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southindianrecipes2023 · 11 months ago
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havisamayal · 1 year ago
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kaeyasyndrome · 1 year ago
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*ੈ🎄𓆌Happy Holigators !
Happy Holidays to you and yours ! Best wishes for a joyful , safe and unforgettable holiday season .
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zouislover · 3 months ago
my sister is also my best friend and bane of my existence hahaha, i also have a younger brother who is closer to my age and like we’re close yes but also he’s a straight tech bro who loves to argue for fun, so we don’t have a TON in common and we hang out less than i do with my sister. then again my sister and i are extremely codependent so i don’t do much without her.
yesss i love that movie so much! and yes my parents got married in a snowy cabin in the mountains on new year’s eve with chinese food :’) and then waited a month and a half to have their reception on valentine’s day bc they’re Extra.
i actually love to cook a lot so i have lots of recipes, but i do love like a penne alla vodka, or maybe just a homemade tomato sauce and dollops of ricotta. the other night i made a meat sauce and penne and then layered it with italian cheese in a casserole dish and topped with cheese and breadcrumbs before baking. that turned out pretty good! i also like making tomato sauce that has blended up carrots and spinach, still totally smooth and tastes a bit sweet. i love vegetables but sometimes i want them hidden lol. my mom and i also make a very simple beet sauce that’s super good. and ofc i love making a classic fettuccini alfredo aaannnyyytime of the year.
oooo i love being cozy too!! esp when u have a fireplace aaaaa. i do love soup, my mom makes soup every sunday and it’s always a different kind. my favourite is her savoury pumpkin soup topped with crème fraîche and toasted pumpkin seeds oh my god its incredible. last sunday she just made chicken noodle which is also very good.
those holidays sound super cool! festival of the lights sounds soo beautiful omg. what types of foods do u have during them? happy belated diwali! i miss home during my fav holidays too, i’m from a little forest town in the mountains so nowhere in the world will ever feel as cozy in the winter.
anything interesting on the agenda this week? i’m hoping we’ll go to this fancy hotel that has a huge christmas tree because that also makes me feel verrryyy festive! ❄️🌸
hellooo beloved 💙 sorry for the terribly late reply!
not ur brother getting the classic middle child treatment ah 😭😭 but yeah there's nothing that can match ur relationship with ur sister and especially as an elder sister, it's even more special when they come to u for things and share their life with u. it almost makes u feel special and trusted and i love that. what's the most favourite memory u have with ur sister? 👀
ur parents are so romantic and cute oh my god i love that for them 😭 like that is such a movie romance thing for them to get married in a snowy cabin with chinese food and then having a reception on valentine's 💙
stop those recipes sound SO good ahhh now i'm craving a good bowl of pasta all over again. i do love the penne alla vodka (but i make it without the vodka 😬) and i love love love pesto too. this one time a few months ago i made a pesto pasta with cherry tomatoes and baby mozzarella and it was truly so good! i love having veggies in my pasta so best believe i will be adding all the veggies possible to it! the sauce with carrots and spinach sounds very delicious i want to try it now. my mum makes this dal (lentil soup that we have with rice) with spinach in it and it's my absolute favourite thing in the world.
i have not yet lived in a place with a fireplace but definitely yes! the best vibes ever ever. ur mom definitely makes the best soups ever those recipes all sound so so good 😭
we make loads of sweets and snacks for diwali! my favourites are : chakli (it's rice flour + gram flour + spices fried into a spiral shape) and holige (it's basically wheat flour tortilla (or have u heard about naan?) stuffed with a mixture of boiled chickpea and jaggery). my mum makes loads of other things too but these are my most favourite during diwali!
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during ganesh chathurthi the most traditional sweet is called modak which is basically a dumpling with grated cocunut and sugar syrup filling. it comes both steamed and fried and i love love love it!
ooh i love forest towns! they have such a mystic and serene air to them and they get so cosy during the winters 🥺
i just had a christmas party yesterday and i won a bunch of prizes so i'm very pleased with that! this weekend i might go get some shopping done and look at the christmas decorations across the city! please do let me know if u go see the christmas tree! when do ur christmas holidays begin and are u excited to relax for a bit?
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skanda06 · 8 months ago
Family Activities in Chikmagalur: Fun for All Ages 🌳🏞️
The Chikmagalur district of Karnataka state, nestled in the Western Ghats, offers a plethora of activities for families to enjoy during their outing. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a longer vacation with family, Chikmagalur has something to offer everyone. From exploring lush coffee plantations to trekking in scenic hills, the district is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Don't miss the chance to experience local culture through visits to ancient temples and vibrant markets. For a cozy stay, consider opting for one of the many homestays in Chikmagalur, which offer a blend of comfort and local hospitality amidst breathtaking natural surroundings. Here's a guide to the best family-friendly attractions and activities in Chikmagalur:
Exploring Nature's Wonders Chikmagalur is very famous for its beauty, coffee gardens and beautiful places to visit and so it was good for families to have nature sight seeing.
1. Mullayanagiri Peak:
The highest peak in Karnataka provides the view of breath taking beauty and the trek to there is moderate suitable for the children’s above twelve years.
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2. Hebbe Falls:
A beautiful waterfall where one needs to take a jeep to get to the waterfall and then take a walk few meters, good for swimming and picnicking.
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3. Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary:
Expose the beauty of the sanctuary through a safari where you are to find elephants, tigers, and a variety of bird in the park.
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Coffee Plantation Tours Chikmagalur has many coffee estates where children and adults can learn about coffee making with actual demonstrations.
1. Coffee Museum and Plantation Tours:
Children can take a tour to estates such as the Hoysala Coffee Estate to have a real life experience of how coffee is grown and prepared.
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2. Coffee Tasting Sessions:
Try out some of the tastings for coffee based on the age group that would provide information on Chikmagalur coffee and its history.
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Cultural and Historical Exploration 1. Belavadi Temple:
A religious building of old construction which has a special architecture as well as which is locally revered among believers.
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2. Hirekolale Lake:
Take a nice boat ride or just stay nearby and have a boat ride, the whole area is suitable for families and has a nice lake view.
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Adventure and Outdoor Activities Chikmagalur can be rightly called the land of adventure for the tourists where people of all age groups can chose what one wants to enjoy and have a real fun with nature.
1. River Rafting on the Bhadra River:
Recommended for children and adolescents, this activity is thrilling and takes place among beautiful river panoramas.
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2. Camping and Bonfire Nights:
There are lots of safe and fun places to camp in with facilities like use of bonfire and stargazing session at some resorts and campsites.
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Practical Tips for Families Accommodations:
Thus, it would be wise to select accommodations in Chikmagalur such as family Resorts Or homestays that have facilities such as play areas, swimming pools, and various activities that will interest children.
Safety: Safety procedures should be strictly observed during the treks, safaris, and any other thrilling endeavors. These include but are not limited to water, snacks, and first aid kits for any emergency.
Local Cuisine: There are varieties of food which are especially used in Malnad which involves akki roti, neer dosa or holige sweets and many others.
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Hence, Chikmagalur offers an amalgamation of nature, adventure, cultural interest, and leisure that would make family vacationing in the region more personalized and relaxing in the lap of nature. Here is a list of engaging activities that your whole family can enjoy in Chikmagalur, along with recommendations for resorts in Chikmagalur and hourly hotels in Chikmagalur, so you can plan your next vacation there.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated out of the entry on Terminator 2: Judgement day from English Wikipedia and American surnames
Acham Adelacdayd Adottmars Advance Agutt Anderry Armankson Armse Arson Arzard Auels Avillon Avisulla Awates...
Backmactson Bakey Baltz Bardison Barsonank Bartenney Basle Baultorson Baxto Beardy Beggell Belley Bellinton Benannor Beracro Berson Bervis Blasla Blayd Bonles Boods Boody Bowlempber Bownider Bowns Boyce Boylowatene Bradde Bralling Bratt Breevenne Briffey Bringuse Brisenned Brishence Brote Bryer Buder Bulds Bultzgelez Burchaft Burenjarez Burney Burras Bused Buson Butiz Calespecin Camerson Camind Cardsed Cardson Carmilknon Carnes Carnewson Carquez Carrez Carry Carshay Cartor Casquellen Caughley Chancosh Chartys Checketon Chith Chminar Chodownight Clact Clegampurey Cluell Cluez Cocten Colin Colstonson Comblad Comens Comerson Comilbean Conducer Conneins Cookerots Coolcord Cootonald Copen Coraff Cores Corks Crandson Craves Crion Crithoody Croll Crught Crujimend Curlsonney Dallis Dallyney Dattonas Daulloch Dectiz Delgatia Dinces Dowinan Duccoch Duder Dunges Dunts Durgaton Eavell Efforamblas Endes Esullinder Evendson Exanda Fards Farnaver Faton Faulkids Fecoonergen Ferchickner Ferrodon Fiell Fievins Filacotts Fince Firbeavere Fisitch Fitaner Fleaney Flens Fluckaye Foldsan Fored Foredwill Foweids Fowles Fradovat Framer Freten Fuelloyde Ganson Gaynnielley Giley Gileyer Gillson Gilly Gilson Gleodre Glisee Gomps Goodatson Gosboollebs Gracturce Gradedox Grett Grienk Griquez Guence Gutlinguiz Haharnel Halerver Hammespeted Hankle Hards Harks Harrisulle Harryancip Heado Hecte Heman Henhanflend Heroton Higeorre Hight Hilkin Hinarporan Hitne Hodwarp Hograll Holdwith Holes Holiger Holockweidd Holphend Holson Holsonle Hopkin Horph Hoton Hound Hownettrise Hudgeoranch Hugharer Huldon Humphy Hurnashards Hurtion Hutedo Itfill Jackbuse Jasquards Jenchnsuard Jenney Joheas Joycerson Joyloryan Kayton Kelernt Kerso Kingrader Kinthrivest Kintong Lahowarquen Landun Laste Laylez Leemos Levishly Liall Linchaelly Lisequire Lowebstan Loydeashan Ludsann Machard Macklas Macripal Maghtson Magorman Majorgers Mally Malton Mancipace Mancips Mandrisuss Manifinance Manson Manturnett Mation Matkin Mayna Mccas Mccohn Mccory Mccul Mcdales Mcdoth Mcfard Mcialing Mcinsher Mckeman Mckerrison Mclere Mcles Meaton Mejiall Mejian Melsole Menson Michener Midencer Milkner Mirris Mooddovers Mookerns Morger Morpeckween Morphy Mortz Munne Murchwarein Murne Mustand Myerna Naltel Ningrann Nolowatty Nowebead Ochan Odsott Offerroelan Olambs Oward Ownson Pacooker Padan Pageemy Pagestano Parguez Parna Parom Parson Pater Paterrism Patevald Paughts Payer Payon Peatt Pence Pener Peroduff Person Pielight Pinston Polaguz Polpsonnes Pornapp Porrett Porry Porse Poton Powanclerce Powles Prampson Proch Proed Proodgmer Prujilton Pugher Querson Rahns Rales Raley Rammer Ramps Randa Rated Raver Razquer Razquez Reens Rensh Rialvalto Riffy Ringrales Rinnoedin Risona Roackin Robend Romitton Rosboorts Roslest Ruill Rusta Ryalton Saleston Salton Sanklamord Sarill Saughans Savand Savin Sawyend Scharrez Schemye Schen Schor Schritt Sciend Senter Sevelairast Sholton Simmer Simmorra Sivenellon Skintins Sleston Smarred Snimost Spictes Staftaff Stala Stayd Stayon Stind Stioteda Strace Stran Strics Strusoss Suarman Suarricam Suarry Sulker Sutimandeo Taker Takerce Takidshich Thepron Trisey Vaner Varkind Vasequez Vatholmey Vensitt Vington Wales Walet Walkeman Wannoz Warriddlez Watfilmer Weenc Weilber Weism Wenter Werson Whicklanins Whight Whins Whiter Whity Widerse Wiggs Wildercas Wilkimpton Willever Willin Winty Wisen Wooperee Wrewton Wriquerts Wroel Wyaterry Wynet Yattonna Ziers
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brolfregius · 4 months ago
In German there are at least two versions i am aware of, one written in the 80s in contemporary slang(the entire old testament) called "der grosse boss"(the big boss) and one written in 2010 slang called "die holige bimbel" which is just a small booklet. The big boss bible is absolute peak if you speak german. Even as an atheist i enjoyed it very much.
Interesting fact, in Poland there is a Bible translated into mordern slang because they tried to interest the youth in it. There are no curse words there, but still.
anyway that one is more boomer after all so i think you are doing a Lords Work by translating it. Great job! Go skibidi sigma
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importantforall · 2 years ago
A Complete List of Unique Food Items to Try in Bangalore
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Bengaluru, the capital city of Karnataka, is renowned for its vibrant brewery scene and delectable local cuisine. From mouthwatering dosas, idlis, vadas to holiges, the city's food culture is a delight for food enthusiasts. Whether you're exploring the scenic garden city or just making a quick stopover, don't miss the opportunity to savor these unique and flavorful delicacies. Bengaluru's culinary journey will leave your taste buds craving for more, especially if you're from the northern or eastern parts of the country. While checking Kolkata to Bangalore flight prices and availability, also explore the diverse food items to try in Bangalore.
Here’s a List of Unique Dishes You Can Try When in Bangalore
1. Donne Biriyani
Donne Biriyani is named after the leaf it is served on. It holds the same sentimental value as the Lucknowi or Hyderabadi biriyani among localities. However, what sets this biriyani apart is the use of shorter-grained Seeraga samba rice, which is a common staple in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
This special biryani is known for its distinctive combination of aromatic spices and herbs. Moreover, it can be enjoyed as a delightful lunch or a late-night dinner option.
Where to have this dish- Gundappa Donne Biryani
2. Mutton Samosa
Mutton Samosa is a popular tea-time snack among localities. However, the flavorful spiced keema patty can be devoured at any time of the day because of its light texture. When in Bangalore, treat yourself to the mouthwatering deep-fried mutton samosas and savor the delectable flavors.
Where to have this dish- Albert Bakery
3. Bun Nippat
Bangalore has its own unique and creative twist to chaat- Bun Nippat. It is a culinary creation that combines a crispy and deep-fried masala nippat with a soft and fresh bun. It is served with chopped onions, grated cheese, and a secret sauce that remains a mystery to everyone. This tantalizing experience can be completed with a refreshing and cold bottle of Masala Coke. The combination of Masala Coke and Bun Nippat will transport you to a world of spicy and tangy delights.
Where to have this dish- Chetty’s Corner
4. Bisi Bele Bhath
Bisi Bele Bhath, which means 'Hot Dal Rice', is a dish that brings forth a comforting feeling similar to enjoying a homemade meal prepared by your mom. This delightful dish combines dal, rice, and vegetables, creating a harmonious blend reminiscent of a khichdi. It is typically served with boondi, namkeen, or even potato chips, adding an extra element of crunch.
Maiya's. They serve a Bisi Bele Bhath that will surely leave you craving for more.
Where to have this dish- Maiya’s
5. Benne Dosa
Although Benne Dosa was traditionally prepared and savored in the Davanagere, a city in Karnataka, with time it has become a favorite among Bangaloreans. These dosas are known for their soft and buttery flavor. They are smaller in size compared to regular dosas. They have gained immense popularity as a go-to breakfast option among Bangaloreans. If you're in Bangalore, don't miss the chance to indulge in this delightful morning treat.
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dato-georgia-caucasus · 2 years ago
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Puran poli (पुरण पोळी), Puran puri (પુરણ પુરી), Holige (ಹೋಳಿಗೆ), Obbattu (ಒಬ್ಬಟ್ಟು), or Bobbattlu (బొబ్బట్లు), Poley (పోళె), Bakshamulu (బక్ష్యములు), Boli (ബോളി), is an Indian sweet flatbread that originates from Southern India.
Holige is made from senaga pappu, plain flour (wheat flour), jaggery or cane sugar, cardamom powder and/or nutmeg powder, ghee and water. Sometimes pigeon pea is used in Gujarat. It is commonly used in the state of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu as well. In Andhra Pradesh and other places, pesara pappu, chickpea (senaga pappu) or a mix is used. Other ingredients that may or may not be used are: nuts, dates, and turmeric powder.
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earthlyjoyglobal · 2 years ago
How To Make Puran Poli – Recipe
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Puran Poli is a Maharashtrian Recipe mostly made on festive occasions like Dipawali and Ganesh Chaturthi. Interestingly, Puran Poil varies by different origins and names through generations. 
It’s a recipe known as bakshyam, which is referenced in Manucharitra, a fourteenth-century Telugu reference book incorporated by Allasani Peddanna hailing from present-day Andhra Pradesh. 
The History of this recipe carries different names for different regional languages. In Telugu, it is known as Baksham, Holige in Kannada, Puran Puri in Gujarati and Puran Poli in Marathi. 
About Puran Poli 
Puran Poli is a flatbread loaded down with a sweet lentil stuffing. In the Marathi language, the sweet stuffing is called Puran, and the bread is called Poli. 
Jaggery is effectively accessible in India. If you live outside India, check for the Goldmine Jaggery Powder as it has the best taste in terms of sweetness. 
Making Puran Poli is simple however requires significant investment. So plan ahead of time before making. You can even set up the sweet stuffing a day prior and refrigerate it. 
Serves : 3 
Ingredients :   
For Puran Mixture 
1/2 Cup Powdered Jaggery
1/2 Cup Chana Dal 
1.5 Cups Water
1 Teaspoon Ghee 
1/2 Teaspoon Dry Ginger Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg Powder 
For the Poli 
3/4 Cups Whole Wheat Flour 
2 Tablespoon Oil or Ghee
1/4 Teaspoon (Salt as required) 
1/4 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder (Use Goldmine turmeric powder) 
Puran Poli Recipe:
Making the Puran 
Wash the chana dal first very well in water.
Splashed the chana dal however you can and likewise drench the chana dal for 30 minutes to one hour and afterwards channel the water. 
In a pressing factor cooker, cook the chana dal for 6 to 7 whistles. 
The dal must be cooked well. If you drench the chana dal, the cooking time will be diminished.
When the critical factor settles down all alone, strain the cooked dal. The dal must be stressed well. 
Keep the stock to the side. This stock can be utilized to make katachi amti a slim tempered dal, or you can add it to your veggie dishes or roti. 
Warmth ghee in a skillet and add the ground ginger powder, ground nutmeg powder, ground cardamom powder and ground fennel powder. Fry for a couple of moments on low warmth. 
Add the chana dal and Goldmine Jaggery Powder. Mix and let this Puran blend cook on a low fire till the combination gets dry. 
Continue mixing the Puran blend at spans. 
Once the puran stuffing becomes dry and thick, switch off the fire. 
Allow it to cool, and afterwards, pound the Puran blend with a potato masher. 
You can likewise utilize your blender to squash the Puran combination well overall. Keep to the side.
Making the Puran Dough 
In the meantime, take entire wheat flour, universally handy flour and salt in a bowl blend well. 
Add a smidgen of water and ghee and blend. Start to manipulate the batter adding water as required. 
The mixture ought to be smooth and delicate. Cover and save to the side of the batter for 15-20 minutes.
Making Puran Poli 
Take a medium or enormous size ball from the mixture. Move 2 to 3 creeps in the boundary on a cleaned moving board. 
Spot a bit of Puran combination in the focal point of the moved batter. 
Unite the edges towards the middle. Join every one of the edges and squeeze them. 
Sprinkle some flour and begin rolling the mixture. 
Make a medium or colossal circle (poli) relying on the size of the batter and Puran filling you took. 
On a warmed tawa or iron, spread some ghee. Spot the moved poli/batter circle on the tawa. 
When one side gets seared, turn over and cook the opposite side till you see some earthy coloured spots. 
When the subsequent side gets sautéed, at that point turn over and apply ghee. On the off chance that everything is done appropriately, Puran Poli will puff up. The poli ought to be cooked well with earthy coloured spots and brilliant. 
Make all Puran polis like this and stack them in a meal or in a kitchen napkin. 
You can serve Puran poli warm or at room temperature with milk, ghee or curd.
Final Words 
Puran Poli has been the favourite recipes in Maharashtra. It serves as a traditional Maharashtrian Recipe and holds a popular reputation in the world with different names. 
Made with sugar or with Jaggery, the taste does make a difference as because of Jaggery, it creates a more natural element taste for the Puran Poli. and if you’re thinking of making Puran Poli with the following recipe, the Goldmine Jaggery Powder from Earthly Joy Global will serve you a sweetful taste. 
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homestay66 · 2 years ago
Discovering Hidden Gems: 5 Offbeat Hill Stations in India's Tropical Regions
India is a land of natural beauty and diversity, and its tropical regions are home to some of the most picturesque hill stations in the world. These hill stations are not only famous for their natural beauty but also for their unique culture, cuisine, and adventure activities. In this blog post, we will explore five beautiful hill stations in India's tropical regions and provide insights on what to see, eat, and do during your stay.
Mount Abu, Rajasthan
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Mount Abu is the only hill station in Rajasthan and is known for its beautiful landscapes and serene atmosphere. It is located at an altitude of 1220 meters above sea level and is surrounded by verdant forests Some of the popular sights to see in Mount Abu are Nakki Lake, Dilwara Jain Temples, and Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary. Nakki Lake is a famous spot for boating and has a beautiful garden surrounding it. The Dilwara Jain Temples are renowned for their intricate carvings and architecture. Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary is a must-visit for nature lovers, as it is home to a variety of flora and fauna.
When it comes to food, Mount Abu has a unique blend of Rajasthani and Gujarati cuisine. The famous dishes include dal baati churma, gatte ki sabzi, and kachoris. One can also try the local sweets, like the ghevar and the mawa. If you are an adventure enthusiast, you can go trekking, rock climbing, and rappelling.
Yercaud, Tamil Nadu
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Yercaud is a beautiful hill station located in the Shevaroy Hills of Tamil Nadu. It is situated at an altitude of 1515 meters above sea level and is known for its scenic beauty and coffee plantations. Some of the popular attractions in Yercaud are Yercaud Lake, Pagoda Point, and Kiliyur Falls. Yercaud Lake is a popular spot for boating, and Pagoda Point offers a panoramic view of the surrounding hills. Kiliyur Falls is a must-visit during the monsoon season, as it offers a breathtaking view of the cascading waterfall.
When it comes to food, Yercaud is famous for its filter coffee and homemade chocolates. The local cuisine includes dishes like dosa, idli, and vada. One can also try the banana chips and the jackfruit chips, which are popular snacks. If you are an adventure enthusiast, you can go trekking, camping, and zip-lining.
Chikmagalur, Karnataka
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Chikmagalur is a beautiful hill station located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. It is situated at an altitude of 1090 meters above sea level and is known for its coffee plantations, waterfalls, and temples. Some of the popular attractions in Chikmagalur are Mullayanagiri Peak, Baba Budangiri Hills, and Kudremukh National Park. Mullayanagiri Peak is the highest peak in Karnataka and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding hills. Baba Budangiri Hills is famous for its Dattatreya Peetha, which is a sacred shrine for Hindus and Muslims. Kudremukh National Park is a must-visit for nature lovers, as it is home to a variety of flora and fauna.
When it comes to food, Chikmagalur is famous for its filter coffee, which is made from locally grown coffee beans. The local cuisine includes dishes like akki rotti, neer dosa, and koli saaru. One can also try the local sweets, like the mithai and the holige. If you are an adventure enthusiast, you can go trekking, camping, or on a wildlife safari.
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Dhanaulti is a serene hill station located in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand. It is situated at an altitude of 2286 meters above sea level and is known for its tranquilly and natural beauty. Some of the popular attractions in Dhanaulti are the Surkanda Devi Temple, Eco Park, and Dashavatar Temple. The Surkanda Devi Temple is a famous shrine dedicated to Goddess Sati, and it offers a panoramic view of the surrounding hills. The Eco Park is a must-visit for nature lovers, as it is home to a variety of flora and fauna. The Dashavatar Temple is renowned for its ancient architecture and intricate carvings.
When it comes to food, Dhanaulti offers a unique blend of Garhwali and Tibetan cuisine. The famous dishes include aloo ke gutke, chainsoo, and momos. One can also try the local sweets like the bal mithai and the singori. If you are an adventure enthusiast, you can go trekking, camping, and rappelling.
Ponmudi, Kerala
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Ponmudi is a beautiful hill station located in the Western Ghats of Kerala. It is situated at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level and is known for its tea plantations, waterfalls, and wildlife sanctuary. Some of the popular attractions in Ponmudi are the Golden Valley, Meenmutty Falls, and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary. The Golden Valley is a famous spot for picnics and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding hills. Meenmutty Falls is a must-visit for nature lovers, as it offers a breathtaking view of the cascading waterfall. Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary is home to a variety of animals like elephants, tigers, and leopards.
When it comes to food, Ponmudi is famous for its traditional Kerala cuisine. The famous dishes include appam, puttu, and kappa. One can also try the local snacks like banana chips and jackfruit chips. If you are an adventure enthusiast, you can go trekking, camping, or on a wildlife safari.
Plan your dream trip to India's top 5 offbeat hill stations with the best tour planners in South Kolkata. Book now and explore the hidden gems of India's tropical regions.
Summary, India's tropical regions offer some of the most picturesque and serene hill stations in the world. Each hill station has its own unique culture, cuisine, and adventure activities, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. By following our guide, you can plan a perfect trip to India's top 5 beautiful hill stations, and with the help of the best tour planners in South Kolkata, you can make your dream trip a reality.
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gyanfashion · 2 years ago
Savor the Flavors of Ugadi with these Delectable Recipes
Ugadi is a traditional Indian festival that marks the beginning of the New Year in some regions of the country. It is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by people from different communities. On this auspicious occasion, special recipes are prepared to usher in the new year. Some of the popular recipes for Ugadi include Obbattu or Holige (sweet flatbread filled with lentils or coconut),…
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kaeyasyndrome · 8 months ago
˚₊ · »-♡→Moodboard ( and More ) Masterlist ...
ᯓ★ordered from newest to oldest ! || Current Total: 9 || Request INFO / RULES
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❝ a moodboard for the ship between lucky and momo from google doodles ❞ || ( Request #5 , Standard Layout )
❝ ‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚🪵UPDATED Therian Moodboard !!🐊 ❞ || ( Personal , Alternate Layout )
❝ Michael Afton stimboard ❞ || ( Request #4 , Alternate Layout)
❝ *ੈ🎄𓆌Happy Holigators ! ❞ || ( Personal , Alternate Layout )
❝ moodboard for Kaeya Alberich ❞ || ( Request #3 , Alternate Layout )
❝ clowncore/carnivalcore stimboard ❞ || ( Request #2 , Standard Layout )
❝ Byakuya Kuchiki and Gin Ichimaru as a ship ❞ || ( Request #1 , Standard Layout )
❝ ‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚🪵Therian Moodboard🐊 ❞ || ( Personal , Standard Layout )
Numerous Genshin - themed Moodboards || ( Personal , Standard Layouts )
( Personal ) means that I made the graphic design piece of my own accord / it wasn't somebody else's request .
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siriskitchen · 5 years ago
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Holige saaru indian traditional dish: watch the recipe at https://youtu.be/7Ua5pP4VaJQ #holige #obbattusaaru #indianfoodbloggers #souprecipe #holigesaaru #indianspicyfood #southindianfood #southindiancuisine #indianfood #indiantraditionalfood #indiantraditionalsweets #southindianrecipes (at Dublin, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CESipnUBrvl/?igshid=y8b3twjud50u
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parmiskitchen · 5 years ago
Peanut Holige Recipe in Telugu | పల్లీల బొబ్బట్లు | ಶೇಂಗಾ ಹೋಳಿಗೆ | Puran...
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pushmycart-indianfoods · 4 years ago
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PURAN POLI - One of the best traditional Indian Sweet.It is well known as Puranpoli in Marathi, Poli in Tamil, Bakshalu in Telugu, Holige or Obbattu in Kannada, Vedmi in Gujarati.
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