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gaulislam · 2 years ago
Cowok Ngejar Cowok
gaulislam edisi 822/tahun ke-16 (6 Muharram 1445 H/ 24 Juli 2023) Umumnya cowok itu ngejar cewek. Di dunia hewan aja, pejantan yang ngejar betina, bukan pejantan ngejar-ngejar pejantan lagi. Ini yang dimaksud “ngejar” adalah untuk menyalurkan hasrat, berahi. Nggak sembarangan lho, ada etika (bicara pantes nggak pantes) dan yang utama dilihat dari aturan agama. Kira-kira pantes nggak sih cowok…
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bantennews · 10 months ago
Terdakwa di Serang yang Bunuh "Teman Kencan Prianya" Dituntut 16 Tahun Penjara
SERANG – Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Kejari Serang menuntut Ropiudin (31) penjara selama 16 tahun. Warga Desa Kibin, Kecamatan Kibin, Kabupaten Serang dinilai terbukti melakukan pembunuhan berencana kepada ‘teman prianya’ bernama Maskin. “Menyatakan terdakwa Ropiudin bersalah melakukan tindak pidana pembunuhan berencana sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana oleh Pasal 340 KUHP sebagaimana dalam…
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adistidaramutia · 2 years ago
Review: The Birdcage (1996)
Film The Birdcage ini menghadirkan komedi tabu di masanya. Film ini menceritakan tentang Armand (Robin Williams) seorang gay pemilik klub malam banci (drag queen) The Birdcage. Ia punya pasangan hidup bernama Albert alias Starina (Nathan Lane) yang juga bintang utama di klub tersebut. Armand punya seorang anak lelaki bernama Val (Dan Futterman). Val adalah anak hasil kisah cinta satu malamnya…
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hyukassubi · 6 months ago
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*SCREECHES BACKFLIPS TURNS THE TABLES RAHHHHHH I JUST WANNA BE PART OF YOUR SYMPHONYYYYYYY 🐬✨💦💥🎤🎸🎶🐬✨🎶💥🎸✨🎶💥🎤🎶✨🎸💥🎶🎤✨🎶💥🎸🎶🐬🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊*
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abulaylasupry · 2 years ago
Mendulang Faidah Dari Kisah Nabi Luth 'Alaihis Salam
Diantara inti Kajian Mendulang Faedah dari Kisah Nabi Luth ‘alaihissalam yang disampaikan oleh Ust. Dr. Firanda Andirja, Lc., M.A. ~hafidzahullah~ di Masjid Jami’ Ibnu Utsaimin, Pondok Pesantren Al Ukhuwah Sukoharjo pada hari Ahad, 30 juli 2023, antara lain: 1. Orang yang memegang HP, atau bermain media sosial, maka sadar, atau tidak, dia telah memegang gudangnya syahwat. Maka hendaknya…
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knockthefuturefei · 1 month ago
gua selama baca tokyo aliens gay gay gay homoseksual gay sono pacaran
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manifestasi-rasa · 8 months ago
Kata ini aku temukan saat mempelajari research methods in Islamic Psychology. Yang memiliki makna tentang suatu pendekatan untuk mengerti apa yang mendasari dalam suatu konteks kejadian sosial. Bahasa gampangnya sih, mencari alasan kenapa kejadian itu bisa terjadi. Dan dalam verstehen ini, semua kejadian bisa dibilang benar, tergantung alasannya. Misalnya, seorang ibu menjadi PSK, ditelusuri alasannya, ternyata ia bercerai dengan suaminya yang tidak bertanggungjawab, dan ia beserta anak-anaknya membutuhkan biaya hidup yang tidak sedikit. Meski ia enggan, pada akhirnya ia harus menjalani pekerjaan tersebut. Atau homoseksual, subjek kemudian digali lebih dalam alasan-alasan dan latar belakangnya, ternyata ada trauma masa kecil menjadi korban, lalu ia ada dorongan utk menjadi homo.
Percayalah, riset kualitatif, terutama menggunakan fenomenologis untuk menggali makna hidup seseorang dalam case" yang tidak sederhana, akan mendorong kita untuk berempati pada responden. Meski ia pelacur, meski ia lgbt. Aku bukannya mengatakan bahwa kita tidak bisa berempati dengan mereka. Hanya saja, empati ini kadang membawa keyakinan yang salah pada diri kita. Bahwa mereka memang pantas" saja untuk berbuat demikian karena peliknya hidup. Bahwa tidak ada yg salah dengan perilaku mereka karena alasan-alasan yang telah diutarakan.
Mengenal verstehen kembali membuatku sedikit nostalgia saat magang di rutan (pengalaman yg cukup suram dan gamau aku ulang wkwk). Kantor kami satu atap dengan para tahanan khusus. Yakni para lgbt, dan orang-orang dengan penyakit tertentu. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kami akrab dengan para waria dan pelaku homoseksual. Kami mengerti jalan hidup mereka, latar belakang kehidupan, juga sebab sebab yang menjadi akibat hidup mereka kini. Beberapa temanku bersimpati. Dengan cara yang salah. Yang membuat teman-temanku menormalisasi perbuatan dan perilaku mereka yang menyimpang.
Kembali lagi pada verstehen, mengetahui landasan bagaimana konteks dan situasi dapat terjadi memang penting. Tapi yang berbahaya adalah saat kita tidak lagi netral (ngomongin netral, katanya sih memang kita tidak akan pernah netral hehe). Sebab dalam verstehen, semua perilaku bisa menjadi benar, tergantung alasan. Jika sumber kebenaran kita tidak mutlak, bisa-bisa terjerumus dalam kebenaran yang salah. Itulah mengapa, menjadi apapun kita penting sekali untuk punya sudut pandang seorang muslim dan mukmin, yang kita sebut islamic worldview. Let's we discuss another time.
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shalomniscient · 8 months ago
"i am wanted by PAS" is the funniest shit i have ever read because if you are wanted than Pas will lock me into some asylum or something 🗿✋
HELPPPPP NOT THE ASYLUM 😭😭😭 it’s okay anonnie we can be neighbors in the wad homoseksual fr 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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bizantineempire · 2 years ago
So I have some thoughts on RWRB
If you divorce it from it's adaptation, it's a perfectly servicable film.
IDK how to say it but it was too polished? I guess? (Maybe that's book nerd for it doesn't look like how I imagined it IDK) it feels like an adaptation of a short film that got a bigger budget but it lost some of the heart of the original you know?
I should have expected it but it was a lot simpler than the book. other people have mentioned the things, June, Nora, Pez, Leo etc.
I did enjoy the way they did the texting at the beginning and I wished they carried that through with the emails later (although maybe they did and I wasn't paying enough attention?)
In this day and age of streaming there is no excuse for book adaptations to be simplified movies. Here's my reasoning: streaming platforms don't need to have time slots, so they can literally release a 3 episode miniseries or a 2 episode miniseries, or 2 movie length mini series or whatever. Black mirror does a bit of this where the different eps are different lengths and honestly, there should be more of it.
I liked some of the references to the book like the powerpoint presentation reference but it just made me want to see that.
I missed seeing Alexs drive and enthusiasm for politics. Look, I'm Australian, I couldn't give a rat's bum about american politics, but reading Alex give a shit about it was interesting and to see him kinda do a politics thing but also not really made me miss Book!Alex more.
I feel like the King being all "this could be fake" would have been a lot better if ALEX HADN'T JUST RELEASED A STATEMENT SAYING THEY WERE IN LOVE!
Stephen (Steven? Stephen.) Fry saying Homoseksual
Stephen Fry BEING a homophobe was funny A+ casting
The lake scene being in the day was weird. So Henry just turns away and is silent. And then he swims away and what, doesn't say a word to Alex for the rest of the evening? Does Alex ask him what's wrong? Why don't they talk about it? it makes more sense being in the middle of the night because he cracks a joke, changes the subject and goes to sleep. Alex is a little offput but he figures he can talk about it later if it's still a thing and then Henry's gone. Makes so much more sense.
Also (this also happens in the books) So Henry's "The Spare" but what about Bea? I'm p sure she's older than Henry, but younger than Philip. Doesn't that make HER the spare? He's just overkill at that point.
If they were going to cut out a sister imho they should have cut out Bea since they did her dirty anyway. Like if she's not going to have character anyway. June would be far more utilised.
One of the things I love about the book is that by the end Alex has a great friend group. I missed that in the movie.
Zahra was perfect.
I miss chaotic brains Nora
I have very few thoughts on the actual romance part. It was fine.
TF is Miguel
As a bisexual myself, I missed the bi panic.
Also Liam. He was great.
This has nothing to do with the movie but my cat is kneading right next to me.
Why was it rated R? It was sanitised the hell????
If you like the movie, if you love it that's great. I'm glad for you. For me I might have to sit and think about it for a bit before I rewatch it.
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retezor · 7 months ago
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Bagiku Tuhan Sudah Mati Karena Aku Berserah Diri Pada Neraka Dan Pilih Untuk Membersamaimu Selamanya.
Aku bisa bangun rumah paling nyaman di neraka untuk kita tinggali berdua. Cukup yang minimalis saja, asal kau betah untuk tinggal disini selamanya. Ada ruang tamu dengan sofa paling empuk agar kau bisa menonton saluran televisi favoritmu. Kamar dengan kasur yang besar agar kita leluasa untuk bersenggama di atasnya. Kamar mandi dengan air yang aku jamin takkan pernah berhenti mengalir untuk membilas tubuh kotor kita. Pun tak lupa dengan dapur karena aku ingat kau suka sekali untuk coba resep baru yang kau temukan di ponselmu itu. Kalau sudah begini aku betah tinggal di neraka karena ada kamu sebagai pelengkapnya. Bahkan aku bisa sebut ini sebagai cita-cita, tinggal di neraka bersamamu karena kata orang-orang kita ini pendosa.
Dan saat aku ceritakan padamu, ada dahi berkerut yang menyambut titik akhir kalimatku. Tak sesuai harapan karena aku pikir kamu akan senang. Karena aku pikir kamu juga sama berdosanya sepertiku. Atau karena aku pikir, kau juga sama- sama akan mengorbankan dirimu sendiri asal tetap membersamaiku. Tapi alih-alih senang kamu malah mengutukku dengan amarah dan seribu sumpah serapah. Rupanya kau masih religius, mungkin kau akan tetap religius. Berpegang teguh pada Tuhan dan mempercayai segala hal yang dikotakkan oleh-Nya menjadi kesatuan yang kemudian ia beri nama dosa.
Tapi apakah mencintai seseorang bisa dianggap sebagai dosa? Tapi apakah jika aku laki-laki dan kau juga sama laki-lakinya sepertiku maka itu dianggap sebagai dosa? Ada banyak hal yang tidak aku mengerti di dunia ini, Birdy. Jika memang benar itu adalah dosa, maka akan aku masukkan kau ke dalam daftar dosa paling nikmat yang rela untuk buatku dilaknat. Dengan Tuhan, dengan gereja, dan dengan neraka yang berisi setan-setan dan api membara. Akan aku tinggalkan injil-injil dan rumah Tuhan ini, mengesampingkan akal sehatku karena katanya orang berdosa itu pasti tak berakal. Meskipun ada serdadu-serdadu yang akan menghukumku dengan pancung, pun mayatku setelahnya akan tetap mencintaimu. Cukup simpan potongan tubuhku dan disanalah aku akan hidup sebagai raga tanpa jiwa yang akan terus membersamaimu.
Ada begitu banyak hal yang aku biarkan hilang karena sedari awal aku selalu berpikir kaulah pelengkapnya. Tapi kamu tidak. Kamu pilih untuk lari ke tepi pantai, menyendiri, berusaha menghindar dari segala hal yang membuatmu tersandung dosa. Tapi kamu tidak. Kamu pilih untuk kembali percaya pada Tuhan karena kamu takut neraka. Padahal kata banyak orang, homoseksual seperti kita ini akan berakhir disana. Bukannya itu berarti malah ada banyak orang yang akan mengerti dan memaklumi kita jika yang kau cari adalah pembebasan dari segala dosa-dosa? Tapi kamu tidak, Birdy. Tapi kamu tidak. Tapi kamu tidak.
Tahun-tahun selanjutnya aku dengar kabar bahwa kau akan menikah dengan seorang gadis. Kau akan menikah, sedang aku masih berteman dengan duka yang merekah. Kau mungkin akan kawin dan beranak-cucu, sedang aku masih tinggal di rumah yang sama seperti dulu. Rumah yang dulunya sering kau kunjungi karena katanya inilah tempat paling nyaman untuk pelarianmu. Rumah yang aku biarkan atapnya reyot, tembok-temboknya mengelupas, dan ubinnya pecah-pecah. Aku masih tinggal disini, Birdy. Bersama duka yang kini menjadi teman baikku satu-satunya. Aku sudah kehilangan minat untuk berpindah karena inilah satu-satunya tempat dimana aku bisa hidup membersamaimu yang kini cuma berwujud sebagai kenangan yang masih menggantung di langit-langit kamarku.
Heavenly father, why is it a sin to love someone?
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ihidebehindanonymity · 2 years ago
One of my favourite bits in RWRB was how the king said “homoseKsual”
Like, I know that it’s how some old people say it but it’s also such a ✨💅✨ pronunciation.
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menacing-anon · 2 years ago
I was watching Fry and Laurie Reunited yesterday and came across something that SENT ME: a snippet from this sketch from 1989, 0:45-0:49.
That pronunciation is probably not as unique as it seems, but it was flabbergasting to stumble upon footage of Stephen Fry — who played the king in Red, White and Royal Blue — from *thirty-five years ago* where he also says “homoseksual.”
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renfos · 2 years ago
In reality the shape of your skull can depend on something like lactose intolerance.
Just a friendly reminder that nazis didn’t just prosecute jewish people. People tend to forget for some reason. So nazi doesn’t just equal antisemitic. They hated many more groups. Since there is no accuracte documentation, when it becamse clear they’d loose the war, they started destorying both documentation and physcial evidence, those numbers are estimated: Jews - 6 million
Soviet civilians - around 7 million (of which 1,3 million Jews also included above)
Soviet prisoners of war - around 3 million (of which around 50 thousand Jews)
Polish civilians, not including Jews - 1.8 million
Serbian civilians - 312 thousand
People with disabilities - around 250 thousand
Roma people - 250 thousand
Jehovah’s Witnesses - around 19, thousand
Recidivists and asocial - at least 70 thousand
German political dissidents and members of the resistance - unknown
Homoseksuals - unknown, possibly included in the asocial group
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not the coquettes literally reinventing nazi phrenology on tiktok
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agussiswoyo · 4 days ago
Fenomena Lavender Marriage: Pernikahan, Keluarga, dan Tekanan Sosial
Lavender marriage, atau pernikahan lavender, adalah istilah yang merujuk pada pernikahan antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita yang sebenarnya memiliki orientasi seksual berbeda—biasanya salah satu atau keduanya adalah homoseksual atau biseksual—dengan tujuan untuk menyembunyikan identitas seksual mereka yang sebenarnya. Fenomena ini sering kali muncul sebagai respons terhadap tekanan sosial,…
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icecrean12 · 4 days ago
Hp shower thoughts on potions spells and homoseksuality
Now i just recently had a shower and in that shower i had shower thoughts, i basically asked myself the following questions
-If potions are so good and bacically have no withdrawal or bad effects why are they not always used?
-What is the difference between a spell and a potion, why not make a spell that gives you great luck or makes someone fall madly in love with you
-And lastly a reason to make homoseksuality acceptable in the hp Universe
So lets answer them in that order
Firstly why are potions not alwaysed used if they are so good, now i decided to add/make my own hc on this cause i can literally not remember why they dont always use them execpt the ingredients are hard to get, and that is every potion has some kind of bad effect
Il use the 3 potions i remember including the Weasley brothers candy and give them bad effects
-The love potion that effected ron,
if i had to give this on a bad effect it would be that the person having drunk it would yes, become madly in love with the person it was given/made by, but the person who drank it would no longer be themselves, the thing you fell in love with them for is now gone, they just become a minless doll with their only thought being the person who wanted them to fall in love, their smile? Gone. Their thoughtfulnes? Gone. They are no longer the person you fell in love with, so your love position only works if you want a minless doll
-the Felix Felicis/ luck potion that Harry got,
While yes you get a fleeting moment of luck and happiness, that luck and happiness has to come from somewhere so it is taken from your future, it could be any point in your future, beacuse of this there is a point in your live that you can no longer take this potion cause there is no more luck in your life to take and the rest of your life will be spend in misery
-the Polyjuice Potion
This potion changes how you look, and it seams to go pretty unpainfully and fastly, lets change that. The Polyjuice Potion changes how you body looks, so it has to change you everything in your body, your bones you muscle and everything like that, so the Polyjuice Potion now takes a long time cause it has to change everything and its painfull as hell, bones has to either beacome longer or shorter, muscles have to change form to either strong, weak or somewhere else on the body, so taking the Polyjuice potion is gonna hurt and take a long time
Now the Weasley brothers candy is something i just wanna say is something that give you something bad so if you take a bunch of the Weasley brothers acne candy for a long time, then at some point in your life you'll just stop having acne, the Weasley brothers don't know this cause their goal with the candy was only to get kids out of class in the start and if it works it works, so they have no idea they bacically made candy that wil make your life better in the future
Now to the second question What is the difference between a spell and a potion
Now this is also a hc beacuse again i can't find anything on it, so i like to think the difference is what they do, a potion changes your body or your mind, while a spell does something for you, like fix your glasses or make a feather fly, this does make the 3 deadly courses wired to deal with, but i have a idea for them, it could be a ekstra reason they a forbidden, a spell affecting the body, something only potions should could do. I would also love if spells have a some kind of effect on the body if it affects the body, so another reason the 3 forbidden curse are forbidden using them not only causes great distress on the person they were used on, but they also have a bad effect on the user, the Killing Curse wil take some of your life span away from you, shortening your life, the Imperius Curse causes the users to sometimes not have control of their own body, and it just start randomly and randomly stops, and the Cruciatus Curse wil cause random pain in the user that wil randomly start anywhere in their body and randomly stop.
And now to the last question (this is obviously gonna be a hc)
But there exists a potion that can give homoseksuel partners a biological child, the potion wil randomly chose one of the partners to experience the pregnancy, if is is a m/m couble it has to be made in a big couldron so the child can grow while on of the people have the pregnant experience including the pain of giving birth when the infant leaves the big couldron, if its a w/w couble on of the partners wil be the pregnant one and of course have a pregnancy including birth. And so there is not worry that the blood line wil end if a your child turns out to be gay cause they can still have a child.
Thats all of my shower thoughts have a great day!
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kikiadnankarim · 16 days ago
Misal, kalau pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan cowok dianalogikan seperti "kucing gak ada yang menolak ikan asin", lantas semua cowok hadir ke dunia untuk memperkosa dong? Kucing aja masih bisa pilih-pilih makanan sih sebenarnya, masa yang manusia gak bisa kendalikan nafsunya? 😅 Hebat pula kucing lagi ha dari awak sendiri yang manusia wkwkwk. Terus kalau "semua kucing akan makan ikan asin", lantas bagaimana caranya menjelaskan kelompok homoseksual? Karena premis di awal kan berlaku hanya untuk perempuan dan auratnya. 🤔 Definitely no religious people will be able to provide the delicate answer eh?
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