apply to every Doctor that has been described as such (6, 9 and 12) but the application of this primary characteristic (of grumpy and mean) to 9 has always been incredibly strange to me.
Sometimes 9 could be harsh but already there’s a more prevalent argument that he’s WAY nicer than 6 and 12 in their first seasons. 9 is blunt and sarcastic sure but he’s honestly way nicer overtly to the people around him than the other 2. Like I can only really remember (if I’m not mistaken) that besides being quite mean to Mickey, that his more “unsavoury” traits were more present in more dramatic and tension filled moments (Dalek) or his disappointment towards people he tried/does trust (Rose at the start of Father’s Day and Adam).
Even stranger is that if you rewatch Rose, he infuses an equal amount of “bounciness” and enthusiasm towards the world with the angst of the time war. Even more strange is that what is arguably his most defining moment, isn’t one of angst, it’s one of pure joy and triumph (“Just this once Rose, everybody lives!”).
On the other hand, 6 was way more callous and detached from his companions from the get go. He definitely deeply cared in reality, but he used a lot of bravado and snideness (Timelash when he acts mean to Peri at the end to protect her) in S22 to mask his kindness. S8 in NuWho for 12 was to show the effects of Trenzalore and the emotional fallout of the resolution of the Time War on the Doctor’s own personal identity. Deep Breath quite literally establishes that the Season is about the “what you don’t see/what you don’t think about” when you consider the Doctor as a figure. I mean…he comes back for Clara that episode BUT HE ALSO DOES ABANDON HER FOR QUITE A WHILE AND LETS HER GET TORTURED FOR A LITTLE BIT!
But the point stands that none of these Doctors are actually “mean and grumpy” and the application of this onto 9 is perhaps the most strange out of the 3! Ofc this is a very simple reading of 9, I don’t have the time for a longer more correct one, but just uggh no rights if this is your only view of 9!!!!
i’m sorry but some people don’t get nine. he’s not a grumpy asshole, he’s grieving and alone and lost. and yet he still has so much love and curiosity and excitement, which are the hardest things to reach when you’re drowning in grief. but he’s one of the silliest and cutest doctors. he’s just also carrying the weight of losing everything and being constantly confronted with reminders of his loss and the possibility of more loss. and he’s in love, by the way!! desperately in love and knows it’s doomed, just like all of his loves. especially now that everyone who is like him has died. but he’ll hug anyone. he’ll smile and laugh and ask questions and promise a couple in love that they will get their wedding. he’ll take rose’s hand and hug her and laugh with her in the face of the worst danger because at least right now he does have that love, even if he knows he will lose it, and the freshness of his grief only makes him treasure it more. hope that helps!!
#doctor who#ninth doctor#a bit of a ramble but i’m right#christopher eccleston#dw meta#twelfth doctor
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Episode 1.6 Dalek
holy fuck. holy fuck it's my favorite nuwho episode. I'm so excited let's DO THIS
eyyyy OLD cyberman!
Nine looks almost wistful while looking back at the Cyberman. Like maybe remembering his past? Oh. :<
He still smiles at the soliders pointing guns at him. :)
I really like the scene with the alien musical instrument
"She's gonna smack you if you keep calling her a "she"!" Rose I adore you
Van Statten is an absolute ASSHOLE but God he makes a good semi antagonist
CHRISTOPHER. MY GOOD SIR. HOLY FUCK HIS ACTING IS ON POINT. He goes from shocked, to absolutely terrified! Then to sadistic glee.
Also I just love the Daleks. So damn much.
"I had no choice" I want to hug the sad boy
uuughhhhhh adddaaammm
Rose pretending to be surprised when Adam is explaining that there's alien life is amazing
"We're just friends." Yeaaaah okayyyy
Okay so the Doctor comparing Henry to Davros....ouch.
And the scene with Rose and the Dalek. She cares so.much about this awful, awful creature.
The Dalek downloaded the entire internet. Like everything...on the internet??
I love how this episode understood that the Daleks being defeated by stairs was kinda silly and was like "nah they fly"
honestly the soldiers not taking the Doctor's orders seriously isn't even a stretch.
"Kill yourself."
"You would make a good Dalek." best line. Chills.
Rose reassuring the Doctor when she doesn't reach the bulkhead in time...stooooppp
the way his face lights up when he sees she's still alive!!!
"What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?" A DALEK FUCKING SAYS THIS AND WE NEVER BRING IT UP AGAIN
Nine looks so awkward with a gun. Perfect.
Rose actually reasoning with a Dalek. QUEEN BEHAVIOR
The scene with Rose, Nine and the Dalek. It's too much. It's so good but it's too much.
Something that sticks with me. Nine mentions that he could hear in his head whether there was anyone left after the war. Imagine living your life with the voices of your people in your head and after a massacre (that you ended), there's nothing but silence. That's. wow.
"Adam said he's always wanted to see the stars." "Tell him to go stand outside then." SIR.
"Plus, he's a bit pretty!" Sir you are handsome and beautiful and I will hear no arguement
uggjhjj ADAM
Episode Conclusion
but I will.never forgive them for cutting out the hug scene :<
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Hello!! Fairly new Doctor Who fan here—I’ve finished Nine and am partway through Ten and am absolutely loving it—and I had a question: when/where do you recommend starting with the audio dramas? I started one about Nine, but got the feeling that I was running into spoilers…thanks!
(Also, love your blog!)
hi there!! :D
I'm so sorry I've left this ask unanswered for so long 😅🙃 I hope you don't mind me finally coming around to answering your question now; hopefully you're still interested in the DW audios!! they are honestly so much fun, and it always excites me when I see someone new looking to get into them, whether they've been a long-time DW fan or are just getting into the show!!
maybe it'll help a bit if I just share my own experience with getting started with the audios--I started watching DW not long after Thirteen's first series (s11) aired, and enjoyed those episodes so much that I went all the way back to s1 and watched through the entire show. once I finished watching all of NuWho (all the episodes 2005-present), I wanted to try some Big Finish audios, but I didn't want to spend any money on them yet because I wasn't sure how much I was going to like them (and also I was a broke high school student 😅😂). I was informed that there were quite a few of the older audios available on Spotify (completely free!), so I found a list of some of the best stories online somewhere and listened to one audio from each of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctor's storylines. I still knew basically nothing about any of the Classic Doctors or their companions or the story arcs they had on TV, so I was a bit lost with Five, Six, and Seven (although the Six story I listened to was 'Jubilee,' and I did thoroughly enjoy that one even without much prior context).
the one story that really stuck for me was the Eighth Doctor audio I listened to, 'The Chimes of Midnight'. there was some earlier context that I was missing that caused some of the major plot moments to be a bit confusing for me, but both the Doctor and the companion were brand-new and there wasn't a ton of show-canon context that I didn't have, unlike with the other Doctors' audios. so I went back to 'Storm Warning,' the first audio with Eight and the introduction to his companion Charley Pollard, and moved forward through Eight's audios from there.
so this is usually the path that I recommend people new to Big Finish take when getting started too! both because it's so accessible (due to the first major arc of Eight and Charley's stories being free and easy to access on Spotify), and because Eight barely has any screentime at all, so it was left up to the audios to pretty much develop the character from the ground up. and it worked really well for me and has done for others I've recommended starting this way.
however, if you'd rather try another course than this one, the Tenth Doctor's audios are also a pretty good jumping-on point for a new Big Finish listener. I've only listened to a few of them, but I enjoyed the ones I heard, and there wasn't really any context that you would need outside of Ten's TV episodes to enjoy them. (you definitely do need to have seen all of his TV run before listening to those audios, though.)
another decent place to start would be with the Diary of River Song audios, or the Tenth Doctor and River Song boxset (but only once you've watched through the Eleventh Doctor's era, and only if you actually like River Song as a character. otherwise these audios will probably just be irritating to you, since she's, ya know, the main character of them 😅)
I'm also going to leave this post open for any of my DW friends who would wanna chip in and add their recommendations for the best places to start with Big Finish to do so! there is honestly so much good storytelling in the audios; at this point, I really do think Big Finish does far more for my love of Doctor Who than the show (which isn't to diss the show at all; that's just how good the audio writers are and how much I really do enjoy the stories they come up with!)
(and aww, thank you!! ^-^ :D)
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13, 15, 19
13. what’s a piece of canon that you completely disregard whenever you come across it?
OPE. um...! honestly i know this isn't what the question is asking but. i have only watched season three once. i GET that ten is super depressed about rose leaving, and as a dedicated doctorrose-ie, i would think it incredibly out of character if he weren't. BUT. it is also an incredible drag, lmao. my favorite parts of doctor who are when it's just dumbasses literally falling through time and space, and following up season two (which was full of laughs and genuine fun) with the main character being emo supreme is just so much. i LOVE martha though, but it's so much easier to watch her in season four because the doctor isn't being such a whiner. lmao.
15. is there a plot line that has ended but that you wish had been expanded on?
hmmmmmm..... honestly i feel like the whole hybrid thing just could have been done better? after twelve spent billions of years working to get clara back, even though he had no reason to believe that he could, him suddenly saying 'oh it's okay that one of us forgets, it's the hybrid!' just seems so silly to me. so i guess it would have been expanded on in some way in the sense that i wish we could have been given more time with clara and twelve, that they could have paused and said 'no we're working ourselves up. neither of us have to forget. how can we fix this?' but also i know that's not how the show works and that we have to refresh the cast. so like. i get it. but in a perfect world, they would have figured it out !
19. nuwho gets a designated one f-bomb per season. who gets to use it and when?
OOOOO. okay.
season 1: after nine regenerates, the first thing rose says is a deadpan, under-her-breath 'what the fuck?'
season 2: in doomsday i would make rose angrier/more defiant and say 'i made my choice a long time ago and i am never going to fucking leave you.'
season 3: martha gets to choose. one of the times the doctor is being unbearable about rose she says 'shut the fuck up'
season 4: any time donna says 'flip' she's actually saying fuck. literally you cannot limit me to just one. but if i had to choose it be would in the lowest stakes possible. donna's earned it.
season 5: in the eleventh hour when the doctor turns up again for the first time amy says 'where the fuck have you been'
season 6: at any given point during the impossible astronaut during any given dialogue amy says 'you don't fucking tell me what to do'
season 7: in journey to the centre of the tardis right when the doctor and clara burst through the door and almost run off the cliff, and then he rounds on her and is like 'TELL ME WHO YOU ARE' clara's like 'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU'
season 8: during deep breath at any of the points when the doctor is fucking off and clara is trying to pin him down she's like 'you've got to be fucking joking'
season 9: at one point during hell bent the doctor gets a moment to really let lose on the high and mighty time lords and does the malcolm tucker 'you cannot fuck me! you cannot fuck me! i am unfuckable! i have never been fucked! and if you fucking try and fuck me, you'll find my fucking arse will grow fucking fangs -- AND FUCKING SNAP YOUR FUCKING COCK OFF'
season 10: when bill goes on that first trip and they end up in australia and right as she steps off the tardis she goes 'oh fuck no'
season 11: in the woman who fell to earth, when the doctor realizes she doesn't have her screwdriver she goes 'awh fuck'
season 12: in praxeus when ryan says 'you're full of something graham' graham says 'oh fuck off'
season 13: in the halloween apocalypse when dan first gets to watch the doctor and yaz riffing off each other he goes 'what are you two FUCKING talking about'
thank you!!1
#that last one was SO fun#i honestly really do headcanon that all of these silly little beloved characters curse#asks answered#doctor who
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It's really a shame that in classic who, the bbc were so hellbent against any implication of the characters having even an ounce of sexual intent (famously, they were against Susan being the Doctor's granddaughter . bc that meant that at one point the Doctor had sex 😨) bc we could've had the Master being horny much, much sooner
Like, I do love that the Doctor is canonically mostly uninterested in romance and sex, I love the Doctor being an aroace icon and attracting droves of aroace fans who then feel seen in the Doctor being like "Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete 🙄"
But the Master? If the bbc weren't such stuffy prudes in the 60's, the Master would be fuckin ALL the time. Delgado!Master would be very suave, Crispy could make dick jokes, Ainley!Master... honestly what he had going on was pretty close to BDSM anyway but we could make it more explicit, and Eight kisses Grace in the movie so it would've been fun to have Roberts!Master make out with someone like Simm!Master does with Lucy
Of course, I love Lucy, and I enjoy the freshness of the Master finally getting action on screen! She's also an icon for fucking that horrible man, and iirc nuwho is the first time it's eventually mentioned that the Master had children on Gallifrey [that the Doctor murdered 💔 RIP War Crimes McGee you got war crimed back].
I just think this man should've gotten some, you know?
Once again, reblogging with actual content
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