#honenuki juuzo
1-beans · 1 year
Class 1B and what they smell like
mod 🐐 & mod 🌿
Awase Yosetsu - 3 in 1 shampoo
Kaibara Sen - Slightly rubbery
Kamakiri Togaru - Freshly cut grass
Kuroiro Shihai - Quill ink and candles (scented candles when provided)
Kendou Itsuka - Rose scented body wash
Yui Kodai - Lightly metallic
Kinoko Komori - Forest
Ibara Shiozaki - Garden
Jurota Shishida - Mostly cologne, and a little bit of wet dog (but you have to practically burry your face in him to smell anything)
Nirengeki Shoda - The smoke after a birthday candle gets blown out
Pony Tsunori - Sunscreen
Tsuburaba Kosei - Strawberry hi-chew
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - Rust removal with an undercurrent of new car
Setsuna Tokage - Hot dumplings
Manga Fukidashi - Alcohol Markers
Honenuki Juuzo - REALLY good quality lotion, wholeass aloevera coconut vanilla type shit
Bondo Kojiro - Elmer’s glue
Neito Monoma - French cooking and Chanel no.5
Reiko Yangi - Antiques
Rin Hiryu - Cantaloupe
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donny-donuts · 4 years
July 28th, Day 3
Prank and Party
("Both. Both is good")
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Original sketch: Kōhei Horikoshi
Editing: me
Everything was going according to their plan.
The "Cellophane Stans" worked hard for an entire month before the fateful day because what they would organize must be the most memorable birthday party of all time.
Sero Hanta didn't know that some admirers had founded a super secret fan club for him, however, he probably never imagined this group included only two members.
"I can't wait to see his face when he'll find out what kind of "surprise" we are preparing"- commented Honenuki laughing
"It's more a prank if you ask me"- Todoroki said in a serious way - "He'll die of embarrassment"
"Trust me, it'll worth the pain"
"How did you convince her to help us?
"Quite easily, actually"- Juzo seemed extremely proud about it - "I simply told to our girl that "a certain someone" will pay attention. A lot of it."
"Are any romance involved in this?"
"Of course, my Red-and-White friend"
They both became Cellophane's supporters due to different reasons: one felt guilty regarding that Giant Iceberg's Incident during the Sport Festival, the other saw a few resemblances between his and Sero's Hero Costume.
Using the status of recommended student, Honenuki obtained permission to use the gym for the surprise party and, after that, he started decorating the place begging almost everyone from Class 1-A and Class 1-B to come in his aid.
Meanwhile, Shouto tried to distract Sero with not great results. 
"Something's wrong"- Sero already had some suspects
"...Do you think so?..." 
"We are walking around the campus for two hours by now. And you seems more strange than usual"
"I'm not hiding anything!"- Todoroki spoke loudly without realising
"These words sound like a confession to me"- Hanta watched him triumphant - "So, tell me, what's going on?"
"Damn, he screwed me..."
Defeated and with no choices left, Shouto led his friend to the party's location praying the whole thing was ready.
Fortunately, when they entered the gym, everyone began to wish "Happy Birthday" for the black haired boy who clearly didn't expect such a celebration.
However, he remained puzzled when Satou brought an incredibly huge cake, orange flavoured.
"Thanks"- thought Hanta happily - "this is the best birthday ever!"
"To be honest, the real "main attraction" will appear soon"
"Red-and-White friend is right" - Honenuki couldn't stop to move for the excitement - "Lizardy, now it's up to you!"
Suddenly, Setsuna Tokage jumped out the cake wearing only a black two-piece swimsuit.
Sero froze at the view of her and died of embarrassment with a stupid grin in his face.
Juzo laughed hysterically due to his reaction while Todoroki checked if he was still alive.
The tape guy stared at the girl in astonishment, not believing his crush since the Joint Training accepted to do something unpredictable and, he had to admit it, sexy.
He focused so much on Tokage that he didn't even notice when she approached him several minutes later.
"I hope you enjoyed the show" - she playfully winked
"...y-yes, a-amazing..."
"Good, I'm really, really glad to hear it."
Sero hadn't the time to answer back because Setsuna gave him her "special" birthday present: a kiss on the cheek.
"Cellophane.exe" has stopped working"- commented Todoroki not surprised - "again"
"Our super secret fan club has gained another member! We become more and more every day!"
"Juzo, I think I spotted some romance over there" - Shouto pointed out watching the newly born couple - "Sero just covered Tokage with his jacket"
"See, this is what I call a "perfect victory"
"Are you quoting Bakugou?"
"Of course, my Red-and-White friend"
The two boys kept an eye on them from the distance attempting not to ruin that sweet atmosphere.
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monoma-chrome · 5 years
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Class B: Killing Game!
Class A
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1bkinhelp · 4 years
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honenuki icons in colour #5F1A8E: request for @http-evan!
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setsuwaserights · 4 years
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Earth/Nature Honenuki Stimboard for Anon!
Sources:  X | X | X X | - | X X | X | X
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phantasmaphoria · 4 years
Quirk: Puddle
By making physical contact with it, the user is able to turn the ground around them into puddles of black liquid. They can also restrict the puddles to certain points (for example, their hands).
The user is unable to use their quirk on living beings -- however, they can use their quirk on organic substances. They’re also able to travel through the puddles, though they’re unable to bring other things with them.
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key-is-drawing · 5 years
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Honey color~
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lowqualitykosei · 5 years
Who did you face off against in the midterm exam and who was your partner?
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"Unluckily, I had to fight Midnight-sensei (she's so scary...). Luckily, I got paired with Honenuki who's totally awesome and super strong !
I think Principal Nedzu paired us up against her cause we both use our breath a lotta to fight; me cause its my quirk, and he swims under the ground so he needs a lotta oxygen. We won !! But I feel like Honenuki did most of the job"
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bnhainfo · 5 years
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1b-headcanons · 6 years
Hiiiiii!!! So I was thinking 1-B sleep headcannons? Like, who’s a light/heavy sleeper, who can function on 3 hours of sleep, who gets nightmares, basically anything relating to sleep, lol. Have a wonderful day! Thank you!!
Awase: normal sleep schedule, but if there’s a new game out, he’ll become nocturnal. Game all night and sleep all day.
Kaibara: loves to sleep in whenever possible. He has an air tight morning routine for getting as much sleep as possible. Any suggestions to just go to bed earlier are ignored
Kamakiri: the boy just doesn’t sleep apparently. Text him at any point in the night and he’ll respond. No one’s figured out if they’re waking him up, or if it’s coincidental, or it’s a prank
Kuroiro: Always sleepy. This boy could sleep 14 hours straight and be like “time for a nap” 2 hours later.
Kendo: tried to keep a schedule, but she’ll sometimes have too much coffee and be up way later, but she can function on little sleep.
Yui: keeps a tight sleep schedule that NO ONE is allowed to interrupt or there’ll be hell to pay. Embaresssd that she used to pee the bed frequently as a kid
Kinoko: lays down a layer of mushrooms on her comforter before she turns in for the night. She claims they “sing her a lullaby.” Now everyone fears her.
Ibara: early to bed, early to rise. She has to wrap up her hair to avoid any accidents with her thorns. Occasionally will have nightmares that leave her skittish the next day.
Shishida: it’s canon that he loves napping. How could you not when you’re a walking pillow with a blanket of fur. Will sleep anywhere
Shoda: gets nightmares easily, but gets over them once he tells someone about it. Reiko is usually who he tells since she likes hearing about other people’s bad dreams.
Pony: sleeps like an angel. Will cuddle with anyone. Prone to sleepwalking. Monoma once caught her trying to kick down his down while sleepwalking
Tsuburaba: can function on very little sleep. Moves around a lot in his sleep. Sleeps naked. Had to compromise that he’d where boxers during the camp.
Tetsutetsu: TOO MUCH ENERGY! He’s either wide awake or dead asleep. There is no in-between. After the training camp, he’s sometimes get nightmares involving fog and guns.
Setsuna: claims to have a racecar bed at home to sound cool. Her only PJs is a Dinosaur Kigurumi. Otherwise, she’s in her undies. Sleeptalks a lot, leading to some interesting questions the next morning during sleepovers.
Fukidashi: will usually stay up late drawing or watching anime, so he takes plenty of power naps. Owns many pajama pants with anime logos on them.
Honenuki: doesn’t need sleep. He could sleep an hour and be ready for the day. Weekends are when he finally crashes.
Bondo: a very heavy sleeper. You could elbow drop him and he’d just roll over. Gets the munchies late at night.
Monoma: tons of blankets, even in the summer. Wears a purple sleep mask with “pillow princess” written in glitter. Very light sleeper that blames any noises in the night on Kuroiro or Reiko
Reiko: insomnia hits her pretty often, so she’s awake very late. Likes hearing about other people’s bad dreams, but if she has one herself, she becomes supremely freaked out and begs in the group chat for someone to save her. Everyone comes to comfort her without fail.
Rin: a beautiful sleeper. Prone to lucid dreams. Sleep is when he lets his hair down and it looks goooood. Don’t try waking him up though or he’ll instinctively throw a punch.
- Mod Iron
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monomane-ito · 6 years
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sortoftrash · 6 years
I want everyone to consider the idea that JUZO’s qUIRK IS SO MUCH COOLER THAN IT’s BEEN PORTRAYED
think about this
quicksand sure yeah
softening walls/infrastructure
Restraints? what restrainsts
soften rubble to make it malleable and moveable
RUIN technology
Good bye shields they will do you no good
Weapons will become floppy!
let me explain. His quirk probably expands the structure of solid materials (it’s pseudo-science stay with me) If Juzo expands the molecules of ice...well that’s just water now. (I think he would give Ice-Todoroki a run for his money...)
His name has the kanji for “bone” and “removing” right? Imagine this kid - upon touching you in close combat SOFTENS YOUR BONES. You can’t throw a punch with a floppy arm! It would probably hard to control your quirk if it was a physical one like Tenya - imagine running when your leg won’t support you.
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franeridart · 7 years
Your Kuroiro is so cute I love him! If you get the chance I'd love to see my bby Honenuki again in your style! (Also hello I too am a Fran!)
Same name!!! Hi!!!!!!!!!!! *O* and sure, here’s an ikemen for you!
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1bkinhelp · 5 years
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autumn and tea themed honenuki stimboard for @palentiny!
x|x|x X|X|X x|x|x
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spritzee · 3 years
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like/reblog + credit if using
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aira-s · 2 years
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Juzo but as an angel in Obey Me. Weird AU I know but it’s a long story, okay?
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