#homestuck spoiler warn
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elkian · 2 years ago
Something I didn’t quite realize until recently is that the two moiraillegiances that Hussie textually refers to as “made for each other/bros for life” (Feferi<>Eridan, Gamzee<>Karkat) are the two relationships that cratered so spectacularly that one party brutally murdered the other half as well as their friends in a particularly climatic scene.
Which is either a reminder that even Hussie’s open, metaphor-free, aboveboard narration can and will be wrong, or Hussie just really likes destroying “perfect” Moiraillegiances (although given how Fefidan starts... yeah).
AND they killed off Meowrails after having Equius completely fail to protect Nepeta bc he, uh, couldn’t resist temptation ig? It wasn’t for anything noble (also his apology for it later was so bad that a robot tween alter ego who’d only spoken to four people in his life was like “DUDE“, and made Nepeta explode)
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lucabyte · 11 months ago
[Vid] The King Goes to Starbucks
Sir, this is a House of Change. We sell transformation and progression here.
[Act 4 spoilers, original doodles by @samhainian under the cut]
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my muse.... i lost my mind giggling at these long enough that i made a whole animatic. thanks sam
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tigerbears · 6 months ago
Homestuck Spoilers Out of Context.
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omegapausestuck · 11 months ago
Everybody gangsta until
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froggy-nebula · 6 months ago
i have a lot of thoughts about the recent beyond canon upd8
I want to say upfront I know what they were trying to do and as a victim I really appreciate it. I feel like a lot of people refuse to talk about csa and sa or grooming, and that while every fandom does it, the homestuck fandom specifically has a pattern of completely ignoring it when it happens. It definitely doesn't help that it comes up a lot in homestuck, so theres a lot of it to ignore.
But personally, I still didn't like how it was handled. I know that the people in the weird black hole hell therapy realm aren't really the normal versions of themselves and are more symbolic than that, the Mindfang/Vriska's lusus chapter before that made that very obvious, but I feel like not only was Doc Scratch handled very heavy handedly and a little strangely, but it also didn't even actually accurately represent Vriska's personal trauma with him either. So him being like that wasn't justified in the way that the Momfang one was.
To me it was basically extremely over the top and deeply fucked up, and felt a lot like a whump fanfiction. I feel like it's important to be able to handle topics like this without treating them too lightly, but going so heavy with it especially when they didn't give a good warning for it and really understated what was in it, was a bad idea.
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nekromeowncer · 1 year ago
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prankcallz · 8 months ago
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so. Two of my ocs r just. these two losers if i was writing them. (cause i like them a lot) so i figured it fitting to gif-ify them w/ that panel from hs^2
The process was super fun, I might do more edits over homestuck panels.
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justskyla-art · 1 year ago
hey guys i haven't posted for like a month so here's a long ass doodle dump as compensation (it's all mostly just stardew valley and homestuck sorry not sorry) part 1 of doodle dump (because tumblr image limit got me yay woo yippee yeah!) below cut
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elkian · 2 years ago
Oh yeah something that occurred to me, I don’t remember if the reason was explicitly stated in the comic, but Rose burning her wizard fic MEOW:
She says the Horrorterrors told her to. It wasn’t relevant in the doomed offshoot but is now. One could interpret this as the HTs trying their damnedest to prevent Bec Noir’s advent (that’s definitely the source of at least one doomed timeline, MEOW being completely destroyed forever).
BUT, the Horrorterrors like... know how Sburb/Sgrub work. They should be fully aware of the Alpha Timeline at least as a concept, right?
So here’s my thoughts: they told Rose to destroy it, because that means the only existing copy is now in Dave’s hands (in the Alpha timeline; there must be one where he didn’t copy the journals). Dave has time travel: Rose does not.
What happens when Dave tries to follow Rose’s lead and burn his copy of MEOW?
He fucking dies.
But Dave is the Time player. He sees his own poor corpse, and does not try to go back and stop DD again, ensuring that MEOW is in DD’s hands, along with the Beta CDs I just realized this is a dual-pronged decision-
Without MEOW, there’s no Bec, there’s no Bec Noir, there’s no Alpha timeline. Without the Sburb Beta, there’s no discs for Jade, which means Dave doesn’t even get in (and neither does she!), which also can’t be the Alpha timeline.
When Rose goes off to destroy The Green Sun, DD comes after her, and Dave follows to protect her (because he has good reason to be scared of DD, after all, even if he didn’t realize who killed his alt self back then). It’s reasonable to assume DD was at least something of a threat to Rose at this point, at the top of her Echeladder if not armed.*
Which means he absolutely was some kind of threat when he first went to get MEOW.
The thing about Dave is that his Aspect makes him inherently expendable in a way (and boy is that fun for him and himselves!). He had a life to spare - Rose would not.
I think the Betas probably took higher priority, but I also think Dave making the journals and having the sole remaining copy was crucial at directing DD towards someone with that spare life. And I think the Horrorterrors knew that when they told Rose to burn it, or at least knew it was important to the Alpha timeline.
*I want to be clear that we’re all aware Rose is an absolute badass I just don’t want her to have had to fight him at that point at the very least.
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starkid256 · 1 year ago
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has anyone done this before
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occultonic · 2 years ago
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omegapausestuck · 8 months ago
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Narrative Parallels
HSBC pg. 650 (2024) <- Hiveswap: Act 1 (2017)
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diathadevil · 2 years ago
Alright just got back from watching the 2nd Spiderverse movie.
And holy shit. I get the hype for it now.
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Hey if anyone needs a (currently fairly short) playlist that commits Genre Mashup Crimes with acoustic piano lmk
yall know why.
beethoven may be the vibe but that song isnt exactly a banger. there is much better worse u can do w a piano 
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imodekurita · 6 months ago
i usually don't really keep up with the vriska updates but this one is showing the true colors of some people's reading comprehension/skill.. how dare they branch out into darker topics in my silly alien human webcomic (Homestuck is and was inherently a 16-18+ webcomic, the first comic itself had these themes too)
the update did a good job at icking me out, as it should, personally i think that the tws should be a little less vague (like have a more detailed description for people who don't mind spoilers mayb) but something is better than nothin yk? at least they acknowledged it and warned ppl that the content was gonna be something heavy
idk im probably wording this SUPER wrong and disregarding a lot but like. tldr how dare the writers add heavy topics into the "these kids went through traumatic experiences over and over: the webcomic" sequel
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plaidos · 1 month ago
is that much of the homestuck cast actually confirmed trans or is it mostly subtext and/or character readings?
there are a relatively high amount of canonically trans characters in homestuck (like Roxy & Vriska) but there are even more through readings. massive spoilers spanning the entirety of the webcomic & beyond here, so warning if you wanna be surprised whilst reading it, but here is every trans character i am personally aware of in HS:
June is confirmed by word of god to be Happening Eventually but the whole sequel is kind of about her realising that so it’s gonna be a hot second. however it is definitely happening & imo will be better by how long it’s been drawn out, even though some people complain about that?
Vriska is confirmed as a trans girl in both Pesterquest and HSBC
Eridan is implied to be closeted/experimenting TMA in both word-of-god bonus canon material from Andrew & in Pesterquest
Sollux is confirmed as trans in the same word-of-god canon material from Andrew
Caliborn & Calliope are both pretty obviously meant to be trans in Homestuck 1 (having based their construction of gender & identity based on the human gender roles they are fundamentally alien to) but it isn’t really addressed in comic until Calliope detransitions in the Epilogues
Roxy is non-binary as of The Homestuck Epilogues
also Davepetasprite is canonically non-binary (though through magic nonsense rather than looking within), and they talk about it like quite a lot
as for readings, i personally think there’s a lot going on with Dave that might be narratively picked up on in HSBC, but the rest are more take or leave IMO (except Roxy as transfem in HS1 — I’m convinced that was the original intended reading, but it isn’t confirmed in any direct way)
also i’d bet money Yiffy is transfem. i think there might be more trans & non-binary characters in Hiveswap & Friendsim too?
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