ikonart · 8 years
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l-h-y-n · 8 years
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#HOLUPitsBOBBYDay 🎂❤🎉💗
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imbarbiebaby · 8 years
今日だけ渡韓被りした아윤と유나언니に急遽夜ご飯付き合ってもらた❤ わしの생일ぶりでばびちゃ생일に이모님のお店😴💕 ばびちゃ改めてお誕生日おめでとう!!!!!!!しつこく言うけど愛してるよ!!!!!!!!#HOLUPitsBOBBYday (at 방배동)
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hanbinsky · 8 years
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ikonis · 8 years
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Bobby + Seven Deadly Sins
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nati-indaeyo · 8 years
I just want say “Happy birthday Kim Jiwon”. Thanks for your existence, thanks for be gentile all the time, thanks for think in your fans always and being kind with them. I hope you continue being the perfect person you are. I love to your family and I say “thanks” to them for give live to you. I really love you BOBBY.
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hexa6onkpop · 8 years
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Happy Birthday Bobby ♡
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ikonart · 8 years
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juicy-moonrose · 8 years
Happy Birthday Bobby, wish you all the best, God bless you.
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ikonis · 8 years
All I want for bobby is to be happy and healthy and to always stay this unbelievably humble, respectful and beautiful soul he is. 
Happy birthday bunny 💕
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jonginka · 8 years
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December 21, 1995 - Happy Birthday to our beloved Kim Jiwon! ♥
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ikonart · 8 years
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m.weibo.cn/status/4055046989887116 …
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kpo-verdose · 8 years
Happy birthday to my humble adorable lovely caring meme-living talented dorky handsome bunny, Kim Jiwon aka Bobby iKON's powerful rapper 💞 
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eonni-kon · 8 years
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Happiest Birthday to our bunny!!! We love you so much Kim Jiwon 💓💓💓 We, ikonics, will always cheer for you and iKON 😘😘😘 생일축하해요 🎉🎂 사랑해요~~
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adorkikon-blog · 8 years
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To the man who first got my attention, Thank you! Thank you for crying (WIN Climax perf) -- although that was so excruciating to watch -- because you opened a door for me to get to know you more; your doused face made me want to research more about you. You have a strong visage and I thought you're not really the type to cry a lot, but I guess that's why the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" exists because of people like you. I never really expected you to bewail like a baby, so I was unmitigatedly shocked. Right then, I stared at your eyes and it was a beautiful hue of longing and hope, I knew I would like you and you would be my favorite. Thank you for being such a cry baby, believe me it's a good thing, for with that I get to know your heart and the people you value the most. Thank you for that unfeigned heart-wrenching yet hopeful performance because you beguiled me and magnetized me towards you, if it weren't for that I wouldn't have known such a great and awesome person like you. I'm always in awe with your perseverance, you're an epitome of auspiciousness. I know it's hard, I mean, your journey to stardom was far from being easy; others think that since you guys are from YG, your success was given to you on a silver platter, but no, you offered blood and sweat just to attain and achieve everything that you have now. You've been put into a lot of pressure, lambasted, reprimanded, derided, and some even made you feel like you're inadequate despite your fervent effort and profusion of sacrifices, but I'm so glad that you didn't let it change your personality as a whole. You still kept that inner child in you and you didn't let their castigations engulf and overrule your pure heart. I'm so proud of you for being one of iKON's pillars to success -- the hyung that's always been there for his dongsaengs and, well, to your hyungs too, whether they need an advice or someone who'll lighten and energize them. You've been a dependable person to them that you also emboldened them to achieve their dreams despite all the odds and detractors. Your assiduousness gave hope not only to your members, but also to us fans; you instilled into us that no matter what happens, even if it felt like the world's disintegrated, ashes cascading down to our feet, there's still hope as long as we keep moving forward and focus solely on our goals. You're now 22, the age of discombobulation and ardent search for one's purpose, I hope you don't keep all your worries within yourself -- I love you and I care for you, the last thing I want you to feel is depression -- so vent and share your problems to your brothers as much as you can. Let them help you, don't keep it in; remember, no man is an island. I hope through the test of time you won't lose the child in you, keep that cheerfulness and share it to others. You have a smile that can brighten up the whole universe, I don't want you to lose that. Also, I know, when it comes to work, you want to give the best and share good music with us, but your health is more important so, please, stay take care of yourself and don't forget to have fun along the way. I've never imagined myself extolling and loving a person this hard, I've always been a phlegmatic person so it's also hard for me to believe that I'm unconditionally supporting you and iKON. I guess I'm a changed girl because I know for sure that as long as you stay true to yourself and never stray away from the person that we all love I'll never leave your side. I'll always be there to support you, pulling you forward when you need a hand and cheering you on from behind. Keep breaking the stereotypes and cater them your charms. Lastly, cherish the friendship and brotherhood you have with your group. --Z
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