#home tip
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paulinawoodpecker · 3 months ago
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Dreamworks dimensions final poster
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reality-detective · 26 days ago
Scientists have found an effective and natural method to repel mosquitoes
All you have to do is mix these essential oils with olive oil and you will make a mosquito repellent that works better than commercial insect repellents.
Recipe : 👇
• 2 f oz Extra virgin olive oil
• 10 drops of lemongrass oil
• 8 drops of eycalaptus
• 5 drop of lavander
The mixture works as a great bug repellent as well as few benefits for the skin. 🤔
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upthewitchypunx · 23 days ago
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I'm making another post about these DIY seed strips because they are genius and I'm so thankful to my neighbor for teaching me about them!
All you need is:
Toilet paper
This is great for seeds I chronically over seeds and will eventually have to thin like carrots, lettuce, radishes, etc.
Get a little bowl and combine 1 Tablespoon flour with 1 Tablespoon water. You want it to be a paste like consistency and not too runny.
Get a length of toilet paper and put small dots of the wheatpaste in the spacing your seeds require a long one side of the toilet paper.
Place a seed or two on that dot all along the length
Fold the toilet paper over and the little seeds are "glued" into the paper in a way that water can dissolve and the seed can grow through.
Hang the lengths of toilet paper somewhere until it dries or it could seep through and stick to whatever is on the other side.
Follow the instructions on the seed packet as to when to plant and plant as normal, just in a strip.
This kind of prep totally helped out my desire to get a jump on gardening when the weather just isn't there for it yet.
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thatsbelievable · 2 months ago
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becomingmeg · 5 months ago
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💕cats are an it girls’ best friend💕
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novella-november · 5 months ago
Media Preservation Monday
Yeah, yeah, as of this original post it's actually only Wednesday but hey, take this as a sign to take some initiative, and keep to it each Monday at minimum if you're actively writing!
What's Media Preservation Monday, you may ask?
MPM is your reminder to back up your writing at least three ways at least once a week or whenever you make major changes to your document(s).
Here's some incredibly easy ways to back up your writing:
One your Master Document(s), put a date on the file name, and every day you make changes, "Save As" the Document and change the date. Do this every time or day you make major changes.
Example: You start writing your Novella November Story on November 1st.
You name your master document "Novnov Project 11-01-2024"
The next day, you write some more, and at the end of your writing session, you go to save your document, and instead of simply hitting "Save" you choose "Save As" and save the new copy of the Document as "Novnov Project 11-02-2024".
You now have two copies of your project, and if you keep this up throughout the whole month, you will have a live snapshot of your writing progress.
Each day or after each major writing session, open up the folder containing your document, and back it up. The Easiest and simplest way to do this is to simply email it to yourself, but you can also create multiple backups by:
Save a copy of your dated Master Document(s) to different locations on your Hard-drive, to an external hard-drive, to a thumbdrive, etc.
If you're writing offline on a writing program like Libreoffice, upload a copy of your Master Document(s) to your preffered Cloud-based Writing Program of your choice.
Vice Versa: if you write on a Cloud-based writing program, download it to various offline-based locations.
Download the base document as well as download it as various ebook formats and send them to your ebook library on your phone or kindle or nook or reading app.
Make a personal discord server and upload the document/epub form of your Master Document(s) there [this is also a good way of making a kind of personal journal / diary etc]
Whatever you do, do not be complacent and assume nothing can happen to your writing. Back it up. Preserve it.
Don't have all of your hard work go down the drain because of one tiny unforeseen accident.
When it comes time to clean up your hardrive, always assume you don't have it backed up. Before deleting anything always take the time to copy it over to another physical drive or a cloud drive.
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pokemon-npcs · 8 days ago
Click to see what a random Pokémon NPC has to say
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maryhale1 · 1 year ago
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Some easy witch tips
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tears-of-amber · 2 years ago
Hearth & Home Witchcraft That I've Learned
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One of the biggest things that stands out to me when reading about hearth & home witchery is that everyday items are considered magical. Everyday moments, tasks, and chores as well. Its a beautiful way to live, if you really think about it. Big rituals are great, but as someone who is disabled, they rarely are doable. Here is a list of Hearth & Home Witchcraft Tips that i actually practice.
-Enchant a blanket by embroidering a sigil in the corner and using its color correspondences for your needs. It also helps me feel shielded from negative energy during meditation.
-Play music that makes you feel safe and AT HOME. This is almost like grounding, but also can be cleansing to the environment and especially the listeners. For me, its smooth jazz. The chill sound of the standup bass and the wandering piano notes that always seem to find their way to a comfortable key... its soothing to my soul.
-Talk to and about your home (kindly). So often its easy to complain about your living space. How you wish it looked or functioned differently. The house (in my belief) hears you. Treat it with kindness and gratitude for the shelter it provides. I say thank you to the house spirits and my home every morning.
-Find a convenient home protection ritual to do each month. I say convenient because if you overcomplicate things you'll feel less enthusiastic and less motivated to do it, and might even skip several months.
-Make a home cleansing spray using essential oils mixed with an appropriate amount of moon water. I like using a few drops of lemon, rosemary, lavender, and cinnamon. DO NOT spray this in the vicinity of your pets. I only use this spray in rooms where there arent any animals, to avoid complications with their health.
-Wash your bedding as often as you can and say a short incantation before you put it in the wash. It could go something like this. "I cleanse this bedding of all negative energy, from bad dreams, and from and all stress." Sleep is so important to your sense of safety and wellbeing at home.
-Open the damn windows when you can! Stagnant energy is known for dragging down people's moods. And there's nothing quite as uplifting as fresh air. This provides a healthy flow to your house's energy.
-Don't bring things in your home unless you want to incorporate their energy into your environment. This is something that's often overlooked. I especially advise heavy consideration when it comes to thrifting items and bringing them home. Try practicing sensing the energy of items so you can easily tell whats good to bring home and whats not. Thrifting is great! Im not discouraging it btw.
-Fresh flowers work miracles. Not only do they aesthetically brighten the room, but their correspondences and magical properties apply to the room that they're in. Sunflowers are a great example of a flower that encourages positivity, and are extremely affordable to get lots of them. Roses are a bit more expensive usually, but they invite that loving vibe. And African irises are great for psychic enhancement.
Thats all for this post! Reblog it if you found it helpful, or have any of your own cool practices for hearth & home witchcraft to share!
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mytimelesshome · 1 year ago
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Simple Ideas to Create a Cozy Cottage Style Decor for Spring
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paulinawoodpecker · 4 months ago
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Dreamworks dimensions poster
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biibini · 1 year ago
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i will never shut up ab @/artflo0 on tiktok bc they cook everytime !! im in shambles !! pls follow them im begging yall 😭
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years ago
Tools That Will Help You Start Your Business For Free
Stan Store
Google Fonts
Google Trends
Answer The Public
Google Analytics
Google Docs
Product Hunt
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thatsbelievable · 5 months ago
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becomingmeg · 5 months ago
perfect morning routine 💗
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1. wake up early (5:30-6:30 am): start the day off with waking up early to make your mornings feel less rushed.
2. hydrate (5 minutes): drink a glass of water to kickstart your metabolism and rehydrate after a night’s sleep.
3. yoga (10-15 minutes): a short yoga session can help loosen muscles and improve blood flow.
4. meditation (5-10 minutes): practicing deep breathing to center your mind and reduce stress for the day ahead.
5. exercise (20-30 minutes): moderate workouts like a jog, bodyweight exercises, or cycling to boost your energy levels and release endorphins.
6. healthy breakfast (20 minutes): aim for a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. (if you take daily vitamins, do it after having breakfast)
7. shower/skin care (15-20 minutes): refresh yourself and do your skincare routine.
8. daily intentions/scheduling (5 minutes): write and/or vocalize your priorities or goals for the day. you can use a calendar or a journal. this will help you with getting all important things done.
all 8 steps do not need to be done every day but consistency brings the best results!! this routine will leave you feeling energized with a clear mind to start the day!!
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