sourdilfs · 3 years
The most embarrassing thing In my life is whenever I see people and they ask what I’ve been up to . Literally nothing ever . Im like ohh you know this and that …. The usual ..
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sourdilfs · 3 years
this pandemic has been especially hard for us soft-spoken bitches 😔 no one can hear us through our mask
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sourdilfs · 3 years
second chance ll j.p.
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part two of second choices
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Warnings: she’s angsty again. honestly not that happy of an ending
Summary: The annual Potter’s New Year’s Ball is coming up, and it’s the first time you are going to be around James since the Hogsmeade incident. What could possibly go wrong?
word count: 2.6k
a/n: hahaha so this kinda got away from me ngl. the ending is way sadder than I was originally going to make it but oh well, I tagged all of the people that were asking for a part two as well!
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sourdilfs · 3 years
second choice ll j.p.
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Pairing: James Potter x Best!Friend!Reader, James x Lily
Warnings: she’s a bit angsty, but we love her anyways. maybe some cursing. 
Summary:  James has always been your best friend, but you are tired of always coming in second in his life.
word count: 1.0k
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sourdilfs · 3 years
andrew’s peter constantly fumbling over his words and talking down on himself and saying goodbye to toby’s peter with a peace sign like omg he’s so bi he’s just like me fr
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sourdilfs · 3 years
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the stars and the universe love you
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sourdilfs · 3 years
i love canceling plans. dear maria count me out
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sourdilfs · 3 years
Me: I hate cliches
Author: he was tall and dark haired
Me : omg he was tall and dark haired 🥺🥺😩😩
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sourdilfs · 3 years
reading ya fantasy novels is like looking both ways before crossing the street and then getting hit by a helicopter
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sourdilfs · 3 years
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moots send a turtle to my inbox and i’ll make you a moodboard 😏
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sourdilfs · 3 years
men written by women men wrITTEN BY WOMEN i repeat literally crack best thing ever
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sourdilfs · 3 years
“my child is fine” your child wants to marry multiple fictional characters
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sourdilfs · 3 years
down like sunsets | r. lupin
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1978. summer at the Potters’ is always guaranteed to be a hell of a good time: swims in the lake, cold beer, apple picking and marshmallow roasting. remus can’t keep his hands off his girl.
PAIRING: remus lupin x fem reader
CONTENTS: NSFW 18+, fluffy smut and rem being a softie for his girl, oral sex (female receiving), kind of an exhibitionist vibe but not really, sirius and reader being besties that simultaneously hate each other, alcohol consumption
A/N: I couldn’t help myself, I had to write this so I could live my fantasy of spending the summer with the Marauders in the 70s, cause WHO the fuck wouldn’t want that? it inevitably turned steamy and I am: not sorry. this is just Remus being a needy puppy. that’s it, that’s the whole plot.
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sourdilfs · 3 years
yeah Tom Holland is a good spider-man
but I want Andrew Garfield to RAIL me
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sourdilfs · 3 years
everything annoys me but im being so brave about it
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sourdilfs · 3 years
time for inappropriate & romantic thoughts i guess
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sourdilfs · 3 years
*watching eternals and seeing all the strong, kind, sweet men who are muscular and friendly and funny*
Me: falls in love with the snarky asshole in the leather jacket
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