garrett-ross · 11 years
Of course they wouldn't put me there, I'm the one running their stupid borough. But even just one would hinder our forces.
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Just as I suspected.
They can’t throw all of us in jail I wouldn’t worry to much, pal. 
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garrett-ross · 11 years
It's not that I'm surprised, I just hoped that the efforts we've put forth wouldn't end with us rotting in jail.
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Just as I suspected.
I can’t believe this surprises you. 
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garrett-ross · 11 years
When they were forced there was progress. The building in Fremont is almost finished, but it seems that is the last thing they're doing.
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Just as I suspected.
When have we ever seen progress from those bastards anyway?
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garrett-ross · 11 years
Information has reached my ears about a new bill the Senate is trying to pass. It will probably mean the end of progress.
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Just as I suspected.
How needlessly melodramatic -smirk- what’s got you all down in the mouth?
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garrett-ross · 11 years
Just as I suspected.
Another day ruined by the unsavory grip of humanity.
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garrett-ross · 11 years
Oh, well that's good to hear. For a moment I suspected something was amiss.
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I’m amazing.
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garrett-ross · 11 years
Are you okay...?
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Oh my God. Okay.
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garrett-ross · 12 years
Garrett sat in silence as he listened to the air. His eyes were shut as he focused on the circuits of the streetlamp across the road. He flicked it on and off, hardly noticable in the afternoon light, but he found it entertaining as his body rested. He opened his eyes just as he saw a startled man gaze at the light as he walked off. Garrett chuckled, feeling like he had accomplished something today.
His attention turned down the sidewalk as he heard footsteps approaching. An eyebrow rose as a figure came in focus. When he recognized the man finally, a huge smile spread across his face. He hopped up as he was greeted and bowed his head.
"Good afternoon yourself! How are you, Andrew?" He asked over cheerily. It was a pleasant surprise to him to find a friend out and about. Or, at least a non-threatening face. "What brings you over here? Don't you live in Fremont?"
Streets | Garrett & Andrew
Andrew liked to cross the borders between the three areas in the town. Partially, he just enjoyed knowing he could manage it and partially it was a big fuck you to the system that held them all segregated. As someone who came from Fremont, he was aware the real reason for these walls was to keep riff raff like himself out. If they only knew. He’d been in an assortment of these houses before, seen their rooms, stolen their trinkets and made himself at home.
Today he had no real rhyme or reason for what he was doing. He was bored, sick of his studio apartment that overlooked a parking lot and factories. He was sick of Fremont, sick of his life. He needed to walk. That’s what he was doing when he saw someone familiar, someone who would know he shouldn’t be in this part of town but ignore it anyway.
Andrew was walking down the street, fitting into the others who were walking. He was good at fitting in, going unnoticed, it was part of what made him so good at what he did. As he came closer to the other male he merely lifted his hat bill in a mild salute before stopping just next to him.
“Afternoon, Garrett.”
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garrett-ross · 12 years
Morning indeed.
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It's always morning somewhere.
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Or, evening. It’s evening, right?
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garrett-ross · 12 years
Streets | Garrett & Open
With spring just around the corner, birds have been returning. Instead of just chasing stray cats, Garrett has found himself watching the birds. Out in the empty streets by the power plant is where he began his stalking. A bright red bird caught his eye early on, and he followed it. On and on until he no longer knew where he was. Garrett looked around him and recognized the wall surrounding Grand County, but he had never been on this side of Elysium before.
Garrett hopped along the roads, trying to find something familiar. He really did have a horrible sense of direction. If he didn't have someone with him, he would often get lost. It didn't worry him, though. He could hold his own, so he discovered on a couple occasions, but getting lost in Clear Creek wasn't nearly as bad as Fremont. He sighed and stopped at a bench outside of a small restaurant.
Damn I'm getting old...he mused as he caught his breath.
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garrett-ross · 12 years
It's all too slow for me, but perhaps it's better that way.
Its quiet around here...
Ah, I’m fine. Things are going slow, but it’s alright. And you?
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garrett-ross · 12 years
...I think I lost myself? No matter. How are you?
Its quiet around here...
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garrett-ross · 12 years
There are some weather readers around, although I know they have a different name...something with meteors. I don't see what meteors have to do with weather, so it's kind of a silly name.
Its quiet around here...
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garrett-ross · 12 years
Calm before the storm maybe? Is there even a weather forecast? Questions, milady.
Its quiet around here...
…makes it feel as if something’s going to happen.
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garrett-ross · 12 years
Its quiet around here...
...makes it feel as if something's going to happen.
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garrett-ross · 12 years
You'd be surprised. I knew a cat once that would bring me dead animals. I'd toss them out and it would bring them right back. I suppose that's kind of like fetch?
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Nothing happens around here anymore.
I..uh…no, although I do like the way you think. I’m not quite sure they’d be willing to play, though. I don’t think they’d be very good with moving objects of any kind.
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garrett-ross · 12 years
I'm...not sure what you mean by that. Do you play fetch with them?
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Nothing happens around here anymore.
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What can I say? They fetch a pretty good price.
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