#homes and gardens
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monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months ago
1964 illustration by Lola Fielding
1964 illustration by Lola Fielding by totallymystified Via Flickr: For the story Em And Vi by Susan Lyle-Scott. From Homes And Gardens magazine.
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hungrytravellers · 2 years ago
The Wonder Of Chartwell
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anjuma17 · 2 years ago
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bodybybane · 5 months ago
Robert Downey Jr.'s picture-perfect garden pool landscaping is a masterclass in serene Mediterranean style https://www.homesandgardens.com/celebrity-style/robert-downey-jr-pool-landscaping
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forensicated · 7 months ago
04x08 - Homes And Gardens
TW: Mental Health/Learning Disabilities are referred to in terms of the 80's (when this was written/filmed).
Alec is caught tending to tomato plants in his office. He tells Christine he grows them on his allotment and brings them in for a few of the other officers once they're established. He offers one to Ken but he says he has nowhere to put it in the section house. Alec suggests a windowsill. "Yeah, but I grow cannabis on there...." Ken muses to Alec's horror. "He is joking, Sarge..." Viv laughs. "He mainlines lemonade!"
Taffy calls for help because a group of lads are 'playing in the road' and holding traffic up through their arguments with drivers. One of the 'lads', Mickey, is disabled and appears easily led. Taffy tries to get him out of the road for his own safety, but he's thrown aside. Taffy ends up arresting him with Yorkie's help but the two initially don't seem to understand that he's not just annoying them for the sake of it with his answers. Yorkie calls Sun Hill to tell Viv that he's bringing in a prisoner who's 'not quite the full shilling'. Taffy sulks that Viv never answers his calls on the first time but did Yorkie's.
Jim stops a couple entering the station via the back entrance and directs them back around the front. The man thinks it's stupid but the woman gently tells Jim that 'they've had a crime'.
Taffy asks Yorkie to process Mickey so that he's not held up all afternoon because his wife wants to go and look at carpets. Yorkie uncuffs Mickey and explains to Tom that they've brought Mickey in mostly to keep him safe. Tom recognises him as Mickey Couzens who once cracked a bouncer's skull after his 'mates' had wound him up. Tom has 23 prisoners held in 8 cells and no room to house Mickey. He suggests that if he's a danger to himself or others Yorkie should section him and 'bung him off to The Royal' psychiatric hospital.
Bob speaks to the couple that Jim stopped in the yard and hears that their garden has 'been stolen'. He calls Jim over and hands it to him. A reluctant Jim takes their statement where they detail several trees and plants, turf and more have been stolen whilst they've been on holiday. Jim asks if he can come and have a look at the garden because he's a detective. ".... You are?" The man exclaims in surprise.
Yorkie goes to speak to Reg about Mickey Couzens. He was referred for psychiatric care after his last arrest and then released into the community in the care of his father. Reg thinks it's outrageous. "Mind of a 7-year-old in a hulking great body? That's a dangerous combination, mate." Yorkie points out that he's got information cards in his little boxes on any number of men who would thump first and ask questions later without being wound up by friends as Mickey appears to have been on both occasions. Mickey can't be expected to be 'put away just because he's a bit dim'. "Yeah, but they're sane aren't they...." Reg shrugs. "It's getting to the point where every other person on the street is a mental defective." "Not to mention in the Collator's Room." Yorkie frowns and goes to call Mickey's father. Considering that down the line TPTB seems to make Reg show obvious ND like behaviour; his earlier series are very interesting. This isn't the first time that he has said stuff like this or behaved poorly towards female colleagues (though also very aware of the time they were written and the attitudes prevalent at the time).
The Fairweather couple have lived in their home for 16 years. He's been the estate caretaker all that time and their neighbour promised to water the garden whilst they were away.
Whilst waiting with Mickey for his father to arrive, Yorkie rather adorably entertains him with his torch. Mickey runs to his father when he sees him and clings to him with his father reassuring him everything's alright. Mr Couzens promises Christine that the morning's happenings won't be repeated. He tells her that the lads he was with are evil and egg him on. He's been trying to keep them away from him but Mickey keeps getting out to 'play'. In the background, Mickey keeps playing with Yorkie's torch and giggling.
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Christine tells him she understands but if he has to come in again she won't let it go. Mr Couzens thanks her and leads Mickey out to get a lift home with Yorkie. Mr Couzens explains that Mickey's mum passed when he was young and that they've been on their own for almost 30 years. Mickey spots his 'friends' on the way home and shouts over to them. Mr Couzens reminds him that they're not his friends. "Why can't you understand one simple thing. They don't like you, they use you. It's a simple game to them!" he repeats. Mickey is oblivious but gets upset when his father tells him he'll get taken away and locked up if he goes to see them. Yorkie tries to intervene to stop Mr Couzens from shaking Mickey and ends up being knocked out by a punch from Mickey as he turns away from them. Panicking, Mr Couzens puts both Yorkie and Mickey in the car and drives off. They're spotted by a neighbour who reports what she's seen.
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The Fairweather's neighbour claims she watered the garden the day before at 8pm and found everything normal. She didn't hear anything out of the ordinary and has her hands full with an energetic toddler.
Christine returns to the station with her own garden center purchases to be told that Yorkie has been abducted by the Couzens'. Mr Couzens has stopped in a secluded spot of the estate but Yorkie still has not come round yet. They can hear the calls coming through on the radio. "I never meant to hit him. Is he dead?" Mickey asks. Mr Couzens says he doesn't know - and he doesn't know what they're going to do.
Bob reports back that he's spoken to the neighbour who spotted them and that her husband has corroborated what she said. They don't know of any favourite haunts of the Couzens' and don't know where they might be. Reg scoffs as the officer's father in CAD. "Straight in the river, it's a Kamakazi mission!" he insists to the disgust of others. Christine orders him out. Reg tells Mike 'Her bottles are gone!" he insists, blaming her for Yorkie being abducted.
Taffy insists that Yorkie has done it out of sheer spite because he told him he wanted to finish on time that day(!). "Now we'll be out till bloody midnight looking for him!"
Jim does a door-to-door on the estate, they all laugh at what has happened because Mr Fairweather is a useless caretaker. They've been waiting for the side gate to be secured for 18 months and he doesn't clear the rubbish or sweep the stairs. One neighbour laughs and tells them that he stole the plants from the council in the first place as they were supposed to be for the park. The residents keep asking what he's going to do about it but Mike arrives in time to call him back for a briefing at the station about Yorkie.
Mickey gets out of the back seat to sit with his dad. His dad hugs him and tells him it's him who should be put away, not Mickey. He panics when Yorkie's radio continues with calls and starts to drive off. The police helicopter spots the car and directs those on the ground to follow it. Pete speeds to be the first but has another police car pull in front of him to get there before him.
Mr Couzens speeds up and starts driving recklessly. Both he and Mickey get into the 'spirit' of it for a few seconds with Mickey pretending he's driving and mimicking a siren.
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They narrowly miss hitting a police motorcyclist when taking the corner sharply. Mr Couzens shouts for Mickey to stop so he can concentrate but they're boxed in and Pete and Taffy separate them so they can get Yorkie out and to the hospital safely.
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Bob reports back to the station that they've got him and that Yorkie is bruised and will likely have concussion but is otherwise OK. "I knew he'd be alright...." Reg insists, having to make a sharp exit when the others look at him.
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Taffy goes to the hospital with Yorkie, "At least I'll be able to get a word in edgeways for once!" he muses, "I bloody hate looking at carpets." He adds as Mickey and his dad are put into a police car.
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maviyenot · 10 months ago
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lanndscape · 10 months ago
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typhlonectes · 4 months ago
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glasssymphony · 9 months ago
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Made a grasshopper sitting on the wheat. It's all made entirely of glass.
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cansu-m · 1 year ago
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monkeyssalad-blog · 2 months ago
1960 illustration for a dress pattern
1960 illustration for a dress pattern by totallymystified Via Flickr: From Homes And Gardens magazine. No artist credited.
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michaelnordeman · 3 months ago
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December garden. Värmland, Sweden (December 9, 2023).
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frawstedcreations · 6 months ago
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Now on Amazon!! Get your Home Depot Skeletons repaired and ready for the fall season! We offer 3D Printed replacements for the most likely-to-break parts on your Halloween Giants!
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vintagehomecollection · 7 months ago
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Country Kitchens, 1991
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bodybybane · 9 months ago
Robert Downey Jr.'s kitchen seating is one the best we've ever seen | https://www.homesandgardens.com/celebrity-style/robert-downey-jr-kitchen-seating
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the-october-country · 1 year ago
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