#honestly even with this being the 6th time i’ve played this i still end up sobbing when varl dies
horizon-aloy · 2 years
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literary-illuminati · 5 months
2024 Book Review #24 – When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
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I tossed this on my TBR entirely sight-unseen at the start of the year, entirely on the basis that I was trying to expand my horizons a bit and it showed up on my public library’s ‘staff recs’ page with zero context whatsoever (also just an absolutely lovely title). This was, as it transpires, not a particularly good way to choose a book I’ll particularly enjoy – which is entirely on me, to be clear. It’s a well-executed and often charming story, and if it was a novella I would probably thoroughly enjoyed it. At 400 pages though, I’m just so incredibly and entirely not the target audience.
The story is a historical fantasy set during the tail end of the 19th century, principally about the angel and demon who call a minuscule shtetl in the Pale of Settlement (so small it doesn’t even have a name) home. Neither is a particularly impressive example of the type, and they have largely spent the previous centuries arguing over scripture with each other. After hearing that one of the girls of the schetl who had left for America might be in danger, they take it upon themselves to travel first to Hamburg and then to New York to rescue her. Along the way they make a friend, discover who they really are, and become trade union activists.
So this is shelved by both my library and Goodreads as YA, but it’s feels very much written for the young side of young adult – just generally very much read like a children’s story. A good one! But still – the narrative voice and the portrayal of the world felt like something more suited to 6th -7th graders than 16-17-year olds, I suppose? Though I might be projecting off my own childhood tastes here. There’s even a ten-page glossary of difficult or unusual vocabulary at the back. So all to say that really getting into a critique here based on my own preferences would just be a waste of time for everyone involved.
That said, this is actually one of the first YA books I’ve read that feels like it meets the whole stereotype of YA being written with Providing Good Representation as a key guiding principle throughout the process. Not in any didactic or lecturing way, but the three main characters are a nonbinary angel with a recurring beat of feeling awkward and uncomfortable whenever its dress/presentation/forged papers cause it to be treated as a man, a demon with obviously inhuman feet that make walking in shoes very painful and are a recurring inconvenience, and a teenage lesbian whose whole arc centres around figuring out why she felt so hurt and betrayed when her childhood BFF fell in love with a guy instead of emigrating to America with her and spending their lives together (also all but like 2 characters of any consequence in the entire book are Jewish, as just follows naturally from the whole premise). It all feels written with an eye towards taking prospective readers by the hand and assuring them that their feelings are normal and not something to agonize over. It’s all well-done and fairly graceful – and, like, such things are a large part of what children’s books are for – but was just amusing to finally see an example of the stereotype.
I actually did quite like the narrative voice and general style, though. It had very sort of storybook or folkloric sensibility to it, seemed exceptionally well written for reading out loud to someone before bed. Which fit very well with the very casual don’t-worry-about-it inclusion of the supernatural and its place in the world.
The book was honestly most interesting to me as a window into this whole rich cultural mythology of Ashkenazi emigrants leaving behind the Pale of Settlement and seeking new lives in New York/the USA. A mythology I am aware of but have only the most surface-level actual familiarity with (to whit ‘There are no cats in America’ and not much else). It’s always, I guess fun?, to read someone referencing and playing around with what are clearly stock characters and tropes but which are entirely new to you. The whole book at least felt very well-researched and absolutely drenched in little touches to ground in the specific place, time, and cultural milieu.
So yeah. Competent, well-executed book I really probably shouldn’t have bothered with.
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g1ddings · 9 months
now i’ve finally finished tdim i think i have my preference order 🤓☝️
1. until dawn she is never leaving top spot it’s been like less than a decade and i can’t see that changing. the characters, the atmosphere, the drama of best friends to enemies on a group wide scale… i think me and my best friend played it like 12 times this year and i only dug it back out my wardrobe in august she’s just my fave
2. lh ok when i played this i got it for £4 and i knew nothing except that witches may be there and it ended up being so perfect i will never gaf what people say because the plot twist was perfect because only ud and lh have had twists that shocked me (maybe helped that i played it before mom but even then idc if they reused a plot device bc it was well executed). its also really good with jump scares, first time i played i was resetting my heart every time we went back in time .. as someone who plays these games partly for plot this was just perfect for me and im enjoying the lh brain rot im experiencing on a daily basis
3. hoa which surprised me it was the one i wanted to play the least bc any war setting is just going to make me side eye but it was actually really enjoyable and i was prepared to play it just to complete the set but ended up with salim as one of my top 5 characters of the entire franchise. only wish clarice made it but that is my lesbian bias talking. also the score used was really clever especially when you’re nick in the caves for the first time
4. tdim but possible that by the time i platinum it it may jump to 3rd place. first of all anything with a lesbian couple in it will automatically be a winner in my books, but this game actually is tense like in my first play through towards the end of the 2nd act i was just speeding through bc i was freaking out bc everything was making me jump. i still have sm endings to try out but so far i see why it’s loved
5. the quarry honestly surprised it left my 3rd place but towards the end of me platinuming it i was already losing love for it. i think my fave parts are more of the fanon side rather than what was played, i also think the choices lacked something like once they were infected you didn’t really have to worry.. i think i need to do a replay so i can remember the good parts because there are plenty!!
6. mom but i actually liked it way more than i thought i would so it’s more like a regrettable 6th place. i remember watching playthroughs when it first came out and found it a little boring but definitely once playing for myself this year i can see that it’s actually really good and a fun play. unfortunately on my first try i killed conrad and fliss early on so i missed out on some great scenes which made that playthrough not so good. (minus points that i need to do co-op to platinum this). now i’ve played i don’t get the hate i think it just drew the short straw being the first out after until dawn ❤️‍🩹
i’ve actually had sm fun playing these games the last few months i’m begging for some directive 8020 news
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cyberrat · 2 years
66th Batch Of Fics: 6th Fill
Hanzo/Cassidy – Trucker AU – Part 23 – Aren't they cute, bonding and talking for once :')
“I was part of a gang for a while. Sometimes got in trouble… sometimes got away. One of the guys from the precinct took a likin’ to me, I guess. Gave me some food and shelter every now an’ then when I could think clear enough to realize the shit I was gettin’ into. It was easy gettin’ back into trouble, though, so it took me a fuckin’ long while to accept what he was offerin’ an’ get myself outta there.”
He scratches through his beard, the sound weirdly loud in the stillness of the evening. The air becomes too damn cold to stay outside for much longer, so he snips the rest of his cigarillo over the railing of the tiny balcony and moves inside.
He’s surprised to find that the kid is following him… with a bit of distance. He seems weirdly interested which hits Cole… differently, so to say. Being out on the road as much as he is – it plays with the head at some point.
“A bunch of… things… happened. The end of it is that that police officer got me into studyin’ to be one of ‘em.”
“I thought you had to be fitter,” Hanzo murmurs. Cole snaps his head around and stares at him, but from the glint in those dark eyes he knows that it is just a payback for his comments a moment ago. He deserves it, maybe.
“Believe it or not, I’ve not always been a fat old guy with a truck,” he drawls.
“But you became one anyway.” The questioning lilt doesn’t go past Cole but all of a sudden he finds himself being self-conscious and wanting to finish this little heart-to-heart they’ve got going.
“Yeah, well. Me an’ that officer got partnered. We were real good. More shit happened and I had to quit. Or I was quit. Whatever… It doesn’t matter anymore.”
He grabs his stuff to take a hopefully hot shower before crawling into bed. Despite his sudden mood drop he can tell that he enjoyed talking with Hanzo. As if they were equals. As the kid weren’t some kind of yakuza whore and him a fat trucker with baggage. Ugh he needs to stop thinking about this.
“Listen, kid. Let’s call it a night. Gonna grab the next cargo nice an’ early in the morning and get back out on the road.”
Hanzo has shuffled over to a side of the bed and sat down on the edge to take off his shoes. Cole can hear the hesitation in his voice as he asks: “...to Las Vegas?”
He sighs and rolls his shoulders. “Yeah. To Vegas this time. And I know I’m gonna regret it, but… I’ll help you find your brother.”
Hanzo doesn’t reply, so he turns to look at him. There’s an honestly stunned expression on the kid’s face as he stares at him and asks eventually: “You… will help me?”
“That’s what I said, wasn’t it? But don’t think that’ll get you outta payin’ me. I ain’t luggin’ you around without a bit of… compensation.”
And there’s also Mako to still think about. The guy’s waiting for his payment as well. He should shoot him a message before conking out on the bed later.
Their small conversation from last night occupies Hanzo for quite a while. He mulls it over while Cassidy oversees the new cargo being loaded up into his truck, and for most of the drive as they finally make their way toward Vegas.
He doesn’t know how much the guy can help him in finding his brother, but he figures it is certainly better than having to figure it out on his own. Las Vegas is a large city and he is unfamiliar with it or its people. The fact that Genji could have moved on to somewhere else by now is something Hanzo tries to ignore as much as possible.
He wouldn’t have a single clue where to look for him, after all…
“So… where do you want to start lookin’ once we’re there?”
It seems he hasn’t been the only one with their task in mind. He peers at Cole, briefly mulling things over in his head before he bites the bullet and admits: “I… do not know.”
“Hmm… anythin’ you can tell me about him? He got hobbies or somethin’?”
Hanzo looks out of his side window and shrugs one shoulder. He tries to reply in a tone that does not sound too bitter: “He likes to party. I suppose.”
“That’s a start at least-”
“He’s a sex addict.”
Cole makes a few choking sounds so Hanzo peers back at him but nothing much is to be seen other than him giving him a weird side-eye. “You fer real?”
“Yes. Well… I don’t know. It’s just how I have thought about his behavior. He had been very…” he trails off, not sure about the English word that would be most appropriate for Genji’s behavior.
Cole seems to understand either way as he says: “Maybe he went hoppin’ through clubs. In that case, I got an idea how we might find him. You know which way he swings?”
“I… excuse me?”
“I mean is he straight or gay or…?”
“Ah. I do not think he minds one way or the other. Though I have not paid my brother’s partners much attention…”
“Ya know, ye’re pretty good at talkin’ if ya don’t try fuckin’ with my head and makin’ it seem like you’re a dumb little bitch on the run.”
Hanzo can feel his blood running cold, back stiffening. He can’t explain why those words, spoken so casually, send a chill down his spine, but for an excruciatingly long moment he forgets how to breathe.
Cassidy briefly looks over to him. The fat bastard eyes him up and down, arching one bushy brow as if wondering about the stiff expression on Hanzo’s face.
In a way he feels… seen much more than he would have liked. Much as Cassidy had thought him to be a dumb bimbo, Hanzo had not thought the fat bastard intelligent enough to pick up on the change in how he is speaking.
Maybe he’s let his guard down too much… but he couldn’t very well put it back up again now. Damn this man and his big mouth that seemingly couldn’t stand still for a damn second-
Hanzo blinks, startled out of his angry thoughts. He looks at Cassidy who is staring intently out of the windshield. He notices colorful lights dancing on his face. Peering out he can see in the quickly approaching darkness a vehicle standing at the side of the road with the colorful lights rotating on the back of it.
He… thinks it might be a bike? Though it looks weirdly huge and bulky.
“What… is that?”
“The police,” Cassidy drawls. He sounds tense which has Hanzo’s nerves flaring, his hands curling tightly around the edges of his seat.
The truck starts to slow down. He has the irrational need to tell Cassidy to keep driving and try to loose the cop but he bites down on his tongue before he can make a fool out of himself.
“What now?” he asks, his voice gone high and breathy with tension. He hates how Cassidy’s reaction has a direct line to his own nervous system.
“I’m gonna go out. See what they want. You stay here an’ be a good boy.”
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lone-wolf-no-more · 2 years
Drudgery is a great poison
Monday, March 6th, 2023 [Day 9]
Procrastination...it’s sneaking in. I think it’s because I’m allowing myself to get stuck in the “deer in the headlights” mindset.
I already talked with my sibling about realistically what I can do as the very next step moving forward. The number one thing right now is what is the most practical thing to get me “out from under other people’s feet”, and able to take care of myself. So, what does that mean?
Yes, I would like to do more with creating videos and content in general, but will that really get me where I want to be in 3 to 6 months? Odds are, no. Again, number one reason being that I have a mental and physical “redline” on me until I get significantly better.
So, does that mean trading? I have been watching more training videos, and it is really starting to make more sense.
And I keep hearing (from entrepreneurs, etc) “Don’t try to focus on multiple things, or they will all suffer from not doing as well.”
Here’s the thing, let’s say that somebody approached me and said, “If money wasn’t a problem, what would you be doing?”, I STILL am not sure what I would tell them.
It’s not so simple as, “Go play piano, compose music, record music, and so on, whenever I wanted to, stream music whenever, and build cool stuff.” Because somewhere in there nutrition and healthy living comes in. I’m kinda obsessed with those things at those point, and admittedly I’ve found myself reading articles and listening to podcasts about those things instead of studying trading.
And of course there’s good reason for my obsession, since I’ve seen the effects of not having a decent diet and not having enough movement.
Another thing I’ve heard from successful people (including two different 9-figure earners who came from nothing, namely Alex Hormozi and Tom Bilyieu), is “don’t chase the money. Find what you’re passionate about, so that you can put your heart and soul into it, and then the money will come.”
There’s just been this tick, so to speak, in the back of my mind, that “I need to make as much money as possible, so that I can do whatever I want with it to create the world I want to live in.” So, not just for myself, but for the things I find important.
So, is my place to simply do I what love, and use whatever influence I have to bring attention to what matters to me, or is it to learn sales, so that I can help bring attention to health and wellness in that way?
But I NEED to then circle back to the question I must be asking myself (and what you should be asking yourself), “Is this something I would be excited to do when waking up in the morning? Would it be something that would get me out of bed day after day?”
Again, I don’t exactly have the answers to these, but at least I know the right answers to ask.
Always asking, “What is the best and fastest [whatever that means] way to make an income” won’t steer you right, if what you’re doing makes you dread getting out of bed. And very importantly in my case, “Even if I’m alone doing this part of the time, will I still be able to enjoy life?” Because there’s honestly nothing worse than doing something just with the expectation to make money, but then feeling empty at the end of the day because you weren’t able to pursue things, or just spend that time doing things that you know are more meaningful and won’t make you feel regret further into the future.
Now, I’ve just realized that when I started journaling (again), it was partly with the intent to also take time for gratitude. Well, playing off what I was just talking about, I’m glad that I’m realizing that there is a thought process to “figuring life out”. Typical societal norms and such brainwashed me into chasing after money, and elusive “feelings”.
But if I’m totally, 100 percent honest with myself, the things (and times in my life) that have meant the most to me have been times about giving of myself, and investing in the things I care about.
If I look at what I’m most grateful for, it’s often directly connected to others giving gifts to me. Not just physical gifts (although those can have a lot of meaning to me, like some books I have), but gifts of time, encouragement, opportunities to work with them on different projects and jobs, etc.
At this moment in time, I am most definitely grateful that I have “a way forward”. Even if there is some amount of uncertainty on my part, I’m also grateful that I’m aware of the ways I can cope with change, and be less afraid of it.
One other thing I’m also grateful for: that I’m slowly making more steps towards healing and feeling better, instead of stumbling crazily (no pun intended lol) around.
Today, I got a spikey therapy ball to roll underneath my feet and along my peroneal nerve (the one next to my left tibia), to help stimulate, and hopefully encourage nerves to grow back some in my bad foot. That nerve is responsible for stabilizing your ankle, and enabling you to have normal “foot liftoff” each time you take a step. And it also happens to be the one that was majorly damaged when I was rear-ended on my bicycle, and my left tibia was broken.
Then of course, we have the Magnesium Glycinate I’ve been taken. Yo, there’s the “normal weird dreams”, and then there’s the “Magnesium-level” weird dreams. There’s no way to really explain it until you start taking a good Magnesium supplement yourself.
I’m especially sensitive to...basically everything, so even this 400mg dosage seems to be doing quite a bit, to say the least. But...my middle of the night leg cramps have gone away, which is awesome. Have had those for a flippin long time. And I'm definitely staying asleep way easier than before.
Lastly, I’m superbly thankful for the music, and the musicians I know through Twitch. In particular, I’m thinking of Kara Comparetto. I’m listening to her play live right now, and each time I pop into one of her streams, it’s like a healing salve to my mind.
Until next time. Todaloo…
^One of my favorite arrangements by her. She's also just finished releasing her own arrangements of the entirety of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack, and she's slowly releasing all of them with it's own music video on her channel. She has some super talented people doing camera work and editing for her for sure!
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sourdilfs · 3 years
childlike promises | j.p x reader
summary: james reminds you of your childhood together
warnings: pure fluff, that’s all
you made your way up the astronomy tower seeing no sight of james yet. he had asked you to meet him up here, for what reason you didn’t know
you sat near the balcony looking up at all the stars, trying to find if they made made of a constellation
“looking for constellations i see” you heard his voice from behind you “not even surprised honestly”
looking behind you you see him leaning in the archway also looking up at the stars. “well you shouldn’t, i’ve been doing this since we were kids. remember you even got me a book about stars for christmas once”
“yeah yeah i remember” he sits right next to you on the balcony, leaning back while propping his arm for support behind him
“so why did you bring me up here?” you asked
“we used to come here all the time as kids and i don’t know i guess i wanted to relive those moments again” he said looking up at the stars
you understood exactly what he meant. it was 6th year so you both knew that soon you would be graduating and not be able to have moments like these for long. so you nodded and looked back up again. you weren’t gonna deny the butterflies you felt being up here alone with james, it felt like old times just the two of you stargazing. you also loved these moments alone with him
looking at you james recalled a memory “remember when our moms made act in that play in our first year where we had to kiss each other”
“oh don’t remind me it was the most embarrassing thing ever, can’t believe our moms made us do that” you shacked your head in embarrassment
“come on it wasn’t that bad, it was a small peck and i didn’t even end up kissing you on the lips, it was on the side”
“still! it’s embarrassing how i got fake married at the age of eleven” you said as you looked at him noticing the small grin forming on his lips “you did always say you were gonna marry me one day”
you laughed as you remembered all the many times he’s told you that throughout the years. ever since that play he always messed around with you about it. it bothered you at first but at times it did make you wonder of what if
he was looking at you now. how the night sky made your skin glow and how the sound of your laugh was probably one of his favorite sounds
“i never realized i started saying it more as a promise other than a taunting sentence”
although he muttered those words you still heard them, making your heart skip a beat
as you were about to ask him if what he said was true you were interrupted by his lips on yours. his hand met your jaw as he deepened the kiss, you also giving him the same energy
he parted his lips from yours, “i am marrying you one day darling
and i’m not kidding about it this time”
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citrusdarling7 · 3 years
summary- Tom Riddle becomes jealous of reader’s boyfriend and decides to take matters into his own hands
warnings- smut, cheating, degrading, edging, and a bit of light choking. dom! tom, sub! reader
I’ve never been much of a morning person, but for some reason I was up early today. I knew that I had a potions essay due tomorrow, and I was behind on it. Still in my silky nightgown, I assumed no one else would be in the common room. To my surprise, Abraxas was sitting in front of the fireplace. I smiled and tip-toed over to him, wrapping my arms around his chest from behind him. He squeezed one of my hands gently, acknowledging my presence.
“Darling, why are you up? It’s barely 5 am,” he told me softly. I rolled my eyes and swiveled around the couch so I could sit down next to him.
“I should be asking you the same thing, Malfoy. Oh my God, what happened to your face?” Even in the dim lighting of the Slytherin common room, I could see the dark purple bruises around one of his eyes. I gently reached up to try and touch him, but he turned his face to the side.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Did you sleep well?” He tried to change the subject, but I didn’t let up.
“Brax, what the hell happened? Please tell me that the other guy looks worse,” I said while positioning myself closer to him. I gently ran a finger along his jawline in a comforting gesture. I could smell his sage wood cologne, which I absolutely adored.
“Truthfully darling, I think I’m lucky I walked away without him cursing me. He was absolutely livid after you left.”
Of course. I was such an idiot. Tom had done this to him.
Late last night, Abraxas and I were kissing in the corridor when we decided we wanted to go somewhere more private. Abraxas knows how to find the Room of Requirement, and he dragged me inside, still kissing my neck and holding onto my waist. Unfortunately for us, all of the other 6th year Slytherin boys were already there, brewing some type of illegal potion. Not only had Abraxas forgotten he was supposed to meet with them that night, but he had also exposed me to what was happening.
Although some people would believe so, I’m not naive to what goes on in this school. I know about Tom and his pursuits in dark magic. I know about their constant fights with those Gryffindors who all wear that one lion pin. But Tom seemed to believe that I had no prior knowledge of these secret meetings, and he instantly started yelling at us.
“Malfoy, you idiot! You are not supposed to bring back girls to this room, and certainly not when we’re in the middle of illicit activities!”
Rosier and Avery were still sitting by the cauldron, doing nothing to help the situation. I stepped away from Abraxas and turned towards Tom.
“Calm down, Riddle. You and your superiority complex need to learn that not everyone’s life revolves around yours,” I spat at him. Tom took a step closer to me, and I instinctively reached to pull out my wand. Before I had a chance to, I felt the back of my head being slammed against the wall, Tom’s hand gripping my throat tightly. Abraxas and Rosier both shouted for Tom to let go of me, but I just smiled. I stared him down, letting him know that I wasn’t afraid of him.
“You’re not allowed to speak to me that way,” he growled.
“I can speak to you any way I want Tommy.” His eyes looked as if he wanted to strangle me, but I saw the trace of a smile play across his lips. He abruptly let go of me and turned towards Abraxas.
“You need to keep your girlfriend under control. Get out of here.” Abraxas quickly grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door.
“Not you, Malfoy. Your presence is still required here.” I opened my mouth to tell him off again, but Abraxas quickly shook his head.
“Go back to the common room, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” I reluctantly sighed, but figured that I shouldn’t piss Tom off even more. I should have known that Tom would still be angry with Abraxas.
Flashing back to present time, I turned around to look towards the boys dormitories. Abraxas could tell what I was thinking, so he gently squeezed my hand.
“Leave it alone, dearest. He was fine the rest of the night, confronting him will just make him mad again. I don’t want you to get hurt, my love.”
I’m not one to back down easily, and I constantly let my temper get the best of me. But Abraxas’ soft touch against my leg and heart-felt words relaxed me a bit.
“Alright. I won’t say anything. Have you done Slughorn’s essay yet?”
We spent the next hour or so alone in the common room, trying to hastily finish up homework. By the time that others started waking up, I was sitting in his lap, my hands in his hair as we kissed passionately.
“You two are disgusting. 20 points from Slytherin,” a cold voice said. I rolled my eyes and gave Abraxas a quick peck on the lips before sliding off of him and back onto the couch. Tom was Head Boy, and he had no problem with taking points from his own house. He had a lot of nerve as well. Almost every single night I watched him drag some girl into his room. She always left limping a few hours later, and Tom never spoke to her again.
“Put some clothes on. You’re dressed like a whore,” he spat at me. I scoffed at him, but got up to head back to my room anyways. As I slipped on my school robes and brushed out my hair, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tom.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I managed to get through all of my classes without speaking a word to Tom. After watching the Slytherin quidditch team practice while gossiping with Lestrange, I sat with Rosier and Abraxas in the common room. Rosier made me play chess with him, beating me every single time. This was strange, since I considered myself an excellent chess player. I guess I was just a little distracted. Abraxas excused himself to his dorm room, saying that he had a ton of homework to do. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving.
“Something on your mind?” Rosier asked me. I sighed and slumped down in my chair.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m still kind of upset about what happened with Tom. Why do you guys let him treat you all so awfully?”
“It’s not as simple as that. Being friends with Riddle has advantages and disadvantages. The occasional hex or punch to the face isn’t much of a price to pay.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“One of these days I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch,” I said with a grin. Rosier chuckled and patted my arm.
“Good luck with that.”
A few hours later I was lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I had been trying desperately to fall asleep. But something was still on the back of my mind, and that something was preventing me from being able to relax. I let out a sigh and rolled out of bed. I slipped out of my room and quietly walked down the stairs, into the common room. I then made my way up the stairs leading to the boys dormitory. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door at the end of the hallway. He opened the door, and my nostrils were instantly filled with the smell of smoke. Tom stood inches away from me, still in his school uniform. He was holding a lit cigarette between his fingers.
“Did you need something, sweetheart?” I rolled my eyes at his stupid pet-name.
“You are absolutely insane, Riddle! You walk around this damn school like you own the place, and I’m sick of it.” He smiled and offered out his arm to me.
“If you’re going to yell at me, then you might as well do it behind closed doors,” he offered. I didn’t take his hand, but I did step inside and let him shut the door behind me. Since he was Head Boy, his room was bigger than all of ours. I could see that his window was open, probably because of the smoke. His bed had black silky sheets adorning it, and I could see all of the books on his desk were neatly stacked. His box of cigarettes was laying on his nightstand.
“So did you come here just to tell me off or did you want a smoke as well?” he taunted.
I turned around to face him again.
“I want you to stop hitting my boyfriend. And the rest of the boys. You have to learn how to respect others.” He chuckled darkly while taking a step towards me.
“Darling, that’s a pretty demanding request. My respect has to be earned.” In an attempt to look more confident, I crossed my arms across my chest.
“You’re such a child, Tom. I don’t know why you think that everyone worships you!” I shouted at him. He quickly wrapped his free hand around my neck and pushed me against the wall. He flicked his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out.
“That’s because everyone does. Everyone except you it seems.” I don’t know why Tom had this constant need to slam me up against the wall and choke me. It didn’t make me afraid of his dumbass.
Honestly, it was kind of hot. He brought his other hand up to my face and he touched my cheek softly.
“Did you and Malfoy ever finish what you started yesterday?” It took me a moment to realize that he was asking if we had fucked.
“That’s none of your business,” I snapped at him. He tightened his grip on my throat and used one of his legs to pin down mine.
“Answer my question.”
“No, I haven’t slept with him. Why do you care?” Tom brought his head down to my neck and whispered into my ear.
“Because I’m not into sloppy seconds.” Before I had a chance to mention the fact that he probably had over twenty bodies, he started kissing me roughly. I kissed him back and wrapped my leg around one of his. I let him suck on my neck as he pushed my thin nightgown up my leg and slipped one of his hands under it. He started to slowly rub circles on my thigh. He continued to suck on my neck as I tried to grind against him. He growled and used his other hand to push my waist back against the wall.
“None of that. Do you want me to touch you, darling?” he asked in a mocking tone. I nodded and he slipped his fingers into my underwear.
“Someone’s a needy little slut,” he whispered. Part of me wanted to call him a man-whore, but the part of me that valued my life kept me quiet. I felt him push two fingers inside me and I whimpered. He started to rub my clit with his thumb as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me. He started kissing my neck again as I moaned quietly. He was going incredibly slow, making me desperate for every touch. At a particularly sharp pressure, one of my legs twitched and I had to bite my lip to stop from making noise. Tom chuckled and tilted my chin towards him.
“Didn’t you come here to yell at me? Are you going to yell at me now, darling?” He started to rub me faster, which made it difficult for me to even speak.
“I hate you,” I was able to mutter. He laughed and pinched my waist roughly, making me jump. After only a few minutes, I was starting to get close to my peak. I felt my legs start to shake as I bit my lip to stifle my moans. Tom noticed this, so he stopped touching me. I frowned as he leaned down to whisper into my ear.
“Did you really think I was going to let you come that quickly?”
Before I had the chance to respond, he grabbed my legs and spun me around, pushing me onto his bed. He quickly tugged my nightgown off of me and started to take off his shirt. I tried to reach up and help him, but he used his free hand to push me back onto the bed. He quickly unbuckled his belt and kicked his pants off before getting on top of me. I felt his member pressing against my thigh. He wrapped a hand around my throat again and used the other hand to gently rub one of my hips.
“Is this what you want? Me to fuck you senseless while your boyfriend sleeps two rooms over?” I felt him rub against my clit, teasing me purposefully. I decided that I wouldn’t tell him that me and Abraxas weren’t actually dating until later.
“Shut up,” he growled before thrusting into me sharply. As he rocked into me, I definitely felt a bit of pain. He was bigger than what I was used to, but I was adjusting quickly. I tried to rest my arms on his shoulders, but he didn’t like that. He pinned my hands above my head and started to attack my neck with his mouth.
“If you do that again, I’ll tie you down. Don’t test me,” he muttered. He continued to rail into me over and over, hitting me at just the right angle. In less than ten minutes I was close again. I tightly clenched the sheets and tried to grind my hips against his to alleviate some of the tension. That’s when he slipped out of me with a grin.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he said while stroking my hair.
“Are you fucking serious?” I complained.
“Completely. Be a good girl and maybe I’ll let you finish before the night is over.”
I will admit, his self-control was pretty impressive. Most guys wouldn’t be able to handle pulling out before they had finished. But I also figured that he was just bluffing. There was no way he would be able to do this for more than twenty minutes. After 30 or so seconds of him attacking my mouth with his tongue, he thrusted into me again. This time his strokes were a bit slower and more gentle. He rubbed one of my arms lightly as he made me shiver at his touch.
“Tom, oh my God,” I moaned into his neck. I assumed he was going to tell me to shut up, but I guess he liked knowing how good he was making me feel.
“That’s right, darling. You like this?” I nodded my head as he pressed soft kisses against my jawline. I was definitely pleased with his change of pace. The slow stroked and gentle kisses made this feel a bit more like a normal thing. But of course, that didn’t last very long. Once he was done leaving hickies all over my neck, he wrapped his hand around it. He started to press himself deeper inside of me, rocking me into his bed. I whimpered as he hit a spot that made my legs twitch.
“Quiet, slut,” he demanded. I tilted my head slightly away from him, trying to stifle my moans with one of his pillows. I was panting at this point, desperately gripping onto the sheets.
“Could Malfoy make you feel this good?”
“Yeah, if I was with him I would’ve came by now,” I thought to myself. However, I shook my head in an attempt to appease him.
“That’s right. Should I let you finish now?” I nodded and he jerked my face back towards him. “Alright. Beg for it.” That actually made me laugh. There was no way I was going to give into him that easily. Tom shrugged and continued to pound into me. “Be difficult then. I don’t care either way.”
I bit down my lip to muffle a scream as my stomach flipped and my legs shook. Right when I was about to be sent over the edge, he pulled out of me again. By now, I was completely fed up with him. I tried to bring one of my hands down between my legs, but he was quicker than me. He grabbed both of my arms and roughly pinned them above my head.
“I don’t think so, dear. I want the whole hallway to hear you screaming my name,” he said while stroking my cheek tauntingly.
“Good luck with that,” I said with an eye roll.
“You’re mine now. No one gets to touch you but me,” he muttered into my ear before thrusting into me again. By now I could see finger-shaped bruises starting to form on my waist. We had been going at it for at least 35 minutes, and my body was aching for release. I was confident that he had left at least 5 or so hickies on my neck, which I was not looking forward to having to cover up tomorrow. Out of instinct, I tried to move my leg around his to adjust the angle. Tom slammed me down onto his bed roughly.
“Don’t fucking move,” he growled. He pressed one of his thumbs against my clit, making me whimper. I was so frustrated that tears had started to stream down my face. Tom gently wiped them away with his free hand.
“Are you gonna apologize for yelling at me earlier?” he asked in a snarl. I shook my head, which made him chuckle.
“That’s what I thought. If you’re gonna be like that, you clearly haven’t learned your lesson.” He started to kiss roughly at my collar, obviously trying to mark me more. After a few minutes of listening to me whine and pant, he decided to give me another chance.
“Promise me you’ll stop hanging around Malfoy,” he said softly. That kind of threw me for a loop.
“What? Why?” He nibbled on my ear lobe and thrusted into me sharply.
“You’re my little slut now. I don’t want him touching you. Promise me.” I instinctively shook my head, which only made his thrusts even harder.
“Promise me, darling. Like I said, I can go all night.” I really, really wanted to keep my mouth shut. But I was so overwhelmed, I couldn’t take much more.
“Fine. I promise. Please Tom, I-”
He bit down on my lip and thrusted into me at the perfect angle and speed.
Over-and-over again.
I moaned his name as well as a stream of profanities as waves of pleasure tore through my body. My legs were shaking so bad that he had to actually hold them down. While I was riding out my high, Tom muttered praises into my ear. I was so extremely sensitive that every touch set off fireworks against my skin.
“Take me like a good girl,” he said before roughly grabbing my throat. It took him a few minutes to finish himself off, but when he did it was so hot. He didn’t even bother to pull out. He continued to kiss me for a bit before he got up and started to walk towards his bathroom.
“Now, get the hell out of my room, whore.”
I smiled at his lovely term of endearment as I tried to quickly pull my clothing back on. I stood up quickly, and my legs gave out beneath me. Tom laughed as he put on his bathrobe.
“You’re pathetic,” he said while helping me up. Surprisingly enough, he walked me back to my dorm, smiling the entire way. Before he turned to leave he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
“Sleep well, darling.” I flashed him a sweet smile.
“You too, Riddle.”
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Australian GP or how to turn shit around with a few track changes
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Well, I’ve decided that apart from saying goodbye with a gif, I’m gonna start saying hello with a gif too, just like that. I’m crazy like that 🤣
Anyhow, I really woke up early today after another shitty night’s sleep in Barcelona so as to watch the circus, which cost me like a ton of effort, but it actually ended up being SO worth it, honestly. What a race! Holy hell, that was nuts, who would’ve thought the new Albert Park could give us so much in such a short time? I didn’t, that’s for sure, even though the weekend as a whole was quite a surprise.
First, we got Carlos losing positions right from the start (5 of them, to be exact) and then fucking shit up in Lap 3 and just like that, he was OUT. Not a Carlos fan, so one down, so many others to go. As laps went by, we saw how Seb lost the car again and was out too. Pretty shitty weekend for him and being his first race weekend this season, even worse. My poor man just wanted to drive and he couldn’t even have that. At least he hasn’t been penalized again. Aston Martin, please give man something good to work with, I’M BEGGING YOU.
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Then we have our Australian Sunshine ending up 6th in his home race, which is pretty nice seeing his previous home races didn’t end up very well at all. However, I’ve read around my main account’s dashboard that apparently Mclaren asked him not to push Lando, who was already struggling, even though he was going much better overall, which if true, is very shitty. I see, in that case, that Mclaren haven’t changed their ways towards Daniel in the slightest, even in his home race, which is even worse. I’m sorry, I know Max knows them both well and I know what he said about what we all saw on DTS, but I for one believe that’s one of the few true narratives on the drama Netflix tends to creat around the F1 show tbh, for what I’ve heard/seen throughout my whole update process on the things I’ve missed these last few years before this new season started.
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Then, there’s my beloved Demonic Sharl, doing his thing on his own with barely anyone to give him crap during the race, except for maybe the Safety Cars, which he almost complained about until he realized they couldn’t really do more than what they were already doing. His words. That’s so Charles honestly and I love it. Even at that point in a race where he’s building up some frustration like any of us would in his shoes, he’s capable of thinking first and not saying anything before having done so. Plus, he really shone when asking his engineer if he could go for Fastest Lap even though he already got a few of those at that point, which made it all the more hilarious. Their interaction really was fun to watch. He got Pole, Fastest Lap, lead every lap during the race, won the race AND was elected Driver of the Day as well, securing his Grand Slam. How cool is that? I’m so happy for him, really, I can’t help it, he just makes me smile with how good/funny he is. I mean, look at him, he already forgot that he learnt to wink back in Bahrain and now he can’t! He’s adorable.
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What made me even happier than Charles’ weekend, was some Dutch driver DNFing. Highlight of my weekend. Talk to me about unreliable, huh? Really nice shit, only thing I missed was Checo DNFing too and that would’ve been the cherry on top, but I guess getting 2 for the price of 1 is a lot to ask for, so sacrificing #0 will have to do. Maybe even Horner ends up playing the same shit on him that he’s played on the rest of his previous drivers and moves Checo to 1st driver and leaves him for dead, who knows.
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But, and this is a big but, I still can’t find the words for Mercedes. It seems to me, and I’m talking about what I see from my perspective, like they’ve given up on the Championship, or at least, on Lewis’ chance to get his 8th title. Don’t get me wrong, I love George and he truly did an amazing job (so far, he has in all races) and really deserved that 3rd place, so I’m happy for him, as all of us should be. However, what I see when it comes to Lewis, is that after last season’s ending, Toto’s promise at the end of DTS that “everyone will have targets on their backs” this year, and everything, not only have they build a tractor instead of a car but they also aren’t really helping Lewis as much as they should, in general.
What I’m saying is, George will have more than enough time to get a ton of podiums with Mercedes, I’m sure of it, but this year was the time to really help Lewis come back stronger than he already did (motivation wise, at least) on his own, help him finally achieve what he was robbed of last year, to get payback for all the shit he was put through thanks to our friends at RBR especially. Mercedes have won 8 WCC and 7 of them were thanks to Lewis mainly, there’s no point in denying it, because that’s how it is. They can build a hell of a car, but without a decent (or better even, the BEST) driver to push it to its limits, there’s no wins, no points, no WCC, no nothing. And if they’ve really given up the way I said before, if I’m proven right on this, they would have let down someone who deserves nothing less than to achieve finally what should’ve been his already, and also all of us who truly believe in them and in him and want to see him competing for a long time still.
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What kills me is that he’s still very happy with just this after the shit he went through last year, because he knows how far that car’s limitations go, and it just makes me angrier. He’s obviously the better person and too good for his own good and ours, but I’m not, I’m a cunt, I’ll gladly be the worse person in his place. I truly hope that Mercedes prove me wrong. It’s not about winning per se, it’s about so much more than that after last year. Defending Sir Lewis Hamilton online isn’t enough, I need a gun.
Enough with the ranting for this week. We’ll have to wait until Imola to see if real changes come and this season takes a real turn for the better at least. Waiting another 2 weeks will be hard and I believe I have to work Saturday 23rd, so I’ll watch FP3 and the Quali session while at work. Who cares? Not me, that’s for sure. I’ll be watching, like a hawk. Okay, alright, two coffees with this much sugar really are affecting my brain more than the caffeine itself, so I’m just gonna leave this here for you darlings. Plus, I have a plane to catch 🥲
Peace out and see in another 2 weeks, unless there’s something interesting enough in the mean time until then.
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shinygoku · 2 years
In LAL I’ve finally done the 7 chapters, so I feel like Ranking ‘em with short pros and cons that contribute to my placements~
It’ll be in Quality Acending order, so starting with the least and moving up to the Beast! ✨ This post will try to be Spoiler Free!
7th Place - Prehistory: A goofy Flintstones-esque romp, though with less smoking ads and 60′s references. Though honestly, I’d have preferred that type of humour over the Fart and Nudity centred focus that we actually get lmao... but this scenario still made me smile and was overall Fun, just the clear weakest for me. Extremely boppable music and nice simple enjoyment in raw Unga Bunga Power, but I did not want to deal with the Superboss and the secret I did engage in was still cryptic as hell.
6th - Present Day (1994): An interesting spin on the gameplay, but with only 7 battles you don’t have much to dig into... In a Mega Man-esque direction, the order of the fights is yours, but there’s a nice through line if you may your choices in a certain order. The other fighters have some implied depth to them and are good sportsmen, which was a neat surprise. Masaru is also fun to play as, his barren apartment still allowing him to make serious gains lmao. But yeah, very short and pretty same-y, so it’s not The Strongest on the rankings...!
5th - Near Future: This is hard to place, as when it’s good, it is very very good! And when it is bad it is horrid... Hmm. It starts several cool ideas but then fails to properly follow up on them, pretty much every point is left a bit open and hanging at the end, and that’s bothersome on one with a big dark plot! There ain’t many enemy types, one plot-important location is way too big and easy to get lost in while having no way to return in case you missed something. Also, there’s a minigame that you can miss entirely that gives good items. Also also, there’s a big plot turn towards the end that only had slight foreshadowing if you went out of your way to look for it. Yeah, it’s a bit of a mess... AND Akira’s stats are kinda weedy! But I do love Akira himself, the Battle Theme and especially the Kageyama vocal song~
4th - Western: This is a popular chapter, the main fault that people have with it being that it’s very short. And yeah, that’s very agreeable! I also didn’t much care for the battle theme in this one, fortunately you spend way longer hearing Megalomania instead! The main gimmick is a bit hard and/or trial and error, but very satisfying if ya pull it off~
3rd - Imperial China: Good length, good variety of moves and enemies, nice music, a huge gut punch that is impossible to avoid... This is a Solid Chapter. But I’m never that pleased when the Gut Punch actually happens, as I feel guilty too easy anyway! But also, if you get complacent, you may make moves you regret dearly later on. There are a fuckload of fights and I get a bit bored of the Imperial KK sounding first few notes after a few in a row though.
2nd - Distant Future: The most Cerebral of ‘em all, only 1 mandatory fight, and lots and lots and LOTS of Characters Talking. And it’s goooooood!! As much as the plot leans on Famous SciFi, the interactions and character nuances give this a lot of meat, with the side dish of horror and suspence. We Are All Love Cube!!
1st - Edo Japan: I’m gonna admit first that I am biased for this, and if I wasn’t, I mighta put it lower because HOO BOY this one is Hard Mode!! And you can choose to make it even harder, which I did! But see... that’s a strength objectively; it’s a huge, sprawling, maze-like scenario and you have a certain amount of freedom in just how you go about it. The visuals are fantastic, the music is all bangers and the ending even takes into account the choices you made and changes accordingly. This is the Undertale before Undertale, after all, but much more My Style lmao. Just yeah, go in ready to grind, refer to maps and get a bit lost several times... it’s all worth it in the end imo, also fighting as Oboro is really enjoyable and even pretty~
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plutoswrath · 3 years
hi luca! whos chart in nct r ur fav?? <3
Hello! x An eXCELlent question, truly, one of my favorite activities became gushing over anything nct related at this point asdfgh. Short disclaimer: No ones birth chart is ‘bad’, in astrology there isn’t such thing as a ‘bad’ birth chart, this is all just my personal preference and has nothing to do with the native of the natal chart, there’s no favoritism playing into this, just plain astrological interest! 
Continue to read under cut, long post ahead!
Taeyong: I think I’ve mentioned before that I really really like his birth chart!! I love the different elements and modalities playing into it, it truly is a very good representation of the chaotic, yet sincere and creative individual he is, just really following the beat of his own drum! Also, he’s such a warm and kind person that just really shows in his chart. I do have to say that I love love love Virgo Mars people, I generally love Virgo placements and people with profound Virgo influence, but Taeyong is really hard working and caring and it truly ties to the expectations he not only has for himself, but also that he feels responsible for other people by nature probably (Mars in Virgo in the 7th, especially in opposition to his Saturn) and his really bright and carefree creative streak really shines through with that Sagittarius MC and Gemini Mercury and Venus!! I also mean this with 100% positivity when I say he’s really quirky, always a little bit ‘out of the box’ compared to other people and still just a really authentic person, no matter how ‘odd’ he might come across and his chart just really shows that: being true and sincere because there’s nothing else he can do than being true to himself! An absolute unit, a cancerian enigma as it is written in the books!! 
Jeno: Finally I get the opportunity to talk about this chart!!! Because oh boy do I have opinions on this!!!! First of all: He is an earth sign with a Sagittarius Moon and I love love love this combination in general, especially with his Venusian sun and a Jupiterian Moon it makes for a person that can create a really nice atmosphere, just really pleasant to be with and probably values the good things in life (that defenitely included the small things!!). Looking at Jenos joyous vibe the combi just seems to make sense, I also love the combination of his Taurus stellium and the Aries Venus and Mercury, the dynamic of fixed earth and cardinal fire usually makes a person that is really determined and ambitious. I know it’s not the same as having an Aries Mars, but nontheless Aries energy can create sparks of creativity that the Taurean nature wants to pursue and can actually pull through, because if there’s one thing Taurus is good at then it’s being persistant about anything they love and put their heart in! 
Yuta: I’ve written quiet a bit about his chart, and to be honest my opinion of his chart changed over time, because of his personality and the way we got to know him. In a way, the more I’ve seen of Yuta, the more intruiged I was by the way his birth chart lives out; his chart seems pretty overwhelming at first glance, but what I do love are his two stelliums of Scorpio and Sagittarius. The dynamic of these two neighboring signs is literally diving deep, feeling even more deeper and then fully letting go of it to look into the future and at life with a hopeful and excited attitude. I think his birth chart also reflect the potential of someone self reflected and restless, always being up for transformation and not stagnating, because self developement is the only thing that make sense: with his the individual might feel like they need to surrender to this energy, and eventually it’s true. I think..he’s just a good reflection of his birth chart, I think there’s no other way for him than making sense of all this energy clusters that are in his chart anyway, but yes! I think he’s just an enigma and I’m here for it!!!
Xiaojun: Okay, I will say one thing I love Leo sun in combination with cancer placements, preferably Moon and Mercury. I just noticed that Leo people with profound Cancer in their chart are so incredibly warm people and they just want nothing more than love, they really just want pure and unfiltered emotion and they gladly give this back in return. I think needless to say this makes for a very sensitive person, and Xiaojun defenitely is that too, but it also makes them give that same amount of empathy back and especially the combination with Virgo Venus creates it a wish for devotion. I will be honest I usually I am always a tat critical when I see Scorpio Mars placed in the chart of a fire sign, but I think with him it just adds to this wholehearted and passionate nature of his, plus I think this makes for a really tough cookie, I think viewing his chart critically the first thing that one would notice is the huge water sign energy, but he also has lots of fixed sign modality playing into it, so I firmly believe he is a real go getter, motivated by his passions and working quietly on it instead of being a bragger (because this might just bite him back in the end). 
Kun: I will be very honest, the first impression of his chart was a ‘........oh no’ for me asdfgh, same with Yutas chart, just because of the huge stellium they both share, for Kun it would be his 5 planets in Capricorn. Stelliums are usually known to be a very tricky thing to have in ones birth chart, most of the time stelliums can symbolize a crossroad of potentials and thus can end in a lot of indecisevness for an individual. I think Kun is just one of the best examples of how far one can push the possibilities of a stellium, especially if we consider his confirmed birth time, thus giving him also a 6th house stellium. I think I’m just really fascinated how 6th house stelliums play out (look at Bang Chans 6th house stellium, that guy does everything and is everyhwere, just like Kun) and if we stick to the rules of astrology, hoh boy does his facial bone structure reflect this huge Caprciorn influence, and now to top it all of with my personal preferences: I have a huge huge soft spots for Taurus Moons and I think I like the combination of his Capricorn sun and Taurus Moon a lot, overall his chart just reflects his determination and ambitious nature, work is done thoroughly and attentively, and let’s not forget that his determination is also a big representation of how much he cares (Taurus Moon in the 10th?? It’s more likely than you think asdfgh). 
Jungwoo: It’s all because of his Scorpio Moon, I’m outing myself now, Water suns with Water Moons, especially when the Moon is in Scorpio and Pisces, usually have something very magnetic about them, same can be said with Water suns with Water risings. I think the interest and strong liking I build for his chart came along with his personality, another enigma at hands, Jungwoo is a really nuanced person and I really enjoy when he talks honestly about his feelings and other members in interviews, or just talks casually in vlives, because it gives you a good glance of anything beside his really funny and goofy side (which is by the way no form of complaint here, if there’s one thing no one wants to miss it’s Jungwoos shenanigans asdfgk). I don’t know why but teh first time I looked at his chart I just said ‘Huh???’ out loud because I was really suprised by his Moon sign and Venus. He has an Aquarius and Pisces stellium and i think this might overshadow the other placements a lot, especially since his Sun is in a degree of 0 and his Neptune as well (as Neptune rules Pisces it would be good to look at that planet as well lol). Well yeah, i think it only make sense that everyone got so intruiged by Jungwoo over the last time, I kind of feel the same as with Jaehyun with him, all that Aquarius and Pisces makes people have a harder time seeing them ‘clearly’ at times and also probably projecting a lot on them, so yeah. This is my statement asdfghjk
Sungchan: He’s a Virgo sun, what can I say, that already made me happy asdfghj but I do like the Earth Sun and Water Moon combo, it’s also funny that he has a planet occupying every sign from Gemini to Libra, especially since they’re all personal, plus his Mars in Capricorn of course. Since Sungchan is new to nct I still am very hesitant to making any statement but overall I just like to look at the chart, it seems just very balanced and I can’t wait to sotr his placements to various reactions and moments in a year when we have a lot of content at hand! 
Chenle: I know his sun sign could actually vary, but I will hold close to him being a Scorpio, he has an Aquarius stellium as well (seriously 60% of nct has an Aquarius stellium, despite the fact that they already have so many Aquarians in the band asdfghjkl), which squares his Scorpio stellium, and then add the trine to his Saturn and his Jupiter to it. Maybe that’s a very weird reason, but I like the way the chart physically looks (yes that is maybe not really based on any astrological explainations, but it’s just really interesting to look at). I also do know another Scorpio sun with Aquarius Moon in real life, and they do have their similarities, I also see a lot of Aquarius and Scorpio friends and couples in real life, so even though these signs square the other, I think they seem to find common ground or make amends pretty quickly. I think it’s just the mix of energies that clash here that are really intruiging to me!
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saltwatersweetner · 4 years
End Me
Eren x Reader
A Prequel of Sorts. Eren never fought for control preferring the security of your hold on him but you could never fully domesticate a wild animal it seemed.
Part 1 Part 3
CW: Manipulation, Toxic Relationship, Attempted Murder, Unhealthy coping mechanisms all in all mildly unsettling themes.
Eren knew how to be good—painfully so. He also knew how to be bad—concerningly so. He was a creature of habit. He did whatever he decided was best for him at the moment and maybe thats what lead you to your current stare down.
“Eren I said move.”
“Fuck what you said.”
Frowning you tried to think what honestly could have brought this mood upon him. It couldn’t have been because you were going out he always understood your random need to socialize. You also can’t remember purposefully setting him off, not in the mood and you weren’t completely cruel to ignore his random—even for him mood change—more in tune to your partners mood swings and emotions than you were to you own.
Carefully reaching out for him you raise an eyebrow when he moves away from your—for now—gentle touch “Are you really upset or just being a brat?”
“Stop talking to me.”
Huffing you choose to ignore his attitude and slip your coat over your shoulders just in time for a knock to be heard from the front door. With Eren on your heels you open the door for your friend.
“Y/N I called but you didn’t answer so I just came up.”
You get a flashback of Eren throwing a tantrum not even 30 minutes ago and launching your device from you 6th floor apartment “Yeah I dropped my phone off the balcony but lets go—Eren be good.”
His glare turns even more deadly when Reiner politely wraps an arm around your shoulders. Closing the door behind you Reiner laughs into the quiet hall “Be good? What is he your dog?”
“Something like that.”
Reiner was a friend an attractive one at that and Eren didn’t like it at all. He hated anyone that was even remotely close to you because you already didn’t like anyone but with Reiner it was different. You let him touch you and hold you.
Eren hated it, he hated it so much—and to make matters worse you didn’t care about his feelings—not one bit.
After a night of bar hopping and watching Bertholdt make a fool of himself in front of Annie, Reiner once again brought you home.
“It was nice seeing you, without your guard dog.” The face he made at the thought of Eren wasn’t a nice one.
“Aw sweetheart don’t be mean.” Reaching up you hold his warm cheek in your slightly chilled hand.
You knew jealousy when you saw it, could detect the slightest change of emotion when it was presented to you. He leans into your hold like a cat seeking out affection—much different than Eren’s wild way of seeking you out.
“Don’t be jealous my dear use your words.”
Reiners face was slowly moving closer to yours and you smirk in amusement. It would seem you had a knack for catching the attention for boys who were looking to be controlled.
Your door swings open before Reiner can kiss you and Eren is looking beyond livid. Reiner freezes his fight or flight telling him to run but you keep him steady with your palm.
“Were you waiting for me?”
Eren’s nod is slow and deliberate his eyes still glaring at the nonexistent space between you and the blond.
“Then that ends our time together, goodnight Reiner.” He shivers in what you think is glee from the acknowledgment of the time you spent with him.
“Goodnight.” He doesn’t acknowledge Eren any longer and hurries out to the elevator.
Turning back to the aforementioned boy you make a motion with your wrist “Move.”
When he eventually does get out of your way your hyper aware of the way he sticks to you almost like glue. Throwing your coat over the back of your couch you stretch and lead him to the kitchen.
“You hungry? All I’ve done is drink tonight I could really eat—“
He swings you into the wall by the neck. The alcohol in your system made it incredibly difficult to feel the pain you knew was blossoming up your back so all you could do was stare at the man before you.
You saw the endless sea of madness that unlike you he didn’t bother to cover up. Everyone found the look endearing on him like he never left that childishness behind but you knew the truth.
You could slowly feel yourself starting to suffocate. You didn’t bother panicking because as it had it Eren had all the power right now. If he or you moved the wrong way your neck was as good as snapped.
“Why did you let him touch you?”
Putting a calm hand on his wrist you try and fail to alleviate some of the pressure being forced down on your windpipe “Why. Does. It. Matter.”
Eren was breathing unevenly stuck between fighting his impulses and actually causing some damage “You’re mine you’re—you’re not supposed to—“
“Says. Who?” That makes him let go.
As it would have it you and Eren weren’t dating in any shape or form but he belonged to you. You brought him pleasure that he couldn’t find anywhere else. He was entirely devout to you and you only, all on his own fruition. From the moment he’d accidentally bumped into you and saw through the mask you wore. From the moment he stalked you from the moment he’d shown himself to you begging for salvation.
He wanted to play the game—wanted to be entertained in the morbid way regular people would get sick to their stomachs at—and you let him. You found him amusing enough to keep around but you refused to belong to anyone but yourself.
He was losing the game and fast. As his god you couldn’t be bothered with feeling bad for him.
“Now we can eat or you can sit here and starve whats it gonna be?”
Eren looked terribly unwell like he was about to fold in on himself “u-um eat please.”
You’d never seen him look so unsure before and it made you excited. How would he cry for you next? Would he try to fight more, yell and scream? Or would it be silent and broken?
Flicking your wrist you busy yourself in the kitchen “Good choice, go sit.”
He does as he’s told mumbling words to himself along the way. Was it cruel? Maybe. But you couldn’t be bothered considering how much of a thorn in your side he’d been all day.
You wanted to break him more and till he was nothing but crushed up stars slipping away in the wind. You almost felt bad for how much you were going to ruin him.
But he was your property after all to do with what you wanted. No one could stop you even if they tried. Especially because he let you and thats what made keeping him around so worth it.
You didn’t have the capability of feeling anything close to love no matter how fond of the boy you actually were. So you settled with ownership—they were damn near synonymous anyways.
So you proceeded as normal—well as normal as you are. You order the food you feed him and you move on to wash the dishes. He’d eventually get out of his feelings because he didn’t have the mental capacity to dwell on certain emotions for too long. It was all but routine now.
“Eren bring me whatever dishes you left lying around.”
Filling the sink with a mixture of water soap and a drop of bleach you wait patiently for the boy to bring what you requested. Turning off the tap You almost get impatient when it seemed like he was taking forever.
“Eren—“ you’re grabbed by the back of the head and shoved face first into the sudsy water.
You try with all your strength to get your head out of the sink but Eren just doesn’t stop. He’d never...hurt you before? Never acted out in this manner it startled you maybe.
And you were slowly but surely drowning.
When he finally does let you up you drop to the floor taking in large gulps of air. Your eyes stung from the mix of bleach and soapy water and you were suddenly freezing.
“Dont,” you look up to eren to see he once again wore that livid expression.
“Dont you ever think about leaving me do you understand?” His breathing was already heavy but now it was slowly turning into hyperventilation. “I’ll kill you I’ll fucking kill you if you ever l-leave me.”
You watched him begin to sob, dropping on his knees he crowded closer to you looking every bit of the victim he made himself.
“Im sorry I’m good I’ll be good I swear!” He tries to touch you but you smack his hands away making him sob harder.
You knew Eren you knew him. His inclination of violence had never been towards you and yet?
“Hit me hit me hit me im sorry please im good I promise.”
Those were the only words that made sense to you in the moment. You were a violent creature by nature one who prioritized your own life before anyone else’s, you’ve never done anything you didnt doubt you’d be able to get out of and yet? Eren had surprised you and not in a good way.
Your eyes come back into focus and you see the pitiful look he wore as if he hadn’t just almost killed you “Hit me please?”
And so you do.
You punch him right in the face with all your strength causing him to fly back against the tiles and you don’t stop there. You let out all the frustration from your near death experience out onto his body completely aware of the blissed out smile he now sported.
Regardless your mind was going 1 million miles per hour as one thing became clear. Eren was slipping out of your control and fast. One day you feared he’d be the one in control and that wasn’t a game you wanted to play.
You’re in control.
You were IN control
You not him.
You freeze. Fist inches from his face.
It was like your body was in forced reboot you couldn’t move your thoughts finally spiraled too far and too fast for you to reach.
You weren’t in control?
Starring at the needy expression on his face you came to the horrific realization that maybe you’d been playing in his hands all this time. He’d been able to get anything he ever wanted out of you—he knew it too.
Did you really—no you couldn’t be right?
“I’m good see?”
Wrong—you were in so fucking deep.
Slowing your breathing you lower your once trembling fist “Get. Out.”
Climbing off his chest you wipe the remaining water off your face “Get the fuck out I dont wanna see you.”
Eren hadn’t expected this outcome considering how hurt he looked “B-but where am I supposed to go?”
It was a stupid question you both knew he had his own dorm to himself but he’d been so used to sleeping with you every night that he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
Rolling your eyes you til your head “I dont care.”
“I cant sleep without you.”
“Cry about it.”
Hauling his shocked form up and out of your home you slam the door shut and immediately turn all three locks ignoring his soft cries from the other side.
Pulling at your wet shirt you could feel the breakdown coming. How did he do it? How’d he make your carefully crafted control snap?
Going into your room you lock that door as well before snatching the throw blanket from the end of your bed and a pillow. Going into your walk-in closet you close the door behind you and navigate in the dark to the farthest corner and sit.
You sit and sit and sit and sit and sit...and then you scream.
You scream until your lungs are raw and your voice is gone and you’re not sure when exactly you started scratching at your face but the stinging thats left behind is brutal.
You needed to think.
You needed a plan.
You needed—fuck you didnt know.
But you did know Eren was about to become a much bigger problem.
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epinosicc · 3 years
This is going to be quite chaotic, but this is something I wrote late one stormy July night about my life this far and how I’ve realized my problems
Okay it’s around midnight where I’m at so it’s time to rant instead of sleeping because I’m a minor and I have ✨issues✨
I tend to think more than what’s probably considered healthy, mostly because I do t have people to talk to. Don’t get me wrong, I have friends, but I don’t know what they’re doing and I don’t want to burden them with my stupid problems. So like any sane person I write my problems on the internet.
I usually think about the weird things when it’s raining. It’s something about the sound and feeling of rain that makes me more content, which makes me think. Now, I don’t have any big problems by any means. I’m simply figuring myself and my life out.
First of all, my previously mentioned friends. I trust them, of course, but at the same time I don’t. And like many who think to much and have a strange amount of self-awareness, I think I know why that is. When I first started going to school, I was confident. I’d already had friends before and thought I knew how to make new ones. The problem with that is that said friends did not go to my school, so I was alone. Until I met my first two friends. They were very nice to me, we played together and got along. The thing that I started noticing though was that if me and one of them arrived at school around the same time and out third friend wasn’t there yet we’d get along great, but as soon as that third friend arrived I’d get ditched in favour of them. And that would obviously hurt me. But we resolved it (not really) and things were going fine. But that experience stuck with me. It was my first taste of loneliness and abandonment (dramatic much?) and it made me doubt myself. I thought that maybe, just maybe, there was something about me that they didn’t like.
Now jump ahead about two years and I was alone Every. Single. Recess. (Oh shit it storming outside right now and some thunder sounded like a bomb) Obviously this only made me feel worse about myself. I just remember being so desperate for some sort of connection with someone. And I got one. I started talking to this person, I’ll call them Bird, and we got along great. Pretty soon Bird was my best and we spent a lot of our time together. I was still sort of friends with the two other people, at least during lessons, and sometimes during recess, but not that much otherwise.
Jump ahead a bit more, another year or so, and my class changed. At my school my class and another (same age as us) we’re combined into one. In this class that we were combined with there were a few new people, one of whom stuck out. Mostly because they didn’t like me, and they weren’t exactly discreet in letting me know. They never said so to my face, but they made it quite clear in how they acted towards me. This also made me feel bad. Is there really something so wrong with me that others couldn’t help but dislike me for it? Can I fix it? What do it that makes me different? (At the current point in my life I’m fairly certain I know what it is so yeah. Fun)
Now, I’d always cared a fair bit about school. I was taught that education was important, and if I was going to spend hours at school I might as well use that time for something, be it academically of socially. So when those around me started caring less about their education and more about things such as appearance and social hierarchy and relationships, I was confused. Why would they just not care? HOW could they just not care? Now, I’m not saying that any of the previous things are necessarily bad things to care about. In fact, ist great! Being invested in your social life and how others view you can be nurturing and make you feel fulfilled. But too much of anything can be bad. Letting yourself care about only those things can be harmful in more ways than one. I’ve never particularly cared about those things; I don’t like dressing up or making myself look good for others. I don’t value others validation of my appearance. What I didn’t notice was that as I believed these thoughts, I started eating less.
But things are still pretty chill. I still struggle with what’s wrong and what makes me different, but that’s fine. I’m pretty sure everyone goes through that at some point in our lives. But now I’m starting to find some answers. I don’t really care much for my appearance or style, I like academic things, I’m starting to fall behind in my social development, people are becoming more bold in stating their opinions, people are more hateful and spread misinformation etc etc (there’s a fucking mosquito who won’t leave me alone fuck off please). And at this point I’m more invested in the online world. But the international online world, not my national online world if that makes sense. English isn’t my first language but I learned it from the internet/YouTube and it’s basically my second language at this point. I learned English for English content creators, and I continued following them, not the ones relevant in my home/country. So I was and still am kind of out of the loop on current influencer events here in the North. This ties in with what I thought to be the answer to my questions: the LGBTQIA+ Community.
I started finding creators from the LGBT+ and I related to them and their stories. But I didn’t think I was one of them. People at school were not afraid to boldly proclaim that being LGBTQ+ was wrong and bad and strange. That there was something inherently rotten about such people. Now, did I agree with that? No. But I let it influence to the point were I thought that others being LBGTQ+ was fine, but me being that wasn’t. I wasn’t aloud to be one of them because there wasn’t supposed to be something wrong with me. But there was something, in the back of my mind, some part of me that knew. That knew who I am and that being me was fine. Too bad that voice wasn’t loud enough.
I still had Bird with me. Granted, they also had other friends, but they still stayed by my side. And they didn’t change like others did. My two first friends are people I also grew closer to at this time. I put our “situation” behind me and ignored it. It was a new chapter of my life, one where thing were changing in the right direction. Too bad I wasn’t too good at reading maps.
At this point I’m in sixth (6th) grade, the worst grade/period/time of my life thus far. After summer break people had changed a lot. Not just socially, but physically as well. We started to mature, we were lite tiny birds, looking out of the nest and thinking about how to take flight and reach above the branches of expectations and reach the clouds of ambition. But some of us didn’t. We didn’t want to start using our wings. At most we took a little peek out of our nest and divided that was enough for now. We began to grow frightened of others and their strange ideas of leaving what we knew was safe. I’m We for those wondering.
I started struggling with anxiety, I couldn’t stand in front of people without being scared and had a few panic attacks during presentations. People would look at me weirdly and I grew paranoid of what was wrong with me. At this point I started eating even less, resigning myself to one potion per meal, and no snacks, sometimes skipping lunch. Once again some of my friends that I had at this point started drifting away from me but now the rest, and I started trusting them even less. I can’t help but think that they’re only pitying me, that they’re going to leave and that they do thing behind my back. There was also someone else who had a big influence on me.
I, along with Bird started hanging around this person, we’ll call them Pen. They were sort of new, they’d always been in our class but had been living abroad for eight (8) months and had just come back. At first things were great. Bird, Pen and I were our own little trio of friends. But soon a change occurred. Pen started getting more clingy, staying uncomfortably close at times and never staying out of our personal space. Bird ended up taking the initiative with one of our other mutual friends and had long talk with Pen which sort of ended their friendship. At first they’d all handled it alone but then Pen involved their parents and thing went downhill. But I wasn’t part of it. Which made Pen hang on to me even more. I could never get away from them, it always felt like they were breathing down my neck. I didn’t tell them this though, they just lost two friends and they must be hurt from it, seeking comfort from someone they still considered a friend. I was uncomfortable, but I felt bad for them, so I continued being around them. Something my teachers had realized at this point was that I tend to take responsibility for other and their actions, and told me that I should try to relax and talk to them as I had seemingly started to become overwhelmed. But I don’t tell others my problems so I didn’t take their help. This kind of escalated a bit next grade.
Grade seven (7) was not my best year but also not my worst. I spent summer break reflecting and thinking, and started to value myself a bit more. I started hanging out with friends more often (usually Bird), and started unintentionally ignoring Pen. Though sometimes, I think it was intentional, as the very thought of Pen at this point made me anxious and uneasy. I thought I could simply let Pen hang around with me, and then let them get their own new friend group. I didn’t want them to only hang around me, it was honestly a bit scary how much I dreaded being around them. The feeling that something was off or wrong around them wouldn’t go away. They didn’t leave me though. No; I became their sole friend whom they refused to leave. In seventh (7th) grade our class was split, with me and Bird being in different classes. I had some friends in my new class though andere became a group. I thought I could nudge Pen to become part of this group. Except that Pen didn’t interact or contribute to the relationship. They weren’t social enough with the group to become part of it, standing in the group only to follow me. And my teachers noticed this and spoke to me. I told them how I was uncomfortable around Pen, and how I would like to not have to sit close to them next time we switched we seats (done every few weeks or so). Teachers agreed. But didn’t follow through. They sat me Right. Next. To. Pen. I confronted them about this. They lied to me. Their reasoning was that one of Pen’s parents had told the teachers how Pen only felt comfortable around me, and that they would like for us to be together at school as much as possible.
I was horrified at this - I couldn’t be held responsible for another students comfort, grades and social life! They basically put all the responsibilities of the teachers - making sure students felt comfortable, helping with schoolwork when needed, making sure the student had friends in the class - on me! I was basically supposed to play friend, teacher and class for Pen! I honestly couldn’t believe it, and told my friends. They told me they understood completely - they could see how emotionally and mentally exhausted I was from taking care of Pen, studying, after school activities and being around people that they were concerned about my well being. They, too, had tried to get Pen to become part of the group, but when only one person is taking care of the ship you can’t expect it to sail. They also felt uncomfortable around Pen. My anxiety only got worse because of this, and I started becoming paranoid that Pen was always watching me, either through my phone or my windows. I could not get myself to relax, not even when totally alone, something I’ve always enjoyed and felt comfortable with.
And at the end of grade seven (7), it happened. I found out that Pen was switching schools. I feel guilty admitting it, but I felt so relieved and free when I found out. Finally, I thought, finally I would get some privacy. All of my other friends are aware of my boundaries: don’t touch me unless I’m ready and aware of it, give me some space, don’t force me to talk when I’m anxious etc. They know, respect and treat me well, and in turn I treat them well and respect their boundaries, but Pen didn’t seem to understand that no, I don’t want you to stand so close to me that I can literally feel you body heat.
So grade eight (8) rolls around and I so does a certain unspecified virus. We therefore had to have school online. For me this was a blessing. I don’t enjoy being around people for too long and I don’t ever want to deal with my classmates bs. The teachers even commented on several occasions that I seemed much happier, which I was considering I didn’t have someone constantly breathing down my neck. And now I start to drift away from Bird. I always considered Bird my absolute closest friend. Almost like a sibling. And now we were drifting apart. We both started walking our own paths, still close together but different in so many ways. We’re still friends to this day, but I don’t think our friendship is going to last until we’re adults anymore. It’s sort of sad, but it is natural. We are both starting to forge our own paths in life, our own docks from which we will eventually set sail from to explore the limitless blue beyond that is life. And one day we might even meet again on some distant island, reconnecting and sharing stories of calm blue oceans to storming black waters. But that will happen with time. For now, I’m content finding materials for my dock with my group of friends, sharing ideas for designs and unfinished blueprints of a distant future. I’m content staring at that great far away horizon painted in the colors of pink, magenta and blue, watching the clouds of today’s events and feeling the winds of tomorrow’s surprises whilst thinking of what one day might be.
TL;DR: I rant about my life and somehow become a poet at the end.
End note - I still struggle with trust and anxiety. I don’t have problems with how my body looks anymore and I don’t confine myself to strict diets and eating schedules. Part of me feels guilty about my situation with Pen, and one part of me feels relieved and happy that I don’t have to deal with them anymore. I’m smart enough and self aware enough to realize my problems and their causes, and I have the tools to craft my solutions. I’m doing good, and know how to keep doing good, at least for a little while more.
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g00ngala · 3 years
ok. big media analysis coming, specifically related to the owl house and amphibia. keep reading if you're interested in that! (note: this post is NOT meant to hate on amphibia or any of the hard work the creators put into the show, this is just something i realized and haven't seen anybody online pointing out before.)
anybody who knows me through my discord server knows that recently i've been watching through amphibia (currently 2 episodes left of season 2 to watch, yes i've already been majorly spoiled on true colors and whatever these last two episodes end up being it doesn't change how I feel about the show as a whole). and that while i like a good chunk of it, i've been frustrated with it's writing in a lot of places.
the episode to episode plots felt predictable to the point where i'd sometimes skip through episodes to the end because i know how it's going to play out. the overall lore doesn't feel seamlessly connected to the character arcs, it feels more like the characters were placed in amphibia rather than the world building serving the internal and external conflicts. they also don't go very deep into the lore either, it kinda just seems like a lot of fantasy words and not a lot of tangible connections to the plot or history behind the world that has any true relevance or impact. the filler is a little overwhelming, to the point where when they finally take a plot point or emotional beat that i've been waiting for to it's conclusion it feels way more like FINALLY than rewarding. the characters, while endearing + having clear emotional growth and strengths/weaknesses/personalities, still feel very much like cartoon characters rather than fully realized people with complicated reasons for why they act the way they do like in some other shows.
"some other shows" being the show i've been deliberately dancing around this whole time. the owl house.
okay anyone who has been on my blog for more than two seconds knows i love the owl house, and i could write an entirely separate post on why it's writing is absolutely genius but that's not the point and it's a rant to save for a later date.
what i actually want to talk about is that there's a reason why mentally, subconsciously or consciously i've been comparing amphibia to the owl house this whole time. the reason i keep making that connection is because prior to watching amphibia, both fandoms (or, let's be real, one singular large fandom) made it seem like these shows are really similar.
but to be honest? aside from the surface level (like the creators knowing and interacting with each other, the similar set up of "girl falls into a weird fantasy realm and found family insues" and the fact that they are two disney cartoons airing at roughly the same time that make references to popular fandom culture occasionally) these shows AREN'T similar. like. on a fundamental plot structure level.
and i finally pinpointed why. target demographic. amphibia is a really good kids show, but the owl house is just a really good show in general. let me explain.
when i started looking at amphibia as a show targeted at kids (like late elementary to early middle school age kids) a TON of writing decisions made a whole lot more sense.
because the reality is the average 6th grader doesn't really care about the same kind of plot intricacies that i, a 10th grader does. and i realized that if i were about 11-13 right now, i'd probably really love this show!
the owl house, by contrast, is a show for teens and up by this point. if it wasn't already obvious from the fact that dana terrace spends her free time doing a lot of horror art and the dark aspects to the owl house in general, it's not an incredibly kid safe show. sure, a kid COULD watch it but to me it doesn't seem like it's targeting itself at kids at all. it's giving me very much 13 and up.
the owl house and amphibia have fundamentally different target audiences, but the fandom surrounding both convinced me before watching amphibia that they're BOTH teens and up shows, and made me expect more out of amphibia than i was going to get. and honestly? i don't think that's fair to amphibia! it's a really good show for what it is, even if it doesn't line up with my tastes the same way the owl house does in terms of plot structure and depth.
anyway yeah it just really annoys me how people compare these shows CONSTANTLY but they have fundamentally different plot structures and target audiences lol
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sybilmarlowe · 4 years
Ooh!! A modern headcanon of DoffyxViola in Miami! They're married! Oh and Law stays with them while his god-father Rosci is in the Navy for long months! Have fun with this!
For this HC I’m gonna modify Law’s age a bit, since in the comics he’s just 3 years younger than Viola and it wouldn’t be fun XP so everybody has the same age as in the series except for him who’s 10 yo. 
I also ended up modifying a bit your request (the story takes place in a week and not in months) because I came up with a nice idea and it worked better like this... hope you don’t mind! 
- being the head of a huge company in New York (don't ask me why is it so canon he'd be a manager if he lived in our world XD) may be very stressful and, after a whole month spent working almost without a break, Doflamingo decided to finally take some time for himself... and his wife.
- He’d been married to Viola for 4 months now, but, shortly after their honeymoon, business had increased and it’d become harder and harder for him to spend time with her. 
- She was a very sweet and comprehensive person, but Doffy felt guilty anyways, she deserved much more! 
- That night he went back home with a huge bunch of roses for his wife and a bottle of the finest wine
- “Violet, we have to celebrate!” “What is it, Doffy? Was your business particularly good today?” “Yes, but... what I want to celebrate tonight is the beginning of a very special week. A whole week for just you and me”
- Of course, even the “celebration for the beginning” was quite fun itself, but it was nothing compared to what Doffy had planned for his wife for the following 7 days... - The morning after they were already on a plane to Miami: Doffy had a beautiful attic there, right above the sea, with a stunning view... the perfect place to spend some time with Viola.
- Some very special time just for the two of them, finally, far away from New York, from work and from any kind of bothering...
- ...or maybe not.
- They were just entered the appartment, Doffy holding Viola bridal style (he loves to be theatrical, that's a matter of fact), when his phone suddenly started ringing.
-“I have no intention to answer, it must be someone from the company who forgot about my directives...”
“I don't think so, my love, that's your personal phone. Answer it, it can be something important”
- Seeing the name on the screen almost made him swear.
- “Rocinante! What is it!? Didn't I tell you I was going to finally spend some time with my wife this week?! I really hope you...”
“You're in Miami, right?”
“Yes, but...”
“Great! My flight is making a stopover there in 15 minutes, I have to move abroad for 6 days for a meeting with the Navy Admirals and I couldn't find anyone to look after Law!”
“You're not listening, are you!? I told you I'm in Miami because...”
“Law is here with me, I've already called a taxi which'll drive him to your house. You're staying in the attic, I guess... Have you other properties there?”
“Rocinante! I told you...!”
“Thank you, bro! I owe you a favour!”
“Rocinante! You...! I can't believe, he just hang up on me!”
- Doffy had never been so angry in a while, but Viola was giggling “Come on, your brother's stepchild is a good boy, it won't be so bad to have him around!”
- Not even half an hour later, Law arrived the attic accompanied by one of the building's doormen. He had nothing else with him than a backpack and a portable console.
- “Alright, kid, your room is on the second floor”
“Can I play on the couch over there?”
“Of course you ca...”
“You can, dear!” Viola talked over her husband “You're with family here, do as if you were home!”
- That was just the beginning of the end. Law was indeed a good kid but he was... a kid! He spent hours playing videogames in the living room (which, of course, was the best room of the attic) and running around pretending to be his favourite hero, Sora. He also read comics while walking sometimes and once he almost broke an expensive flamingo sculpture!
- Ok, Viola actually hoped for the sculpture to be broken, but Doflamingo was faster in catching it...
- No dinners for two, of course, Law felt lonley eating alone in his room as “uncle Doffy” suggested (and Viola would have never allowed it)
- As any 10-years-old child, Law woke up early every morning and asked to go to the beach, but eventually he always stayed under the beach umbrella reading his comics and lamenting it was too hot.
- At night... well, he played his videogames or watched tv without minding his step-uncles' room was just next to his. And at the same time Viola and Doffy weren't actually allowed to do whatever they wanted for the same reason.......
- But the bottom was touched one evening when Doffy finally managed to be alone with his wife at the poolside on the terrace. Law hadn't been around for the whole afternoon, so he thought he had decided to stay away in his room for once.
- It goes without saying, he was wrong.
- All of a sudden, Law run into the terrace and... he slipped.
- He fell violently in Doffy's lap, causing his chair to broke and his drink to... fall all over a very perplexed Viola.
- “Look what you've done!”
“I didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident!”
“Go to your room! Now!”
“Ehi! You can't say me wat to do, old man!”
- That was enough.
- Doffy now looked totally calm and incredibly scary “If you don't get out of my sight immediately, I'll make both you and that idiot brother of mine regret having brought you here”
- Law widened his eyes in terror, he hesitated a couple of seconds and then run away. He was crying.
- “I... I'm sorry, Viola, are you alright? If only that kid hadn't... ”
“Doffy, don't you think you just overdid a bit with him?”
“What!? Did you hear him? I can't stand that arrogant spoiled child anymore!”
“Spoiled and arrogant child? He reminds me so much of someone else... He just wants to catch your attention! After all he lost his parents not so long ago... he needs a family”
“I really don't know how a woman like you could have chosen a man like me, really... you're even too gentle!”
“But I'm right. Now go talk to him, he looks up at you if you haven't noticed! Be a good uncle for once!”
- He followed Viola's advice, he reached Law in his room and talked to him as a real uncle should. It was strange at the beginning, but somehow it worked.
-“I didn't mean to bother you and aunt Viola... I promise I'll lower my videogame's volume and be careful not to bump into your sculptures anymore... even if they're horrible.”
- For the first time, Doffy simply laughed.
- The following three days were good. Yes, that week hadn't surely been as Doffy had planned, he barely managed to stay alone with his wife... but being uncles was not so bad!
- “Let me just ask you a ting, kid... why do you always ask us to bring you to the beach if you don't even approach water? Couldn't be you can't swim!”
“Honestly, uncle... I don't...”
“Well... neither do I!”
- Rocinante reached them on the 6th day to bring Law back home with him. When he asked if he had acted well, both Viola and Doffy answered he was a very good child. Viola also added he had to be proud of such a good son and Rocinante struggled not to cry.
- They stayed for dinner and left that very evening.
- “Remember, brother, I owe you a favour!”
“Oh, you can bet I will!”
- And, in the end, husband and wife were finally, truly alone.
- “We still have this night and a whole day for us, Doffy, aren't you happy?”
“I'd have prefered this all to be very different, but...”
“You seemed to have fun with Law in the end, uh?”
“I can't say the contrary... he's a smart kid, after all. But I really hope it'll be a while before we'll have to look after children again!”
“Mmh... eight months is enough?”
“Eight months... WHAT?!”
“You get it well, love. I'm pregnant!”
(Sorry for the long wait, dear, I had a to work a lot lately xAx but I managed to write this in the end! Hope you like it!)
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
MCC 24 JUL 21
Pink Parrots Part 2/2
Wilbur just kinda snuck his way in. You know that works.
Tubbo is a valid reason for a strat change.
Talented team!
Not bad not bad.
I accidentally posted part 1 early but oh well.
My read more keeps it from being annoying.
Watch yellow and purple gentle mans.
Oh I turned the volume up on my phone for a moment and was confused by the delay.
GG RANBOO!!! Getting onest!
Sapnap is the anime. I thought that was Phil?
Poor Green Guardians.
Doing ok. Doing ok.
Wilbur going to stab something.
“You’re in hell and that’s ok” -Ranboo
Do I see us in the lead???? We’re bad but we’re good at being bad.
What is Wilbur looking at???
They are so well in the lead. Look at my boys go.
Stream go poof. Yet again. But it’s the last game so I’m dedicated to watching Wilbur.
Build mart!!! Please!!! Build mart!!!
Please not survival games.
Awww. Oh well. This is going to be good and dramatic.
Ranboo nooo!!!
I have a cosmic brownie to eat to keep myself from yelling at the screen like an Alabama fan on iron bowl Friday.
Ranboo has become an eye in the sky drone.
I will not breathe. I will only eat brownie.
Get them kills.
Green guardians doing better than y’all.
Y’all all the teams ahead of you could just kill over and you wouldn’t get very high.
Please kill someone.
Oh they just dropped like a rock. 6->8
Wait. Did the game just end? Why did the board equal out?
Nope. Holy cow they are floating like a balloon!
4th! That just need to try to hold that.
Or not. They are dropping again quick.
Please boys. At least top 5.
Wilbur could not in fact stay alive.
They dropped to 6th. They are about to hit 3rd overall.
Yellow is their biggest danger.
Red rabbits are bad too.
Bad for the teeth.
3rd. They dropped like rocks. Red and yellow took the lead.
Wilbur don’t look. You heard the sounds fo sadness.
So close. If only they had chosen build mart.
Didn’t even make it to the final duals.
Ranboo quit blaming yourself. You did a great job. I called this boy would do that.
I already have notes from that delayed liveblog and I don’t like it.
It’s not even in the masterlist yet.
By about 200 points. I think it’s 218???? I don’t know I have no math skills.
Go teams!!!
You flip a coin tubbo if you aren’t sure who to cheer for.
Good job Wilbur!!! We’re proud of you!
Reddit analysis? Nah tumblr analysis are where it’s at. We might not be all fact but we make our opinion funny at least.
Dodge bolt music sounds like stuff I would listen to in order to concentrate while studying.
So few cheering for the red team. Still going to watch anyway.
Go red go!!
Get it red get it!!!
“Red team red team red team!”
It’s just the Manifold! Get him!
They won! I can see the confetti on the live. It hasn’t happened yet but I see it on MCC Live!!
That was awesome!!!
I love MCC and I’ve missed liveblogging.
Hopefully I can do this again more often.
I need to find and listen to the MCC soundtrack when I do my studying and cleaning.
Wow. That’s Wilburs first time on the Top 10? I’m surprised.
The confetti stopped.
The music also stopped.
Survival games is just a classic. Survival games has existed for so so long. I remember playing it one on one on Minecraft pocket edition, back when it was called Hunger games, with my little brother where we could play over local internet.
They did so so awesome. I’m so proud of this team.
Ranboo you shut up and quit putting yourself down. Yes it is ok. You did amazing.
What now? I’m going to Disney. Lol.
JK just making a sports joke.
Hi Niki! I love Niki!
It would have been cool if Ranboo had run.
Yes get Ranboo back!
Yes get Techno back as well!
Ah a Manifold!
Everyone tries not to swear for the no swearing Youtubers.
Off goes Wilbur. Him and his office that he can apparently sleep in.
I could sleep in an office. I actually have when I’ve visited my dad at his office.
Bye Wilbur! Of course your viewers are like loyal little puppies.
Wilbur is honestly the guy I watch for practically every MCC.
I usually watch him and/or Fundy.
And poof. Off we go the Phil!
I’m leaving with the raid for the channel points then going to Ranboo or Tubbo since they are the people I’ve been listening to this whole time.
Alright. I’ve said hi to Phil. Off I get.
Phil is so proud of himself in tera swoop force. That is literally your game.
Alright. I’m in Tubbo’s now.
I might bounce elsewhere as well. But I think that’s a good place to end this post. Missed y’all!!
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bedtimebrain · 4 years
EXO Chanyeol: Oppa?
First Chanyeol Scenario! And have you heard his ‘Without You’ ? Damn it got me stunned when i listened, i didnt know it was going to be the one by Mariah Carey. I mean ofc chanyeol doesn’t speak perfect English but what can get more attractive than him playing the electric guitar😭 His film’s gna be released globally soon, wish him the best! 
Also I took so long to write this, that by the time i’m done, he has enlisted:,) Sigh, Chanyeol, see you the 27th of every month!
Characters: Chanyeol x reader
You caught Chanyeol’s attention, but… You’re not so into rowdy guys. How will it turn out?
Ding Dong!
You were outside EXO’s dorm with a bottle of Cola. You didn’t really know EXO, in fact you only actually knew Jongin. The story goes where one night you saw a really sick man swaying side to side along the streets. Being the nice and kind soul you were, you went up to help. And that person turns out to be jongin, which at that point you didn’t know was an EXO member until much later when your friend showed you an EXO poster.
You helped him to the apartment building and you left your number with him out of worry because he insisted he head up alone. After that you guys somewhat became friends. And ever since you knew he was a celebrity, you occasionally ran errands for him just to save him some trouble.
‘Annyeong y/n! Thanks for buying the cola!’
‘Sure Jongin oppa! I’ll be leaving then !’
Just as you were about to leave, a shout came from inside the house 
‘Annyeong Jongin Chingu! Are you free? Wanna join us? I wanted to play a 2v2 switch game but we are short of 1 person. THERE’S PIZZA HERE TOO, ARE YOU INTERESTED?!’
Honestly, you haven’t even spoken once with chanyeol but here he is, trying to aggressively convince you to play games together. Not exactly an extrovert yourself, that overpowering energy was quite a turn off for you. You raised a brow at Jongin, trying to ask him to get you out of this situation
‘Erm.. Actually, i...’ In your mind ran a 1000 different thoughts on what’s the best way to politely reject this but you just couldn’t think of any, just then jongin finally cut in, only to say
‘Yeh come join us! It’s going to be fun, plus I’m sure you haven’t eaten dinner too’
Although you were a still a little reluctant, you relented for the sake of Jongin and entered the house. Seeing Sehun was also in the house, you both greeted each other politely and you proceed to sit quietly by the dining table. 
‘LET’S EAT QUICK CANT WAIT TO TRY THE NEW GAME’ Chanyeol just sounded overly excited about this. 
Over dinner, Chanyeol in particular was really friendly with you, probably just trying to make you feel comfortable as he tried to get to know you. But after a while, the conversation floats back to him talking about himself. You weren’t complaining though.
‘Okay so that day..’ Chanyeol begun his 5th or 6th anecdote during the dinner but couldn’t stop laughing before he could even get started on it.
He was laughing so hard he started hitting jongin beside him and his exaggerated movements actually hit the table so hard it toppled your coke glass over onto you
‘oh my gawd!’ you reacted in reflex and got up immediately from your chair.
‘HYUNG! SERIOUSLY?!’ Jongin reacted with shock then laughter. He quickly passed you some tissue 
‘Let’s just clean up right now and start the games’ Sehun added calmly 
You could tell Chanyeol was really feeling sorry when you saw that panic in his eyes when the coke spilled. Though it’s really weird to be wearing some other guy’s clothes when you just knew him for hours, you couldn’t be possibly telling him you would only wear jongin’s and not his... So you followed him to grab something to change into 
Stepping into his room you can’t help but get abit wide eyed. His room was almost like what you would imagine a musician’s to be. Guitar, piano, bass, iMac, subwoofer etc. You were so amazed you couldn’t stop glancing around as he tries to uncover some clothes from the depths of his cabinet.
Finally finding it, chanyeol turned around and caught how your face literally wrote ‘amazement’,  he couldn’t help but laughed beneath his breath before handing a sweater to you.
‘Why do you look so amazed? Your expression made it look like you just walked into a museum.’ Chanyeol asked
You felt embarrassed from his question and was absolutely tongue tied. Looking towards the corner of the room you caught sight of a basketball and a miniature basketball hoop. You quickly switched the topic
‘um you play basketball too?’
‘Yes I do! Like in my free time, once in a while. Outdoor activities keep me sane when I feel like I need a break, apart from jamming of course, as you can see. Why, do u play too?’
‘Oh I see, haha. And yes I play basketball too.’
‘I wasn’t expecting that! You really dont look like it though! What’s...’ before he could finish his sentence, jongin came into the room to check on you.
Breaking off that small talk with chanyeol, you changed out of your dirty top into the sweater. Sigh, the game hasn’t even started but you were almost already drained. 
2 hours into the game, you were getting really really sucked out of energy. Looking at chanyeol still so engrossed in the game, you wonder how could he still remain so fired up.
Just then the bell rang and the boys looked at each other, 
‘Who’s that? Any of you got delivery ?’ Sehun asked as he walked towards the door. Looking through the peek hole before opening the door.
‘Ah Suho Hyung, why did you not open the door on your own’ Sehun asked
‘I left them in the car, too lazy to grab it. Oh, hi y/n, what you doing here?’
Feeling really tired now, your honesty got the better of you and you replied without thinking 
‘Hi Suho-ssi, I got called to play some games, but now i’m stuck here’
‘Ya, you punks , it’s really late now you know. It’s way past 1030, Y/N still needs to walk home. Just shut off the game right now.
And Chanyeol didn’t you say you were meeting your high school friends tonight?’
At this Chanyeol loudly cursed then exclaimed
Phew, Suho surely is a life savior. More than happy to be out of this situation, you quickly packed your stuff and thanked the boys
‘I’ll be leaving, thanks for having me today and the free pizza.I had fun. Jong-in oppa please tell Chanyeol ssi i’ll wash his sweater before returning to him.’
At the same time chanyeol came out from his room hastily,
‘Y/N wait for me! Let’s leave together!’
You would have preferred having some quiet time by yourself right now, but you didn’t want to make things awkward by saying no. Seeing how Chanyeol got comfortable with people so quickly was beyond your understanding.
You were always took really long to warm up to new people unless you could really click with them, just like jongin.
‘Ah thanks for waiting, let’s go! Where do you stay? Is it near?’
Trying your best at a comfortable and casual tone, you replied ‘Uh yes it’s just about 5 to 10 minutes away if I walk. Where you going to?’
‘Oh just meeting my friends for supper. Let me walk you home since it’s not too far, anyway my friends are still on the way
So you were saying you play basketball do u watch nba or something ? What position do you play’ Chanyeol naturally strike a conversation with you
‘I DONT really follow, but yeh I check out the highlights and stuff. I play the Center position’
‘SERIOUS?! YOU’RE NOT VERY BUILT FOR A CENTER!’ You must be really good then!’ Chanyeol seemed to genuinely be amazed 
Chuckling a little, you just shrugged and said
‘Erm yeh but the coach just thinks I’m pretty tough I guess.’
‘Oh and i heard from jong-in you didn’t know EXO until recently, so what music do you like ?’
Feeling a little self conscious about the fact that a musician is here asking you bout your music taste, you answered hesitantly
‘ R&B, acoustics, ballads , those sort? Ed Sheeren , AKMU and some other English oldies’
‘Then do you know ‘Without you’ by Mariah Cary? I’ve been listening to it lately and it’s been stuck in my head!’
Laughing at how random that was, you softly started singing along with him as he started. 
At this hour of the day, at about 11 pm your mind isn’t too functional to overthink, you felt like you were loosening up towards him. Though he was a little too over enthusiastic and animated, you somehow liked that he seemed to have this innocence to him.
Just as your short jam ended, you have also reached your apartment
‘I’ve reached! Thanks for walking me back. Bye, drive safely later!’
You flashed a smile, bowed politely and was ready to head in, but chanyeol actually called out before you could head off
‘y/n! Wanna exchange numbers? We could go shoot some hoops at arcade someday or just ball.’
You were not too keen actually, wanting to just keep your relationship with him as simply acquaintances.  Thinking bout how to put the rejection across nicely , you said
‘Oh, thanks for offering. But I’m really not a night person . And you know, you guys being EXO and got to be stealthy , everything goes on at night. Really not my thing though, I don’t think we can ever match a time.’
But turns out he was more insistent than you thought
‘Oh then I could invite you for games or a jam session ! I wouldn’t say we have exactly similar tastes in music but I do like the music you listen to and you sound great singing!’
That made you blush a little , partly embarrassment partly being shy at his straightforward words.
‘It’s fine chanyeol-ssi, I’ll just see you at your dorm when I pass by to see Jongin oppa and return your sweater. Bye’
For the next 2 weeks, you somehow got more frequent calls from Jongin to run errands for him. But when you turned up at their dorms and Chanyeol was in, he would either be the one to get the door or be inviting you in for whatever they were doing. 
Today afternoon, you were over at their dorms again, but just with jongin and chanyeol. You had bought tteokbokki and corndog for yourself and decided to buy some for EXO too, but turns out it was just the 2 that were in. 
‘ah, y/n thanks for the food. i’m going to change and leave for dance practice soon’ 
‘you’re welcome jongin oppa, i’ll leave soon too’
just as jongin headed to the room, chanyeol took the chance to ask
‘y/n are you free? Do you want to hangout together instead? Since i’m free today and you’re already here.’ Chanyeol asked expectantly. 
You were already much more comfortable with him, but together in the house? You wouldn’t even with Jongin.
‘Erm, Chanyeol-ssi, it’s okay. I’m not too comfortable staying in the house with another guy ..’ you said it hesitantly, feeling a little bad for rejecting him. 
‘Oh actually, I meant to head out, there’s this place which I thought both of us will like’
oh shucks, that was embarrassing. In an attempt to cover up your embarrassment, you laughed abit harder than you should and agreed more enthusiastic than you would normally
‘OH ! HAHA! Ok, sure then let’s go!’
Almost instantly, you saw Chanyeol’s eyes brighten up. He got up immediately got changed and you both headed out.
In the car ride, you finally calmed your senses down and became sane enough to realise
‘Chanyeol-ssi it’s still pretty early right? Wouldn’t you heading out with me like this be really dangerous?’
Stopping his incessant rap and singing ever since you got in his car, he replied
‘There’s this arcade I used to go to when I was a student. It’s really old now and no one really goes there anymore. It closes around 5pm everyday , but I know the boss! I’m gonna ask him to just let us use the place for a short while’
With one hand on the steering wheel, he looked at you and was bubbling with excitement as he explained. You laughed seeing how excited he was, somehow also making you look forward to the fun to come.
Being really chatty as usual, he spoke the whole ride about anything and everything, slowly without even knowing, you dozed off.
The next moment you woke up, the sun was already starting to set and you’ve both reached the arcade, which was on the second floor along a shophouse street.
It looked so rundown and shady from the outside. The signboard was unlit and had completely yellowed. The window panes were blue tainted and so dusty you could see the dust from the streets.
‘Chanyeol Ssi are you sure about this? Please don’t bring me to a haunted house’
‘Ya, trust me, you’ll be surprised’
Together you headed towards the dark staircase that led you guys to the arcade. You struggled to catch up with his pace as he went up the stairs. The narrow and unlit staircase made you so jumpy that when the lights suddenly came on, you quickly latched your hand onto chanyeol’s sleeves without thinking.
Laughing at how scared you were, chanyeol slowed down his pace, walking side by side with you instead.
‘Why you so scared! We’re reaching soon, don’t worry, it’s hella cool place!’
Not really having the capacity to respond now, you continued holding on to his sleeves until you reached the end of the stairs.
Letting go, you awkwardly said thanks and entered the arcade, finding that it was certainly better than you thought but not fantastic.
‘Lee Soo Hyung! I brought my friend here today , could you let us use for about an hour + after you close?’
‘Chanyeol ah! It’s been a while! After all these years I finally see you with a girl. Hello Agassi, why did you come here with him? Be careful he doesn’t slaughter you like how he does when he plays games with his friends’
Not knowing to whether tears of joy or sadness would fit this situation, you raised your brows at chanyeol.
‘Alright I’ll leave this place to you guys, I’ll be back in about 2 hours after I eat and run my errands’
2 hours passed by in a flash. And you sure had lots of fun, shooting hoops, playing Daytona, Mario kart , and even challenging him to dance on pump it up. All of which u lost rather miserably cause you were just horrendous at games.
As you both left the arcade, you thought back in realisation that you didn’t see that annoying over competitiveness today in him today. Instead it felt Chanyeol wanted to make it fun for the both of you rather than winning you.
Internally feeling a little touched about this, you thought to subtly show your gratitude by treating him later.
Walking out of the stairs to the streets, you saw Baskin Robbins just right across, below a dancing school.
‘Chanyeol ssi! Let me buy you ice cream ok! Let’s cross the road to Baskin Robbins’
‘Haha, y/n why the sudden treat? I’m not complaining though, I want Choco mint in a cone’
You went into the shop and placed the order for the ice cream. But when you came out, there was a commotion right outside the shop and realised chanyeol was in ‘trouble’. 
You panicked internally , where did the fangirls come from? They all surrounded chanyeol and were squealing and asking for pictures.
You headed back into baskin Robbins, not too sure what you should do. It’s not going to turn out well if he is seen with you.. Should you head off first? Or should you help him?
With one hand holding on nervously to the ice cream you looked intently at the situation outside, with a total mind blank.
Only about 15minutes later, you saw chanyeol managed to escape back to his car as the crowd in this secluded area eventually died down.
You didn’t head out to find him, worried that if any Fangirls were left, you would land him in trouble.
You stayed at in the shop, looking at the melted ice cream you bought for him, should you just dump this away? Do you head off yourself soon?
Just then a call came in
‘Y/N! Where are you? I’m so sorry I got caught by those dance school girls. Are you alright ? Where did you go ? In case you’re wondering, i got your number from jongin to contact you’
‘Chanyeol -ssi...? Are u ok? I’m just waiting at baskin robbins .. just head home without me, I’ll just find my way back..’ feeling still at loss about the situation, you replied with a heavy heart
‘Ah, no, just head down to the alley behind I’ll pick you up from there. This place is too secluded , I’m not going to leave you here alone’
‘But ..’
‘Just meet me there’
Feeling down and guilty that this was kind of your fault. You walked mindlessly to the alley with the half melted ice cream. If it were not for you, chanyeol wouldn’t even be heading out in the afternoon right?
As you entered the car, you kept quiet not really knowing what to say. But Chanyeol started apologising repeatedly, and telling you about the whole situation earlier
But all that ran through your mind was how risky the situation was and how bad you felt. You were still quite in shock as you processed that just happened
‘Chanyeol ssi, why did you bring me out today? Seeing that made me realise the severity of how dangerous it could have been for you if you were caught together with me.. and I can’t help but feel it’s my fault you got surrounded by those fan girls..’
Pausing before continuing, you added
‘Let’s never do this again. I’m really sorry’
‘Don’t be sorry, i am not even blaming you or anything! Plus i was the one who wanted us to hang outside together. I knew this might happen, but i still wanted to have fun with you’
‘Why Chanyeol-ssi?’
Without thinking, he answered almost immediately 
‘Because i just find you cute’ 
You blanked out completely as those words, you could feel blood rushing through your cheeks. 
You started externally processing your thoughts out of nervousness and panic
‘i know this sounds ridiculous but are you like interested in me? i know i am blushing like mad right now but im not really into loud guys. and though i had lots of fun with you just now i think you should just give up if you are even thinking of anything’ you went on rambling not even knowing what in the world you just said
He looked at you seeming to have something to say. But then looked at the messy ice cream and decided to reached for it instead.
‘thank you for this ice cream, and y/n whatever you said…honestly, can i just have 1 thing from you?’
‘uh what is it?’
‘can you just call me Chanyeol Oppa instead?’
Your heart skipped a beat at what he said and you could feel his gaze was still on you.
After a few moments of silence that hung heavy in the air, you shyly and softly asked
‘Chanyeol oppa shall we go back now?’
Still feeling shy to look at him, you stole a glance at the rear view mirror and saw Chanyeol smile the widest smile you have ever seen since you guys met. 
Finishing off the ice cream, he started the engine, ready to drive off. But before stepping the accelerator, he looked up at the rear view mirror and you both caught each other’s eyes and both looked away almost immediately smiling shyly when your eyes met briefly. 
As the car speeded off, you kept your eyes on the side view mirror, and you were glad you weren’t the only one smiling like an idiot the whole ride back. 
Was this a little boring? I read through it multiple times and can’t really tell anymore. i hope it was fun for you guys who read it for the first time~ though i must admit if i read a fanfic with such an ending i might feel lowkey unsatisfied :p
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