#there was /just/ talk about honenuki on my dash
franeridart · 7 years
Your Kuroiro is so cute I love him! If you get the chance I'd love to see my bby Honenuki again in your style! (Also hello I too am a Fran!)
Same name!!! Hi!!!!!!!!!!! *O* and sure, here’s an ikemen for you!
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shimikonde · 5 years
Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King pt. 1/5 (4th light novel, pg 76-85)
Finally finished with the first part of the translation :) I hope everyone has as much fun reading it as I did. I’ll try to get the next part up in around a week but i’m also v busy this weekend so we’ll see lmao
Be sure to thank @imitationpersonne for proofreading!!
“We will now begin Class 1-B’s spectacular Grand Fantasy, ‘Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King.’”
The announcement and the reverberating buzz from the crowd quieted at once, as if the noise had been sucked from the assembly hall. The lights quickly dimmed, cloaking the stage in darkness as the curtain rose without a sound. After a dramatic pause, filling the venue with anticipatory silence, there was a clicking sound, and the stage filled with light.
Thus began Class B’s opening act.
“Ahh, what a refreshing morning! Can words describe the beauty of the slumbering sun finally waking to shine down over mine Gondor?”
Monoma, dressed in a prince’s costume, stood upon a set modeled after a castle terrace, looking dazzling as he cast his gaze from one side of the hall to the other. Shoda Nirengeki and Awase, who had been on standby behind the backdrop door, entered the stage.
“Romeo, my prince, you’ll catch your death if you go out onto the terrace in those thin clothes.”
“If something happens to you, it’s us, your retainers, who will hear it from the king.”
Nirengeki and Awase’s outfits were simple, befitting of retainers: medieval-looking shirts and trousers.
Monoma turned over his shoulder slightly at the two of them. “Frodo. Sam. Hahaha, if my king father scolds you, then I, his prince son, shall cover for you. So stop with the stiff speech! Our friendship goes deeper than our social status, doesn’t it? Why, just last night you were my accomplices when I snuck out of the castle for a night of drunken merriment in town!”
“Prince Romeo! Should the king find out about that, our necks won’t be enough to calm his wrath!”
“You practically forced us to guide you, insisting you wanted to get to know the lifestyles of the common people!”
“Even so, we’re accomplices. Whatever happens, we three share the same fate. Rather than friends, perhaps we are better stated partners in crime? Hahahaha!”
Here and there in the audience, people began to smile in response to Monoma’s resounding laughter.
Watching from the left wing, Honenuki Juzo, the stage director, breathed a sigh of relief. “Nice. Keep it up…”
The stage director was the person responsible not just for setting the stage, but for all things related to the play. Behind the scenes, he had to perfectly grasp the situation on the stage and use it to send the actors their cues, so it was a position that demanded both a broad perspective and level headedness. The script and direction of “Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King” was primarily written and directed by Monoma. In theater, a performance couldn’t come to life without both the people standing on the stage and the people supporting them behind the scenes.
Backdrops and props for different sets were tucked away in the wings along with the costumes. The actors waiting for their cues and the scene shifters alike peeked out from their spots on the wings, covertly watching over the stage.
From beside Honenuki, his assistant, Kaibara Sen, said, “But, you know. Even though I know that the prince is supposed to be a friendly guy, even though Monoma’s acting is totally on point, knowing his personality I can’t help seeing him as an evil prince.”
“Same,” agreed the stagehand, Tsuburaba Kosei.
“Isn’t it fine? He’s magnificent all the same!”
Having been watching excitedly,Tetsutetsu spoke at his normal volume, and everyone simultaneously warned him, “Tetsutetsu, whisper…!”
“Ah, sorry!” Tetsutetsu replied, flustered and just as loud, then quickly covered his mouth with his hand. Before the play began, they’d all had a talk with him about speaking in whisper while in the wings.
“You wanna put on a mask until it’s your turn to go on?”
Tetsutetsu’s role was that of Count Paris, Romeo’s fated archenemy, and it was still some time before he would be introduced. Honenuki had given the suggestion thinking that perhaps wearing a mask might help Tetsutetsu be more aware of his mouth, and thus his volume, but Tetsutetsu shook his head.
Concentrating as hard as he could, he whispered, “That’s not necessary… I can do anything if I put my mind to it…”
“We’re counting on you.”
Not far from Honenuki was the hair and makeup person, Komori Kinoko, dressed in frilly clothes and looking as if she might step onto the stage herself. She laughed innocently. “But Monoma looks great! He really turns into a fun guy when you put him in the spotlight!”
Staring intently at Komori from the darkness, Kuroiro Shihai seemed as if he wanted to say something to her, but instead muttered softly to himself, “The eternal void of darkness is my stage…” He returned to his job taking care of the props, picking up an old-looking piece of paper that they would use later.
If ever there was a person who could be said to thrive on attention, it would be Monoma. That’s why, whenever Class A stole the spotlight, he always found some way to get back at them. Of course, it was also true that, because of his great love for Class B, he couldn’t accept them being overshadowed by Class A.
People who revelled in the spotlight always postured themselves immaculately, heads held high. They were grandiose, naturally calculating their words, their actions, their timbre, so that they could get the reactions they wanted from people. It was natural that Monoma looked great on stage.
On stage, Monoma said, “Then, I’ll be off to greet my father good morning.”
Exiting, he came into the wing, where Honenuki told him, “You’re doing great.”
“Well, yeah.” Monoma smiled, and then turned back to the stage. In no time, he’d need to go back on.
Nirengeki and Awase were speaking about Romeo on stage.
“Honestly, that prince! He knows he’s about to be announced as the official heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Gondor, and still he acts like this.”
“That amiability makes him well-liked by his subjects, but as a ruler of a country it comes across as immature…”
“That said, our king is still in good health. For the time being, we must ensure that Prince Romeo grows into a man befitting of the throne…”
In the wings, Monoma watched the pair’s acting with the eyes of a director and nodded, satisfied.
“Mhmm, Nirengeki’s polished his worrywart performance to perfection. Awase looks fed up, too. They’re totally in the zone today, huh?”
It occurred to Honenuki that they were both letting their real feelings for the overly-aggressive Monoma shine through, but he decided to keep it to himself. According to the scenario, Monoma-as-Romeo would just be finding out about the king’s disappearance and letting out a shocked outburst. Kuroiro handed him the paper he’d been holding.
“Hehihi, the king’s letter.”
Confirming that Monoma had taken the paper out of the corner of his eyes, Honenuki watched the timing of Nirengeki and Awase’s performance carefully and gave him the signal to go.
At Honenuki’s cue, Monoma screamed, “Father?! Father…?!” He waited for a moment before dashing onto the stage in a flurry.
“It’s a disaster… Father has… The king has disappeared…!”
Then, as Fukidashi Manga, in charge of audio, let out a startling BAM sound from stage right, the three actors froze in place.
The person in charge of audio was responsible for atmospheric sound effects, as well as playing and stopping the background music at the right places. Honenuki signaled his timing to him using a wireless radio. “Perfect,” Honenuki told him, and Fukidashi responded calmly, “Well, it’d have been faster if I’d have just said it instead.” His quirk was Comic. He could materialize any onomatopoeia he made. However, if he materialized all of the sound effects, the stage would be soon become buried in onomatopoeias.
With a soft, wry laugh at his words, Honenuki gave Fukidashi his timing. “…Narration.”
“Okaay,” Fukidashi said as he played Monoma’s narration, which had been recorded prior.
“The sudden disappearance of Gondor’s king… It was a bolt out of the blue.”
Standing beside Fukidashi and listening to Honenuki’s cues through the radio, the lights man, Kamakiri Togaru, dimmed the lights on the stage. Monoma’s narration played alongside the unsettling background music in the darkness.
“Learning of their king’s absence, the citizens were overcome with unease, and the capital…”
“Everyone, forty more seconds.”
During the blackout, Monoma and the rest on stage had to quickly exit via the left wing and switch into their travelling costumes.
“This one’s for Monoma!”
“Got it!”
With Komori directing, everyone free swarmed around the three and helped them change. In the meantime, Tsuburaba led the set change, setting up for the new scene which would take place in a forest. Still yet to debut on stage, Yui Kodai, Shiozaki Ibara, and Tsunotori helped with setting placement, using their respective quirks: Size, Vines, and Horn Cannon. Stopwatch in hand, Honenuki continued to give them the time, watching everyone’s progress intently. Without teamwork, the play could not go on.
“Ten more seconds… eight, seven, six, five, four, three…  Clear.”
The lights came back on, and the stage had transformed into a forest. Having successfully pulled off the scene change like they’d practiced, everyone exchanged a silent thumbs-up, extolling each other’s hard work. Having received Honenuki’s cue, Monoma staggered onto stage.
“Having lost its king, Gondor was falling into ruin… Despairing the destruction of his beautiful country should things be allowed to continue as they were, Prince Romeo set out on a journey to find his king father.”
As the recorded narration came to an end, Monoma collapsed in the center of the stage with a moan.
“Ahh! Where on earth has father gone to…? The father I know would never throw away his people, throw away me, throw away his country…! Am I to believe he’s been possessed by some kind of demon? If that’s the case, then I have no choice but to defeat that demon and bring back my father… bring back this country’s king!
“Ahh, what a tragedy. No, comedy is more apt! To think me, who has hardly set foot outside of his own country, who did nothing but try to escape from sword and Force lessons, would be on a quest to exterminate a demon….! If I had known something like this would happen, I would have had our country’s best Force user, Master Obi-wan, to oversee my training…. Ahh, rather than cursing my fate, I’d prefer to punch my past self!”
Monoma’s performance drew all eyes to him, and as he grew more heated, it rapidly enraptured the audience.
The story was that Romeo, going on a journey to find the king, meets his true love, Juliet, grows as a person, battles his arch nemesis, Count Paris, and learns the shocking truth, ultimately leaving him a splendid king by the end. A lot of the proper nouns in the story sounded suspiciously familiar, but it was all just an unbelievable coincidence… Or, that was what they were going with if anyone asked, Monoma insisted. It was a hodgepodge that took all the best parts of the heroic journey, slice of life, romance, and revenge genres and put them into a single story.
Neither Kendo Itsuka nor her attendant, Yanagi Reiko, could be there on account of the beauty pageant, but when they’d watched during the dress rehearsal, they’d both been surprisingly moved. To be able to move people who knew Monoma’s personality that deeply, it went without saying that the audience, who didn’t, would be more than just touched. They might even get a standing ovation. Everyone had been working hard towards that goal.
“In that case, might you prefer a return to Gondor?”
“Frodo! Sam! But why?”
Frodo and Sam had just appeared on the stage, having followed Romeo.
“Master Obi-wan is also searching for the king. When we happened to meet, he requested we convey a message to the prince.”
“He said to be careful of Count Paris. Who is this Count Paris, my prince?”
“…Count Paris… Once, I was introduced to a man by that name at a ball, but… Why would Obi-wan tell me to be careful of him…?”
Monoma-as-Romeo mulled it over, unsatisfied, as Nirengeki-as-Frodo reached into his pocket. “Also,” he said, softly pulling out a golden ring and offering it to Monoma.
“We were also entrusted with this: this legendary ring, which has been handed down the royal family for generations…”
“Apparently it protects the royal family, no matter who… I guess it’s like a good luck charm.”
In response to Awase-as-Sam’s line, Monoma shook his head as if bewildered. “I’ve never… heard of such a ring.”
“It seems that the ring is only passed down when a new prince takes the throne.”
“But, what a beautiful ring… It’s bewitching, as if it might steal your heart away.” Taking the ring from Nirengeki, Monoma faced the audience and held it up above his head. The ring would become a very important item in the future.
Part 2
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bakugou-tm · 6 years
Omg I’m so glad you’re doing this! Can you do the jealous kiss with bakugou and fem!reader! I live for jealous kisses from bakugou!
Of course! Lord only knows Bakugou falls too deep into jealousy, but I guess it’s not too bad for the reader ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bakugou didn’t think this day could get much worse…
A forced school field trip to the museum of heroes, what a snooze fest. None of those old farts could ever compare to All Might or even himself, and the fact that his parents were jealous of him going proved that he would absolutey hate this.
So with this, he couldn’t dream that his day could sink any further down.
He was very incredibly wrong.
“Alright we are going to mix the groups up with Class 1A and 1B that way you all won’t be messing around with your friends.” Mr. Aizawa said in a dull tone next to Mr. Sekijiro, Class 1B’s teacher.
Frowning you looked up to your boyfriend with worried eyes, his own crimson ones beginning to twitch in annoyance at the announcement.
“Bakugou I don’t think we’ll get to be together today.”
The ash blond simply clicked his tongue, gripping onto your hand tighter while glaring at the opposite class, “I’ll make sure we fucking get put together.”
But of course, it wasn’t as simple as it seemed. As the teachers began to read the groups the two of you began to lift your hopes up, being one of the very few left. You may have actually gotten lucky this time!
“Group F: Yosetsu Awase, Neito Monoma, (l/n) (f/n), Yui Kodai, and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.” Mr. Sekijiro called before lowering the clipboard to look at the five students.
Letting out a gulp you looked to the members of your new group, most of them seeming pretty pleased with the outcome. You on the other hand were the opposite of pleased, pouting out your lip you began to move away from Bakugou until his grip on your hand became bone crushingly tight.
“As if I’m gonna let my girl hang around those shit for brains.” Bakugou growled, holding you close before the teacher narrowed his eyes down to the ash blond before looking back to the clip board.
“Well young Bakugou you are paired up with Kyoka Jiro, Minoru Mineta, Pony Tsunotori, and Juzo Honenuki. If you can’t handle that then I suppose you could go home with a failing grade for this trip.” Mr. Sekijiro hissed in return, Mr. Aizawa shooting a glare to Bakugou that effectively shut him down.
“It’ll be fine Katsuki it’s just for a few hours, then we meet up for lunch and go home.” You said, offering your best reassuring smile and a kiss to his cheek before trotting off to your group.
Bakugou watched as you ran off, crimson eye slowly beginning to twitch as his steaming hands clenched into fists. His temper would have gotten the best of him if it weren’t for a firm hand on his shoulder.
“Hey dude relax, Tetsutetsu is in her group and I made him promise to keep an eye on (s/o) and the other guys. She’ll be fine.” Kirishima said with a toothy smile, even though Bakugou would never admit it, it made him feel just a bit better.
“He better or I’ll kick his metal ass, then those fucking idiots.”
Finally the humdrum yet exhausting day had come to an end, all of the groups returning back to the lunch cafe after their tedious tours.
“I hope you future pro-heroes enjoyed! Enjoy your lunch and please stop by to visit anytime!” The cheery tour guide said with a pearly white smile, mostly everyone in Bakugou’s group had enjoyed the tour except for Bakugou himself.
He had to admit the older heroes were actually pretty cool but between the constant worrying of how his (s/o) was doing and the constant annoyance of that little grape shit drooling over every girl that walked by, he couldn’t really enjoy much of it without wanting to explode.
Tapping his foot impatiently, the ash blond looked over once he saw the familiar sight of (h/c) locks walking through the entrance to the cafe, a similar jolly looking guide talking before them.
Bakugou waved you over with an irritable expression on his face which you gladly accepted, your (s/c) legs making a mad dash for him until a soft hand grabbed your wrist causing you to turn around. 
The ash blond narrowed his eyes to see Monoma was the owner of the hand, his face holding that trademark smirk that he always carried around. Whatever he had told her she agreed to, her head whipping back to Bakugou before she held up one finger to signal him to wait. 
When the two disappeared back into the hall they came out of Bakugou looked as if he was about to explode, there was no way he could sneak back in but he needed to know what was going on. Looking around his crimson eyes scanned the room until he saw the tin head that was in her group.
Roughly, Bakugou yanked Tetsutetsu from his conversation and to the side, being met with his surprised small pupils.
“Where the fuck did (s/o) and Monoma run off to?” 
Tetsutetsu looked down to the fuming boy before letting out an ohh in understanding, his eyes looking to the side a bit nervously.
“I..I don’t know man but if I’m being honest, Monoma was all over your girl the whole time. But don’t worry (s/o) totally wasn’t diggin’ it! In fact she seemed a bit uncomfortable by it but she stayed polite, she’s pretty nice bro-”
The grey haired boy’s words were interrupted when Bakugou let out a string of curses, explosions coming out of his hands at this point as he shoved the large boy aside.
“That fucking mop looking motherfucker.” The ash blond hissed, storming past the guides and down the hallway to find the two that had disappeared. At this point he didn’t care about the people giving him strange looks or the children crying at his scary demeanor, he just needed to find you and fast.
It wasn’t until he saw the light haired blond holding your hands next to a balcony that surrounded a large statue of All Might that he began to clench his fists. Your features clearly looked uncomfortable, even distressed if he was being extreme. This simply wouldn’t due.
Quickly Bakugou stomped to the two, pressing his hand roughly against Monoma’s chest to knock him back before pressing his girlfriend against his side firmly.
“What the hell man?” Monoma yelled, his greyish blue eyes glaring to Bakugou
Growling the ash blond lifted an arm around you while narrowing his own crimson eyes back to him, “What the hell? You’re touching my damn girlfriend that’s what in the hell is going on! I’ll blast your fucking brains all over these walls!”
“K..Katsuki.” You whispered nervously, your hand moving to his chest to calm him down before Monoma interrupted your calming tone.
“It’s not my fault I think she deserves better, it’s obvious the way she looks at me compared to the way she looks at you.” 
This not only insulted Bakugou but yourself, your mouth falling agape as you furrowed your eyebrows to the snobby blond.
“Excuse me but I do not- mmph!”
Your words were cut off when a rough pair of lips smashed up against your own causing your (e/c) eyes to widen a bit. Usually when your boyfriend kissed you in front of other guys when he was jealous you would get annoyed, knowing he was just being over dramatic, but in this situation you knew he had every right to be jealous.
So with that, you kissed him with every bit of zest you had.
Closing your eyes you snaked your hands up his chest to around his neck, tugging at his hair to further provoke him to go even further. 
Meanwhile Bakugou didn’t need to get a signal from you to know he was going to kiss you harder than he ever had. His own muscular arms wrapped around your waist firmly while his lips kissed yours so intensely you knew it would leave some sort of bruising, but at this point he didn’t care. He only had one intention with this kiss, and it sure did prove it’s point.
“Whatever, I knew (s/o) was a bitch anyway.” Monoma hissed, striding back down the hallway angrily. 
The ash blond’s ears perked up to the insult, his head yanking away from yours while already storming after the boy before you held your hand up against his chest to hold him back, causing his furious eyes to look down to your own.
“He’s not even worth it babe, don’t waste your energy on him.” You said softly, causing him to exhale before holding you close against him.
“Yeah I guess you’re fuckin’ right.”
Snuggling up against Bakugou’s chest you let out a pleased sigh before a small grin began to curve at the tips of your lips, “Besides, he’s just some shitty extra right?”
The ash blond froze in place; he wasn’t sure if it was the way you whispered it into his ear or the words that had just fallen out of your mouth, but damn did it turn him on.
“C’mere shitty girl.”
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