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revisionlightning · 1 year ago
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I forgot to post that I finally finished this piece.
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notpainting · 11 months ago
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These white based pastel-y colors, though tempting, dry up worst of all.
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ur-average-farp · 2 years ago
me: *trying to focus* my trash brain: freeze your braaaaaaiiiiinnn- in zE HAUS OF HOLBEIN JA- rich set a fire and he burned down the house! WoAhOhOH- southern motherf*ckin' democratic republicans!- on the steps of the palaaaaaaace- if i stop smoking crack CRACK???- the wizard and iiiiiiii- all you gotta do is say my name I dOn't KNoW yoUr NaMe- paciencia y feeeeeee me: why
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fagboyfriend · 2 years ago
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watercolor, gouache, ink and stickers on paper, 10 x 14.
a redraw of this which was a redraw of this. if you want to see intense improvement, this is a good place to start, i’m soooo proud of myself and my growth these past years. I think i’ll be coming back to these two for a while, i like them so much, despite them not having names or any other info like that.
[Text Description: Pink text reading “Hello!”. End Text Description.]
[Image Description: A tradtional painting of two disabled people speaking in a bar. The painting is brightly colored, with empthasis on pink, yellow, and purple tones. The peice takes place inside a bar with angled wooded ceilings and colorful lanterns hanging above the crowd. A few people speak or stand in the background. A few drinks sit in the foreground, next to a person’s hand, who the audience is looking over the shoulder of to see the main characters. A short haired man in a wheelchair converses with a taller redhead on crutches, who also has a feeding tube and an ostomy bag. They seem to be flirting, the wheelchair user’s hand pressed on the chest of the the redhead. End Image Description.]
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shiveagit · 2 years ago
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[You bring the corsets, we’ll bring the cinches.]
Donnie and April dressed as popstar Queens
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flat-neines · 8 months ago
Went to a gouache demo at my local art store. Ended up painting these:
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The paints we were using (holbein gouache + acrylic line) went on and blends pretty smoothly, but they're pretty expensive to get. I do have their acrylic gouache though
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thatwritererinoriordan · 1 year ago
He gave that Northern Renaissance painter some big naturals. Good for Hans Makart.
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Hans Holbein the Younger by Hans Makart (1882-1884)
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knighthelm · 2 years ago
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Next two of Henry VIII's wives: Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves!
Putting a little explanation for these designs under the break:
Both of these women were painted by Hans Holbien, and their portraits by that artist played a pretty vital role in how I wanted to depict these women. For Jane, I decided to stick as close as I could, because I think Jane gets the most artistic interpretation than any of the other wives. She's a blank slate to a lot of directors in Tudor adaptations. This is brought on by the very scant records we have of what she was really like in life. We do know she loved quail while she was pregnant, and encouraged Henry to treat his daughter Mary better, which ultimately ended in her being welcomed back at court. Her family has kept samples of her embroidery through history, so it's fun to imagine her working on something in between breaks for her portrait.
For Anne, I went the complete opposite. Her Holbien portrait is extremely famous, but I feel like it creates the misconception that Anne never changed during the rest of her life in England. The portrait also has been used to cast doubts on her appearance (and whether or not her looks are exagerrated). In reality, Anne was dressed in typical English court digs when she arrived in England, and was noted to be very pretty. It wasn't until after Henry cast doubts on her appearrance, and even her chastity, in order to get out of the marriage as quickly as possible. I wanted to give these back to her, as white symbolised purity and chastity in this period. Anne lived a good life as Henry's sister, and outlived all the other of Henry's wives. She was known for being kind to her staff, and loving to pair cards with a good drink.
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niennawept · 7 months ago
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Portrait of a Noldorin Queen
Part of a collaboration with @grundyscribbling for Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2024 (Art #135, @tolkienrsb).
This art was inspired by the portraits of Hans Holbien the Younger, court painter to Henry VIII's court.
I customized it to include a symbol of the person who keeps this painting after Míriel is gone...and I shall leave their identify a mystery for now! I really enjoyed talking about that together!
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notpainting · 11 months ago
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Using up/throwing away/taking inventory today
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purplesigebert · 8 months ago
WIP Wednesday #27 - DW Crossover
Hi everyone, I'm back!
So this week is very wibbly wobbly, timey wimey.
In the corner, there was a first edition of Wuthering Heights that Caroline had gotten for Lena in 1847, and had the author sign it with her real name - not her pseudonym. Next to it was a grimoire of Ayana’s, the witch hadn’t wanted to give it to her - distrusting as she was of vampires, but if there was one thing that was true it was that Bennetts looked out for their own. It only took the two women’s hands brushing for Ayana to see her and Bonnie’s friendship. The Bennett witch hadn't wasted any time in handing it over after that.
It was strange, but perhaps not so surprising that the storage locker still existed. Caroline wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth; it was better to thank her lucky stars.  She smiled as she looked around the space.  It was a collection of items that spanned almost 2000 years of history (albeit of an alternate timeline).  Caroline may have only spent 100 non-concurrent years in that world but she had accumulated a lot of stuff.  Trunks of dresses and gowns from every era, back-ups of Roman centurion uniforms - because that’s all what Rory would wear, until they were forced to go underground.  A gramophone, chests of her favourite jewelry - all of it here in Cardiff.
She should give the gifts to Bon and Lena soon, maybe they could go on a girls trip when Bonnie got back from visiting her dad’s side of the family.  They could go to New York! Bonnie and Elena hadn’t been there before, and Caroline truly loved playing tour guide. 
Turning, Caroline knocked into an end table and heard something rattle against it. It was a frame that was leaning against the table.   Pulling away the cloth covering it, the breath left her chest, no small feat for a vampire who didn’t need to breathe.  There, looking back at her was a portrait of herself and Klaus Mikaelson.  It was one of the few portraits that he didn’t do himself, rather he got one of his friends - Hans Holbien the Elder no less - to paint them. Caroline had been trying not to think of him, which was hard enough when during the past few weeks, when her mum was sending her leads on his and Stefan’s whereabouts to give to Elena.  
Shaking her head to clear the memories, Caroline reached for the nearest item to distract herself.  She flipped open another book and almost dropped it.  Staring back at her, tucked between the pages of sketches (many of them were of her), was a daguerreotype of Klaus, but that still wasn’t the most interesting thing about what she held in her hands.  
It was not the fact that she had one of Klaus’ sketchbooks in her storage locker - but that on the next page there was a letter, unopened, addressed to her, in Klaus’ hand.
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luxevamp · 5 months ago
hey! i loved the headphones you made (if i had the money i would totally buy them)
i was wondering what you used to make them. because i’ve tried similar projects (art on headphones, phone cases, etc.) in the past and i can never get the paint to stay, like it just flakes off eventually.
so if u have a specific product or method you could share that would be great 😊
and yeah I use holbien acrylic gouache for the paint- but the secret is to seal it with matte clear coat (make sure you tape up everything else though). my headphones have lasted all year because of that
i think i got mine from Home Depot? i rly don’t remember😭
thanks for the ask and I wish you luck!!!
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fisheito · 3 months ago
I know you and that anon were riffing, but historical unsolicited dick pics are absolutely a thing. humans love sending eachother nudes, throughout time. sketches, paintings and even SCULPTED REPLICAS are recorded as being sent by lords to prospective lovers. can you imagine being the artist commissioned for that? being the hans holbien of penises?? and now 500 years later the painting you did of baron whatevers cock and balls is in a museum?? wild.
i love it when my delusions are backed up by historical facts and an entire creative archive of humanity's urge to send nudes
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isabelleneville · 1 year ago
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Day Four - Favourite Portrait of Anne: — Portrait of an Unkown Woman attributed to be Anne, based on a Holbein sketch, thought to be a 16th century painting from Holbien or a painter from his workshop. — Miniature of Anne Boleyn attributed to John Hoskins, thought to be a 17th century copy of a painting Anne sat for.
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 1 year ago
My stupid ass brain: Ha—
Me: hoe don’t do it
Me: oh my god
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dukewife · 16 days ago
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Inside yesterday’s fairy house 🧚‍♀️ ….from the delightful Japanese book Wonderful Houses in an Imaginary World by Mona. Used Brutfuner 520, Kalour 520, Luminance, Lightfast, Holbien pencils, Zig Clean Color pens, Derwent pastel pencils.
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