#ooo and matching sweaters
pretty-little-mind33 · 3 months
ooo thank you sooo much to @longlivedelusion for tagging me in WIP WEDNESDAY 🌸
I'm gonna add two small sneak peaks from an upcoming James Potter fic and an upcoming Tangerine fic 🤭💖 bc i couldn't choose!
enjoy my loves! (hopefully the full fics will be out soon!)
JAMES POTTER - Afterglow
James is ten minutes late. You want to kill him. 
"Oi," his voice calls from behind you, irritatingly nonchalant. You turn and see he's also wearing his Quidditch sweater—which means you're now unintentionally matching—and a pair of casual trousers. James sends you a lopsided smirk, pushing his hands into his pockets as he sways on his feet almost awkwardly. "Why so gloomy, newb?" he mocks, the nickname rolling cruelly from his tongue.
You scrunch up your nose and spin around, walking in front of him as you clutch your purse. You don't want to give him a reaction and have him mock you the entire way into town. Instead, you both walk in silence, taking in the morning air and the sound of the birds. Occasionally your purse will hit James's hip and he'll frown, opening to say another snarky comment until he sees a keychain; the one you have of Olive Gnats, a famous chaser from the Montrose Magpies.
"Oh, Gnats, I like her too—" he finds himself admitting before he can remind himself he hates you. 
You startle and clutch your keychain, wanting to hide it from him but then you look down and then back up. "Yeah, she's my favorite player. Her technique is incomparable."
"Seen her match last year?"
"'Course," you say, your tone less on edge now that you're talking about something you clearly love, and the rambling you do so much kicks in, "I would watch her every game ever since I was six years old. Have around ten posters in my room at home, some are old now but—I- I studied her moves when I would play around with my mum and dad—they also played in school—that's how they met and—"
You cut yourself off, James's earlier taunts ringing in your head.
TANGERINE - The Archer pt.2 of Delicate
Y/n. Tangerine mouths your name as he stares into the bathroom mirror, his toothbrush hanging from his lips. Y/n. The name suits you and warmth spreads inside his stomach as he spits into the sink and his mind is filled with memories of how sweetly you'd looked at him.
"Oi," Lemon's hurried voice snaps him out of whatever was happening and Tangerine turns to him, leaning his hip against the counter. "Some weird fucker is on the phone," Lemon shows his brother his phone, an unknown number displayed clearly on the screen. "Says we have something of his."
Tangerine bristles and his jaw clenches involuntarily. He holds out his hand for Lemon to hand him the phone and when he does it puts it on speaker and holds it close to his ear, letting Lemon lean in and hear the conversation. 
"You have something of mine," a hoarse voice cuts the silence. The man behind the phone sounds older, like his voice has had the time to become damaged from years of smoking, and he has a Irish accent.
"And what might that be?" Tangerine retorts, sending Lemon an unsure look but he keeps his tone steady.
"You have my wife."
~ hehe 😉 ~
absolutely NO pressure tags to some of my lovelies - @little-miss-dilf-lover ~ @moonlightspencie ~ @lost-pen-name ~ @ellecdc ~ @j23r23
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Ooo cool tunes
Barbie dolls:prongsfoot x reader (Sirius, James, you)
Words: 2.4k ish
Summary: your friends Peter and Lily give you a free ticket to one of their concerts and you realize the vocalist and lead guitarist are fine as FUCK and then you get a little y/n treatment and uh oh what happens now Sirius finds you outside after the performance woah
Warnings: you're in a pottery class with Peter and Lily, extreme y/n moments I'm not joking, you like egg rolls and pot stickers along with sluts, a lot of slut talk shockingly, Sirius is fairly fem presenting but to me he's genderfluid so does it really matter?, Peter is your friend and he gets love, a concert written by a person who only ever went to a concert once when they were five so, Sirius wears nippie pasties, you are described as wearing clothes nothing in particular just an outfit, James in bell-bottoms, kinda oblivious r but not like to the point it's edging on pedophilic more like you're just really sleepy and not paying 100% attention, kinda modern bc posting pictures is mentioned yk like Instagram posting, that's all
You met Peter and Lily in your pottery class. You always sat at the same table, it was a crowded class. Lily talked to you first, complimenting your pieces. You thanked her with a bright smile. After that Peter and Lily became your friends. You enjoyed your class a lot more with them. They told you about their drama and their friends. You thought they were funny. Then during one class they dropped the bombshell that they were in a band. You weren't really shocked just more impressed. So they invited you to one of their performances with a free ticket, right up against the stage.
You planned your outfit in advance and you were excited to see Lily and Peter. You were also excited to see them perform. You were so curious as to what their music sounded like. They were very creative in pottery so you wondered how their skills could transfer to sound. You were already in your position standing next to the barrier in front of the stage.
It was crowded, more than you expected. You didn't think your friends would be bad but you didn't expect them to be quite this popular and you wouldn't know about them. Peter was the first on stage, much to crowds enjoyment. They cheered the second they saw him. He looked cool in your opinion. He had perfect winged eyeliner, reaching out past his eyebrows. He had worn jeans with big holes down the legs. He took his position behind the drum set and quickly scanned the crowd. Peter caught his eyes on you and waved. The people around you squealed and gave him a wave back.
After that Lily and a man in a button up and sweater vest joined Peter on stage. You took notice of the sweater and assumed he was Remus. Lily and Peter were quite descriptive of their friends. You smiled at Lily's outfit. She was always so pretty. She had blue tights with spirals on them, a black circle skirt, and a green crochet top you were certain she made herself. Her hair was up in some complicated braids. She immediately spotted you as she pulled her bass strap over her head. Lily blew a kiss at you. The crowd screamed again and you were starting to wish you had ear plugs. Remus talked to Lily as he pulled his guitar strap over his head. Lily laughed and rolled her eyes.
Finally the vocalist and rhythm guitarist joined them, the people around you quickly cheering.
You realized why Lily and Peter might've been slightly apprehensive to introduce you to their friends.
They were hot. You figured out who they were fairly quickly. There was only two other names Peter and Lily regularly mentioned, James and Sirius. Sirius was in fishnets and leather shorts. He had on black nippie pasties and a black vest that was unbuttoned. His hair was pulled back with a red ribbon, small braids framing his face. He was wearing bright blue eyeshadow, that matched Lily's tights, and very smudged eyeliner.
Then James had the audacity to be hot too. He was wearing bellbottomed jeans and a T-shirt that hugged his biceps. He had a hairband pushing his hair back away from his face. He had his glasses pushed up his nose. You felt yourself smile at how pretty he looked laughing at Sirius' joke. You wanted to scream.
James pulled his guitar up, you appreciated the stickers all over it. Sirius walked up to the microphone standing in the middle, greeting the crowd. As they performed you felt yourself like each of them more. Two a tad more than the others. You liked watching them all move around the stage, interacting with each other, and giving their passion their all. Sirius' voice was tantalizingly seductive. He moved across the stage with grace. He gave the crowd flirting looks, that they quite enjoyed. Sirius often moved over into James' space, leaning against him. Occasionally you'd find him crawling on the floor on all fours, arching his back and winking at the crowd. James would always walk in front of him and block the view of Sirius, drawing the attention back to him. You liked watching James' hands move. You liked his hands. You like his focused face, biting the inside of his cheek.
Soon enough the band was breaking a sweat. They took a breather as Sirius yammered on into the mic. Lily had moved behind Peter to put his hair up in two tiny little pigtails. Peter laughed, a loud one that you could hear all the way from the crowd. Remus had gotten too hot throwing his sweater vest into the stage wing and unbuttoning his first couple buttons. Lily's hair was falling out in places, but it was still pretty somehow. Sirius had clicked his microphone back into the stand to fix his ribbon. James adjusted his headband as he chugged a bottle of water. Lily made her way to the edge of the stage leaning over to shout towards you. The barrier wasn't that far away from the edge. The stars could easily reach the crowd but the fans were excited and cheered. She asked if you wanted a water. You shook your head. Lily distracted the fans around you by high-fiving them and speaking to them. You looked back to the rest of the band. You saw Sirius and James standing next to each other talking. James glanced over at you, making awkward eye contact. You quickly looked away.
Sirius started speaking into the mic again, introducing the next song as the last. Lily stood straight, taking her place again. Sirius started to sing again, the lyrics were quite flirtatious. You felt flushed even though the words weren't directed towards you. As Sirius approached the chorus he walked along the edge of the stage reaching into the crowd so the audience grazed his hand. He stopped in front of you and made eye contact with you. Sirius leaned down, gently holding onto your chin. You could see now that he was also wearing a shiny lipgloss. A lipgloss you greatly wanted to kiss off. Your mouth parted as he stared at you with his eyes as he repeated the coquettish words, dragging out his vowels. The fans around you were lightly touching his arm but all his attention was on you. As the chorus ended he straightened up, moving back towards the band.
Their set ended soon after that, the crowd filtering out. Lily told you to wait by the door to the backstage, outside in the lobby. You busied yourself reading a pamphlet for tourist attractions you found on a nearby wall. The door squeaked when it opened, you ignored it vaguely interested in the nearby museums.
"Oh hey." You heard someone say. You had seen a lot of people meet up in the lobby, screaming and jumping into each other's arms. You thought it was adorable. You were just waiting on Lily or Peter to come out and give you a similar hug. "Hello?" You glanced up when the same voice was closer. The vocalist was standing in front of you now. He was wearing a large band shirt now and his lipgloss looked smeared. Sirius was still decked in his leather shorts and fishnets but now he was wearing knee high socks and sneakers as opposed to the boots from before. You stared at him blankly.
"You were in the crowd, right?" Sirius asked, a small smile spreading across his lips. You quickly nodded.
"Oh yeah I was, I'm actually friends with Lily. In case you were wondering why she was talking to me earlier." You explained. You thought it might be a bit strange to see someone standing outside the backstage door. You felt a little stalkerish just being there in general.
"From uh pottery?" You nodded, much to his delight. "Yeah Peter and her told us a lot about you actually. I just didn't expect you'd be so-" he fell into silence. You jerked your head to the side, urging him to finish his sentence.
"So what?"
"Well hot if I'm being crass." You laughed at him. Now he was considering himself crass? Like he wasn't arching his back on stage and flirting with a massive crowd all with his ass peaking out his shorts? He smiled at you laugh but gave you a confused look.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. But it's silly to me that you think calling me hot is crass, but crawling on all fours and arching your back in front of hundreds isn't." Sirius chuckled at you, holding his hands up in defense.
"Oh so now youre slut shaming me? Wow okay." You shook your head with a bright smile.
"Oh no I'm not slut shaming, I love sluts. In more ways than one. I'm just pointing out the irony of it all." He let out a small laugh. Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets. You noticed now his hair was down the red ribbon gone. It fell down his shoulder as he laughed.
"You love sluts do you?" You looked away from Sirius as the door opened again. This time James came out, a long coat pulled around him. His headband was gone and he had a leather jacket thrown over his arm. He smiled at Sirius.
"Hey babe, you forgot your jacket. You're going to freeze to death out there." James greeted Sirius with a small peck to his lips. You pressed the back of your head against the wall behind you. You had a feeling they were together, Sirius leaned against him too often for them not to. James threw the leather jacket over Sirius' shoulders. Sirius turned back to you with a bright smile. He elbowed James and introduced you both. James nodded excitedly complimenting your clothes. You complimented his pants in return. He happily turned around to showcase the 'man slut' embroidered onto the pockets with swirly letters. Sirius slapped his ass making James turn around with a scowl.
"You love sluts right?" Sirius asked. You rolled your eyes. Sirius patted James' chest with the back of his hand. He muttered something into James' ear. James started furiously searching his pockets as Sirius started talking to you again.
"So actually me and him were talking about this before but um-" James smacked a black sharpie into Sirius' hand. "We actually both thought you were really cool looking. We know this might be a little confusing for you so I was wondering if we could give you our numbers and we could catch a movie or dinner together?" Sirius uncapped the marker and stared at you for your answer. You stared at him with a clueless smile. He raised an eyebrow as your silence dragged on. You startled yourself awake, standing up straight again.
"Sorry what's up? I'm really tired, dude. I can't hear out of my left ear right now and I think my ribcage is vibrating. And I could kill for like some really fucking good egg rolls and pot stickers like fuck man. Could you repeat that?" You kept your eyes wide open as you stared at Sirius to keep yourself from falling asleep with your eyes open and standing, again. Sirius snorted and glanced at James.
"We're poly." Sirius explained. You smiled between them nodding.
"Okay cool. I mean I don't really know why you're coming out to me, but you know I support you guys." Sirius shook his head at you.
"No like we're poly and we like you. We think you're attractive." James explained further. You oh-ed, tilting your head back.
"Well now why were you all cryptic before? You could've just said that." You looked to Sirius. He rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, we wanted to give you our numbers so we could set up a date with you." Sirius added holding up the sharpie. You nodded.
"Oh of course." You pulled up your sleeve and stuck out your arm. Sirius quickly bent over your arm and started writing away. You made light conversation with James as he did. You told him all about your plans with Lily and Peter after this. Sirius stood up again and handed the marker to James. James started writing away again. He pulled away and you looked down. Their numbers were written small though not illegible and towards your wrist. Then towards your inner elbow was both their signatures.
"You could crop out our numbers and post a picture of our signatures, just in case." Sirius said, puffing his chest out slightly. James handed you the closed sharpie, smiling at you brightly. You nodded at Sirius. The door opened again, the last three band members making their way out. Remus was a much larger sweater and had a messenger bag across his body. Lily had a red coat tied around her and Peter's eyes still had a dark shadow around them like he tried to rub off his eyeliner and gave up. Remus said goodbye to them all and left quickly, pulling headphones over his ears. Lily grimaced at the sight of James and Sirius standing next to you.
"Oh what did you subject this poor soul to?" Lily groaned, latching onto your wrist and pulling you towards her.
"Flirtation." Sirius said proudly. Lily shook her head giving you a tight hug.
"I'll never leave you alone again I promise. I know that must've been scary for you." Lily said cupping your face. You nodded exaggeratedly. She cooed and pressed a kiss to your forehead. Sirius scoffed. You held your hand out to James. He looked down at it.
"Oop that is mine." James plucked the sharpie out of your hand and shoved it into his pocket. Lily interlocked her elbow with yours. Peter did the same on your other side, leading you two towards the door.
"How do you guys feel about egg rolls?" Peter asked, looking at you and Lily. You looked up at the sky.
"Yes, god please!" Lily chuckled and patted your arm. You three left together as James and Sirius left after you. You separated and they disappeared off towards the other side of the parking lot, hand in hand. You doubted it would be the last you saw of them though. You were excited to message them later.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
ooo how would ce characters react if you started decorating for autumn in august? 🤭
Ya know, right off the bat, I can't think of anyone who's downright against it, but some of them would help and some would just leave you to it. One--take a wild guess--would throw an incredible bitch-fit if he tripped over one gd thing in his way, but otherwise...
Um, there's some language but nothing adult-specific.
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Most Into Autumn Decor--Curtis Everett
Okay, there's a reason I worded it that way, but I was a bit surprised, too. I would not be able to tell you if this somehow wasn't influenced by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork's "Life Is Short So Make It Sweet" series, but I truly believe Curtis would be equally into decorating for fall/autumn with you. He'd be the most active in finding decor, too, whether he's shopping with you there or just finding stuff randomly. He'd take the time to plan out and execute a whole thing in the house, and he would get the most joy out of sitting in the warm glow.
Honorable Mentions to James Mace, Johnny Storm, and Ransom Drysdale.
Mace will get into it but not as much as Curtis and for a shorter period of time. You best believe Johnny digs the campfire-and-s'mores vibes but is wary of shit hanging from the ceiling or dry stuff piled on the floor. Ransom is obviously into dressing for the season but also likes to find the most expensive version of all decor, so those beautiful, blown-glass pumpkins are a staple. Ran is perfectly fine if you want to repaint the damn walls every couple months to match the mood; he's fine with it, but he doesn't expend much effort.
Most Indifferent--Jimmy Dobyne
He doesn't hate the season by any means. He's fine with the colors. He likes when you're happy, so if the house needs to be packed with pumpkins and fairylights and shit, okay. Don't expect him to really participate in it, and don't bring rotting leaves into the house. Real pumpkins are for eating or outside.
The other reason he doesn't really care is that Jimmy spends most days outdoors for work and whatnot. He sorta just...sees autumn the whole time it's autumn, and that is enough for him.
*Most Into Halloween Decor--Jake Jensen
If you were wondering why I didn't mention Jake earlier it's because he is miles above Curtis's enthusiasm for one specific thing: spooky shit.
Jake isn't afraid to go all-out. He will make the entire house, the yard, the gd neighborhood if they let him, into a haunted experience. This is, unfortunately, to the point where you have slipped on fake blood before and bruised your tailbone. Jake is now limited to the week of Halloween itself for the more dangerous accoutrements like liquids and sharp blades. Knives and weapons stay in shadowboxes or cabinets otherwise.
No, he will not be taking questions about why they aren't the fake, safe kinds. Just let him have this.
**I don't have a name for the superlative that Lloyd Hansen wins but he is the most obsessed with curating *his look* seasonally.
Yes, I even mean more so than our sweater boi Ransom...
Lloyd is also the man who flips the fuck out if a room or the yard is littered with stuff to decorate. If it's a mess (even for a little while) he thinks it all looks trashy and can't stand that, so you gotta be kinda stealth or methodical about doing it.
Most Into DIY Decor--Ari Levinson
Project? Did someone say project???? Ari's there, tools ready, let's go.
Ari's the man who has a shed or garage full of stuff for all occasions. Sure, there are a lot of power tools and mechanic things, but he's also kept track of all the art supplies, cleaned up that hot-glue gun and twist-tied the cord nicely, and sorted everything into bins or some of the drawers in his shelves. Nails and screws for all sorts. Wall anchors if necessary. He keeps a stash of those papertowel rolls for kids projects. Tissue paper and bags for gift wrapping. He doesn't go so far as to color-code it or anything, but it's grouped together and neatly stowed away. He is always willing to participate in building something new, even if it's silly little paper things.
Most Into Autumn Activities--Steve Rogers
I don't think Steve has any issue with early sprucing for the season, but he is definitely planning where the apple-picking and pumpkin patches are and when to go. There may be fourteen different hay rides and corn mazes to get through, but don't worry, he's got a schedule! He's rewashed the thermoses for hot cocoa at the ready. He bought another stack of pie tins just in case. He printed off several new recipes to try this year, and the ones from last year have hand-written notes in the margins of what to adjust this time. So, yup, hang onto your butts because it's gonna get real busy in a few weeks...
Thank you for asking!
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Damnit, these are so amazingly fun. Keep 'em coming!!
[Main Masterlist; Who Would...Asks; Ko-Fi]
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
To hellborn and sinners. Fallen Angel! Is the scariest thing in Heck. They have the demonic powers of the first resident and ruler of Heck, the primordial powers of an ancient Angel, and the political power of a strong monarch. Reader could obliterate everyone in heck if so desired.
Luckily. Reader doesn't and is actually a pretty good ruler, so citizens respect the crap out of them.
The yans get to see that while getting a tour of Hell.
The adults, for once in their long lives, don't have any duties to attend to, so they just.. follow reader around. Reader figures they might as well attend to their societal and business duties while showing everyone around, since Pentagram City isn't the best first impression of Heck.
First they have a meeting with the Wrath's Farmer's Union. Everyone bows, curtsies, and kneels at reader and kisses their chubby little hand. They insist on calling them "Your Majesty" and other titles even when Reader tells them their name is just fine.
Then, they attend a show in Greed, where they are given a private box with the best view. Imps and succubi can be seen staring and snapping photos of Reader to post to Penstagram, bragging that everyone who bought the more expensive evening tickets missed out on watching the show with the Ruler of Heck themselves!
Lunch is in Gluttony, where Reader needs a booster seat to reach their food. While the yans coo and pinch their cheeks, the imp water politely says nothing and gets a giant tip.
The afternoon is spent checking up on the theme park Reader set up. The teens insist on riding every ride, and everyone is ecstatic to find they have a Build-a-Reader store in the park, where you can build a plush version of Reader and put cute little outfits of them. (Reader sheepishly admits the outfits are based off the ones in their closets and the girls now want a fashion show when they get home)
Everything is great until they have a meeting with the overlords in Pentagram City. The yans immediately notice Reader is on guard now.
The overlords are just so slimy! When the imps in wrath kissed their hand and kneeled, Reader helped them up and told them it was unnecessary. The overlords get a cold stare as they try to brownnose their way into Reader's favor, since they know they will never be as powerful. Having Reader as a potential ally is the next best thing!
The yans are glad when the meeting is over.
They're so relieved when Reader ends the meeting, quickly excusing themself and giving a quick praise of, "Good job, my dears, excellent work, now its back to the grind, isn't it, toodles~!"
The platonic yans don't think they've seen Reader move so fast or look so uncomfortable. This IS their realm, and so far everyone respects them, fears them, bows and shakes in awe and astonishment! But those overlords were so, so... slimy! Gross! Creepy! No wonder Reader wanted to leave as soon they entered the room!
The teens try to distract Reader by doing a fashion show, watching as Reader shows off their vast collection of ballgowns, tuxedos, business suits, sweaters, crop tops, bedazzled jeans, high heels, flats, tennis shoes, boots, gloves, earrings, necklaces, brooches, rings, anything and everything! The teens ooo and aah each time they see a new outfit, every time Reader flutters around or starts on their small catwalk. A few of the teens ask to get matching outfits with Reader, which leads to...
And Reader goes all out!
The teens want a specific color of blouse? Dear tailor, please make one, please! There will be a handsome tip as well~! Oh, you like that particular sweater? Bodyguard, please get seven of them, all in a different color of the rainbow! Thank you, good boy/girl/being! Extra hugs for you! Someone wants to have a custom ring made? Aaaah, yes! We would like rubies, please, set in a gold band, in a little heart shape, and with their name engraved on the inside! Here's about... hmmm... will twenty-thousand gold coins with Reader's royal symbol cover the cost? No? Let's add a few hellfire diamonds and emeralds of envy to the pot, and that should cover any extra fees~!
By the time the teens and Reader are done, Reader is getting them all a whole dozen coffee drinks from Moondoes to top their trip off, and then they're heading back, riding in a bright red limo and eating a few pastries from Reader's favorite little shop!
The adults are... shocked, that Reader does so well. This is their little baby, their doll, and they're doing so well down here! They're so proud!!! And they're so worried! At least everyone, even the most unsavory individuals, know to respect Reader! As they should! They're one of the first seraphim! An angel of Heaven! Their pride and joy and jewel!
The teens are just glad Reader does so well for themself, and decide to roll with whatever happens. If Reader says they can go see a show, then they're going! If Reader wants to go out for dinner, okay, where? Reader wants to take a nap? Can they sleep with them, too? Pretty please? They're just so cute!!! Even their little Build-a-Reader's aren't quite enough compared to the real thing, even though they're beautiful and very well-made!
(They all got an outfit that matched one of Reader's. Not to mention they now are known as Reader's closest friends! Well, okay, their fallen angel friends! And with them around, they're gonna have the best time ever!) (They can just never, ever, never ever ever, go to the Lust Ring. Because Reader said so-)
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butmakeitgayblog · 11 months
Would Lexa ever dress Sal up for Halloween and teach him how to give candies to all the trick or treaters?
Oh she absolutely dresses Sal up for Halloween. Stuffing his big furry butt into overalls covered in paint splotches with a palette strapped at a tilt on his head like a hat? Getting him a black suit and a pair of aviators with a fake earpiece and a clearance bandage that says Secret Service in childish scribbly writing? A stethoscope, scrub cap, and white lab coat that says 'Dr. Sal, M.D. Snackology'? A matching onesie that's just like hers. "We're twins. Don't you see the resemblance?" He doesn't so much help hand out candy as he stands sentinel beside the door and waits patiently for each gaggle of kids to ooo and ahhh over his costume and give him the lovin scratches he knows he deserves
She also dresses him for Christmas too with sweaters and antlers and santa hats with the jacket, the whole deal. Clarke realizes their first fall together that she is dating... an absolute lunatic 🥴
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t-h-i-n-g · 1 year
Steve Rogers female reader having a bad day
Bad Day
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a/n: ooo my fav blonde baddie
word count: 1k
summary: things just weren't going your way today at all. that is until his smile shined through your dark pitiful raincloud.
warning: anything and everything you can expect from a bad day.
marvel-masterlist m.masterlist
Your body ached as you slugged your way to the tower's elevator. It felt like you had an invisible weight of a hundred bricks on your shoulders. 
Pressing the up button you waited for the ‘ding’ sound to cue your entrance to sweet relief. Once the doors opened and closed it felt like an eternity before you reached your floor.
Tony just had to make everyone’s rooms on the top levels. Completely away from the training and meeting rooms. 
The locations where you spent most of your day. Regretfully.
It had been a mess the moment you woke up.
Which was an hour after you were supposed to. 
Followed by not being able to find the pair to your favorite socks. Then also running out of the blueberry bagels that you oh so loved. 
Moving towards your first meeting of the day, you crashed into someone when turning around the corner *eh hem* Clint *hem* when they came hurtling at you.
His excuse was that the Mcdonald's breakfast menu would closed soon and he needed his number two otherwise his day would be ruined.
Yeah, that's not the only thing he’ll ruin as the impact he made with you caused your latte to spill onto your new blazer and blouse. 
And of course, it was a matching white set.
After that encounter, you had to sprint to your room and fling through your closet to find a scratchy old sweater which was the best option because it was laundry day. Then you had to run back but the elevator took seven stops on its way down to you making you late for your meeting. 
Then for lunch, somebody took your name labeled bowl of soup. 
Your mom had made you that soup.
The final thing to set you off was the sparring match between you and Bucky. The man was uncharacteristically cocky today and had an ego the size of the training room itself.
Obviously, he was spending too much time with Sam.
You weren’t in the mood for jokes but of course, the man had to keep on teasing you throughout the match. More than once, he said ‘Turn that frown upside down’ and took it quite literally as he would pick you up and body slam you down onto the mat.
Which leads you back to here. 
Flopping face first into your bed sheet. 
You didn’t move for a solid thirty minutes. The only thing coaxing you to do so was the ding of the elevator followed by steady footsteps announcing themselves across the wooden floor. As the door hinges creaked open, you turned your head, smooshing your cheek against the mattress to view who entered. 
“Hi,” you greeted, your tone lacking emotion. Steve crouched down beside you.
“Hey,” he sighed with a light smile. Bringing up his hand and placing it on your back, he gently brushed along your shirt. “Everything okay?”
Pursing your lips you scanned Steve’s face before responding. The crease in his brow continued to grow the longer you took. Releasing a breath you nodded.
“Yeah, just tired.” Humming, Steve brushed a thumb over your cheek.
“Rough day?” he asked. You nodded again, closing your eyes from his hand's warmth. For a moment there was silence as you both sunk into the moment. Steve’s eyes darted across your features, a notable bruise was growing on your cheek as well as the bags under your eyes grew heavy. With a light grunt, Steve stood. Only for him to bend down and place a light kiss on the crown of your head. “I’ll run you a bath,” was the final thing he said before exiting the bedroom and heading down the hall. 
The sound of distant water falling quietly met your ears. A small smile grew on your lips as you slowly sat up as Steve returned once more. Just as you went to stand Steve swiftly stopped you by picking you up and hauling you into his arms. A small squeak left your lips. A chuckle vibrated the man's chest as you scrambled to take hold of him. Smacking him, words fell upon deaf ears as Steve maneuvered you into the bathroom and placed you on the sink. 
With weary eyes, you watched as he took micellar water and makeup wide into his hold.
Feet swinging you fought to control your grin. Taking your chin in one hand and the wipe in the other Steve began gently smoothing the damp object over your features. 
“You’re such a sweetheart aren't you?” you teased lightly as he finished. 
“Only for you,” he responded, kissing the crinkle between your brows after his cheesy declaration. Tapping the counter, he placed his hands on either side of you. The tip of his nose brushed against yours as your eyes grew lidded. Holding his gaze for a moment you brought your hands up to cup his cheeks. Gently Steve pushed forward to connect his lips with yours. Leaning closer, your chest pushed against his. Pulling back he began leaving a trail of kisses from your lips, across your cheek, and up to your temple.
Sighing in contentment you pressed your head into his neck. Rubbing your back once more, Steve slowly pulled away.
“You get in. I’ll be right back,” he stated, walking back towards the door. Taking the nob into his hold, he closed the space with a soft latch, disappearing behind the wood. Huffing out a breath you hopped down from the sink, stretching after doing so.
When Steve came back you were already in the tub, bubbles tickling your chin. In his hands were two glasses of wine. Shutting the door behind him once more he placed the glasses beside you. 
“Mind if I join you?” Steve asked with a lopsided grin. Taking one of the cups into your hold your brows raised in question while you took a sip.
“I don’t know, Rogers. It might cost you.”
“How so?” You smiled brightly up at him.
“Grab some snacks and I’ll allow you to enter.” 
Standing up straight, the man gave you a mock salute before turning to head out once again. Sinking into the warm water, you leaned back and trailed your eyes on him as he left with a soft smile.
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archivist-the-knight · 6 months
oh my god... spoilers under the cut but i need to talk about here for sweethearts
this is the first arcadekitt game i've played [not the first ive seen!! i saw my neighbor enid in a playthrough format and decided to check out the author's other work.] and??? best one i could've chosen i loved the experience.
first off even without the plot twist the game is really good. its so sweet and genuine, all of the characters are super nice and the dialogue feels natural. each character is likeable, and you have equal reasons to like and dislike each of them. their flaws are balanced out as equally as their pros. also?? the pride flags were really cleverly incorporated into the designs. especially acanthibar... the others are cool i love em but acanthibar... he takes the cake. the aro sleeves... the trans sash... he's giving it his all dude highest respect for my frog guy. also, i do like how the pride flags kinda matched with each of the characters personalities if it made sense? there's more to be said about that but biggest example i can draw from is vatilis and crowven... vatilis, try as they might, wears their heart on their sleeve and has a hard time keeping their emotions down, so theirs is a sweater that compliments the rest of the outfit, but you can still see it. crowven is casual about it, if you bring it up he'll confirm it with pride and isn't as scared of hiding his emotions. his main alt sprite is him itching hsi nose with the pride bracelet hand...
also mary... the fact that until we see her most of what we've heard about her is the fact that she's "scary" and weird from netina, and that she doesn't like being called that from crowven. and when we actually meet her... she's so kind, out of everyone in the game she has the most decorated, personality-filled room, and is generally just a big sweetheart. also points. she and reggie are autism4autism ace4ace they're literally adorable together... who gave them the riiight oh my goddd /pos
anyway!!! :-3 i really like games that subvert your expectations both narratively and aesthetically. which sucks, because i don't see it done often. but??? oh my god here for sweethearts filled that niche perfectly... the genuine suprise i felt hearing them mention "hunger" until i realized... the protagonist never mentioned anything beyond "i'd feel nice" to why they wanted that connection... and then i was pleasantly surprised by the twist that the protag was here to feed off of the heartbreak ooooh my god... genuinely everything i had building up for the dance stopped in the best way possible.
like the signs were pointing towards natina being the secret killer, but... reginald being the supposed killer the ghost saw was actually the first witness of the crime, and twyla actually being the one to commit the murder? and how, once you realize this, it's already too late?
and twyla being onto us the whole time... asking us if we eat in our room at all, having gunther distract us when she literally said she just needed him out of the way for a little bit to get his keys, which she could have easily done without us. once you get that information, so many events prior make so much sense! hell, some of the incorrect dialogue makes sense! of course we'd accidentally slip up, we're hungry and desperate!! its just .... ooo eated. pun intented.
anyway the only real con i had about this game was that there wasn't a seperation between how you presented and what pronouns people used for you. but even then i'm fine with that!! theres only like two moments that i encountered it, its fairly casual and ultimately didn't take away from the experience. + i know it would've been hard to code... the game already has so much going for it in that department so i get it!! and plus... they were all conveniently terms i'm okay with being used for me so there's that hehe [oh they also all still use they/them for you no matter what. its just like a few instances of them calling you pretty so again; its okay and in fact im fine with it being kept that way tbh]
regardless!! i had so much fun with this game, please play it on itch.io its free and really entertaining. it takes a while to complete, it took me an entire afternoon, so keep that in mind. but i personally really liked it!!
bonus... the player character looks exactly like me/one of my sonas. HELP...
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easy2hate · 7 months
honestly it’s so fitting that awstens collar has little gems on it. also like. he directed the video. he made that decision and was probably like the one that designed it. he’s such a pretty kitty he likes nice things. i like the idea of all of his collars and ears and stuff being sparkly and delicate because he’s a little diva. omg the idea of awsten in a big oversized sweater with his ears and collar on and a tail in being really excited and happy and giggly rubbing up against otto and poking his face and biting at his hair and talking about how stonggg and hottt his bf is.
omg for the recent insta pics ‘otto! otto pleaseeee wear the crop top it’d look sooo good on you! ooo and you could wear the little booty shorts too that’d be so hot’ awstens the kitty but yk as soon as that crop top went on he was petting otto’s abs in a trace. otto’s a literal saint for putting up with him
awsten getting him a necklace with the same charm as on his collar so they can match. awsten bouncing up and down on otto’s cock with his hands patting his hips and awstens face scrunched up and he sinks down onto him. otto finding it how squirmy and whiny his kitty gets when he fingers him open
guh not even special b just the image of otto hot and sweaty fucking i to someone with his hair soaked and sticking to his face, hanging off of his head and getting in his eyes. otto’s fucking HANDS gripping someone’s waist and his tan golden fucking skin UGH
ppl talk ab awsten body hair otto is JUST as sweaty. and from dtb awsten said he’s the stinkiest of all of them. i think awsten loves to tease him about it but yk he lovesss cuddling up to him when he’s all sweaty and tired and sticking his face into his armpit and just smelling him, nosing all along his neck and jaw. he’s just a little kittyboy.
i bet after sex awsten loves to just pet and squeeze otto’s body and just look at him and droop because he thinks his boyfriend is soooo hot
like kinda going back to the thing of awsten buying clothes for otto and then eventually stealing them, he definitely buys otto sweaters and shirts that are too large just so he can feel small in them
and otto is like so totally pussy whipped that awsten can get away with petting and bothering him all he wants !!
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forever-will-last · 5 months
What are some secret talents the.psych ward have?
ooo, great question!
cady can knit (angourie rice my beloved) and constantly swears one day she'll knit them all matching sweaters. but knitting one sweater is a huge undertaking, let alone five, especially as a college student with a double major... yeah, that's not happening anytime soon.
karen, as mentioned in chapter 8, is actually really good at baking, and loves to make her girls special treats. celebrations, pick-me-ups, or just because. she has all their favorite sweets memorized and she loves making them things.
gretchen and janis can both play the guitar, but they don't do it often. janis ends up bringing hers one day after visiting her parents and the two of them take turns serenading the others and singing together. they're all actually quite good at singing, but gretchen and janis are the only ones who can actually play guitar, and the other three go feral for it.
regina, of course, sings like an angel (the rappification has done things to me as a person), which, they know she can sing, but not exactly how well she sings for quite a while into their relationship. regina is very dismissive about it, and they literally all want her to release music, but she's very self conscious about it. she constantly tells them "maybe one day". if someone were to ask her what her hidden talent is, she wouldn't say singing. she'd say she's really good at crossword puzzles. (her girls have never seen her do one, so they're not sure wtf she's talking about. karen constantly thinks she means sudoku.)
bonus nsfw one below the cut
gretchen is the most skilled with her mouth out of the girls. she's very bashful about it, but the others all agree and openly talk about how she gives the best oral out of all of them, karen included. they insist it's a talent. they also use it to tease her relentlessly, because honestly, not a day goes by where they aren't teasing her relentlessly. she loves every single second of it. (and, yes, this will come up in future chapters)
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ratsoh-writes · 11 months
*climbs through compass' window (after a warning text lol)*
*holds up two really pretty matching flower crowns*
He looks adorable in his brown knit sweater, leather satchel and grey wash skinny jeans. He’s such an autumn girl
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sohmiya · 1 year
okayy, so I read your last answer to the hcs I sent you (which ofc I smiled and screamed at!!) at 3am, and then again at 7am—so bc I only read it mere hours ago, here's my insecure sidenote of: I hope you enjoy reading these and don't find my presence in your inbox annoying <3
now that's out the way, i have more hcs! but for your other pairings too bc i love them sm soo i have a feeling this will get really long asdfghjkl.
Miko x Evren
At every appropriate opportunity, I just see Ev casually pulling Miko to sit in his lap. Like, just takes her hand, pulls her towards him and she just falls into his lap. I imagine it happens so often, even when one of them are in mid-conversation, and it's just so normal to them that they never bat an eyelid.
Which brings me to them being this — x
Alsoo, I imagine the two of them going to this huge, renowned formal event together, and Ev's all dressed up in his suit and he's waiting for Miko to her finish and then she'd come out and say "so, how do I look?" and Evren would be genuinely starstruck (haha, our starstruck pairing <3), all his feelings and thinking 'omg, I can't believe you're my girlfriend'
So he'd wrap his arms around pull her to stand between his legs and go "you look breathtaking" and then he'd wait for a second before saying "you know, we can stay home. we don't have go, we can just stay here and chill" and I see Miko smiling and arching a brow like "we have to go, besides, would you say the same thing if we were going to a Grammy award show where you were nominated?" bc she'd know how much he wants to win one and Evren would look up at her with pretty hooded eyes, and he'd be feeling all soft and romantic and whisper "oh, Sanada" and then he'd kiss her hipbone and say, "i'd take you over a Grammy any day" — see in my head this is an event they have to go to, but if they didn't then Ev would definitely be on his fucking knees...happily.
Ooo, and I imagine Evren chilling with his parents one day and casually saying "Miko says she wants us to have what you two have and I agree" and it's just a really cute family moment bc I see Rosa and Javier looking at each other and smiling like 'we did such a good job with him and we're happy that he's happy'
Cy x Frankie
Crushing stage: I imagine Frankie getting into training early one morning and Cypress is there and he's sitting there with a Starbucks cup and calls out a "hey" to her and when she approaches he slides the cup across the table and it's matcha. and Frankie's all 😧 "you got me a drink?" and Cy just goes "Evren mentioned that you like them" and then he just walks off like it's the most normal thing in the world and like he wasn't overthinking that whole interaction.
Alsoo the first time Frankie takes Kenzo to nursery, I imagine him holding like three of her fingers bc his hand is so small and he's casually saying "and Cypri says he really likes you" "and Cypri says you're prettyyy" "and Cypri—" and then Kenzo gets distracted by a butterfly or something and then doesn't finish the rest of his sentence.
But alsoo Cy inviting Frankie over and they're casually talking and whatever, but she's been really tired bc of matches & practice and stuff, and she ends up falling asleep. I see Cy carrying her to his bedroom so she can sleep comfortably, and probably leaves one of his sweaters beside her so she can change if she wants to when she wakes up.
Sam x Milan
I see Sam asking Milan something like "so what did you wish for at 11:11? it can't be tennis related!" and he thinks about it for a second, debates whether to tell her and just goes "that's easy, I wished for you. for us. what else would I wish for?"
But alsoo like the two of them sending each other good luck messages before their matches <3
Bc Milan likes photography, I always think that he'd have a separate insta account with the username @/filmbymilan and it's a whole load of pictures, but there's a whole highlight story section just full of pictures of Sam.
I also see them still being best friends whilst in a relationship so stuff like this — x
And alsoo those hugs at the airport when they're waiting for each other. Milan's arms around Sam, the spinny hugs, the muttering into the crook of your neck like "I missed you, did you miss me?" "ew, definitely not (affectionate)" <3
Lizzy x Léa
It's canon that Lea gets flustered by a hand on the thigh and I imagine Lizzy not knowing and just puts her hand there at some point and Léa just goes '...asdfghjjkl 🤯' and can't speak for a few seconds and then Lizzy would be all smiley and go "hey, you okay?" and Léa's just chokes out "yeah, yep, yes...fine" which is odd bc she never really gets flustered.
Bc Léa loves baking I imagine her going "Liz, I made cake! wanna try some?" and I imagine Lizzy finding it really cute bc Léa's only other obsession is football so baking's a sweet difference.
Léa also has a younger twin brother called Leandro, I see him getting on with Lizzy just bc Leo's a bit like sunshine and when they meet for the first time I imagine Leo being all "so my sister finally admitted she had feelings for you, about fucking time. she was so nervous for her first date with you" which Léa counters and the two of them probably have a mini argument lol
I always see Léa being super professional when it comes to training, but when with Lizzy, when they're away from others, she's confident and sweet. so when they're back home, as soon as they walk through the door Léa would be like "you played really well today, and you looked beautiful, and I've been thinking about kissing you all day" and she'd say it all in a really quick breath bc half the time she's still shocked that Lizzy's her girlfriend.
the way that first hc instantly gave my butterflies 😩😩😩 no cause i can imagine it in my head so clearly like miko is rambling about something and like mid-ramble, evren momentarily interrupts her to mumble “come here” or he stretches out a hand to signal her to come closer and miko just keeps talking while getting cozy on his lap then she pauses for a bit to make sure her position isn’t killing his legs like “this okay?” and evren just nods then miko continues her rambling shzjjssjsjs they’re so cute UGH AND THAT PIN!!!!! let me save that to their section rq 🏃🏻‍♀️
"oh, Sanada" and then he'd kiss her hipbone and say, "i'd take you over a Grammy any day"
UNGHHH he just knows the words to say 🫦 no because depending on how persuasive evren could be, miko wouldn’t mind being “fashionably” late……. 🫣 DJDSNFBSJSJ
no but yeah i totally headcanon them having at least one event they were late to and they were so focused on fixing their appearance afterwards that miko didn’t realize she forgot to put concealer over a hickey on her neck until she caught someone (i wanna hc this is cy DJSJJS) giving her a displeased look and miko was like “yes?” and they subtly point to their neck then miko went 😳 and abruptly stood from her seat to go to the restroom. minutes later, evren texted her “what’s wrong? do u need anything” and she replied “I SAID NO MARKS” “oh shit sorry. who saw?” “CYPRESS” “LMAO💀”
"Miko says she wants us to have what you two have and I agree"
my heart swells every time i remember how open and trusting evren is to his parents that he literally says things like this to them i love him so much 😭😭😭😭
also OMG💡 imagine evren inviting miko over to have dinner with rosa and javier and miko’s like “are you sure?” “yeah my mom actually asked me to ask you” and like how can she say no to the number one acevedo in her heart 😩 and like everything went well, the dinner was amazing, rosalie was welcoming to miko as always and in miko’s head, dad!javier >>>> manager!javier shsjakdks then later into the night, evren and miko are in the living room just talking about whatever not paying attention to whatever’s on tv, completely oblivious to rosa and javier watching them in adoration and talking about how “they remind me of us when we were younger” 😭😭😭😭💘💘💘💘💘💘 UGHHHHHHH I NEED THEM TO GET BACK TOGETHER
Frankie's all 😧 "you got me a drink?" and Cy just goes "Evren mentioned that you like them" and then he just walks off like it's the most normal thing in the world and like he wasn't overthinking that whole interaction.
THE WAY THIS MADE ME LAUGHFHSHSSJJS CYPRESS IS SO ANNOYING frankie would be sat there just thinking “??????? what just happened” 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but when she recovers from the confusion you bet your ass she’s smiling to herself <333 unfortunately for cypress, frankie’s bestie evren WILL hear about it >:)
frankie would also want to return the favor but instead of offering to pay for his drink next time like a normal person, she would obviously try to please her crush idol like “i found a filipino restaurant not far from here, do you wanna check it out with me?” then she’d realize it probably sounded like she was asking cy out so she’d add “you know… as a thank you for the drink” 🤭
"and Cypri says he really likes you" "and Cypri says you're prettyyy" "and Cypri—" and then Kenzo gets distracted by a butterfly or something and then doesn't finish the rest of his sentence.
kenzo having the attention span of a puppy 🥹🥹🥹 but also frankie would be like “what did cypri say….. 👀” HDJSKSKS she would bring it up to cypress like “kenzo said you really like me” and cypress just cracks a smile because he already expected his brother to be a blabbermouth then he says “you already know that” “he also said you think i’m pretty” “i do” “what else? 👀” “you’re just fishing for compliments now” and frankie dramatically raises a hand to her ear “and i’m still not hearing any” sdjsjdjsjsk peak babygirl bf silly little guy gf
Cy carrying her to his bedroom so she can sleep comfortably, and probably leaves one of his sweaters beside her so she can change if she wants to when she wakes up.
SIGHHHHHHH i read “cy carrying her to his bedroom” and let out a sob because that should be me 💔💔💔 but imagine him tucking frankie in bed then giving her a kiss on her head then whispering “sweet dreams” 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 however, leaving his sweater for her to wear was a huge mistake. he’s never getting it back 😼 sjfjsjsk but yeah they do have similar fashion sense so i’ve always hc’d frankie stealing from his closet <3
also slightly unrelated but also related to sleeping frankie. i hc cypress wanting to surprise her at least once with breakfast in bed but he never could because frankie isn’t a deep sleeper. like shortly after cy gets out of bed, she reaches over to his side trying to search for him. then she gets up and finds him in the kitchen and goes “what are you doing?” and cy just sighs “i was gonna surprise you with breakfast” “you should’ve said so” “then it wouldn’t be a surprise” “i can act surprised” then her goofy ass fakes a gasp, “see?” djfjskdksksk but when she’s really tired after consecutive days of intense training, she tends to sleep in on off days and when cy wakes up a bit too early, he stays in bed for a few more hours just so he doesn’t wake her up and she can get more sleep <3
"that's easy, I wished for you. for us. what else would I wish for?"
OUGHJH HES SO CUTE <3333 sam’s nosy ass would be like “okay that’s cute. now tell me what you really wished for” then i just know in my heart milan would pull a whole “if i tell you then it won’t come true” then sam would just roll her eyes and grumble “fine” but internally she’s blushing shfjskdsk
AND YES i hc them sending each other good luck texts too!!! especially if milan’s playing against dj*k*vic a player that sam absolutely hates, she texts him “good luck!!!! BEAT HIS ASS” lmaoo and sometimes she sends him selfies in his merch or something (i like to hc that a huge sports brand sponsors him hehehe)
there's a whole highlight story section just full of pictures of Sam
😭😭😭😭😭 sam would 100% buy one of those instax printers to print some of the pictures in the highlight to put in her phone case then another in her wallet then keeping the rest in a mini album or taped on a journal which she takes with her wherever especially when it’s like tournament season or something and they can’t be physically together <33 if she ever does one of those “what’s in your bag?” videos, the mini album is definitely one of the things in her bag and i can imagine her getting sidetracked for a bit and going on a tangent about milan sjdhsjdsh
and omg i can totally see them taking pictures on security cameras or convex mirrors in convenience stores <3
AND THE AIRPORT HUGS 😭😭😭😭😭 i can imagine milan dropping his bags to catch sam and after a while he’s still not letting go and sam’s laughing like “people are staring” and he just goes “they’re just jealous” ughhhhh they make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!! 😩😩💘💘💘💘
HELPPPP THE THIGH TOUCH SHAHWJAJW the way lizzy would react the exact same way if it were the other way around. i love how in the crushing stage half the things they do is just panic around each other 😭😭😭😭😭
ALSO lea and lizzy baking and being domestic <3333 and because they’re two idiots who always get each other flustered i can imagine in the crushing stage one of them licks the batter off their finger and the other person goes 😳 DHDJSJSJS in the relationship stage i just know they’re that couple who make out while waiting for the cake to finish baking 🤭🥰🥰
"so my sister finally admitted she had feelings for you, about fucking time. she was so nervous for her first date with you"
in my head lea is suuuuper smooth that lizzy literally had no clue she was nervous on their first date and as soon as leandro exposes his sister, lizzy looks at lea like “oh??? 😏” as if lea won’t easily fluster her back in a matter of seconds LMAO
"you played really well today, and you looked beautiful, and I've been thinking about kissing you all day"
lea………. 🧎🏻‍♀️ you can bet they’re kissing right after that LMAOOO
if they haven’t made out in the locker room before, lizzy’s changing that asap. like after training, she takes her time gathering her things and getting ready to leave on purpose knowing lea’s waiting for her. as soon as everybody’s gone, lea’s like “are you ready to g-” then lizzy’s kissing her <3
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welcome-to-maniac · 2 years
Merry Christmas, from MANIAC - pt2 (gifts pt1)
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🍹. Okay so...don't freak out, but I might have pulled a few strings and got you a new studio~ and Chan hyung did all the legal things, so you're an independant artist now!
🥂. An 18 karat gold-filled necklace for my darling; I've got so much planned for us today my love~
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🍷. Hehe Merry Christmas baby~ I got you a sweater; I've got a matching one in reverse colours. There's something bigger but i can't show you just yet. Ooo! And I'm making brownies, and we can have a cozy Christmas~
🍾. Jay~! Look what I got you~ I know it's plain right now~ but I know the best place to get it decorated! You can make it your own~
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jattendschaton · 2 years
So Ladrien night in date,, what kinda pjs do you think adrien would have (also do you think lb would wear a sweater over her suit or sm? I trust our friendly neighborhood Ladrien liaison)
🥺🥺 <3<3<3 hello anon I am kissing you directly on the mouth :') :') I am getting down on one knee and asking for your hand in marriage :') :') :') the idea that I am a Ladrien liaison 😭 you have my entire heart, I forfeit all my mortal possessions to you, please take my soul, it is yours 
Ladrien royalty Pi Picayunearts has some brilliant Adrien pjs here that I think are very accurate and adorable
I think it depends on the time of year? I fully believe Adrien would be ridiculous and extra as hell with matching Ladybug pajamas—super soft fleece ladybug printed pants and fuzzy Ladybug slippers (with antennae! That’s very important. He gets Ladybug a pair as well) in the winter, summer pjs are silly shorts that say something like "Ladybug Wants Me" or "Enemy of the State" on the butt. Ooo knockoff Gabriel Agreste brand booty shorts that say like “Gabricul” or “Assgreste” or something.
Ladybug definitely wears a sweater over her suit in the winter!! I would like to believe it starts with her stealing one of Adrien’s sweaters to wear while she’s there (his room gets cold when he leaves the window open waiting for her) and then maybe she starts bringing them matching sweaters to wear on date night :’) Incredibly cheesy stuff like “He’s my sweet potato”/“I yam” 
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dazaicakes · 2 years
christmas with them !
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feat . eichi , koga and more !
song rec - any christmas song !
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eichi !
hes always working so you begged him to say w u for christmas!
he was shocked at ur desperation and said okay
loves the attention u give him because he isn’t working ♥︎ ( lil attention who-)
you asked him to help decorate ur tree and he was more then okay to help
if your short , he lifts u up so u could you could get the ornaments on the top of the tree 
“woah there! you were gonna fall!” he said holding on to you.
if he starts coughing, you run to get him his medicine and make sure hes A okay!
you make him some hot chocolate and tell him to rest in bed.
you get him a little christmas tree in his hospital room hes so happy.
you make him christmas themed cookies to have with his tea
wataru and you sing him christmas carols as he laughs
sleeping next to him and hugging him so he could stay warm
“my gift is spending time with you dear..your my christmas present” he said hugging you
sings you christmas songs while his hands are wrapped around you
just genuinely a warm and cozy atmosphere ♥︎
koga !
opposite of eichi. Its HARD trying to make him happy. good luck y/n.
“fuck practice were going shopping!” you said taking him outside of the practice room. “ooo~ cmon doggie go have some fun with your partner~”
pouts for the whole car ride while your singing jingle bell rock
“ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YO-“ “IF YOU DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP I WILL-“ “shhh puppy..im tryna sing!” kogas face red with anger. he hates that nickname.
you forced him out of the car sigh poor reader. this man baby is ANNOYING.
“look! theres christmas sweaters! LETS GET MATCHING ONES!!” you screamed.“EWWW THEY LOOK SO UGLY” he spat.
you dragged him into the store like a parent dragging their son into a store
you forced him to get the sweaters but you said you wanted to get something to fit with the sweater since you didnt have any
“babe! should i get this skirt?” you asked koga showing him the skirt
“YOUR NO FUN DOG BOY!” you yelled changing .
your sad . you ended up just getting some pants
koga says he forgot something and needs to go back to the clothing store
but actually,hes buying you the skirt , and a love letter with it !
the gray haired boy hands you the gift , with a surprised look on your face you took it.
you see that its the skirt and hug that furry.
he actually the skirt, a little to much if yk wink wink ;)
“its my christmas gif-gift! im sorry..i just wanted to apologize. merry christmas [name] .”
arashi !
arashi loves knitting you gloves , she loves seeing your adorable smile when you get them
both of you painting your nails christmas themed by the christmas tree !!!
shes singing you christmas carols to sleep
oml shes so sweet mother like in christmas
get ready for the “[name]! sweetheart! I made you hot chocolate!” everyday.
“your not cold?” arashi asked you lending her scarf “not at all , please ara-nee! keep it for yourself” you smiled . she still gave it to you.
honestly shes adorable when shes inlove .
“please keep warm ! your sneezing” the blonde gal said , as she noticed you had a fever and couldn’t go out ..
she was getting u soup and little bread sticks , gave you the medicine. she praised u when u took the ‘bad bad medicine!’
oml shes ice skating with u smmm
kisses under the treee :3
“[name] , merry christmas darling. i love you so much , this year couldnt have been better with out you , love”
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hii i want to request a south park matchup!! so basically have slighty shaggy brunette long hair with bangs, i love lana del rey and nirvana, also im latina, have 13 piercings in my ears, love sci-fi, won funniest in my senior year superlatives so i guess that counts for something, dress like an annoying european person who thinks they are classy for not wearing crop tops, law student so no times hobbies just smoking weed
also saw u post about being a virgo so maybe this means something to you LOL sagittarius sun libra moon and cap rising
looove ur writing💘
ooo thank you for your support! im going to match you up with Kyle!
Your fashion style would match his so well. I imagine Kyle wears lots of sweaters and corduroys so I think they would mesh very well.
Based on your big 3 signs and Kyle’s established personality,,you both have incredible ambitions (also you’re going to law school like goddamn that’s a challenge!)
I feel like he gets into smoking pot around college so y’all are definitely having all the smoke sessions after studying.
I think aside from the canon of him becoming a counsellor, his other interest would be law due his strong values and ability to articulate himself. I reckon you guys would share your values which makes a perfect match.
(He’s definitely also a massive sci fi nerd and no one can change my mind. Probably read Dune way before the movie was even announced.)
hope u like it my love! and i hope you agree <3 (also i have a special place in my heart for latinas, my bff and the guy im seeing rn are latin and i adore yall so much)
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
More “pretty puppy” thoughts. What would Yoongi’s preference for mc’s clothes and underwear/lingerie be? Does he let her dress how she wants or subtly manipulate her to dress how he likes? By gifting/buying her clothes maybe hm. I imagine he prefers cute, innocent looks. Maybe with cute animal designs on them. Animal onesies! Would he ever let her wear a short skirt outside? I imagine not? But maybe she wants to do a date where they wear matching school uniforms. (I imagine he wouldn’t want to but would do it for mc if she whined and used her puppy eyes cutely enough lol) Maybe she has a cute reason like wanting to pretend like they’re high schoolers on a date. And they’d hang out like high schoolers at cheap restaurants/street food stalls, arcades, and a Photo Booth etc. omg. Pretend that Yoongi doesn’t get recognized on the street or he’s wearing a black face mask. I like the Korean rental ones. (Omg there’s so many cute variations! Please Google and scroll a lil. I like the one I sent bc of the pink socks. I imagine it’d look better with a navy coat maybe idk. Yoongi could buy her anything but there’s kind of some charm to a rental imo) And all this stemmed from this thought. How would he act if other guys start staring at her bc of the outfit/skirt? Would he try to cover her? Lead her away? Maybe confront them? All this to imagine some jealous Yoongi. And for them to have sex (jealous sex!) in these outfits. Sorry lol brain is on overdrive today
ooo idk if he’d be into like sexy sexy lingerie, i think he’d like the appeal of cotton panties with the little bows on them, maybe even mismatched underwear
i think once he makes her quit her job he’d start buying her clothes and that’s how he kinda changes her wardrobe up a bit, maybe slowly throwing out all her older “adult” clothes that are too rough and uncomfortable. i think his first priority is comfort especially if she’s just lounging around his studio all day
ooo cutesy, innocent clothes definitely, another thought maybe he buys matching collars so she can coordinate depending on the outfit he picks out for her in the morning
animal onesies would be so cute 😭 i think he’d definitely get cat and bunny ones, another filthy idea but what if he makes her suck him off while wearing a bunny onesie and uses the ears to hold her down on his cock
uuuh idk about short skirts actually, i think maybe it would be a transitional thing. like maybe when they first start out he doesn’t really like the idea of her walking around with them on but i think maybe once he realizes that she only has eyes for him, he wouldn’t mind so much, especially during the summer because maybe she complains that shorts get too uncomfortable sometimes so he just puts up with the skirts
the uniforms!!! you know he would say no at first. maybe she gets all teary eyed, complaining that it would be cute and that he was too mean and he’d just crumble on the spot and agree
i looked on pinterest and there were a lot of navy sweater vest uniforms, which i think are more for the summer/ spring, i saw a cute black one as well. i know you can rent uniforms at lotte world so maybe they go there one time as well
omg roleplay?
maybe she says she wanted to date in high school but no one ever liked her so she wants to pretend yoongi is her high school first love and he just can’t say no to that, i imagine the m/c to be very dramatic, but i also see yoongi being too soft to say no
him letting her win all the 1v1 games in the arcade, or winning tickets so he can get her a prize, or spending an hour at the claw machine because she saw a plushie she liked the look of and he’s determined to win it (maybe she goes to the bathroom and he pays one of the workers a shit ton of money to just get it out of the machine before she gets back)
i think she’d have to physically drag him into a photo booth but i also think he’d pin the photos up by his computer in the studio so he can look at it every day and maybe he gets a little shy because he doesn’t think he’s ever seen himself smile as big as he does when he’s with her
okay story time but i have to share this because to this day i vividly remember this but i think yoongi would do the something similar-ish maybe not as extreme if he were to find literally any other man looking at her in a skirt— and you need the full context because if i had to suffer so do you now, i’ve waited years to share my pain with someone
i was out with my parents for dinner and i was so excited because it’s so hard to find decent middle eastern restaurants here, but we found a really good one and i thought nothing could ruin my meal. i turn to the left and deadass this guy and his girlfriend walked past us, and he had his hand shoved up her skirt from behind, mind you i must have been like 16 and i was so confused why he was fingering her on this busy street while i was trying to eat my kibbeh
so i think yoongi would do the same and make a show of it. i think he would just shove his hand under her skirt, making sure that any man who tried to challenge him knew that she was his. and of course our m/c is the horniest being on the planet, so yoongi skimming his hands over her butt was definitely an invitation for her to drag him into the bathroom and get railed over the sink until her pussy is all soiled and she has to clench her legs for the rest of the night to make sure none of his cum dribbles out of her, and maybe it does. and maybe those same men see it. and maybe yoongi has a very smug smile on his face after that
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