#homeschooling for pre k
playingwithapparel · 26 days
Homeschooling Tips & Ideas for Homeschooling in Nova Scotia
As a mom who recently took the plunge into homeschooling my 4-year-old, I’m excited to share my journey and a few homeschooling tips that I’m learning as we go. So far, homeschooling in Nova Scotia has been filled with both challenging and rewarding moments. Transitioning from the idea of a structured preschool environment to a more flexible home setting was daunting at first. From adapting our…
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meulia · 1 year
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starfall.com on january 22, 2007 (sourced from the wayback machine)
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Nature campfire with my 3 year old 🔥🍃 🪨
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dailiespods01 · 8 months
Online Schools In Arizona | Dailiespods
We're happy to share our new forever FREE large group classes. Join Miss. Meghan in her fun and engaging large group class.
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DailiesPods is your educational success partner. Your child will receive the best-personalized education out there while they have fun and socialize with their peers. All while partnering with and under the supervision of experienced teachers.
To view our class offerings and to register for your FREE first class go to https://dailiespods.com/pricing/​ Keep up to date on all of the latest happenings at DailiesPods and the world of education, follow us on social media.
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dreamdolldeveloper · 8 months
back to basics
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mostly free resources to help you learn the basics that i've gathered for myself so far that i think are cool
gcfglobal - about the internet, online safety and for kids, life skills like applying for jobs, career planning, resume writing, online learning, today's skills like 3d printing, photoshop, smartphone basics, microsoft office apps, and mac friendly. they have core skills like reading, math, science, language learning - some topics are sparse so hopefully they keep adding things on. great site to start off on learning.
handsonbanking - learn about finances. after highschool, credit, banking, investing, money management, debt, goal setting, loans, cars, small businesses, military, insurance, retirement, etc.
bbc - learning for all ages. primary to adult. arts, history, science, math, reading, english, french, all the way to functional and vocational skills for adults as well, great site!
education.ket - workplace essential skills
general education
mathsgenie - GCSE revision, grade 1-9, math stages 1-14, provides more resources! completely free.
khan academy - pre-k to college, life skills, test prep (sats, mcat, etc), get ready courses, AP, partner courses like NASA, etc. so much more!
aleks - k-12 + higher ed learning program. adapts to each student.
biology4kids - learn biology
cosmos4kids - learn astronomy basics
chem4kids - learn chemistry
physics4kids - learn physics
numbernut - math basics (arithmetic, fractions and decimals, roots and exponents, prealgebra)
education.ket - primary to adult. includes highschool equivalent test prep, the core skills. they have a free resource library and they sell workbooks. they have one on work-life essentials (high demand career sectors + soft skills)
youtube channels
the organic chemistry tutor
professor leonard
readworks - reading comprehension, build background knowledge, grow your vocabulary, strengthen strategic reading
chompchomp - grammar knowledge
not the "free resource" part of this post but sometimes we forget we can be tutored especially as an adult. just because we don't have formal education does not mean we can't get 1:1 teaching! please do you research and don't be afraid to try out different tutors. and remember you're not dumb just because someone's teaching style doesn't match up with your learning style.
cambridge coaching - medical school, mba and business, law school, graduate, college academics, high school and college process, middle school and high school admissions
preply - language tutoring. affordable!
revolutionprep - math, science, english, history, computer science (ap, html/css, java, python c++), foreign languages (german, korean, french, italian, spanish, japanese, chinese, esl)
varsity tutors - k-5 subjects, ap, test prep, languages, math, science & engineering, coding, homeschool, college essays, essay editing, etc
chegg - biology, business, engineering/computer science, math, homework help, textbook support, rent and buying books
learn to be - k-12 subjects
for languages
lingq - app. created by steve kaufmann, a polygot (fluent in 20+ languages) an amazing language learning platform that compiles content in 20+ languages like podcasts, graded readers, story times, vlogs, radio, books, the feature to put in your own books! immersion, comprehensible input.
flexiclasses - option to study abroad, resources to learn, mandarin, cantonese, japanese, vietnamese, korean, italian, russian, taiwanese hokkien, shanghainese.
fluentin3months - bootcamp, consultation available, languages: spanish, french, korean, german, chinese, japanese, russian, italian.
fluenz - spanish immersion both online and in person - intensive.
pimsleur - not tutoring** online learning using apps and their method. up to 50 languages, free trial available.
incase time has passed since i last posted this, check on the original post (not the reblogs) to see if i updated link or added new resources. i think i want to add laguage resources at some point too but until then, happy learning!!
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insufferablemod · 8 months
I'm also super torn on whether or not Dave was homeschooled, but what if Bro just kind of... Did neither? Or maybe Dave went to like kindergarten/Pre-K or like first grade and then Bro pulled him? Just very minimal schooling. It's so tough!
i use 2 be fully on the home school side but then these three posts made me reconsider... n now im unsure which way i lean......
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AITA for refusing to file for disability in order to pay bills?
I quit my job right when COVID started surging in 2020 because my boss refused to mask and I'm immunocompromised; I also didn't wanna bring that home to my partners (I'll call them Fox and Rabbit), one of whom is also immunocompromised, or our then-toddler kid either. (Plus, my boss wasn't paying me consistently on-time or the full amounts I was owed, but that's another can of worms)
However, I wasn't able to find anything work-from-home (I have auditory processing issues that make phone jobs impossible, plus we didn't have internet so I was just hotspotting off my phone to get online), and because of lockdown, safety concerns, and lack of a vehicle, I couldn't really get an in-person job either, so I did as much as I could taking care of household budgeting, conflict resolution, and looking after our 3-4yo kid along with Fox (who did most of the actual housework, as I wasn't able to be outside my room much because I was severely allergic to the pets there at the time).
Rabbit (kid's bio-parent) became work-from-home after a brief stint on unemployment due to their employer fucking around, staying over with their coworker/other partner (I'll call Rose) for the internet, and our other roommate contributed to rent until he moved out, so we were able to stay afloat and safely isolated for a while at least, and I started teaching our kid to read and write as my main share of the household contribution, which everyone at least claimed to be fine with.
Fast forward a bit, and both me and Rabbit got extra people in the household mix; a partner who I'd been involved with online for some time (Chomps) moved in with us, and Rabbit married Rose and moved in with her officially, with the kid staying on non-workdays with them and otherwise being looked after mostly by Fox and I. Eventually, with leases on both our places running out but with all of us outspokenly committed to working together, we all moved into Rose's parents' house (while they were overseas on vacation; they wanted caretakers there to look after Rose's younger sibling, who is disabled). Rose's parents--who are also polyam and very well-off--offered to bankroll a new home for all of us so we didn't have rent to pay for a while and could just catch up on things. Chomps even secured a decent-paying job. Things were going very well!
Then, a significant wrinkle came when Chomps needed to quit due to COVID concerns (anti-vaxxers in a high-risk environment, no vaccines available for small kids yet so we were mostly worried about the kid as we'd all been vaxxed at that point otherwise). At the time, everyone agreed that was a good idea! So, everyone braced for financial belt-tightening, and Chomps quit.
At this point, I was barely eating one meal a day out of guilt for my inability to contribute much, but I was also homeschooling our then-pre-k-into-kindergarten-age kid, and helping cook food and handle chores. Due to both Rabbit and Rose working from home and complaining of connection issues whenever anyone else used internet, me and Chomps could barely job-hunt (our phones didn't really get signal out there either), and without the ability to drive or a consistently-available vehicle, we worried constantly about providing for the household. Still, Rose and Rabbit reassured us that it was fine and getting handled.
Until one day it apparently wasn't, and Rose started getting onto me specifically (having been jobless for a couple years at this point, only getting two interviews despite putting in literally hundreds of applications) about filing for disability. Her opinion was that I could "just be on it until [I] got a job". That is not how disability works, and I told her as much, and refused to even start that process instead of continuing to look for work that I could feasibly do (which, frankly, was already taking as much time and effort as a full-time job, just with no financial benefit).
Granted, I could probably qualify for disability benefits, since I have physical and mental issues that make my range of possible employment pretty limited (though, as I'd been able to put in hundreds of applications to things I was sure I could do, it's far from impossible for me to work). However, the type of disabilities I would most easily and likely qualify with are the kind that would also very probably have my autonomy removed (this has been confirmed by two doctors and a therapist independently of one another). Plus, I'd be unable to marry Fox (as we'd agreed to do years and years ago) or get a job again without risking the loss of any benefits I could manage to secure, and also making it incredibly hard to recover those benefits if/when I further deteriorated down the line due to age, injury, or other factors and actually couldn't physically work.
So, while continuing my (unexpectedly unsuccessful) hunt for employment beyond a once-monthly gig that paid ~$75 (which is how I bought my own essential toiletries and groceries), I homeschooled the kid (which was a success, to the point that they later rolled into 1st grade with reading, writing, and math proficiency well above their peers!!), did most of the house troubleshooting and repair, and used as few resources as possible to minimize my impact on household finances, to the point that I averaged eating only one meal each day for years. Still, AITA for not just biting the bullet and giving up on the job hunt to prioritize securing disability payments?
(It's been about two years since that point and our current situation is stable despite partial dissolution of the polycule, with Fox and Chomps both working and paying the entirety of my portion of "rent" on the place Rose's parents bought her, while I continue to job-hunt with help from the state's vocational rehab dept. Fox and Chomps reassure me every time that they can see I'm doing my best and they're happy to take care of me as needed; I still feel fucked up about not being able to contribute financially and take care of them and everyone else in the same way, and wonder all the time if I made/am making the right call by refusing to pursue disability benefits unless I absolutely physically cannot work.)
What are these acronyms?
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
Okay so since yokai education system won in this poll as the topic of my lore dump, have a ramble.
The yokai education system is fairly complicated in nature: even though it's largely publicly funded via taxes, it doesn't necessarily resemble what people think of as a public school. (This is because I'm drawing a lot on my experiences from being homeschooled/ homeschool co-ops/in the US school system, so there's kind of a hodge-podge.) Also, as a rather important sidenote, I'm working with the headcanon that different yokai species have different rates of development/aging, so the whole process of education isn't nearly as standardized as it would be in a US public school anyway.
Yokai schools have a lot of variety in size and purpose, but are usually designed to provide classes for any level of education. This might be done through having multiple wings or floors in the building for different levels of education (kids are usually separated from adults, gen eds from higher level classes, etc) or having the school itself spread out over multiple buildings. Schools tend to be pretty large, and one person might spend their entire educational career (from what we'd consider pre-k all the way to a PhD) at one building or campus.
It's also fairly common for schools to be organized by subject: a wing (or floor or building) for science, for arts, for history, etc. If this is the case, there's usually a separate area specifically for the lower education levels (think elementary/middle school-ish) so that the youngest kids don't have to run all over the place or between buildings to get to classes.
Speaking of classes: they tend to be relatively small, no more than 20 students tops, but usually around 10-15, even going as small as 4-5 people on occasion. Students are more likely to take 3-4 days of classes than 5 days in a row, but it depends on what the parent is willing/able to teach them at home. Also, the selection of teachers is less "you went to school to learn how to educate" and more "hey we heard you're a physical therapist, would you like to teach anatomy and physiology classes this semester". There's a bit of a social expectation that people who have spent a long time in a given field will eventually teach a class about it, or at least come in and do guest lectures.
Also: P.E. is generally considered to be an extracurricular activity and/or a parental responsibility. Yokai are too varied in body types and exercise needs for any form of standardized physical education to be particularly effective (like how can you have bird person and a centaur and sentient slime do the same exercises? not easily, and it's way easier to teach a class where everyone's doing the same exercises than it is to teach one where everyone has to do different things.)
Schools will usually have sports teams though, and it's fairly common to offer some kind of fighting/weapons class. They often have plenty of clubs and extracurriculars, from chess and art clubs to theater productions. However, there's only one or two schools in the Hidden City that currently offer a robotics club.
Feel free to ask questions! This is barely a fraction of the lore I have, and, as you may have guessed, I like infodumping lol
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astars-things · 3 months
But also if she’s 4 she would start kingeration next year… so she can’t miss that much school.. how does that play out? Does he do a lot of education stuff on the road during her Pre-K year so she isn’t behind?
(Sorry I’m in education so that’s why I’m thinking about it from such a logical POV, also in the US they literally will send ppl to your house if your kid misses too much school. Like a wellness check)
It's okay, so while Jack is on the road and y/n is with him he does some homeschooling with her so she isn't behind and that's what works for them, but because y/n is shy she is only going to preschool to develop some social skills and for when she starts kindergarten she is mainly doing it through homeschool but later on down the track she does go back to school full time.
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theamd426 · 1 year
Julie and the Phantoms Catholic School AU head-cannons
Idk if I’ll ever write this AU, but this was kind of fun! Let me know what you think!
Julie and Carlos were both enrolled as Pre-K 4 students. Rose didn’t want to send them to school too early. Their parents sent them to Catholic school because it was smaller and they had friends who’s kid’s went there. Ray being the dad he is would let Julie or Carlos go to a different school if they wanted to.
Alex was enrolled as a pre-k 3 student. His parents are super devout pro-life Catholics. They go to confession twice a month, make Alex be involved in the youth group, and he’s an alter server. He hates every single aspect of it.
Saint Margret’s (the fictional school name) is actually known for its academics so Alex’s parents also put him in all honors and AP classes, which does not help with his stress levels at all.
Luke’s parents started sending him there in 7th grade. They can’t comfortably afford catholic school, but they lowkey hope that it will make it easier for him to focus and harder for him to skip class since the teacher student ratio is like 20-1. It is harder to sneak out, but he still manages to sneak away every once in a while and practice guitar.
Reggie is a scholarship student who was enrolled in 4th grade. He is strictly there for academics because the public school in his district was failing. One of his neighbors actually put his name in for a Knights of Columbus scholarship because they saw his potential and were worried about his wellbeing and wanted to make sure he got a decent education. He took three busses by himself just to get to school every day.
Carrie’s dad enrolled her in 9th grade as a way to keep her in line and help her focus on her studies. He read that a lot of the kids who went there ended up going to top colleges and he really didn’t want to have to write a big check to get her into school. She is constantly getting dress coded because she rolls up her skirt and tries to accessorize her uniform.
Bobby used to live with his Lola before he moved in with his Uncle Trevor and cousin Carrie. He started going in 10th grade with Carrie just so Trevor didn’t have to figure out how to get them to two separate schools. He was raised Catholic by his Lola, but he doesn’t really believe in god anymore.
Flynn is Julie’s neighbor and does not go to Catholic school. Los Feliz high is a great school and she is constantly trying to pressure Julie to transfer. She makes fun of Julie’s uniform and tries to pressure her to make her skirt shorter. Julie never gives into the peer pressure.
Willie has been kicked out of 6th schools and his dad enrolled him as a junior begging him to stay in line or he’ll have to be homeschooled. Willie knows he’s too social for that so he tries to behave, but he forgets the Catholic Church frowns upon homosexual relationships and gets caught making out with a blonde boy in the boys bathroom. Whoops!
The school doesn’t call Alex’s parents and tell them because Alex swears he’s not out yet and he really doesn’t want to get kicked out and he promises to go to confession that Friday. Both Alex and Willie get detention for two weeks and Alex’s parents ground him for that duration as well.
Julie and Alex have known each other their entire lives. Even though they weren’t in the same class they had the same lunch and recess time so they hung out a lot. They kind of consider themselves as siblings and Julie is the first person Alex comes out to.
Reggie, and Alex were in the same 4th grade class and became best friends. On nights when Reggie’s dad would get black out drunk he would ride his bike over to Alex’s house and sleep on his floor. Eventually Alex’s parents found out and they put a stop to it.
Reggie’s home life didn’t get better and he started sleeping at the beach or would sometimes sleep in the school. He stopped going home all together right after he started sophomore year. He would shower in the boys locker room and ask Alex if he could do laundry at his house since “their washer was busted and his mom won’t give him money to go to the laundromat.”
Ray found Reggie sleeping under the bleachers while setting up for a fall Halloween fundraiser. Reggie hadn’t been going home for almost three months at that point and he was never declared missing.
Ray called CPS, and ended up getting custody of Reggie as a kinship foster placement. The school wanted to expel Reggie for sneaking in after hours, but Ray was adamant he didn’t get a punishment. He swore he was going to pull Carlos and Julie out if they expelled Reggie since he was clearly being neglected and abused at home and he didn’t know what else to do.
The second Tia Victoria realized Reggie had basically been living off of school lunches for three months she made him so much homemade food. He instantly became a member of their family.
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solroswaslost · 23 days
Does Chase go to school? Like preschool or kindergarten or something like that, or he just stays home 24/7?????if any of this makes sense
(Ps, Also does retro and disco also go to school?? Or are they all homeschool)
Chase goes to Special Ed, which is simply just one class where it specializes in things like autism, adhd, behavioral issues, learning disability, etc. If Chase doesn't go there, Ginger just homeschools him, it'll change, depending on how Chase feels, if he wants to go out or if he wants to chill at home with mama (He goes to pre-k sometimes if Ginger is too busy, but not as much)
Retro and Disco, they go to school, CQ takes them every morning and one of their siblings(Cherry, Billy, HotRod, Skillet) picks them up after school
Little bonus: CQ and Ginger get a little paranoid, so they all have car seats, as they feel more safe and secure than just a booster seat, Retro has a red car seat, Disco has a purple one, and Chase has a blue one, and yes, Retro and Disco are small enough for a car seat,,, I wonder if I can find pictures of the said car seats-
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supernaturalkickparty · 2 months
ok so it's been a few days i can process the chaos of the back to school event on wednesday.
So as of recently both the pediatrician and psychologist have said they highly recommend my son go to school, for me to put him in pre-k and he'll get speech therapy and occupational therapy there.
I cried, talked it over with my husband, cried some more, argued with my mom that since she wont allow any therapist in the house or for us to do much of anything with him, this is my last option.
Signed him up, went to the administration building, went to the school, went to the special education department, and now i wait for my meeting on what modifications he will need in class.
oh dear lord where do i even begin?
first off the event started at 5 but I told my husband we should leave early because we're a small town and i know a lot of people rely on this event.
hell we're a family that relies on these events.
get there at 4:25 and theres already people waiting outside, it's 108 outside. we grabbed the umbrella and my sons water bottle and we waited outside.
as soon as 5 o'clock hit, they only allowed so many people in at a time, my child was fussy because he wanted to run around, he did make a friend in line though so that was cute.
by the time that it was our turn to enter the building we rushed him to the bathroom so he could go potty, well my husband took him because if i had left to take him they said we'd loose our place in line, like why don't yall count his dad in this but count me? lol make it make sense.
get in line and im like sweet i see the backpacks, lets grab it and go.
they hand you a backpack, then you have to go in line to each table and they hand you supplies.
it would be so much easier if they had backpacks already filled with the basic supplies instead of you going in a line. it was crowded, we got looks for wearing mask but im sorry the lady like 2 or 3 people in front of us was hacking up a lung and no thank i do not want to get sick.
they're playing music because its supposed to be a fun event but all the vendors for the games and stuff canceled so they just had the dj playing music and my son was dancing in line lol
it was too crowded, too hot, too overwhelming, too loud, my son knocked over 2 balloon arches, i was so fucking embarrassed, i felt like everyone was judging me, we get to the end of the line of school supplies and he got sad because they were also handing out bicycle helmets and vouchers for kids bikes at walmart or academy i think and we didnt get one but they gave him some books instead and he liked those.
by the time we left there was still a huge line of people waiting to get inside and i hope they at least got something because they were starting to run out of stuff by the time we were leaving.
the plan was to homeschool my son, to avoid all this, to avoid people and my plan has been shot to shit and now im struggling to get his supplies.
we went to another event last night but it was drive through only and tbh it was a hell of a lot more organized than the one hosted by the city.
the pastor had all the basic supplies in a backpack and just asked how many kids and gave us a domino's gift card.
theres one on wednesday and i'm hoping since its being hosted by community action its a lot more organized.
wish me and my child luck!!!
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The perfect playdoh birthday cake 🎂
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dykefagz · 3 months
This may be #controversial but whatever. it’s genuinely concerning me how many parents come in not just saying they’re homeschooling but bragging about it.
I understand the rampant problems within the education system, even within our district, but homeschooling just sets your children back so far truly.* They have no social skills, half of them can’t read, they can’t sit still, don’t even bother asking them to do age appropriate math. And these parents flaunt that their children are better than public school kids but they AREN’T…. bc what makes you think you’re qualified to teach every single subject? AND do that for every age group?????!!!! Every time a homeschooler comes in w the smug look upon mentioning it when I ask for age/grade I just get so pissed off. your kid isn’t up to reading standard actually bc you let them do fuckall
and acting like you’re better bc you have the privilege to stay home all day and “teach” your kids and you don’t have to live off those free lunch meals… i hate you FOREVER
*a lot of these criticism are mitigated when homeschooling is done in groups/alternative schooling, I’ve seen homeschooling done right here but it’s VERY rare. this also doesn’t apply for “homeschooling pre-k” whatever
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dylanisdazed · 1 year
You said Milo was 5 years old was wondering if you have him in kindergarten yet and if so how is that going
So, because of timing and his situation…he is going to start a pre-k program soon and I’m going to be doing a bit of homeschooling. We also have him in a few different groups to meet and play with other kids! He just turned 5 not that long ago!
But he’s very smart and very curious about everything! Haha
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
I am a former Abeka student here, and currently have an education degree and just wanted to weigh in. Their grammar and math curriculum for elementary school students is actually fairly comprehensive and rigorous- provided you have someone guiding you through the work and aren't just popped in front of the video curriculum. I would say the rest of their curriculum is disappointing to downright infactual. There were several times as an adult or even an older student using a different curriculum that I had to relearn various historical facts or scientific principles. Their history curriculum really emphasizes a white Christian nationalist view of American history (and world history- which only covered "Western" civilization no Asian or African history) and their science textbooks hammered home that God created the world and some of the information in them was straight up false.
So yeah, I'm not mad at Carlin for using Abeka if she wants to introduce basic grammar and math concepts because it actually does that very well! I wouldn't touch the rest of the curriculum with a 10 foot pole.
Yea I guess my point moreso was that I assume any involved homeschool moms are going to care enough about the curriculum they choose to properly vet the organization it comes from. Obv someone like Carlin is already familiar with Abeka, I'd assume.
So regardless of which ages she's using it for, I don't know why she'd pick that particular evangelical organization to support if she didn't agree with their core values. My point is more about that choice being indicative to me of where she stands ideologically, which I know a lot of people speculate about since outwardly she appears pretty progressive.
I mean even if she's only using it for pre-k that's still her making an active choice to support that organization when she has a lot of other options, you know? My point wasn't that it's impossible to learn anything from Abeka and I appreciate you sharing your personal experience, it was more about gauging where she stands in the fundie/fundie lite universe since she doesn't really talk about her beliefs in depth.
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