#holding him in my teeth and shaking him like a rat
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look at my little freak baby!! i am turning him into a sad vampire
#and zemo is hunting him#i just loooooveeeeeeee him#faoifhbvoadnklcvv#holding him in my teeth and shaking him like a rat#sixdemon schmidty collection#ernst schmidt#the cloverfield paradox
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ch12 something borrowed something blue (mafia!price x simon's sister!reader)
tw: shepherd gets tortured. reader has ptsd. violence and gore. everyone's a little feral.
masterlist | next
“John.” You breathe.
He’s there at the top of the stairwell, haloed by light like an avenging angel. Before you can reach out, someone yanks you backward.
You fall back in a tangle of limbs, you and Shepherd hurtling down the wooden stairs. The proximity disgusts you more than the hurt of falling as you try valiantly to push him off. He’s got a vice-like grip on your arms, holding you from the back when you settle at the bottom of the stairs. What he doesn’t expect is your bite, sinking your teeth into the hand closest to your mouth. Shepherd releases you only slightly but it’s enough for you to land a kick to his shin and crawl away.
You’re almost free when you feel his hand on your ankle. He’s like a parasite you can’t shake. You gather your strength to turn as his nails dig in, but you feel them release with a sharp crack. It’s John.
He stepped on Shepherd’s elbow with his heel, and you’re pretty sure it’s broken by the way the General lays on the floor in shock. John’s better than those instincts though, grabbing the man by the collar and throwing him far away from you. It’s a flurry of activity after that. Flashes of Simon cradling your face, Gaz checking you for wounds, John securing Shepherd. When you finally process that you’re safe, you wiggle out of Simon’s arms to find John. He’s standing over Shepherd with a gun in hand. The villain himself is tied down to the chair you were kept in. Each leg is tied to a leg of the chair, and his arms tied to the arms of it as well. There’s rope in his mouth, gagging him from spewing more violence.
“John.” He doesn’t turn to you, eyes on your kidnapper. “You okay?” He murmurs out of the corner of his mouth. You nod, then whisper a small ‘yes’ when you realize John can’t see you. “He hurt you?” You take stock of your injuries. A bruise tailbone and hips from where you were tugged down the stairs. Your arms ache from thrashing against your restraints. “Yes.” You whisper. There’s a sound of metal on metal, and the gun in his hand is replaced by a switchblade. On a closer look, you realize it’s not John’s but Simon’s. When you turn back to your brother, all he does is nod, no regret on his face.
“Got some question f’ ya ‘fore ya die, Shepherd.” Shepherd tries to spit at John, but the gag stops him. “Who’s the rat?” Shepherd stays silent, eyes glaring. “When I pull down this rope, all y’r sayin’ is a name. You’ll pay f’r anythin’ else.” John tugs the gag down, away from the man’s teeth. Shepherd sucks in a breath, then spits near John’s shoe. “Fuck you and your bastard. Bet she’s loose like a slut anyway.”
John starts with Shepherd’s fingers, the ones that pulled you down the stairs. The switchblade is sharp but small, so it takes a minute for Shepherd’s left ring finger to separate from his hand. You watch with detached interest as he bucks against the confines of his own rope, legs kicking out violently. Gaz walks behind the chair to hold it down, his muscles flexing with effort. Finally, John cuts the finger off. Shepherd wails behind the gag, but you flinch only when the tip of his finger rolls towards you on the carpet. Before it can reach you, John kicks it away and repeats the process with Shepherd’s right finger. The man is starting to pale, white and ashy with blood loss. You don’t care.
“Next question. Where are my weapons?” Shepherd shakes his head, but you can’t tell if it’s from shock or a refusal to answer. “Last chance, General.” John rips down the gag again. “You’ll never find ‘em. Every day you’ll wake up thinking this will be-” John pulls the gag back up, cutting him off. “Christ, he’s a piece of work.” Gaz mutters from behind you.
“He called ya a bastard and a slut, tha’ righ’?” You can practically hear Simon flinch at John’s words. “And a brat.” You answer. John nods to Gaz, who tears the gag off of Shepherd. “You’re gonna fuckin’ pay for this, John Price. My men are loyal, they’ll avenge-” Avenge what, you’re not exactly sure, as a gloved hand grabs Shepherd’s tongue. It’s Simon’s. His grip is sure, securing Shepherd’s slimy mouth even as he moves his head from right to left. It quickly stops when John pierces the middle with his knife, enough to go all the way through. You inch closer to watch, wrapping your hands around your waist as you watch the torture continue. John rips the knife to one end, the metal slicing easily through muscle. He comes back to finish the job on the other side, Simon taking the tongue as a souvenir. Shepherd tries to talk, but both the blood and lack of tongue limit his speech.
“Anythin’ else, sweetheart?” You think back to your body. Of how it felt to be knocked out for who knows how long, waking up in an unfamiliar location and not knowing who transported you there. Of wearing clothes that weren’t yours. “His dick.” You murmur. John might be smiling, it’s hard to tell underneath the shadows of the room and his beard. Simon unzips Shepherd’s pants, yanking them down forcefully so the friction burns. “You goin’ t’ watch, baby?” John asks. You nod. It’s the first step of healing, you think, in some fucked up way. John doesn’t care to wipe the blood off the knife, sliding it down Shepherd's cheekbone in a violent caress. “Because my wife is watchin’, I’ll make this quick. You can thank ‘er f’r that mercy when you’re rottin’ in hell.” John slices Shepherd’s flaccid dick off easily, making sure the only time you see it is once it’s detached. Blood is everywhere now, matching the blood red carpet. A part of you muses that there will be no need to clean.
“We good?” It’s the first time John has really looked at you, turning his body all the way. Your avenging angel with dark circles under his eyes and another man’s blood on his hands. You nod eagerly, wanting to go home.
When John slices Shepherd's throat, it’s like cutting through butter. A release.
John wraps you in his arms when the tears you’ve been holding in finally fall. Your legs around his waist, your face in the crook of your neck. Neither of you care about the blood on his body. “I’m sorry.” It’s like both of you say it, words meshing with tears. He maneuvers you to a nearby couch, some piece of furniture you hadn’t noticed in the corner. All of the movement in the background washes over you: the men moving the body, Gaz asking about Phil, footsteps up the stairs. You want to tell John that you’re crying because of the past few days and not because of his actions right now, but the words get caught in your throat. John tucks his own head into the crook of your neck at what must be an uncomfortable angle. He’s crying too, soaking through the shirt you’re wearing without your consent. The realization jolts you: there’s a t-shirt and pair of joggers on your body that you did not put on.
He feels the switch instantly. John pulls back, red eyes matching yours, concern etched into his forehead. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” You pull at the fabric, hiccupping before answering. “They- they changed me when I was knocked out. I don’t know who…” You trail off, caught in a nightmare. John barks an order at Simon, and your brother takes it, hustling up the stairs like his life depends on it. It would make you laugh if you weren’t so raw, the realities of the past days hitting you. Rough thumbs brush the soft skin under your eyes, capturing tears you didn’t even know were falling. It just makes you cry harder.
Simon appears holding a sweatshirt and sweatpants out, all black. “Here, love.” It’s directed towards you but John takes them instead, thanking your brother in low tones. Everyone in the room leaves, closing the door at the top for some privacy.
“You want my help?” You nod. John pulls you off his lap and into a standing position. Your body is shutting down and he knows, those blue eyes of his all seeing. He peels off the shirt and exhales a breath when he sees they kept you in your bra. “Up we go, baby.” He helps you raise your arms into the sleeves, tugging the sweatshirt down. His hands feel safer than your own because you know he’d stop if you asked. You don’t know what your own hands would do. He tugs down the old pants, stiffening when he sees your underwear. “Did they…?” He asks firmly. You shake your head no. “Phil kept making me drink water without a bathroom.” John nods, sliding down the underwear and pulling up the new sweatpants so fast that you don’t even feel exposed. “My brave girl.” He kisses your forehead and it’s the end of everything.
Exhaustion hits you like a train. You can finally relax, having been in survival mode for the past two days. When John gathers you in his lap again, you fall into a dreamless sleep.
“Simon.” John grunts. He’s holding your sleeping body in his arms at the top of the stairs, letting Simon know to open the door. It creaks open and you whimper at the sound, burrowing yourself further into him. The ground floor of the church is bright, sun streaming through the broken windows like a holy trick. Shepherd picked an abandoned church near the library John gifted you. It scares him to think about how much information Phil fed him, how much information you gave freely in the name of what you thought was friendship. Guilt is sickly sweet in his heart, candycoated with relief that he found you. That he kept his promise to keep you.
“She’s dead asleep.” John whispers. They don’t acknowledge that this is the first time he’s called Simon by his name, or that Simon even let him. They’re true brother’s-in-law now, bound to their duty to you. He doesn’t think about what would have happened if they hadn’t trusted each other. “You takin’ her t’ the library?” John doesn’t ask how Simon knows about it, only shaking his head. “Could be compromised. ‘M takin’ her home.” Home. Manchester no longer.
“Gaz.” He appears in an instant. “Sir?” Gaz’s eyes flick to your body wrapped around John, filled with concern. “I want everyone out of the Castle except the guards. Don’t care where you put ‘em. Johnny found the rat yet?” Gaz shakes his head frustratedly. “Not for lack of trying, sir.” Before John can respond, Simon pipes up. “Let me at ‘em.” John nods his affirmation and starts moving to the car. Before he gets all the way back, he turns to face Gaz and Simon, conferring like they’re always been on the same team. “No survivors. Shepherd's or rats.” They nod without question.
It’s a worrisome ride home. John checks your pulse twice, just to make sure this isn’t a trick. There’s blood on your cheeks, in the roots of your hair, on your fingers. It’s all Shepherd’s, but when John squints, it looks like yours. Like this was all a dream and he’s going to wake up to Gaz telling him they found your corpse. John Price does not deserve to have his wife in his arms. He’s spilled too much blood, split up families and killed men while staring into their eyes. You deserve so much more than a man who tortured your kidnapper in front of you.
You let out a soft moan, waking in his arms. “John?” You whisper, afraid. He tightens his grip on you, stroking your soft cheeks until your eyes flutter open. “‘S me, baby.” You give him a smile, easy and big like you’re drunk. “I thought this was a dream.” He kisses your forehead. “I did too. Back t’ sleep now.” You comply, closing your eyes and nuzzling into him sweetly. He vows to never let you out of his sight again.
When you wake, it’s to an unfamiliar ceiling and the night sky bleeding through the window to paint the walls. You jolt, panting as you sit up. “Hey, hey, you’re okay, sweetheart. You’re home.” When you blink a few times, you realize you’re in the Castle’s sitting room, lying prone on a couch. John’s in front of you, showered and clean, sitting on a footrest near you. He has his hands out like he’s calming a horse and you want to laugh at the absurdity, but he might think you’re crazy. Instead, you nod, turning your gaze to your hands. They’re clean but feel dirty, like they were wiped down instead of scrubbed. “Why am I here?” You ask. “Didn’t want t’ wake ya or bring blood into our bedroom. Wanted to make sure I undressed ya with y’r permission.” You nod, biting your lip. He’s so goddamn sweet, even after mutilating a man in front of you. The urge to shower shakes through your core, leaving your body shuddering.
“I need to- need to get clean.” You’re already taking unsteady steps off the couch and towards the bedroom. John puts his hand on your back and you don’t see it until you feel it. You flinch at the contact and your heart clenches as his hand drops. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect that.” He nods, eyes filled with understanding. “Why don’t ya drop y’r clothes in the hamper an’ put it outside the bathroom. I’ll heat some food up f’ ya.” Your stomach grumbles in response. “Thanks, John.” He flinches. It’s minute but there. You both watch it happen, eyes catching each other. “Didn’t think I’d ever hear that again.” Tears well in your eyes but you blink them back resolutely. “Get me some food, John.” He nods at the order, walking backwards to the door until the last possible second where he has to turn. When he’s gone, there’s a hole in your chest.
You follow his instructions, leaving the bloody clothes in a hamper outside the door. You’re in the shower for an hour. Exfoliate, scrub, repeat. Your fingers are pruney and your skin is raw but it doesn’t feel like enough. You can still feel the piss running down your leg, the hands grabbing your skin, the needle in your arm. You’re about to scrub again but your stomach rumbles. Finally, you turn off the water, running through the rest of your routine and grabbing a robe to keep you warm. When you open the door, John’s standing in front of it like he was listening the whole time. “When you turned off the water an’ got quiet, I almost knocked down the door.” You’re starting to realize he’s been affected by this too.
Instead of responding, you press your forehead into his sternum. He pulls you in closer by the back of your neck, threading his fingers through your wet hair. That’s the only two points of contact, your arms dangling at your sides. It’s proof of life: he’s here, warm and alive. You’re no longer in a chair, being questioned or fed water. Tears soak his shirt a little and he only pulls away when you start sniffling. “Let’s get some food in ya.”
There’s a small table by the window that you use sometime when you’re reading. Tonight, John sits on one side and watches you spoon liquid into your mouth. “Water?” He nudges the cup towards you. You shake your head. The thought of water disgusts you, memories of Phil’s grimy hands wrenching your mouth open. John just nods, brushing his knuckle over your cheek before pulling back.
When you’re full and sleepy, another creeping feeling overtakes your skin. You’re in your robe and you need to change into pajamas, but John is there. Something you’d never think twice about is suddenly the only thought in your head. When you turn back to him, clutching a t-shirt to your chest with wet eyes, he just gets you and it breaks your heart a little. “Goin’ to check with the night guards. I’ll be back soon, sweetheart.” You change quickly, feeling exposed even in the safety of your own room. The shorts you’re wearing feel indecent, so you shuffle under the covers before you can overthink them.
John knocks before entering. He’s carrying a pillow and blanket, which makes you sit up in confusion. “You ok-” “What are you holding?” He looks down at his hands like he expected the items to suddenly change shape. “Thought I’d sleep in the spare room downstairs, give you some space.” There’s a weight in your throat, too big to swallow. “Stay. I can’t- can’t sleep alone, John. Not after-” He doesn’t let you finish in favor of smothering you in a hug. You’re too dehydrated to cry, simply sniffling into the crook of his neck. He’s on his knees on the floor of the room, propping you up.
“I hate this.” You murmur. He squeezes your waist. “It’ll get better, baby. We’ll figure it out.” You sigh, then pull yourself back. A burst of affection rolls through your veins, causing you to thread your fingers through his beard. “What if I’m never back to normal?” He shakes his head, his hands covering yours. “I’m this close t’ chipping ya, sweetheart. Think we got t’ make a new normal.” He kisses the palm of your hand, then gets up. “Lock the door?” You whisper as he makes his way around the door. He nods, locking it and testing the handle for your benefit. When he climbs into bed and turns off the light, you immediately slide into his arms.
“You kept your promise.”
“Can’t live without ya. You know that.”
The nightmares come in a sequence of your worst fears.
A gloved hand muffling your mouth with a rag, except this time John watches you get dragged away.
In an interrogation room, Simon watches from behind the window, eyes blinking slowly as he analyzes your answers.
Trekking to your father’s grave with Shepherd’s gun at your back. When you get there, your father stands half-rotted, a key in his hands.
Gaz and Johnny fight over you, but when you try to calm them, there’s a gag of rope in your mouth. You scream and no one can hear you.
Your mother is standing over your grave. You’re next to her but she can’t see you, no matter how you try to cling to her shoulders.
When you wake up screaming, John’s there, holding your face in his hands and telling you you’re going to be okay. All you can do is trust him.
this was lowkey hard to write. reader is a girl who will be ok.
#price#price call of duty#price is right#captain john price#tornadothoughts#john price x y/n#simon riley x john mactavish#john price x you#john price x f!reader#captain johnathan price#captain price x reader#captain price#john price x reader#price x reader#price x you#price x y/n#cod 141#simon ghost riley#john soap mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#mafia au#fic: sbsb mafia price
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Indifferent (7)
Summary: Your father wanted a bond between you and the Barnes Empire. No matter what.
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
Characters: Captain Syverson
Warnings: arranged marriage, angst, arguments, mafia au, strong reader, jealousy, language, mentions of domestic violence/slight violence against Bucky
Catch up here: Indifferent (6)
Indifferent Masterlist
Bucky is seething.
His office lies in ruins.
Every single piece of furniture was destroyed, and even the wallpaper hung loose from the walls. He ripped the divorce papers into shreds before drinking himself to sleep.
He fucked up. Big time.
“Buck, you go to get up and fix this shit,” Steve sighs. He runs his hand down his face. Bucky’s second-in-command is tired of his friend’s shit. “If only you didn’t conspire with her father. Of course, this was the last thing she wanted to hear. The two men in her life betraying her in the worst way possible.”
“What do you know about women?” Bucky slurs. “You never had yours under control. She’s waltzing around town, telling everyone you got weak.”
“Buck, I love you like a brother, but if you say another word about my wife, you’ll miss a few teeth,” Steve towers over his friend, holding out his hand. “Choose. Do you want me to help you find Y/N or sit on the floor and drink your mind away?”
“I know where she went,” Bucky scoffs. “I bet she’s sitting at my mom’s table, sipping tea while ratting me out. That fucking brat!”
“Hmm…” Steve nods thoughtfully while glancing at Bucky, who sits on the floor in nothing but his boxer briefs. “I wonder why you’re making me blush with the problem in your pants and still refuse to admit that you’re head-over-heels for your wife.”
“I’m not!” Bucky throws the half-empty bottle of Scotch at his friend. Steve easily dodges the attack and snickers. “How dare you say shit like that! She’s the last pussy I want to pound. I only want to get my hands on her to spank her ass raw!”
Steve throws his head back laughing. “Buck, stop being an idiot. You two are butting heads because you are so into each other it’s painful to watch. Just fuck it out of your system.”
“I bet she’s got teeth down there too,” Bucky lies on the floor and curls into a ball. He’s just done. “If I try to push my little Bucky in there, she’ll bite it off and feed it to her lover, Thor. A tall and bulky blonde with waving hair. That asshole looks like one of the guys in my mom’s romance novels.”
“Buck,” Steve crouches down to pat Bucky’s back, “talk to me, punk. Did you fall in love with the masseur?”
“What?” Bucky growls and sits up a little too fast. He cradles his head, groaning. “I’ll cut your head off if you say that again. I should’ve ripped that masseur apart.”
“I’m telling you one last time to stop being a stupid bastard and get your wife back. Your mother was right. Y/N, and you are a great match. You’re just too blind and stubborn to admit it.”
“Stop talking shit,” Bucky growls at his friend. “I don’t even like her! She’s a brat, and annoying and loud and a fucking thorn in my side.”
“That’s a fucking lot of ‘ands,” Steve laughs again. He shakes his head before holding out his hand. “Let’s get you sober and clean. After you come back to your senses, we can think about a way to get your wife back.”
“What are your plans?” Sy watches you pace back and forth in the motel room you’re hiding at. After you called your father to ask him if Bucky told you the truth, you’re restless. “Sugar, stop walking holes into the floor.”
He grabs your upper arms to stop you from freaking out. “He told me it’s true. My father, the man I trusted with my life, sided with Barnes. Can you believe he did this to me?”
Sy looks away, ashamed.
“Sy, what are you hiding from me?” You question and grab his face to force him to look you in the eyes. “I deserve the truth, don’t you think?”
“Before your wedding, I heard Barnes and your father talk. Your father was always a greedy and power-hungry man. His greed for power only got worse the older he got.”
“I know my father is a greedy man,” you sniff, forcing a weak smile on your face. “What do I not know?”
“George Barnes got weak. Everyone knows it. Your father wanted to form a bond between your families to easily take the Barnes’ empire over.” Sy reveals a truth you didn’t want to know about.
“This makes me a pawn in their game,” you muse. “Wow. I believed I was a sacrificial lamb to strengthen our empires, not to fulfill my daddy’s wet dream to take over another empire.”
“Sugar, I’m sorry for hiding things from you. Their deal was one of the reasons I quit my job and work as a freelancer now. I never wanted to lie to you while looking you in the eyes.” Sy covers your hands with his, squeezing them. “Still, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you so before you married Barnes.”
“You’re here now.” The betrayal is still fresh in your memory; you sniffle. “Nothing else is important. You fulfilled your duty. I know how important loyalty is to you.”
“Loyalty is everything in my line of work,” he replies before clearing his throat. Your hands are still on his face, and he’s feeling something else than responsibility at that moment. “We should lie low for now. Maybe reconsider your plan.”
“Reconsider my plan?” You question.
“You said it yourself; Bucky will be out for blood. Maybe it’s not the worst idea to ask Winnifred Barnes for help. I heard she’s very fond of you.”
“I don’t want to drag her into this shit show,” you hastily reply and shake your head. “Winnifred was nothing but good to me. She doesn’t deserve to end up hurt or worse because of my father’s plans. We should keep her out of this.”
“It’s your decision,” Sy sighs when you drop your hands from his face to pace the room again. “I’m with you the whole way. Just tell me what to do.”
“We’ll need a better plan than filing for divorce, I guess,” you sigh and sit down on the bed. Of course, there was only one free room with only one bed. “I think for now all we can do is get some sleep. I could fall asleep standing.”
“You can sleep,” Sy says as he checks on the locks again. You fall onto the mattress and roll to your side to watch him shove a commode in front of the door. “I’ll make sure no one dares to enter the room.”
Sy clicks his tongue, signaling his dog to guard the bed. Aika jumps onto the bed to lie next to you. “What?”
“Aika will protect you at all costs, Y/N,” he says. His features soften when you look his way. “I don’t expect them to find us here. I paid cash, and no one knows us here. Rest now. You’ll need all the sleep you can get.”
On the other end of town, Bucky is aimlessly driving around. He slams his hands onto the steering wheel, cursing himself for even looking for you.
“I’ll find and tame you, brat…”
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x female reader#Indifferent (7)#captain syverson#mafia au
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AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Stagehand! Reader prompt : Aegon falls in love with the stagehand of a jazz club. word count: 1, 000+ words

Aegon had a silver spoon up his ass from birth. He got the best cars, the best drugs, the best clothing, the best food. He didn't understand that not everyone had trust funds or billions in their bank account. He never knew struggle, nor would be thanks to his family name. He was a Targaryen, a god amongst the 'common folk'. But, in the small jazz club on the edge of Flea Bottom, he was just another man.
The bartender's didn't care about him, forcing him to pay full price for drinks. The dancers, more than once, backhanded slapped him for trying to catch a feel. All because of you, the stagehand, and brains behind the club. You preferred the shadows, keeping things smooth behind the scenes, saving you from embarrassment should you fail in public. You keep your co-worker's safe, and they did the same for you.
It was honorable. He could not fault you for ordering them to stand up for themselves. Even in the more sinful way of life, they still deserved basic respect. It also didn't help that you looked stunning when cursing him out. The way your eyes hardened. The way you would rip him apart with words. The color insults.
'The cumshot his Mother should have swallowed..'
'The inbred brat..'
'The depressing little wet rat..'
'The guy named Egg'
There was something about you. He didn't know what exactly. It could been the way you cussed him out. Or it could have been the way your eyes light up when you controlled the jazz club. But, there was a part of you that made him want to kick his feet up and twirl his hair like a giddy school girl.
Letting out a tipsy giggle as you snatch the glass of whiskey out of his hand, he leans against the bar table, a dopey grin on his face. He was not even close to being drunk, he’d barely even taken a sip of his whiskey. But, the look on your face was enough to make him feel drunk. You were so pretty. Your eyebrows furrowed, nose softly scrunched up, teeth gritted together, cheeks a flushed pink from anger. Resting his chin on the palm of his hand, you were so pretty like this, all red faced and eyes full of hatred. He’d twirl his hair if it was long enough. Leaning a little closer on the bar table, he was practically standing on his tippy toes, eager to be close to you.
“You come into my club, drunk, and think you can demand more to drink? There is no way that I am going to allow you to put my club at risk.” You snap back, shoving a water bottle into his hand.
“You’re really pretty. Did you know that?” He giggles, “You’d even be prettier if you were to wear something designer, like some Chanel or some Vivienne Westwood. You should let me buy you some, sometime.”
“You're drunk.” You scoff, shaking your head.
“Pff! I am not drunk, well, drunk enough to not recognize that you're pretty when you're cursing me out. You’re, like, really pretty when you do it. But, I do think you’d be prettier if you did in something vintage.” He rambles on, the dopey grin on his face growing.
“You’re drunk.” You state bluntly, rolling your eyes.
"Again, with assuming that I am drunk."
Sitting back in his seat, he watches you pour out his whiskey into the sink, filling the cup with water. Unable to resist, he rolls his eyes hard a the sight of your routine. This happened almost every time, like clock work. He'd make a ass of himself, you'd assume he was drunk, pour out his drink and serve him water. It was oddly comforting. You cared, or at least it felt like you had cared for him. Even though a tiny part of him knew that you only cared for your club and the lawsuit that could happen. Still, he choose to believe that you cared for him.
"Let me..Let me take you out, just one date? We don't even need to kiss or hold hands." He attempts to negotiate, "I'll take you to the movies we can watch a nice film and just talk."
"I do not think that this is in your vocabulary." You scoff, placing the glass in front of him.
"And you know my vocabulary, now?" He scoffs back, mimicking your face playfully.
"I know people like you, your not that special or hard to read." You argues, "You pretend to be perfect just to get me to let you in my bed."
"One movie, that's it. No funny business."
"I do not like movies." You shake your head, making him scowl.
"Then we can go to the park and talk, there's a farmer's market." He tries again, "Get something to eat."
Watching you shake your head with a bitter chuckle, he cracks a smile, fingers drumming against the bar top. You may have been mocking him. Or maybe he was just high off the smell of cigarettes and cheap cologne that was thick in the club. But, just for a moment it all felt real. Like you cared, like you would consider it and accept.
"You're not giving up, are you?" You ask, lifting your gaze up to him.
"I will, if you ask me too."
"And..And if I want you to take me on a million dollar shopping spree?" You ask, the curiosity in your voice clear.
"I'd take you on a ten million one." He states without hesitation.
Watching you chew on your bottom lip, he waits, not daring to say another thing. He'd fear that if he say anything else it would made you rethink everything. That you'd call for security. Drumming his fingers on the bar top, you roll your eyes hard, making his heart sink. Cowering in his seat, he loose his confidence, his shoulders shagging. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he tries to shrug it off, scoffing. He didn't care? Why would he? It wasn't that big of a deal.
"I get off in an hour, stay and wait or don't." You mumble walking away, "I don't care."
#house of the dragon#house of dragons#aegon ii targaryen#house of the dragon x reader#house of dragons x reader#hotd#hotd x reader#aegon targaryen x reader#hotd imagine#hotd imagines#aegon ii targaryen x reader#hotd aegon#house of the dragon imagines
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chapter forty two : the war is...
word count : 1k
warnings : erm.. Maybe cheesy dialogue idk i was listening to ‘iyo’ by darren espanto so if anything i was immersed.
You’re a complete mess, hair all a rat's nest pacing down the street, scratching at your arm as a distraction that the lady you pass protects her purse labelling you as nothing but a ‘crackhead’.
You punch in your code, pulling at the door before it can even get a beep in.
Your eyes flit around his clean kitchen, save for a couple of opened cans of beer on the bench before zeroing in on his suitcase sitting in the middle of the living room floor. With a momentary decision, you race towards his suitcase, getting a grip on the body and the handle awkwardly.
With only a quick glimpse at the boy in front of you fresh from a quick shower, before you rush out of his apartment with his suitcase in your hold.
You run and run, despite his cursing and his pleas for you to slow down and stop going ignored. Two things you are very against currently, but it feels like a hate crime when you find yourself at a dead end. Your turn hazardously, trapped as you look for a way out.
“Y/N, what the fuck?” He’s exasperated, exhausted and pure sweat. Not an ounce of amusement.
You breathe heavily.
“You took my suitcase,” He states, a slight whistle in his breath.
You stare at him, tears welling in your eyes. His hair is still somewhat wet, darker than usual. It sends your heart into overdrive.
“Let me guess…” He raises his eyebrows, exhaling, “You thought ‘Oh Haechan must not need any peace today, let’s make him fucking run after he just showered!’ Yeah I like your idea, really.”
And you stare some more, unwilling to let him leave your sight, your grip on the suitcase tightening until the strain turns your wrist bloodless, “You can’t leave.”
You must be delirious.
Absolutely mental.
“You can’t just tell me what to do,” He chastises to which you shake your head like a scolded kid getting the biggest verbal lashing of your life. And yet, despite that you hold firm.
He observes your expression with an inquisitive look that rivals Sherlock Holmes. Pausing at what he finds.
“You told me you hated me,” He murmurs bewildered, “And I acce-”
“- I didn’t mean it,” You interrupt him, “I don’t want you to leave.”
He huffs out a laugh without humour, “You sounded pretty convincing, Y/N.”
“You know I didn’t mean it,” You repeat.
“Maybe. But nothing you told me afterwards proved otherwise, so why not take that as truth?”
“I’m scared of you, but I don’t hate you,” You confess, “I could never hate you.”
He swallows before he looks away, finding it difficult to look you in the eye at the confession.
“Call me typical, call me frustrating,” You enunciate, “But I feel differently for you. We promised it was just sex and I know there was no contract or whatever. And then you…did what you did.”
“Admitted my feelings,” He’s straight-faced, blatant with his truth.
“And I hated it,” You scoff, “But I also hated that I loved it more. The first thing I saw was our memories and how I felt something I’ve never felt before. And then….made you feel less than worth it.”
“And I’ve got no sob story at all.. It just got out of hand with my pride and everything. And I realise I didn’t do anything to calm the fact that your jealousy wasn’t just jealousy but insecurity and I took it as a joke.”
“Hm,” He mutters, kicking the ground with his feet, tongue rolling in his mouth.
“But you’re not one,” The need to victimise yourself is pressed down by your gritted teeth, “You’re not anything like that to me. You’re….a whole meaning entirely.”
You swallow the clog in your throat to no avail.
“You’re the only Haechan I have,” You croak but you refuse to coddle him with your tears, sway him with your emotions.
For him to forgive you, you want him to make the decision himself.
“And you’re the only Haechan I want…” You take a brief look at him, finding nothing to reassure you, “God…you’re the only one I want to see some mornings and that is something to me.”
It’s silent, but you think it’s because you physically can’t hear anymore. Unable to focus on anything but him. He makes an action to check his phone.
“Who told you I was leaving?” Haechan asked.
“Chenle,” You admit quietly.
“Huh….” Haechan smirks, turning his phone to you, revealing the words you want to give tribute to when you get caught for your crime of passion. Sent long before you got to Haechan’s apartment.
I’ll get you your apology.
You feel your stomach flip inside your body, the realisation catching up to you.
“That fucking-” You make an attempt to snatch his phone before making the effort to storm back to Haechan’s apartment.
You hear a snort of laughter before Haechan’s arms wrap around your waist to stop you, his warmth immediately calming you. He sees the way your muscles relax and the way you inhale him.
“I for one am glad,” Haechan laughs, “…that was one good speech.”
You exhale, turning away from his focus in embarrassment.
He rewards you with a smile that could cure all that’s wrong in the world. But doesn’t say anything else and although it slightly disappoints you and doesn’t do anything to reassure you, it’s enough for now.
He gives you his phone, equipping you with the power to lay into Chenle through text, who is confused as to why Haechan is so fucking angry with him, before feeling smug when its made obvious that it’s not Haechan.
But you.
He sits you down, gives you a cup of steaming hot chocolate. You bring up the hot chocolate scene from Polar Express. He laughs. But doesn’t say much else.
You talk and talk.
He draws pictures on your exposed arm with his fingers, watching the way you squirm under his feather-like touch. Loves the way you giggle and continue talking.
You’ve missed this.
Him, most of all.
And you don’t even need to remotely kiss to certify what you feel for him.
And him? He hasn’t needed to for the longest time.

your best friend's best friend offers his services as you keep complaining about your lack of… sexual gratification.
chapter forty two : the war is...
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Whiskey and Worn out Souls

John Marston x Fem! Reader (Dutch's daughter) Description: The events at blackwater and your fathers erratic behavior has you caught up in your thoughts at the saloon with the gang as they celebrate a petty win over the O'Driscolls. Two men decide to heckle you over your gunslinging outfit and you can't help but let your frustrations out on them. ⚠️Warnings: Violence (reader is a gunslinger, reference to Blackwater massacre) sexism, some people drink, reader has Dutch’s smart mouth, reader doesn’t drink but smokes a cig (don't smoke yall:)
angst/overthinking, daddy issues lowkey (^-^)
⚠️forgive grammatical errors, it's literally 2 AM rn (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ⚠️i dont own any of the rdr2 characters, they belong to Rockstar (≧▽≦)
The saloon was a lively mess, full of drunken laughter, piano playing, and the ever-present stench of stale beer and poor decisions. The gang had taken a petty victory against the O’Driscoll's as a reason to celebrate, and the drinks kept on coming. But while the others laughed and drank, you sat against the bar in your usual gunslinging attire: the pistol gifted by your father long ago strapped to your hip, a bullet belt around your waist, worn down jeans that reached just past your ankle, a shirt under your fur lined vest, and muddy boots. Your mood was darker than the cheap liquor in the bottles laid out on the counter.
You were trapped in deep thought as you fiddled with a chip of wood on the oddly sticky bar counter. Maybe, it was the Pinkertons steering closer to the gang, seemingly breathing down your necks at every train heist or bank robbery. Maybe it was seeing your fathers slow, yet subtle dissent to an even more distasteful degeneracy, ever since Micah’s unfortunate introduction to the gang. Maybe, it was the image of that poor woman’s brain plastered on the wall in Blackwater after your father had let a bullet fly at her skull upon Micah’s encouragement.
A few of the boys, noticing your off-mood, had asked if you wanted to join them across the bar, but you quietly declined, unable to shake the confusing thoughts whirling in your brain.
Which meant, of course, that some fool had to try your patience.
“That ain’t no way for a pretty lady to dress, miss” a baritone voice drawled beside you.
“I don't know, somethin’ about a woman in men’s clothing does something for me.” a more nasally voice chuckled.
You barely spared a glance at the men, hoping they'd get bored and run off with one of the working girls eventually.
Across the room, John shifted slightly, already pushing off his chair to intervene, but Dutch lifted a lazy hand, stopping him.
“Hold on there,” your father warned him, leaning back in his seat with a small grin. “Let’s just…enjoy the show”
You shifted in your seat to face them when you realized they weren’t going to leave just yet, eyeing them down as you fished a cigarette out of your pocket. One, a wiry rat-faced fella with the confidence of someone who'd never been clocked in the mouth. His friend, bigger and dumber-looking, smirked. His yellowed teeth at display as his eyes lazily raked over your figure.
You scoffed as you brought the cigarette to your lips and crossed a foot over your knee to light a match with the sole of your boot, “And who’re you two? The local drunk and his pet pig?”
The bigger man blinked “Huh?”
He huffed, trying to regain his footing. “Well, you uh-you look like you belong in…one of them mens whorehouses up north that folk talk ‘bout.”
You snort, admittedly finding the insult a bit creative, “Like the one your pa’ works at?”
Arthur choked on his whiskey from across the room,
“He still doin’ those two-for-one deals, or did business slow down?” you asked, feigning curiosity.
Micah, of all people, stifled a chuckle behind his beer glass, leaning forward with interest, always up for listening in on some stirring drama.
The broader man frowned. “The hell did you just say ‘bout my pa?”
“Ah your right, I was outta line mentioning your father…” you apologized.
“Damn right” the smaller one said, puffing out his sternum.
“Maybe I should’ve asked if your mama was givin’ out referral discounts” you added, crushing your cigarette with your heel before standing up and meeting the oaf face to face.
That was the final straw. The bigger man snarled and raised his beer bottle at you,
“Who the hell do you think you are little girl?!”
Feeling a fit of anger wash over your previous indifference, your patience snapped,
“Give me that,” you grunted, snatching the bottle from him, “I’m your old friend amnesia.” (stealing lines from my pookie John(✿◡‿◡)
Without a flicker of hesitation, you smashed it over his thick head.
The man staggered, eyes rolling, before dropping to the ground in a dazed heap.
You dusted off your hands and turned to the remaining man, who was frozen in shock.
Rat-Face took one look at his unconscious friend and quickly decided he had somewhere else to be.
“Now,” Dutch groaned as he stood up, slamming his bottle onto the counter with a piercing clink “does any other brave soul care to share their unsolicited fashion advice with my daughter?” He asked, putting his arm around you as he grandly gestured to the audience.
“Alright, boys, let’s clear out. Leave the lady be,” Arthur sighed, shaking his head as he approached the lingering onlookers, “unless you wanna end up like this poor feller” he mumbled giving the unconscious giant a sympathetic look.
The small crowd eventually wandered off, some returning to their drinks whilst some distracted themselves with poker.
Dutch tapped a heavy hand on your shoulder, “I trained you fairly well.” He chuckled drunkenly with Micah, who turned to you with a loopy smile,
“Youu, had them twisted like a pair of knickers!” him and Dutch cackled once more, before taking another swig of beer.
Your gaze drifted to the man on the floor, then at your crimsoned hand, before it caught the dried O’Driscoll blood on your father’s knuckles as he tightly gripped his beer glass. A shiver ran down your spine, What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe I am a damn man, starting dumb bar fights. Suddenly you were hit with the overwhelming need to just get out of there. You sighed, grabbing your hat from the counter and pushing your way past the saloon doors.
John’s grin faltered as he watched you grab your hat and storm out of the saloon, clearly still stewing in your thoughts.
He exhaled and followed.
He found you by the lake, leaning against a lamppost, flicking stones into the water absentmindedly. The moonlight reflected off the surface, casting a silver glow over the waves and onto your face.
John approached quietly, hands in his pockets. He picked up a rock and tossed it in, but instead of skipping, it plopped straight down.
You huffed. “You never were good at that.”
John smirked. “Well, at least I didn't drown tryin’ this time.”
You turned, arching a brow, oblivious to his obscure reference.
He crossed his arms, leaning on the post beside you. “You really don’t remember? When we were kids? That time I tried skippin’ a rock real far to compete with you, but I-” he faltered a little, face flushing slightly, “I tripped and fell face-first into the lake.”
You paused, raking your mind for the memory until it came back with a chuckle, “Right, now I remember. Arthur had to haul you out, didn’t he?”
“Damn right he did,” John muttered. “I thought I was done for!”
You let out a small chuckle, but your face still held that quiet tension.
John sighed, skipping another rock. “You wanna tell me what’s…goin’ on? or are you just gonna keep throwin’ stones ‘til the lake dries up?”
You hesitate, rolling a smooth rock between your fingers, unsure of how to express everything on your mind.
“I guess…” you exhaled, feeling your chest tighten, “I just keep thinkin’ about what happened on that boat in Blackwater. About my fathers recent…behavior. That woman? She didn’t-she didn’t deserve that.”
You slouched, kicking the ground with your feet, “but if I say somethin’ then suddenly I’m just a doubter, hell maybe even a softie. Now I got random bastards at every corner telling me I ain't ladylike enough for not wearin’ a damn corset with my jeans” you huff, throwing another stone.
John’s faltered, initially unsure of how to comfort you, “Well…they don’t know a damn thing about you.”
“Maybe,” you murmured.
“But sometimes-” you turn to him, letting out an exasperated sigh, “I wonder if I even know me.”
“Well, what do you mean?”
“I spent my whole life hating my father’s ways, the blood he’s spilled,” you scoff, looking at your cut up hand, “but, really, I’m just like him.”
John was silent for a moment before shaking his head. “That don’t make you him. You ain’t Dutch. You’re you. There ain’t a soul in this world that can tell you who that is but yourself.”
You looked at him, feeling something warm settle your chest, before thinking of a quick way to divert the sensation “Well, that might be the most well put together sentence you ever uttered Marston.”
John rolled his eyes, “Shut up.”
He nudged you with his shoulder, before turning around to head back to the saloon.
“And Marston?” you call out, to which he turns back around
“if I ever see you near a lake again, just—y’know. Make sure Arthur’s around.”
He let out a genuine laugh, shaking his head before walking back, and for the first time that night, the weight on your shoulders felt just a little lighter.
divider is made by dollywons on tumblr :) images from pinterest, but collaged by me
#john marston imagines#john marston fluff#john marston x reader#red dead redemption 2#rdr2 imagines#rdr2 headcanons#rdr 2#john marston#john marston headcannons#arthur morgan#dutch van der linde#rdr2 micah#rdr2 fandom#rdr2 x reader#rdr2 fanfic#arthur morgan x reader#rdr2 community#rdr2 angst#John marston x reader angst#arthur morgan fluff#arthur morgan imagines
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My Dearest
Part 6
LaDS Zayne X Foreseer! Reader
Prologue / Part 5
Summary: You run away from a new revelation regarding Zayne's past and the part you played in it. The distance leaves you both feeling empty, and Zayne can't bring himself to leave you be. Confrontation sparks, confessions are made.
Word County: 3108
Note: we speedin up y'all, cause i'm worried of running out of motivation, and I refuse to not finish this series! there's still more angst to come, but at least now i can get into more fluff :3
Warnings: ummmmmm, mention of violence and murderous intent, also the concept of sending children to war - hate it, but it's for the lore.
“You dare stand before me with blood on your hands and ask for prophecy?”
Your rage burns, unbridled, against the envoy before you. A collection of men, skin sagging with age and gluttony, greed staining their teeth, eyes sunken with lust.
Men of such abhorrent sin. And here they stand, shameless in their expensive robes and fine jewelry while the people of their kingdom are begging on the streets and dying of hunger.
“Foreseer, we are simply-”
“I did not give you permission to speak,” you snap, and the men all flinch at the scathing ice of your tone, “I have seen the blood, the children you have forced to fight your wars in the name of riches. You are nothing but cowardly rats and the king you serve is but a mere disgusting beetle. There is no fortune for murders like him, or spineless puppets like you.”
“How dare you-!”
One of the men moves, as if to approach you in his indignance, but a mere twitch of your fingers brings your staff to hand, the Creatio Protocore gleaming maliciously with your rising ire. You slam it into the ground, ice spindling like webs across the marble, forcing the men to lose balance and fall to their knees. Where they belong.
“Your hubris is sickening,” you murmur, low and harsh, bearing your teeth with the rage of a wolf, “Now be quiet. For the sins your king has committed, Fate has given me this prophecy, so that he may know what it is to be powerless. If he does not repent for sending mere children to fight his wars, then he will pay for their blood with the loss of his own. Death will take his daughter as atonement, and no human medicine or efforts will be able to save her. That is your prophecy. Now leave.”
“My lady?”
You blink, taking a sharp breath as your mind returns to your body. A near physical pain eclipses your entire being, and suddenly you feel far too vulnerable, far too fragile. Too human.
You hate it, you hate that you’ve been brought to such feelings, by your own hand no less. The human race does not deserve sympathy, not from you, not after what they’ve done, rich and poor alike. And yet you have allowed this man to break past your defenses and wrap himself in your being, without even intending to do so. You’ve never met such a seemingly innocent soul, and yet it is because of you that he has suffered. Because of your supposed blessings.
It’s more sickening than any human greed you have faced.
“My lady?” Zayne tries again, brow furrowed sharply as he slowly shifts his hand to hold yours.
Your fingers are trembling.
It’s a complete contrast to mere moments ago, when he was shaking like a newborn lamb and you had comforted him so gently. Now you seem almost…conflicted, drawing into yourself as your expression shutters closed - hiding away your emotions. Yet still, your fingers tremble.
“My apologies,” you murmur, only the slightest tremor behind your words, “I was merely…reliving a memory. Heed me no mind.”
“I understand if you find my past…offensive,” Zayne rasps, thumb pressed hesitantly to your knuckles, “If you wish for me to leave, I will. I do not want to make you uncomfortable, my lady.”
The corners of your lips waver.
“Don’t be so foolish,” you scoff almost bitterly, resisting the urge to carve into your chest just to ease the aching, bruise-like tenderness between your ribs. “It is mere arrogance to believe you could interfere with Fate’s will.”
And yet, how you wish you had done just that. If only you had hunted down that pathetic man and cut his heart out before he could lay his filthy hands on such innocence. You wish you had fed him to the beasts and watched the snow run red with his disgusting blood.
Zayne falters, jaw clenching, “But it was I who failed-”
“Medicine cannot cure one’s sins, Zayne,” you interrupt him with a sense of finality, “An illness of the soul leads to death. I praise your efforts, but you were never capable of saving that girl. No one could. Her death was dealt by Fate, and I was witness to the hand. You cannot atone for a sin you did not commit.”
And oh, how his spirit burns at that. You can see it in his eyes, the desire to argue, to not accept such truth and to carry the blame so forcibly set on his shoulders. He is a man at war with his own confusion and brokenness, fighting so stubbornly to keep his head above water.
Because of you and Fate.
How cruel.
You should leave before you cause any more harm.
Gritting your teeth, you cast your gaze aside to the still dark sky beyond the window, “You have dealt with enough for tonight.”
You move to stand, but Zayne’s grip only tightens around your wrist, so you are left balancing in the in-between, aching aching aching-
“My lady…”
A resigned smile pulls at your lips.
If only things worked in such a way.
“I will brew you a sleeping tonic, so that you may rest,” you murmur thickly, swallowing around the pathetic desperation choking your throat. “I do not wish for you to make yourself sick.”
And you pull your hand loose from his. Your world is cold again, but at least he may have the chance to stay warm.
Little do you know how proximity softens the vicious beast. Like ice exposed to the warmth of a fire, your very soul made space for the flames. Without it, you are left a hollow form, dripping in the long forgotten desire to simply be near another.
It is a horrible temptation. One you cannot give it to.
So you keep your distance and let the feeling fester, because that is all you’ve ever done.
Though Zayne does not seem so content to let you return to how things were.
Like the sun chasing after the moon, the man persists day and night for even a mere glimpse of you. Your absence is too sharp, too sudden, after you’ve allowed him such closeness. After feeling how tender your touch can be. Even if the harsh truth you’ve shared with him has set his world spinning, he can’t help but miss your thoughtful gaze, the serenity of your presence, and the ease of your conversations.
And as the days go by without you, he cannot ignore the fact that he is nearing full health. The deep aches have faded and his pulse no longer stutters as he climbs the stairs. It leaves him bereft of direction.
Medicine he understands. Illness, disease, injuries, they are a language he can speak, issues he knows how to address. Coping with his symptoms was easy. Coping with the emptiness in his chest, the sinking feeling that grows every day he doesn’t see you? Where is he even meant to begin?
He should leave you be, he should respect the clear distance you’ve set from him, he knows that, but for once Zayne wants to be selfish. He wants to draw close and and drown in the depths of your soul which you have shared so sparingly with him, to learn everything he possibly can about you, even if it takes the remainder of his second life. The second life you offered him.
His teacher always said he was a stubborn man when he set his mind to something. And that something is now you.
He can only hope that you will have mercy on him. Again.
So Zayne resorts to what he does best. He studies. He studies your habits, your movements, your tactics for avoiding him. And he sets himself in your way, if only to learn the answer to one question before resigning himself to his fate.
At a loss, you return to your former habits - avoiding the man by scaling the Tower and watching the horizon for hours on end.
Only, this time, as you step foot atop the snowy peak of the Tower, you are frozen in place by the sight before you.
Zayne leans against the wall, supporting himself with that staff you gave him so many days ago. His gaze is set out across the jagged outline of Mount Eternal. Dark hair, dark robes, surrounded by a sea of white, wishing to be seen, to be known. This is no coincidence.
Before you can dare to retreat, those jade eyes flicker over to you with a quiet intensity. Like heat pouring across your skin. You resist the urge to shudder, to crumble before such a heavy gaze.
For once, you feel as though you don’t have the upper hand.
Still, you try to avoid what you know is coming.
“You will freeze if you linger out-”
“Do you wish for me to leave?”
You blink, brows steepling together as confusion flickers across your face at his sudden boldness. Taking a second to actually look at him, you find that there’s something different about the man. He is still Zayne, yes, still the man you pulled from the snow, but there is a steeliness behind his gaze, a determination with which he holds himself. It feels as though if you draw too close, you may melt completely.
“I…do not understand,” you murmur while taking a step back.
Zayne notices, eyes narrowing in a way that makes your typically slow pulse jump. Slowly, he pushes himself off the wall, head tilting ever so slightly, “By medicinal standards, I am well. I am no longer suffering any symptoms from my exposure to the elements.”
A step forward.
You take another pathetic step back.
“Oh…” Has that much time already passed? “Are you certain?”
“Do you wish to check?”
Another step.
You keep your distance.
“I do not see the purpose behind that. Your knowledge of medicine rivals my own.”
“I would like to confirm my findings.”
Your back touches the cold, half-wall that lines the outlook. Panic seeps into your core as he takes another step forward. Like a feral cat, you feel yourself bristle.
“Stop,” you bite out.
And, of course, Zayne does. He falls still, only a few feet from you, watching you with that same calm intensity, as though he’s trying to peer into your soul. It makes your magic prickle under your skin, sharp and uneasy. How could you forget just how persistent the man is?
“You seem to be feeling quite emboldened by your health,” you all but whisper, throat dry.
“Am I making you uncomfortable, my lady?”
For once, your emotions are not quite clear. A part of you wants to keep your distance, to protect him from further harm that could occur from being close to you. The other part, however, relishes in the warmth of his closeness, in the certainty behind his mottled eyes. It soothes something in you, something you don’t want to recognize.
You’ve missed him.
“What do you want from me, Zayne?” You ask, though it takes all your efforts to keep your voice cold, like the snow touching your nape. “Because I am certain it is not for me to check your health.”
A smile flickers briefly at the corner of his lips. Of course you would see through him.
“I wish to know more of you,” Zayne answers earnestly. Simply. As if it makes more than enough sense.
It doesn’t.
Tongue clicking quietly against your teeth, you narrow your eyes at him, “You know more of me than most.”
“...It’s not enough.” The words pass his lips like a confession, a murmur of raw devotion, as he draws a step closer. Tension bleeds into the air, like a layer of static between you, setting every one of your nerves on edge. “I wish to stay by your side and learn everything about you. I wish to pick you apart and worship every piece of you in ways I do not understand.”
Every muscle in your body draws tight. This is not right. This is not right.
“You do not know what you wish for, human,” you grit out, “I will not be of use to you. There is nothing you can gain from staying in this hell.”
“I do not wish to gain anything aside from serving you.”
You bite back a scoff, “Do you not think that I have grown tired of your presence and perhaps have cast you aside? Do you not think I will kill you for this brazen show of defiance?”
His gaze is unwavering against yours, too calm, too certain, “I do not think you will harm me, my lady.”
Something in you snaps.
“I already have,” you all but seethe, teeth bared like a feral mutt forced into a corner. “Do you not see that? It was I who gave the prophecy to your king. I am the reason he called upon you, the reason your teacher hung in the gallows, the reason your hands were stripped of their use and your leg was fractured.” Your magic lashes out past its restraints, frost spreading across every surface you touch. “Only a fool would worship the one who has cursed him to such a life.”
A hateful mixture of anger and guilt constricts your chest, making it near impossible to breathe. You feel lost, drowning in such foreign emotions, grappling for anything to hold on to yet unwilling to reach out to him. Because you can’t rely on him. You don’t want to rely on him. You don’t want to trap him here.
“May I come closer, my lady?”
Gods, you want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
But you are weak weak weak-
“Do as you wish.”
All too quickly, you feel his warmth ensnare you. His fingers brush against yours hesitantly, a question. When you do not draw away, he traces your palm slowly, reverently, before slotting his long, graceful fingers between yours. Your breath catches with uncertainty as he draws your hand up to press his lips to your knuckles, the touch featherlight. Yet, his skin is all but scorching against yours and this time, you can’t stop the shudder that passes through you. It makes you feel fragile. Soft.
When he speaks, his voice is hushed, lips still brushing tenderly against your skin as he gazes up at you so warmly, “I believe it was you that told me that no one is capable of interfering with Fate’s will, my lady. And I must admit that I am grateful for all that has happened.”
Lips pulling into a frown, you can’t keep your disbelief from shaking your voice, “How can you say such a thing?”
“If it were not for those events, I would not have found my way here. I would not have met you, or experienced the depth of your mercy-” He presses another kiss to your knuckles. “-the kindness you conceal behind your indifference-” His lips brush against your pulse. “-or the gentleness of your touch.” Resting your hand against the warmth of his cheek, Zayne presses into your touch, his lips against your palm. Your breath falters as his eyes flicker back to you, kindled with the same heated adoration from nights ago. “How can I not call myself blessed?”
How could you possibly deny him after that?
“You are a fool,” you try weakly.
“Perhaps,” he hums with a shrug.
“And infuriating.”
“My apologies, my lady.”
Unwillingly, a smile twitches at your lips
No, you’ve never been able to deny him in the first place. Not even when Fate commanded it.
Perhaps you are just as much a fool as he. You can’t ignore the truth of his words either - about your own hypocrisy. Though the guilt still festers, and you are still tracing the edge of uncertainty, you truly cannot force him away this time.
“...There will be conditions if you choose to stay,” you start slowly.
Zayne perks a brow, intently focused on you, urging you to continue with a nod.
“You mustn't disrupt my responsibilities,” you insist, becoming far more serious, “Though I detest most of your kind, as the Emissary of Fate, it is my duty to provide prophecies when she instructs me to. At times, though rare, that means traveling to your human kingdoms. You will not be permitted to join me on such journeys.”
For his safety, you think. And he seems to understand, a small glint of gratitude flashing behind his gaze.
“You will become my responsibility, meaning that I will be the one to provide you with anything you may need or want, you need only ask. In return, if you truly wish to serve me, I expect you to listen without argument and never question my judgement.”
“I quite enjoy listening to you, my lady,” Zayne hums almost playfully.
Eyes narrowing, you give his cheek a soft pinch, drawing a low laugh from the man.
Cheeky human.
“Also, I would prefer to have my room returned to me,” you snip back, “so I will provide you with a new room and your own bedding.”
Zayne blinks. His mind processes your words slowly. Then, understanding dawns on him. His eyes go impossibly wide and, much to your pleasure, his ears flush a dark pink, like the sunrises you’ve watched from this very spot.
“Do you mean to say that I have been sleeping in your…?” He can’t even say it, the pretty color spreading across his pale cheeks and down his neck.
“Generous, aren’t I?” You hum, brushing your thumb over his heated skin. It only makes his face flush darker, his chest stuttering unevenly.
“Please have mercy on your servant, my lady,” he pleads, though he’s uncertain what kind of mercy he’s referring to as he presses into your teasing touch.
“Where has that brazen confidence gone, my dear?”
You may as well have struck him down, because Zayne seems to cease working at that. He lets out a ragged breath, gripping desperately to his staff to keep himself standing. And while you are more than amused, you don’t wish to inflict a heart attack on him.
“Shall we return inside before you lose all your bearings?”
He nods, not trusting his voice.
You resist the urge to laugh.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. At least this way you can give him everything he could ever need. And you’ll do everything you can to protect him from further pain.
You truly never expected your decision to lead to this.
And we see the first instance of the petname :3 i freaking love writing flustered Zayne, you can't convince me that Zayne isn't the easiest LI to completely break with just a few words and touches. like, listen to his secret times, just saying. man's breath falter at a simple look. i love him so much.
Tag List: @pirana10 @antivanblessing @animecrazy76 @xx-riffraff-xx @seris-the-amious @king-dynamight
#love and deepspace#love and deepspace reader insert#reader insert#x reader#lads x reader#lads zayne x reader#love and deepspace zayne x reader#zayne x reader#love and deepspace zayne#lads zayne#zayne#foreseer reader#foreseer#angst#tw violence
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Safe [Killer x OC Nina]
Commissioned by @dissvicious
CW: third person pov, canon x oc, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex work, drug withdrawal, attempt of noncon, oral sex, handjob, fingering, p in v sex
WC: 8.2k
Masterlist || Comissions Info
When Heat and Wire heard noises coming from the pantry, they expected to find some sort of wild animal, a racoon or rats or maybe even a stray dog. Well, there was an animal, a black cat missing limbs and most of its tail, but the cat wasn't really the cause of the issue. The real problem was the pink haired woman scavenging through the Kid Pirate's food stores, though she looked so feral she may as well classify as a wild animal anyway. Dirty, her clothes torn, her hair messy and overgrown where her style clearly dictated shaving, and pupils blown out from drugs. It was a look they both recognized well from their home island, making the two men exchange a saddened, sympathetic look as the woman looked at them with wide, frightened eyes - yet she continued to tear at her stolen turkey leg, like she was scared she wouldn't get to eat again. It made them wonder how long she'd gone without food, that the presence of two relatively massive pirates didn't deter her.
Her cat stumbling noisily behind her as it tried to shake a jar from its head broke the stand off between the three of them, and Wire was quick to snatch her up. She fought him, of course, trying to beat him off with her weak arms and her turkey leg, to which Wire merely sighed and adjusted his hold on her, tearing the turkey away from her and tossing it aside, much to her dismay. He held her out by the scruff of her shirt as she wildly swung all her limbs at him and growled like a caged cat, unable to reach him with her much shorter arms and legs. She was so small compared to Wire, he'd thought she was a child at first glance, if not for all the tattoos. Heat gingerly scooped up her cat, who was far more friendly than the woman and merely gave a chirp at the sudden abduction, following Wire out of the room to take the two invaders to the boss.
Kid sat in his throne like chair at the head of the dining table, gorging on meat as his first mate stood to his side. He looked up in confusion as he heard the shrill angry screams and familiar calls of “BOSS!” approaching from the hall. Wire dragged the woman in, putting her in a chokehold as she turned her anger on Kid the second she was close enough. ‘Is this love at first sight?’ Kid thought to himself as he watched the feral woman try to fight a man at least three times her size, unarmed but fearless at her captor. He liked a woman with a bit of fire to her, it was more of a challenge. This one was small too, he couldn't help but picture how easy it would be to manhandle her however he liked. He shook his head at the intrusive thought as his pants threatened to get tight. The woman clawed at Wire's arm, leaving deep gashes in his tan skin, but he paid it no mind.
“Found some rats in the pantry,” Wire told Kid in his deep monotone voice.
“How the fuck did she get in the pantry?” Killer scowled under his mask, unphased by the slew of insults she continued to throw at them. “Heat, find out who was on watch, have them punished.”
“What do I do with the cat?” Heat asked, shifting awkwardly.
“Drown it or some shit, who cares,” Kid waved his hand dismissively, ignoring the woman screaming in his face. The wave of his hand brought it close enough to her mouth, and she took her opportunity to bite him as hard as she could, sinking her dirty teeth into his flesh. He recoiled his hand quickly, inspecting the deep, bleeding bite. “FUCKING BITCH!” he growled, “you better not have fucking rabies.”
Kid held his hand against the cool metal of his prosthetic to soothe the bite as the woman huffed from excursion in his face, her teeth bared at him like a wild animal. His dick twitched involuntarily at the threats, damn this woman. He leaned back in his chair, looking her up and down, inspecting her. Yeah, she was fuckable, even if she was filthy right now. Best not kill her cat if he wants her down to clown though.
There was something else about her too though, a desperation and a sadness in her eyes that reminded him of a woman he used to know. It made him feel sorry for her, perhaps even a little protective, or maybe just nostalgic. He sighed to himself, he couldn't just have his fun and be done with her, the guilt afterwards would eat away at him if he let a second woman die.
“Lock the cat in one of the spare rooms,” he decided flippantly, “give it a bowl of water or whatever. Food I guess, I don't know, what ever the fuck cats need. Then bring the lookout to me, find out how she got here. There's gotta be a boat or some shit.”
“On it boss,” Heat replied, leaving the room with the cat still in hand. The woman watched him leave, confused. Why the change of heart? She stopped fighting against the man holding her, eyes flicking back to the redhead who was clearly in charge here. He looked… sad? He looked her in the eye, holding her gaze for a moment, like he was trying to see what her true character was, whether she was worth keeping. There wasn't much the woman could do to convey her worth, she didn't feel she had any.
“Calmed down?” Kid asked gruffly. She looked away and stared at the floor, feeling exposed, the fight completely gone from her. Something about his amber eyes had torn the fight away. Maybe it was because she knew she had no chance of surviving these four men, but maybe if she behaved they would at least be gentle. She could only make assumptions about what four grown pirate men would want with her, let alone the rest of the crew she had yet to see. “Good,” Kid continued, taking her silence as an answer. Wire took it as his signal to let her go, but stayed close, in case she angered again. “What's your name pipsqueak?”
The woman stayed silent, staring at the floor. Why did they care what her name was? What did it matter when she was probably just a toy for them anyway, something to be used and discarded without care. “Speak,” Wire insisted behind her, giving her a short shove and causing her to stumble closer to the captain. She turned and hissed at him, before turning back to Kid with a little more fire in her.
“Nina,” she spat.
“Nina,” Kid repeated, like he was testing how it felt on his tongue, “you wanna join my crew?”
“Huh?” Nina huffed, completely thrown off. She hadn't at all expected that. Killer and Wire exchanged a look, it wasn't like Kid to just offer people a place on his crew, let alone so quickly. Then again, they'd both have to be blind to not see the similarities between this stubborn woman and Victoria. Neither was willing to risk Kid's wrath by pointing it out though, so they both held their tongues.
“What, you got a better plan?” Kid laughed, “seems to me that you're all alone and half dead, but you've got some fire in ya, and lucky for you I have a soft spot for basket cases. So you wanna join or what? Or we can just handle you the way we normally handle rats.”
“I… I guess?” Nina replied hesitantly after giving it some thought. It wasn't like she had a lot of choice here. Worst case, at least she'd be alive, she could always run off at the next island. These men were clearly pirates, she'd seen their ship and their jollyroger, they wouldn't stay settled on this island for long. In the meantime maybe she'd at least have a secure source of food and shelter.
“Good choice,” Kid barked, “Kil, get ‘er cleaned up and set. Welcome to the Kid Pirates, pipsqueak.”
Nina stayed in the shower longer than she probably should have, but the hot water felt good against her irritated skin after so long at sea without access to proper bathing. She let the water wash over her as she stood deep in thought, trying to understand what the fuck had happened. The first mate had brought her to this bathroom, a communal space but he'd promised her privacy as he stood guard outside - whether for her protection or the protection of the crew she wasn't quite sure. It wasn't like she had any weapons on her, Killer had made sure of that before leaving her on her own to shower. She'd told him where to find her boat, and he promised her things would be brought ashore for her. She didn't understand why they were bothering, this all felt like some elaborate trick to get her comfortable before they kill her, maybe to make her death more cruel, or to make her more pliable to their demands.
Killer knocking on the door startled her from her reverie, making her jolt. “Hurry it up, I've got shit to do, new girl,” Killer called from the other side of the door. She quickly shut off the water and dried herself, redressing in the clean clothes Killer had grabbed for her. The last thing she wanted to do was anger anyone and make them change their mind about keeping her alive. The clothes weren't a lot, just a blue men's shirt that was far too large for her, some briefs - also too large but she made do by tying a knot on at the waistband - and a set of fluffy socks. It was certainly better than the torn, dirty clothes she'd been wearing though, which she tossed in a waste bin, there was no point trying to save them.
“You decent?” Killer called again. Nina checked her appearance in the mirror quickly, making sure everything was covered. She scowled at her sunken eyes with their heavy bags, her overgrown hair that was stuck to her scalp from the water, the numerous cuts and scrapes and bruises that littered her body, more visible now that the grime that hid most of them away was gone. Some of them seemed infected, and she winced as she prodded at one particularly inflamed looking cut. With a sigh she called out to Killer that he could come in, and he did so immediately. Moving to a nearby cabinet he pulled out a first aid box, gesturing for her to sit on one of the dressing benches that ran down the center of the bathroom.
He knelt in front of her, the height difference between them meaning they would have been eye to eye if not for the mask, as he sat the first aid kit on the bench and opened it, pulling out several things. “Can I touch you?” He asked, “just to tend to your injuries.”
Nina blinked in confusion, she couldn't even remember the last time someone asked her for consent, let alone cared for her physical wellbeing. “Y-yeah,” she replied in a small voice.
Killer was quiet as he tended to her wounds, carefully cleaning and disinfecting each one before laying a sterlile dressing over them. He applied a soothing ointment over her bruises, and added paper stitches to a few particularly nasty cuts. She sat frozen the whole time, but couldn't help but feel that his light touches against her skin felt nice. It'd been a long time since anyone had been gentle with her. Slowly she let herself relax, closing her eyes and just focusing on the soft touch of his warm fingertips against her skin. She stifled a sigh as his fingers smoothed out the dressing on her nose, momentarily running over the tops of her cheeks before his hands moved on to the next injury. By the time he was done she was covered in small dressings, a few larger palm sized ones here and there.
After discarding the small pile of trash he'd accumulated in the process, he gestured for her to follow him. They met Wire again, who carried a bag with him. Nina recognized it as hers, as the tall man handed it to Killer. “This her stuff?” the first mate asked.
“Yeah, boat was right where she said it would be,” Wire replied, eyes shifting to Nina for a moment as he inspected how many dressings Killer had needed to give her. She was in a worse shape than Wire had initially thought. “Heat put the cat in the room next to Quince. Kid's dealing with the henchie that was on watch.”
“Okay,” Killer replied. Wire nodded and turned to leave, and Killer turned back to Nina. He held the bag out for her to take, and she looked at him befuddled. The chainsaw sticking out of the bag was obvious, and the way the bag was packed looked like nobody had even looked inside. Were they stupid, or were they really giving her a weapon? “You want your shit or not?” Killer asked, jostling the bag a little, and Nina quickly grabbed it back. She slung the bag over her shoulder, and quickly scurried to follow him again, as he'd already begun walking once more.
He opened the door to a spacious room, where her cat, Zap, quickly hobbled over to greet her, rubbing against her leg. She picked him up and gave him a small affectionate squeeze, before looking properly at the room. It was… nice. Really nice, actually. She'd sort of expected an old crusty mattress on the floor and a lock on the outside of her door, but this seemed like an ordinary, nice, bedroom. There was a large bed made up with clean bedding, a big round mirror, dressers and shelves for her things, a big round light hanging from the ceiling that someone had turned on already for Zap - Heat, assumedly. There were even a few bowls on the floor near the dresser - one filled with fresh water, the other dirty with the remnants of whatever meat Zap had been given while Nina was showering.
Looking at the room, Nina suddenly realised that maybe this wasn't a trick. These pirates were being nothing but kind to her and Zap. She'd never even stayed in a room this nice before, not a single piece of furniture looked dirty or broken or worn. It was a safe, welcoming space, and it was all for her. She could fight back, she had her weapon now, but they didn't expect her to, because there was no need. She was safe here, with this crew. Maybe it was fate that her small rickety boat had brought her to this island.
She turned to Killer with a wide smile, the first smile she'd had in months, maybe even years. “Thank you,” she said softly. His heart fluttered a little and he blushed under his mask at her pretty grin, the corners of her eyes creased from it, making the little heart tattoo under her eye dance with the shift of skin.
“Yeah, no problem,” he replied, trying to hide the fluster in his voice. “Uh, get settled in, I'll come grab you close to dinner to show you the dining hall in a few hours.”
He turned and left quickly, leaving the door open, showing her she was not a prisoner here. The second he was gone she put Zap down on the floor, leaned her bag against the dresser, and flopped onto the bed with a giggle. It was soft, and she buried her face in the blankets, which smelled freshly laundered and pleasant. She inhaled the scent, letting out a relieved exhale as she rolled onto her back and relaxed against the blankets. Zap made his best attempt at a jump but fell short, so Nina had to pick him up to put him on the bed, at which point he trilled happily and curled up next to her to sleep. Petting his head gently, she idly stared at the ceiling, noticeably mold and rot free, and let out a contented sigh. For the first time in a long while, Nina felt safe, and like things were finally looking up for her.
Weeks passed, and Nina seemed like she was settling in well. As well as she could anyway, given everything she'd been through. It was clear to the commanders that she'd been lost, feeling like her life had no use, just wandering endlessly trying to find a reason to keep going. Kid and Killer sympathized, they'd felt the same way after Victoria died. They did what they could to give Nina purpose, assigning her as the new ship doctor after learning about her previous work with Dr. Hogback. She wasn't used to working with the living, but she was doing her best to adapt. It gave her a reason to get up every day, knowing these pirates had use for her, especially when they took back to the sea and the rate of injuries increased with the uptick in battles.
Several months passed, seemingly calmly, but Heat was growing suspicious of the new addition. When Nina had turned up on the island it was clear she was under the influence of something strong. Heat had expected more resistance from her as she sobered, but the telltale symptoms of clearing drugs from the veins had never come. Heat was well educated when it came to the hard stuff, he'd been there, he knew the damage it could do. Kid had a strict policy about drugs on the ship because of what they'd all seen from their home island, weed was the hardest thing the crew was allowed. Heat had made it clear to Nina that he grew plenty of cannabis to go around, all she had to do was ask, but she never did. And yet, she still showed the signs of being high - the blown pupils, the jitteriness, the short fuse. Though that last one may have just been her, it was hard to tell.
He had sympathy for her as well though, he didn't want Kid just straight kicking her off the ship when he knew she had nowhere to go, so instead he took his concerns to Killer. The first mate understood the fragility of the situation, and Heat's reservations about bringing it to Kid, so he decided to take care of it himself. Back on the island there were plenty of places one might go to do drugs in secret, especially when she had her own room, but here on the ship, sharing a room with three other crewmates, there were limited places one could hide.
He started covertly watching her, using his haki to follow her movements through the ship. The drugs and her trauma made her paranoid, making the surveillance harder, but Killer was silent on his feet and knew this ship far better than she did. He knew where every creaky floorboard was, every blind spot where he could avoid her gaze, and used them to his advantage. It didn't take long to catch her out, following her to the deck above the stern castle, where crew rarely went. It was after dark, but the full moon gave enough light to navigate by.
He emerged from the ladder leading to the deck as she was tightening a tourniquet around her arm, a syringe held in her mouth ready to inject. She stared at him like a deer in headlights, too slow to react as he rushed at her, grabbing everything he could and throwing it as far away as his muscles would allow. There was a fight for the syringe, her nails clawing at him as she shrieked, but inevitably that was thrown too. She ran to the railing and let out a deafening scream as she watched her drugs disappear under the surface of the water, lost to the ocean, the moonlight glittering against the metal of the syringe needle before it was gone for good. In her anger and drug-craving haze she tried to jump after it, but tight arms around her waist pulled her away from the edge of the deck.
“LET GO OF ME!” she screamed, flailing her legs and scratching his arms as he stepped backwards away from the long fall at the back of the ship that plunged straight to freezing open seas. “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!”
“I know exactly what I've done,” Killer growled back, “you know the rules, Kid would have kicked you off for that shit. You want to go back to scavenging for your next meal?”
“You don't understand!” She cried. Her fighting stopped, but she still gripped his arms hard. “I need them, I need them!”
“You don't,” he replied firmly, shifting his hold on her to be more of a hug, letting her feet rest back against the deck. She slumped in his arms, only kept up by him as tears streamed down her face. She didn't know how to be sober anymore, that reality was too hard to even think about. “You don't need that shit, it's poison, I've seen people destroyed by it. It would have killed you.”
“So?” Nina spat indignantly, “who the fuck cares.”
“Don't say that,” Killer sighed, squeezing her a little tighter and pressing his mask against her shoulder. She shivered a little at the brisk night air, but his warm front against her back was a comfort against the cold. “I know you've not been here long, but you have friends. We care about you, we're here for you. You found us for a reason, you belong here with us.”
“I don't- I can't-” she started, feeling helpless.
“I'll help you,” Killer replied, “I'll help you get clean, okay?”
“Okay,” Nina replied in a small voice, not having much choice. Killer held her for a while longer, letting her get out her tears, before walking her back to her room.
“She can't stay with us like this,” Quincy huffed, “she's up all night, tossing and turning, screaming in her sleep! We want her to get clean, we do, but she needs to do it somewhere else! We need sleep!”
Killer slumped down in his chair and let his head loll back, his mask making a ‘clunk’ against the back of the chair as he let out a heavy sigh. He had a feeling this would happen with making Nina go cold turkey, but there was no good solution. He'd considered converting a storage room for her while she sobered, but recent raids had all the rooms full with treasure and weapons, there was no space to even hang a hammock. Quincy was right though, it wasn't fair for the three girls who shared a room with Nina to have to deal with the effects of her sobering up, especially when the worst was still to come.
“I'll sort it,” Killer grunted. There was really only one solution he could see here, and he hated it, but it wouldn't be forever. He stood and marched past Quincy, making his way to where he knew Nina would be. He found her exactly as expected, and he knelt next to her bed, pulling back the blankets that she'd pulled over her head.
“Fuck off,” Nina growled, not even turning to look at him. She was shivering like she was freezing, her skin clammy with sweat.
“Pack your shit,” Killer tried his best to reply in a gentle manner, “you're moving room.”
Nina took some convincing to get out of bed, while in the meantime Killer gathered her things. Zap squeaked as Killer picked him up, Nina's duffle in his other hand; the cat hardly left her side, especially while she'd been essentially bedridden. Nina unwillingly followed him bare foot in her pajamas across the deck and up the stairs, pausing as she realised she was being led into the stern castle where the commanders all resided. “I'm… staying here?” She asked hesitantly, raising her hand to block the sunlight that was hurting her eyes.
“You're taking my room, while you get sober,” Killer explained, giving her a small push on her lower back to get her moving again, “I'll stay with Kid in the meantime.”
“You don't have to do that,” she said in a small voice as he opened the door to his room and dumped her stuff on the floor, placing Zap on the bed. He didn't like knowing there was going to be cat chair all over his usually spotless room, but there wasn't much that could be done without upsetting Nina by seperating her from the only thing that seemed to give her comfort right now.
“I do, actually,” Killer sighed, “the girls can't sleep with your current condition and it's only going to get worse. It's not forever, just until you're clean. Just… don't fuck my room up, okay? I'll be across the hall if you need anything, I cleared the top drawers for your stuff, bathroom is through that door.”
Nina was already climbing under his blankets as he explained everything, more than exhausted from the short walk and wanting to go back to sleep, where her head didn't feel like it was going to split open. Killer took the time to fill a bowl with water for Zap, Quincy had been essentially caring for the cat while Nina was sick anyway, so he guessed that was his job now. He made a mental note to go grab the litter box and food bowl, before sighing to himself and leaving Nina to brood.
Killer quickly understood why the girls had needed their space from Nina. The crew quarters were far from the stern castle, so he couldn't hear her before, but now that she was across the hall her screaming was loud and clear. “Shut her up,” Kid growled as he rolled over, covering his head with a pillow. Against his will, Killer climbed out of bed and slipped on his mask, sleepily making his way across the hall, barefooted in his blue gingham pajama pants. Wire opened his door down the hall and gave Killer a look as though to ask if he needed help, but Killer waved him off before reaching for the handle to what was usually his bedroom door.
Inside the room, chaos had ensued. He noted Zap hiding under the dresser as Nina threw things around, narrowly missing Killer with a lamp. She let out a blood curdling scream at him, and he wondered if she was even seeing him, or something monstrous in his place. It was a likely scenario that she was fighting some invisible demon, hallucinations brought on by her withdrawal. He grabbed her before he could hurt him or herself, pinning her arms to her front as he held her from behind. “Shh, I got you,” Killer soothed, “it's Kil, there's only the two of us here, you're safe on the Victoria Punk, nobody is going to hurt you.”
Nina was panting hard, drenched with sweat and shaking, but she at least stopped screaming, and stopped fighting him. “There you go, you're okay,” he said softly, loosening his hold a little, “I've got you. Just breathe.”
“Killer,” she whimpered, like she was remembering herself, “I'm so scared. And it hurts, so much.”
“I know, I know,” Killer shushed, pulling her to the bed and into his lap as he sat. He rocked her gently as she continued to make small sad whimpers. “We're gonna get through this.”
“Will you stay with me?” She mumbled against his chest. She was struggling to discern what was real and what wasn't, and she felt like she couldn't defend herself against that. She needed someone with her, who could help her see that the awful things she were seeing were all in her head. Killer considered it for a moment. He would be uncomfortable, unable to take his mask off to sleep, but right now it was clear Nina needed a friend, or she might not make it through this.
“I'll stay,” Killer replied. Nina breathed a shaky sigh of relief and nestled into him, letting him hold her like a scared child as she tried to ground herself. Eventually he convinced her to lay back down to sleep, but he never let go of her, letting her use him like an anchor as the hallucinations threatened to steal her sanity away and her body ached from exhaustion.
Killer woke with a startle, feeling his pants being tugged at, putting him into fight or flight. He threw the covers off to find Nina weakly and desperately trying to get his pants further down, her small hand wrapped around Killer's semi-erect cock. He quickly grabbed her hand and tried to pull her away, but she rushed back towards him. He jumped off the bed as he pulled his pants back up, and she scrambled after him like a woman possessed, kneeling at his feet and tugging at his pants again while he gripped them hard to keep them up.
“NINA, WHAT THE FUCK?” he growled, trying to get away from her as she crawled after him, a crazed look in her eyes.
“Please, I need one more hit, just one more,” Nina pleaded, “let me trade for it, please, please. I'll suck your dick, I'll make you feel so good, please I just want one more hit then I'll get sober, I promise. Please I can make it worth it for you, I'm really good, please!”
“Not fucking happening,” Killer snapped, “Nina stop, I'm not giving you more drugs.”
“Please, please,” she pleaded. She collapsed at his feet, tears falling to the floor as she clawed at his pants. “I can't do this, what's the point? Why am I even trying?”
Killer fell to his feet in front of her, taking her face in his hands. “Nina, look at me,” he growled, “look at me.”
“How can I fucking look at you?!” She cried, “I can't even see your face! I don't even know what fucking colour your eyes are!”
Killer sighed and gathered all his mental fortitude. He should have seen that coming, it was only fair. “You want a trade? I'll make you a trade,” he replied in a low voice. Nina perked up, hopeful that he was caving. She was desperate for another rush, she felt miserable and alone and everything hurt, just one more hit and everything would feel okay, she just knew it. He saw the hope in her eyes and hated to snuff it out, but it was a necessary evil. “I'm not getting you more meth,” Killer sighed, “I can get you weed, but nothing more. But I'll make you a deal. You get sober, and I'll show you my face.”
Nina blinked at him, disappointed and confused. “The thing is, only Kid, Heat and Wire ever see my face,” Killer sighed, “I get that you don't feel like you can trust me, when I'm not even letting you see all of me. But I don't like my face, I don't like my smile. I don't let anyone see it, except the people I trust the most. Showing my face is the hardest thing I can do, but I know right now you're going through something really fucking hard too. So I'll make you a deal. You be brave, and I'll be brave too. I know right now it hurts, and everything is terrifying and you feel like the whole world is against you, but it's not. I'm right here, you don't have to do this alone.”
“Kil..” Nina sobbed, falling forward and letting him wrap his arms around her.
Things had to get worse before they got better, and get worse they did. Nina was reduced to a screaming, writhing mess, consumed by hallucinations and crying out for someone to either kill her, or let her have one more hit. She started refusing meals, until she became too weak to refuse and gave in, letting Killer hold her while he carefully spoon fed her. He became her full time carer, helping her to the bathroom and bathing her when it couldn't be avoided any longer. She practically lived in his shirts now, oversized on her but his familiar scent gave her comfort whenever he had to leave her to attend to his first mate duties. She never left the room, never left the bed without his assistance, she just tossed and turned and screamed all day, except when he was holding her. With him there, things were easier. He grounded her, made it easier to tell what was real and what wasn't. After several nights of running to her room at well past midnight, he'd given in to her pleas to stay with her, despite how uncomfortable he was sleeping with his mask on. She curled around his body every night like a koala clinging to a tree, whimpering in her sleep, but at least having him there was a balm for the screaming.
Killer got used to waking up with her limbs tangled with his, so when he woke up to find her not there, panic set in immediately. “Nina?” He called in fear, worried that she'd done something stupid, “Nina, you in the bathroom?”
When no reply came he jumped out of bed, flinging open the bathroom door to find the room empty. Scared for her safety, he ran out of the bedroom, opening his haki to search for her. He felt her on the opposite side of the ship, in the deck held between the jaws of the skull that decorated the front of the ship. He ran full speed to her, jumping to skip the sets of stairs that led to the stern castle, his heart racing faster than he thought it could. Only once before had his heart beat so hard, when Kid had laid lifeless on the battlefield after losing his arm, Killer not knowing if he was alive or dead.
He came to a sudden stop as he finally reached her, calling for her between heavy breaths. She turned, startled, brows raised in surprise. “Kil?” She asked, “everything okay?”
“You, you weren't in bed,” he huffed between breaths, “I thought- I thought something was wrong.”
Nina lowered the mug she was holding in both hands, using the heat from the drink inside to warm her hands against the cold morning breeze. It was early, the sun barely risen over the horizon, the sky tinted with greens and deep blues. A blanket was wrapped loosely around her shoulders, hanging over her stolen shirt that hung loosely from her frame, property of Killer, and old sweatpants from when he was thinner, though she still had to tie them as tight as they could go. “I was watching the sunrise,” Nina explained, confused as to why he was so flustered, his chest heaving still, “sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”
“You're… feeling okay?” Killer asked, eyeing the drink in her hands, wondering if there was some trick to this. She noticed the subtle tilt of his mask and followed his line of sight.
“It's just tea,” Nina explained, “I don't think I made it right though, there's so many bits in it. My head was feeling clear, so I thought I'd get some fresh air before everyone woke up. Still have a headache a little, but I think I'm okay.”
“Bits?” Killer mumbled. He didn't think they had loose leaf tea on the ship. Unless…”Nina, did you open the tea bag?”
“Yes?” She replied, furrowing her brows. Killer snorted, grabbing the railing for support as he accidentally let out a genuine, unsupressed laugh. “What? Are you laughing at me? I didn't even know you laughed.”
“I don't,” Killer wheezed, “but that's, fuck, you said you were bad at cooking but who the fuck can't manage tea?”
Nina lightened up at Killer's laughter and let herself giggle, pouring the tea out over the railing next to where Killer was trying to rein himself in. With one last deep inhale he contained himself, standing straight and looking at her next to him. She was smiling back up at him, and he realised suddenly that there was no mockery in her expression. She'd heard his real laugh, and hadn't given any inclination that she disliked it. He turned to her, standing tall, before reaching back to the latch on his mask and releasing it. She made a soft gasp as he pulled it off his head, his bangs falling into place over his icy blue eyes, his lips stained with the remnants of purple lipstick, his cheekbones sharp and defined. She barely had time to take him in before he pulled her by her nape and cover her lips with his.
She made a confused whine, before closing her eyes and pressing back against him, letting the blanket on her shoulders fall to the deck as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and wove her hand through his long hair. He only kissed her for a moment before realising how crazy this was and pulling away. “Fuck, sorry,” he said bashfully as he stepped back. Nina's arms followed him, falling to rest against his chest. He looked out at the ocean, feeling self conscious and embarrassed for letting himself be so undisciplined.
“Don't be,” she replied softly, running a hand up his neck to cup his face. He hesitated to look at her, until her thumb ran over his lips. “So pretty,” she whispered, mostly to herself. He looked at her then, saw how her eyes glittered with genuine awe and affection, and he felt his heart swell. A breeze ran through the ship and she shivered, distracted for a moment from absorbing every facet of his face.
“You're cold,” he stated, rubbing her bare arm with his free hand to try and give her some warmth. She murmured in agreement but never looked away from him. “Come on,” he said as he put his mask back on, “let's go back to bed and get you warmed up.”
She let him take her hand and lead her, the two of them moving silently save for their footsteps, an unexpected electricity running through them where their fingers threaded together. Both of their hearts were racing at the unspoken promise of what waited for them back in the bedroom. Nina was nervous though, she'd never slept with a man in a intimate way, she'd only ever done it for money when things were desperate. None of those experiences had been pleasant for her, and she didn't know if she even wanted this. She wanted him though, that much she knew for certain, so maybe it would be different this time.
The door shut behind her and latched, and she felt herself starting to panic. Killer approached her from behind, letting his mask fall to the floor, but paused as he heard her quickening breath. “You okay?” He asked softly, “we don't have to do anything, you know. We can just lay under the blankets, get warm, talk if you want to.”
“Sorry, I'm fine,” Nina lied.
“You're not,” Killer sighed, seeing right through her facade, “It's okay, I know my laugh, my smile, they're not pleasant. You don't have to force yourself.”
Nina's breath hitched and she spun to face him, taking his face in her hands, her own discomfort forgotten for his. “It's not you, Kil, I promise, okay?” She soothed, running her thumbs over his cheeks. She took a deep breath and tried to be brave, not wanting Killer to be hurt by her own insecurities, “It's just. I've only ever slept with men for money.”
“Oh,” Killer replied quietly. He covered her hands with her own, closing his eyes for a moment as he pressed harder against her soft palms, “We don't have to do anything. We can take our time. It'd be different though, I'd be gentle with you. I want to be gentle with you.”
“I want that too,” Nina replied timidly, “I want you, Kil.”
“You have me,” he replied before pressing his lips to hers again, “all of me, if that's what you want.”
Nina kissed him hard, giving him her answer, and he replied in equal fervour. He walked her backwards to the bed as their hands tangled in each other's hair. He groaned as she gave his hair a tug, and she took the opportunity to plunge her tongue into his mouth. Kissing him felt good, and she found herself pressing hard against his body, whining as his erection pressed against her stomach. She let herself fall backwards, pulling him with her, their mouths still connected.
Nina tugged on his shirt, and they broke the kiss so she could pull it over his head, quickly followed by him removing her shirt. She giggled in anticipation before his lips captured hers again, the giggle turning to a moan as he kissed along her jaw and down her neck, taking handfuls of her small breasts and rolling her nipples between his thumbs and pointer fingers as his mouth made a trail down her front to them. Her whole body felt sensitive as he took a tit in his mouth, laving it with his tongue and flicking the pert bud with the tip. Her back arched off the bed as he kissed further down, his knees falling to rest on the floor as his lips worshipped her belly.
He looked up at her with puppy dog eyes, seeking wordless permission as his fingers tugged at the waistband to her borrowed pants. Nina bit her lip and nodded. She'd never even had a man go down on her and was eager to feel his mouth on her cunt. She raised her ass for him and he removed her pants and underwear, returning his mouth to her tummy and continuing his journey downwards. He nosed at her pink pubes as she spread her legs for him, and he pulled her thighs to rest on his shoulders, kissing each inner thigh before pressing his nose to her core and inhaling her scent. He groaned before finally bringing his tongue out to meet her, making her let out a long deep moan as he ran the wet muscle between her folds.
It wasn't often Killer got to eat pussy, in fact he couldn't remember the last time he'd done it with a woman watching him. Her eyes were squarely focused on him as he began to eat her out, his eyes locked with hers as he rolled his tongue over her clit with practiced precision. She gave in and let herself fall back against the bed, weaving a hand through his hair and letting herself relax as he worked, melting into the mattress at the feeling of his mouth on her pussy. She'd never let herself feel her pleasure with a man, it'd always been so strictly transactional, no man had ever even considered her pleasure, but Killer was drunk on it. He made satisfied groans as he ate her out, squeezing her thighs to hold her in place as she bucked and moaned, the vibrations of his pleased sounds adding to her pleasure. He released one thigh to bring one hand up under his chin, running the tip of his index finger around her entrance before sinking it into her pussy.
“Oh fuck~” Nina groaned, legs shaking as she came suddenly at the intrusion, “Kil~”
Killer grinned and kissed her pussy tenderly before climbing up her body. She shuffled backwards to make space and he straddled over her, watching her face intently as he sunk two fingers inside her. She whined and gripped the arm that was keeping him supported hovering above her. Her other hand ran over his chest, enjoying the tight muscles and curves, before it ran further down and under the waistband of his pants. He grunted as she wrapped her hand around his cock and began to pump him, matching the pace he was using on her. He added a third finger to her and the two of them made sloppy, desperate kisses as they jerked each other off.
“Kil,” Nina panted, “want you, please.”
Killer groaned and was quick to comply. As much as he hated to admit it, his dreams had been haunted by Nina ever since she'd woken him up that morning. With the added unexpected emotions on top, he was desperate to sink inside her, but he didn't want to pressure her. Hearing her beg for him had him ready to cum right there and then. “You sure?” He queried.
“I'm sure,” she confirmed huskily. He stripped his pants quickly and settled himself between her legs, taking himself in his hand. “Wait,” she pressed a hand to his chest, “can I… can I do it?”
Killer understood that she was nervous for a good reason, this position no doubt reminded her of some unsavory memories. He grabbed her hips and rolled both of them so she was on top, straddling him. She made a surprised gasp as they rolled, sitting up to sit over his cock as they stilled. She gave an experimental roll, grinding her cunt against his shaft, making them both whine at the friction. She reached between her legs and stroked him a few times before lining him up with her entrance. He was big, and she worried he wouldn't even fit, so she sank down slowly. Her body was more than willing though, more aroused than she'd ever been with a man and well prepared by him, so she was able to take all of him, whimpering as her thighs met his pelvis. She stayed still there for a moment, eyes closed in concentration as she took in how full she was and how good it felt.
Killer was meanwhile using all his willpower to not immediately thrust up into her, overwhelmed by how hot and wet she was sitting atop him, his cock entirely disappeared inside her. He gripped her thighs and groaned impatiently, desperate for her to move before his resolve could snap. Finally she opened her eyes again, suddenly feeling powerful as she looked down at the strong man underneath her. She rolled her hips with purpose, mouth falling open and moans spilling from her lips as she rode him, experimenting with a few different motions and hip angles before she found the one that felt the best for her.
“There you go,” Killer praised as his fingertips sunk into her thighs, “just like that, princess.”
Her moans synchronized with his grunts as she rolled her hips, Killer immensely turned on as he watched the way Nina took back her power and used him for her pleasure. Her hands ran over his chest, playing with his nipples and groping his pecks, before she leaned down and kissed him hard. “Kil,” she groaned, her energy fading, “fuck me, please.”
Killer planted his feet and thrust up into her, making her scream and bury her face against his shoulder. He gripped her ass and held her steady above him as he fucked up into her, her pussy making wet squelches as she whined against his neck, hot breath making his skin damp. She tangled her hands through his hair and pulled hard for support as her body was jostled, moaning directly in his ear, making it hard for Killer to not immediately cum. “Kil,” she huffed, “feels good, so close~”
“Cum for me, princess,” Killer groaned, “fuck, cum on my cock, please, I need it.”
“Ah, ah, cumming~” Nina cried, her cunt clamping down around Killer. He whined as he kept pumping her, trying to work her entirely through it, before pulling out and jerking himself off over his own stomach.
“Fuck,” he grunted as Nina collapsed against him, the two of them a panting mess as cum and sweat transferred between their bodies, Nina still twitching occasionally in her afterglow. She kissed his cheek tenderly as she came back to earth before he turned his face to meet her, the two of them sharing a intimate, gentle kiss, his hand running through her overgrown hair that was usually shaved short.
“Thank you,” she said softly as she nuzzled in to the crook of his neck, “for taking care of me, for being there. For trusting me with with your face.”
“Thank you for trusting me as well,” Killer kissed the side of her head, holding her tight to him, “the hard part is over, you're gonna be okay now.”
“Yeah, I think I am,” she agreed sleepily.
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maybe javier with 19 please? "You're leaving now?" like a final night at beaver hollow?
Arthur's words rang out in your head, ‘leave while you can, before you end up on the wrong end of a bullet.’ You knew the gang was coming to an end, anyone with eyes could see that. The way Micah would whisper into the ear of anyone who would listen, tainting them with his foul speech. Talk of traitors, and rats were said in hushed whispers around camp. Especially ever since Molly, poor girl.
You don’t know when you made the decision to leave, one night you couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t take the whispers, couldn’t take how Arthur looked worse everyday, couldn’t take how the man you loved was slipping through your fingers.
“You’re leaving, now?” Javier’s voice cut through the silence. You jumped, calming your mare with a gentle pat as you attached everything she could carry to her rump. You turned to face him, biting your lip as you met his cold gaze.
“I can’t stay here any longer.” You said shaking your head, tightening the ropes around your things, making sure they were secure. After all the nights you two had spent together you’d think after all the nights when words weren’t needed, you’d know what to say to him. But those nights were long gone, he may have returned from Guarma, but the man you loved died there. Buried six feet underground with the rest of your friends.
“After everything Dutch has done for you?” He said, throwing his hands up, “You’re gonna leave him when he needs us most?” His brows furrowed as he glared at you. Why was everything about Dutch? ‘What happened to us?’ You wanted to scream, scream until your throat was sore.
“Dutch has done nothing but get us all killed.” You spit, “I ain’t gonna be next.” You said, shaking your head.
“Don’t say that.” He growled, his hand closing around your wrist. The same hand that had carefully attended to cuts and bullet wounds now crushing your wrist in a bruising grip.
“Say what?” You scoffed, “The truth?”
“It isn’t the truth!” He said his voice rising, his brown eyes black in the moonlight. His hold on your wrist tightened, pulling a small whimper out of your lips.
“You’re hurting me.” You whispered, watching for a split second as his expression softened. His brows tilting upwards, his mouth parting softly. And in an instant it was gone. He threw your arm away from him, scoffing as he shook his head.
“If I find out it was you I’ll-“ He started holding his hand up as words cut through you like a knife.
“What? Kill me?” You spit, stalking over to him. The moonlight illuminates the two of you through the breaks in the trees. “Is that the solution to everything now?” You said through gritted teeth. “You seriously believe I’d sell out my friends, my family?” You asked, your brows knitted together.
“Don’t talk to me about family.” He spit, “I’m the one sticking to my family.” He said baring his teeth like a wild animal, your eyes catching the glint of his blade in the moonlight.
“Do it.” You said raising your head, your voice trembling, “Slit my throat. Kill the ‘traitor’.” He glared at you, his knuckles white as he held his knife. The tension between the two of you was cut only by the whinny of your horse.
“Get out of here.” He muttered, looking off into the distance. You didn’t have to be told twice, you turned quickly walking back to your horse. Grabbing her reigns as you swung your leg over her back.
“What happened to us Javier?” You asked, tears pricking your eyes.
“This is bigger than us.” He said, his cold gaze meeting your tearful one. “Why can’t you see that?”
It was gone, the love that you shared had been gone for a long time and you were too naive to see it.
“Good bye Javier.” You said with a nod, snapping the reigns of your horse as you set off down the dirt road.
Javier watched as you faded from view, something he hadn’t felt since Guarma bubbling up in his chest.
#mini prompt#javier escuella#Javier Escuella x reader#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#angst#hihomeghere#arthur morgan
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Vampire Captures Vampire Hunter to Use as Bloodbag part 1
Warnings: death, blood, vampire night club, kidnapping, human occasionally referred to as 'it'
A vampire hunter ambushes a vampire club with his crew -- but little does he know, the tables are about to turn, and not in the human's favor.
It was a day like any other, a group of friends hanging out at a top-notch club -- only this was a vampire club, exclusive to bloodsuckers alone. But somehow, news must have gotten out about it, because everything took a tragic turn. Vampire hunters came storming in right as the night was coming to a close. Those blasted party-crashers.
Alex assumed they must have been newer and more inexperienced hunters though, because no sane human would charge right into the middle of a group of predators. Because even with backup, and even armed to the teeth with silver and stakes, the hunters never really stood a chance.
A few unlucky vampires were killed during the initial attack, before the surprise wore off and the vampires retaliated. It was a bloodbath.
Human bodies littered the club floor by the end of it, and some of the vampires decided to take advantage of the opportunity for fresh blood. Others were still dispatching the last few surviving hunters, taking their sweet time. And Alex was one of them.
At the moment he had a young man pinned against the wall by the throat, but he didn't kill him quite yet. He merely watched the human struggle uselessly in his grip, clawing at his arms and snarling with teeth bared -- like a feral animal. He found it rather entertaining, how he still fought back even with no hope of winning.
"Alex! You gonna eat that one?" Alex craned his head to the side and flashed a fang-filled grin at Jack, his closest vampire friend, as he came up next to him.
"I'm certainly considering it," he chuckled, attention shifting back to the hunter in his claws. He saw a flicker of genuine fear in the human's eyes, so delicious and exciting as its wide eyes flicked between the two predators.
"Tonight turned out to be a disaster," Jack mused, running a hand through his hair. "I wonder who ratted us out to the humans. How did they get our location?"
"It could also merely be people sticking their noses where they shouldn't," Alex pointed out. "Only vampires are allowed access here. Why would a vampire rat out other vampires?"
"What if they caught one of us and tortured them into giving us away?"
Alex gave the hunter in his hold a rough shake. "Is that true? Did you interrogate one of us to find this place?"
The human just glowered venomously at him, a permanent glare etched into his features. Alex couldn't help but laugh at the petty show of defiance. It was cute, like a kitten spitting fire at a lion.
"...I think I actually have an idea for this one," he suddenly rumbled.
"What's that?" Jack asked.
"I think I might prefer to keep this one alive for now. Maybe turn him into a house pet or something."
Jack howled with laughter. "Keeping a hunter as your toy? That's pretty dangerous, my friend. They know how to kill us. It could turn on you at any second."
"I know. But I think it would make for a great challenge to break him in," Alex answered. "And it would prove beneficial to me as well. I'd have a constant food source at my disposal, so I wouldn't have to go to the trouble of catching fresh prey."
"I'm not going to be your pet," the hunter finally snarled, breaking his silence.
"Oooh--hoo! It's a feisty one, too!" Jack whistled. "Good luck trying to tame that spitfire!"
The human's face twisted with rage, and he suddenly kicked a leg out at Alex, aiming for his stomach to kick him away, but Alex snatched his ankle lightning-fast with his free hand, stopping him in his tracks.
"Bad idea, young one," he scolded mockingly, and tightened his grip around the hunter's throat, reveling in the panic that flashed in his prey's light brown eyes.
"The only advice I can give to you is to be careful, Alex. Who knows what this little beast is capable of." Jack giggled and ruffled the human's hair just to show he could, humiliating the creature further before he wandered off to talk to some other vampires.
Alex's sharp gaze swept over his catch, slow and appreciating. If he had to make a guess, he'd say the man was in his early twenties, a bold and impulsive individual from the looks of it. Didn't think things through before acting.
"I think we'll have a lot of fun together, don't you?" Alex cooed, and let go of the human's ankle to trail his fingers down the side of his soft neck, lingering over his skittering pulse. So fragile, so delicate a creature, so easily broken if he wasn't careful. He'd have to make sure to be gentle if he wanted the human to last. "What's your name, runt?"
"Curse you," the human spat viciously.
Alex cocked his head to the side, an amused smile playing across his lips. "Well, mister 'Curse You', what do you think about going on a little car ride?" he said smugly.
Next ⏩️
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump
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@why-not-ask-me-a-better-question (Saw your post about wanting to be tagged in new writing, so thought I'd share mine! Hope it makes your day!)
#whump inspiration#whump list#whump writing#whump fic#whump prompt#whumpee#whumper#whumper and whumpee#writing prompt#writing#whump#vampire whump#cruel whumper#captive whumpee#intimate whumper#living weapon whumpee#restrained whumpee#trapped whumpee#whumpee x caretaker#whumpblr#whump community#whumpee x whumper#vampires#vampire#tw violence#tw blood#defiant whumpee
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“You know,” Dracula hums by the fireplace, the flames a shade dimmer than his own eyes. “I do believe I am becoming paranoid in my old age. Yet I keep my things in such precarious order, all things where they must be.” A log pops. His eyes flash. “Where they should be. And so I have noticed that my own bedroom was disturbed during the day.”
“Oh?” Voice level, Jonathan. Voice steady, Jonathan. Surprise. Concern. “How so? I was under the impression the door was locked.”
“So it was. And yet, I can tell something was...” His nails drum on the mantel, the click of claws, “...different. Meddled with somehow.”
Something between foolishness, sleeplessness, and a smoldering kernel of ire sparks in Jonathan’s chest. Its embers travel up to his tongue.
“Nothing was stolen, I hope. I admit I had a mild scare some time ago, when I realized I couldn’t find certain things in my luggage. Only it occurred to me that your servants must have already taken them away to clean and hold aside for my departure.” A smile so easy it borders on suicidal curls on his face. It feels like a rictus. Maybe it will see him dead right then. “The people here are the most discreet I’ve ever encountered.”
Dracula raises a snowy brow.
“That they are. As discreet as spiders minding their web.” Then, a sudden swerve out of the growing cloud. He oozes mirth. “Have you seen any here, my friend? Spiders?”
“None.” He hadn’t. Dust, motheaten holes, but no spiders.
“That is because of my people as well. More, it is the work of local aid.” His grin has too many teeth. “The bats quite love them. Whenever I or my servants come across a spider indoors, we save it for them. All those that would dare to come crawling along the outer walls?” He snaps his fingers. “They are eaten before they can spin their first thread. It is a most lucrative exchange.”
Jonathan fights not to swallow, not to acknowledge the cold twisting in his stomach.
“I’m certain.”
“A hypothetical question for you. Which would you rather be, my friend? Of the two, I mean.” Dracula’s hand is on him again, itself a titanic white spider. Cold and immovable from his shoulder. It squeezes just short of bruising. “A spider or a bat?”
“I wouldn’t know, Count. Neither is the best choice."
The hand is tighter.
“No.” Under the table, Jonathan crosses his fingers. “The best choice is a cat.”
The grip lightens and amusement sketches a change in the Count’s expression.
“Why a cat?”
“They can get away with much more,” Jonathan’s traitor tongue flies. He bites it. “If only for the fact of their comparative harmlessness as they serve their masters as they entertain and accompany. This, while it provides a more handy service in hunting pests of all sorts, be it spider and bat or beetle and rat. In exchange for doing the dual work of tending to the home and being pleasant and defenseless, the more powerful keeper ensures they’re housed and,” he gulps down glass, hot coals, acid, “and loved. A cat can only do so much, but it does just enough.”
Dracula shakes his head.
“Enough to get themselves in trouble, perhaps. No, my friend, if we must leave the smaller creatures behind, I must say a wolf is the better choice. He eats all in his path and has no master at all.” The cold hand gives another squeeze, the nails dimpling cloth and skin...then relaxes. Strokes. “But cats have their place as well. If kept in their proper place...”
The night goes on in this way for endless hours. And still Jonathan’s fingers are crossed out of sight. He has a fondness for cats. Even for spiders. He appreciates all creatures who take it upon themselves to hunt and cull those things that infest or take lives by little bites. But more than either, he has always had a fondness and fealty to dogs.
As the moon drags itself slowly across the sky, he imagines he hears their barking and baying meeting the wild cry of the wolves, and shepherd teeth sinking deep into bloodthirsty throats.
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This is wild but, Number Sixteen for Huskie? Totally not due to the Southern saying "the Devil is kissing his wife" when the sun is out while it is raining. Which is a better saying than its counterpart. Does it even rain in hell-?
prompt #16: a kiss in the rain
Husk curses, a hiss sounding in the back of his throat and his teeth bared in irritation as rain soaks his fur, leaving the usually fluffy hair hanging down in dripping clumps. He flaps his wings in an attempt to shake away the rain, growling as it proves ineffective.
You suppress a laugh, hiding your smile behind your hand. “We’re almost home, honey. Just gotta hold out a few more—”
“Fuckin’, Christ!” he yowls in frustration, pushing wet fur away from his eyes. “What’s the fuckin’ point of rain in motherfuckin’ hell to begin with?”
You pout sympathetically, grabbing his hand and urging him further up the hill towards the hotel. Rain has soaked through your clothes to set an uncomfortable chill into your skin, but you know it’s nothing compared to what he’s dealing with. “Tell you what, we get home, I’ll beat the answer out of Lucifer myself.”
He gives you a look torn halfway between amusement and annoyance. There’d been no warning before the downpour, and his relatively light mood had soured as soon as water had met his fur. “Fuckin’ hate this stupid cat—”
“Hey, none of that,” you tell him, grabbing hold of his suspenders and tugging him towards you. You press your lips to his, tasting the rain on his mouth, and he relaxes reluctantly into the embrace, his wings rising slightly in an attempt to shield the both of you from the worst of the wind-carried rain.
He grumbles even as you pepper kisses over his face, pressing your lips to his cheeks, the hearts above his eyes, the heart of his nose before kissing him again. You ignore the way his wet fur tries to cling to your hands, continuing to kiss him until you feel him sigh softly, his body relaxing further.
“No getting in your head with the self-hatred.” you remind him sternly, wrapping your hand around his paw. He squeezes it back, but when he opens his mouth to complain again, you kiss him again. “Nope. I love you even when you’re drenched, sour and looking like a very annoyed drowned rat.”
He grumbles, but there’s a wry smile touching his lips.
“Once we’re inside we’ll curl up by the fire with my hair dryer and some towels and I will personally kick Angel’s ass if he even thinks about making a comment.” you promise, smoothing fur back between his ears as the two of you finally make it under the awning at the front of the hotel. “Alastor’s too. Sound good?”
He huffs a reluctant chuckle, pressing his forehead against yours. You giggle as his fur drips down onto your nose. “Christ, you’re cute.”
“So are you,” you reply sincerely. “But what do we say we get you inside? I’d prefer to cuddle up to a sexy and very dry bartender.”
“Fuckin’ God, yes.”
send me a prompt and either husk or blitzø
#look I wanted to do something romantic like I did for blitz#but husk would fucking HATE the rain lol#husk#jazziesanura#husk fic#husk x reader#husk fanfiction#hazbin hotel#husk posting#my fic#hazbin hotel husk#hazbin hotel x reader#husk fanfic#hazbin husk x reader#hazbin hotel fanfic#hazbin husk
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Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - CHAPTER 1 (Strangers In The Night)
Noir!Jake Lockley x WOC Lounge Singer!Reader
written in collaboration with + header by @mrs-lockley
chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5
cross-posted to ao3
tags: late 1940s Noir AU, Reader is WOC coded but with no physical description besides being slightly taller than Jake while wearing heels, no use of Y/N
wc: 2,222
fic summary: Of all the gin joints in all the world, Jake Lockley walks into yours. Unfortunately for him, it's not quite the start of a beautiful friendship.
A/N: can't believe this is the product of covid-induced hcs and thots between me and @mrs-lockley, thank you so much for encouraging this buddy (also @lunar-ghoulie if i had a nickel for each time you've sent an ask/dm about a WIP and it ended up being where i put all my energy, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's hilarious that it's happened twice).
On nights like tonight, Jake Lockley regrets his choice of profession.
It’s a dreary November evening, darkening by the second as the New York streets grow damp and cold. The wise had decided not to venture out; the blindsided rush across slick pavement to whatever shelter they can find. The desperate stay on the clock and curse their luck.
He should know by now that when a client says they’ll be “just a minute,” it’s a boldfaced lie: even if they have every intention of being efficient, he’s been stranded on the curb more times than he can count.
So he keeps the meter running. He’s seen the duds his regular client has on each week; the man could afford to fork over a few extra bucks. Might even build character.
The steady rhythm of the rain had been fine at first, but after half an hour parked beneath the neon sign of The Paper Moon– hat, coat and gloves doing nothing to ward off the chill creeping into his cab– every raindrop taunts him in his isolation.
To hell with this.
He shuts off the engine, pops his collar, and braces himself before stepping out onto the street. The rain falls fast and hard, so he rushes toward the brick exterior of The Paper Moon. He’s never been inside, but the glowing crescent of the sign had piqued his interest the first time he’d dropped his client here. He may as well see what all the fuss is about.
The doorman– a tall, dapperly dressed unit with a neutral grimace– casts a wary look his way. Jake ducks into the alley beside the building. Guess it’s exclusive.
Through the rain he spots a side door with a meagerly covered stoop, upon which is hunched a smaller, yet equally well-dressed figure. The young man’s tawny complexion pops against the emerald green of his just-too-big blazer, mist gathering in the dark brown waves slicked back from his creased brow. He grips a cigarette between clenched teeth, stuttering curses around it as he strikes a flimsy matchbook to no avail.
“¿Necesitas un fuego?”
At his offer, Jake is met by startled, impossibly wide brown eyes. The shock turns to glee as his face breaks into a toothy smile.
“Sí– sí sería genial, señor.” He makes room on the stoop, his dimpled cheeks betraying his youth. Jake pulls out a lighter and deftly lights the end of his cigarette, earning another dimpled grin after a few christening puffs. “Muchísimas gracias.”
“No hay problema.”
He lights one of his own, the smoke mixing with the fog of his breath as he holds out his free hand. “Jake.”
“Mauricio.” His newfound companion grips his hand and shakes vigorously.
They sit in silence for a few moments, their subtle exhalations and the slowing rain the only sounds between them.
The mood is disrupted by shouting from the other side of the door, followed by clattering and the unmistakable sound of someone falling. The door behind them flies open and a lanky, dark skinned man in a matching green blazer pokes his head outside.
“You’d better get your tail in here, Maurie. She’s in one of her moods tonight.”
“Rats, alright,” he groans, taking one last drag of his cigarette before stamping it out with his heel. Mauricio straightens his blazer and pushes a hand through his hair. He pauses at the door and looks back at Jake.
“Do you wanna come inside, dry off for a spell? We put on a mean show,” he swears. The kid's face isn't one Jake imagines people say “no” to very often.
“...Yeah, alright. Thanks.”
“Great! There’s a couple of tables toward the back that should still be free, you can sneak in there no problem.” Mauricio holds the door open a bit wider for Jake to step through. “If anyone gives you any trouble, just tell ‘em you’re with me.” With a wink and another winning smile, he darts off to follow the other blazer.
Jake finds his spot easily enough, taking in the atmosphere as he weaves between tables and patrons. So this is The Paper Moon.
The building’s drab exterior is deceptive: inside is a small lounge, bustling with activity and humming with life. Richly draped walls envelop the space, with ornate lamps and soft candlelight radiating from every table. The room looks as warm as it feels, a welcome relief from Jake’s prior solitude.
He takes off his soaked coat and loosens his tie. Across the room Jake sees his client– a cold, calculating Mr. Wesley– who gives a curt nod, as if granting his permission to take a load off (for now).
He orders a drink from a slightly bewildered waiter and continues to survey the space. People of all shapes and sizes occupy tables and barstools, with the chatter of at least three languages creating a dizzying buzz around him. The crowd dies down when stage lights flash on at the far end of the room.
Out marches the band: the guy who'd clambered to the back door sits at the piano, cracking his knuckles before playing a few notes on the keys; an older man with a similar complexion props an upright bass in position, riffing along with the scattered piano melody; an impressively mustachioed fellow polishes the mouthpiece of his trumpet; Mauricio settles in behind a set of drums, waving a stick in the air when he spots Jake.
As warm as he's gotten after coming inside, the temperature seems to skyrocket as the click of heels and the shimmer of the last band member crossing the stage sends his heartbeat right into his throat. In walks– no, floats – a vision, evening gown the same color as the richly painted lips that curl into a smile as easily as breathing. Something Jake seems to have forgotten how to do.
He can’t take his eyes off you.
There’s something in the air tonight.
Maybe it’s the smoke lingering on Mauricio’s jacket (you’ve told him time and time again how smoking before a show irritates you; he must have snuck a pack backstage), or maybe the weather has you out of sorts. Whatever it is, you’re one false step away from losing your cool. Which, of course, cannot happen. Not onstage.
As the band warms up, you take one last look in your compact mirror, blot your lipstick, and take a deep breath. It’s showtime.
The moment you step onstage, you turn on the charm. Nothing can touch you up here. Not when there’s music to play, a band to lead. A night to make unforgettable.
You approach the microphone and smile. “Hello again, darlings. Did you miss us while we were away?”
Applause and cheers echo back to you from the audience. There’s a distinct two-toned whistle that rises above the noise, but you don’t think anything of it.
Not until you scan the crowd and see something– someone – that doesn’t belong.
Lounging at the previously unoccupied back table is a man you’ve never seen before. Which wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t know the face and name of everyone who enters your club.
His eyes stay trained on you as you nod to the band to begin. One outlier a bad night will not make– you’ll deal with him later. For now, you let the caress of the opening notes ease the new tension in your body, and you start to sing.
With six shows a week, one would think the routine would become tedious. Quite the opposite: any night you play the same standards with the band is bound to be a good night. The chemistry between you and your boys is perfect– even on an off night like tonight, you still manage to follow each other and make the same hour of music sound brand new.
You lead one song, then another, completely in your own world. Of course, the constant cheers and occasional audience participation don’t hurt. But just when you hit your stride and forget your troubles, that whistle rings out above the noise.
The stranger's on the edge of his seat, rapt attention never leaving the stage. Seems innocent enough, but you’re still on high alert.
The set comes to a close, ending with a vibrant flourish. The band improvises a steady beat as you take a sip of water, then smile once more into the microphone.
“Oh, stop. Really…. well, alright, you can keep going,” you croon at the crowd as they cheer louder.
You gesture to the band. “Let’s give a big round of applause to The Jays, what do you say?”
“On piano we have the dazzling Jackie Thomas,” you call out as he trills a fancy melody a little louder than the rest. “Followed by this absolute Adonis on the bass, Benny Hayes,” you add as the smooth licks of his instrument sound out a reply.
“Let’s hear it for Leo Castellón and his magnificent mustache on the trumpet,” you tease as he blasts out a tune. “And our baby bird on drums, Mauricio Farrés!” You raise your voice as the youth bangs out a closing rhythm.
“And as always, I’m Ms. Songbird. We hope you’ll join us again soon, my doves. Goodnight!”
The band plays themselves out as you descend downstage to the front of the room. Time for the next act.
You know how to work a crowd both on and offstage; hospitality is as much a part of the gig as the music. Tonight’s a full house, but you take your time gliding past each table, front to back. Does everyone have their preferred drink? How’s the food? Was the music to their liking? All questions you ask with genuine interest, but you know the answer: everything is perfect.
"Hey, little songbird," a voice calls above the noise.
Everything except him.
You've been avoiding the back table for a while, trying to collect your thoughts before confronting him. No time like the present, I suppose.
You turn to see the outlier standing by the table he’d commandeered, a shimmering bundle of rhinestones dangling from his hand. The glint of a grin catches the low light the same way your traitorous earring does.
You touch your ear and your face grows hot. “Where did you–”
“Fell off as you floated by the last few tables, angel.”
Your heels tap out a warning as you approach. Toe-to-toe, with the added height of your shoes, you practically tower over him. Your brow furrows as you size him up: too forward to have something to hide, too laissez-faire to be up to any obvious trouble. All the same, you don't trust him.
You look him up and down; he does the same. "You're not very tall, are you?" More of a challenge than a question as you reach for the rhinestones in his hand.
Leaning back against the table, jewelry dangling just out of reach, his sly smile grows. "Well, miss, I tried to be."
"Right." You snatch the earring back before he says anything else. "I see you also tried to be discreet, and that didn't go so well for you, did it Chuck?"
"Actually, it's–"
“–club policy to check your coat at the door. Something our hostess would have insisted upon, meaning you– ” you emphasize as you lean in, fingertips pressed to the tabletop by his side, "–slipped in under the wire." You search his face for anything to betray his intentions. "Now how did you manage that?”
The stranger lowers himself into his seat, hands raised in surrender. "A little backstage access, courtesy of your drummer there." He nods toward the stage: you catch a glimpse of Mauricio clumsily ducking back behind the curtain. You'll scold him later.
His gaze shifts across the room. “See that fella over there– the one who looks like it'd kill him to smile? I’m just waiting to drive him home, like I do every week.” He grins again, that same look in his eyes. A look that sets you on edge. “Just a humble cab driver, miss– nothing up my sleeves.”
“Didn't know cabbies could be so exclusive,” you say, still eyeing him. James Wesley has been a regular for a few weeks, but you've never met his driver.
“With what he tips? Doll, I'd do damn near anything he asked.” The stranger chuckles, sipping his drink.
You know what he means: the wait staff has noted a major uptick in gratuities since Mr. Wesley has started frequenting the lounge.
“Very well,” you offer stiffly. It all checks out, but you get the feeling there's something he's not telling you. “I hope everything is to your liking.”
You turn to leave, but he takes your hand before you can go far.
“Oh believe me, it is… Ms. Songbird. ” A wink and a smile play on his lips as he swiftly presses them to your knuckles, letting go just as fast. You storm away before giving the satisfaction of showing how flustered you are.
“Mr. Manalo,” you beckon a waiter as he passes. He stands at attention. You gesture to the table you’d just left, not bothering to look and see if his eyes are still on you.
“Watch out for this one, will you? I get the feeling he isn’t just here for the music.”
A/N: !!!! every story i write becomes my new favorite, but Noir!Jake has carved a pretty special spot in my heart this autumn. so excited to share more of him with y'all!
as always, thank you for reading :)
addtl tag list: @fandxmslxt69 @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
#my works#moon knight#moon knight fanfiction#moon knight au#jake lockley#jake lockley fanfiction#noir!jake lockley#jake lockley x reader#jake lockley x fem!reader#jake lockley x woc!reader#jake lockley x poc!reader#jake lockley/reader#jake lockley/fem!reader#jake lockley/woc! reader#jake lockley/poc!reader
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The 501st Gang Meet their 105th Counterparts
A prequel to my last post
Rex, staring uneasily at the fully kitted captain Carno who is just silently staring at him: ...Uh, welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll feel right at home with the 501st and, should you need anything, we're more than willing to accomodate. Carno, continuing to stare menacingly before finally speaking up in a raspy and very hushed tone: I don't like your face. Rex: Wh-- Carno, shoving past him rudely: Stay out of my way, Blondie. I don't need some flashy Jedi's pet putting a spotlight on me. Rex, starting to think this might not be as easy as the briefing made it sound: Oh boy...
James, looking Jesse up and down while playing with his braid: So, is like, the tat supposed to be some kinda statement, or are you just really into licking boots? Jesse, pausing: I... Excuse me?! -staring at James wide-eyed- James: Oooh, it's a statement isn't it? Dang boy, they should slap you on a poster. Every battalion needs a show fathier, I guess! Jesse, glaring: I don't like you. James: Feeling's mutual. This ship ain't big enough for two token pretty boys. Jesse: No, no it isn't.
Hardcase, excitedly showing Clearcut around while talking like a ship running a click per second: Clearcut, allowing Hardcase to drag him around while sort of tuning him out and only picking up on vital pieces of information like emergency hallways, weapons storage and other such things: Hardcase: You don't talk much do ya? That's fine I'll talk for the both of us! Clearcut: By all means, carry on. Hardcase, happily carrying on: I can tell we're both gonna get along really well. Clearcut: I agree.
Kix, staring at Bon who's been shaking and on the verge of tears since arriving: Bon, staring back at Kix with very wet eyes while holding a fully stocked medkit in hand: I get to use this on anyone who comes in here? Kix, blinking: ... Yes. This is the medbay after all. Bon: And I'm allowed to treat them? I'm allowed? Kix, feeling a little uneasy: Yes...? Bon, openly crying now: This is the happiest day of my life... Kix, incredibly uncomfortable: Ah...
Echo & Fives, having a stare down with Wallflower & Nowt: Wallflower & Nowt, staring back at Fives and Echo with an impassive and a smug look respectively: Fives, opens up his mouth to say something: Nowt: Bitch. Wallflower, turning to slap his brother across the face: Captain said to put a sock in it. Nowt: The captain can suck it! If it wasn't for me he wouldn't know half the kark the others get up to when he's not looking! Wallflower: Karkin' snitch! Fives, closing his mouth and looking at Echo: Echo, nodding at Fives as both of them slowly back away from the now furiously arguing Jenga Twins:
Tup, sitting on the floor wrapped in a thin blanket because he was kicked out of his bunk and had his belongings taken: Can I at least have my brush back? Lobo, tossing him a pair of scissors instead: No amount of brushing will make that rat's nest look any less like osik. Tup, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the scissors and now standing up angrily: I'm gonna knock your teeth out. Lobo, equally angry: I'm gonna make you eat your own hair. Tup & Lobo launch themselves at each other and proceed to start a fight:
Dogma, a little overwhelmed as Caprichoso pulls him along while he's supposed to be the one giving him a tour of the ship: Caprichoso, wide-eyed and extremely excited about everything he's seen so far: Wow! You 501st lot have EVERYTHING! Good eats, tons of new gear up for grabs, full training room setup, clean showers, clean barracks, fully stocked medbay... Your Jedi spoil you so good! You must be the greatest troopers ever! Dogma: I... I wouldn't say they spoil us... That'd be a sign of unfair favoritism and would go against the no fraternization rules. And while the 501st certainly has a degree of great competency among many of the GAR's forces, those things you've listed are all requirements that were put forward to the Republic since the beginning of the army's first year of deployment. An ill-prepared and ill-equipment battalion wouldn't serve properly. Caprichoso: I know what you mean. But our general didn't see it that way. Thought we could push ourselves to be better without extra help... But eh! Who cares? The blighter is dead an' buried while we're here now! Gosh... You think your medic could give me a once over? Or or or, maybe we could hit the mess? Or uh! A shower yeah! I haven't had a shower in two weeks... My armour's getting more rank than I am ehehe! Get it? Dogma, moving slightly away from Caprichoso out of mild disgust: I, yes, a hot shower and a hot meal, then I can continue giving you the to-- Caprichoso: YOU GUYS GET HOT WATER?! I LOVE IT HERE ALREADY! -hugging Dogma tightly- We are gonna be such great friends! Dogma, eyes watering at the intense stench of B.O as well as the bone crushing hug of the rather clingy trooper: Stars have mercy...
#star wars#the clone wars#captain rex#arc trooper jesse#clone trooper hardcase#clone medic kix#arc trooper echo#arc trooper fives#clone trooper tup#clone trooper dogma#clone ocs#105th battalion#krell's battalion#anti 501st#captain carno#arc trooper james#clone trooper clearcut#clone medic bon#arc trooper wallflower#arc trooper nowt#clone trooper lobo#clone trooper caprichoso
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Canon typical violence, blood, threats, intimidation, past with sexual abuse (both reader and Billy), kissing, dark themes, fem!reader
Rabbit Heart Masterlist.
1,022 words.

“How’d Russo get a sweet piece of ass like you?” asked a balding, short man, leering at you as he approached you in the hallway.
You stopped in your tracks, you’d been on your way to see Billy in his office.
Men made you nervous, and you flinched when he touched your arm. “I want a taste,” he smirked, as your hand jerked and you slapped him. Hard.
His head snapped to the side, and he looked angry, a red handprint on his face. “Bitch,” he spat hand tightening on your arm making you claw at his face with your other hand, as Billy’s office door opened.
You were shaking, and Billy noticed, as his eyes lazily turned to Morty. Like a cat ready to pounce on his prey. “Morty,” he greeted, casually. “What’re you doin’ here? And take your goddamn hands off her.” He asked, hands in his jeans pockets, moving over to you.
“Rawlins wants—“ Morty said, letting go of you, but was cut off immediately.
Billy bared his teeth, “I don’t give a fuck what Rawlins wants. He’s a dog looking for scraps at his master’s table, and you’re just a rat with the courage of a rabbit.” Billy said roughly.
And something about the casual way he handled Morty, had you pressing your thighs together. You’d never seen him working or in action.
“Fuck you, Russo. Maybe I’ll visit your girl tonight—“ Morty didn’t get to finish his sentence.
Billy unsheathed his hidden blade, and struck him in the shoulder, faster than a snake strike, making Morty scream as Billy pushed through bone, unsympathetic, a warning. “You touch my girl, and I go for your eye next. Match your master, huh?” Billy asked, getting his face, blade dripping with blood as he carved a mark under Morty’s eyes, making him grit his teeth.
He pulled back, pulling out a cloth and wiping his blade, “You can tell Rawlins I ain’t interested in what he has to say.”
Morty looked hatefully at Billy, blood dripping down his face, spitting at him, before pushing past, holding his bleeding shoulder, and leaving the country house.
You felt sick from Morty’s touch, he had reminded you of your uncle, rat like and pushy. How he’d watch you in your bedroom while you slept in the chair in the corner, or go through your undergarment drawer, and steal some of your underwear. He’d blackmailed you with that one. “I’ll say, look at what my niece gave me.” He had taunted, making your heart drop. Or the way he’d touch your arm softly, fingers moving along like a spider crawling along your skin.
Billy followed you down the hall, his combat boots squeaking a little bit, as you made your way into the kitchen. It was huge, but sunny looking. Beige colored walls, with light colored wood cabinets, and stainless steel appliances. There was a sliding glass door that led outside, bringing in the sun making it seem warm inside, even the winter.
You wanted something to eat. You’d always eaten when things got tough, especially carbs. You craved those often. It was why your father always said you were fat, that no man was going to want you if you didn’t cut back a little.
Billy didn’t seem to give a fuck about your extra weight, he often pulled you into his lap while he read over paperwork, or his men gave reports. Anvil was a cover for his criminal operations, and you hated when he had to go to the city and make an appearance.
Billy watched you grab some pomegranate seeds, and asked; “Did he touch you, bunny?” His voice was low, seething at the thought, but he didn’t touch you yet, knowing you might be triggered. He understood, the word pretty still made him uncomfortable after all these years. He still gets a pit in his stomach like a stone.
You’re never the same after someone violates you, and takes away your autonomy.
“Just my arm. I slapped him.” You said, biting into the seeds, sighing at how good they tasted.
Billy grinned, “That’s my girl.” He said, kissing your forehead, and you leaned into his touch.
You replayed Billy stabbing Morty, his casual way he handled him, like a cat toying with a mouse, and pressed your thighs together. “You were kind of sexy, the way you handled Morty.” You said, juice dripping down your chin.
You moved to wipe it away, but Billy caught your hand, and leaned in, his mouth lapping up the juices, making you whine softly.
You and Billy had never consummated anything, despite the teasing, and the fooling around. He didn’t want to push you knowing you’d been sexually abused. And he was surprised he was uninterested in other women, despite never having taken you to bed.
He enjoyed the companionship, the soft press of your body to him at night with your fingers in his hair, the sweet things you’d do for him, or reading together with your feet in his lap, and the conversations late at night.
He pulled back, “Sexy, huh?” He asked, lips turning up. You were so goddamn cute.
You bit into another seed, and god it was taking everything in Billy not to have you against the counter, to hear the sweet sounds he knew you’d make just for him.
“Tryin’ to tempt me?” He asked in a low voice, caging you in against the counter, you let the juice drip down, and he caught it with his tongue again, kissing your mouth this time.
You clutched his green sweater, returning his kiss, leaning on your tippy toes to taste the whiskey in his mouth. He gave you soft kisses that left you breathless, and hard kisses too, that had you aching for him, his fingers tangled in your hair, pressed against you. You could feel every inch of him.
You both spent the rest of the afternoon sharing pomegranate seeds, and kissing, both content to let it go no further.
But you realized with an ache between your thighs you were ready to trust Billy with yourself.
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i don't have a choice (but i still choose you)
summary: you come back to joel. this time, for good
author's note: the angsty romanticism of vampires got to me. that's it, that's the author's note
Time is a funny thing. Mortals spend their entire lives worried about time.
As if it matters much in the end. As if their efforts will save them from the predetermined expiration date on their lives.
On the other hand, time doesn’t mean much to a vampire–a being with no expiration date. As years pass, it loses meaning in ways one doesn’t even realize it holds to begin with. Days bleed into months bleed into years–at some point, Joel had stopped keeping count of the span of his long life.
No matter how much time had passed, though, the sound of your knock was always the same, the smell of the blood pumping through your veins had never changed.
When he pulls his front door open, his breath catches in his still catches in his throat, just like it always had.
One year or two hundred and one, you could always stop him cold.
Though he isn’t a fan of a cliché, Joel would say you haven’t changed at all. You haven’t aged, obviously, but, even your eyes are the same–still looking at him with that same soft expression that he’s never deserved.
The look he’s ached for on cold nights spent sitting up alone.
“Hi, Joel.”
He steps aside, let’s you walk into the space he’s claimed as his home in your absence.
He considered himself a strong man, but even he couldn’t bare to stay in the home he’d shared with you alone.
He watches you scan the room, your eyes landing on the animal carcasses carelessly discarded after he had finished with them. Your nose wrinkles in what he knows is disgust.
His ego bristles in response, walls coming up around him just in case you’re here to argue.
Joel plays it safe, speaks with a touch of disdain in his voice when he asks, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You turn to face him. “I wanted to see you.”
“Me?” He quirks a brow. “Why?”
Brushing past his question, instead you say, “Rats? Surely you can find better. Have you lost your touch?”
Joel kicks at the dust covering the floor with the toe of his house shoe. “They suit me fine.”
“Would you like something else?” The slight turn of your head, the way you simply offer your neck to him, even after all this time, sends a thrill down his spine that lands in the middle of his gut.
“No.” He shakes his head.
He can remember when he turned you. Vividly, he can recall the taste of you on his tongue. Often, over the years, the pair of you had repeated the act on each other, the eroticism of it too much to deny yourselves.
What he wouldn’t give to be in one of those moments again, on top of you, underneath you–he wouldn’t care–anything to savor the feeling of you once more.
“Why not?” you ask. “You spent the majority of the 1920s with your teeth in my neck.”
Joel smirks. “A different time.”
“It could be that way again.”
He shakes his head, chuckles softly. There’s condescension in his voice when he says, “Ah, yes. Alas, love has grown cold since those long, lovely nights.”
You shoot him a look. “Can we stop with the childish theatrics, now? You do know it’s me you’re talking to.”
You, who knows all his tricks and defenses. You, who could send them all bouncing back at him with a few choice words.
Joel shrugs, decides on honesty. “You tool the light when you left. I’ve learned how to make the best of that.”
“Joel, I…”
“Listen,” he starts, hoping to cut off your forced apologies. “You really don’t have to do this. Go home to your new love.” He smiles what he hopes is a charming smile. “I’m happy for you. Really. There’s nothing you need to worry abou–”
Annoyance begins to taint your breath when you cut him off, “I could never fight with him!”
“No.” You sigh. “He was…kind and sweet and…simple, but…”
“But?” Joel prompts.
“Simple is nice…great, even, sometimes.” You shrug. “But, other times, you just want to come home.”
Joel quirks a brow. “Home.”
“Here.” You nod, pause for a beat. “You.”
He looks away, fixes his eyes on a meaningless spot on the floor. “The last time we spoke you seemed to feel differently.”
In the edge of his vision, he sees you shake your head.
“I was miserable, Joel, and young. I didn’t know anything. Besides,” you sigh, “most of what I said, I only said to hurt you.”
“I see,” he murmurs.
Your voice thick with unshed tears of your own, you say, “I do regret that, you know.”
The fight drains out of him like air from a balloon at the sight of your dejected face.
“I’m trying to apologize to you, Joel,” you say. “I don’t suppose you could make it easy for me.”
“I’d do anything for you, my love. Even still.” Joel answers. “Surely, you know that.”
There’s an affection in your eyes that tells Joel you do.
“I want to come home,” you murmur. “I want to stay. Here. With you.”
“Do you really not know?”
His chest aches, heart twisted up in knots as hope threatens to ruin the perfectly precarious life he has made for himself. Tears gather along his lashes, and he rolls his eyes towards the ceiling, swallows the emotion that wells in his throat.
Maybe he does know, and maybe he doesn’t, but one thing is for certain–he has to hear you say it.
He shakes his head, but fights the urge to meet your eyes.
He can’t see you reject him all over again.
You take two steps closer, inching into his space.
“I love you,” you hum, something like joy in your voice, and he can’t resist any longer. His eyes find yours, jaw going slack with shock.
“I’ve loved you for more than one hundred years now, and…,” you pause, step close enough to touch his chest, “I’d like to love you for hundreds–thousands–more. Up close.”
Gentle fingers find his cheek, run along the line of his face with such care it makes the tears spill over.
“Would that be alright with you?” You whisper the question, but Joel can hear you like you’ve screamed it. It hits him right in his heart.
He nods, a bit frantic.
“Yes,” he murmurs, voice thick with the emotion that comes with knowing–loving–someone for so many years. “Yes, it would. Please.”
You close the distance between you easily, lips finding his like a magnet finds it’s partner.
“I love you, too,” he manages to hum against your mouth. “I have for so long.”
The way you smile against his lips, kiss him harder–like you’re trying to get as close as you possibly can–tells him you know his heart.
Then again, you’ve always known him–better than he ever knew himself.
His arms wrap around you, grateful to have an eternity with you to show you he knows you the same way.
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