#honestly draco singing gives me so much life
papercorgiworld · 6 months
I don't need space, I need you
Mattheo and Theodore fluff
Based on this request, please don't hate me for taking 29 days to post this rather average piece, but I had a lot of requests and not a lot of time. I hope you like it!
Finally I had time to write today! Big yey for me, people. I needed it and I'm so happy I wrote something today. 💛 Sending you lots of love and of course: happy readings!
A/N: I got some stuff going on in life so if I don't respond, I'm sorry. Just know that I love you. 💛
There was a request for a Draco and Enzo version: you can read it here
“Where’s my princess?” Mattheo sings as he enters the common room in search of you. “Not here, I would check the library.” Blaise states not looking up from his book. Mattheo nods and is about to turn around to head straight for the library, but Draco’s snickering stops him from doing so. “I bet you’re pleased to have a moment of peace.” Mattheo focuses on Draco, not completely getting where the blond's going with this. “I honestly pity you, man, must be so suffocating.” Suddenly all eyes are on Mattheo and not just his friends, the entire slytherin common room is curious to hear what the big bad boy has to say. Mattheo moves a nervous hand through his curls and chuckles. “Yeah, she’s a bit much with her hugs and cuddles, and urgh those constant questions to check on me. I’m lucky she studies so much, so I have a break from time to time.” Mattheo sits down opposite of Draco who grins and nods, fully believing that Mattheo feels saved by your absence. However, Mattheo felt miserable sitting there, knowing that he could be spending time with you.
Just like Mattheo was searching the castle for you, you had been searching for him and ended up checking the common room. With watery eyes you turn around, unnoticed by anyone, and leave the common room. He thinks I’m too much?
“Who is it?!” Mattheo yells as he pushes you against the wall of an empty hallway. He rarely raised his voice with you, but now his face was close to yours, his eyes dark and piercing yours. He looks more pained than angry, but you just look confused. To him it was obvious, you had fallen out of love with him and probably found someone else. There was plenty of proof:
A quick kiss on the lips and a wish of good luck before Tuesday's test was all Mattheo got, instead of the tight hug and intense kiss you would normally give him before a test. 
When you got your results back on Wednesday you jumped into Luna’s arms and just gave him a happy smile, while he was standing right there next to Luna. His heart ached to hold you and press you against his chest. Worse was when you asked Enzo about his test first and ended up discussing all the answers, barely giving your boyfriend any attention.
Thursday you went to sit next to Pansy in the common room, instead of settling in your boyfriend’s lap. Mattheo was forced to watch you the whole evening without touching you once. When you left for bed, you told him not to walk you to your room and reminded him to spend some much needed time with his friends. The sweet kiss you gave him, didn’t make up for any of it. 
Were you trying to get rid of him? To Mattheo the case was obvious.
Friday was the worst. Happy to finally have you next to him as you were both reading, settled close by the fire. With his eyes still on the page of his own book his arm moved behind you to pull you closer and you let your head rest on his shoulder as you continued to read, but still Mattheo frowned. Normally you would sling your legs over his and cuddle up against his chest, wrapping your blanket around the both of you and creating this warm bubble of love. He could barely focus on his book, as his eyes constantly wandered to you reading next to him but not cuddled up against him like you used to.
So by Saturday Mattheo had pretty much had it with you. You rubbed your temple as squeezed your eyes. “I have a headache, I’m gonna head to my room and rest for a bit.” You got up from your seat to leave the library and Mattheo did the same. If you weren’t feeling well then he needed to be by your side. “Oh, don’t Matt. I’ll be fine. I’ll ask Pansy to give me something against the pain and settle next to me until I fall asleep.” Mattheo stood perplexed as you just kissed him and left. Now he wasn’t even good enough to take care of you anymore.
This was the moment he snapped. With stern strides he follows you.
“Who is it?!” You frowned at the question and met Mattheo’s dark eyes. “Obviously, you’re done with me. So who’s better than me, huh?” His voice was filled with anger, but his question sounded so heartbreaking, that you felt no need to get angry with him for pushing you against the wall and snapping at you. You cup his cheeks and softly shake your head. “Matt, I love you. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your voice is calm and endearing, reminding him of how much he needed your love. You were always so gentle with him and feeling you slip away the past week hurt so much that he felt like falling apart on the spot. He's too hurt and afraid to lose you to act tough and with a whisper he confesses his worries. “You don’t check up on me anymore. You don’t wish me luck before a test like you used to. We don’t cuddle anymore.” You stare at him in silence for a moment, you had never seen Mattheo this soft and vulnerable before. 
Your hands still resting on his cheeks move to his neck as you wrap your arms around him and pull him against you. Mattheo snuggles his face in your neck, embarrassed with himself and desperate for your warmth. You rest your head against his and your fingers move through his curls, making him sigh at your touch. “You told Draco I was a bit too much. So I backed off, because I didn’t want to lose you. I know I can get clingy sometimes, I’m sorry.” Mattheo moves away to look at you and his eyes look guilty. “No, no. Don’t apologise. Don’t be sorry. I love you clingy and cuddly. I need you to be around me.” Your eyebrows knit together. “But I heard you say-” Mattheo interrupts you and shakes his head. “I was being stupid. Don’t listen to the things I say. Just stay with me and love me… overwhelm me with everything you have.” You tilt your head in confusion. “No, I mean listen to me, just forget about what I said back then. I- I was trying to act tough so I pretended to- you know.” You chuckle. “You pretended not to like cuddles, because you wanted to be a tough guy?” Embarrassed with himself Mattheo nods. “I’m a softy for you and I need my daily dose of love. I don’t need space.” 
You sigh at Mattheo’s pouty face. “My boyfriend’s an idiot.” Mattheo nods and leans in for a kiss. “Please, let me take you to your room and let me take care of you, because I want nothing more than to be around you.” You pull him in for another intense kiss as an answer and as you walk to your dorm, he squeezes your hand the whole time walking.
“Where’s my lady?” Theodore frowns as he sits down opposite of Blaise, who raises his shoulders without looking up from his book. Theo shakes his head in annoyance, he needed you like he needed cigarettes. He spent the whole day longing for your love and warm embraces. Merlin, all he wanted right now was for you to entangle your fingers with his hair and ask him about his day. “For once the two of you aren’t attached to the hip.” Mattheo quips and Draco snickers. “Must be refreshing to have a moment to yourself.” Theodore stays silent for a moment and a little further, near the common room entrance you halt in your step. “She’s so mothering, it’s almost toxic. I don’t know how you do it, mate.” Draco wiggles his eyebrows at Theo as Mattheo talks. “You know, if you ever need us to come save you, we could always come up with a code word.” Draco offers and Theodore chuckles, not knowing what to say. “It’s not toxic, but I’m happy to have a moment with you guys, because she can be a bit much. She’s always so… clingy.” You chew your lip and slowly take a step back, leaving the common room as the word ‘clingy’ rings in your head. 
You didn’t want to lose your boyfriend due to being too clingy. So you decided to keep your distance. 
Instead of spending your evening studying cuddled up with your boyfriend you ask Hermione to help you out with potions who of course never passes the opportunity to study. Keeping up his tough act in front of his friends, Theodore can’t protest as you leave the common room to go study with your friend instead of with him. Theo feels himself get cold as he sits by the fireplace with his friends. If you’re not there to keep him warm the room just feels empty and even the conversations are boring. He can’t help but curse himself for letting you go study with Hermione. Having to make peace with an evening without you, Theodore longs for the next day and having you next to him during breakfast while you talk about your plans for the day. 
The next morning, at breakfast Theo only gets a small kiss from you before you turn to Pansy gossiping about some third years. Theodore can’t resist but snake an arm around you and you love his touch, but you try not to be too clingy and decide to not fully lean against him. Your boyfriend is happy to have you next to him, but disappointed that you stay engaged with Pansy’s gossip instead of giving him some much needed attention. Why were you not combing his hair with your fingers until it looked the way you preferred it? Why were you not checking if he had done all his homework? What was so bloody interesting about Pansy’s conversation?!! He was getting so annoyed that he was caught by surprise when you kissed him tenderly and headed for class. His mind and body were screaming to have you back by his side and walk you to class, but he just turned to his breakfast and spent the morning sulking.
Finally, after two days, he had you close to him, settled on his bed with a book in your hand. You were all alone in his room and you both enjoyed the peace and quiet. You lay between his legs with his arms around you, while his head rested on yours, reading some of the paragraphs of your book but mostly taking in your warmth and scent. He gives you a soft kiss on your cheek and you smile and lean against his chest. “I love you.” You whisper and his eyes shine even brighter than he smiles. “Love you too.” However, your romantic moment is ruined when Blaise and Mattheo enter. “Astronomy tower?” Mattheo raises his eyebrows at Theo who is about to decline the invitation, but you speak up first. “I was just about to meet up with Luna.” You jump up and Theodore's eyes go furious at the suggestion of you leaving. “No you’re not.” Theo snaps at you, shaking everyone in the room. “Why are you so eager to get away from me?” Theo questions and Blaise and Mattheo’s eyes move from their friend to you. You take a step back at your boyfriend's accusation. “I’m not. I’m just giving you space so you can hang out with your friends.” Theo shoots Blaise and Mattheo a dark glare. “Out! Both of you!” 
As soon as the duo closes the door behind them and you and Theodore are left alone in the room Theodore gets up and towers over you. “I don’t want space, I want you. So tell me what’s going on, because I can’t stand it anymore.” His voice is stern, but you feel yourself relax as you no longer have to act differently and you can finally be honest with him. “You think I’m clingy and sometimes I’m too much… and I get that and I don’t want to lose you… so I did my best to give you some space in the hopes of saving our relationship.” Theodore’s heart aches at the soft tone of your voice. How could he make you feel like you were too much when you were all he wanted. “I’m such a shit boyfriend.” Theo sighs as he sits back down on his bed, making you frown and join him. “No, I was too much.” Theo’s head snaps to you. “You are not. I didn’t want those idiots to think I was whipped or soft or- so I said you were clingy, but you're not, if anything I am… I want you around 24/7.” Your eyes widen at his confession. “Soooo, you’re saying that ‘the’ Theodore Nott is so in love with me that he prefers cuddling over hanging with his friends.” Your boyfriend chuckles. “Yeah, so please just go back to reading in my arms and make me the happiest man alive.” You lean towards him and he meets your lips. The sweet kiss quickly turns passionate as you both fall back on the bed.
For the ones who asked to be tagged, here you go lovies: @ho3forfakeguys and @bitchoftoji
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suugarbabe · 9 months
I would love habit, crush and love for Mattheo 😂😂😂 I know I’m greedy but this man just does something to me 🥵🥵
On the real, we’re all greedy for Mattheo. It’s a tad long so I cut it
Mattheo has a horribly bad habit of staring
His staring has two modes: completely dead and hyperfixating
When he finds something boring, he’s completely dead inside.
Low vacant eyes that seem like his mind is in another dimension
Draco or Theo snapping their fingers in front of him to bring him back to reality
But when it’s you it’s anything but dead eyes; he’s hyperfixated.
That’s how you figured out he was interested in you; you had caught him staring
About 45x in one day
Since you started actually dating all he does is stare at you
At your eyes and the light that sparkle when you’re talking about something you love
At your lips when they're freshly glossed and how he just wants to mess it up
At your ass and how dangerously short your skirt looks in DADA today
At your tits as their bouncing in front of his face while you ride him
Mattheo is a teasing crusher; almost like he’s in primary school again
He tugs on your ponytail/bun/hair and just smiles innocently when you turn around and glare at him
He bumps into you in the hall, giving himself the opportunity to catch you as well before flashing a dimpled grin and giving you a “sorry Princess”
He tosses chips and pieces of rolls down the table or across the great hall at you and when you whip your eyes towards him he’s turning his head and whistling like he’s innocent as can be
And he’s like this because he doesn’t know how to show true affection that isn’t just purely lust (let’s remember his examples growing up)
So when he grabs your hand at a house party and asks you to dance you wear a confused expression
You tell him you figured he didn’t like you with how he teased you
Which leaves him a flustered mess and forces him to explain that he really desperately has a crush on you
And if you’d let him make up the last few weeks he promises you won’t regret it
Mattheo Riddle is incredibly insecure when it comes to love
He’s had such shit examples in his life that he doesn’t even realize that he is in love until Blaise and Luna are listening to him ramble on about you
And our sweet Luna just turns to Blaise with a “Isn’t it just an adventure seeing your friends fall in love?”
Then it hits him like a ton on bricks
Love? Thats why he thinks of you first whenever he wants to tell someone good news?
That’s why when he’s pissed off and you wrap your arms around his middle it’s like all his worries melt away?
But he’s never really experienced love, so how does he know you love him back?
He’d need constant reassurance in the beginning because he truly just can’t believe someone would really and honestly love him
But you don’t mind telling him daily, or singing his praises because you don’t think he’s heard about all his good qualities enough in his life
And you’d tell him again and again as much as he’d want because the way he looks at you (like you hung the fucking moon), Merlin you hope you see that every day
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shrimp-buffet · 4 months
(Headcanons after the cut, I ramble for a bit)
*head pops out of grave* I'M ALIVEEE
Yeah I know I say this in practically every post but I finally got something again! school and other stuff kicked my ass and honestly i wasn't sure how interested really was in making these until I missed them! So while I can't guarantee any consistent posting knowing me, I can at least say that I do plan to keep doing these and I'm hoping to branch out into other fandoms so that me making these doesn't fully depend on me having a Brawl Stars hyperfixation.
Anyways as a sort of apology for the lack of content, I bring you the follow up I know many have been waiting for: LARRY AND LAWRIE PART 3 BABY!
Hope you enjoy!
Fair warning: this one may be a small bit angsty in some spots. Nothing that would need an actual warning but didn't want to jumpscare y'all with surprise sadness.
Larry based, Lawrie based, both
•Larry's most rebellious action would be putting a soda can in the non-recycling bin... Then feeling extremely guilty and fishing it back out to put it in the correct bin when no one is looking.
•Lawrie has an apocalypse bunker hidden somewhere in the park. It's only for them, Larry, and RT.
•Lawrie likes Bob Ross! They don't like to paint all that much though. Larry does like painting but he's really bad at it.
•They've never been outside the park before. Lawrie is pretty content with that fact and doesn't want to leave, but Larry wants to see what's out there and occasionally asks parkgoers about it.
•Larry gets along well with animals (add this and the last one and Larry is a fricking Disney princess- /j)
•Lawrie is the exact opposite, all animals hate them and they hate all animals in return.
•As somewhat implied already, Lawrie is kind of leaning towards a "hate all biological life" mindset. They don't actually full-on hate lifeforms entirely, but people don't really like them so they don't like people, that kind of deal. This leads Lawrie to sometimes say stuff teetering on the "kill all humans" line but Larry calls it out and Lawrie would always agree they're going a bit too far.
•Larry as usual is the opposite. He finds life and people to be so interesting and envies their experiences. They even somewhat avoid hanging out with other robots because it reminds him that he's also just a robot, though he doesn't even realize this thought process. He would never admit it, but he kind of wishes he was human. Lawrie can sense this so it causes some arguments between the two.
•On a more light-hearted note, Larry has a bit of a crush on Melodie! She's very pretty, sings beautifully, and does whatever she wants and says anything on her mind, all of which Larry loves and admires.
•Out of all the people in the park, Lawrie gets along with Draco and Hank the best. Draco is more of a frien-emy that can get on their nerves a lot but they have a lot of similar interests like music taste. And Hank is a semi-friendly rival.
•Larry, Lawrie, and R-T were all made on the same day. When it comes to the birthday though they celebrate it as R-T's day cause they just love their "baby" sibling. (Plus in Lawrie's case they just don't like the idea of having their own birthday)
•Larry is scared of Cordelius. He just gives them the creeps and somehow always manages to accidentally sneak up on Larry. (Same goes for Lily)
•Larry has a notebook they carry around to do made up math problems in when they're bored.
•Lawrie usually never wishes they could eat food, but he does wish he could try chocolate.
•They tend to play "road trip" games when they're bored on a patrol together. Things like Eye Spy, 20 Questions, Alphabet Game, etc. They both really enjoy it!
•They also listen to true crime podcast together.
And that's all I got for now! Thank you for reading this far!! As always if you'd like more let me know!!!
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therapy-ghost · 9 months
hey there! I’m sending info for the match exchange :0
* pronouns: she/her
* interested in being shipped with the boys
* hobbies: singing in a band, reading fantasy novels, taking long naps, collecting things like stickers/journals/postcards, drawing, crocheting
* i'm an INFJ Ravenclaw (super slay)
* personality time! (oh gosh)
* i'm the type of person that people regard as being very well adjusted but honestly i'm having a mental breakdown most of the time.
* i'm a deeply empathetic person, i care a lot about others and sometimes i forget to care for myself because of it. if someone i care about is in trouble, or needing my help, i will drop everything i'm doing to assist them. i also love sending care packages and letters to people.
* i have taken in many of my friends throughout my life because they needed a place to stay. unfortunately, this aspect of my personality has also led to me being scorned many times (i see the good in people and tend to overlook the bad).
* BECAUSE of that scorn though, i have developed some trust issues.
* on the flip side of my sensitive/kind nature, i can be very feisty. when i'm frustrated i just want to beat up something, and i become very passionate towards injustice. my friends say i'm like a kitten with a knife.
* additionally, i would consider myself a brave person. I don't struggle to have hard conversations with people (i don't like them but I'll do it), I've stood up to every bully I've ever had, and I've asked out every crush. unfortunately, this has led to me being rejected multiple times (contributing to my sense of no one ever being able to love me)
* due to my trust issues and rejections, i tend to feel like an outsider in most of my friend groups. it can be very lonely.
* TO FINISH IT OFF (this has become too long), i would consider myself a wise/intelligent person (i give good advice), resilient, but also easy going.
* i'm a words of affirmation girlie, so i would love in a relationship to feel supported and welcome when i often don't feel accepted in a space.
* i also would love someone who doesn't mind me going on about my hyperfixations for hours (which i will do when i get comfortable).
* i'm also very touch starved but i will never initiate it (i like when my friends hug me but i will never go to hug them first).
hope that information was helpful! i realize i sound crazy
hey! Thanks for the patience and here’s you match ups!!!
For Avatar; the last airbender, I match you up with Zuko!
trust issues; am I right?
but no, he needs someone, like now.
he is also very touched starved but is to much of a dork to take your hand on his own so you will need to do it for him(we all know he is thinking it)
he will tell you horrible jokes and misses the punch line most of the time, but he wants to make you laugh.
very protective, wants to always be with you (especially if you are part of team avatar/boomerang)
for Harry Potter, I match you up with Draco Malfoy!
….what can I say… it works
you are definitely to good of an influence on him that his father hates you… but I don’t think his mom will mind to much.
you definitely make him think about his choices and the death eaters and you make him question if he wants that life or a different with you.
thinks ‘Pottah!’ Is trying to steal you… and every other guy at hogwarts if they talk to you so he is a bit jealous.
will show off his magic skills to you
and for Marvel, I match you up with Steve Rogers!
He is 100% gonna make you feel safe, and loved, and like he is the man to trust.
he is the definition of the perfect man if I say so
likes watching you sing and if you are just singing to him he will try and join you
keeps you as far away from his hero work as he can(if you don’t want to be a hero)
100% used to collect post cards as well so this can be your shared hobbie.
thanks for your patience and I hope you liked it!
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seductresses-temple · 6 years
Honestly @xx-thedarklord-xx and @quicksilvermaid are always posting inspiring ass Drarry content that just sends my brain into Drarry overdrive so that’s how this came about, it’s like half headcanon/half...really long drabble? I don’t even know lol
Draco is 25, has been crushing and pining on Harry hardcore since their eighth year, but he is so tormented by his awful decisions during the war that he “knows” he has no shot with someone like Harry. Despite their pretty solid friendship post-war, Draco deems himself too tainted for Harry.
One night, Draco goes out to karaoke with Pansy and Blaise. More accurately, Pansy drags Draco and Blaise to karaoke and demands they sing at least one song.
Draco is flipping through the songbook when he sees Harry, Ron, and Hermione come in and he is just NOT okay that day. The “I love Harry sodding Potter and there’s nothing I can do about it” feels are just too fucking heavy that day, okay? So Draco decides to sing “Creep” by Radiohead and from the moment he opens his mouth, Harry can’t take his eyes off him.
The raw emotion behind Draco’s voice doesn’t leave many dry eyes in the room. Harry is completely blown away by the emotion and how mesmerizing Draco’s voice is. He never knew Draco could sing.
After his number is up, Draco goes out back to the deserted patio because fuck, he loves Harry so much, and this whole unrequited love shit is bollocks. He smiles a cigarette to calm his nerves when who should show up on the patio?
Harry fucking Potter because...of course he does.
Harry is gushing and beaming at him, telling Draco how well he did and it just feels like a knife to the heart. He placates to the conversation, thanks Harry, he’s all obligatory smiles and nods. He just wants Harry to go away and let him wallow in piece but he loves the git too much to say so.
“Whoever you sang that for must have really broken your heart,” Harry murmurs.
Draco snorts, blowing a controlled stream of smoke from his pursed, pink lips as he sniffs his cigarette out underneath his wingtips. “You’ve no fucking clue, Potter.”
“Maybe they didn’t mean to...”and Harry is looking up at him with those big, green, puppy dog eyes so full of hope and light and everything Draco feels he doesn’t deserve. Harry is stepping closer to him and Draco just wants to crawl into a hole and die because Harry being this close to him is agonizing.
“He don’t know. I never told him how I felt because it doesn’t matter. I don’t deserve him.” Draco repeats it like a line from a book. He’d lost track of how many times he’d said it to himself over the years.
“Says who?” Harry steps close enough to him that Draco can smell his cologne. It’s vibrant, woodsy, it reminds Draco of the wood polish Harry used to use for his broom back at Hogwarts.
“It’s just a fact,” Draco mutters, heavily distracted by the fact that Harry’s lips are nearly touching his.
“Mm,” Harry’s hand comes up to stroke a stray lock of hair out of Draco’s eyes. Green eyes bore into him and Draco found he couldn’t possibly look away, even though his face was burning and his stomach felt like a wild hippogriff was tampling around inside it. “I think that’s utter shite,” Harry whispered, leaning forward and running his tongue over Draco’s bottom lip “I think you’re perfect for him,” and before Draco could refute that Harry was kissing him full on the lips, gentle but demanding, shutting up any half hearted argument Draco had been trying to muster.
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Day 116: Silver
The problem was that the entire house was grey.
Not metaphorically speaking, of course. No, Harry was actually a little in love with the house itself. It was a cozy little two bedroom home with a nice big kitchen that had an island in the center and a breakfast nook in the corner by the window. And the bathroom had a giant bathtub for soaking and relaxing. The living room had bookshelves built into the walls and a cozy fireplace that Harry couldn't wait to use in the fall and winter.
Metaphorically speaking, the house was sunshine-yellow. Harry adored it.
But every wall in the house was literally grey. His realtor had assured him that grey walls were very fashionable and that he'd grow to like them in time if he just gave them a chance.
So he'd given them a chance. He waited to fall in love with the walls for three whole days before he decided that he simply couldn't take it anymore.
He went to the little muggle hardware store down the street and bought seven gallons of paint; sea foam for the bathroom, coral for the kitchen and breakfast nook, cerulean for his bed room, emerald for the guest bedroom, raspberry for the living room, crisp white for the entry way and all of the doorways, and crimson for the front door. Harry bought paintbrushes, rollers, drop cloths, painters tape, and even a fancy tool to get the corners.
Thankfully, the shop owner let him borrow a little wagon to take everything back on and in no time Harry had the tape up to protect ceilings and doorways, he had drop cloths covering the hard wood floors, and he was ready to start.
He didn't know how long he was at it, but he'd finished the front door, the entry way, and the kitchen when a familiar voice was calling out to him from the open front door. "Potter?"
"Draco," he said in surprise, making his way through the stacks of covered furniture to find his bemused looking auror partner standing on the front steps with a bottle of wine and a house plant. "Hi," he said.
"Hello," the other man replied. "Is it a muggle custom to simply leave one's door open?"
(Read more below the cut)
"No," Harry said with a laugh, "My paint is just drying."
"Have I come at a bad time?" Draco asked, brow furrowing slightly. "I should have sent a patronus ahead of me to check, I'm sorr-"
"It's fine," Harry assured quickly, "I told you to come by any time. Come in. Please."
"Are you certain?" he asked.
He nodded, "Come on. Just don't touch the walls."
Draco followed him inside and held out the wine and the plant, "These are for you," he offered, "house warming presents."
"Thank you," Harry said, genuinely touched. "Really, you didn't have to-"
"I wanted to."
"Thank you," he said again.
After a moment of simply staring at one another, an activity that was becoming increasingly, worryingly common for the two of them, Draco said, "So! Show me your house." He grinned, silver eyes twinkling with mischief, "Give me the grand tour."
Harry laughed, "Well, you'll have to forgive the mess," he said as he headed toward the kitchen, "I'm painting."
"I can see that," he teased. "What was wrong with the color the walls were when you moved in?"
He made a face as he tucked the wine into the refrigerator, "They were all grey!" he said. "Every. single. wall. Grey!"
Draco laughed, "Alright, tell me about your vision for each room."
Happily, Harry complied; taking Draco around the house room by room and telling him about the color palette for each space, the new furniture and decorations he was thinking about buying to complete each room.
By the time they made it back to the living room, Draco was chuckling under his breath.
"What?" he asked, "What are you laughing at?"
"Just you," he said with a little shake of his head. "This is so like you."
"How so?"
With a wistful little smile, Draco looked around the room like he could already see what Harry was going to do. "There's just so much life here, you know? You just," he shrugged a little helplessly, "Everywhere you go, you make things come to life."
He blinked at him and opened his mouth to say something and nothing came out. He swallowed back what felt suspiciously like tears and then managed, "That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
A flush flared across Draco's cheeks and Harry admirably resisted the urge to trail his nose over the blush. "Don't let it go to your head," the other man said with a huff.
Harry laughed, "Do you want to stay?"
He shrugged, "Do you want to stay and help paint? It's actually pretty fun."
"I don't have the appropriate attire," he said after a moment.
"I have extra joggers and t-shirts you can borrow if you'd like?" he offered.
The corner of Draco's mouth tipped up, "If you don't mind. I've never painted the muggle way before."
"It feels good," Harry said as he started off toward his room to fetch clothes for Draco to borrow. "It feels like you've really accomplished something."
Draco laughed, following along behind him, "Ah, yes. I can see how you, who brought in only thirteen criminals to the DMLE this week alone, might feel the need to 'really accomplish something,'" he teased.
"Shut it," Harry said good naturedly as he dug out clothes for Draco to borrow and threw them at his head.
Draco caught them and Harry's eyes snagged on Draco's, holding them for a beat too long again, before he cleared his throat, "I'll see you in a few minutes," he offered lamely before fleeing his own bedroom.
After several hours of painting (and laughing, and singing and dancing along with the wireless, and cleaning dripped paint off of several surfaces that it should never have been on in the first place) they decided to take a break for dinner.
They ordered a pizza and ate it sitting on the floor in the living room while they drank the bottle of wine Draco had brought. And as Harry stared at the rosy blush coloring Draco's cheeks from the wine and the laughter, he tried to remember the last time he'd felt this free and happy.
When he couldn't eat one more bite, Harry flopped down on his back on the floor in the living room with a groan, "My shoulder hurts from painting."
Draco nudged him with his knee. "You're getting old, Potter," he said with a little smile.
And he meant it as a joke but it twisted something in Harry's gut uncomfortably, "I never imagined I'd grow old," he confessed softly.
The smile slipped from Draco's face, "Harry, I didn't mean-"
"It's alright," Harry said quickly, reaching out to press his pinky against Draco's. "It just my parents died really young, and there was everything with Voldemort, and for a long time after that I thought that surely one of his followers would finish me off," he shrugged. "And I just didn't expect to get old."
"You listen to me, Harry Potter," Draco said fiercely, his eyes bright in a way that made Harry's heart clench in his chest. "You are going to live to be ancient. Older than Dumbledore and infinitely happier."
"Oh?" he asked, smiling in spite of himself.
"How do you know?" he asked.
Draco narrowed his eyes at him, "Because I do. And if there is something else destined for you, I will make it so by sheer force of will." He wrapped his pinky around Harry's and something thrilled in the pit of Harry's stomach, "You deserve the world and if the world will not hand itself over on a silver platter, I will give it to you."
He sat up and pressed his lips to the other man's without another thought because it was honestly nothing short of a miracle that he hadn't done it before now. And honestly, how was he supposed to resist kissing him when the other man said things like that? "I love you," he breathed when he pulled back. And then he immediately wanted to take those words back, "Sorry," he spluttered as he collapsed back onto the floor and covered his face with his hands, "Godric, I don't know what's come over me. Sorry. Just forget-"
Draco's lips covered Harry's and stemmed the flow of words coming from his mouth.
"Mmrmph," Harry murmured against his mouth inelegantly before giving himself over to the kiss completely and reaching up to cup Draco's face with his hands.
"Don't be sorry," Draco whispered when he drew back a moment later, "Please say you meant it."
"I meant it," Harry replied softly as he brushed Draco's hair back.
"Good," Draco said, leaning down to kiss him softly once more. "Because I love you, too."
Day 115: Soft | Day 117: Movie
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
Shut Up || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: Draco Malfoy x gryffindor!fem!reader Warnings: implications of sex, alcohol and drugs, asshole!hermione and swearing
Summary: Not a lot of Y/N’s fellow Gryffindor’s approve of her relationship with the Slytherin Prince, despite the fact that he makes you immeasurably happy and his own friends accept you.
WORDS : 1788
Lyric snippets I used are from “shut up” by Ariana Grande and they’re not in chronological order.
“My presence sweet and my aura bright,”
“Y/N, you’re so lovable and that begs the question; what are you doing with this insufferable git?” Blaise perks up with a smirk as he sits across from Draco and Y/N in the Great Hall for breakfast.
Beside him Pansy Parkinson nudges his ribs softly and gives you a bright smile, “Don’t listen to him. Draco’s okay once you get to know him.”
 “Okay?” Draco scoffs out as he chokes on a bite of his apple- making you and Pansy erupt in a fit of giggles. “8 years of friendship and that’s all I get?”
“Be grateful, I wanted to say less intolerable.”
“You love me and you know it.” He grumbles as he moves back to eating his apple- his hand resting faintly on the small of your back as you turn to look up at him.
“It’s very hard not to.” You say with a smile as you drop a kiss on his cheek- making him grin widely and turn rapidly to catch your lips against his own. Your kiss earns a grin from Blaise and a groan from Pansy- even though they’re both very happy that their friend is in love.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve the sun herself.” He whispers once your lips finally part and you smile goofily at his words.
“Stop.” You giggle out and he shakes his head before whispering that he never will, and allowing you to go back to eating.
You don’t miss the awkward stares being thrown toward you from the Gryffindor table but you ignore them- choosing instead to focus on the butterflies erupting in your stomach and the smiles of glee that your new beau’s friends are blinding you with from across the Slytherin table.
“diamonds good for my appetite.”
You and Draco are spending the Summer together at the Malfoy Manor since your parents are hardly ever around with work anyway and Narcissa practically begged you to come.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” Mrs Malfoy exclaims as she hands you a small box, the size of a journal, with black wrapping and a green ribbon. You and Draco are sitting on a couch that’s on side of the Malfoy’s living room, and his parents are sat on another couch on the opposite side of the room. Narcissa and Draco are beaming and Lucius is looking rather indifferent from his spot beside his wife.
“Thank you so much…” You respond with a faltering smile as you turn beside you to catch your boyfriend’s eyes in confusion, “But my birthday was months ago.”
“We know darling but we couldn’t owl the gift to you because it’s quite valuable, and we wanted to see your face when you opened it.”
“You really didn’t have to get me anyt-“
“Nonsense Y/N, we wanted to.”
“That’s really kind, thank you so much.” You smile shyly up at them and Narcissa laughs lightly.
“Now open it! We’re itching to see your reaction.”
You do as the Malfoy matriarch says and unwrap the gift, finding a black, velvet jewellery case beneath the wrapping. A gasp escapes your lips when you open the case and find a diamond necklace encased inside.
“This is too mu-“ You start but Narcissa is already laughing and shaking her head.
“Don’t even try to talk us out of giving it to you.”
“Are you sure?” You ask as your eyes scan over the glistening jewels that surround the silver chain.
“Draco, put it on her.”  Lucius suddenly interjects- shocking you all.
Draco does as his father tells him to and hooks the necklace around your neck before softly dropping the diamonds just below your collarbone. Lucius gets up from the couch, grabs a nearby small mirror, and walks toward you and Draco.
“Aren’t you sure?” He asks as he puts the mirror in front of you and allows you to see it on yourself.
Another gasp escapes your lips as you trail your fingers around the shining material, the light from one of the windows hitting it just right. “I am.” You finally breathe out with a smile, “Thank you so much, it’s exquisite.”
“Oh darling it was no trouble, I wasn’t going to wear it.” Narcissa says as she also stands up and comes to meet her husband in front of you- intertwining their fingers together- “Besides, it’s only right you start dressing like a Malfoy now.” She winks at you before pulling her husband out of the room and leaving you to be with Draco alone.
You try to resist the urge to smile like an idiot at her comment about you becoming a Malfoy.
“That’s coming out of my inheritance so I hope you like it.” Draco says with a smirk as he eyes you.
“But it’s okay if you don’t, we can pick something else out if you like.” He smiles softly at you and you feel your entire insides melt at his words- the diamonds are exquisite, you can’t lie, but they mean way less than Draco’s determination to satisfy you to your heart’s content.
You smile back at him in awe, “I love it, it’s perfect.”
“Are you sure?” He raises his eyebrows.
You bring your lips up to his and cup his cheek softly before parting away from him with a smile, “Does that answer your question?”
“I vibrate high and my circle lit.”
Slytherins are nothing like Gryffindors when it comes to partying, they’re a completely different league. Draco was initially scared to bring you along to one of his house exclusive parties because he was worried that you wouldn’t enjoy them, or you wouldn’t like him afterwards, but Pansy was having none of it and insisted that you come along with the three of them and get, as she worded it, absolutely wrecked.
And absolutely wrecked do you get.
At first you’re a bit hesitant- still processing the shock of finding 7th years snorting white lines off Salazar’s ancient desk- but Draco eases you into it and ensures you that you don’t need to try anything that  you don’t want to. So you start slow, taking your time with a glass of firewhiskey while the boy beside you tries his best to outdrink Blaise and keep his attention on you- he’s definitely not beating Blaise though, not when all he can think about is dragging you off into a corner and-
“Hey Y/N, have you ever gotten high?” Pansy interrupts his train of thought and you nod your head at her question.
Usually you just get drunk at parties but if Neville’s around he usually doesn’t mind sharing a joint with you. “Yes, a few times.”
“Want to smoke now?” She raises her eyebrows at you.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to love- don’t feel pressured.” Draco says in your ear and you smile, turning your face to give him a quick kiss.
“I’m not drunk anyway so let’s do it.”
Soon enough you are as high as a bloody kite, hopping up and down to some muggle song they’re blasting on the speakers, one hand in the air and another tightly gripping the arm that Draco has wrapped around your waist from behind, trying to sing along with Pansy. The vibes in the Slytherin common room are nothing like you’d expected them to be. You’d anticipated unnecessarily expensive alcohol, boring music, snooty glances being thrown your way and absolutely no dancing but it’s nothing like that, instead there’s people bouncing off the walls, cheap alcohol everywhere, incredible muggle music surrounding you and everyone has been immensely inviting toward you the whole night- to the point where they’ve invited you to come back.
The Slytherins are nothing like Gryffindors when it comes to partying, and although a few of them are a bit too hardcore for you to keep up with, Draco and his friends are the perfect people to party with. When they all let their guards down, have a few drinks and hear the right song playing they have the most excitement you’d ever seen in your life. Partying with them is an incredible sensation- they’re exciting and fun and friendly, and they honestly make you feel breathless.
Draco in particular is letting loose a side of him that you’ve never seen before- laughing it up with everyone that approaches you, excitedly dragging you around the room to see all the different aspects of a Slytherin party and dancing, he hasn’t stopped dancing with you all night.
“You give off good vibrations!” Pansy yells over the music and Blaise nods in agreement.
“I didn’t think anyone would ever be able to keep up with the three of us but Draco picked you well.” Blaise adds and you playfully scoff.
“If anything, I picked him.”
“And how lucky was I at that?” He laughs and looks down at you to kiss you.
“Very lucky.” You mumble with a goofy smile once he pulls away and as soon as your eyes lock you both know- it’s time to go. You barely have time to say goodbye to Blaise and Pansy before he’s dragging you up to his prefect dorm and slamming the door shut behind you both.
“How you been spending your time? How you be using your tongue? You be so worried ‘bout mine, can’t even get yourself none.”
“So maybe you should shut up.”
“Y/N, I’ll never understand why you’re going out with this foul, loathsome gi-“
“Hermione, when was the last time you had a good shag?” You interrupt the Gryffindor- having had enough of her rude insults barricading your boyfriend. Beside you Draco chokes on the bottle of water he was drinking and widens his eyes at you.
“What?” Hermione asks, clearly flustered, as her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.
“A good shag. When was the last time you were fucked senseless?” You ask again and inch close enough for your lips to be right by her ear, “Because I can tell you when last I was… Last night, prefect dorm, two hours of heavenly bliss.”
“Y/N!” She exclaims as she pulls away from you in shock and embarrassment, “That’s wildly inappropriate.”
“Indeed, it is.” You offer a smile, “So I suggest you stop talking so much shit with that tongue of yours before I tell you what Draco likes to do to me with his.”
Hermione nods- still in shock- and quickly turns to leave. You turn to face your boyfriend- who has the biggest smile of admiration on his face- with a smirk and he chuckles once Hermione is out of earshot. “Bloody hell, I don’t deserve you.”
“Not at all.” You smirk and pull a few feet away from him so that you can slowly open the first two buttons of your blouse in the empty hallway, “But maybe you can try to.”

“My room, now.”
i hate that little scene with lucius but i literally can’t write it out because i can’t unthink the idea- that probably sounds ridiculous.
Anyway, this is just a small, cute, IMPULSIVE idea I got one day after listening to ‘shut up’ by Ariana Grande. Some soft fluff for the Gryffindors.
anyway, love you all
jean <3
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Proposal Part 2
Part 1
Harry walks into the cemetery in happy spirits. He can't wait to tell his parents about his decision to marry Draco.
When he stops infront of his parents grave, he finds fresh flowers there already. That's weird...
He frowns as he vanishes them and conjures up his own flowers in their place.
"Hey Mum, hey Dad," he says as a way of greeting as he sits down beside them.
"So I'm proposing to Draco tomorrow, I think it's about time, you know? It's just...I- I miss you. Like I have everything but one. Draco's parents, they aren't bad. I think I like them somewhat. Yeah I know how that sounds, Padfoot is probably horrified right now. The Malfoys, pup? How could you!" Harry makes a poor impression of Sirius and smiles as he thinks the scene which is hopefully happening in some other world.
"Tell him I know what I'm doing. Well somewhat. Do you think he will say yes? What if...what if he doesn't want to marry me? What will I do then, Mum? Honestly, I have no idea but I hope I don't have to think about that. I shall get going now, it's late and Draco is waiting." He caresses the grave once fondly, says his goodbye and apparates away.
"Hey Mione, I can hear Pans in the background as well." Draco says when he answers the phone call. It had taken him some time but now he could easily use most muggle appliances.
"Dracoooo," Hermione slurs and that astonishes Draco because Hermione never drinks a lot. Just a glass of wine or maybe two mugs of lager but not so much to get drunk. Just 'happy tipsy' she had called it when he had asked years ago.
"We have a secreeeeeet," Pansy sing-songs in the background.
"What secre-" Draco starts but suddenly it's Ron on the line, "Hey mate. Don't pay them mind, I have never seen these two more drunk. Hermione wanted to call to tell you that everything is in proper order and they have told Harry that tomorrow you have a picnic under the stars, as a gift from them. We'll meet you after, yes?"
"Yes, if everything goes well. Otherwise I would be vanishing from the face of the Earth for the next decade or four." Draco jokes, not really. Ron chuckles and they hang up.
Just then, Harry comes home and they order takeout, both of them too tired to cook dinner.
Just before midnight, Draco traps Harry between his body and their bedroom wall, "Hello, love."
A shiver runs down Harry's spine and Draco grins slyly, even after a decade Harry has the same reaction. Honestly, it's good for his ego.
"Hi..." Harry breathes, as he arches his neck in a silent request. Draco places sweet kisses all over his jaw and neck, sucking new marks and biting the tender skin now and then.
Harry is panting by the time he finds his lips. His wand vibrates in his pocket at the slight reminder that it's their anniversary.
"Happy Anniversary, Scarhead." Draco says against his lips and Harry smiles.
"Happy Anniversary, Ferret."
It's tradition to call each other names when wishing the other on a special day and at this point, it's quite adorable. You didn't hear that from him.
"We should really thank Hermione and Pansy for this, don't you think?" Harry asks as they finally sit down on the picnic blanket. The sky is bare of any clouds and they can easily see all the stars.
"Indeed, we should. What about an exclusive vacation to some exotic place? You think they would like that?" Draco suggests. It's the least he could do after such an wonderful arrangement.
"I think so, point me your star again?"
He takes Harry's hand and points towards the sky, slowly making an imaginary line with their hands.
There's a pleasant breeze blowing and the place is absolutely perfect, it's now or never.
"Harry, love. I have something to say," Draco says tentatively. Ugh, nerves!
"Oh? I have something to ask as well. You can go first though," Harry offers and smiles charmingly at him. Salazar and Godric, hope he says yes. Because Draco doesn't know how to live with a no, not after everything.
Here goes...
"Could you please stand up, please." Draco asks, "There's something I like to show you."
Harry frowns at him for a moment but stands up and faces Draco. He really hopes Hermione and Pansy can see them and start-
The sky is filled with different fireworks and Harry looks at them in awe. Harry had always been fascinated with fireworks and nothing brings Draco more joy than making Harry smile.
The words Will You Marry Me? shines through everything at last, crystal clear- thanks to Fred and George's handiwork. He gets down on one knee and takes out the ring box and holds it open.
Harry frowns at the words in the sky for a moment, then opens his mouth to say something to Draco and freezes when he sees him on knee.
"Draco..." Harry gasps, and his eyes widen. Maybe this was a bad idea, well it's too late now anyways.
"Harry, love. Today marks our ten years and in the past decade, I have learned so many things, I learned kindness and how love feels like and how- what I'm trying to say that in the last decade you have made me a better person each day and made me fall more in love with you. I want to do that for the rest of our lives and even if I don't really deserve it, I want to make you mine forever. So tell me, Harry James Potter, will you do the honour of marrying me?" Draco finishes with a smile and a single tear rolls down Harry's cheek.
"As inspiring as that was. This just isn't fair!" Harry whines and for a moment Draco thinks Harry is going to stomp his foot.
Draco hasn't been more confused in his entire life. He gives Harry a questioning look. Is he even going to get an answer or what?
Harry takes a calming breath and goes down on his knees. "This is what I'm talking about," he says and fiddles with his jacket and produces a black box, a ring box and was he ......
He opens the box and Draco looks up at him, "Yes, you idiot. I was planning on asking you tonight but no you always have to compete me." Harry huffs and then Draco starts laughing.
He can't help it, it's funny. They are both idiots, utter idiots. Harry looks very much like he wants to join Draco in his amusement but he holds off for ami minute, looking slightly put out. Then he joins in as well.
"So that's a yes then?" Draco asks, it doesn't hurt to be sure. Harry looks at him with are-you-actually-this-daft expression, usually Harry is on the receiving end of that expression.
"I can't even look at you right now." Harry says and drags him in for a rough kiss.
"Idiotic prat." Harry says as they break apart. "No Draco, I won't marry you. I just wanted to see how it might feel to propose to you on our anniversary just for laugh, yeah?"
Draco gives him a sheepish smile and Harry shakes his head.
"Give me your hand," Draco demands and Harry smiles fondly at his tone and gives his left hand. Draco takes out ring and places it on his ring finger where it will rest forever.
"My turn," Harry says and takes his hand in his and delicately places the ring there.
They look at each other tenderly with all their love on display, then slowly come closer. As if it's their first kiss and it feels like such as well, almost shyly they kiss each other, tender with love and rough with passion.
As they pull apart, someone behind them mutters, "Fucking finally!" And then all their friends are there, yelling out congratulations in various degrees as they come out from wherever they were hiding.
Pansy is the first one to reach them and she engulfs Draco in a hug and murmurs something in his ear which makes Draco swat her arm. She is onto Harry when Hermione arrives, closely followed by Ron, Blaise, Luna and Ginny.
They all congratulate them as hugs and kisses are exchanged. Harry is grinning throughout the night, even as they make their way back home.
He had been surprised when he noticed that they both had chosen almost identical rings for each other, except for the size of the diamonds. He had kissed Draco very inappropriately when he had noticed, much to Ron's horror. Seriously, the dramatics never stopped when it came to Ron and Draco.
"Draco...did you...visit my parents yesterday?" Harry asks as they keep their coats.
"...yes, I did, you know to ask for their permission. How did you-" Draco doesn't get time to finish because Harry is onto him.
He can't express the amount of love that passes through him at that single sentence. Draco went to Godric's hollow to ask his parents. The gesture is so sweet that he can actually feel his heart ache. They lose themselves in one another after that, no longer waiting for words to express their feelings, but rather showing it with their actions as they make sweet tender love.
Unbeknownst to both of them, craved inside their rings, is their story.
Masters of Their Own
Tagging @cissa-bee @sorry-i-ship-drarry @cupofsquirrelfan @textrovert-01 @a-disasterperson @thebusyfangirl @moramystery because you all requested this!
Part 3
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wondernimbus · 4 years
another summer morning — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
prompt: a warm bed for  @kalimagik​ and @the-hufflefluffwriter​‘s “a very harry potter summer” !
a/n: school starts next week which is why i haven’t been posting as much but ahhh i hope you guys like this !! :D
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Draco loves his wife.
He loves [Y/N], so he tolerates everything she does; her tendency to accidentally smack him in the face in her sleep, her sudden (deafening) singing outbursts at random intervals during the day that tend to have him jumping right out of his skin, how she constantly keeps bringing up the idea of adopting a ferret in tribute to Draco's fourth year at Hogwarts, and, Well. This.
"Your hair smells really good," says [Y/N], murmuring the words as she props her chin on his head and cards her fingers through his hair, the same way she's been doing for the past five minutes. Draco is laying in between her legs, his back resting on her chest as they lay on their bed. Late morning sunshine filters in through where they'd forgotten to close the curtains the night before, bathing the both of them in that kind of summery glow that's just the right amount of warm. Not enough to be sticky but enough to be reminiscent of picnics in the garden and days spent out by the beach and trips to Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlor.
"That's what happens when you shower," replies Draco, lifting his head to the side so that he can meet her gaze for a brief, smiling moment, before he looks back to the book he holds in his hand.
"No, really," [Y/N] insists, brushing through his strands. "It smells like apples. And it's really very soft."
Draco laughs, and without looking away from his book, says, "We use the same shampoo, darling."
"Excuse me if I'm not nearly as appreciative of my own hair," she snorts, tugging on a strand. "Honestly, love, would you rather I walk around complimenting my own hair or yours?"
"You’ll have to give me some time to think before I answer such a phenomenal question.”
"Well,” she says, tone playfully challenging. “This is all the time you get.”
Draco hums, flipping a page as he feels her fingers playing with his hair, braiding some of the platinum blond strands before letting them fall back into place again. "Truthfully, this isn't that bad," he murmurs, slightly distracted as his eyes move down the text. "Having you snuffle my hair like a rabid wolf."
She gasps dramatically, but Draco hears the laugh in her voice. She smacks his shoulder. "Did you really just call your own wife a rabid wolf?"
Draco pauses, tears his eyes away from his book once more to angle his body in a way that he can look up at her. "What are you gonna do about it?" he teases, grinning as she scoffs in exaggerated outrage.
"I could adopt a ferret," she counters, and oh, Draco narrows his eyes at her. He hates ferrets with a burning passion (likely because he'd spent a few horrible minutes as one back in his teenage years), and she knows this, too, because the fake look of anger on her face slips away as she starts giggling.
Draco wants to be annoyed, but really, watching her like this—watching this beautiful, beautiful woman who he cannot believe is his wife, throwing her head back in a loud laugh, the sunlight catching on her freckled, slightly puffy cheeks that are dusted a faint shade of pink the way they always are in the morning—Draco can't bring himself to feel anything but fondness.
"Do you wanna go for a walk?" he asks, eyes catching onto the bright blue sky just outside of the windows, the birds flying in the distance. It's a nice day to go outside, maybe have a picnic.
But Draco knows her answer even before she says it. He feels the vibrations of her chest as she giggles, feels her shake her head from behind him. "It's far too hot. I'd rather stay here."
"Ah, yes. Of course you'd much rather sniff my hair," says Draco, unable to help himself from laughing.
"I am not sniffing it."
"Well, what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm," she pauses, humming. Draco waits, having long lost his place in his book. "Admiring your hair," she finally settles.
He sets the book aside on the sheets, realizing that there is no way that continuing to read is a lost cause—not with him unable to tear his gaze away from her for longer than a few minutes. He turns around, smiling at the faint giggles that escape her lips, and wraps an arm around her middle, shifting a little so that they're lying side by side and Draco can fully take in all of her beautiful, morning glory: her slightly messy hair, the freckles across her cheeks, the slope of her nose, the swell of her lips, which are turned up into a smile.
"Enjoying the view?" she teases, leaning forward so that she can bump her nose against his just slightly, still smiling in that way that never fails to have Draco's heart doing little double-takes inside his chest. He lets out a small breath of laughter, leaning in to press a soft, affectionate kiss to her lips—a mere second long, and yet one that holds a subtle sort of love that could last for entire centuries.
Pulling away, he murmurs, voice hushed like he's sharing a secret, "I wish I could spend the rest of my life here. Just laying with you like this."
[Y/N] smiles, some of the humor fading as a touch of sincerity sneaks in. She closes her eyes, eyelashes sweeping against her skin, looking so calm—so at home and at peace—that Draco finds himself wishing that he could somehow bring his words to life and stay with her like this, a moment frozen in time. That he could forever have her limbs entangled with his own, bathing in the warm glow of the sunlight, looking at her.
She reaches up with one hand, palm nudging his ear as she threads her fingers through his hair. "Me too, darling."
Draco's lips curve up into a small smile. With a promise of a bright, summer's day ahead of them as they lay in bed holding each other, the summer breeze filtering in through the open windows, there really is nothing more to say other than—"I love you."
[Y/N] hums, quiet and comforting as she leans in and presses another kiss to his lips. "And I love you."
It's quiet for a while, just the two of them sharing in that sense of serenity, Draco soaking in the touch of her hands and her subtle smell of flowers.
And then, after a while, he hears her murmur, "Draco?"
"Yes, love?" He peels his eyes open and finds her staring at him, eyes alight and a tell-tale hint of a smile on her lips.
"I get that you despise them," she says softly, that tiny smile on her face growing with every word, "But ferrets would make nice pets."
general taglist: @dancing-in-the-moonlight3 @kalimagik @alittletoomanyobsessions @hariosborn @obsessedwithrandomthings @emcchi @sxrensxngwrites @enjoying-fantasyland21 @masterofthedarkness @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @bforbroadway @hufflefluff-writer @summer-writes @chaotic-fae-queen @firewhisky-kisses @dracosvftie @heloisedaphnebrightmore @idont-knowrn @dreamer821 @peachesandpinks @slytherinprincess03​ @chocfrogaddict @nebulablakemurphy​ ​@kpopgirlbtssvt @teheharrypotter​
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saveourskinship · 4 years
I Just Called To Say
Hermione’s phone was ringing. Hermione’s Muggle phone that she only used to call up for takeaways and talk to her parents was ringing. At 1am. On a Friday.
She stared while it had its tantrum, demanding her attention. Her glare fierce enough to Incendio the bloody thing if she narrowed her eyes the teeniest bit more.
“Oh, for fuck’s s-” she picked the phone off its cradle, “What? I mean, Hello?” 
A kind of breathless, panting sound came down the line.
“I just wanted to call and tell you I don’t love you.”
Hermione didn’t recognise the voice, it certainly wasn’t her mum or dad. It wasn’t even Dev from the Indian place down the road. 
The call continued, “So no matter what you see or hear to the contrary... just know I absolutely, definitively do not love you.”
Hermione was silent. What do you even say to a call like this?
“Bloody hell, please say something so I know you understand what I’m telling you!” The voice was insistent and annoyed. 
Annoyed with her. For not replying to that insane declaration.
“Who is this?” she asked.
The voice grumbled, offended. “Draco Malfoy, of course!”
Hermione had never heard his voice run through electronic means. But now she thought about it, there was a tone of prattishness that even the wonders of technology couldn’t disguise. 
He also sounded drunk, which is to say not as clipped and articulate as usual.
Hermione was puzzled that he even knew how to use a phone.
“Right. Malfoy, you know you’ve called Hermione Granger’s phone?”
He paused. “Are you not her?”
“No, I am she. I was wondering if you knew whose phone you called.”
“Of course I bloody do! You know your number is listed in this ridiculous book where the phone is located and any maniac could just call you up!”
“That is becoming very clear,” Hermione deadpanned. “In fact, I’ve had one such call tonight.”
A shocked gasp came from the other end. “See? Infernal Muggle contraptions! Harrassing pretty witches. You ought to look after yourself better, Granger.”
Hermione could hear the distinctive shenanigans of Harry and Theo in the background.
“OK, and that’s all you wanted, Malfoy?” she sighed.
“Um, yeah. I guess so.” 
The voices of Harry and Theo were louder now.
“Oh Salazar take me, Harry! It’s open on ‘G’!” Theo yelled.
“G for Granger?” Harry’s slurring, teasing voice cackled.
“Must be! Because we both know Draco just looooov-” a distinctive muffling sounded and a clatter like the phone was dropped.
Hermione could hear laughter and indistinct exclamations.
Just as she was about to hang up the phone, Malfoy was back. 
“So yeah, I don’t love you, OK?”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “Next time you call me Malfoy, you better make it worth my while.”
There was a confused silence on the other end. 
“You can ask Harry what that means. Good night,” she hung up and pulled the phone out of the wall, going back to sleep.
There was a contrite and hungover Malfoy on her doorstep the next day.
“I take it Theo sent it to you?” he looked away, embarrassed.
Hermione raised her eyebrows and nodded.
“I’ve been playing it on a loop all morning.”
A video could be heard further in the house. A loud, aristocratic voice was ranting while two others laughed madly.
“Oh my God, oh my God,” Harry wheezed. “Tell us again, Malfoy!” 
“Yeah, for the camera this time,” Theo sing-songed.
“About Granger you mean? I don’t love her... I love her sooooo much. Like I honestly think she was handcrafted for me like a- like a custom-made Italian shoe or a cashmere blanket.”
The unrecorded real-life Malfoy was bright pink while Hermione tilted an amused head at him.
“OK, well, excuse me Granger while I go find a convenient bridge to throw myself off,” he turned away, but she called him back.
“Malfoy, do you know what a booty call is?”
“Something to do with pirates?” he guessed.
Hermione shook her head.
“What is it then?”
She paused. “Do you really love me soooo much?”
He pouted, “I’m guessing you’ve seen the tape enough to determine whether I was lying or not.”
“Hm, true,” she mused, twisting her mouth and coming to a decision. “Well a booty call is when one person calls the other at an unsociable hour with a particular purpose in mind.”
Malfoy’s eyes flicked to the side, thinking. “And that is what you thought I was doing when I phoned you last night?”
“What I hoped when I heard it was you,” she replied, looking at him through her lashes.
He still didn’t seem to understand properly but the way he leaned against her doorframe all lean and tall and gorgeous in addition to hearing the tape replay him recounting her very many qualities had her feeling confident.
“So what is the purpose of it?” he asked, trying to remain casual.
Hermione pulled him inside and closed the door, pressing herself flush against him and raising herself on her tiptoes so there was only a hair’s breadth between their lips.
She could feel his heart pounding beneath her hand as it snaked up his chest and heard him swallow at her proximity. A rush of heat flashing through her.
“Let me give you a demonstration.”
And she closed the gap.
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Stuck With You (Chapter Two) - Draco Malfoy
A/N: aaahhhh xD this story got so much love and I am so happy!!!! I thought you all deserved part two! xD ahhh thank you so so much to EVERYONE who liked this story! I hope you keep on liking it! xD
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :D gif isn’t mine :)
Your name: submit What is this?
Stuck With You
But you never let me down, no, no That's why when the sun's up, I'm staying Still laying in your bed, singing
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"Draco! We are going to be late!" you shouted from the living room. Honestly, he took longer than you did getting ready.
"I'm coming! I just can't seem to get this stupid tie right" he said, walking down trying to fix his tie. After amusing yourself by watching him struggle, you finally gave in.
"Give it" you said, rolling your eyes and sticking out your hand. Draco looked at you suspiciously. "Do you want us to be late to your mum and dad's house?" He sighed and finally gave in, handing you the tie. You walked closer to him and started to carefully fix his tie. This was probably the most awkward moment between the two of you since your wedding. You could feel his deep grey eyes looking intently at you. "There. All done" you said finishing it with a small smile.
"Thank you" he said, without even thinking. He glared at you when he saw your smirk. Those words would come almost naturally for him now. "Shut up! We're gonna be late" he said offering you his arm so you took it.
"And whose fault is-?" you didn't get to finish because he had apparated you both into the Malfoy Manor. "Blimey! Could you please at least warn me before you do that?" you said balancing yourself and now glaring at him since he was the one with the smirk on his face.
"Where would the fun be in that, love?"
"Do not call me that" you said as you took off your coat.
"Ah-ah" he said with a smug smirk doing the same. "We're happily married here, remember?"
You let out a frustrated sigh, rolling your eyes before you took it. "Ugh! Merlin, I hate you, darling!" you said with a fake smile as you both got into character.
"Right back at you, doll!"
"Oh, my darlings!" his mother greeted you both, walking over to you and you turned to look at her with the biggest smile on your face. "Oh, it's wonderful that you're here!" she said hugging you both.
"Of course, Mrs. Malfoy, we wouldn't miss it for the world" you said returning the hug.
"Sorry, we're late. She took forever to get ready" he said, making you glare at him.
"Oh, well, Draco you cannot blame her. She looks simply stunning" Mrs. Malfoy said with a kind smile. "You should consider yourself lucky to wait for such a beautiful wife" she advised him. Now it was his turn to glare at your smirk.
"Yes, darling, you really should" you mocked him.
"Come along, dear! Everyone has been dying to see you two" Mrs. Malfoy said, before walking back into the living room.
"Careful, love. Even I almost believed you back there there" Draco said placing a big, fake smile on his face as he walked with you in his arm.
"Bite me" you said through clenched teeth as you two entered the living room to greet all the Malfoy's friends.
"So, how is married life treating you?" Mrs. Zabini asked you.
"Oh, just wonderful, right sweetheart?" you said, smiling up at Draco, who placed his hand on the small of your back and brought you closer.
You both were getting really good at faking this. It was usually because you liked to push each other's buttons and see who would crack first at each other's pet names and sweet actions.
"Like a dream come true, princess" Draco said, kissing your temple. You froze for a second. He had never done that. He was pushing you. You composed yourself and smiled at Mrs. Zabini and Mrs. Goyle.
"Oh, you two are just adorable" Mrs. Goyle said looking lovingly at the pair. "To be young and in love" she said, dreamily.
"Oh, I can't wait for my Blasey to finally settle down and give me some grandchildren to spoil" she said as Blase approached the conversation with Gregory Goyle, standing next to you.
"Mother, what are you talking about?"
"Oh, just letting Draco and his beautiful wife know how adorable they are" she told her son. "I can only imagine how gorgeous their children are gonna be" she said with a broad smile.
You choked on your drink, and so did Draco. You both glared a little when you saw Blaise and Greg's amused smirks.
"Oh, I think it's a... bit early to talk about that" Draco said with a nervous smile. "I mean we have been married a little over a month-"
"Oh, it's never too early, Draco" Mrs. Zabini insisted. "The sooner you start, the more beautiful grandchildren you can give to Narcissa. She would just love a smaller version of Draco-"
"Oh, Merlin, I need another drink" Draco heard you mutter under your breath. He couldn't really blame you though.
"Okay, I think you've had a bit too many of these" Blaise said, taking her drink away from her.
"Oh, Blaise" she argued taking her drink away from him. "You know you could learn a thing or two from Draco" she told her son. "Find a nice, lovely young woman and settle down. I mean, look how happy they are" she pointed at the young couple.
Blaise tried his best not to roll his eyes. Being one of Draco's closest friends, him and Goyle knew really just how far that was from the truth.
"And how are your parents, darling?" Mrs. Goyle said, changing the subject. Draco felt you tense up beside him and looked at you confused. "I thought I'd see them here tonight" she said.
Draco raised his eyebrows realizing that they in fact were supposed to be here but were nowhere to be found.
"Oh, you know them" Narcissa said stepping into their conversation. "Your mother owled me, letting me know that they wouldn't be able to attend. Your father had to go out of town on business again" she explained. "I believe it was... France this time?" she asked, looking at you.
Hell if you knew. You were only now finding out they were out again. Not that you weren't used to it. Draco saw your smile falling a little but you quickly composed yourself and smiled at his mother.
"Yes, I believe they will be out for the rest of the month" you quickly added.
"Oh, I swear your parents never seem to spend more than a week home" Mrs. Goyle said with a small laugh.
"Yeah" you said with a sad smile. "Um, would you excuse me for a moment?" you asked walking away from the group and making your way out of the living room. You quickly made your way to the nearest bathroom and tried to compose yourself. You could do this. You had done it a million times. You could get through tonight. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, fixing your hair, and jumped a little when you heard a knock on the door. "Just a second" you opened the door to reveal Draco on the other side. "What?"
"Dinner is ready" he simply said. You arched your eyebrow at him, knowing that he did not come by choice. "Mum sent me to fetch you" he added. "Better get our game face on again" he said, sticking out his arm for you to take. "Shall we?" you simply returned the smirk and took his arm as he led your way to the huge dining room. "I must say, we are getting better at this game, dear" he said as you entered the dining room.
"Kiss me again, and that's the last thing you'll ever do, my love" you said with your smile still in place while you made your way to seat next to Draco's mother.
The rest of the night went by pretty quickly. Draco, placing his arm around your shoulders every now and then. Mostly when one of his parents was looking your way. You kept the act up until the end of the night until all of the guests started to leave; you and Draco and being the last ones to do so.
"Thank you again so much for having us, Mrs. Malfoy" you said as Draco helped you with your coat.
"Oh, my dear, you know this is your home now as well" she said politely.
You had to admit, that she was not as scary or mean as her husband or her son. You had always had this image about Mrs. Malfoy being a very cold, stuck-up woman but she was actually kind of nice.
"I'll see you tomorrow son" Mr. Malfoy said, looking at his son and then turning his look at his wife. "(Y/N), always a pleasure" he said with a firm smile.
Mr. Malfoy was another story. He was not exactly mean towards you, given the fact that you came from a well-respected pure-blood wealthy family worthy enough for the Malfoys. But you had always feared the man, nonetheless.
"Mr. Malfoy" you said, nodding at him.
"See you tomorrow, father" Draco said, putting his coat on as well. "Bye mum" he said. Before he could stop her, his mother had already hugged her son and kissed his cheek. "Mum!" you heard him mutter and you tried not to laugh.
"Bye, dear, take care of my boy" she said smiling at the girl.
"Oh, don't worry Mrs. Malfoy" you said wrapping your arms around one of Draco's. "I always do" you said with a smile before Draco apparated you both back to your flat, landing on the front door. Again, without any warning. You stumbled a little and this time, Draco caught you.
"Careful, love" he said with a smirk and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Ugh! I hate you!" you said, looking for the key.
"Me?" Draco snapped. "'Oh, don't worry Mrs. Malfoy. I always do'" he said, mocking your voice.
"I don't talk like that!" you defended yourself. "And what about you? What even was that voice? You sounded like a complete prick!"
"Oh, like you didn't sound like some stuck-up bitch all night?"
You were about to reply when you finally opened the door but you both froze at the sight of the scene in front of them.
"What-?" you looked around at your flat. Everything was tossed and turned upside down. "Draco-?"
"Shh" he quickly said, with his wand already out and placing himself in front of you. He was looking around the flat as well. "Stay behind me" he ordered. You were about to ask why but something told you it was just better to follow his instruction.
"Okay" you whispered so he would know you would follow his lead.
You pulled out your wand as well and followed Draco as he moved around the house. You first went upstairs to your bedroom, Draco opened the door and walked inside. You were going to wait for him but he pulled your arm along.
"Stay behind me" he repeated.
Once he checked your room was empty you moved over to his. You realized this would be the first time you would enter his room and tried your best to focus on the fact that you were looking for something and not that you were actually curious about what it would look like inside. It wasn't quite what you were expecting. To be honest you were hoping to find dark walls, maybe a coffin instead of a bed but it seemed pretty normal. He was insanely neat, unlike your room. You weren't exactly messy, but you definitely were next to Draco. The room was turned upside down as the rest, but you could still see it wasn't messy per se. He had a small cauldron on his desk and a lot of Potions books. After Draco stated the room was clear you made your way back down to the kitchen, you still being close behind him. All of the sudden, some pots that were on the edge of the counter fell to the floor, making a loud noise.
"Aah!" you let out a small shriek and instantly, without thinking, you moved closer to Draco, wrapping your arms around his. Draco instinctively placed himself in front of you like a protective shield. As soon as you both realized what you did, you stepped away from each other. Draco cleared his throat while you looked away, trying to hide your burning cheeks. "What's that?"
Draco turned to look where you were pointing and saw a piece of parchment on the table. He grabbed it, read it, and put it in his pocket.
"I think we're clear but... I'm going to check the backyard" he said, looking away. "Stay here" he said before walking out.
You sighed sadly, looking around your kitchen. Your plants were basically dead. You started picking everything up when You heard a loud bang coming from outside.
"Draco!" you ran outside, with your wand ready, and saw Draco lying unconscious on the grass. "Draco!" you said, kneeling down next to him when you saw nobody else was out there. "Draco! Wake up!"
You got up and ran over to your Greenhouse not even caring about the mess they made and grabbed some Honeysuckle. You returned to Draco and placed the plant underneath his nose so he could smell it. You were confused when you saw water falling onto Draco's body and then... it dawned on you... you were crying.
"Are you crying?" you were snapped out of it when you heard Draco's voice.
"What? N-no" you said, quickly wiping them away as Draco sat up. "You're alright!" you said, throwing your arms around him before any of you knew what was happening. Draco looked awkwardly around and hesitantly patted your back. When you finally realized what you were doing, you quickly pulled away. "Um... I mean... uh-" you stuttered. "W-what happened?"
"Nothing... one of the light bulbs of your stupid fairy lights exploded" he said, but his tone was surprisingly soft. That's when you noticed that his forehead was bleeding.
"You're hurt" you said getting up and helping him up as well. "Come on, I can look at it in the kitchen" you said, offering him your hand. Draco took it and you helped him up before you walked back into the kitchen where you could have a better look. "Sit" you said, pulling out a chair as you went to grab your first aid kit and walked back to him. "It might... sting a little" you apologized but Draco nodded knowingly at you. You applied a warm cloth to his cut to clean out the wound. "Sorry" you said when he flinched away in pain as you cleaned him up. "I'm done" you said with a weary smile.
"Thanks" he said, still looking away from you.
"You're welcome" you said picking up a chair from the floor and sitting down next to him. "Draco?" you said, getting his attention this time. "What's going on?" you asked, knowing he knew something you didn't.
Draco took a deep breath, knowing he had to tell you. It was the least he could do if you were bound to spend their lives together. For better or worse.
"Look, I don't want you to worry" he started in a surprisingly soft tone. "B-but... after the war" he said, looking away. "Some of the Death Eaters- former Death Eaters" he corrected when he saw the look on your face. "We have been getting... targeted" he said, clearing his throat.
"Targeted?" you asked, growing even more worried.
"Yes" he said, nodding. "Everyone who was a known Death Eater or even associated with Slytherin has been getting threats" he explained.
"From whom?"
"Mostly from some angry wizards who... lost someone at the war" he continued as he put out the note he had earlier taken. He handed it to you and you read a very menacing threat for the Malfoy family.
"Have you... gotten them before?"
"Once or twice" he admitted. "But... in my office" he said, getting upset. "They had never come to my home" he spat out. You felt a weird tug on your heart when he called your flat 'home' for the first time. "My father put on some spells over the Malfoy Manor so they couldn't trespass it and he taught them to me" he explained. "I put them on the night I moved in. I thought I had cast them correctly" he said, looking at you. "I am sorry, (Y/N)" he said truthfully.
You could have been there. He sometimes worked late and you were here alone. What if they had come in and found you there? You weren't his favorite person, by a long shot, but that didn't mean you should be harmed for something that wasn't even your fault.
"It's... it's not your fault, Draco" you assured him. But deep down you were terrified. What the hell did you marry into?
"It is" he snapped. "I should have been able to put up those protective charms correctly! We could have been hurt! They could have still been here when we got here! You could have-" he stopped himself. You frowned your eyebrows at him. Was Draco about to say that he was worried about you? You must have been imagining it.
"I wasn't" you quickly said, with a small smile. "We weren't here, Draco, and nothing bad happened. We're okay" you assured him. "Why don't we just... go to bed? Get some rest" you suggested. "Maybe we can figure out those spells in the morning?" you offered, trying to make him feel better.
"Sure" Draco agreed, grabbing his wand and cleaning all the mess with a swift swing. "You go ahead... I'm gonna have a cup of tea" he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Alright then" you said not knowing why you felt the urge to reassure him that everything was okay. "Good night, Draco."
"Goodnight" Draco replied before you walked up to your room. Which you noticed was way more neatly than before. Both of you trying really hard to ignore the weird feeling you felt in their stomachs right now. And none of them wanting to be alone.
A few hours later, Draco was still sitting at the table where you had left him. He hadn't slept all night. He couldn't sleep. He kept reading the note they left behind. They had come into his home. He had put his life and yours in danger. What kind of a husband was he? Arranged marriage or not, he still had to protect his family. And liked it or not, you were part of that family now. He jumped a little when the light of the kitchen was turned on and he quickly grabbed his wand in his hand, pointing it at whoever was in the kitchen entrance.
"Merlin, Draco!" you said, jumping in fear yourself, wand in hand as well. "It's me" you said, hands up, in surrender and you both put away your wands. "It's like 3 a.m. what are you doing up?"
"What are you doing up?" he said, defensively.
"I... couldn't seep" you admitted before walking over to make yourself tea. "Would you like some?"
"Thanks" he agreed and you took out a second cup.
You laughed internally at the fact that even in his pajamas and his dark green robe he looked elegant. Even his hair was still neatly combed but you assumed it was because he had never gone to bed. And you wore your pajama shorts and oversized jumper with a big 'F' printed on it. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Draco.
"How come you weren't asleep?" you asked once you finished preparing your tea and handing a mug to Draco. He simply shrugged his shoulders.
"Just one of those nights" he said, looking down at his tea.
"Do you think they'll... come back?" you asked, looking down at your hands. Draco didn't know what made him do it but he placed his hand on yours.
"They won't" he said, noticing the look in your eyes. He recognized that look. He had grown up with that look. Fear. "I promise" you nodded, looking down at your linked hands and Draco quickly removed it. "Is that... why you can't sleep?"
"I just... kept jumping at every sound" you admitted. "And..."
"N-nothing" you said, snapping out of your thoughts. "Just... one of those nights" you said with a small smile.
"Where you crying outside earlier?" he said with a taunting tone, making you roll your eyes. But you knew what he was doing. Trying to get your mind off what happened and simply going back to mock you like he used to.
"No" you said, looking away.
"I think you were" he said before taking another sip of tea. "I think you care about me-"
"Shut up, Draco!" you said, trying to sound annoyed. "Don't flatter yourself!"
But the truth is, you might. You had no idea why, he was not your favorite person, by a long shot, but when you saw him unconscious, lying on the ground you felt genuinely scared. Possibly because you would have been the first suspect, but still.
"Aw, I promise I won't tell" he said with his smirk back on.
"I don't know" you said softly, erasing the smirk off his face when your expression changed.
"Come on, I was only messing with you" he tried.
"I know" you said, smiling at him. "Is just...We've both seen so much death before" you muttered sadly. "Seeing you lying there... it brought back some memories, I guess..."
Draco cleared his throat after a moment of awkward silence between the two of you. "We should... um... we should get some sleep" he advised. "Is late" he said getting up and waiting for you to do the same. You both walked upstairs in silence and you were surprised when he walked you to your room. "Good night" he said awkwardly.
"Good night, Draco" you said opening your door.
Both of them you trying to ignore the fact that you'd rather stay with each other than be alone that night. But the feeling was short-lived.
"How can your room already be this messy? I just cleaned it mere hours ago" he complained, looking inside.
"Shut up, Draco! Is not messy!" you argued, stepping inside.
"I cannot believe you live like this! Honestly-" he was cut off when you slammed the door on his face.
"Good night, Draco!"
To Be Continued
[Ch.1] [Ch.3] [Ch.4] [Ch.5] [Ch.6] [Ch.7] [Ch.8] [Ch.9] [Ch.10] [Ch.11] [Ch.12] [Ch.13] [Epilogue]
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Slytherin Extensive Dating a Malfoy Headcanons:
Here’s to all of my lovely Slytherin followers!
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You’re sorted into Slytherin and you don’t quite understand why, but there had to be a reason. Draco didn’t quite understand either but not like he cares. pffft. nope. 
You’re a odd Slytherin. No one can deny your ambition or hesitancy to do things just right, but there are some times that you surprise everyone
Draco thinks you don’t belong in Slytherin but damn you’re good at Quidditch
You play as a Keeper. He thinks that it’s stupid but you give him a flash of your smile and maybe he’s forgotten what he’s supposed to be doing on the field too
He swears your part veela because people just stop and do things for you all the time
“Oh, I’ve forgotten my quill, does anyone have an extra?” There are about ten at your disposal from others that you always return with that same distracting smile not that he noticed 
You always get out of trouble, no matter what it is. With Filch or Snape or McGonagall. You just had a way with words and it frustrated him
And oh the way you snark at Potter. It’s not cruel like his normal taunts but you always have a way to sneak that smile in and a wicked quip leaving both he and Harry gaping after you
When Buckbeak goes to attack him, you’re right there, smiling and speaking softly to the beast and it backs down, charmed like everyone else “It’s alright, there’s no need to feel threatened, just calm,” Buckbeak then lets you and Draco approach and you give him that smile and the boy is a goner
“Malfoy?” You call his attention. “Huh what?” He blinks. “Are you alright?” You laugh and maybe he wasn’t paying attention the first time you asked him
You always looked so put together and confident whenever he was around, whenever he noticed you, you were always smiling and flawless and it wasn’t fair in his opinion because it just looked so effortless
First years from any house are hanging onto your every word because you’re always there to show them the way or give them advice on how to get on a professor’s good side which has him sulking because you never talk to him like that
Oh but wait until someone crosses you. He thought you had the patience of a saint but bloody hell 
One of your friends lies to you constantly? Someone betrays you? Oh you have receipts and evidence lined up against them. People from other houses and different years are at your defense because they know it just like you do. You’re ex-friend is a backbiter and damn Merlin if they think you’ll let them get away with it and honestly Draco can’t decide if he’s scared or turned on when he sees the fires of hell in your eyes
But then you catch sight of him and your smile is back and you wave and he’s gawking because yeah he’s definitely both scared and turned on
Even though everyone whispers around the school about what went down, you still hold your head high and still look flawless
But one night he finds you in the Slytherin common room, sitting in the window seat, watching the murky water of the lake, crying silently Draco starts panicking because what is he supposed to do you’re always put together what do you mean you’re crying alone
“Uh... are you okay?” He has no idea why he’s asking, but he can’t just leave you here... can he? 
You immediately wipe away your tears and smile, but Draco can see right through this one. He leans against the wall beside the window, waiting for you to explain
“Am... am I really vindictive, manipulative, and controlling?” You seem so insecure as you hug your knees. “I... I know Slytherins are cunning and ambitious... but I don’t want to be a bad person...”
He’s staring again because you always seem to keep him on his toes for trying to figure you out. And he’s never seen you as anything less than perfect and he’s not stopping now. You’re just more real
“You’re not a bad person,” He finally says, sitting on the window seat with you. Teary-eyed you look at him, and now he’s furious towards whoever thought they could make you think you’re a bad person
You laugh hopelessly and again, wipe away your tears. “Thanks Draco,” It’s the first time you’ve ever used his first name
He just nods and leaves you to your thoughts again. Now he’s asking around to what could possibly have you so upset and doubting of yourself even though you’re still put together in the halls, your head held high and maybe he hopes that someone might understand him back he’s not as put together as he seems either
You often come to him now when you’re really stressed out and you don’t want anyone else to know, but you know Draco won’t tell anyone nor judge you
Sometimes he just knows where to find you when you’re thinking alone and he has some sort of sweet, or tea, or something. You two just sit together, not saying anything, but not acting like you have it all together either
You notice in Fourth Year that Draco starts to slip through the cracks of falling into being like his father and you know he’s scared to be like his father but you also know what it’s like to not know what else to do
Draco notices that you’re getting a lot of attention from Viktor Krum and his school buddies. They all seem to have fallen for the same smile that he did but they couldn’t have you, they would never understand you like he did. How dare they even think it
“Do you want to go to the first task with me?” You ask him and he snaps his quill because Merlin how do you move so quietly “Me? Why don’t you go with one of your Durmstrang blokes?” He snaps. 
You gape at him. Sure, you knew you were getting attention from those guys, but was it really enough to make Draco jealous? “I don’t want to go with them, they’re entitled uncivilized imbeciles.” You scoff. “I want to go with you. Idiot!” Then you storm off. 
Draco realizes oh my stars I fucked up shitshitshitshitshitshit uh um bloody hell what to i do
So he chases after you and grabs your hand in the middle of that hall between classes so there are students everywhere
“I’m sorry,” He rushes out and you tilt your head, waiting. “If... if you still want to go with me...” 
“Malfoy bothering you?” One of the Durmstrang asks, coming up beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder and Draco’s blood just boils
But before Draco can get his wand out, you have the guy on the floor groaning in pain taking him down muggle style and Draco has gone back to being scared and turned on You smile at him and take his hand, on your way to the pitch to watch the task
He guesses that you’re dating now? No one ever offiaclly said anything and not much has changed except you always find him in the halls and hold his hand and maybe his most recent batch of Amortentia smells just like your perfume and favorite sweet... And maybe yours smells just like his cologne and favorite tea...
He eventually gets the words out: “Do you want to go out with me?” He’s stuttering and blushing because you two are alone and he doesn’t have to be Mr. PerfectTM and you’re smiling at him again and you’re making it so difficult for him and you know it
“Well duh,” You finally laugh. “You’re so dense sometimes Dray,” 
Everyone thinking that you are the EliteTM couple on campus because of how well you both charade perfection...
When you’re really just total goofballs. You like doodling stupid things on his notes and he always has a cheesy pickup lines at the ready. You two flirt but it’s more like banter because you’re already his and Merlin does everyone ship it 
Tickle fights / “For you my lady,” “Well thank you kind sir,” / Inside jokes / Maybe a prank or two that eventually escalates and ends when Draco has vibrant blue hair and you get the last laugh but merlin does he look good
His parents and your parents believe that they have the perfect couple between you two. Such decorum and tradition, and refinement. (And you and Draco are flying upside down on your brooms, running barefoot through the Manors, making a mess in the kitchen trying to bake without magic, blasting music in the halls and singing off key and dancing) Narcissa knows all of this and adores that you bring such joy to Draco’s life
Umbridge has met her match with you. She is completely enchanted with you, even though you’re running an underground network against her at the school and she doesn’t have the slightest idea Draco is so impressed and Merlin does he love how cunning you are
When No Nose comes back and fear is a constant lingering in the school and amongst Slytherins, you slowly drop your prefect facade and let others know it’s okay to not be okay. “Little Miss Perfect isn’t so perfect is she?” “No, but I am real,” 
You get fascinated with Dark Magic, because well, everyone keeps talking about it and you think that it’s stupid to be afraid of something you don’t know about so you learn and it doesn’t seem so scary when you realize there are counter curses and jinxes that spread like wildfire in the school in an underground network you and Hermione set up
Draco takes the Dark Mark, and so do you. You won’t leave him on his own. You want loyal and cunning and ambitious? Bring it No Nose who honestly believes that you’re on his side and for his cause because who can lie to him? You can.
 You stay at the Manor with Draco during the holidays. It’s almost vital that both you and Draco pull your masks of perfection back on for the sake of surviving. Which leave you both doing things that has you breaking down in each other arms in the quiet of the night because how did it come to this?
Using the same underground network, you feed encrypted information to the Golden Trio and Hogwarts. You always go down and talk with Luna and keep her company behind a silencing charm or two
You punch Pansy in the face when she suggests handing over Harry. 
You and Draco both stand with Hogwarts during the battle. You actually laugh when confusion breaks out across the Death Eaters and No Nose and you have the urge to scream “I’m a Slytherin! Who did you think you were dealing with!?” And maybe you do
After the war it’s hard facing anyone because for so long they thought that you and Draco had gone dark side, but slowly tensions ease and things get better and there’s a light at the end of the table.
You and Draco redeem the Slytherin House and later after you’re married to each other, McGonagall comes and asks you to teach and to be the Head of House for Slytherin
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18@whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda@bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland@shookyungsoo @savingdraco@welcometomyworldwithoutrules@akari180 @slytherin-emerald@chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey@theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings@fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe@spicyshenanigans@darling-im-not-okay-i-promise@dietkiwi@katsukink@takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things@tmnt-queen@mccloudchloe @hxneybgb@justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena@moviesbooksandfandoms@howdycharlie@xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper@ninacotte@mccloudchloe @braelynn-j@jiggllyy @honeymarvel@go-whovian-universe@darcypottah@atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289@boredashaeck​ @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco@the–queen-of-hell@langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing@tulippings @thestressedprincess @sunflowerxsadnessw@caps-wilsonn @fattycooter @angelotakunerd08@thisisahugemistake @fanficsigottaread​ @gweaslvy​ @okaydraco​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @ughjjloveme​ @honeymarvel​  @gaysludge​ @cleopatera​ @ray-of-sunrise​ @artist-bby​
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cluelesspigeons · 3 years
The second prompt for the hp pride fest by the lovely @girlwithacrown on Instagram! You can find the post here.
The song’s ‘Make Me Feel’ by Janelle Monae
It’s a little late (almost a week) but sshhtt, you know nothing.
Also, an enormous thank you to the amazing @nv-md for beta-reading this!!! :))
Little cw: cursing and mentions of cigarettes and alcohol
The Way You Make Me Feel
People were dancing and singing on the streets below, the orange-yellow hue of the streetlights making everything look ethereal. It was Harry’s favourite time of the day. He had just eaten a delicious home-cooked meal and was now relaxing with a glass of wine on the balcony, enjoying the slightly off-key French songs filtering up from the crowds below. The iron railing of the balcony was adorned with wisteria, the sweet smell filling his nose.
Yes, moving to France was definitely one of the best decisions he had made. Well, he and Draco had made the decision together.
Draco had come up with the idea, one day. They had been standing on their balcony back in London, quite the same way as Harry was doing now, with expensive glasses of wine in their hands and lit cigarettes between their fingers.
Draco had blurted it out, apropos of nothing, just at the moment Harry had taken a sip from his wine. “I think we should move to France.”
Harry had choked, Draco actually having to pat him on the back as he was gasping for air. “Moving?” he had managed to squeak between coughs. “To France?”
Still patting Harry’s back, Draco nodded. “Yeah,” he said, “I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time, you know.”
“Then what…” Harry had coughed again “What brought this up now?”
“I don’t know… I just—I just imagined us standing on a balcony like this, in a small village in the south of France. It would be so much better than living in this disgustingly busy city.”
Harry had straightened again, taking a small sip of his wine to clear his throat. “Well…”
“You don’t have to decide right now”, Draco had said quickly, taking a drag from a freshly lit cigarette, “I know it’s not an easy decision…”
Smiling softly, Harry had shaken his head, entwining his fingers with Draco’s. “I’ll think about it.” He had brought Draco’s knuckles up to his mouth and placed a loving kiss on top of them.
It had taken Harry 3 months to think it over, eventually deciding that, yes, moving to France wasn’t that bad of an idea.
Draco had been delighted when Harry told him, rambling on and on about a cosy apartment he had found in a small village. He had wanted to move as soon as possible.
And so they had.
Taking a deep breath, Harry took another sip of his wine, swirling the liquid in his mouth before swallowing. It had been two years now. Two years of them living in that cosy apartment Draco had talked to about. And two years of Harry very slowly learning how to communicate with the locals. Though he would never be as fluent as Draco, his French had improved immensely. At least now, he could ask for the right bread at the bakery.
“Je voudrais un pain complet, s’il vous plaît.”
Draco had taught him the little phrase. And it was only after rehearsing for what felt like a thousand times, that Harry could finally pronounce it the correct way.
“Honestly, Draco,” he had complained, one day, after he had repeated the phrase for the tenth time, “whose idea was it to just throw every weird sound you can make with your mouth together and call it a language?”
Draco had only laughed, shaking his head as he muttered something under his breath Harry couldn’t quite catch. They practiced almost every day after that. Seeing as almost no one in the village spoke English, Draco had deemed it absolutely necessary for Harry to learn French. Even if Draco had concluded Harry was a completely useless student.
How Harry had survived seven years in Hogwarts, Draco didn’t know.
“What are you thinking about, darling?” Arms wound themselves around Harry’s waist, a pointy chin resting on his shoulder.
Harry leaned back against a sturdy chest. “Hmmm… just thinking about our French lessons.”
Draco snorted next to Harry’s ear. “I don’t understand how you’re so bad at learning the language.”
“Well, not everyone had the privilege of speaking more than one language while growing up.”
Another group of people passed on the street below, their drunken giggles filling the warm evening air. Harry closed his eyes, letting his head fall back on Draco’s shoulder. “I could go for a little walk, right now.”
“Of course you could,” Draco’s lips brushed the side of Harry’s neck, “you and your strange midnight walks.”
Harry rolled his eyes, turning around in Draco’s embrace. “You love going on midnight walks with me.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he leaned closer. “It’s romantic.”
Grimacing, Draco shook his head. “You’re an absolute sap.” He ignored Harry’s lips curling into one of those far too smug smiles. “It’s disgusting.”
“Mhm”, Harry turned to place his empty glass on the small table, “let’s go for that walk then.”
He stepped out of Draco’s embrace. But before he could go inside Draco stopped him. “Wait! Harry, I…”
Harry turned back, a frown crossing his face. “Draco…?”
Draco was still standing on the balcony, his silvery blond hair gleaming in the light of the street below. He was staring at Harry, a look in his eyes that hadn’t been there in months. His hands were clasped in front of him, though Harry thought he could see them shaking slightly.
“Draco, what’s going on?” Harry took a step closer, one of his hands reaching out to Draco.
But Draco shook his head. “Nothing is going on”, he said softly, “I just…I need to tell you something.”
Harry’s frown deepened as he watched Draco run a shaking hand through his hair. This wasn’t about what he thought, right? Not after the lovely evening they had had so far? Harry had cooked them a delicious meal and Draco had brought home a fine French wine. They had had a comfortable candle-lit dinner, talking about their days, making plans for the weekend.
Surely, this couldn’t be the moment Draco decided he had enough of their relationship…
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while”, Draco began. He wasn’t looking at Harry now. “I— oh, I don’t know how to say this.”
“Draco,” Harry closed the distance between them, ignoring the slight tremble in his hands as he cupped Draco’s face between them, “you know you can tell me everything. We’re a team, remember?”
Draco nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” He smiled softly when Harry’s thumb started stroking his cheekbone. “I just… I repeated this so many times in my head. I don’t want to mess this up.”
“You won’t.”
“You don’t know that!”
Harry raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, okay.” Taking a deep breath, Draco met Harry’s gaze. “There’s something about the way you make me feel”, he took another deep breath.
“All of those feelings I’ve got, I can’t explain it. I know I sometimes second guess your intentions, even after all these years we’ve been together. But we’ve come so far and I sometimes find myself wondering if this…” Draco gestured around him, “if this whole life isn’t some kind of joke, some kind of dream. I’m scared I’ll wake up one day and everything will be gone.”
Shaking his head, Harry opened his mouth to protest but Draco put a finger against his lips, silencing him.
“I’m not done quite yet”, he smiled. “As I was saying, you make me feel powerful, Harry. Whenever you’re by my side, I feel like I can take on the whole world. So that’s why…”, Draco fumbled for something in one of his trouser pockets, “that’s why… hold on a moment, I can’t find what I’m looking for.”
A frown had appeared between his eyebrows as he frantically patted his pockets. “Oh Merlin, where the hell is it?”
“What are you looking for?” Harry asked. He had taken a few steps backwards to give Draco some space whilst he searched for whatever it was he was looking for.
“The whole point of what I’m trying to say!” Draco exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. “I think I’ve lost it… oh Merlin, I’ve actually lost it!” He ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the blond locks. “I can’t believe I managed to fuck things up—”
“You didn’t fuck anything up, Draco.”
“—Normally, you’re the one to lose things or screw everything up—”
“—What am I going to do now?”
Harry stepped forward again, taking Draco's hands out of his hair and entwining their fingers together. “Calm down, love”, he said gently, “everything’s fine. You didn’t mess anything up.”
“Yes, I did!” Draco exclaimed. “I messed up the perfect opportunity to bloody propose to you! And it’s all my fault! How could I be so stupid?”
“Wait”, Harry put up a hand to stop Draco from talking, his eyes as wide as saucers, “you were going to propose?”
Draco stared at Harry, a muscle in his jaw twitching and then…
“Bloody, fucking hell!” Draco exclaimed loudly, throwing his hands in the air before letting his head fall into his hands. “I can’t actually believe myself! Could this get any worse?!”
Still slightly baffled, Harry answered, “I could always say no.”
Draco peeked out from between his fingers. “Not helping, Potter.”
Harry chuckled then, peeling Draco’s hands away from his face and leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips. “If it helps you at all,” he whispered, “I would gladly marry you.”
“But I didn’t give you a ring…”
“I don’t care about the ring, Draco. All I care about is that you actually want to marry me.”
“You do?”
“Yes, of course!” Harry placed a kiss on the palm of Draco’s hand. “The most important thing is that I love my sappy boyfriend enough to marry him, don’t you think?”
“Don’t call me that”, Draco said, rolling his eyes, though Harry could see a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I can’t believe this actually didn’t go the way I intended.”
Harry shrugged, pulling Draco closer so they were standing chest to chest. “You got what you wanted, right?”
The smile now fully spread across Draco’s face. “Well, yes. Yes, I did.”
“Good”, Harry said, and closed the small distance between them, his lips lovingly caressing Draco’s.
Draco wrapped his arms around Harry’s neck, making a satisfied noise in the back of his throat.
When Harry pulled back eventually, he was smiling broadly. “How about that walk now?” he asked. “A little midnight walk with your fiancé.”
Read it on ao3
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precisemuseum · 4 years
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Puyo Puyo PC-98 Manual Translation
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Once upon a time, in the age when the power of magic was bestowed upon the world, a powerful sorcerer created a great spell named "Owanimo." One of the strongest spells of all, it could banish monsters to a space between dimensions, but he sealed it away, recording it only in his "Book of Magic." 
Not because it was forbidden knowledge or incredibly hard to use, but because to him, it seemed useless. And thus, the spell entered a dormant state, awaiting a day when a new sorcerer would come forth...
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Years came and went until finally, the seal came undone with the appearance of a great sorceress: Arle Nadja. One day, this auburn-haired girl with golden eyes came across the Book of Magic.
"Owanimo...?" Arle studied the chapter on forbidden spells for what seemed like hours. "When four monsters of the same color are in your sights, chant this spell loudly. The Goddess of Time shall listen, and whisk the monsters away to a space between dimensions." 
Arle continued to read, learning the Owanimo spell, but then closed it with a heavy sigh once she finished.
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Why set it aside like that? Well, Arle had never seen "four monsters of the same color" as the spellbook described. 
"I spent so much time reading, and it's not even a spell I can use for anything..." 
But just as fate brought the Book of Magic into Arle's hands by chance, so it brought from the world of darkness the very monsters she had read about.
And thus, a great battle awaits. With her great magic abilities, and the newfound power of "Owanimo," Arle Nadja sets out to protect the world.
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Arle Nadja The protagonist of the game and the (aspiring) sorceress who released the spell "Owanimo". Nobody knows how she ended up this way, but despite looking like she wouldn't hurt a fly, she's actually a merciless girl that slaughters innocent Puyo. She currently attends a magic school, but she's already too scary for anything to stand in her way. That's my opinion, anyway.
Carbuncle During the game, when you find your eyes moving towards the center of the screen... Awww~! He's sleeping!!! This is Carbuncle. When he's lying still, he almost looks like a loaf of bread, but as he sings and dances he shows off a wide range of movement and facial expressions. A truly profound deuteragonist.
Puyo Puyo Despite their fate as short-lived, jelly-like monsters who are stacked and popped, they have managed to secure a leading role this time around, and even get to dance on the title screen. They're sure to enjoy this special opportunity to perform on a grand stage in five different colors. Looking at them with an empty stomach will reveal their appetizing nature and make you hungry. Hehe.
Arle, the protagonist, is brimming with curiosity.
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Skeleton T While he appears as the epitome of a tea-loving Japanese man, he is a fine monster as well. He will be the first opponent you face during your trials. But you'll find that in a rather endearing way, he's a miserable fool who doesn't even know how to rotate his Puyo. Boohoo. Sipping bitter green tea during battle will instantly make you one of his tea-drinking buddies.
Nasu Grave An eggplant. Specifically, a Kamo eggplant. On top of that, he makes for a rather strange presence. Just what the heck is this thing? Despite appearances, his defensive power is high, so novices might find themselves struggling a bit. You'll have no choice but to keep at it and apply a steady technique. But in the end, your opponent is still just an eggplant. A regular talking eggplant. …Heh.
Mummy Even though it's called Mummy, it isn't a mommy. It's a mummy. What? You already knew that? Oh, deary me, I'll wrap it up then. (←One-man comedy routine.) Mummy is an opponent that makes you want to bully it because the crying face it makes when it's about to lose is just too cute. Sorry, Mummy.
The Goddess of Time whisking the monsters away.
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Draco Centauros As you might expect from someone who shouts "Rawr", this half-dragon being takes pride in those sharp horns. Appearing as the first obstacle of your quest, this opponent has top tier judgment and piece precision but takes forever to think things through. Because of that, she's a pitiful lass who is only ranked as a third-rate monster girl... You heard me right! Draco is a girl. I'm sure someone around you thought she was a boy...
Suketoudara A pollock who has an aura of coming from some far-off sea. However, he seems to have the character of an Edokko​. He's an athletic-type who tends to err on the side of caution. However, he's also arrogant. When he wins, he makes a face that screams "You're no match for me!", which is truly aggravating. Many say they especially don't want to lose to him.
(TL Note: Literally meaning “Child of Edo”, Edokko is refers to a person born and raised in Edo (renamed Tokyo in 1868). It implies personality traits such as being assertive, straightforward, cheerful, perhaps a bit mercantile.)
Sukiyapodes Let's just get this out of the way; he has a giant foot. It measures about 16 mon. Even though he has a complex about it, he directs that frustration into bettering himself. Well, we're not sure if that last part's true, but he always has a cheerful expression on his face as he slowly and steadily builds precise chains. He's a bit of an unpleasant guy.
(TL Note: mon is a unit of length for measuring the size of one's foot. 1 mon is equivalent to 2.4 cm. His foot is 38.4 cm, or 15.12 in.)
Harpy Now then, it is time for Miss Harpy's song. She loves singing more than she loves having three meals a day. She could sing for ages if no one stopped her. If there was something like a "Puyo Puyo World Karaoke Tournament", she'd win for sure. But unfortunately, this is only Puyo Puyo. 
Sasori Man “How d'ya do, partner? I’m a famous Naniwa salesman known 'round these parts as Sasori Man. Put 'er there! Huh? Yer askin' for my secret to success? I ain't spillin' the beans no matter how much ya beg. That's somethin' to look forward to when we do battle. Till then, happy trails.”
Panotty A flute-playing boy. But honestly, he's nothing more than a noisy, mischievous brat. He disrupts his opponent's chains by dropping large amounts of Nuisance Puyo on them. Everyone has fallen victim to his antics at least once. What a truly ruthless Puyo technique. For when his last flute sounds, the dead shall be raised. Just kidding.
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Zombie A zombie. All of his lines are stuff like "Ugheeee." This zombie is quite the formidable trickster. Sometimes he will be swiftly defeated, and other times he will take you by surprise and suddenly pull off a huge chain. If you don't take him seriously, you'll find yourself in a tough spot. Battle with caution.
Witch In the forest stands a grand mansion. Living there was a very ordinary family whose lineage can be traced back hundreds of years. The family's only daughter was born and was raised in a very ordinary fashion. But there was one thing that was not so ordinary...That young lady was a haughty witch. Ohohoho! Ohohohoho... *fadeout*
Zou Daimaou Pawoo! The mammoth mogul has arrived! A young aristocrat who comes from an ancient and distinguished line of royal Indian elephants. An irritating fellow who likes bad puns, gives his words an elephantine quality, and casually rhymes. He also enjoys Puyo Puyo. Plus, he's strong. An aphant-garde aristocrat whose ground-shaking chains are as sharp as his tusks.
Schezo A silver-haired man with deep blue eyes. Schezo, the embodiment of picturesque beauty. However, he's been deemed a pervert thanks to Arle, and strives to restore his honor by challenging her. 
B-E-A-U-T-Y! Perfection won't pass you by!  P-R-I-N-C-E! Of the Puyo Puyo World, it's meant to be! Go now! Go forth! Show us what you're really worth! 
...Well, this has turned into something rather silly..
Minotauros Risking life and limb for his duties, a bull who lives by the code of chivalry, leaving a flurry of cherry blossoms in his wake. That is Minotauros. Ever since Rulue rescued him long ago, he has served as her devoted attendant like a faithful dog. Seeing him like this brings some to tears. For Rulue, he'd go through hell and high water. He's giving it his all today, and his one-eyed look is as cool as ever.
Rulue A woman truly worthy of the title of "Fighting Queen". The queen of the Puyo Puyo world. There's nothing that she can't obtain... Oh wait, there is something — Satan's love. Possessing a very jealous nature, Rulue is always lying in wait, ready to obliterate anyone who gets close to Satan. It's rumored that her true strength is even greater than Satan's.
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Satan He is the king that rules over heaven and earth. He soars the skies with wings that slice through wind. His two horns point towards the heavens. His sharp eyes are like glistening gems. Cloaked in the veil of night, his devilish hand beckons you in. He is darkness’s cherished protege. It seems playing Puyo Puyo is a guilty pleasure of his. His true strength is unknown. It's said he's won the Puyo Puyo World Championship a countless number of times. In any case, he's obviously a bigshot. Can you truly defeat Satan, who boasts of elite skills in speed and chaining?
(You can download the PDF here)
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fanfics4all · 4 years
I Hate U, I Love U
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Request: Yes / No Draco malfoy x fem reader inspired by I hate, u I love u by Gnash Anon
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Male!Reader 
Word count: 2110
Warnings: Breakup, Sadness, Blackmail 
Y/N: Your Name 
Song: I hate u, I love u by Gnash ft. Olivia O'Brien 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Draco and I broke up a few months ago. He broke up with me for what seemed like no reason, but a few days later he started dating Pansy of all people! She was obsessed with him and I suppose he realized he wanted her. I couldn’t help but feel like he used me. I tried to move on, but I always ended up wishing he was Draco. I missed his sweet soft lifts on mine and I wanted that so badly again. Even after months I still feel that pain in my chest every time I see him, especially when he was with her. I needed him in my life, but now he was gone… 
Feeling used, but I'm
Still missing you and I can't
See the end of this
Just wanna feel your kiss against my lips
And now all this time is passing by
But I still can't seem to tell you why
It hurts me every time I see you
Realize how much I need you
I hated him for what he did to me. I loved him for everything he used to do to me. I hated him for being with her. I loved him for giving me part of his heart. I don’t want to at all, but I can’t help having him as my number one. No one could ever be better than him, even still. I hated him for having his lips on hers. I loved him for the way he used to do that to me. I hate myself for still wanting him. I hate that he wants her, needs her. I hate that I’ll never be her…
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her
Draco’s POV
Y/N was still always on my mind. Whenever I found myself awake at odd hours of the night Y/N was there in my mind. In the mornings when I was having a cuppa and I saw her smiling with her friends, I couldn’t help but let her take over my thoughts. On the days that I just couldn’t bring myself to eat because of stress, she invaded my thoughts once again. A few times I thought about how our families had gone on vacation together and Y/N and I would sneak off with a bottle of fire whisky at night. We never could totally remember what the nights consisted of, but sand was always in my sweaters and she had sand in her hair. I wonder if she missed me like I missed her. I was warned I shouldn’t get attached to my best friend like that. That if things went bad we’d lose each other. Now our hearts were broken and we weren’t even friends anymore… 
I’ve been finding myself tired of everything lately. All the stress for school and my family finally catching up to me. However, I never found myself tired of Y/N. She had gone out with another guy a few days after we had broken up and I was hurt. I thought about how if I did that to her she’d be pissed. I tried to talk to her, to get her back because I was jealous of seeing other guys touch her like I would. She didn’t want to talk though, she would always make up an excuse and leave or just leave without a word. I thought about sending her an owl, I even wrote a letter out, but never sent it. It sat in my desk collecting dust. 
Part of me knew she was still in love with me. I saw her stealing glances at me a few times. I’d smile at her when I saw, but she just quickly looked away. The whole school thought she was over me, seeing as she was dating other guys. But the fact that they never lasted more than a month and that she was always looking at me made me realize she was still in love with me. Her friends didn’t have a clue. No one did. But, if she really wanted me, wouldn’t she just tell me? If I was her I would and I would never let me go again. Perhaps it was because I was with Pansy, not of my own free will of course. She had found out I was failing one of my classes and threatened to tell my Father if I didn’t break things off with Y/N and be with her. I couldn’t risk her actually telling my Father, I’d be severely punished if he ever found out. So here I was with Pansy and not the love of my life… 
I miss you when I can't sleep
Or right after coffee or right when I can't eat
I miss you in my front seat
Still got sand in my sweaters
From nights we don't remember
Do you miss me like I miss you?
Fucked around and got attached to you
Friends can break your heart, too
And I'm always tired, but never of you
If I pulled a you on you, you wouldn't like that shit
I put this reel out, but you wouldn't bite that shit
I type a text, but then I never mind that shit
I got these feelings, but you never mind that shit
Oh oh, keep it on the low
You're still in love with me, but your friends don't know
If you wanted me, you would just say so
And if I were you, I would never let me go
I hated him for what he did to me. I loved him for everything he used to do to me. I hated him for being with her. I loved him for giving me part of his heart. I don’t want to at all, but I can’t help having him as my number one. No one could ever be better than him, even still. I hated him for having his lips on hers. I loved him for the way he used to do that to me. I hate myself for still wanting him. I hate that he wants her, needs her. I hate that I’ll never be her…
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her
Draco’s POV
I wish she would just talk to me! I didn’t want to hurt her, I just desperately wanted her back in my arms. I wish I could tell her that Pansy was blackmailing me to date her, but I couldn’t. Pansy was already talking about the possibility of marriage and it was honestly scary. I knew I would never marry her no matter what. My Father’s wrath would be less terrifying than that. I found myself thinking about the possibility of marrying Y/N one day. But then I would see her with her latest boy toy and get pissed. She lied to me. She said I was the only one for her and yet here she is with another guy every month! Seeing this so often led me to drink more and I found myself angry, sad, and in love. I shouldn’t miss her, because it’s clear by her actions that she doesn’t miss me. Maybe I should just let her be. Be distance to her like she is to me. I should stop reminiscing about our past, but I couldn’t help myself. Mother always told me it’s good to have feelings, that I shouldn’t keep them all bottled up. Is our love really gone? Has the trust run out? I suppose I’m moving on in a way, but it doesn’t feel right. I feel more alone than I ever have… 
I don't mean no harm, I just miss you on my arm
Wedding bells were just alarms
Caution tape around my heart
You ever wonder what we could have been?
You said you wouldn't and you fucking did
Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix
Now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed
Always missing people that I shouldn't be missing
Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges just to create some distance
I know that I control my thoughts and I should stop reminiscing
But I learned from my dad that it's good to have feelings
When love and trust are gone
I guess this is moving on
Everyone I do right does me wrong
So every lonely night, I sing this song
I hated her for being with different guys. I loved her for how she always knew just what to say to people. I hated that she was moving on. I loved her for that kind heart she always has. I tried loving Pansy the way I loved Y/N but she’s not Y/N and she will never be Y/N. I hated her for letting them touch her the way I was meant to. I loved her for that perfect smile she has. I hated that I wanted her so badly, but she won’t even talk to me anymore. I hated that I was forced to be with Pansy now and that she’ll never be Y/N.
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her
I hated him for what he did to me. I loved him for everything he used to do to me. I hated him for being with her. I loved him for giving me part of his heart. I don’t want to at all, but I can’t help having him as my number one. No one could ever be better than him, even still. I hated him for having his lips on hers. I loved him for the way he used to do that to me. I hate myself for still wanting him. I hate that he wants her, needs her. I hate that I’ll never be her…
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her
I would sometimes sit alone in the common room reading a book, then they would come in and I saw him watching her. He looked at her like she was the only girl in the world and my head broke. Did he ever care about me? Was I just to make her jealous? Was he lying to me this whole time? All alone, watching him watch her. She’s his world now. She’s the only thing he ever sees now. Did he even notice that my heart is breaking more and more? Did he even notice that he’s killing me with those looks?
All alone, I watch you watch her
Like she's the only girl you've ever seen
You don't care, you never did
You don't give a damn about me
Yeah, all alone, I watch you watch her
She is the only thing you've ever seen
How is it you never notice
That you are slowly killing me?
I hated him for what he did to me. I loved him for everything he used to do to me. I hated him for being with her. I loved him for giving me part of his heart. I don’t want to at all, but I can’t help having him as my number one. No one could ever be better than him, even still. I hated him for having his lips on hers. I loved him for the way he used to do that to me. I hate myself for still wanting him. I hate that he wants her, needs her. I hate that I’ll never be her…
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her
All Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @in-slytherin-we-trust @accio-rogers @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 @vanessa-kom-skaikru​ @dracoswhvre
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centuriantalevevo · 3 years
Draco x Nonbinary Reader
Reader is AMAB, also this contains my headcanons lmao- hella OOC because of that (one of my headcanons, Draco has like.. multiple cousins who are basically on crack /j)
TW: transphobia and enbyphobia, with talk of biphobia. LGBTphobia in general. Misgendering
    5th year is.. Hectic.. Especially for a certain kid, Y/N L/N, who had to deal with a literal pink toad this year. Like.. ew? What made it worse, was they seemed to be the only kid in the school, well Slytherin specifically, that was… Different. Not in the normal, cliche sense, where ‘oh Y/N was drop dead gorgeous but abused by everyone around her, she can sing amazing-’, no. This isn’t your typical x Reader story, Y/N was different in the sense of Identity, Gender, specifically Gender Norms. They seemed to be all alone on this feeling, a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of loneliness despite multiple friends being in the room with them at this moment. They were away from earth, where no words can hurt. Where the erasure cannot get to them.
Oh god did the words hurt.
Oh? What words? You’re about to find out.
    “No, but did you hear some of the bullshit Umbridge was saying?” He asked, he as in the blonde. Draco. Draco Malfoy. “Especially to my cousin-” “You have a cousin?” Pansy asked, “Welcome to the conversation, first time speaking to me?- Yes, you are hella late to the conversation.” Draco groaned, “Now let me get back to the story” “Continue, which cousin? Darla?- Dominic?-” Blaise asked, “No, Jamie..” He responded quickly, “Oh hold on, what did the toad do to Jamie? I swear, if she hURT THAT PRECIOUS CHILD- Gryffindor or not, I love that girl to death” Blaise said quickly, interrupting Draco.
The blonde sighed deeply, “Blaise.. I love you to death but holy shit let me finnish, alright..” He took a breather, Y/N came back from their little world, queuing into the conversation. “Okay, so Umbridge had the AUDACITY to misgender MY COUSIN OVER AND OVER again! Misgendered her, invalidated her, you know that rule about like.. Something distance from the opposite gender? Yeah she’s forcing Jamie, a literal girl, to distance from girls and not guys-” He halted for a second, “No, my bad.. She’s forcing Jamie to stay away from both because she believe that Jamie is gay.. No, Jamie is a whole straight girl..” Draco ranted, “um.. Sorry to interrupt but… Jamie’s a girl? So how was she invalidated?” Y/N asked, tilting their head, Draco’s eyes moved to them, softening some.
    “Oh, you didn’t know? I thought everyone knew. Jamie is trans, she’s a trans girl specifically”
THERE! THERE IT WAS! They weren’t alone now.. There was someone who understood, yet they’d been clueless this whole time.
“I swear I will jack that woman UP” Blaise said lowly and Draco nodded in agreement. “Jamie was CRYING when she came to me, she could barely speak. That poor girl passed out from crying so much. She felt so hurt and the amount of dysphoria she felt was astronomically high.” He sighed, even he wanted to cry. “Like, damn bitch you didn’t have to out yourself as a whole LGBTphobe, you could’ve just stayed quiet and it would cost you nothing yet you chose to mess with a child who is related to the MALFOY family, very smart yes mhmm..” He growled in aggravation “Only merlin knows what she’d do if there was a nonbinary in the school, she’s probably dehumanize them.” He shook his head.
    “I’d commit a hate crime if I’m honest” Dominic said, coming from the stairs of the boys dormitory, “The LGBT had their way for a moment because she hadn’t thought about the gays, bisexuals and lesbians. Well.. the gays and lesbians, I don’t think she thinks Bisexuals exist..” He hummed, “She’s enforced the rule so now Darla can’t be near Daphne, luckily I don’t have a boyfriend.. The one time being single is a good thing.” Dominic dramatically cried.
“I will prove bisexuals exist, damn seems like I gotta stay away from ALL of you, sorry” Draco jokes, but was dead serious at the same time. “Until then, if there are nonbinaries in the school, technically they can by-pass the rules, if they present as masculine one day feminine the next. Or just androgynous to confuse the toad.” Draco then added, “I think I have to stay away from you guys too, shit Bisexuals can’t do ANYTHING” Blaise said, pretending to get up and leave.
So.. the students know of the nonbinary gender…
“Although, no surprise, Snape is always the decent one, along with all the other professors, and respect the trans kids pronouns, I’ve gone into his class to give him something during one of his lessons and heard him deliberately calling out kids that misgendered Jamie, it was amazing. And everyone says Snape is a bad teacher.” Draco says, smiling some at the memory. “Ooo! Speaking of which! While in Umbrdige’s class I think.. A few days ago, Snape actually found out about the incident and told her the fuck off for it-” “Damn, snape really said ‘trans rights are human rights’, go off honestly” Dominic interrupted, Draco nodded “The best look honestly, it was pure bliss watching that.” He responded.
Y/N finally managed to form words. “I.. didn’t know there was a trans person in the school.. A fellow trans person..” They said, mumbling the last part quietly, but Draco, Dominic, and Blaise caught it. “Fellow trans person?” Blaise tilted his head, and Draco glanced knowingly, the last part of their sentence was all he needed. They shook their head quickly, “Nothing” They shrugged, “Just nice to know”
It hurt, to be misgendered everyday, to be fair no one knew they were misgendering the kid. But they were so scared of being erased, discriminated against, that they said nothing. Since 1st year, pretty much.
They stretched some, “I'm gonna head to the library, I need to get studying done for Defense Against the Dark Arts, I’ll talk to you guys later.” They smiled, getting up, and grabbing paper, a quill, ink and their books from their dorm. Speed walking out, though it didn’t take long to hear a second pair of footsteps racing after them. Who the-
    “Hey, Y/N..” Draco trailed of, catching up to them quickly, “What’s up?” They looked at him from the corner of their eye, “There’s something you never told anyone, isn’t there?” He asked. Y/N averted their eyes and shook their head, “Nn… No..?” They sounded unsure, “Is that a statement, or a question because you don’t know?” He asked. He didn’t wanna be rude, but this was the only way he could truly confirm. If there was someone he had been accidentally misgendering, he wanted to stop that quickly.
    “I don’t wanna sound rude, nor put you on the spot.. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but.. What are your pronouns?” he asked, he knew of the nonbinaries, he knew of them.. So it’s fine to tell him, yes? He was basically defending them. They shook their head, not ready yet. “Not ready? That’s fine, I can respect that. You can always tell me, you know that right? I’ll understand. And if not me, then Jamie will.” heHe had sincerity in his voice, Y/N simply nodded. “Noted, thanks Draco..” They smiled and headed to the Library.
    The next day, Defense Against the Dark Arts was boring as ever, all because of Umbridge. But she had a new lesson today, not the normal one though. She had been doing her usual bullying of Jamie, Draco had been on edge and heard about it earlier, fairly quickly too. It was like it was her MISSION to be an LGBTphobic idiot with no life. Jamie had mentioned nonbinaries before she dipped from class, arguing about trans in general with the woman, or.. Monster.. Both terms work. So she was now here, in front of kids, spewing out enbyphobic shit, and not planning on stopping.. Y/N was starting to cry, but tried their best to hold it in.
The first person to notice the distress was Draco, Hermione did too, as she sat behind Y/N but could see them jolting some, “These.. Non-binaries, are less than human. You’re either a boy, or a girl. Everyone agrees, yes? If you are born a girl, you’re a girl. If you’re born a boy, you’re a boy. It’s a mental disorder, and you need to be fixed-” “They’re normal.. They just happen to not feel like a guy or a girl..” Y/N said quietly, “Trans folk are human, they aren’t an it.. That’s incredibly hurtful..” They said, it took all their strength to keep their voice from cracking.
“What was that Mr. L/N?” Umbridge smiled that sweet yet disgusting smile, tilting her head.. No, that smile had more dangerous intent behind that. They flinched. “Is there something you would like to say sir?” She asked, stopping in front of them. “Trans people.. Are people.. Just because you’re too ignorant to learn doesn’t.. M..mean you- b-bring someone down b-beca-use of it..” Their voice started to crack, they hiccuped some. “I’m sorry.. Do you think you have more knowledge than me?” She asked, her tone was dangerous. “Y..yes. Clearly, I’ve d-done my research on this, th-there is science tha-at defends us” They said.
“Detention Mr. L/N.. For talking back to a teacher, when I am giving a lesson you are to listen, you’re too caught up in whatever freak show you tra-” Umbridge was cut off, “Don’t you DARE finish that damn sentence, I can promise you I am not against hitting a teacher and a woman at that.” Draco intervened, “There is a lot of science that backs transgenders up, plenty of brain science has shown there is a female and male brain, that’s what backs up trans girls and trans boys, the nonbinary is still being researched, but I can assure you it is much more than a mental illness. Yes, dysphoria is a disorder, it CAN be treated, it can be treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT. It can be treated with transitioning. Some nonbinaries transition, some don’t feel dysphoric enough to transition, but at the end of the day they are still a they, I am still a he, and you are still a she. Just imagine if someone called you ‘he’, or even ‘it’ because they didn’t believe you were actually a girl-” “DETENTION, for BOTH of you.” Umbridge screamed, glaring daggers at both of them.
    “I’d take detention over hearing another second of the erasure, you’ve hurt my cousin enough, I’ll gladly take the blow for her. I thought Snape would’ve taught you.” Draco muttered, staring at her, “Both of you, leave. Now.” She said with a huff, Draco grabbed his things, but stopped Y/N when they tried to collect theirs, getting it for them, “Come on.” He said softly, leaving the classroom with the student.
He handed their things to them gently, “I.. Noticed you got really upset..” He said softly, “More like panicked..” They said softly, “It’s easier said than done, but try not to let her get to you. Some people just choose to stay stupid. Sometimes even I hurt from some of the shit she says. Damn the amount of biphobia I have heard from her is ungodly.” He sighed, “You’re bi?” They asked curiously, “Yeah, I thought it was obvious by now. I kinda stopped caring at like.. 2nd year, hell I made out with.. A lot of guys in 2nd and 3rd year, mostly to piss my father off because he’s also LGBTphobic, but also just because it’s fun, and guys are cute.” He said with a small grin, they laughed. “Fair enough, do what you can to piss the oppressors off” They joked, drying their eyes. He turned to head to the Slytherin Common Room, when their voice ringed out again.
“They/Them..” Y/N said, he turned around and tilted his head, “You asked what my pronouns are.. I use they/them. I’m nonbinary” They said softly, and Draco smiled with a nod. “Is there a different name you want to be called?” But they shook their head, “The name I introduced myself as is the name I want to use.” Y/N said, “Alright, come on. Lets go to the common room” Draco said, “I can probably try and get Jamie in there too..” He hummed softly.
    Later that day, it was after dinner, and all the Slytherins were in the common room. Aside from Draco and Y/N, “Do you want to tell them? Most of them are accepting, aside from a few exceptions, Pansy surprisingly is accepting.” He said quietly, and thought for a moment.. “Blaise told me a few of the kids got told off because they agreed with us.” He added, “I think.. I was always scared to say anything because I didn’t wanna be made fun of.. I didn’t know there was someone who was trans like me til you talked about what happened with Jamie..” They said, “Well, you’re safe here. Hell, I’m more than 110% sure that our headmaster is gay, so.. Do with what you will on that information” He said with a small lighthearted laugh, Draco kissed their cheek with a small hum “It’ll be okay.”
They’d chosen to tell them, they didn’t want to feel misgendered any longer, Umbridge aside. “Oi, everyone shut your trap for a second, I have something to say- THEO… Thank you” He said, after staring down Theodore for a moment. “Let us reintroduce someone, but properly this time. This is Y/N, they’re nonbinary, use they/them pronouns and the moment I hear any of you say something against that, I will personally come for you, with Jamie in tow.” Draco said, Y/N smiling a little with a small wave. “Could’ve told us sooner, but glad you did, especially after Professor Umbridge, good job” Blaise said.
    Even Pansy was accepting, they were all proud that you had the courage to say come out, and also that you said something to Umbridge.
This was fine, everything is fine. Umbridge wasn’t fine, but.. This was nice, being accepted as who you are, by people who you’d think would be the last people to ever accept you. The person you thought would be the last person to accept you ended up being the most accepting, which is ironic when you consider his dad. 
This was bad 😭
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