#honestly i'm unwell
tending-the-hearth · 2 years
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i think about this moment a lot and how Peter is just holding Lucy SO tightly and how Lucy is clinging to him and how Edmund puts himself in front of them to be the first line of defense to keep his older brother and little sister safe and Peter's the second line and how neither of them will allow anything to touch their baby sister
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
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#ep 2 but upgrade every parallel 😳
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altraes · 2 months
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villain-byteniwoha · 5 months
it's ironic that accounts saying they "block klk shippers" and "don't want to interact with proshippers" can always find something to say in my posts/reblogs. while I, a kaeluc shipper, personally have the "ragbros" tag blocked because I do not want to accidentally share something with a romantic context in mind, in case op is uncomfortable with that.
because I know how to put my own, as well as respect other's, boundaries in online spaces.
because I know that every single thing isn't meant for me and everyone has their own preferences.
because I know it's not only weird but also rude to go out of my way to put someone down for their interests or hard work.
but sure, call me the immoral one here for liking a fictional relationship between two fictional characters—who, keep in mind, I first started liking on the grounds that they were previously sworn brothers.
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dxxtruction · 15 days
Personally, I think the “That’s how it happened right? You standing in my blood, stroking my hair?” Was how it happened. Louis is just super detached from that headspace he was in before, and validly wanting not to have it be true that he didn’t, at one time, care about Claudia being gone, would be reasonable, and in character. Blaming Armand, partly, for why things got to be like that is correct. Though in this instance is misdirected to include things Armand did not in fact do to get it to be like that, but had, very much, done in a recent unrelated incident. He's essentially combining two events together to get it to align with his current set of beliefs. (Surely everyone's looked back on a situation before and saw it differently given time to think or feel differently about it. Get differing information, and so on. The show is directing us to that a lot, if not making it one of its major themes.)
But I say this is probably, almost definitely, the case, because Louis story beats need to be told accurately lest it take away from his character arc, as well his whole character and its complexity. Obstructing from his, very powerful, highly emotionally driven, story in a way that's frankly offensive. Armand having total and complete control over it, is bullshit. While, he does this though, to himself. Does a character armor on himself to get away from his own flaws, and role, in how things came about. Not intentionally, because it is emotional, and a lot of times just a result of blocking out that trauma. But this is something he’s seen doing often - Not remembering situations in the light in which they’re most accurate, and in so doing painting himself better sometimes, and others worse. Straight up forgetting, or overlooking information, and so never reevaluating why certain things came about until this moment. Not accurately applying the emotions of then, to the way he feels about it now, because he can't, or couldn't previously, actually remember it in that way. As he doesn't connect to those feelings, even those memories. His feelings in a lot of ways keep clouding his memories and his judgments of them.
Daniel gets at this too, where he brings up the tapes, and how Louis was basically just raving the whole time, and this story all happened differently then. It's the same story beats, yes, but it's all so emotionally different to the point where information gets completely changed around, even looked at like it's forcefully constructed to be a certain way, and not actually, therefore, accurate. Louis always tells an emotional story, and that’s important. It places him in time and continuum, in his own history as opposed to outside of it. That’s like, I think a history that can’t be overlooked, even if it's a history that's subject to change. And shouldn't history be? Shouldn't we look back on events that took place in our lives differently? Isn't that how any society grows? And why shouldn't Louis judgments be clouded by his emotions when that's the reason for most any other characters actions? Isn't that the story being told here?
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tomasz-the-hater · 7 months
1670's costume department being great OR how zofia's relationship with rozalia is reflected in her wardrobe
Zofia starts off as a very closed-off character with a morbid sense of humor and equally morbid religiousity. That's the thing that is the most visible about her. Over the course of the story she changes and grows, her bond to Rozalia changes her, makes her life better. And this is so very clearly seen in her costuming I couldn't not talk about it. Spoilers for the first season of 1670 ahead.
To start, the first two episodes. These show her in quite the same way - she is covered head to toe in black (and bits of brown) with a crucifix as her only jewelery. The fabric varies, of course, but the color stays the same old black. It may also connect her to Jakub, also covered in black as a priest. Thus, black shows not only her obsession with death but also her devotion to religion (in her second scene she literally lies on the floor like a cross chanting ave maria)
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(not important, but i just love how Zofia and Jakub are mother and son in terms of looks. especially noticeable when they stand closely)
The third episode brings changes from the very beginning. This is when we meet Rozalia, and right away Zofia is different. Rozalia comes and brings the air of spring and violets; Rozalia comes and Zofia wears something white. (TBF this is an important day, a celebration of sorts, so white is sort f Moreover, she shows her skin - first behind a white collar (but we still see quite a lot of skin) and then we see her in her bedroom for the first time, and that's when we first see her that vulnerable - when she talks to camera of Rozalia bringing her worries. When everyone leaves, we see her in her bedroom again, holding Rozalia's finger, and again she is covered fully in black, maybe assuming she will not encounter her again.
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Next two episodes we see none of their interactions, but Zofia is changed already. She begins wearing blue and violet - barely distinguishable from black in the candle light of her home at times which may be a coincidence and a trick of light yet may also symbolise that to her family she is the same, more or less. But in the light of day the blue and violet are bright and vibrant, as though she can't hide from everyone completely however she tries. And she does try - blue sleeves may catch your eye but the overcoats and overskirts stay black or dark.
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The nest episode, Zofia starts talking about someone new in her life - yet with her husband entering and mentioning Henrik she changes it for their lives, life of the family. And telling this, she is wearing the same dress but even more open without a collar and seemingly vibrant (so bright it is noticeable even in the house - showcasing Aniela suspects something is going own?). Her crucifix is also higher on her chest and her caul/cap/hood is decorated. After meeting Rozalia she feels and is brighter, happier, and it is almost harder to hide.
(While this outfit does have a purpose in the episode, I do believe there was an opportunity to just let her wear the same black-and-white dress from the second episode. Or to make the lightning more similar to make her dress appear darker. So I think this isn't too much of a reach to say that this at least somewhat shows her changing because of the previously shown date with Rozalia.)
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And finally, the last episode. The wedding. Time to wear the fanciest clothes. And not only Zofia wears a bright red dress, she also loses her caul/cap/hood exposing her bright ginger hair (perhaps a metaphor for her inner self being eager for some love and happiness that religion, marriage to Jan Pawel can't provide?). Her crucifix is quite high up this time as well and hangs on a string of white pearls, as compared to the previous black beads.
It could be noted that red symbolises love and passion, so not only is the color appropriate in the context of the wedding but also in the context of her love to Rozalia (and passion - having sex in your and your husband's bed while the husband could potentially come in is an interesting decision).
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(just a note - when Zofia leaves with Rozalia, her overcoar has these cute hearts on it. she doesn't get an opportunity to wear it again.)
Although she loses Rozalia later (and drowns her sorrows in the tavern), her dress doesn't change. She is changed by their romance. Not her dress, not her hair, not her crucifix. Not one part of her that was changed by love is given up, whatever she says of family coming first for ever and ever.
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What fucks me up the most is this final portait. It feels like some wwdits shit, I swear to gods. The way that she is changed and doesn't attempt to hide it and yet the portrait shows the early, unhappily married, closed-off version of her? And her dress is the one she was wearing during her first meeting with Rozalia? Insane shit. I understand that this has some white so this is probably supposed to be just her in her Sunday/good clothes; but also, I remember the sweater and earrings I was wearing on my first date with my first girlfriend. And I would believe Zofia does, too.
TL;DR: Zofia's outfits change during the 1st season of 1670 as her relationship with Rozalia grow; her life, as her dresses, become brighter and more colorful because of love she found; and the said love, however broken up they are in the end, stays with Zofia despite her choosing family over it. All the while she barely changes for her family.
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roitaminnah · 2 years
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i literally have had so little time to draw. i have several. illustrations and comics I want to draw and yet. here is what I have to offer. assorted ships in extremely fast and messy doodles
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dawg my body is so ready for seeing your human versions of the gang. like the need to draw these sillies is JUST TOO DAMN GREAT--(please don't take this as "OMG HURRY UP", i'm just very excited to see your interpretations!)
well shit now i gotta buckle down on brushing up + improving upon my human scribbling skills, which - meager to begin with - have deteriorated due to Puppet Disease (and i say this with playful exasperation. i've been needing an excuse to Practice and this is a damn good one)
though i will say! i'll be adhering to the ~canon~ human versions we've been gifted via Clown's pokemon au. ofc since we don't know what Howdy, Poppy, Sally, and Eddie look like, i'll have to think of something myself
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mus1ca1 · 5 months
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(november 2022) monster rusty. it's just fun to design monsters sometimes
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bonni · 6 months
the idkhow concert was really good! dallon weekes has great stage presence and enjoys showing off that he can hit high notes live (and good for him honestly). most of the songs I didn't love from the new album were skipped anyway, although they did do the spoken word song and weekes revealed that it was inspired by a real letter he got from a toxic ex so now I feel bad about shitting on it 😭
I have also concluded once and for all that I hate filming during concerts. never again! I recorded the first verse and chorus of new invention on my phone and it just totally took me out of the experience, I felt disconnected and focused on all the wrong things. I couldn't even jam out because I didn't want my camera to shake :/ so I allowed myself to enjoy the rest of the song and didn't bother trying to record anything again. if I want something to remember a concert by I'd rather buy an overpriced t-shirt than miss out on experiencing my favorite songs the way I want to experience them.
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robo-dino-puppies · 1 year
oh my god I know other people have pointed this out already but I'm rewatching ep2 and. and.
"a sudden rainstorm forces them beneath a canopy - they look into each others' eyes and realize they were made for each other."
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ffffffffffffff I'm swallowing glass I CANNOT Mr. Gaiman how DARE-
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tevinterspirit · 10 months
Blorbo wrapped 2023
was tagged by @coffeeworldsasaki ❤️used this template made by @virgo-dream :)
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tagging: @seapasture | @ashiromina | @sstrawbearies | @shizukais | @suigintou if you'd like to do it 💕
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cobbssecondbelt · 10 months
Do y'all ever see a mention of Dinbo and immediately feel a rush of anxiety for a few minutes or is it just me
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elitehoe · 2 years
Me trying to explain that Blackpool Combat Club surrounding Hangman and Dark Order getting involved after Hangman made it clear he didn't want them involved, means Hangman is going to separate himself from the Dark Order and be broken down and beaten by Mox, the House of Black glitch during the Elite promo means the Elite are going to be broken down and mind fucked by Malakai until no return and lose the trios titles, and that's gonna lead us back on track to finally getting a reunion between the boys!!
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prigorie · 2 months
i read slaughterhouse five today in one sitting and it instantly took its place in the "classic lit i'm incredibly unwell about" category
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arcanaaa · 4 months
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@halphcs asked: ♡
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours | Accepting!
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●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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