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dogtoysandmore · 1 year ago
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manducario · 5 years ago
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¡Galletas de perritos! Nunca antes había preparado galletitas o premios de perritos. Pero al parecer han sido un éxito. 5 de cada 5 perritos que los han probado les encantan y #crêpethedog lo aprueba. Es una receta súper sencilla. Necesitas 1 manzana 🍎, 1 plátano 🍌, 6 cucharadas de crema de cacahuate 🥜, 2 tazas de harina de avena (tu la puedes preparar moliendo las hojuelas crudas) y un huevo 🥚. Necesitas 2 bowls, en el primero colocas el plátano maduro hecho puré, el huevo y 3 cucharadas de crema de cacahuate hasta que estén homogéneos, finalmente agregas la harina de avena hasta que todo se incorpore, extiendes a la masa a un grosor de 1/2 centímetro. Nosotros usamos un cortador en forma de hueso 🦴 de 5cm y conseguimos 25 galletas. Las colocas en una bandeja y las horneas durante 15 minutos a 160ºC (el horno debe estar precalentado). Para la receta dos rayas o mueles la manzana sin cáscara hasta obtener un puré, agregas las 3 cucharadas de crema de cacahuate e incorporas todo, finalmente agregas la harina de avena. Y mismo proceso que las galletas anteriores, yo agregué media cucharadita de carbón activo orgánico que no es tóxico para los perritos , para darle color diferente. ¡Y listo! 50 galletas de perrito en 30 minutos, con ingredientes naturales que ellos amarán. Además honestamente también tienen buen sabor para los humanos . . . . . #manducario #food #foodblog #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodlover #foodlove #foodie #foodgasm #cookies #dogcookies #dogstreats #homemade #homemadedogbiscuits #dogbiscuits #dogsofinstagram #peanutbutterbananabiscuits #applepeanutbutterbiscuits (at Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Jw9luHrj2/?igshid=4b6bph996ece
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brmyers · 6 years ago
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These homemade dog treats were super easy. Oscar loves them! ❤️🐶 #homemadedogtreats #homemadedogbiscuits #dogsarefamily #dogsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/brmyerswriter/p/BvpVcInHyLc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ejk61e94sf1r
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blackcatdogdesigns · 6 years ago
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Looks like Lacey isn’’t the only one who likes homemade Peanut Butter Biscuits...what better way to celebrate Peanut Butter Day than with sharing biscuits with her feline buddy Boo 😎😺🐶 We like to think we’ve changed our pets lives in positive ways...adopting Lacey from Humane Society of Rome and making her fancy jackets and other goodies...taking in Boo (and all the others)...hope they all approve :) @humanesocietyofrome #peanutbutter #peanutbutterday #changealife #changealifetoday #adoptdontshop #blackcat #redheelersofinstagram #redheelerrescue #blackcatlove #straycatlove #dogtreats #homemadedogtreats #homemadecattreats #catanddog @cattledoggram #dogbiscuits #homemadedogbiscuits #dogcoat #dogcoats #dogcoatswag #dogfashion #dogfashionista #dogjacket #dogjackets #madeincny #madeinny #handcrafted (at Black Cat Dog Designs) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtCXYiJljLW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v2pkgcr826ag
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petstips · 6 years ago
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DIY Pets : 2 Ingredient Dog Biscuits #HomemadeDogBiscuits #DogTreats #PetTreats https://ift.tt/2Cpzpqg
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coachsander · 6 years ago
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#latergram... Sooo.... #P is going to bake cookies? Nah, dog biscuits! ROFLOL! 🤣🤣🤣#not ;-) #myview #bakken #koekjes #hond #hondenkoekjes #Florida #USA #USfamiliebezoek2018 . . . #cookies #baking #bakingcookies #biscuit #biscuits #dog #dogbiscuits #homemadedogbiscuits #homemade
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2 Ingredient Dog Biscuits #HomemadeDogBiscuits #DogTreats #PetTreats
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kfriz1288 · 7 years ago
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Made the spoiled dog some home made dog treats, started out using cookie cutters which took to long cause the dough was sticky, moved on to pumpkin peanut butter dog treat lumps, which then led to dog treat squares. He doesn’t care though. #dogtreats #homemadedogtreats #homemadedogbiscuits #dogtreat #spoileddog #hebetterappreciatethis #ilostinteresthalfwaythroughandtreatqualitysuffered #peanutbutterdogtreats
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drunkenknitwits · 11 years ago
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#100happydays #homemadedogbiscuits #oxfordanimalshelter #fundraising4oxford (at The Big Society)
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