#homeschool butcher
charlie-roe · 4 months
Konig Headcanons - SFW
To preface, I thoroughly, without a doubt, 1000% stand behind the fact that Konig is not a shy uwu boi. He’s got anxiety not a weak constitution. This is just generally about him as a person + a lil drabble about relationships but nothing explicit (I will post that later tehe).
Let’s talk about his anxiety. He has it, but he’s not a crybaby. He’s a grown man who kills people for a living. Do you really think if you hurt his feelings he’d steeple his index fingers together and his eyes would water? No, absolutely fuckin’ not. I think his anxiety has to do with being uncomfortable in situations that he’s not prepared for. If he’s thoroughly briefed on a mission, familiar with people or places, given detailed directions, etc he’s g2g. And I still think even if he’s uncomfortable he wouldn’t outright show it. But he is a fidgeter. He’d probably clench and unclench his fists, rub the hem of his shirt between his fingers, bounce his leg if he’s sitting, pull out his phone to “check the time” often, etc. Konig wouldn’t announce that he’s anxious.
His bio says that he has severe social anxiety and was bullied as a child but doesn’t give more details about his anxiety than that. I see a lot of headcanons saying that it’s because he was chubby, had a stutter, or a harelip but I don’t think that’s the cause. I think he grew up in a very remote area and didn’t have much contact with kids his age (only child vibes), so he didn’t develop social skills. Maybe homeschooled or something. So, I think kids bullied him for being a bit awkward at times, not understanding social cues or simply not talking because he just didn’t know what to say.
 Otherwise, I imagine him to be very confident, almost borderline cocky. With people he’s familiar with he can be funny, maybe even goofy and have a good time. Have you heard his voice lines in the game? He’s charismatic because he knows what he’s doing and he’s in his element. Some of his voice lines are even funny. His anxiety is nonexistent when he’s on missions because of this and why he has good comebacks. Especially if he snipes someone and he makes the comment “Heh, and they said I couldn’t be a sniper.” COCKY AF. I think it’s almost like once he’s locked in on a mission, he goes into a certain corner of his brain that is a lil bit bloodthirsty and violent and a bit psychotic. Killer autopilot mode. Because who dafuq just breaks someone’s back over their knees? An entire personality crafted just for war.
Why did he join the military? I think honestly because where he grew up didn’t have many career choices. I imagine he grew up in a little mountain town, so his choices were like a butcher shop, a grocery store, or the post office lmfao. He was good with guns since he hunted since he was a kid and figured that he could send money home to his family and experience the world with the military. Konig’s size and his constant fidgeting barred him from being a sniper. People could see his big ass from a mile away even in a ghillie suit, he just couldn’t blend in no matter how small he tried to scrunch himself together. He was disappointed at first, but I think he came to love being on the front lines and is how the mask came into play. I will explain.
His bio states that there’s a rumor that he wears the hood because underneath is scary. This suggests he’s been mutilated by war, but I think it really is just a rumor. It’s simply a scare tactic and partially for privacy reasons. Imagine being the enemy holed up in a room, the door blasts open and Konig’s inhumanly tall ass steps through the doorway wearing an executioner’s hood and all you can see is the whites of his eyes. It would be terrifying, and it catches the enemy off guard. They’ve heard stories about him, and the legend isn’t a myth. Konig is a known figure throughout the PMC & bad guys world. So, he doesn’t want anyone on the other side to remember his face and see him in public. However, I don’t believe Konig wears his hood all the time. As soon as he’s on that helo headed out, he rips that mask off so he can breathe properly.
So, what’s under the mask? Again, I think the rumors about him being a wreck under the mask are just a part of his lore. I think Konig is either dirty blonde or has auburn hair. I really can’t decide. It’s kept at a shorter length that curls at the ends. His eyes are a like a steely, grey-blue color. His jawline is defined, more in a square shape. Slight cleft chin. His bottom lip is fuller than his top lip. Konig’s nose is slightly crooked from being broken a few times, but the bridge is defined but I think he has a cute lil button-y, retrousse nose. High cheekbones. Thick eyebrows that are sharp in shape. His teeth aren’t 100% perfect, some crowding issues on the bottom. Definitely has had some teeth knocked out so some are fake. He has a light stubble, has the ability to grow a beard but doesn’t because it gets caught in his hood. He does have scars both mild and severe scattered about his face. He’s obviously very muscular, but I do think he has a smidge of fat on his abs because he needs constant food for his body type. Definitely a 12/10 stars pretty man…or he’s very average. There is allegedly a glitch in game where his face is revealed, and he’s not ugly but not hot either.
Let’s address the elephant in the room…his height. I know it’s widely believed or accepted that he is 6’10”. And while I would love to believe that I don’t think it’s true. He is canonically very tall; but I think around 6’6” or 6’7” max and 6’4” being the minimum. Maybe the 6’10” is just another rumor spread to keep up with his imposing legend.
If it’s true that Konig is indeed a colonel, then it would take around 17 years for him to achieve this rank in the German military (I couldn’t find anything specific about Austrian military, plus at this point there’s no clear answer to whether he’s Austrian or German) then canonically he must be at the very least 34 which I agree with, maybe even a few years older. He’s a whole, grown ass adult man not a 20-something year old. I feel like he’s a summer baby.
I honestly have no clue as to what his legal name is. I would like for it to be something sexy like Felix, Leon, Elias, Klaus, or Milo. But I have a feeling it’s something very basic and very Germanic like Karl or Albert. Or even worse something ugly like Wolfgang but I won’t even entertain that idea. I think the name Konig just comes from his cockiness. He’s the king on the battlefield because he excels at what he does. He took down an entire terrorist cell by himself. I’ve seen some people say that maybe it’s his last name or maybe even his first name, but I don’t think that’s right either.
It takes him some time to warm up to people, so he can come off as shy at first or maybe even rude/harsh. But really, he’s just observing to see how he can act around them. If they seem like they wouldn’t appreciate a dirty joke, he won’t say anything inappropriate. He bases his personality on the energy they project. They like to goof off? He can be a dumbass around them. They’re kind and polite? Konig will give it right back. Are they harsh and blunt? He’s got that personality under his belt too. Not to say he doesn’t have his own “real” personality, but I think this is one of his ways to get around his social anxiety.
He won’t shy away from going out with his friends or teammates. In fact, I think he’s funnier when he’s drunk, but he’s still reserved and doesn’t get blackout drunk. He definitely wouldn’t dance or sing, but he gets very chatty and loves to joke but only with the people he knows. He’ll play pool with the guys. He probably wouldn’t chat up strangers at the bar on his own or do something to draw attention to himself. But if someone comes up to him, he’s not going to clam up. Probably just come off as awkward and not have much to say because he ain’t know them like that.
I think he’s popular with the ladies for sure. Like girls definitely notice him and crush on him. I definitely don’t think he’s a 34+ year old virgin or only has a few bodies under his belt. But Konig also isn’t a man whore (but I do love the idea of it). He’s sitting at a 10-15 body count. Not too little, not a whole lot. I don’t think he’s interested in barrack bunnies, but he also would be lying if he said he’s never slept with a fellow soldier that he got close to. But I don’t think he’s the type for a relationship due to his job. He’s always going out on missions in other countries for weeks at a time. When he comes back, he’s exhausted and doesn’t have the energy to put into a relationship so he feels like it’s not fair to have a significant other. Unfortunately, he gives me situationship vibes, but he doesn’t mean for it to happen and in fact doesn’t really care for casual flings, but they just happen. Just keeps seeing the same girl for a few months at a time but then cuts ties when things get a bit too serious. Konig wouldn’t mind having a partner, but he wants to wait until he’s retired so he’s able to actually put effort into the relationship.
Warning: In my world I depict Konig as straight, so the following is based on that belief. I think Konig has a thing for women with long blonde hair, but otherwise doesn’t care too much about height, body shape, weight or race as long as he thinks they’re pretty. His ideal girl would be calm, kind, polite but can dish & take jokes and able to let loose once in a while. I don’t think he’d go for obnoxious, loud or high maintenance ladies. Doesn’t mind someone with a bit of fire to them. He wants a woman, not a silly lil baby lolita egirl teeny bopper (sorry to those who love this idea) so I don’t think he’d go for women under 25ish. He likes them more mature with ambition and a steady head. He doesn’t mind spoiling them every so often, but also thinks women shouldn’t use him for his money either. He doesn’t feel emasculated when his girl pays for dinner. He thinks that a relationship should be equal and fair on both sides. Definite plus if she’s a great cook because this man loves to eat.
For hobbies I think Konig enjoys hunting, he makes his own beer when he’s on leave, hiking, he’s a good cook (at least when it comes to Austrian/German/whatever Activision decides his nationality is today) and has project cars. Let’s break it down.
He grew up in the mountains, so there’s prey animals in abundance and I like to think he did it as a kid with his father or another father figure. He does feel bad for the animals he hunts, but he makes sure to use up every part so nothing goes to waste. Obviously, he uses the meat, he uses the pelts for crafting, he does have a bone collection going and if he took an especially magnificent specimen, he will have it mounted on his cabin wall because he dabbles a little bit in taxidermy but isn’t a trophy hunter.
He’s Austrian/German so beer is in his DNA. He likes to experiment and see what flavors he can create when he makes his beer. If Konig brews a batch that is really good, he will share with family & friends but usually it’s just for his personal consumption. He doesn’t just make beer though; in the summer he’ll make his own wine from berries because his mom/grandma loves it. Lowkey a mama’s boy.
I’d also like to think that he learned cooking with his mom or grandma when he was little. They’d have him help with the small stuff and would hang out with them in the kitchen and observe. As he got older, he would take more part of the cooking to the point where he’d offer to make dinner so his mom/granny whoever can relax. Plus, as I said this man loves to eat and when he’s at his own place off duty he craves hearty meals and mama ain’t there to cook.
I honestly have no source or idea why he likes project cars. I think it mostly has to do with keeping him busy and focused on something. I don’t think Konig tunes them as performance cars, so I don’t think he races them or does anything crazy with them. He does, however, like to drive around for fun, especially on long, windy mountain roads.
Konig loves music and listens to a wide range of it, but I think he’d especially be into German metal (think Rammstein- very stereotypical, I know), but likes Type-O Negative, etc. Anything hard rock. For some reason he likes Sublime even though it’s widely different to what he usually listens to. He hates country music.
If I have any more that I think of I will add. I hope that the big hype surrounding Konig will make Activision bring him more into the game. Maybe not the sole focus of the game, but a campaign mission here or there or he makes an appearance in the very least. I’m just not sure how it would work out because per canon SpecGru and KorTac are rivals. Whether this means they’re actually enemies or just competition in campaign mode or rivals for multiplayer to simplify things I’m still debating about.
Anyhoo, any thoughts or comments are appreciated! I just really wanted to take this from a logical standpoint from what we know and what can be speculated based on the little information we’ve been given about him. I don’t think anyone understands how bad I need him to be real.
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k3yreviewer25 · 7 months
wanted to make one of those hyper specific polls, so here's this!
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toki-is-the-king · 1 year
More Toki/Dethklok headcanons
Early Dethklok:
• When the guys first accepted Toki into Dethklok, they found him to be a bit strange, aside from Skwisgaar, who wouldn’t admit that he was actually happy to have another Scandinavian to talk to. Toki’s English wasn’t great at first. He could say some things and understood more than he could speak, but there was still a lot he had to learn. So of course Skwisgaar took it upon himself to help Toki learn, which the rest of the band laughed at because Skwisgaar’s English was even worse than Toki’s, and he’d lived in America even longer. Once Toki was able to speak English more fluently it seemed like he never shut up. He liked to make a huge point to show he could speak the English language but all he did was state the obvious. “oh this ams called a hot tub! It’s likes a tub what’s hot and you sits in it.” The rest of Dethklok just had to suffer through it.
•After becoming more familiar with English, Toki and Murderface would quiz each other on how to spell stuff. Murderface claimed to be an excellent speller, and was dog shit at it. Toki would’ve gone along with the terrible ways Murderface spelled words and thought they were legit if Skwisgaar hadn’t told him otherwise. “I mights be nots da best at speakings Anglsih but I’s knows how’s to spells it and dats wrong, Toki.” The two of them would gang up on Murderface argue over how to spell things.
• Aside from learning his English from Skwisgaar, Toki learned most of what he knows from watching tv. Once he joined Dethklok he was exposed to the wonderful experience of watching cartoons and movies whenever he wanted. He enjoyed cartoons the most and was glued to the tv for hours instead of practicing his guitar. He would pick up on phrases from his favorite shows and try to use them accordingly. Sometimes it backfired and he’d completely butcher the whole sentence.
•Toki wasn’t always so happy and carefree though, and the guys knew close to nothing about his past, but they suspected something bizarre and disturbing had happened just from the way Toki acted. He wasn’t a bad kid but just really…off at times, like he was traumatized and trying to hide it. The first time everyone saw Toki’s scars they were speechless and uncomfortable,expect for Murderface who tried to pry about what caused them and Toki cried. Murderface actually felt guilty and apologized. After that no one really asked Toki about his previous life for a long time.
• Sometimes Nathan would wake up in the middle of the night to find Toki hiding food and water in his backpack. He never understood it then but began to realize later on that Toki must’ve been starved at some point and was worried he had to fend to for himself again. Nathan never scolded Toki for hiding food, but made a point to tell him that the apartment was all of theirs and so was the food and water. Toki seemed relieved when he heard that and slowly stopped his food hoarding behavior. Nathan was relieved as well when the behavior stopped because Toki would often forget where he hid his snacks and they’d go bad and he wouldn’t find them until later when they were moldy and rotten.
•The guys realized early on that Toki was the youngest of the band, and they all did their best to keep an eye on him. The kid was oblivious to basic things that they all took for granted, like how to work a microwave, use the shower, or even boil water to make ramen. They all just assumed he had lived a really sheltered life, like homeschoolers or something. But it was still weird to see a teenager who didn’t know how to use a radio or television. Nathan or Pickles, depending on who was around, showed Toki how to use the tv and how to use a phone in case he needed to call anyone.
• Teenage Toki had a lot more anxiety than adult Toki does. He had a difficult time adjusting to his newfound social life, and struggled with social anxiety quite badly for the first couple years. He wasn’t used to being around people, aside from the band. He was anxious going in public and would whisper in Norwegian to ask Skwisgaar to hold his hand when he got too nervous. Skwisgaar would briefly hold Toki’s hand but tried to hide it from everyone else, but over time he didn’t care so much, he was used to leading Toki around like he was the older brother.
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elvenwhovian · 2 years
Thoughts on the criticisms for The Rings of Power
The negativity around ROP has been so disheartening and I need to rant/have my say. Below are the most common criticisms I've seen and my responses to them. 
1. "They butchered/desecrated Tolkien's story! They changed the story too much so I won't watch/ will only hate-watch." 
Some of you are too young to remember, but I was there 3000 20 years ago when PJ's films came out. He changed A LOT. And I was surrounded by homeschooler book purists who had a lot to say, both good and bad. Here's my thing ... if you don't like ROP because they changed things, fine. You do you.  But don't tell me that PJ's films are perfection if you say you can't handle major changes to Tolkien’s works. 
Arwen didn't rescue Frodo. The elves never came to Helms Deep. Faramir didn't take Frodo and Sam captive. And Frodo never sent Sam away before Cirith Ungol, just to name a few. These were SIGNIFICANT changes that PJ made. But they didn't ruin the story ... dare I say, they made things more interesting. 
2. "The story moves too slowly." 
Bro ... have you read LOTR? Its a slow burn at the start. And then half of TTT is just Frodo and Sam simply walking into Mordor. Just like Tolkien, I feel like the show runners are laying a foundation and then in season 2 things will pick up. Also they have 5 seasons planned. Also its television. Its meant to be in installments to keep you coming back. Honestly, compared to some modern TV, it is refreshing to have a show that is taking its time and not beating you over the head with info dumping and action set pieces every single week. We are back in Middle-earth. Enjoy the ride, my dudes. 
3. "The Harfoots are annoying/cheesy/unnecessary." 
I'll admit that I was leery about them including proto-hobbits in the show, but I think they are delightful. They have their flaws, but Hobbits always have. They are quirky; the refreshing contrast to the darkness of war just beyond their borders. Yeah, Nori royally screws up A LOT. Reminds me of another hobbit who Gandalf used to berate for his stupidity. 
I also saw one comment complaining about "Wandering Day" and that the montage/song was too much like a Disney movie. First of all, how dare you? Do you even Tolkien, good sir? His books were full of songs. The hobbits had walking songs in the book. Tolkien loved songs and poetry. It is very VERY in character for Hobbits to have a song with their storyline. And honestly, that song is perfection. I've been singing it as a lullaby to my 6 month old son and he loves it. 
4. "Galadriel is too manly/angry/vengeful ... Also the men are weak." 
Perfect people are not interesting. Flaws make characters realistic, engaging, and worth watching. Galadriel is a flawed character in ROP and I LOVE IT. She is prideful, ambitious, and strong-willed ... all stuff Tolkien wrote about her. She is also very athletic/physically skilled. Tolkien also wrote this ... I have references. And yeah ... if you believed the evil who killed your brother was out there and no one believed you, you would be miffed too. 
And as I predicted, she is undergoing character development that is helping to temper her vengeance. She literally gives up her sword. 
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The symbolism is spot on. 
Also, those saying she is too manly... bro, what the heck? Her costumes and armor are so beautiful and well done! My two favorite looks are the dress she wears in Numenor and her armor design.
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I think they did a fantastic job making her a strong yet flawed female character. 
And the men are weak? Elrond and Durin have a rock breaking contest. Arondir fights for his girl ... doesn't get more manly than that. Also, Elendil is just fantastically done and oozes that stable yet compassionate masculine energy Tolkien's male characters are known for. 
5."I don’t like that they cast people of color." 
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Don't be racist. Its 2022.
6. "The elves aren't done right/have short hair/ aren't like PJ's elves." 
Ok first of all, while many of the elves in the legendarium are described with long hair, its never defined as a standard for elvish culture. Second, if you are going to expect any and all Tolkien adaptations to conform to PJ's films, then I guess we can toss out all the cartoons that are beloved by so many people. Also, I don't see anyone beating up the legendary painter and Tolkien illustrator Ted Nasmith for his depictions of elves with shorter hair. 
Also, let's be real ... Elrond was described as "kind as summer" in The Hobbit. I love Hugo Weaving's portrayal, but he's never seemed particularly warm or kind to me. I adore Elrond's portrayal in ROP! I even like his floppy hair. He's a young whipper-snapper of an elf and he seems like the kind of person who would create a place like Rivendell. I mean ... look at this precious cinnamon roll:
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Also Celebrimbor has that wise old British dude energy that reminds me of Bilbo or even the professor himself. Tolkien's elves were complex people with varying personalities and passions. They weren't the stoic, almost vulcan-ish, people PJ made them out to be. I love the PJ films, but if we are going to make them the standard, then I guess the room for creativity is gone(?) 
7. "The writing sucks/ is fan fiction." 
I'll admit, the writing is rough in a few places. Galadriel jumping ship was kinda dumb. But its not Rise of Skywalker level dumb. And I'll fully admit that this is fan fiction. All television writing based on an IP is fan fiction. Its fiction written by fans/writers based on already established characters/worlds. 
And frankly, the term "its fan fiction" is not an insult to me, because I've read some darn good fan fiction.  Next argument please. 
8. "Its a cash grab from Amazon so we should hate it." 
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It’s not. Read the article by The Hollywood Reporter. Also, let's remember that lots of passionate people worked on this series and it shows. Punishing them because Amazon's name is on it is unfair. I know, I know ... Amazon is not squeaky clean. But if we boycotted every company who had stains on their record, we would be living in cabins in the woods eating squirrels. 
7. “Galadriel couldn’t have survived the volcano/ she does dumb over the top stuff ... this show is not realistic.”
You guys do realize this is a fantasy series, right? Also the way she stood their was so bad@$$. 
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And yeah, she did this:
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You do know that horse acrobatics is a real thing right? 
Also, need I remind you this over the top elf:
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He did dumber stuff and we loved it. It was cool. If we are going to take the time to pick apart the “unrealistic” story full of wizards, elves, and magic, then we are gonna be here awhile.
In conclusion, there is only one episode left and I can’t wait! Even if the finale is “just ok”, it’s been a blast to be back in Middle-earth and that means a lot to me. If you are not a fan of ROP, that’s fine. You don’t have to watch it. But some of us are really enjoying it and I can’t wait for the next 4 seasons. Be nice.
Rant over :P Thank you for listening.
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charlie and the chocolate factory ticket winner headcannons!! (Apart from charlie)
(This is from the 2005 movie so their birthdays will be what age I think they were in 2005)
Augustus Gloop:
birthday: August 1st 1990
is German
has a younger sister called Andrea who is 6 years old
his father is a butcher and owns a butchers shop
Comes from a rich family but not as rich as verucas
he rarley eats vegetables
is babied by his mum
his mum does EVERYTHING for him - gets his clothes, cleans his room, wakes him up, gets him food, everything
hates listening to music
is very lazy
loves the colour red
Couldn’t sleep when he got the golden ticket - he was too excited to go to the factory
his mum is called gail and his dad is called otto
is so lazy he’s never hurt himself - yeah he’s grazed his knee as a kid and all that but he’s never sprained his ankle, stretched too hard or broke a bone
After the factory he was stained with chocolate so he has a slight tan now
when he found out Charlie won the factory he was so jealous and mad that he didn’t eat chocolate for a full 2 weeks
has a huge king sized bed
is homeschooled
Veruca Salt:
Birthday: November 2nd 1994
is British but has Swedish, Irish and Scottish heritage
goes on holiday 5 times a year
goes to a private school
teachers pet
only child
her father is in his 60s as her mother is in her late 20s
has seen the queen before
Can horse ride
has a massive bedroom, on-sweet bathroom, walk in closet, study room, eveything
everyone wants to be her friend at school
has a private doctor
her parents are called Ken and Maria
thinks her name is the best
has a pure gold necklace
has pure silver earrings
if she isn’t in the top set lesson at school she gets her dad to complain and move her up to the top set even if she’s dumb lol
was going to be named Kylie but her parents chose Veruca instead
has a personal hairstylist
claims she will never wear makeup when she’s older because she’s ‘perfect looking’
comes from a upper class family
after the factory her parents started saying no to her and she had a huge fit and smashed most things in the house - her parents went back to giving her anything she wants after that
loves the film ‘pretty woman’
never uses slang - always uses complicated words and instead of saying ‘yeah’ she’ll say ‘yes’
Violet Beauregarde:
Birthday - March 3rd 1992
Is American but has Italian heritage
Has a twin sister named Lilla
her parents are divorced - her sister lives with her dad, and she lives with her mom
her mum is a Karen lol
can box
is popular in school
even though she chews gum every single second of every single day she has perfect teeth - people think she has fake teeth
is allowed to swear
Loves nirvana
her mum is called Shona and her dad is called Liam
Is a pure blonde
Her mum tried flirting with mr Wonka to try and increase violets chances of winning
Thought she was gonna win
gets called blueberry girl at school after the factory
after the factory she tried to use makeup and other things to make her not blue but nothing worked
her whole closet is blue/purple
has a pet chinchilla called Gumball
loves the amazing world of gumball
Always has packs of gum on her
likes watching law and order
rarely sees her sister
her and her sister are identical
mike teavee:
Birthday: October 4th 1991
Is American but has Spanish and polish heritage
has 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters called Luca (29), Gary (30), David (22) , Sarah (27) and Tina (25),
his siblings are quite a bit older than him, the one that is the second youngest is 10 years older than him
his Parents had kids in their 20s, then had Mike quite late on
hes the baby of his family and RAGES when they baby him
has a niece who is the same age as him
has atleast one day off of school a week because he wants to play video games and if his parents try to get him to go to school he breaks things
once broke a window with a vase lol
his parents are called Norman and Clara
likes tomb raider, call of duty, watch dogs, hitman, James Bond, GTA, ect
loves heavy metal music
can do a metal scream and it terrifies his parents when he does it
his sleep schedule is he falls asleep at 4am and wakes up at 9am
Loves energy drinks
bites his fingernails when he’s nervous
hates people who call him micheal (his real name)
wants to be a twitch streamer lol
after the factory he found a way to shrink back to his regular size
when he got home from the factory and looked in the mirror he passed out because he thought he looked fresky
thinks Veruca is a brat but she’s pretty lol
has a very short attention span
likes race car driving
hates football
wishes he was born on halloween
has a whole bookshelf full of video games
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meep--tm · 2 months
if it helps i would read your completely self indulgent oc fic i love other people oc's send it to me please show it to me rachel /ref
ANON... for you. this is the first section of the specific thing i was referring to. the only context i can give are that yabis and shoki are two tieflings me and my friend luca played in a dnd campaign years ago (shoki was luca's character, yabis was mine) and latched onto and turned into our own seperate OC thing with their own mini story
i wrote this a while ago now but i like them so much i dont even CARE
Somewhere downstairs, a gnome has taken on the mantle as the evening’s entertainer, and the drunken crowds have fallen silent.
It’s a natural fact of travelling bard-dom that wherever you may go, there’s about one peer for every ten sets of ears; Yabis learned this years ago and has kind-of, a bit, almost, sometimes made peace with it. There’s no one way to perform, after all - some carry a lute or a lyre, some carry nothing, some carry it all (although that’s only those with the luxury of a caravan) - and Yabis likes to believe they’re more unique with their technique than others. To linger on their self-doubt in the face of their competition would just concede the match, and would only foster bitterness; Yabis has a great amount of respect for their fellow performers, no matter the form of their craft or how much of Yabis’s business they may steal. It would hardly do them any good to go about as if they were deserving of special treatment. For one, no one wants to befriend a stuck up bastard - a bard who doesn’t network is hardly any bard at all - and for two, Yabis was homeschooled. They’re already fighting an uphill battle.
This is all to say that Yabis has a natural inclination to rush to the defence of any stray bard they may meet on the road, as it only makes sense to. It’s a lot more effort to be mean than it is to be kind, and you never know when you may need a performance partner. The current problem is that this bard, the gnome downstairs, is butchering The Moon Has Left Us Lonely - one of Yabis’s favourites - with the carelessness of a child’s off-key rendition of happy birthday. He’s singing as if a hag has replaced the lining of his throat with tree bark. He’s playing the lute as if he woke up this morning with new hands and is still determining how one should move their fingers. It’s unbearable.
“Somebody,” Yabis croaks as they’re ascending the stairs to the first floor, “should say something.”
A couple steps above, Shoki stops, turns on one foot, and stares down at them. Her expression is flat. Yabis stares back.
“To the gnome,” Shoki says. It feels like it should be a question - it isn’t.
Yabis nods heavily, grip tightening on the bannister. This is the first time Shoki has made eye contact with them in hours. “Needs to be told.”
“Hm.” Briefly, Shoki glances past the stairs and through the doorway towards the small sliver of the main hall that’s visible, and presumably to the bored patrons taking sips from their frothing mugs of ale. It’s packed tonight. Getting a room upstairs had been a nightmare, and Shoki had been forced to sit at the bar during Yabis’s performance instead of her usual routine of hiding in a corner booth; the house is full of tired labourers in need of relief. The perfect audience. As it is now, nobody is so much as humming. “I think he probably knows.”
“But he’s still going,” Yabis insists, also looking behind them now. One of the men at one of the tables notices her and waves, cracking a smile, which makes Yabis feel even worse because they’re not even in the room and they’re still managing to steal the show from this poor luthier. They wave back anyway. “Bombing. Everybody hates it. He’s still playing.”
A chord is hit particularly violently, ringing throughout the air with a sickening twang, and that horrible voice drags itself lifelessly over a line that Yabis had always found to be notably meaningful, one about elders and their children and the tragedies inherent to existing as either. It’s such an offence to the ear that an entire table of disgruntled women with scars on their faces take final swigs from their cups before scraping their chairs back and making for the door. The whole thing is one of Yabis’s stress nightmares come to life.
When Yabis wrenches their eyes away, they find Shoki’s looking down at them again - differently this time. More of her black sclera is visible than normal, the white irises of them looking dimmer and yellowed under the tavern’s lamplight, even though her broad figure blocks most of it. Yabis is largely standing in her shadow right now, actually, which is a thought that they carefully avoid lingering on in the name of acting well-adjusted and normal.
Today’s events have been unusual for the two of them, and especially for Yabis. Shoki could be thinking anything about them right now. This is another thought that Yabis is carefully avoiding.
Recent developments aside, her single minded focus on Yabis is a lot. Yabis is no stranger to being studied like this, but it always feels strange coming from Shoki - maybe it’s knowing that she has more knowledge packed into her head than Yabis ever has or ever will, or maybe it’s the unfeeling mask that she sports the majority of the time, or maybe it’s the disarming sweetness Yabis feels from her at times like these. Shoki’s hard to read on a good day, and today has been far from a good day. 
It’s alright. Yabis thinks her stoic “I don’t care, ever, and I didn’t ask, please don’t talk to me,” thing is pretty cute, actually, most of the time. Like she’s a cat or something.
Instead of trying to decode the look, Yabis studies her right back. There are flecks of muddy, dried blood scattered throughout her hair, the days-old plait falling over her shoulder the way tree branches fall over a stone-brick wall in winter, all splintered and dry. She looks pale, being a shade of lilac as opposed to her usual purple, with a dark flush running over her cheeks and nose and ears through the combined efforts of the sharp winds outside and the well-fed hearth by the bar. A dark bruise is already turning a sickly yellow at the hinge of her jaw, and her breathing sounds vast, and she seems to be slightly favouring her left foot.
(Yabis knows they probably haven’t fared much better themself; the fight today had been tougher than they had prepared for, and they still feel the stinging of a fresh scar spanning across their thigh, even after all of the healing spells. There’s a dried trickle of blood running from one of their ears, hidden under their mass of hair; even here, holding onto the bannister, they feel themself swaying slightly in place. It’s a miracle they had the energy to entertain tonight, and even more of a miracle that Shoki waited for them downstairs instead of disappearing upstairs for a bath. They’re not sure if they would’ve done the same, were the situation reversed; a bath sounds really good right now.) 
As the mutual scrutiny continues, Shoki’s mouth twists uncomfortably, unsure of what it’s trying to express. She looks tired.
“We won’t be able to hear him by the time we’re up in our room,” Shoki says eventually, her tone measured but equally as inexplicable as her face. “If it matters that much to you. I also,” she says, and she looks away now, resuming her pilgrimage up the stairs, “have earplugs in my pack. Help yourself.”
Yabis smiles and follows close behind, taking two steps at a time, feeling like they’ve won something. That was probably the best response they could hope for right now - it repeats itself between their ears a few times, help yourself, help yourself, help yourself - and the slight relief is wonderful. They just about have the mental fortitude to resist pulling their hair over their face and chewing on it as they ascend to their room for the night, if only because they don’t want to end up spitting out mud.
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cellard0ors · 2 years
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Travis returns the next night with a plan.
He brings a few sandwiches and some really cool toys he has. Nothing is terribly fancy, but he's hoping maybe they'll catch the mermaid's eye and convince her to come back to the shore
He's read fairy tales with mermaids, more often than not, they're from the sea. But he knows what he saw down at the lake. It was a girl on land and a fish in water - or well, half a fish.
He'd seen both her legs AND her fin. She was a mermaid and he was going to prove it!
...to himself, mostly, considering he has no one to share it with. Ma and Pa don't want much to do with him and Chris is too young.
He's homeschooled, so - he doesn't meet kids his own age that way and the ones he knows through church would no doubt object to this.
And, even if they didn't, he's not friends with any of them so - he's on his own.
He reaches the water's edge a little after nine pm, a pack slung over one shoulder. He sits down and draws out the sandwiches, toys, and a flashlight and he waits.
Time seems to just creep along and - not wanting to be bored - he draws out some comic books he has. It was hard work for him to get these, as his Ma considered them blasphemous.
Luckily, his Pa - while not his biggest fan - was a little more lenient when it came to such things. Although Travis has the sneaking suspicion his father only slips him the comics out of fear that his boy will be too soft.
Reading about superheroes and tough guys might 'man him up' or something, so he's allowed them in a discretionary manner.
As such, Travis is deep into the latest issue of Spider-Man when he hears the first ripple on the water's surface. He wants to look up - more than anything! - but he forces himself to be casual.
No doubt fishing for a mermaid is no different from fishing for actual fish. Best not to pull at the first nibble.
Travis waits and is rewarded with more sounds from the lake. He carefully peers over his comic, glasses coated in condensation from his breathing, but - sure enough - there she is!
Same silky hair, same eyes. He wishes he could pick out their color better. He slowly lowers the comic and he draws out some of his toys.
A few matchbox cars, an eight ball, and a slinky. He makes sure she sees the slinky move - metal coils shifting back and forth enticingly in his hands before putting it down.
Very slowly she swims forward. The water barely moves, her pace so slick. Once closer, her head rises enough that he can see her mouth again and he gives her a smile, "Hi!"
She doesn't respond, but she doesn't run away.
So far, so good.
"Um. It's me again."
Her eyes flash in a way that suggests it was dumb of him to say so. Well... she's not wrong. He rubs at the back of his neck, "Llllarlllaalaa, right?"
This gets an outright laugh and the girl spins, tail flicking the water and he laughs too, "Yeah, sorry. Guess I'm butchering it."
"You're trying."
Travis's eyes go so wide they hurt, throat squeezing right, "You can speak?"
She nods and he scowls, "Then why did you-!"
"Not supposed to." She counters, "Especially not to humans."
"So, you-?!" Travis stops but then stalls, because he has about a million and one questions, but he doesn't know where to begin. Luckily, she does, "But I already broke the rules once, so-?"
She shrugs and he just clamps his mouth shut - both upset AND happy. She points to the slinky, "Can I see?"
"Oh? Um?" he holds it up again and she edges ever closer. He can see her much better now. Her eyes are so blue. Her hair looks brown, but with tints of gold - he wonders what it might look like if it were dry.
As if reading his mind, she sighs, "I wish I could get out - but I don't have clothes."
"...you know what clothes are?"
Again, that look that says he's dumb. He presses his lips tightly together in annoyance, "Okay, well, why don't you-?"
"We don't need them where we live." she flicks her tail in his direction, sending a few droplets his way and he lets out a sound of disgust. She laughs again and - for whatever reason - he can't help himself and he joins in.
They laugh a bit, but then she looks sad, "I...I should go."
"Wait!" Travis holds out a hand, even though she's had yet to turn. She stops where she is and he clears his throat, "Uh - if you come tomorrow I-? I could bring you something to wear?"
(It comes across as unsure, because he's not really sure if he can, but-!)
"Then maybe you-? You could come up here?" he slings the slinky around some, the wind whistling through the metal, "Check this thing out?"
Her lips swish from one side to the other and then, much to his surprise and joy, she nods. He lets out a pleased whoop and she laughs, shaking her head, "Same time tomorrow."
"Yeah!" he gets to his feet and she's about to go when he calls out, "Oh! Wait, wait!"
She stops again as he asks, "What is your name?"
"I told you." She laughs and this time he shoots her the 'you're dumb' look, but she takes no offense, if anything laughing harder, "I just said it in our language."
"Okay, well - how do you say it in my-?!"
"I'm not sure." she keeps laughing, "Guess I'll leave that up to you."
And with that, she turns and gives him a good view of her tail and fin as she swims away. The light - while dim - is perfect enough to pick it up. A dazzling array of gold, red, orange, and flecks of green. Like a sunfish.
She's a lot like the sun - the mermaid. Larllur-? Or was it Lallaurllle-?His face scrunches up and he runs how she said it through his mind, over and over. Trying to remember exactly how it sounded - what name would be similar, what name would work.
No, no...
And then it hits him.
Her name kind of sounds like Laura.
Travis runs the name over his tongue like he's tasting it.
Grinning, he nods to himself. Well, she said it was up to him - so, Laura it is.
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true-bugs · 7 months
7 n 9 for penrose pretty please
7 - Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
Penrose plays five instruments and speaks five languages. He's very good at all of them and his music is the main source of his magic. He used to have a very creative streak but wrt his music but uni kind of beat it out of him and he now does everything so rigidly and by-the-book that it's definitely ruined his powers a bit.
He has those skills because bards cool, but also emphasise his wealth. In-universe, education isn't a universal right and lots of working class people have never finished or even been to school. Penrose could afford not only school and university, but to buy instruments plural and learn things literally just because he felt like it. For contrast, Callum is completely illiterate, Grau has very broken common tongue and Kakiri was homeschooled by someone with no actual teaching credentials. Penrose being so well-educated but butchering it anyway causes a lot of animosity between him and Callum.
9 - In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
Penrose is soooo dramatic flamboyant overthetop he's always making the rest of the group go :/ he's the group wallet but also the most irresponsible bc he thinks he can throw his money at his problems, absolving him of consequences. His coworkers are all too straight-forward for that to work, though.
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pricescigar · 2 years
Makaha Ai’la’ausd
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Born: 30th April 1983
Age: 40 (As of MW2019)
Nationality: Hawaiian
Gender: Male
Parent(s):  Redacted
Hair colour:  Dirty Blond
Eye colour:  Hazel
Height: 6ft3 (193cm)
Nickname: Butcher
"Alias":  "Duncan Anderson" New name ________________________________________
A tall brute who could take down anyone with a single move, his skills are unpredictable and always keeps everyone on their toes. Deep down, he's just a gentle giant ego would always care for his peers.
Likes: Hot weather, spending time out in the sun, exercising, training, travelling, throwing knives and axes, drinking beer, TaskForce141
Dislikes: Shadow Company, General Shepherd, Winter, traitors, feeling abandoned and forgotten
Makaha, or “fierce,” & “savage” is the name of one of the largest valleys on the O'ahu's leeward coast. That's where his parents met for the first time.
Makaha grew up in Honolulu, the oldest of three siblings, his younger brothers and sister looked up to him. He always protected them from the bullies in the neighbourhood, and in school also. He did what he could to make his parents proud.
His dad was an ex Military man, and his mother was a Doctor. They all lived perfectly, and in luxury. Due to mysterious circumstances his parents passed at the age of thirteen, in 1996.
At that knew he knew it was time to step up, luckily his family lived close to each other. A relative from his mother's side got the lease of the family home and moved in, so they wouldn't loose their childhood home.
To keep things afloat, Makaha left school so he could be homeschooled along with his siblings. Since their aunt always worked, and never had the time to spend time with them.
His other family members were present at the time, though they mainly focused on his younger siblings. They knew Makaha was old enough to be taking care of himself, so they started to treat him more like an adult. Rather than a teenager.
Makaha taught himself and his siblings, and during his free time he picked up two extra jobs so he could support his siblings with school supplies, clothes ect.
Whenever Makaha needed the support or just to talk to someone... He never got it, he never got one single ounce of support. He was always told to suck it up, and deal with it... And that's what he did.
At one point he was barely only running on a minimum 5 or 4 hours of sleep each day, which wasn't good for his health... But he needed to make sacrifices.
It got worse to a point his siblings became spoilt, ungrateful whenever Makaha brought them something. It always hurt his feelings when they did that, no matter how hard he disciplined them... They never listened.
In 1999 Makaha got into contact with an old friend of his dad, who lived in England and was in the army. Telling rhe many opportunities there was here, and that he could finish his studies in England. And so that's what he did... He brought a plane ticket, packed a bag, and left in the middle night without a trace. He abandoned his old life, to better himself. And hasn't looked back since.
When he got to England, he changed his name so his daily wouldn't be able to track him down, he took the name.
Duncan Anderson
His father's friend posed as the "Guardian" To ensure this would happened, he pulled a few strings here and there and his name got changed.
In early 2001 during his training years, he met a young woman, falling in love with her immediately. They was together for a good few months, but due to his training. He was gone for weeks on end, which shifted the relationship. When he came home he caught her cheating with another man on Valentine's day.
He stood there and left the household without another word, and with the roses he had just gotten her? Well he burnt them.
During his time in the army he got the Nickname "Butcher" Because he killed his victims in how a Butcher would cut meat, he became an expert in using throwing knives and a knife as a whole.
In 2019 he joined Captain Price's TaskForce and the rest is history...
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raythekiller · 1 year
Give us some Brahms info please! 🙏
ofc!! here's the original drawing my friend made (he doesn't use tumblr but his insta is here)
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info under the cut:
He's an ISTJ. Extremely calm and collected, almost never loses control of the situation, though he's also very clingy and touch starved. Can be quite cold sometimes and he likes cleaning and organization. Also likes classic and vinyl music. As the name suggests, he butchers and eats his victims because of his past, where his father would unknowingly to him feed him with human meat, something that he now found himself craving.
His mother died during birth as his father was negligent and absent, leaving him alone most of the time. The only time his father was present was during supper, where he was the one who cooked, something that Brahms loved and looked forward to. He teached Brahms to never cry, as he hated loud noises, never speak without permission, never touch him and never walk into the basement, so his upbringing was strict to say the least. He wasn't allowed to go to school either and was homeschooled by his father.
One fateful night, he heard something that sounded an awful lot like screaming coming from the basement. He tried to ignore it, but it was too loud. When he went to check, he found his father butchering a woman with a hand-saw. He tried to run, but his father noticed him and grabbed him by the back of the collar, using the weapon to try and cut the child's head off. Brahms struggled and managed to break free from the grasp, then taking the weapon from his dad's hands and murdering him with it.
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
Danny knows what his parents are. He’s seen things people don’t tend to see. He’s grown up around the arcane and unrealistic.
Doubting it’s reality was never something he did. Not the way his sister always tried to.
But then, Jazz had spent her early years in house, going to school and having friends, ignorant as the people they passed by. All Danny remembered was traveling.
Danny’s earliest memories were of the RV, of his parents doing government work.
That’s why Danny knew without a doubt, monsters were real. Every kind was strange and spectacular; Danny wouldn’t have minded the idea joining his parents professionally if what they did didn’t always end up so violent.
He thought of a writhing black thing, a cat with too many tongues and too many teeth, caught in a glowing green net.
He thought of seals strung up like butchers meat, skin pulling in places like a slow-falling coat.
He thought of a hydra’s fallen heads twitching, a harpoon thrust through their body.
Danny’s parents were hunters, and they hunted monsters.
This wasn’t something Danny was too-strongly opinionated about.
Sure, he didn’t like the way people would look at his parents like they were insane sometimes, and he always tried to avoid staying near the RV when things got messy. But, he got to see a lot of places. And he didn’t really feel like he was missing out on much, being homeschooled.
Really Danny’s life is good. Everything is fine.
Or at least, it was.
It was, before his parents took a boat out on sea, the shore still relatively close.
It was, before his parent caught some massive scaled thing that looked a little to human for him to be comfortable with, and he couldn’t go far as it’s screeches grew quiet, because they were on a boat.
It was, until Danny gone to the railing and focused on the waves, knowing from experience he wouldn’t throw up if rode out his nausea.
And then all of a sudden it wasn’t, because the boat was rocking, and Danny had tipped over the edge, and something much bigger than whatever his parents had caught was dragging him down, down, down.
If he didn’t panic, he might have lasted longer, but he thrashed and struggled and tried to swim up.
It was no use.
And the water filled his lungs. And the pressure filled his ears. And his throat burned as he tried to scream between each intake of water.
His eyes stung, both from the water and unshed tears, as his vision darkened.
He got one good look at the one that had pulled him down to this fate. A woman, he thought, with a salmon hide and green skin, and matted white hair.
“A child for a child.” She might have said, voice like venom.
Then everything went dark.
Danny dreamt.
He Dreamt of magic and moonlight making him new.
He dreamt of waking up, his eyes too round, taking in a world of darkness like it was made from light.
He dreamt of feeling every wave and fish around him through the twitch of whiskers.
And in that dream, he swims with flippers and tail, contorting through waters until he remembers the blinding shore. All blurry shapes and sand and sharp smells as he drags himself up.
And then he wakes up.
Danny will wake up and draw a too-far line of what were and weren’t dreams.
He will wake up and see himself shivering on the sands of a shore, his parents boat not too far in the distance, and he will think washed up on the beach after falling off the boat.
He will let himself think it was only an accident and will try to keep tears from his eyes as he thinks of drowning.
He will hug his coat comfort, only to realize he hadn’t been wearing one.
He throw the garment away from himself reflexively for its too-close resemblance to the seal skins his parents seemed so eager to destroy.
He will struggle to his feet, and try to stop turning back to see if the coat is still there, unharmed and safe.
He will receive help calling his parents back to shore, will face comfort and relief that soothes him.
He will think of how much more soothing the coat would be.
He will be wrapped up in the RV and be safe and tended to, inexplicably not sick, but he will still feel like there are a thousand grains of sand pricking his skin.
He will listen Jazz argue with their parents, unable to mediate or reassure, because all he can think of will be soft furs on a beach and a dream that felt too real.
He will wait until the dead of night, the day before they’re set to leave, and he will return to the beach.
He will dig for hours until he finds his coat.
He will feel hands running down his own skin as he gently dusts its furs clean.
He will see the spotted pattern ripple underneath his fingertips.
He will wear it and look to the sea and consider.
He will decide.
He will wrench himself away, and hide the coat so deep in his mess of clothes it’s suffocating, and try to never think of what happened to every seal his parents caught, to every cloak his parents found.
He will try not to remember dying.
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mai-universe · 2 years
➳ twst oc — jewell.
❝ a-are you…an int-intruder too…? i-i need to get rid of you… ❞
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jewell is a second year in terrovania. despite his small and timid nature, they’re a capable worker who’s extremely determined and loyal, almost to a terrifying degree…
warnings for brief mentions of implied abuse.
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➣ technical information ;
name: jewell
“jewell” - plaything, delight.
japanese: ジュエル
romaji: jueru
other names:
➣ biological information ;
gender: genderfluid | any pronouns
age: 17?
birthday: october 1st. not their actual birthday, that’s just when they entered night raven college.
star sign: libra
height: 150cm / 4’11”
eye color: pale teal
hair color: light green-grey
homeland: [this information is unknown.]
family: [this information is lost.]
species: human
➣ professional information ;
dorm: terrovania (@terrovaniadorm)
school year: 2nd year / sophomore
class: 2-b | seat no. 25
occupation: student | cafeteria assistant cook / butcher
club: science club
best subject: p.e / master chef
➣ fun facts ;
dominant hand: right
favorite food: chili | pork
least favorite food: vegetables
dislikes: disappointing others | “intruders”
hobby: making masks | pretending / acting like other people
talents: sewing
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➣ appearance ;
jewell is a very pale and petite person. her messy greenish hair is a little bit past her shoulders, normally put in a low ponytail held by a black scrunchie. there’s light bags under her eyes and scars spotted all over her body. in a way, she looks rather unhealthy.
at school, he wears the typical nrc uniform with a dark orange waistcoat and the terrovania crest on his armband. the only difference is that it’s a tad bit oversized.
inside the dorm, jewell wears the regular black uniform; the only differences are the shirt being buttoned up with a dark blue tie around the neck, and a yellow apron wrapped around the waist instead of the multiple belts. there seems to be a few bandages underneath as well, most likely from injuries. the mask they wear is sewn together and oddly feels like dried skin.
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➣ personality ;
jewell is a very paranoid person, if their seemingly-permanent confusion and scared expression is to say anything. they’re usually seen alone in silence or with other terrovania members, never interacting with anybody outside of their dorm unless an outsider comes up to them first.
however, as seen with his fellow dorm mates, he can be very cheerful and genuinely happy once he gets to know you. you just have to be nice to him! …even if it’s fake. as long as you can calm him down and give him affection, he’ll be right at your feet, like a dog. just a warning however, he gets attached to people rather easily. really easily. it’s borderline obsessive.
she is extremely loyal to a fault; she follows the orders of whomever she considers her current “family”, or just anyone that she feels attached to—and i do mean anyone. because of this she is also very gullible, thus easy to manipulate. nature and nurture coexist so well, doesn’t it?
jewell isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, as he was never taught anything school-related before nrc. hell, he never even got homeschooled. because of that, he’s still learning how to write, read, and even properly speak; aside from the fact that he stutters a lot, sometimes he starts speaking gibberish when rambling too much. in addition, he has a hard time studying.
she seems to have some sort of memory loss going on, as she doesn’t remember much from her past before she arrived at night raven college. she has tried to remember, but it always sends her into some kind of panic or it gives her a headache. at this point, i don’t think she even wants to remember anymore.
it’s best to stay away from them when they’re playing around with chainsaws and hammers. their violent tendencies seem to come out the most when they have their hands on those…
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➣ skills and magic ;
“finishing my orders come first, otherwise i’ll get hurt”. that’s what jewell has been taught, hammered into her head just like her victims. she’ll do anything to accomplish her task no matter what gets in her way…unless her family orders her not to, but that’s rare anyway.
due to his determination, he’s very sturdy and is able to take many hits whether they’re physical or magical, despite his small frame. he’ll keep pushing no matter how severe the injury is, i wonder if he even recognizes the pain? it’s the same with his brute force; he may not use his bare hands that often, but he has an extremely tight grip and can drag or lift someone to a certain location if anybody asked for it. if his chainsaw doesn’t break something, then he’ll crush things with his feet.
general magic
for some odd reason, their family valued them being the “brute force” of the family, so they’ve never been trained when it comes to their magic. as a result, jewell’s magical abilities are generally very weak and not that effective—but, if they were to recklessly throw their magic out without thought, maybe it can hurt someone pretty severely.
unique magic
jewell’s unique magic is “dog will hunt”. it allows him to summon a chainsaw that can be used to attack people. it starts out as a normal chainsaw, but the more that he revs it up using his magic the more it becomes powerful. at the ultimate stage, the chainsaw can cut through anything, including space. he can switch it out with a hammer too.
she can also summon meat hooks that assist in the hunt. it’s most useful in tight spaces.
however, as a side effect, the more jewell revs the chainsaw up, the more that they themselves become weaker because of how much magic they’re using. they won’t be as durable, strong, or as fast as they normally are. they’ll get tired more easily too.
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➣ trivia ;
twisted from leatherface / bubba sawyer from the texas chainsaw massacre.
their “birthday” is the release date of the 1974 texas chainsaw massacre film.
the type of amnesia they have is dissociative amnesia, which is where memories are deeply buried into a person’s brain but cannot be recalled unless specifically triggered.
she has made masks for when she’s acting; a mask with makeup on it, a clown mask, a fur mask, etc. they look a little…fleshy, just like her main one.
her unique magic name is a reference to texas chainsaw massacre 2, where chop top says “dog will hunt!”
he has insomnia due to constant nightmares.
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❝ he don’t mean you no harm. such a sweet boy… ❞
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Sofia "Sofie" Krueger: [21] Born to Jester (@joanathedummy) and Freddy Krueger, Sophia was born into a loving home. Since the age of six, she has been homeschooled by her mother (when she isn't working as a therapist and psychiatrist) and Unforgiven (@dissonantia-goddess-of-chaos) due to her violent tendencies and impulses. Has short fluffy light blonde hair with faded hot pink highlights and blue eyes (they turn yellow when angry). Her skin tone is a pale tan, with some burn scars inherited from her father.
She is half alien and half dream demon— or, going by her mother's nationality and her father's ethnicity when he was alive, Japanese-— inheriting powers from both of her parents such as reality warping, emotional energy manipulation, reality bending, and shapeshifing.
Jester started homeschooling all of the children due to their inability to "blend in" with society and in fear of them getting bullied at school. Her and Unforgiven teach the children in two different fields: while Unforgiven teaches the neurotypical children (Sofia, Tommy, Sandra, Seer, and Jeremiah), Jester helps the neurodivergent kids (Michelle and Summer) with more basic lessons until they understand the topic and can move onto more advanced ones.
She often acts like Freddy: sadistic, psychotic, crude, perverted, bloodthirsty, has a dark and twisted sense of humor, and has a foul mouth. But can be sweet at times and sympathetic when the situation calls for it, and enjoys using her emotional energy manipulation to spread an aura of joy and/or calmness in case one of her friends needs it (especially Tommy and Michelle).
A massive sadomasochist (only towards Michelle, Tommy doesn't like it when Sofie bites him)
Absolutely despises Chucky and Tiffany
Like everyone in her friend group, Sofia only aims to kill people who deserve to suffer a cruel death
A known prankster in her friend group.
Athletic and lean.
She is in a polyamory relationship with her childhood best friend Tommy and Michelle.
She created a large cabin outside the perimeter of Crystal Lake and the woods surrounding it with Tommy as a hangout spot for the friend group. She also created a "Dead By Daylight" inspired maze and training ground for the kids to practice hunting and surviving different slashers.
Her iconic weapon of choice is shapeshifting her fingers into sharp metal blades to mimic her father's bladed glove
She can read minds, and uses this to communicate with Michelle.
Thomas "Tommy" Voorhees: [22] At the age of 8, Tommy's abusive mother and father forced brought him to Camp Crystal Lake during a vacation. After getting caught telling a camp counselor that his parents beat him and running away from his mom, he ran into Jason Voorhees, but instead of running away, Tommy hid behind the undead giant with his arms covering his head and squeezing his eyes shut. When his mother ran into Jason, she made the mistake of angering him and was butchered. After killing Tommy's father, Jason adopted the child and raised him as his own for the next 12 years. During his time with Jason and his mother Pamela Voorhees (she's alive in this AU), Tommy started helping his family by baiting teens and adults into walking right into Jason's path, but only after spying on them and finding out if they deserve death or not. Short black hair, a blue right eye and a green left eye, fair tan and scarred skin, muscular body, and wears black jeans with a dark blue hoodie.
Ethnicity is white
He is a gentle giant, refusing to cause harm to anyone unless it is in self-defense or to protect his loved ones.
Prefers using an axe and two hatchets as weapons
Likes fishing
He sees Pamela more as a grandmother than a mom, but still treats her with respect and admiration. He also likes baking with her and doesn't mind cleaning or washing the dishes.
He is in a serious polyamory relationship with his childhood best friend Sofia, and Michelle (after she stopped trying to kill them and got to know them better).
He's very clingy and emotional, especially towards Sofia, Michelle, Pamela, and Jason.
Due to his past of being the victim of physical and emotional abuse, he is cowardly and will rather flee then fight, but will resort to violence if cornered. 90% of his fights ends with him winning.
He actually likes Sofia's nicknames for him ("Beefcake", "Teddy", "Big Guy", "Baby", "Hockey Puck", etc.)
He calls her his "short gremlin" and "personal sleep paralysis demon"
He jokes about Michelle being his personal stalker. She doesn't find it funny.
Michelle "Mitch" Myers: [21] Michelle was born with a mental illness that caused her to become mute, emotionally unresponsive, developed maturity and high intelligence at a young age, and to develop a "tic" of tapping her fingernail or an object against a solid surface at a rhythmic tempo ("tap...tap...tap....tap tap...") on repeat until she is distracted or disrupted. Due to odd behavioral issues while attending kindergarten, her parents pulled her out of school and started homeschooling her. One night, while she was home alone, a pair of child kidnappers broke into her house and took her away into their van with other missing children. She feigned being in deep sleep and got out of her restraints, then proceeded to brutally strangle the driver and crashed the van, with pure luck that the other captor smashed his head into the windshield. After managing to open the van door, she silently made her way through the unknown neighborhood she was in, entering into a house with the door open...(Going by the 2018 continuity, in the year of 1988) After Micheal Myers escaped after being arrested and came back to his house, he finds Michelle in the corner of the kitchen, sitting in the fetal position, tapping her fingernail against the floor rhythmically. He allows her to live with him after making sure she won't be a nuisance, and after some time of taking care of and bonding with Michelle, Michael would start teaching her on how to become a serial killer (like walking not running, how to stalk your prey, how to vanish under mysterious circumstances, etc.) She has long curly chestnut brown hair that's often in a high ponytail, steel grey eyes, fair tone skin, an athletic and muscular build with multiple scars on her body from previous battles with Laurie, and wears a porcelain mask.
Ethnicity is white
Due to her rare mental illness Michelle is extremely smart, using her experience and survival tactics to outsmart opponents.
She still has a tendency to go into a full sprint towards her victims.
Iconic weapon is a large butcher knife.
Her vocal cords are fine and she is able to speak, but she refuses to open her mouth to talk.
During her first encounter with Tommy and Sofia at Camp Crystal Lake when they were teenagers, she almost murdered both by chaining Sofia up to a cement block and pushing her into the lake and nearly decapitated Tommy with an axe—only to end up face down in the water as Tommy pushed her head under to drown her. While he dived into the water to save Sofia, Michelle got up and quickly left.
After several more encounters, their parents finally properly introduce them to each other to prevent more conflict.
Her friends help target bad people around the neighborhood to prevent Michelle from murdering innocent people.
Michelle is rather clingy to Michael, but would give him some space after being around him for a long time to give him a break from parenting.
Being around Michael gives Michelle a "boost". She has a higher confidence with attempting murder, she feels safer around him, her kills are 70% more successful, the duo can perform team takedowns on large crowds, etc. They work better as a pair, able to act as the other one's eyes (no matter how strong Michael and Michelle are individually, they don't have a chance against Jason, Leatherface, Freddy, Pinhead, or the other stronger slashers on their own.)
She has her own "recharging period" like Michael does, but her connection to him somehow speeds it up. She can also act as his first aid in case he can't recover from heavier damages, like stitching his fingers back on or (re)adding bandages to a deep wound.
She can be temporarily blinded with a flashlight (flash bangs do more damage and leave her disoriented for a couple of seconds).
Sofia's mom taught Michelle sign language, but she prefers using Google translate or pens and paper.
Summer "Sunny" Sawyer: [21] The story starts with Barbara Ross, a 28-year-old Texas woman who was sent to a mental institution after she killed and cooked her husband for cheating on her after finding out she was pregnant. Five months in a mental asylum, constantly in a straight jacket and muzzled to prevent her from eating the other patients and staff members, she was sent to another asylum for experimentation. The bus that was transporting her and other patients, however, crashed into a ditch on a rural road after one of the patients started a fight with one of the security guards—right near the Sawyer residence. As expected, the crash alerted Leatherface and his brothers to the commotion. Most of the patients escaped, and the guards and bus driver were dead. Barbara was calmly staring at the carnage while staying in her seat. When Bubba got into the bus and noticed her staring at him silently, he gently picked her up and carried her to the farmhouse. After an small disagreement with Drayton, Barb was welcomed into the family and was given Chop Top's room to occupy. Months later, Summer "Sunny" Sawyer was born into the family, and was treated with love and affection throughout her childhood. [?]
Both are white
Barbara is an excellent baker and cook. She often is in the kitchen with Drayton, despite his efforts to keep her out.
Barbara has curly dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders, with fair tan skin with light brown freckles, big and beautiful brown eyes, and a soft doll face. Sunny has slightly wavy-curly dark brown hair that is shorter than her mother's, with tan skin with light brown freckles, brown eyes and face shape like her mother's when Barbara was younger. Sunny has a semi-muscular body type due to working "heavier jobs" while growing up (chopping wood, moving dead bodies, helping crushing bones to make fertilizer.)
Using crushed up bones and leftover meat as fertilizer, Barb made a garden behind the farmhouse, growing all sorts of vegetables and herbs for the family to consume.
Barbara also knows how to sew, crochet, and knit. She made several scarves, blankets, and handkerchiefs for the boys, and several clothes and stuffed toys and clothes for Sunny.
As one of the only two women in the household, Barbara is the one who cleans up after the men and takes care of the chores around the farmhouse, often scolding and teaching Bubba, Nubbins, and Chop Top proper etiquette.
Barbara prevented Bubba from sexually assaulting the mother of Babi Sawyer, so she doesn't exist in this AU.
Sunny, as a child, often followed and helped Barbara around the farmhouse. Mostly to fetch items for her and to deliver produce from the garden to Drayton in the kitchen.
Speaking of Drayton, he treats Barbara and Sunny much more kindly than how he treats his brothers.
Sunny sees Bubba as a big brother and relates to him more due to his child-like mental state.
Chop Top and Nubbins are more like crazy uncles or older brothers to Sunny.
Drayton is a father figure to Sunny, although she is still scared of him when he gets angry at the twins or Bubba and attacks them with the broom.
Despite being born into a cannibalistic family, Sunny absolutely hates gore and suffering. She hates how the adults can be so cruel to the victims and often hides in the room she shares with Barbara, covering her ears and crying loudly to avoid hearing the screaming. As an adult, she has gained a tolerance of seeing small amounts of blood, but will faint on sight of a dead body or a bloodbath.
Sunny will only resort to violence to defend herself or her family and friends.
Barbara, on the other hand, is often emotionless when it comes to handling "cattle". But she isn't cruel and unjust, often delivering a quick death to her victims to the dismay of the gentlemen of the household.
Bubba made skin masks for both women, although they don't wear them often. Sunny usually uses her for cosplaying as Leatherface.
She often hangs out with Tommy and Suzie when the kids aren't in a massive chaotic group.
She is scared of Michelle and Michael due to how cold-blooded they are.
Sunny has an irrational fear of snakes, rattlesnakes in particular. Sofia can use this to her advantage during "DBD training sessions", but often feels guilty for using Sunny's own phobia against her.
Jeremiah "Jeremy" Robitaille: [22] [asexual]
Angel-Seer/"Angel"/"Seer", Son of Pinhead and Unforgiven: [22] [?]
Sandra Riley/Ghostface: [21] An orphan who's parents were killed by a serial killer when she was 10, which set her up on a life of vengeance. She is a pale skin goth with long jet black hair with half of her head shaved, has dark blue eyes, wears black makeup, and dresses in black clothing.
Ethnicity is Hispanic, her mother was Mexican
Dating another Ghostface named Danny Johnson, and both of them help each other by murdering other ghostfaces and other serial killers/bad people in general.
She met Danny when they were in highschool. They had multiple classes together, and after being paired up in a group project, they formed a crush on each other. He was the weird kid obsessed with horror flicks, she was the depressed goth girl who was also a weird kid. The more they got to know each other, the more they fell and became highschool sweethearts.
Danny's parents are still alive, but don't know that he's a killer.
Has the ability to use any weapon to her disposal
Does NOT know any horror movie facts at all nor does she care about horror movie trivia (but she does like Danny talking about/ranting about them)
Very social and outgoing when she isn't feeling murderous and diabolical
Also a known prankster in the friend group.
Considers herself and Sofia best friends.
Athletic and lean, slightly curvy
Insane but loving.
Loves the color pink
Uses Tumblr
She becomes very emotional when she recalls the painful memory of her parents's demise around her friends and Danny, but is cold and stone face around strangers.
Susan "Suzie" Heelshire: [22]
Noel "Noe" Lenz: [21]
Lucas "Luke" Mancuso/Vernon: [21]
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Required background information: Because Vaniville Town is so small, it doesn't have its own school system and kids instead have to go to school in neighboring Aquacorde Town. Calem and Serena have been homeschooled for most of their life due to their mom's Ryhorn Racing Careers and fourth grade is the first year they're going to a real school.
[A memory taking place on the first day of 4th grade. A bus pulls up in front of Aquacorde Elementary School. A bunch of kids get off it, the last of which are Calem and Serena, ages 9 and 10 respetively. They both look nervous, though Serena is trying her damndest to put on a brave face.]
["Alright!" She shouts, pointing towards the school. "First day of real school! Time to make some new friends!"]
["Serena, are you sure this is a good idea?" Calem asks, sticking close to his best friend as they begin walking.]
["Course I'm sure." Serena says cheerfully. "We can't be by ourselves forever, Calem."]
["If you say so." Calem replies.]
[Cut forward a few hours. It's recess. Kids are playing on slides and swings. Calem and Serena are sitting on a bench, looking dejected.]
["Man, the day's already halfway over and we haven't made a single friend." Serena says, resting her chin on her hands.]
[Calem sighs. "We got close with that one kid. The dancing one."]
["Yeah, but then I scared him off." Serena replies. "Maybe you were right, Calem. Maybe this was a bad idea."]
["No, no, it is a good idea." Calem says, trying to reassure her. "You're right, we can't be by ourselves forever."]
["You're just saying tha-" Serena begins to say but stops when she spots something.]
[A big kid with a generically bully-like look sneaks up behind a pigtailed girl in pink on the swings and pushes her off. He says something inaudible and the girl hands him her lunch money. The bully then begins taunting the girl as she lays on the ground in the fetal position.]
[Serena and Calem both get up simultaneously and march over there. Neither the girl nor the bully notice them approach.]
["Aw look, she's crying." The bully says, laughing. "What a baby."]
["Hey!" The twins shout, pointing in unison. "Give her back her money!"]
[The bully turns around. His eyes seemingly light up upon seeing fresh meat.]
["Hey, it's the new kids." He says, laughing like an idiot. "I heard you two have never gone to school before. Must be true cause you'd have to be pretty stupid to try and challenge me." He butchers the word "challenge". It's painful to listen too.]
["Shut up!" Serena shouts.]
["Or else!" Calem completes.]
["Or else what?" The bully asks tauntingly.]
[Cut forward again. Calem and Serena are exiting the Director's office. Both of them look pretty beat up. Both look dejected.]
["Why are we getting detention!" Serena shouts angrily. "We didn't do anything wrong!"]
["So unfair." Calem grumbles. "And we didn't even manage to get that girl's money back for her."]
[Speak if the devil and she shall appear, the girl who was being bullied runs up to the two twins.]
["Oh! Hi!" Serena says, surprised.]
["Merci for saving me." The girl says.]
["Ce n'était rien." Serena replies.]
["Sorry we couldn't get your money back." Calem says, rubbing the back of his head.]
["It's okay." The girl says cheerfully. She holds out her hand. "My name's Shauna, what's yours?"]
["I'm Serena, and this is my brother Calem." Serena says, pointing to herself and then Calem."]
["Cool names." Shauna replies. "Wanna be friends?"]
["Really?" Serena asks. "You want to be friends with us?"]
[Shauna nods. "Uh-huh."]
["Yes! We'd love to!" Serena says. Next to her, Calem gives a thumbs up and a goofy grin.]
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sunsetcurveauto · 1 year
tagged by @myriels to list 5 songs that have been on repeat (thanks leigh!!) so here we go
Magdalene by Bear's Den
ballad of a homeschooled girl by Olivia Rodrigo
Butchered Tongue by Hozier
Hallucinogenics by Matt Maeson
Daffodil by Florence + The Machine
tagging: @tarvastries @binickmiller @lover-of-mine and viewers like you :)
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
You could probably get a cow eye from a butcher's shop. Explain you're homeschooling and they'll probably be like "Yeah that checks out I'll put one aside for you"
Yeah we are thinking of checking there first, fingers crossed this won't turn into a massive hunt
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