#homeless vets
godisarepublican · 3 months
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philanthropicpeople · 2 years
Tech Firm Donates $500K for Homeless Vets
A tech firm donated half a million dollars in Montgomery County, Maryland, to help homeless vets get off the streets. TISTA Science and Technology Corp is an information technologies professional group which serves the government, the armed forces, and the healthcare community. Its founder Ahmedur Ali is a navy veteran who was disabled in the service, and now prioritizes his fellow veterans in…
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misterlemonztenth · 6 months
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03-21-24 | If we're going to Preserve, Protect, and Defend America, don't we need to take better care of our Vets? This is unacceptable. misterlemonztenth.tumblr.com/archive
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margridarnauds · 14 days
I get being worried and skeptical about where your money is going, especially when it involves hot button political issues, but some of these posts are, like, actually heartless.
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angelx1992 · 1 month
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detentiontrack · 7 months
Oh my gosh I missed CZ’s half birthday :( it was February 15th, he’s now 2 and a half
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mercurialsmile · 9 months
so I'm gonna tell yall what we ain't about to do.
this year, we aint gonna make fun of people in the south trapped in any ice storms or bad weather that may occur. we aint about to make jokes about how southerners cant drive in ice and snow (altho it is true i dont need any northerners being an ass about it)
I will reiterate what I said a couple of years ago: the roads in the south are not made to handle ice. they are not built to handle snow. we do not have snow chains down here, at least not typically.
I dunno about other states, but we all know jack shit has been done about the Texas grid. If the power somehow fails again, we aint gonna make fun of us who have no power. we aint gonna be an ass about any rolling black outs. we aint gonna tell southerners they deserve to freeze to death just because we happen to live in the south or a red state.
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skiitter · 14 days
I think it would be very cool if life could stop shitting all over my parents. Like I think that would be just like so neat and chill.
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octowaffle · 3 months
We can fight for a better and more equitable future for everyone AND VOTE. This isn't an either/or, you need to do both. This isn't about idealism, it's about survival for a large amount of people. I get it, I don't love it either, but a good amount of life is choosing the lesser of two evils, there are no utopias. Maybe you're lucky, and come from a place of privilege, and Trump being President won't really effect you, but here's a group of people who will be affected:
Women People of Color Disabled Children Vets LGBTQ+ Immigrants Homeless Poor People
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onlytiktoks · 10 months
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godisarepublican · 4 months
Treasonous Biden tries to lock-in the Ukraine as a permanent Welfare Dependent leaching off the United States
ALWAYS quick to do the wrong thing, demented Joe Biden took valuable time away from crapping into his diaper in order to preserve the massive flow of cash into Hunter's pockets, I mean the Ukraine.
Damn. I hope one of the first things Trump does in office is shred that "10 year deal."
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plantaagomaajor · 2 months
My name is Violeta Radvan and I am raising funds to help Abd Al Rahman Al Sharfa to get treatment after he was injured in Gaza and to evacuate his siblings from Gaza.
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This is Abd Al Rahman (Abood). He is such a little hero❤️ he got very badly injured by the bombing in Gaza and almost lost his leg but thankfully he was moved to Egypt.
In Egypt, they did for him the operation and after 5 days asked the mother to leave the hospital. They had no home to go to. At first, some aiding foundation found them a house, but it was in terrible condition, so they couldn't stay. They had nowhere to go until his father (who is still in Gaza) contacted some very distant relatives to take them in for some time.
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They have no money to spend on food, clothing, and medication... Egypt gives nothing. Abood's mother has to change his bandages every day herself because they don't have enough money for the nurses to do it. Abood is a little boy who endured and saw what he should have never seen and endured.
Unfortunately, his siblings are all in Gaza. His father and brother were left in the South. They have lost their house. The gym that was their family's and their shops were burned by the occupation
From people who had everything, the war destroyed everything they had and now they only want to evacuate Gaza and finish Abood's treatment in Egypt.
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Abood still has 3 operations to be done at a minimum. He has daily pain in his leg and the family has no finances to complete his treatment. Let's help Abood walk again together.
£2,444 / £30,000 raised as of 7/19/24
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timeguardians · 11 months
The Lost Prince
@avictimofthejazz (Heavily plotted Belle x Pat)
The brunette earnestly entreats Laurent for another twenty minutes in his BOOKSTORE as her eyes continue to speedily rove the pages to revisits a scene that lingered RENT-FREE in the corridors of her mind.
He has already delayed his departure an hour. The long-suffering elder gazed down upon her from his place upon the ladder. With an INDULGENT sigh, the kindred-spirit of a man tucked the last few novels back into their orderly places.
His spectacled eyes growing wide in recognition of the novel splayed open in her hands. "That one again?" He playfully quips. It is the sixth time that week she has returned to it.
"Oh-- yes." Belle fondly answers. "It's most exhilarating." Large twinkling eyes peer up at him and she smiles. "It's my new favorite!!!" Marking her place with her finger, she relates.
"You say that about all the books," he witheringly protests with no real-bite.
Sheepish and mildly abashed, she concedes with a dipping of her head with a laugh. "That's true. But this one is different---" She can tell that with the quirking of his brow he desires an explanation. One that Belle is prepared to give.
"It keeps one glued to the very edge of the seat, wondering if the madame will ever embrace the fact that her lover has returned from war changed. And if he, her lover, hardened hearted, will ever find comfort in kindness again. Or, if he will ever love her again. There's this beautiful exchange between her and a man of considerable social standing. He is trying to lure her away from her most cherished prize, with honeyed words and doleful eyes. And she, with quivering voice professes that there is no one else in the world she would rather live for, not for riches or gold or diamonds...." Her cheeks warm with color as Belle realizes the greying man did not likely have the same zeal held towards fantastical romances of the fictional kind. She drags in another breath almost in apology and finishes the last few pages before handing the book back to him.
"And?" Laurent patiently presses. "How does it end? Is it a happily ever after?"
"It's quite tragic." The brunette wistfully sighs. "The author never finished it." She wistfully confides. "I suppose it is up to the reader to decide then."
Laurent's bemused smile softens considerably. "That's a shame. Tell you what, if you're so fond of it, why don't you keep it?" He imparts. "No one else even seems to give that book a chance." He adds the very moment he senses her hesitation.
The once dour expression blooms into one of glee as she sits upright. "Really? Thank you. But Monsieur, I -- I insist I work for it." A determined Belle answers. "I could volunteer a few hours every evening until it is paid off."
How could the kindly man say no to such pleasant company? Or to the fact that wherever the young lady went, droves of curious people tended to follow - which boded well for his shop. "It's a deal then." Laurent remarks, placing a paternal hand down upon her shoulder. "You should be on your way home now, though. It'll be dark in a few hours, and I know Maurice will worry. Tell my old friend that I send my greetings, won't you?"
Belle cast a nearly startled glance out the window in recognition of his requests and gasps. She had made the poor man stay an hour LATER than usual. With an apology, Belle hurriedly sweeps the book into her picnic basket which, had doubled as her grocery basket for the day.
As she departs from the store, with Philippe's reigns in hand, a terrible noise diverts her path from the usual. 'What in heaven's name?' She rumbles beneath her breath as she turns the corner. There, she finds three men ganged up on a poor, scraggly faced skeleton of a man. They were kicking and punching at him. Belle knew she could not just LEAVE him to suffer; no matter how perilous an intercession could be.
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Trembling with fear, she finds herself shouting an order. "LEAVE THAT POOR MAN ALONE!" She braces, fingers slowly gripping for her newly acquired book. Oh, what a shame it is to weaponize such a gift. Yet, the bibliophile recognized that it is her only useful means of defense. Her steps stalk forward, praying in earnest that she APPEARED more menacing than she actually FELT. "I said, LEAVE HIM BE!!!"
The goon nearest the homeless man couldn't help but get one last kick in before a buddy grabbed him. "That's the lunatic's daughter!!! She's bound to be just as crazy!!! She's going to attract too much attention---" They BOLT but only after taking what little money he had.
Belle hesitantly approaches the now wounded man. "Ea---easy." She murmurs, her voice quakes. Though there is an awful stench, she lowers herself down next to him. She rips a clean patch from her apron. "I-I'm going to wipe your lip. Is--- is that okay?" The brunette tremulously asks the WILD and OVERGROWN man. She makes no further effort to crowd his personal space even if her dearest desire is to cup his cheeks. "Are-- you-- you badly injured? Wou--would you like me to fetch someone?"
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spookyanxietygirl · 8 months
I’ve seen quite a few people post Amazon wishlist links for their birthday (mine is approaching on the 10th 😖) and I did actually put a fairly short list together because I liked the idea. However, while I enjoyed compiling the list, I wanted to create and share something far more important for us instead. If you could help by sharing our campaign, I would be forever grateful. I sincerely hate having to do this, but I’m quite literally at my wit’s end. Thank you so much, guys.
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Had a thought today
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honeycombhank · 1 year
Okay! We went on a 3.5 mile walk after a Mexican food dinner date and ice cream afterwards omg so good and now I’m far too full and trying to deal with the weight gain I’ve had since getting back from our 50 mile hike and having some pretty intense health issues.. anyway trying to stay in the positive mindset and know I’ll get back on track here soon.
So again, we went on a 3.5 mile walk as the sun was setting, WE SAW THE CAT AGAIN! And this time I thought I was for sure ready to help him, I had the cat carrier and had talked with my love again about how I was going to bring him back with us and then make a vet appointment tomorrow to have him scanned for a chip. I was ready! The cat was super snuggly I’m my arms as I cradled him and talked softly to him, he seems around 5 months with no collar and still intact, I noticed he had a couple of scabby areas on his head, maybe bad fleas? Maybe a fight? It’s hard to tell. He definitely needs some medical attention and hopefully it’s not anything to serious.
When it was time I opened the carrier and he sniffed it, the cat nip bits inside and the left over hair from my female cat at home still lingering on the fabric, he stepped inside and we zipped it up, he realized and immediately started to panic, he wanted out and this was the first bit of fear I had seen in him so it made me feel really badly! I ended up taking him out because he looked as though he was going to chew and claw through the side of the fabric cat carrier.
Once i opened the top again he climbed back out but instead of running he stayed right next to us and started asking for our attention once again with no fear. We talked it out and decided if we walked home and came back with the car it would be dark and we would have very low chances of seeing him out in the trees and dark grassy fields with no light, even with a flash light I’m just not sure we would have any luck.
Our plan was to leave him there again and drive back tomorrow to see if he was still there, that way we would have the car and he would have much less time in the car carrier then if we had walked all the way back home that way today. So that is the plan.. after my love gets off work we will head back and see if we can find the sweet little guy again and drive him back to our place so we can have him seen by a vet.
This has been a real challenge for me emotionally with all the pros and cons of helping a potentially stray cat out. We have our own animals to worry about and we rent so having another animal in the house is more complicated. Anyway we might be really getting somewhere with all this tomorrow!
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